
dholbachgood morning07:30
genii-aroundHello! I'm just wondering why http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/ states Quantal Release Party runs Thu, 18 Oct. 2012 17:00 - Sun, 21 Oct. 2012 23:00 UTC  when the 25th is when it enters official release ?14:16
genii-around( When trying to enter the start time for a new event I can't put the 25th, which is when the one here is )14:18
czajkowskiGatoLoko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule14:19
czajkowskiit enters release on the 18th 14:19
czajkowskinot the 25th 14:19
czajkowskiwe can however open up the global event for a few extra days if needed 14:19
genii-aroundAh, OK. I had thought the 25th because it's traditionally been the last Thursday 14:20
genii-around( I had to book the venue in Feb )14:21
czajkowskithe offical way is the release schedule page 14:21
czajkowskialways best to look there 14:21
genii-aroundOK, thanks. For now, should I just make some new event with the date we have here?14:25
czajkowskigenii-around: I can extend the global one 14:27
czajkowskiI'm just in the middle of stuff atm 14:27
genii-aroundCool, thanks! Can you ping when it's done ?14:28
czajkowski genii-around done14:30
genii-aroundAwesome, thanks again!14:31
czajkowskigenii-around: np, just for future look at the release wiki 14:31
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locodir-userhay alguien22:38

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