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pittihm, things you do not want to see in the final days before release:04:17
pitti- Unity suddenly refusing to start for no apparent reason04:17
* pitti running gnome-shell now04:17
RAOFpitti: !!!04:26
pittiRAOF: I guess I'll wait for didrocks to come online to debug it further04:27
pitti3D is working, nux/unity_suppor_test gives thumbs up, but starting unity manually just fails to load the plugin without further debugging notices04:28
tjaaltonhrm, looks like I have the same problem, no unityr04:38
pitticompiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: unityshell04:42
pitticompiz (core) - Error: Failed to load plugin: unityshell04:42
pittithe last unity upload was a week ago, though04:43
pittitjaalton: I also tried in a guest session, to exclude local gsettings problems, same issue04:45
pittifor you as well?04:45
tjaaltonpitti: yeah04:45
duflupitti: Maybe unity --replace --verbose04:46
dufluTo get better errors04:46
tjaaltonhuh, don't have /usr/bin/unity04:47
tjaaltonnot installed04:48
duflutjaalton, pitti: Also check the unity package is installed. Sometimes conflicts/dependencies in pre-release packages cause it to go missing04:48
dufluAh. Yes.04:48
tjaaltonoh I had quantal-proposed enabled04:49
pittiduflu: yes, that's the first thing I tried; but /usr/lib/compiz/libunityshell.so exists04:51
pittidlopen failed: /usr/lib/compiz/libcore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:51
pittirighht, that's apparently not being shipped04:52
duflupitti: It says /usr/lib/compiz/libunityshell.so cannot load because you're missing libibus-1.0.so.004:52
pittibut in the line afterwards it does start "core"04:52
dufluThe core plugin never existed :)04:52
duflulibibus-1.0.so.0 is the problem04:52
tjaaltonok it's fine here again04:53
pittithanks for pointing out04:53
dufludlopen errors can be non-obvious. But missing libibus-1.0.so.0 is why unityshell.so cannot load04:53
pittiso that's a grave bug in Debian experimental's ibus package04:53
pittilibibus-1.0-0 ships /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libibus-1.0.so.504:53
* pitti files bug04:53
TheMusoI think I will wait till Monday to upgrade. :p05:03
pittiTheMuso: it's fine again, it was a local problem05:08
TheMusoOh ok.05:08
pittiTheMuso: so the daily dist-upgrade exercise should be fine :)05:09
didrocksgood morning05:11
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va?05:13
pittididrocks: you missed all the fun!05:13
didrocksguten morgen pitti!05:15
didrockspitti: well, yesterday was fun for sure for me, and until 11h30PM :) not sure what else I missed? ;)05:15
pitti2012-10-12 06:17:37     pitti   hm, things you do not want to see in the final d05:15
pittiays before release:05:15
pitti2012-10-12 06:17:46     pitti   - Unity suddenly refusing to start for no appare05:15
pittint reason05:15
pitti2012-10-12 06:17:59      *      pitti running gnome-shell now05:15
didrocksurgh? well, I didn't update Unity yet :) what did you upgrade?05:16
pittiturned out it was a packaging bug in ibus' debian experimental version, I filed it as http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=69028705:16
ubot2Debian bug 690287 in libibus-1.0-0 "libibus-1.0-0 ships libibus-1.0.so.5" [Serious,Open]05:16
didrockspitti: ahah, see stop blaming unity! :)05:16
pittiI need that version to build a current gnome-settings-daemon05:16
didrockspitti: however, soon we'll have another unity upload for bug #106565205:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065652 in unity "unity dash should show legal disclaimer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106565205:17
didrocks"soon" == today05:17
didrocks(weird that libibus doesn't impact gnome-shell, now that it's a hard dep on gnome)05:18
pittidoes anyone happen to have an i386 precise build environment who could build a small program for me? (well, for an user really)05:31
BigWhaleGood Morning ... ... someone should make Ubuntu font as default in LibreOffice. That would be awesome. :>05:31
pittiah well, I'll use a PPA05:33
didrockspitti: oh, I can find a netbook maybe05:33
pittididrocks: thanks, nevermind; I'll upload to my PPA05:35
didrocksok :)05:36
jibelgood morning!06:32
didrockssalut jibel!06:33
jibelSalut didrocks!06:34
jibelPrêt pour un nouvel Unity aujourd'hui ?06:34
jibelà moins d'une semaine de la release c'est un bon timing ;)06:35
didrocksjibel: ouai, c'est la fête :-)06:35
didrocksjibel: tu as testé le ppa?06:35
didrocks(apparemment par contre, le texte donné par design n'a pas les bons liens par contre :/)06:35
didrocksdonc j'attends les uk…06:35
jibeldidrocks, non, pas encore, je n'ai reçu la demande de test que tardivement hier soir.06:36
didrocksubuntu-desktop/ppa ;)06:36
jibelmais je vais m'empresser de la faire06:36
didrocksmerci ;)06:36
jibeldidrocks, what's the difference between unity from the PPA and from the archive apart from the legal notice ?06:44
didrocksjibel: nothing else06:45
didrocksI don't want to push more crack on the CD :)06:45
jibeldidrocks, ok, thx06:45
jibeldidrocks, when its written "first time you start unity, you see a "Legal notice" message in the home dash " should I see the text directly in the dash or just the link ?06:54
didrocksjust the link06:54
didrocks"Mentions légales" in french06:55
didrocksit opens a webpage06:55
jibelWill the notice be translated ?06:57
didrocksno, and there is no intent to do so06:57
didrocksI asked twice to legal about it06:57
didrocksand it's not important to them06:57
didrocks(I'm still personnaly in doubt that the CNILL would agree it's not important, but well… ;))06:58
jibelhm, I think it's mandatory to have the notice in French, it's a law from the mid-90's IIRC. When the radio stations had the obligation to broadcast a quota of French songs :(07:11
didrocksI agree, that's why I asked…07:15
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seb128hey desktopers, happy friday!07:58
seb128how is everyone today?07:58
pittibonjour seb128! Je suis heureux08:03
didrockssalut seb128 :)08:04
jibelbonjour seb12808:04
seb128pitti, bonjour ! félicitation pour tes tests gvfs08:04
seb128lut didrocks, jibel08:04
pittiseb128: merci beaucoup!08:05
seb128do we have any news from chrisccoulson today?08:05
seb128chrisccoulson, hey08:05
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?08:30
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm good thanks08:30
seb128chrisccoulson, how is your daughter doing?08:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, she seems ok. her temperature is still very high, but they didn't seem too concerned at the hospital last night. they think it's probably just viral rather than anything to do with her hitting her head08:31
seb128ok, it's better than the other way around08:32
seb128did they keep her for the night just to watch how it's going?08:32
chrisccoulsonno, we weren't there for very long really08:32
chrisccoulsonwhich is good :)08:32
seb128I hope she gets better soon08:32
seb128did you manage to get some sleep?08:33
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chrisccoulsonyeah, i've had a bit of sleep. although, 2 very late nights in a row now08:33
seb128you should probably take it easy today, after all the stress of the week you deserve a quiet day ;-)08:33
xnoxI don't like compiz eating 90% of my CPU =(09:27
xnoxdconf reset -f /org/compiz/; setsid unity    <---- helped.09:31
seb128xnox, why? it's getting cold out there, it's trying to help you to keep warm09:31
xnoxseb128: EDF is more efficient at heating me up than compiz ;-)09:31
seb128yeah, that's true ;-)09:32
seb128I wonder why tb doesn't have a contact picker when you write an email09:39
seb128that's something my mother struggle with every time since I changed their computer to tb09:39
seb128she called me again because she didn't find how to set the "to:"09:40
xnoxseb128: there is. it's a pane on a side.09:45
seb128xnox, http://ubuntuone.com/51q91AUjCh8cb2CiAn1HYz ... where?09:47
xnoxseb128: F9 or View->Contacts sidebar09:47
xnoxseb128: and your ubuntuone link is 40409:48
seb128works here, weird09:48
seb128xnox, doh, thanks, not very discoverable, that should really have an ui bit to trigger it09:49
seb128the sidepane doesn't work well either for that09:49
xnoxseb128: it's drag & drop. My dad managed to master it eventually....09:49
seb128xnox, yeah, users should have to master those sort of stuff, that should be easy enough to "just work"09:51
seb128evo get that one right, you just need to add a small "+" icon in the "To:" field or something09:51
seb128which triggers the picker09:51
* xnox was confused why we moved to tb from evolution. meh i use thunderbird, gmail, notmuch/emacs for email.09:53
didrocksbryceh: hey09:55
didrocksbryceh: "09:55
didrocksThis is a particular problem for quantal because Unity is enabling09:55
didrocksautohide by default, so the bug affects people by default and thus is09:55
didrocksquite severe. "09:55
didrocksno, it didn't change09:55
didrocksdo you have autohide by default for your new users?09:55
larsuthunderbird messaging menu integration is broken for me :-/ Anyone else experiencing that?10:10
seb128larsu, how broken? wfm ... do you have a local extension taking over the system one again?10:10
larsuseb128, I don't think so, there should be a way to remove the extension if its in my profile, right?10:11
larsumessages simply don't show up10:11
larsuand the count on the launcher is gone, too10:11
seb128now that you mention it, seems to be the case for me as well10:11
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ regression from the recent 16/16.0.1 updates?10:12
chrisccoulsonhmm, it's working ok here10:12
seb128doesn't work here10:12
seb128I just got a notify-osd new email bubble10:12
seb128but neither the launcher or indicator picked an update10:13
seb128e.g no count or blue icon10:13
seb128the extensions is showing enabled in the manager10:13
larsuthe lib seems to work at least in part, though: unchecking "show in the messaging menu" removes thunderbird from the menu immediately10:13
chrisccoulsonoh, actually, maybe it's not working here too10:15
chrisccoulsonit's active in the menu, but i don't recall when i last saw any entries in there10:16
larsuyeah same here. I just send myself some emails, definitely doesn't show up10:16
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, same, I didn't really miss not having them so I didn't notice until larsu mentioned yet10:16
chrisccoulsonTimestamp: 12/10/12 11:16:1410:17
chrisccoulsonError: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIMsgMessageService.streamMessage]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/gloda/mimemsg.js :: MsgHdrToMimeMessage :: line 232"  data: no]10:17
chrisccoulsonSource File: resource:///modules/gloda/mimemsg.js10:17
chrisccoulsonLine: 23210:17
chrisccoulsonthat's why :(10:17
chrisccoulsonthat must have been broken for quite some time10:17
larsuinteresting. I remember it working before last weekend.. but maybe I hadn't updated for a while10:18
chrisccoulsonit will be this which broke it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/messagingmenu-extension/trunk/revision/14210:18
larsuchrisccoulson is quick!10:20
seb128chrisccoulson, larsu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/106591910:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1065919 in thunderbird "thunderbird 16 updates broke messaging menu integration" [Undecided,New]10:20
seb128chrisccoulson, assigning to you and milestoning for quantal (though I guess it might be SRU material at this point)10:21
xnoxis compiz cpu bug known? or shall I report?10:34
xnoxit's annoying. and I don't think it's been there before.10:34
* xnox is tempted to login into gnome-session-fallback session.10:34
seb128xnox, when did that start? not known no, but maybe check with smspillaz or duflu10:37
jibelcould anyone help with bug 1060249, the upgrade of g-s-schemas causes a crash of the perl gtk binding during upgrade from precise to quantal10:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1060249 in debconf "frontend crashed with signal 5 in free_pending_nulls()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106024910:37
xnoxmy guess after upgrading to 1:
xnoxas that's when i did upgrade & restart and now seeing this after 2.5 days of uptime.10:38
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didrockschrisccoulson: stop trolling!11:11
didrockschrisccoulson: I saw you on omgubuntu :p11:11
* didrocks upvotes chrisccoulson's comment :p11:12
chrisccoulsonthanks :)11:12
seb128chrisccoulson, lol11:15
jbichachrisccoulson: I'm proud of myself for finding a Firefox bug, can you tell me whether bug 1065093 affects nightly too?11:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065093 in firefox "Shift+F2 opens the developer toolbar but doesn't close it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106509311:20
chrisccoulsonjbicha, it works ok in nightly :)11:21
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jbichaoh, hmm11:21
chrisccoulsonjbicha, yeah, i can reproduce it on 16.0, and not on nightly11:22
chrisccoulsonyou should switch to nightly ;)11:22
chrisccoulsonit has a bigger number (which means it's always better) ;)11:22
jbichathis is also what I get for not running the Beta before this week, sorry11:23
chrisccoulsonheh, that's ok11:23
seb128chrisccoulson, do I get working messaging menu with nightly? :p11:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, not yet11:25
chrisccoulsonbut you'll get it faster with nightly ;)11:25
larsuchrisccoulson, thanks for fixing it that quickly!11:25
chrisccoulsonheh, np :)11:25
pittimeh, the default launcher is now really awful on a netbook11:35
pittiall the important stuff is now folded away11:35
seb128pitti, important like amazon? ;-)11:37
seb128pitti, I still use dash and firefox mostly and they are at the top11:37
pittino, important like "all the programs I start"11:38
seb128oh, right, I guess I'm biaised because I've my most used programs pinned at the top11:38
seb128so I don't often have to use bottom of the launcher/folded icons11:39
chrisccoulsoni think the guy who replied to me on omgubuntu failed to detect the sarcasm in my post11:39
seb128chrisccoulson, it was well hidden :p11:40
didrockschrisccoulson: you trapped him :)11:40
chrisccoulsonsurely, signing my post with "Yours faithfully, 1990's Linux Guy" makes it obvious? ;)11:40
seb128you would think so ;-)11:40
didrockschrisccoulson: you should have signed "Using Linux since 1988 and Ubuntu for even more" :)11:41
mlankhorstMy dna was sent using a ubuntu pc to the internet where it was reassembled on the other end, you could say I have been using ubuntu before I was conceived. :D11:41
jbichapitti: that's a Feature https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1054167/comments/611:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1054167 in unity "Unity launcher for Quantal Beta 2 has too many items, scrolls off the screen on 1366x768" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:42
seb128chrisccoulson, could you look at bug #1056225? is that the issue you worked on?11:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056225 in flashplugin-nonfree "Amazon videos don't play" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105622511:50
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah11:51
seb128chrisccoulson, can you close it with a comment? ;-)11:51
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks11:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'll do that in a bit11:52
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks11:52
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kenvandinehopefully this will be my last chromium upload :)13:32
seb128chrisccoulson, kenvandine, everybody else: you guys should review your assigned bugs sometimes ;-) I did some cleaning on obvious ones for you but still would be good to close stuff that don't apply anymore or unassign yourself from stuff you are not going to work on13:34
kenvandinei am afraid to look at that list13:35
kenvandinei might find more 12.10 work13:35
seb128kenvandine, lol13:36
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mterryachiang, hah, thanks for the buy-mterry-beer shoutout  :)13:56
achiangmterry: i hope you don't get cirrhosis from me!13:57
seb128what, mterry is gettin free beers again? not fair!13:58
mterryseb128, you'll get your 20% kickback, seb128, don't worry13:58
pittiau revoir, have a nice weekend everyone!14:12
didrockspitti: bon week-end! :)14:12
seb128pitti, bon w.e !14:12
chrisccoulsonnew firefox beta is available in the usual places now :)14:41
chrisccoulson(and thunderbird)14:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 ^^ ;)14:42
kenvandinechrisccoulson, how's your daughter?14:42
chrisccoulsonand anyone else who wants to test the new update ;)14:42
seb128chrisccoulson, usual place include quantal-proposed? ;-)14:42
seb128cyphermox, hey, you have over 50 bugs assigned to you, could be good to review,update,clean that list when you have some time...14:43
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, oh, she's still very hot, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned about her hitting her head, and thinks it's just viral14:43
chrisccoulsonwe weren't at the hospital for very long last night, which i'm pleased about :)14:44
xnoxchrisccoulson: 5 l of room temperature water a day and she should be fine =)14:44
xnox(drink not soak ;-))14:44
chrisccoulsonxnox, she's 3 years old. i'm not sure she'll be able to consume 5l of water ;)14:44
xnoxchrisccoulson: oh14:45
xnoxdidn't realise that detail =)14:45
seb128chrisccoulson, so what's the closest "usual places" from what you will be SRU next?14:46
seb128e.g I want to test a minimal update rather than nightly ;-)14:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, the usual place for the beta is https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next and https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-next14:46
chrisccoulsoni'll do an update to quantal-proposed for the messaging menu bug14:47
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have anything else planned soon or should we do a SRU for that o... great ;-)14:47
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seb128chrisccoulson, you didn't upload to thunderbird-next?15:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, the messaging menu fix isn't in there yet, as i uploaded those builds a couple of days ago15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, sorry, I though you said that would include the fix for the messaging menu, you just meant 17 is available?15:13
chrisccoulsonit's coming though :)15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, if you get it in today they is still a chance that it will be considered for the iso/release15:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i didn't realize that15:14
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: why do you write code that breaks all the time? ;)15:17
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seb128chrisccoulson, well I guess with the arm etc build time the "we can maybe sneak it in" is optimistic, so let's set for an SRU15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, it's not an end of world issue anyway15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, you tricked me to run tb17 though :p luckily it's working ;-)15:26
seb128(well, not the messaging menu but tb)15:26
didrocksseb128: do you still have the quick filter? :)15:33
didrocks(and the chat window I guess :/)15:33
seb128yeah, both15:34
didrocksok, so upgrading is not what triggers to hide the quick filters15:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks for upgrading :)15:35
chrisccoulsoni'll do an upload to proposed next week rather than today, just in case anything else comes up :)15:36
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, if you want testing just send your fix to -next and I will get the update15:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm just doing that now actually15:37
seb128on that note, time for some exercice15:37
seb128weather is nice again, blue sky after all the rain15:37
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: boy, trolling you is pretty disappointing...I was expecting either an insult, or maybe a witty response back...but ignoring me? that hurts.15:37
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, oh, where were you trolling me?15:38
didrocksmdeslaur: well, he's trolled on omgubuntu already15:38
didrocksmdeslaur: one troll a day!15:38
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, ah, are you "unix corporate lock-in guy"?15:38
mdeslaur<mdeslaur> chrisccoulson: why do you write code that breaks all the time? ;)15:38
mdeslaurdidrocks: hehe :)15:39
chrisccoulsonoh, i'm confused now ;)15:39
chrisccoulsoni was thinking of the wrong thing15:39
chrisccoulsonoh, i didn't see that15:39
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, i do it so that i don't let the side down ;)15:39
didrockschrisccoulson: I so liked how people took your comment seriously ;)15:40
* mdeslaur wants omgubuntu context...15:40
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, https://twitter.com/chrisccoulson/status/256741242564644864 ;)15:40
mdeslauroh, hehe, found it15:41
didrockschrisccoulson: heh15:42
didrocksmdeslaur: see how awesome that is? :)15:43
mdeslaurdidrocks: yes :)15:43
didrockschrisccoulson: one day, you will maybe learn coding :p15:43
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, ;)15:44
bcurtiswxthis was my reply to chrisccoulson : https://twitter.com/bcurtiswx/status/25678224412180889615:48
chrisccoulsonbcurtiswx :)15:54
chrisccoulsonheh, i like the sound of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80000015:55
ubot2Mozilla bug 800000 in General "Buy the Mozilla community some beer." [Enhancement,Assigned: ]15:55
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bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, any preference as to a brand of beer?16:00
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chrisccoulsonsigh, you'd think that compiz would be able to handle text scrolling down my terminal window without slowing down to the point where I can almost go and make myself tea whilst waiting for the workspace switcher animation to finish17:06
MCR1chrisccoulson: Have you alt-tabbed before ?17:07
chrisccoulsonMCR1, yes, it's just as bad17:08
MCR1chrisccoulson: Try to restart Unity via CCSM17:08
MCR1or setsid Unity17:08
MCR1I have observed a bad regression today, but I've not yet reported it17:08
MCR1It happens to slow down once you used Alt+Tab17:09
MCR1then you have to restart unity to make it fast again17:09
MCR1I did it via CCSM17:09
MCR1chrisccoulson: Please confirm my observation (or not) ;)17:09
MCR1bschaefer: ^^17:10
MCR1chrisccoulson: Quantal ? Unity trunk ?17:10
chrisccoulsonMCR1, oh, what i'm seeing isn't a regression. unity has always slowed to a crawl whenever i do something which causes lots of text to scroll down my terminal17:10
* bschaefer hasn't noticed this17:11
chrisccoulsonbschaefer, do you use tmux?17:11
bschaeferchrisccoulson, nope17:11
* bschaefer hasn't heard of that17:11
MCR1bschaefer: Sorry for bothering you - it might be some quirks here only...17:12
bschaeferMCR1, no worries17:12
kenvandinehey qengho17:26
qenghokenvandine: hey hey.17:26
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: eek, I hope we are worrying in vain.19:49
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JoseeAntonioRHello! I'd like to know if anyone here is interested in running a session about the Ubuntu Desktop Team for OpenWeek?22:06
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