[14:40] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/2025/detail/ [15:55] genii-around: Awesome! :D [17:31] genii-around: That's the 25th, not the 18th... [17:32] I'll be at Ubuntu Hour Waterloo then. So, no road trip to Toronto [17:32] (as it turns out, I'm not able to go on the 18th either) [17:34] BobJonkman: Yes, I had to book in Feb and didn't check the release schedule carefully... I made the (wrong) assumption it was going to be the last Thursday of the month [17:36] Will you be having the IRC meeting there too? [17:37] czajkowski in #ubuntu-locoteams extended the global event time for me to the 27th so it would still get listed under the main Global Release Party events, which was pretty cool. ( it only went to Sun the 21st previously ) [17:37] BobJonkman: Sure, why not! [17:38] I'm having a bit of trouble finding a venue for the KW URP. But trying very hard to hold it on the 20th [17:46] * genii-around checks his calendar [19:10] I've got the Ubuntu Hour and a Kwartzlab-related thing keeping me in town on the 25th... [19:10] * dscassel dented the Toronto party saying it was next week. Will need to dent a correction, probably... :/ [19:12] Sorry! [20:39] No worries, I don't think very many people actually follow @UbuntuWaterloo anyway. :) [20:50] There was a discussion earlier in #ubuntu+1 about the iso sizes and ship-it. My guess is they are probably going to ship DVDs