
nicofsWhy does pinging my router return "Destination Host Unreachable"? I am connected - even the router interface says so. please help me.00:00
nicofsi need my (internet) connection back...00:00
d4rkw0lfcheck your iptables00:02
d4rkw0lfcheck your interface setup00:02
d4rkw0lfcheck dns, routing, etc etc00:02
nicofsd4rkw0lf, how do I do that and what am I looking for?00:02
nicofsDNS works - at least I got an IP...00:02
d4rkw0lfgive us your ifconfig -a00:02
d4rkw0lfand your iptables -L -n -v00:02
blackshirtnicofs, thats mean not "connected" for logical or tehnicall00:02
d4rkw0lfcan you resolve a hostname00:03
nicofsblackshirt, d4rkw0lf ping to anything apart from (me) fails. can't resolve anything00:03
zykotick9nicofs: FYI you get IPs from a DHCP server.  DNS is address resolution00:03
d4rkw0lfllike run the command `hot google.com00:04
d4rkw0lf`host google.com`00:04
d4rkw0lfwhat do you get then?00:04
nicofsd4rkw0lf, connection timed out, no servers could be reached00:04
d4rkw0lfand then do ifconfig -a, iptables -L -n -v .... and paste it to us00:04
d4rkw0lfoh wait you cant paste it00:05
nicofs"paste" is nice an idea... exactly...00:05
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d4rkw0lfare you using dhcp or static ip00:05
nicofsd4rkw0lf, dhcp00:05
pfifonicofs, is your router blocking icmp traffic? Some call it "DDoS Protection"00:05
d4rkw0lfwell no cause he cant resolve host names00:06
nicofspfifo, said router works well with every other device in the network00:06
d4rkw0lfokay so hows your iptables setup did you manually do it or use a program00:06
nicofs(including the backup device I use to call for help)00:06
nicofsd4rkw0lf, all via network manager...00:06
d4rkw0lfcan you ping the router itself00:07
nicofsd4rkw0lf, no00:07
pfifonicofs, did you put a tick in the "available to all users" box?00:07
nicofspfifo, yes00:07
d4rkw0lfid think you have a problem with the interface setup .... but thats not all it could be im just thinking higher chance00:08
d4rkw0lfset it up as static ip00:08
d4rkw0lfdon't use network manager00:08
d4rkw0lfalso, is it wireless or ?00:08
pfifo^ dont use network manager ~ agreed00:08
nicofsd4rkw0lf, wireless - how do i not use nm?00:09
pfifonicofs, 'iwconfig'00:09
d4rkw0lfokay yeah i bet thats what it is .... on ubuntu networkmanager  never worked for wireless, WICD was crap, kept reconnecting every minute00:09
d4rkw0lfvi /etc/network/interfaces00:09
nicofsifconfig -a: "wlan1 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:" no errors, dropped... some RX and TX bytes... nothing striking00:09
d4rkw0lfvi /etc/network/interfaces   <------- for permanent settings00:10
d4rkw0lfi uninstalled network manager and wicd00:10
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d4rkw0lfalso I think having both of them installed at once causes them not to work00:10
nicofsd4rkw0lf, maybe because you are skilled enough to fight yourself through the console... oO00:11
nicofsi tried that once and failed.00:11
d4rkw0lfi use wpa_supplicant00:11
pfifonicofs, can you connect and use other routers?00:11
nicofspfifo, i only have that one. I could try connection to the android hot spot from my mobile...00:12
pfifonicofs, could be a bad password or such if its only the one router giving you trouble00:12
d4rkw0lfjust turn off network manager and wicd ...  then configure ifconfig, run wpa_supplicant & wpa_passphrase ... then do networking restart00:13
d4rkw0lfor dhclient00:13
d4rkw0lfif that works, then edit config files and set it up permanatnyl00:13
nicofsd4rkw0lf, is there any easy-to-understand and fool-proof how-to for that?00:14
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nicofsd4rkw0lf, there is a reason why I choose ubuntu with tools like nm over distros like gentoo... i just don't want to be bothered with setting up everything manually...00:15
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pfifonicofs, ubuntu works pretty good right out of the box when compared to gentoo00:16
nicofspfifo, that's what I'm saying...00:17
nicofsd4rkw0lf, when I connect to my mobile hot spot everything works...00:18
XiaolinDraconisall of a sudden im booting up with 80% memory usage00:18
nicofsd4rkw0lf, ok - until the moment the connection is lost... :-/00:18
XiaolinDraconiswas booting up with about 250MB now its more like 75000:19
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, use the program 'top' to find which program is causing the problem00:20
WishArtHi Everyone, is there any way to delete file on ubuntu system using LiveCD?00:20
XiaolinDraconispfifo, i did, and i dont see a culprit00:20
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, then perhaps theres a tmpfs mounted? check the output of 'mount'00:21
WishArtJust tried tip how to enable hibernate but it just made my grub curropted00:21
XiaolinDraconispfifo, i never set one00:21
XiaolinDraconispfifo, havent touched fstab00:21
WishArtSo wondering to delete the file instead from LiveCD00:22
pfifoWishArt, boot the livecd, mount the filesystem, delete file from filesystem... simple :)00:22
WishArtHi pfifo, thx u 4 the respon. The filesystem mounted, but seems i can't delete the file.00:23
XiaolinDraconistmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)00:23
pfifoWishArt, become root user 'sudo -s'00:24
WishArtAh, let me try pfifo :)00:24
nicofsd4rkw0lf, "SET failed on device wlan1 ; No such device." - what does that mean?00:24
pfifo"once you try pfifo, youll never go back"00:24
WishArtLOL u're so funny00:25
pfifonicofs, its named something else, maybe wlan0 or ra000:25
XiaolinDraconisis that tmpf normal?00:25
nicofspfifo, but "iwlist wlan1 scan" gave me the networks...00:26
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, having a /run is NOT normal00:26
XiaolinDraconisdidnt think so00:26
XiaolinDraconiswhere could it have come from?00:26
nicofspfifo, "ifconfig wlan1 up" worked aswell...00:26
nicofspfifo, dmesg: "renamed network interface wlan0 to wlan1"00:27
WishArtWoops, still no delete option one right-click mouse after sudo -s00:27
pfifonicofs, then im not sure what the problem is00:27
pfifoWishArt, ohh your using a GUI to delete, either delete via command line or run nautilus/pcmanfm as root00:28
XiaolinDraconisim worried now00:28
WishArtWhen i tried to access system in media using terminal it said "bash: cd: system: No such file or directory"00:28
XiaolinDraconishave i been attacked or something?00:29
WishArtBut when I typed dir it's there00:29
pfifo!tab | WishArt00:29
ubottuWishArt: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:29
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pfifoXiaolinDraconis, its pretty suspicious, I havent ever had a ubunutu system create a /run00:30
XiaolinDraconispfifo, it has folders named samba, network, mount...00:31
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XiaolinDraconisand a lot more00:31
WishArtHi ubottu, thx 4 the suggestion but i can't find tab on my phone :D00:32
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, that sounds pretty bad, you should be thinking of a reinstall at this point00:32
WishArtI mean I'm on irc via phone00:32
XiaolinDraconisthink ill boot my usb copy of arch00:33
ronroni just downloaded ubuntu, can anyone tell me how to access my windows files? i know it is possible just don't know how to do it.00:33
WishArtOk, I will google this 1st "Run nautilus/pcmanfm as root" | pfifo00:33
XiaolinDraconiscopy home00:33
pfifoWishArt, you should read through a bash/cli tutorial before you become root and start deleting stuff ;)00:33
XiaolinDraconisthen reinstall00:34
XiaolinDraconisholy hell how did this happen...00:34
user_userhello friends00:34
durrutihello chan00:34
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, unsupported 3rd party ppa's?00:34
nicofsHow do I use wpa_supplicant to connect to a network?00:34
WishArtOk thx i will google "bash/cli tutorial" too | pfifo00:34
XiaolinDraconispfifo, u may be right but that took an aweful long time to kick in00:35
ronroncan someone help me access my windows files from ubuntu? i appreciate any help.00:36
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WishArtU can access windows files automatically using gui | ronron00:37
[snake]ronron try finding the "filesystem" in natilus00:37
Cyclohexanehow do i remove all lines that look like this? Aug 25 02:23:16 sj2d (date and time changes... and sj2d is the end of the line)00:37
spook_i want to ask a question00:38
[snake]Go ahead00:38
spook_can i stream my videos to my android via ubuntu 12.1000:39
spook_my android got shorage of storage00:39
[snake]Not something i would know how to do... sorry00:39
[snake]Maybe theres an app for it00:39
spook_anyone please00:39
spook_i found the airvideo00:40
spook_but can't install00:40
spook_can't add repo00:40
user_userati radeon hd 4890 going hot and i canot set the fan speed.i install fgrlx from ati  but no luck.ubuntu 10.10 maverick.any help will be apreciated.00:40
[snake]Perhaps vlc can do it somehow?00:40
spook_i also install vlc-share00:40
spook_got little bit of porblem and can.t share00:41
pfifouser_user, hard wire the fans power to the +12 on your PSU00:41
RadSurferI need help with the old konqueror please00:41
RadSurferhow do I clear out all User-data in Konq 4.4.2 (that text data used in text fields on web pages) How do I erase all those?00:42
[snake]Put it on your webserver and plat it with firefox or other browser on phone :p if you have a web server. spook_00:42
user_userthanks pfifo00:43
pfifouser_user, really you should try upgrading 10.10 isnt supported anymore00:43
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user_userim out00:44
spook_when i get to the folder sharing option, error popup like this00:44
spook_'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Unexpected information received.00:44
spook_don't know how to solve00:45
theborgerquestion. i just setup dual monitors on 10.11 and i have a red line at the bottom of 2nd screen.00:45
theborgererm 11.10 sorry00:45
theborgerusing the nvidia driver00:46
RadSurferHow do I tell Konqueror to forget all the cached logins and passwords?00:47
pfifoRadSurfer, you might want to ask in #kubuntu or if it exists #konqueror00:47
[snake]Spook im going to try some other stuff real quick on my phone. Ill share wit u if it werkz00:48
spook_yapp, thanks00:48
[snake]Can winamp for android so it?00:49
spook_i haven't try yet00:49
[snake]Try it00:49
xmendeskernel panic.. whats this?00:49
MindALotgreetings ubuntu experts00:50
xmendesneed reinstall all dist??00:50
pfifoxmendes, a kernel panic is what happens before your computer crashes, youll need to reboot to fix it00:50
xmendesi reebot 3 times00:51
xmendesand nothing00:51
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xmendesi dont wnat loose my files :(00:51
pfifoxmendes, just use a livecd or such to get your computer working and then backup your files00:52
[snake]xmendes try using a live cd to copy them to a usb00:52
xmendesi making a new livecd here to solve this00:52
mastershakei just installed dhcp, but it wont run because i keep getting "Can't open /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf: Permission denied00:53
mastershakehow can i fix this?00:53
[snake]Use sudo00:54
mastershakeit still says permission denied00:54
WishArtpfifo, is it enough to get root from liveCD by typing "gksude nautilus"?00:56
pfifoWishArt, that should work00:57
WishArt"gksudo nautilus" I mean :P00:57
yekomsi installed the synaptic update suggestions of firefox, it upgraded fine, but now flash isnt working, any ideas?00:57
OerHeksmaybe /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ?00:57
[snake]Yekmos dl from adobe maybe00:57
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WishArtYippie, did it :D So I don't need to install ubuntu from zero00:59
WishArtPfifo ++00:59
gr33n7007hmaybe chmod a+x /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf01:00
theborgerwell i got it figured out01:01
theborgerthanks fur nuffin :D01:01
pfifoyour welcome01:01
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d4rkw0lfyour internet connection problem youve just figured out /?01:01
d4rkw0lfor was that someone else01:01
bttfi just switched my ubuntu to gnome classic ... anyone know the alt+tab equivalent to switch between windows?01:02
d4rkw0lflol iduno i just was afk and when i left someone had internet connection problem01:02
d4rkw0lfi thought alt-tab is classic01:02
d4rkw0lf but what do I know01:03
d4rkw0lfis it not an easily googleable question?01:03
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XiaolinDraconisi thought tmpfs should be emptied when i reboot?01:04
yekomsbttf, its alt+tab.01:04
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, yes01:04
XiaolinDraconispfifo: there are still folders in it01:05
yekomsyou can google "ubuntu alt-tab doesnt switch windows" <- great start d4rkw0lf01:05
WishArtBtw how to add point to pfifo for helping? :">01:05
willdabeastFor some reason my keyboard shortcuts don't work, it says I need to be in 3D mode but I believe I am in 3D mode. Any thoughts?01:05
pfifoWishArt, no need, but thanks01:05
yekoms!cookie pfifo01:05
yekoms!cookie | pfifo01:05
ubottupfifo: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:05
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, it copied it back into the tmpfs01:06
WishArtAnd thank to u too :D| ubottu01:06
XiaolinDraconispfifo: im using a livecd01:06
WishArtGlad to get both of you here, thank you :)01:06
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willdabeastFor some reason my keyboard shortcuts don't work, it says I need to be in 3D mode but I believe I am in 3D mode. Any thoughts?01:07
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, hmm, what cd?01:07
XiaolinDraconispfifo: archbang01:07
yekomswilldabeast, please state your problem, and wait for someone that can help, to help. :)01:07
XiaolinDraconispfifo: most of the files are gone but theres a few folders in there as well as few files01:08
willdabeastI believe I did state my problem, unless you're referring to the repost, in which case I am sorry01:08
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, ok im a bit confused, are you using the livecd to repair an install, and your seeing files in /run, or is /run part of the livecd's system01:09
XiaolinDraconispfifo: yeah i booted to archbang so i could backup home and then reinstall ubuntu01:09
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, they likely got copied there when /run wasnt mounted01:10
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willdabeastAnyone familiar with video settings in Ubuntu 12.04?01:13
d4rkw0lfwasnt me asking about the alt-tabs .... i was just commenting what I thought01:14
d4rkw0lfbut yes I google everything --- google is my best friend :)01:14
pfifogoogle ranks you as friend #2458562001401:16
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XiaolinDraconiswhen backing up home its ok to just copy the whole folder and paste it on another partition right?01:18
narnieIt depends on what you're planning on doing01:18
psusiXiaolinDraconis, that's one way to do it.. of course, doesn't help if the partition is on the same disk and the disk crashes01:18
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XiaolinDraconispfifo: copying to an external ntfs partition01:19
psusibetter to use tar or archive manager and store the tarball on another disk01:19
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, I like to make a tarball of home if its not too big01:19
narnieI like to dd it into an image so I can mount it later.01:19
psusithen you waste time and space on unused parts of the disk01:20
pfifonarnie, you cant dd a folder, and if you just want to mount it try "mksquashfs"01:20
toe_83Sorry about my copy and paste, but it's a lot to type. Anyone have suggestions?01:20
narnieyeah, I generally don't do my home directory, but useful for /boot or a flashstick01:20
d4rkw0lfuuuuuhg................. ive done "set -x verbose"    so the commands I run would echo ......    but uhm having trouble turning it off now :|01:20
psusithat reminds me, I need to poke Ted Tso about my e2image patch that makes it usable for creating a raw or qcow2 image without the free space01:21
pfifod4rkw0lf, unset?01:21
d4rkw0lfdoooooh    brainfart01:22
narniepfifo: you're right. I'm forgetting that some don't keep a separate partition for /home01:23
yekomsdoesnt ubuntu use / for both / and /home when you do a guided quick install without encryption01:24
d4rkw0lfyeah no duuuuuh  its  set +x verbose01:24
d4rkw0lfunset dont do it01:24
yekomsi didnt set a /home in mine, but my /home slice is /home/black/.Private for the encrypted slice.01:24
d4rkw0lfalways make home partition01:25
pfifoyekoms, im pretty sure the installer doesnt make any extra partitions01:25
d4rkw0lfand for the price might as well get a second HDD and keep a backup of your important files01:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:26
pfifo... or just back them up to your phone :)01:26
yekomsmine didnt. i didnt want sda2 /home. i used encryption so it made that for me.01:26
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yekomsi backup my servers weekly to a NAS. :P01:26
Juv1228yekoms, maybe look into duplicity01:27
Juv1228if you are doing it manually01:27
yekomsduplicity ?01:27
yekomsmy backups are .tar files... using putftp with it01:27
yekomsso duplicity does the same thing as tar except its encrypted01:27
Juv1228my backups are incremental difftars01:27
pfifoyekoms, rsync can tar and transfer in one shot01:27
d4rkw0lfyes why putftp ?01:28
Juv1228my backups are cooler than your backups01:28
yekomspfifo, rsync doesnt check for file changes does it ?01:28
yekomsJuv1228, my backups happen once a week, and the space gets cleared month for them, so i never have stale backups01:28
pfifoyekoms, nope, does putftp?01:28
yekomsputftp is a .c i wrote to upload the files to my NAS ftpd01:29
Juv1228yekoms, my backups run incremental backups nightly, with full backups weekly01:29
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Juv1228old backup chains are removed monthly01:29
J11i want to move my root partition together with my /home partition which is on another disk. Any way how I can do this?01:29
yekomsJuv1228, i dont expect my systems to crash like yours then lol.01:29
Juv1228which means i can restore to any day of the last 3001:29
yekomsmy website is backed up nightly cause i edit it daily01:30
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Juv1228J11, boot into a livecd and manually move the files01:31
Juv1228just make sure you preserve the permissions when you copy from your root partition01:32
J11Juv1228: so I take I won't get permisison problems when moving files from / to another partition?01:32
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Janoshey there, got a question, what´s the ubuntu policy about adding functionality to stable software ?01:33
yekomscp -R will preserve the permissions wont it?01:33
Juv1228yekoms, no01:33
Juv1228cp -pR will01:33
yekomsthen what preserves them?01:33
yekoms-p for permissions ?01:33
Juv1228-p     same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps01:33
yekomsi wouldnt keep the timestamps the same. or does this matter?01:34
pfifoJanos, in general, changes come from upstream01:34
Juv1228yekoms, it doesnt matter01:34
Janospfifo, ok so patches like this would be better given to upstream right ?01:34
pfifoJanos, no, submit them to the packages authors01:35
Juv1228J11, you might be better off using --preserve=all01:35
MikeHey all, anyone have a spare moment for some questions about dual booting?01:35
yekomsubuntu have xmms ?01:35
yekomsMike, shoot.01:35
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eziowith sshd is there a way to detect the remote hosts uname -s output?01:35
yekomsi suggest you change your nick first Guest7905401:36
Janospfifo, ok, then open a feature request in launchpad with the patch ?01:36
yekomsezio, ssh hostname uname -a01:36
pfifoJanos, what package are you trying to patch?01:36
Juv1228ezio, from the ssh server you want to know the clients uname -s output?01:36
Juv1228then probably not01:36
yekomswithout an account EZIO, it wont happen.01:36
XiaolinDraconisyekoms: ive used xmms on buntu before01:37
Juv1228ssh is a one way street, the server cant execute commands on your client machine01:37
ezioyekoms, i have an account you dolt01:37
Janospfifo, transmission, basically the transmission-remote can´t handle the daemon queue at all and i have a patch that adds this functionality01:37
yekomsi'm a dolt? find your own solution. all i was trying to do is help. but forget you.01:37
redsfan1Hey I was just asking questions about dual booting but had to change my Nick, my question was.01:37
ezioyekoms, it meant it far less offensively than that, sorry buds01:37
redsfan1New to computers in general here, trying to learn as much as possible! I just built my first PC two days ago and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on it from the get go.  I've watched and read a ton of tutorials on how to dual boot to add windows and they all start from having windows first and adding ubuntu, not sure what to do.01:37
pfifoJanos, look in the AUTHORS file in transmission's source tarball and send the patch to the person who is maintaining the package01:38
ezioi want to try to correct the backspace problem in the .cshrc based on arch, or some way to detect the client's backspace01:38
yekomsredsfan1, you can install windows second, but its a lil harder that way.01:38
ezioso that my professors will implement it01:38
Juv1228redsfan1, windows is a bit of a cry baby about booting01:38
Janospfifo, kk thanks a lot01:38
Juv1228if you have a second hard drive, its best to install windows to that01:38
eziobecause some of them use sun computers01:38
yekomsJanos, what patch do you have for transmission ?01:39
Juv1228on its own01:39
redsfan1Any links or tutorials on how to do so? or what do you recommend for a noob?01:39
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:39
yekomsbest ones around ^01:39
Juv1228redsfan1, completely disconnect your ubuntu drive while installing windows, then use the ubuntu drive to boot and add windows to grub01:39
redsfan1Thanks, does it also say how to partition the hard drive for me to add windows? I've also never done that before01:39
Janosyekoms, it´s a simple patch that allows you to display/control the queue when controlling transmission-deamon from transmission-remote01:39
redsfan1I only have one drive :/01:39
Juv1228redsfan1, the simple answer is windows will kill the grub bootloader when it installs01:40
yekomsJanos, thats already allowed.01:40
aliciapgso i'm having a problem with permissions in order to run a game i installed, anyone care to help out?01:40
Juv1228so if you install windows second, you will have to repair grub afterwards01:40
yekomswhich requires a livecd, or a cd with the grub repair iso on it.01:41
redsfan1No idea how to do that, I'm trying to learn though.  Is there a way to erase whats on my hard drive (Ubutntu) then install windows from the get go then install ubuntu again?01:41
Janosyekoms, from transmission-remote ? i´m not using the web internface here at all01:41
Juv1228redsfan1, just boot the windows cd01:41
Juv1228and format the drive from there01:41
wilee-nileeredsfan1, Install gparted in ubuntu the partitioner, open it and take a screen shot of the HD and put it in a imagebin this will save the 20 questions on getting to a dual boot.01:41
redsfan1Its an .iso on CD01:41
Juv1228leaving about half free for linux01:41
wilee-nilee!imagebin | redsfan101:41
ubotturedsfan1: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.01:41
[x]how to set up local apache server in ubuntu01:42
redsfan1If I put the CD in will I have the option to format my hard drive then install windows and then dual boot Ubuntu after that and make it a little easier?01:43
wilee-nileeJuv1228, YOu can't resize ubuntu with a windows disc you would have to have a unallocted space, or better yet a NTFS already there with a boot flag.01:43
Juv1228wilee-nilee, he asked how to erase everything01:43
Juv1228and install windows first01:43
wilee-nileeJuv1228, Ah.01:43
rgenitoso hooking into my job's VPN seems like it'd be easy ... using ubuntu's "VPN Connections" area01:43
redsfan1Looks like I have quite a bit of learning to do, lol.01:44
wilee-nileemay not be needed but one never knows without seeing what is already there.01:44
Juv1228which is most definitely the easiest solution for dual booting windows/linux if you can nuke linux01:44
rgenitodoes anyone use the "VPN Connections" system settings to connect to a VPN?01:44
wilee-nileeredsfan1, If you post the gparted image I think we can bet to better than speculation, and opinions.01:44
redsfan1Wilee, I do not know how to do that.  I am new to Ubuntu and building PC's in general.  If you do not wish to continue and assist I understand as I am very noobish and do not know a lot currently.01:45
[x]is it possible to extrack .rar filr in ubuntu01:46
[x]what command should i use ?01:46
evokeYou can usually all partitions during Windows install. In rare cases where you can't, Windows drops to a prompt with shift-f10 during initial setup, where you can use diskpart [reading required].01:46
willdabeastI believe I did state my problem, unless you're referring to the repost, in which case I am sorry01:46
yekomsscrot -d 10 is a great screenshot01:46
wilee-nileeredsfan1, You would just install gparted it is in the software center. You would use the prtc key to capture an image of it, you would go to the imagebin link the bot gave post that screen image and opost the url.01:47
evokeif you built the system, you prob. don't have recovery partition to worry about01:47
XiaolinDraconisis there something i can do to figure out where that tmpfs came from?01:49
pfifo[x], install unrar package01:49
yekomshow do i check what glib i got?01:49
evokex: unrar --help01:50
[x]ok pfifo evoke01:50
yekomsif im using glib2.0, why does xmms ask for >= 1.2.2 ?01:51
pfifoyekoms, your using a very old xmms01:51
XiaolinDraconisim worried that simply reinstalling will leave me open to attack again01:51
yekomsxmms ?01:51
yekomsopen to what attack?01:51
XiaolinDraconisi was attacked01:52
XiaolinDraconissomehow a tmpfs filesystem mounted as /run appeared01:52
XiaolinDraconishad networking files in there01:52
redsfan1_Downloaded Gparted, trying to find out how to take a screen shot, once second.01:52
XiaolinDraconisredsfan1_: press prnt_scrn01:53
yekomswhat was in /run ?01:54
redsfan1_Thanks! wille-nilee I took a screen shot, what is the image host link again?01:54
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.01:55
yekomsdoes xmms2 not have a GUI to it ?01:55
XiaolinDraconisyekoms: a samba folder, a network folder, something about ppp, a lock file, and several other items01:55
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, ^^^^01:55
yekomsany binary files?01:55
xrfangon my 12.04 server, how can I set domain search suffix?   I edited /etc/resolv.conf, but that's reset on reboot. I don't understand how to use resolvconf from the description of man page01:55
XiaolinDraconisyekoms: what would they look like?01:56
bz0bhey how would i access an encryptedfs on an ubuntu 12.04 system, the hard drive has been taken out and put into another 12.04 system. i tried encryptfs-recover-private and it said sucess but i cant see anything in /tmp/whateveritsaid01:56
yekomsls -la, should have the X flag in the permissions.01:56
redsfan1_Disregard that wilee I didn't take the screen shot correctly, one second.01:56
yekomsbz0b, did you use the encrypted password?01:56
yekomsi dont see why it failed.01:57
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, try 'file /path/to/file' it will dump a buch of good info01:57
bz0bwell let me pastebin what it said01:57
XiaolinDraconispfifo: im not booted to ubuntu, most of the files are gone01:57
redsfan1_That is the correct one.01:58
pfifoXiaolinDraconis, you could still practice on other files if you wanted to01:58
evokecd /run && file . -executable01:58
evokethat will give you a recursive list01:58
redsfan1_wilee did you see my correct image?02:00
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, Yeah I would do the wipe and install as suggested your Ubuntu partition is sda1 you want the windows using that partition, I was hoping that you had a extended around the whole install= the sda2.02:01
redsfan1_So how do I do that? put in my windows .iso disk and then it will bring up a menu with that option?02:02
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, This W7?02:02
bz0bit seems like its working but no data is popping up02:03
evokeredsfan1_: you can delete partitions during windows setup (choose advanced when asked what partition to use, I believe)02:03
bz0beverytime i pick a directory it shows it as recover in /tmp/ecryptfs.agsdfas32402:03
bz0bthe syntax im typing is $ sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /path/to/home02:04
bz0bor what would be the proper syntax to mount it possible?02:05
n0sqanyone know why emesene contacts don't show up? my wife and i are both online but our contact lists don't show us as online02:05
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, I always use gparted you would use a live cd to make a ntfs first with aboot flag. This will allow you to install in a specific sized NTFS and avoid the windows boot partition. You can make a specfic sized ntfs in the windows install but you would still have the boot partition. Basically we are trying to avoid the resize of W7 after installing to leave space for the ubuntu.02:05
wilee-nileea boot*02:05
xanguan0sq: are you using the latest Emesene¿02:05
n0sqwell, it's the latest ubuntu package02:06
evokeredsfan1_: wilee-nilee has a good point02:06
redsfan1_Is it possible to just put the .iso W7 disc in then restart my computer and format the hard drive then install windows fresh? I'm not concerned with losing anything as there's nothing on here.  Then after windows is installed install Ubuntu back?02:07
redsfan1_Because what you just said I have no idea how to do.  If what I said isn't possible I'll have to read up and expand my knowledge before trying.02:07
pfiforedsfan1_, partiton first, then install02:07
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, Yes, but unless you know how to install windows to a specific sized NTFS you will have to shrink it to have a unallocated space to install ubuntu in. W7 has its own partitioner so it is not a big deal to go this route.02:08
xanguan0sq: well i have no problems with pidgin but microsoft likes to play with it's protocol once in a while; you might need the latest emesene02:08
pfifon0sq, you can search launchpad for bugs in emesene02:09
redsfan1_When I installed Ubuntu over PCLinux on my old computer, It gave me the option to partition the hard drive and install Ubuntu alongside my current OS, if I just formatted my hard drive and installed windows fresh then put my Ubuntu .iso in, would that still be a possibility as that would be easier?02:09
pfiforedsfan1_, yes, that will work, it could take a long time though02:10
WeThePeoplewhat is the command to update youtube-dl02:11
n0sqxangua: i'd like to have amsn again but 12.04 doesn't have it and building amsn from a tarball is a real hassle02:11
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, You can do that, the general advice though with W7 is to let it resize itself that way you know its working when you install ubuntu, resizing from a install using ubuntu does on occasion cause problems, not often but sisnce this is a fresh install you can always do it again if there is a brick of windows.02:11
redsfan1_Will it resize automatically?02:12
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, No only with the windows partitioner and you telling it to or you telling it to in the ubuntu install, where you will see a slider to resize with.02:13
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, The only thing automatic in life is falling in love. ;)02:13
evokeredsfan1_: note: don't resize < 50% of original size. Windows puts master file table (MFT) halfway through partition.02:13
redsfan1_Ok so I'm going to in a minute, 1. Put my windows iso cd in 2. reboot 3. install windows 4. put my Ubuntu iso in then it will have the option to partition a separate hard drive to put Ubuntu on and I choose that size correct?02:14
redsfan1_*the size I want it to be02:15
wilee-nileeredsfan1_, You only have one hard drive, but yes the ubuntu install will have a option to install alongside, a slider will show then and you slide it to the left or right to shrink the W7, and install ubuntu to apartion it builds.02:16
redsfan1_Ok thanks! hopefully in a bit I'll be back in here to tell my tale! Lol! Thanks for all your help everyone.02:17
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wilee-nileeevoke, You are right on the unmovable files being a problem. ;)02:17
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wilee-nileeredsfan1_, good luck we are all here to help.02:18
evokewilee-nilee: annoying when you know what you want and think it should be able to work it out :)02:18
pfifoare tablets PCs or Phones?02:19
evokepfifo: computers, imho02:19
evokeon a tab now; android + gentoo chroot02:20
wilee-nileeevoke, Yeah I forget how long it took me to get the nerve to dual boot, and reload the mbr, I stared on open source and it took awhile. ;)02:20
pfifodo you need android on a tablet, cause I require linux installed02:20
evokeandroid is kindof linux02:21
evoketabs are arm processors though; helps to have a distro that directly supports arm [rather than the more typical x86 / amd64]02:22
pfifoIm looking for a computer that i can carry around that has a touchscreen, I thought a tablet would be ideal02:22
=== overclucker_ is now known as overclucker
pfifodebain supports arm02:23
megamanx1978How do I remove home, computer, and trash from the mate desktop?02:23
wilee-nileepfifo, YOU probably want to research what OS will support a touch screen.02:24
evoke"Linux installer" on android market installs ubuntu, debian02:24
wilee-nileechrots right in02:24
pfifowilee-nilee, only intrested in linux and it supports touchscreen02:25
wilee-nileeI believe you need bluetooth though for a mouse and keyboard02:25
pfifolinux supports bluetooth too02:25
redsfan1Wilee, one last question02:26
wilee-nileepfifo, I suspected linux, that is why I said I would look for one that has touch screen capability, I'm not sure ubuntu does.02:26
evokeor a dock. There exist tutorials to put ubuntu directly on tab I believe [no android at all]02:26
wilee-nileeredsfan1, Go ahead02:26
redsfan1My windows .iso is 3.4 gigs and I cannot put that on the current cd's I have, can I do everything we just discussed with the windows iso on a usb stick?02:27
redsfan1I've heard you can install windows on a usb stick.02:27
megamanx1978How do I remove home, computer, and trash icons from the mate desktop?02:27
yekomsyou can boot windows from a usb stick.02:27
eziois there any way to make alt tab always expand my terminals?02:27
ezioinstead of grouping02:27
evokeredsfan1: you can, yes02:27
ezioyou can do anything you put your mind to02:28
eziofor instance, try to stop breathing02:28
wilee-nileeredsfan1, Yeah, but I have used the windows dvd to usb loader, some have claimed unetbootin works, never had success myself.  You can extract the ISO to a ntfs in the usb in linux and have a bot flag, and it will boot.02:28
bazhang!ot | ezio02:28
ubottuezio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:28
klynci have a precise box with chkconfig installed. i think that's causing upstart to act up. didn't want to uninstall it bc i wasn't sure if it would've done things i need it to undo. anyone have advice?02:29
wilee-nileeredsfan1, To exatract the ISO in ubuntu though I believe you have to mount the ISO, it wont just extract with the file loader02:29
wilee-nilee redsfan1 I think it is called the file loader, it will extract if the ISO is mounted, make the usb a NTFS and put a bootflag on it all in gparted.02:30
wilee-nileemaybe a dd works as well, I never dd so others would now the command there, you might try unetbootin first.02:31
redsfan1I do not know what most of that is Wilee, I am sorry.  Isn't there a way I can just put it on my USB stick, Reboot and make the usb drive the priority so then I can format my hard drive and install from my USB stick?02:31
wilee-nileeredsfan1, sure in windows it is a simple app.02:32
wilee-nileeredsfan1, If you have a dvd burner just get a dvd and burn it.02:32
redsfan1What I mean is once I plug my USB stick in and reboot, does it detect the iso on my usb stick while the PC is rebooting or do I have to enter it manually?02:32
wilee-nileeredsfan1, In linux it is trickier if a auto iso loader like the unetbootin ap does not work, just putting the ISO in the usb I don't think will work.02:33
evokeredsfan1: usb has special setup. First thing: have you booted from usb before?02:34
wilee-nileeredsfan1, YOu have any friends with windows?02:34
redsfan1I have a laptop with windows.02:34
evokeredsfan1: that might be faster02:34
wilee-nileeredsfan1, Then use this app in windows to load the usb.  https://wudt.codeplex.com/02:35
Baralabite-Testing Lag-02:35
yekomstry /quote pong :)02:36
D-coym4v, o7 xD02:36
wilee-nileeredsfan1,This app will only load a legit windows ISO just a heads up.02:36
BaralabiteTHanks :)02:36
evokewilee-nilee: good sugg.02:36
BaralabiteIt's not working... :/02:36
yekomsyou can rip your own windows.ISO. which is legit.02:36
BaralabiteWhat's it meant to do?02:36
wilee-nileeworks just fine02:36
yekomsBaralabite, it'll tell you serverlag if any.02:36
yekomsworks on xchat02:36
yekomswell, works on efnet, idk about freenode :)02:37
redsfan1Yekoms how do I do that? the ISO I currently have is my friends as I cannot afford it because of school lol, how do I rip my own?02:37
BaralabiteUsing xchat... Not doing anything though :/02:37
BaralabiteI just wanted to see if /whois works on public channels, or just for ops02:37
yekomsBaralabite, /ping is what you use on freenode.02:37
yekomsredsfan1, you wont need too since you have a legit iso copy.02:37
BaralabiteCan you get banned on here for using a proxy? I was just banned on another IRC for using my home proxy >:I02:38
redsfan1I don't know if my friends is legit or not, I'd feel more comfortable ripping my W7 iso from my laptop.02:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest52255
wilee-nileeBaralabite, xchat has a right click whois when hovering on the nick02:38
yekomsBaralabite, if its a open proxy, some servers will ban you.02:39
wilee-nileeredsfan1, If you are not sure it is legit I would not install it to be honest.02:39
evokeredsfan1: if it applies, most colleges/univ. have a steeply discounted program to purchase software, Windows for $5, linux cd's on the cheap, etc.02:39
yekomsjust put your proxy on ports higher then 62000 and they wont find them.02:39
BaralabiteWhat's an open proxy?02:39
bradyman thats lame.. on other machines i use, for security purposes i always use a proxy02:39
Guest52255witajcie kochani02:39
shantornBaralabite, /ping works on the server window02:39
BaralabiteOhh, thanks shantorn :)02:39
yekomsBaralabite, this: transparent proxy: (40317/59321) - - (203-113-213-181-static.TCS.netspace.net.au.)02:40
yekomsthats a open proxy.02:40
redsfan1I alread checked into that evoke but I am not taking any classes this semester which enables me to get windows for free or at a discount.02:40
bradyi have this mouse , R.A.T 7, which has all sorts of extra buttons and shit02:40
BaralabiteThanks, I'll be back later02:40
redsfan1Is there a way to use the iso of W7 I have on my laptop and put it onto my usb stick?02:40
bradyi was wondering if its possible to assign two of the side buttons for volume adjustment?02:40
yekomsredsfan1, use the windows.iso you got. if you trust your friend, use it.02:40
wilee-nileeredsfan1, You can get a legit ISO, I have alink to digital river but I can't post it per channel rules.02:40
yekomsredsfan1, hang on..are you using ubuntu12.04 or something older?02:40
Guest52255jest ktos tu z polski?02:40
somsip!pl | Guest5225502:41
ubottuGuest52255: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:41
wilee-nileedigital river is the one of the distrubution channels for windows.02:41
redsfan1and wilee how would you go about sending it to me without breaking rules? its not that I don't trust my friend I just would rather go a way thats 100% legit and I know it is.02:41
needhelp1hey, the netflix app for chromium.. does this not work on ubuntu ?02:41
Guest52255nie umie anglika!02:42
yekomsredsfan1, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/234.how-to-deploy-windows-7-from-a-usb-drive-en-us.aspx02:42
yekomsthere is a good guide. ive used it twice.02:42
wilee-nileeredsfan1, If you have a key and it is legal MS will let you download.02:42
BaralabiteSo, when you say open proxy, do you mean a proxy that doesn't really have any ACLs? So a public one?02:42
xmendesguys need help. ubuntu 12.04 starts on login screen . But when i put my login name and pass.. it come back to login screen.. but when i put to enter wich a guest .. it works fine..02:43
redsfan1I do not have one, man this is far more complicated than I thought lol.02:43
BaralabiteAnd what port did you say you had to go to to prevent people from detecting it?02:43
yekomsredsfan1, here is another one: http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/firawiniso02:43
wilee-nileeyou just may have to prove it, running windows without being blegal is not a good idea anyway.02:43
yekomsredsfan1, do you want to dualboot win/ubuntu ?02:43
redsfan1Yes yekoms.02:43
yekomsyou can run win7 without a KEY.02:43
yekomsredsfan1, how old is your ubuntu install?02:43
BaralabiteOne more question.. :P How does proxy detection work, I origionally thought they got the webpages to try and connect to the server via javascript, but since they could do it in IRC, I'm not so sure...02:43
redsfan1I installed it yesterday.02:44
wilee-nileeredsfan1, WE are well into offtopic here now you might check with the ##windows channel.02:44
yekomsBaralabite, the IRCd connects to your host on a list of ports, and checks the service header.02:44
Baralabite*Try and connect to the server using sockets via javascript02:44
yekomsredsfan1, i'd start over, install windows, leave space for ubuntu, then install ubuntu.02:44
BaralabiteOkay, so how can I avoid it?02:44
Guest52255One more question.. :P How does proxy detection work, I origionally thought they got the webpages to try and connect to the server via javascript, but since they could do it in IRC, I'm not so sure...02:44
Guest52255<redsfan1> I installed it yesterday.02:44
Guest52255<wilee-nilee> redsfan1, WE are well into offtopic here now you might check with the ##windows channel.02:44
Guest52255<yekoms> Baralabite, the IRCd connects to your host on a list of ports, and checks the service header.02:44
Guest52255<Baralabite> *Try and connect to the server using sockets via javascript02:44
FloodBot1Guest52255: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
Guest52255One more question.. :P How does proxy detection work, I origionally thought they got the webpages to try and connect to the server via javascript, but since they could do it in IRC, I'm not so sure...02:44
Guest52255<redsfan1> I installed it yesterday.02:44
Guest52255<wilee-nilee> redsfan1, WE are well into offtopic here now you might check with the ##windows channel.02:44
Guest52255<yekoms> Baralabite, the IRCd connects to your host on a list of ports, and checks the service header.02:44
FloodBot1Guest52255: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
yekomsdont connect Baralabite its in the MOTD stating you cant stop it.02:44
Guest52255<Baralabite> *Try and connect to the server using sockets via javascript02:44
wilee-nileeGuest52255, welcome to ignore02:45
BaralabiteSomeone was saying get the port above 61000 (I think) they won't get it02:45
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
redsfan1But I do not have a key with my friends ISO he just told me to put it in and it will work.02:45
BaralabiteIt's easier enough to test I suppose..02:45
yekomsi said that Baralabite02:45
BaralabiteSo, that won't work? Or will it?02:45
Guest52255One more question.. :P How does proxy detection work, I origionally thought they got the webpages to try and connect to the server via javascript, but since they could do it in IRC, I'm not so sure...02:45
Guest52255<redsfan1> I installed it yesterday.02:45
Guest52255<wilee-nilee> redsfan1, WE are well into offtopic here now you might check with the ##windows channel.02:45
Guest52255<yekoms> Baralabite, the IRCd connects to your host on a list of ports, and checks the service header.02:45
Guest52255<Baralabite> *Try and connect to the server using sockets via javascript02:45
FloodBot1Guest52255: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
needhelp1just to confirm the netflix plugin for chrome doesnt work on ubuntu, is that correct?02:45
yekomsthey never scan over 65000, normally they use default ports: 80/8080/3128, etc.02:45
yekomsnetflix works in firefox.02:46
BaralabiteHmmm... >:D02:46
needhelp1yekoms: not for me02:46
BaralabiteI'll test it ;)02:46
wilee-nileeneedhelp1, netflix does not run in linux.02:46
Guest52255 they never scan over 65000, normally they use default ports: 80/8080/3128, etc.02:46
Guest52255 netflix works in firefox.02:46
wilee-nileeexcept in android02:46
BaralabiteIt's just a pain how some people think that your bad just because your using a proxy :/02:46
needhelp1wilee-nilee: any work arounds besides a VM ?02:46
yekomsBaralabite, im not nice when i use proxies.02:46
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yekomsi use proxies to bypass content filters ;)02:47
wilee-nileeneedhelp1, Not that I have seen, dual boot a windows is what I would do.02:47
BaralabiteI just plain need it, that's all :/02:47
bazhang!ot | yekoms02:47
ubottuyekoms: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:47
wilee-nileeor get a android device. needhelp102:47
needhelp1ok thanks02:47
=== AndChat450969 is now known as evoke
somsip!test | evoke02:50
ubottuevoke: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )02:50
XiaolinDraconiswhats a reliable method of backing up windows partition? i would like to store it away for a while and give ubuntu the whole disk02:51
yekomsXiaolinDraconis, you can mount the slice with windows, and compress the content. redo the slice for linux, and just reverse it later maybe?02:52
* Baralabite just changed his proxy port to 6xxxx02:53
kbrosnansecond hard drive would be the most reliable02:53
BaralabiteLets see if it'll fall for it...02:53
rgenitoso hooking into my job's VPN seems like it'd be easy ... using ubuntu's "VPN Connections" area02:53
rgenitodoes anyone use the "VPN Connections" system settings to connect to a VPN?02:53
kunjiXiaolinDraconis: I'm not sure there is a good way to backup just the partition, because windows likes to complain if it is moved, or if the partition it's on changes size even slightely, etc... hmm, I'm really not sure what I would recommend for that.02:53
kbrosnanrgenito: yeah, openvpn config files provided by your office/02:54
kunjirgenito: it depends what vpn your office is using, you might need to install a few packages to get it working02:55
rgenitoah, problem is... the company lost their sys admin guy. and i'm that sys admin guy now, and i've never actually connected to a vpn02:55
rgenitoah ok, they're using VPN 3000 something02:55
BaralabiteDangit, the website didn't fall for it :/ Maybe IRCd will :}02:55
rgenitoi believe it's the "concentrator series" from cisco02:55
kunjirgenito: prepare your resume and put in your two weeks notice02:55
yekomsBaralabite, how are you testing this proxy? you can use my site to tell if its transparent or elite status proxy02:56
yekomskunji, HAHA!02:56
BaralabiteI'm just using minecraftservers.net, which I know checks for proxies, I'd like to use your site if I can thanks02:56
rgenitono need for a 2 weeks notice...i'm just filling the spot for now02:57
yekoms http://blackness.sytes.net:81/?i=7 that will tell you if I can detect a proxy.02:57
icedteaAnyone know how to fix this? E: Couldn't download packages: python-minimal python2.7-minimal sysvinit-utils02:57
xmendesguys need help. ubuntu 12.04 starts on login screen . But when i put my login name and pass.. it come back to login screen.. but when i put to enter wich a guest .. it works fine..02:57
BaralabiteThanks mate02:57
icedteawhen running pbuilder create02:57
yekomsxmendes, sounds like your /home/user/ is broken.02:57
yekomscheck Xmgr log02:58
xmendesand how i fix?02:58
yekomsdepends on what exactly is broken.02:58
xmendesbroken how?? deleted?02:58
BaralabiteGah... "Proxy Detected! Real IP:" -_-02:58
XiaolinDraconisim copying and pasting home, would there be some symlink its following outside of the folder?02:58
rgenitoxmendes, perhaps something in that user's login is causing X to crash?02:58
yekomsBaralabite, your proxy is setup as a transparent proxy, you need to set it up for stealth.02:58
XiaolinDraconiscause skyrim.bsa should not be being processed.02:58
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
xmendesi was trying install nvidia drivers02:59
BaralabiteHow do I set it up for "stealth"?02:59
yekomswhere is skyrim.bsa located XiaolinDraconis ?02:59
xmendescould be that??02:59
yekomsBaralabite, i dont know, i dont setup proxies i just rape them LOL.02:59
XiaolinDraconisyekoms: on the partition i am copying home to02:59
BaralabiteAlso, would you be able to send me proxy.php, I just wanna check out the source02:59
BaralabiteIf not, that's fine02:59
yekomsone moment.02:59
iateadonuti just downloaded treesheets from the ubuntu software center - i hit alt-f2 and type in treesheets and see the icon, but can't run it by cliking the icon or through the terminal03:01
xmendesrgenito, if i delete xorg.conf .. fix?03:01
yekomsBaralabite, http://blackness.sytes.net:81/checkme.txt = proxy.php03:01
rgenitoxmendes, try it. back it up first of course :)03:01
xmendeswill try03:01
[x]what is cloud computing03:02
yekomsrgenito, why not just ask him to check his logs?03:02
rgenitoi thought you already asked him to do that? :)03:02
kamasi locked myself out of my ubuntu03:03
yekomsno.. :P03:03
rgenitowhattt who was that...03:03
kamasit is a usb bootable linux ubuntu03:03
yekomsthe log he needs is in /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log03:03
Baralabite404 :/ But don't worry, I got it anyway, blackness.sytes.net:81/code/src.php?i=checkme.php.src03:03
yekomsthere you go.03:03
kamasi just changed settings to 'no password" but now i am locked ot03:03
kamasanybody know why or how to fix?03:03
yekomskamas, have you tried logging in as root VIA terminal from ctrl+alt+f2?03:03
evoke[x]: hype? More seriously though, services you usually get on the desktop/from a server, provided by someone else's server farms.03:03
rgenitoyekoms, good idea03:04
kamasno i havev not03:04
yekomson the login window, hit ctrl+alt+f2 it will switch you to a login terminal, try root/passwd.03:04
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:04
kamasok, then will i be taken to the normal ubuntu screen?03:04
yekomsthen reset your password for user. or change the settings you set before this problem kamas03:04
yekomsL3top, read, i gave a example. i wasnt guessing.03:05
[x]evoke: free services for cloud computing available ?03:05
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yekomskamas, yo get back to GUI hit, ctrl+alt+f6 i think ?03:05
yekomss/yo/to *03:05
BaralabiteLol l3top03:05
yekomsi know better then to guess :)03:06
yekomstoo *03:06
bradyok when im setting keyboard shortcuts, apparently it doesnt consider a button on my mouse as a key03:06
kamasi dont know anything about linux03:06
ner0xDifference in chromium-browsers and google-chrome is? Seems to just be the version. 20 vs 22.03:06
BaralabiteCtrl + alt + f6 gets you to tty6, or terminal03:06
sycho123321chromium is open source03:06
L3topyekoms: you gave advice to try and log in as root. That won't work. Perhaps you should take your own advice and click the link.03:06
kunjiYou can use a live cd to set the root password if you need to, though I forget the exact method, or to add yourself to the sudoers file.03:06
bradyat least that is how it appears, trying to assign some extra buttons on my mouse to control the volume on my system03:06
wilee-nilee[x], Not a ubuntu question, but here is one link from a simple google search using your question. http://nanospeck.hubpages.com/hub/Free-Cloud-Computing-Services-Software-Providers03:06
BaralabiteYou can press CTRL+ALT+F1/6 to get from tty1/6, or terminal03:06
sycho123321Is there a linux alternative to air parrot.03:07
psusikunji, don't need a livecd for that, rescue mode works03:07
yekomsyou cant login to a terminal as root?03:07
sycho123321sudo -s03:07
Baralabitesudo su03:07
evokeyekoms: ctrl-alt-f7 for X03:07
sycho123321yes you can03:07
kamasso i can type in: root, then root again?03:07
sycho123321no sudo -s03:07
yekomsif your using a LiveCD, do mount --bind /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount --bind procfs /mnt/; chroot /mnt03:07
[x]ok wilee-nilee , thanks for your mighty help03:07
kunjipsusi: that's true, but not all grub installs have the rescue mode, it would depend what version and which distro.03:08
ner0xsycho123321: That's the only difference?03:08
[x]i could not find good one so need this help03:08
wilee-nilee[x], Lots out there I think. ;)03:08
L3topsudo -s will give a logged in session root priveledges... that is not the same as logging in as root.03:08
yekomsi can hit ctrl+alt+f2 and use my root login and gain access.03:08
psusikunji, since this is #ubuntu, we can assume we're talking about Ubuntu, which does have it03:08
BaralabiteWell, it's pretty close to it :P03:08
BaralabiteAs close as I think you can get to it03:08
kunjipsusi: The current version does03:08
sycho123321Is there a linux alternative to air parrot.03:08
kamasok i will have to leave this room to try and fix my ubuntu03:08
BaralabiteI just recently got out of the terrible habbit of staying permanatnly in "Sudo su"03:09
yekomsi dont see how one can enter sudo -s at a terminal when its asking for a USERNAME.03:09
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts03:09
[x]ok wilee-nilee03:09
Baralabite... after accidently deleting the home directory03:09
yekomsi dont use sudo su for root, i use 'su'.03:09
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psusiyekoms, you log in as yourself first03:09
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sycho123321Is there a linux alternative to air parrot.03:09
L3topkamas: The proper way to do it would probably be to chroot from live CD and make the change.03:09
yekomspsusi, he forgot username's password. and needs to reset it.03:09
derpinzahem* does anyone know how to limit your canvas on MyPaint?03:09
yekomsL3top, i gave him the command to do just that :)03:09
psusithen you want rescue mode, choose root shell03:10
kunjisycho123321:is it just streaming the desktop?03:10
sycho123321ya i thik so03:10
yekomsmount --bind /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount --bind procfs /mnt/; chroot /mnt03:10
kamasL3top, i am logging in from a USB ubuntu thumb drive03:10
wilee-nileeBaralabite, Ubuntu is not designed to run in root, but there are linux OS that are, most of which are safer with a admin rot access account03:10
yekomsif sda1 is /03:10
kamasthe thumb drive saves the linux settings03:10
yekomskamas, you already on a LIVECD?03:10
kunjisycho123321: Hmm, oh, I guess it also supports desktop extension, so I guess it's doing a bit more03:10
BaralabiteI figured as much wille-nilee - that's why I stopped my terrible practice :P03:10
kamasi have it but have to reset this machine to get to it03:10
L3topyekoms: I believe that you must be misusing the term root if that is what you think you told him.03:11
yekomswhen i use the term root i mean ;gain root access via su/sudo/xlogin;03:12
kamaswhat do i type in to get that access?03:12
kamasfirst i do ctrl alt f2?03:12
yekomskamas, are you on a livecd?03:12
* evoke admits 'sudo bash' with some regularity03:12
kamasnot now, now i am on windows03:12
BaralabiteKams: You can type in from CTRL+ALT+F1 to CTRL+ALT+F6, and everything in between03:12
kamasbut my linux is on a USB thumb drive03:12
yekomswait, your linux system is installed to a USB drive?03:13
kamasyes, and i have it setup where it saves all settings, so all 4gb stay on the usb drive, if i unplug it and put it in another machine, all my settings and data are still saved on the drive03:13
evokekamas: lili?03:14
yekomsoh i cant help you with that..03:14
kamaswhat is lili?03:14
yekomsive never used a pendrive as a system drive.03:14
kamasoh , yes03:14
zeus_rishineed a help03:15
kamasyekoms it is probably exactly the same look03:15
kamasu wont notice a difference03:15
* evoke scrolls up for context03:15
kamasi think it should work the same way03:15
L3topkamas: from live cd, mount the drive. Then for just changing the password, You won't need to mount a bunch of other things... then sudo chroot /mounted/path then make the changes needed.03:15
yekomspendrives fail too much for my taste03:15
zeus_rishihow to cleanup boot space??03:16
yekomskamas, after booting your liveCD, type: mount --bind /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount --bind procfs /mnt/; chroot /mnt, then fix.03:16
zeus_rishiin ubuntu03:16
yekomsyou mean boot menu zeus_rishi ?03:16
kamasso i can type this?:        sudo chroot /mounted/path03:16
derpinzanyone know how to set MYPAINT without unlimited canvas?03:16
zeus_rishino when i start up my ubuntu it asks me to cleanup /boot03:16
kamasyekoms what will hapen after i type that?03:16
L3topkamas... you will replace /mounted/path with the path you have mounted the drive.03:17
yekomsyou'll be using the linux installed on /dev/sda103:17
[x]is there an any ubuntu based ssh shell ?03:17
meditatingfrogderpinz: if it's anything like gimp, it's under "image -> canvas size"03:17
yekomsbut your system is ON a usb stick..so it might be different.03:17
L3topkamas: if you are using a pen drive then it will not likely be on sda103:17
L3topkamas: sudo fdisk -l    will show you the connected drives.03:18
javierf_Hi! Someone can tell me how to upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 beta2? Thanks!03:18
yekomspeople love giving out03:18
yekomsoops, wrong window.03:18
xangua!12.10 | javierf_03:18
ubottujavierf_: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+103:18
BaralabiteI upgraded my server to 12.10. Bad mistake.03:18
yekomsLOL duh.03:18
yekomsmy server is ubuntu 8.04 :)03:18
BaralabiteNot because it's a bad OS... Just because it broke half my stuff :303:18
evoke[x]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for server03:21
[x]ok evoke \03:22
* Baralabite found out that mac has SSH built in - after which my sister's mac happened to shut down unexpectedly without cause...03:22
BaralabiteOr so she thought :}03:22
* evoke laughs03:22
evokeI hope they save on shutdown.03:23
yekomssycho123321 is asking people if they are on livecds so he can attempt a root :/03:24
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts??03:24
BaralabiteMeh, she  would have only been browsing anyway03:25
lukas_hey who was i just talking to03:26
XiaolinDraconiswhere in the home folder would sysmlinks to other partitions be?03:26
XiaolinDraconiscopying the home folder resulted in some weird results03:27
evokelukas_: we're not sure, but you're in the clutches of Ubuntu now.03:27
kunjiXiolinDraconis: umm... what's a sysmlink?03:27
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BaralabiteHey, anyone know what a port scanning command is?03:28
BaralabiteSay I want to scan for open ports on another computer on my network, can it be done from console?03:28
kunjinmap is a good one03:28
yekomsnmap -P host03:28
XiaolinDraconiskunji: symlink03:28
yekomsscans the first 10000 ports i think, or uses /etc/services03:29
XiaolinDraconiskunji: its kinda like a windows shortcut03:29
BaralabiteCommand not found... apt-get?03:29
kunjiXiaolinDraconis: ah, now I know what you're talking about :P03:29
BaralabiteApt-get doesn't work either03:29
BaralabiteLike, it fails on apt-get03:29
XiaolinDraconiskunji: you leave my typos outta this, im in a bad way right now, my system seems to have been hacked03:30
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts03:30
goddardgoogle chrome isn't loading a page for me but other browsers are03:30
kunjiXiaolinDraconis: I wouldn't have expected any of those in your home folder, yeah, sounds like things are a bit out of whack03:30
goddardanyone else having this issue?03:30
gr33n7007hapt-cache search nmap03:30
lukas_what issue03:30
BaralabiteNo goddard, sorry03:31
somsipgoddard: what page? Is there an error in the console (F12)03:31
L3topBaralabite: sudo apt-get install nmap... when you say things fail...03:31
Baralabitekk, thanks gr33n7007n03:31
Baralabite404 Forbidden L3top03:31
Mneumonicgoddard honestly I switched from Chrome back to Firefox recently (after using and loving chrome since it's release).  Recent versions of chrome have had all kinds of weird errors like that for me.03:31
Baralabite*403 Forbidden03:31
somsipBaralabite: it's 'apt get'03:31
Baralabitesomsip - I'm sure that's wrong...03:32
Baralabite'apt get'?03:32
BaralabiteIt's apt-get03:32
somsipBaralabite: erk - moment of madness. Ignore me03:32
evokeBaralabite:  cat /etc/*issue03:32
L3topBaralabite: 404? Have you done something to your sources.list?03:33
Baralabite403 Forbidden03:33
Baralabite'twas a typo03:33
Guest53879hey, anyone know how to detect my touchpad.  xinput --list command could not list my touchpad device.03:33
BaralabiteYup, still getting "403, Forbidden" on "sudo apt-get install nmap"03:34
BaralabiteI'll try doing a manual install03:35
gr33n7007hBaralabite, pastebin output03:35
L3topBaralabite: wait... something else is wrong... sudo apt-get update03:35
BaralabiteSorry, try that link again now, hadn't filled in anti-spam03:36
somsipBaralabite: try a different source03:36
Baralabitenmap installing!03:37
BaralabiteAfter an apt-get update03:37
yekomswe dont need to know the status of your installation03:37
Guest53879dmesg | egrep -i 'synap|alps|etps', command has no output.  anyone knows how i can to do?03:37
yekomstouchpad has issues..03:37
yekomsdoes it work at all?03:37
BaralabiteI was just confirming that it is working now yekoms03:38
gr33n7007hnmap -sV -sS -p1-65535 -O -A -n <host>03:38
Guest53879not working03:38
yekomsomg, thats VERY extensive eh gr33n7007h ?03:38
gr33n7007hyekoms, lol03:38
invincible1hello out there ... i am using Xubutu 12.04 . i am not able to access https web sites . i am connected to internet through DSL . if i connect through pppoeconf every thing goes fine .03:39
yekomsjust let him use the /etc/services file lol.03:39
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lukas_anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:39
kama1i cannot fix my ubuntu password problem03:39
kama1i got into the terminal03:39
BlackAngelPRguys i just use gparted and delete windows finally to install it on virtual but how can i tell ubuntu now to use all the hdd space XD ?03:39
kama1but i dont know what commands to use to change password03:40
yekomsthe command is 'passwd username'03:40
BlackAngelPRyou have a gui for passwd :P03:40
BaralabiteAFAIK you can get gparted to resize the ubuntu partition - correct me if I'm wrong...03:40
kama1then after that i can make a new password?03:40
kama1do i need to know the old password?03:40
BlackAngelPRyes kama103:40
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yekomsit should prompt you for a new password.03:40
yekomsyou'll need the old password if you type passwd username as nonroot.03:41
kama1ill try03:41
yekomsif you issue; passwd username as root you wont need the old password.03:41
lukas_anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:41
Guest53879yekoms:  you means  the touchpad hardware issues ?03:41
BaralabiteThanks, nmap works great03:41
kama1so it seems anyone can steal my linux and log in just by doing that?03:41
BlackAngelPR(>_<)  Gparted help expert anyone?03:42
gr33n7007hBaralabite, 6.02 latest03:42
yekomsGuest53879, yes, touchpad has some flaws..does your mouse show up in dmesg?03:42
yekomskama1, if they have access to root, then yeah they can.03:42
kama1how can i block access to root03:42
yekomsdont give anyone access to sudo via /etc/sudoers03:42
wilee-nileeBlackAngelPR, Take a screenshot of gparted, put it in a imagbin and state your problem in the form of a question.03:43
Guest53879yes, i use USB mouse now. touchpad is not working.03:43
yekomsthats about the only way i know of.03:43
BaralabiteThanks gr33n7007h, it's really working great, thanks for the help03:43
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sycho123321anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:44
BlackAngelPRmsg wilee-nilee   put it where? first part is done :P03:44
Guest53879Thanks yekoms.03:44
wilee-nilee!imagebin | BlackAngelPR03:44
ubottuBlackAngelPR: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.03:44
BlackAngelPRunderstood one minute03:44
RalliasWhat can I use to stream music from my homes music server to my cell phone?03:45
BlackAngelPRokay guys here is the image http://imagebin.org/23158903:45
BaralabiteI don't know exactly, what is the "OS" of the phone?03:45
BaralabiteVLC perhaps?03:45
yekomsuse vlc.. ;)03:46
BaralabiteI'm ignorant in such matters, but take a look at VLC03:46
yekomstheres a vlc app for android.03:46
BlackAngelPRalready deleted windows partition now i want ubuntu to take the entired space :p03:46
RalliasVLC doesn't run on my phone.03:46
gr33n7007hmplayer and nc03:46
yekomsthen i have no idea.03:46
RalliasCan I control that from my phone?03:46
BaralabiteI'd just take a look at vlc a bit more closely myself, but again, I'm ignorant in such matters03:46
sycho123321use tightvnc or ultravnc one of the works on android03:46
sycho123321anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:47
evokevlc has an arm distro03:47
Ralliasevoke An ARM7 distro, not an ARM6 distro.03:47
evokenot to wander too far OT03:47
evokewhoops; yes03:48
sycho123321anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:48
sycho123321anyone know any good linux mirroing to apple tv wirelessly03:48
BlackAngelPRmsg wilee-nilee  http://imagebin.org/23158903:48
sycho123321sorry did not mean two03:48
BlackAngelPRmsg ubottu http://imagebin.org/23158903:48
RalliasBlackAngelPR Is your / key broken?03:48
BaralabiteBlackAngelPR, Not sure if you know, but Ubottu is a bot03:49
L3topsycho123321: that is also not a coherent question... think about rephrasing it.03:49
wilee-nileeBlackAngelPR, You have to use a live cd of ubuntu of gparted move the extended sdb2 all the way to the left then do the same with the sdb5, you will ned to right click the partions to get the resize option, on the sdb2 do it on the left side of the panel where it lists the partitions as the area is this in the graphic part, Not sure why the swap shows unknown is this encrypted?03:49
wilee-nileeor gparted*03:49
n2iHi all!03:50
n2iI have some trouble with Network Manager services.03:50
evoken2i: have had trouble here too; what's up03:50
n2iThat is, it freeze my system everywhere start/stop it!03:50
wilee-nileeBlackAngelPR, as well I suspect you will have to reload the mbr to get this to boot, if you are encrypted I would get confirmation you can resize and still be good.03:50
XiaolinDraconissycho123321, what do you want03:50
n2iI've got this both on Gentoo and Ubuntu03:51
yekomsn2i, the network-manager applet?03:51
wilee-nileeBlackAngelPR, I don't PM, don't just assume people will. ;)03:52
evoken2i: and does it eventually unfreeze?03:52
yekomsi think hes got one or more wifi mgrs loaded. causing conflicts03:52
wilee-nileeevery PM turns into a gab fest, If I want to talk I will go to a bar.03:53
n2i_1Sorry, my network had been disconnected awhile03:53
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evoken2i: yekoms suggested you might have multiple wifi mgrs, does it eventually unfreeze?03:53
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BaralabiteWhat is X11 exactly (Mac), is it the equivalent of the X server?03:54
yekomsnetwork-manager locked my system up due to wifimgr that i installed.03:54
yekomsX11 is the X server.03:54
BaralabiteSo, an open port, which is X11 would be remove desktop?03:54
yekomsif you allow remote desktop sharing, yes.03:55
BaralabiteI've just scanned my mac, and port 6000 is open with the name X11 on it03:55
BaralabiteHmm, okay, thanks :)03:55
sycho123321does any body know any good linux to apple tv mirroring software03:55
yekomsyou can get the head of that port with NC or HEAD?03:55
Jordan_UBaralabite: Generally you do remote X through ssh for security...03:55
yekomsremote desktop uses 600003:55
lolgolflolI am newbie for ubuntu, I wonder if add size in partition root without reinstall.Can I do?03:55
yekomsor VNC port if your using that as backend.03:55
BaralabiteJordan_U okay, thanks, but it isn't my laptop, it's my sister's laptop... She just doesn't know I'm experimenting with it03:56
rhetthi, I just plugged in a dell 30 inch dvi monitor, I cI only get 2 resolution settings 2560×1600 or 1280x80003:56
rhetthow do I get something in between?03:56
yekomslolgolflol, is your slice logical or fixed?03:56
yekomsrhett, set the mods in xorg.conf03:56
sycho123321does any body know any good linux to apple tv mirroring software03:56
rhettwhen I tried using everett@rdk:/etc/X11$ xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync03:56
rhetteverett@rdk:/etc/X11$ xrandr --addmode DVI-0 "1680x1050_60.00"03:56
yekomsdont do that. use a pastebin.03:56
yekomsmaybe your TV dont support inbetween.03:56
rhetti could see the setting, but then it turned black when I tried to switch it03:56
lolgolflolyekoms, what are those?03:57
yekomsthen your video card, or TV wont support it.03:57
evoke!pastebin | rhett03:57
ubotturhett: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:57
yekomsfixed means you cant resize, logical means its unfixed partition, means you can grow or shrink it.03:57
somsip!who | yekoms03:58
ubottuyekoms: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:58
kunjilolgolflol: maybe, it depends on if you can shrink an adjacent partition or not, look at the documentation for gparted03:59
wilee-nileelolgolflol, You have a partitioned not a wubi, and what is your definition of root is it a seperate partition from home?03:59
yekomssomsip, i forget to hit the setnick button..:/03:59
Jordan_Uyekoms: Being logical vs primary doesn't determine if a partition can or cannot be resized.03:59
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yekomsfixed = must be resized on the low level end, which you end up losing all data.04:00
linociscohi I have a folder of 17 MB. I want to zip or reduced to one file with size less than 5MB, is it possible?04:00
evokelinocisco: with text, probably. Binary files, mileage varies.04:00
Jordan_Uyekoms: You're using terms that, at least as far as I know, have no formal meaning in the area of partitioning.04:01
kunjiyekoms: logical vs. primary does not correspond with unfixed vs. fixed, I don't recall fixed having a defined meaning though04:01
lolgolflolthank you all.04:01
kunjilolgolflol: np, I would just recommend doing a backup before trying anything04:02
* wilee-nilee put yekom in ignore a while ago, it was not worth seeing the text04:02
yekomsfixed is a old term, i first learned of it when i was installing windows ME04:02
yekomsthen again, people used partition magic..04:02
linociscoevoke, yes. what ever. I would like to know how to compress to get minimum size.04:02
gr33n7007hzip -9 file file04:03
gr33n7007hthen file $file04:04
Jordan_Ulolgolflol: You can usually resize a partition to make it larger without resizing, how difficult it is (and how long it will take) can depend on many factors. If you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" we can give you an idea of what you can do with your specific configuration.04:04
kunjiyekoms: I don't think it's relevant here, as I don't think it exists anymore (the term that is, not really sure what it's supposed to mean, as I don't know any scenario where expanding would necessarily cause data loss, maybe it was jargon for partition magic didn't bother implementing a data preserving resize?).04:04
yekomsfixed means, 5GB will stay 5GB and cant be raised, or lowered. only way it can be changed is repartition via fdisk.04:06
yekomsbut this was years ago.04:06
yekomswhen using the wubi.exe when using the guided selection, how does it part the drive?04:07
kunjiyekoms: hmm, that would be situational I would guess though, based on other factors, like whether or not there is adjacent free space?  That is, I don't think it would be a property of the partition itself, but of the methods available for modifying it.04:07
Bing-sduanybody use amsn04:07
kunjiyekoms: I believe the wubi.exe does not part the drive, it runs inside of the windows partition04:08
yekomswhen XP came out i tried to grow my ubuntu slice, and i lost everything and i used a gpart guide.04:08
Bing-sdudoes it support video?04:08
yekomsthen how does wubi select a drive to part for linux?04:08
xanguaBing-sdu: no msn client except for the official one does04:08
Bing-sdubut it can't use video....i use 10.1004:09
kunjiyekoms: that's why I recommended a backup (but that loss is not the intended behaviour, gparted has improved quite a bit since then), and the wubi does not select a drive to part for linux04:09
Bing-sdumaybe version too old?04:09
yekomsthen when using wubi where is linux dropped too?04:10
yekomsremaining space of windows?04:10
kunjiyekoms: I believe the wubi installer creates a virtual drive for ubuntu (akin to what virtualbox does)04:10
yekomsthen how do you increase the size of ubuntu virtual drive?04:10
Bing-sdui want video talk with other,but it implies version not support04:11
Jordan_Uyekoms: Wubi creates a file within the Windows filesystem (in C:\\wubi\disks\root.disk if I remember correctly).04:11
kunjiyekoms: There is a maximum size, but the file is resized on the fly until it reaches that04:11
yekomshow do you change the file limit?04:11
yekomsafter you've used the windows ubuntu installer?04:11
Jordan_Ukunji: No, it is not resized on the fly. The size is set when the file is created.04:11
kunjiAh, thanks for the correction Jordan_U, I was thinking it would be like the default virtualbox ones, my bad04:12
kunjiyekoms: you probably can't change it after installing then04:12
Jordan_Uyekoms: You follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeandDuplicateWubiDisk and it can also be done in-place, though I haven't ever seen any documentation explaining how to do so.04:13
yekomsi think i understand the wubi a little better.04:15
J11after changing partitions, how can I make sure the MBR of sda points to the grub /boot of sdc2?04:16
BaralabiteHmm.. This is working well.... I've made a script that detects all computers on the network, next part is add them to the ACL of the router if they should not be on the network...04:16
Baralabitecan you ssh into routers? I hear most routers run linux...04:17
yekomsyou can if your router supports openwrt.04:17
Jordan_UJ11: Re-run grub-install (how you do that depends on your current situation). Are you currently booted from a LiveCD/USB?04:17
J11yes from a livecd04:18
yekomsthen it should be install-grub /dev/sdc204:18
yekomsor chroot to the sdc2 installed linux and issue install-grub, then select the drive VIA bios.04:18
J11but would that install the MBR in the sdc disk or the sda disk?04:18
BaralabiteCan you boot a computer from a network?04:18
gr33n7007hthe most knowledgeable in the room are actionParsnip, L3top Jordan_U IdleOne  just to name a few keep up the good support ;)04:18
BaralabiteLike physicallyy disconnect them without the router?04:18
yekomsJ11, depends, what harddrive is selected to boot when PC power is turned on?04:19
BaralabiteWell, not pysically, I mean, can you kick them from wifi04:19
J11the sda one04:19
Jordan_Uyekoms: No, it would most definitely not be "install-grub /dev/sdc2" not even close. Please don't simply try to guess commands / advice, or if you're doing so at least make that clear.04:19
Jordan_UJ11: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot is my preffered method.04:20
rsserhi, I'm running ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.2.x.x when I write the command hwinfo --framebuffer I'm getting this error message: > hal.1: read hal dataprocess 10559: arguments to dbus_move_error() were incorrect, assertion "(dest) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))" failed in file ../../dbus/dbus-errors.c line 282.04:20
rsserwhy ?04:20
rsserhow to fix it?04:20
yekomsgo ahead Jordan_U, if i was using a liveCD i would mount --bind where i wanted grub to be, then do install-grub.04:21
Jordan_Uyekoms: The command is "grub-install" and the device argument that you pass to grub-install specifies where grub's boot sector should be installed, it does not specify where the boot partition is. You were wrong in multiple ways, and installing grub's boot sector to a partition often leads to users accidentily overwriting their Windows bootloader. It was bad advice, please be more careful in the future.04:23
yekomsi dont expect people here to be using ubuntu along side windows, and if they are, they should state its a dualboot. and if they are dual booting they cant be using windows loader can they?04:24
duhamelim dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu 12.04 with windows bootloader04:25
yekomsguess people like windows due to its user friendly setup.04:25
BlackAngelPRvirtualizing windows 7 on ubuntu will allow you to play games ? did some one had try this yet XD ?04:25
BaralabiteWhat's wrong with it?04:25
BaralabiteBlackAngelPR, using VirtualBox or Wine?04:25
yekomsBlackAngelPR, Wine or VBox?04:26
BlackAngelPRi just delete windows 7 from my other part microsoft dont play well with others04:26
BaralabiteI can play Age of Empires3 using Wine, but if you install windows7 inside birtualbox, you can do pretty much anything04:26
BlackAngelPRvirtual box04:26
yekomsvirtualbox sucks for gaming..04:26
BaralabiteIt should work fine with VirtualBox, mybe a bit slower04:26
BlackAngelPRwell what computer do you guys and girls have? LOL04:26
L3toprsser: that error occurs with all commands from hwinfo. you can follow a command with 2>/dev/null if you don't want to see it... but it is not unique to you...04:26
BaralabiteSince you are running 2OSs at once instead of one, it slows the computer down for both04:26
BlackAngelPRi gues depends of the specs right?04:26
yekomsi can never get it to run smooth, and i got a 8 core 3.1GHZ with 16GB of ram, and it runs like 16bit with 255mhz with 16mb of ram.04:27
BaralabiteIf you have a computer with  16GB of ram, and give 8GB to VirtualBox, you probably wouldn't have an issue04:27
msmith0957Hey, I'm having some strange problems with my wifi card. It works fine in W7, but for some reason on ubuntu, I can only get ipv6 to work; no ipv4 address. ie. the web more or less doesn't function :/04:27
BlackAngelPRstill i want windows out of my computer it gives lots of problem like halting etc when use in dual boot it get my nervs04:27
BaralabiteWell, the web AFAIK relies on ipv4, if that's not woorking...04:27
yekomsBaralabite, i gave my windows vbox img 100% usage and it didnt work right. all i wanted to play was UT200404:27
gr33n7007hyekoms, thats shut fly out the roof04:27
BaralabiteWell, again, I'm ignorant, I don't play many (if any) games04:28
duhamelI was wondering how i would go about updating gMTP 1.3.1 to 1.3.3 as it is not in the software center.04:28
yekomsgr33n7007h, do what?04:28
duhamelany help would be greatly apreciated04:28
yekomsi play games on the xbox..but im getting off topic. ill wait for issues before i speak again.04:28
msmith0957Baralabite: some sites are working, but anything requiring SSL is a no-go for the most part. ifconfig shows only ipv6 address, not getting ipv4 address at all04:28
L3topwhat is the hardware msmith095704:29
BaralabiteWell, again, I'm ignorant :P I'm only 14 after all!04:29
BaralabiteI know very little about Ubuntu04:29
user4 does anyone know if the firefox 16 in synaptic has the critical vulnerabilities or if it's been patched?04:29
yekomsuser4, check the changelog.04:29
BlackAngelPRuse chrome is faster any way XD04:29
L3topgiving 100% to vbox will make the host os unstable, including the vbox. It warns you about that.04:29
yekomsLOL ^^04:29
msmith0957L3top: this is a Intel N adapter, 5300 according to lspci. Its a Dell XPS 164004:29
BlackAngelPRtrue L3top04:30
yekomsL3top, i know that.04:30
user4yekoms mozilla change log?04:30
BaralabiteYes user404:30
yekomsi got a VPS that has access to 100% of cpu/mem.04:30
BaralabiteIt should mention of they change it04:30
yekomsand when its loaded, the system host NEVER has load.04:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:30
user4mozilla says its fixed but I don't know if the repo has the old version or patched version04:30
msmith0957yekoms: if the system host doesnt have any load, i dont think it could run the VM ;)04:30
Baralabiterepo? Which repo?04:31
IdleOneuser4: apt-get changelog package-name04:31
yekomsuser4, compair the versions of the repo and the changelog.04:31
BaralabiteIf it's the official repo, it should be patched methinks04:31
BlackAngelPRanyone had try 12.10 yet? and whats the deal with the option on the login to do remote?04:31
yekomsmsmith0957, my VPS is checking over 100 proxies a minute, would you like to see the system load of the VPS ? i'll bet you the uptime reports all 0.00's04:31
gr33n7007hlike gnome 2 to much04:31
duhameldoes anybody know of a relatively easy way of transfering files from my ubuntu machine to my Samsung galaxy s3 sd card?04:32
L3topare you trying to make it connect via N msmith0957?04:32
linociscoevoke, yes. what ever. I would like to know how to compress to get minimum size.04:32
yekomsduhamel, either FTP app, or USB cord. or mount the SDCard.04:32
BlackAngelPRget the sd card on your machine and just drag it what more easier than that?04:32
msmith0957L3top: nope, not 'trying' to, but its an N router, not sure how i can force my adapter otherwise04:32
msmith0957L3top: i could i suppose, force b/g from the router, but that defeats the purpose of having an N router !04:33
L3topThere is a known problem with that card and ubuntu... cannnot connect over anything other than G.04:33
duhamelftp is possible but not ideal. the problem is android 4.04 uses MTP instead of USM04:33
msmith0957L3top: link please ?04:33
yekomsi hope your wifi card accepts N..or set your router to b/g aswell04:33
yekomsmsmith0957, ^04:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701827 in Ubuntu "Intel wifi 5300 only using G not N" [Undecided,Invalid]04:33
blackshirtwhat is mtp ? Usm?04:34
L3topthats not the valid one...04:34
msmith0957yekoms: yes, it does N ;) and of course, N is backwards compat with b/g and in my case also a ;)04:34
BaralabiteNo matter how hard I try I have never gotten FTP working on my server reliably -_-04:34
duhameli don't have an sd card reader on my computer or i would use that?04:34
yekomsmsmith0957, have you tried compiling the windows driver for the wifi card?04:34
duhamelwhat about adb? would a push command work?04:34
yekomsBaralabite, try vsftpd then.04:34
BaralabiteI hhave04:34
Baralabiteseveral times04:35
msmith0957L3top: since i'm currently in ubuntu, i can't even view that page since their host doesnt have ipv6 lol04:35
BlackAngelPRany usb cable to your computer from the tablet then select on the android the option mount ?04:35
yekomsduhamel, adb requires USB cord.04:35
Baralabiteyekoms: I've tried PureFTP, vsftpd, proftpd, and more...04:35
Baralabiteyekoms: I know what the issue is, it's something to do with the permissions, and shell04:35
msmith0957yekoms: no.. dont quite understand what you mean by that. if its written for windows, i dont believe i can make it work in linux04:35
yekomswhat was your issue with vsftpd? install and edit /etc/vsftpd.conf and your done.04:35
yekomsyou can compile the drivers for linux with ndisgen.04:35
yekomsndisgen-gtk is the GTK front end for it msmith095704:36
Baralabitemsmith0957: You can make lots of windows apps work on linux04:36
L3tophttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1605338  there are several confirmed bugs on this... but all unassigned.04:36
J11Jordan_U: so, does the livecd being 32 or 64 bit matter like it said? And how do I find out which one my livecd is?04:36
msmith0957yekoms: but lsmod shows i'm using iwlwifi i believe04:36
BlackAngelPRBaralabite, what about file zilla server?  if you cant make it run its mostly because you dont know too much of ips etc it takes little practice04:36
L3topmsmith0957: ^04:36
duhameli get that dude. i have the usb hooked up. But Samsung Gs3 uses mtp so i can't transfer without gMTP 1.3.3 which i doin't have.04:36
BaralabiteBlackAngelPR: I didn't think it worked under ubuntu...04:36
msmith0957L3top: I'll take a look at those, gota boot into windows first :/ thanks04:36
BaralabiteEven with wine04:36
=== phix_ is now known as phix
yekomsduhamel, then install AndFTP on your tablet, and use ftp protocal.04:37
Chamunksanyone know if fglrx has a support irc?04:37
XiaolinDraconisim going to boot back into ubuntu, is there a way to figure what is creating the tmpfs?04:37
ChamunksI know not many people here know about it.04:37
duhameli don't have a tablet.04:37
XiaolinDraconisi checked fstab its not in there04:37
tr1tekhow do you enable the login gui?04:37
yekomsis it a phone duhamel ?04:37
BaralabiteI suppose I'll give FTp another shot... ;/04:37
researcherHow can this error be corrected? Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,04:37
researcher       missing codepage or helper program, or other error04:37
researcher       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try04:37
researcher       dmesg | tail  or so04:37
L3topChamunks: #ati what is your issue though?04:37
FloodBot1researcher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:37
yekomssame difference.04:37
phixtr1tek: for Ubuntu Desktop?04:37
yekomsjust install andftp and use the ftp protocall. i do my data mgnt like this duhamel04:38
ChamunksL3top, I have two saphire radeon hd 6850's in crossfire04:38
user4I see no mention of any critical bugs via apt-get changelog package-name. The Mozilla download page for Firefox still offers version 15 so I assume the current version of firefox in the repo is the unpatched version04:38
tr1tekyes desktop04:38
Jordan_UJ11: For this particular method, if the installed system is 64 bit then the LiveCD needs to also be 64 bit. If the installed system is 32 bit then either a 32 bit or 64 bit liveCD will work. You can find out if the system you're booted from is 64 bit by running "uname -m" in a terminal ("x86_64" means 64 bit, "i686" or "i386" means 32 bit).04:38
XiaolinDraconisi knew a guy named randy duhamel04:38
user4thanks for the help04:38
Baralabite... ... ... I just logged into FTP with my username and password, no quarms....04:38
duhameli don't want to use ftp because of data.04:38
researcherPlease help with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272579/   I want to recover data from older hard disk04:38
BaralabiteDidn't even change any settings04:39
ChamunksL3top, ubuntu does not recognize this video power and i want to know if its worth my time to bother trying to make it happen or just take the second card and throw it in an old box im using as a nas thats rarely accessed.04:39
phixtr1tek: It should be there by default, is this a fresh install? or have you updated it?04:39
phixduhamel: what does that mean? because of data?04:39
wilee-nileeduhamel, If you have 64 bit. https://launchpad.net/~quadrispro/+archive/backports/+build/358096704:39
L3topnot sure about crossfire Chamunks... best to check in #ati04:39
tr1teki tried o install a video card and i guess i messed up because now it shows the black screen with login04:39
XiaolinDraconissomething is creating a tmpfs file, how can i find out what that is04:40
tr1tekits a fairly new install had it for 3 months04:40
L3toptr1tek: what kind of video card?04:40
Baralabitevsftpd is working :D Didn't have to flip any settings or 'nutin04:40
phixtr1tek: ok you probably need to recreate xorg config files.  Reboot your computer, choose single / rescue mode, then choose the option to recreate xorg configuration04:40
yekomstold you Baralabite04:40
phixBaralabite: I like proftpd04:40
ChamunksL3top, yeah I imagined as much I'm basically looking for someone to say that no one really has any idea how to make it work reliably so i can justify making a gaming rig out of that NAS box for my girlfriend when she comes to visit because gaming with her mac and my linux makes gaming a constant up hill battle.04:40
XiaolinDraconishow do i check what network traffic is going on during the first couple minutes of boot?04:41
tr1tekok i'l give that a shot thanks04:41
BaralabiteIt was always a permissions problem, I know that much04:41
duhamelThanks so much wilee-nilee04:41
BaralabiteI must have gotten it working last time I was working on it, but forgot about it04:41
duhamelData charges phix04:41
phixChamunks: nope, linux doesn't make it an uphill battle, gaming companies do.  I have heard that steam is looking into created a linux port in the near future04:41
BaralabiteI tried loading steam under wine, didn't work too well :304:42
wilee-nileeduhamel,  here is the actual ppa. https://launchpad.net/~quadrispro/+archive/backports04:42
phixduhamel: ok, wouldnt you get that any way if you are transferring between a computer and your phone?  I am assuming that is what you are doing?04:42
Chamunksphix, you're exactly right but the combination between linux and mac is just impossible to find a release pirated or not to play together.04:42
Chamunksphix and what little time I have with her these days I would like to get down to some serious gaming together.04:42
duhamelthat allready worked it's done. thanks again wilee-nilee04:42
phixChamunks: not really, just run it in wine, I have had good success with many games that way04:43
Chamunksor why even have a gamer girlfriend in the first place right?!04:43
duhamelphix: not if im using a usb04:43
phixChamunks: heh, gaming hey, is that what you call it :)04:43
wilee-nileeduhamel, No problem I have a nexus 7 that was fine with the stock gMTP, lets see how this one works here.04:43
Chamunksphix, i guess wine has a mac client04:43
L3topChamunks: I believe it should work.  I see lots of older stuff on it.04:43
phixduhamel: ummm your phone have wireless? you have wireless setup in your house?  that wont cost you a thing04:43
ChamunksL3top, which crossfire?04:43
duhamelno wireless.04:44
ChamunksL3top, I just dont know why its just not working.04:44
XiaolinDraconissteam for linux is being beta tested right now04:44
phixChamunks: ummmm yeah, but there are other programs you can get for mac too plus native ports to it04:44
yekomsduhamel, then your only option left is mounting just the sdcard since usb dont work, and you dont have a wifi router.04:44
phixduhamel: setup wireless imo or just plug the phone in USB and enable mass storage mode on your phone, done04:44
Chamunksphix, not sure what else I'd call it.04:44
L3topChamunks: http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2336  its been working for years... can't imagine that they would have DROPPED the ability to use crossfire in linux without pheronix kicking up a hissy fit.04:44
phixChamunks: nm04:45
duhamelthere is no mass storage mode phix just MTP04:45
yekomswhat size is the card?04:45
Chamunksphix, sorry i didnt get the reference i suppose.  Ohhh yes hah well er herm04:45
Chamunksgaming yes gaming04:45
phixduhamel: MTP?04:45
phixduhamel: your phone have bluetooth?04:45
duhamelobviously you don't kow what's going on here yekoms.04:45
phixChamunks: heh04:46
duhamelyeah but my motherboard doesn't04:46
BaralabiteCan you make some sort of "Drop Box" thing for FTP on Ubuntu04:46
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
yekomsive never had an issue mounting a microSD card. but okay duhamel04:46
Chamunksphix its hard to read innuendo in a tech channel lol.04:46
yekomsexcept for microSD cards over 16GB.04:46
BlackAngelPR^^ wow this guys its making it impossible :p04:46
phixChamunks: I mean if I had precious little time with my girlfriend I would do other things besides gaming so I assume that was a euthinism :)04:46
yekoms!ot | Chamunks04:46
phixor innuendo, what ever it is called ;P04:46
ubottuChamunks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:46
phixyekoms: thnx <304:46
duhamelhave you ever had a mp3 or phone that only uses mtp, not ums?04:46
phixback to Ubuntu!04:46
BlackAngelPRtux kart is not even updated on the repos XD04:46
phixduhamel: no idea what MTP is04:47
yekomsi dont know what mtp or ums is.04:47
ChamunksI was waiting for someone to send me a !OffTopic notice04:47
duhamelmedia transfer protocol04:47
yekomsusb mass storage = ums?04:47
Baralabite*PSSST* lackAngelPR, use Nintendo 64 emulators for Mario Karts!04:47
phixwhat is mtp?04:47
duhamelIT WORKED wilee-nilee!04:47
phixthat the camera protocol?04:47
yekomsmedia transfer protocol04:47
Chamunksyayaya yekoms I'll hush I just want to know about crossfire in ubuntu04:47
phixyekoms: oh, ubuntu supports that04:48
yekomsi wasnt telling you to hush.04:48
wilee-nileeduhamel, col04:48
fnord`I'm looking for the udev rule that gets triggered when I plug in a USB mass storage device.. Anyone know what it is? I need the one that automounts it & opens nautilus, or just the first if nautilus is opened by some other foce04:48
yekomsyou just said it was hard to read Chamunks04:48
duhamelthanks again. bye.04:48
wilee-nileeno problem04:48
fnord`before you ask, I've read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto and several others04:48
Chamunksyekoms, oh no I have my irc set really nicely im just bad with picking up innuendo in a tech channel my brains too much in trying to comprehend mode.04:48
fnord`I'm able to set up my own rules, but I need to find the system's default rule and disable it.04:49
Chamunksphix yeah im trying to pack everything I can in trust me ... :P04:49
=== neil_63 is now known as Neil_948
BlackAngelPRanyone had done multi seat on ubuntu 12.04 yet?04:50
L3topChamunks: pm.04:51
BlackAngelPRbrb will do some partitions move ments :P04:51
phixChamunks: giggity04:53
msmith0957phix: goo!04:54
phixblackshirt: multi seat? as in multiple displays , keyboards and mouses to the same tower?04:55
BaralabiteIf you meant multiple monitors to the same tower, then I'm currently running ubuntu 12.04 with the nvidia x server, which has 2 monitors04:56
BaralabiteYou gotta love multiple monitors ;)04:57
XiaolinDraconisthats the tmpfs that mysteriously appeared05:04
MarconMhow i stop the xorg on ubuntu 12.0405:04
MarconMi need to install nvida05:04
steven-lightdm stop05:05
steven-in terminal05:05
Jordan_UMarconM: Why aren't you using the Additional Drivers utility to install the Nvidia drivers?05:05
MarconMjordan: ?05:06
MarconMJordan_U: ???? what u mean " additional drivers05:06
Jordan_UMarconM: The correct way to install Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu is to use the "Additional Drivers" utility, which you can get to by searching for "drivers" in the Unity search bar.05:07
MarconMit didn find my video card05:08
magn3tsOooh, I got one: `sudo service mongodb start` succeeds. `sudo service mongodb status` fails, and mongo DIES immediately after launching05:08
magn3tsThe kicker? THE LOG DIR IS EMPTY?! How? Why? Any thoughts? I don't know how to debug something w/o logs, lol.05:08
magn3tsAfter `service` appears to start mongo (it starts, but dies), `service [mongodb] status` reports "unknown serivce: mongodb"05:09
magn3tsnow how does that make any sense?05:09
Jordan_UMarconM: Do you have an onboard card as well (Nvidia Optimus)?05:10
MarconMJordan_U: yes05:10
MarconMnvidia 310m05:10
MarconMmarconm@marconm:~/Downloads$ lspci | grep -i nvidia05:10
MarconM01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M] (rev a2)05:10
MarconM01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)05:10
Jordan_UMarconM: Nvidia Optimus isn't very well supported currently (Nvidia doesn't officially support it on GNU/Linux at all, though there are third party tools to get it working).05:11
Jordan_UMarconM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation05:13
msmith0957space bar broken ?05:13
msmith0957that does sound serious05:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:13
Jordan_UMarconM: You're welcome. Note though that I haven't personally worked with Optimus configurations, or verified the soundness of those directions.05:14
steven-Jordan_U, http://i52.tinypic.com/2co0i08.png05:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:15
Jordan_U!ot | steven-05:15
ubottusteven-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:15
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: If you're referring to /var/run being setup as a tmpfs that is not unusual, and certainly doesn't indicate that you've been attacked.05:16
Aravothfinally got a true dual install going here!05:16
steven-i know, but bumblebee .. was just to easy, sorry05:16
XiaolinDraconis Jordan_U is,that,what,you,see,in,the,picture?05:16
AravothAnd Ubuntu is way more responsive installed this way as opposed to WUBI05:16
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, thats,normal?05:16
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Yes.05:17
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, it,wasnt,doing,that,a,day,ago05:17
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: The default for Ubuntu is to have /var/run be a tmpfs. I don't know why your file manager decided to start displaying this tmpfs mount, but it's perfectly normal for it to be there.05:18
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, it,did,make,boot,time,much,faster,but,memory,is,at,80%,on,startup,which,is,how,i,learned,it,was,happening05:18
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Also, in general your first reaction to something happening that you don't understand shouldn't be to think that you have been "attacked".05:19
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, the,sudden,creation,of,that,directory,and,it,including,networking,files,lead,me,to,that,line,of,reasoning05:22
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: The directory wasn't suddenly created, it has always been there.05:22
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, it,was,not,there,yesterday,and,my,ram,has,not,been,at,80%,during,startup,ever05:23
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: If that directory hadn't been there yesterday then your Ubuntu installation wouldn't have been able to successfully boot at all.05:24
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, based,on,what,you,stated,that,was,in,/var/run05:25
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, not,/run05:25
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: /var/run/ is a symlink to /run/.05:26
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Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: I am used to /var/run as /run/ is somewhat newer, so I said the wrong path out of habit.05:27
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, im,curious,as,to,why,it,started,either,caching,or,failing,to,release,the,cache05:27
magn3tsis your space key broken? yikes?05:28
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: As to that I have no idea. How did you determine that /run was using so much memory?05:28
dragomirHi everyone - quick question. I have a mb pro i5 running 8GB ram. I want to dual boot ubuntu. Should I do 32 or 64 bit?05:29
magn3tsI understand what WUBI is going for, but it almost makes things too easy05:29
magn3tsdragomir: 64bit05:29
magn3tsdragomir: 100% 64bit05:29
dragomirthanks magn3ts05:29
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, someone,here,asked,me,to,check,top,when,that,didnt,show,any,high,useage,they,suggested,i,may,have,a,tmpfs,being,used05:29
magn3tsWhat's Xiaolin's original prob/05:30
dragomirmagn3ts: do you have a suggestion on which version of ubuntu?05:30
dragomirwanting to get back into nix. Was a huge fan of fedora05:30
magn3tsdragomir: for that, I usually go "LATEST!!!!" immediately but with a Mac, you should check the Wiki.05:30
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Please pastebin the output of "df -h".05:30
magn3tsdragomir: the wiki has very good info on how well each mac works under ubuntu (down to the year revision, etc, etc)05:30
dragomirgreat info - thanks again. This is one of the main reasons nix is soo powerful. Always helpful and easy going community.05:31
dragomirthanks again everyone, until next time. Take care.05:31
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Also, please pastebin the output of "free -m".05:32
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, the,tmpfs,is,set,to,use,10%,its,maximum,is,195,i,boot,with,400Mb,cached,memory05:33
bsmith093i have a 300+mb block of text, that i want to grab the urls out oof, and paste, one to a line, in another file, any ideas?05:33
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: There is nothing wrong with cached memory, in fact it's a good thing.05:33
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, sudden,unwarranted,system,changes,are,disturbing05:34
XiaolinDraconis84 free not good05:36
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, the,second,pastebin,is,both,commands05:37
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Jordan_U!ram | XiaolinDraconis05:40
ubottuXiaolinDraconis: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html05:40
ghostnik11does anyone know how to fix the choppy video playback of 720p mkv video files, as when i use mplayer or vlc i get choppy images while trying to watch video05:41
aguaditohas to be your video card if you don't experience choppy playback in other os'05:41
aguaditoer, minus the don't05:42
aguaditousually it's xbmc that there's slow playback if anythign05:42
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i,understand,a,little,about,how,linux,handles,ram,the,problem,is,why,this,suddenly,started,happening,im,guessing,maybe,ureadahead,is,the,reason05:42
ghostnik11aguadito: i am using a nvidia geforce 6150 le and have the latest nvidia driver installed from their website05:42
aum__i am to configure plymouth , how can i Add "break=init" to the kernel command-line...05:43
aguaditoghostnik11,  you have any other os' dual booted that have played back stuff fine with that video gcard?05:43
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, my,system,has,been,in,use,for,2,months,this,issue,is,very,new,also,in,4,years,of,using,linux,this,has,never,happened05:44
ghostnik11aguadito: well mplayer plays but you clearly see the frames slow down as i am watching a futbol match at 720p, the file is on my hard drive05:44
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: ureadahead may be the reason, but really there is no problem here. /run is hardly using any memory, and you have a good amount of memory free (where "cached" memory is what most people would call free, as it's available to be used the moment it's needed).05:44
ghostnik11aguadito: using vlc it goes choppy and color changes and you see blue patches? its mind blowing to me, as i have never seen anything like it05:44
jlksdjflkjhello guys05:45
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i,did,enjoy,the,fast,boot,today,but,it,would,be,nice,to,find,out,why,changes,are,suddenly,happening05:45
ghostnik11aguadito: on this machine i have puppy linux installed but can't get to it as i didn't set up grub properly, on the external where the file is i have it partitioned with a ubuntu 8.10 (greatest OS ever) think i should try it off the 8.1005:46
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, ill,bet,a,dollar,no,other,user,here,has,1gigram,magically,caching,50%05:46
vadi2I've installed the piwigo package and it did all the configuration, yet when I go to localhost, I only see the apache index page. How do I access piwigo?05:46
wilee-nileeghostnik11, 8.10 is long end of life05:46
aguaditoghostnik11, i'm trying to figure out some way you can rule out certain things05:47
aguaditolike bunk drivers05:47
aguaditofx if you had windows dualbooted and no playback issues then it would be your driver 100%05:47
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: My machine currently has 2 GiB in cached memory. Basically every file that is ever read will be put into cache, so if more than a GiB is read, more than a GiB will be cached.05:48
ghostnik11wilee-nilee: it could be end of life, its still the greates OS ever and if its life ended, it will rise again and shake off the rigamortis05:48
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: It may be that before you had a process temporarily use a lot of RAM, which would have pushed out the cache. This may actually be an improvement.05:49
wilee-nileeghostnik11, THat me be your opinion but you have yet to mention a OS that is actually supported here.05:49
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: If the value of "free" + cached RAM hasn't signifigantly decreased, you don't have a problem.05:49
wilee-nileeas a delusional as it is05:49
mckinnleyIf I add a script to rc.local it should run on start up right?05:50
ghostnik11wilee-nilee: lol, fine i will try it via ubuntu 8.10 and see if it works, and when it does, i will come back and tell you that ubuntu 8.10 is still alive even though it might not be supported. aguadito i have a feeling it will work, ubuntu 8.10 is like a fail safe for me, it always gets job done when i am in trouble with anything relating to computers05:51
aguadito:/ ok05:51
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, it,has,changed,drastically,since,2,days,ago05:51
sasukehi guys, i have a bookmarks.html file i want to import it to konqueror webbrowser. Can anyone tell me how can i do this05:54
magn3tsWait, how is Xiaolin checking their ram?05:54
magn3tsIs it confirmed that there IS something using physical memory like this?05:54
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Do you understand that it may have changed for the better?05:54
magn3tsalso, I've been in and out of this room, sorry if I've missed something.05:54
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, yes,i,do,and,i,would,like,to,know,why05:55
XiaolinDraconismagn3ts, i,checked,multiple,ways,conky,plus,free,-m05:55
magn3tscan you give us the output of free (explicitly/verbosely)05:55
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Boot chart might give you some insight into your current boot, though I'm not sure how to figure out what was happening previously if nothing looks off now.05:56
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sasukehi , i have a bookmarks.html file i want to import it to konqueror webbrowser. Can anyone tell me how can i do this06:00
magn3tsThat looks like 425/977 MB of mem free, no Jordan_U ?06:03
magn3tsJordan_U: or am I reading that wrong?06:03
Jordan_Umagn3ts: That's correct. And I basically explained as much to XiaolinDraconis (before they left).06:04
magn3tsJordan_U: Yeah, I asked for the same reason you did and then explained (As I scroll up)06:05
msmith0957I've been doing some hunting trying to get my intel 5300 wifi n adapter to connect properly to my n router. my problem is that it cannot get an ipv4 address, while v6 is working ok. i found some interesting info in the syslogs that appears that my ipv4 requests are timing out. maybe someone here can help diagnose06:05
magn3tsJordan_U: hopefully they either saw it or come back. I kind of figured that was what's up, especially since nothing else was amiss. (Though, now I wonder about top... idk about top, but htop makes the memory util very obvious... likely, graphically so)06:05
msmith0957oh and.. i'd paste something, but i cant find a pastebin that works in ipv6 :/06:05
twitchie!git > [x]06:06
XiaolinDraconisyay for xmodmap, saves me from having to buy a new keyboard06:06
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XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, how much memory should this /run folder be using?06:08
XiaolinDraconisis there a way to see what files are being cached?06:09
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: 996K is certainly not much.06:09
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, right clicking properties tells me 220Mb are being used06:10
XiaolinDraconiswith 200 free06:11
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: That's not what "df -h" says, and is not possible as the limit on that filesystem's size is 196 MiB on your machine.06:11
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i know at times the properties dialog isnt always truthful06:11
XiaolinDraconis471 items seems accurate06:12
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: What specifically is concerning you at the moment? Because I and magn3ts both see nothing wrong.06:12
silv3r_m00nsometimes the printscreen button does not take a screenshot, like when a dropdown widget is open in some window, how to take screenshot then ?06:12
ghostnik11aguadito, I tried 8.10 and had problems now I turned on laptop that has dual boat with windows 7 and mint 13 to try06:13
aguaditoif windows doesn't play it right then something other than driver's are afoot06:13
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, mainly i just wanna know where this change came from, it wasnt like this during the last 2 months, and ive made no significant changes other than security updates06:14
Jordan_Usilv3r_m00n: You can open the GNOME Screenshot utility and have it take a screenshot after some number of seconds, during which time you can get the screen into the state you want to capture.06:14
ghostnik11Aguadito, yeah but this a different machine than what I was just on, this is a laptop and before I was on a desktop06:14
silv3r_m00nJordan_U: thanks06:14
Jordan_Usilv3r_m00n: You're welcome.06:14
aguaditoghostnik11, then what's the point?06:15
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Again, my guess is that you used to have something at boot which was taking up a lot of memory (probably more than it should have) but that is no longer happening (there is now *not* something eating up lots of memory). It's hard to tell though without having boot chart or other info from before.06:16
ghostnik11Aguadito, good point but I want to see if its the file or the driver like you said, if it plays in windows on laptop that means its the driver on desktop that's restricting playback06:18
aguaditobut they're two completely different video cards06:18
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, 2 boot time changes have been made, my wallpaper was changed and now lightdm is set to show a black wallpaper, and a stopped using a conkylua script06:18
aguaditoso you're not adequately narrowing down the issue06:18
mavericksamUbuntu 12.04 lightdm login screen reappears after proving correct password. Any help ?06:19
ghostnik11Aguadito, I think your perfectly correct because it works perfectly on laptop via windows. So I am back to step one06:20
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, ok, since i have a much more pressing concern ill least the case of the mysterious cache alone, i just need to destroy my windows partition for now06:21
aguaditobut your issue was on the desktop and to test whether that system's setup would play it on another OS06:21
aguaditonow basically all you've done is rule out the file being the problem which was low on our list anyway right?06:21
ghostnik11Aguadito, yeah06:22
ghostnik11Aguadito, will be booting back up desktop06:22
shankysv87i'm having a visual issue with ubuntu. it has happened before but was fixed after an update, suddenly i turn my box back on and its doing it again. Issue: text is showing up where some of the letters appear to be cut off at the top.06:23
shankysv87tho now thinking about it, last time the text was cut off (this is in every aspect of the system, doesn't matter of application that i load. All are doing it. but its not every time. just some of the letters get consistently cut off. ) but last time i did the update, a restart was required to continue. So i restarted. Trying that again. will report back the update when i get back.06:26
ghostnik11aguadito: i think my graphics card has ability to run 720p video because when i use movie player or gnome player i think is its proper name, the video plays but you see moments when the players are running their heart out and they almost look like slow motion06:28
shankysv87turns out, after a restart, its fixed. sorry to bother. have a nice night. Still curious as to why it is doing that sometimes tho.06:29
PadroniGood morning people06:29
shankysv87good morning Padroni06:30
PadroniI'm a 'buntu noob with some questions if there's anyone on that can maybe help?06:30
shankysv87describe the issue.06:30
vadi2I've installed the piwigo package and it did all the configuration, yet when I go to localhost, I only see the apache index page. How do I access piwigo?06:30
PadroniNo real Issue. I'm getting tired of fixing MS's software so I want to drop win7 and move to linux06:31
Padroniis there a way to import my Outlook data folder (with all my emails and stuff ) into whatever mail app is on ubuntu?06:31
Padronithat's the only real issue for me at this point06:31
shankysv87Thunderbird is the default email client.06:32
Padroniyeah i'm gonna swing it a miss on that - i hate thunderbird06:32
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ghostnik11aguadito: even looked this up just now: http://www.nvidia.com/page/gpu_mobo.html06:32
shankysv87that should help with configuring the client.06:33
aguaditoGhostnkill - your card certainly plays 720p06:33
pratzHello guys06:33
pratzis there any command line tool to convert dwg to image ?06:33
shankysv87Padroni, you have a wide variety of email clients available in the ubuntu software center06:33
magn3tsXiaolinDraconis: (Jordan_U) you really have no need to fear the cache man06:34
magn3tsNow the CacheMAN is an evil monster, beware, but cache itself is no biggie06:34
PadroniThank you, Shanky.  This seems to be what I was looking for.06:34
shankysv87if you find one that you prefer better, download it and then if you have questions, there is most likely a support page on the help.ubuntu.com site for more specific help06:34
ghostnik11aguadito: also just found out this about vlc and 720p = http://alikhan3.hubpages.com/hub/Solution-to-slow-Mp4-Playback-Problem06:34
ghostnik11aguadito: only thing the solution that person suggest, it seems from pics is for windows but that is interesting that vlc doesn't work well with low graphics card as the writer of that article pointed out. since my graphics i think would be considered on the low end and not a high powered graphics card06:36
pratzis there any command line tool to convert dwg to image ?06:37
shankysv87pratz, what are you using to create the dwg files in the first place?06:39
aguaditoghostnik11, if you have time and this issue concerns you enough throw on a windows partition and get to testin :P06:39
shankysv87usually in an CAD program, it has a tool built in to "export" and an option for image format instead.06:40
shankysv87pratz, if i have the name of the software you are using, i can find out if that option is available for you, otherwise i can continue to seek a viable converter.06:41
ghostnik11aguadito: i dislike windows, with a passion, also i figure it will work in windows, from google it shows that i am not the only person in linux universe with this issue but multiple people from different OS seem to have this problem or a similar problem like this06:43
Kartagiswhere can I adjust settings of screenshot tool (the one that takes screenshot when I hit PrintScreen)06:43
shankysv87Kartagis, click your windows looking key, and in the search type in "screenshot". Click on the program and it will take you to the settings area.06:44
aguaditoghostnik11,  try fiddling with hardware acceleration settings and stuff -- you may even find some modified driver that someone in the community has produced to fix such problems (unlikely but known to exist)06:44
wilee-nileeKartagis, You can actually use the tool.06:45
Kartagiswilee-nilee: I'm using that for a region06:45
ghostnik11aguadito: will do06:46
wilee-nileeKartagis, I would suspect you would have to get into the code.06:46
ghostnik11aguadito: thanks for the help06:46
shankysv87Kartagis, click your windows looking key, and in the search type in "screenshot". Click on the program and it will take you to the settings area.06:46
Kartagisshankysv87: is that the same as the one when I hit PrintScreen?06:47
shankysv87its the other part of that software.06:47
shankysv87if you press the printscreen button, it will save your screen, if you go like i instructed, it will be the settings area for that06:47
XiaolinDraconismagn3ts, i dont fear it anymore Jordan_U has put my mind at ease, it just bugs the hell outta me that changes have been made without authorization06:48
XiaolinDraconiswhere can i check and see what type of memory i have installed? i wish to upgrade it next week06:49
Kartagisyay! if I once use that tool and uncheck "include the pointer" and take a screenshot, the setting is saved. that's what I was looking for06:49
pratzshankysv87: those are just dwg file created by autocad06:49
pratzshankysv87: i have no idea about autocad , just need to convert dwg files into images (jpg, png, etc ..)06:50
krababbelpratz: seems vector converters do that06:50
shankysv87pratz, do you have the autocad software installed somewhere?06:50
TJ-XiaolinDraconis: "sudo dmidecode"06:51
BlackAngelPRguys i finally installed ubuntu 12.04 alone in the whole disk but i have grub showing up ,,,, had edited a line but still appears any idea?06:51
BlackAngelPRhere is the grub code06:51
BlackAngelPR# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update06:51
BlackAngelPR# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.06:51
BlackAngelPR# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:06:51
BlackAngelPR#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'06:51
FloodBot1BlackAngelPR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
TJ-XiaolinDraconis: "sudo dmidecode -t memory" is specifically about the memory installed06:52
TJ-!pastebin > | BlackAngelPR06:52
shankysv87Kartagis, glad i was able to help06:52
TJ-!pastebin | BlackAngelPR06:52
ubottuBlackAngelPR: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:52
XiaolinDraconisTJ-, thanks06:53
BlackAngelPRguys can you take a look of this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272696/06:53
BlackAngelPRi am trying to make grub not even show06:53
BlackAngelPRsince Ubuntu its the only OS06:53
msmith0957so, been trying to debug my wifi card.. and it seems like the only thing i can find is that a lot of people reported it worked in some old kernel, and broke in recent builds06:54
msmith0957how should i go about getting said kernel version and trying it ?06:54
TJ-BlackAngelPR: The way GRUB works is, it saves a flag saying the PC started and  shutdown successfully. If that flag exists the grub menu won't show, if the flag doesn't exist, it will show the menu. Sometimes, the place that flag is written to (GRUB ENVIRONMENT) - which is a file - can't be written to by GRUB so the flag doesn't get saved06:55
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Jordan_UBlackAngelPR: Can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv?06:56
msmith0957i think i basicaly want to get the kernel from lucid, and see if my wifi driver magicaly begins working06:58
Jordan_UTJ-: You have it a bit backwards, if the flag exists then the menu *is* shown. Also, grub writes the flag, and /etc/init.d/grub-common clears it.06:58
msmith0957is this doable ?06:58
Jordan_U!pm | BlackAngelPR06:58
ubottuBlackAngelPR: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:58
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BlackAngelPRTJ and Jordan the file /boot/grub/grubenv  had nothing06:58
BlackAngelPRonly the header followed with # nothing else06:59
TJ-Jordan_U: Actually no. I met the issue on a device recently. If the GRUB environment has never been written (because the device it is supposedly on is read-only) the GRUB menu would repeatedly show.06:59
BlackAngelPR(-_^) little confusing07:00
elixeyis there a way to undo the last install of software i ran qith apt-get07:00
BlackAngelPRsince grup its just to tell where to boot from only right?07:00
elixeyall the files listed in the apt-get history.log file that got installed as  aresult of my  apt-get command07:00
TJ-I'll see if I can find the bug report... but I have to rush out in a few minutes07:01
yekomselixey,  you can do dpkg -S *, and grep todays date or the day of the install maybe.07:01
shankysv87elixey, what was the apt-get command you used last?07:02
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elixeyshankysv87,  apt-get install apparmor apparmor-docs apparmor-profiles apparmor-notify apparmor-utils07:03
yekomsthen why not just remove the install word, and use remove inplace?07:03
elixeyit installed a bunch of gui related stuff on a sever07:03
elixeyremove inplace?07:03
ghostnik11aguadito: its funny if i make mplayer smaller, it seems the video stops the lag when playing 720p07:03
yekomsyeah, apt-get install, change to apt-get remove apparmor apparmor-docs apparmor-profiles apparmor-notify apparmor-utils07:03
shankysv87"sudo apt-get remove apparmor apparmor-docs apparmor-profiles apparmor-notify apparmor-utils"07:04
yekomsshankysv87, he wants apparmor, just none of the GTK crap.07:04
yekomshe installed GTK software on a server, which dont have X, well didnt have it but it does now lol.07:04
aguaditoghostnik11 - it's just your video card is shitty on ubuntu i suspect07:05
aguaditoi.e., no proper drivers (typical unfortunately)07:05
elixeylook at all the stuff that got installed as a result of my last apt-get  http://pastie.org/503374507:05
ghostnik11aguadito: yeah but i am using the latest drivers from nvidia, not ones from repos, but nvidia site07:05
ghostnik11aguadito: i will check if i have acceleration enabled in xorg file07:06
aguaditoghostnik11 - i have nvidia as well and i can tell you some people have had to roll back drivers to get things to work, others have had to modify drivers, all kinds of crazy stuff07:06
aguaditoi had to disable hardware acceleration to get flash videos to stop having screwed up colors07:06
elixeyi dont think using apt-get remove will remove all of what got installed guys07:07
shankysv87elixey, try "apt-get autoremove"07:07
foobArrris there a way to have synaptic's "Generate package download script" function also include dependencies?07:08
elixeyi think i'll parse the list from /var/log/apt/history and remove everything manually07:08
nikos_hi all. can any help me to solve why my ndiswrapper cannot scan wireless netrworks?07:09
wilee-nileefoobArrr, You can make a list of everything installed with dpkg --get-selections > installed-software07:09
wilee-nileeand using dselect it all with dpkg --set-selections < installed-software07:10
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shankysv87foobArrr, do you have the repository for the dependencies? if so it should work something like "sudo add-apt-repository repositorystuffhere"07:13
shankysv87that should add your dependencies into your update list so when you update your system, it will check for updates there as well.07:14
nikos_sudo ifdown wlan0 returns : interface wlan0 not configured. how can i configure it?07:16
vadi2Perhaps your system uses a different interface for wirelss?07:18
ghostnik11aguadito: i got it to not lag while playing 720p video using smplayer and using the options: allow hard fram drop and skip loop filter for HD videos, i also did a audio/video synchronization option in audio as now my video moves but audio isn't keeping up a couple milli secs ahead of video maybe 1 or 207:18
vadi2Is your wireless working at all?07:18
shankysv87nikos_, what do you get when you enter "iwconfig" into command?07:18
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ghostnik11aguadito: will play more around it, tommorow as its 3 am in morning where i am, thanks for the help again and have a good night07:20
nikos_iwconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272720/07:20
shankysv87nikos_, i'm researching, one moment please07:22
nikos_ok. thanks a lot.07:23
grendalok i need to build a port mirror device07:24
extropycan anyone tell me if my wireless card just fried itself out: clicked "Disable Wireless" because I was on an airplane ... now it's gone ... dmesg says "BIOS says wireless lan is blocked ..." .... wtf?!?!07:25
extropyno wlan0 in ifconfig ... no option to "Enable Wireless" in nm-app07:26
yekomsextropy, do you have a on/off switch for wifi?07:27
shankysv87nikos_, in command, please use lspci and provide me with the readout via pastebin07:27
yekomsextropy, well if BIOS is saying something about wireless, what does BIOS show for wireless?07:27
extropywent I went into my BIOS wireless has literally been disabled07:27
extropy... as if I'd gone into the BIOS and disabled it myself07:28
yekomsdid you re-enable it?07:28
extropysure did, still nothing07:28
shankysv87extropy, try in command "sudo modprobe"07:28
EaglemanDoes Ubuntu haves GPT support in kernel ?07:28
extropyjust went back into the bios, disabled again07:29
extropyI'll try the modprobe07:29
yekomsive never seen this behavior before.. :(07:29
shankysv87modprobe will require you to also identify the driver.07:30
shankysv87for example, i use the b43 driver for my wireless.07:30
extropyalso I seem to always have a problem with my fonts rendering incorrectly07:31
shankysv87so for me to enable wireless would be "sudo modprobe b43"07:31
extropylike if an "A" looks screwed up ... all of the "A"s look identical, but screwed up07:31
shankysv87mine was doing that earlier. i found a restart fixed it.07:31
EaglemanDoes Ubuntu haves GPT support in kernel ?07:31
shankysv87unsure why it does it07:31
extropyit stopped doing this until I updated to 12.1007:31
yekomsthats why ;X07:32
extropyno wait, think this one is still 12.0407:32
extropyno idea then ...07:32
yekomsyour on a system that is in RC stage..so expect those.07:32
extropyhad the same probably in 11.x07:32
Elwood123Eagleman: it should. The kernel should be the same regardless of distro07:32
nikos_shankysv87: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272733/07:32
yekomsive never seen it. have you tried reloading the wifi module?07:32
extropywhy do I get the feeling that with each ubuntu release cycle old buggy apps that have already been fixed ... end up needing to be fixed again?07:33
EaglemanElwood123 i have to be sure becuase i am trying to set up a 3 TB disk07:33
enycEagleman: good questions ubuntu seems to be like that of late07:33
yekomsLOL, extropy that happens with EVERYTHING.07:33
extropyit's like the reverse of fixing your code in subversion only to find out one of your co-workers already fixed it07:33
enycextropy: good questions ubuntu seems to be like that of late07:33
yekomsif people didnt fix what isnt broken, we'd be okay. buuuuut depends update so they have to catch up to use whats out..endlesscycle();07:34
Elwood123extropy, why the fuck are you using subversion?07:34
extropyinstead of having it fixed before you applied your own patch ... your co-worker breaks it again just for "the lulz" ever time you fix it07:34
nikos_shankysv87: this my chip: Ethernet controller: InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g07:34
yekomsi use subversion for checkouts..07:34
extropyElwood123: I don't, ever. I was just making fun of it actually ...07:34
Elwood123and Eagleman, yea, wiki says it supports gpt. If your using lilo, then your fucked, but if you use grub, your good07:35
IdleOne!language | Elwood12307:35
ubottuElwood123: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:35
extropybut this is impossibly frustrating ... swear to god I'll have to wipe my netbook completely just to get my wireless back ... and all I did was disable it with an app? how is ubuntu interacting with the BIOS?07:35
extropyI feel like the chinese have disabled my flight-deck computer remotely with some rogue satellite constellation no one knew about and the whole thing is going down in flames ...07:36
yekomscheck if the app is still disabling it?07:36
grendalhas anyone built a port mirror on ubuntu...07:36
yekomsor purge the app completely07:37
extropyand I'm sure it's no coincidence that I never remember my touchpad being this crappy ...07:37
grendaleverythign i have tried so far has failed..and im a little frustrated07:37
extropydid X-rays from my flight just screw up all my hardware?07:37
enycextropy: no but static can do that to touchpads  if bad, i think07:37
tmbaoi tried to create a new file with name "password.pas" in my disk drive07:38
tmbaobut i got this error07:38
enyctmbao: hello ;-) ...  'just ask' a clear well worded question... no nede to ask to ask etc.07:38
extropyI get this weird feeling that whatever software is responsible for controlling my wireless software needs root privvies to tweak the wireless and doesn't have them ... but that's purely a guess based entirely on intuition here07:38
grendalextropy, wherethe hell are you?07:39
extropy*wireless hardware, rather07:39
shankysv87extropy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:39
tmbaoi got this error when i tried to create a "password.pas" file : "sorry, could not rename "untitled pascal solution.pas" to "password.pas": Error renaming files: input/output error07:39
tmbaohow can i fix it?07:40
nikos_shankysv87: have you find anything?07:40
extropyit's a good thing I brought more than one computer with more or I'd be totally screwed07:40
fankhhi guy. i have lenovo s205 installed Ubuntu. but wireless is not working so i searched internet and try it. but i couldn't fix. :( is there anyone can fix it???07:40
enyctmbao: does that file already exist?  are you trying to write to a readonly device?    does the 'dmesg' kernel messages give indication of disk errors ?07:41
extropymy wireless was working this morning07:41
tmbaoit's not exist07:41
enyctmbao: ^ see questions 2 and 307:41
shankysv87nikos_, sorry i send your answer to someone else by accident, try looking over this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:41
extropyon transoceaning flight later ... toast >.<07:41
shankysv87it will try and use the windows version of your drivers to get it working. seems like this is the only solution at the current time.07:42
extropythis seems like a pretty simple bug to report "I disabled wireless and it never came back" ... can't really explain it any better than that07:42
tmbaoOh, no, it had existed , but today, it disappeared :-<, i tried to recreate it and got this error07:42
enycextropy: include versions (ubuntu!) and wireless hardware  in your report07:43
L3topctoveloz_br: we see you typing test.07:43
enyctmbao: humm onto waht menium ?07:43
ctoveloz_br[L3top]: auto translate for mirc07:43
extropyenyc: word07:43
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:44
tmbao<enyc> umm, sorry i don't know what is menium?07:44
enyctmbao: sorry i mean  medium -- e..g. are you writing onto a usb-stick  or your home-directory on hard disk?  etc.07:44
nikos_i have already opened this page but i didnt find something about sanning issues. the driver is installed. the wireless is ticked. i gave to /etc/modules the command to start ndiswrapper everytime the system starts but i cannot scan any wireless network. that's the point. any idea? i am close but...07:45
tmbao<enyc> yup, i tried to create in my ntfs disk drive (with ntfs-3g installed)07:45
tmbao<enyc> if i create this file with another name, there is no error, so i think may be it still exists, but i can't see it07:46
shankysv87you might have to disable the driver and re-enable it.07:46
shankysv87typically that will reset the hangup it might be having.07:46
enyctmbao: its hard to explain here...  debiug...  test the ntfs- usb-stick on another machine, etc.07:47
hot_wheelzanyone know how to fix dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 23256 package 'odbcinst1debian2:i386': mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)07:47
extropyso running running "rfkill list all" shows that the Wireless LAN is "SoftBlocked" hasn't anyone ever heard of ... iwconfig? why is "softblock" even a thing?07:47
wodimhi, what's the sources.list for jaunty?07:48
hot_wheelz12.10 beta 107:48
extropyok, so it is still 12.04 LTS07:48
enycwodim: it bmight have moved to archives... no longer supported...   install lucid10.04 or later ?07:48
wodimi prefer not to do that07:48
tmbao<enyc> ok, but i think this problem because of my harddisk's error (maybe), how can i check it?07:48
wodimah found it07:49
enyctmbao: above, i told you to look into  'dmesg'   kernel messages for clues07:49
KartagisJapanese keyboard layout doesn't type no as one symbol. for a solution, should I install ibus or scim?07:49
EaglemanCan i use ext4 with parted?07:50
shankysv87nikos_, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"07:50
extropyok, so "rkill unblock 0" fixed my problem ...07:50
extropy0 being my wlan007:50
nikos_shankysv87: ok. i gave it. what next. logout/restart or nothing?07:51
extropybut that completely blows my mind that "Disable Wireless" removes anything wireless related from the networkmanager applet07:51
shankysv87what was the result of the command?07:51
tmbao<enyc> sorry, it's is my oppinion, here is anything when in 'dmesg' http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272750/07:51
shankysv87it should have printed a response.07:51
extropything I'll just put slap 12.10 Beta on this netbook and hope this never happens again ... o.O07:52
nikos_shankysv87  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272756/07:52
shankysv87nikos_, and is it still configuring or has it begun looking for the next command?07:53
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
tmbao<enyc> additional infomation: when i tried to delete the folder which i tried to create the file "Error when getting information for file '/media/Data/Dropbox/SCH/PASSWORD/password.pas': Input/output error"07:55
nikos_i didnt logout/restart. everything looks like it was before the command07:55
shankysv87nikos__, unfortunately, that exceeds my ability to diagnose your issue. I would try to post a topic on the ubuntu help forums and wait for an answer.07:57
Eaglemanmkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB is not suggested by gparted any idea why?07:57
nikos__wireless networks are 'gray' and no networks can be scanned. but the wireless connection is 'ticked'. does this mean that the driver works but it cannot just scan or does it mean that it doesn't work at all?07:57
dagerikeven after i hit apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, package manager still shows updates to be installed. what the fur?07:58
marxjohnsondagerik: try apt-get dist-upgrade07:59
shankysv87i have found that the driver might be not loaded correctly will cause such issues. Being that i've never worked with your NIC, i'm in rather unfamiliar territory. again i've exhausted my ability to assist. Please post the question on the forums or wait in the room for someone more familiar with the issue to assit.07:59
nikos__ok thank you for your care.08:00
Eaglemanmkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB is not suggested by gparted any idea why?08:02
heladocaliente_What MTA you guys use for your mail servers?08:02
* nibbler_ likes postfix08:03
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MonkeyDustctoveloz[BR]  that's two times, please use #test08:08
EaglemanWhen i am trying to make a partition with parted it says that this partition is not suggested: mkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB  any idea why?08:09
ctoveloz[BR]work :)08:09
MonkeyDustEagleman  maybe this helps http://askubuntu.com/questions/84538/trouble-creating-3tb-ext4-partition-due-to-msdos-partition-table-imposed-error08:15
MacroManIs it possible to use chmod to give read/write perms to a specific user? Namely the www-data user.08:16
KartagisMacroMan: use chown08:17
llutz!permissions | MacroMan  yes it is08:17
ubottuMacroMan  yes it is: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:17
EaglemanMonkeyDust i can ignore the warning but i would like to know why it is giving the warning:  Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.08:18
shankysv87ok, well its 4am here. i'm tired. good night everyone, hope everyone a trouble free night :)08:19
joe_evansnight? its 9 am here!08:21
joe_evansbut thanx for your thoughts08:21
gmg85hi guys....looking to install an email server on my machine(ubuntu 11.10)..what would you recommend?08:23
ricreeany idea what might make an ipod suddenly stop being recognized by ubuntu?08:23
MacroManKartagis: I don't really want to change the owner. llutz: Thanks, I've read that but acl seems a bit ott at the moment. I just ended up changing the group with chgrp to www-data and giving write to group.08:23
ricreeit was working fine for weeks, even after switching from 10.04 to 12.04, but it suddenly stopped working one day and hasn't worked since08:24
vanitygmg85: imho, postfix08:24
ricreeif I unmount it and manually mount it somewhere in /media it shows up08:24
ricreebut the automount isn't recognized08:24
Kartagisricree: is it jailbroken?08:25
ricreeKartagis, no08:25
Kartagisricree: did you restore it for some reason?08:25
EaglemanHow do i partition a GPT partition correctly?08:25
ricreeKartagis, no08:25
gmg85vanity: Thanks08:27
ricreeKartagis, except for loading from podcasts (from rhythmbox) there were no changes between when it worked and didn't. Not that it immediately stopped working after the podcasts went on, but that was the last thing I did to it between when it did and didn't work08:27
nikos_hi all. how can i be sure that my ndiswrapper can scan wireless networks? when i am using a pcmcia card i can found 3 networks. with onboard card running with ndiswrapper no network is available. sudo ifconfig wlan0 up doesnt gives meany wrong message.08:27
nikos_sudo iwlist wlan0 scan gives me : wlan0     No scan results08:27
ricreeKartagis, it appears to be mounting somewhere in /tmp now.  I'm not sure if that's normal. I didn't really pay attention to the mount location when it was working08:28
farriothCould someone please tell me if this PDF looks bad to them?  I've just modified my freetype conf and want to know if it's me or the PDF. http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/files/snusp/doc/snusp-1.0-spec-wd1.pdf08:28
MonkeyDustfarrioth  better ask in #uutu-offtopic08:29
MonkeyDustfarrioth  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:29
snikkerhi, i'm under 12.04, when i install "nvidia-current"package, i've got error 127. how can i fix this?08:29
nikos_any idea?08:29
ricreeKartagis, Also, I've reinstalled everything except my home directory since it stopped working.  So whatever changed, it's probably in some config file in home08:30
farriothMonkeyDust: Okay.08:30
ricreeKartagis, or at least that's my current thinking, but I haven't figured out what08:30
KartagisI'm out of ideas, sorry08:30
ricreeWell thanks for giving it a go, Kartagis08:31
Kartagisricree: were you able to copy any songs into it?08:32
ricreeKartagis, before it stopped being recognized?  Yes08:32
KartagisI had no idea you could do that with ubuntu08:33
Kartagisafter all, iOS is proprieaty OS08:33
MonkeyDustKartagis  ubuntu interacts with about everythig else08:34
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Kartagis!cn | WIND08:34
ubottuWIND: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:34
ricreeThink I'm going to create a new user and see if that woks.  At least then I'll know if it's an issue in my home directory08:35
MonkeyDust!info rfkill| nikos_08:36
ubottu'nikos_' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable08:36
MonkeyDust!info rfkill | nikos_08:36
ubottunikos_: rfkill (source: rfkill): tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 63 kB08:36
MonkeyDustnikos_  i don't use wifi myself, tho, so i'm no great help08:36
l4mRh4X0rHey, I have a really weird issue with my laptop. When I plug in the power, the CPU usage goes up to 100% (evenly distributed over all processes) and stays there for about 15 minutes.08:38
l4mRh4X0rAny idea what might be the cause of that?08:38
nikos_it seems that the wireless devise is recognized and works, but no available (?) networks are shown. any idea about this. no scan or something different?08:39
l4mRh4X0rnikos_: So sudo iwlist wlan0 scan doesn't show any networks?08:39
nikos_No scan results08:40
l4mRh4X0rHmm, odd08:40
demo_Hi all08:41
l4mRh4X0rI assume there *should* be results?08:41
demo_How do I fix the alt+tab to show all the windows?08:41
nikos_l4mRh4X0r: wlan0 No scan results08:42
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l4mRh4X0rnikos_: What's the wifi hardware you're using?08:43
nikos_l4mRh4X0r: Ethernet controller: InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g08:44
Kartagisricree: are you using rhythmbox for copying your podcasts?08:45
D4rkH4nd@werdanith i was told that you might beable / willing to help me with  upgrade my mesa driver.08:45
ricreeKartagis, yes08:45
D4rkH4ndWould someone be willing to help me update my mesa drivers ? im pretty new to linux here.08:46
nikos_l4mRh4X0r: any comment?08:47
l4mRh4X0rnikos_: Have you tried ndiswrapper yet?08:47
nikos_l4mRh4X0r: it's already loaded!08:48
l4mRh4X0rOh, aha08:48
aafahi there! why Ubuntu does not support youtube-dl anymore?08:50
ikonianot sure it did ever support it08:51
l4mRh4X0rnikos_: I don't have personal experience with that card, so I'm googling here, but have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10395461&postcount=5 yet?08:51
ikoniadon't remember ever seeing an official package08:51
[deXter]aafa, It does, its just youtube-dl doesn't support the new youtube anymore08:51
[deXter]aafa, Well actually the new version of youtube-dl should be updated.. if you download the new version manually it should work08:53
aafa[deXter]: Oh..y?08:53
aafaI just installed into my fresh Ubuntu, but didnt work! {from aptitude pkg}08:53
[deXter]aafa, Everytime youtube updates their pages, it breaks youtube-dl.. because they have to parse the HTML code to grab the videos08:53
[deXter]And everytime, youtube tries to make it harder for other programs to access their site08:54
[deXter]A lot of good sites no longer work because of this, like, clipconverter.cc :(08:54
aafa[deXter]: i see, firstly i thought it's OS related cos i was using youtube-dl with no probs a month ago with 12.04, after reinstallation, i just installed yotube-dl and didnt work at all on any video08:54
aafa[deXter]: is there a alternative command line tool to youtube-dl? or graphical app can..any idea?08:56
nikos_l4mRh4X0r: it's useful i repeat last driver installation plus *.cat file08:56
MonkeyDustaafa  try minitube08:56
ricreefor some reason, my ipod is being mounted as read only.  any idea why that would be?08:57
[deXter]aafa, not that I know of.. I've been looking as well08:57
aafaMonkeyDust: uhm, it's not stable..but i don't remember it enables me to choose formats, the only thing i used youtube-dl was for -f 37 thing08:58
[deXter]I mean there are plenty of them but nothing that's been updated08:58
MonkeyDustaafa  maybe it's an idea for !brainstorm08:58
aafa[deXter]: i see, i just wanted to download Music Video clip with highest resolution, not that big deal,..thanks anyways ;008:59
MonkeyDustaafa  just donwloaded with minitube, no flaws, it's in .mp4 format08:59
[deXter]aafa, I think there's a fix09:00
[deXter]aafa, try running this command: sudo youtube-dl --update09:00
aafaMonkeyDust: does it ask you options or just define regular formats, i mean  H264 in mp4, flv, WebM or  H263?09:01
AdvoWorkhi there, i've just changed my /etc/network/interfaces file to: http://pastebin.com/aL3VNGwL  and ive done sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  and it gives: * Reconfiguring network interfaces...   Don't seem to be have all the variables for eth0/inet.Failed to bring up eth0.  Any ideas please?09:01
MonkeyDustaafa  no, it's very basic09:01
MonkeyDustaafa  it doesnt even have 'preferences' or 'options' or so09:02
aafaMonkeyDust: that's what I mentioned. i need advanced settings, otherwise there're vast of tools to download youtube videos, like ss, keepvid.com, and so on,..09:03
aafa[deXter]: Oh my my!! it works! thanks tons :DD09:03
=== robo is now known as madrobo
madrobodid anyone install the new kernel 3.6 ?09:04
AdvoWorkspotted my problem, had netmast instead of mask lol09:04
[deXter]aafa, cheers :)09:04
aafa[deXter]:  but i dont get one thing, I have just installed youtube-dl and it should be the latest version..no need to update/upgrade..the heck is it now?09:04
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas-
=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
madroboI have installed the new kernel 3.6 but it gives me black screen at boot. Anyone tried it?09:05
[deXter]aafa, Ubuntu doesn't have the latest versions of software.. they're generally a few versions old, because of the 8 month release cycle..09:05
[deXter]Well, there are some exceptions like Firefox09:05
aafa[deXter]: ahh. get it thanks09:06
ardchoillemadrobo: which bubuntu release are you on?09:06
MonkeyDustmadrobo  i'm using 12.10, it has 3.5, so your question is beyond bleeding edge, better ask in #ubuntu+109:06
notzewhen will ubuntu have folsom in the repository?09:06
madroboardchoille: i am running linux mint 10, ie 10.1009:06
ardchoillemadrobo: we don't support mint here09:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:06
notzewhere can i find it out09:06
sbarcteamI'm having a problem to upgrade to precise.09:07
madroboardchoille: but its the same thing inside no?09:07
ricreeKartagis, I fixed the problem.  Looks like the filesystem got messed up at some point.  Had to run dosfsck on it09:07
ardchoillethank you MonkeyDust09:07
ardchoillemadrobo: no, it' not the same09:07
Mechdavesbarcteam, I always recommend a clean install09:07
MonkeyDustnotze  what's folsom, beside the prison where johnny cash played?09:07
sbarcteamthe left packages are: http://dpaste.com/812347/09:08
sbarcteamthere is a mess with this user's old kernels.09:08
sbarcteamthe postrm.d scripts are failing upon update-grub or update initramfs09:08
madroboardchoille: :-\09:09
sbarcteamthe process simply stalls, with os-probe hooks dangling in ps09:09
sbarcteamdoing nothing.09:09
ricreeKartagis, Thanks again for the help earlier09:09
sbarcteamI'd like to have some help with that.09:09
Mechdavesbarcteam, does this machine have a separate /home partition?09:09
sbarcteamyes. but I need the machine up as much as possible.09:10
EaglemanHow do i partition my 3 TB disk? that would be from 1 to -1?  http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:GUID_Partition_Table_Scheme.svg&page=109:10
sbarcteamthe user is working remotely.09:10
Mechdavesbarcteam, only one user?09:10
sbarcteamAnd the list of packages09:10
sbarcteamone main user, yes.09:10
sbarcteamI minimized the list of unconfigured packages to the one linked above.09:11
sbarcteambut kernel, grub, etc. are ... kinda must :)09:11
FilipeMaiaHi. I upgraded my ubuntu and now when I try to start kdm I get the following message: /etc/init.d/kdm: 54: /etc/init.d/kdm: initctl: not found09:11
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas|
sbarcteamMechdave: I am already considering to edit dpkg related files manually09:11
Mechdavesbarcteam, so is there any reason this update can't be scheduled when the users aren't on?09:12
FilipeMaiaSorry, it was wrong user09:12
sbarcteamno time, man.09:12
Mechdavesbarcteam, you are upgrading to 12.04 right?09:12
sbarcteamis the installer cd capable to detect older install and ... cleanup the stuff, except the home and keep the package list like before ?09:13
sbarcteam[I'm using some ppa's for older pythons, etc.]09:13
frozsaknot on automatic sbarcteam09:14
sbarcteamfrozsak: what automatic ?09:14
devjustforfunhay people09:14
frozsakgui install09:14
Mechdavesbarcteam, I have always found if I upgrade the system is less stable than a fresh install for some reason. With this in mind an hour missing of uptime to install the new system would be easier than dealing with broken packages?09:14
devjustforfunwho might advice me how to see what's programs used my RAM memory09:15
ThinkT510devjustforfun: htop09:15
Mechdavesbarcteam, you can insert the cd and it will ask if you want to upgrade09:15
sbarcteamMechdave: I agree.09:15
sbarcteamI better do this....09:15
sbarcteamhow can I upgrade something that is already claiming to be the same version ?09:16
sbarcteamthe upgrade procedure was stuck.09:16
sbarcteamBut the lsb_release is already "precise".09:16
Mechdavesbarcteam, where did it stick?09:17
sbarcteamupon grub/initramfs related postrm.d stuff.09:17
devjustforfunThinkT510 what's column i should see09:17
Mechdavesbarcteam, so it hung when installing grub and kernel then09:17
devjustforfunThinkT510 and how to sort by memoty column09:18
bahamashello. anyone have any idea how I can debug why eth0 gets disabled after a while? doing a dmesg | grep driver_name I see "irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X"09:18
ThinkT510devjustforfun: look at the bottom: f609:18
bahamasat that point, no more wired connections appear in the connections menu09:19
devjustforfunThinkT510 and how to make not % Mem usage09:19
devjustforfunand real values09:19
Mechdavesbarcteam, if you do uname -a it will tell you the kernel version. if it is the same as the install then kernel is there09:19
Mechdavesbarcteam, then you can concentrate on fixing grub before reboot09:19
sbarcteamMechdave: it is the previous system's kernel.09:19
sbarcteambut lsb_release already prints out the new version of system.09:20
ThinkT510devjustforfun: no idea09:20
Mechdavesbarcteam, so if you try and install the latest kernel with apt-get what happens?09:20
sbarcteamthe files of the kernel image are present, but the initramfs file is called -generic.new, not -generic09:20
Raptorhello :D09:20
devjustforfunThinkT510 thanks09:21
notzeMonkeyDust its the latest openstack release09:21
sbarcteamhm. basically, the command run-parts fails upon (sample kernel): run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.0.0-17-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-17-generic09:23
Mechdavesbarcteam, I think the issue here is getting grub to install and set it all up09:23
sasukehi guys09:23
aum__when i install startupmanager it gives " startupmanager : Depends: python-glade2 (>= 2.12) but it is not going to be installed : Broken packages" and when i install python-glage2 it gives "python-glade2 : Depends: python-gtk2 (= 2.22.0-0ubuntu1) but 2.22.0-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed" and when i install python-gtk2 it says python-gtk2 is already the newest version." what might be the problem ...09:24
KingoftheRingHey hey.09:24
sbarcteamplease refer: http://dpaste.com/812352/09:24
nikos_any idea how can i restore default system fonts in xubuntu 12.04?09:25
sbarcteamas if the postrm hooks of already not installed kernels are trying to remove missing files STILL.09:25
halKingoftheRing: rock n roll is here to stay?09:25
KingoftheRingAnyone got the new stratagus game going?09:25
sbarcteamMechdave: I mean you, please refer.09:25
Mechdavesbarcteam, if you run grub-install /dev/to/install/grub/on09:25
KingoftheRinghal: if you have to ask :D09:26
sbarcteamMechdave: it works (no errors reported)09:26
Mechdavesbarcteam, Ok so it is an uncaught exeption09:26
bahamasso, how do I enable eth0 after it's been disabled09:26
Mechdavesbarcteam, has it found your new kernel?09:26
halKingoftheRing: heh, I thought you had started singing a song ;)09:26
sbarcteamit shows it as found, but it fails to run postrm hooks, and stalls as I pasted.09:27
KingoftheRinghal: I'm the king of the ring, come here and follow me.09:27
sbarcteamif I kill'em, the process is progressing to the next non-existing kernel.09:27
KingoftheRinghal: Me the king of the ring, bringing you the energy.09:27
KingoftheRingSo no ones got the new Aleona's Tales going?09:28
KingoftheRingDrat, I'll figure this thing out.09:28
sbarcteamMechdave: these /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-??-generic files are not present.09:29
sbarcteambut why does it run these hooks ?09:29
l4mRh4X0rHey, I have a really weird issue with my laptop. When I plug in the power, the CPU usage goes up to 100% (evenly distributed over all processes) and stays there for about 15 minutes.09:29
l4mRh4X0r(Yes, I said it before, but more people etc)09:29
Mechdavesbarcteam, Hmmmm, but it has found them!09:30
l4mRh4X0rAny idea what may cause it?09:30
KingoftheRingl4mRh4X0r: At max clock?09:30
l4mRh4X0rIt hangs at min09:31
Stecchinois there a developer support channel?09:31
AdvoWorkjust booted my brand new ubuntu server,and it came up like: login: init: plymouth-splash main process (442) terminated with status 1   any ideas please?09:31
sbarcteamThat's the problem, it tries to run : /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub on missing kernels. where does it know which kernels are present ?09:31
sasukei installed lightdm window management but i got kde on ubuntu. can anyone tell me that both are same or different09:31
sbarcteamIT has the corresponding packages in rH state.09:31
Stecchinois there a developer support channel? Got a drag-and-drop problem because of unity-2d in 12.0409:31
aum__when i install startupmanager it gives " startupmanager : Depends: python-glade2 (>= 2.12) but it is not going to be installed : Broken packages" and when i install python-glage2 it gives "python-glade2 : Depends: python-gtk2 (= 2.22.0-0ubuntu1) but 2.22.0-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed" and when i install python-gtk2 it says python-gtk2 is already the newest version." what might be the problem ...09:31
l4mRh4X0rKingoftheRing: the funny thing is, unplugging the power instantly "fixes" it09:32
KingoftheRingl4mRh4X0r: Does the clock remain the same when you plug the power in?09:32
ardchoilleStecchino: there is #ubuntu-devel09:32
l4mRh4X0rOr at least, so says /proc/cpuinfo09:32
Stecchinoardchoille: I'm not interested in developing ubutnu but applications on ubuntu. I'll try #ubuntu-app-devel09:33
Mechdavesbarcteam, what happens if you run apt-get -f to fix the packages?09:33
sasukehello can anyone help me09:33
ActionParsnipsasuke: ask and see09:33
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sasukeActionParsnip,  i installed lightdm window management but i got kde on my ubuntu. both are same or different09:35
ActionParsnipsasuke: you can use whichever DM you desire. There is just one which is used09:35
rexwin_getting ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx-xxxx ...‎doesnot exist09:35
rexwin_what should i do?09:35
FilipeMaiaWhat's the ubuntu tool to generate an xorg.conf?09:36
FilipeMaiaAfter an update my X stopped working09:36
rexwin_tried web solutions, none work in  my case.09:36
sasukeActionParsnip, my question is lightdm and kde.. is there any difference between them09:36
Mechdavesbarcteam, assuming the packages are broken09:36
ardchoillesasuke: lightdm is a display manager, KDE is a desktop environment.09:37
sasukeActionParsnip, i installed lightdm but i got kdm desktop management09:37
Wizardsasuke: KDE is a desktop environment, lightdm is a login manager.09:37
Wizardsasuke: And you want to use lightdm instead?09:37
WizardYou can configure it with update-alternatives I think. Or, you can run dpkg-reconfigure lightdm. Or you can just uninstall kdm.09:38
ActionParsnipsasuke: thats fine, you can do that09:39
sasukeActionParsnip, can you tell me plz09:39
ActionParsnipsasuke: If you want to use lightdm, just install it09:40
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SmoothSagewhat window manager would provide me most screen space.. gnome feels so restricted..09:41
WizardSmoothSage: ratpoison.09:41
WizardJust kidding ;D09:41
WizardBesides, Gnome is not a window manager.09:41
sasukeActionParsnip, its telling that "already installed new version"09:42
SmoothSageright Wizard09:42
SmoothSagewhat should i do create more screen space ?09:42
AdvoWorkis there a way to check the /etc/network/interface file to ensure it is correct, i did a restart of  networking an no errors, but get boot problems "plymouth type thing" when i restart09:42
WizardSmoothSage: I use Unity on a 1024x600 netbook, I just made icons on the left smaller.09:42
WizardAlso, using smaller fonts is a good idea.09:43
l4mRh4X0rKingoftheRing: any idea, or should I be asking someone else? :P09:43
WizardSmoothSage: If it still isn't what you want take a look at dwm, wmii and ratpoison.09:44
KingoftheRingl4mRh4X0r: I'm just a lowly, ignorant peon.09:44
politron /msg NickServ identify politron09:44
KingoftheRingl4mRh4X0r: I only came here to play some Wargus. :D09:44
SmoothSagel4mRh4X0r, try playing around with ur laptop power profiles09:45
sasukeWizard, thanx for your cmd. Need to check after rebooted09:45
AdvoWorkshould dns-nameservers go in /etc/network/interfaces or elsewhere?09:45
WizardReboot is not needed for this, sasuke.09:45
sasukeWizard, you mean logout is enough09:45
Wizardsasuke: No, I mean reboot is not needed. You can kill kdm and start lightdm with "service" command.09:46
WizardActually, reboot is needed only after kernel update, in fact ;P09:47
Mechdavesbarcteam, How is the progress?09:48
linociscoall my friends got ascii codes when downloading my file on my ubuntu one. what do I do?09:48
sasukeWizard, nothing happend after issue this cmd "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop" & "sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start"09:49
sbarcteamthe broken are broken.09:50
sbarcteamI'm starting to mess with /var/lib/dpkg09:50
EaglemanPartition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.09:50
Mechdavesbarcteam, broken packages?09:50
sbarcteamI think so.09:51
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sbarcteamThe files have been removed, but postrm hooks are still trying to remove them.09:51
Mechdavewhat is the output of apt-get -f09:51
sbarcteamgets stuck the way dpkg --configure -a does.09:51
sbarcteamwith the same grub-mkconfig stuck with os_prober's09:52
Mechdavesbarcteam, I don't know what else to suggest :(09:54
sbarcteamI need a way to tell dpkg to remove the package without the hooks.09:54
Wizardsbarcteam: Hooks are usually shell scripts stored somewhere in /var.09:55
WizardThe trick is you have to find failing script and remove it by hand.09:55
WizardAnd next time think twice before using PPA ;P09:56
WizardBesides, no warranty™09:56
Mechdavesbarcteam, here is the man page for dpkg --> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/dpkg.1.html09:58
sbarcteamit's more "run-parts" how do I disable it /09:58
sbarcteamMechdave: there's a flag --no-triggers.09:58
sbarcteamI need no parts.09:58
Mechdavesbarcteam, but it won't do what you need10:01
EaglemanHow do i fix Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. ?10:02
WizardEagleman: Why you want to?10:04
apgIn my unity application indicator, kde-accessible appears and can not be hidden. It always reappears not so long after I click on it and clik "quit." I have check the dconf-editor, whitelist, but I cannot find it. It seems to me that it appeared for the first time when I ran orca. From kde-desktop I was able to hid it. Any suggestion?10:04
sbarcteamyes. it didn't10:07
EaglemanWizard one partition on a 3 TB disk eating almost all of the space, but then without this error: Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.10:07
AdvoWorkive got a brand new server setup, ive set the /etc/network/interfaces and resolv.conf  and i can ping local servers, i just cant ping www.google.co.uk for example, giving: ping: unknown host www.google.co.uk    any ideas please?10:08
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: can you ping
WizardAdvoWork: looks like DNS or routing misconfiguration.10:09
sbarcteamMechdave: ideas are welcome.10:09
sbarcteamseems I'm VERY close to the end. the question is of what.10:09
sbarcteamtrying to reboot.10:10
Mechdavesbarcteam, I am having a read... I am getting an idea. Just bear with me for a bit :)10:10
sbarcteamIF that doesn't work, I'll install the system frmo the CD.10:10
sbarcteamMechdave: Cool. lemme hear the idea!10:10
sbarcteamBTW update-grub does get stuck as well.10:11
codescienceold ubuntu versions 8.04 reached 8.04.4 and 8.10 stayed at 8.10, is this correct?10:12
ActionParsnipcodescience: yes, because 8.04 is LTS, there are the intermediate releases10:12
MonkeyDustcodescience  8.10 is dead10:12
crizisonly LTS releases get point releases, correct10:12
ActionParsnipcodescience: 8.10 isn't LTS so only has one release10:12
Tete-360How do i get a lua bot in my channel10:13
EaglemanHow do i fix Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. ?10:14
MonkeyDustTete-360  ask i #freenode or so10:14
ActionParsnipEagleman: could try messing with the partition in gparted in the livecd10:14
geekyogiCan anyone help with debconf for the debian .deb package I have created from scratch.. any document / help will be very useful.. Thanks in advance..10:14
codesciencethank you.10:14
EaglemanActionParsnip i am using parted on the cli10:15
linociscoall my friends got ascii codes when downloading my file on my ubuntu one. what do I do?10:15
linociscoall my friends got ascii codes when downloading link of my file on my ubuntu one. what do I do?10:15
MonkeyDustlinocisco  get new friends10:15
ActionParsnipEagleman: not used that but gparted is just a GUI for parted so should be ok as long as the partition is unmounted you are ok10:15
ActionParsniplinocisco: what are you using to share the data?10:15
Mechdavesbarcteam, is this system a desktop or a server edition?10:16
linociscoActionParsnip, ubuntuone10:16
ActionParsniplinocisco: so you are giving a URL and they are downloading the file?10:16
linociscoActionParsnip, sure10:16
sbarcteamMechdave: desktop10:16
geekyogiAnyone aware of creating debconf templates for new packages ?10:17
linociscoActionParsnip, I could download it from my browser on my computer. but they didn't10:17
Mechdavewhat happens if you run update manager10:17
ActionParsnipgeekyogi: I've use checkinstall to make a deb from source code if that's similar10:18
sbarcteamMechdave: I need to kill dpkg --configure first. wait.10:18
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sbarcteamit is working....10:18
AlfredHello everyone10:19
AlfredI have some problem went install ubuntu directly HDD10:19
AdvoWorkActionParsnip, Wizard think i spotted my problem, i wanted dns-nameserves in /etc/network/interfaces, and i read i need to install resolvconf  this overwrote my resolv.conf file, so ive done sudo apt-get remove resolvconf and have manually put my stuff back in, seems ok, but is that the correct way to do it?10:19
AlfredI have some problem went install ubuntu directly HDD10:19
AlfredI can't unmount isodevide10:19
sbarcteamMechdave: it is stuck on the same fscking spot.10:20
AlfredHow can I unmount isodevide?10:20
EaglemanActionParsnip i cant right now since i am remote10:20
sbarcteamUpon: Setting up friendly-recovery (0.2.25) ...10:20
Eaglemanit should work with parted but i have no idea where to start with the partition10:20
Alfredcan anyone help me?10:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:21
AlfredI have some problem went install ubuntu directly HDD10:21
AlfredI can't unmount isodevide10:21
AlfredHow can I unmount isodevide?10:21
Eaglemanumount /device ?10:21
Mechdavesbarcteam, you have sudo priv?10:21
scarrssudo umount -a10:22
AlfredI will try10:22
sbarcteamMechdave: now this is an unfair question.10:22
WizardAdvoWork: resolvconf is default since 12.04, I think.10:22
AdvoWorkWizard, this is 10.04(and has to be unfortunately)10:22
D4rkH4ndHello, having a speaker bug. sound only from headset. no channels muted eather. anyone know a fix for this ?10:23
Mechdavesbarcteam, why is it unfair?10:23
WizardAdvoWork: If it works now, than I guess it is preferred (from my point of view at least) :D10:23
AdvoWorkWizard,yeah i thought that lol10:23
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WizardBesides, 10.4 is still supported, so I see no reason why you would want to change it :)10:24
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh10:24
Mechdavesbarcteam, sorry but I am falling asleep at my keyboard... Need sleep. Hope you can work it out10:25
D4rkH4ndone sec10:25
WizardMechdave: It's noon :/10:25
MechdaveWizard, not where I am10:25
toshgshi have perfomance issues what can i do to find the problems and solve them?10:25
Mechdaveit is nearly 9pm here10:25
blackshirttoshgsh, lets learn top10:26
toshgshblackshirt: top?10:26
MechdaveWizard, I have been up since 5am10:26
blackshirttoshgsh, what performance problem happen to you?10:26
toshgshblackshirt: the opening of programs is slow10:27
toshgsh*are slow10:27
ActionParsnipMechdave>: same here, home at 8pm10:27
blackshirtwhat programs?10:28
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: please post the link in here10:28
blackshirtall the programs?10:28
toshgshblackshirt: its like the frequency of ram dissapeared10:28
toshgshand the speed of the cpu10:28
blackshirtmaybe some hardawre issue10:28
toshgshblackshirt:maybe so i ll red to hardware channel?10:29
yekomsyou can get that here if someone is willing and has a hr or so to spend.10:29
blackshirttoshgsh. if you restart them still slow?10:29
toshgshblackshirt:in windows 7 i dont have a problem about perfomance10:30
yekomsif i suspected ram, i'd pull stick by stick and see if i had a bad stick. and shutting down before i pull sticks aswell.10:30
toshgshblackshirt:so the os is the problem10:30
yekomsuhm, windows doesnt work like linux toshgsh10:30
WizardIs it possible to integrate pidgin with envelope-icon?10:30
toshgshyeah i know10:30
toshgshyekoms:but the thing is that one day ubuntu just became slow10:30
yekomsthen how can you compare the two ? :P10:31
yekomstoshgsh, just randomly it began slow?10:31
toshgshyekoms:i dont believe in randomness but it seems10:31
toshgshyekoms:maybe i ve done something install something i dont know10:31
yekomswell, when you noticed this "performance" did you change/update something?10:31
yekomscheck dpkg installation logs for new packages then.10:32
toshgshyekoms:this is the point i updated/changed a lot of things10:32
toshgshyekoms:the dpkg packages that has paper logs for 2 weeks?10:32
yekomsyou can start with logfiles for certian applications that write them.10:32
toshgshyekoms: all the applications start slow10:33
yekomsdpkg records it all..it can go back to the first backup..depends on if you clean log archived files.10:33
nikos_i m trying to make ndiswrapper scan wireless networks after i -suppose- installed my 'InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g' device. here the paste (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272934/) of some commands i found here  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#Configuring_Wireless_Network_Settings_using_command_line. does my device is properly installed and just cannot scan wireless? or is not properly installed. does prope10:33
nikos_innstallation shoud enable scanning or does scan procedure is something different which is not enabled yet?10:33
toshgshyekoms: i dont have a backup thats s problem10:34
ActionParsniptoshgsh: did you try Unity2D session?10:34
yekomsyou have logs to see if anything is might be causing this, have you tried watching 'top' toshgsh ? and see if something is munching your ram10:34
toshgshActionParsnip: no10:35
ActionParsniptoshgsh: I recommend you try it10:35
toshgshActionParsnip: but i dont want to stick with unity 2d10:35
ActionParsniptoshgsh: its only to test...think about it10:35
toshgshActionParsnip: how this could solve my problem?10:35
yekomsunity is laggy for me..and choppy. but id try testing a different wm.10:36
toshgshyekoms: yeah ,true but before i could run unity just fine10:36
EaglemanHow do i partition a 3 TB disk to use 99% of the space using GPT and parted without giving me this error in fdisk -l Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.10:36
yekomswhat are you using now?10:36
ActionParsniptoshgsh: if your GPU is misconfigured or not good enough to run Unity3D and Compiz, the desktop will run slowly. If you use Unity2D then you will use Metacity instead of COmpiz and if it then runs well then you know your video chip is the source ofd the issue10:36
toshgshi have intel core i7-720QM10:37
toshgsh1.6ghz-2.8 ghz10:37
toshgshi dont think thats a problem10:37
ActionParsniptoshgsh: doesn't matter, if its miconfigured it will run badly. You could have the worlds fastest whatever from the fuure, its all about config10:37
yekomsi have the i7-3200K unleashed..but i still have some performance issues..10:37
ActionParsniptoshgsh: its just to TEST, it's fre and you don't have to install additional packages10:37
toshgshyeah thats what iam talking about maybe the config is the problem10:38
ActionParsniptoshgsh: why write it off when you haven't even tried it10:38
yekomsthen test a different window manager.10:38
ActionParsniptoshgsh: it makes zero sense10:38
toshgshokay then i will go to unity2d10:38
yekomstry gnome if you can.10:38
toshgshand then again to 3d and see if that solves it?10:38
ActionParsnipsome people need telling a million times some days10:38
yekomsi use openbox cause of its lightweight .10:38
yekomsno, we're testing for a difference in performance.10:38
toshgshi all use the most of them and then i ll go back to 3d10:38
toshgshand i ll come again10:39
ActionParsniptoshgsh: all you need to test is 2D.10:39
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: http://pastie.org/503442610:40
toshgshActionParsnip: ahh okay i forgot to mention that sometimes when i switch betweeen 2d and 3d nothing works, i can see only the wallpaper of my screen nautilus everything is sead10:40
ActionParsniptoshgsh: then launch nautilus from ALT+F210:40
ActionParsniptoshgsh: or from terminal (press CTRL+ALT+T)10:40
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure10:40
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: Lucid deskjtop is EOL real soon. I suggest a clean install or Precise10:41
toshgshActionParsnip:yeah but what causes this?10:41
toshgshActionParsnip:i mean why i should do this?10:41
nikos_any idea or advise?10:41
ActionParsniptoshgsh: there is an issue, we are dealing with it. You could always reboot then log in to the 2D session off the bat10:41
D4rkH4ndill brb then thank you for the help10:42
toshgshActionParsnip:so its a bug?10:42
ActionParsniptoshgsh: possibly10:42
toshgshActionParsnip:okay thanks i ll be back10:42
TJ-Eagleman: What size are the sectors on the device? Sectors are usually 512 bytes, but on larger devices that drives the sector_offset value very large so sometimes the devices adopt 1024 byte sectors. That could confuse fdisk unless you tell it to work with the correct sector-size. Check /var/log/kern.log to see what sector-size the drive reports10:42
ActionParsniptoshgsh: log in to Unity2D when the system first boots, is the desktop responsive?10:43
TJ-poor ActionParsnip - I thought you were going to go hoarse there :)10:44
ActionParsnipTJ-: neigh, not me :)10:44
* TJ- winnies10:44
toshgshnothing again the same perfomance issues10:48
ActionParsniptoshgsh: ok so we know it isn't the window manager causing slowness10:49
ActionParsniptoshgsh: do you use a switchable GPU (nvidia + intel etc), or do you just use the intel gpu?10:49
toshgshActionParsnip: i dont have switcable gpu10:50
toshgshActionParsnip: iam using ati10:50
EaglemanTJ- Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes10:51
EaglemanIts the WD red10:51
Marzathahow well Lenovo w510 runs ubuntu 12.04?10:53
ThinkT510Marzatha: try it and see10:53
ActionParsniptoshgsh: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display     do you see an Intel GPU too?10:56
TJ-Eagleman: OK, so the drive us using ATA-8 Advanced Format 4KB sectors10:56
D4rkH4ndWould someone help me with one last promblem tonight. I need to burn my iso of Morrowind to PlayonLinux can see it. But idk how to do that in linux10:57
EaglemanTJ- i think so10:57
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: I'd check the wine appd, it will tell you how to install it10:57
TJ-Eagleman: recent versions of fdisk should therefore put the start of the first partition at sector 2048. What is fdisk actually doing in your case?10:58
EaglemanTJ- i am using parted since people on the internet said that fdisk isnt supported with GPT10:58
toshgshActionParsnip: no10:59
TJ-Eagleman: Of course, sorry, my mistake. OK, parted needs to configure the GPT so that the dummy partition table has partition 1 start at sector 204810:59
EaglemanSo lets start over11:00
EaglemanTJ- http://pastebin.com/CRiKknJX11:01
Eaglemani used mklabel gpt11:02
TJ-Eagleman: looking at "man parted" I think you may need to do "parted --align optimal" - take a look at that and other options and see how they behave11:04
TJ-Eagleman: This bit stands out to me "This aligns to a multiple of the  physical block size in a way that guarantees optimal performance"11:05
toshgsheverytime that i install a program it gives me this: http://pastebin.com/6qdmRx1j11:05
iceroottoshgsh: which ubuntu version? is that a chroot?11:06
TJ-toshgsh: Have you inspected "/var/log/kern.log" for errors, especially related to read failures from the hard disk?11:06
iceroottoshgsh: what else we should know about your system?11:06
ActionParsniptoshgsh: why are you using samba4?11:07
icerootActionParsnip: AD11:07
ActionParsnipiceroot: can samba not do that?11:08
icerootActionParsnip: no11:08
ActionParsnipi see11:08
icerootActionParsnip: samba3 = nt domain, samba 4 = AD11:08
ActionParsnipiceroot: thanks, learned something today :)11:08
icerootActionParsnip: as a primary domain controller11:08
toshgshiceroot:12.04 lts11:08
ActionParsnipiceroot: nt uses AD, just an older version :)11:09
toshgshTJ-: not yet11:09
icerootActionParsnip: :)11:09
EaglemanTJ-  parted -a optimal /dev/sdb started it like normal11:09
toshgshActionParsnip: what why?11:09
EaglemanPartition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.11:09
Eagleman.   /dev/sdb1               1  4294967295  2147483647+  ee  GPT11:09
toshgshActionParsnip: so nothing else to do?11:11
ActionParsniptoshgsh: just curious, some folks sling on samba4 when all they need is basic file sharing11:12
toshgshActionParsnip: iam curious for things so..11:12
icerootActionParsnip: if i am correct hplib/cups are also using some samba4 stuff now11:12
icerootActionParsnip: i have samba4 packages on my system because of my network printer on 12.0411:13
toshgshiceroot:i have some perfomance issued slow response etc what i can do to find the problems and eliminate them?11:13
yossarianukhi - does anyone here have experience of using Ubuntu(or Debian) servers with spacewalk ? http://spacewalk.redhat.com/11:14
nikos_i m trying to make ndiswrapper scan wireless networks after i -suppose- installed my 'InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g' device. here the paste (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272934/) of some commands i found here  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#Configuring_Wireless_Network_Settings_using_command_line. does my device is properly installed and just cannot scan wireless? or is not properly installed. does prope11:14
nikos_innstallation shoud enable scanning or does scan procedure is something different which is not enabled yet? any ide or advise?11:14
iceroottoshgsh: slow performance in general on the system or while doing special things?11:16
MonkeyDustnikos_  there's also #linux-wireless, some 45 people there11:17
nikos_thanks, i will try it right now!11:18
MonkeyDustnikos_  make that 80+ people there11:18
Eaglemanparted --align=optimal /dev/sdb mkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB       Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.11:21
EaglemanHow hard can it be to assign a partition to a harddisk???11:21
Eaglemanparted  /dev/sdb mkpart primary 2048s 3.00TB Seems to work11:27
Eaglemanow it is back Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.11:28
yossarianukEagleman: what partition type did you use - if its msdos your limited to 2GB11:28
yossarianukyou have to have a GPT partitioned disk for 2GB+11:29
EaglemanI am but it is impossible to make a partition without saying: Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.11:29
yossarianuk(thought i'd check...  I use gdisk to partition GPT disks - that's on Arch though)11:30
yossarianukgdisk = fdisk that works with EFI/GPT disks11:30
MonkeyDustsounds to me, ubuntu isnt fit for 3TB disks11:30
EaglemanI only want one partition of around 3TB big11:30
yossarianukuse arch for partitoning perhaps....11:31
EaglemanShould be possible under ubuntu11:31
Eaglemani could install gdisk11:31
EaglemanNumber  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name11:33
Eagleman   1            2048      5860533134   2.7 TiB     8300  Linux filesystem11:33
MonkeyDustEagleman  did you read this http://askubuntu.com/questions/56619/does-ubuntu-support-3tb-or-more-hard-drive-sizes#5662111:34
toremirk_Hi all. I've gotten a problem with an usb hdd on my htpc. Ever since I upgraded to 12.04 Precise Pangolin, I've been struggeling with it. And I can't seem to figure it out. All the SMART-values read out OK. And the fsck.ext4 don't find any errors. Here's a pastebin from syslog: http://pastebin.com/atNa3XAe11:35
EaglemanMonkeyDust i have EFi i have checked it11:35
EaglemanI contacted MSI support and they said so11:36
ActionParsniptoremirk_: can you manually mount it?11:39
toremirk_ActionParsnip: it is mounted.11:40
toremirk_/dev/sdb1       1.8T  1.5T  275G  85% /media/4a3c5159-ad62-499f-9928-c877f41fd25e11:40
EaglemanIs there a difference between sata cables?11:46
StefanMlibapache2-mod-wsgi on ubuntu 12.04 requires python2.6 when 2.7 is installed. is there a workaround or should I manually build mod_wsgi?11:48
Kartagis!ot | Eagleman11:49
ubottuEagleman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:49
MonkeyDustKartagis  the guy is struggling with his 3TB disk11:49
elixeypeople in ##hardware know disks11:50
EaglemanI dont have problems with my hardware, i have problems with partitioning11:51
Eaglemangdisk also failed11:51
EaglemanIsnt fdisk showing the wrong error?11:52
elixeyyou onlyy want one partition and dont want to save any data that is on the disk right now?11:52
EaglemanSince it is already having problems with disks larger then 2.2 tb and GPT\11:53
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Kartagissorry my bad, should have scrolled up and read11:53
Eaglemanelixey the disk is new and i am stuggling to set it up11:53
elixeydont use gpt then11:53
Kartagisafaik, ubuntu has no problems with a 3tb disk11:53
ikoniaas long as you use a GPT partition table11:54
KartagisI thought GPT was for HFS11:54
Kartagisapparently not11:54
l33tc4tHello. Is there a way to update my Intel graphic driver on Ubuntu 10.10?11:55
jribl33tc4t: support for 10.10 has ended; you should upgrade11:56
jrib!10.10 | l33tc4t11:56
ubottul33tc4t: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.11:56
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l33tc4tjrib: I know. Is there a way to amke the update manually?11:56
l33tc4tWithout updating11:56
jribl33tc4t: 10.10 isn't supported11:56
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  no updates for 10.10 anymore, it's dead11:56
Guest65241what about nmap???11:57
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jribl33tc4t: you really shouldn't be running it since it's not getting security updates any more11:57
l33tc4tWell, but it still has Gnome211:57
l33tc4tNot the ugly Unity11:57
l33tc4tThe only thing that bothers me is low FPS11:58
l33tc4tSo I want to upgrade my driver somehow11:58
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  i don't like unity either, so i don't use it11:58
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  simply install some other DE11:59
jribl33tc4t: you should use 12.04 with whatever desktop environment or window manager you like11:59
iceroot!eol | l33tc4t11:59
ubottul33tc4t: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:59
l33tc4tWell but I cannot use Gnome 2 anymore if I make an upgrade11:59
icerootl33tc4t: and we dont support 10.1011:59
icerootl33tc4t: so 10.10 is offtopic here11:59
jribl33tc4t: gnome 2 is dead; it's time to move on.  Try other, similar environments12:00
l33tc4tIsn't there any way to upgrade the driver manually?12:00
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  i'm using fallback/classic, it's very similar to gnome212:00
gordonjcpl33tc4t: it's dead12:00
l33tc4tOr install a new one?12:00
icerootl33tc4t: so 10.10 is offtopic here12:00
gordonjcpl33tc4t: 10.10 is dead, gnome 2 is dead12:00
l33tc4tI know.12:01
l33tc4tBut I still use it12:01
icerootl33tc4t: so 10.10 is offtopic here12:01
icerootl33tc4t: thank you for stopping offtopic here12:01
BlackPanx12.* is crap12:01
gordonjcpl33tc4t: cut the horse up for stew or walk away, but for the love of all that is holy will you stop beating it?12:01
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  there is no support for 10.10, no upgrades, it's dead12:01
l33tc4ticeroot: Are you going to repeat that every time I try to ask a question?12:01
BlackPanx11.10 is one of best releases of ubuntu probably.12:02
icerootl33tc4t: if it is related to 10.10, yes12:02
l33tc4tMonkeyDust: Well, I expect that there won't be any automatic updates, so my question is: Can it be done *manually*?12:02
BlackPanxnever had serious stability issue, or any other problem on over than 100 computers...12:02
gordonjcpBlackPanx: 12.10 *rocks*12:02
BlackPanx12.10 is latest ?12:02
BlackPanxwith unity and fallback to gnome3 right ? -.-12:03
BlackPanxi mean that was mega fail of ubuntu12:03
MonkeyDustl33tc4t  if you find someone who still supports it12:03
icerootBlackPanx: its unstable release12:03
BlackPanxi use LTS only. -.-12:03
icerootBlackPanx: current stable release is 12.0412:03
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l33tc4tMonkeyDust: So new drivers don'T have backwards compatibility?12:03
icerootl33tc4t: the intel drivers are related to xorg12:04
EaglemanAre there other ways to check if Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary ? instead of fdisk?12:04
icerootl33tc4t: so its not that easy to backport them12:04
Fudgehi can anyone help, trying to remember where to find a xorg.conf in ubuntu to put in /etc/X11 and configure vesa driver12:06
gordonjcpFudge: by default there isn't one12:06
jalexandruI'm trying to use ant and I get an error msg: unable to locat tools.jar (...path where tools.jar should be....) , I searched for tools.jar and I don't have it, is it possible I don't have the correct jdk installed? how can I verify?12:06
BlackPanxand removing bottom toolbar with windows listed... that's another fail. -.-12:06
jribFudge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config12:06
gordonjcpBlackPanx: 12.10 with Unity, yes12:06
BlackPanxeven with fallback to gnome312:07
BlackPanxyou still dont get it back12:07
BlackPanxyou need to install some aditional program12:07
BlackPanxto get it12:07
FloodBot1BlackPanx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
gordonjcpBlackPanx: get what back?12:07
BlackPanxthe bottom windows toolbar.12:07
gordonjcpBlackPanx: I'm not really fussed about it12:07
MonkeyDustBlackPanx  what do you mean, I have it12:07
gordonjcpBlackPanx: Unity works just fine12:07
Fudgethanks ill look12:08
PiciBlackPanx: Yes, you'd need to use some other DE to get that.12:08
PiciBlackPanx: So?12:08
demo__How do I fix the alt+tab to show all the windows please?12:08
gordonjcpdemo__: it does...12:09
demo__gordonjcp: it only shows one icon per application,then you have to wait for it to expand etc.  it's really awkward to use for me12:09
BlackPanxPici it's still not the same. conflicts with other windows... if it would be integrated into gnome3 it would be better imo.12:11
BlackPanxbesides it makes 2 lines, one for ubuntu's desktop's and one for windows... it's terrible12:11
BlackPanxhard to explain... wait i upload screenshot12:11
EaglemanAre there other ways to check if Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary ? instead of fdisk?12:12
gordonjcpdemo__: oh, that?  I quite like that...12:14
BlackPanxthis is problematic12:16
BlackPanxworkspaces in their own line12:16
BlackPanxand another line of window bar...12:17
hualethello, i got this error report when i was trying to build jakarta-tomcat-connectors,"/usr/local/apache2/include/ap_hooks.h:40:23: fatal error: apr_hooks.h: No such file or directory12:17
hualetcompilation terminated.12:17
hualetmake[1]: *** [mod_jk.lo] error 1", can anybody help me ?12:17
MonkeyDustBlackPanx  i like it that way12:17
BlackPanxit's totally inefficient.12:18
MonkeyDustwell, can't do good for all :)12:18
BlackPanxbut... some standards are there for reason :) cause they make things go faster, easy to understand and to use... not needing 20+ fixes to make everything look the way it was 1 ubuntu release ago.12:19
BlackPanxon the other hand you keep saying: go for latest release, so you get latest patches and stuff...12:19
BlackPanxi had so many stability issues with 12.04 release that i dont recommend it anymore for our clients... meanwhile 11.10 works perfectly.12:20
BlackPanxbut okay, probably my experience of it.12:21
gordonjcpBlackPanx: did you file bugs?12:21
BlackPanxthey are filed...12:21
BlackPanxi even saw12:21
BlackPanxit on bugtracker12:21
BlackPanxthere was no fix for that GPU hung or something was the main error we were getting12:22
BlackPanxnot to mention strange things that our developers had with eclipse with latest release...12:22
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BlackPanxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1739646 this was problematic with 12.04 with us... we couldn't find answer for it, so we just switched back to 11.10...12:25
tullianahi all12:25
tullianaelementary OS Luna installed but not sound12:26
tullianasound driver installed12:26
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tullianaalsamixer configuration OK12:26
tulliananot sound?12:26
k1l_tulliana: ask the elementary OS guys?12:26
no_gravityGood Morning everybody! Whats a good command to see which graphic card im using?12:27
r0n1n9485tulliana, perhaps the volume is muted?12:27
tullianaelementaryOS = Ubuntu12:27
k1l_no_gravity: "lspci"12:27
k1l_tulliana: its a not supportet distro here12:27
DJonestulliana: Its not an official version of Ubuntu though, this channel only supports the official versions12:27
tullianarelax please12:28
no_gravityk1l_: awesome! Radeon HD 385012:28
tullianar0n1n9485: volume on12:28
zykotick9r0n1n9485: don't offer support to derivatives here12:29
MonkeyDusttulliana  if elementary were exactly the same as ubuntu, it would be called ubuntu12:29
DJonescsdeop djones12:29
no_gravityDoes anybody have an idea how i can fan control the Radeon HD 3850?12:29
k1l_tulliana: we cant know what the elementary guys changed in the distro. so ask them. use ubuntu if you want support here from the ubuntu community. thats it12:29
tullianaMonkeyDust: ok, no problem12:29
tullianaokey okey okey okey okey 1000000000000000000 okey12:30
adam_tlhi, where do find the ".config" for "freescale imx5x" board? there is an 12.04 image, but did not find at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/configs/ ?12:30
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male_NY_26cmany F 25 years from NY?12:33
tullianasupport to male_NY_26cm12:33
DJonesmale_NY_26cm: Wrong channel, this is Ubuntu support only12:33
MonkeyDustmale_NY_26cm  type alt-f4 to get a list12:34
crizisobvious troll, but chuckled for that :)12:34
male_NY_26cmMonkeyDust: you F or M?12:36
Eaglemancan i use gdisk instead of fdisk for MBR?12:36
Picimale_NY_26cm: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. This is not a dating channel.12:36
MonkeyDustmale_NY_26cm  i'm a bot, now please leave12:36
craigwCan SELinux easily be installed on Ubuntu?12:38
BlackPanxtulliana it's normal... they are rivals... you can't come here asking for support for other product that someone else is getting cash or other means of satisfaction for.12:38
TJ-adam_tl: The config is included in the kernel package for the image. You can find the .deb containing *just* the kernel at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/armhf/linux-image-3.1.1-1400-linaro-lt-mx5/3.1.1-1400.1/ If you open the .deb file with Gdebi or similar, you can find the kernel config at "boot/config-3.1.1-1400-linaro-lt-mx5"12:39
BlackPanxi wouldn't be happy with that too... if a guy bought product that i sell in another store, coming to my store asking for support for it.. .even if it's the same product.12:40
adam_tlTJ-: thx12:40
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mrakyhi everybody from cz..12:45
ActionParsnipTJ-: adam_tl: you can also extract deb files with:  ar x filename.deb12:50
adam_tlActionParsnip: I downloaded the source package for this kernel i will now rebuild it and see if it works (i need to patch some pads for the uart)12:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i don't ever remember using ar before, i was wondering if that was a typo.  thanks.  always good to learn a new command.12:54
ActionParsnipzykotick9: unp may do it too, unp is amazing12:55
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paulens12wrong text field...13:04
paulens12hello xD13:11
paulens12anyone wants to join a web project? (no money, lol)13:12
AdvoWorkHi there, bit confused on something. I need to transfer 300GB over our network. It needs to eventually end up in /opt/store *but* in between I have to do something that will affect /opt/store. I'm wondering if i can transfer it to /opt/tempstore and then once i've done my messing, can i move the contents of /opt/tempstore > /opt/store without taking it hours, and keeping the same permissions etc that were transfered when I did the initial rsync?13:13
Pumpkin-AdvoWork: as long as /opt/store and /opt/tempstore are the same filesystem, sure, moving it will be nearly instant.13:14
excalibrwhat hex format those color codes in gnome terminal are in?13:14
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: make the destination folder owned by your user, you can then send data to that folder, or make a temo foilder as you say then copy the data over :)13:14
AdvoWorkPumpkin-, ActionParsnip ahh ok perfect, and just use "mv" ?13:15
BluesKajHi all13:15
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ZigndYup, so what's next?13:23
rexwin_Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid..13:24
rexwin_can somebody help me with this issue?13:24
ikoniawhat issue ?13:24
ikoniayou need to state an issue before asking if anyone can help13:25
designbybeckUsing Search in Nautilus rarely gets me what I want! Am I doing something wrong? I am trying to search my external HD to find all the ISO "*.iso" so that I can delete them, but it doesn't return any results even though I know there are some there?13:25
AdvoWorkI've just done cat /etc/passwd and i see testuser has id/gid of 1000 and postfix has id/gid of 1001. How can i swap these around? Trying to match them to another server.13:25
rexwin_Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid problem after just installing ubuntu13:25
rexwin_no /etc folder /boot folder in just installed system13:25
ikoniarexwin_: please be specific13:26
EaglemanWhat is SEC_TYPE="ext2 ?13:26
rexwin_dropping to initramfs prompt13:26
ikoniaEagleman: where ?13:26
designbybeckBluesKaj: might you know the answer?13:26
Eagleman./dev/sdc1: UUID="666a8b99-bc30-418b-b02a-5f8b06d3a761" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"13:26
frankkoHi.. where can i download the default ubuntu wallpaper. And also what is the name of the gtk theme used in ubuntu?13:26
ikoniaEagleman: not sure the difference between type/sec_type13:27
yekomsdesignbybeck, find /path -name *.iso -print13:27
ikoniaEagleman: security ? what does the man page say ?13:27
designbybeckbut I can selete and delete from there yekoms13:27
llutzAdvoWork: "man usermod"13:27
SubDI'm having trouble using scp.  I have set up a ssh server at a central office.  Every night I have 6 client PCs run a script in which they copy a local file to a local backup directory and then scp that file back to the office.  Each night I check the logs to see that only 3 of my 6 machines have initiated a ssh connection.  The kicker is that each night a different group of machines make the connection however they are all running the 13:27
ikoniarexwin_: it sounds like your system can't find the disk by uuid reference13:27
ikoniarexwin_: hence why your /etc folder is missing13:27
yekomsyou can issue the -exec command and remove them, yes..13:27
AdvoWorkllutz, i have but i mean, will i have to change files/folders too or?13:27
designbybeckyekoms:  -exec is part of find? I haven't tried that13:27
SubDa server problem so I've checked the sshd_config file and I've set the maximum simultaneous connections to 25.  I can't understand why this is happening.13:28
llutzAdvoWork: sure13:28
yekomsi believe its: find /path -name *.iso -exec rm {} ;\13:28
michealPWKDE is so slick and beautiful. I don't know why so many people complain about it :\13:28
yekomslet me google and make sure real fast.13:28
Piciyekoms: I find find's -delete argument to be more foolproof.13:28
ikoniaSubD: what version of ubuntu ?13:28
designbybeckthank you yekoms  i'm trying the find part of it on my USB External to see if it will locate them13:28
rexwin_test msg13:29
woozlyguys, how to wget file with it's path?13:29
ikoniarexwin_: we can see13:29
SubDikonia: the server is running 11.0413:29
michealPWwoozly: man wget13:29
woozlyI need help.13:29
SubDikonia: the clients are all running windows and are using pscp.13:29
woozlyCan't man right now...13:29
ikoniaSubD: ok, so from one PC, can you open 6 connections13:29
rexwin_ikonia, can you help me out13:29
ikoniawoozly: why ?13:29
woozlyI need it right now.. big trouble.. very big trouble13:29
ikoniarexwin_: I've offered you a suggestoin13:30
ikoniawoozly: man will take 30 seconds13:30
woozlybad english13:30
woozlyhave no time to read and translate it13:30
SubDikonia: I'm trying to setup 6 different connections to a single pc, simultaneously.13:30
rexwin_system can't find the disk by uuid reference, how can i resolve this13:30
yekomsfind /path -name *.iso -exec rm -v {} \;13:30
yekomsthats the proper command designbybeck13:30
SubDikonia: the server isn't pulling the files, the files are being pushed to the server.13:30
ikoniaSubD: yes, I understand that13:31
yekomsi had the wrong slash, sorry13:31
ikoniaSubD: can you make 6 connections from 1 PC13:31
ikoniaSubD: at the same time13:31
rexwin_have tried everything on the webpages13:31
designbybeckyekoms: ...looks like that command from the Root of my USB Harddrive did look in all paths13:31
yekomsi make 100 connections a minute from 1 PC.13:31
rexwin_still no luck13:31
designbybeckwhat does the {} mean in that command yekoms13:31
ikoniarexwin_: what have you tried, summerise13:31
yekoms{} is what find finds.13:31
designbybeckand the \ yekoms  ?13:32
BluesKajdesignbybeck, do locate *.iso in the terminal , that will give you the path13:32
chipmonk_i let ubuntu upgrade my other machine to 11.10. It installed unity, not very friendly on a dual screen machine.13:32
designbybeckis there a way for me to find the total size as well. so I know how much it is removing? yekoms13:32
yekomswraps the command i believe. so it'll do one per file. not really sure.13:32
michealPWyekoms: So that will find all iso's in the path /path and then execute the rm command on each file that's found?13:32
SubDikonia: i have not tested that.  To be honest I don't have 6 different ssh servers to connect to to test it.13:32
chipmonk_i unstalled unity  and installed gnome13:32
designbybeckBluesKaj: I did try the find command yekoms  recommended and It did find them in the term13:32
ner0xGood morning all. Can someone let me know where the google-chrome repositories are?13:32
woozlyhow to google it13:32
woozlyI can't understand13:32
michealPWyekoms: That's brilliant! I didn't know you can hook actions right into your find command! God I'm such a newbie hahaha13:32
rexwin_have tried booting to CD and restore the system13:32
yekomsif you use that command...it wont prompt you before it deletes, hope you realize this.13:32
chipmonk_nooow i haave no menus13:32
ikoniaSubD: that's not what I said13:33
paulens12ummm try google chronium13:33
paulens12i think it's chronium.org13:33
designbybeckyes just hope it doesn't do anything to any other files on the HD13:33
yekomsmichealPW, man find ;)13:33
ikoniarexwin_: anything else ?13:33
BluesKajdesignbybeck, odd, find didn't do that here13:33
yekomsyes it will michealPW13:33
ner0xpaulens12: I mean, if I want to use the office, not chromium.13:33
SubDikonia: so you want to know if i can make six connections to that server from one of my clients?13:33
chipmonk_it  boots into a twinview x screen13:33
SubDikonia: i'll try it13:33
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chipmonk_with no menus13:33
rexwin_nothing else13:33
ikoniarexwin_: right, so all the web pages you said "boot and use recover" thats it13:34
paulens12well, all the info should be in chromium.org13:34
ikoniaSubD: yes, just verify that your machine can support 6 + concurrent connections13:34
michealPWyekoms: Do you know a good introduction/guide to find?13:34
chipmonk_can i correct with terminal entries13:34
rexwin_please help me i am new to ubuntu13:34
michealPWSometimes the manuals to these utilities are so huge it's hard to follow... :\13:34
ner0xpaulens12: Official, not office. Sorry.13:34
yekomsuhm, i use the manpage.13:34
paulens12well, all the info should be in chromium.org13:34
yekomswell i gotta run..13:34
michealPWRighto, take care :P13:34
toshgshwhen i run ubuntu2d it shows me the unity what iam doing wrong?13:34
woozlyPLEASE HELP13:35
designbybeckthanks for the help yekoms13:35
FloodBot1woozly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:35
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg <- what's this?13:35
AlfredI have a trouble when using LVPM13:35
paulens12i got it when i tried to install ubuntu..13:35
AlfredCan somebody have me?13:35
AlfredI have a trouble when using LVPM13:35
rexwin_ikonia, there is nothing listed under /proc/partitions13:35
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg <- what's this?13:36
flan_suseAnyone use Google Chrome (with the built-in PPAPI Flash) and know how to disable accelerated video decoding? Nothing I've tried works. The settings under /etc/adobe/mms.cfg are ignored; so is the "Settings" under the Flash video itself.13:36
flan_suseThe version of Chrome and Flash are: 22.0.1229.94 and
paulens12i got it when i tried to install ubuntu..13:36
AlfredIn the startup13:36
ner0xflan_suse: Google help you at all/13:36
rexwin_so the virtual hard disk is not detected by the booting ubuntu13:36
RxDxplease, i have two network interfaces (wlan0 and wlan1), how can I know which interface are each one?13:36
ubottuandrea_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:36
rexwin_can you help me with this?13:36
AlfredIt said UnknowOS and there is no Ubuntu13:36
ikoniarexwin_: virtual hard disk ?13:37
SubDikonia: I have just successfully established 6 connections to the server.  None of them have dropped.13:37
paulens12hey? xD13:37
Alfredhelp me please13:37
paulens12and me13:37
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg <- what's this?13:37
flan_susener0x: Nothing on Google searches works...13:37
ikoniaSubD: great, so you know your connection support of 25 clients is valid13:38
paulens12why is #ubuntu-help closed? xD13:38
ikoniaSubD: so that's onething you can tick off your box13:38
rexwin_yes, ubuntu is a virtual machine inside XP13:38
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg <- what's this?13:38
flan_susener0x: The typical answers are to modify /etc/adobe/mms.cfg (doesn't help) or to right-click and disable acceleration (doesn't help.)13:38
ikoniapaulens12: because it's not a valid support channel, this is the correct support channel13:38
Picipaulens12: This (#ubuntu) is the official Ubuntu support channel.13:38
rexwin_ikonia, i am using vbox13:38
toshgshwhen i run ubuntu2d it shows me the unity bar,what iam doing wrong?13:38
paulens12but it's full xD13:38
SubDikonia: Perhaps I should initiate 6 different transfers using scp.13:38
Papa-SmurfI have a remove computer with an NVIDIA card and VinoVNC, when i try to connect from remote desktop client i just get a black screen, any idea why this happens?13:38
paulens12and i don't think someone will help me in next 30 minutes13:38
paulens12huge queue13:38
MonkeyDusttoshgsh  it's unity 2d13:39
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
ikoniarexwin_: ok, so the disk is not being presented using the correct uid. Verify the UUID and compare it against your config13:39
flan_susener0x: For some reason, it was fine with Flash 11.3 on Chrome, but now on Flash 11.4 for Chrome, the controls are slower and performance isn't as good. 11.3 WITHOUT hardware acceleration was actually much smoother.13:39
ikoniaSubD: well transfers are just connectsions/sessions, so I wouldn't worry about that at this time13:39
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mrakywhat a gtk in ubuntu(studio)? ATI or Nvidia?13:39
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
designbybeckBluesKaj: and yekoms that command worked like a champ! bad news it wasn't enough space removed for me to do my backup still! ;) gottta remove more files!13:40
MonkeyDustmraky  there's also #ubuntustudio13:40
SubDikonia: it is strange because when I check auth.log for sshd activity on a specific date I'm only seeing 3 connections.  I don't see any mention of a connection being made which is failing.13:40
chipmonk_lost  all menus in11.10 want gnome classic13:40
ikoniaSubD: how are you telling your machines to connect (the remote ones)13:41
designbybeckIs there a tool that will compare/contrast duplicate files? Listing by date maybe and size?13:41
mrakyMonkeyDust, thx..13:41
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg <- what's this?13:41
chipmonk_gnome is  installed uniity is not13:41
paulens12can someone help me?..13:41
Papa-SmurfHow can i disable my nvidia drivers from the terminal?13:41
nibbler_paulens12, this is the last thing you ever see when booting?13:42
SubDikonia: at 2am each morning they run a batch script using windows task scheduler.  the batch script takes a single database, copies it to a local backup folder (appending the date to the file) and then initiates a scp file transfer using pscp.exe.  when I set up these clients I stood there and watched each of them successfully complete a backup.13:42
brunodeahi. What swf player could I use to play a swf interactive animation?13:43
paulens12can someone help me?..13:43
ikoniaSubD: based on the fact that there is only 3 connections on the server I'd suggest this isn't a problem with the ubuntu machine13:43
ikoniaSubD: 1.) you've proved you can support 6 connections13:43
nibbler_paulens12, you posted a picture that does not display an error. so maybe elaborate a bit and someone in the channel might be able to help13:43
ikoniaSubD: 2.) if the machines where making a connection and failing you'd see failed connections13:44
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ikoniaSubD: it looks like it's not making the connection13:44
SubDikonia: exactly it seems like they aren't trying.  Yet when I check those machines I see that they completed the first task of the batch script, which was making a local copy of the database and appending the current date..  So I know that they are running the script.  I also know that each night, different machines are failing to connect to the server.13:45
SubDikonia: Perhaps this is a router issue on the server's side.13:45
ikoniaSubD: is it possible it's something like a firewall seeing 6 machines hit the server and thinking it's an attack and firewalling /13:45
lasitterHello world! Geezer with money is new to Ubuntu, is interested in easing the transition from windows with paid support. I have a few things about myself I need to clip and paste as background info if that's OK to do on IRC.13:45
TheLordOfTimelasitter, wrong location.13:45
ikoniaSubD: I'm assuming they are using putty pagent and keys ?13:46
lasitterThank you. Which channel?13:46
ikonialasitter: contact canonical13:46
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=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
ikonialasitter: they have official support packages available13:46
TheLordOfTimelasitter, if you want help with migration, you'll only find volunteers here, if you want paid step-by-step, contact canonical as ikonia suggests13:46
lasitterI was hoping for something in between corporate support and end user support.13:46
SubDikonia: they are all using a password to login to the same account.13:46
ikonialasitter: canonical offers end user support13:47
lasitterYes I saw canonical on the web. Sounds like a big corporation.13:47
ikoniaSubD: ok, I'd go back to something blocking inbetween client/server as you're not seeing a connection attempt in the logs suggesting it's never getting there13:47
=== rzsz_ is now known as rzsz
ikonialasitter: it's the people who make ubuntu, they know it better than anyone and they offer home user packages13:47
ikonialasitter: plus it's nice to put money back into the OS you are using.13:48
TheLordOfTimeikonia, where's that?  i know 3 people that want that type of support ;P13:48
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: contact them, they have small low end support packages13:48
ikonia5 seats or less type thing13:48
lasitterikonia: So you're saying that canonical is help with a small "h" and is still reasonably affordable. I'm talking about a home network.13:48
ikonialasitter: canonical is the large business that makes and builds ubuntu, they offer support of all levels including home user support packages13:49
MonkeyDustlasitter  ask your question here, maybe someone can help13:49
toshgshwhat if unity doesnt work into ubuntu session?13:50
SubDikonia: I am using fail2ban to prevent brute force attacks.  Perhaps that is blocking my connections but under its own logs, it makes no mention of blocking my client IPs, just random drones.13:50
lasitterI was originally just interested in setting up Ubuntu workstations, but it also occurred to me, just recently, that Ubuntu might be able to replace the WINS/DNS/DHCP server stuff on a separate laptop that's used for nothing else.13:50
lasitterikonia: Does canonical offer phone / skype help? Or is it all chatting? Any idea what their rates are like per hour?13:51
ikoniaSubD: worth a look though13:52
ikonialasitter: contact them and check their details, I know they have done phone and IRC help. I don't know about skype, but they are a flexible modern business13:52
TheLordOfTimeikonia, where's the contact link?13:52
TheLordOfTime(afaict, its not that easy to find)13:52
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas|
lasitterikonia: Fine. I'll check and see you later (maybe).13:53
chipmonk_will someone help me get my drop down menus back13:53
MonkeyDustTheLordOfTime  lasitter http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact13:53
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/advantage13:53
TheLordOfTimeikonia, thanks.  :)13:53
toshgshwhat if unity doesnt work into ubuntu session?13:54
michealPWLMAO these are such brilliant systems. I can't decide between KDE 4, GNOME 3 or Unity haha. I love how lightdm integrates them all so nicely at the login screen. Brilliant!13:54
michealPWtoshgsh: I don't understand the question?13:54
paulens12can someone help me?..13:54
chipmonk_will someone help me get my drop down menus back13:54
TheLordOfTime!someone | paulens1213:55
ubottupaulens12: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:55
paulens12i really need help?13:55
toshgshmichaelPW: unity3d and the top panel doesnt load13:55
TheLordOfTimepaulens12, you're not giving us details...13:55
MonkeyDustpaulens12  then you've come to the right channel13:55
TheLordOfTime!details | paulens1213:55
ubottupaulens12: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:55
paulens12TheLordOfTime, i already stated my problem like 29 times.13:55
paulens12HERE ARE YOUR DEATAILS! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg13:55
FloodBot1paulens12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg here's my paste13:56
Picipaulens12: those aren't details. thats a screenshot with no context.13:56
TheLordOfTimewhat Pici said13:56
paulens12dude... all i did is boot my pc13:56
saviomy log viever fills with13:56
savioOct 11 19:25:11 Savio-PC kernel: [  136.588582] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: ME failed to update for more than 1s, lOct 11 19:25:12 Savio-PC kernel: [  136.848285] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: ME failed to update for more than 1s, likely hung13:56
paulens12what extra details do you need?!13:56
paulens12i don't even know what that screen means...13:56
chipmonk_nor do   we13:56
paulens12that's why i'm asking for help...13:57
paulens12that's what ubuntu gave me13:57
paulens12so i posted it to #ubuntu and asked for help..13:57
michealPWpaulens12: So.. That screen is this the very last thing you see when you try to start your Ubuntu 12.04 computer? :\13:57
MonkeyDustpaulens12  that's not an ubuntu error13:57
SolarisBoyits not13:57
SolarisBoyits hardware related13:57
paulens12yes, michealPW13:57
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MonkeyDustpaulens12  can you boot ubutu  from a live cd/usb ?13:58
paulens12i just want to install ubuntu.13:58
paulens12that's what i did13:58
paulens12and got this error13:58
paulens12i mean13:58
paulens12i was booting from installation usb13:58
SolarisBoyis that a netbook?13:58
SolarisBoy@ paulens1213:59
toshgshmichaelPW: okay thanks done it :D13:59
chipmonk_how do i switch to gnme classic when it is not offered as an option at boot13:59
fluitfrieshow can i safely r/w HFS+ filesystems?14:00
ikoniafigure002: you can't14:00
ibex_my ethernet is not working in ubutnu 12.04(in Lenovo G -580)14:00
chipmonk_how do i switch to gnome classic when it is not offered as an option at boot14:01
lasitterikonia: As I expected. Called the home office, got a voice mailbox. Went to the "contact" page, and it's the basic "don't call us, we'll call you when it's convenient for us" kind of thing.14:01
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:01
fluitfriesreally all i need is to safely read or duplicate the filesystem files, perhaps make a more accessible ISO of whats on the HFS+14:02
ibex_my ethernet is not working in ubutnu 12.04(in Lenovo G -580)14:02
MonkeyDustfluitfries  isnt HFS a mac thingy?14:02
fluitfriesMonkeyDust, yea, 10.7 filesystem14:03
SolarisBoyafaik its mountable but if larger thn 2TB its a little flaky14:03
SolarisBoyyou dont need write permissions to copy files elsewhere though right?14:03
fluitfriesmy lubuntu reads it when i plug it in, but no write access or full perms14:03
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, i get limited access14:03
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, can i get at least full read perms to make some ISO?14:04
paulens12isn't this channel for helping?14:04
SolarisBoyfluitfries: is it a root drive of a mac system?14:04
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, no, it's a ext usb drive14:04
paulens12https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg here's my paste14:04
MonkeyDustpaulens12  as soon as someone can help, they most certainly will14:04
fluitfriespaulens12, have patience, try your request once every 10 mins or so plz14:04
paulens12yeah, i did that.. lol14:05
paulens12last time i posted it before was 10 minutes ago14:05
fluitfriespaulens12, well maybe the next time you post you'll have made more progess on your own and someone will have more likely hood of helping you :)14:05
SolarisBoyfluitfries: what driver have you loaded to mount it?14:06
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, not sure, it's Lubuntu auto-mounting it.  can i check the driver via terminal?14:06
ibex_my ethernet is not working in ubutnu 12.04(in Lenovo G -580)14:06
SolarisBoyfluitfries: type mount14:07
ewookhum hum. anyone got any clue on dm-crypt/luks with etokens/yubikey? well, non openPGP-tokens preferably.14:07
paulens12fluitfries, i had this problem a week ago, so i don't think i'll achieve something more in several minutes xD14:07
SolarisBoyfluitfries: if not using hfsplus try that - are there multiple partitions on the drive?14:07
SolarisBoypaulens12: is it a netbook yoou are having an issue with?14:07
fluitfries/dev/sdb2 on /media/oneSixty type hfsplus (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)14:07
fluitfrieslooks like hfsplus14:08
MonkeyDustpaulens12  what have you tried in the mean time?14:08
fluitfriescan i just remount with write access?  doesn't seem safe, lol14:08
paulens12booting several times???14:08
SolarisBoyyou can try14:08
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paulens12c'mon, what can i do... i don't even know where it comes from...14:09
SolarisBoypaulens12: is it a netbook?14:09
MonkeyDustpaulens12  what other steps, trying to find out what's wrong?14:09
paulens12no, it's a PC14:09
paulens12i don't know where it comes from14:09
paulens12look at me14:09
paulens12it's me, the noob!14:09
paulens12remember me?!14:09
FloodBot1paulens12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
__sjhany word on the ubuntu android releases?14:09
AdvoWorkMy old servers shows: test:x:1001:1001::/opt/test:/bin/bash  but ive just made a new user and it shows: test:x:1001:1001:test,,,:/opt/test:/bin/bash   why the extra ,,, ?14:10
SolarisBoyfluitfries: 'sudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /mount/point'14:10
SolarisBoytry this14:10
SolarisBoyadjust the mount point to what you are using though @ fluitfries14:10
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, kk14:10
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: that seems to be the user comment section no?14:11
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: right its the field for a description - how was the user created?14:12
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, it didn't like that, i got the "usage help" lol14:12
MonkeyDustpaulens12  can you boot from the hard disk?14:12
AdvoWorkSolarisBoy, i did: sudo adduser --home /opt/test --shell /bin/bash --uid 1001 --gid 1001 --gecos 'test' test   how can i make that without the extra stuff then?14:12
SolarisBoyfluitfries: can you try 'dpkg -l 'hfs*''14:12
paulens12MonkeyDust, i didn't install it..14:13
paulens12i don't have it installed14:13
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: you can usermod him14:13
paulens12i was trying to install it from that USB14:13
MonkeyDustpaulens12  what was on the pc, before you tried to install ubuntu?14:13
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: 'man usermod'14:13
AdvoWorkand do what though, remove a comment?14:13
SolarisBoypaulens12: you can also edit the file but its not recommended14:13
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, no packages match14:13
SolarisBoyfluitfries: can you try installing it14:13
SolarisBoyoops fluitfries apt-get install hfsprogs is what you wanted14:13
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, i'm guessing apt-get install hfsprogs ?14:14
paulens12MonkeyDust, i was gonna install it on a spare partition.14:14
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: investigate how to update the comment field with usermod14:14
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: you can edit the file but its not recommended.14:14
MonkeyDustpaulens12  yes, but what system is or was installed on it, before you tried ubuntu?14:14
paulens12it's a fresh partition14:14
paulens12well, i already said.. i was booting from USB, not from hard drive...14:14
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: im looking at the man page for usermod - it is directly on the top14:14
SolarisBoy--comment is the relevant argument14:15
MonkeyDustpaulens12  ok, then boot the other partition and check the not-working partition from there14:15
paulens12i don't know, why do you need to know what OS i have on my hard drive... i'll install ubuntu on a diffeerent partition than it14:15
AdvoWorkSolarisBoy, sorted, i didnt get what you meant originally, thanks14:15
SolarisBoyAdvoWork: cool14:15
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, ok, it still doesn't like the mount command tho14:15
SolarisBoyfluitfries: hrmm14:16
SolarisBoywhat is is saying exactly fluitfries ?14:16
Pinkamena_Dhello, when using gedit and i press ctrl+s and start to type the name, it types by default into the file search box instead of the "filename" box. Is their any way to change this?14:16
MonkeyDustpaulens12  ok, but how did you use the pc, before you tried to boot from usb?14:16
Pinkamena_Di need to save alot of small files (learning python)14:16
SolarisBoyfluitfries: http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write14:16
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, you know all this stuff: Usage: mount -V                 : print version14:16
SolarisBoythis is where im at14:16
fluitfriesSolarisBoy, kk, thx14:17
SolarisBoyahhh ok so it doesn't like one option14:17
paulens12i turned it off (windows 8) -> put the usb in -> turned it on14:17
MonkeyDustah, widows 8, a new element14:17
MonkeyDustpaulens12  i remember, MS invented something in the bios or so, so you cannot boot from anything other than windows14:18
D4rkH4ndAny tips to make Ubuntu 12.04 look like 10.X anyone cause this unity thing is not for me14:18
SolarisBoyis it the fact that you need to make an EFI partition?14:18
paulens12no no no14:18
SolarisBoy@ MonkeyDust ?14:18
Noburohi all, i'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 and after unetbootin install, i rebooted the laptop and with esc i selected the usb drive, but it's about 6min that in the left upper corner of the screen there is only a blinking cursor, any help?14:18
paulens12it's just a bit harder to reach the bios, but it's still there14:18
MonkeyDustSolarisBoy  don't know exactly14:18
BlackPanxD4rkH4nd install gnome3 fallback14:19
paulens12they have like, a more user-friendly version of bios... but it doesn't delete the original one14:19
SolarisBoyi had some troubles with that on my lappy with windows pre-installed but got around it by having the ubuntu installer create an EFI partition14:19
MonkeyDustD4rkH4nd  fallback/classic looks very much like gnome214:19
BlackPanxstill sucks14:19
paulens12the installer doesn't even start14:19
BlackPanxbut :)14:19
lasitterFound what I was looking for on canonical web site. They're asking $100 to $150 per seat per year. I was looking for more of a one-shot setup experience, and hopefully for under $200 to start.14:19
paulens12it's like a boot error14:19
BlackPanxas good as it gets14:19
dr_willis!nomodeset | Noburo14:19
ubottuNoburo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:19
FloodBot1BlackPanx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:19
paulens12MonkeyDust, i think i could have wrongly set up the usb drive...14:20
paulens12but i used linux live usb creator, so idk where's the problem...14:20
SolarisBoyseems to be on the ata bus...14:21
nibbler_paulens12, also try to add boot options: noacpi acpi=off nolapic14:21
SolarisBoyor some bus - i see someone who used some kernel options to turn of lapic14:21
paulens12how to add boot options? xD lol14:21
SolarisBoyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1477453 || paulens1214:21
SolarisBoyits why i asked you about the netbook...14:21
nibbler_paulens12, when you boot from usb there shouldbe something like a boot menu, there you should be able to add options in the line that starts with "linux"14:22
paulens12first line: I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix on an acer Aspire One D250, specs below:14:22
paulens12fact: i didn't install it14:22
paulens12so that's not for me14:22
paulens12nibbler_, it doesn't boot. it gives me that screen. that's why i'm here.14:22
paulens12it's a boot error or something...14:22
nibbler_paulens12, before it gives you that screen you should see a grub menu or such, isolinux....14:22
SolarisBoythat is the kernel booting hardware14:22
DataholicI have installed ubuntu mini iso 12.04 online, is it possible i can make a bootable live cd on this vmware image?14:23
SolarisBoyif you disable the kernel from doing certain things like nibbler_ and that post say paulens12 you may boot..14:23
DataholicI just installed gnome-shell and vmware view client 1.614:23
paulens12nibbler_, i only see black screen with some blinking white letters, then it's writing a lot of stuff (like log) (very fast) and it stops at that point14:23
paulens12i took a screenshot..14:23
BlackPanxD4rkH4nd http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/08/return-to-ubuntu-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-11-10/14:24
nibbler_paulens12, try holding shift pressed while booting - ubuntu normally (before booting) will ask if you want to install ubuntu, rescue a system etc.14:24
paulens12but ubuntu doesn't boot xD14:24
Dataholicanyone can give tips or any links14:24
nibbler_paulens12, are you trying to troll?14:24
SolarisBoythe kernel is though...14:24
SolarisBoynibbler_: some things are pointless..14:25
ner0xWhen trying to set Chromium to my "default browser" it clears the "preferred application" entry, any ideas why?14:25
paulens12nibbler_, i'll explain you once more... when i turn on my pc with that usb in it, it blinks some white letters on black screen, then freezes on black screen, then starts logging something and stops at that point (in the picture)14:25
dr_willispaulens12:  the grub menu is befor the os actually boots14:25
paulens12i don't see any menus14:25
toremirk_Hi all. I've gotten a problem with an usb hdd on my htpc. Ever since I upgraded to 12.04 Precise Pangolin, I've been struggeling with it. And I can't seem to figure it out. All the SMART-values read out OK. And the fsck.ext4 don't find any errors. Here's a pastebin from syslog: http://pastebin.com/atNa3XAe14:25
SolarisBoyhes telling you how to show it...14:25
paulens12just black screen.14:25
dr_willisthats why they said to hold shift.. to make the menu show14:26
BlackPanxD4rkH4nd - for latest 12.04 one: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed14:26
pressto_alguien me orienta donde estoy14:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:26
DataholicI have installed ubuntu mini iso 12.04 via internet, installed only gnone-shell and vmware view client 1.6.  is it possible i can make a bootable live cd on this vmware image?14:26
horse01hirz, with the laste release of Firefox, Firefox16, the color of link doesn't change, somebody can confirm it?14:26
dr_willisDataholic:  you mean 'remaster' your install to a custome live cd?14:27
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Niarfhi :)14:27
Niarfi will upgrade to precise et test it14:28
Dataholicdr_willis: I just want the vmware image converted to iso, so i can boot it to cd14:28
paulens12so... https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37687581/IMAG0667.jpg ?14:28
pressto_estoy en ubuntu-es?14:28
Niarfpam-krb5 shows me this error : pam_krb5(sshd:setcred): unknown option realm=DOMAIN.LOCAL14:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:28
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here that could possibly help me out regarding AppArmor? I am trying to make my first profile and chose Privoxy to start with :)14:28
SolarisBoyNiarf: are you authenticating via a windows domain?14:29
SolarisBoyor trying..14:29
NiarfSolarisBoy:  yes14:29
SolarisBoyfind where that option is and fix it =)14:29
SolarisBoyseems like its in smb.conf14:29
BluesKajpaulens12, do you have cdrom drive , I recommend you try to install ubuntu using that , your usb image is obviously corrupt14:29
SolarisBoyjust a guess though ;>14:29
NiarfSolarisBoy: we use kerberos pam instead of winbind14:30
SolarisBoyNiarf: its finding that realm= option somewhere and it doesn't like it14:30
ubuntu-studiom use a samsung mobile internet when i connect a mobile to pc then after 5mint automatically disconnect my phome14:30
paulens12BluesKaj, maybe i should use a different method of flashing the usb?14:30
SolarisBoyit should be fixed DOMAIN.LOCAL looks like something thats placed in files by default or something (more speculation thoguh)14:30
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SolarisBoymaybe you should try adding those boot options to the kernel paulens12 - seems to have worked for many14:31
paulens12i don't have spare dvds14:31
feb_How do you mount an overlay file system in fstab? (12.04)14:31
SolarisBoyyou haven't tried it despite being told 3 times to14:31
BluesKajpaulens12, nope , just what I posted14:31
paulens12SolarisBoy, is there a guide how to do it?14:31
NiarfSolarisBoy: hum no boot options14:31
SolarisBoyi showed it to you paulens1214:31
SolarisBoyNiarf: not you14:31
Niarferf sorry14:32
SolarisBoyNiarf: that option you are having an issue with is in an enabled config file - find and remove.fix it14:32
BluesKaj!who | paulens1214:32
ubottupaulens12: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:32
Niarfok i will look in krb5.conf14:32
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:32
Niarfnow *14:32
SolarisBoydefinately some brain cell erosion going on here..14:32
DataholicI have installed ubuntu mini iso 12.04 via internet, installed only gnone-shell and vmware view client 1.6.  is it possible i can make a bootable live cd on this vmware image?14:33
ActionParsnipDataholic: I'd ask in #vmware14:33
ScG^Dedicatedhi there, anyone here that could possibly help me out regarding AppArmor? I am trying to make my first profile and chose Privoxy to start with :)14:34
feb_anyone? I googled and tried many combinations, but every time Ubuntu gets stuck on reboot.14:34
SolarisBoyScG^Dedicated: apparmor is huge is there something specific your trying to allow thats its blcoking?14:34
ahferroin7does anyone know of a way to get apport to just do a normal core dump when a program it doesn't recognize crashes?14:35
NiarfSolarisBoy: I have a configuration OK on lucid with login and pam-krb5. I will copy it on precise et auth.log show me this error. I have a /etc/pam.d/common-auth with option realm on pam-krb5 line14:35
SolarisBoyNiarf: have you checked the versions of the software (not the OS?) and that he option is still legit (if thats what your getting at)14:36
WejqHow to make my unity-sidebar thingy indexing files from mounted partitions (done by fstab)14:36
NiarfSolarisBoy: yes man displays this option14:36
SolarisBoyhmm lets see..14:36
SolarisBoythat syntax looks odd afaik14:36
Wejqbecause i get tracker packet and set folders, did reset and so on, but how to refresh indexing, force it ?14:37
SolarisBoyNiarf: what is the complete entry you have in common-auth that looks like 'realm*?'14:37
SolarisBoyNiarf: also the man page you got tht line from14:38
Niarfuth sufficient pam_krb5.so use_first_pass minimum_uid=10000 realm=DOMAIN.LOCAL14:38
Niarfi replace DOMAIN.LOCAL with our local AD domain14:38
ahferroin7does anyone know of a way to get apport to just do a normal core dump when a program it doesn't recognize crashes?14:39
SolarisBoyNiarf: certainly is there..14:40
NiarfSolarisBoy: i say, i do a mistake in my message : i replace our local domain by DOMAIN.LOCAL14:40
Niarf-i say14:40
Niarfwe use this line in ubuntu lucid and it's OK :(14:41
lmatI just installed alpine and it says that it can't find sendmailb. I looked it up online, and it looks like it'll be easy to fix, but I'm wondering why apt-get didn't take care of this for me.14:41
D4rkH4ndWhats a working iso burner nothing ive tryed will work14:42
SolarisBoyNiarf: how did you migrte the settings? programatically or just as you saw fit?14:42
SolarisBoyNiarf: like how did you move those configs for krb over?14:42
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: i use xfburn14:43
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?14:43
MEGHAhow can I share wifi in ubuntu14:43
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: and burn as slowly as you can14:43
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ActionParsnip!ics | MEGHA14:43
ubottuMEGHA: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing14:43
D4rkH4ndi tryed it goes all the way to eject the media after that it fails14:44
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ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: tried a different pack of CDs?14:44
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ubuntu-studiom use a samsung mobile internet when i connect a mobile to pc then after 5mint automatically disconnect my phome14:44
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: is it a SATA burner?14:45
D4rkH4ndUmm i belive so its a laptop14:45
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: you could put it into IDE compatibility mode (if bios supports it)14:46
D4rkH4nddidnt think about that14:46
NiarfSolarisBoy: i move krb5.conf and pam.d config files14:47
D4rkH4ndwhats wird is no FIFO fails 100% full so wouldnt guess the issue thought it was a bad software idk14:47
ubuntu-studio_m use a samsung mobile internet when i connect a mobile to pc then after 5mint automatically disconnect my phome14:47
NiarfSolarisBoy: i'll be back in a few minutes14:48
ubuntu-studio_can any help me..14:48
Pici!floodbots | klausl14:49
ubottuklausl: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.14:49
ActionParsnipD4rkH4nd: which burners have you tried?14:49
horse01hirz, somebody have this truble with the last relase of Firefox16: "the color of link doesn't change after clic on it"?14:49
ActionParsnip!info firefox14:50
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 15.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 19338 kB, installed size 40147 kB14:50
D4rkH4ndThe default one that comes with install and xburn(that was on 10.X)14:50
hirzhorse01: how am I related to the last release of firefox?14:50
ActionParsniphorse01: i suggest you contact the packager, its from a 3rd party source14:50
MneumonicIs the October 11th daily build of 12.10 the same as the Release Candidate or will that release some time today seperately?14:50
ActionParsnipMneumonic: if you install the pre-release now, you will upgrade seamlessly to the release candidate14:51
MneumonicActionParsnip I'm trying to wait if there will be an actually Release Candidate release.  They are going to be releasing a seperate Release Candidate release today at some point?14:52
klauslHello! What is the difference between Ubuntu and other Linux?14:52
ActionParsnipMneumonic: its not for a while yet, I suggest you enquire in #ubuntu+114:52
klauslWhat is so special to ubuntu?14:52
bazhangklausl, thats beyond the scope of this channel14:52
SolarisBoyklausl: thats more so whats installed in 'userland' and the default configuration of the kernel etc14:52
ActionParsnipklausl: that can be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic14:52
D4rkH4ndOR google.com14:53
SolarisBoyklausl: you can get more info online or where they reference you it is a big topic14:53
snakesterhi guys this is the first channel i joined. What IS the scope of this channel?14:53
ActionParsnipsnakester: support14:53
SolarisBoysnakester: ubuntu support questions14:53
bazhangsnakester, check the topic14:53
ubottusnakester:: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:53
ActionParsnipsnakester: as in 'my thing is not working / broken' please help me fix it14:53
SolarisBoylol my thing14:54
snakesterthis is the first time I have used IRC since the 90s, so I couldn't remember how to check the topic lol. Sorry14:54
k1lsnakester: /topic14:54
cfhowlettsnakester: welcome bacck14:54
akSeyahi folks :)14:58
cfhowlettakSeya: greetings14:58
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NiarfSolarisBoy: i'm back, no more ideas ?15:00
black_13is there a clonezilla channel15:00
akSeyaone little question, my PC has a internal speaker, when I plug in my headphones the sound goes to the headphones and to the  speaker15:01
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akSeyahow can I stop sound from going to the speaker?15:01
bazhang!alis | black_13 have a search15:02
ubottublack_13 have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:02
ActionParsnipakSeya: is the system a laptop?15:02
SolarisBoyNiarf: nopes15:02
akSeyaActionParsnip, nope, it's a lenovo15:02
SolarisBoyNiarf: actually yea15:02
SolarisBoyNiarf: is there any conflicting entry in krb5.conf?15:02
black_13can clonezilla back up and restore disk where there are ntfs and ext3 partions on the disk?15:03
bazhangblack_13, check their forum/web page15:03
NiarfSolarisBoy:  no, i can't see the problem (krb5/conf works in lucid)15:03
SolarisBoyNiarf: kk im done then =)15:05
D4rkH4ndokay i never have a issue with this on windows but im a nub so how can i create a virtual CD rom and mount a iso with linux lol15:05
bazhang!iso | D4rkH4nd15:05
ubottuD4rkH4nd: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:05
SolarisBoydraven: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /where/to/mount15:05
SolarisBoyoops D4rkH4nd not draven - sorry15:06
D4rkH4ndSo when a app asks for a CD how would i point it to that or will it see 2 cd roms after that ?15:06
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black_13bazhang: have you used clonezilla15:08
SolarisBoywell that makes it available on the filesystem like a plain folder r/o i think there may be some other apps that make a virtual cd drive to fake some apps out15:08
jayeffkayThis isn't working, what do i need to escape? grep -Eo '<envelope><sender self="yes".*</envelope>'15:08
wipindonhi all15:08
bazhangblack_13, no, check their homepage/FAQ15:09
D4rkH4ndya thats what i need to make it look like a cd is in the drive all my cd's are old and wont right15:09
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: is that XML data> you may find xml_grep more useful...15:09
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: it is. this is a one time search, was hoping to be able to just use grep15:10
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: its possible15:10
akSeyaActionParsnip, any idea? =/15:10
SolarisBoyyou shouldn't need to escape anything in single qoutes afaik15:10
SolarisBoybut im not sure if the regex characters are working as you think they are15:11
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: in this case what i do is remove the complexity - then add it back incrementally - if anything youll learn good regex15:11
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: i know fantastic regex15:12
jayeffkayjust not bash15:12
ActionParsnipakSeya: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:12
jayeffkayor grep15:12
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: well yea...15:12
SolarisBoythen you would have a match - as knowing regex is knowing YOUR data =)15:12
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: you would need to post your file for better help15:13
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: it consists of "envelopes" like this: <envelope><sender self="yes" hostmask="kbkhb">jayeffkay</sender><message id="jhk" received="2012-10-11 15:40:24 +0100">hkjbjhb</message></envelope>15:13
akSeyaActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/VLZsfeRe15:14
paulens12so, hi again xD15:14
SolarisBoydoes the XML traverse multi lines? if not the self="yes" key appears very sufficient to match on..15:17
ActionParsnipakSeya: so when you plug in speakers, the sound comes out of the inbuilt speakers15:18
WejqHow to force file indexing files from mounted partitions for searching in sidebar ?15:18
akSeyayeap, that's it15:18
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: nope, it's a 5mb single line15:18
SolarisBoyas in does each element possibly have \n characters in them etc? if not i dont see why your not just going grep 'self="yes"'  jayeffkay15:18
akSeyaActionParsnip, the sound comes out from both actually15:18
akSeyafrom the built-in speakers and the plugged one15:19
ActionParsnipAslan: ok try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null15:19
ActionParsnipakSeya: reboot and test15:20
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: if you insert a newline after those closures like pipe it through a perl one liner then grep it should work also15:20
SolarisBoythat would be supremely horrid looking though..15:20
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: i had a go at adding newlines, but nothing i tried woked15:20
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ActionParsnipakSeya: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/19833015:21
SolarisBoyperl -pe 's/(\<\/envelope\)>/$1\n/g' should do it no jayeffkay ?15:21
akSeyaok ActionParsnip gona try :)15:22
SolarisBoywait thats broken15:22
SolarisBoyone sec jayeffkay15:22
L3mces/\(\<\/envelope\)\>  ?15:23
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: perl -pe "s/(\<\/envelope)>/$1\n/g" does the trick i think15:23
SolarisBoyperl -pe 's/(\<\/envelope)\>/$1\n/g'15:23
SolarisBoythat works just tested15:23
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: thanks very much!15:24
SolarisBoyyour welcome sir15:24
SolarisBoyi feel bad as i know you can do this in grep alone but i forget =(15:24
SolarisBoyand i would delete that out my terminal history =)...15:24
ActionParsnipSolarisBoy: cp ~/.bash_history ~/.bash_history.backup15:25
ActionParsnipSolarisBoy: ;)15:25
fluitfriesi am using xfburn to create dvd iso of the directories from the hfs+ filesystem and it appears to be getting everything, i need to check for hidden files i guess.15:25
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: eh, multiple lines is nice15:25
SolarisBoylols ActionParsnip15:25
SolarisBoyjayeffkay: yes well formatted xml is great...15:25
SolarisBoymaybe they thought it was json by accident...15:25
SolarisBoyor maybe what generates the XML should add newline characters...15:26
jayeffkaySolarisBoy: it's actually a colloquy irc chat log, lol15:26
jayeffkaycolloquy can't open or search it15:26
SolarisBoyxml logs ugh...15:26
* SolarisBoy wonders why15:26
jayeffkaymy only xml reader, a plugin in chrome, refused to open it15:27
fluitfriesisn't colloquy os x?15:27
SolarisBoy5mb is kinda big for text...15:27
fluitfriesxml on os x is always tricky if i remember.15:27
jayeffkayone line too15:27
SolarisBoyatleast afaik15:27
SolarisBoyyea thas nasty15:27
fluitfriesyou can try using sudo ditto -rsrc <file> <newfile>15:28
fluitfriesfrom os x15:28
fluitfrieswill get you a pretty good copy of the original15:28
kesiHi all, when my computer comes out of sleep mode, my USB mouse never works until I reboot. Any easy solution to this?15:28
ActionParsnipkesi: tried unloading the usb module then reloading it15:29
calrogmankesi: ...did you try unplugging it then plugging it back in?15:29
calrogmanalso, ActionParsnip, kesi, unloading the usb module is a very bad idea if you're using a USB keyboard15:30
kesiActionParsnip, like this: http://www.roman10.net/how-to-reset-usb-device-in-linux/?15:30
ActionParsnipcalrogman: not if you run the unload and reload command on the same line15:30
akSeyaActionParsnip, no deal :(15:30
kesicalrogman, Yes.15:30
kesiActionParsnip, calrogman: No USB keyboard.15:30
calrogmanof course, ActionParsnip, but that's no implied in your advice and i make a habit of assuming the worst of people.15:31
ActionParsnipakSeya: ok change the line from positionfix=1   to:  model=laptop15:31
fluitfriesalso if the file is all on one line it sounds like the line endings or encoding got messed up on it :)15:31
ActionParsnipkesi: looks a bit excessive15:31
kesiActionParsnip, what's the simple way?15:31
ActionParsnipkesi: sudo modprobe -r usbhid hid; sleep 2; sudo modprobe usbhid hid15:32
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calrogmanActionParsnip: could prompt for the password twice depending on your sudo config, do sudo ( modprobe -r usbhid hid; sleep 2; modprobe usbhid hid; )15:33
ActionParsnipcalrogman: shouldn't do, the grace period will be long enough for the 2 commands to fly15:34
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calrogmanActionParsnip: again, "depending on your sudo config"15:34
kesiActionParsnip, calrogman: am I supposed to replace something in that command for my particular device id?15:34
calrogmanno kesi15:34
ActionParsnipcalrogman: i doubt the default has changed, but its better to be safe I guess15:34
ActionParsnipkesi: no, that is the command15:35
ActionParsnipkesi: it unloads the 2 modules, little pause then reloads them. It can wake up the devices15:35
kesiActionParsnip, user@Pegasus:~$ sudo modprobe -r usbhid hid; sleep 2; sudo modprobe usbhid hid15:35
kesi[sudo] password for user:15:35
kesiFATAL: Error inserting usbhid (/lib/modules/3.0.0-22-generic-pae/kernel/drivers/hid/usbhid/usbhid.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)15:35
calrogmankesi: did you (see dmesg)?15:36
KsMyou can't put multiple modules on the same line like that15:36
kesicalrogman, trying to figure out how right now. It's been awhile since I've used linux.15:37
islandmonkeyHi, I am having a sudden authenication error with updating. It's been alright until a few days ago. Here's the list of rejected15:38
islandmonkeyrepos: http://pastebin.com/xKTKebja15:38
ActionParsnipkesi: when the device works. run:  lsmod | grep usb   do you see usbhid ?15:38
akSeyaActionParsnip, nope15:38
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: you need to run: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com XXXXXXXXXX15:39
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: for each hex code you have in that output15:39
kesiActionParsnip: It's not there not at the moment (just btusb and bluetooth), but the device isn't working.15:39
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: you have added PPAs but not added the GPG keys15:39
ActionParsnipkesi: is the mouse bluetooth?15:40
kesiActionParsnip, no.15:40
RikimaruI just installed Sendmail, how do i configure it?15:40
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: I did, otherwise they would of never worked (this has only been an issue since a couple of days ago)15:40
warhoIHi all please could y ou help me, to find which package provides liblua.so ? I tryied to install some packages but i stil cannot find this file to compile one of my programes :-/15:40
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: eg: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 68980A0EA10B4DE815:40
kesiRikimaru, sendmailconfig15:40
ActionParsnip!find liblua.so15:41
ubottuFound: liblua-socket-doc15:41
islandmonkeyBut nevertheless, I'll re-add the keys15:41
warhoIActionParsnip:  still problem: ./bin/sauer_server: error while loading shared libraries: liblua.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:41
warhoIalready installed package but still cant find it15:41
Rikimaruty kesi. its in progress, should I have to do anything else to be able to send mail?15:42
kesiRikimaru, probably. You'll have to set the parameters.15:43
ubuntu_user_needDoes anyone know why I can't "see" a drive my wife mounted, and how to change it so we BOTH can mount a hard drive?15:43
Marzathahow to make firefox and libreoffice menus in french?15:43
Rikimarukesi, can you tell me where? sendmail.conf doesnt have anything revelant15:43
kesiRikimaru, I don't know, sorry. I'd just be Googl'ing it myself.15:44
Rikimarukesi, ok thanks, i'll look further15:45
kesiActionParsnip, any ideas? It seems that no USB devices work after coming out of sleep. I assume I need to restart the module somehow but that last command didn't work15:46
BluesKajubuntu_user_need, are both pcs linux and what kind of "drive" is mounted and what is it's format?15:46
nikos_i have a problem with ndiswrapper. although it seems it is installed and my device 'InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g' is recognized and i got the mac adress of this device on wlan0, it cannot scan wireless networks. i tried to manully connect my wireless giving name and pass but after some 'thinking' it answers that the key (pass) is wrong. how can i pass throug this problem? does the driver works okey or not? any hel or advise plz?15:47
kesiActionParsnip, dmesg error is:  usbhid: Unknown parameter `hid'15:47
warhoI error while loading shared libraries: liblua.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  !! package liblua-socket-doc installed but still doesnt work ,same problem15:47
ActionParsnipkesi: try different modules15:47
kesiActionParsnip, I'm not sure what that mean15:47
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Marzathahow to make firefox and libreoffice menus in french?15:48
ActionParsnipkesi: if you run:  lsmod    you can see the loaded modules, you can unload and reload them to see if it helps (only do ones that are likely). Also, check for bug reports for the system's make and model15:48
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kesiActionParsnip, maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems that the USB module is unloading at sleep. I'm trying to figure out how to reload.15:49
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/extensions/language-support/  Marzatha15:50
bau-hi all, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop acer travelmate 8372, but the wifi doesn't work it says it's hardware switch locked, what can i do?15:50
Rikimarubau- is the hardware switch locked?15:51
Rikimarubau- the button to turn on and off your wireless on your laptop15:52
ActionParsnipkesi: could reboot and run:  lsmod > ~/Desktop/before.txt     then hibernate or whatever, wake up and run:  lsmod > ~/Desktop/after.txt    You can then compare :)15:52
kesiActionParsnip, okay. I'll do that now.15:52
bau-Rikimaru, i think so, but even if i press it, it doesn't work15:52
Rikimarupress it just once15:53
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Nope, still coming up with BADSIG15:53
Rikimaruand try ifconfig wlan0 up15:53
islandmonkey...after re-adding the keys15:53
bau-Rikimaru, wait a sec i need to reboot15:54
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opalepatrickI understood that the fix for the blueskin flash bug was already in 12.10, however, I still seem to have it after installing 12.10. Am I missing something?15:55
opalepatrickrealted to libvdpau15:55
willdabeastAnyone here very familiar with the 3D settings in ubuntu 12.04 paired with nvidia 7 series cards? I have a question that no one has been able to figure out :)15:55
kesiActionParsnip, after reboot, lsmod returns two additional devices: usbhid and hid. Obviously it's working now. Is there anyway other than rebooting to get these modules to load after sleep?15:55
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warhoI error while loading shared libraries: liblua.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  !! package liblua-socket-doc installed but still doesnt work ,same problem15:57
warhoIcan you help me?15:57
researcher_doe anyone know how to install correct fs type on a inaccessible Hard Disk?15:57
fidel_warhoI: are you using ppa's?15:57
BluesKajwilldabeast, what's the question ?15:57
warhoIfidel_:  ppa? i am not sure i do understand i am sorry15:58
fidel_!ppa | warhoI15:58
ubottuwarhoI: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:58
researcher_how to correct BAd Sectors15:58
islandmonkeywarhoI: liblua-socket-doc is only documentation, you won't find any libs in there15:58
islandmonkeyhence the "doc"15:58
willdabeastWell I am trying to set my keyboard shortcuts because right now they are disabled. When I try and enable them it says I need to be in 3D mode, which I am I thought. Blueskaj15:58
warhoIislandmonkey:  that package has been reccomended to me here15:58
warhoIfidel_: no i dont use ppa15:58
willdabeastBluesKaj any thoughts?16:01
cpg15Could someone clarify for me, is the intel gma 3600 supported by ubuntu?16:01
theadmincpg15: Most intel video cards work just fine.16:01
theadmincpg15: Well, as fine as they *can* work.16:01
BluesKajwilldabeast, in a terminal , glxinfo | grep 3D16:01
willdabeastblueskaj done16:02
cpg15theadmin, i've just started 12.04 livecd on my samsung n102sp notebook, and resolution is only at 800x600 and unchangeable16:02
islandmonkeywarhoI: Install liblua5.2-0 and liblua5016:02
BluesKajwhat was the output of the first line , willdabeast ?16:02
cpg15theadmin, is this because i am using xubuntu as opposed to ubuntu?16:02
willdabeastblueskaj - GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt116:03
warhoIislandmonkey: same error, cant find that file16:03
theadmincpg15: No, that shouldn't be a problem. Run the Additional Drivers tool and see if it helps16:04
warhoIislandmonkey:  nvm i am sorry16:04
warhoIit works now16:04
cpg15theadmin, thank you. i'll try and that16:04
islandmonkey!yay | warhoI16:04
ubottuwarhoI: Glad you made it! :-)16:04
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theadmincpg15: Yes?16:06
willdabeastBluesKaj - if this helps, when I click on one of the binds in the Keyboard Shortcut list, it says 'New accelerator...' can't read the rest.16:06
ubuntu_user_needMy wife mounted a hard drive on her account, now I am using the computer on my account, and I can't see the hard drive (can't mount it or use it unless I force unmount then remount). Does anyone know how to fix this issue so both of us could use the hard drive?16:06
cpg15theadmin: all i get from that is "No propriety drivers are in use on this system" (sorry for accidentally sending that last message!)16:07
islandmonkeyHi, I am having a sudden authenication error with updating. It's been alright until a few days ago. Here's the list of rejected repos: http://pastebin.com/xKTKebja - I have re-added all keys but it still isn't working (this was being dealed with ActionParsnip until it appeared that he went AWOL)16:07
hubert_hey guys, i'd like to run graphical apps (i.e. firefox) in my tty, but is says no display specified. I don't want to install *-desktop, can anyone help me?16:07
researcher_anyone knows how to correct bad secotrs?16:07
theadmincpg15: I see... Hms. Please do: [ -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf ] && echo $?16:07
L3mceubuntu_user_need: you could symlink to it, if it is defined in fstab to be in the same place.16:08
L3mceof course... if it were in fstab, you should both see it16:08
blackshirtresearcher_, fsck if it was logical16:08
theadminhubert_: You can't run graphical apps in a TTY, you need X.org16:08
willdabeastblueskaj any thoughts what 'new accelerator...' means?16:08
hubert_theadmin: is that some kind of xserver?16:08
theadminhubert_: Well, you need any kind of Xserver, yes16:08
Subhranshu_Hi All, I have query related to Xen With WUBI16:09
theadminhubert_: x.org is just the most popular one around, the only one anyone really ever uses16:09
researcher_blackshirt: kindly help.Im newbie16:09
ubuntu_user_needL3mce: Good idea. I'll check if it's there.16:09
OerHekscpg15, if the additional driver does not work propperly, try the cedar ppa for your 3600 >> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=78157&start=15#p436455 and >> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=78157&start=15#p43645516:09
hubert_theadmin: is apt-get install xorg enough or do i have to google more?16:10
BluesKajwilldabeast, have you installed the restricted driver in jockey (alt+f2) for your nvidia graphics card?16:10
MonkeyDusthubert_  theadmin is explaining, what you want is nnot possible16:10
willdabeastBluesKaj - Not sure how do I check?16:11
theadminJust in theory, is it possible to get udev to make symlinks such as /dev/harddrive1part1 -> /dev/sda1 automatically?16:11
hubert_MonkeyDust: So i am screwed?16:11
snakesterhi again16:12
MonkeyDusthubert_  or run a grpahical desktop environment16:12
Subhranshu_Can anyone see why i am getting this issue with UBUNTU XEN16:12
cpg15theadmin, should i type that whole thing into the terminal?16:12
theadmincpg15: Yeah16:12
Subhranshu_$ xm list ERROR:  Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!16:13
hubert_MonkeyDust: Okay, thx.16:13
BluesKajwilldabeast, pastebin the output from this command , glxinfo | grep OpenGL16:13
cpg15i did and nothing happened? [ -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf ] && echo $16:13
rafaelsoaresbr_hello guys, how to update grub's boot entry options?16:13
theadmincpg15: Okay, well, I'm out of ideas to be honest...16:13
Subhranshu_Same questio is mine for WUBI16:14
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  better ask in #ubuntu-server16:14
theadmincpg15: Try doing what OerHekssaid16:14
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here that can help me with something AppArmor related?16:14
theadminrafaelsoaresbr_: sudo update-grub # This *should* be enough16:14
OerHekscpg15, if the additional driver does not work propperly, try the cedar ppa for your 3600 >> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=78157&start=15#p436455 and >> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=78157&start=15#p43645516:14
BluesKajrafaelsoaresbr_, sudo update-grub16:14
Subhranshu_MonkeyDust Thaks16:14
OerHekscpg15, you might even want to test 12.10 ..16:14
rafaelsoaresbr_theadmin, BluesKaj: thanks16:15
cpg15OerHeks, firstly i am right in understanding the card is supported, it's just not included in 12.04?16:15
OerHekscpg15, not yet supported in the kernal. you have fresh hardware, i suppose16:16
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here that can help me with something AppArmor related?16:16
BluesKaj!paste | willdabeast16:16
ubottuwilldabeast: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
cpg15OerHeks, ah i see. ill work on it. thank you very much for your help and your time - you too theadmin !16:17
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:17
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here that can help me with something AppArmor related?16:19
BluesKajwilldabeast, did you see my post about OpenGL ?16:19
willdabeastBluesKaj yea so i have pastebinit installed, its not pasting though, maybe I'm doing it wrong16:20
dn4how do I network my computer to a laptop os x machine16:20
jribScG^Dedicated: you'll only find out if someone can help you once you ask your actual question :)16:20
Subhranshu_No response in ubuntu server16:20
Subhranshu_please help me with ubuntu wubi xen boot part16:21
Subhranshu_Any idea16:22
ScG^DedicatedI am trying to create my first AppArmor profile and choose to make one for Privoxy. One of the rulesets is regarding: network inet dgram, but I have no idea what it is/does. If anyone could tell me what it is/does it's very much appreciated so I can continue to make my profile :)16:23
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  type /join ##xen, it's very populated (that's double #)16:23
BluesKajwilldabeast, ...stuff to do for 20 mins or so , errands16:23
willdabeastBlueskaj k sorry thanks for the help I'll keep tryin16:23
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  is it xen related or wubi related?16:25
hubert_how do i change tty in virtualBox? it keeps changing my machines tty..16:26
Subhranshu_it looks more like wubi issue16:27
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  wubi is a simple desktop thingy, xen is server-technology16:27
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Subhranshu_i cant see menu.lst16:28
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  wubi is a kind of tool in windows to get you familiar with the ubuntu look & feel16:28
bazhang!grub2 | Subhranshu_ thats gone with grub216:29
ubottuSubhranshu_ thats gone with grub2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:29
Subhranshu_yes i know that but does it give u an option to edit it too?16:29
bazhangSubhranshu_, check the link16:29
MonkeyDustSubhranshu_  don't expect too much from wubi16:30
Subhranshu_So what you suggest16:30
hubert_how do i change tty in virtualBox? it keeps changing my machines tty..16:30
MonkeyDusthubert_  type /join #vbox16:31
willdabeastFor some reason when I use pastebinit, it doesn't give me the correct url, it gives me a blank paste box, any ideas?16:31
theadminhubert_: Most of the time TTYs can be switched with Alt+F1-F7, *unless* in xorg16:31
hubert_theadmin: thanks, man! :)16:32
fructhello all! please help me with my internal gps receiver on notebook16:35
akisi am using a pcmcia card tp-link to connect wireless the net but is slow although my network is very fast (24Mbps) and although using a usb tp-link device everything is ok. any help or advice to make faster this operation using this pcmicia card?16:35
Marzathafruct: and me too16:36
willdabeastCan anyone help me with pastebinit? It seems to paste a blank form when I use it. All I am trying to paste is 5 lines of code from terminal.16:36
barcodeI need asistance with ddclient. It's not updating my ip.16:37
barcodeI can paste my conf file..16:37
bekksakis: Define "very slow" please, when you call 24 MBps "very fast".16:37
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fructMarzatha: ubuntu don't support gps devices?16:38
akissorry i disconnected. any idea or advise on what i asked?16:38
bekksakis: Define "very slow" please, when you call 24 MBps "very fast".16:38
bazhangbarcode, perhaps you mean dhclient16:38
Marzathafruct: no, it supports.16:39
barcodebazhang: No, ddclient. and that pastebin doesn't work.16:40
ActionParsnipbekks: very fast @ 24Mbps.....pfff16:41
bekksActionParsnip: Thats what he said. :)16:41
barcodeI'm using afraid.org16:41
Niarf hi :)16:42
barcodeNiarf: can you help?16:42
Niarfa new question : why doesn't gnome-language-selector work ?16:42
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TheRedOctoberGreetings all. I have a very unmounted and idle logical volume. lvremove, resize2fs, etc. all return errors (ie. Can't remove open logical volume). Any ideas? Here is lvdisplay for the volume: http://pastebin.com/gnrZLkQD16:42
Niarfi'm using ubuntu precise16:42
barcodesam ehere.16:43
kurohyouHi, i want to do an ubuntu upgrade form ssh, how can i do this without touching my kernel?16:43
Niarfit says : not access to HOME yet so language not saved16:43
bekksakis: Are you there?16:43
theadminkurohyou: Ubuntu doesn't automatically remove any kernels so you don't have to worry about that.16:44
theadminkurohyou: Just do-release-upgrade.16:44
jribkurohyou: umm, why don't you want to touch your kernel?16:44
kurohyoujrib: it's a custom kernel and i'm afraid off breaking my raid16:44
akisvery slow (pcmcia wireless) = cannot fully load a big number of pages. some pages cannot load them at all. very fast (wired or wireless usb) everything is full loaded in secs or less.My isp speed test gives 13Mbps.16:44
jribkurohyou: well the upgrade shouldn't remove it but you still have to ensure that grub is setup to boot the one you want16:45
User_007Hello, i am using Ubuntu 12.04 and i just made a custom kernel 3.6.1. When i booted it the first time, everything was all right. After the second boot, i could listen any sound off my computer: I have already tried many configurations on sound panel.16:45
User_007If i boot my old 3.5.4 kernel, the sound comes back and if i boot 3.6.1 again it works on the first boot.16:45
akisbekks: any comment?16:46
bekksakis: So please tell us how fast your PCMCIA card is (in MBps) when your WLAN is 24MBps (which is quite slow).16:46
User_007After the second consecutive boot on 3.6.1 i have no sound anymore.16:46
superpieso use 3.5.416:46
User_007superpie, sure. But it must be some little bug, i want help to fix it16:47
Niarfany ideas to resolve this error ?16:47
nadeemhi guys want to know how to upgrade the kernel on my usb stick ubuntu 12.10??16:48
ActionParsnipUser_007: did you try killing pulseaudio and immediately removing ~/.pulse*16:48
ActionParsnipUser_007: we can't really support custom kernels here16:48
Galaxian3500Hello I Can't write to NTFS partition of my HD, Its mounted and show me Its only read permission16:48
bekksnadeem: Then please refer to #ubuntu+116:48
User_007ActionParsnip, i will try16:48
nadeemokey bekks thx16:49
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User_007ActionParsnip, i tried.. haven't worked16:50
Niarfany ideas to skip this error : not access to HOME yet so language not saved16:51
User_007ActionParsnip, i just did # killall pulseaudio; rm ~/.puls*16:51
ActionParsnipUser_007: I suggest you ask in #linux or #kernel16:51
User_007ok, thanks16:51
toremirk_Hi all. I've gotten a problem with an usb hdd on my htpc. Ever since I upgraded to 12.04 Precise Pangolin, I've been struggeling with it. And I can't seem to figure it out. All the SMART-values read out OK. And the fsck.ext4 don't find any errors. Here's a pastebin from syslog: http://pastebin.com/atNa3XAe16:51
Galaxian3500I need to touch  /etc/fstab  for write permissions16:51
ActionParsnipGalaxian3500: just run:  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab   and you will get write access16:51
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MonkeyDustGalaxian3500  or sudo -e /etc/fstab16:54
Galaxian3500thx ActionParsnip this is the partition  /dev/sda2                                  /media/sda2  ntfs  nls=iso8859-1,ro,umask=000  0  016:55
shazbotmcnastyhey #ubuntu - messin with 10.04 here - there doesn't seem to be a working network applet in the tray - only thing network related is "network tools" which I cannot connect to a wireless network from.16:55
Galaxian3500MonkeyDust thx what should change ?16:56
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: make sure nm-applet is running16:56
shazbotmcnastyyeah that's not installed - grabbin it thanks ActionParsnip16:57
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: Lucid is EOL real soon, have you considered a clean install of Precise?16:57
shazbotmcnastyI'm attempting to build an internet cafe and having some issues with unity so I'm using 10.04 for now. I heard KDE also has an internet kiosk setup thing. Or do you have any suggestions on how to make an internet kiosk easily? I really wanted to use chromium OS but I cannot use my wireless card, which makes it useless for me. :<16:58
GoblinRiderAnyone know when the Release Candidate will be released today?16:59
trismGoblinRider: there isn't a rc16:59
bazhangGoblinRider, eta unknown16:59
hilohow can I set a shell script to run at boot completion time, and have it run as a specific user?16:59
MonkeyDustGalaxian3500  replace "nls=....,ro,umask=000" with "defaults" (without the quotes)16:59
GoblinRiderit says RC today on the wiki.. hoping they fixed the annoying nouveau bug17:00
Galaxian3500<MonkeyDust> thx I will check it17:01
TheChasercould someone maybe help me out? Im trying to install ubuntu on my laptop.. that im locked out off.. and when i try to use a flashdrive it says "missing operating system" what do i do?17:02
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shazbotmcnastyookay ActionParsnip nm-applet is installed and running but no nm-applet is on the bar, and I cannot add it with the right click>add to panel17:03
willdabeastDoes anyone know why when I use pastebinit it returns a blank form in terminal?17:04
theadminTheChaser: How did you create the drive?17:04
bekkswilldabeast: How do you invoke it?17:05
TheChaseri just bought the flashdrive and put the install on it?17:05
bazhangwilldabeast, like "command | pastebinit" ?17:05
hiloTheChaser, can you get into the bios or a boot device menu?17:05
willdabeast<command> | pastebinit yes17:05
shazbotmcnastyTheChaser: oh like you just dropped the iso on there?17:05
TheChasersorry caps17:05
shazbotmcnastyOh, that is not how it's done.17:05
TheChaserand yes i can get into the bios and boot device menu17:06
hiloTheChaser, yes to who. include who you are responding to17:06
lenochkaany idea how to get telnet server running? i installed telnetd, but cannot seem to start it17:06
bazhang!unetbootin | TheChaser17:06
ubottuTheChaser: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:06
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: i recommend you install a clean install of Precise which is supported til 2017. Lucid desktop dies in April next year17:06
willdabeastwell actually it was <command> | <command> | pastebinit17:06
shazbotmcnastyI have put in a lot of work to this install and I don't really want to lose it.17:07
shazbotmcnastyThe ONLY thing I have left is to make sure that the wireless works correctly17:08
shazbotmcnastyand I can't do that without nm-applet17:08
hiloActionParsnip, Precise dt gets 5 years but Lucid only gets 3?17:08
willdabeastbekks and bazhang - the command was glxinfo | grep OpenGL | pastebinit    without the pastebinit it returns 5 lines of code. I don't think it could be timing out...17:08
crizisshazbotmcnasty, boot with 12.04 livecd and test..?17:08
ActionParsniphilo: yes, Lucid server gets 5 though. I believe they made the LTS desktop and server both have 5 years now (easier to administer)17:09
crizis^ yes17:09
shazbotmcnastycrizis: I have to manually install this card and I can't do so in a live environment.17:09
shazbotmcnastyAnd I need to make sure it works in this install, not another.17:09
hiloActionParsnip, What about a server install with the desktop package installed via apt-get17:09
crizishilo, only packages in main repository get support17:10
hilohmf :)17:10
hilo:( *17:10
ActionParsniphilo: then its a desktop OS17:10
criziswe upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 at work 1 month before 12.04 release... :)17:11
crizismaybe by 14.04 we get 12.04.. :P17:11
willdabeastbekks and bazhang - any ideas?17:11
hiloI have found 12.04 to be extremely unstable in comparison to 10.0417:11
bazhangwilldabeast, why two pipes17:11
ActionParsniphilo: even in different DEs?17:11
bazhangwilldabeast, does a single one work17:11
willdabeastbazhang the person who was helping me before wanted me to pastebinit 2 of them together17:12
willdabeastbazhang I'll check17:12
willdabeastbazhang yes haha17:12
hiloActionParsnip, Can you recommend others I could/should try? I have only used the default and my X session crashes often, even with very few things running out of clean boot.17:12
ActionParsniphilo: XFCE is pretty decent17:12
hiloActionParsnip, I had looked for gnome2 alternatives (gnome3 is blah) and I really like the gnome model in comparison to Unity17:13
ActionParsniphilo: Unity isn't a desktop17:13
bazhanghilo, gnome-panel is the "classic" look17:13
ActionParsniphilo: when you use Unity, you have Gnome underneath17:13
willdabeastbazhang but its a different output just doing one17:13
lenochkaso no one knows anything about telnet???17:13
crizishilo, you can install 'gnome-panel' to get gnome3 fallback mode17:13
lenochkahow to enable it?17:13
MonkeyDustcrizis  what enterprise is that? i'm asking because i'm looking for case-studies17:14
bazhanglenochka, thats a general topic17:14
crizishilo, which is basically boring old gnome2 look17:14
crizisi'll pm MonkeyDust17:14
hiloI tried installing the gnome-panel package to get the classic look, but now nothing works in full screen17:14
ActionParsniphilo: xfce4 is a bit easier to use, the gnome fallbnack thing is a little quirky17:14
hiloThe panels are always on top17:14
willdabeastbazhang apparently grep OpenGL | pastebin doesn't work alone.17:14
ActionParsniphilo: exactly, its not great :)17:15
lenochkabazhang: how is it general? i have installed it, at least the package telnetd, but how can I start it?17:15
hiloI will try XFCE :)17:15
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: you need to grep something. grep OpenGL   on it's own makes no sense17:15
nikos_hi all. i had the same problem described here:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6TkRX4S0cuwJ:linuxforums.org.uk/index.php%3Ftopic%3D1422.0+InProComm+Inc.+IPN+2220+802.11g+ndiswrapper&cd=1&hl=el&ct=clnk&gl=gr&client=ubuntu. i followed the advises and although seems tha the wireless card is loaded still cannot scan wireless and cannot manually connect to my router asking for key whch i gave already! any help or advice? its17:15
nikos_very important for me!17:15
willdabeastactionparnsip but when I do two pipes together it won't pastebinit for me17:16
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/telnet-ssl.1.html lenochka17:16
bazhangnikos_, which card17:16
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: you need to grep something, a file, a stream, something17:16
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: eg:  grep OpenGL ~/.bashrc | pastebinit     will search the ~/.bashrc file for the word 'OpenGL'17:17
lenochkaI need no telnet-ssl, i need raw telnet17:17
willdabeastwell here's what I had before, glxinfo | grep OpenGL | pastebinit     and it doesn't work17:17
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: let me try17:17
willdabeastactionparsnip : ok thanks, because when I do glxinfo | grep OpenGL without the pastebinit it works fine.17:18
nikos_bazhang: this is the original site: http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=1422.0. card: InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g17:18
hiloActionParsnip, How do I completely remove gnome/unity to ensure that things aren't conflicting when I install XFCE?17:19
ActionParsniphilo: i wouldn't recommend it, they won't conflict17:19
hiloActionParsnip, okay17:19
hiloActionParsnip, thanks17:20
nikos_bazhang: any comment?17:20
hilohow can I set a shell script to run at boot completion time, and have it run as a specific user?17:21
harovalihi, I'm running an ubuntu server 2.6.32-43-generic-pae #97-Ubuntu SMP, and ext4 partitions. There are heavy slowdowns related to the kernel bug that in theory gets solved by doing 'echo 4 > /sys/fs/ext4/sdaN/max_writeback_mb_bump' for each N mounted partition. However, having done that, the slowdowns persist. How can I address this ? Is there a fixed kernel bakport that can be apt-get'd for instance? Other approcehes are wel17:21
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12206976&postcount=14  nikos_17:21
theadminhilo: in /etc/rc.local: su -c '/path/to/script' username17:21
OnkeltemHi. I connect to a remote host via ssh from Midnight commander but when I copy files it doesn't respect remote umask. Does anybody know where it is configured?17:22
hilotheadmin, Thanks!!17:23
nikos_bazhang: i know that. i have already run it. everything looks ok, but the device cannot scan, cannot manually connect. probably the driver doesnt properly works but how can i be sure where is the problem?17:23
ViaNocturnahey, i got an issue,when i log in2 unity, it appears almost 2d like and takes a lot of log in & log outs to get proper 3D17:24
willdabeastactionparsnip - any ideas?17:24
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: my pastebinit seems a bit screwy, gonna make it change url17:25
snakesterany of you have any recommendations for clients better than irssi? I just got it but I want to know if anyone thinks there are better ones?17:26
ViaNocturnasnakester: I personally prefer (and am using) Smuxi17:26
jribsnakester: irssi is pretty good.  weechat is nice too17:27
osseIs a syslog implementation running on 12.04 by default? I am trying to log something but am having a hard time. I found some rsyslog conf files but the impression I got was that only some stuff (mail, kernel) are logged17:27
jribsnakester: also, BestBot in #ubuntu-bots can give you more ideas17:27
hilotheadmin, is there a similar file where I can place shell scripts that need to run before the system starts shutting down and sending sigterm to all the processes? (I am trying to figure out a way to gracefully shutdown or save state for virtual machines that are running at the time of a shutdown command)17:27
snakesterthanks guys17:27
theadminhilo: /etc/rc.shutdown ;)17:28
Pinkamena_Dhello, when using gedit and i press ctrl+s and start to type the name, it types by default into the file search box instead of the "filename" box. Is their any way to change this?17:28
theadminor wait no17:28
Pinkamena_Di need to save alot of small files (learning python)17:28
hilotheadmin, well that makes sense.17:28
hilotheadmin, thanks17:28
ActionParsnipsnakester: better is an opinion, no client is better than another17:28
srammysql performance issues | 4core | 4process | 16gig | free -m shows 15gig used17:28
snakesterI know Action.. I was looking for opinions. Poor wording on my part17:29
theadminhilo: Wait, that's wrong, seems that's not in Ubuntu :/17:29
ActionParsnipsnakester: irssi has a lot of scriptablity, pidgin is nice and easy17:29
hilotheadmin, yeah doesn't exist on my system :(17:29
luisthey guys. i created an app and a specific user with the right permissions. How can i run this app with this specific user automatically without prompting a password? I need to run the command from a script, so i tried sudo su <user> -c "<command>" but it asks for the user password!17:29
osseI confirmed easiliy enough that rsyslogd is running, so I guess I need to dig around in the conf files17:29
ViaNocturnaany1 know why unity starts without transparency etc when i log in but only works properly after a few times logging out and back in? (i have screenshots)17:30
sramwhat is the channel for centos anyone ??17:30
puddleanyone has LAMP installed and working with /home/user/public_html?17:30
jribpuddle: ask your actual question17:30
nikos_any help please?17:30
jrib!helpme | nikos_17:31
ubottunikos_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:31
theadminhilo: Okay, well, copy a random script to /etc/init.d and run "sudo update-rc.d myscript start 0 6". Kinda old way but I have no other ideas17:31
ActionParsnipnikos_: wassup?17:31
sramfolks ? pls suggest me a channel for centos17:32
puddlealright I installed LAMP by the ubuntu guide but whatever i do it wont display the webpage i put into the dir first it reported perror that it cannot display then when i changed permission on dir it started to give me download link when i opened it in browser17:32
achandradrussell, ping?17:32
nikos_ActionParsnip: wassup? what to do?17:32
hilotheadmin, can you explain what the latter parts of that are actually saying? "start 0 6"17:33
snakesternikos: Never saw your question?17:33
ViaNocturnasram: according to google its in Freenode under #centos and #centos-social17:33
jribpuddle: put full, complete errors with proper context in a pastebin and link them in your question.  Also, please use punctation as it's hard to follow what you are saying otherwise17:33
sramty viaNoc*17:33
miktorI have a problem with installing the ati/catalyst hubrid graphics driver. after following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI i can't get it to work at all anymore17:33
theadminhilo: "start on runlevels 0 (system shutdown) and 6 (system reboot)"17:33
ViaNocturnasram: no problem17:33
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hilotheadmin, awesome, thanks17:34
puddlejrib there no error message anymore. just a download window when opening my local website in browser17:34
jribpuddle: so when you go to "", you get a download window?17:35
jrib!lamp | puddle17:35
ubottupuddle: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:35
puddlebut yes17:35
jribpuddle: follow the troubleshooting steps on that wiki page for your issue17:35
fidel_sounds like php isnt working. checked phpinfo() ?17:35
puddleI did but I will check it again17:36
puddlethank you both for answering17:36
nikos_ActionParsnip: does this helps? http://pastebin.com/Awd9wL5g17:36
jribpuddle: specifically, the "Troubleshooting PHP5" section17:36
puddleokay thank you I will check it right now and get back to you17:36
ActionParsnipnikos_: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see networks?17:37
jribpuddle: (usually it turns out that you just need to clear your browser's cache, but that page should cover all the possibilities)17:37
puddlewell I am gona check all the issues I am just afraid that I messed it up already17:38
puddleI also installed webmin17:38
miktorActionParsnip: that doesn't work17:38
jrib!webmin | puddle17:38
ubottupuddle: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:38
miktorActionParsnip: the netcard isn't specified17:38
BluesKajwilldabeast, just copy and paste the text from that command to here, http://pastebin.com/17:38
miktorailo: "start on runlevels 0 (system shutdown) and 6 (system reboot)"17:38
miktor19:33 < ViaNocturna> sram: no problem17:38
willdabeastblueskaj you mean manually?17:38
miktorilo: "start on runlevels 0 (system shutdown) and 6 (system reboot)"17:38
miktor19:33 < ViaNocturna> sram: no problem17:38
puddlewops ill remove it then thanks for the info again17:38
BluesKajwilldabeast, yes17:39
nikos_ActionParsnip: nooo!. that's the point. i installed also wicd networkmanager which eiterh cannot scan.17:39
BluesKajwilldabeast, glxinfo | grep OpenGL17:39
ActionParsnipnikos_: is this a USB wifi adapter?17:40
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willdabeastblueskaj http://pastebin.com/TPVv32wA#17:41
Praxihow do I clear the contents of a terminal window without closing it?  If I was in windows command prompt, I would do a cls17:41
Biggie0344can someone help me ?17:42
jribPraxi: clear17:42
Praxi!ask | Biggie034417:42
ubottuBiggie0344: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:42
ViaNocturnacan anyone help with Unity3d refusing to load with full features the first few logins?17:42
miktorHaving problems with installing ati catalyst driver, from this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:42
ollie_I don't understand zRam. "It increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM in which paging takes place until it is necessary to use the swap space on the hard disk drive." It says this is useful for machines with LESS ram. I don't understand, surely it uses more ram and less disk space?17:42
Praxity jrib17:42
nikos_ActionParsnip: no. onboard pci one. by the way look here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1640997 what i found: if you use encryption, the type and password/passphrase must match. Be aware that some older adapters may not support WPA2 or even WPA. If you seem to never be able to connect this may be the problem. is it possible not to support wpa/wpa2?17:42
Biggie0344my question is: Normally i am using amd64 ubuntu software (on my amd cpu) but now i have a I-5 cpu it supports 64 bit... shall I download the 64bit edition of ubuntu or go for the i386 ?17:43
nikos_ActionParsnip: any comment? is this good? http://pastebin.com/wTnXfzsB17:45
BluesKajwilldabeast, you have the up to date/latest nvidia driver installed17:46
willdabeastBluesKaj as far as I know17:46
BluesKajyes you do willdabeast , according to the glxinfo command17:47
gaspar_hi at all17:47
willdabeastBluesKaj - so you want me to change to the restricted one? Is that what u mean?17:47
jribBiggie0344: "amd64" is just the name of the architecture; you can use amd64 with your new intel processor17:48
gaspar_nice to meet you my name is Claude17:48
puddlejrib, php is installed i did everything i could but whatever i do the download dialog pops up instead of rendering the webpage17:48
puddlechecked if the phpmod is enabled it is17:48
jribpuddle: you cleared your browser's cachce?17:48
nikos_ActionParsnip: any comment?17:49
puddlestill no luck17:49
BluesKajwilldabeast, no ,that's the correct driver..there's nothing else i can recommend17:49
BluesKajhi gaspar_17:49
gaspar_is there a way to camchat over irc linux usersplease?17:49
willdabeastBluesKaj - ok thanks anyway :) we tried hehe17:49
bazhanggaspar_, no17:49
gaspar_hi blues17:49
insulinahello my shit keys just stop working, i have a laptop a and a keybord, the laptop keboard works but the keybord dont, i am reading this http://paulscomputernotes.blogspot.pt/2011/03/shift-keys-not-working-in-ubuntu.html , but cant find where to do it17:50
jribpuddle: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf17:50
gaspar_its one of the oldest with lots of input/cmds17:50
puddlelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Oct  3 20:51 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf -> ../mods-available/php5.conf17:50
gaspar_rules here owner /op/friend status?17:51
jribpuddle: and does /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf exist?  can you read it and make sure it's sane?17:51
bazhanggaspar_, ubuntu support question?17:51
puddle1 sec17:51
gaspar_has anyone got a link for irc for beginners please17:51
jrib!irc | gaspar_17:51
ubottugaspar_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:51
willdabeastBluesKaj well when I look at the Additional Drivers list, none of them are activated.17:51
gaspar_ubotto ah a bot ic cool17:52
bazhanggaspar_, try #freenode17:52
gaspar_so camfrog is stolen from irc17:52
puddlejrib,  http://pastebin.com/HvAwTmbp17:52
puddlethis is the content of it17:52
nikos_bazhang: i know that. i have already run it. everything looks ok, but the device cannot scan, cannot manually connect. probably the driver doesnt properly works but how can i be sure where is the problem?17:52
jribpuddle: what's the location of the php file you expect to see?17:53
gaspar_thx a lot bazhang can u tell me just if and how can i add u please17:53
gyre008why aren't the corncobs reading /etc/environment ?17:53
jribgyre008: :x17:53
gyre008jrib, ?17:53
jribpuddle: right... php won't work in home directories by default; did you see the section after "troubleshooting"?17:53
jribgyre008: "corncobs"17:53
BluesKajwilldabeast, a newer version recently installed thru the repos if you udated and upgraded in the last 2 weeks17:53
gaspar_nice too meet u all17:54
puddlei did but i missed something17:54
bazhang!ot | gaspar_17:54
ubottugaspar_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:54
gaspar_i am from luxemburg17:54
oratedHello! I'm using Kubuntu 12.04 trying gdm display manager primarily because it shows virtual keyboard on login screen to input password. I installed gdm package for the same and configured dm for gdm instead of kdm. On restart, the gdm was not how Ubuntu default 12.054 would show up and couldn't see a virtual keyboard. How can I have virtual keyboard working on gdm? Or is gdm not the right package?17:54
willdabeastBluesKaj gotcha thanks :)17:54
jribpuddle: check that php works ok in /var/www/ I guess17:54
puddleokay ty17:54
gaspar_on ubuntu studio very nice dist ubuntu is best cya17:55
jribpuddle: if you read the comments in what you pastebinned, you can see what you need to do to get php to work in public_html17:55
jribgyre008: do you mean crontabs?17:55
puddleill read it again and ty for being kind enough to help me17:56
gyre008yeah crontabs17:56
gyre008was gonna say cronjobs17:56
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gyre008they are essentially wants executed from crontab17:56
theadminorated: The default login manager in 12.04 is lightdm17:56
jribgyre008: the jobs in crontab have their own environment.  If you want them to read /etc/environment then you should explicitly do so in the crontab17:56
gyre008jrib, thats the thing I can't…crontab is created by a ruby gem (whenever)17:57
puddlejrib its working ty very much17:57
jribgyre008: you should still be able to edit the crontab, no?  Let me see if there's some other way...17:58
jribpuddle: no problem17:58
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jribpuddle: by the way; there's a reason php is disabled in user homes by default.  If you have several users on the system there may be some security concerns17:58
gyre008jrib, every time the deployment is done it will be overridden…can't do anything manually17:58
jribgyre008: I see17:59
Ray2Xchat in 10.04 I can no longer tab complete nick....yet in 12.04 I can...any suggestions ??18:00
jribgyre008: actually according to man 5 crontab, cron *should* read /etc/environment... interesting.  Can you be more specific about what environment variable you are manipulating?18:01
oratedtheadmin: Is lightdm modified for Plasma Active?18:01
theadminorated: I'm not sure what "Plasma Active" even is.18:01
willdabeastAnyone else want to try and help with Ubuntu 12.04 Video problems, in 3D mode but it won't allow me to set keyboard shortcuts such as alt-tab. It says "New Accelerator...".18:01
kaiyinhi, is it possible to upgrade from 12.10 beta to 12.10 stable? I am thinking about install 12.10 beta.18:01
puddlejrib just dev environment for me but ty18:01
Pici!final | kaiyin18:01
ubottukaiyin: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:01
bazhang!final | kaiyin18:01
jribgyre008: oh, it goes on to say that values from /etc/environment won't override existing settings18:01
kaiyinok, thanks~18:02
oratedtheadmin: Its used in Vivaldi tablet, based on KDE. I have the package installed for plasma-active and the dm there used in lightdm which is not even close to lightdm ubuntu uses.18:02
orateds/dm there used is*18:03
theadminorated: Hm... Okay, I have no idea what any of that is so I doubt I can help you.18:03
ubunt836Herro guys.18:03
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trismorated: lightdm can have various greeters, you might be using the kde greeter (ubuntu uses unity-greeter by default)18:03
cyphasei was using a laptop with 12.04 and my home directory was encrypted. now i want to be able to plug the laptop drive into my desktop (running 11.04) and mount the encrypted directory. the username i was using on the laptop and the desktop username are the same. any tips?18:04
oratedtrism: That is what I was looking for! How can I change it? :)18:04
trismorated: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf , change the greeter-session to the one you want to use (making sure to install the greeter first)18:04
insulinamy keyboard shift keys stop working, how can i solve this18:04
oratedThanks theadmin trism18:05
b3rz3rk3rHi all! Can I safely "sudo-apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop" if I have installed another and wish to remove xfce? Will it break anything other than default installed programs?18:07
jrib!encrypt | cyphase18:07
ubottucyphase: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory18:07
jribb3rz3rk3r: should be safe, but read what it wants to do carefully before accepting18:08
jribb3rz3rk3r: other than hard drive space though, you won't gain much by uninstalling18:08
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w30oops, the "+9666666666" entry was done by my orange cat; he apologizes18:08
oratedtrism: lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf OR lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf ?18:09
trismorated: lightdm.conf18:09
theadminb3rz3rk3r: That likely won't remove anything except the "xubuntu-desktop" package itself. Which desktop environment do you want to switch to?18:09
trismorated: the other ones are for configuring lightdm-gtk-greeter18:09
b3rz3rk3rjrib, im happy to leave it but I have duplicates in my menus now and XFCE is default choice on login screen too. I'd like to remove the dups and have MATE as default choice. The only way I know to make that happen is remove XFCE18:10
trismorated: which you probably don't want18:10
b3rz3rk3rtheadmin, MATE18:10
bazhangwhich is MINT18:10
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theadminbazhang: Not necessarily -- mate-desktop.org provides packages for Ubuntu18:10
trismorated: just make sure the line in lightdm.conf is greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter18:10
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darkhalo117Trying to install 12.04 on an ASUS laptop and, on the forums, it says the AHCI feature (battery mon.) will not initialize upon boot with any kind of media. Suggestions?18:10
bazhangtheadmin, which repo18:10
nikos__hi all. i had the same problem described here http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=1422.0 . i followed the advises and although seems that the wireless card is loaded still cannot scan wireless and cannot manually connect to my router although i have it free form every security keys! any help or advice? its very important for me!18:10
oratedtrism: Sorry, I meant to ask the greeter to be lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu or lightdm-gtk-greeter. I can see greeter= as for kde in lightdm.conf18:11
b3rz3rk3rbazhang, deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu precise main18:11
theadminbazhang: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download#ubuntu - these here.18:11
oratedAh, ok. Thanks trism18:11
hiloIs there a way to change the countdown on the shutdown screen? When I hit the power button on my computer with the 'ask me' setting, it brings up the shutdown dialog, with a 60 second counter. Is there a way to change that 60 second countdown?18:11
bazhangtheadmin, so 3rd party?18:11
jribhilo: what ubuntu version?18:11
theadminb3rz3rk3r: Anyway... I don't think I have any guidelines on "switching to mate" anywhere, can't really help with 3rd party stuff18:11
hilo10.04 dt18:11
hilojrib, 10.0418:12
theadminbazhang: Yeah... then again, it's not mint which was the point of mine18:12
b3rz3rk3rb3rz3rk3r, ok, guess ill be the guinea pig then! :p18:12
bazhangthere's not a Puremate18:12
jribhilo: ok, i don't actually know where or even if that setting is exposed somewhere18:12
ardchoilleHow is that done? MATE is GTK2 and Ubuntu provides GTK3. Does the MATE repo also install all of GTK2?18:12
theadminardchoille: Well, Ubuntu provides both 2 and 318:12
theadmin!info gtk2 | ardchoille18:12
ubottuardchoille: Package gtk2 does not exist in precise18:13
theadminWhatever it's called :P18:13
trism!info libgtk2.0-018:13
ubottulibgtk2.0-0 (source: gtk+2.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.10-0ubuntu6 (precise), package size 2617 kB, installed size 6302 kB18:13
theadmintrism: Yes, that, thank you.18:13
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ardchoilletheadmin: I don't think current Ubuntu release provides GTK2 toolkit packages18:14
trismardchoille: note the (precise)18:14
theadminardchoille: Sure does. There are very many GTK2 apps which will break if they dropped the support. Firefox, Pidgin, etc etc etc18:14
ardchoilleAh, good points18:15
Ray2Xchat in 10.04 I can no longer tab complete nick....yet in 12.04 I can...any suggestions ??18:15
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DX099hello, Firefox 16 has been said to be suffering from a zero-day, is the versions currently in the repos vulnerable ?18:16
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darkhalo117"Registered taskstats version 1" frozen upon boot. Help?18:19
harovalihi, I'm running an ubuntu server 2.6.32-43-generic-pae #97-Ubuntu SMP, and ext4 partitions. There are heavy slowdowns related to the kernel bug that in theory gets solved by doing 'echo 4 > /sys/fs/ext4/sdaN/max_writeback_mb_bump' for each N mounted partition. However, having done that, the slowdowns persist. How can I address this ? Is there a fixed kernel bakport that can be apt-get'd for instance? Other approcehes are wel18:24
jribharovali: what ubuntu version?18:25
harovalijrib: I'm not complete sure, is there a file in the installation that says the ubuntu version? I guess it's a ubuntu server 11.04 or near it18:26
jrib!version | harovali18:26
ubottuharovali: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »18:26
DX099any clue about firefox someone ?18:26
jribDX099: get the cve number for the exploit you are talking about18:27
harovalijrib: # lsb_release -a \nNo LSB modules are available.\nDistributor ID:Ubuntu\nDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS\nRelease:10.04\nCodename:lucid\n18:27
OerHeksDX099, ff16 is not drawnback. so i guess it is safe. ( FF is not mentioned @ http://www.ubuntu.com/usn )18:28
DX099jrib, https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2012/10/10/security-vulnerability-in-firefox-16/18:28
ViaNocturnaOerHeks: actually, FF16 has been drawn back by Mozilla due to security risks18:28
jribharovali: I'm not familiar with your actual issue, but you can find backported kernels in your repositories. You can see the packages by doing: apt-cache search -n linux image backport18:29
OerHeksViaNocturna, for android, windows and mac yes, there is a 16.01 in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa18:29
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ViaNocturnaOerHeks: Oh, I assumed FF was the same all around, ignore me then lol18:29
harovalijrib: thanks, I'll check that18:29
OerHeksViaNocturna, they are not open about the OS involved, i hate that too.18:30
DX099OerHeks, are these the official repos from which I usually update ?18:30
ViaNocturnaOerHeks: When I read the article I was going to remove my FF too, if it wasnt for my fish attention span18:30
DX09916.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1, is what is mentionned by aptitude18:31
nikos_i am using a wireless pcmcia tp-ling card (54Mbps) but the connection's informaiton gives only from 1 to 6 Mb/s. ( Wire connection gives me 100Mb/s). For that reason the wireless connection with my router is slow and many times cannot load properly and fully many 'heavy' pages. any idea or help to increase wireless connection between my notebook (through this pcmcia card) and my router?18:32
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harovalijrib: What  would be more apporpriate between linux-image-server-lts-backport-oneiric and linux-image-generic-pae-lts-backport-oneiric for my Ubuntu Server10.04.4 LTS lucid?18:35
ThePendulumI'm having some issues with Ubuntu i.c.w. my Galaxy S3. It connects properly, and all of the sudden, after a few days, it own't anymore.18:35
harovalijrib: the machine has just two gigas of ram18:35
ThePendulumAny ideas what could cause this?18:35
jribharovali: the server one18:35
harovalijrib: thanks18:35
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: does it connect fine with other OS's?18:38
ThePendulumViaNocturna: Windows 7 has zero issues18:39
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: I'm not too sharp on these things but maybe someone here who is clued up on removable hardware can help18:40
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ThePendulumViaNocturna: I figured, that's why I'm here, hehe. Thanks.18:41
beefmanany sendmail experts?  i have a few problems18:41
RirishiHey people! If I press the '  key and then a letter, the ' appears on top of that letter, or does not appear. Is there a way to make that work, like it works in windows?18:41
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: I only asked since I had that a few days ago and turned out it was my cable lol18:41
beefmani get SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email in /var/log/mail.log18:42
ThePendulumRirishi: Go to the System Settings > Keyboard Layout18:42
beefmanfor every message i send to my machine18:42
beefmanalso SYSERR(root): rewrite: excessive recursion (max 50), ruleset canonify for every message18:42
ThePendulumRirishi: Then click on the little plus in the bottom left corner of that window18:42
RirishiThePendulum: I tried it, but there is no keyboard exactly the same as what I have on windows.. ):18:42
ThePendulumThe one I have now is the one I'm used to ever since my XP days18:42
mfaroukgwhat is the other desktops but unity?18:43
ThePendulumRirishi: Have you tried English (US, international with dead keys)?18:43
ThePendulummfanelli: Gnome, Xfce, KDE, LXDE18:43
ThePendulumThose are the most popular ones18:43
ThePendulumAlso there's Cinnamon, more popular on Mint18:43
ThePendulumAnd RAPE, based on Gnome 2.x and developed further18:44
ThePendulumWait, not RAPE... omg18:44
ThePendulum*MATE *sick mind*18:44
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: erm, wow18:44
mfaroukgThePendulum: your good18:44
ThePendulumTime to spend some more time on other things but Motherless.18:45
Ray2Xchat in 10.04 I can no longer tab complete nick....yet in 12.04 I can...any suggestions ??18:45
RirishiThePendulum: I use that now18:45
theadminThePendulum: bwahaha18:46
ThePendulumRirishi: Ít śhóúld dó éxáctlý whát ýóú ẃáńt tó dó18:46
willdabeastAnyone else want to try and help with Ubuntu 12.04 Video problems, in 3D mode but it won't allow me to set keyboard shortcuts such as alt-tab. It says "New Accelerator...".18:47
RirishiThePendulum: i can make letters like this: ḿḱśĺṕ I don't need such letters with '.. and I HAVE to press space after ' to make it appear in words like "it's"18:47
ThePendulumwilldabeast: Isn't alt-tab already assigned to window switching?18:47
Razer__When I try to run Dropbox (the one from the software center) it says, "Dropbox is running from an unsupported location. Please visit [dropbox website] to download and install the latest version." What should I do?18:48
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Ririshiwilldabeast: ThePendulum: it is.18:48
=== kgs1992 is now known as kgs
Rikimarucould someone help me fix postfix, please?18:48
ThePendulumRirishi: Well, just select US, without dead keys then? :-)18:48
willdabeastThePendulum - it is, but the problem is it is disabled because it says I need a New accelerator or something.18:48
RirishiThePendulum: what is "dead" keys?18:48
ThePendulumRirishi: thésé18:48
willdabeastRirishi and ThePendulum - almost half of my binds are disabled.18:49
ThePendulumRirishi: That you don't have to do something special to make thésé cháráctérs18:49
ThePendulumRazer__: Try downloading the .deb from their website18:49
ThePendulumRazer__: I usually do, probably because I once had issues as well18:49
Razer__I've looked it up on Google and there's a mix between uninstall from the software center and get the one from dropbox.com, and to just ignore the warning because it works anyway.18:50
RirishiThePendulum: i want it with.. semi-dead keys ;p I want the ' to appear when I press ' and then press letters that aren't '-able normally. letters like t..18:50
froohwhat file can I edit that will set some ENV vars for GDM for my user?18:50
froohI figured .session or .profile but it doesn't seem to work (my PATH didn't change)18:51
leblinuxany themes link for ubuntu 12.04 (classic)?18:51
jribfrooh: .xprofile18:51
jribfrooh: or .profile if you want it to take effect even when you login at a tty or ssh for example18:52
jribfrooh: .profile SHOULD work; what did you try exactly?18:52
froohjrib: I put export PATH="...:$PATH" at the bottom (left the bash bit alone, though I don't use bash) and logged out and back in18:53
froohjrib: then tried to run a command frmo ~/bin from gvim (:!command) as that doesn't run from my shell18:53
ThePendulumRirishi: That's indeed a little complited... imagine the word "that's", it wouldn't know if you want "that's" or "thatś". I got used to the space.18:53
RirishiThePendulum: what does complited mean? sorry, English isn't my primary language ;p18:54
froohmaybe I should put some debug statements in .profile and check .xsession-errors to see if it's actually running it for sure?18:54
jribfrooh: ok, first "..." isn't a valid path (i.e. be exact so we don't miss anything silly).  Also, ~/bin should be automatically added to your PATH by the default ~/.profile once it exists at login18:54
froohjrib: I took that part out of my .profile when I made it the following: export PATH="/home/frew/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/frew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin:/home/frew/code/git-super-status/bin:/opt/bin:/home/frew/code/teatime/bin:/home/frew/bin:$PATH"18:54
jribfrooh: can you pastebin your ~/.profile ?  And are you really using gdm?  lightdm is now default18:54
ThePendulumRirishi: *COMPLICATED, my bad :P18:54
froohjrib: I had problems with lightdm, so I siwtched back to gdm18:55
RirishiThePendulum: how does windows recognize that, then? on US International, letters like śḿḱĺ won't even appear.18:55
jribfrooh: ok, .profile should still work18:55
RirishiThePendulum: oh haha okay18:55
Praximan I can do almost everything on my ubuntu box now for work.  The only thing making me keep a windows VM around is I cant print to my Canon IR 700018:55
ThePendulumRirishi: Some keys are skipping, but the batteries of my keyboard are full... I wonder what's wrong...  2.4GHz interference or someting18:55
jribfrooh: what is your PATH after you login?18:55
ThePendulum*something <-- that's what I mean18:55
willdabeastThePendulum or ririshi - any idea how to fix it? I think it has to do with video issues18:55
RirishiThePendulum: was that meant to tell me?18:55
froohjrib: k, sec18:55
jribfrooh: make sure you check from a newly spawned terminal (i.e. don't check in something like screen or tmux)18:55
Ririshiwilldabeast: what kernel are you on?18:55
ThePendulumRirishi: Yeah, nothing important though, just some personal whining18:55
mfaroukgany one share with me good /etc/apt/sources.list18:56
ThePendulumRirishi: I'll try a few layouts and report back18:56
froohjrib: bizarre, I started a terminal (xterm sh, so it doesn't run my .zshrc) and it DOES have my new path...18:56
froohin fact18:56
froohit's working18:56
froohand I'm just retarded18:56
jribfrooh: heh18:56
froohsorry, and thanks for your patience :)18:56
willdabeastririshi ubuntu 12.04 3D mode18:56
Ririshiwilldabeast: I'm using Intel HD4000 and I updated to kernel 3.4 which got me a n1 fps level ^  in minecraft18:56
willdabeastririshi oh kernel sry18:56
jribfrooh: happens to me all the time; no worries18:57
froohjrib: would lightdm run .profile too?18:57
jribfrooh: yes18:57
willdabeastririshi 3.218:57
Ririshiwilldabeast: okay18:57
leblinuxany themes link for ubuntu 12.04 (classic)?18:57
willdabeastririshi how can i upgrade?18:57
froohjrib: ok, good to know18:57
Ririshiwilldabeast: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140254/how-to-install-linux-3-418:57
jribfrooh: you can read /usr/sbin/lightdm-session to look at all the things it loads (it's a shell script)18:57
willdabeastririshi ty c:18:57
Ririshiwilldabeast: I'm new to ubuntu :p so not really pro atm18:57
Ririshinp willdabeast18:57
oratedtrism: Hey, I tried what you said. In both the cases, the login screen seem to follow some classic way of login with in-center users option and password option with Help and Shutdown etc option on top-right. I don;t see on-screen keyboard with lightdm in any of the greeters18:58
RirishiThePendulum: thanks for that :D18:58
willdabeastririshi well it won't screw anything up will it?18:58
froohjrib: ah, gotcha.  I didn't even know about /etc/gdm/Xsession till I googled this :)18:58
Ririshiwilldabeast: not supposed to, you can enter older kernels via grub holding shift at boot18:58
Ririshiwilldabeast: if you screw up something, you can boot it via 3.2 and delete it using the commands on that webpage18:58
willdabeastririshi gotcha :]18:59
Ririshiwilldabeast: if you're on a laptop, it may screw your wlan drivers btw18:59
leblinuxis kernel 3.6 deb packages available for 12.04?18:59
willdabeastririshi haha i see maybe not then18:59
Ririshiwilldabeast: just check that page, it'll tell what can go wrong18:59
prashant_123456best virtual machine software for ubuntu 12.04 oracle virtualbox not working18:59
willdabeastririshi yea I have nvidia gfx too so I may hold off but I'll save the page18:59
bekksprashant_123456: "not working" is pretty vague.18:59
ThePendulumRirishi: Let me get this straight. You want n'm things without having to tap space, but you want to have á-like characters also without having to tap an extra key?18:59
Ririshiwilldabeast: okay (:18:59
Praxiprashant_123456, I'm pretty happy with vmware19:00
RirishiThePendulum: yeah.19:00
trismorated: did you try unity-greeter ?19:00
RirishiThePendulum: only the a e i o u should get a ' on top, other letter shouldn't19:00
* bekks uses vbox since version 1.619:00
prashant_123456Praxi, it gives error about kernel drivers not loaded19:00
oratedtrism: Nope, I tried as you said , lightdm-gtk-greeter19:00
bekksprashant_123456: And it tells you how to load them.19:00
RirishiWho Wants A Choco Cookie? I'll send it via airmail :D19:00
oratedtrism: I'll try unity-greeter19:01
bekksprashant_123456: By issueing "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"19:01
trismorated: the one I said first was unity-greeter (this is the default ubuntu one), I only said lightdm-gtk-greeter after you asked about it19:01
prashant_123456bekks, i dont know what the actual problem is19:01
Praxiprashant_123456, its a easy google, I had to fix it on mine19:01
prashant_123456Praxi, ok19:01
oratedtrism: Oh, sorry then I missed it. I'll try it now :)19:01
prashant_123456bekks, and also one more error about usb19:01
Praxiprashant_123456, it was a while ago so I don't remember the easy fix :)  Mainly I just like vmware so I can move my VM's around easier when I want to take them to esxi19:01
Ririshisomeone told me ubuntu unity is crap, i should take mint maya or smth? I was like.. lolno.19:01
bekksprashant_123456: Then install the extension pack, too.19:01
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas-
=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
prashant_123456bekks, how to install extension pack19:02
bekksprashant_123456: Thats described in the vbox manual.19:02
prashant_123456bekks, ok19:02
ThePendulumRirishi: Indeed seems impossible... best I can do is áéúí on alt :|19:02
bekksprashant_123456: And you may join #vbox for vbox-related issues.19:03
morsnowskiprashant_123456, it's actually a menu point in virtualbox19:03
prashant_123456bekks, any simple cli alternative for virtualbox line xen19:03
bekksprashant_123456: Sure. VBoxManage.19:03
prashant_123456bekks, ok19:04
RirishiThePendulum: too bad, sorry for taking your time ):19:04
ner0xHow can I set the time or see my timezone information?19:04
Ririshiner0x: system settings > time and date19:04
ThePendulumRirishi: I'm here to help :P Or at least try19:04
ner0xRirishi: Sorry, on a headless box.19:04
RirishiThePendulum: but trying to help, then being not productive just wastes time..19:05
ThePendulumRirishi: True, but you can't know that beforehand. At least I now know that something like that most likely isn't possible, so I don't have to waste my time on that next time :-)19:05
RirishiThePendulum: that's true (:19:06
marjinal1sthi, how can i make console (not graphical terminal, i mean init 3 level) colorful highlighted?19:06
ubottuH4k: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:06
leblinuxany themes link for ubuntu 12.04 (classic)?19:06
JrixI haaate asking for advice such as this but I'm just stumped. Ubuntu refuses to see a wireless network I need. It sees all other networks. Windows and Fedora both see the network in question. There is no way to connect to it via ubuntu. I AM STUCK.19:07
H4khow download file?19:07
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H4khelp me please19:07
JrixH4k, you're in the wrong channel.19:07
prashant_123456bekks, yes now its running in oracle virtualbox19:07
H4kyes =P19:07
gordonjcp!help | H4k19:07
ubottuH4k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:07
bekksprashant_123456: I know ;)19:07
ThePendulumRirishi: Some other guy has the same problem, no solution either :| http://askubuntu.com/questions/110828/how-can-i-use-dead-keys-for-consonants19:07
ner0xRirishi: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata  # just an FYI if you're asked in the future. :-)19:07
ThePendulumRirishi: You'll get used to either the space or the alt, whatever you decide to go with19:08
Ririshiner0x: okay :)19:08
marjinal1sthi, how can i make console (not graphical terminal, i mean init 3 level) colorful highlighted?19:08
RirishiThePendulum: yeah I'll go with the space, otherwise it's a bigger difference compared to windows19:08
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ner0xRirishi: Your way was fine but I was SSHed into an aws ec2.19:08
RirishiThePendulum: As I do use windows and ubuntu both19:08
Ririshiner0x: yeah :p19:09
Romek1313_PLwhat ubuntu distribution (ubuntu, lubuntu etc.) do you recommend for atom (1.66 GHz, GMA3150) netbook?19:09
=== CanStudy-_- is now known as Cantide
mfaroukgwhat is the best  vpn?19:10
ThePendulumRirishi: You can set Windows to do it the Ubuntu way, afaik19:10
oratedtrism: Working, thanks :) Lastly, can you help me the with command to lock screen in Ubuntu?19:10
bekksmfaroukg: There is no "best" in vpn.19:10
bekks!best | mfaroukg19:10
ubottumfaroukg: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:10
ner0xRirishi: Was trying to get crontab working and noticed it was 7pm on the system. Ugh... nope. lol19:10
RirishiThePendulum: I could ;p19:10
marjinal1stCan anyone tell me that how can i make console (not graphical terminal, i mean init 3 level) colorful highlighted?19:10
Ririshiner0x: oopsiedaisy ;p19:10
trismorated: ctrl+alt+L by default I think (on ubuntu anyway, don't know what session you are using)19:11
ThePendulumRirishi: Easier to get some consistency in your typing :P19:11
RirishiThePendulum: that's true..19:11
ThePendulumI wish the login/lock screen was also dual screen :|19:11
RirishiThePendulum: going to friends, all got standard mappings on their windows machines..19:11
ThePendulumRirishi: For whatever reason, all machines I work with are set to my way, which is "don't" with a space and á without19:12
oratedtrism: I know the keyboard shortcut. I asked about the command to lock screen which I can input in terminal :)19:12
ViaNocturnamarjinal1st: Try this link: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-change-text-color-using-linux-in-text-mode-only-runlevel-3-a-163814/19:12
RirishiThePendulum: Another question: how do I sort my playlists on rythmbox music player? (like sorting on title, genre, album, etc.)19:12
d1gitalversion control for managing configuration of a system-- makes sense?  It seems useful to me.19:13
puddlei got an issue with skype, i hear sounds, i hear other ppl talking to me but they can not hear me, i tried messing with sound config but no luck, anyone could give me advice how to fix it?19:13
trismorated: if gnome-ish then gnome-screensaver-command --lock19:13
=== deric is now known as dericpr
jtheuerhi, what could sudo pm-suspend -> "flock: 3: Bad file descriptor" mean?19:13
ThePendulumRirishi: Oh god, I always throw out Rhythmbox immediatly for I don't want that silly track info order they use. I honestly wouldn't know, sorry.19:13
RirishiThePendulum: what do you use for music playing? I just started up stuff with that :D19:14
willdabeastis there a separate ubuntu channel for video support?19:14
RirishiThePendulum: How to get names of other ppl on irc fast? without typing them? (I'm on pidgin)19:14
oratedtrism: Thank you19:14
ThePendulumRirishi: Type a bit and hit tab?19:15
ThePendulumRirishi: I only have to type "Rir" + tab to get your name19:15
JrixUbuntu to connect to my wireless network. BOTH Windows and Fedora connect fine to it.19:15
JrixUbuntu doesn't see or recognize it in any way.19:15
RirishiThePendulum: ty :D19:15
JrixUnable to get ubuntu*19:15
ThePendulumRirishi: np :) Ririshi Ririshi Ririshi Ririshi rir19:15
ThePendulumRirishi: Yeah it's a really handy feature xD19:15
RirishiThePendulum: ThePendulum ThePendulum19:15
ThePendulumhehe :P19:15
RirishiThePendulum:  I have to type thep tho19:16
ThePendulumRirishi: Well, yeah, Pidgin can't know which 'Th~' you mean19:16
ThePendulumRirishi: Which is basically my bad, for not being unique enough19:16
RirishiThePendulum: theDrums thejollygrimreap thekkid themill the-other-carif_ ThePendulum TheRedOctober Therstrium TheVoid19:16
ThePendulumRirishi: RichardBronosky_ RichiH Richiie rickogden rickytaylor26 Riddell Rikimaru rinzler ripps Ririshi RiXtEr19:16
RirishiThePendulum: I think ririshi on it's own IS unique19:17
ThePendulumRirishi: Dude I think we just mentioned a ton of people rotfl19:17
ThePendulumRirishi: Half of them will get some notification for nothing19:17
RirishiThePendulum:  yeah indd oops XD19:17
RirishiThePendulum:  where you from btw?19:17
RirishiThePendulum:  I feel like we're 2/3 of the chat atm XD19:17
ThePendulumRirishi: The Netherlands, how about you? Name sounds Indian/Pakistani19:18
ViaNocturnaRirishi: some poor guy in Indonesia just got out of bed for that message lol19:18
* RedWar feels left out, he was not mentioned19:18
RirishiThePendulum:  AAAAH IK OOK :D sorry caps xd19:18
RirishiViaNocturna: lolz19:18
RedWarlol ThePendulum19:18
RirishiThePendulum: Haha I'm half japanese19:18
RirishiThePendulum:  let's stick to english ;p19:18
ThePendulumRirishi: Ik dacht het al bij die "indd", hoewel het werkt met "indeed" is het toch iets typisch Nederlands. And yes, yes indeed.19:18
ViaNocturnaDit is toch geen nederlands kanaal? :S19:19
RirishiViaNocturna: Sorry XD19:20
Rikimaruanyone can help me with postfix? it wont send email19:20
ViaNocturnaRirishi: only messing :P19:20
ThePendulumViaNocturna: Apparently all active people in this channel atm are Dutch... soooo19:20
Ririshigo go go!19:20
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: thats because we're hard core19:20
Ririshihoe maak ik een nieuwe channel op pidgin? (gheheheh)19:21
bekks!nl | Ririshi19:21
ubottuRirishi: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl19:21
ViaNocturnaThePendulum: either that or we're the dumbest and need help most19:21
RirishiViaNocturna: HAhahaha19:21
ThePendulumViaNocturna: Sad truth19:21
ThePendulumzet trut ><19:22
RirishiThePendulum: l2sE19:22
RirishiThePendulum:  Learn to speak English XD19:22
ThePendulumWe're slacking off here :-P19:22
RirishiThePendulum: I'm going to get a 5.1 speakerset (i hope so)19:22
RirishiThePendulum: Slackware,19:22
RirishiHi Wizard (:19:22
bekksWould you mind to change to #ubuntu-oftopic for being offtopic? :)19:23
WizardI'm already there.19:23
ThePendulumbekks, Ririshi: Inviting the guy over to ##hardware to talk about his 5.1 set19:23
bekksThePendulum: I not there and not interested in being there ;)19:23
RirishiThePendulum: hehe sorry I only wanted to say it.19:24
ThePendulumbekks: Just letting you know that I am working on the offtopic issue19:24
FreddrickIs that common to get an error: no such partition after upgrading ubuntu 11 to ubuntu 12 ? (GNU GRUB boot problem)19:25
_Trullohow do I mount 2 dirs into 1? I tried mount --bind, but it only shows the last dir..19:25
bekks_Trullo: you cant. One mountpoint, one directory.19:26
_Trullook, so I have to use that unionfs then?19:26
_Trullook, thanks, I'll try to figure it out19:26
FreddrickMy GNU GRUB doesnt boot at all... I just installed XUbuntu 1219:28
Freddrickany solutions ^19:28
rgenitocan i use grep to search complex for files containing regular expressions  ?19:28
rgenitofor example... grep -rl "rns\/rental\/\([^.]\+\)\.aspx" *19:28
dentaIm trying to setup a wireless AP (hostapd) but i can't get it working properly. I can connect, but i can’t ping local devices or the internet. My configuration: http://pastebin.com/zCSQSvGe19:29
osmosisvote up, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/30232/19:29
agentgasmaskhi all. randomly evolution won't decrypt email. it just showes me the encrypted message with now error or warning. Any hints? The message decrypts fine with the required key using commandline gpg.19:30
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hirzagentgasmask: it's an evolutionary approach. it generates random mutations and the bad ones die19:32
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calmos66hello world, i need some help to install a brother HL-2130 on ubuntu 12.0419:35
calmos66hello viniciusarq19:36
viniciusarqhas anyone experienced connection slowdown while torrent download?19:36
calmos66not me sorry19:36
viniciusarqi mean instable slowdown19:37
viniciusarqcalmos66, tks!19:37
calmos66viniciusarq : torrent download, but... it's illegal !19:37
viniciusarqcalmos66, depends what u're downloading! lol19:38
BluesKajcalmos66, what is the device , model names and numbers don't help unless we know what the device is19:38
calmos66printer brother HL-213019:38
OerHekstorrents are not illegal > http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/19:38
calmos66BluesKaj: is it what you need?19:39
Ririshinot all torrents are illegal indeed!19:39
RirishiTorrents are only illegal when the torrent contains copyrighted stuff and like that19:40
calmos66oopps sorry i ve made a mistake19:40
fritzcx_sa va la compagnie?19:40
calmos66ça va19:40
ubottufritzcx: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:40
Ririshid?sol?s ? lol?19:41
Ririshifran?ais lol19:41
fritzcx_yes thx ubottu19:41
* Ririshi is flooding the channel with annoying stuff like this.19:41
fritzcx_yes i'm french19:41
bekks!bot | fritzcx_19:42
ubottufritzcx_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:42
ryanbrunswickhey can anyone help me out with setting up the nvidia legacy driver on my dell d800 laptop?19:43
ardchoilleThose of you on 10.04 LTS, it's time to update your kernel - Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1606-119:46
bekksardchoille: Provide a link at least.19:47
guntbertRirishi: stop the nonsense please19:47
Ririshiguntbert: i didn't say anything the last 6 minutes.19:47
=== Ruffles is now known as Guest16498
puddleive got a soundblaster audigy se and ive sound just fine but my mic is not working for some reason not just in skype19:48
guntbertRirishi: true, I didn't look at timestamps - sorry - but it *was* annoying :-)19:48
puddleanyone has any idea how to fix it?19:48
Ririshisorry guntbert :p19:48
Ririshipuddle: did you set the skype settings to the audigy se mic input?19:49
puddlewell the only option i can set is pulsaudio control19:49
puddlepulsaudio server local19:50
puddleto be precise19:50
viniciusarqdo you know if removing network-manager and installing wicd may get more stable my torrents dwnload?19:50
ardchoillebekks: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1606-1/19:51
prashant_123456i have a vbox guest additions iso file but dont know how to use it19:53
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guntbertprashant_123456: vbox support comes best in #vbox19:55
prashant_123456guntbert, ok thanks19:55
spaceneedleI'm having weird wifi  issues with Ubuntu 12.01.1.  The wifi icon at the top often displays itself as not connected even tho I know I am. Also, When I click the wifi icon there are no networks showing.19:56
Atlantic777Hi! I need few good arguments against wubi installations. People around me are installing ubuntu in the wubi way and I don't know how to explain them why they shouldn't do it. :D19:56
dr_willishang in here and see dozens of broken wubi systems a week that no one knows how to fix Atlantic77719:58
dr_willisi reccomend vbox over wubi. or install to a ysb flash drive19:58
=== Jim_Lahey is now known as bobweaver
dr_williswubi is a "test drive" type setup.19:59
Atlantic777I recommend them vbox, too but... They all think that it's good enough but they call me when something go wrong and...20:00
Atlantic777I need something more than "that doesn't work ok".20:00
dr_williswubi will go wrong more then vbox...20:01
dr_willisif windows dies so does wubi... :) a normal install is the way to go.20:02
guntbertAtlantic777: wubi resides just inside one big windows file - if anything happens to that windows file - boom20:03
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Atlantic777guntbert: interesting... I didn't know how it actually works.20:04
dr_williswubis main advantage is you dont repartirion your drives.. and its easy to remove... everything else about it is basically worse. :-)  than a normal install20:05
BenxyzzyI have an ncurses program that borks the newline of my terminal on exit. As in, after closing the program I find that hitting return in my terminal doesn't give me another command prompt on the next line, but instead puts it on the same line as the previous one.20:05
BenxyzzyHow do I 'turn newlines back on'?20:05
dr_willisBenxyzzy: even hitting return several times?20:06
dr_willistry the "reset" commant20:06
ner0xAny such thing as dynamic system cron?20:06
Benxyzzyyes. It looks like ben@host:~$ ben@host:~$ ben@host:~$ ben@host:~$ ben@host:~$ ben@host:~$20:06
BenxyzzyI will try reset20:07
dr_willisner0x: clarify what you mean20:07
Benxyzzydr_willis: reset is perfect, thanks20:07
dr_willisBenxyzzy:  old school commands ;-)20:07
ner0xdr_willis: Possibly setting the crontab entries in a db or something similar.20:08
seqI'm trying to join my ubuntu machine to an AD domain. So far I can get a kerberos TGT with `kinit`, and `wbinfo -u` lists all the domain users. However, I'm unable to log on as any user. Any suggestions?20:09
dr_willisthere are different crons you can try i imagine. not looked into cron i  ages.20:09
ardchoilleThose of you on 11.10, it's time to upgrade your kernel too - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1607-1/20:10
[twisti]whats the proper way to start a custom program in ubuntu lts 12 server ? note that im not asking for *a* way to start something, i know plenty, but what way am i SUPPOSED to start stuff ?20:11
dr_willisdepends on whats its doing.20:12
jrib[twisti]: you mean automatically, at boot?  What sort of program?20:12
dr_willisfor a service. make a upstart job20:12
[twisti]at boot, yes. znc. i figured id make a script to start and stop it and put that in init.d, is that the proper way ?20:13
ubottugobromy: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:13
[twisti]dr_willis: upstart job ? znc runs as a daemon so its kind of a service i suppose20:13
jrib[twisti]: as your user?20:13
dr_willisthe znc faq i belive mention using cron to keep it running20:13
[twisti]as a special user20:13
jribyes dr_willis20:13
dr_willisi just ssh in and start it as my user.20:14
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jrib[twisti]: as dr_willis says, the znc wiki suggests just using the user's crontab20:14
[twisti]that seems like a strange and ineffective way to start a service20:14
dr_willisit just checks if its running. restarts if it died20:15
dr_willisi recall.20:15
jrib[twisti]: it's what znc recommends :)  If you really want to create a proper service, use upstart I suppose20:15
Guest46678Hello! I went to the IRC after 12 years! : D reminded of the old days ... and it went through Linux here :)20:15
jribdr_willis: iirc it just keeps trying to start it but znc is designed not to start another instance if one is already runnig20:16
dr_willisi dont know if upstart will restart znc if it dies unexpectedly ..20:16
[twisti]alright, i think im going to go with that then, the cron 'solution' seems incredibly hacky to me20:16
guntbertGuest46678: welcome! Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:16
[twisti]and znc has never died on me in years of usage, im willing to take the risk of it not restarting on its own20:16
_Trullosudo mount -t aufs , this seems to work aswell20:16
jrib!upstart | [twisti]20:17
ubottu[twisti]: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:17
dr_willislook into upstart then [twisti]20:17
jrib[twisti]: read the cookbook there20:17
Guest46678Thank you. I have no questions. All clear :)20:17
dr_willisor start it from rc.local20:17
dr_willisthe znc admin feature can close znc. not sure if it can restart it.. :-)20:18
rymate1234somsip, today I decided to try out 10.04 ubuntu20:22
rymate1234sorry somsip, accidently presseed tab :(20:22
rymate1234so, today I decided to try out 10.04 ubuntu20:22
rymate1234have to say20:23
rymate1234fglrx seems faster for games20:23
bekks!enter | rymate123420:23
ubotturymate1234: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:23
rymate1234Ok, I won't20:23
[twisti]upstart has the respawn flag, so i think im good even if it somehow ends20:23
rymate1234So, is there a way to make the graphics preformance for 12.04 the same as 10.04?20:24
rymate1234It just seems better on 10.04 for me. No idea why :(20:24
crizisrymate1234, use 'gnome-panel' (gnome classic) session instead of unity/gnome3/compiz20:24
crizisother than that, newer drivers should have better, not worse, performance :P20:25
rymate1234I have an AMD card20:25
crizisi got 6870 and i don't really notice any difference with any desktop in performance regarding games20:25
halguys, where do I get inforamtion updates about the shambles that is the firefox 16 update that has been recalled by mozilla for security reasons but not by canonical?20:26
rymate1234if I was to straight upgrade from 10.04, do i retain gnome 2?20:27
halhow does canonical usually communicate to its communicate these concerns and how to mitigate them ?20:27
beandoghal: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ ?20:28
halbeandog: firefox 16 has been totally pulled by mozilla. But the advice in that canonical/ubuntu alert is to install version 16 :/20:30
trismhal: it was fixed 6 hours ago20:30
halversion 16 is still in the repo too, so there is no easy way to uninstall 16 and reinstall 1520:31
crizis16 itself fixes 14 security holes iirc, so it's still recommended20:31
crizislikely fixed v16 will land up soon, so just relax :-)20:32
halcrizis: um, :/20:32
trismhal: well I believe so anyway, the diff isn't really specific and I don't have access to the mozilla bug listed but it is 16.0.1 now20:32
crizis  * New upstream stable release (FIREFOX_16_0_1_BUILD1) <- 16.0.1 so... i'd assume this .1 is fixed one20:33
haltrism: would you mind walking me through how  you worked that out, so I can do it next time?20:33
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jribbug #106528520:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065285 in firefox (Ubuntu Precise) "Update to 16.0.1" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106528520:33
halcrizis: I don't really like assumptions20:33
jribhal: that's the relevant bug20:34
ardchoilleyeah, firefox was updated twice this week, my latest is 16.0.120:34
crizishal, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/106528520:34
L4kers498can anyone direct me to an appriopraite channelf or this quesrion?  Where is the cheapest place to get an LCD Tv 42 inches or bigger? after trying walmart.com, newegg.com, ebay.com, and craigslist, it seems like walmart is the best optoin w/ 40"+ refurbished tvs starting at $30020:34
crizishal, not an assumption. 16.0.1 is also offered by mozilla.com now by default, not the pulled back v1520:34
zykotick9L4kers498: you could try ##hardware (it's OT here)20:35
rymate1234this upgrade could take a while20:35
L4kers498zykes- whats OT?20:35
zykotick9!ot | L4kers49820:35
ubottuL4kers498: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:35
L4kers498!ot |zy20:36
ubottuzy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:36
puddlei set up lamp made /home/username/public_html as dorcott and it works fine single php file and so on displays but when i try to use a cms with htaccess it says i dotn have permission to access /20:36
L4kers498!ot |zykotick920:36
ubottuzykotick9: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:36
k1lL4kers498: stop that.20:36
puddlei tired everyrthig i found on google nothing works20:36
k1lL4kers498: this is a support channel. pls keep the noise out of this20:37
halcrizis: jrib sorry about this, but the ticket is not clear at all. it does not even state what the issue was20:37
jribhal: of course it does20:37
fishbaiti have dual monitor setup some flash videos take the resolution of both monitors is there a way to tell it otherwise?20:37
halcrizis^: jrib alternatively, it should quote the bug or release in the origin project20:37
jribhal: it does20:37
jribhal: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1608-1/20:38
fishbaiti have dual monitor setup some flash videos take the resolution of both monitors is there a way to tell it otherwise?20:38
sapharothhi everybody!! are you guys talking about downgrading firefox. cause i just read one from the firefox telling everybody to downgrade to previous 15.0, because of some security bug.20:38
k1lsapharoth: i think they gonna release the patch in next time20:39
bekkssapharoth: ?20:39
ardchoille how convenient that you dropped by, sapharoth20:39
jribsapharoth: it's fixed already, just make sure you repositories are up to date with « sudo apt-get update » and you should have firefox 16.0.1 available20:39
haljrib: ah right, ok, could you tell me how you found ticket https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1065285 ?  What did you type in on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ ?20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065285 in firefox (Ubuntu Precise) "Update to 16.0.1" [Undecided,Fix released]20:39
jribhal: well the way I actually found it was by doing « apt-get changelog firefox »20:40
halahh, heh20:40
k1lsapharoth: 16.0.1 is in the repos since 6 minutes20:40
halwhat if you didn't have that - I had already removed 16, you see?20:40
jribhal: changelog would still be the same I think (not actually sure).  In any case you could just go to the firefox package in launchpad and look at existing bugs20:41
halwith that ticket, what is the project that should be searched? is it firefox?20:41
fishbaiti have dual monitor setup some flash videos take the resolution of both monitors is there a way to tell it the monitors resolution like 0, 1280, 102420:41
sapharothyeh thanks jrib.20:42
wankstahi all20:42
bekkssapharoth: So no need to be paranoid anymore :)20:44
wankstalooking for an application that can manage broadband modem like splitter   splitting msg data and voice20:44
luisthey guys… im logged in as user AAA. how can i run an app as user BBB but still using the graphics (display) of the user AAA (current user)?? i tried sudo su <user> -c <command>    and   sudo -u <user> <command>  and both crash because of no display on user BBB20:44
sapharothyeh k1l, i just checked the bug report. thanks!! and update is running then!!20:45
bekkswanksta: There is no such software. Splitters are hardware.20:45
puddleif i copy something into the public html folder in my home  it will not allow apache to display it until i set permissions on everything inside the public html folder20:46
puddleis there a way so that i can copy there file that can be automaticaly viewed without setting permissions all the time?20:46
wankstabekks, so  how can i read incoming msg and accepting calls20:46
jribluist: you need to set DISPLAY.  If you know BBB's password you can just use 'su -c' (no sudo).  If you don't know the password, then use sudo -u20:46
jribpuddle: umm, what user are you copying it as?20:47
bekkswanksta: That has nothing to do with a splitter. Thats just what an asterisk server does. :)20:47
puddlewell i got a seperate directory where i develop websites and im copying content from there into public html to see it live20:47
puddlebut it will only show after i set permissions on those filed copied20:47
puddlei am copying it as my own username20:48
jribpuddle: pastebin what you do exactly; it will be easier20:48
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luistjrib: im using sudo to not need a password… thats configured in the sudoers20:49
puddleim using dolphin to copy files from /home/username/webdev to /home/username/public_html and im logged in as username20:49
puddlejrib,  thats all i do20:49
jribluist: that's fine, try something like: sudo -u USER DISPLAY=:0 gedit           (or something)20:49
wankstabekks, when am in windows there are softwares for which enable to connect the broadband modem and through the same can accepting incoming can and  reading  new msgs20:50
jribpuddle: « ls -ld /home/username/webdev/some-example-file-here » and « ls -ld /home/username/public_html/some-example-file » after you copy it20:50
beandogjrib: I prefer using sux for X11 stuff as root.20:51
beandogor any other user, I guess.20:51
beandog"wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials"20:51
jribbeandog: wasn't aware of that.  luist see beandog's suggestion20:52
luistjrib: i just checked and the display variable is the same for both users… it seems to be set alreadu20:52
luistill try sux20:52
jribluist: you probably have to mess with xauth (and I'm guessing sux does that for you)20:54
puddlejrib, http://pastebin.com/9mGL1uqp20:56
puddlecommented it kinda20:56
VanZanI installed Ubuntu 12.04 to a USB key with a program called YUMI. Is there any way I can download files to the USB key?20:56
jribpuddle: wait, why do you need the file to be world-writable?20:57
puddlebecause the cms will not show otherwise dunno why20:57
puddleon shared hosting works fine20:57
VanZanI need write access to the usb key.20:57
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puddleon local it will not work20:57
beandogpuddle: are you setting up yii?20:57
wankstabekks, when am in windows there are softwares for which enable to connect the broadband modem and through the same can accepting incoming can and  reading  new msgs20:57
puddlewell trying yea20:57
puddlebeandog, yup but doesnt seem to work like i want it to20:58
nyxynyxHi I've a question installing php-fpm... I installed apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-fpm libapache2-mod-fastcgi, but apache2 gives an error saying /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi is not found20:58
reedanybody here tried to run 32bit java icedtea plugin on Firefox 64bit?20:58
beandogpuddle: did you already run yiic install ?20:58
bekkswanksta: Well, I am not using windows for 1 years now.20:58
bekks10 years even.20:58
nyxynyxand /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi is indeed missing20:58
puddleon windows i generated a test app weeks ago20:58
nyxynyxany ideas?20:59
puddlethats what im using here20:59
beandognyxynyx: it's probably at /usr/bin/php-cgi20:59
puddlethe problem is that if i copy to public html apache has problems with permissions20:59
beandogpuddle: public_html in your home directory?21:00
beandogpuddle: can you put it somewhere else?21:00
puddleit works fine on single file php21:00
beandogpuddle: I mean, can you configure it so you can put it somewhere else21:00
puddleerm id like to have it in my home to be honest21:01
beandogpuddle: yii is really picky if the perms aren't right21:01
VanZananybody? Help I need write access to a fat32 usb key!!! HELP!21:01
puddleweah i see but still21:01
beandogpuddle: sec21:01
nyxynyxbeandog: nope its not there... i did a locate php5-fcgi and noting21:01
puddleeven apache wont show stuff if i dont set permission21:01
beandogpuddle: are you running PHP as a module or a CGI binary21:02
puddlei want to be able to copy whatever i want to public_html and be able to see it in browser without being forced to set permissions every time21:02
beandognyxynyx: which php-cgi21:02
puddleerm i installed lamp through tasksel21:02
puddleive no idea21:02
beandogpuddle: okay, no worries21:02
zykotick9reed: are you using a 32bit version of firefox?  why?21:02
beandogpuddle: do you mean browse as in see a directory index or what?21:02
nyxynyxbeandog: I am following the instructions here (http://www.howtoforge.com/using-php5-fpm-with-apache2-on-ubuntu-12.04-lts) and in step 5, there is this line Alias /php5-fcgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi21:03
siimdoes html5 works good on ubuntu?21:03
reedzykotick9, need to use webex, doesn't support 64bit java21:03
reedzykotick9, using 64bit firefox21:03
zykotick9reed: well good luck.21:03
beandogpuddle: pm?21:04
puddlewell public_html is empty -> i copy the whole webapp into it -> apache gona report i dont have permission to access 6 -> i set permission but others get only read access (on subdirs aswell) -> yii reports that he has no write permission on runtime -> i set full acces for others (subdirs aswell) -> everything works fine21:04
puddlethats kinda all that happens21:05
beandogso, looking at yii21:05
beandogcertain directories need write-access from the webserver21:05
beandogpuddle: so what you wanna do is this:21:05
beandogchown -R www-data: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/{assets,protected/data,protected/runtime} where /var/www/localhost/htdocs is your webroot (in  your case, probably /home/foo/public_html/yii/whatever .... )21:05
beandogpuddle: you don't need world writeable, just web server writable21:06
new2unityhi guys, I have a small problem. I have a little Eee PC asus laptop. It's running ubuntu 12.04, I hate the unity interface. So I installed kubuntu using synaptic package manager, it's worst! I just want the stable version of kubuntu with the start menu, where can I get this? remember this pc has no CD or DVD drive.21:06
new2unityit's has to be done via terminal or download21:06
puddlebut is it possibble to set permission so i never have to again even if i copy some other app there or i have to do this every time?21:07
bekkspuddle: No.21:07
bekkspuddle: Just use a little script, or just develop your files directly in public_html.21:08
puddlewell ty for the help anyways:P21:08
puddlethats the only thing i miss from unsecure windows:d21:08
puddlehad no issues with things like that:p21:08
puddlebtw if i set www-data as owner of the dir21:09
new2unityDid anybody see my post or am I screwed?21:09
beandogpuddle: yah its possible21:09
puddlei wont be able to delete them until i set myself as owner again21:09
beandogpuddle: you can set sticky group permissions21:09
puddlethats kinda complicated21:09
CiscoNinjahello i need assistance figuring out how to connect to windows terminal server using ubuntu 12 please21:09
bekksbeandog: But not sticky world permissions.21:09
puddlewhats a sticky permission? oO21:10
puddlesry im kinda noob in that department21:10
bekkspuddle: Something you cant use in your case :)21:10
CiscoNinjaremmina not working for me21:10
beandogpuddle: sticky permissions means anything under that directory are going to retain same permissions21:10
puddleand it cannot be done so it retains ww-data?21:10
bekkspuddle: www-data writable is NOT world-writable21:11
CiscoNinjahello i need assistance figuring out how to connect to windows terminal server using ubuntu 12 please21:11
puddlei know21:11
puddlebut i guess www-data writeable would be enough21:11
rymate1234CiscoNinja, good luck21:11
puddleIF i can write it aswell21:11
puddlebut i guess thats the problem21:11
bekkspuddle: Check it first :)21:11
CiscoNinjarymate1234, what do you mean? i can't do it ?21:12
beandogpuddle: sorry, I'm in and out21:12
puddlebeandog,  ty mate for helping me21:12
beandogpuddle: IF you want everything NEW created under a certain directory to be writable by www-data, then do this: chown :www-data <directory>, then chmod g+s <directory>21:13
beandogpuddle: and by everything I mean directories and files.  Also do chown 775 <directory> as well21:13
beandogpuddle: derp, chmod 775 <directory>21:13
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yekomsmy www-data dir isnt 775.21:14
yekomsits 755. owner:7 group:5 others:521:15
CiscoNinjahello i need assistance figuring out how to connect to windows terminal server using ubuntu 12 please21:15
new2unityIs that chat working, I don't think my question got me banned did it?21:16
LifeChanges_how can i install vuze to ubuntu 1221:16
Atlantic777chat is working, new2unity21:16
JoeyJoeJoI have a newly installed system with a large portion of unallocated space on the HDD. I want to use that space to set up LVM, but if I do `parted /dev/sda -l` I don't see the free space listed. How can I fix that?21:16
new2unityI need to remore KDE and try it again, for I want the Kubuntu basic desktop, not what I have. it's terrible.21:16
nyxynyxbeandog: Hi, i still have problem installing/finding fastcgi21:16
Lasivian12.04 suddenly starts timing out trying to access a windows network, no updates or changes, any ideas?21:16
beandognyxynyx: the binary is not there, it's probably at /usr/bin/php-cgi21:17
beandog$ which php-cgi21:17
Atlantic777new2unity: how to remove it? Did you consider just reinstalling the system?21:17
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:18
siimhttp://i.imgur.com/qAKKI.png i get those weird "glitches" when using html5 .. also i have a lag with flash .. i installed ati/amd  proprietary drivers -after that i got those glitches but got rid of that lag. I uninstalled this driver but know i have both html5 problems and lag also.. can somebody help me/ or understand me despite my awful english?21:18
CiscoNinjahello i need assistance figuring out how to connect to windows terminal server using ubuntu 12 please21:18
LasivianI can browse to the ubuntu machine from windows, but not the other way around21:19
bekksCiscoNinja: Install a terminal server client, like rdesktop21:19
new2unityAtlantic777, did you see my first post? this laptop doesn't have a cd or dvd drive. I install kde with synaptic but it's not what I was looking for.21:20
Atlantic777new2unity: no, I didn't see it. Do you have usb port on it? I would try with unetbootin.21:20
LifeChanges_vuze on ubuntu how please to open21:21
VanZanCan someone help me please? I have mounted a usb drive...how to I enable write access to it please? Thank you!21:23
zykotick9VanZan: what is the partition format FAT/NTFS/ext#?21:23
new2unityAtlantic777, yeas it has usb ports, but I don't know how to install kubuntu or linux mint kde to it to install.21:24
VanZanim running ubuntu 12.04 off it.21:24
CiscoNinjai can not connect to my work terminal server from my ubuntu can some one please help21:25
Atlantic777new2unity: try with program called unetbootin, it's a simple GUI application for making bootable usb drives.21:25
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siimso.. nobody can't help me?21:27
siimor is there a line21:27
new2unityAtlantic777, do I get that with the famous... apt-get install command in terminal?21:28
LasivianI can ping the windows machines from the ubuntu one, but it refuses to see them in the list of windows network machines21:28
CiscoNinjanew2unity, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pendrivelinux.com%2F21:28
Lasivianok, I can ping between ubuntu and windows, I could browse windows shares before my most recent ubuntu reboot, I have not applied any updates or made changes, i'm out of ideas :(21:30
Guest3279how to use it?21:31
marl¿Alguien me puede ayudar?21:31
CiscoNinjamarl no habla english21:31
Ex0deushow to use what?21:32
Lasivianhrr, ok, now i've got 2 ubuntu boxes, with no windows connectivity21:32
Ex0deusso you have 2 ubuntu boxes? and you have windows boxes? and the windows boxes are getting no internet connectivity?21:33
Atlantic777!spain | marl21:33
ubottumarl: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:33
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, what's the main issue?  you have 2 ubuntu boxes with internet, but you have a windows machine that doesn't have connectivity?  or are you trying to connect the windows machine to the ubuntu machines and vice versa?21:34
JrixUbuntu will not even "see" my wireless network until I do Iwscan. Then suddenly it magically appears in the network manager list. And when I try to connect it tries, fails, tries, fails, nothing. Wtf? I connect to other networks fine, other computers connect to this network fine.21:34
Ex0deussounds like a driver issue21:35
Atlantic777Jrix: try to change network fequency (standards, b/g/n)21:35
TheLordOfTimeJrix, change the network's wifi frequency/standard?  g is probably going to be most stable, b is old21:35
JrixI'm unable to interact with the network router at all.21:36
WeThePeoplehow do i change ~# to ~$ ??21:36
beandogEx0deus: I really hate wifi drivers.21:36
Atlantic777WeThePeople: ctrl + d21:36
Ex0deuscould you do an lspci on the command line... and paste the line that has your network card here?21:36
BluesKajTheLordOfTime, how goes the znc fix over at trekweb ?21:38
LasivianTheLordOfTime: 2 ubuntu boxes, different versions, neither can browse to the "windows network" but they can ping the windows boxes, and the windows boxes can browse the shared directories on the ubuntu boxes21:38
TheLordOfTimeBluesKaj, trekweb has a channel you know :/21:38
WeThePeopleatlantic777, that just exits terminal21:38
Ex0deusLasivian: do you have samba installed21:38
Lasiviani'm almost thinking this is windows screwing something up, but i'm not sure what21:38
BluesKajTheLordOfTime, yeah ok , understood :)21:39
LasivianEx0deus: yes, these both previously were able to browse, nothing has been updated or changed since then21:39
beandogLasivian: browsing network shares and pinging a box are two completely differen network aspects21:39
Ex0deusbeandog: yeah wifi drivers can be tricky in linux21:39
Lasivianbeandog: yes, i'm just throwing out info21:39
beandogoh okay21:39
loneclockif i want to boot ubuntu and android from a flash drive to i have to make a separate partition on the flash drive for each one?21:39
beandogLasivian: personally I just use gigolo21:39
JrixTheLordOfTime: It's connecting at G or N, based on its transfer rate limit.21:39
Ex0deusok so everything was working? and its not now?21:39
LasivianEx0deus: right21:40
Ex0deushave you tried this on the command line? sudo service networking restart21:40
tox2ikIs the standard ubuntu desktop install-cd the same as the ubuntu livd-cd?21:40
Ex0deusor you could do ... /etc/init.d/networking restart21:40
Lasivianthe second one worked, broiwsing21:41
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, they're about the same.  the desktop iso can double as a livecd21:41
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, the end result for a basic installation, though, is the same.21:41
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, for installation purposes.21:41
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, I would wonder if you need to be in ~#21:41
Lasivianstill times out, "did not receive a reply"21:41
LasivianI see no reason to assume the ubuntu boxes are not trying to find the windows, it's like windows is not answering21:41
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, i am on BT5 atm21:42
beandogLasivian: well it is possible they're not allowing sharing or they are firewalled.  How are you listing avialable shares?21:42
Lasivianbut, I should get at least one windows box showing up, there are 6 on the network21:42
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, This is not the channel for that.21:42
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, still works the same21:42
Lasivianbeandog: i'm just browsing in nautilus, clicking on "windows network"21:42
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, respect the rules this is ubuntu support, have a taste of ethics for just a moment.21:42
beandogLasivian: I'd recommend trying gigolo to browse21:43
beandogLasivian: but whatever.  they both should work21:43
Ex0deusgigolo is pretty nice :)21:43
Lasivianinstalling that now21:43
wilee-nileeand welcome to a lifetime of ignore21:43
beandogEx0deus: agreed.  such a headache saver.21:43
WeThePeopleno :)21:43
Ex0deusyeah i just started playing around with gigolo on my new server...21:43
Lasivianone of the ubuntu boxes is 12.04, the other is 10.1021:43
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, the 10.10 box is EOL...21:44
tox2ikTheLordOfTime: ok, thank you. Is it problematic to install a few packages to a ram-fs while booted with the desktop installation iso?21:44
TheLordOfTime!10.10 | Lasivian21:44
ubottuLasivian: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.21:44
Ex0deuswas originally not going to have a desktop env. but decided to run with xfce21:44
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, in a live environment?21:44
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, it won't save in the live environment, but it will install said package21:44
Lasiviangigolo worked21:44
beandoggigolo to the rescue again!21:44
TheLordOfTimetox2ik, but, when you shut down and reboot any packages you had installed won't be there until you install them again21:45
LasivianTheLordOfTime: yes, i'm waiting for 12.10 to upgrade it, i'm just using it as a test example.21:45
stevr1ithello, i have ubuntu 12.04 and whne i use skype 4 and the other person video starts the session crash and restart itself. what i can i do to solve this problem? any suggestion? I have deleted the folder.skype,  i have reinstalled skype,  i don't know more what to do.. thank you21:45
Ex0deus12.10 server?21:45
Lasivianthe idea that an ubuntu software error would affect both machines seems impossible21:45
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, there is no direct 10.10 -> 12.10 upgrade path...21:45
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:45
Ex0deusi think ubuntu is on 14.04 now21:45
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, there's only an LTS -> LTS direct upgrade path.21:45
LasivianTheLordOfTime: well, crap :)21:45
TheLordOfTimeEx0deus, nope.  12.04 is the latest release, 12.10 comes out soon.21:45
Lasivianhrrm, I thought *.10 were the LTS..21:46
TheLordOfTimeno clue on an exact date, so if anyone asks, they end.21:46
tox2ikTheLordOfTime: thats fine, I just need to install something temporarily. To I need to configure apt-get or anything else to make this work?21:46
Lasivianperhaps, I was mistaken :)21:46
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, 10.04, 12.04, and if i'm right, 14.04 will be LTSes21:46
Ex0deusno the *.04's are the LTS releases21:46
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)21:46
LasivianI see, guess I need to just change that machine to 12.0421:46
beandog5 years on the desktop.  That's pretty bold.21:46
TheLordOfTimeEx0deus, not all *.04s are LTSes.21:46
Lasivianand i'm betting there is no upgrade path to do such a thing, heh21:47
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:47
Ex0deusback in awhile :)21:47
TheLordOfTimeEx0deus, generally, you can approximate by every 2 years.  i.e. 2 years after the last LTS (10.04 was April 2010, 12.04 is April 2012, so by approximation unless something changes, 14.04 is probably the next LTS)21:48
Lasivianis there any easy way to go from a .10 install to a .04?21:49
wilee-nileeLasivian, look above at the ubotto comment on eol.21:49
Lasivianyeah, the EOL upgrade link stops at 9.1021:50
jribLasivian: and you really should specify complete versions ".10" and ".04" alone are vague21:50
Lasivianjrib: dammit, stop pointing out my flawed statements! :)21:50
Lasivianwhat should I do with 10.10, I can erase it, but i've made multiple edits21:51
henry81Hi! Need help getting wifi on toshiba laptop running Xubuntu12.0421:51
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, do me a favor please: don't fling around swear words such as 'damn' that often please.  thanks :)21:51
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, you can upgrade to 11.04 directly21:51
TheLordOfTimethat's still technically supported until Q releases21:51
TheLordOfTimeLasivian, then from there, upgrade to 11.1021:51
TheLordOfTimewhich is actually still supported21:51
tox2ikTheLordOfTime: thank you for the answer, im off!21:51
TheLordOfTimeand if you want, from there to 12.04.21:51
TheLordOfTimewhich is  an LTS21:51
TheLordOfTime... and the current Ubuntu release :)21:52
Lasivianso, 3 upgrades21:52
Lasivianthat sounds, painful, heh21:52
wilee-nileeLasivian, Try reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades  the upgrade will have to be a eol upgrade TheLordOfTime21:52
TheLordOfTimewilee-nilee, or he can back up his data and clean install 12.0421:52
TheLordOfTime:P *21:52
wilee-nileeTheLordOfTime, That is not the issue you addressed, you said a direct upgrade to 11.04 that needs to be a eol.21:53
TheLordOfTimewilee-nilee, did 11.04 finally EOL?21:53
henry81Could someone help me get wifi working on my laptop w ubuntu 12.0421:53
TheLordOfTimelast i checked with the release team, they hadnt yet vaped those repos21:53
wilee-nileeTheLordOfTime, 10.10 is it has to be a eol upgrade.21:54
TheLordOfTimewilee-nilee, ah.  wait, you can't go from EOL -> nonEOL yet?21:54
TheLordOfTimewithout following a strange procedure?21:54
dr_willisYou should be able to update one thats EOL. but youmay need to tweak your sources.list21:55
dr_willisonce one goes EOL you have to change the sources.list to point to those archive servers i belive to do any updates..21:56
wilee-nileeTheLordOfTime, All eols have to be upgraded with a eol upgrade, 11.04 is eol in oct as well.21:56
wilee-nileedr_willis, +121:56
dr_willisI just do clean installs. ;)21:56
wilee-nileeme to21:57
dr_willisLets me remove all teh cruft i test out from hanging in this channel all day long21:57
wilee-nileedr_willis, That is the burden you carry as a such a important help. ;)21:57
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rettawCould someone help me get an install started on an ASUS P8P67 motherboard?21:59
* jagginess thinks asus sounds like a*us22:00
wilee-nileerettaw, You need to format your problem in the form of a question. ;)22:00
dr_willisburn cd.. boot cd... follow installer directions....22:01
rettawwilee-nilee: I've made an image with unebootin of 12.04_64_Live, it doesn't work properly22:01
rettawas in, if I try to boot from it it draws noise to my screen!22:01
wilee-nileerettaw, bummer, but to the channel, and with details.22:02
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dr_willisrettaw:  draws noise.... means what?   youmean the graphics/video are all garbled?22:02
rettawdr_willis:  yes22:02
dr_willisrettaw:  you do see the little man=keyboard logo when it first boots?22:02
rettawI've also found another boot manager, it seems to just stall (it's a more terminal based one, nucurses?)22:02
dr_willisat the bottom of one of the very first screens)22:02
rettawno, I get so far as to choose if I want to launch the installer22:03
dr_willisanother boot manager? Not sure what you mean. the live-usb-setups tend to use syslinux22:03
rettawthen when I choose something like check memmory I get garbled graphics22:03
fivreI've added a PPA with a new version of something, but running update and dist-upgrade per https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/InstallingSoftware doesn't update the package22:03
TheLordOfTimefivre, did you actually push to the PPA?22:04
TheLordOfTimei.e. did you put your package there?22:04
fivreit's someone else's22:04
wilee-nileefivre, Did you run a update first?22:04
TheLordOfTimefivre, which PPA?22:04
TheLordOfTimeand did you run an update :P22:04
TheLordOfTimealso, which ubuntu :p22:04
fivreyep, update and dist-updgrade, precise22:04
dr_willisrettaw:  whats your video chipset anyway?22:04
wilee-nileefivre, Did you look close at the MYSTERY package to see that it was there for your distro?22:05
rettawdr_willis: Geforce GTX 560 Ti22:05
TheLordOfTimewilee-nilee, if he's not on Precise, he's not getting anything except 404s for that PPA22:06
dr_willisrettaw:  so You boot the usb, what does it do exactly...22:06
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rettawdr_willis: well, first of all I have two options for how to boot given to me by the motherboard, one it calls USB, and the other UEFI: USB22:07
rettawchoosing on or the other gives different results initially22:07
rettaw(eventually I give up and reboot whatever I choose though)22:08
rettaw*regardless of22:08
rettawdr_willis: if I choose UEFI: USB I get to a GRUB screen22:09
rettawwhere I can choose between Trying, Installing, or Check disk22:09
rettawis there a terminal based installer I can get to from here?22:10
dr_willisrettaw:  the alterntive installer cd has a text based installer..22:10
zykotick9rettaw: for terminal install, use alternate or mini22:10
dr_willisrettaw:  or you can try to enable the NOMODESET  option and the graphics may work22:10
dr_willis!nomodeset > rettaw22:11
ubotturettaw, please see my private message22:11
rettawdr_willis: if I remove the "splash" from boot options, will that show me more debug info, or do I need to remove "quiet" or both to get that?22:16
beandogrettaw: take both out22:17
beandogplus any vga options22:17
dr_willisrettaw:  i tend to use 'noquiet nosplash nofb nomodeset'  Im not sure if all are needed these days. I havent needed touse nomodeset in some time22:17
beandogor that.22:17
dr_willisI think theres also some verbose option. :)22:17
dr_willis'noquiet nosplash nofb nomodeset justworkyousillything makemeasamwich'22:18
wilee-nileeroastbeef please22:19
rettawdr_willis: how do I set the cheese to be used for the samwich?22:20
rettawbah! it's launching some graphics anyway22:21
wadiwe vreun roman p'acilea22:21
wadiwsa imi bag pulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa22:21
rettawdr_willis:  the last it said before being silly was "fb: conflicting hw usage nouveaufb vs EFI VGA - removing generic driver"22:22
DataholicI have installed ubuntu mini iso 12.04 via internet, installed only gnone-shell and vmware view client 1.6.  is it possible i can make a bootable live cd on this vmware image?22:22
{AL}ALEXISto many people here lol22:22
wilee-nileeDataholic, remastersys22:23
acalbazahope this is an easy one... i have a purple background in my terminal, but grep outputs the file path on matches in purple, how can i modify grep's color scheme to fit my terminal... basically, i cant see the file path now.22:23
wilee-nileeDataholic, YOU are running on the vm graphics though.22:23
bobweaveracalbaza,  check out ~/.bashrc  --color-auto22:24
dr_willisrettaw:  i recall some options to specifically disable the nouveau drivers.. but ive never needed them22:24
bobweaveracalbaza,  there is a post on the forums google"show us your bashrc ubuntuforums "22:24
dr_willisbash tricks for $100 alex.. ;)22:24
rettawdr_willis: there is a line saying "set gfxpayload=keep" that looks a bit suspicious to me. Anyway, I'll try a noquiet nosplash and see if the same thing happens22:25
dr_willisacalbaza:  or 'unalias grep' to remove the 'grep --color-auto' alias22:26
rettawdr_willis: it did22:26
=== Abbas5 is now known as Abbas-
=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
SnapSnapI'm using Mozilla Thunderbird as my default mail client on 12.04. However, it will only inform me of new messages if it's running. Is there a way to run it in the background, like Gwibber, so that it informs me of new messages without manually starting it every time I reboot?22:27
bobweaveracalbaza,  try this on for size  ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1273981/22:27
jagginessSnapSnap, i think there's plugins for that.. (it may have to be an Thunderbird .xpi add-on)-- but there's also separate email message plugins for non-thunderbird just for those meta tools that check just if there's new messages(without actually downloading the full message body)22:28
bobweaveryou will have too run sed -i 's|iceni60|$USER|g' ~/.yourbashrc     you might also need some scripts22:29
bobweaveror just take out all the lines that are scripts or put a # in front of the line too comment out22:30
acalbazahmm, i still want to have color in my grep.. just not purple for the path22:31
SnapSnapjagginess, I'll check it out. Any idea what the name is?22:32
bobweaveracalbaza,  then set up your colors in bashrc22:32
diverdudei have a script chatserver.js which i need to run on startup via node.js in my ubuntu machine. it listens to port 8002. how can i do that?22:32
bobweaverdiverdude,  make into a service22:33
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bobweaver /etc/init.d/22:33
rds_hai guys anybody know how find and remove white space in gedit22:33
bobweaverdiverdude,  that why you can also stop ans start whenever you like22:34
wadiwhi all22:34
bobweaverrds_, there is a plugin for that go to EDIT-->pref--> plugins22:34
bobweaverrds_,  you could also use sed on the file22:35
rds_bobweaver, ok22:35
wadiwanybody know how to view the source cod for an executable ?22:35
diverdudebobweaver: how is that done?22:35
bobweaverrds_,  http://sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line.txt22:35
Congrds, it is can be done like this cat $file | sed s/\s//g > $file22:35
bobweaver!service | diverdude22:35
rds_bobweaver, thank u buddy22:35
snoupya des francais ici22:36
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:36
snoupok tky22:36
acalbazai'm fine with the color grep uses for matches... if i set GREP_COLOR to something else, it only affects the match, no?  I'm interested in changing the color of the PATH not the match.22:36
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bobweaveracalbaza,  if you set the color as a var then you can call as you like22:37
bobweaverdiverdude,  take a look at this  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/1924/create-services-in-linux-start-up-in-linux22:37
jcrzaIt seems like I can't use windows 8 and ubuntu together.. is there a way around this?22:38
bobweaverdiverdude,  read the UPSTART part22:38
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bobweaverbut both will wor22:39
bobweaverwork *  aka doing that too much as of the late22:39
jcrzaI have them on different drives.. ubuntu won't boot as long as the windows 8-toting drive has its sata cable attached22:39
bobweaverjcrza,  which is grub installed too ?22:40
jcrzaI was under the impression it was on the ubuntu drive, but I don't even know anymore. Windows appears to have its own startup manager now as well22:40
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jcrzafirst time I"ve tried to use my ubuntu partition since installing 8.. seems it won't work.22:40
PhoenixzIm on a machine with ubuntu 10.10, its used -more or less- as a server. I can not upgrade OS right now. I am trying to install repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa with add-apt-repository, but it gives me gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: Connection timed out.. Anybody who might know how to fix this?22:41
bobweaverahh cool jcrza  are you on the ubuntu drive ?22:41
jcrzano :(22:41
bobweaverUbuntu 10.10 is not supported here22:41
jcrzastupid windows 8 can't compile anything, even with mingw I get gcc errors when trying to install some python module22:41
jcrzaI'm gonna hve to nuke it and go back to main-booting ubuntu22:42
bobweaverjcrza,  that is windows22:42
jcrzaI wish they'd coexist22:42
bobweaverno you dont22:42
bobweaverjcrza,  got a live cd ?22:42
jcrzaNo but I can make one22:42
bobweaverget too it22:42
bobweaver!lifecycle | Phoenixz22:43
acalbazagot it... the missing bit for me was exporting GREP_COLORS and using the right key.  export GREP_COLORS=fn... works for me, thanks for putting me on the right track.22:43
bobweavernp acalbaza  you can always run       sources ~.bashrc22:44
CongYou're one of a kind. Windows 8 is not official released yet.22:44
acalbazabobweaver: yep22:44
bobweavererrr typo no s just source22:44
IdleOnebobweaver: it's !eol22:44
bobweaverthanks IdleOne22:44
bobweaver!eol | Phoniexz22:45
ubottuPhoniexz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:45
jcrzaYeah, windows 8 preview is great though. I'm really a fan of the changes22:46
* bobweaver high fives IdleOne 22:46
jcrzaI just miss my 'buntu22:46
jcrzaclassic microsoft to destroy everything else installed on the system22:46
bobweaverjcrza,  we miss you on the Ubuntu how the live cd going ?22:46
jcrzajust got done downloading the iso, making it now22:46
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bobweaverjcrza,  we are going to need for you too boot the live cd and sign into IRC then you will pastebin some stuff . How much ram you got ?22:47
Sven_OostenbrinkIm on a machine with ubuntu 10.10, its used -more or less- as a server. I can not upgrade OS right now. I am trying to install repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa with add-apt-repository, but it gives me gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: Connection timed out.. Anybody who might know how to fix this?22:48
bobweaverthen you are fine22:48
bobweaver!eol | Sven_Oostenbrink,22:48
ubottuSven_Oostenbrink,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:48
Cong10.04 still has life.22:48
bobweaverin other word phonixz or Sven_Oostenbrink  you need to upgrade your version 10;10 is not supported at all22:49
bobweavercorrect Cong , it is LTS/long term support22:49
bobweaverbut even that is up v.soon22:50
bobweaverunless we are talking servers22:50
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CongWhen that happens in the next April I'm switching to 12.04 or maybe just something else.22:53
MonkeyDustSven_Oostenbrink  both ppa's and 10.10 are not supported here22:54
jcrzaOkay, my live cd is done, I'll be back windows 8 permitting22:54
ubuntu-studiohello all, I'm trying to install openjdk 7 on 64 bit ubuntu and it isn't working22:55
ubuntu-studioit keeps saying that dependencies cannot be resolved22:55
MonkeyDustubuntu-studio  type /join #ubuntustudio22:55
ubuntu-studioMonkeyDust: I'm not actually in ubuntu studio22:56
jcrzaYay, I'm alive22:56
Congget sudo apt-get -f and then try again22:56
MonkeyDustubuntu-studio  did you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_Java_722:57
bobweaverubuntu-studio, what is the output of apt-cache policy openjdk-7-jdk ?22:57
Sven_OostenbrinkOkay.. I tried :) Thanks all anyway!22:58
jcrzaI forget the username of whoever said they'd help me once I booted my livecd, but here I am.22:58
jcrzaI assume I need to install grub on my linux drive from here?22:58
bobweaverjcrza,  please install pastebinit    sudo apt-get install pastebintit and tell us when done22:58
bobweavererr typo22:59
bobweaverjcrza, sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:59
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274019/22:59
bobweaverthanks ubuntu-studio22:59
bobweaverubuntu-studio,  lets install both if you like ?23:00
bobweaveropenjdk and oracal23:00
jcrzasudo apt-get install pastebinit doesn't seem to do anything23:00
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: I would much prefere to stay away from Oracle's JDK/JRE if possible23:00
jcrzaunable to locate package pastebinit23:00
MonkeyDust!info pastebinit23:01
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu2.1 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB23:01
bobweaverubuntu-studio,  looking at paste and gf just came home brb 5 mpin23:01
bobweavermin *23:02
jcrzaCould it be because I downloaded 12.04.1 or whatever the newest ubuntu desktop is?23:02
bobweaversudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk=7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu223:02
jagginessbobweaver, your gf likes windows? watch out hehehehe23:03
bobweavershe is always on the chat room and runs linux meeting sometimes so I think she does not like doz23:03
bobweaverwe live in mole city broseph23:03
MonkeyDustjcrza  apt-cache search pastebiit23:03
MonkeyDustjcrza  apt-cache search pastebinit23:03
jcrzaMonkeyDust: Didn't return anything23:04
VanZanI used YUMI to install Ubunut 12.04 to a USB key. Is there any way I can download files to the same USB key please? Thank you!23:05
MonkeyDustjcrza  lsb_release -sd23:05
yekomswhy not just download the pastebinit.py script? its the samething thats in the .deb file. except apt-get installs the pymods if they dont exist.23:05
jcrzaUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS23:05
MonkeyDustVanZan  yumi is a windows thingy23:05
dr_willisVanZan:  it should be formated to fat32 normally. you can still use any space on it to save things. unless the installer made a persistant home/save file. then it should let you save to it also under the ubuntu os.23:06
bobweaverjcrza,  are you on live cd ?23:06
VanZanit is formatted to fat32 but i can't save anything to it.23:06
jcrzaYes, a liveusb to be exact23:06
fishsceneUsing terminal, is it possible to launch a GUI program and have the terminal close, but keep the GUI program open?23:06
dr_willisyou may need to mount it by hand with the right options.23:06
GNS3TalkHi everyone. Why does my headless Ubuntu 12.04 stays on resolution of 800*600? I can't change it anywhere. I even tried different resolution values in my VNC client/server but with no luck!23:06
bobweaverjcrza,  cool run this command in terminal and PASTEBIN the output23:07
VanZani have it mounted mate but still no joy....driving me mad.23:07
dr_willisfishscene:  try 'theguicommand &' then the 'exit' command. NOT the close button.23:07
bobweaverjcrza,  sudo fdisk -l23:07
dr_willisVanZan:  mounted how exactly? can root write to it?23:07
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: still no go23:07
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  what vncserver are you using?23:07
vividwhere can i place custom icons themes? ~/.icons ??23:07
bobweaver!info pastebinit | jcrza  this is just a stupid program23:08
ubottujcrza this is just a stupid program: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu2.1 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB23:08
VanZandr_willis:I'm not logged in as root.23:08
phiscribeanyone aware if gimp 2.8 will make it into ubuntu 12.04 backports and/or when?23:08
dr_willisVanZan:  use sudo to see if root can write to it....23:08
bobweaverubuntu-studio,  what is version what is arch23:08
GNS3Talkdr_willis: The standard vino-server. I tried x11vnc but with no luck either.23:08
jcrzabobweaver: http://pastebin.com/2FfjW2z123:08
VanZandr_willis: what is the command i should use please?23:08
bobweaverjcrza,  open gparted and take a screen shot of UBUNTU hdd23:08
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  if its headless theres no need to 'share the current visible desktop' thats how vino and x11vncserver work.. use a normal vnc server like 'tightvnc'23:08
MonkeyDustphiscribe  no chance, 12.10 has 2.823:09
dr_willisVanZan:  perhaps 'sudo touch /whatever/the/path/is/to/the/usb/testfile'23:09
GNS3Talkdr_willis: I will give tightvnc a go. Thanks.23:09
bobweaverjcrza,  we need to know the partition # and what nnot to give you command then you can chroot the stuff23:09
phiscribeso use an evil ppa or tose LTS to the side, uggg23:10
VanZandr_willis: did that mate and nothing happened?23:10
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  vnc does not need to share the current visible desktop on linux. ;) unlike how it works on windows. You can have a dozen vnc 'hidden' desktops you connect to with just vnc clients.23:10
jcrzadoh.. I'm a moron. I forgot to plug it in.. good thing I have hotplugging enabled. Will ubuntu be okay with that or will I need to reboot?23:10
dr_willisVanZan:  look on the flash and see if the file is there..23:10
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274030/23:10
VanZandr_willis: It's not there!23:11
fishscenedr_willis: That works... kind of. I saved your command as a text file (so users can just double-click it.... on double-click, terminal opens, then closes. GUI program does not launch. If I run the same file within the terminal, the GUI launches, but I still have to manually close the terminal (also, the GUI stays open :D ).23:11
dr_willisVanZan:  what was the exact command you used?23:11
jcrzawell, if I magically get knocked off you know ubuntu didn't like me hotplugging23:11
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: i'm on ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit23:11
VanZandr_willis: sudo touch /cdrom/download23:11
dr_willisfishscene:  what app?23:11
dr_willisVanZan:  its very possible that /cdrom/ is mounted read only. the mount command may show you.23:11
GNS3Talkdr_willis: There seems to be only Windows version of tighvnc. The other one is Java based! Which one do you use? Is installation straight forward?23:12
fishscenedr_willis: vlc23:12
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  the tightvnc server is in the repos.23:12
bobweaverubuntu-studio, what ppa do you have ? ?23:12
jcrzaugh, think I have to reboot23:12
=== theplanet is now known as elixey
VanZandr_willis: Can you tell me the full mount command please? I'm sorry I'm a complete Linux noob!23:12
dr_willisGNS3Talk:   vnc servers often have a java 'feature' where you can connect to them from a web browser.23:12
dr_willis!mount | VanZan23:12
ubottuVanZan: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:12
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: none, i'm using only Ubuntu Universe and metaverse23:13
dr_willisVanZan:  just 'mount' shows whats mounted where23:13
GNS3Talkdr_willis: Gotchya. Downloading it now from the repo :)23:13
MonkeyDustVanZan  sudo mount /dev/blah some_folder_you_created23:13
bobweaverubuntu-studio,  when was the last time you updated ?23:13
VanZandr_willis: /dev/sdb1 on /cdrom type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)23:14
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  if the server is on the same local lan, you may want to check out the xdmcp/x forwareding features of SSH instead of running a whole vnc session.23:14
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: well.. i forgot to mention that i'm currently on a live USB23:14
bobweaverenable the repos then ubuntu-studio23:14
dr_willisVanZan:  so do a 'cd /cdrom' and see what files are therel. see if you can make a file. it seems to be mounted RW.23:14
bobweaverthat is23:14
GNS3Talkdr_willis: I'm fairly new to Linux so I can't really understand what you just mentioned above lol..23:15
VanZandr_willis: it says "permission denied"23:15
GNS3Talkdr_willis: How do I start tightvncserver, and how can I configure it? Where is the config file located at?23:15
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  differnt ways to  have remote apps.. if you have more then 1 linux/ubuntu machine on the lan. learning ssh is worth the time.23:15
ubuntu-studiobobweaver: they are enabled23:16
=== f00dM0nsta is now known as f00dMonsta
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  run vncserver, then it puts files in .vnc you can alter .  check its docs/man pages also.   basically you run it. it gives the desktop #, you connect with a client.23:16
elixeyi knwo there is a command that will get dpkg to list all the packages currently installed but i dont know what this is outputted as, is it a script that can be run on other machines and used to install the packages within it? or is it just a list of packages. and most importantly can this dpkg command be used to make a list for A CERTAIN DATE OF INSTALLS23:16
bobweaverGNS3Talk,  like he said before it is much safer to do ssh then portforward and start vnc23:16
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  is this over the internet? or a local lan?23:16
ubuntu-studioshutting dow to do something else23:16
bobweaver!ssh vnc23:16
jcrzabobweaver: http://imgur.com/Tv2Ee23:17
GNS3Talkdr_willis: LAN23:17
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  what is the OS of the other machiunes on the lan?23:17
GNS3TalkMac OS X trying to access Ubuntu server.23:17
bobweaverjcrza,  oHH I see they are on differnt hardrives ?23:18
VanZandr_willis: Don't give up on me mate!!! :)23:18
dr_willisGNS3Talk:   there may be ways to do X forwarding to the MAC that would let you run single apps and have them appear locally on the mac.23:18
jcrzaYeah, sorry if I wasn't clear23:18
dr_willisVanZan:  remount it with the correct options would be my suggestion.23:18
jcrzabut you're right, it's grub being messed up or missing when I installed windows 8 to my SSD23:18
jcrzawhen I try to boot this drive directly it says "missing grub"23:18
dr_willisVanZan:  you did try makign the file as root? or a user?23:18
VanZandr_willis: as a user23:18
dr_willisVanZan:  so try as root with sudo again...23:19
bobweaverI see that jcrza  lets mount the correct drive and install grub to it ? what is / drive though ?23:19
jcrza/dev/sdc is where I want ubuntu/have a mangled installation that can't boot23:20
fishscene"/" referres to your system root. Kind of like how C:\ is the typical Windows root.23:20
bobweaverlooks like sdc6 should be jcrza23:20
VanZandr_willis:It worked! I made a directory (I don't know how to create a file!)23:20
bobweavernano this23:21
bobweaverthen save you just created a file23:21
bobweaveror touch23:21
MonkeyDustVanZan  type nano blah, type something in it and save it23:21
VanZanbobweaver: cheers!23:21
=== cesar is now known as Guest60097
VanZanIt worked! Nano created a file!23:23
VanZanbut how do i save to it without using a terminal?23:23
jagginesshe made a blank file.. congratulations23:23
VanZanlol thanks23:23
jcrzabobweaver: So how do I get started with this? I don't know how to repair grub23:24
MonkeyDustVanZan  time for human sacrifice to thank the linux deities!23:24
bobweaverVanZan,  now use touch     touch ~/Desktop/this_is23:24
jagginessjcrza, use the boot repair iso :)23:24
jcrzajagginess: I'm scared!23:24
jagginessjcrza, http://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/23:24
bobweaverjcrza,  jagginess  hit the nail on the hammer or is it the other way around23:25
VanZanyup "touch" worked as well.23:25
bobweaversorry I was off doing TV stuff23:25
bobweaverVanZan,  there is also vim23:25
jcrza=) I'll give it a go. Thanks guys. back to windoze to make my boot-repair usb23:25
bobweaveremachs ect23:25
bobweaverjcrza,  backing up is never a bad idea23:26
VanZanbobweaver: Yes but how can I save files to the usb key outside of a terminal mate?23:26
jagginessbobweaver, thought you said "gf" came home... now you're going your TV lol.. (whatttttt??? can i be delusional lol-- that's what i'm reading here on irc)23:26
VanZando i need to login as root?23:26
bobweavershe like tv23:26
bobweaverwhat why VanZan23:27
bobweaver!details | VanZan23:27
ubottuVanZan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:27
VanZanI have been giving the full details....just ask dr_willis!23:27
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bobweaverVanZan,  would you like help dr_willis  is awesome and a super smart person putting down members os not going to get you anywhere here23:28
* bobweaver high fives dr_willis 23:29
VanZanim sorry bobweaver I didn't mean to insult. I meant I had been getting assistance from dr_willis....23:29
bobweaverVanZan,  meaning that dr_willis  is super cool !23:29
bobweaverahh I see23:30
bobweavercool VanZan23:30
dr_willishelping the wife.. i will be back laters ;P23:30
VanZani give up23:30
bobweaverbut I am still unsure what you are talking about with root and what not all I know about root is well a real lot but there is  this23:30
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:30
* jagginess peers out his window of the doctor HELPING HIS WIFE.23:30
fishsceneVanZan: Your USB Key isn't showing up in the GUI?23:31
VanZanfishscene: it is mate23:32
fishsceneVanZan: I'm kind of jumping in the middle here, and, without scrolling through the past hour of convo, what is the current issue and where are you at?23:33
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VanZanfishscene: but I can't save anything to it unless I use the sudo command in a terminal23:33
GNS3Talkdr_willis: I get this error message when I start the server "Please set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script."23:33
pewpewpewHello, nautilus is the only way i know how to install fonts, but it failed to install a pcf font, and im not sure how else to do it23:33
fishsceneVanZan: Sounds like the permissions aren't set correctly. Standby...23:34
GNS3Talkdr_willis: Do you know where I can find the config file? the 'man' command doesn't really show where it is.23:34
bobweaverVanZan,  what is the USERS name of the USB ?23:34
VanZanbobweaver: pardon?23:34
VanZanlol sorry guys!23:34
dr_willisGNS3Talk:  in the users .vnc directory23:34
GNS3Talkdr_willis: Is it the .log or .pid file?23:34
bobweaverVanZan,  there are many reason why one would not be able to read write or run a file or anything for that matter. the bot will tell you more23:35
VanZanI don't understand what you mean by "USERS"23:35
bobweaver!permissions | VanZan23:35
ubottuVanZan: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:35
bobweaver!users | VanZan23:35
ubottuVanZan: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo23:35
stuartrexkingI am trying to run a ruby (unicorn) service using chpst, like this https://gist.github.com/312c3daa6062fee661f8 I want bundle exec to run under a specific rvm/gemset for the user. How do I load the environment for that user in the context of that command?23:36
VanZanbobweaver: Thanks!23:36
bobweaverthat is not what I thougt bot would say about users23:36
fishscenebobweaver: I noticed in his mount, he has "fmask=0022,dmask=0022" Would those be the mount permissions for accessing the device?23:36
bobweaverVanZan, in other words make sure that the "users" have PERMISSION to do what you are trying to do23:37
jagginesstype "groups" <enter> , there's a list of group memberships for a user.. (can do as superroot, or gretp username from /etc/group)23:37
jagginess(groups <username> <enter> as superuser may list groups for that user)23:37
bobweaver+1 jagginess23:37
sacrebleuorcbuntu hosting: http://orcs.biz23:38
VanZanI typed "groups" and got the following:23:38
VanZanthis adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare23:38
jagginess"<VanZan> bobweaver: Yes but how can I save files to the usb key outside of a terminal mate?"23:40
jagginess^ ?23:40
jagginessVanZan, you mean plaintext tty ?23:40
jagginessVanZan, (like not in the GUI) ?23:40
pewpewpewhi, so font viewer failed to install a .pcf font, and i dont know how else to install it, what should i do?23:41
VanZani mean in the gui sir!23:42
jagginessVanZan, ok.. make sure you have the dbus gtk mount app.. usually its installed by default.. i can check the package name for that23:42
VanZanI created a new user with admin privileges....how do I switch to that user guys? Thanks!23:42
fishsceneVanZan: If I understand correctly... you have a FAT-formatted usb drive that you plugged in, but can't access without sudo. Correct?23:43
VanZanyes fishscene correct!23:43
hirzVanZan: man su23:43
fishsceneWhat is the output of "mount" for the flash drive?23:44
fishscene(Just the flash drive, don't paste the entire output here)23:45
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:45
jagginessVanZan, make sure udisks and gnome-applets is installed23:45
bobweaverwell that changed in the last couple years23:45
bvierCan anybody help me on downloading software onto a usb flashdrive in the ubuntu software center?23:54
draganmy wifi connection(password protected) keep asking me for password when i reinstall broadcom driver it works till i shutdown computer(not restart it works after restarts). Everty thing worked nice out of the box but suddenly started to anoy me23:55
bvierIs anybody there?23:55
* wadiw for romanian users, join #romania :P23:55
zykotick9bvier: you can copy the DEBs from /var/cache/apt/archives/ if you wish23:56
f00dM0nstaany chance... that anyone has found any way of emulating gameguard... or making gameguard work for real? :O23:57
f00dM0nstain WINE that is23:57
bvierzykotick9: I'm trying to take software from a computer with internet to another. What will I do when I get the files to the other computer?23:58
zykotick9bvier: copy the DEBs to the new computer's /var/cache/apt/archives/ then install.23:58
pewpewpewhow to install pcf font?23:59
bvierzykotick9: if my program is "ndiswrapper", what would be my command in the terminal to install?23:59

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