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didrockssil2100: hey, https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/libreoffice-base-and-tests-0.3/+merge/129005 is important IMHO (approved but not merged, i think you didn't add the quantal branches for those?)07:50
didrockswould be nice to confirm that it fixes "double clicking on an odt file in nautilus shows no appmenu"07:50
sil2100didrocks: let me look at it, but it indeed looks important07:51
didrockssil2100: not sure the fix is related to that (I just had a quick look TBH)07:51
sil2100didrocks: will test-build it then, but I see the bug is already set for SRU0/107:52
didrockssil2100: thanks! do not forget to restart bamfdaemon and unity (or use a guest session) for testing :)07:53
sil2100didrocks: I tend to use the guest session, since I can't guarantee anything on my main one ;p07:53
didrocksheh ;)07:53
sil2100didrocks: tested the bamf branch - it doesn't fix the appmenu issue, since it's just related to LO Base, but it works09:02
didrockssil2100: ok, thanks for testing, good to put it in the SRU0 world then :)09:04
sil2100didrocks: np ;)09:09
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Trevinhodidrocks: hey, what was the bug you're referring to?09:49
sil2100Trevinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/102642609:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1026426 in BAMF 0.2 "LibreOffice Unity integration (launcher and switcher) is broken" [High,In progress]09:51
sil2100Trevinho: this probably...09:52
Trevinhosil2100: that's another bug, that's fixed by https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/libbamf-safer-factory-rematch-2.009:52
Trevinhosil2100: at that point, could you please approve the precise branches for https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/libbamf-safer-factory-rematch-2.0 and https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/libreoffice-base-and-tests-0.2 ?09:52
sil2100But that's for 0.2, right?09:53
Trevinhosil2100: yeah => precise09:53
sil2100Ah, I see a 0.3 too09:53
Trevinhothe 1026426 bug was alredy fixed in 0.309:54
sil2100I'll test-run it09:54
Trevinhosil2100: it would be nice to have a P SRU then09:54
Mirvyeah, that's what I asking as well10:33
Mirvand I targeted the 1026426 also to precise for that reason10:34
MCR1sil2100: Hi :) Something seems to be wrong with the Unity merger...10:38
MCR1It mixed my merge request with bschaefer's commit somehow...10:39
MCR1didrocks ^^10:39
MCR1see r282710:39
MCR1never seen this before10:39
didrocksMCR1: ask mmrazik|lunch and francis: they changed the merger, not really familiar how it works10:41
MCR1ok - seems strange though - I am now checking if my change was really merged10:43
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sil2100Not good10:45
MCR1sil2100: You see the problem ?10:45
sil2100MCR1: was your branch approved by anyone for merging?10:46
MCR1sil2100: My merge request was marked as merged and mixed with bschaefer's commit, but my change has not been merged (just checked it)10:46
MCR1sil2100: Not 100% sure, but I think not as noone commented on it...10:46
MCR1sil2100: And it was NOT merged either10:47
sil2100This is really strange, LP says one thing, merge commit says something else10:48
sil2100mmrazik|lunch: ^10:48
MCR1yes exactly10:48
MCR1I am setting my branch up for review once again10:49
sil2100No, wait10:49
sil2100Let's wait for mmrazik|lunch to pop up back from lunch10:50
MCR1It fixes 3 bugs btw and should be approved by someone here :) - too late, sil2100 - I already did it10:50
sil2100Best if he sees the situation as it is10:50
sil2100MCR1: ah, no problem then10:50
sil2100MCR1: ;)10:50
sil2100MCR1: anyway, somethings broken - either LP is going mad or the new merger10:51
MCR1sil2100: The preview diff now shows no change although the change is not in trunk !10:51
MCR1sil2100: Something smells very fishy here10:51
MCR1sil2100: My branch was somehow !destroyed! during the process and I had to commit the change again - which is a small problem for a one line fix, but might be a big problem for more complicated branches...11:07
sil2100MCR1: ouch11:18
sil2100fginther, mmrazik|lunch: ^11:18
sil2100MCR1: I'll inform the guys about it11:18
MCR1not a big problem for me, but might be hard for others, so merges should be halted until fixed or there will be some angry programmers11:19
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sil2100For me it looks like a rather critical issue11:22
MCR1yep, for me too11:22
sil2100As it essentially 'breaks' lp:unity a bit11:23
MCR1that is why I immediately reported it11:23
sil2100With attaching LP info to bugs that are not fixed, but marked as fixed etc. = not good11:23
sil2100MCR1: big thanks for noticing this11:23
MCR1to not f*ck up lp:unity completely11:23
MCR1Is the merger kjust new for Unity or also for Compiz and other projects ?11:24
sil2100MCR1: from what I know all trunks are using the new merger, i.e. compiz, unity, nux, libunity, bamf etc.11:26
sil2100MCR1: the quantal branches are still using the old one11:26
sil2100(i.e. lp:unity/6.0)11:26
MCR1sil2100: Just FYI: The bugs did not get marked as fixed...11:26
MCR1smspillaz: Attention !!! ^^11:27
mmrazikMCR1: regarding the branch...11:38
MCR1mmrazik: Yes ?11:39
mmrazikMCR1: any chance brandon's branch included your revisions but didn't set your branch as prerequisite in the MP?11:39
mmrazikactually.. I can check myself11:39
MCR1mmrazik: No, as my change is not in trunk yet.11:40
MCR1mmrazik: But my branch was somehow changed in the process also, I had to re-commit my fix.11:40
MCR1mmrazik: as the diff was empty after the broken merge11:41
mmrazikMCR1: what does it mean "My merge request was marked as merged and mixed with bschaefer's commit"11:42
mmrazikI don't understand the "mixed" part11:42
MCR1mmrazik: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk11:47
mmrazikMCR1: I see... thanks11:48
MCR1Look at the last commit (r2827) - it says Merged branch lp:~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-fix1006429-fix1006434-fix106317111:48
MCR1but this is not true at all11:48
mmrazikMCR1: I'm just looking at the log of Brandon's branch11:49
mmrazikand there is a merge from your branch indeed11:49
mmrazikMCR1: its r2817 in his branch11:50
mmraziksil2100: ^^^11:50
mmrazikMCR1, sil2100: TBH I don't know what we should do with stuff like this. It would most likely happen with the old merger as well as this part is still tarmac code11:51
MCR1mmrazik: Do you have a link ? Strange, because my change is not in unity trunk yet, see https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-fix1006429-fix1006434-fix1063171/+merge/12915011:51
mmrazikMCR1: this is what I did. Not sure where to find it in launchpad:11:51
mmrazik bzr branch lp:~brandontschaefer/unity/alt-grave-ordering-fix11:52
mmrazik bzr log --include-merged|less11:52
mmrazikthat explains why it closed the bugs... the branch was included in Brandon's... so bzrlib/tarmac did some magic and found all the branches in tarmac, marked them merged11:53
mmrazikit is just weird that the change didn't really make it into trunk11:53
MCR1I think Brandon tested my branch, maybe something got mixed there - but I am clueless11:54
mmrazikweird is that the merge is in his log but the change isn't11:55
mmrazikmaybe he reverted it?11:55
* mmrazik is looking into it a bit more11:55
MCR1might well be11:55
MCR1mmrazik: Sorry 4 the problems I am causing :-[11:56
mmrazikMCR1: not your fault ;)11:56
mmrazikdon't worry11:56
MCR1I am happy that at least the unity code was not mixed up by this... - so it is just a wrong commit message we are dealing with here...11:58
mmrazikMCR1: well.. the commit message is sort of correct given that according to the log brandon's branch has some info about merging yours11:59
mmrazikthe weird thing is that the diff for that revision seems to be unrelated11:59
mmrazikmaybe he merged, then reverted (manually), did some more changes11:59
mmrazikand commited12:00
mmraziklet me followup by e-mail12:00
mmrazikbut to me this looks pretty much like some bzr/launchpad misuse12:00
mmrazikfrom what I see in the logs/branches this behavior is expected when you do stuff like this12:00
mmraziksil2100: FYI ^^^. I'll followup to your e-mail.12:01
mmrazikMCR1: what is your e-mail so I can CC you?12:02
mmrazik(feel free to private msg; I'm just too lazy to find out myself)12:02
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didrocks13:53:06   mmrazik | that explains why it closed the bugs... the branch was included in Brandon's... so bzrlib/tarmac did some magic and found all the branches in tarmac, marked them merged12:37
didrocks-> this is normally launchpad doing that automatically12:37
mmrazikok... so not bzrlib but launchpad..12:38
didrockswhen you push a branch it scans the new commits12:38
didrocksand check if all rev in every MR is included12:38
didrocksand close them12:38
mmrazikI think I tried that manually once and it didn't do it12:38
mmrazikso thats why I thought bzrlib/tarmac is doing something more12:38
mmrazikbut I might be just mixing stuff12:38
didrocksmmrazik: maybe there are some hiccups, but by using that at least 10 times a day, I can ensure you it generally works :)12:38
mmrazikdidrocks: it actually makes more sense12:39
mmrazikgood to know12:39
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Mirvcould someone with nvidia binary, someone with nvidia nouveau and/or someone with fglrx try out the nux from  ppa:timo-jyrinki/prerelease in quantal and report back if seeing anything regressing in bringing Dash visible / active blur?12:45
Mirvthere's a performance patch included that probably shouldn't cause any trouble, but since I'm currently only able to test on intel...12:46
mhr3Mirv, tested nux trunk with nouveau, works fine, don't see any regressions12:58
Mirvmhr3: thanks12:58
Mirvyeah, nux trunk is fine as well for testing :)12:58
mhr3(otoh i don't see any performance benefits either)12:59
mhr3guess it's something small12:59
Mirvit's small withing the context where dash causes all the slowness by drawing its contents over and over again12:59
Mirvstill it should help in some cases13:00
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groverblueI just read that Unity will do away with 2D.  I think this is a problem because (form my usage experience), 3D does not work well when I remote desktop into my Ubuntu machine.  The screen does not redraw properly.13:26
Mirvgroverblue: the current solution is software rendering via llvmpipe13:30
Mirvbut there will be surely more work done on that front as well. fortunately 12.04 LTS will be supported for 5 years with its unity-2d.13:30
groverbluegood to hear on the support.  I just wanted to make you guys aware that 3D + desktop sharing is an issue.13:32
groverbluethank you for your response.13:32
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didrockssil2100: did you try https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/1026426?15:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1026426 in BAMF 0.2 "LibreOffice Unity integration (launcher and switcher) is broken" [High,In progress]15:25
sil2100didrocks: no, but I see Timo checked it and approved it15:27
sil2100didrocks: although now I notice there's only a merge to trunk and 0.215:27
sil21000.3 is missing15:27
didrocksdoes it fix the "double click on a file and getting the appmenu?"15:28
didrocksTrevinho: ^15:28
sil2100Trevinho: could you backport it to 0.3 ?15:28
Trevinhosil2100: it's already in 0.3...15:34
Trevinhosil2100: (rev 487)15:34
sil2100Oh, didn't see it linked in the bug15:34
Trevinhodidrocks: mhmh.. not sure I got the issue... double clicking in an LO file... and?15:35
didrocksTrevinho: you have a match in the launcher15:35
didrocksTrevinho: but no appmenu15:35
Trevinhodidrocks: ah... well, I've never noticed it15:35
Trevinhodidrocks: chcking now, but it should be the same15:36
didrocksTrevinho: can you have a look, just to ensure bamf isn't guilty?15:36
didrocksthat there is no nasty race :)15:36
Trevinhodidrocks: no, it doesn't fix it15:36
Trevinhodidrocks: need to switch back to another win to see the menus15:36
didrocksTrevinho: ok, you think it's rather on libreoffice side than bamf?15:37
didrocksyeah, exactly15:37
Trevinhodidrocks: well... let me think... need to check the panel code side15:38
didrocksthanks Trevinho ;)15:38
didrockssil2100: FYI ^ (as I pinged you to track it yesterday ;))15:38
Trevinhodidrocks: do we have a bug for that as well?15:38
didrocksyep, one sec15:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1064962 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Quantal) "Global menubar items do not work when opening a document directly from nautilus with no LibreOffice instance running" [High,Confirmed]15:40
Trevinhonow didrocks funny thing... if I do a gdbus monitor --session --dest com.canonical.Unity.Panel.Service --object-path /com/canonical/Unity/Panel/Service then the bug disappears15:41
Trevinhomh, ok, not anymore15:41
didrocksTrevinho: really funny :)15:42
Trevinhoand now again... -_-15:42
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Trevinhodidrocks: it doesn't seem an unity issue tough... Since also the panel service has not any menu stored... also doing a Sync after some time that LO has been opened, still the panel service has no menus...15:48
Mirvsil2100: I branched 0.3 from trunk only after the merge15:48
Trevinhoso it seems more an indicator-appmenu issue15:48
didrocksTrevinho: ok, thanks for confirming, can you ping Sweetshark on #ubuntu-desktop with that info?15:48
didrocksand ted15:49
Trevinhodidrocks: yes15:49
didrocksthanks Trevinho ;)15:49
sil2100Mirv: ah ;)15:49
sil2100Mirv: ok, thanks15:49
sil2100didrocks: I tried pinging ted twice, but e-mail is best probably15:50
didrockssil2100: maybe try on #systems?15:50
didrockslarsu and others can have a look15:50
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ViaNocturnawonder if anyone can help, when i log in, unity has no transparency etc, it takes a few log outs and log ins to get the full unity3d, anyone have any ideas why?17:37
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LBoHi, I'm using appindicator3 for a timer application20:57
LBoIt display %H:%M in the indicator label20:57
LBoAnd I would like the colon to blink20:58
LBoReplacing it with a space every second doesn't work because of the font spacing20:58
LBoIs there a way I can achieve this?20:59
seb128LBo, that doesn't seem like a good idea21:01
seb128LBo, I don't know about the spacing question but that will create constant activity on the bus and wakeups for the system preventing any power manager to do its job21:02
LBoseb128: ok, good argument21:03
meebeyseb128: are you involved in libmessaging-menu btw?21:03
meebeyseb128: I ported Smuxi to it and noticed an odd side effect21:03
seb128meebey, "involved", I used it and I'm following what those guys do but I'm not involved in the code21:03
LBoI'll keep it to minute feedback then21:03
meebeyseb128: ic, do you know if its by design that the application entry in the msg menu will always start (invoke) the application?21:04
meebeythat works great as long as the application support single-instance, when not its a real pain though21:05
seb128LBo, great ;-)21:05
LBoseb128: thanks for the help21:05
meebeyseb128: when you activate it I mean21:05
seb128meebey, I mentioned it to Lars when I ported xchat-indicator21:05
seb128LBo, yw!21:05
meebeythere is a source-activated event, too bad that wasnt used for the app itself...21:06
meebeycould have been null as source_id or so...21:06
seb128meebey, it's not so much "by design" that the recommended app behaviour, he wasn't against adressing that usecase, it just didn't think about it for the first iteration21:06
meebeyseb128: what was the outcome, or are there known workarounds?21:06
meebeyseb128: ic21:06
meebeyseb128: Lars is the main dev of it?21:07
seb128the outcome was "yeah; we should probably do something about that"21:07
meebeyI should maybe talk to him then21:07
seb128he's larsu on IRC21:07
meebeythank you21:07
seb128he's online during european work hours21:07
seb128just open a bug otherwise21:07
seb128he reads those21:07
meebeywill do21:07
seb128it would be good to have that registered in the tracker in any case21:07
meebeyseb128: last question, what is the right project on LP? searching for libmessaging-menu wasnt that useful21:11
meebeyonly found branches by ken21:11
seb128meebey, indicator-messages21:11
meebeyyeah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-messages thanks21:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1065732 in Messaging Menu "Application entry in Messaging Menu always starts the application" [Undecided,New]21:17
davidcallepopey, I've just pushed a new commit on the merge. Another call wasn't stopped. SRU 0 material I suppoe.21:30
popeydavidcalle, thank you, yes, that's the plan21:32
davidcallepopey, by the way, do you have a screenshot of the new legal button in the lens bar? I'm pretty curious about how it's going to be presented.21:33
popeynot yet, no21:33
seb128davidcalle, the version it is in the ubuntu-desktop ppa if you want to try it21:36
seb128davidcalle, it's basically a label in the lens bar at the right21:36
seb128davidcalle, it looks ok21:37
davidcalleseb128, thanks!21:37

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