
Kilosmorning all05:02
Kilosinetpro, we still only had 20mm05:02
SquirmI got out of bed 5 min ago05:31
Kiloslol hiya Squirm 05:43
Squirmat work05:48
Squirmand tired05:48
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
zerlgiMorning folks. Do you know if there is a ZA mirror of the daily-live builds for quantal06:41
SmilyBorgdaily live builds?06:41
SmilyBorglike new versions of the install disk?06:41
SmilyBorghmm, dunno06:42
zerlgi... eg. equivalent of cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/06:42
SmilyBorgthere are local mirrors of the repos though06:42
zerlgiyeah. but I want to zsync via local traffic06:42
zerlgiinstead of international links06:42
Kiloshi zerlgi SmilyBorg 06:42
zerlgiHi Kilos06:42
SmilyBorgseems there was but it looks out of date http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-cdimage/daily-live/06:43
SmilyBorgHi Kilos06:43
zerlgiyeah, thanks smilyBorg, I had checked it and also saw that it was out of date, but thanks for checking too.06:45
SmilyBorgno prob :-)06:45
Kiloshi Vince-0 06:57
SmilyBorghey Vince-)06:58
Kiloshi acherv 06:58
achervhi Kilos06:59
achervhi @all06:59
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Vince-0Friiiday! isnt it?07:00
Kilosyeah all day if the sun doesnt die07:01
Kiloshi Symmetria 07:01
Symmetriarotfl, watching this debate that happened last night07:02
Symmetriain my view, biden kicked the crap outta paul ryan07:02
zerlgicheers peeps (maybe) back later07:03
Vince-0eww, those debates are a bit of a joke07:05
charlvngood morning07:10
charlvnMaaz: coffee on07:10
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:10
charlvnnice and rainy this morning :)07:10
DigiGramMaaz, coffee please07:10
MaazDigiGram: Okay07:10
Kiloshi charlvn 07:10
charlvncame with the bus - was raining too hard to go by bike07:10
charlvnhi Kilos 07:10
Kiloshi DigiGram 07:10
charlvnhi DigiGram 07:10
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:10
MaazKilos: Done07:10
DigiGramhi kilos07:10
inetprogood morning07:11
charlvnhi inetpro 07:11
Kiloshi inetpro 07:11
inetproKilos: we now had 63mm between yesterday and this morning07:11
Kiloshoe grooter die sonde hoe grooter die genade07:12
Kiloswe had 20mm till now07:12
inetproKilos: jy stout!07:12
Kilosnee man jy kry die baie reen07:13
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn, DigiGram and Kilos!07:14
charlvnMaaz: thanks07:14
Maazcharlvn: Okay :-)07:14
KilosMaaz, danke07:14
superflyhello everyone07:30
Kiloshey superfly 07:35
=== Kilos is now known as KilosK
superflywhat's wrong, Kilos?07:39
KilosKim trying the aprtheid thing here superfly 07:40
superflyKilosK: Separating KDE from Gnome?07:40
KilosKwanna login with a K when on kde07:40
KilosKthis is pure kde here07:40
superflyI've been trying pure KDE... the only two non-KDE programs I use are Firefox and Thunderbird.07:41
KilosKlol and xchat here07:41
KilosKkde mail is beyond me07:41
KilosKkmail i think its called07:42
superflykmail is a pile of rubbish07:42
KilosKah now i dont feel so bad. i couldnt get it to work07:42
superflyit used to be the most awesome mail client on earth (seriously, I can't stand Thunderbird), and then they integrated it with Akonadi and some other stuff, and that make it into absolute poo07:42
* zerlgi pours petrol on this07:42
zerlgiGnome and KDE are both total #*#&@07:43
zerlgiI use the command line. Mutt for mail and w3m for browsing the web. and irssi for irc07:43
KilosKzerlgi, kde is better than unity methinks07:43
zerlgiWindows is better than Unity.07:43
* zerlgi stops trolling07:43
KilosKi get many workspaces07:43
zerlgiKilos, its Friday flamebait.07:44
KilosKno man now you going too far07:44
zerlgi... seriously. Whatever works for you. As long as its on Linux :-)07:44
KilosKeverything is better than winsucks07:44
zerlgiI'd recommend Win7 over Mac.07:44
zerlgi... purely from a ideological point of view.07:44
zerlgioh, no. also from a cash point of view.07:45
* zerlgi hates on apple07:45
KilosKeish 7 is too fulla security stuff you have to work out before you can get anything going07:45
zerlgisecurity and usability. Opposite poles.07:45
* KilosK never tried any apple cept those you eat07:45
superflyzerlgi: do you know Liron Segev?07:46
KilosKand they only good for making coleslaw07:46
zerlgisuperfly, know of, not Know. I follow him on Twitter.07:47
superflyzerlgi: ah, OK... he claims to be some sort of IT expert, but I've never heard of him - only heard of him because he wrote a blog post about my company.07:48
SmilyBorgI used to work with Liron07:49
superflySmilyBorg: orly? is he as good as he claims he is?07:49
SmilyBorgin what area?07:49
zerlgiSuperfly about SaturnLabs?07:49
superflyzerlgi: no, Nomanini07:50
zerlgimaaz: google nomanini07:50
Maazzerlgi: "Nomanini" http://www.nomanini.com/ :: "Nomanini | Facebook" http://www.facebook.com/Nomanini :: "Nomanini | Afrinnovator" http://afrinnovator.com/blog/companies/nomanini/ :: "nomanini | VC4Africa" http://vc4africa.biz/blog/tag/nomanini/ :: "Nomanini raises series-A funding from eVA Fund and Esther Dyson ..." http://vc4africa.biz/blog/2012/10/02/nomanini-07:50
Maazraises-series-a-funding-from-eva-fund-and-esther-dyson/ :: "Noma-Nini Guest House" http://w…07:50
superflyyup, that's us07:50
SmilyBorgwell he has a company that does some mobile and SMS related software. Also involved with another company that does network services and security stuff07:50
SmilyBorghonestly, I don't know what his level of skill is at a command line, etc. though he has a prety good general knowlage of the industry and is a fairly decent manager/project manager in my opinion07:51
superflySmilyBorg: I'm just wary of people who call themselves experts :-)07:52
* SmilyBorg nods07:52
SmilyBorgya me too07:52
superflyI'm just trying to gauge how seriously I should take him ;-)07:52
zerlgihis blog says "CEO, Entrepreneur" 07:52
SmilyBorgI've had people refer to me that way or as a guru and I'm rather quick to dismiss it. I know stuff, but not everything. no one can know everything. we are all noobs at something07:53
superflySmilyBorg: precisely07:53
SmilyBorghe is definitely the entrepreneur type07:53
superflyStarts something and then moves on to the next thing?07:53
SmilyBorgand I'm weary of giving people too much attention with titles like CEO. one can be a CEO of a 2 person company if they want07:54
superflywe have 12 people in our company, and we have a CEO07:54
KilosKim an expert at languages07:55
SmilyBorgHe is always retying new things and looking for new opportunities. Honestly, he's a nice guy and I would work with him again. 07:55
KilosKall except greek07:55
superflyWhen I came to work at Nomanini I was introduced as "the Python guru" and I didn't know how to respond... I don't think of myself as a guru07:55
superflyI just know a little bit of Python and some general best practices07:55
KilosKyou are good superfly 07:55
superflyKilosK: I read a lot07:56
KilosKjust modest07:56
superflySmilyBorg: Thanks, that helps :-)07:57
SmilyBorg i think in some circles the term guru is used as a compliment, and probably to mean that you know more about that subject than anyone else there. not quite my definition, but I think thats how a lot of the "normals" use it07:57
superflySmilyBorg: yeah07:57
SmilyBorgalso, just btw, I have a bit of an issue with authority figures. Anyone that tries to sounds like they are all big and powerful had better not show any cracks or I lose interest very quickly. Boy did I have issues in school when my teachers told us stuff that was wrong and I could prove that it was wrong07:59
SmilyBorgLiron was more the type that admitted to me that Linux was not his strong point and would ask my opinion before choosing a course of action. The up side is that he is technical enough to be able to speek the same language.08:00
superflySmilyBorg: that's cool08:13
SmilyBorgwow. just saw the most amazing thing. The guys from Weta Workshop made a full scale, working turret from portal08:14
secbrid /msg NickServ identify cordless09:24
KilosKreal good soup weather09:28
KilosKrain coming down gently09:28
charlvnooh now you're talking KilosK 09:37
charlvnhere is what i am craving: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pea_soup09:37
KilosKand pancakes for pudding09:38
charlvnme gusta09:38
KilosKim making split peas and lentils ith fried onion and garlic and kinda braaied shin for  the meaty flavour09:40
KilosKcant find the mixed beans to gooi in too09:41
KilosKinetpro, nou reen dit lekker hier09:46
KilosK30mm nou al09:46
KilosKmiskien van ons julle sondaars op09:46
inetproKilosK: eh09:50
Squirmwow. yesterday, 15% of our internet usage came from our cache10:05
* Squirm dances10:05
Squirm15.6% of 7.67Gb10:05
tonberryE352people still consume that much unencrypted and cacheable content10:09
superflytonberryE352: no, people still OFFER that much unencrypted content10:12
tonberryE352how cacheable is youtube these days?10:13
KilosKoh my that was an ugly split10:46
=== charlvn_ is now known as charlvn
charlvnit was the largest i've seen in a while10:53
charlvnsome server seems to have failed because i had a ping timeout10:54
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
KilosKyeah there were only bout 8 peeps left here11:04
Trixar_zaPing surfing is fun :P11:04
Trixar_zaHey KilosK :P11:05
KilosKhi Trixar_za 11:08
Trixar_zaMine is bigger :P11:25
inetprowho can afford to do youtube caching?11:26
Trixar_zaSee the extra .11:26
DigiGramtonberryE352> how cacheable is youtube these days? --> not very much11:31
DigiGramunless you write your own scripts to keep track of it11:31
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
KilosKinetpro, waars jou bbotskap vir twitter asb. ek op ander hardeskyf hier12:06
KilosKMaaz, announce Monthly meeting here @ 19.30 monday eveing all12:19
MaazHear ye, hear ye! Monthly meeting here @ 19.30 monday eveing all12:19
KilosKMaaz, excuses12:21
MaazExcuses might be accepted, if you have a good enough reason12:21
KilosKMaaz, seen nuvolari 12:21
MaazKilosK: nuvolari was last seen 3 days, 18 hours, 56 minutes and 47 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-10-08 10:25:11 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2012-10-12 03:45:10 PDT12:21
KilosKMaaz, seen magespawn 12:22
MaazKilosK: magespawn was last seen 16 hours, 42 minutes and 47 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-10-11 12:39:23 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2012-10-12 03:44:59 PDT12:22
charlvninetpro: what the heck is youtube caching?13:05
inetprocharlvn: 12/10 12:13:00 <tonberryE352> how cacheable is youtube these days?13:06
inetprocharlvn: I guess it has to do with caching youtube at proxy level13:08
tonberryE352it was in response to 13:08
tonberryE352[12:05] <Squirm> wow. yesterday, 15% of our internet usage came from our cache13:08
tonberryE352[12:05] * Squirm dances13:08
tonberryE352[12:05] <Squirm> 15.6% of 7.67Gb13:08
inetproKilosK: twitter?13:08
inetproKilosK: jy bedoel die ene?13:10
inetproReminder: Next #ubuntu-za meeting on Monday, 15 October at 19:30 SAST. Agenda: http://bit.ly/SKJR0j13:10
DigiGramfacebook caches a lot of data and since people reload the pages ALOT, and everyone knows the same people, the all pull the same 20MB photo's etc. Youtube on the other hand gives you an unique server everytime, so the probability of 2 identical files in the cache is very high13:26
DigiGramas far as I understand it13:26
DigiGramto bad we don't have a graph of cache usage for the uni, would've been cool to see13:26
DigiGramonly the total usage is available: http://v-mrtg-lnx1.nwu.ac.za/cgi-bin/mrtg/fw-sw2a.cgi?log=fw-sw2a-813:27
DigiGramyou can easily see the office hours from that graph :)13:28
tonberryE352they use facebook without https?13:31
DigiGramoh yeah, I didn;t think about that13:32
DigiGramyeah I see all page elements use https.. mmm, now which site is it again that I use that use https ONLY for the login page13:35
charlvninetpro: oh i see13:39
=== DigiGram is now known as Digi||Gram
SquirmDigi||Gram: I know this because I setup and run the proxy 13:50
KilosKskuus inetpro ekt geslaap en julle nog nie my kde klank reg nie14:23
KilosKo ek het net die datem uit gelos14:23
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
KilosKsystem needs a restart to complete the process15:32
gahope you ppl caht16:38
ganeed help16:38
galoking for ZA hosted torrent sites.16:38
gaye syes know this is nt ububtu q16:39
gabut where else can I find IT related chats16:39
inetproga: I guess you don't want my personal opinion about torrent sites16:43
inetpro*in South Africa16:43
inetproI think it's a waste of time unless you have lot's of bandwidth16:44
inetprooh and I guess unless you can get free local data16:47
superflyinetpro: not to mention that most people use torrents for illegal purposes16:49
gaI have unlimeted internet ...16:50
gayip SOuth africa16:50
superflyand I don't know why a locally hosted torrent site would make a difference, that's not where you do the actual downloading from16:50
gai see but I am looking fo SOuth African stuff - afrikaans you know what i mean16:51
superfly(a) I don't pirate and (b) I'm not Afrikaans16:51
gasuprefly : your wings are cliped ..16:51
superflyand (c) you have to agree to the Ubuntu code of conduct, which includes respecting copyright16:52
superflyif you want to hang out in this channel16:52
gaya love ububtu and all..16:52
gagot i running on my laptop only problem is the knonw bug of screen that freeze when going o sleep16:53
inetprosounds to me like superfly is right16:53
galrt all16:56
inetproga: lrt?16:57
superflyI think he meant "ltr", which I guess means "later"17:03
=== KilosU is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos is now known as KilosU
KilosUevening all17:37
KilosUnuvolari, ping17:37
KilosUhey drussell hows deegee17:38
drussellKilosU: heya! good thanks, how 'bout you?17:39
KilosUgood ty17:42
zerefahhhhh, back to Ubuntu :D17:59
zerefwas on windows doing a project on visual Basic + Ms Access18:00
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflyzeref: my condolences18:02
superflyI would fully immerse myself in C#/.NET before stooping to VB and Access18:02
inetproKilosU: wb18:04
KilosUty inetpro 18:04
KilosUdid upgrades on three drives18:04
KilosUand had lekker soup18:04
inetproKilosU: and how much rain did you have today?18:06
KilosUat 5pm it totalled 40mm since yesterday18:06
zerefsuperfly: lol18:06
KilosUemptied the gauge and will see tomorrow18:06
KilosUand you inetpro ?18:07
zerefheadache, after headache18:07
inetproKilosU: now staning at 83mm18:07
* inetpro lagging badly18:08
KilosUnow things will grow18:08
inetproKilosU: yep18:08
KilosUinetpro, are you gonna be here for the meeting?18:10
KilosUand superfly ?18:10
inetproKilosU: I try18:10
superflyKilosU: I think so, no date nights18:10
KilosUmonkey is away and dunno where magespawn and nuvolari  are18:10
KilosUyay lol18:10
inetpronuvolari: kom kruip uit daai gat van jou!18:11
inetproKilosU: he's probably out looking for a new place18:11
KilosUwho is looking for a new place18:12
KilosUwhat have i missed18:12
inetproKilosU: IIRC he needs to move out of his place at some point18:13
KilosUthat sucks18:13
* KilosU hates moving18:13
inetpronot sure when, but I last understood that the owners wanted to sell the place or something like that18:14
KilosUnot so bad when you on your own18:15
KilosUwhyen married and settled with kids and all whew18:15
KilosUwhen i moved from Pmb to utrecht it was 3 trips with a 5 tonner fully loaded18:16
KilosUwhen i moved here it was 1 7 tonner full18:17
KilosUnow its nearly down to suitcases18:18
KilosUoh my, now theres a pile of pc's18:18
KilosUwill be lost without pidgin and irc18:19
inetproKilosU: 06/10 19:27:56 <nuvolari> just on the lookout for another place to stay/buy18:19
inetpro06/10 19:28:11 <nuvolari> the owners want to sell this place :(18:19
KilosUty inetpro 18:20
inetproKilosU: he should just go buy that place from Alec Hogg18:25
inetproSeventy acres (30 ha) of prime KZN farmland18:28
* inetpro longs for the days on the farm18:28
inetproProperty served by trenched underground Telkom cables with two ADSL lines ensuring fast Internet connectivity and landline facilities in office/boardroom and house.18:28
inetproI could do with that 18:29
inetproand best of all, fibre optic installed and ready for switch-on in 201318:29
KilosUeish 7.6 mil18:30
KilosUwould be lekker though hey18:30
inetproI could work from there for sure18:31
KilosUi love natal18:31
inetproKilosU: I would move there any day, if I could afford it18:32
inetproespecially with those horses there18:33
inetprothat's my 1st love18:33
KilosUhaha horses are bad animals man18:33
KilosUbite in the front, kick at the back and very slippery in the middle18:34
inetpronee man!18:34
KilosUlol joking man18:34
KilosUi had many18:34
KilosUfriesland stallion18:34
* inetpro used to have 30 of them as a kid18:35
KilosUbrother to the one ET used to ride18:35
KilosUarab mare and 6 or 7 boerperde18:35
inetpromine were boerperd 18:35
KilosUyeah but one hasnt time if you gotta work as well18:36
* inetpro used to ride man many kilometers all on my own18:36
KilosUto school?18:37
inetprono, just on weekends and holidays18:37
inetprowas in hostel during the week all my schooldays18:37
inetprostarted when I was 5 years old18:38
inetproand never had a day go by without riding unless I was sick18:38
inetprountil my dad had to sell the farm18:39
KilosUi used to check on sheep herds in utrecht by horse18:39
inetproafter three years of draught18:39
KilosUonna farm18:39
KilosU2500 hectares18:39
KilosUtop and bottom of the mountain18:40
inetprowow, that was one big farm18:40
KilosUhaving to rely on rain is dicey when farming18:40
KilosUyeah and other brothers farms was same18:41
KilosUthey inherited18:41
inetprodads farm was just more than 600ha18:41
KilosUsad to see farmers having to give up their way of life18:42
KilosUits a totally different lifestyle18:43
KilosUtumbleweed, is it a big job to fix maaz's Burp that didnt go down well?18:44
KilosUconvert currencies18:44
KilosUah there be cocooncrash 18:45
KilosUhi cocooncrash 18:45
KilosUour family bot be sicker18:45
KilosUinetpro, is there a command that can answer why a ping isnt successful18:48
KilosUtween 2 pc's18:49
KilosUping works one way only18:49
inetproKilosU: your routing tables are probably just not correct the other way around18:52
inetproor if you played with a firewall it could be messing you around as well18:53
KilosUi dont think i have a firewall installed on the one i cant ping18:53
KilosUits a unity thing and i dunno how to see if it has one even18:54
inetproKilosU: do the online networking course suggested by Kerbero18:54
inetprothat is actually something I want to go through18:55
KilosUis it a daily thing18:55
inetprolooks like a brilliant lesson18:55
KilosUwith lotsa data use? or documents you can download?18:56
inetprolotsa videos, especially in the beginning18:57
inetproKilosU: TCP/IP is very important to understand18:58
KilosUmy prob i think is a tiny mistake somewhere because if i put sister drive in there i can ping both ways18:58
KilosUand nm setup same on the unity drive18:59
KilosUvideos eat data man18:59
cocooncrashKilosU: Hrm?19:01
cocooncrashMaaz: hi19:01
MaazHello cocooncrash19:01
KilosUyou well cocooncrash ?19:02
cocooncrashKilosU: Ye, doing well thanks19:02
KilosUinetpro, i go look  http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_IntroductionToTheTCPIPGuide.htm19:05
inetprowb cocooncrash19:06
KilosU1600 pages19:07
inetproKilosU: only?19:10
* KilosU collapses19:10
KilosUthats a yucky book. cant find where to download it19:12
KilosUyo kodez 19:14
kodezuncle kilos19:22
kodezgreetings everyone19:23
inetprohi kodez19:27
kodezhi uncle inetpro19:31
kodezhow are you?19:31
inetprokodez: me is fine thanks, yourself?19:32
KilosUgood ty kodez and you?19:33
magespawnevening all19:40
KilosUhey magespawn 19:41
KilosUyou chairing meet monday?19:41
magespawnwhat with the U Kilos?19:41
KilosUother one is KilosK19:41
magespawnnot sure, do not mind19:41
KilosUthats kde19:41
KilosUnuvolari, seems busy hunting for place to stay19:42
KilosUand the monkey away till tuesday19:42
KilosUso methinks you next in line hey?19:42
magespawnwell lets check with him19:42
KilosUyou had a practise run already19:43
magespawnhas any one put stuff on the agenda yet?19:43
KilosUand the pro and fly will help you19:43
inetpromagespawn: check the topic above19:43
magespawnon the tablet can't select the link19:44
KilosUcan you see your mail?19:44
KilosUi mailed a link as well19:44
magespawnwill check it quickly19:45
inetpromagespawn: Agenda: http://bit.ly/SKJR0j19:46
magespawnty inetpro and KilosU 19:47
KilosUanytime i here19:47
magespawnlooks more like a how for the chair at the moment19:47
inetpromagespawn: that is basically true yes19:49
inetprobut I just put that there anyway so we can stick to the format19:49
magespawngood idea, i felt a bit like a ship without a rudder last time.19:50
inetproyou would want to do some homework before the meeting19:50
inetproand write down a few notes of what you want to say19:50
inetprothe chair needs to be prepared19:50
magespawnmmm indeed, deep end last time19:51
inetpromagespawn: just go to previous meetings and see how it flows19:52
magespawnwill do19:52
inetproor go read other LoCo minutes19:52
magespawn i am off to bed have an earlish start tomrrow, i will check back tomrrow afternoon, good night guys19:54
KilosUnight magespawn 19:54
KilosUsleep tight19:54
inetpromagespawn: good night19:54
KilosUnight inetpro 19:54
KilosUsee you guys tomorrow as well;19:54
inetproKilosU: nag oom19:54
KilosUnight all19:55

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