
=== phi-scribe is now known as phiscribe
AscavasaionWhen I click on hard disks in PCManFM and it mounts them, it mounts the one fine with access for me, and the other I do not have permissions for.  HOw do I fix that so that I do not have to /media/chown username hardsiskname ?06:03
AscavasaionWhen I click on hard disks in PCManFM and it mounts them, it mounts the one fine with access for me, and the other I do not have permissions for.  HOw do I fix that so that I do not have to /media/chown username hardsiskname ?06:03
=== eric is now known as Guest8136
=== Guest8136 is now known as ericcc
n2iHi all!06:48
n2iI've one VGA monitor06:49
n2iHow to set multi screen?06:49
n2iNot only an external monitor06:49
Mr---lxappearance giving me this error when trying to create a theme07:14
Mr---does not appear to be a valid Openbox theme directory07:14
Mr---"does not appear to be a valid Openbox theme directory"07:14
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
AscavasaionIn the file manager there are a list of other hard disks, not the booting partition.  I have a 20Gb an a 60Gb.  Then you click on them they are mounted by the file manager.  Problem I have is that 20Gb mounts with fulla ccess to me, but 60Gb does not.  I have to go into a terminal and issue /media/sudo chown username 60Gb and then it gives me access,  Any help please?08:07
Guest54997when i start synaptic it autoexits and i get this output in terminal: core dumped10:13
Guest54997problem with synaptic auto exits when launch. Terminal output: Core dumped10:40
=== bioterror is now known as YDINTALVI
=== cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj
IboSkanliot: ping ?15:12
IboSwell i have two sound card in my pc15:16
IboSone from my graphic card and the other from my motherboard15:16
IboSin pavucontrol only the graphic card one show up15:17
IboSnot the motherboard one15:17
IboSis there a way to solve this ?15:17
IboSthe both cards are detected by lspci | grep -i audio15:17
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
IboShow bizzare16:19
IboSmixxx recognize both16:19
kanliotibos, you should stay with pulseaudio17:03
kanliotthere's plenty of stuff to help you with your 2 sound outtputs17:03
kanliotand pulseaudio17:04
=== cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj
stevenIs anyone there?21:16
stevenPeople of da internet I come to steal your lolcats!21:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:17
stevenI am using LXDE with Xfwm4. What is the most lightweight way to bind hotkeys to terminal commands?21:19
Unit193Xfwm should have a GUI configurator, or there is a file you can edit at .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml21:21
kanliotsteven also #lubuntu-offtopic although we are few in there21:22
Unit193Unless he's asking for support, which he was.21:24
Steven__Alright, I tried to add "<property name="&lt;PrtScn" type="string" value="xfce4-screenshooter --f"/>" to xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml. However, I don't know if that is the right syntax or if I can execute terminal commands through it at all.21:41
NUCLEARWINTERsounds so difficult21:44
NUCLEARWINTERwe in lubuntu land have this scrot already binded to printscreen in lubuntu-rc.xml ;)21:46
Steven__Where is lubuntu-rc.xml located?22:04
Steven__I am using lubuntu just not openbox...22:06
DrunkOnAbsinthe_Does anyone know if the purchase version of Fluendo DVD player works well with Lubuntu?23:22

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