
dr_willisAaronCampbell:  try some other screen shot apps perhaps. It could be some quirk with how the drivers are rendering00:28
AaronCampbelldr_willis: I tried lookit as well...same issue00:28
dr_willisAaronCampbell:  may want to check the forums or askubuntu.com since i dont use ati any more.00:29
dr_willisAaronCampbell:  i seem to recall someone else asking this.. but it was months ago.00:29
dr_willisAaronCampbell:  a few potential hits -> http://askubuntu.com/search?q=fglrx+black+screenshot00:31
dr_willisgotta love looking around askubuntu.com found a neat list of screenshot apps. many ive never heard of befor. http://askubuntu.com/questions/6558/what-screenshot-tools-are-available00:35
invisibleheeroHey guys I'm running 12.10 and I'm having issues with my graphics driver. I have a Samsung RF 711 laptop which has an integrated Intel graphics AND an nVidia Geforce GT 540M. I'd like to get the system to use the nvidia instead of the intel. I follow http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-geforce-driver-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/ and once I reboot and run the nvidia settigns it says it can't configure my x01:37
=== invisibleheero is now known as afallenhope
kendfingerWhat is the best one near SC?01:46
kendfingerLoCo team01:46
kendfingerI mean01:46
kendfingerSouth Carolina, United States01:47
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/01:47
invisibleheerohey how do I get the 32 libs installed?02:19
POLPHey guys, how do I install Beta 2 on a USb flash drive02:23
wilee-nileePOLP, Try unetbootin02:24
wilee-nileeISO Install I assume02:24
POLPWhich setting do I choose? Daily Live?02:24
wilee-nileeyou mean download?02:25
trismPOLP: you can just download the iso and then select it in the diskimage section02:25
POLPWeird :S It doesn't work. Let me try it again :) thank you02:26
pepeehi. I added more info to the os-prober bug. forgot to add, os-prober version is 1.56ubuntu1, I don't know how to edit my comments02:55
POLPI tried unebootin, but it didn't work. Upon restarting, it says that it can't find the boot img03:07
POLPBizarre :S03:07
pepeePOLP, I'd google the exact error msg to find a solution03:08
POLPWill do03:08
afallenhopeHey guys I'm having nothing but issues with 12.10 is there a way of downgrading my installation?04:48
afallenhopewithout having to reinstall04:48
bjsniderbut thanks for asking04:48
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.04:48
bjsniderit's best to stick with it04:48
afallenhopebut it gives me nothing but issues04:49
afallenhopeUnexpected Internal Error04:49
bazhangthen stick with LTS04:49
afallenhopethen I couldn't boot so I uninstalled e ia32-libs-multiarch and  I booted04:49
afallenhopebut now eveything crashes04:49
afallenhopemaybe I should have stuck with Fedora lol04:51
bjsnideryeah, that's the thing to do04:52
* bjsnider rolls eyes04:52
afallenhopeI'm just thinking it would be the best thing for me right now considering04:53
afallenhopehow do I remove the i386 repos from apt?04:53
afallenhopeI don't know why or how but my system stoppped working04:54
afallenhopeso I uninstalled ia32-libs-multiarch and then I was able to get back into m desktop04:55
afallenhopebut not without a bunch of error04:55
bazhangrunning pre-release OS should expect a ton of problems04:56
afallenhopewhich means I should kill my collegue for giving me a beta instead of the TLs04:56
bazhangand random fixes from where? often make things worse04:57
afallenhopeI'll just reinstall04:57
afallenhopejust confused is all mate04:58
bazhangthe RC is due out some time today, why not wait for that04:59
afallenhopestill won't fix my issues now though lol04:59
bazhangyou have no way of knowing that05:00
bazhangsounds like some of your issues were self-inflicted ones05:00
afallenhopeThat's true I'm not trying to be arrogant and I apologize I'm just frustrated that my system keeps freaking05:00
bazhangfrustration is natural when things dont go a s expected05:01
afallenhopethis is true05:01
afallenhopesometimes I just wish there was a magical "reset to factory" button that's not going into the process of re-installing05:02
afallenhopein my software sources I have amd64 and i386 I'm just confused as to why i386 got added05:02
micahgafallenhope: multiarch05:04
afallenhopemicahg how do I remove it?05:05
micahgafallenhope: why would you want to?  it's meant to be there05:05
afallenhopewell it broke when I had it installed05:06
micahgit allows you to run 32 bit only programs on a 64 bit system05:06
afallenhopeI did a sudo apt-get purge ia32-libs-multiarch and then I was able to boot into my desktop05:06
micahgthere might be a bug there, idk05:07
afallenhopeI just reinstalled the ia32-libs-multiarch to see if I'll get the same error05:09
afallenhopeAnyway, as mentioned previously I apologize for my ignorance and arrogance in the channel as I was frustrated. I feel I might have got off the wrong foot. So with that said I wish you all a good day05:10
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erle-whats the difference between mac and pc cd?08:29
popeyerle-, http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image/61209:53
erle-still no release candidate?10:03
erle-popey, thanks a lot10:03
maxbHm, my attempts to upgrade to quantal so far have seen the release-upgrader crash, and I've had to complete the upgrade with aptitude :-/10:17
maxbbug 93000410:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 930004 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:273: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93000410:21
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ActionParsniphey guys, is the release day confirmed yet?10:49
IdleOneActionParsnip: release day is not confirmed until actual release :)11:26
mortalare the packages somehow in flux or why I can not install for example vlc, xubuntu-desktop lm-sensors etc.11:31
mortaland pidgin-otr11:31
BrokenThumbIdleOne; Is it out yet? =P11:34
ActionParsnipIdleOne: cheers11:35
IdleOneBrokenThumb: Not yet but thank you for delaying it another hour by asking11:36
BrokenThumbWhat was it again, #ubuntu-release-party ?11:36
IdleOneyeah, not open yet11:37
BrokenThumbUgh, invite only..11:38
BrokenThumb...so it's a private pasty? ;-)11:38
ActionParsnipBrokenThumb: once you are identified you can walk in11:39
IdleOneBrokenThumb: it's a private pastry11:42
IdleOnemore yummy that way11:42
IdleOneActionParsnip: you were able to join?11:43
ActionParsnipIdleOne: yeah I'm in11:55
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
BrokenThumbBluesKaj o/12:12
BluesKajhey BrokenThumb12:13
* BrokenThumb is MrChrisDruif if you didn't know already12:13
BluesKajok , I'll bite , how did you nreak your thumb , Chris ?12:14
BrokenThumbWar back in March, while snowboarding. Since then it has completely recovered but sometimes use the name when I can't use my ZNC account.12:15
BluesKajok you on trekweb ?12:17
BluesKajmy trekweb znc acct is down , probly no fix til sunday12:18
BrokenThumbBluesKaj; Me to, I thought they said end of the, hopefully Saturday morning.12:30
Trewasshouldn't do-release-upgrade -d work currently in kubuntu 12.04? says "No new release found" here12:33
jbichaTrewas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu12:34
BrokenThumb<TheLordOfTime> mid-range prediction of fix is end of day tomorrow or early saturday12:35
BrokenThumbThat was yesterday12:35
Trewasjbicha: that too runs do-release-upgrade -d at step 512:36
TrewasBrokenThumb: was that about d-r-u?12:36
BrokenThumbTrewas; no, trekweb. For BluesKaj12:37
TrewasI guess I should have read a couple of previous lines :)12:37
* BluesKaj checks trekweb12:39
Trewasjbicha: nm, the previous steps did have some effect, it currently refuses to upgrade from lts to anything even with -d12:40
Trewas+by default12:40
IdleOnewhich makes sense12:48
BrokenThumbIdleOne; not with "do-release-upgrade -d" I think12:49
IdleOneI think your wrong. do-release-upgrade -d searches for new dev releases, not any new release no matter what I am running. so if you are running LTS and there is a LTS in dev cycle then it will work12:55
BrokenThumbAh, is that the idea behind it. Also makes sense.12:56
BrokenThumbBut thinking it would look how the first in line dev release.12:56
BrokenThumbAnyways, I'm off.12:56
IdleOneduring 12.04 LTS dev cycle we had very few if any users asking why -d didn't work12:57
IdleOnemany where still on 10.04 so it just worked12:57
IdleOnethose who were on 11.10 didn't have the issue of LTS releases only13:00
IdleOneok, I am done talking about this and thinking about it :)13:01
TreaverDoes anyone know the ETA on the official release13:59
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule13:59
ccmonsterhow long till the release candidate is out ?14:12
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule14:13
ccmonsterso the release candidate should have been out yesterday ?14:25
krosonccmonster: i don't think there will be a RC iso, any way that is the "status" of the ubuntu 12.10 release atm14:26
BluesKajyeah , a rc wouldn't be released less then a week before the official one , the daily build might be a good method to upgrade , ccmonster14:42
krosonBluesKaj: does 12.10 still have many bugs for daily usage?14:48
BluesKajkroson, I'm not sure about gnome/unity , but KDE is quite stable atm14:50
BluesKajkroson, altho i haven't seen many complaints about unity lately14:52
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genii-aroundBluesKaj: I'm also pretty happy and stable with my KDE. Unity is still giving my graphics card grief currently.15:17
BluesKajgenii-around, hey , is the graphics an ati ?15:18
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Nvidia GeForce 9300m on the big laptop, on the netbook is problemmatic Intel GMA stuff15:19
BluesKajok genii-around I noticed that the nvidia-current driver , 304.51, I was using last week , has regressed back to the 304.43 , a few days ago.15:22
BluesKajthis for a 8400GS15:23
BluesKajbut I haven't seen any commentary about it here15:24
genii-aroundLast I tried ( few days ago ) was still some ABI problem15:29
fnord`How can I see/change the default fonts in unity on 12.10? I was told about 'myunity' but I could not locate that package in ubuntu software center and the PPA did not work.15:45
fnord`IdleOne: when I did apt-get update, the PPA's data was not retreivable, in addition, it says the PPA is only for older ubuntu dists.15:45
fnord`the myunity site says that I am supposed to find it in ubuntu software center15:45
fnord`but I am unable to locate it15:45
IdleOnefnord`: indeed if you are running 12.10 this is the proper place. check the PPA and make certain they have a Quantal deb15:46
fnord`I was able to get a tar.gz of the software, but if you can understand I don't really want to use that if I don't have to.15:46
fnord`IdleOne: the PPA specifically says it doesn't15:46
fnord`I tried it out of desperation.15:46
IdleOnethen it won't work on 12.1015:46
fnord`anyway I'm not really concerned about the PPA15:46
IdleOnefnord`: you could try building it yourself15:46
fnord`I know I can, I'd just rather not15:47
fnord`I am only concerned with solving my problem "How do I change the font"15:47
IdleOnelet me check and see15:47
fnord`thanks :)15:47
IdleOneerr, not done installing yet, few more minutes15:47
fnord`you're installing myunity?15:48
fnord`or 12.1015:48
IdleOneno installing Unity in testdrive15:48
fnord`oh awesome15:48
fnord`thanks for looking15:48
IdleOnethat is Ubuntu 12.10 in testdrive15:48
fnord`I have checked in the settings, compizconfig-settings-manager, and also listed the gsettings schemas and not found what I'm looking for yet.15:48
IdleOnetry opening dash and typing fonts15:49
IdleOnegive me a few15:49
fnord`cool, thanks.15:49
fnord`oh wait15:51
fnord`I've found myunity15:51
fnord`for some reason when I search myunity in my local ubuntu software center, it's not found15:51
fnord`but using the web15:51
fnord`https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/myunity/ ta da15:51
fnord`There isn’t a software package called “myunity” in your current software sources15:52
IdleOnewell, this is a bust Ubuntu 12.10 in testdrive is just a purple background15:52
fnord`that's what happens when I try to install ti, though.15:52
fnord`what's testdrive?15:52
IdleOneit is a virtualization app15:53
IdleOneqemu basically15:53
fnord`i fear I may have to compile myunity15:53
fnord`oh well, here it goes.15:53
IdleOneshouldn't take long15:53
IdleOneah there we go15:55
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
fnord`i wonder if I am missing software sources?15:58
fnord`a problem with sources.list or something in ubuntu software center?15:58
fnord`I never use ubuntu software center, always just use apt-cache search and apt-get install...15:58
fnord`I wish I could do the same for this.15:58
IdleOneI can't seem to find where you change font size either15:59
fnord`see if you can get this installed :)15:59
IdleOnefnord`: why can't you use apt-cache search ?15:59
fnord`IdleOne: because the myunity site on launchpad says I need to use ubuntu software center, and it doesn't show up when I do apt-cache search myunity?16:00
fnord`I thought ubuntu software center was just a front-end for apt.16:00
fnord`am I missing anything?16:00
IdleOneit is, but it will only show you what it has available, even if you use apt-cache search with the PPA it won't show you the package because the PPA does not list one for quantal16:01
fnord`hm, maybe I need to uncomment 'partner' repos16:01
genii-around!info myunity precise16:01
ubottumyunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB16:01
genii-around!info myunity quantal16:02
ubottuPackage myunity does not exist in quantal16:02
fnord`as I feared :(16:02
bazhang!find myunity16:02
micahgmyunity was deleted from quantal since it's not compatible with unity 6.x16:02
fnord`any reason?16:02
ubottuFile myunity found in app-install-data16:02
bazhangso the bot is wrong16:02
bazhangFile myunity found in app-install-data16:02
micahgno, the bot is right16:02
fnord`micahg: you don't happen to know where the font is set? I'm willing to use a hex editor if I have to :)16:02
micahgah, the bot is wrong about the file :)16:03
micahgfnord`: nope, sorry16:03
IdleOnefnord`: you're only solution appears to be to compile it and then try to work out the bugs, or wait for the myunity devs to do it.16:04
fnord`or I could read myunity source and see how it gets the font!16:04
fnord`- Bug #1009590: Ubuntu 12.10 not supported version - fixed16:09
fnord`from the changelog :)16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1009590 in MyUnity "Ubuntu 12.10 not supported version" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100959016:10
fnord`Nice bot :)16:10
jbichafnord`: try gnome-tweak-tool16:12
fnord`jbicha: works, thanks!16:19
IdleOneok this is embarrassing, how do I run gnome-tweak-tool. I installed it but dash can't find it16:25
wilee-nileeIdleOne, Its called the tweak-tool now16:27
wilee-nileein the menu16:27
IdleOnedash still doesn't find it16:28
IdleOneI can run it from terminal with gnome-tweak-tool though16:28
bazhangwhat about alt f216:28
IdleOnebazhang: weird, if I click on the dash it doesn't find tweak, but if I do alt-f2 it does16:31
javierf_i upgraded to ubuntu 12.10 beta2 and have some issues. Can't open many of the applications neither using synapse, neither using the dash. For example, ubuntu tweak, nautilus... Someone else had this issue?16:31
fnord`well, gnome-tweak-tool seems to be suboptimal, but i've found dconf16:40
fnord`only problem is I can't see a way to search through the directory in dconf-editor16:40
fnord`so I'm gonna write a bash script16:41
fnord`i did find dconf by stracing gnome-tweak-tool, so thanks for that :)16:41
fnord` derp, C-f works in dconf-editor16:57
trismfnord`: probably easy to miss, the menu name is the same as the window title (didn't realize that option existed until you just mentioned it)17:00
fnord`oh geez, that's a menu!17:00
pepeewell, apparently grub was fixed. anyway, for the record:  what failed in os-prober is that the script tried to find a folder called bootmgr (function in item_in_dir in /usr/share/os-prober/common.sh), but when grub-mount to mounts the partition, the script doesn't find that folder. it does when mounted using mount17:01
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KaiserBunWhat's the simplest music player available? I don't want those music managers like clementine or anything. I'm just looking for the linux equivalent of Winamp.17:39
MCR1KaiserBun: Audacious is what you are searching for ;)17:42
KaiserBunMCR1: Thank you :)17:44
bekksmplayer :)17:44
bekksEven audacious can be considered as music manager - and WinAmp is one, too :)17:45
KaiserBunIt can, but it's less iTunesy :)17:45
jtaylorvlc works to and does not get much in the way with library management17:46
DonkeyHoteiis there an quantal release candidate iso with the alternate installer anywhere?17:50
jtaylorthere is no alternate installer more17:50
DonkeyHoteiso just one iso now?17:50
jtaylordaily and netinst17:51
DonkeyHoteiso netinst would be the only way to do an alternate install?17:52
jtaylorthere isn't much reason for it anymore17:54
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jtaylorthe server iso should also still exist17:54
DonkeyHoteican the server refrain from installing server stuff?17:55
DonkeyHoteiiso, that is17:55
jtaylordon't know, but I doubt it installs very much in the first place17:56
jtaylorwhat do you need the alternate for?17:57
DonkeyHoteii was going to use the alternate to install without formatting any partitions, and to mount root with noatime without a post-install tweak17:57
DonkeyHoteii'm installing to CF17:57
jtaylorno formating should work with desktop installer too17:57
DonkeyHoteii was going to format as ext4 with no journal ahead of time17:58
jtaylorthough I haven't used it in ages, was also always using alternate, but did nothing special with it17:58
DonkeyHoteiso this is what i would use? http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:59
jtaylormost likely18:00
jtaylorgiven the rational for dropping the only thing you can't do is install on raid18:00
DonkeyHoteiis there any way i can boot it from an SD card without burning it?18:00
jtaylorwhich can be done enabled post install anyway18:00
jtaylorput it on an usb18:00
DonkeyHoteii don't have a spare usb stick, only sd18:01
pepeeis the "hd-media install" still possible?18:01
DonkeyHoteipepee: that always required the alternate before18:01
jtaylorpepee: don't know what exatly that is but very likely it can be done with netinst18:01
meisth0thi am testing 12.10 beta, and having problem with unity launcher's autohide feature, is it working for you guys?18:01
meisth0thonce i set it to auto-hide, it hides and doesn't come back again18:02
DonkeyHoteijtaylor: can netinst work from an iso instead of from the 'net?18:02
jtaylorDonkeyHotei: can you bios boot from sd?18:02
DonkeyHoteijtaylor: i haven't tried, but i'm reasonably sure i can18:02
jtaylorthen try it18:03
DonkeyHoteiit's an iso18:03
jtaylorI think nowadays you can just dd it onto it, though using usb-disk-creator should work too18:03
jtaylorbut who hasn't got a usb stick o_O18:04
DonkeyHoteilooks like the iso won't fit on a cd anyway18:05
jtayloryes that limit has been dropped18:05
jtaylorwhy would one want to use a cd when you can buy usb sticks for the same price18:06
DonkeyHoteiif that limit is dropped, why not include both the live installer and the alternate on the same iso, like was done ages ago?18:06
jtaylormaybe its still the case?18:06
jtaylordidn't read every email about it18:07
DonkeyHoteiwhat is?18:07
jtaylorbut maybe also not, because two ways to install is two ways that need testing18:07
DonkeyHoteibut if the cd-size limit is dropped, what happens to ship-it cd's?18:09
jtaylorthose have been canceled a long time ago18:10
DonkeyHoteiship-it doesn't exist anymore?18:10
DonkeyHoteiit exists?18:10
genii-aroundThey only ship to LoCo teams18:12
DonkeyHoteiah, ok18:12
DonkeyHoteiso what happens to the LoCo discs without the size limit?18:13
genii-aroundI guess we'll find out.18:13
DonkeyHoteiif they end up shipping dvd's instead of cd's, why not make a combined ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu/server dvd iso?18:14
pepeebecause of the bandwidth, I suppose18:15
DonkeyHoteipepee: for the discs shipped to LoCo's?18:16
pepeesorry, I thought you were talking about the iso images18:17
DonkeyHoteiwell, they tend to be one and the same18:17
pepeeDonkeyHotei, you could try testing the discs in a VM18:17
DonkeyHoteithe daily-live? i'm downloading it atm to do just that18:18
IdleOnethey are going to be shipping cd's18:19
IdleOneerr dvds18:19
DonkeyHoteiIdleOne: then the combined one might be prudent18:20
IdleOneit would be a smarter use of space18:20
IdleOnewill see what they send18:21
DonkeyHoteii'm guessing they'll send the 753MiB iso on dvd18:21
pepeebtw I get this error when running programs from the console (konsole):  Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.18:23
DonkeyHoteiis there a launchpad bug about it?18:24
pepeethere are some bug reports that contain that exact line18:29
pepeeugh, google is getting worse18:29
pepeefound this:  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1157957#p115795718:34
marijnschthere's a problem with my wireless nic with the kernel/firmware used by 12.04.1 which I just installed fresh. Is there any way that I can upgrade those. Apparently it works in newer versions.18:49
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bjsnidermarijnsch, this channel is for 12.10, not 12.0418:57
marijnschbjsnider: sorry, someone from #ubuntu told me to ask here. Will continue back there.19:01
carl0s-When I right-click on an item in a folder, all the colums shift themselves about to the left, and then they slowly move back to the right. It's all very slow and stuttery. My PC at the office does the same. Know issue?19:59
carl0s-in fact, most things are slow as hell, and Reminna crashes about 30% of the time I try to use it too.20:01
carl0s-I think that might coincide with the switch to FreeRDP libs20:01
trismcarl0s-: bug 1018718 perhaps, I see it too, columns resizing all over the place while browsing directories20:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1018718 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "columns width redrawn by multiple events" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101871820:03
trismalthough it seems that bug is from before reverting to 3.4 so maybe not entirely related20:04
carl0s-it certainly looks similar20:05
carl0s-I also notice the application activity light (the little dot under an icon on the launcher) flicking like mad sometimes, and the app menu flickering loads. It's as though I'm pressing the alt key af 50hz or something. I think all these things are contributing to a slow and unresponsive OS :(20:06
carl0s-*at 50hz20:06
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erle-still no RC?21:19
bekksNo. It's not the 18th21:20
bekksJust run apt-get update as usual.21:20
erle-18th is release i think21:22
erle-schedule says release candidate is on 11th21:22
papnaIf I install the beta of Quantal, will apt eventually update me to the release version?21:24
papnabekks: Thanks.21:25
trismjavierf_: the size may be an issue though if it is requesting a certain size, let me see what size it wants21:51
javierf_trism, so, I'm trying to use iconset NITRUX-umd. The folder is placed under .icons in my home folder. Inside NITRUX-umd I placed icons with those names (I took the icons from ubuntu-mono-light) in folder status->22 and 24 and also in folder apps->24 and 22. The reason I putted them in so many places is that I had no idea where they go. The one used at the beggining where in apps folder, but in others iconsets I saw them in status. All those 4 folders ar21:51
javierf_e specified in index.theme21:51
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javierf_trism, those displayed initially that I wanted to change where in apps->48. But I didn't have mines in that size. I tried both plazing my small icons (size 24) inside 48 folder and also my small icons inside 24 folder21:52
trismjavierf_: hmm, I don't immediately see where the size is requested but I just made a test theme with scalable icons, ~/.icons/TestTheme with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275778/ as index.theme and svg of those 6 icons in the scalable subfolder and it is working when I switch themes, so maybe try scalable icons?21:59
trismjavierf_: I believe when requesting an icon gtk will check if there is an exact match for the specific size before going to a scalable one (unless you force scalable)22:00
javierf_trism, I'm trying to do all these things we are talking, but I have to update cache quite often and the only way I know is loggind off sesion, so I loose our ocnversation records. How can I do it from terminal?22:02
trismjavierf_: oh, you don't have to log out, just switch themes (I usually fire up gnome tweak tool, pick a random theme and then switch back)22:03
trismjavierf_: updating the icon cache is really only necessary for system themes since they run gtk-update-icon-cache which saves an index to icon-theme.cache, and in those cases new icons won't show up until you update it22:04
trismjavierf_: you can run it on user themes too in ~/.icons but it makes it difficult if you add new icons constantly (but makes loading icons from say Faenza, much faster)22:04
javierf_trism, ok, understood that. You know, I discovered something. Whenever I have some icons with those names inside NTRUX-umd (my icon set) folder, I get forbidden icons. When there is no icons with that name, I get icons, those I had before we started this conversation22:10
trismjavierf_: that is odd, maybe it is having a problem loading the icons, did you say you were using gnome-panel?22:11
trismjavierf_: after scrolling back I guess not, it is just that indicator-applet in the gnome classic (no effects) session logs indicator output to ~/.cache/indicator-applet-complete.log22:13
trismjavierf_: might give some clues22:13
javierf_trism, I'm using unity. The problem, I've discovered, is when those icons are under apps folder. Icons appear to be all right, cause I can open them with every other program22:13
trismjavierf_: I find the broken icons very odd, maybe try switching to the theme with the icons there and run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275813/ through python to see if there is an error, if I replace user-available.svg with a random text file I get a broken image in indicator-messages and gi._glib.GError: Unrecognized image file format22:25
javierf_trism, I have finally figured out what happened, or I think so. Icons weren't broken, but in index.theme, folders apps->22 and 24 where set to fixed type. I changed it to "scalable" type and see them now correctly as I wanted. I guess I was using icons with different size, so there it was the problem loading the icons22:27
trismjavierf_: excellent! very strange issue though22:28
javierf_trism, yes, really strange. But we did it! Thanks a lot for so kind help22:29
javierf_trism, so, thank you very much and have a nice day!22:31
trismjavierf_: you're welcome, you too22:32
javierf_new issue, hope someone can help me. I upgraded to 12.10 beta 2 and now I have problem with message-indicator. Can't make it swith colour when receiving a mail. If I open indicator's menu, I see empathy and gwibber, but nothing about incoming-mails indicator. Previously, in 12.04 I was using "popper" email notifier, which is still installed. If I get a new email, I get the notification that I new email arrived, but I don't see anything on the indicator22:40
javierf_(neither colour changing, neither a text or a new message menu). Thanks!22:40
cowsquadHey guys, how do I know what compiler for C ++ am using on ubuntu22:44
jtaylorcowsquad: its usually g++22:44
cowsquadjtaylor, thank you22:45
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cowsquadhow do i know what the colours in terminal for files really mean?22:46
jtaylorcowsquad: dircolors22:48
cowsquadjtaylor, what do you  mean?22:53
cowsquadnever mind, I got it.22:54
cowsquadjtaylor, How do I read that dircolors22:57
bekkscowsquad: It is just a textfile.22:57
cowsquadi thought it was executable22:58
jtayloractually its a variable22:58
jtaylordircolors just is a way to display and change it22:58
jtaylorsee also echo $LS_COLORS22:58

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