
mparilloDid the Ubuntu webadmins agree to update http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour/00:52
mparilloIt looks like a place holder page to me.00:52
Riddellmparillo: hum, spooky01:24
ScottKPlease start testing.01:26
mparilloOur spooky day is Halloween,the last day of October, right before the Solemnity of All Saints, but seriously, I wondered if that was a prep step for them to re-do the page.01:26
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shadeslayerhmph, ktorrent with precise is fairly annoying10:12
shadeslayerclicking on stop makes ktorrent hang forever >.>10:12
shadeslayerWill probably hunt down a patch and SRU later on10:13
Riddellshadeslayer: time to upgrade to quantal!10:13
Riddellwe're just needing some testers right about now10:13
shadeslayerRiddell: the X stack on quantal does not agree with me10:13
shadeslayerwhich is why I rolled back to precise10:13
* shadeslayer can test in a kvm10:13
shadeslayerwith vncviewer10:13
Riddellshadeslayer: hum that's quite worrying, what about you does it not agree with?10:18
Riddellgosh there's a second jonathan thomas, how confusing https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/quantal-changes/2012-October/011348.html10:30
shadeslayerRiddell: qapt installer prompts me to install flash but then says flashplugin-installer cannot be found10:47
shadeslayerso I guess it should ideally add the required sources and then proceed10:48
Riddellshadeslayer: on an installed system?10:48
Riddellmm, live won't have multiverse10:48
shadeslayerfunny how this is the first time I actually clicked install in that prompt and find out it doesn't work10:48
RiddellI used to have that turned off for live images but I guess jon got it reenabled at some point10:49
Riddelldo report a bug then poke jon :)10:49
shadeslayeraye aye captain10:49
shadeslayerNot to mention that defaults button on amarok just looks silly10:50
Riddelldefault's button?10:51
shadeslayerstart amarok for the first time, it asks you to set your country, there's a defaults button down left10:51
RiddellI hate that first run dialogue10:52
Riddellwhat do you even set it to, india isn't on the list is it?10:52
shadeslayerI don't like it either, but I don't have a better idea on how to present it to the user tbh10:53
Riddellwait until the user uses the amazon shop10:54
shadeslayerRiddell: should I just report that flash  bug against muon?10:54
shadeslayerhm, qapt provides qapt-batch, so I guess that seems more appropriate10:55
shadeslayerRiddell: btw Martin Sandsmark bought up a very valid point a couple of days ago, when we prompt the user to install mp3 codecs via the installer or the qapt-batch prompt, are we not commiting contributory infringement?10:59
Riddellshadeslayer: not as much as canonical for distributing the mp3 codecs in the first place11:00
Riddellbut they've had their lawyers look over it and decided it's worth the risk this way11:01
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 106593011:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065930 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Prompt to install stuff like flash should be disabled on the live-cd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106593011:04
Riddellug, there's a visual bug in ubiquity11:12
Riddell<small> in the strings11:12
xnoxRiddell: screenshot?11:17
Riddellxnox: will take some mins, I'm checking out another bug11:18
Riddellxnox: will take some mins, I'm checking out another bug11:27
Riddellxnox: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/ubiquity2.png11:37
xnoxRiddell: I actually never saw qt interface in action. Looks nice =)11:38
Riddell"The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established" hmm, has launchpad been hacked?11:39
* xnox didn't see that.11:40
xnoxRiddell: well those strings are qt specific. and the <small> is in the debconf template.11:41
xnoximho the debconf template should not have formatting strings (since the whole message is wrapped)11:41
xnoxand you should wrap small around it with attributes or in the code.11:41
xnoxsuch that translators don't make mistakes.11:41
xnoxand those two strings are qt specific =)11:41
* xnox thought gtk string formatting slipped into generic strings11:42
Riddellmm, it's that change from pkt, bother11:46
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1065956] package libqt4-svg 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: cannot remo... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1065956 (by Patrick Grace)12:23
jussiMamarok: or markey PING12:43
Mamarokjussi: pong12:43
jussiMamarok: PM12:43
Mamarokjussi: OK12:43
stefan`hi guys, just saw jr's post on "testers needed"12:47
stefan`i'm running 12.10 since a while and like it very much12:48
stefan`however this bug bothers me since a couple of days:12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061073 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:48
apacheloggerwhat I like best is how you cannot turn off your touchpad while typing12:51
apacheloggerit's hours of fun I tell ya12:51
apacheloggerstefan`: seeing that too12:51
apacheloggernot the slowness, but the corruption12:51
stefan`apachelogger: yes, the touchpad thing is great, too12:54
stefan`apachelogger: it seems window-moving is not slow, also kwin has 60fps when doing nothing12:54
stefan`apachelogger: however, "present windows" is slow, for example12:55
apacheloggerah, I never use that12:56
apacheloggeroh, the touchpad thing is written in python13:00
apacheloggernow I am surprised13:00
Riddellstefan`: I fear mesa isn't our area so that'll need the ubuntu x people to look into13:06
Riddellnasty to get that sort of bug last minute13:07
stefan`Riddell: do you think this effects kubuntu/kwin only13:07
stefan`Riddell: in other words - how high is the motivation there to fix it?13:08
Riddellimpossible to tell without testing13:08
RiddellI don't have the problem so it's probably graphics card specific to some extent13:09
apacheloggerI do wonder why it did not appear earlier though13:11
apacheloggerafiestas: btw http://mentors.debian.net/package/ktouchpadenabler13:12
stefan`apachelogger: i think i first saw it after the upgrade to mesa 9.013:14
apacheloggerstefan`: that was more than a month ago?13:16
afiestasapachelogger: :3313:18
stefan`apachelogger: no - there was a recent update which was not based on a git checkout but a real upstream release13:19
apacheloggerI wonder how that could have broken things so nicely though13:19
stefan`apachelogger: i don't even know where i could look to see that something is broken13:20
stefan`apachelogger: other than Xorg.log and my screen, that is :D13:20
Riddellstefan`: yeah that's why is needs a knowledgeable X person like tjaarlton13:42
stefan`Riddell: it seems the bug-report gets little attention, though ;)13:43
shadeslayer!find gtk.h13:47
ubottuFound: gir1.2-gtkchamplain-0.12, gtk2hs-buildtools13:48
ScottKMaybe I need to give my Intel netbook to mgraesslin again.13:59
mparilloQuestion on testing: I assume you are talking about the testing the release candidate? I am on a daily build and accept all updates, but w should we should grab a fresh ISO fromL http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds after they are done rebuilding?14:34
mparilloRight now the font is strike-through.14:34
smartboyhwmparillo, yes14:34
smartboyhwmparillo, that is called ISO testing, to test the newest ISO (aka the ISO after rebuild)14:35
mparillosmartboyhw: Thank you.14:35
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ScottKHas anyone else had trouble with quassel-client sucking up CPU when you switch between channels with a bit of backlog in Quantal?16:35
genii-aroundScottK: A little. I'm using the git version though atm17:08
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ScottKSput: ^^^17:51
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Noskcaj where do i file the following bugs: release notes link wrong, encript HDD button, timezone detect says adelade but shows sydney info19:57
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ ubiquity, I believe.20:01
xnoxrelease notes link is know and being worked on.20:02
xnoxcannot parse the rest.20:02
xnoxScottK: yes, I have. I am no switching to an IRC bouncer & regular clients.20:03
Noskcajxnox: it took me to the kubuntu news page20:03
xnoxScottK: znc is my current choice.20:04
xnoxNoskcaj: I told you that the link is being fixed, it's a server-side redirect.20:04
Noskcajxnox: ok20:05
xnoxNoskcaj: the installer actually goes to the right page, it's the release notes that are not up on the website yet.20:05
Noskcajxnox: understood, so thats not a bug20:06
xnoxNoskcaj: yes, it is a bug. open against the website-content project.20:07
Noskcajxnox: will do20:07
xnoxNoskcaj: no. the bug is already opened and tracked.20:07
xnoxNoskcaj: don't open duplicates =)20:07
Noskcajwhat is the number?20:07
* micahg apologizes for not getting calligra enhances properly setup in debian/rules...20:29
shumskimay i ask here about project neon?20:29
ScottKshumski: Yes.20:41
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^ yofel_?20:41
shumskiScottK: ok, just wanted to ask could it be possible to switch kdelibs to 4.10 branch?20:42
yofel_shumski: looking21:49
shumskiyofel_: ok  :-). also, any particular reason kdelibs are built against gamin, since the one in the archive isn't?21:50
yofel_a) gamin is in universe b) ... can't remember21:51
yofel_iirc the archive package just uses inotify, so I'm not sure if it's even needed21:52
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yofelshumski: kdelibs switched, the import will take a while though21:56
shumskiyofel: cool, tnx ;-). about gamin - if kdelibs is built against it, then the modules also are 'hardcoded' with it21:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel: what section this can belong to https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/nepomuk-metadata-extractor22:04
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: that would also require some aditional packages (for the extractors to work)22:09
phoenix_firebrdshumski: like?22:09
phoenix_firebrdshumski: so what section can it belong to?22:10
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: like python plugins - musicbrainz, imdb and tvdb one22:10
phoenix_firebrdshumski: I have added those in the control file22:11
yofelphoenix_firebrd: "kde" in general I would say, I don't think anything else uses nepomuk22:11
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: i mean, it builds without them, but it's useless if one doesn't have them22:11
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i tried KDE, failed, casesensitive?22:12
yofelshould be 'kde' casesensitive22:12
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok i will try that22:12
yofelshumski: the only reference I find on inotify versus FAM is the note in cmakelists.txt that inotify doesn't support NFS 22:13
yofelbut I guess nobody really uses that here22:13
shumskiyofel: i would guess. gamin is dropped almost everywhere (i mean on a distro packaging level)22:16
* yofel drops it22:16
* yofel makes a note to add the inotify limit setting from the archive to neon as well22:17
shumskisince i already bugging you, are XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME exportet in project-neon session? so akonadi and qt don't confict wth the 'official' ones? didn't check in a while, and last time i did, they whern't22:21
yofelshumski: yes, see http://paste.kde.org/567776/ line 43ff22:24
shumskiyofel: great! had some troubles in the past (oxygen), so i'm asking is it safe to fire up regular kubuntu session. should be then :-)22:26
phoenix_firebrdyofel: kde as section works22:27
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: so you are packaging this officialy, or? :-)22:29
phoenix_firebrdshumski: no :) just learning22:29
phoenix_firebrdshumski: officially soon :D22:30
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: ok :-) 22:30
phoenix_firebrdshumski: yofel is my mentor22:30
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: then i'm wondering about what you said that you have added plugins to control file? what did you mean with that? to depends? you've packaged them also?22:31
phoenix_firebrdshumski: Ya I have added that as depends22:32
phoenix_firebrdshumski: the plugins are in ubuntu repos22:33
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: so you're using the metadataexrtactor? had some massive mem leaks with it22:33
shumskilike 43 instances of it loaded on login :D22:34
phoenix_firebrdshumski: :)22:34
phoenix_firebrdshumski: no mem , afaik22:34
shumskisome 800MB consumed. earlier it worked fine22:34
phoenix_firebrdshumski: works good, you need bangarang from master for the cover to be displayed properly22:35
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: seen some commits in the last days, maybe that's resolved. 22:35
phoenix_firebrdshumski: is it? here it seeks to be file,  but virtuso takes a lot of cpu while bangarang gets the cover22:36
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: yeah bangarang's great, altough still doesn't cut it for me with videos22:36
phoenix_firebrdshumski: the last commit is a fix to some text ascii problem22:36
phoenix_firebrdshumski: we need some kio for movie22:37
phoenix_firebrdshumski: tvnamer is good22:37
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: trueg's tvshow works ok22:37
phoenix_firebrdshumski: ok?22:37
phoenix_firebrdshumski: you want something like the xbmc's?22:38
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: well, i no longer have that kind of collection i used to have, so don't need something like that22:38
phoenix_firebrdoh, no movies?22:39
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: could be my issue's are cause i use the the newindexer branch. yeah, not that much movies22:43
phoenix_firebrdshumski: nepomuk developer?22:44
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: who? me? noooo22:44
phoenix_firebrdshumski: ok22:44
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: just wanted to try cause we gonna get rid off strigi :-)22:46
phoenix_firebrdshumski: I was not aware of that, really? that would be great. how is the new one?22:47
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: currently, cpu usage is a little higher that the old one, but IO is noticabely better22:48
phoenix_firebrdshumski: stablility?22:49
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: ok, for a branch. still isn't merged to master. browse september and october nepomuk ML archives for details22:52
phoenix_firebrdshumski: ok22:53
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: indexing is done in 2 stages. 1st collects the mimetype info, and runs untils it scans everything, and the 2nd one runs when the system's on idle. that one is indexing in more detail22:57
phoenix_firebrdshumski: in the new one?23:00
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: yes, in the new 'strigiless' fileindexer23:01
phoenix_firebrdshumski: wow, thats cool, this was everyones wish23:01
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: :-) yup. but better ask vHanda about details. there are still some things to resolve, but hopefully we're gonna have strigi depracated with 4.1023:03
phoenix_firebrdshumski: ya, finally, smooth after startup :)23:05
shumskiphoenix_firebrd: oh, i still have virtuoso gonne wild with it on startup. but there's still quite some time until the final release23:07
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phoenix_firebrdshumski: ya. I am having a build issue in launchapad, says "Missing build dependencies: kde4-config" should i add dependency ppa to my ppa?23:11
phoenix_firebrdyofel: do i have to add a dependency ppa for KDE4  and kde4-config ?23:18
phoenix_firebrdyofel: got it23:27
mparilloIf you have some success testing the ISO, but not for one of the official test cases (in my case as a VMWare guest a Win7 host), is it still worth adding your success to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/25638/testcases23:36
mparilloOr only open launchpad bugs on failure?23:36

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