
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
carlunchiwas a placer !!!!00:10
Kheohello where can I report me banned00:49
Kheoabusse report ?00:49
Kheolol the man who's making abusse it's helping with abusse issues00:52
Kheoha ha ha..00:52
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Kheohello can anyone help me ?01:09
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zacariasAfter an upgrade, I lost my "jumping icon" when launching an app. It was replaced by a "flashing icon". Any ideas?01:32
Nine_9hey guys, do you know a simple tool (preferably command line only) that can store network data in a file, some kind of advanced network monitor or something?01:49
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DragnslcrNine_9- try searching for command line programs that use libpcap02:48
Nine_9Dragnslcr: ok. thanks :)02:48
DragnslcrFor a GUI program, you'd probably want wireshark02:50
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naught101How can I make kubuntu shut down at ~5% battery power?11:34
naught101Ah, never mind, found it.11:35
naught101I don't really understadn why part of itis under activities though11:36
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Peace-naught101: systemsettings => search box => battery =>11:44
naught101thanks Peace-11:45
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
=== hackwater|zzZzzz is now known as hackwater
MySystemhello how to show used pointer device driver and a list with availables will be nice too12:31
bux_someone knows a way to link files in a folder, by using a flie containing all the relative adress ?12:38
frogonwheelsbux_: you mean symbolic links?12:39
bux_i have a list of files with the absolute path12:40
bux_and i dont want to copy them, justlink them12:40
frogonwheelsbux_: just make a bash script that reads the file  and links each to the dir.12:42
lordievaderbux_: I believe the command was: ln -s <target> <location>12:42
lordievaderbux_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/creating-soft-link-or-symbolic-link/12:43
bux_i m on ln help12:43
MySystemdoes anybody know how to get the active pointer device driver12:43
frogonwheelsbux_:  something like this: https://gist.github.com/387904012:43
bux_frogonwheels: yup, something like that, thx, i test that12:44
frogonwheelsMySystem: start with:   ls /sys/bus/hid/drivers/12:45
MySystemreal nice thx12:47
MySystembut why start which isnt't listed now ?12:48
frogonwheelsMySystem: Could you try that sentence again please?12:48
MySystemof course, you said "start with" this indicates that there are other ways which list more12:50
MySystemor other thing12:50
frogonwheelsMySystem: I'm just nudging you in the right direction. gg now!12:50
bux_frogonwheels: how cool ! very helpful !12:51
bux_gg = good game -.-12:51
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frogonwheelsgg = gotta go12:57
MySystemah ok then thx and a nice day12:57
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ncfi1013VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB, VTS_01_0.BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO, VTS_01_0.VOB...who can tell me how to properly burn these files to a dvd so its playable?15:14
bazhangncfi1013, using devede?15:15
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capitaninsaneohI added by accident apache/mysql/PHP with tasksel and then removed them but now I see Mysqld is still on my machine.  I see it when I do a ps-ef but I can't seem to get rid of it with chkconfigHow do I get rid of it?16:01
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: if you reboot, it will be gone16:03
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: it's just running in memory16:03
ikoniayou've removed the package.16:03
Pici(also (k)ubuntu doesn't use chkconfig)16:03
capitaninsaneohikonia, I did and it is still there16:06
capitaninsaneohPici,  what do I use then to remove the upstart items?16:06
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ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: did you remove the mysql-server packge16:08
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: you may have just removed the client16:08
capitaninsaneohikonia, Package mysql-server is not installed, so not removed16:09
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: please do a "sudo dpkg -l | grep mysql"16:10
genii-aroundProbably it installed something like mysql-server-X.X    where X is some version16:11
capitaninsaneohikonia, http://paste.kde.org/567590/16:12
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: lots of mysql there16:13
capitaninsaneohhow do I disable it from running on my machine16:14
ikoniayou wanted to remove them16:14
ikoniaif you don't need them - remove them16:14
capitaninsaneohikonia, last time I did that it hozed my KDE16:14
ikoniano it didn't16:15
ikoniaremoving mysql server does not break kde16:16
capitaninsaneohyes it removed the kde desktop and I had to readd it16:16
ikoniano it doesn't16:17
capitaninsaneohall I removed was AMP with tasksel16:17
ikoniakde desktop does not depend on mysql serer16:17
bazhangthat is a metapackage, breaks nothing16:17
capitaninsaneohhad to CTRL ALT F1 and get it again16:17
bazhangcompletely unnecessary unless you are upgrading versions16:17
ikoniabazhang: correct16:18
bazhangcapitaninsaneoh, it does not break a thing16:18
bazhang!metapackage | capitaninsaneoh16:18
ubottucapitaninsaneoh: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.16:18
capitaninsaneohsudo apt-get remove mysql-server-core-5.516:19
capitaninsaneoh[sudo] password for joe:16:19
capitaninsaneohReading package lists... Done16:19
capitaninsaneohBuilding dependency tree16:19
capitaninsaneohReading state information... Done16:19
FloodBotK1capitaninsaneoh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:19
capitaninsaneohThe following packages will be REMOVED:16:19
ikonianot a problem16:20
ikoniajust dump it in a pastebin if it's long16:20
bazhangcapitaninsaneoh, metapackages are nothing to fret about16:20
capitaninsaneohit hozed my desktop by removing it16:22
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: what package16:23
capitaninsaneohikonia, mysql-server-core-5.516:23
capitaninsaneohsee above - it want to remove ALL of that UNRELATED stuff16:23
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: I can't ee anything above as you where muted for flooding the channel16:24
capitaninsaneohikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275169/16:25
capitaninsaneohikonia, Sorry bout that there it is in pastebin16:25
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: got it16:26
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: can you please run "apt-cache depend update-manager-kde"16:26
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: put it in a pastebin please.16:26
capitaninsaneohsudo apt-cache depend update-manager-kde16:27
capitaninsaneohE: Invalid operation depend16:27
capitaninsaneohikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275176/16:28
ubottuThePunisher: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:29
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: ok, so as you can see, nothing there depends on mysql-server-core16:29
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: so you have an additional package that may/maynot depend on mysql-core16:29
ikoniacapitaninsaneoh: check each package to see which one depends on mysql16:29
Torchakonadi would be the obvious guess, right?16:29
ikoniaTorch: it would be a good guess16:30
Torchon which plasma unfortunately depends, so uninstalling akonadi is not an option16:31
ikoniawell, lets find out which one it is16:31
ikoniaI'd be very dissapointed if you need a mysql server to run a desktop16:31
capitaninsaneohall  30 some odd packages?  Can't I just disable Mysqld?16:31
ikoniamysqld should not be running after a reboot16:32
ikoniait's imporant to put in the leg work16:32
capitaninsaneohmysql     1083     1  0 10:35 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld16:32
capitaninsaneohIs there something like chkconfig for upstart?16:33
ikoniano, it works different, it depends on config files sadly16:34
capitaninsaneohikonia, Is there a gui for it yet?16:34
capitaninsaneohDamn it why won't mysql die!16:35
capitaninsaneohWell, just on my machine.. =)16:36
ikoniawhy won't it die ?16:36
ikoniahave you just tried stopping it or killing it ?16:36
Torchakonadi needs a backend. mysql is the default. you can disable akonadi and it will stop mysql (iirc), but you cannot uninstall it16:37
ikoniaTorch: did you just check the depends ?16:37
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Torchthis is just off the top of my head16:37
SIR_Tacomysql is required by akondai-backend-sql for storing indexed file/messaging/meta-data/etc.16:37
ikoniais akondai-backend-sql a requirement of the desktop ?16:38
Torchan akonadi backend is a requirement of akonadi server16:38
Torchand akonadi server is a requirement of plasma 8for the calendar widget)16:38
ikoniabut is akondai-backend-sql required or is it an optional choice16:39
Torchwhy not check yourself? ;-)16:39
SIR_Tacoyou can change the backend to sqlite, or postresql...16:39
SIR_Tacounder System Settings -> Personal Information is all the resources that akonadi uses and you can alter them to your liking, or remove them. System Settings -> Desktop Search contains all the settings for Neopmuk (which I believe also uses an sql backend) and you can disable it entirely if you don't wish to index your users files16:43
ikoniaTorch: because I don't have a kde system, or I would have done16:43
ikoniaand this isn't my problem and to be honest, I'm no longer interested16:44
BluesKajakonadi and nepomuk are fine for on the job installs , home users probly don't have much use for either one , unless they work from home16:45
Torcheven home users like to read mail sometimes16:46
Torchand akonadi is the technical solution the kdepim devs chose and it's been discussed to death ;-)16:47
BluesKajyeah Torch that's why i use thunderbird , i don't need a clunky mailserver for mysetup16:48
BluesKajI used to like kmail till they attached that ball and chain to it16:49
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: Kmail makes my head hurt... I'm a Thunderird user as well16:50
BluesKajSIR_Taco, it's not a really amtter of preference for me , kmail/kontacy just don't work on my system for more than few days then the segfaults start and they become worse and worse over time16:51
BluesKajand the bugreports are 50 duplicates deep on it16:52
BluesKajif not more16:53
SIR_Tacohaven't had it segfault on me (well not since I tested kmail 2 for the sake of testing and helping out)... but I find it trys to do too much, and I just want to read my mail :)16:53
BluesKajthunderbird works well and serves  mail from 3 different servers , my ISP email and 2 webmails16:54
BluesKajserves is probly not technically correct , but you get the gist16:56
Nine_9hey guys, is there a plugin or something to easily toggle speed limiter in ktorrent, like the turtle button in transmision?17:02
Nine_9it's annoying to have to type the upload and download limits every time17:03
Nine_9I'd like a one-clicker17:03
lordievaderNine_9: You know you can simply use transmission under kde/kubuntu?17:06
Nine_9lordievader: i know, but i'd like to use ktorrent :). It has more options and supports utorrent's microTP, maybe deluge is an alternative17:07
Nine_9transmission is very basic17:07
lordievaderNine_9: Isn't there some global setting in the preferences menu?17:07
capitaninsaneohikonia, i fixed it17:08
Nine_9lordievader: there are, but i'd like a way to configure the speed limit and quickly swittch it on/off17:08
lordievaderNine_9: I see, hmm, I'm sorry I have to say that nothing springs to mind.17:09
Nine_9lordievader: ok, thanks.17:09
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone17:09
Nine_9maybe i could make a plugin myself17:09
capitaninsaneohikonia, you there?17:21
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Sven_OostenbrinkOn kubuntu 12.04, I am trying to add spanish spell checking, but I don't see spanish in the list there.. I've installed the spanish language, but I only see 5 sorts of english and hebrew (why?? I have not installed hebrew at all).. No spanish.. What could fix this?17:39
chachanSven_Oostenbrink, I have spanish installed17:49
chachanspell checking and english UI17:50
genii-aroundSven_Oostenbrink: Is the package kde-l10n-es  installed?17:52
Sven_Oostenbrinkgenii-around: yes17:52
Sven_Oostenbrinkchachan: I have spanish UI now even, and still I dont see the spellchecker.. Do I need to reboot mayhbe?17:52
chachanSven_Oostenbrink, mm no, don't you see it on System Settings > Locale > Spell Checker?17:54
chachanaptitude search spell | egrep ^i17:55
chachanwhich packages related with spelling do you have installed?17:55
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Guest52533hi kworld!20:01
Guest52533this is a fresh install of kubuntu 12.04, some problems still...20:02
Guest52533the main one is that i cannot copy from xterm or emacs into firefox (web page dialog field). Please help me to identify the source..20:04
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phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: hello20:10
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: new to linux?20:11
Guest52533phoenix_firebird: no, kubuntu 7 is still on my old acer... but the new install was far away from what i expected. had to google a lot20:15
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Guest52533phoenix_firebird: here i can copy+paste, it is a problem with firefox, any1 still observed it?20:15
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Guest52533some other problems that i should maybe mention: .bash_history came with root:root rights. I had to chown dan:dan it! This is odd.20:18
Guest52533then there is no toggle maximize (vertically | horizontally) any more, well, there it is, but it is no longer called toggle. I had to try maximize with the keybind Control+Up+M and see, that it is a toggle...20:20
Guest52533the place for it is somewhere i could never expect it20:20
Guest52533the activities have no use for me.20:21
Guest52533the bar where i see the applications running are taking too much place20:22
Guest52533for them20:22
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: did you upgrade after the fresh install?20:24
Guest52533and i cannot copy+paste ...20:24
Guest52533phoenix_firebird: no, this is a fresh install, downloaded the iso, used unetbootin to put it on the stick and i installed from the stick overwriting all hd20:25
martinalexhi, i have a problem with kmail - it does not create a folder for my newly created imap account20:30
martinalextherefore i cant really use it20:31
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: in case you dont know copying from konsole is shift+ctrl+c and to paste in browser is ctrl+v20:32
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: update the install and try again20:32
phoenix_firebrdmartinalex:have you tried aking in #kde?20:33
phoenix_firebrdmartinalex: *asking20:33
Guest52533phoenix_firebird: thanks for the help, unfortunately i cannot make things work. I updated everything in synaptic, firefox is last version now, restarted it, still cannot copy+paste20:57
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: synaptic?21:02
phoenix_firebrdGuest52533: are you using kubuntu or ubuntu?21:02
lordievaderSynaptic is great, even under Kubuntu :)21:03
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Roeyhttp://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8052  <-- there is this REALLY annoying bug in XChat where it locks up the CPU by pegging the system tray with blinking status.22:26
Roeyit effing locks up my entire GUI22:26
Roeyuntil I switch to the desktop where XChat is open22:26
Roeyand make the notification int he tray silent22:26
Roeygod damn this is annoying22:26
SIR_Taco_Roey: probably something to bring up with the guys that develop Xchat?22:33
RoeyI did, no one cares22:33
RoeyI mean they do but apparently they are not htere when I rbought it up22:33
Roey*brought it up22:33
Roey(this is #xchat I am talking about)22:33
SIR_Taco_Roey: then maybe switch irc clients22:34
Roeyhey now, this isn't #gnome, we don't give that kind of advice here22:34
SIR_Taco_file a bug then if it isn't already filed22:35
Roeyfair enough22:38
SIR_Taco_best-case, there's already one filed and it may have a workaround and/or status on the fix22:39
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
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ScuniziHi all.. I currently have different wallpapers on each of my 2 monitors.. how do I get one wallpaper to stretch across both?23:28
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