
ochosiknome: meh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/104350607:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1043506 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[UIFE][FFE]12.10.5 xubuntu default settings - ubuntu software center icon is the same as Synaptic" [Undecided,Triaged]07:51
elfymmm that bug should be "Running ubuntu software centre installs synaptic and uninstalls itself"08:06
ochosiis that the official stand of the xubuntu testing lead? :D08:07
elfythat was hobgoblin 08:07
ochosiyeah sure, blame it on each other :)08:08
elfypiskie does that all the time ... 08:08
Unit193And yep.08:18
ochosiUnit193: thanks, i guess it's too early for me :)08:19
astraljavaelfy: How would that _be_ a bug?13:35
astraljavaThat'd be an improvement.13:35
astraljavaAnyway, just keep throwing all sorts of weird exception tags on it, I'm sure that'll do it. *smirk*13:36
micahgknome: we're oversized again :(16:50
knomemicahg, meh.16:51
micahgonly by half a meg or so16:51
micahgI can't play with it until later though16:52
micahgthe no upload solution is to drop a language on i38616:52
micahgotherwise, drop something from the seed16:52
knomei'm kind of thinking, just do that, and look at the seeds closer on the R cycle16:52
* micahg could drop a language now16:52
knomeyeah, that would work for me more than well enough16:53
knomewe're so close to release that i don't think ninjaish moves are sensible or possible16:54
micahgfrench or german?16:55
knomedidn't we add german after fr16:55
micahgI think so16:55
knomethen that, and yeah, we did16:55
micahgok, pushed16:56
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