
zykotick9bvier: sorry, not sure.00:00
bvierzykotick9: any other way you can think of to install those DEBs?00:00
SQLDarklyhey in /etc/sudoers can you grant a >username ALL=(ALL) ALL< except one directory?00:01
sambagirlis there a way to take a snapshot of just what i have in a browser?00:01
zykotick9bvier: see "/msg ubottu offline" and/or "/msg ubottu aptoncd"00:02
bvierzykotick9: ok thankyou very much00:03
Kheohello everyone00:09
Kheohow can I change my user password via ssh ?00:10
yekomstype: passwd00:10
Kheoand then ?00:10
yekomsput in your old passwd, and then your new one twice. and your done.00:10
bobweaverwhat are you trying to do Kheo  Oo00:11
Kheoyekoms: I did and when I open a new terminal the new pass isn't functioning.00:11
Kheobut, the old pass does.00:12
yekomsif you set a new passwd, it should work.00:12
yekomsive never seen passwd fail at setting a new passwd.00:12
Kheoyekoms: do I need reboot ?00:13
Ray2xchat-2.8.6 on ubuntu 10.04...I have lost the ability to completetab nick ??00:15
Kheothe passwd requires reboot after changing the old pass to a new one ?!00:16
KheoIt's anyone here ?00:24
smooth-texanis the live stream of the VP debates working for anyone? http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live/00:24
smooth-texanunder linux that is00:24
crazydipKheo: no it does not - no reboot is needed00:25
Kheocrazydip: so why It does not change ?00:25
crazydipKheo: you must have either 1) not changed the password or 2) changed the password of a different user00:25
daneshello, how can I mount an ntfs partition in raid 1? I tried with mount but I got a message wrong fs type....00:26
crazydipKheo: did you receive any error?00:26
KheoI'm loged with the user that I want to change the pass.00:26
Kheoand I'm typing passwd00:26
Kheotype new00:26
Kheoretype ...00:27
Kheoand when I log on..not working with the new pass.00:27
Kheopasswd: password updated successfully00:27
Kheoand when I log on..not working with the new pass.00:27
danescan someone help me mounting a ntfs parition in raid 1?00:28
zykotick9smooth-texan: doesn't work for me, "watch now" just returns to the same page again.  BUT i'm in Canada.00:28
crazydipKheo: type: passwd -S00:29
Kheoand now ?00:29
Kheoroot P 10/12/2012 0 99999 7 -100:29
crazydipKheo: you're logged in as root....00:30
Kheoand ?00:30
crazydipKheo: you trying to change the root password right?00:30
smooth-texanzykotick9: same here thanks00:30
Kheocrazydip ?00:31
crazydipKheo: type users00:31
Kheocrazydip: how can I change user root pass ?00:32
Kheomy user it's the only one logged.00:32
crazydipKheo: how are you using root? sudo?00:34
crazydipwhat are you typing exactly to change the root password?00:35
crazydipthat's it?00:36
Kheonew pass00:36
Kheoretype new pass00:36
crazydipwhat do you get when typing: whoami00:37
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manwhatHey, I'm going through some code of a friend's but the indentation is all over the place and making it impossible to read. Is there a free program somewhere to auto-indent it so it isn't an eyesore?00:41
manwhatI was using gedit, but a quick google search didn't show any way to easily do it00:42
manwhatwell, further googling looks like I should install gVim, that's OK I guess, I'm already used to using Vim in the terminal but I like to use a mouse sometimes for handy menus00:46
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L3topmanwhat: there is a script that is helpful in that circumstance. http://arachnoid.com/linux/beautify_bash/index.html01:16
L3topit is written in ruby.01:16
ac_slaterHey guys, is there a hook into apt for certain packages? ie - I want to rebuild my nvidia modules after each kernel release. And I have to use the official nvidia package for CUDA.01:17
ac_slaternvm, /etc/kernel/postinst.d/01:19
jribac_slater: you probably want to use dkms though?01:19
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ac_slaterjrib: right. But is that possible with the nvidia installer from their site?01:19
ac_slater( i know what DKMS is, but not how to really MAKE it work without things that already support it)01:20
jribac_slater: should be afaik01:20
ac_slaterright, scripting the rebuilding of the nvidia module is simple to do though.01:20
ac_slaterjrib: i would love dkms, but I have no idea if it's a pubsub thing or if there is some serious effort that needs to be put into my modules to make them dkms-able01:21
jribac_slater: I'm not familiar with the details01:21
L3topyes ac_slater. You just need to build dkms into the kernel... repo kernels this is achieved with linux-headers-xxxx in addition to linux-kernel-xxxx01:22
ac_slaterL3top: right. wouldnt it need to module source to do this though?01:22
L3topThe installer from nvidia survives dkms.01:23
L3top!info linux-headers-3.2.0-31-generic01:24
ubottuPackage linux-headers-3.2.0-31-generic does not exist in precise01:24
ac_slaterthanks man01:24
L3topdoes too... !01:24
ac_slateralright ... well putting a script in `/etc/kernel/postinst.d/` and doing `aptitude install linux` didnt do a dam thing... :(01:28
WeThePeoplewhen binding what mount point do i use?01:30
L3topwhat are you trying to bind? What are you trying to do WeThePeople?01:31
blackshirtwethepeople, thats depends you want01:31
invisibleheeroHey guys I have an Nvidia Geforce GT 540M graphics card and an intel card too (Samsung RF 711 laptop). I was wondering how do I have the system take my nvidia card instead of the intel card? I followed http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-geforce-driver-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/ but when I do that my display gets all buggy 640x320 display01:33
invisibleheeroUbuntu 12.1001:33
FloodBot1invisibleheero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
=== marco is now known as AskUbuntu
invisibleheeroI get W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found01:33
ac_slaterjrib: ah... i see. Tio DKMS the nvidia driver is pretty simple.01:34
ac_slaterL3top: ^01:34
xangua!12.10 | invisibleheero01:34
WeThePeoplel3top, i have spoken to you before about this.. i have to reinstall grub :) i did " mount /dev/sda1 /mnt " 'and then' " mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev " but then says no mnt point01:34
ubottuinvisibleheero: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:34
haihaihaihello, how can i delete ubuntu?01:34
xanguahaihaihai: format your hd, next :)01:35
L3top/mnt/dev is the mountpoint WeThePeople... it presumes you have mounted the drive to /mnt01:35
manwhatL3top: delayd thanks for the link01:35
haihaihaiformat c: doesn't work, xangua :-(01:35
IdleOnehaihaihai: How did you install it?01:35
L3topinvisibleheero: you are going to need to install bumblebee01:36
haihaihaia friend installed it for me, IdleOne01:36
L3tophaihaihai: How do you delete windows?01:36
elixeyi got to use cut to remove everything before ; can someone help01:36
IdleOnehaihaihai: Did they install it on it's own partition or did they use Wubi to install it?01:36
L3topnp manwhat.01:37
elixeythere were a bunch of very knowledgeable people in here last night... .01:37
elixeywhere they all go to01:37
haihaihaii have to leave, thanls for your help, perhaps windows is able to delete ubuntu01:37
WeThePeoplel3top, now it says.. fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy01:37
invisibleheeroL3top, when I tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/36930/how-well-do-laptops-with-nvidia-optimus-work I got the 404 about the repos being missing01:37
invisibleheeroor not found for that matter01:37
=== invisibleheero is now known as afallenhope
bjrohanI put ubuntu on a thumbdrive, however the computer I am trying to install it on does not have an option to boot from a USB. I have Ubuntu on this machine currently. Can I boot into ubuntu, and then install from the USB drive somehow?01:38
kelvinellahi, which command I can download a sequence of files from internet?01:38
L3topinvisibleheero: I don't know what that means. I dont believe bumblebee is in the repo. You will have to install it from them.01:38
afallenhopeL3top, W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found01:38
kelvinellafor example i want download http://www.site.com/1.jpg up to 100.jpg01:38
kelvinellain terminal01:38
Stanley00kelvinella: wget01:38
kelvinellawhats the command? with a for loop?01:39
IdleOnexangua: please don't tell people to format HD when they ask how to remove Ubuntu. Did you bother to consider that perhaps it was a wubi install or a dual boot? a format would have caused them to lose all their other data. !behelpful01:39
L3topafallenhope: that is a ppa... and quantal... you need to join #ubuntu+1 for that atm.01:39
blackshirtkelvinella, place it in file, and feed them to the downloader01:39
L3topWeThePeople: I don't know what you have done. I can walk you through this from the beginning, but not from whatever you have already half done.01:40
Stanley00kelvinella: wget and for loop can do that01:40
kelvinellafor(i,1,100) wget http://www.site.com/%i; ??01:40
kelvinellafor(i,1,100) wget http://www.site.com/%i.jpg; ??01:40
Stanley00kelvinella: for((i=1;i<100;i++)); do wget url/$i; done if you use bash01:41
WeThePeoplel3top, i just reformatted and installed XP but the partition doesnt show up in backtrack live cd, only my ubuntu partition shows up??01:41
kelvinellaStanley00, thx let me try now01:41
afallenhopehmm so there's not support for the latest fawk01:41
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:42
trismkelvinella: I prefer: for i in {1..100}; do something with $i; done01:42
selleronDoes anyone know how to refresh a repository from the console?  I was trying to reinstall a broken postgresql install, it wouldn't remove, so I erased all the postgresql files I could find.  Now, even after apt-get update, apt-get says it can't find package postgres.  think I need to refresh the repositories somehow, but I don't know how to do it from the console.01:42
IdleOneselleron: sudo apt-get update01:42
L3top!botabuse | carboncito01:42
ubottucarboncito: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:42
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selleronIdleOne: I did that, it didn't help01:43
WeThePeoplel3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274187/01:43
IdleOneselleron: any errors?01:43
L3topWeThePeople: pastebin the output of:  mount01:43
selleronIdleOne: nope, runs just fine01:44
WeThePeoplel3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274189/01:44
kelvinellaStanley00, works like a charm THX a million!!01:44
L3topWeThePeople: is there a reason you are not using an ubuntu live cd to install grub in ubuntu?01:44
Stanley00kelvinella: :)01:45
WeThePeoplel3top, dont have one :) i have used backtrack and its works just fine01:45
kelvinellaStanley00, what are any other cool tricks with wget?01:45
WeThePeopleto reinstall grub01:45
IdleOneselleron: apt-get install postgresql - what does it say?01:45
Stanley00kelvinella: I don't know, maybe you should look at its manpage01:45
L3topWeThePeople: you have already made several attemtps at this from the look of it. As I said... I will gladly help you from scratch, not here. Reboot.01:45
kelvinellaStanley00, ok01:45
WeThePeoplel3top, ok, brb01:46
selleronIdleOne: It says installed is the newest version, so maybe I don't have a packaging problem, but when I run "service postgresql start" nothing happens at all, just goes right to next line of prompt.01:46
blackshirtkelvinella, place it in file, and feed them to the downloader01:46
IdleOneselleron: no output is good, means it started without problems01:47
IdleOneselleron: make sure it is installed, apt-cache policy postgresql01:47
kelvinellaBlackBishop, i dont like downloader, terminal works better specially sometimes i am on the road I can ssh into my computer with my iphone01:48
selleronIdleOne: it shows as installed, but when I try to connect using psql, it acts like it's not running, and ps ax shows no postgres processes running01:49
kelvinellaBlackBishop, I know the gui method i just want to know how to download using my iphone01:49
IdleOneselleron: try a stop and  the a start01:49
selleronIdleOne: still nothing.  I don't think it fully installed.  there's nothing in /var/lib/postgresql01:50
selleronIdleOne: just an empty directory01:50
selleronIdleOne: it's like it's not running the config when it installs the package01:50
Stanley00kelvinella: well, wget can download links from text file too ;)01:51
IdleOneselleron: sudo apt-get install --reinstall pstgresql01:51
kelvinellaStanley00, ok01:51
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jiteshk23Hey !01:53
WeThePeoplel3top, ok ready01:53
selleronIdleOne: http://pastebin.com/FWS7mMqP01:54
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L3topDid he change names or drop?01:54
WeThePeopleright here01:55
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L3topWeThePeople: there you are. sudo -s enter your pass then you can actually just paste this whole thing. http://pastebin.com/iB2Bn98E01:55
selleronIdleOne: I tried to install dsyslog, and got this in the output "dpkg: warning: files list file for package `postgresql-9.1' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed."01:55
IdleOneselleron: apt-get -f install01:55
Aikarany ideas why my nvidia drivers wont load on a Samsung RC512 laptop? I installed nvidia-current and nvidia-current updates (neither work) and ran sudo nvidia-xconfig, the xorg.conf looks fine but it loads up in super low res w/o nvidia01:55
L3topLet me know if you have any issue WeThePeople.01:56
L3topWeThePeople: It would be safer to copy paste one line at a time.01:56
Aikarxorg.0.log shows loading nvidia, then lil bit down below that shows unloading nvidia01:56
Aikarbut i dont see an error01:56
selleronIdleOne: I ran the apt-get -f install, then ran udo apt-get install --reinstall postgresql*, now it wants to install 820 packages, that is a bit much i think?01:57
WeThePeoplel3top, does it mount in home or root?01:57
IdleOneselleron: without the *01:58
WeThePeoplel3top, i have to make the mnt dir :)01:58
L3topit mounts to /mnt01:58
IdleOneselleron: that * was me correcting my spelling earlier01:58
L3topah... well that exists in ubuntu... I dont use backtrack... clearly01:58
selleronIdleOne: I did that, it works, but I get the same files list file for package postgresql-9.1 is missing error, and postgres still isn't running.  I think I deleted the files list file, and apt-get update isn't fixing that01:59
IdleOneselleron: ok, only thing I can think of now is to purge it completely. sudo apt-get purge postgresql , after it is done apt-get install postgresql02:00
IdleOneselleron: the purge will remove everything it installed/tried to install.02:00
Aikarhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1274208/   < can anyone see why my nvidia driver isnt working?02:00
selleronIdleOne: it runs the purge, but still getting the same files list files missing error02:00
IdleOneselleron: you got me, try #ubuntu-server maybe someone there knows how to get you sorted02:01
selleronIdleOne: I think i killed some info about the package that dpkg needs to work02:01
selleronIdleOne: ok, thanks for giving it a shot!02:01
L3topAikar: are you on quantal?02:01
WeThePeoplel3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274211/02:02
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L3topAikar: the long and short of it is this... the optimus chipset is completely unsupported by nvidia in linux. There is no official option to make that work. It is not two cards, it is one fused card. There is a third party option, bumblebee, but quantal is not supported there, or here for the time being. What you are trying to do, there is no solution for, if you are on quantal.02:03
L3topone sec WeThePeople.02:03
AikarL3top: thanks, i just found bumblebee on my own, do you know if i need to uninstall nvidia-current first?02:04
WeThePeoplewhat is the command to check sda1, sda2, sda3 etc..02:04
L3topWeThePeople: oops... LC_ALL=C chroot /mnt grub-install /dev/sda502:04
L3topfdisk -l  WeThePeople... to look at basic information about them.02:05
AikarI had games working on this laptop before but reinstalled today :/02:05
L3topAikar: you should just need to install bumblebee-nvidia02:05
L3topsorry for the oversight WeThePeople.02:07
L3topWeThePeople: THAT IS WRONG TOO02:07
WeThePeoplel3top, its sda02:07
* L3top is clearly tired... change that sda5 to sda02:07
L3topvery very sorry.02:07
WeThePeoplei remembered02:08
L3topgood for you... I think I am going to get some shuteye after this.02:08
gogetaAikar: and02:08
Nine_9_ops, wron channel02:08
WeThePeoplel3top, how do i look up the media number on the hdd??>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274215/02:09
WeThePeoplel3top, thanks for the assistance :)02:10
gogetaWeThePeople: you can just look at your fstab file02:10
gogetaWeThePeople: or just type fdisk -l02:11
WeThePeoplel3top, how do i umount??02:11
L3topthats fine WeThePeople... it is trying to find a thumbdrive or something... ignore the ls error... it did what it was suppsoed to02:11
WeThePeopledo i need to02:11
L3topand update does not require an asignment02:12
gogetaWeThePeople: with the gui just right click eject02:12
L3topWeThePeople: do the update again without specifying the drive just to be sure...02:12
L3topthat isnt actually accurate in our case WeThePeople02:12
L3topYou have a bunch of none mounts and binds...02:13
WeThePeoplel3top, i already exit chroot02:13
L3topWeThePeople: However you could just reboot.02:13
red98Just installed ubuntu and i have no wired network option help please02:13
L3topyou werent in chroot... you simply ran chroot commands.02:13
WeThePeopleinteresting, im righting that down :)02:14
RiXtErred98, what kind of network card do you have?02:14
gogetared98: is it working02:14
red98Not sure what it is its onbord nic and it worked to download pacakes to install and worked when it was just a server but now that its desktop it dosent work02:16
gogetared98: wired is normaly set to auto and does not come up uless its nor working02:16
gogetared98: i would go into the network manager make shure its not set up to still be a server02:17
red98Under connections there is no auto which i normally have and whrn i create a connection with dhcp and manual dosent work02:18
gogetared98: delete all settings and auto ahouls return02:18
scott__Dual monitors are not showing up in Display Settings, instead it's one big monitor at 3000px. Is there a way to fix this?02:19
gogetared98: could be a bad disk if it worked before and not now02:19
gogetared98: thats way its always a good idea to md5em02:19
L3topscott__: I would need to see your xorg.conf02:20
gogetared98: also if you hibernated windows your nic will not work02:20
b0agnred98: look in oyur /etc/network/interfaces file and see if there's anything set for your wired interface02:20
scott__I didn't think Ubuntu 12.04 used Xorg?02:20
red98All setting removed02:20
gogetascott__: lol wayland isnt even close to ready that was just a bunch of fud02:21
scott__I dunno. Linux is confusing anyway.02:21
red98It might be a bad disc cause i re downloaded and burnt a new one when i started having the problems02:21
b0agnred98: you need to at least have the loopback listed in your interfaces file.02:21
gogetared98: md5 it you will knoe02:21
red98I have lo and eth002:22
b0agnrestart your networking service02:22
gogetared98: ok its working if your on a cable modem reset it02:22
POLPhey guys, how do I install Beta 2 on a USB stick?02:22
gogetared98: reset pc as well02:22
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+102:23
b0agnred98: /etc/init.d/networking restart02:23
gogetab0agn: service network restart works to02:23
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b0agngogeta: sometimes it does not02:23
WeThePeoplel3top, i cant umount for some reason?02:24
L3topAgain... you would have to umount everything you mounted and bound. Just reboot to the drive02:24
red98Did that now what?02:24
b0agnred98: ifconfig02:24
gogetab0agn: some cable modems dont like new installs mac adress changes the modem is probly blobking him02:25
L3topscott__: It does not by default, but for things like dual monitors, it does generally... what is the gpu and driver... and see if you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf and if so, pastebin it02:25
WeThePeoplel3top, i would like to umount and unbind everything before i reboot02:25
gogetab0agn: simple reset and all should work02:25
b0agnxylog: true that.02:26
WeThePeoplel3top, my usual set of instructions to do that isnt working02:26
b0agnred98: sudo shutdown -r now02:26
L3topWeThePeople: reboot does that for you. Reverse the steps in the pastebin that begin with mount if you want to do it by hand.02:26
red98I have internet now but not showing in connections manager at the top02:26
red98Restarting now02:26
gogetared98: then auto is working lol02:27
L3topWeThePeople: umount -lf /mnt/proc; umount -lf /mnt/sys; umount -lf /mnt/dev/pts; umount -lf /mnt02:27
b0agnred98: hoefully it works after reboot.  It could be a network manager - dbus issue02:27
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L3topWeThePeople: er... throw a umount -lf /mnt/dev in before the /mnt maybe...02:29
red98Its not showing at the top but at least i have internet thanks02:29
gogetaL3top: sudo halt everything unmounts pc shuts down lol02:29
ubottugianni_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:30
gogetared98: yea that network manager can be crashy i remove it and use wicd02:30
selleronIdleOne: I think my dpkg status file was messed up.  Using that as a reference, I purged everything postgres related using dpkg, then did apt-get install postgres, and all was good. Thanks for getting me started.02:30
L3topgogeta: didn't know about the nones/binds... thanks for that.02:30
WeThePeoplel3top, thanks it worked02:31
IdleOneselleron: glad you figured it out :)02:32
selleronIdleOne: me too, thanks :)02:32
gogetared98: wicd works on everything even cli :)02:34
b0agnred98: You could try "dpkg-reconfigure network manager" (if you are game)02:36
b0agndpkg-reconfigure network-manager02:36
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b0agnred98: But gogetas option may be the way to go02:38
zykotick9b0agn: wicd is on the verge of being deprecated.  especially on ubuntu i'd say.02:44
zykotick9b0agn: which makes me very sad.  as wicd is what i use on my notebook.02:45
b0agnzykotick9: Is it? Thatmakes me sad too.02:47
zykotick9b0agn: wicd can connect to wireless without a DM installed.  Network-Manager can't.  i don't look forward to the end of wicd...02:50
maliubiaohello , guys , is there a way to delete a software that compiled from source code?02:53
graingertmaliubiao: if you ran a make script as root02:53
graingertmaliubiao: no way of reversing it02:53
zykotick9maliubiao: that's why installing for source isn't such a great idea...02:54
graingertmaliubiao: please use the package manager only02:54
maliubiaothank you .02:54
graingertmaliubiao: the script could do anything02:54
graingerteg rm -rf /02:54
zykotick9maliubiao: see if there is a "make uninstall" or similar.  see the readme if there is one02:54
graingertbut even the make uninstall could be dodgy02:55
zykotick9graingert: agreed.  installing for source on ubuntu is foolish in many ways.02:55
graingertmaliubiao: _many_ ways02:55
jayarwhere are the error logs02:56
gtristansomebody save me from this tracker thing in Ubuntu 12.0402:56
zykotick9jayar: /var/log/foo02:56
=== joshtek0 is now known as JoshuaP
IngEliashey guys I have a problem, I have ubuntu 11.10 with xfce-desktop. When I open any carpet desktop is changed to Unity, any idea?02:56
* zykotick9 wonders what a "carpet desktop" is, but assumes it's part of unity02:57
gtristanhow do I get RID of the annoying SEARCH BAR that ruthlessly decides to POPUP on its own every time I hit the damn ALT !?02:58
gtristanapt-get uninstall tracker-gui ??02:58
gtristangrrr, seems not...02:58
IngEliasFor example, I open the file administrator and then desktop is changed02:59
IngEliasthe file manager02:59
bjrohanI have Ubuntu on a machine already, I want to do a fresh install of Lubuntu from a USB drive that I have, the issue is that the bios doesn't have boot from USB capabilities. Is there a way I can do a fresh install from within ubuntu?03:00
zykotick9IngElias: i'd GUESS you're trying to launch "nautilus" which will probably spawn the entire desktop without the correct switch.03:00
milardovichzykotick9, I think IngElias has XFCE installed in his machine03:01
milardovichSo I think it is a Thunar problem03:01
IngEliasI think I'm not explaining well, here is again: When I log on my XFCE session and I try to open any folder, then the theme changes automatically to the default theme. I think it's a problem of my file manager03:01
zykotick9milardovich: i agree.  that's why starting just "nautilus" will try to start gnome3/etc03:01
penguinmangtristan, that's the HUD. you can change the keyboard shortcut for that in system settings03:01
zykotick9IngElias: is it thunar or nautilus you're using as a file manager?03:02
LABcrabHey people!  i have many errors on my hard drive.  How do i know if it's still good?03:02
zykotick9LABcrab: if it's a hardware issue, i'd ask in ##hardware03:03
jayarLABcrab: check it with the disk utility03:03
WACOMalthey folks. I need to find the hardware identifier for my default audio device03:04
WACOMalthow can I do that?03:04
IngEliaszykotick9 Nautilus03:04
LABcrabThanks, good night!03:04
WACOMaltin the form of PCH [plughw:0,0] ect ect03:05
zykotick9IngElias: there is some switch, check "man nautilus", to start ONLY the file manager, and NOT the entire desktop.03:05
milardovichWACOMalt, lspci | grep Audio03:05
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gtristanpenguinman, seems not... perhaps with dconf-editor ? ...03:06
gtristanor gconf-editor03:06
b0agnzykotick9: maybe fork or maintain wicd03:06
steveGODSchildhi I need some help03:06
gtristanseems ubuntu 12.04 does not have that option in system settings03:06
milardovichzykotick9, IngElias tried to explain his problem some minutes ago, and I haven't got a clue about what can be happening, but I will try to paraphrase so maybe we can throw some light on this:03:07
steveGODSchildI got my cd to play music in ububtu 12.0403:07
zykotick9b0agn: lol, if i programmed maybe i could ;)  probably have to be a pretty good programmer at that ;)  i'm no help there.03:07
penguinmangtristan, try searching for keyboard in the dash. should bring up the shortcut editor. i'm using dwm at the moment but when i'm in unity mine is set to alt-x03:07
WACOMaltmilardovich, hmm that gave me only two devices, wheras java is seeing 1103:07
steveGODSchildbut now the music sounds like crap03:07
penguinmangtristan, the hud i mean is set to alt-x03:08
WACOMaltmilardovich, any idea how I can choose the proper value from this java output: http://www.blindmanstudio.com/dropbox/Selection_001.png  to correspond to what device my computer uses by default?03:08
milardovichzykotick9, he has a custom theme on his XFCE desktop (he has both GNOME AND XFCE). When he uses GNOME, Nautilus works properly, but when he tries to run Nautilus on XFCE the theme changes suddenly to the default xubuntu-desktop theme03:08
gtristanpenguinman, ah found a utility called 'keyboard'... thanks for your help man03:08
penguinmanno prob03:08
steveGODSchildit sounds really slow and mono]03:08
b0agnzykotick9: I was playing around with my own network manager, which was a gtk+ front end for net-tools, sysctl, macchanger etc, but i never got the stage ofcompiling and distributing.03:08
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WACOMaltI guess I need a printout not just of devices, but of output ports03:08
gtristanpenguinman, it's been getting on my nerves, usually use mostly keynav and it kept popping up ;-)03:08
zykotick9b0agn: gtk = i'm not interested.  i'm looking for a cli wireless app, thus wicd-curses (with no Desktop Manager installed).03:09
milardovichWACOMalt, so just use lspci03:09
steveGODSchildcould it be the cd rom needs cleaned03:09
milardovichwithout the | grep part03:09
b0agnzykotick9: there are tools besides wicd for that.03:10
WACOMaltuh, thats listing everything, not just audio03:10
WACOMaltIm trying to find audio PORTS, not audio devices apparantly.03:10
zykotick9b0agn: like what?  (there aren't it's either N-M which needs a DM, or manual - which would SUCK for wireless cafe etc!)03:10
WACOMaltessentially Im tyring to find out which item from that java output is the one I am using for my pnboard headphone jack.03:10
b0agnzykotick9: we have these things called scripts, which make manual not so manual.03:11
=== Guest8369 is now known as MaxPower9
bjrohanHow does one install linux from a USB drive while on a running linux system when said system won't boot via usbdrive03:12
milardovichWACOMalt, try with Port instead of Audio03:12
WACOMaltport is CPU ports03:13
zykotick9milardovich: sidenote, i'd recommend suggesting "... | grep -i foo" incase the reciever doesn't realise case matters!03:13
WACOMaltI know case matters :P03:14
zykotick9i before e, except after c ;)03:14
milardovichzykotick9, you're right, I had forgotten the -i statement, I don't use bash so often xD03:14
WACOMaltoh when sounding like hay as in neighbor or weigh03:14
zykotick9milardovich: i pretty much use -i always with grep, makes life a lot easier03:15
WACOMaltok so no one knows how I can find out which audio device from the java printout is what I'm using in Ubuntu?03:16
opakavicWACOMalt: i think you need to peek in to java channel for this03:18
opakavicThere is nothing to do with java here03:18
WACOMaltOk,  I did but they we're extremely mean...03:19
WACOMaltI'll try again.03:19
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WACOMaltyup... #java is downright useless for this. Guess I gotta try them one by one until one works03:27
nyxynyxHi, I installed nginx 1.2.3 from ppa repo, the output says its grabbing uginx 1.2.3, but after installaion, nginx -v says its still 1.1.19! How strange! How can I get 1.2.3?03:32
WACOMaltin a sh script what character tells it to skip a space? or not consider it the end of a command?03:39
trismnyxynyx: maybe: sudo apt-get upgrade; it seems nginx doesn't depend on a specific version of nginx-light or nginx-full so maybe it didn't pull them in03:39
WACOMalt\ or / ?03:39
WACOMaltkk thanks03:39
WACOMaltok, this is completely above my level of knowledge... Im tyring to edit a schell script that controlls subsonic music player03:41
WACOMaltto point it to the proper java address of my audio device.03:41
trismnyxynyx: otherwise check apt-cache policy for the version you have installed (nginx-light or nginx-full)03:41
WACOMaltis it likely that pointing it to Pulse Audio Mixer woudl work?03:41
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WACOMaltYES! I GOT IT!   by sheer luck!   :) thanks everyone for your help.03:45
jayaranyone know an .m4p converter for ubuntu?03:45
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MrWillyis there a way to tell grub what I'd like to boot into ahead of time?  for some reason I don't see my grub menu during boot, even after removing the splash03:46
akisHi all. I had the same problem described here: http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=1422.0 . I followed the advises and although seems that the wireless card is loaded still cannot scan wireless networks and cannot manually connect to my router although i make it free from every security keys! The chip is Ipn 2220 and I have read almost everything around the net gogling for hours. I think that the device is like to be locked and needs a03:46
akiscommand to be unlocked so it could scan networks, because although it's present cannot scan. Any idea or advise?03:46
rocheuxfor the time in grub03:47
rocheuxsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:47
rocheuxtimeout 1003:48
rocheuxIs what are you looking for?03:48
songliangsay ican't use it03:48
nyxynyxtrism: ok i'll try that, thanks03:49
MrWillyrocheux, timeout was set to 10 already, but the HIDDEN_TIMEOUT was 0.  apparently they're two different options.03:49
MrWillyalright, going to go run a memtest now (hopefully)03:50
rocheuxMrWilly after that you had to update-grub03:54
FloodBot1rocheux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
q0_0pis it possible to install ubuntu natively on android phone?04:01
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts??04:03
paulus68q0_0p: try this http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/04:11
q0_0ppaulus68: this one looks better http://www.droid-life.com/2012/08/09/ubuntu-for-android-gets-shown-off-and-detailed-we-want-this-as-soon-as-possible/04:14
q0_0ppaulus68: doesn't look like he is using VNC04:14
q0_0ppaulus68: looks like native ubuntu.04:14
paulus68q0_0p: just gave you the first link that I found with google04:15
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wilee-nileeThe app for running that is in the google play center04:30
afallenhopeHey guys I just did an update and now my screen is black with the words "starting" and it's not going past there04:34
siavashserverafallenhope: Do you remember which packages were being updated?04:38
ajacomHi... I'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 LTC on Dual boot with Windows 8. It detects win and prompts "Install alongside of...", but after all goes smoothly, the bootloader doesn't show up. I tried manual partitioning, same thing. What could be wrong? HDD is 1TB maybe /boot is out of the boot sector?04:38
penguinmandoesn't really matter since /boot is just stage 2 of grub.04:40
penguinmanstage one gets installed straight in the mbr usually by default.04:40
ajacomI've tried three times, but nothing. Just sweeps through to windows.04:41
penguinmanwindows 8 may do something different with the bootloader than 7 does.04:42
adoniscikdoes anyone know what package to install for GSL's development files?04:42
penguinmanin ubuntu it's usually the package name with a trailing -dev04:42
ghostnik11hi i can not figure out why my fan is constantly on and why my battery is going down so fast, it seems their is something in my laptop making the cpu over work but, when i check top command i see nothing out of the ordinary, here is pastebin: http://pastebin.com/6piqGrua04:43
adoniscikpm: I tried it but my package would not compile; it complains about gsl.c. Does libgsl-dev really have it?04:43
adoniscikwhere can I look to see what files are contained in a particular package?04:44
penguinmanhave you tried running locate gsl.c and comparing it with where the compiler is looking for it?04:44
adoniscikbefore downloading it, that is04:44
wilee-nileeajacom, You can use the live cd to generate a bootscript and post the text in a pastebin. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/04:44
adoniscikpm: yes, locate failed04:44
afallenhopeOkay I seemed to have fixed my problem by going into a shell and removing the  ia32-libs-multiarch but now when I rebooted now I keep getting errors04:45
afallenhope"internal 12.1004:46
penguinmanit may be named something else, ie gsl-3.0.x.c or something similar. try locate gsl | grep -i .c04:46
AshenStarokay, I am trying to get the most recent version of Flash installed.  First I used Synaptics but it didn't work.  Then I downloaded the tar.gz, unpacked, and copied libflashplayer.so to my plugins.  Firefox is not recognizing it at all.  I did check to see if the file was unpacked and it was.  Any suggestions please?04:46
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:46
afallenhopeI joined there04:47
wilee-nileeafallenhope, It is really slow here and there as well.04:48
Guest59900why does `/bin//sh` execute a sh?04:50
Guest59900how does the double // get interpreted?04:51
nyxynyxIs there a problem with the security repo? I'm deploying a server now and its stuck at fetching its headers during a apt-get update04:51
adoniscikpm: thanks, sorted.04:51
dsnydersHi all!  The numbers at the start of the lines in /var/log/dmesg... are they a time sequence? ie seconds since booting?04:52
lotuspsychjemorning to all05:01
lotuspsychjehowto completly remove zeitgeist so unity dash wont crash?05:02
blackshirtyou can remove it through normal tool for packages management05:03
lotuspsychjeblackshirt:i found activity-log-manager in software centre but it says not installed05:04
blackshirtsearch for zeitgeist05:05
penguinmanapt-get purge zeitgeist-core will pull it05:05
lotuspsychjepenguinman:tnx lemme try that mate05:05
blackshirthello elixirvitae05:06
ElixirVitaeI feel somewhat bad coming here only if I have questions05:07
ElixirVitaethen, again, there is ubuntu-chat05:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:07
lotuspsychjepenguinman:its removing all the relevant zeitgeist packages tnx alot mate05:07
McDickChunkas an occasional lurker, I feel terrible when I see a question. And never answer it05:07
homesomeone teach me how to transfer files from my Windows computer to my Linux computer via SSH05:07
lotuspsychje!ssh | home05:08
ubottuhome: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:08
homeXubuntu, in this case05:08
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/05:08
homelotuspsychje, I want you to guide me, step by step05:08
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:08
penguinmanlotuspsychje, keep in mind rhythmbox has it as a dep so on next update it may be reinstalled. may want to pull rhythmbox as well05:08
lotuspsychjehome:the url cant be more precise.read up mate05:08
lotuspsychjepenguinman:tnx mate i dont use rythmbox, will it have no conflict with dash search?05:09
homefor example, Let's say that I have a file located at C:\Users\Awesome\My Documents\xx.png05:09
homeHow would I transfer that via scp05:09
homeor ssh?05:09
hometo my xubuntu box? at its document folder?05:09
RiXtErhome, scp uses the ssh protocol05:09
RiXtErhome, download winscp05:09
penguinmanmay cause problems with the media search lens. honestly i use dwm so i can't tell you for 100%05:09
homeRiXtEr, can I use Putty?05:10
lotuspsychjepenguinman:ill find out quickly when i reboot :p05:10
RiXtErhome, not for file transfers as far as I know05:10
RiXtErhome, you could setup samba05:10
homewhat if I am far away?05:10
homein a distant place?05:10
Hussaindi wanted some help on openoffice05:10
RiXtErhome, winscp then05:10
homeHussaind, whats up?05:10
homeuse libreoffice :D05:11
Hussaindi wanted download oppenoffice drawer05:11
blackshirtrixter, i think home want to use ssh protocol05:11
Hussaindbut unable05:11
RiXtErwinscp does use the ssh protocol05:11
Hussaindim using a 32bit system05:11
ElixirVitaeSo, regarding the question business, why are some packages are kept back as I see when I apt-get upgrade, I see "linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae" for instance, are they updated with new release of OS or something?05:11
* lotuspsychje sudo reboot05:12
homeElixirVitae, not sure05:12
homehey guys05:12
sambagirlthere is a program that you can use on boot to identify hardware05:12
homeshould I try Ubuntu again05:12
homeor is it shitty now :/05:12
sambagirlwhat is it called hdt? lht?05:12
sambagirl0something like that?05:12
blackshirtsambagirl, what you mean?05:13
RiXtErhome, you could also download pscp from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html and use the command pscp c:\path\to\file user@ip.to.ssh.serv:/path/to save05:13
RiXtErhome, winscp just gives you a nice gui frontend to do the exact same thing.05:13
homeRiXtEr, did winscp05:13
RiXtErhome, both use the ssh protocol05:13
sambagirlsome distros have this utility that will identify in detail every single piece of hardware on your system05:13
homeRiXtEr, thanks for the information though05:13
RiXtErhome, no problem05:13
sambagirlit's much much more deeper than lspci cause it is on boot05:13
blackshirtsambagirl, lspci for pci devices, lsusb for usb, lshw maybe you want05:14
sambagirlno it isnt a shell app05:14
homesambagirl, are you actually a girl?05:14
sambagirlit's a boot up05:14
sambagirli'll figure it out05:15
RiXtErsambagirl, boot loader, or a startup app?05:15
sambagirlits a startup app05:15
sambagirlit's bvery very very thorough05:15
RiXtErsambagirl, look in /etc/init.d05:15
sambagirlit's not included with ubuntu05:15
sambagirli used it on Mageia05:15
lotuspsychjepenguinman:it worked like a charm mate, activity-log-manager icon dissapeared correclty, no dash crash tnx again mate05:15
sambagirlbut it is for hardware determination05:15
RiXtErsambagirl, somewhat05:15
RiXtErsambagirl, udev?05:16
lotuspsychje!zeitgeist > lotuspsychje05:16
sambagirlit's a hardware identifier for anything05:16
sambagirlnevermind thanks05:16
RiXtErsambagirl, good luck05:16
penguinmanlotuspsychje, no problem man05:16
lotuspsychjepenguinman:might be interesting to have that info on triggers here05:16
homewinscp worked great05:18
homebut its not letting my access root...05:18
RiXtErhome, did you give it root credentials?05:19
somsiphome: and make sure root access is allowed in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (I think) on the target machine05:19
RiXtErhome, it still must respect linux filesystem attributes.05:19
homesomsip, thats probably the problem...let me check the config :)05:20
homeyou know05:20
homeI got told that #ubuntu was pretty crappy05:20
homebut you guys are decent05:20
homeat night I guess05:20
FloodBot1home: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:20
somsiphome: I can't rememeber if the default is on or off. You'll find out05:20
penguinmanhome, as far as linux irc support goes, this room is very decent lol05:21
RiXtErhome, PermitRootLogin  yes is default05:21
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RiXtErumopapisdn is upsidedown05:21
lotuspsychjewhats the chan to make trigger requests?05:22
somsip!brain | lotuspsychje05:22
ubottulotuspsychje: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:22
sambagirlhome just change the config so you can login as root05:22
sambagirli did that way long ago05:22
homeI dont see it05:22
homein the ssh_config file05:23
homethat option, anyway05:23
RiXtErhome then add PermitRootLogin yes to /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:23
RiXtErhome, wrong file05:23
sambagirln9o no no05:23
homeRiXtEr, yeah, thats right05:23
RiXtErhome, ssh_config isn't sshd_config05:23
RiXtErthey are different05:23
homeI know05:23
RiXtErah :)05:24
homethanks though05:24
homegoing to restart ssh05:24
homeand see if it works now :)05:24
lotuspsychjesomsip:howto make request on that url05:24
sambagirlthis is how you enable root account https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:24
smaticSsh very noche05:24
sambagirli did that cause i was tired of fighting05:24
somsiplotuspsychje: no idea05:24
sambagirlhdt hardware detection tool..maybe that is it05:26
homeanother day05:28
lotuspsychjehome:read up the url mate05:28
homejust lazy05:28
homeas hell05:28
lotuspsychjehome:this isnt the right place for lazyness05:28
homejust lazT05:29
lotuspsychjehome:ask detailed questions, but dont go wine05:29
homeI should clean my monitor05:29
=== phi-scribe is now known as phiscribe
_numbersi have been getting old notices one-at-a-time every second for several minutes. how can i flush the libnotify queue?05:36
ch33zis there any way at all to install Linux and dual boot it on mac? ;005:41
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:41
ch33zdoes go for all distros?05:42
somsipch33z: it's a ubuntu support channel. You need to ask elsewhere about other distors05:43
lotuspsychjech33z:and we recommend ubuntu for you to use :p05:44
ch33zlol o05:47
ch33zthat link doesnt help05:47
ch33zit doesnt say how to install it haha05:48
ghostnik11has anyone ever went to ami website and got a bios update through them istead of OEM05:48
lotuspsychjeghostnik11:is your question ubuntu related?05:51
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: i am trying to fix my fan constantly running and i figure the solution was to update the bios05:52
lotuspsychjeghostnik11:plz try ##hardware channel05:53
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: thanks will do, sorry about that, that channel is in freenode also?05:53
lotuspsychjeghostnik11:yes mate05:53
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: thanks bro05:54
imadperHi, all. is there a web-based page can check current version of a package of ubuntu?06:03
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:04
imadperzteblade: thank you.   :)06:05
atriusstupid question time... is there any way to install skype on a 64bit machine and not trigger over 200 dependencies?06:05
lotuspsychjeatrius:go to skype website: they got skype 64bit06:05
lotuspsychjech33z:stop that06:06
ch33zstop what? ;006:06
ch33zyoure a n00b its not bad06:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
lotuspsychje!language | ch33z06:06
ubottuch33z: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:06
atriuslotuspsychje: did that.. they have something listed as 64bit.. i downloaded it.. it immediately demanded installing the 200 32bit dependencies.. which i thought was odd for a supposedly 64bit app... :D06:06
lotuspsychjeatrius:on wich ubuntu version are you?06:07
ch33zhow is n00b a bad word?06:07
crizisatrius, why it's strange? unless you have KDE installed, you're likely missing Qt and all the stuff related to it (skype is a QT app06:07
atriuslotuspsychje: mint (not "real" ubuntu, i know)06:07
atriuscrizis: true.. so i'd expect QTish dependencies.. but not 200+ i386 packages, no?06:08
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:08
crizisand mint is not supported here06:08
lotuspsychjeatrius:we recommend you install ubuntu precise 12.04.1 clean, it will rock your system06:08
atriuslotuspsychje: and i might do that at some point as i'm not totally sold on mint (they do weird things)... but for now.. is the same behavior present on ubuntu proper?06:09
lotuspsychjeatrius:running precise 12.04.1 64bit myself and skype works like a charm06:09
atriushuh... the 32bit version is the "recommended" one on ubuntu's page06:11
lotuspsychjeatrius: 64bit works very nice aswell06:11
crizisserver version recommends 64bit by default :-)06:12
atriuslotuspsychje: indeed.. that's why i'm a bit surprised that the 32bit one is the recommended one06:12
crizisthere are still cpu's out there that are not 64 bit capable, like a lot of netbooks06:12
lotuspsychjeatrius:plz try precise 64bit it will make life easier :p06:12
vanity32bit was recommended befor 10.0406:12
* lotuspsychje always liked ubuntu 64bit06:13
atriuslotuspsychje: i probably will at some point... unfortunately i can't reload this machine completely right now :(06:13
lotuspsychjeatrius:sorry mate we cant help you with mint06:13
crizisskype's "64" bit version is likely just 32bit version wrapped with correct :i386 deps06:14
atriuscrizis: that's what i'm thinking given what happens when you try and install it via regular dpkg06:15
lotuspsychjeis it possible to broadcast webcam on a adobe flash site with vlc?06:16
marcus__what does "Panic occurred, switching back to text mode" mean?06:17
somsiplotuspsychje: ISTR there are flash SWFs available that do this sort of thing. Bit OT though isn't it ;-)06:17
VernonI cannot boot into either the install system on hard drive or try ubuntu without installing. I have tried nomodeset and all I get after it tries to boot is a black screen. I am trying to install on a HP Pavilion g606:17
lotuspsychjesomsip: its ubuntu related to ask to force webcam with vlc right06:18
VernonIt is using the integrated graphics off of the 2nd Gen i3.06:19
lotuspsychjeVernon:did you try xubuntu or lubuntu?06:20
somsiplotuspsychje: what setup are you wanting to achieve?06:20
lotuspsychjesomsip:well all adobe braodcasting webcam crashes on me..so i was thinking maybe to force it with vlc broadcast, cause tru vlc webcam works flawless06:20
VernonI have not, would one of these versions guarantee compatibilty? I am running the 12.04 install06:21
VernonIt fails at the point it needs to load a login screen.06:21
crizisVernon, no, just ignore that suggestion. they all use same installer/livecd tech06:21
lotuspsychjeVernon:did you try unity2d login?06:21
VernonHow do I force it to do that?06:21
somsiplotuspsychje: may be helpful http://wiki.videolan.org/Stream_VLC_to_Website_with_asf_and_Flash06:21
crizisVernon, so you got it installed?06:22
VernonNope, I cannot even load the install page.06:22
VernonTried nomodeset.06:22
VernonFails at the point it needs to load a graphical screen. The splash disappears, and then my screen goes black.06:23
atriusanyone know off hand why you supposedly need at least 10 servers (6 MAAS) to do the ubuntu cloud thing?06:23
lotuspsychjeVernon:did you try unity2d06:23
crizisVernon, http://askubuntu.com/questions/77006/black-screen-when-booting-up-on-an-hp-pavilion-g6 guessing from this, this particular hp model is pretty much dead end06:23
nmmmhave 2 servers, one connects to another, something like HTTP load balancer06:24
nmmmI often get possible SYN flooding on port 80. Sending cookies.06:24
nmmmany idea how I can filter this, so it never happen from specific host?06:24
nmmmand let it happen if unknown hosts connects06:24
nmmmany idea?06:24
FloodBot1nmmm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
crizislotuspsychje, he can't try unity2d since X goes blank on the login screen, duh.06:24
nmmmoh you are a bot ;-)06:25
lotuspsychje!firewall | nmmm06:25
ubottunmmm: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.06:25
robertzaccourwho is a bot?06:25
Vernoncrizis: So... I have a machine that is a victim to inccompatabilities? Pretty much a P.O.S?06:25
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crizisVernon, so it seems, if nomodeset doesn't help06:25
lotuspsychjeVernon:i would try xubuntu to make sure06:25
nmmmFloodBot1 is a bot06:26
crizislotuspsychje, stop suggestin x/l/whatever buntu please06:26
VernonDo you know if I can install GNOME 3 over xubuntu?06:26
crizislotuspsychje, you clearly don't understand that this is kernel/x problem, not a desktop environment problem06:26
lotuspsychjecrizis:how sure are you it wont install properly?06:26
nmmmubottu: let me check, I am using iptables directly.06:26
ubottunmmm: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:26
ch33zvernon haha what a lame name06:26
VernonVernon Von_Hinkelschmidt.06:27
CalinouVernon: yes06:27
Vernonor Vernon VonHinkelschmidt06:27
lotuspsychjecrizis:maybe it compiz crashing on him...06:27
crizisit is not06:27
VernonI will give this a shot, and will be back on here if this fails. Does anyone else have any other suggestions than to give up and retry with a different flavor?06:28
crizisVernon, these all ubuntu spins run the same kernel and same x version, and this is a kernel problem06:28
crizisVernon, that part is pretty clear with 10sec googling06:28
AscavasaionWhen I click on hard disks in PCManFM and it mounts them, it mounts the one fine with access for me, and the other I do not have permissions for.  HOw do I fix that so that I do not have to /media/chown username hardsiskname ?06:28
lotuspsychjetheres no harm on trying ...06:28
crizisVernon, in a nutshell from what i gather, intel G6's work with modeset, but AMD versions are hopeless06:28
VernonAhh... Great. There is no workaround then?06:29
VernonI have an Intel...06:29
crizisthen nomodeset *should* help06:29
VernonThat is what I gathered until it literally failed.06:29
crizisVernon, it's a shame that ubuntu removed alternate install cd with 12.04.. this would give you text-mode installer06:30
pinguydid anybody try pinguy os06:30
crizisVernon, alternative for now for you would be to install using server install cd and install 'ubuntu-desktop' metapackage afterwards06:30
crizisVernon, so, i recommend testing that. a bit harder/longer route, but will give you pretty much the same installation afterwards06:31
VernonThat might not be a bad idea. Let me see if I can't do that one.06:31
crizisVernon, then you can at least try to setup X with real installation :)06:31
VernonI am first going to give xubuntu a shot. If this fails, then I will try the server install, and might just give up and go to gentoo to fix this issue.06:32
crizisVernon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1996256 there's also something related to G6, it's kinda bizarre that nomodeset doesn't help for you06:32
lotuspsychjeVernon:thats the spirit :p06:32
VernonI have done ONE successful gentoo install, and that was on my soon to be project machine. PAIN IN THE ROYAL ASS!!!!06:33
lotuspsychjeVernon:plz keep polite06:34
VernonSorry about that one... Kinda slipped.06:34
Vernonxubuntu downloading right now. UNetbootin is a godsend to those without extra CD's!06:35
crizisVernon, for the future machines, i recommend http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/ ;) saves a lot of trouble to make sure it's certified for ubuntu. also pretty much guarantees general linux support for other distros too06:36
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
VernonAccording to that list, my project machine, which booted Ubuntu for a little bit, is not listed.06:37
crizisVernon, especially i recommend thinkpads, almost every model is fully certified for linux.06:37
crizisalso canonical works directly with lenovo to certify their stuff :-)06:37
VernonOne of these days, with a little more C and some more Kernel knowlege I am going to write a permanent fix.06:38
crizisway to go06:39
VernonI am going to force the kernel and x server to default to BIOS if the graphics check procedure fails, rather than black screen.06:39
VernonProblem is time. I work 50 to 60 hour weeks, and am enrolled in college full time.06:39
crizisi doubt the fix will be that easy. otherwise it would have been done for sure.06:39
nmmmI checked the links for syn flood / iptables06:40
lotuspsychjenmmm:iptables got synflood reject options06:41
nmmmhowever what i am looking for is how to switch OFF protection for synflood for specific hosts06:41
VernonThat is true. I think intel, nvidia, and amd need to release open-source versions of their drivers. What harm is there in releasing these open-source? We purchased the product from them, why can't we get an idea of how it works so that we can write the kernel around this?06:41
lotuspsychjenmmm:might be interesting to change your external ip too06:41
crizisVernon, intel and amd do, nvidia doesn't06:41
nmmmwe have alexa top 1000 site, lots of visitors, 1 server as load balanser , 4 backend06:41
VernonReally? Then this issue should be fixed by now..06:42
lotuspsychjenmmm:on ubuntu server?06:42
crizisVernon, the real problem likely is some random cheap chipset, unrelated to intel's stuff. just guessing.06:42
nmmmsome servers are on ubuntu, some on centos06:42
lotuspsychje!security | nmmm06:43
ubottunmmm: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server06:43
VernonProblem is, you are right.06:43
lotuspsychjenmmm:might wanna read the security for servers link06:43
nmmmquestion is I want synflood off for some hosts06:44
nmmmI am unable to find how to do it, everywhere is written how to turn syn on06:45
lesshastehow do you debug apt-get update? I see Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages06:46
lesshaste  404  Not Found06:46
lesshasteGet: 4 http://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg [198B]06:46
lesshastefor example06:46
lesshasteand it later stalls at 99%06:46
humanonomicsI have GIGABYTE 880 GM AMD processor, mother board, and I am running 64 bit ubuntu on it06:47
humanonomicsI am having issues while playing movies, the movie is not smooth06:47
lesshastehumanonomics: which player?06:47
lesshastehumanonomics: what resolution/codec movie?06:47
humanonomicsany movie, any resolution06:48
humanonomicsI am usgin VLC06:48
humanonomicsalso the default video player in ubuntu give same result06:48
lesshastehumanonomics: try mplayer with the different -vo options06:48
humanonomicslemme try06:48
somsiphumanonomics: do you notice any other problems with display - not smooth scrolling, or windows not dragging smmothly?06:49
humanonomicsno other stuff is fine06:49
humanonomicsonly have issues with movies, and if the movie size increases, so does the problem06:49
lesshastehumanonomics: what do you mean by size?06:50
VernonWould my computer having a UEFI BIOS have anything to do with my errors from earlier?06:50
unrarOne question, 12.10 will have iTunes Store support on Rhythmbox?06:50
lesshastehumanonomics: you may be trying to play very high resolution movies encoded in x264?06:50
crizis unrar no :P06:50
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unrarBut but but06:50
humanonomicsif I play normal CD movie, it is a bit smoother than playing, DVD movies06:50
unrarI read it somewhere!06:50
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humanonomicsand it gets worse with Bluray format06:50
crizisunrar, amazon store + ubuntu one music store06:51
lesshastehumanonomics: is this off a dvd player!06:51
lesshastehumanonomics: or from your hard drive?06:51
humanonomicsnopes, it is copied onto my hard disc06:51
unrarI read something about iTunes podcast support06:51
humanonomicsfrom my hard drive06:51
lesshastewhat is your graphics card?06:51
lesshastehumanonomics: ^^06:52
unrarAnd other thing, it'll have Unity 6.x wich should have less bugs and be smoother?06:52
humanonomicsNvidia 2 gb06:52
lesshastehumanonomics: ok06:52
unrarAnd how could I know if I'll run normal version or llvmpipe version?06:52
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VernonIs ubuntu compatable with computers with the new UEFI BIOS?06:53
unrarI have a Nvidia 9300M GS 265MB and that unity_test (i don't remember the name) script said I:m able to run Unity 3D06:54
ubotturico74: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».06:54
rico74ciao  a tutti06:54
unrarAlthough window animations make it laggy so i disabled them06:55
VernonIs ubuntu 12.04 compatible with UEFI BIOS? I am trying to get to the bottom of my issue...06:56
humanonomicslesshaste: btw when I play the same movie on windows 7 same config, the movie plays fine.06:57
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Is http://archive.ubuntu.com Down ?06:58
[_-S1L3NC3-_]apt-get    fails06:58
VernonThanks all, but I have to go figure some shit out. This has been one of my harder problems to solve.07:00
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somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://archive.ubuntu.com/07:01
ran_humanonomics, maybe its a driver issue07:01
diverdudewhere do i find a very basic example init.d script which is not completely bloated like those in /etc/init.d ?07:01
humanonomicsran_: hmm maybe.07:01
humanonomicsguess might need to wait till there is a driver update07:01
llutz_diverdude: /etc/init.d/skeleton07:01
llutz_diverdude: since ubuntu uses upstart, it would be better to check about upstart startscripts than sysv07:02
ran_you can reinstall the driver07:02
humanonomicsran_: tried that :)07:02
diverdudellutz: ok...but i need to be able to stop, start and restart it07:02
humanonomicsran_: I have even re-installed my ubuntu twice07:02
llutz_diverdude: check the upstart-cookbook and the scripts in /etc/init07:02
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ran_humanonomics, and reinstalling VLC?07:03
llutz_diverdude: even upstart-jobs can be controlled using "service foo start/stop/restart/status"07:03
diverdudellutz: mmm there are a lot of files in /ets/init07:04
llutz_diverdude: really? :)07:04
humanonomicsran_: yep done that as well, but the problwem does not seem with vlc, as I have used mplayer, GNOME mplayer as well, same result, guess it has to do something with graphics acceleration07:04
ran_humanonomics: how games are running?07:04
TJ-Unity notification pop-up background colour has changed to light-grey since logging in using XFCE4 log-in instead of Unity. Any ideas what setting that will have altered?07:04
diverdudellutz: no upstrat cookbook though07:04
humanonomicsran_: not much of a game fan, haven't tried playing any games.07:05
llutz_diverdude: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook07:05
ran_humanonomics: thats a weird problem.07:06
humanonomicsran_: it sure is :)07:07
ran_humanonomics: the only thing left is to replace the video card, but thats not practical.07:08
humanonomicsone thing I noticed though, that when I try to install additional drivers (ATI/AMD propreitary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) through System settings --> Additional Drivers, the update fails07:09
humanonomicsran_: not an issue with graphic card as it is working absolutely fine in windows 707:09
DNXhi guys. How can I limit the speed of a already existing connection. I upload a video with chrome, was uploaded 1gb and 2gb must be uploaded. How can I limit the connection now?07:10
ran_humanonomics: thats what makes this problem so weird.07:11
gypsymaurohi, I need dapper repository , where can I find them?07:11
nina666hi... I have a silly question, but as silly as is, its giving me headache!! I've copied a folder from another user on my pc to desktop of current user using root ofcourse. now, I have permission problem! although I changed owner and group of the dir and its files using chown -R, but I still have permission problems!!! how to solve this?!07:12
nina666when using current user I run 'ls -l', i get: -????????? ? ? ? ?            ?07:14
nina666what the H is question marks doing on my permissions?!07:14
geirhanina666: Typically a symptom of a corrupt filesystem. Best run a filesystem check.07:19
ran_humanonomics: when you playing a video, there is nothing else running that needs graphics acceleration?07:22
cindyasarisuratnhello :)07:27
kobrahelp with fullscreen in virtualbox?07:34
somsipkobra: have you installed the addons in the virtual machine?07:34
kobrathe guest additions, yes07:34
somsipkobra: that's the only obvious one I know. You may be better in #vmware (I think) if noone else here can answer07:35
kobrasomisp: ok thanks07:35
tioxUbuntu 12.04-1, revisiting a problem to see if there has been an update -- I have an LG Turbo 3G USB modem with TruInstall software installer for AT&T Communication Manager.07:37
tioxIt's basically a ZeroCD device. This always worked in Ubuntu 11.04, but nonetheless fails me in Ubuntu 12.xx07:38
tioxThe config file for usb_modeswitch exists, complete with my vendor and product IS, yet no joy.07:39
FLeiXiuSAny suggestions for getting gesture multitouch on 12.10?07:39
adoniscikhow can you change with monitor guake appears on?07:40
phrguys, i'm having a silly question. i want to make a bootable usb with 3 linux distributions and i'd like to select which one to install.. how can i do that? is this possible? thanks for any info07:42
tioxphi: There are various utilities that will allow you to do this. One in particular is the MultiCD script.07:45
tioxIf you want to get really techy with it, just unpack the contents of the ISO fiiles you want to use, then configure GRUB by hand.07:45
tioxShould do it, anyway, unless things get more involved -- You want to try and use GRUB or another bootloader to chain-load into the bootloader for the system in particular.07:46
gauravgrt1i am trying to install canon lbp2900 in ubuntu 12.04 using http://goo.gl/Ciip4 this official guide ...in it it says to comment some lines iin blacklist-cups-usblp.conf which sadly doesn't exist for me ...maybe the reason the printer doesn't work for this reason07:56
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phrtiox thank you for the info. i'll try that07:59
gauravgrt1can anyone help me install canon lbp2900b on my ubuntu 12.04 ...i followed all the steps but it doesn't work for me07:59
geirhagauravgrt1: grep usblp /etc/modprobe.d/*   # it that doesn't output anything, it's not blacklisted, so there's nothing to un-blacklist08:01
geirhas/# it/# if/08:02
geirhagauravgrt1: Possibly, the blacklisting of usblp that the guide talks about has been reverted in a later update08:03
DevilsReject\join #officeone08:04
AscavasaionIn the file manager there are a list of other hard disks, not the booting partition.  I have a 20Gb an a 60Gb.  Then you click on them they are mounted by the file manager.  Problem I have is that 20Gb mounts with fulla ccess to me, but 60Gb does not.  I have to go into a terminal and issue /media/sudo chown username 60Gb and then it gives me access,  Any help please?08:05
gauravgrt1geirha : ok..the printer does nothing ...the printer status says processing ...08:05
gauravgrt1geirha :should i reinstall all the drivers as when i was installing the drivers my printer was connected to the laptop...08:07
AdvoWorkI have rsynced some files from another server to my new server in /opt/test and need to transfer these to /opt/new on the same server, is there a specific way I need to move these files to keep the same permission as i rsynced across(and not take hours to move) as there are gigs and gigs of data.08:08
geirhagauravgrt1: I don't think that would matter. But I'm afraid I have no experience with that printer, so I can't help much.08:08
geirhaAdvoWork: use rsync again08:12
geirharsync -a /opt/test/ /opt/new/08:13
AscavasaionIn the file manager there are a list of other hard disks, not the booting partition.  I have a 20Gb an a 60Gb.  Then you click on them they are mounted by the file manager.  Problem I have is that 20Gb mounts with fulla ccess to me, but 60Gb does not.  I have to go into a terminal and issue /media/sudo chown username 60Gb and then it gives me access,  Any help please?08:14
geirhaAscavasaion: That command doesn't look valid, but what filesystem is on the 60G?08:15
Ascavasaiongeirha:ext4... the commandline is not my problem... it is the filemanager that is mounting it with the incorrect permissions.08:15
mtrd`wHello everyone! I'd like to migrate from Gnome to XFCE, i'm currently running Ubuntu 12.04 fully updated. I've came across this page, when looking for a way to do it http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu Does anybody has experience with this method ? Any known issues or better ways to do that ? Thank you :)08:16
ewookhum hum. anyone got any clue on dm-crypt/luks with etokens/yubikey? well, non openPGP-tokens preferably.08:17
ActionParsnipmtrd`w: just install  xfce4 and log off, then log off and log in to the new session08:17
mtrd`wActionParsnip: alright, thank you :)08:17
Ascavasaiongeirha: What I need is what I imagine would be a fstab file used for mounting via the filemanager.08:18
crizismtrd`w, if you want full xubuntu, just install 'xubuntu-desktop' metapackage08:18
geirhaAscavasaion: The mount cannot change ownership or permissions of an ext4 filesystem. You really do need to chown it. Though once you have chowned it, it'll be permanently so08:18
mtrd`wcrizis: okay, thank you :)08:18
Ascavasaiongeirha: but what is other users log in under their own accounts?08:19
geirhaAscavasaion: They'll likely have no access since it's owned by you08:19
Ascavasaiongeirha: Exactly... so how do I get it to mount like the others that work fine?08:20
geirhaAscavasaion: If you want others to have access, create a group, add them and yourself as members of that group, give the group the proper permissions for the files on that filesystem08:20
Ascavasaiongeirha: I hear you, but the other hard disk mounts just fine per user.08:21
AdvoWorkgeirha, won't that take ages, or would it be instant?08:21
geirhaAscavasaion: And what filesystem does that one have?08:21
Ascavasaiongeirha: Also ext408:21
geirhaAdvoWork: It's a copy operation, so depends on the speed of the harddrive(s) involved08:22
llutz_AdvoWork: you may use "mv", it preserves permissions if possible08:22
AdvoWorkgeirha, ahh, well its on the same file system and pretty much the same location, but the initial transfer took hours, as its 300GB08:22
geirhaAdvoWork: Ah, you wanted to move. then mv /opt/test /opt/new  # though make sure /opt/new doesn't already exist08:22
chiliblueHello, evolution and google calendars? has something changed. I  seem to have lost mine. Can some body point me to a howto that is upto date?08:23
geirhaAdvoWork: A simple rename like that should be instant and atomic08:23
geirhaAscavasaion: Then it probably has laxer permissions set08:23
Ascavasaiongeirha: laxer?08:23
bepebehow can I set a system wide proxy?08:24
geirhaAscavasaion: as in "relaxed", less strict. Anyway, I recommend you read http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions08:24
AdvoWorkgeirha, what if new already exists(which it will actually)?08:24
Ascavasaiongeirha: Um, okay, thank you.08:24
geirhaAdvoWork: Then you will end up with /opt/new/test08:25
geirhaAdvoWork: or an error if /opt/new is not a directory08:25
geirhaAdvoWork: so perhaps you want:  shopt -s dotglob; mv /opt/test/* /opt/new/08:26
llutz_shouldn't "mv /opt/test/*.* /opt/new" do?08:26
llutz_dotglob, that it is...08:27
BhaveshCan I install and run Google Chrome as a non-root user on Ubuntu 10.04?08:27
crizisinstall, no, run, yes08:28
geirhabepebe: Add a  http_proxy=... line in /etc/environment08:28
humanonomicsran_: nopes, only the video08:28
ActionParsnipBhavesh: yes, that is the default behaviour08:28
ActionParsnipBhavesh: all apps run as user, unless you use gk/sudo08:28
bepebegeirha, thanks will give that a try08:29
geirhaBhavesh: Well, you can install it in your homedir, but it's a bit cumbersome to do08:29
BhaveshActionParsnip: okay08:29
ActionParsnipBhavesh: you will need sudo apcces etc to install the package though08:29
bepebegeirha, do i need to reload anything after I have entered my proxy settings?08:29
geirhabepebe: It is read when a user logs in08:29
bepebeI am botting from a livecd at the moment, to test on a work system before I install, do I need to log in and out, is this even possible on the livecd and still retain the settings?08:30
BhaveshActionParsnip: I am on a college computer where I cannot watch videos on its default mozilla. I was trying to install chrome as it has its own inbuilt flash player.08:30
ActionParsnipBhavesh: you may be able to download the deb, extract it and run it from there08:30
geirhabepebe: Yes, the username is "ubuntu" and the password is either blank or "ubuntu" iirc08:30
BhaveshActionParsnip: it looks like something is stopping me from downloading the .deb08:31
Niarfanyone has this error : dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.Failed: not access to HOME yet so language not saved ??08:31
bepebegeirha, kk thanks08:31
ActionParsnipBhavesh: if the admins have not installed flash, you can put libflashplugin.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins  and you will get flash08:31
crizisBhavesh, read-only file system?-)08:31
Bhaveshoh nice08:31
ActionParsnipBhavesh: or whatever the file is called, you get the idea. Works sort of similarly in Windows too08:32
llutz_Bhavesh: or get the chrome.tar.gz from google, install it inside your $HOME.08:32
* Bhavesh copied libflashplayer.so to home/.mozilla/plugins, restarting mozilla08:34
ActionParsnipNiarf: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc08:35
NiarfActionParsnip: precise08:35
Niarfit's a fresh install08:35
ActionParsnip!bug 84657208:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 846572 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "gnome-language-selector crashed with DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "SetLanguage" with signature "s" on interface "org.freedesktop.Accounts.User" doesn't exist" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84657208:36
BhaveshActionParsnip: Thanks, it worked :)08:36
Niarfwe use homedir over kerberized nfs08:36
ActionParsnipBhavesh: its a cheeky work around :). You can do a similar trick in windows too08:37
ActionParsnipNiarf: is the system fully updated?08:37
BhaveshActionParsnip: The only problem is loads of website blocked by our college08:37
Niarfno ActionParsnip, gnome-language-selector doesn't crash08:37
BhaveshActionParsnip: They keep on blocking as many proxy websites they find08:38
Niarfhum, 2 days back on my own mirror08:38
ActionParsnipNiarf: tried:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-language-selector08:38
ActionParsnipNiarf: also try the steps here08:39
ActionParsnip!bug 101862108:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1018621 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) ""Language for menus and windows" is not saved if .profile is missing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101862108:39
NiarfActionParsnip: as i can see, it can read .profile in my homedir08:39
Niarfi do a "touch .profile" yesterday08:39
Niarfyour apt-get doesn't work :) gnome-language-selector is not a package08:40
WizardGood morning!08:40
ActionParsnipNiarf: could try renaming yours then copy the one from /root and chown it to your username08:40
NiarfActionParsnip: it's an empty file08:41
Niarfi see your last bug, it doesn't work08:41
cindyasarisuratnso bored08:41
ActionParsnipNiarf: mine isn't08:41
Niarfyes ActionParsnip08:42
ActionParsnipNiarf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1274561/08:42
Niarfi set the file as you want, it don't work anymore08:43
Niarfsame error08:43
Niarfmaybe apparmor :(08:43
ActionParsnipNiarf: what causes the error you see?08:45
FilipeMaiaHi. I have a problem with nfs4 mounting and uid/gid. I'm using 12.04 and set the Domain in /etc/idmapd.conf08:46
_utmzhi all.  Doing an update on remote server and am being asked The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no longer present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason. It is important to make sure that the installed GRUB core image stays in sync with GRUB modules and grub.cfg. Please check again to make sure that GRUB is written to the appropriate boot devices.  got choice of sda, sdb and md01 - gue08:47
_utmzssing sda and sdb - any suggestions08:47
FilipeMaiaYet I'm getting errors like nss_getpwnam: name 'filipe@localdomain' does not map into domain08:47
FilipeMaiaIs there some other file I need to change?08:47
ActionParsnip_utmz: are you using raid?08:48
NiarfActionParsnip:  i wanna change the language in gnome-language-selector08:50
geirhaNiarf, ActionParsnip: Heh, looking at the patch for that bug with .profile. The code's actually reading the ~/.profile file, looking for lines containing "export LANG=", "export LANGUAGE=", etc...08:50
Niarfthanks geirha, but it's a patch, so i have to apply in a new package08:52
geirhaThat's obviously a bad approach. I wonder what the reasoning would be...08:52
ActionParsnipNiarf: the GUI probably changes some configs for you, I'llsee if I can find what it does08:52
_utmzActionParsnip: yes08:52
geirhaNiarf: It's in -updates08:52
Niarfi'ave syncing local mirror with fr.archive.ubuntu.com08:52
geirhaNiarf: apt-cache policy accountsservice08:53
Niarf Installé : 0.6.15-2ubuntu9.308:53
Niarf  Candidat : 0.6.15-2ubuntu9.308:53
ActionParsnipNiarf: http://askubuntu.com/questions/167965/gnome-language-selector-refuses-to-set-language08:53
geirhaYou should've had 9.4 there08:53
RealOptyAny suggestions on a 'file manager' that would be great for organizing my massive amount of data?08:54
Niarfarff, i just see it08:54
Niarfprecise 12.04.1 is not even perfect :(08:54
elkyis there no user-friendly way to add a launcher to the unity panel?08:54
awestrokeelky: alacarte08:55
geirhaNiarf: Seems your mirror is out of sync08:55
awestrokeapt it08:55
elkyawestroke, i've been trying that for hours. i can't get the menu item to be in the thing down the left-hand side of the screen08:56
elkyI'm on 12.0408:56
awestrokeelky: you first add it in alacarte. then you press super and search for it. then you drag it to the panel on the left08:56
Niarfgeirha: a first sync seems ok08:56
Niarfi need to do few of rsync08:56
elkyawestroke, searching does not find it.08:56
geirhaOpen the dash (hit Super), search for your new menu entry, drag it to the launcher08:56
cindyasarisuratnim 16:5908:57
awestrokeelky: did you name it correctly in alacarte?08:57
elkyyes, i named it "restart vpn" and searching for "restart" and "vpn" both fail to find it.08:57
ActionParsnipNiarf: there is a known bug, so you may have to do it manual style08:57
NiarfActionParsnip: manual ?08:58
bittyx-workhi all. i want to time the output of a command. however i'm not sure about the syntax. say the command is: "mysql dbname < data.sql > data.log" - how would i time this command? the command, when used with quotes as the argument to "time" won't run, but if i just pass it without quotes, how do i know what will be written to data.log - the output of mysql or time?08:59
bittyx-workthanks in advance08:59
bittyx-workand when i say "time the output", of course i mean the "execution time"08:59
llutz_bittyx-work: "time mysql dbname < data.sql > data.log"08:59
llutz_bittyx-work: "time bash -c "mysql dbname < data.sql > data.log"   sry*09:00
bittyx-workllutz_: ah, so it is that simple - but how do i know what will be in the data.log file? the output of "mysql", or "time" ?09:00
bittyx-workllutz_: oh, yeah, that seems like it would work09:00
bittyx-workllutz_: thank you.09:00
geirhabittyx-work: time mysql dbname < data.sql > data.log09:00
geirhathe redirections will still apply to mysql. time is special09:01
elkyawestroke, oh cute, i had to reboot the computer to get it to show by searching09:01
FilipeMaiaWhere are the upstart scripts installed?09:02
Niarfgeirha: ActionParsnip : i can't see accountservice package in my package list09:02
Madoxis it possible in ubuntu 12.04 to set one proxy config to one (wireless)network? i found only a generell setting for all networks.09:02
geirhaNiarf: missing an s there09:02
Niarfa new version i can't see09:02
Niarfyes geirha in irc only09:03
ActionParsnipNiarf: the application just changes configs in the gnome settings, you can do this sort of thing manually in most cases09:03
Niarfwith gsettings ?09:03
geirhaNiarf: apt-cache policy says you have one installed...09:03
ActionParsnipNiarf: or text files etc09:03
RealOptyAny suggestions on a 'file manager' that would be great for organizing my massive amount of data?09:04
Niarfwe use gnome-unity now, in the past, i used gconf-editor09:04
varikonniemiwhat does an BUMP ABI mean09:04
varikonniemiand why does ubuntu keep pushing kernels with the only change of bump abi09:05
Niarfgeirha: it's like ubuntu indexes don't contain 9.4 version09:05
shingaraJ'ai quelque soucis avec le sourcing de .bashrc/.bash_profile09:07
shingaraentre le ssh et le shell interactive09:07
llutz_!fr | shingara09:07
ubottushingara: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:07
shingarasi je passe en ssh shell non-interactive09:07
geirhaNiarf: Well, the mirror I use has it: http://sprunge.us/IEHI09:07
shingaramy bad09:07
Niarfarf geirha, the fr mirror is bad ?09:08
shingaraI some problem with source of .bashrc and .bash_profile with a non-interactive shell from ssh09:08
geirhaNiarf: It must've gone out of sync, yes09:08
shingarathis file are not source in my user09:08
Niarfok :(09:08
Niarfi need a more updated mirror09:09
NET||abusehi guys, is it possible to setup a write only sftp with standard openssh server?09:09
geirhaNiarf: Switch to the main server, install updates, switch back09:09
geirhaor wait for your mirror to catch up09:09
NET||abuseso i have an sftp only setup for a new vm i'm working on , but i'm hoping to prevent the sftp only user from modifying or deleting anything.09:09
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: your users will authorise as users on the local system, you could set up a user with the data needed to be read and give it read only access to the folder09:10
NET||abusebut i need the user to be able to upload a file09:10
Niarfgeirha: the main mirror is archive.ubuntu.com ?09:10
geirhaNiarf: yes09:10
NET||abusebut i don't want them to be able to modify or delete.09:10
Niarfok, I will do it :p nice configuration files09:11
FilipeMaiaDid you know that whitespaces in idmapd.conf count?09:11
FilipeMaiaChanging " Domain = localdomain" to "Domain = localdomain" in 12.04 fixed my NFSv4 problems09:11
borivojeHi, everyone! I am having problem with gma3600 graphic card in ubuntu.09:11
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: http://serverfault.com/questions/367044/setting-up-an-sftp-file-dump-site-openssh-or-other-sftpd09:12
borivojeis it by any means possible to get unity 3d on cedarview09:12
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: http://superuser.com/questions/469078/linux-prevent-sftp-users-from-deleting-ftpd-files-even-straight-after-they-upl09:12
NET||abuseActionParsnip: i'm really hoping not to use proFTP09:12
NET||abusejust to use the default openssh09:12
borivojeI googled hundred times, and i still can't find the way to make gma3600 work in 3d mode09:14
blackshirtgma series? Oh no09:15
borivojei am using sarvat ppa09:15
MonkeyDustah ppa09:15
borivojei am really sick of my hardware09:15
borivojebut don't have money to change it09:15
borivojeI would really like to get it working09:16
Madoxis it possible in ubuntu 12.04 (or 12.10) to set one proxy config to one (wireless)network? i found only a generell setting for all networks.09:16
ikoniaborivoje: what is cedarview ?09:16
hobbitI haven't found a way09:16
blackshirt3d support for this devices was bad ....09:16
blackshirtBut, maybe you want try 3.6 kernel at least...09:17
borivoje3.6 kernel. ok09:17
blackshirtthats has a good support cedarview09:17
blackshirtFor cedarview graphics09:17
borivojeI might try09:17
borivojebut i m sceptical09:17
blackshirtyou should09:17
ikoniano you don't09:18
ikoniayou don't want to change kernels09:18
borivojewhy not?09:18
borivojeI have tried many kernels09:18
borivojeeven meego's adaptation pc kernel09:18
borivojebut still no luck09:18
blackshirtinstall the newer kernel,and looks what happen09:18
Dko_Would someone help me with this problem I have trying to instal Ubuntu?  When I get the installer up and running,  I can move the mouse cursor around, but nothing responds to my mouse clicks and the keyboard doesn't seem to do anything either.09:18
blackshirt3.6 above09:18
ikoniajust randomly swapping kernels is not a good idea09:19
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ikoniaespecially without an understanding of what the actual problem is09:19
borivojeikonia you have a point there09:19
borivojeI didn't read anywhere that 3.6 kernel offers better support for cedarview09:19
borivojeit's just sooo closed that nobody can approach it09:20
borivojebut meego works09:20
blackshirtnot the problem you couldn't find it09:20
borivojeI was wondering if one can help me extract components from there to fix my ubuntu system09:20
ikoniathat is a bad bad bad idea09:20
ikoniaagain you are doing random things without understanding the problem09:21
ikoniayou are trying to fix something you don't know what's broke or why09:21
borivojeso ikonia, what are the steps to follow09:21
ikoniawork out what's failing and why, then address an approach to fix it09:22
borivojei'm not a linux pro09:22
borivojealthough I'm not a newbie09:22
blackshirtnot a practical thing09:23
Niarfwaouhh, 700 MB between archive.ubuntu.com and fr.archive.ubuntu.com09:26
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borivojeI have checked latest 3.6.1 kernel.09:33
borivojeIt still offers experimental support only for gma 360009:33
Guest58037Hallo all09:34
ikoniaborivoje: again, why are you looking at changing things without understand what part is letting you down09:35
borivoje@ikonia, as I have read so far, nothing can make gma3600 work with opengl, except the meego drivers09:36
borivojeThere must be a way to make it work09:36
borivojeI'm really into this problem09:37
ikoniaborivoje: there are multiple parts to the X11 display process, you need to work out what's failing you and then look at your options09:37
borivojeI don't know what to do09:37
ikoniaborivoje: not all hardware is supported, in some situations you have to accept the limitations of your hardware until it becomes supported09:37
borivojebut will it ever?09:37
ikoniait depends on who releases support,09:38
ikoniawho knows09:38
ikoniaand it depends on what is letting you down09:38
borivojeI don't know from where to start09:38
ikoniastart what ?09:38
borivojesolving my problem09:38
borivojeshould i change kernel09:38
borivojexorg files09:38
ikoniano, not random09:39
ikoniayou need to find what's letting you down first09:39
chervacan I force my webcam to be detected as another model because the first time I connected it it was "USB2.0 Camera (1871:0306)" and it was working ... now it finds it as a "USB2.0 Camera (1871:01f0)" and there is only green screen09:39
ActionParsnipcherva: do you dual boot?09:42
ActionParsnipcherva: does it work in cheese?09:42
chervaActionParsnip, yes ..09:42
ActionParsnipcherva: tried: bash -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so cheese'09:42
chervaActionParsnip, the firsttime when it was detected as 1871:0306 it worked now no09:43
ActionParsnipcherva: did you hibernate the OS?09:43
ActionParsnipcherva: did you disable power management and disable the ability for the webcam to wake up the OS (if it is an option) in device manager09:43
chervaActionParsnip, no I did nothing tested the cam it worked then pluged it in a an embeded linux board and I saw the other version now on my pc it is wrong too09:44
ActionParsnipcherva: if you unplug the camera and shove it back in, is it ok09:44
chervaActionParsnip, no09:45
chervaActionParsnip, it is again 01f009:45
chervaActionParsnip, can I make 01f0 devices load the 0306 driver09:45
ActionParsnipcherva: boot to windows and check the device power settings and so forth09:47
rax-The following NEW packages will be installed:09:48
rax-I just did this and it didn't generate the /var/run/reboot-required file09:48
rax-is that normal?09:48
nigelbwhat's the command that lets me control my monitors from the commandline?09:52
Madoxis it possible to set one proxy config per one (wireless)network? thanks09:54
MonkeyDustMadox  some 400 people in the channel ##networking, better ask there  (double ##)09:56
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samuelhi, i have a problem with wireless networks reappearing in my network connections after they have been deleted09:57
Mechdavesamuel, they will as long as the wireless detects them09:58
samuelno, this is a network that has been saved10:00
samuelwhen i go to network connections and delete it, it reappears in network settings and tries to connect to it10:00
MadoxMonkeyDust: thank you10:01
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Guest54997have a problem with synaptic package manager autoexits after start10:02
samueleven though it does not have the authentication key10:05
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Guest54997synptic pgk mng exits10:06
samuelMadox the ssid has some how been remembered in my network settings, and my computer keeps trying to connect to it even though it doesnt have the authentication key10:06
samuelwhen i delete it, it reappears10:06
samuelvery annoying10:06
samuelGuest54997 have you tried running synaptic from the terminal?10:06
Guest54997it exits10:07
samuelwhat is the exit message?10:07
Guest54997no msg10:07
Guest54997just dissapair10:07
samuelwell that doesnt leave much to work with does it, perhaps i can suggest a work around, what are you trying to do in synaptic?10:08
Guest54997ill try fg %110:08
Guest54997core dumped10:08
Guest54997i got now10:08
samuelhi taleon10:09
Guest54997hi hi10:09
pkieszczAnyone know how to make 2+ instances of httpd on debians?10:09
rax-I just updated 10.04 with the following kernel: linux-image-2.6.32-44-generic - It didn't touch /var/run/reboot-required .. is this normal for 10.04 ? My experience of 12.04 seems to suggest something isn't right :\10:11
rollituphey folks !!10:11
Mechdavepkieszcz, just use virtual servers in apache10:12
ineffHello every one10:12
MonkeyDustrax-  12.04 uses 3.210:12
ineffdoes anybody know how to enable xl toolstack on ubuntu 12.04?10:12
rollitupsometime back i had come across a blog and had learnt how to view the code of any webpages by typing sudo gedit http://www.mysite.com and it would load the gedit with the code of the requested webpage but today when i try it it says operation not permitted10:13
rollitupam i doing something wrong10:13
somsippkieszcz: what are you trying to achieve?10:14
vanitypkieszcz: see this : usr/share/doc/apache2/README.multiple-instances10:14
pkieszczty guys10:14
vanitypkieszcz: or http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RunningMultipleApacheInstances10:14
pkieszczWell it's still not my resolution10:15
rax-MonkeyDust: The issue isn't with the image number but the fact that updating the image version didn't touch /var/run/reboot-required10:15
rax-image version upgrade*10:15
pkieszczi want to make for e.g. httpd-1 httpd-2 httpd-3 instances which everyother instance use other config (i already did this under centos but i don't know how to do it in debian/ubuntu)10:16
pkieszczand it's easier to manage them and also it's about performance (for production enviorment)10:17
ActionParsnippkieszcz: does making symlinks to the existing httpd not work ?10:17
pkieszczofc not :)10:18
pkieszczit still does use 1 config10:18
pkieszczand i want every instance to use other config10:18
pkieszczyou can define it in init.d script10:18
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ActionParsnippkieszcz: have you checked in the httpd file, it may have lines to specify config file, then you can simply make a copy and edit the line10:21
pkieszczwell i use something like that10:21
pkieszczon centos10:21
pkieszczINST=`basename $0`10:21
pkieszczOPTIONS="-f conf/$INST.conf"10:21
samuel_atworkActionParsnip, you gave me some fabulous advice regarding removing some stubborn networks from network manager, sadly they still refuse to budge i wonder if you could provide me with some more insight?10:21
MonkeyDustpkieszcz  use pastebinit for more than one line10:21
pkieszczok i will - i'm new to this irc :)10:21
geirha!upstart | pkieszcz10:25
ubottupkieszcz: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:25
ActionParsnipsamuel_atwork: you may be able to edit to connections manually10:25
ActionParsnipsamuel_atwork: look in  $HOME/.gconf/system/networking/connections/   maybe10:25
Guest62710hi, anyone using vodafone dongle on ubuntu..or, where to get the driver?10:25
vectoryusing chrome in lubuntu 12.04 without flash, i cant waych any youtube. with fx in ubu 10.04 i had no provlem with html5 videos, whats going on?10:26
samuel_atworkActionParsnip, i have looked there but the networks that i wish to delete do not appear in that folder directory10:29
Niarfgeirha: ActionParsnip : i did all last updates to my precise station and error is already here10:34
Niarfi think the fact we use a kerberized nfs homedirs with symbolic link to real home directory is not very supported in precise (in lucid ubuntu, yes)10:35
Niarfthe interface used by gnome and ubuntu is a fake10:38
Niarfwe have to edit only one file :  .pam_environment10:39
ActionParsnipGuest62710: run:  lsusb    use the 8 character hex ID to find guides10:39
k1l_Guest62710: type "lsusb" in a terminal and look for the usbid that dongle got. that is an easy one to google for for a howto10:39
samuel_atworkif i run locate connections in the terminal it indicates that they are there, but if i try to cd to them it cannot find them10:39
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Guest54997synaptic autoexit after launch. Terminal output: core dumped10:42
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TimBanchi1hello, can somebody explain/help me with library linking (or fix wrong library linking of a python module?)10:48
MonkeyDustTimBanchi1  some 1000 people in #python, better ask there10:52
lantiziaHas anyone migrated from SBS (especially since it's now a discontinued product) and what did you (presumably Linux based) replace it with?10:54
lantiziaI know Open-Xchange and things like Zarafa install on ubuntu for example10:54
hmsckhi all10:55
hmsckhow are you?10:57
vectoryhmsck: busy :|10:57
TimBanchi1@Monkeydust I already was at #python but nobody wanted to answer :/10:58
sivaHi all, I am using gentoo OS on my PC and ubuntu is running in virtual machine and my unbuntu got correpted .Getting error " gnome power management failure" how to solve this issue (or) how to get back up of ubuntu  datas..10:58
ActionParsnipsiva: why is the data not backed up already, if the data is important to you?10:58
TimBanchi1and I think my question is also general about linux libraries. somehow even after reinstalling a package the python application still takes the library which I have compiled manually10:59
TimBanchi1I already checked the symlinks but I don't find anything there ...10:59
ActionParsnipsiva: why has this not been put into place?11:00
sivaIt was working fine,So due to insufficent of hard disk ,i changed another hard disk.Now it's neccessary to getting datas to new hard disk pls help me to get back.11:03
MonkeyDustas long as all goes fine, one does not think of possible misfortunes11:06
TimBanchi1How can I force that a package overwrites a linking made by custom compilation? can I simply change the symlinks?11:06
gazzwi86I'm configuring denyhosts.conf and its asking me for the smtp details so it can send an outgoing email to the admin when someone is denied.  I haven't configured an SMTP server though so was wondering how I would do that as I presume that would be required...11:12
craigbass1976I've got cupd-pdf installed, but would like to get prompted for a file name every time.  Anyone ever gotten that done?11:18
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: I'm not finding anything. They save to ~/PDF by default11:24
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gooHey. Do anyone know of a repository that has packeages for IBM Tivoli TSM backup clients v6?11:36
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, right, and I'm not opposed to manually renaming the files in there (I was just going to ln -s where/I/actually/want/the/files/to/go ~/PDF ) but I'm not going to be printing these reports every day.  Our retarded ERP won't save count up data at the end of every day.  It will give $3500 as a figure of what was in the drawer, but won't tell us individual $100 bills, $50 bills, nickels, etc.  We print out the count up s11:37
craigbass1976creens, and paper is piling up, which is why I wanted to do this in the first place11:37
hmsckmy ubuntu is freezing..what can i do?11:40
craigbass1976Add logs to the fire.  Haw haw haw...  Seriously though, what do the logs say?11:41
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Guest16109kalispera evala ubuntu ala eno evala to eliniko o firefox ine aglika pos to ftiaxno11:42
hmsck Unity is a crap11:45
ikoniahmsck: I suggest using a different desktop if you don't like unity11:46
ikoniait's not the hardest of concepts to grasp, don't like something, change it11:46
semvoz(or just use the command line :))11:46
ikoniasemvoz: that's not really an answer if you want a desktop11:46
semvozhmm, maybe we should create a `command line based desktop` then o_O11:47
ikoniagreat, another pointless answer, well done for contributing11:48
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.11:48
craigbass1976hmsck, Is it Unity doing it?11:48
craigbass1976I've gotten XFCE looking a lot like Gnome2.11:49
hmsck<craigbass1976> xfce is good11:49
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dominikdi've mounted some folders over sshfs, now after hibernate they completely fail to respond, shell hangs on rm `mountpoint`, what can I do to re-mount / remove them?11:51
thesoim having trouble getting online in ubuntu...11:51
craigbass1976hmsck, I think sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will do ya11:51
hmsckcraigbass1976 i prefere Windows 711:51
craigbass1976dominikd, umount /wherever/the/remote/dir/was/mounted  then you can run the sshfs again.  I yell and swear about this when I forget I was access a laptop's files when I shut the lid...11:52
IdleOnehmsck: Do you have an Ubuntu related support question?11:52
dominikdcraigbass1976, umount: /home/ddd/he: device is busy.11:52
dominikdrun as sudo11:52
craigbass1976hmsck, GAH!  Heathen!  Just kidding.  Windows 8 I think is a lot like Unity though.  Give xubuntu a try before you write us off.11:53
dominikd*with sudo :)11:53
hmsckIdleOne why?11:53
gordonjcpdominikd: something is holding a file open in /home/ddd/he11:53
dominikdyeah my editor has a bunch files open11:53
IdleOnehmsck: This is a support channel, if you feel like chatting please join #ubuntu-offtopic.11:53
gordonjcpdominikd: don't forget that . and .. are files so even having a terminal sitting in there will do it11:53
dominikdany way to just kill it anyway11:53
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gordonjcpdominikd: not really; you need to unmount cleanly otherwise you can lose data11:54
hmsckIdleOne whe windows is better than linux..more stable11:54
IdleOnehmsck: That is not an Ubuntu support question.11:55
dominikdgordonjcp, ok what in case i'm not worried about that11:55
hmsckIdleOne and what?11:55
bazhanghmsck, please stop the chit chat. this is NOT the channel for that11:56
bazhanghmsck, /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:56
IdleOnehmsck: This is an Ubuntu support channel, not a chat channel. We do Ubuntu support not discuss what OS is better, or what Desktop Environment is better.11:56
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, I just realized that if I print from a java app, I can only get one file.  Subsequent prints overwrite it.11:59
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: libreoffice can choose the print location11:59
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, I'm printing from our java ERP.  Sounds like I can catch something in process and ask for a file name, but I'm still looking.  I can't be the first guy to want this...12:01
craigbass1976How many stars are there in our solar system?  This is what the Ubuntu forum is asking me to complete a search.  What happened to how many ears people have?12:06
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: twice as many as half the amount of ears , or stars12:07
CrypticSquaredisn't a new star discovered each day?12:07
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: 2(x/2)12:07
craigbass1976Ahh.  I was duped!  I'm a BOT!12:07
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
Niarfis lightdm login screen read profile.d in /etc after a successful user login ?12:11
Niarf-is +do12:11
menaceCrypticSquared: there is only ONE star in our SOLAR system ;)12:12
Niarfyes in text mode12:12
weeb1eCan anyone here tell me if the latest ubuntu server supports this controller? raid bus controller [0104]:Hewlett Packard Company Device [103C:323B] Rev 0112:15
Niarfyes in gdm mode12:16
Niarf :)12:16
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CrypticSquaredmenace: excuse me, i've had 6 or so beers ;)12:18
CrypticSquaredand seemed to replace solar system with galaxy12:18
menacetimezone? *envy*12:18
CrypticSquaredFri 12 Oct 2012 23:18:41 EST12:18
icerootweeb1e: there was a website were you can put in the vendor id + device id and it will show you if it is supported by the kernel12:19
menaceCrypticSquared: lucky one :|12:20
MonkeyDustweeb1e  there's also #ubuntu-server12:27
amarohello people12:31
rvsjoenis there an easy way to reconfigure apt to use a different mirror other than editing a gazillion links in sources.list ?12:31
BluesKajrvsjoen, yes use a different server in the software center12:32
amaroi just move from windows to ubuntu now. can anyone explaine me how do i instal programs when a download it in .tar? is the first time i use ubuntu :)12:33
rvsjoendoes it happen to have a curses of text interface ?12:33
icerootamaro: which program you want to install?12:33
cfhowlettrvsjoen: update manager/software sources will automate a fair number of the necessary changes12:33
cfhowlettamaro: software center installations are the preferred method12:33
amaroshowtcast, to build my webradio that i use to have on windows12:34
amaroi do not find shoutcast on software center, just on their page12:34
MonkeyDustamaro  i'm sure ubuntu has its own webradio clients12:36
BluesKajshoutcast is found in the player settings , amaro , it's web page with streaming , it's notr aqn application12:36
samuel_atworki cannot delete a wireless connection from my network settings screen, where might the settings be? i'm using 10.0412:36
cfhowlettamaro: additionally, it's seems that shoutcast will run in wine12:36
BluesKajor in short shoutcast is just a webpage12:36
ThothCastelwhy isn't my wireless not working on ubuntu 12.04 - LAPTOP INSPIRON 152512:37
MonkeyDust!wifi > ThothCastel start here12:37
ubottuThothCastel, please see my private message12:37
ActionParsnipThothCastel: which wifi chip?12:37
cfhowlettThothCastel: did it ever work?12:37
* cfhowlett broadcom 43x12:37
* cfhowlett bet $112:37
amarodo anyone know a good aplication for webradio for ubuntu?12:37
ThothCastelMonkeyDust: Thank you12:38
ActionParsnipThothCastel: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm     do you see messages about missing firmware?12:38
fidel_amaro: i do use clementine as general player - which comes with radio suzpport as well12:38
fidel_just one of most likely several options to handle that topic12:38
ActionParsnipamaro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28496/how-do-i-setup-an-icecast-server-for-broadcasting-audio-in-my-network12:38
BluesKajamaro, open the software center and type in radio12:38
fidel_amaro: are you asking about listening or serving yourself?12:39
amarothanks to all who anser me :)12:39
amaroserving, i have a webradio and i need to set it up on ubuntu12:39
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surferboyhow can I configure sendmail to use a smart host for a specific domain?12:49
amarocan any one explaine me how do i instal a program when is .tar.gz?12:50
ActionParsnipamaro: what is the file name12:50
ActionParsnipamaro: its like saying "How do you install a .zip in Windows"12:50
ActionParsnipamaro: its just an archive, it tells us nothing of the contents12:50
amaroicecast-2.3.3, i just start with linux, i dont even know how to instal a program :)12:50
surferboycome on12:51
surferboyI don't have all day12:51
surferboysomeone tell me12:51
ActionParsnipsurferboy: tell you what?12:51
LorSamPau_wamaro, i'm pretty sure that there is the source of a program, not the installer12:51
despe70a while ago I installed Ubuntu on my Windows computer - dualboot. I still have the partition of it, and the old Ubuntu should still be there, but somehow I changed it so that Windows starts automatically without giving me the choice. Is there a way to boot in Ubuntu?12:51
ActionParsnipamaro: extract the file, then see what you have12:51
ActionParsnipdespe70: if you hold shift at boot, can you select Ubuntu?12:51
amaroi have many files and folders12:52
despe70ActionParsnip: never tried that - I do a reboot, and then start pressing shift ?12:52
ActionParsnipdespe70: yes as soon as the system starts to turn on12:52
amaroadmin, conf, debian, doc...12:52
despe70let me try :)12:52
ActionParsnipamaro: sounds like spurce to me12:52
ActionParsnip!info icecast212:53
ubottuicecast2 (source: icecast2): streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-9ubuntu1 (precise), package size 215 kB, installed size 686 kB12:53
ActionParsnipamaro: why not just install icecast2 and you will get 2.3.2 version, or do you absolutely NEED 2.3.3 ?12:53
amarono, i dont need exactly that version, but my problem is that i dont even know how to install a program, i use to have windows12:54
ActionParsnipamaro: sudo apt-get install icecast212:54
ActionParsnipamaro: or use software centre12:55
geirhaOpen software center, search for program, click install, ???, profit12:55
FloatingGoatim aboutt to semi manually ppartition my hard drive. mountpoint is set to / mojnt options are default, there is no label, 5% reserved blocks, typical usage is standard, bootable flag is off. am i good to go?12:55
ActionParsnipamaro: in Ubuntu, it is very rare to download apps manually to install. Windows is dumb and has its users scouring the web for things they need. Ubuntu has centralized this12:55
ActionParsnipamaro: did you not think to use this first?12:56
amaro:) i dont know much about linux12:57
ActionParsnipamaro: how did you install all the other apps you installed?12:57
amaroby software center12:58
ActionParsnipamaro: or have you just stuck with the default app set?12:58
ActionParsnipamaro: then the process is identical, you are just installing a different package. You are conversant enough with the OS to know to use software centre to install applications12:58
saustinI'm on 12.04 and I followed instructions even adding gnome3 repository and updated all packages and when I login to "gnome" window manager, I am clearly not getting gnome 3, is there some logfile or otherway I can figure out why?12:59
ActionParsnipsaustin: you have gnome3 in 12.04. It is the default desktop in the Ubuntu release13:00
saustinI've seen youtube of gnome 3, when I selected "gnome" from the login launcher I clearly get an interface that looks like gnome 213:00
ActionParsnipsaustin: so are you wanting gnome-shell ?13:01
ubottusalvo53: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:01
saustinActionParsnip, yes13:01
ActionParsnipsaustin: then run:  sudo apt-get install gnome-shell13:01
ActionParsnipsaustin: you don't need a PPA for that13:01
saustinI did, its already installed13:01
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell | saustin13:02
ubottusaustin: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 329 kB, installed size 901 kB13:02
saustinand despite it being installed doesn't seem to be working13:02
ActionParsnipsaustin: then you may be able to press ALT+F2 and run:   gnome-shell --replace13:02
ActionParsnipsaustin: I suggest you remove the PPA< it may be causing issues13:02
saustinok I will try both, thanks13:02
saustinhmm now it looks like I have no window manager hehe13:03
saustingnome shell wrote to terminal Missing composite extension required for compositingWindow manager warning: Log level 8: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed13:04
saustinthats something to google I su ppose13:04
rymate1234How well does Ubuntu 12.04 run on a netbook?13:06
rymate1234Specifically, it's an Acer Aspire One13:06
geirharymate1234: runs ok. The dash and hud is a bit slugish though. Hit Alt, wait 20 seconds, type something.13:07
rymate1234hmmm ok13:08
rymate1234what about Unity 2D?13:08
geirharymate1234: Haven't tried any other DEs/VMs on it yet, but I suspect it will be faster.13:09
rymate1234ah ok13:09
rymate1234Just my mum's finding windows 7 starter slow13:09
rymate1234geirha, are applications sluggish or just the dash13:09
geirharymate1234: I mostly only use chromium and gnome-terminal, and those are fine13:11
IdleOnerymate1234: You might want to try Lubuntu on it.13:11
rymate1234thanks :D13:11
geirharymate1234: This is aspire one d255e btw. There are other models13:12
rymate1234idk what my mum has, lemme check13:13
geirharymate1234: and battery's good. Lasts 5-6 hours after a full charge.13:14
rymate1234its an A0531H13:15
rymate1234Has a dual core atom processor13:15
llutzrymate1234: my a0531h runs fine with lubuntu 12.0413:15
rymate1234I'll probably try vanilla 12.04 first13:16
rymate1234partly because I already have a 12.04 USB stick ready13:17
llutzrymate1234: all hardware works, all fn-key-combinations are working (lcd-brightness etc.).13:18
rymate1234(not that my mum uses any of that)13:18
waheedI have two partition.. one of them are the filesystem, I want to enlarge the size of the file system by cutting part of the free space of the other one and add it to file system without losing the data stored on the other partition.. how to do that??13:19
geirhawaheed: boot the ubuntu cd and run gparted13:20
tlopez_so on Android ice Cream can you easily browse the windows network for file compatible with VLC13:23
tlopez_Galaxy tab 2.7.013:23
cfhowletttlopez_: this isn't the android channel13:24
valnourtlopez_, you would probably have better luck asking that in an Android channel13:24
tlopez_can you install Ubuntu as an app on Galaxy tab 2.7.013:24
amaroanyone know the best player to use with icecast for audio streaming?13:24
waheedgeirha : can't I do it without the cd.. I already have gparted installed13:25
MonkeyDusttlopez_  ubuntu is not an app, it's a distro13:25
tlopez_also where can I ask abóut android13:25
MonkeyDusttlopez_  type /join #android13:26
geirhawaheed: No, you can't do this while the filesystem is mounted, and you can't unmount / while the system is running13:26
geirhawaheed: Actually, all filesystems on the harddrive must be unmounted for the resizing and moving13:27
waheedwell, If I did it from the CD.. will the data at the other driver stay the same without being removed??13:28
tlopez_how do identify with services?13:28
geirhawaheed: Yes, if the procedure doesn't get interrupted midway or something like that. Regardless, you should make sure you have a backup of all the files you can't afford to lose.13:29
g0tchaheya guys, when i install a new ubuntu server, it asks for the hostname, do add it like this: "name.domain.com", or just "name" ?13:29
ThothCastelI am trying to install the b43-fwcutter from the cd ubuntu, but the 'install' button is faded out on the ubuntu software centre13:29
ThothCastelwhy is that? how can I install it?13:30
ActionParsnipg0tcha: whichever is appropriate to the server13:30
ActionParsnipThothCastel: try using apt-get to install it13:30
ThothCastelhow would that be?13:30
ActionParsnipThothCastel: not running software centre correctly13:31
ActionParsnipThothCastel: updates currently running13:31
g0tchathanks ActionParsnip13:32
ThothCastelI am trying sudo apt-get b43-fwcutter_015-9_amd64.deb13:32
john_doe_jris there something like Suse Studio for Ubuntu?13:32
rigorm0rtisHello, I'm having trouble getting IP forwarding going in Ubuntu 12.04 server with UFW. I have two interfaces, eth0 and tun0, and they can't ping each other. I've made the interfaces promiscuous, net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 in /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf, and DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT" in /etc/default/ufw. Is there something I am missing?13:32
MonkeyDustjohn_doe_jr  depends on what it is13:32
ThothCastelE: Invalid operation b43-fwcutter....13:33
ActionParsnipThothCastel: sudo apt-get install  b43-fwcutter13:33
ActionParsnipThothCastel: not: sudo apt-get b43-fwcutter     you need to give apt-get the operation to do with the package (install, uninstall, reinstall etc)13:33
ThothCastelActionParsnip: I see... thanks..  I am trying to locate the usb drive throuth the terminal to run the package13:34
Anomie21Bit of a weird one. Does anyone have experience burning karaoke disks on Ubuntu?13:34
ActionParsnipThothCastel: is the system a laptop?13:34
ThothCastelit has no internet connection...13:35
ActionParsnipThothCastel: then why not move the system close to the router and use a wired connection. Waaay easier13:35
ActionParsnipThothCastel: you can also get fully updated too13:36
despe70In Windows, I can see that my harddisk has en 'unused' partition - there should be an old install of Ubuntu on it. when I reboot, I don't get the choice to start Ubuntu. When I press shift during booting (thx to ActionParsnip), I get the options, but all I can select is the "first harddisk", which then boots Windows. I cannot select the right partition to boot from ...13:36
ThothCastelhow do I navigate to the usb drive folder /pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/   using the terminal13:36
despe70how could I boot in that old linux?13:36
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cfhowlettThothCastel: cd /location13:36
n1hi. ubuntu doesn't recognize vodafone k3656 dongle13:38
n1did lsusb13:38
n1and have ingo13:38
samuel_atworkThothCastle you will find the folder with the usb drive under /media13:38
n1also, there is usb-modeswitch already installed on ubuntu13:39
ThothCastelActionParsnip: ok, I tryed installing the package b43-fwcutter from the media and it gives me this error:13:40
n1which one to take from this site13:40
ThothCastelE: unable to locate package    :S13:40
ActionParsnipThothCastel: did you run:  sudo apt-get update     first13:41
n1with or without _svn extension in the name13:41
ThothCastelI navigated to /pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/ and issued the command sudo apt-get update13:42
ThothCastelthen I issued the sudo apt-get install  b43-fwcutter_015-9_amd64.deb13:43
ThothCastelunable to locate package and couldn't find any package by regesx13:43
n1vodafone dongle on ubuntu help needed13:44
ActionParsnipThothCastel: you don't need to change directory, apt-get knows where the packages are once you run: sudo apt-get update13:49
ActionParsnipThothCastel: I suggest you use the wired connection, its a tonne easier13:49
ThothCastelhelp please?  I am not able to...  have no access to the router13:50
ThothCastelok, I run it from the home :~$ directory and got the same error13:50
ActionParsnipn1: run:  lsusb   one line will identify the device, use the 8 character hex id to find guides13:50
ThothCastelcan I download the b43-fwcutter package and transfer with a usb?13:51
ActionParsnipThothCastel: sure, why do you not have acces to your own router?13:51
ActionParsnipThothCastel: what if you need to power it off and on, do you call the ISP?13:52
lizardjonanyone know how to create icon shortcuts on Unbunt desktop?13:54
crizislizardjon, if you want shortcuts for installed apps, you can just drag them to desktop from dash13:54
zetheroois 12.10 coming out soon?13:55
cfhowlettzetheroo: yes.13:55
zetheroothis month right?13:55
ThothCastelActionParsnip: because I share the house with other people and the router is located in somebody else's room...   there is no phone plug in my room  :S13:56
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ThothCastelActionParsnip: I am able to login to the router through my LAN13:57
ActionParsnipThothCastel: its a lot easier, you could try transfering deb files, could get messy13:57
zetheroois there an Ubuntu release party room?13:57
ThothCastelI got the last file form this list http://linuxwireless.org/download/b43/fwcutter/13:57
TinybirdIs every xx.10 distribution more stable than it's counterpart xx.04?13:58
ActionParsnipThothCastel: I suggest you use http://packages.ubuntu.com13:58
DJoneszetheroo: Its due in about a week, there probably will be a release party room open probably from the day of release13:58
ActionParsnipTinybird: not absoilutely, the LTS releases will be more stable than the others13:58
TreaverWhen is 12.10 being released officially?13:58
cfhowlettTinybird: no.  LTS distros are the supported for longer duration.  Non-LTS are bleeding edge.13:58
ThothCasteland run the following tar xfvj b43-fwcutter.tar.bz213:58
ActionParsnipTreaver: real soon13:59
cfhowlettTreaver: this month.  patience.13:59
TreaverI already use the Beta as my regular operating system. I love it! :)13:59
ThothCastelthen I run the sudo  b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
Tinybirdis the 8.04 still supported now?14:00
ubottuTinybird:: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:00
Guest96029i cant change the permissions to allow executing .exe files...can anybody help?14:00
OerHeks 8.04 LTS (server only)14:00
TreaverQuick question that might be off topic. Deluge is it a bad bit torrent client? I got a email saying Tim: NBC UNIVERSAL has launched a national campaign to stop illegal copyright from being transferred. They are prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law on every 9:02 AM Tim: case. Your computers ip was traced stealing or giving copyrighted material (the movie "Ted") NBC has decided to persue this investigation. 9:02 AM Tim: These fi14:00
ThothCastelError: rrrrrrrr........14:01
ubottuTreaver:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:01
TinybirdOerHeks: Thx14:01
ThothCastelhow can I install the b43-fwcutter without the internet connection on the laptop?14:01
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:01
OerHeksAptonCd would be my choice, ThothCastel14:02
Guest96029i cant change the permissions to allow executing .exe files...can anybody help?14:02
ActionParsnipTinybird: soon Lucid will be server only too14:02
TinybirdGuest96029: chmod14:02
TinybirdActionParsnip: I'm still using intrepid14:03
dnivrahello. I have tor running a socks proxy and I configured in proxy settings but the terminal doesn't use the socks proxy. How can i set the socks proxy in the terminal?14:03
NYG|EliManningfr ?14:03
Guest96029Tinybird: ??14:03
TinybirdGuest96029: does "chmod" work?14:04
ActionParsnipTinybird: wow, thats really dead14:04
Guest96029Tinybird: it works bt i dont know how to use the arguments14:04
TinybirdActionParsnip: Long long ago, I believed xx.10 is much more stable than xx.04.14:05
TinybirdGuest96029: man chmod will give you more about that14:05
ActionParsnipTinybird: not the case, LTS is every other .04 release. The .04 isn't always more stable14:06
damms005pls where can I post image for people to see (so that I can get erquired help)14:07
ActionParsnipdamms005: imageshack14:07
ActionParsnipdamms005: imgur14:07
ActionParsnipdamms005: search and ye will find14:07
TinybirdGuest96029:for the record, basic usage such as "chmod u+x filename" is to let you have the authority to execute the file14:08
Guest96029Tinybird: ok ill try ........thanx dude14:09
TinybirdGuest96029: welcome14:09
damms005I edited an image with ubuntu GIMP and it has rough edges and rough curves. Where do I get help so that I can produce images with smooth edges?14:09
cfhowlettdamms005: #gimp14:10
icerootdamms005: irc.gimp.net #gimp  or on freenode #gimp14:10
Tinybirddamms005: some experience with photoshop may be helpful14:10
cfhowlettdamms005: perhaps #ubuntustudio as well14:10
damms005how do I get a shraper image?14:12
cfhowlettdamms005: ask in #gimp.  This is #ubuntu.14:13
researcherHow do I know if my Ubuntu Hard Disk has either of these partitions? [Intel  ] Intel/PC partition,[EFI GPT] EFI GPT partition map (Mac i386, some x86_64...), [Humax  ] Humax partition table, [Mac    ] Apple partition map, [None   ] Non partitioned media, [Sun    ] Sun Solaris partition, [XBox   ] XBox partition?14:15
Tinybirdresearcher: fdisk14:16
researcherTinybird: Thanks.Just trying14:16
TinybirdI have an ubuntu 8.10 working excellent with the only defect that it is installed using wubi14:19
researcherTinybird: I have a hard disk which cant be accessed. I want to know its partition type. How to use fdisk command?14:19
icerootresearcher: sudo fdisk -l14:21
researcherTinybird: Thanks a lot14:21
KroachI need to apply a patch to the kernel, where can I find instructions on how to do it in Ubuntu? The information in the Ubuntu wiki seems outdated.14:22
jrib!kernel | Kroach14:22
ubottuKroach: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:22
jribKroach: just apply the patch before you build14:23
ActionParsnip!patch | Kroach14:23
ubottuKroach: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.14:23
Kroachjrib: the highest version of Ubuntu mentioned in that wiki page is 10.04, is the procedure for 12.04 exactly the same?14:23
TinybirdI have an ubuntu 8.10 working excellent with the only defect that it is installed using wubi. What should I do if I want to move it to a real ubuntu system under ext3 file system?14:24
jribKroach: should be14:24
ActionParsnipTinybird: I would reinstall with Precise14:24
ActionParsnipTinybird: you can restore user data and such from backup14:25
jribKroach: package versions are probably different.  There are also several different methods mentioned there14:25
Kroachjrib: ok, thanks, I'll try these then14:26
jribKroach: what is it that you need to patch by the way?14:26
researcherTinybird: Please help here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275012/14:26
KamZouHi, i'm trying to restore LVM partitions from an ubuntu live cd after a V2V from VMware converter standalone5, but i've a problem when i boot : "/dev/mapper/system-root no such device"  Here are the commands i type in my ubuntu live cd : http://pastebin.com/QK1A5mVV  help please14:27
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Tinybirdresearcher: What's that? what's ur problem?14:28
researcherTinybird: I am trying to recover data using Testdisk program14:29
TinybirdActionParsnip: Maybe the Precise is a good idea. I'm looking into that. Thx.14:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Tinybirdresearcher: fdisk is for formatting a disk partition.14:33
ActionParsnipTinybird: Intrepid is very dead14:33
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TinybirdActionParsnip: emm, it works so well that I don't wanna upgrade at all14:34
TinybirdActionParsnip: LOL14:34
sticky1how do I recover a folder in Xubuntu on ext4?14:38
sticky1accidentally deleted something very important14:38
ubuntu-newbhi all14:39
ActionParsnipTinybird: its completely unsupported in any way you can think off14:40
llutzsticky1: you may try photorec/testdisk or extundelete14:40
DJones!recover | sticky114:40
ubottusticky1: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:40
TinybirdActionParsnip: Fortunately, I can still get packages from oldrelease14:42
sticky1ok appearantly at that site they want me to recover the file with foremost to usb disc lol. is it dangerous to recover to same disc? will the clusters to recover be overwritten by the recovered ones or something?14:43
ActionParsnipTinybird: i'd just move on up to a supported release14:43
ironfoot495cant seem to get libreoffice on 10.04 can someone show me how?14:44
DJonessticky1: If you're using the file system that the deleted files are on, any disk access that happens could overwrite the deleted data, its better to use a livecd and then recover to USB14:45
pangurI stupidly did ... sudo apt-get remove perl.  I have stopped it fairly late on in the process.  I have tried to do ... sudo apt-get install perl but I get a message saying that var/lib/dpkg/lock is unavailable.14:45
pangurHow do I get my puter restored.14:45
ActionParsnip!info libreoffice lucid14:45
* pangur looks panicky14:45
ubottuPackage libreoffice does not exist in lucid14:45
ActionParsnipironfoot495: let me find a ppa14:45
TinybirdActionParsnip: There are so many programs working very well on my machine. I'm worried about whether it will still run so fluently if I update14:45
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: ok thanks14:45
pangurHow do I disable dpkg lock?14:46
jribpangur: perl probably took so much stuff out with it...14:46
* pangur quivers14:46
sticky1aargh my disk is 75 gb and now process foremost is scanning this all... i don't have the time to wait14:46
jribpangur: how did you stop it?14:47
ActionParsnipironfoot495: sudo add-apt-repositoy ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-3-5; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libreoffice14:47
pangurctrl -z14:47
jribpangur: that just pauses it14:47
pangurHow do I stop it then?14:47
jribpangur: if you type « jobs » you should still see something listed14:47
pangur[1]+  Stopped                 sudo apt-get remove perl14:48
Tinybirdpangur: Ctrl -c can interrupt it directly.14:48
pangurso, should I run it again and then do ctrl-c?14:48
Tinybirdpangur: yes14:49
AdvoWorkthere is a bug, which says "This bug was fixed in the package mountall - 2.25"  how do i get that current package? its for ubuntu 10.04 server14:49
sticky1too complicated, used scalpel14:50
ActionParsnip!ppa AdvoWork14:50
ActionParsnipsticky1: if you had backups, you wouldn't need to do this. Why do you not have a backup?14:50
ActionParsnip!ppa | AdvoWork14:50
ubottuAdvoWork: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:50
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: add-apt-repositoy: command not found14:51
pangurhttp://fpaste.org/OXdt/ shows my terminal output14:51
sticky1ActionParsnip: I was about to make a backup while deleting old files... accidentally deleted minecraft gamesaves :S14:51
=== user_ is now known as Lockscreen
ActionParsnipironfoot495: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties:14:51
pangurThat was after doing the ctrl-c14:51
=== Lockscreen is now known as LocKscreen
ironfoot495Tghhat's the problem Ive been having just wont install for some reason.14:51
ActionParsnipsticky1: oh jeez14:51
=== LocKscreen is now known as Lockscreen
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: oh ok!14:52
ActionParsnipironfoot495: lucid desktop is EOL in April, why not install a newer release....14:52
vl4kn0Hi, when I attempt to open software centre I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275045/14:53
[twisti]hi, on my new ubuntu server lts 12, when i log in, i am not informed about new updates/patches available via apt. back on my lts 10 server, it used to always list available updates. what setting/software causes this ?14:53
jribpangur: fg will bring your stopped job to the foreground where then you can try to ctrl-c... and then hope you can undo whatever it's done14:53
pangurjrib and Tinybird, http://fpaste.org/OXdt/ is the output after doing ctrl-c.  Any suggestion, please, as to how I might  proceed from here?14:53
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: which one would you suggest?14:53
simplewin grub the field about booting into the distro point to a UUID that is the one of the /boot partition, shouldnt be using the UUID of the root partition?14:54
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ubuntu-newbafter having installed ubuntu 12.04 i made a partition NTFS for a windows installation, and now only windows start. Any help?14:54
paulens12you need to install windows FIRST to dual boot14:55
ubuntu-newbat the moment im on a 12.04 live14:55
ActionParsnip[twisti]: if you run:    /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available     are you told?14:55
pangurjrib - it seems to be working14:55
* pangur is praying hard14:55
paulens12windows modifies BIOS... or something like that xD14:55
ubuntu-newbcan't do anything? need to format ALL partitions?14:56
[twisti]ActionParsnip: thanks, i just read on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates that i have to install that ;)14:56
ActionParsnip[twisti]: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127504914:56
[twisti]ah uhm14:56
[twisti]1 upgraded, 169 newly installed14:56
paulens12ubuntu-newb, just install ubuntu again14:56
[twisti]that seems to depend on a lot of things14:56
paulens12and it should work14:56
Tinybirdubuntu-newb: windows may override the boot pointer over grub14:56
ubuntu-newbwtf i installed tons of things on ubuntu14:57
ubuntu-newbTinybird, any chance to restore grub_14:57
[twisti]so is this rpm hell ?14:57
paulens12ubuntu-newb, you can copy the files out and thenb ack into ubuntu14:57
[twisti]im worried im making a huge mistake if i ok this14:57
ActionParsnip[twisti]: no, ubuntu uses deb14:57
[twisti]deb hell then14:57
ubuntu-newbpaulens12, can u show me how?14:57
pangurWhat I am wondering is whether to reinstall perl is enough to stop my ubuntu from being broken, jrib?14:58
djbpythonhow do i set up a tunnel via a remote host so that i can hit my localhost? like http://www.myserver.com:3001 should really request http://localhost:300114:58
ActionParsnip[twisti]: no dep hell is when you need to scour the web to satisfy deps14:58
pangurIt claims that it has reinstalled perl14:58
ubuntu-newbi mean, which files are u talking about?14:58
jribpangur: no, it's not.  You should go look at everything that was removed and reinstall it14:58
paulens12copy usr and root folders14:58
paulens12and idk14:58
paulens12ask someone else14:58
ActionParsnip[twisti]: then find that that too has deps you need to satisfy14:58
paulens12i"m new here too xd14:58
pangurThanks, jrib.14:58
[twisti]http://pastebin.com/4Hdf5V8y is this a good idea to ok ? i never had anything ask for so much crap to install, especially not something so simple, im a bit worried that itll mess up my system14:58
Tinybirdubuntu-newb: a little bitter. I just know the principle not the specifics.14:59
paulens12ubuntu-newb, copy usr... programs are stored in it...15:00
ActionParsnip[twisti]: well yeah, that will install the whole gnome desktop for you15:00
[twisti]i really dont want that15:00
[twisti]its a headless system15:00
[twisti]so was the old one, and the old one had those notifications on login15:00
ubuntu-newbpaulens12, no chances i will format my ubuntu if i can just fix grub15:00
pangurThere are loads and loads of lib* type progs that have been uninstalled.  Is there a way that I can reinstall them without having to go through them manually, jrib?15:01
paulens12then windows won't run15:01
FloodBot1paulens12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
ubuntu-newbi dont care then15:01
paulens12well your choise...15:01
paulens12but i think windows is better for everyday use15:01
ubuntu-newbi mean, i prefer to have my ubuntu back15:01
paulens12have both15:01
FloodBot1paulens12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
bazhang!behelpful | paulens1215:01
ubottupaulens12: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.15:01
paulens12reinstall ubuntu and you'll have both15:01
* pangur is using the windows-installed version of ubuntu15:01
poglesbygI've installed ubuntu on my desktop and where it should show the apps running on the left side of the screen it is just blank15:01
poglesbyghow can i fix this?15:02
jribpangur: try just making sure you have ubuntu-desktop installed (if you're using a standard ubuntu install)15:02
poglesbyghow do i check that?15:02
* pangur is reinstalling ubuntu-desktop15:03
ActionParsnippoglesbyg: tried Unity2D session?15:03
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pangurI uninstalled perl because I could not get eclipse to recognise that it was present.15:04
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pangurHowever, I did not realise that uninstalling perl would take half my system with it.15:05
ubuntu-newbno one can help me with the boot problem?15:05
pangurIs ubuntu built on perl?15:05
ActionParsnipubuntu-newb: you can use a chroot from liveCD if you need to manipulate / reinstate grub15:05
jribpangur: perl is used in very many places, I'm sure15:05
sticky1I'm about to grab my laptop, pour some petrol over it, burn it, send it to NASA where they send it into space to send the remains of it in a supernova while shooting an atombomb at it because it is TOO DIFFICULT to recover one single file, isn't there any recoverytool with a gui?15:06
ubuntu-newbActionParsnip, im actually from a liveCD, but i don't know what to do15:06
ActionParsnipubuntu-newb: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video15:06
pangurI have now restored ubuntu-desktop, it tells me.15:06
[twisti]damn, where does 90-updates-available come from ?15:07
ubuntu-newbi will check it ActionParsnip, thanks15:07
ActionParsnipsticky1: just let foremost run overnight, you can inspect your writable partition in the morning. Again, backups will have saved you this grief15:07
pangurAnything else apart from restoring ubuntu-desktop that I need to do, please, jrib?15:07
jrib[twisti]: why?  dpkg -S /path/to/file   will tell you where file is from15:07
alejandrotry deleting python in debian. debian will be broken.15:07
Tinybirdpangur: perl is ultra important on any unix-like systems.15:07
jribpangur: well if it was me, I'd go read the scrollback and see what apt removed exactly.  Then copy those packages and explicitly install them again15:08
[twisti]jrib: thanks15:08
pangurThanks, Tinybird.15:08
ubuntu-newbActionParsnip, how i can check which /dev/sdX is my ubuntu partition?15:08
[twisti]jrib: for some reason, update-notifier seems to depend on the entire gnome desktop15:08
sticky1ActionParsnip: I need to restore one single folder and its contents, just this. Why is this so difficult on linux?15:08
ActionParsnip[twisti]: /etc/update-motd.d   just like my pastebin shows15:08
[twisti]which on a headless server is obviously a bad idea15:08
Joe_CoTso for some reason after the latest firefox update, unity doesn't recognize that firefox is launched, and my task switcher lists it as "Minefield 3.5 Web Browser". I haven't had Minefield installed in quite some time, and I removed the menu entry for it, but same thing. any idea what gives?15:08
ActionParsnipsticky1: its the same in Windows15:08
pangurThanks jrib.15:08
[twisti]ActionParsnip: i dont understand what youre trying to say15:08
[twisti]its nice that you have those files15:09
sticky1ActionParsnip: No you had this program Recuva and that was a super nice program to use15:09
[twisti]but how does that help me ?15:09
* pangur is printing out his scrollback15:09
ActionParsnipsticky1: why because it used a mouse instead of typing stuff?15:09
ActionParsnip[twisti]: its the location of the script.15:09
badboy007Ciao a Tutti15:09
sticky1ActionParsnip: yes actually, I'm not into console-programs15:09
jribsticky1: well it's difficult because when you say "delete this file instead of put this file in a place where I can restore it", linux will do what you ask.  See ubottu's !recover factoid for your options and take this as a lesson to always have backups for things you care about15:09
[twisti]ActionParsnip: yes, on your pc. do you suggest that i refence the file on your pc via ftp ? or email them to me ?15:09
ActionParsnipsticky1: console is where a lot of linux's power lives. You can do stuff the GUI dreams of doing and easily15:10
ActionParsnip[twisti]: I already cat'd the files, so you have the contents....15:10
[twisti]well im not actually going to just copy and paste someone elses files into my pristine system15:11
[twisti]i just wanted to know where they came from15:11
sticky1jrib: Look, I deleted the saves folder right from Minecraft. I thought it would take it to the bin, not to remove it permanently!15:11
[twisti]luckily i found them on my old system and did what jrib told me15:11
[twisti]they were from update-notifier-common15:11
ActionParsnip[twisti]: isn't it the same as me sending you the file?15:11
[twisti]yes, it is, it wasnt a serious suggestion15:11
sticky1jrib: And that by accident, I deleted the wrong world15:11
jribsticky1: you used rm?15:11
sticky1jrib: no look I deleted the save folder right fromout Minecraft: http://images.wikia.com/creepypasta/images/c/c5/Minecraft-Diary-31-World-Delete.jpg15:12
[twisti]by the way, thanks jrib ;)15:12
IszakHow can I purge my Macbook Air of which is known as Mountain Lion and only install Ubuntu, I know there's guides to use bootcamp, but I want to remove ML.15:12
[twisti]its all working as it should now15:12
sticky1jrib: With every second waiting, chances are greater the overwritable folder has been overwritten with new temporary stuff15:13
jribsticky1: if you're still using the partition for some reason, yeah15:13
ActionParsnipsticky1: boot to liveCD and you can work on the unmounted partition15:13
jribyes, do as ActionParsnip says15:14
ActionParsnipsticky1: its goingto take time, plus you will need a fairly large destination partition to spit all the found files to, then hope the file you want hasn't got damaged in some way15:14
ncfi1013__VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB, VTS_01_0.BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO, VTS_01_0.VOB...who can tell me how to properly burn these files to a dvd so its playable?15:14
ActionParsnipncfi1013__: how did you get these files?15:15
sticky1jrib: I appreciate the help but am too lazy to do all that... I'll just leave it by this as a lesson not to be too stupid to accidentally remove something permanently. Hey, I didn't know Minecraft would delete worlds permanently and I didn't think there was a way of recovering a single folder. But thanks for the help.15:15
sticky1Gotta go now15:15
jribsticky1: make routine backups :)15:16
ActionParsnipjrib: been saying it for years15:16
jribActionParsnip: alas, I also learned the hard way many years ago15:16
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llutzncfi1013__: "growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video path/to/dir/containing/those/files"15:16
sticky1ncfi1013__: there was some software which automated all that for you15:16
ncfi1013__ActionParsnip__: i opened the disc in a file manager15:16
ActionParsnipjrib: seen loads of people burned, its quick and easy :)15:16
sticky1ncfi1013__: i think it is in the ubuntu software center15:17
ActionParsnipncfi1013__: then you have the DVD. Are you wanting to make a copy?15:17
ncfi1013__i know i have the dvd already15:17
ncfi1013__what i want i want to know is if i download those files from a p2p site how do i burn to disc so its playable15:18
ActionParsnipncfi1013__: we don't support piracy here15:18
paulens12ncfi1013__, use linux live usb creator tool15:19
Safa_[A_boy]hi, how can I extract a b6i file ?15:19
paulens12ActionParsnip, it's not piracy. p2p is 100% legal in most of countries15:19
* pangur is restoring eclipse - 112MB15:20
jackdupcan anybody here help with samba?15:20
ActionParsnipjackdup: in what way?15:20
jackdupActionParsnip, I have it set up with multiple shares but I can't connect to it remotely15:21
ActionParsnipjackdup: can you ping the server?15:21
jackdupi can list all the shares using smbclient command locally15:21
ncfi1013__how would i burn those files with k3b?15:21
jackdupActionParsnip, yes but I have in bound to a tap device. can't ping htat15:22
ActionParsnipjackdup: when you run:  smbtree   do you see the server and it's shares (from another system)?15:22
jackdupActionParsnip, nope. I can see others. It seems like it isn't broadcasting15:22
llutzncfi1013__: "new Projet - video-dvd"  then put all those files into the given "VIDEO_TS" folder15:22
Hanifanyone well versed in configuring VPN access on an ASA?15:23
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: seems to be a BlindWrite Ver. 6 file15:23
Safa_[A_boy]yes ^_^15:23
* pangur has 5minutes and 10 seconds to wait15:23
ncfi1013__ok...thats simple...but what is the reason for the AUDIO_TS file?15:24
* pangur is scared his machine will be kaput but, atm, it is working.15:24
bazhang!ot > pangur15:24
ubottupangur, please see my private message15:24
llutzncfi1013__: just compatibility, its empty on video-dvds15:24
ActionParsnipjackdup: then you need to sort that first, is there a firewall on it?15:24
pangursorry, bazhang.15:25
ncfi1013__llutz__: thanks for your help15:25
llutzncfi1013__: it is used for this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Audio15:25
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: if you just loop mount it like any other disk image, does it mount?15:26
jackdupno. I can connect to the machine in every other way (ie ssh, openvpn etc...) but samba  just won't broadcast15:26
Safa_[A_boy]it open with gedit !15:26
Safa_[A_boy]so I can't mount it :'(15:27
ncfi1013__oh i have another question...the swap...put it in the beginning, middle, or end for better performance?15:27
jackdupActionParsnip, no. I can connect to the machine in every other way (ie ssh, openvpn etc...) but samba  just won't broadcast15:27
ncfi1013__i put it in the middle and my computer occasionally freezes and the mouse seems to always be sticky15:28
llutzncfi1013__: on modern harddisks the position of swap won't really matter, the differences are marginal15:29
ncfi1013__on a sata 40gb?15:30
ActionParsnipjackdup: could ask in #samba  they can check your config some15:30
llutzncfi1013__: that is modern :)15:30
llutzncfi1013__: i doubt that those freezes are swap-related15:31
ncfi1013__how big should the swap be? 2 or 4 gb? mines 4gb...i think that may also be a problem15:31
paulens12how much ram do you have?15:31
jackdupActionParsnip, nobody answering there .. I don't have to configure smb.conf on the client end do I?15:32
llutzncfi1013__: the size only matters if you want to use hibernation /suspend to disk/15:32
ncfi1013__4gb paulens1215:32
ActionParsnipjackdup: thats the way I always do it personally15:32
paulens12then get 8GB swap15:32
jackdupActionParsnip, thanks man. I'll give that a try15:32
compdocjackdup, what are you using for clients? What os?15:33
bazhangpaulens12, thats not good advice15:33
ncfi1013__a friend of mine suggests only 2gb swap15:33
pangurIs there a test that would indicate to me whether my ubuntu is still working properly or not?15:33
jackdupcompdoc, all ubuntu 12.0415:33
llutzncfi1013__: are you using hibernation? if not, 1-2GB are more than fine. if yes,  you'll need a bit more than 4GB15:34
pangurMy impression is that all is well but I am afraid that if I switch off it will be gone and that I shall not be able to restore.15:34
IdleOnencfi1013__: 4GB swap is good.15:34
compdocjackdup, do you have samba installed on the clients?15:34
ncfi1013__i use hibernation sometimes...only when it rains15:34
jackdupcompdoc, yea but I haven't touched the conf file on the clients. I didn't think it was necessary15:34
compdocjackdup, I do the same thing so they can use a windows network. I dont touch the conf files either, although you might want to set the workgroup name15:35
mr-richThis is probibly OT, but I want to use expr in a shell script to find the first character in a string that might have white space in front of it and return the index. Any ideas?15:36
ncfi1013__to all...thanks for your help...bye15:37
Safa_[A_boy]ActionParsnip, sry :(15:37
jackdupcompdoc, workgroup is set. just checked that. I have to be missing something really simple stupid. everything seems in place15:37
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: sup?15:38
Safa_[A_boy]what do you mean ?!15:39
BluesKaj!cn | basil_015:39
ubottubasil_0: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:39
ActionParsnipmr-rich: ask in #bash too :)15:39
ActionParsnipmr-rich: ask in #bash too15:39
islandmonkeyHello, anybody know how a fix a signature problem with apt? After (stupidly) clearing the apt cache using Ubuntu Tweak, it obviously messed up with the keys associated with the repos. This now means that some ppa's and the universe repo is broken. Anybody know how to fix it (re-adding the keys didn't work as you suggested yesterday, ActionParsnip)?15:41
fnord`How can I see/change the default fonts in unity on 12.10? I was told about 'myunity' but I could not locate that package in ubuntu software center and the PPA did not work.15:41
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a15:41
ActionParsnipfnord`: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Quantal support please15:42
IdleOnefnord`: How did the PPA not work?15:42
fnord`IdleOne: I will be in #ubuntu+115:44
Safa_[A_boy]ActionParsnip, what is "sup" ?!!!15:44
Safa_[A_boy]+ what about me? sry for annoying :"(15:45
islandmonkeyActionParnsip: http://pastebin.com/mjGE3Dbv15:45
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mgodzillahow would i go 'bout changin' the default browser for weblinks for thunderbird.15:47
mgodzillausin' lxde.15:47
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: just wondering why you were saying sorry. sup == what's up?15:47
Safa_[A_boy]sorry for annoying you :P15:47
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ActionParsnipmgodzilla: https://hsmak.wordpress.com/2009/09/03/howto-force-thunderbird-to-open-links-in-firefox/15:48
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: there was no annoyance :)15:48
mgodzillathank you ActionParsnip :)15:49
vl4kn0why do I get this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275115/15:50
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islandmonkeyvl4kn0: I have the same problem15:51
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: let me check15:51
sud_how to get qualcomm me102 working on linux ...15:51
sud_tata photon+ connection15:52
MaskilPDXGood Morning15:53
MonkeyDustMaskilPDX  other timezone15:53
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: http://pastie.org/504471115:53
KsMdist-upgrading ubuntu from 10.04. Go to 10.10 then 11.04 or straight to 11.04?15:53
MaskilPDXYeahRight, sorry15:53
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: it's the same command, just changing the key to the ones you gave in your pastebin15:54
MaskilPDXyes.  I'm on the western part of the US15:54
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: I have it in a script called get key with the  usual bash head line then: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com $115:54
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Still coming up with the same errors after running that15:55
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: did all the keys import ok?15:55
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Yes, they did.15:56
genii-aroundKsM: 10.04 with do-release-upgrade should take you to 12.0415:57
KsMI tried that before and got some error, but I'll try again.15:57
MonkeyDustKsM  fresh install is the fastest, easiest and most efficient - backup first if you do ot have a separate /home15:58
genii-aroundKsM: Should make sure you have all PPA disabled, just use stock repositories15:58
Safa_[A_boy]hi, how can I extract a b6i file ?15:59
MonkeyDustSafa_[A_boy]  what b6i ?16:00
KsMI just installed 10.04 yesterday and tried the do-release-upgrade, didn't work so I ran apt-get update;apt-get upgrade over night and now I'm trying again16:00
Safa_[A_boy]a BlindWrite Ver. 6 file16:00
MonkeyDustKsM  that upgrades everything inside the installation, it does upgrade to a new release16:01
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islandmonkeySafa_[A_boy]: Appears to be impossible (the software to open it is Windows only)16:01
islandmonkeyUnless you have Windows, of course16:01
Safa_[A_boy]ok :"""(16:02
MonkeyDustSafa_[A_boy]  submit it is an idea in !brainstorm16:03
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: or don't use blindwrite :)16:04
MonkeyDustblindwrite sounds like something for blind people, no?16:05
SparadrapNeed Some help, after telecharging and install xubuntu software, how to use it  ?16:06
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Any ideas?16:06
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: remove the PPAs then readd is allI can suggest16:06
ActionParsnipSparadrap: use what?16:07
theadminSparadrap: What do you mean? You use it like you'd use any other OS, like Windows or Mac. Also, the term is "downloading". The french support is in #ubuntu-fr16:07
Sparadrapok thanks, to use xfce on my ubuntu16:07
hilohello I am trying to write a script to do some stuff for me and I can't get a string to manipulate the way I need. Can someone assist? The full string is (quotes are part of the string): "asdfas dfasdf" {asdfasdf-asdf-asdf-asdf-asdfasdfasdf}16:07
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: But what about the stock repo?16:07
ActionParsnipSparadrap: thats fine, use it as you would any OS, use the menus and you will see applications you can run and use16:07
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: you don't need keys for those16:07
theadminSparadrap: Oh that. You "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" OR "sudo apt-get install xfce4", after which you log out, click the weird gear thingy, and choose "Xfce" out of the list.16:08
hiloI tried this ${variable%pattern} but I can't get it to remove the part between the {*}16:08
Sparadrapok thanks16:08
theadminhilo: What do you want to do with the string exactly?16:08
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: But there is an error with one of the stock repos16:08
dell2012how can i resize swap and extended partitions in my sda using commands in console commands?16:09
hilotheadmin, it is output from a command to show me what VM's are currently running. It gives the name and uuid.. I need to pass JUST the name to the vboxmanage command to shut off the vm gracefully16:09
hilotheadmin, so it is like this "NAME" {uuid}16:10
hilotheadmin, I need to strip off the {uuid} / parse out the name16:10
Sparadrapthere was two weeks, RIchard Stallman cames to my school to do a meeting16:11
poglesbygi'm having some difficulty installing  java 64 here is the code http://pastebin.com/0r7BL2Mh16:11
AdvoWorkive just added some iptables rules to a server, but for some reason they aren't doing anything. ive tested the same instructions on another server which works. Any ideas please(ubuntu server 10.04)16:11
theadminhilo: Oh, heh. echo $string | sed -r 's/\{.*\}//g' | sed -r 's/\"//g' will do the trick.16:11
hilotheadmin, can you explain that to me? it looks like magic.16:12
theadminhilo: Regular expressions... They are beyond explaining in a single message16:12
OerHekspoglesbyg, "refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Installation Instructions on the download page for more information."16:12
OerHekspoglesbyg, we don't know what package/16:12
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: try this: wget -O fixpackage https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/fixpackage?w=99a57167; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage16:13
ceed^I will never understand why something so irregular as regular expressions are call regular.16:13
hilotheadmin, okay, I'll take it. works flawlessly16:13
An_Ony_MooseHi. For reasons I do not want to explain, I need to install 32-bit ubuntu using debootstrap. Assuming I already have a bootloader, would this suffice for a close-to-normal desktop installation? debootstrap --arch=i386 --include=linux-image,ubuntu-desktop precise /mnt16:14
hilotheadmin, thanks, if you know any good regular expressions tutorials, I'd love to take a look.16:14
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: 403 Forbidden for that link16:14
theadminhilo: I don't think I really know any, eh, I don't remember how I learned them16:14
An_Ony_MooseWould I have to use --foreign seeing as I'm running it from an x86_64 system?16:15
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: ok, i'll pastebin the commands for you16:15
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: http://pastie.org/504498816:15
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kendosanguys I want to make ubuntu theme just like this !!!!!! http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/7624/desktopthumb.jpg16:16
kendosananybody can tell me how to start ?16:16
jiffe98question, I have a raid driver adaptec provided which was build for the 3.2.0-29 kernel and a set of instructions for installing to that kernel, using it straight with a 3.2.0-31 kernel doesn't seem to work but if I install to a 3.2.0-29 kernel and do a dist-upgrade it works, any idea how I can duplicate that if my kernel is already 3.2.0-31?16:17
ActionParsnipkendosan: I'd start looking at docks, you may want to start with xfce16:17
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Tinybirdhilo: Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey, O'Reilly16:19
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: No such thing as /var/lib/apt/lists/lock16:19
hiloTinybird, I'll check it out16:19
hiloTinybird, thanks16:19
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: thats fine, keep going16:21
poglesbygok bear with me this is a stupid question... is it possible to run 64 java on a 32 OS?16:21
dell2012how can i resize swap and extended partitions in my sda using commands in console commands?16:21
ActionParsnipdell2012: you'll need to be in teh liveCD16:21
ActionParsnipdell2012: you can use parted in CLI if you wish16:22
paulens12bazhang, WHAT THE FUCK?!16:22
bazhang!behelpful | paulens1216:22
ubottupaulens12: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.16:22
bazhangpaulens12, no cursing here16:22
paulens12bazhang, FUCK YOU16:22
dell2012actionparsnip: i tried using livecd but i cant access gparted or my installed linux from my livecd16:23
crazydipsomeone's not getting help :D16:23
dell2012how do i use livecd to resize. Do i do it from the boot menu or when the livecd is loaded and ready to be used?16:24
theadmindell2012: Wait for it to be loaded. Choose "Try Ubuntu" in the login/install screen. Find "GParted" in the menu.16:24
theadmindell2012: The rest should be fairly self-explanatory. Although please note that if your "livecd" is actually a USB, the device you may need to select might not be /dev/sda but /dev/sdb.16:25
wilee-nileedell2012, I this a wubi install perchance meaning a install from windows?16:25
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: sudo cp -arf /var/lib/dpkg /var/lib/dpkg.backup appears to be taking it's time, is this meant to happen?16:26
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: yes that will take a long time16:26
dell2012im using fedora and there is no gparted there. I know this is ubuntu but i have to register in #fedora and get an invite its alot of hazzle just to get some answers16:26
islandmonkeySuppose I sit back and relax :D16:27
dell2012wilee-nilee its a regular install16:27
txdvdell2012: use the package manager and install it16:27
ActionParsnipdell2012: we don't support fedora here16:28
dell2012no gparted in the livecd16:28
Picidell2012: then you're going to have to register and join. We do not support fedora here. period.16:28
k1l_dell2012: ask in the fedora forum then, if you wont join #fedora16:28
bazhang!register | dell201216:28
ubottudell2012: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:28
crazydipdell2012: then you're going to have to use a different live cd (usb) --- if all you need is gparted, there is a super small live cd (usb) made by gparted people16:28
wilee-nileedell2012, You don't need a invite just register16:28
ActionParsnipdell2012: or ask in #linux16:29
wols_I want to change the UI language of firefox in lucid. where would I do that? I installed firefox-locale-de but firefox still appears in english16:30
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dell2012#linux channel is invite only16:30
ikoniadell2012: no it's not16:30
bazhangdell2012, no it's not16:30
ikoniadell2012: the channel is ##linux16:30
dell2012i just tried it16:30
bazhang##linux is the channel16:30
wols_dell2012: you might need to be registered to nickserv16:30
ikoniadell2012: ##linux - not #linux16:31
ActionParsnipwols_: did you then change the language in firefox itself?16:31
bazhangdell2012, you're in the channel ##linux already16:31
wols_I did. in content - languages. any other place?16:31
wols_I also tried firefox -uilocale de  but still no go16:32
bazhangwols_, firefox addons is what I would suggest16:32
dell2012yes but i cant send to channel16:32
wols_which addon do you mean?16:32
ActionParsnipwols_: no idea personally, I don't use firefox16:32
bazhangdell2012, #freenode for further support16:32
k1l_dell2012: could you top to spoil the ubuntu support channel16:32
crazydipdell2012: if you just need a gparted live cd or usb go here: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:32
bazhangwols_, the firefox addon language support16:33
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/8czFAqGM - this happened16:33
matt__Hii i know i can  install kde via software centre or is it better just to install kubuntu?16:33
islandmonkeywhen doing LANG=C;sudo apt-get update -o APT::Cache-Limit=2516582416:33
dell2012crazydip: ok so i burn gparted to a DVD and boot with only the gparted on that DVD?16:33
bazhangmatt__, kubuntu-desktop is fine16:33
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: LANG=C;sudo apt-get update -o APT::Cache-Limit=65165824 && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:34
bazhangmatt__, then choose at login window16:34
wols_bazhang: Deutsch (DE) Language Pack 16.0.1 is installed and active according to about:addons16:34
matt__bazhang, ok thanks, when i update is it useing kubuntu or ubuntu?16:34
bazhangmatt__, depends what you choose in the login window, I have all four major DE on mine16:34
ikoniayou seem to be struggling to grasp "#ubuntu is not the place to get help with Fedora"16:35
matt__bazhang, i mean if im runing ubuntu with kde the updates i get will they be from ubuntu?16:35
crazydipdell2012: well if all you want is to use gparted to change some partitions then yes, just use that -- and you can burn to dvd, cd or usb stick and it's super small16:35
matt__bazhang, and what are the four main DE?16:35
bazhangmatt__, if you mean upgrade version instead of update?16:35
ikoniacrazydip: please take it to ##linux - this isn't Fedora support16:36
bazhangmatt__, kubuntu xubuntu lubuntu  ubuntu16:36
ikoniaif you can't be bothered to get the correct channels for the correct support - that is your problem, #ubuntu does not pickup the slack16:36
matt__bazhang, basically im saying does it still use ubuntu repos for update manager?16:36
lollo64itislandmonkey: same problem to me. I had to remove playdeb/getdeb repositories ...16:36
theadminmatt__: (which are KDE, Xfce, LXDE and... well... Gnome+Unity, although I wouldn't call it a major desktop)16:36
bazhangmatt__, they all use the same repos, yes16:36
matt__bazhang, ok thanks16:37
opakavichi guys16:37
opakavicPulcherior: hi16:37
opakavicPulcherior: what's up16:37
PulcheriorI've just installed Funtoo!16:37
matt__theadmin, im running gnome shell atm i like it but are theys till developing it? works and runs wonderful but looks ugly haha16:37
D[4]niwols_: german translation stopped wrking for me too16:37
opakavicwhat is funtoo16:37
D[4]niworking*, so that seems to be a bug16:37
matt__bazhang, is your os ubuntu?16:37
PulcheriorGentoo based distro16:38
bazhangopakavic, related to gentoo, and offtopic here16:38
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drmicrosoftрусские есть?16:38
bazhang!ru | drmicrosoft16:38
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ubottudrmicrosoft: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:38
opakavicbazhang: yes i know16:38
bazhangopakavic, so why go offtopic16:39
opakavicbazhang: will not often...16:39
theadminmatt__: gnome-shell is the main thing the GNOME developers are working on nowadays, but well, it's not really the main shell for Ubuntu anymore.16:39
matt__theadmin, i know its a shame because works great, got nothing against unity just not my thing16:40
theadminmatt__: You can install it. Also, since Quantal there will be an official GNOME-Shell-based version of Ubuntu.16:40
matt__theadmin, is that the next version? so it will come with unity and gnomeshell?16:41
theadminmatt__: No, you know like they currently do Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu... Will be one of those lines16:42
D[4]nimatt__: it will be a separate download, like kubuntu/xubuntu, and it will also still be available for download on other ubuntu versions via apt16:42
matt__theadmin, oh ok thanks16:43
matt__D[4]ni, ok thanks whens that out? ill probs install it through ubuntu i never switch never see the point as they all are ubuntu underneth so i always install ubuntu and change the DE16:44
D[4]niit will be out this month i guess.16:44
matt__D[4]ni, cool found this if your interested16:45
matt__D[4]ni, http://www.muktware.com/articles/3557/gubuntu-1204-ubuntu-gnome-shell-remix-review#.UHhI_BJ3_ac16:45
theadminmatt__: Look at the version number to know the release date: 12.04 means "Year 12, Month 04", meaning April 2012.16:45
theadminmatt__: So 12.10 is October 2012.16:45
crazydipwill unity2d be deprecated in 12.10?16:46
crazydipin = as of16:46
trismcrazydip: it is already gone in 12.1016:47
BluesKaj12.10 release is next thurs , oct 1816:47
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crazydiptrism: good :) how's the upgrade from 12.04 going to look like, will be be removed or kept?16:47
trismcrazydip: the packages are there but they are empty16:48
crazydiptrism: ok, the normal "transitional package" deal - thanks!16:49
islandmonkeyActionParnsip: Everything is working now, thank you!16:49
diverdudei made this configscript: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/445950409 and saved it in: /etc/init/nodechatserver.conf. when i run start nodechatserver i get this error messae: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.11" (uid=1000 pid=14091 comm="start nodechatserver ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 c16:49
diverdudeomm="/sbin/init"). What am I doing wrong?16:49
ceed^I'm getting this error when trying to update (apt-get): http://hastebin.com/tuhuleyije.md  Any idea what it means?16:50
D[4]nitrism: what will be shown when you start unity3d and 3d acceleration is off for some reasons (e.g. kernel update without reinstalling virtualbox modules)?16:50
theadminceed^: sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get update16:50
islandmonkey!cookie | ActionParsnip16:50
ubottuActionParsnip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:50
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Everything is working now, thank you!16:50
ceed^theadmin: thanks. I'll try that16:50
trismD[4]ni: llvmpipe is supposed to take over for software rendering in those situations with unity16:50
trismD[4]ni: which I believe we also have with gnome-shell in 12.10 (but I haven't tested either)16:51
n1hi. used sudo apt-get install - f xxx.deb , got message "unable to locate package xxx". Which folder to place it to?16:51
Churchis fallback gnome-classic still option in 12.10?16:52
trismChurch: yep16:52
llutzn1: sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb && sudo apt-get -f install16:52
theadminn1: That, or use gdebi: sudo gdebi xxx.deb16:52
Churchthat's nice to hear. i fear for it to be removed in 3.6(?) or 3.8(?) gnome. IIRC i saw news something like that16:53
theadminChurch: There's MATE around though16:53
theadminChurch: Which is pretty much gnome2. Also Xfce is very similar.16:53
Churchtheadmin: i don't like for app global menu to not work in mate.16:54
trismChurch: it is still in 3.6, don't know what will happen in the future16:54
conleyCan I just install grub to the root directory Ubuntu is on?16:56
conleyI want to chainload the bootloader from another16:56
BluesKajconley, yes if you have a / partition16:57
diverdudei made this configscript: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/445950409 and saved it in: /etc/init/nodechatserver.conf. when i run start nodechatserver i get this error messae: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.11" (uid=1000 pid=14091 comm="start nodechatserver ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 c16:57
diverdudeomm="/sbin/init"). What am I doing wrong?16:57
conleyBluesKaj: ? What do you mean? How could I not have one?16:58
litropyHi, all. I need to modify fstab so that my ntfs volume mounts with directories at 644 and files at 755,16:58
BoxyKHow is the default route determined in Ubuntu if two network interfaces are available?16:58
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: sweet16:59
litropyntfs external hd, to be more specific16:59
litropycurrently, it mounts at 70016:59
BluesKajconley, well ,i's usually easier if you have a separate / partition without your home dir on it , IME16:59
conleyBluesKaj: Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, I have that. I'm trying to figure out the best way to work with two linux installations on one disk..16:59
schnuffleBoxyK: If both set the default gateway, then the one which is configured a second set the gateway17:01
AdvoWorkim trying to move files from one folder to another, someone gave me instructions earlier but ive just bloody lost what was said. I'm trying to do: cd /opt/test  then mv * /opt/new  it says it cannot because a folder in test "Directory is not empty" but i know its not, i want to move all the contents to /opt/new  but to not create a folder called test first17:01
BoxyKschnuffle: so the latest one wins?17:01
bekksBoxyK: No.17:01
BluesKajconley, ok I have 2 linux installs on this drive , and the first / is where I grub installed , set in the bios as the first partition as well17:02
schnuffleBoxyK: was my impression but maybe bekks knows more about17:02
bekksHaving two default gateways is an undefined situation. Expect to have things working just like when you have no gateway set.17:02
bekksThe term "default" says it all :)17:02
BoxyKok. I have two connections. On none of them there's DHCP activated. But Ubuntu still sets a default gateway. Do you know why?17:03
schnufflebekks: a while ago I had that with wifi and eth0 and my impression that the second dhcp request sets the deault gateway and you only have one at the end17:03
schnuffleBoxyK: paste /etc/network/interfaces or do you use network manager?17:04
bekksschnuffle: Thats wrong :)17:04
frarocoHello Everybody17:05
schnufflebekks: thanx for the info then I'll retest it and check the setup17:05
BoxyKschnuffle: it's in the office. I can't paste it now. Sorry.17:05
conleyAdvoWork: are you sure /opt/new isn't the thing that isn't empty?17:05
n1llutz and theadmin, at sudo dpkg -i xxx.deg received the message "error processing sudo cannot access archive dpkg: error processing gdebi", and with sudo gdebi xxx.deb recevied "command not found"17:05
litropyI'm seeing lots of recommendations of installing psydm to solve my issue, but I can't find it anywhere17:05
theadminn1: sudo apt-get install gdebi then17:05
BoxyKbekks: Althogh I cannot paste /etc/network/interfaces, could you still imagine why I always automatically get a static host route set to my router?17:06
L3topconley: here is a little utility I wrote that fixes grub. grubin -h for usage. Very easy http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/export/26556/people/l3mce/grubin17:06
frarocoI would like to ask some stuff about a editation text. I have a list of more than 150,000 lines and I want to insert a counter next to a condicionad line. Some can Help me?17:06
L3topconley: wget http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/export/26556/people/l3mce/grubin; chmod +x grubin     to use.17:07
AbrackadabraHi guys17:07
bekksBoxyK: network manager, rc.local, DHCP option, etc. there are several chances.17:07
schnufflefraroco: what is a condicionad line. Some can Help me?? and in which format is your text?17:07
BoxyKbekks: i have one route -- wlan0 and the route -- eth0 is automatically added. After manually removing, it's set automatically again.17:07
BoxyKbekks: Networkmanager could be...17:07
BoxyKbekks: what's its configuration file?17:08
bekksBoxyK: Then nopaste the output of "netstat -rn" without modifying it please.17:08
schnuffleBoxyK: I guess network manager17:08
conleyL3top: I don't want ubuntu grub installed to my mbr, I want Arch grub to chainload ubuntu grub17:08
frarocoschnuffle, the text format is fasta. I have a lot of '>gi' and I want to give number to each one ie. >gi1, >gi2 etc.17:08
diverdudei made this configscript: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/445950409 and saved it in: /etc/init/nodechatserver.conf. when i run start nodechatserver i get this error messae: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.11" (uid=1000 pid=14091 comm="start nodechatserver ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 c17:08
diverdudeomm="/sbin/init"). What am I doing wrong?17:08
ActionParsnipfraroco: fraroco nl can be used to number lines in a stream17:08
AdvoWorkconley, ive cleaned it now, so it is, but it was before i think, im doing: cd /opt/old and then: mv * /opt/zimbra/store/   is that correct?17:09
BoxyKbekks and schnuffle: I think so, too... I forgot to disable it. damn. Is there a documentation on Network Manager available?17:09
conleyAdvoWork: I don't think mv can create levels of directories, but I could easily be wrong17:09
schnufflefraroco: don'T know the format but doing the replacement is a typical awk job when the file is in normal txt format17:09
L3topOk conley... that is a good idea... I should add a chainloading option.17:10
frarocoActionParsnip,I see.  I guess pBRE can help me to inset  a number only in a line that contain my condicion text. right?17:11
AdvoWorkconley, oh.  Anyone know how to move multiples files/folders which contain lots of subfolders too?17:11
L3topconley: AdvoWork you could first mkdir -p /a/lot/of/lvls/to/mv/a/dir/into  and it would creat it, then mv.17:11
llutzdiverdude: just a guess: does user www-data have writeaccess to /var/log?17:11
conleyAdvoWork: No, it will do that if you move the top level folder17:11
conleyAdvoWork: It will move all the subdirectories as well17:11
ActionParsnipfraroco: I'd ask in #bash17:11
frarocoschnuffle, I could change the formant. How can I make this typical awk job? Can you help me?17:11
AdvoWorkL3top, theres millions of subfolders though :S17:11
L3topAdvoWork: mv will move the subdirs as well17:11
conleyAdvoWork: It won't create multiple initial directories for you17:11
frarocoActionParsnip, Thakns!17:12
diverdudellutz: hmm that might be the problem...i dont think it has17:12
llutzdiverdude: check using something like "....>> /tmp/nodejs.log"17:12
AdvoWorkconley, ahh ok, so if ive got  oldfolder  and i do cd oldfolder (which contains 10000s of files/folders etc) and then do mv * /opt/new/store/  it will move all of them to /opt/new/store/  but *wont* create "oldfolder" first?17:12
wadI read that the Ubuntu download page was now requesting donations. I went to ubuntu.com, and tried to find a donate page. Eventually, I had to go to the download page. I made my donation ($15), then canceled the download. Ubuntu rocks, keep it alive!17:12
conleyAdvoWork: You're making it hard for yourself :) Just 'mv oldfolder /opt/new/store/17:13
L3topAdvoWork: the destination directory must exist for you to move things to, but mv will grab all of the subdirs of the source dir.17:13
schnufflefraroco: awk '{printf("%5d : %s\n", NR,$0)}' filename > filenamenumbered would add line numbers to a text file. To replce those >gi with >gix is just a bit more, but one would need to see the text17:13
AdvoWorkconley, but what would create /opt/new/store/oldfolder ?17:13
AdvoWorkL3top, ahh ok17:13
diverdudellutz: you mean sudo -u www-data "....>> /tmp/nodejs.log"  ?17:13
conleyAdvoWork: mv would. it can create a single directory.17:13
llutzdiverdude: yes, just to check  permissions-issue17:14
llutzdiverdude: /tmp is world-writable17:14
AdvoWorkconley, yeah but i dont want that, basically oldfolder is just a temp name,  i want my folders etc to go /opt/new/store/folder..  not /opt/new/store/oldfolder/folder..17:14
diverdudellutz: sudo: ....>> /tmp/nodejs.log: command not found17:15
conleyAdvoWork: then you can rename it: mv /opt/new/store/oldfolder /opt/new/store/folder17:15
schnuffleAdvoWork: then mv /path/oldfolder /path/newfolder17:15
conleyAdvoWork: The trailing slash is what makes the difference17:15
llutzdiverdude: ...  to be replaced with your old command (i was too lazy to paste the whole line)17:15
conleyAdvoWork: if there's a trailing slash, it goes inside that directory. If not, it doesn't.17:15
llutzdiverdude: just replace /var/log/ into /tmp/17:15
L3topconley: is your arch using grub2? Because I wouldn't think you would need to chainload... simply installing/upgrading grub should find ubuntu, and other installs that are not grub1... as it is a chroot it would be an arch grub... in which case the utility would work.17:15
conleyL3top: it does, but what I install a new kernel in ubuntu, arch doesn't find them unless i regenerate the config17:16
conleyL3top: but i hate grub so I may just put up with things17:16
conleyneat. netsplit apparently17:17
diverdudellutz: mmm i dont think i understand17:17
diverdudellutz: command is not working for me17:17
AdvoWorkschnuffle, i did: mv /opt/zimbra/temp_store /opt/zimbra/store   and its made /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store  which is what i was hoping to avoid,17:17
=== Youri is now known as YBook
llutzdiverdude: like this http://bin.cakephp.org/view/112220418217:17
L3topconley: I see... yeah... I need to add chainloading.17:17
conleyAdvoWork: you didn't put a trailing slash at the end?17:17
rscHello folks. Is it somehow possible to tell MySQL to start up before another specific daemon in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?17:18
AdvoWorkconley, no, thats copied and pasted from my terminal17:18
llutzdiverdude: and why does your script need HOME being set to /root?17:18
schnuffleAdvoWork: Sure you haven't inserted a / at the end?17:18
AdvoWorkso now, how can i move /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store/(all files/folders) to just /opt/zimbra/store ?17:18
AdvoWorkschnuffle, no, def no /17:18
diverdudellutz: well i followed this: http://kvz.io/blog/2009/12/15/run-nodejs-as-a-service-on-ubuntu-karmic/ and they wrote it was necessary17:18
schnuffleAdvoWork: Then you system works differently then mine17:19
conleywait. so store existed then. You need to delete it..17:19
conleyAdvoWork: If store exists, mv tries to be safe and doesn't just overwrite everything17:19
L3topAdvoWork: mv /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store/* /opt/zimbra/store17:19
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: cp -r /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store /opt/zimbra/temp && rm -r /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store && mv /opt/zimbra/temp /opt/zimbra/store17:19
conleyAdvoWork: You need to delete that directory if you want another directory to be it17:19
diverdudellutz: i changed it and it still gives me the same error17:20
conleyAdvoWork: it seems very confusing now, but the core utilities do make sense eventually heh17:20
llutzdiverdude: ok so i had a wrong guess. sorry, no idea then (i'm not familiar with upstart)17:20
schnuffleAdvoWork: Now I see, okay first mv /opt/zimbra/store/temp_store /opt/zimbra/storetemp, then rm  -fR  /opt/zimbra/store then mv /opt/zimbra/storetemp /opt/zimbra/store17:20
llutzdiverdude: have you tried asking in #upstart?17:21
diverdudellutz: thx i will try that :)17:21
schnufflediverdude: what was your problem?17:21
pangurHow would I be able to return from Cairo-Dock to using Unity, please?17:22
pangurI miss my icons down the left17:22
AdvoWorkschnuffle, ActionParsnip L3top conley thanks,all sorted now17:22
schnuffleAdvoWork: fine17:23
pangurI am trying to recover my system after (rashly) having begun removing perl.17:23
intraderI am able to see the cups server on a mac attached to my house network via I have found no way to tell my ubuntu to print on through that server. How do I do this?17:24
pangurI now have Cairo-Dock on my screen but I want to return to Unity, I think.17:24
n1theadmin, whati if software centre replies "dependency is not satisfiable" ??17:24
n1need a package for ubuntu from this page17:25
n1usb modeswitch is already included within ubuntu17:26
schnufflen1: what dependcies couldn't be resolved and which package do you want to install?17:26
L3toppangur: I would think you could just echo "/usr/bin/lightdm" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:26
pangurThanks, L3top - permission denied though.  I need to go out now.  Will try it again later.  Thanks for the suggestion.17:28
pangurbash: /etc/X11/default-display-manager: Permission denied17:28
L3toppangur: sudo17:28
pangursudo "/usr/bin/lightdm" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager is what I put in.17:29
KaiserBunHey everyone, what is the best & simple music player. I'm not looking for a music manager like clementine or w/e17:29
pangurneed to go though - wife pulling me out of chair.17:29
L3topsudo echo  "/usr/bin/lightdm" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:29
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woot-0854kaaiser: vlc wrms in terminal17:29
theadminL3top: not gonna work... Redirection is done by bash which doesn't run as root17:29
ActionParsnipsudo won't traverse the redirection17:30
llutzecho  "/usr/bin/lightdm"|sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:30
theadminpangur: echo "/usr/bin/lightdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:30
ActionParsnipL3top: echo  "/usr/bin/lightdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:30
overcluckeror sudo sh -c "echo blash > file"17:30
n1would like to get the vodafone dngle started within ubuntu17:30
ActionParsnippangur: the sudo will only run on the echo command as it doesn't traverse the redirection, so you pipe to sudo tee, it will work17:30
ActionParsnipn1: what is its 8 character hex ID?17:31
* L3top always forgets that... always runs around as root. Thanks ActionParsnip... for like the 5th time.17:31
n1a sec.17:31
* pangur definitely needs to return here later. Thanks ActionParsnip, overclucker, and L3top.17:31
ActionParsnipL3top: its cool, when you use the OS as user, you learn good habits17:31
intraderAnyone, I am able to see the cups server on a mac attached to my house network via I have found no way to tell my ubuntu to print on through that server. How do I do this?17:31
ActionParsnipintrader: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu17:32
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:35
intraderActionParsnip, I will look there, thanks - unfortunately, it the article discusses addressing an ubuntu print server. Mine is a print server (CUPS) running on a Mac. So I am quickly stumped by following the link.17:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:36
D[4]nihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1275292/ <-- wut?17:37
llutzintrader: its no difference if you print to a mac-cups-server or ubuntu-cups-server. just add the printer as "ipp://mac-host/printers/QUEUE"17:37
dubacoActionParsnip: i'm scared of getting gparted wrong. I am attempting to use it to resize my windows/linux/freespace on my hdd17:37
MonkeyDustD[4]ni  try sudo apt-get update, first17:38
ActionParsnipintrader: cups is cups17:38
n1ActionParsnip after lusb, the terminal reports this info ID 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E220 HSDPA Modem / E230/E270/E870 HSDPA/HSUPA Modem17:38
llutzintrader: err "ipp://mac-host:631/printers/PRINTERNAME"17:38
D[4]niMonkeyDust: didn't change anything17:38
the_dudez0rHi, I'm creating a new xsession via "sudo xinit /usr/bin/jwm -- :1" in order to play a game there (quake). The problem is, whatever application I launch from that session, is outputting sound through my laptop's speakers rather than through my usb headsets. As a regular user I have the sound configured to go through my headset, but since the new xsession is launched as root, this is not the case. How could I solve this?17:40
the_dudez0rIs it possible to launch a new xsession without sudoing (hence being root)?17:40
rexwin_dropping to initramfs prompt17:42
rexwin_can somebody help17:42
n1ActionParsnip you meant this 12d1:1003 ?17:42
D[4]niMonkeyDust: nvm, ppa conflicted with official repo17:43
rexwin_alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/blah-blah doesnot exist17:43
ActionParsnipn1: yes, have you found any guides using that?17:43
L3toprexwin_: need more information... what are you trying to load, what version, did it ever work? What changed?17:43
rexwin_i can come into repair mode using the CD and then it shows perfectly the disks17:43
D[4]ninow i get this: Package gnome-shell-extensions-dock is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: gnome-shell-extensions17:44
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D[4]ni...but i can't find a way to enable the dock17:44
L3topwhat is 12d1?17:44
rexwin_no it never did since the first install17:44
rexwin_somehow the / is not mounted17:44
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:44
overcluckerrexwin_: run blkid and see if that uuid is listed17:45
rexwin_blkid not found17:45
intraderllutz, ActionParsnip I will follow up - I don't know the printer PRINTERNAME17:46
overcluckerRenski: then ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid17:46
ActionParsnipn1: if you run:  gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/61-option-modem-modeswitch.rules17:46
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overcluckerrexwin_: oops, nick complete failure -->>17:47
MonkeyDustD[4]ni  always be careful with ppas17:47
ActionParsnipn1: add the line:     ATTRS{idVendor}=="12d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1003", RUN+="modem-modeswitch -v 0x%s{idVendor} -p 0x%s{idProduct} -t option-zerocd"17:47
n1ActionParsnip I recall after reading sthg about backtrack that with this code you determine dongle's "something" with some programs for cracking the dongles but what when I get that info? How to get it started within ubuntu?17:47
DonkeyHoteiis there an quantal release candidate iso with the alternate installer anywhere?17:47
ActionParsnipn1 http://linux.frankenberger.at/Huawei_E220.html17:47
jeniahello everyone17:47
ActionParsnipn1 http://thoughtsandideas.wordpress.com/2012/04/11/workarounds-found-for-huawei-e220-on-ubuntu-11-10/17:47
rexwin_the above is the only file i have17:47
ActionParsnipn1: tonnes of guides17:47
lancewf_hello jenia17:47
jeniai downloaded a docs package and it sits in /usr/share/doc/....17:48
jeniawhat program should i use to read those docs17:48
rexwin_the hard disk is not detected and loaded17:49
intraderllutz, ActionParsnip: in cups I find Queuename: HP_Deskjet_5400_series, Make and Model: Hp Deskjet 5400 series17:49
rexwin_i can see them when i go into repair broken system using the CD17:49
rexwin_mount usually has /dev/sda1 UUID=1f7b0979-6319-4795-96dd-729ae94f580c ext317:49
rexwin_but now mount has nothing17:50
rexwin_no / mounted17:50
rexwin_that is the problem17:50
L3toprexwin_: mount will not have anything unless it is mounted... so it would appear17:50
intraderllutz, please repeat - I am unable in XChat to scroll back.17:51
L3toprexwin_: can you run fsck /dev/sda117:51
rexwin_L3top, in repair mode17:52
n1ActionParsnip thank you17:52
L3toprexwin_: either from repare console or live disk...17:52
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rexwin_got it17:52
rexwin_this is killing me:-(17:53
overcluckerrexwin_: does fdisk -l show your disk / partitions?17:54
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intraderllutz, please repeat - I am unable in XChat to scroll back.17:54
rexwin_in repair mode yes17:55
rexwin_in repair console everything is mounted and all seems to be perfect.17:56
rexwin_but i boot to first hard disk when boot without CD , nothing is mounted17:56
rexwin_there seems to be an issue with the UUID number17:57
oconnoreso, something weird happened, and now when I hit <End> in vim it opens a new line above the current line and types an f.17:57
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overcluckerrexwin_: the part i dont get is the part about ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid not showing your partitions.17:58
oconnorewhen I hit <Home> it inserts an H.17:58
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rexwin_oconnore, check mode17:58
oconnorerexwin_: mode?17:59
hash_so did i miss anything when i lost my connection17:59
rexwin_ls -l  /dev/disk/by-uuid/ has a file starting as pci-xxxx-xxxxx17:59
rexwin_that's all17:59
Ad33bI need help, can someone please help with disabling the Automatic mouse click in ubuntu 12.0418:00
overcluckerrexwin_: in recovery can you: mount /dev/sda1 / ?18:00
rexwin_it mounted automatically, it shows fine in recovery mode18:00
meisth0thwhat was the channel for 12.10?18:00
rexwin_so it detected /dev/sda1 fine18:01
trismmeisth0th: #ubuntu+118:01
rexwin_but when i boot normally /dev/sda1 is not mounted18:01
meisth0thtrism, thanks18:01
hash_I need a recommendation for an os to put on a p4 w/256MB to run audacity and xoscope18:01
overcluckerrexwin_: so it's already mounted then. try changing the uuid to the disk label /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab18:01
ActionParsniphash_: lubuntu18:01
yekomswhat command in terminal can i use to adjust the volume?18:03
L3topyekoms: you can open alsamixer... or you can set it directly if you know the control name.18:03
theadminyekoms: amixer or alsamixer18:03
rexwin_overclucker, i will get back to you once in recovery mode18:03
yekomshow do i use amixer?18:03
intraderActionParsnip, llutz , I find and connect to ipp:// - When I view the print queue after requesting to print, I see 3minutes ago, pending18:03
yekomsim using amixer to get the level..but to set it?18:04
ActionParsnipintrader: right click the job and select authenticate18:04
yekomsi got it18:04
yekomsodd, my master limit is 74.18:05
intraderActionParsnip, llutz , I find and connect to ipp:// - When I view the print queue after requesting to print, I see 3minutes ago, pending - pinter properties says The printer uri is incorrect.18:05
intraderActionParsnip, no such option on right click18:06
L3topyekoms: aplay -l | grep card | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | sed 's/://g' | while read CardNumber; do amixer -c "$CardNumber" | grep '\[off\]' -B5 | grep "Simple" | sed 's/Simple mixer control //g' | grep -vi capture | while read MuteStatus; do amixer -c "$CardNumber" sset "$MuteStatus" unmute; done; amixer -c "$CardNumber" | grep '\[.*\%\]' -B5 | grep "Simple" | sed 's/Simple mixer control //g' | grep -vi capture | while read VolLevel; do18:06
L3topamixer -c "$CardNumber" sset "$VolLevel" 80%; done; alsactl store; done             that will unmute everything across all cards and set levels to 80% if they have levels18:06
Asarhey, what information can anybody offer about hosting webpages with Linux?18:07
L3topyekoms the numerical limit is not indicative of percent volume. You can use percents if you prefer. The limits vary across cards.18:07
yggdrasilhi, i havea .sh that i made and when i click it i always get run in terminal. is there anyway to get rid of that ?18:08
ActionParsnipintrader: did you add authorisation to the printer when you added it?18:08
yekomswow thats ALOT for just volume adjust lol18:08
Asaryggdrasil, am fairly certain that has to do with mono18:08
L3topyekoms: it does more than just volume adjust. I use it to blow open everything on anything doing automatic configs for all sorts of hardware.18:09
yggdrasilwell im wondering if i need to add /bin sh to the top of the script.18:09
intraderActionParsnip, at some point I authorized as user of the mac. However the print job is as user intrader18:09
L3topyggdrasil: is it a bash script or a shell script?18:09
L3top.sh != bash18:10
yggdrasilits just a script that says rdesktop
yggdrasilits jsut that i like to click that rather than open a terminal and type it.18:10
L3topI am not sure I understand your problem yggdrasil... the script runs, but it runs in a terminal... and you want it to open some sort of gui? Or it does not run?18:10
ActionParsnipL3top: bash script is a shell script, as bash is a shell, surely...18:11
overcluckeryggdrasil: you mean it opens a gui terminal app when you click on it?18:11
xoxotardadafsck on a partition that at first freezed then failed to mount is taking only a second. I'm now running it with -c to check for bad blocks. Is there anything else I can do to ressurect it?18:11
intraderActionParsnip, further, the 'View Attritbutes' option shows me a uri that referes to localhost - this is not correct - localhost is the ubuntu trying to print, the host is at
yggdrasili get a do you want to run blah.sh or display its content spopup. that says run in terminal. display run cancel18:11
L3topbash is a type of shell... but it is not sh.18:11
bekksxoxotardada: Dont run it with -c but use -f instead.18:11
xoxotardadabekks: oh, I see!18:12
yggdrasiloverclucker: L3top you get it ?18:12
xoxotardadathanks for pointing out18:12
ActionParsnipL3top: true, sh is a shell, bash is a shell18:13
overcluckeryggdrasil: so you want the script to execute without openg a terminal window?18:13
yggdrasilbasically yes.18:13
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yggdrasili wouldnt even mind if it opened a terminal. but i asks me to run it in a terminal18:14
overcluckersh is a symlink to another shell18:14
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L3topKleenex is a facial tissue... other people call all facial tissues kleenex. I was just drawing the distinction.18:14
ActionParsnipL3top: gotcha18:15
L3topalbiet poorly18:15
yggdrasilim actually ok with it opening a term window. but i have to click the script then , a popup comes up that says: do you want to run "foo.sh", or display its contents. "foos.sh" is an executable text file. then four buttons run in termina display cancel run18:15
pranjal710hi, I have an external hard disk. It shows 360 GB used, although the hdd is completely empty, is there a way I can check it. My OS is ubuntu 12.0418:15
L3topwhat is the name of the script yggdrasil18:16
Asarso, any word about hosting a web-domain in Linux? Is anybody hosting with their Linux machine? Am curious about the functionability & features of doing private hosting18:16
L3topyggdrasil: there is a way to set executable scripts to always open... I dont remember how. I set mine to automatically be edited.18:16
L3topyggdrasil: I think what you would want to do though, is create an icon and link it to the script18:17
yggdrasillet me right click it.18:17
yggdrasilhmm wierd default application doesnt list terminal.18:18
yggdrasiloh well gotta go to lunch ill bb.18:18
yggdrasilits just been botherign me lately.18:18
MaskilPDXpranjal710, Check for hidden files18:18
MaskilPDXctrl + h18:19
L3topyggdrasil: I think you wanna make a widget or whatever they are called in unity18:19
yggdrasilno i jsut opened a terminal. then i cd Desktop vi yodainside.sh , rdesktop , esc : wq18:19
MaskilPDXAsar, I host 20+ websites on a linux box18:19
yggdrasilill bbl18:20
yggdrasiltake it easy.18:20
yggdrasilthansk for the input.18:20
AdvoWorkAsar, i host 65 websites on one of my linux boxes, and then loads on others too18:20
MaskilPDXAdvoWork, What OS are you using?18:20
AsarMaskilPDX, what server software are you using & what are the potentials for hosting?18:20
intraderActionParsnip, I delete the printer and start anew, it still insists on localhost when I view attibutes18:20
Asaram wanting to do server hosting where the website ports the server for accessing information remotely18:21
MaskilPDXI am running CentOS with WHM/cPannel18:21
AdvoWorkMaskilPDX, erm a mixture actually, one server is ubuntu, one server is centos18:21
pranjal710MaskilPDX : I tried ctrl+h to see hidden files, but in vain. Could you please tell me how to look for bad sectors in ubuntu. When I tried to do benchmark test for drive performance, it said a partition detected, but I dont see a partition18:22
MaskilPDXI have a VS though a local company.  I have root and all18:24
kthxbyeare you rich18:24
MaskilPDXpranjal710, Not sure about any ubuntu software, but I would recommend spinrite by GRC18:25
intraderllutz, I tried ipp:// and it configures a printer with uri localhost which is not
pranjal710but  spinrite is not free!! :(18:26
MaskilPDXyea, I know18:26
Guest57497doesnt kodak provide necessary software similar to cloud18:26
bekkskodak is dead, to be honest. :)18:27
schnufflepranjal710: fsck is a tool to check partitoions18:27
hash_Can i just right click an iso and click write to disk... to create a install cd18:27
Guest57497having probs but still running on a lower rate18:27
Guest57497to hash no18:28
intraderAnyone, this is frustrating - why does ubuntu no detect a cups server on the network. I am configuring a printer, I use uri 'ipp://' but printer applet insists on configuring localhost instead18:28
hash_Thats what i thought and i cant remember how i did it before18:28
CaptainKnotsI accidentally deleted the private ppa sources in ubuntu for software purchased from the software center. Is there a way to get them back so I can update the apps other than uninstalling and reinstalling all of them?18:28
Guest57497cuse burn an image in burner software18:29
hash_like brasero18:29
Guest57497dont know not tried18:29
Guest57497you should have an option to burn from disc image if a good burner software18:30
crazydipCaptainKnots: yes there is18:30
xangua!partner | CaptainKnots18:31
ubottuCaptainKnots: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:31
cuqaHey, I am trying t install Ubuntu on an Dell Optiplex 740 machine. Problem is once the install navigation shows up and I select anything from it the machine freezes. Doesnt matter if I choose Install Ubuntu, or just help18:32
crazydipxangua: i think he meant those specialized repo's that you get with a hashed path18:32
Guest57497does this mean anything to anyone "68684 11194 38374 76940 0266218:32
Guest5749780844 25463 89092 32723 4894418:32
Guest5749760162 81855 34192 47854 0990118:32
Guest5749797313 56004 73374 97465 9171918:32
Guest5749755840 91561 49620 06817 7347118:32
Guest5749753916 04111 69175 54222 04293"18:32
FloodBot1Guest57497: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
cuqaIs there maybe a command I can add that at least could show me an error?18:32
crazydipCaptainKnots: go into ubuntu software center -> file -> reinstall previous purchases18:33
Guest57497oops  sorry forgot about flood18:33
crazydipCaptainKnots: or if you want an actual repo url list:  https://software-center.ubuntu.com/subscriptions/18:34
M1R4G3Hello i have to recover a NTFS Partition, maybe someone have a idea?18:34
crazydipi wish ubuntu would not make it so insanely stupid to log into that list (no links on the page)18:35
Guest57497hi m1r4g3 have you tried partition magicc18:35
M1R4G3no i don't thanks for the answer i will try it :)18:36
marijnschJust installed 12.04.1, but wireless doesn't work. Something with the firmware apparently. How do I go about upgrading that?18:36
tioxParted Magic is a nice, free utility. Though if you're looking for Gibson's SpinRite, that stuff is everywhere. Not hard to find it (illegal) free.18:36
crazydipintrader: you should find all the information you need here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu18:37
tioxmarijnsch: Run jockkey-gek / Additional hardware18:38
M1R4G3Thanks for the help guys i will try it :)18:38
Guest57497too many k`s18:38
tioxGuest57497: No racism. :P18:38
Guest57497wasnt a racist comment idiot18:39
Guest57497too many k1s in jokkey18:39
tioxI was *kidding*, but nonetheless jockey-gtk (the interface for jocket, and the thing that pops up for additional hardware) seeks closed-source software and drivers.18:39
GodFatherjoin #backuppc18:40
tioxRight, I just woke up, bear with me. :)18:40
Guest57497misssin / there godfather18:40
marijnschtiox: Just says that there are no prop drivers in use.18:40
tioxWhat? Hmm -- What hardware are you trying to get working?18:41
GodFatherGuest57497, thx18:41
M1R4G3@tiox - is it possible to get parted magic on to ust flash stick, i don't have any CD's here :-/18:41
Guest57497your welcome18:41
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marijnschtiox: something that is supposed to work with iwlwifi kernel driver, but there is a problem with the used firmware...18:42
Guest57497yep will fit ideal for disc recovery from boot if bios capable18:42
intradercrazydip, I will read. It should be a lot simpler as the cups server announces itself. I have read that, when I use ipp:// the printer applet configures the locahost cups18:42
tioxGuest57497: Install unetbootin, then install through there if you want an easy solution.18:42
marijnschtiox: it's a 24:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (rev 34)18:42
M1R4G3thanks for the help tiox18:42
rhollananyone have preseed experience here?18:43
marijnschtiox: apparently the issue is fixed in quantal beta, so I need to upgrade kernel and/or firmware18:43
jribrhollan: I don't but you're more likely to get help if you just ask your real question18:44
witakrHey folks18:44
Guest57497hi witakr18:44
witakrCan anyone recommend an application for filling out PDF files?18:44
rhollanI want to reuse settings. For example, after interactively getting netcfg/get_hostname and netcfg/get_domain, I want to set the krb5-config server settings FROM them and not reprompt18:44
witakrheya Guest5749718:44
rhollankrb5-config/default_realm the tr [a-z] [A-Z] version of the domain, etc.18:45
Guest57497hey witaky what do you meen filling out18:45
witakrWell, I have some PDF files which are forms and instead of printing them and handwrighting them I want to be able to fill in the fields before I print the form.18:46
witakrSimilar to NitroReader for windows.18:46
tioxmarijnsch: See if you can't get away with using the latest version of the software.18:46
Guest57497you need a pdf editor similar to nitro to edit a pdf file directly18:47
tioxAsk what's involved in #ubuntu+118:47
cdananybody here with a Latitude E5400 ?18:47
Guest57497n0 e1.1918:47
Guest57497n 53.2818:48
Guest57497oops w1.1918:48
=== Youri is now known as YBook
d1gitalIs there a netbeans package for PHP editing support?18:49
d1gitalbluefish is starting to drive me nuts.18:49
dubacoxnox: bluz has not worked since 11.10 for me18:50
witakrGuest57497, n 53.28?18:51
Guest57497no n 53.28 w1.1918:51
schnufflecdan: me18:51
witakrI don't understand what that means.18:51
=== jimerickson is now known as Guest4109
rhollananyone know how to configure krb5-config preseed options based on already-obtained domain and host for netcfg?18:51
marijnschhow do I go about updating just the kernel/firmware?18:51
Guest57497sorry witajr different chat they are coordinates18:52
cdanschnuffle: is sound working ok for you ?18:52
schnufflemarijnsch: just install the new kernel and firmware18:52
EaglemanAny idea about this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!18:52
Eagleman  linux-libc-dev18:52
schnufflecdan: yes18:52
marijnschschnuffle: but how? They are not there in synaptic, or?18:52
cdanschnuffle: I have ubuntu 12.04 TLS installed and the sound volume is very low18:53
Guest57497bye room thanks for help bye18:53
cdanschnuffle: I can bearly here something in the speakers with the volume turned 150%18:53
cdanschnuffle, any idea ?18:54
schnufflecdan: hmm, have youn openend alsmixer to see how the levels are?18:54
MaskilPDXmarijnsch, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:54
cdanschnuffle: sure, everything is 100%18:54
marijnschMaskilPDX: won't that bring me from 12.04 to 12.10?18:54
MaskilPDXYes, your right.  Sorry18:55
intraderAnyone, I have configured via the printer applet a printer connected to a Mac  ipp:// The applet configures a localhost printer istead! Please help.18:55
overcluckermarijnsch: dist-upgrade doesn't do that18:55
Pici!dist-upgrade | marijnsch MaskilPDX18:55
ubottumarijnsch MaskilPDX: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.18:55
MaskilPDXOkropNick, now I am confused18:55
EaglemanAny idea about this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!18:56
Eagleman  linux-libc-dev18:56
EaglemanSHould i proceed?18:56
marijnschPici: alright, let me give it a try. Is that different btw from jsut installing all updates in other ways such as thru update-manager?18:57
Picimarijnsch: its no different than using update-manager.18:57
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marijnschPici: hmm, in that case I already tried it. It upgraded the kernel a tiny bit, but apprently not enough :(18:58
AdvoWorkhow can i make a symlink from a file called /etc/test/test.cfg to appear in /etc/test/auto called test ? ive done ln -ls /etc/test/test.cfg /etc/test/auto/test but it fails18:58
M1R4G3tiox are u there?18:58
EaglemanWhat faild AdvoWork?18:58
schnufflecdan: not sure but have you checked bios settings, if there something to tweak?18:58
AdvoWorkEagleman, it said ls: cannot access test: No such file or directory18:59
schnufflecdan: I can't check right now because i'm on a newer model18:59
overcluckerAdvoWork: did you use sudo?18:59
amine_bonsoir  j arive pa a joit fr18:59
* komer is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]19:00
Eaglemando it as root and recheck the source and destination of they exist19:00
overcluckerAdvoWork: ah, create the directories first19:00
Eaglemanthey have to exist19:00
cdanschnuffle: do you remember tweaking something ? or did it work from the start ?19:00
marijnschamine_: type /j #ubuntu-fr19:00
AdvoWorkahh fixed it thanks19:00
schnufflecdan: as far as i rememeber it worked from the start19:00
schnufflecdan: but i don't know if it was 10.04 or 12.0419:01
cdanschnuffle, I'll try 10.04 live , just for a test19:01
cdanschnuffle, good idea19:01
marijnschI'm on 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu, how do I go to 3.4 say?19:02
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amine_join #ubuntu-fr19:03
marijnschamine_: ne pas oublie le \19:03
MaskilPDXDo most people use Thunderbird on Ubuntu?  Sometimes it's laggy19:04
MaskilPDXmarijnsch, I am also on 3.2.0-3219:05
marijnschMaskilPDX: it has a bug that's affecting my wireless..., so I need something newer19:05
MaskilPDXWhat wireless card do you have?19:06
MaskilPDXHere is a link for Kernel 3.6.1 -- http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/install-linux-kernel-361-on-ubuntu.html19:07
WizardWHoa, what for?19:07
CaptainKnotscrazydip: the repo url list is exactly what I was looking for19:10
crazydipyou're welcome19:10
=== Guest20147 is now known as jsec
HellchicoHi, can someone plz tell me where I can get help for a sound problem on 12.04?19:11
IszakCan I completely install ubuntu 12.04 on my macbook air 2011 ?19:11
Iszakno dual boot, no boot camp, wipe OSX and ubuntu only19:11
jrib!mac | Iszak19:12
ubottuIszak: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:12
amine_bonsoir a tous19:12
jribIszak: should be fine though I don't personal experience with that particular model19:12
Iszakjrib what model have you used?19:13
jribIszak: macbook 4,1 but see the wiki19:13
Iszakjrib same one19:13
Iszakoh nvm, 4,219:13
jribIszak: but mine is not an air19:13
jribIszak: fwiw linus has a macbook air and runs linux on it...19:14
Iszakthat page seems to think macbook air 4,2 was released in 200619:14
amine_jai une  cle internete j  arive pas a instaler19:14
IszakI think that page needs an update.19:15
jribIszak: how are you determining yours is 4,2?19:15
Iszakjrib system report19:15
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:16
jribIszak: probably a mistake on that page19:16
Iszakso.. how to do it? that page doesn't help me unfortunately.19:17
jribIszak: why doesn't that page help you?19:18
Iszakjrib it doesn't list my model19:18
jribIszak: the model pages are really only relevant to fix small issues that come up after install19:18
Iszakjrib okay.. so then what page do I want to do a clean install of ubuntu?19:19
bekksThe 4,2 is listed there.19:19
bekks"4,1 4,219:19
bekksearly/mid 200619:19
Iszakexcept it's not 2006, it's 2011, and the url's next to it goes to an even older version.19:21
jribIszak: if you don't want to dual boot then you shouldn't have to do anything special, just run the installer and follow the instructions19:21
Iszakjrib alright, thanks - are you sure?19:21
jribIszak: I've never actually done it.  But that is my understanding19:21
MonkeyDustIszak  best way to find out, is by trying, it then makes you the expert19:21
Iszakheh, thanks.19:22
jribIszak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation#Single-Boot:_Ubuntu_Only19:22
saratsistaHow can I install iptables into my ubuntu virtual machine?19:22
Iszakwhen will bunt get native EFI booting?19:22
Iszakthanks jrib19:23
jribIszak: i keep a small partition for os x so I can install firmware updates19:23
Iszakjrib necessary?19:24
jribIszak: not necessary, but I then you won't get the updates from apple19:24
islandmonkeyHi skyline19:24
skylineHow can I install iptables into my ubuntu virtual machine?19:24
jribskyline: you already have it19:24
Iszakjrib what good will the apples be to me? they don't effect the ubuntu hardware?19:24
jribIszak: there are firmware updates from time to time I believe19:24
jribskyline: you already have iptables19:24
Iszakjrib how big did you make your partition?19:24
islandmonkey!iptables | skyline19:25
ubottuskyline: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.19:25
klaxtrhi, i wonder if it's possible to writte an script so the unity bar has the behaviour like tab changing, when i click on the icon in the unity bar can take me to the last active application... something like this, does any one knows if this can be done?19:25
jribIszak: I don't remember.  Probably whatever the used size was + 5gb19:25
Iszakjrib umm so full disk + 5 GB? impossible.19:25
MonkeyDustklaxtr  better ask in a scripting dedicated channel19:26
Iszakby default it uses the full disk, no?19:26
jribIszak: Well if my os x install was using 10GB out of 120, then I shrunk the partition to 15GB19:26
OerHeksklaxtr see my-unity tool to tweak the unitybar behaviour19:26
vikshey i am newbie in ubuntu......i want to know how to start programming for ubuntu app? can anyone help me with this19:26
Iszakjrib oh right, got it - thanks. will need to reinstall as this osx installation is pretty used.19:26
ChrisWereHey guys. Nvidia-Settings won't pick up the correct resolution on my primary monitor. It worked fine until recently.19:27
skylineno. I couldn't download them. the apt-get is not working. I am getting an error called  Temporary failure resolving ‘archive.ubuntu.com’19:27
bekksviks: There is no "ubuntu app". There is just "start programming an application".19:27
viksbekks ....i mean that only ......19:27
Iszakjrib alright wish me luck!19:27
jribskyline: couldn't download what exactly?19:27
klaxtrOerHeks:where is it...19:27
jribIszak: you won't ... need it19:27
vikshow to start writing a script to change ubuntu according to needs19:27
MonkeyDustklaxtr  in the software center19:27
OerHeksklaxtr, see softwarecentre > myunity19:28
klaxtrOerHeks: can this behaviour be achieved with this appl19:28
bekksviks: Depends on what you want to change.19:28
klaxtri have it install already19:28
MonkeyDustklaxtr  maybe you find what you need in the myunity tool19:28
crazydipviks: here is a good place to start - notice the "Programming Guides and Basics" post: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=3919:28
ChrisWereHey guys. Nvidia-Settings won't pick up the correct resolution on my primary monitor. It worked fine until recently.19:28
viksjust thinking it would be better if i can modify some things in unity lens19:28
viksthanks crazydip ...will look this up19:29
crazydipviks: how to create a unity lens: http://developer.ubuntu.com/2012/04/how-to-create-a-wikipedia-unity-lens-for-ubuntu/19:30
viksthanks dude.....19:30
M1R4G3@Hellchico install Gnome-Alsa-Mixxer maybe that will work19:30
gregor3005hi, i try to install ubuntu 12.04 minimal and i get an error that no network was detected with error "error whil running 'modprobe -v yenta_socket'"19:30
crazydipviks: you're welcome19:30
gregor3005with the desktop edition the network are detected19:31
ChrisWereHey guys. Nvidia-Settings won't pick up the correct resolution on my primary monitor. It worked fine until recently.19:31
ChrisWerea little help maybe?19:33
ChrisWereHey guys. Nvidia-Settings won't pick up the correct resolution on my primary monitor. It worked fine until recently.19:33
gregor3005anybody know the right command from the bootmenu to install a minimal system?19:34
M1R4G3u can change your resolution into the settings for both dislpay/screens19:34
ChrisWereit's not picking up the correct resolution19:34
_Trullohow shall I put this line in fstab? sudo mount -t aufs -o br:/media/1/dir1=RO:/media/2/dir2=RO \ none /mnt/dir319:35
ChrisWereis this the famous Ubuntu community support? It's a joke.19:36
MonkeyDust!patience| ChrisWere19:36
ubottuChrisWere: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:36
M1R4G3remove it and install  the nvidia drive again but just with your primary screen, put any other screens off19:36
ChrisWereM1R4G3: is that actual help or are you telling me to do this as a shot in the dark19:37
skyline    Hi I cannot download the ip tables for my ubuntu virtual machine. I am getting the error "Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead." and also "Temporary failure resolving ‘us.archive.ubuntu.com’19:38
yekomsChrisWere, either take whats offered or dont, we wouldnt tell anyone anything that would cause intended harm.19:38
witakrOk, Sorry I had to step away for a few. Does anyone know of a good PDF reader like Nitro for windows that will let the user fill the PDF forms out before printing?19:39
jribskyline: why are you ignoring what I've told you?  I've told you twice now that you already have iptables.  What exactly are you doing now that is giving you the "... index files failed ..." output?  Use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste full input and output19:39
M1R4G3ChrisWere it's just a try, u don't have to do that maybe u can find another way to fix your problem19:39
ChrisWereyekoms: I don't mean anything by it, it just didn't sound like serious advice19:39
jribwitakr: doesn't the default one (evince) do that?19:39
M1R4G3I just try to help u and tell u my idea's nothing more19:39
witakrjrib, Does it? I don't know. I'm in Xubuntu 12.04 specifically so I don't know if I even have that one. one sec.19:39
islandmonkey!attitude | ChrisWere19:39
ubottuChrisWere: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:39
yekomsChrisWere, it seems like he gave a valid test to start fixing your issue.19:40
islandmonkey...or correct19:40
jribwitakr: I believe it does; I remember using it with my taxes :x19:40
yekomscant fix without diagnose.19:40
skylinejrib: sorry, I do not have the iptables. even the command "iptables" is not working. I am getting error "bash command not found"19:40
ChrisWereislandmonkey: I apologise, I'm just had far too many bugs with Ubuntu, and I'm self employed so it costs me money everytiem something like this happens19:40
gregor3005only-ubiquity helps from the boot menu19:40
jribskyline: did you see what I said about pastebin?19:40
AdvoWorkif i cant run a server but have it mounted, how can i see the cronjobs for a specific user, are they stored in a file?19:41
witakrjrib, I don't see anything in evince that indicates an abililty to add text or edit. It appears to be only a viewer.19:41
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jribwitakr: you should just be able to click on the text field you want to fill19:42
jribAdvoWork: use crontab19:42
AdvoWorkjrib, i cant boot the server19:42
AdvoWorkso i can only access files on it :S19:42
jribAdvoWork: is this still that really old ubuntu you have... ?19:43
AdvoWorkjrib, nah, thats long gone, this is on ubuntu 10.04 server now19:43
puddleguys I am using Ubuntu 12.04.1 and I installed gnome but it will not install the latest gnome, how can i install the latest release?19:43
jribAdvoWork: you could chroot or look in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/19:43
AdvoWorkbut ive just done another migration, and that server is now old, i cant boot it due to the same ip/conflics etc19:43
islandmonkeypuddle: Wait 6 days and it will be with you (12.10 is coming :))19:44
AdvoWorkjrib, thats empty :S this is also for a specific user too "zimbra" user19:44
witakrjrib, Ok ok ok. I think I should clearify. I forgot that you can make PDF forms to be filled without any special program but this particular form was designed to be printed and handwritten even though I have the option to type. That being said the fields are not editable fields but rather they are just lines.19:44
ChrisWereOkay I've restarted X with one screen, and I still can't find the right reslution19:44
jribwitakr: ah, there are certainly some tools that let you annotate PDFs but I don't remember their names19:44
puddleislandmonkey, you mean my ubuntu will upgrade to 12.10 or i have to install it? i dont want to install new ubuntu:p19:44
yekomsit should upgrade from -current- to -12.10- if you choose so.19:45
islandmonkeypuddle: It won't automatically upgrade19:45
puddlebut that wont be tls19:45
jribAdvoWork: you're sure /etc/cron.* or /etc/crontab wasn't used instead of the user's crontab?19:45
ChrisWereso what do I do now guys?19:45
islandmonkeypuddle: Let me search for a PPA you could use, hold on19:45
skylinejrib: I pasted my input and output19:46
witakrI appoligize for the confusion but yes. Now that I remember the app I used in windows when I had windows mentioned it was an ANNOTATION program19:46
puddleeither way is there a way to install the latest before 12.10?:p19:46
isasha I have an issue with my display. It's telling me that the input mode is not supported, even in failsafeX mode… any ideas19:46
puddleislandmonkey, ty :)19:46
jribChrisWere: if you're speaking to someone specific, please address them.  If not, then no one knows what you are talking about and you should just ask your (detailed) question on one line and be patient19:46
witakrjrib, ^^ forgot to add yu name to the line lol read up..lol19:46
ChrisWerejrib: They just went offline. Now I'm stuck in the middle of my probelm19:46
isashajrib: should I be patient too?19:47
isashafor some reason people always forget what I asked19:47
puddlecome on guys jrib is trying to help19:47
ChrisWereisasha: join the club looks like jrib is the only one here who actually knows anything19:47
jribisasha: it''s safe to repeat ~10 minutes depending on traffic in case someone else can help19:47
jribskyline: you need to provide the url here in the channel to your pastebin19:48
puddleChrisWere, i dont think it is a good idea to say that loud19:48
islandmonkeypuddle: Well, there is the GNOME testing PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing19:48
jribwitakr: I would just google "annotate pdf ubuntu" and look for hints.  One that comes up is "xournal" so you might try that19:48
puddleislandmonkey, well ty im not that brave:p19:49
isashawitakr: Xournal is actually real good19:49
isashaI use it to take notes in class with my gfx tablet19:49
Jayfluxhey guys, when i do add user <username> pass for a user, they cannot log in to ftp. But when i do passwd <pass again> they can.19:49
jribskyline: try "/sbin/iptables"19:49
JayfluxWhats going on?19:49
witakrjrib && isasha word. That sounds good I will check that. Thanks a ton.19:49
Jayfluxadduser <username> -p pass I mean..19:49
puddleislandmonkey, i just wanted a version that can actually install extensions since the one in the ubuntu repo is not allowing me to do so19:49
jribJayflux: uh, are you sure you are using adduser?19:49
puddlebut testing ppa is too risky19:49
skylinejrib: i am getting error : "No such file or directory"19:49
isashawitakr: do you have a graphics tablet?19:50
ChrisWerepuddle: I'm sorry It's just is takes me half a day for anyone to help me, considering how often ubuntu messes up on me, I lose a lot of work hours trying to fox ubuntu19:50
Jayfluxjrib sorry I think i mean useradd19:50
jribJayflux: that expects a crypted password there :)19:50
chuckfJayflux: can the user log into the shell and not ftp when you do it that way?19:50
puddleChrisWere, if you dont like ittry something else, but I doubt theres a better distro out there19:50
Jayfluxno im trying to automate this as much as possible. Its going to be an automated system so its scripted19:50
witakrI have a couple tablets, Kindle Fire (I know...) and HP Touchpad with Cm9... is that what you mean?19:50
Jayfluxchuckf jrib ^19:51
Jayfluxthe end user won't have shell access19:51
ChrisWerepuddle: I'm not dissing ubuntu as a distro, I'm just saying I spend a lot of time trying to fix it.19:51
jribChrisWere: you said you had the resolution before and then it just disappeared.  I'd try to figure out why that happened (what changed?) if you have no other advice19:51
witakrisasha, or do you mean a tablet for graphics designers?19:51
ChrisWerejrib: nothing changed. I've even reinstalled19:51
isashathough the way you put it makes it sound expensive19:51
jrib!resolution | ChrisWere19:52
ubottuChrisWere: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:52
jribChrisWere: there are some tips there for adding another resolution19:52
puddleChrisWere,  imagine back when debian was only installable through console no fancy stuff, that took some time, doing your kernel by hand :p19:52
islandmonkeypuddle: That's funny. GNOME 3.2 is the version in precise (the one that supports extensions).19:52
puddlethis is just child game19:52
witakrisasha, No. I don't I use a trackball. I want a tablet but I can't justify the expense because I do fine for my needs with my marble trackball19:52
jribskyline: how did you install this ubuntu?19:52
islandmonkeypuddle: And I need to go to the loo, wait one moment19:52
puddleislandmonkey, hm thats funny extnesions.gnome.org says i have a version that doesnt allow me to install them19:52
isashayou'll be able to find one for less than 50$, and they're amazing19:52
Treizeis there a universal method in linux to set default programs or does it depend on the desktop environment? for example setting the default text editor for .txt19:52
isashaI have a Wacom Bamboo pen & touch, and it's phenomenal19:53
ChrisWerepuddle: I guess ubuntu isn't stable yet. Hopefully one day it'll get there19:53
isashaSeveral other people now do the same thing because of me19:53
witakrisasha, I hear they are really nice to have. I like to draw and sketch and that would, I would think, be a fairly easy transition for me.19:53
puddleChrisWere, wel the last 10 years I was waiting for Linux to become as you say stable19:53
puddledidnt happen so far:P19:54
puddleI wouldnt wait for that to happen anytime soon, but itsg etting there, thus im considering leaving windows completely19:54
witakrisasha, you mean for actual graphics design or for normal everyday use?19:54
isashawell the fact that my mom can use it straight away should give you an indication of how easy it is19:54
ChrisWerepuddle: I know right. It's cost me a fortune19:54
Beta2KHello all19:54
isashawitakr: both actually19:55
Beta2KAnyone run into mysql deciding not to start after a reboot on 12.04?19:55
puddleChrisWere, what did cost you a fortune?19:55
jribBeta2K: no one19:55
ChrisWerepuddle: using ubuntu on my computer I use for work19:55
jribBeta2K: (you should just say what your issue is)19:55
puddleBeta2K, what did you do to it before restart? OO19:56
witakrisasha, hmm. Sounds interesting. Maybe I will have to check it out. Can you suggest a good model for graphics design?19:56
Beta2KI had mysqld running, added some databases, a few weeks and reboots go by, go to use it again and it's not running19:56
isashawitakr: well I dunno19:56
puddleChrisWere, I do not want to be a jerk but thats probably not Ubuntu's fault19:56
skylinejrib: I downloaded this from my college website.  I am competing in a challenge given by my professor. I am new to linux.19:56
Beta2Ktry to start it with sudo service mysql start and get "start: Job failed to start"19:56
isashaI just use a Wacom Bamboo, the cheapest one I could find with decent reviews19:56
jribBeta2K: can you start it now, with the "service" command?19:56
gswainso is it pretty easy to grow and shrink the size of and lxc container?19:56
jribskyline: downloaded what exactly?  Some sort of virtual image?19:56
islandmonkeypuddle: Right, back.19:56
gregor3005is it possible to install ubuntu on a given encrypted partition with lvm?19:56
Beta2KNothing appears to be going into the mysql logs19:57
puddleChrisWere, first off you should not use a system for work if you are not experienced with it19:57
islandmonkey!lvm | gregor300519:57
ubottugregor3005: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:57
isashaThe resolution isn't as good as I would like it to be, but more than enough for every day use. You could go up all the way to a Cintiq which costs like 2000 bucks… so it's up to you witakr19:57
puddleislandmonkey, okay ty for the help btw19:57
jribskyline: well it's a pretty strange ubuntu install if you don't have /sbin/iptables.  What happens when you try to use apt-get (use pastebin)?19:57
thechaseri know thius is prolly the wrong place to ask... but there irc channel isnt work anyone know anything about aircrack?19:57
puddleChrisWere, you should work on a system you know and learn the one you desire to use later on, thats what im doing19:57
islandmonkeypuddle: OK, so make sure you are installing them while on GNOME19:58
ChrisWerepuddle: perhaps but they say it's far more stable than it is. They say the communtiy support is better than it is. But I've been using ubuntu for a good few years, and it still comes up with bugs and errors I've never seen before19:58
jribthechaser: sorry, not supported here19:58
skylinejrib: how can I record the input and output from the command line?19:58
isashathechaser: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+use+aircrack19:58
jribskyline: are you in a graphical environment?19:58
puddleChrisWere, thats because Linux is actually being developed continuously19:58
Flannelisasha: Please never answer questions like that.  Thanks.19:58
thechaserthanks.. uyeah i just had a small problem but figured it out sorry for the bother19:58
Beta2Kthere's a bit in the syslog about init: mysql main process being terminated and respawned19:58
skylineno. I am in shell19:58
puddlewhilst other systems are only fixed from time to time and only major releases are new19:58
isashaFlannel: :D19:58
timer_I have a problem with serial connection19:58
jrib!who | Beta2K19:59
ubottuBeta2K: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:59
Beta2Ktas well as  type=1400 audit(1350071838.574:39): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=2555 comm="apparmor_parser"19:59
puddleislandmonkey, thatsa no brainer:p19:59
timer_I use cutecom and it doesn't connect19:59
islandmonkeypuddle: Are you using Chrome?19:59
islandmonkeypuddle: Right, try using Firefox.19:59
puddleislandmonkey, okay gona try that19:59
timer_but in /proc/tty/driver/serial is an uart19:59
Beta2Kjrib, sorry I was trying to give as much information to everyone hoping someon had seen this behaviour before20:00
witakrisasha, lol if I made graphics design my profession then i could see spending 2k on one but I think my limit might be in the 100-200 range..lol20:00
ChrisWerepuddle: anyways.after all this advice I still can't get the resolution 1280x960 to show up in nvidia-settings20:00
isashayou may want to check out your junkyard, I wound a Wacom Intuos 3 there a couple of months ago20:00
witakrisasha, Half the fun of buying things online for me in the research and reading reviews so i think when I am ready to actually buy I will find something suitable.20:01
jribBeta2K: can you verify there's no "mysqld" process running? Then I'd suggest trying to start it without using "service" and instead just calling the command the service command tries to call (I don't know how to really debug upstart services)20:01
puddleChrisWere, I am just thinking out loud but back when we had to configure x by xorg.conf or whatever, we only had to add it to the file and it worked20:01
isashawitakr: are you going to use it for taking notes or for graphic design though?20:01
puddlemaybe something similiar will work for you too?20:01
Beta2Kjrib, no mysqld isn't running (ps xa | grep mysql)20:01
puddleBeta2K, usually when something like this happens means you did something that breaks the server, config or peration20:02
ChrisWerepuddle: every time someone on here's told me to edit x, it's always broken it20:02
puddleChrisWere, well that is tricky but backup your conf before editing20:03
puddleand you are all set even if u mess it up20:03
crazydipChrisWere: ware you using open or closed source drivers?20:03
Beta2Kpuddly, I haven't touched the config, but it may have been upgraded by apt20:03
EaglemanAny idea about this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!20:03
Eagleman  linux-libc-dev20:03
puddleid try to remove mysql and reinstall it maybe that will help20:03
EaglemanSHould i proceed?20:03
puddlebut maybe someone clever will give u a better advice20:03
puddletho apt will only update to stable release20:04
puddleso i doubt its the case20:04
Beta2KProblem with removing mysql-server is I'll loose the databases :)20:04
witakrisasha, graphics design and probably nothing else. I have an unnatural adoration for my trackball...lol I love using my track ball. But I do quite a bit of graphics design for my own purposes and so then it wouldn't be a device I would use for normal computer use. just graphics design.20:04
islandmonkeyEagleman: Yes20:04
puddledid you work on your databases before restart?20:04
puddlei mean in that session20:04
isashaOk then you should probably get a used intuos20:05
isashait's cheaper than a new one20:05
jribplease use #ubuntu-offtopic for the non-support discussions20:05
Eaglemanislandmonkey isnt it unsafe?20:05
islandmonkeyEagleman: Do sudo apt-get update and if anything fishy comes up at the end (like apt moaning about invalid signatures), try this: http://pastie.org/pastes/5044988/text20:06
timer_can someone help me with an uart-connection?20:06
kthxbyesudo apt-get is the god command20:06
islandmonkeyEagleman: No it isn't, the only place linux-libc-dev could come from is the trusted Ubuntu repos20:06
user__Anybody with experience in linux/BSD server PM me, please.20:07
=== user__ is now known as Lockscreen
EaglemanAnd what if the repo''s are filled with hacked files?20:07
LockscreenAnybody with experience in linux/BSD server PM me, please.20:07
kthxbyethen switch to gentoo20:07
crazydip!question | Lockscreen20:07
ubottuLockscreen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:07
Eagleman!pm Lockscreen20:07
islandmonkeyEagleman: Then it would be talk of the IRC channel and everything Ubuntu20:08
[twisti]hello, is there any up to date documentation for ubuntu lts 12 and dovecot ? or am i going to have to go through source to figure out how this is supposed to work ?20:08
jribEagleman: you should find out where that package is coming from20:08
kthxbye!question | lockscreen20:08
ubottulockscreen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
jrib[twisti]: doesn't the server guide at help.ubuntu.com cover it?20:08
Eaglemanany idea on how to jrib?20:08
jribEagleman: apt-cache policy PACKAGE20:08
[twisti]jrib: no. its just copy and paste from 10, but its wrong. the actual dovecot stuff has been updated20:09
FloatingGoatdoes anyone know the name of the gui network manager?20:09
jrib[twisti]: we're talking about https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dovecot-server.html ?20:09
[twisti]to support, as far as i can tell, dynamic updating of email protocols, because theres a new one every week20:09
Eaglemanjrib looks like it is coming from ubuntu20:09
jribEagleman: pastebin20:09
jribFloatingGoat: it's actually called... *drumroll*... NetworkManager20:10
kthxbyeits ALL AMD6420:10
crazydiptimer_:  check out gtkterm or http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/find-out-linux-serial-ports-with-setserial/20:10
[twisti]i just want to find out how to enable pop3s20:10
Eaglemanit comes from security but the package isnt secure20:10
jribEagleman: can you pastebin the warning you got earlier too?20:10
EaglemanWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!20:11
LockscreenThe entire project will need about 250 machines, and I want them to be dumb thin clients with no hard drive running a virtualized mirror of the server OS. want them to have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Someone told me that the best way is a BSD server with cage linux for the clients, is that true? What system specs would I choose for both the clients and the server machine?20:11
Eagleman  linux-libc-dev20:11
jrib[twisti]: try #dovecot I suppose.  And if the guide is wrong, I'd urge you to file a bug20:11
FloatingGoatwhats the name for instalatiom via terminal20:11
jribEagleman: can you pastebin the full outptu?  It's easier for me to keep track of things20:11
islandmonkeyEagleman: Then it's OK, it's probably related to a problem I had20:11
jrib!apt | FloatingGoat20:11
ubottuFloatingGoat: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:11
[twisti]jrib: its not wrong. its the guide for 10. it has nothing to do with 12, everything in it is for 10, not 1220:12
jrib[twisti]: then it's wrong since it's in the 12.04 guide20:12
Eagleman!guide [twisti]20:12
EaglemanDont use guides, use manpages and build it urself20:12
[twisti]i suppose thats true20:12
timer_@crazydip, thanks I will take a look20:12
[twisti]Eagleman: that doesnt seem like sensible advice for an ubuntu channel20:12
[twisti]that sounds like a recipie for having all future updates be worthless or mess up your homebrewed crap20:13
[twisti]if i wanted to build everything myself i would have chosen to go with something like linux from scratch20:13
EaglemanNot at all, i was talking about building the config files or editing them20:13
jribEagleman: run « sudo apt-get update » and confirm the warning remains20:13
Eaglemanit did not20:14
jribEagleman: the warning went away?20:14
[twisti]the config files are not the way dovecot expects them20:15
EaglemanWhich config files?20:15
[twisti]its some weird dynamic crap that someone apparently decided was the new way for ubuntu 1220:15
islandmonkeyEagleman: Did it come up with this at the end however (see line 424)?: http://pastebin.com/mjGE3Dbv20:15
[twisti]its like 30 files that get dynamically included for god knows what purpose20:16
jrib[twisti]: there might be something useful in /usr/share/doc/dovecot*/README.Debian20:16
Eaglemanit did not20:16
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR
islandmonkeyOh nvm then20:17
Eagleman[twisti] those files are supposed to be there, read http://wiki2.dovecot.org/BasicConfiguration20:17
phaedrallooking for laid-back, distro-agnostic, quick grasp of difference between ubuntu-studio and debian with the right tasksel20:17
Eaglemanusing turtorials or howto''s from google will get you even in more trouble, they are out of date or wrong20:18
phaedralMost important, I think, is getting the right kernel; don't know if the debian tasksel for av production does that automatically20:18
phaedralEagleman: They're great...if one consumes wisely, checks the milk-carton before drinking, etc.20:19
Eaglemancan i switch the kernel without restarting?20:19
phaedralEagleman: +1 question, I want answer too.20:19
genii-aroundEagleman: Not usually20:20
islandmonkeyEagleman: I think that's impossible.20:20
Eaglemandoing an apt-get dist-upgrade and was wondering, i remembered my teacher saying something about it20:20
[twisti]Eagleman: thanks, i must have been looking at the 1.x wiki20:20
genii-aroundislandmonkey:  With ksplice it's possible20:20
Eagleman[twisti] i had the same problem20:20
phaedralI think I've actually got my question sorted out and feel a little bad about starting at the wrong end of it, and in the wrong channel. :(20:20
puddleislandmonkey, you were right firefox solved my issue:p20:22
islandmonkeypuddle: There has been a longstanding issue with Chrome (and other WebKit browsers) that means the site is unable to check the version of GNOME running20:24
islandmonkey!yay | puddle20:25
ubottupuddle: Glad you made it! :-)20:25
AresTheLionquestion, backports are kind of badly described at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports, can someone describe them to me?20:25
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:28
puddleislandmonkey, well i shouldve known since im a webdeveloper, thought of it but i was like, nah it must be something else20:28
JoeyJoeJoHow can I add an option to the kernel line in grub.cfg?20:29
Dr_willis_So a version of say...  gedit in 12.10 might/could get 'backported' to earlier releases.20:29
Dr_willis_But its  not really common. ;)20:29
=== milind is now known as abyss42
AresTheLionSo, if im going to download crunchbang is it necessary to get backports?20:29
guntbertJoeyJoeJo: edit /etc/default/grub   (and remember to rund sudo update-grub afterwards)20:29
puddlehm wish everpad would work under gnome -.-20:30
Dr_willis_backports is a repository of some packages...20:30
jayarwhen i'm using rythm box, i make the playlist, then send to burn, and it opens Brasero, but it burns it as audio CD...20:30
Dr_willis_AresTheLion,   cruchbang has its own support channels you may want to ask  this on.20:30
jayarhow do i tell it to burn an mp3 cd (data) ?20:30
AresTheLionDr_willis, Yes, but backports are native to Ubuntu I thought20:30
Dr_willis_AresTheLion,  no idea how crunchbang uses the defaultubuntu repos or not.20:31
Dr_willis_its just a 'specialized' repository for containign apps that might  have been bacported from newer releases20:31
ChrisWerepuddle: okay so I've tried just about everything. I'm still at a loss20:34
puddleChrisWere, whats the issue again? I am kinda lost atm20:34
ChrisWerepuddle: my screen resolution 1280x960 has disappeared from nvidia-settings20:35
puddleow yeah20:35
ChrisWerepuddle: i thought it might have had something to do with dual monitors but I've removed my second20:35
puddlewell you either search for an other driver (remove existing one before of course) or reinstall it remove old before again20:36
puddlethat is what I would do20:36
puddlewell it very well could be that20:36
ChrisWerepuddle: my driver is the offical nvidia one. I can't get support from anywhere if i change it out.20:36
puddlewell i wouldnt expect much from the official one20:36
ChrisWerepuddle:removing my 2nd monitor was the first thing I did. Considdering Linux is designed for vteran computer users, I think it's really silly that support for dual monitors isn't that great. The offical one is the only one that seems to have any support or endorsment20:37
puddlei doubt that but maybe someone more experienced can help you with it more then I can20:38
islandmonkeyCan MATE be used with Unity installed?20:38
ChrisWerepuddle: yeh but there's no-one mroe experienced here20:38
puddlei doubt taht too:p20:39
MaskilPDXChrisWere, You may have already said this, 32 or 64 bit?20:39
islandmonkeyOr, to rephrase that, is there a way for MATE to work without uninstalling Unity20:39
puddleislandmonkey, what are you using now? unity?20:39
ChrisWereMaskilPDX: I'm running 64bit version of ubuntu20:39
puddleislandmonkey, well cinnamon, kde, gnome unity works here for me all installed20:39
MaskilPDXI had issues with 64, went to 32bit20:40
puddlemate  should i guess work too20:40
MaskilPDXChrisWere, Expecially with video20:40
ChrisWereMaskillPDX: I considdered that, but I have 8gig of ram20:40
Dr_willis_cant say ive had any issues with 64bit on my nvidia systems.20:40
puddle64bithere too but i did not use my 2nd monitor yet tho20:40
islandmonkeypuddle: I know it doesn't work, I was asking if there was a way for MATE to work with Unity installed. :)20:41
MaskilPDXMe too.  32 bit with pae kernel, no problem20:41
Dr_willis_islandmonkey,  id have to suggest the mate homepage/forum/support areas  since its not part of ubuntu;s repos20:41
puddleislandmonkey, yeah I noticed I was just trying to say it should work as the other ones do :P20:41
ChrisWereMaskillPDX: It used to work okay. But today for some reason it didn't want to comply.20:41
MaskilPDXChrisWere, ok20:41
MaskilPDXJust a thought20:42
ChrisWereMaskilPDX: And to be honest everytime I come on here for advice, the useual advice I get is to do a re-install or to switch distros. I'd rather not do that this time20:43
MaskilPDXChrisWere, I understand.  I did not have any issues with 64 bit 12.10 when it first came out.20:44
MaskilPDXI just stuck with 32 bit and pae.  No reason to go 64 bit20:45
MaskilPDXmaybe next week, it will be better?20:45
MaskilPDXwith the release of 12.1020:45
ChrisWereMaskillPDX: I lose 4 gig of RAM if I go 32bit20:45
Dr_willis_64bit can be a bit faster in compiutationally intense tasks. :) like viden reencoding20:45
Dr_willis_PAE kernel lets you use all your ram Chris_007620:45
Dr_willis_oops chrisward20:45
Dr_willis_I give up. ;P20:46
MaskilPDXChrisWere, With the pae kernel, you can access all your RAM20:46
jayarhow do i share the CD burner, so i can burn from a windows machine?20:46
Dr_willis_ive seen some 'benchmarks' a year+ back that showed pae kernel a little slower then 64bit kernel.20:46
MaskilPDXI have 8gb on 32 bit20:46
bekksSo you cant use more than 4GB per thread.20:47
ChrisWereMaskillPDX oh interesting. Do you install PAE kernal from the repos?20:47
Dr_willis_pae kernel is the default for 32bit installes i think on 12.04+20:47
Dr_willis_except on Lubuntu and perhaps xubuntu.20:47
MaskilPDXInstalls automaticly20:48
flash_Hi guys. I need a lifesaver. I have just accidentally copied one file to another location and overwritten the destination file. I need that file back. How do I do it?20:48
MaskilPDXyea Dr_willis_20:48
RWOverdi1kGwibber is not connecting to facebook. It's just saying "Success" and that's it. Why?20:48
bekksflash_: By grabbing your backup and restoring that file from your backup.20:49
flash_I have not manually created a backup.20:50
bekksThen you've lost that file.20:50
flash_It's a php file that I've opened with vim.20:50
flash_Is there some way it might have been saved to some location?20:50
bekksflash_: Nope.20:51
bekksflash_: Do you have the original file still open in some vim?20:51
flash_I don't.20:51
bekksThen you've lost it.20:52
trismRWOverdi1k: bug 105867220:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058672 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Gwibber not add my Facebook account" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105867220:53
RWOverdi1ktrism: I'm not getting a security warning.20:54
RWOverdi1kAh I see.20:54
=== RWOverdi1k is now known as RWOverdijk_
RWOverdijk_That's annoying.20:54
RWOverdijk_It's integrated but not functional. :p20:54
herpladeenautilus keeps crashing for no apparent reason and with no error messages, where does it log stuff for me?20:57
ChrisWereso guys is that what the leading piece of advice is? reinstall my distro?20:58
Dr_willis_ChrisWere,  im not clear on what the original problem is/was/ ;)20:58
ChrisWereDr_willis_: cricky! if I'm not being told to be patient, I'm being told to repeat the problem YET AGAIN! I can't get the resolution 1280x960 to appear in my Nvidia-Config and it was there this morning20:59
gridwestDoes the Python library miniUPnP come with ubuntu 12.04?21:00
Dr_willis_so theres higher res's avail? or you have lost the highest it could do?21:00
yekomseverytime i issue 'apt-get install package' i get FATAL -> Failed to fork., ive googled and found that im out of ram, what else can cause this?21:00
crazydipChrisWere: you're not paying attention21:00
ChrisWereDr_willis_:I've lost the highest I could do, it's just dissapeared21:00
crazydipChrisWere: are you using open or closed source nvidia drivers?21:01
Dr_willis_ChrisWere,  but all the other res's are still there?   this a hdmi or vga monitor? or built in laptop?21:01
bekksyekoms: Investigate the output of "ps aux"21:01
Dr_willis_what is the hightest res it will let you do?21:01
yekomsthats what i thought, i dont get the error, but someone installing eggdrop via apt-get is.21:01
ChrisWerecrazy: it's a vga, I used to have to have a 2nd which was a vga going to a HDMI through a converter21:01
bekksyekoms: Pastebin the output please.21:02
ChrisWereDr_willis_ :the resolutions go up to 1152x86421:02
Dr_willis_this is a LCD monitor? Some of the res's seem very... weird. ;)21:03
ChrisWereDr_willis_:No it's a regular one21:03
Dr_willis_its an old fashioned VGA Tube type Moniotor that can do 1280x960?  Thats somthing id never seen befor.21:04
MindALotubuntu masters, I need your help21:04
ChrisWereDr_willis_: does this mean your giving up on me?21:04
MindALotspecifically - I cannot seem to find a way to change my default sound to NOT use my headset when it is plugged in21:05
MindALotnote : currently, not running pulseaudio,  speakers do work if I unplug the headset from the front jack21:05
Dr_willis_ChrisWere,  how i recall it working. X/drivers query the monitor and the monitor reports back wht modes it can handle. those hdmi/vga adaptors can confuse the process. but you said its just a straight vga connection correct?21:05
ChrisWereDr_willis_: yeah it's only when I try using the 2nd monitor where I need to use a converter21:06
MaskilPDXDr_willis_, Bad able maybe?21:06
MaskilPDXsorry.. cable21:06
Dr_willis_well for starters id run the 'nvidia-settings' tool and make sure you are in fact using the nvidia driver, not some other driver.  I think the xrandr command can report what modes the monitor 'reports' back that it can use.  double check that the mode is being reported back.21:07
Dr_willis_it might be possible to have xrandr force the mode.21:07
ChrisWereDr_willis_ what command would I use to get xrandr to force the mode?21:09
Dr_willis_not sure. ive not used xrandr in ages.. Im on a windows box so cant check its options21:10
Dr_willis_i tend to just set my res to the native of the lcd and thats where it stays. ;)21:10
genii-aroundChrisWere: There's some xrandr examples at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:11
Dr_willis_used to be xrandr diddnet work properly with the nvidia drivers i recall. but i thought it has been updated these days.21:12
ChrisWeregenii-around: I'm still a bit lost, any chance of a hand?21:12
genii-aroundChrisWere: I'm not going to be here long enough, leaving work shortly.21:13
zykotick9Dr_willis_: rotate can still be an issue with nvidia & xrandr.  "issue" but still possible ;)21:13
TJ-Dr_willis_: the latest nvidia v304+ introduced full RandR support21:14
zykotick9TJ-: good to know, thanks.21:15
ChrisWereso what do this mean?21:15
ChrisWerei don't know how much more of this i can take21:17
TJ-ChrisWere: Have you pastebinned the "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" yet? That will reveal what the drivers know about the monitor21:18
ChrisWereTJ-: http://pastebin.com/R1QkYR4U21:19
TJ-ChrisWere: "(WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1"21:21
TJ-ChrisWere: That means, Unable to read the resolution data for the VGA device21:21
TJ-Chris_0076: I'd wiggle the connectors and cables if I were you!21:21
javierf_hi! How can I know which icon is using each indicator in unity's top panel? I want to try manually changing some, but can't figure out where to look, which ones are in use or which is the folder it looks at. Thanks!21:21
TJ-ChrisWere:  I'd wiggle the connectors and cables if I were you!21:21
Chris_0076TJ-, ok, will do21:21
ChrisWeretj-: really?21:22
trismjavierf_: you can't tell just by looking at them, because each indicator can have multiple entries and they can be sorted separately, which are you curious about?21:22
kulitorumAfter changing monitor to an old 1920x1080 monitor, my resolution is 640x480 and I can't make it any higher. The monitor is using a 15pin D-SUB connector, so I guess there's no data communication. What do I do?21:23
ChrisWeretj-: did you mean me?21:23
TJ-ChrisWere: Yes :p21:24
TJ-Tab-completion error21:24
ChrisWereTJ-: I've tried do  I need to restart?21:24
Dr_willis_i recall ways to use xorg.conf to force differrent modes.21:24
javierf_trism, thanks, I'm trying to work with user status icons, those that show, for example in empathy, if you are online, not available, invisible...21:24
TJ-ChrisWere: Log-out and log-in to the GUI should be enough21:25
trismjavierf_: ahh that would be indicator-messages which in 12.04 is manipulated with libindicate but in 12.10 will be using libmessaging-menu21:25
_Trullohow is this line gonna look in fstab? sudo mount -t aufs -o br:/media/1/dir1=RO:/media/2/dir2=RO \ none /mnt/dir321:25
TJ-Dr_willis_: Looks like ChrisWere's PC is using the v295 nvidia drivers, so it won't have full xrandr support (only that metamode silliness)21:26
kulitorumWhere is xorg.conf?21:26
zykotick9kulitorum: doesn't exist, by default.21:27
zykotick9kulitorum: but /etc/X11/xorg.conf if it does ;)21:27
javierf_trism, but, what I know if that, changing icon theme, those icons change. Thing is, those in my icon theme are not displayed nicely, and I would like to go to that icon-set and changing those icons for some I like more. I've done that before succesfully, but this time I can't figure out how to do it. I found where those icons where places (status->48), removed them and place new ones with the same name at the same place. But I don't get it to display the21:29
javierf_icons I placed there (which where 24 pix instead of 48 cause I didn't have the 48 ones) but other ones that I have no idea where are them. So, now it's just a matter of discovering how to do such thing and why those I wanted are not displayed21:29
DrMaxquestion: when is 12.10 due ?21:30
ChrisWeretj-: okay I've tried that, no success.21:30
yeehiOn a fresh virtual installation of backtrack 5r3, I attempt an update and receive an error message - my anti-virus terminates the connection as it detects JS/TrojanDownloader.Agent.GJ trojan. The command: gem install librex -v '0.0.68' causes the anti-virus to terminate the connection.  What should I do?21:30
zykotick9!schedule | DrMax21:30
ubottuDrMax: A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule21:30
trismjavierf_: oh I see, let me see if I can find the icon names for you21:30
yeehi(sorry not directly Ubuntu - nobody in #backtrack is answering...21:30
DrMaxzykotick9 : thx21:31
bekks!backtrack | yeehi21:31
ubottuyeehi: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:31
zykotick9yeehi: see "/msg ubottu backtrack" for support options21:31
TJ-ChrisWere: OK... have you totally powered off the monitor (pulled the plug out of the wall-socket) ?21:31
Hundertfusswow, nice21:31
TJ-ChrisWere: This often happens when the monitor gets its internal memory corrupted.21:32
yeehihello bekks21:32
Hundertfusssomebody from ex YU?21:32
ChrisWereTJ-: okay, should i logout/login after I try that?21:32
tioxI'll ask once more, I asked about this problem last night -- In Ubuntu 11.10, my USB modem worked, an LG Turbo provided by AT&T. In 12.xx, it does not.21:32
yeehithanks zykotick921:32
yeehii have waited a long time in #backtrack and nobody has replied21:33
kulitorumI added modes "1280x1024" to my xorg.conf, but I still can only select 640x480 in displays. How can I force higher resolution? (there's no resolutions listed under "Monitor" should there be?)21:33
tioxlsusb brought up three devices; Two from Alcor, the SD card reader and TruInstall storage space, and one being the actual modem itself. usb-modeswitch isn't working.21:33
pepeekulitorum, in the console use xrandr21:33
tioxHow can I fix this? I found the stock config file in /usr/share/usb-modeswitch/configPack.tar.gz.21:33
zykotick9kulitorum: what video card?21:33
yeehii think that it is strange that updating librex starts a trojan21:33
TJ-ChrisWere: Yes, so that the X server can get the EDID from the monitor again. If that doesn't work - and as it was working until this morning, I would be considering and inspecting the physical connections of the monitor to the PC for any possible minute changes21:34
kulitorumxrandr lists 640x480 and 320x24021:34
kulitorumQuadro 460021:34
kulitorum..or maybe 470021:34
zykotick9kulitorum: "lspci | grep -i vga"21:34
kulitorumIt worked fine on another 1920x1200 monitor, but this one is connected with a 15pin d-sub21:35
kulitorum NVIDIA Corporation G80 [Quadro FX 4600] (rev a2)21:35
kulitorumso I guess there's no data communication21:35
TJ-kulitorum: If you are using the nvidia proprietary driver, you'll need to use the "Nvidia X Server Settings" application21:35
javierf_trism, thanks a lot! i'm in 12.1021:35
kulitorumThat also only lists 640x48021:35
kulitorumShould xorg.conf have resolutions under the "monitor" section?21:36
TJ-kulitorum: Check "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" see if the driver is getting a valid EDID from the monitor?21:36
kulitorumProbably not21:36
TJ-kulitorum: In the "Screen" section - in the "Monitor" section you put the Horizontal/Vertical refresh frequencies21:36
trismjavierf_: it seems the ones you need to replace are user-available user-away user-busy user-idle user-invisible and user-offline21:36
kulitorumit's hard in 640x480 :) - what should I search for?21:36
kulitorumTJ- Check, that's there. Looks resonable21:37
trismjavierf_: as an aside the ones from Faenza-Dark are pretty nice21:37
Num83rGuyI have tried all methods that I can find to get my D-Link DWL 520 wireless card working.  All of them make the card disappear. It is automatically detected as an intersil  ISL3874 using the prism 2.5 / prism 3 drivers.  Everything seems to work but, it doesn't detect any signal and has no mac address.21:37
TJ-kulitorum: The frequencies allow the driver to check that that the monitor can accept any modes that are selected21:37
javierf_trism, but, where do I have to place icons with those manes?21:38
ChrisWeretj-:done that, no luck i'm afraid21:38
kulitorum (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-121:38
kulitorumCan I force the resolution?21:38
trismjavierf_: in your icon theme? it doesn't really matter where you put them because they are loaded by name, but if the icon theme is cached (say if you updated a system theme) you would probably need to update the cache21:38
trismjavierf_: but usually you would just put them in your theme in ~/.icons/ThemeName21:39
TJ-ChrisWere: I'm out of ideas, sorry. Monitors are known to spontaneously corrupt their EDID internally, even in the EEPROM (firmware), but it's usually caused by an electrical 'spike' or lightening strike. Can you test that monitor on another PC?21:39
kulitorum    HorizSync       28.0 - 33.021:39
kulitorum    VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.021:39
trismjavierf_: that is, as long as the directory is mentioned in index.theme21:39
TJ-ChrisWere: If it doesn't work on another PC you know its' the monitor - otherwise, you can focus on what's up with the video card!21:39
javierf_trism, aha, I see. I will see if it worked :)21:39
ChrisWeretj-:okay. thanks.21:40
TJ-ChrisWere: One last thing I've actually seen but not believed - someone managed to actually have the VGA connector's DATA pin break inside the housing --- I only found because I unplugged both ends of the VGA lead and pressed my thumb against the pins in the connector and the DATA pin fell out!21:40
CrazyGirhow are you "supposed" to set the domainname on a ubuntu system? in hostname manpage it explicitly says not to put the full fqdn in /etc/hostname, yet all the forums say to do so21:41
TJ-kulitorum: There are webpages that can generate the correct modes for the Screen section of xorg.conf if you give them the frequency-range of the monitor.21:42
javierf_trism, please, how to update cache without logging out?21:42
TJ-kulitorum: But first, I'd suggest you search for that monitor's correct frequency range!21:42
kulitorumI just want one resolution, 1920x108021:42
internetN00bubuntu one is expensive :(21:42
pepeekulitorum, ask in #nvidia too21:43
kulitorumHmmmm, It's not a monitor per-se - it's a panel that's used as a display in an airport terminal. So it don't have any real specifications :21:43
TJ-kulitorum: I'd expect to be seeing something like "HorizSync 30.000-81.00"21:43
kulitorumand vert?21:44
TJ-kulitorum: With the range you reported, it would only be able to do 800x600 max I'd guess21:44
kulitorum...expected, that is :)21:44
doug1linux gods... wtf is this running NOW and not in 5 min? echo RAN > /tmp/stat | at now + 5 min ?21:44
pepeekulitorum, tried removing xorg.conf? AFAIK it's not needed these days21:44
kulitorumtrying... How do I restart X?21:44
TJ-kulitorum: I'm not sure off top of my head, but as I said, there are web-pages that can generate this stuff for you. Give them frequencies, they give you modes. Give them modes (or max resolutions) and they'll give you frequencies21:44
=== Riley is now known as Guest28257
ChrisWereTJ-: I've tried it on my windows install and it works fine21:44
kulitorumNo, I did not21:44
zykotick9kulitorum: "sudo service lightdm restart" if you are using lightdm21:44
kulitorumbrb :)21:45
diverdudeHow can i see which ports are in use?21:45
Guest28257I need some help21:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:45
doug1not patience?21:46
Guest28257how do I install a downloaded driver21:46
TJ-ChrisWere: That's good news then! OK, last physical idea (and again, I've seen this!). If it's a PC (not a laptop/notebook) power it down, remove the cover, and physically re-seat the graphics card into its slot (undoing the retaining screw if necessary). I've known minute vibration to lift the front edge of a video card sufficiently to make some data lines intermittent.21:46
javierf_trism, unfortunatelly, it didn't work. Now I don't see the old not wanted icon, but forbidden icons, what I believe that means that there is some kind of conflict there21:46
trismjavierf_: where did you put the icons?21:46
zykotick9trism: technically, supporting javierf_'s 12.10 install is OT here... just sayin' ;)21:47
trismzykotick9: indeed good point21:47
trismjavierf_: can you hop over to #ubuntu+1? we can continue there21:48
internetN00bis it possible to set ubuntu to open all windows in the center of my screen?21:48
javierf_trism, tzykotick9, sorry, my fault there21:48
eutheriais it possible to have gtk style tabs in thunderbird again, these swoopy style ones look out of place21:48
ChrisWereTJ-: I'll try that, jeez these errors do not do my depression any good.21:48
kulitorumTJ- It works now. Changing  HorizSync to 30.000-81.00 and everything works as expected. Thanks :)21:52
TJ-Nice one kulitorum !21:52
kulitorumLater guys, thanks again21:52
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kulitorumhehe, I'm back with another one... when I reboot, I don't have permissions to write to /dev/ttyUSB0 How do I permanently get permission to do so?21:55
kulitorum3D printer connected there21:55
Num83rGuyI have tried all methods that I can find to get my D-Link DWL 520 wireless card working.  All of them make the card disappear. It is automatically detected as an intersil  ISL3874 using the prism 2.5 / prism 3 drivers.  Everything seems to work but, it doesn't detect any signal and has no mac address.21:56
blackshirtkulitorum, what do you want ?21:56
zykotick9kulitorum: you'll need to adjust udev rules.  don't ask me how, i have no idea.  good luck.21:56
kulitorumto be able to write to /dev/ttyusb0 without having to sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 after reboot21:57
blackshirtkulitorum, i mean, what are you trying to configure? Do you have some little programming ?21:58
TJ-kulitorum: What group owns that device node ("ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0") ?21:58
TJ-kulitorum: Usually, you'd add the user that needs to access the USB serial port to the group that owns the device node21:59
TJ-kulitorum: Often it's the "dialup" group21:59
kulitorumcrwxrwxrwx 1 root dialout21:59
TJ-kulitorum: sorry, "dialout" group21:59
kulitorumHow do I add me to that group?22:00
TJ-haha, yeah. Check if your user is part of that group: "groups"22:00
kulitorumblackshirt: my 3d printer22:00
TJ-kulitorum: "sudo adduser $USER dailout" ... you'll need to log-out and log-in for the new group to take effect though22:00
TJ-kulitorum: oops, typo! "sudo adduser $USER dialout" !!22:01
kulitorumyeah, that's what I typed :)22:01
* TJ- blushes22:01
kulitorumThanks )22:01
kulitorumI'm now a member, so I guess on next reboot, it'll work22:02
kulitorumGood stuff, thanks :)22:02
doug1linux gods... wtf is this running NOW and not in 5 min? echo RAN > /tmp/stat | at now + 5 min ?22:02
ChrisWeretj-: No luck with phisically re-seating the card22:05
Num83rGuyI have tried all methods that I can find to get my D-Link DWL 520 wireless card working.  All of them make the card disappear. It is automatically detected as an intersil  ISL3874 using the prism 2.5 / prism 3 drivers.  Everything seems to work but, it doesn't detect any signal and has no mac address.22:06
TJ-ChrisWere: The Windows test you did - was it on a different PC?22:06
ChrisWereno same pc22:06
TJ-ChrisWere: So, same VGA cable and graphics card22:07
ChrisWereTJ-: evrything's the same, and it works in windows22:07
TJ-ChrisWere: That tells us its a software issue for sure then! I didn't expect that, with it not reading the EDID. I'm wondering about some subtle corruption to the operating system, possibly the nvidia driver22:07
=== tina-- is now known as violetina
ChrisWereTJ-: It's weird that people here slag windows off so much, but for me it's had a lot fewer bugs than any linux distro22:08
monopole /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS22:09
TJ-ChrisWere: Have you tried reinstalling the nvidia driver? It might be something has got corrupted. "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current-updates" ( or if you're not using -updates, then "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current")22:09
ChrisWereTJ:- I've tried different versions of the Nvidia driver as well as reinstalling22:09
ChrisWereTJ-: I down graded and when tht didn't work I upgraded again22:10
TJ-ChrisWere: It very much depends on the hardware, and how much information the manufacturer provides about their hardware. Nvidia are one of several (like Atheros and Realtek) that don't, and that means Linux can't work as well as it should on that hardware.22:10
Num83rGuyChrisWere: I have had the opposite experience, Linux being more stable than Windows. i use both and I will say that both have strong and weak points.22:10
Dr_willis__definatly hae linux more stable then windows.. had to reinstall windows a few mo back to fix a '.net' problem... ;(  scary22:11
TJ-ChrisWere: When you reinstalled the nvidia driver, did you also at that time try using the open-source nouveau driver whilst the nvidia driver was uninstalled?22:11
ChrisWereTJ-: I didn't actually, is the open-source nvidia driver any good?22:11
Kylohonestly, my biggest gripe is Netflix. I use linux for everything sans netflix, which i just VM into via and old XP22:12
TJ-ChrisWere: I'm thinking that a comparison of what the nouveau driver sees against what the nvidia driver is now seeing, may be useful to us22:12
Dr_willis__ChrisWere,  depends on your chipset. Works decently well for most ussage. 3d may not be as good.22:12
Dr_willis__Kylo,  :) i got a nice spare hdmi monitor for netflix with my boxee box. ;) or a roku22:12
TJ-ChrisWere: It has limited support for 3D acceleration depending on chipset - but the point is not to use it permanently, but use it to test this issue and see if it can read the EDID from the monitor when the nvidia driver can't22:13
Kyloi saw great results with my nvidia card, except it hated the nouveau driver, but disabling it and updating drivers fixed that22:13
Kyloyeah. i'm probably going to go roku to keep it in the family22:13
ChrisWereTJ-: Yeah they arn't raving about the nouveau drivers for nvidias22:13
TJ-ChrisWere: If nouveau were to read the EDID, then that'd would tell us that the nvidia driver is at fault here22:13
TJ-ChrisWere: That's down to Nvidia not publishing the information required, nor helping with the driver! Can't blame the Linux / Xorg developers for that22:14
KyloI was under the impression that since you have to make drivers for Macs, which is somewhat a linux machine, why wouldn't you make the same drivers available for linux22:15
gordonjcpKylo: o_O22:15
bekksMac is not Linux at all.22:15
gordonjcpwhat have Macs got to do with Linux?22:16
Kylowell, make runs on bsd22:16
gordonjcpapart from, you can run Linux on some Macs22:16
bekksgordonjcp: The beautiful case :)22:16
gordonjcpbekks: :-)22:16
gordonjcpKylo: BSD isn't Linux22:16
bekksKylo: And BSD is no Linux either.22:16
gordonjcpKylo: not even remotely similar22:16
KyloBSD is an offshoot of unix22:16
Kylolinux is based upon unix22:16
bekksKylo: Erm, no :)22:16
TJ-Kylo: Wrong.22:16
gordonjcpKylo: not really, no22:16
Kyloplease explain22:16
gordonjcpKylo: Linux and BSD share a common ancestor in Unix, kind of22:16
TJ-Kylo: Linux implements POSIX specifications, and some aspects of the SUS22:17
gordonjcpKylo: but if anything Linux is based on Minix, not Unix22:17
gordonjcpand after a long and protracted legal case, it turns out it's not even based on Minix22:17
TJ-gordonjcp: Don't let Linux hear you say that :p22:17
gordonjcpit just happens to look the same22:17
TJ-oops, Linus22:17
gordonjcpTJ-: meh22:17
ChrisWereTJ-: Should I trying a reinstall?22:17
gordonjcpTJ-: Andy's cool with it22:18
KyloI thought that Linus watched Unix and rewrote an OS based upon the model of Unix22:18
axisysdid I just get a old battery? I ordered a new battery and IT guy a week later handed me over a battery all packaged.. for my hp 6730b22:18
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 5600 mAh, last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%22:18
TJ-ChrisWere: That's a bit drastic! Uninstall the nvidia driver, reboot so the nouveau driver will be able to start, and then come back and let us see the "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" - lets find out if the EDID can be read and what it shows22:18
axisyswhy would a new battery say last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%22:19
axisysit should be 100% if good and used .. at least22:19
blackshirtkylo,not just watched,22:19
axisysor do I need to update my acpi ?22:19
ChrisWereTJ-: that's a hassle in itself. Ubuntu has trouble booting without nvidia drivers22:19
ChrisWerefine I'll brb22:20
TJ-ChrisWere: hang on"!!22:20
axisysrunning ubuntu precise 64 bit22:20
ChrisWereTJ-: What?22:20
TJ-ChrisWere: If you have black screens at boot, then add "nomodeset" to the kernel's command-line at boot. Do you know how to do that at the GRUB boot meny?22:20
ChrisWereth-:but it deosn't always work22:20
axisyshere is another new batter I bought for my other laptop22:21
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 4125 mAh, last full capacity 4125 mAh = 100%22:21
TJ-OK, use "nomodeset text" which will start in text-only mode ... then log-in at the text console. Then, start the GUI using "sudo service lightdm start"22:21
rhollanwhy might a kickstart file %post section not execute?22:21
TJ-axisys: Because battery chemistry can vary quite alot22:22
ChrisWereTJ-:This bug as been in ubuntu for more than a few releases now. windows never gave me this jip22:22
Kyloi had a problem booting up with my old nvidia too. just added nomodeset and booted. installed drivers and removed all traces of the nouveau drivers22:22
TJ-ChrisWere: It's down to the hardware - if the developers aren't provided with the chipset data they can't do anything unless they have one of those devices and want to spend several weeks reverse-engineering what it does22:22
ChrisWeretj-: yea but it's ubuntu people who put that xsplash int hat makes it hang. Considering ubuntu is supposed to have this linux for all mentality, I chalk that down to 50/50 blame22:24
Dr_willis__theres another grub option to disable the nouveau driver spefifically also.22:24
KyloDr_willis__: happen to know it?22:24
Dr_willis__Kylo,  nope. I dont even need touse Nomodeset any more. ;)22:24
Kylopersonally, i run radeons now but it would be handy info22:24
lukecarrierAnyone else here use Amazon MP3 and want to take sharp objects to the braindead morons there responsible for Cloud Player?22:24
zykotick9Dr_willis__: just installing nvidia-propritary is "suppose" to blacklist nouveau automagically22:25
rhleewhen compiling a new kernel using "debian/rules" for ubuntu, how do I suffix a name say "testpatch" or something?22:25
Dr_willis__zykotick9,  yep. seen a few times where that disabel noveau option was needed for an install.22:25
n-iCewhen is the new release date22:27
zykotick9!schedule | n-iCe22:27
ubottun-iCe: A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule22:27
n-iCeOctober 18th22:27
n-iCeAre you guys excited?22:28
Dr_willis__Kylo,   it may be -->   add nouveau.modeset=0 after quiet splash22:28
lukecarriern-iCe, I have no idea what I'd do with my life if another release weren't here to screw up my graphics drivers and drive me insane with annoying apport-gtk failspam! :D22:28
Dr_willis__n-iCe,  i tend to update the day befor release... then avoid the total chaos of this channel for the 2 weeks following release. ;)22:29
calrogmann-iCe: it's Persons Day in Canada! who wouldn't be excited?!22:29
lukecarriern-iCe, I don't know, my work, maybe22:29
thiago_netAlguem do brasil aí?22:29
Kylomost of my boxes are still in Lucid22:29
lukecarriern-iCe, and that's even beginning with the plethora of usability failures they'll have added to their beautiful desktop environment22:30
KyloDr_willis__: I'll try it next boot and see what it says22:30
lukecarriern-iCe, like free adverts from Amazon!!! The creepy online retailer who wants to eat my future babies!22:30
KyloI love amazon! HDMI cables for $2.00... Best buy: $6522:31
lukecarrierKylo, I'd love them had I not spent 3 weeks now attempting to get an issue with their MP3 service and Cloud Player resolved22:31
axisysTJ-: why would last capacity be lower than 100% on a new battery just purchased22:31
=== marcos is now known as Guest49173
Kyloluke, i had a problem with streaming once and theygave me 20 bucks free to spend on content... it was a hassle but it kind of paid off22:32
smw_Kylo, I want them to stop charging sales tax like they used to22:32
axisysit should be either 100% to its design capacity or 0% since never used22:32
Kyloaxisys, what's the nmh on them?22:32
ChrisWeretj-:okay I'be uninstalled and booted up22:32
lukecarrierKylo, pity they didn't offer me anything for passing my around their various incompetent engineers as if I was a frigging book22:32
Kyloluke... complain22:32
rhollanI HATE kickstart: my %post script just doesn't get run at all22:32
Num83rGuyI have tried all methods that I can find to get my D-Link DWL 520 wireless card working.  All of them make the card disappear. It is automatically detected as an intersil  ISL3874 using the prism 2.5 / prism 3 drivers.  Everything seems to work but, it doesn't detect any signal and has no mac address.22:33
lukecarrierKylo, lmfao, like a company like that gives a dime what I think of them22:33
lukecarrierI sure as hell won't be replacing my Kindle when it gives out22:33
Kyloluke, i went to get an oil change and the company said i needed "This" so i said, ok... a week later my car broke down. i take it back and they say, you never needed "this"... i went on twitter.. i had my money back in my hands and all the repairs done for free in 2 day22:34
axisysKylo: what's nmh?22:34
axisysi only have mAh22:34
axisysand percentage22:34
Kylothat's what i mean22:34
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 5600 mAh, last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%22:34
axisysbut on my other (smaller) laptop with new battery22:35
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 4125 mAh, last full capacity 4125 mAh = 100%22:35
Kyloaxisys sounds like a bad charge22:35
lukecarrierKylo, somehow I remain unconvinced22:35
lukecarrierThanks, though22:35
ChrisWeretj-: what do i need to send you?22:35
Kyloluke. post on twitter. they have social media scavangers that will contact you and try to get you to stop posting negative things22:35
axisysKylo: IT just gave me the big battery saying it is new.. doubt it22:36
Kyloaxisys... brand new batteries have to be fully charged first prior to use22:36
axisysKylo: are you might be suggesting my laptop charger is bad22:36
Kyloshould say that in the package22:36
TJ-ChrisWere: sorry, was a way. "/var/log/xorg.0.log"22:36
Num83rGuyaxisys: Most batteries are not charged to full capacity for shipping because the "top" of the charge will dissipate rather quickly anyway and for most battery tech holding a 100% charge for extended periods can be harmful to the life of the battery.22:37
ChrisWeretj-: that file is blank22:37
axisysKylo: it is 94% charged.. so either someone being nice and charged it all the before packaging it.. or it is a used battery and cant reach to its capacity cause it is already aged22:37
TJ-ChrisWere: Oh me and my typos!!22:37
TJ-ChrisWere: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"22:38
Kyloaxisys: read what num83rguy said22:38
axisysNum83rGuy, Kylo : ok i will let it charge few hours.. but silly to charge it 94% as well before shipping to customer..22:39
ChrisWeretj-: okay http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275838/22:39
axisysactually i take it back.. it was not charged much .. only 6%.. but last full capacity still troubling22:39
axisysBattery 0: Charging, 6%, 01:49:32 until charged22:40
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 5600 mAh, last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%22:40
axisysso it is a used battery and it is already aged22:40
bekksaxisys: Nope.22:40
bekksaxisys: It was just not fully charged for shipping. Despite you like that or not.22:40
jimmersHey guys, I attempted to run an update becuase I realized I hadn't in a while.  I have 312 updates pending, and then I get an error that tells me to use the terminal to do apt-get install -f .... when running that I get the following error.  any thoughts on how to proceed? admin@Earth:~$ sudo apt-get install -f [sudo] password for admin:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done 22:40
jimmersoops, paste didn't work properly22:41
axisysbekks: which number are you referring? 6% or 94% ?22:41
jimmerssorry about that...22:41
Num83rGuyaxisys: They are meant to be on a cycle of charge / discharge.  Look up battery care for the type of battery you have be it NmH or Li-Po or other. The kind should be printed on the battery casing. For example if you have a Li-ion search Li-ion battery care and charging.22:41
bekksaxisys: I was referring to your original problem with a not fully charged battery.22:42
axisysbekks: "last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%" this means I werent succefully charged to 100% of design capacity.. if I am reading it correctly22:42
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts??22:43
axisysNum83rGuy: ok22:43
TJ-ChrisWere: It'll take me a few minutes to absorb the log, but I will be back to you22:43
bekksaxisys: Because it was not fully charged to 100% for shipping. As you've been already told. :)22:43
jimmersHey guys, I attempted to run an update becuase I realized I hadn't in a while.  I have 312 updates pending, and then I get an error that tells me to use the terminal to do apt-get install -f .... when running that I get the following error.  any thoughts on how to proceed? http://fpaste.org/wBiy/22:43
axisysbekks: no22:43
axisysbekks: Battery 0: Charging, 6%, 01:49:32 until charged22:44
axisysit is only charged 6% before shipping22:44
axisys94% does not talk about how much charged.. it is talking about something else22:44
axisysone is how much charged before shipped and the other one how much it can be charged22:45
bekksaxisys: And it tells you that it was just charged to 94% of what it could have been charged.22:45
slackguruIs it possible for a 32 bit kernel to execute 64 bit binaries under any circumstance?22:45
bekksaxisys: Thats exactly what you've been told.22:46
bekksslackguru: No.22:46
axisysbekks: we will see.. i am letting it charged.. lets hope that is the case.. otherwise i have a old battery22:46
Num83rGuyaxisys: Some types of batterys need a mostly charged state for long storage, some need a barely charged state.  If the battery was mostly charged for storage/shipping and then sat for a while that charge will slowly dissipate.22:46
jagginessslackguru, not really.. but if you have a 64-bit physical processor.-- and you're running a 64-bit VM Os on a 32-bit operating system, then the 64-bit will run22:46
slackguruOkay bekks another question...22:46
pepeejimmers, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall  grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common22:47
slackguruI have code and it appears the flags in the code are dependent on being compiled with a 64 bit cross compiler...22:47
Num83rGuyaxisys: The temperature the battery was stored in will also affect how fast that charge dissipation will take as well.22:48
slackgurucan that code be parsed properly to be compiled by a 32 bit cross compiler of the same version?22:48
bekksslackguru: Depends on the code and the compiler.22:48
rlw980I have a problem, how to a put a Android OS back onto my smartphone?22:48
jagginessslackguru, what bekks said22:48
ChrisWeretj-:have you managed to have a look at it yet?22:48
slackgurubekks, can you give me an example?22:49
slackgurulol thanks jagginess22:49
Num83rGuyaxisys: If the warehouse got hot for a few days or a week it could have sapped the charge much faster so that it was mostly discharged by the time you got it.22:49
slackguruI'll spit it out...22:49
TJ-ChrisWere: I'm comparing this log to the old one, and researching some issues to understand it better22:49
pepeerlw980, ask in #android22:49
rlw980pepee: I have, that's all i'm getting is: Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services22:50
bekksrlw980: Then you have to register your nick before being able to join,22:51
jagginessrlw980, google freenode irc, or ask #freenode on how to register :/22:51
pepeerlw980, register your nick. also try ##android22:51
pepee/msg nickserv help register22:51
rlw980bekks: How do I register22:51
rlw980jagginess: How/22:51
jimmersHey guys, I attempted to run an update becuase I realized I hadn't in a while.  I have 312 updates pending, and then I get an error that tells me to use the terminal to do apt-get install -f .... when running that I get the following error.  any thoughts on how to proceed? http://fpaste.org/wBiy/22:51
jagginessrlw980, join #freenode.22:51
jagginessrlw980, join #freenode.22:51
jagginessrlw980, join #freenode.22:52
FloodBot1jagginess: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
slackguruUbuntu 12.04.1 on an older PC single core 3 Ghz CPU true i686.... The gcc binaries included in the Android git hub with it's source code are ELF Binaries of the 64 bit variety and can not be executed on my machine but when I remove them and link into the SAME version gcc, libtool, libexec and the likes but ELF 32 bit I get errors galore because certain flags in the code are intended ONLY for the 64 bit...22:52
zykotick9jagginess: fyi there is a !register factoid22:52
bekksrlw980: < pepee> /msg nickserv help register22:52
rlw980bekks: Thanks =D!22:52
slackguruI feel the overwhelming need to prove Google wrong that jellybean CAN be compiled on a 32 bit machine, can someone help?22:52
bekksslackguru: Then your question is answered and you have a good example for non portable code :)22:53
Num83rGuyaxisys: It's not necessarily a bad sign that it was nearly dead. If it doesn't hold a charge or depletes (goes dead) too quickly then you may have a bad battery. Look at the %, if it drops more than 1 or 2% in the next week  I would talk to the seller about a possible replacement.22:53
rlw980REGISTER <rlw980123@@> <ryan.l.williams95@gmail.com>22:53
slackguruWhy can't the code be parsed and given equivalent instructions by the 32 bit compiler?22:53
TJ-ChrisWere: Can you pastebin "/var/log/kern.log" please? The new log shows that nouveau can't drive the GP116 aka NVCF aka GTX 550Ti, so the default system VESA VGA driver has loaded. VESA can't read the EDID either, so something is pretty bad on the hardware side somehow.22:53
bekksslackguru: Ask the author of the code.22:53
slackguruHow can ARM, which is 32 bit and a little os which is 32 bit REQUIRE a 64 bit compiler?22:54
bekksslackguru: Ask the author of the code...22:54
slackgururight on bekks22:54
slackguruthanks anyway22:54
jimmersanyone able to help me sort out errors with an update?22:54
slackguruanyone else feels like taking this on, just PM me.22:54
ElixirVitaeI installed a program to change launcher options of the programs, like adding an option to firefox to open with a profile select screen. But, for the life of mine I can't remember the program to reinstall, anyone have any idea what it might be?22:55
jagginessslackguru, there are cross-compilers. You don't need to be on a 32-bit system to "compile" code for non 32-bit architectures.. but you'll run the compiled code on those non-32bit architectures22:55
jagginessslackguru, or you don't need to be on 64-bit to compile 64-bit.22:55
kbrosnanElixirVitae: alcarte22:55
kbrosnanassuming it still works22:56
slackgurujagginess, I know, I cross compile all the time.22:56
harryrfI'm trying to do cd /home/downloads/ but for some reason it's not working, any ideas?22:56
harryrfusing 12.04.122:56
jagginessharryrf, try cd /home/<USERNAME>22:56
slackguruI was told version 4.0 of Android couldn't be done on a 32 bit system but I made it happen22:56
ElixirVitaeOh, thanks kbrosnan, that was it22:57
ChrisWeretj-: hold on a sec my browser keeps hangnig22:57
jagginessslackguru, we have no idea (please see #android)22:57
Num83rGuyharryrf: Try cd ~/downloads22:57
harryrfah, been too long since I've used linux. Thanks22:57
slackguruthey're the ones who won't support 32 bit systems22:57
ElixirVitaeIt's name is listed as main menu in software center, it might be the reason for not being able to remember...22:57
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jimmersHey guys, I attempted to run an update with 312 updates pending, and I get an error that tells me to use the terminal to do apt-get install -f .... when running that I get the following error.  any thoughts on how to proceed? http://fpaste.org/wBiy/22:57
jagginessharryrf, linux is case-sensitive, you can also do -> cd ~/D<tab><tab> or cd ~/d<tab><tab> to do autocompleteion22:58
slackguruI'll find my solution elsewhere, I've never found the Ubuntu community to be very helpful when it comes to "making things possible" on Ubuntu22:58
bekksslackguru: Things are possible, but you have problem with some distinct code not even shipped with Ubuntu.22:59
harryrfthanks guys22:59
slackguruLike I said jagg, thanks for trying, and I understand you don't know. Anyone who does know, please get with me.... I am simply overlooking something and I know it... some help would be much appreciated.22:59
elixeyis there a special setting for writing iso files to dvds?22:59
slackguruMy problem is with code that does ship with ubuntu22:59
jimmersIf anyone has a second to help me get this computer updated, I would appreciate it... trying to get home for the night and can't sort out these errors...22:59
TJ-slackguru: It's so that the compiler can take advantage of more than 3GB of RAM in its process address space.23:00
bekksslackguru: The jellybean code is not shipped with Ubuntu.23:00
slackgurumy gcc doesn't accept the same flags as the same version of gcc except on different architectures...23:00
hash__Can i install lubuntu thru a terminal off of a cd, and if so does anyone know where i can find a list of steps23:00
jagginessjimmers, try it with aptitude :/ (aptitude update, aptitude upgrade)23:00
slackguruI haven't asked one question about jelly bean, I simply informed you of what I am programming....23:01
ChrisWeretj-: I don't know why it's taking so long to work and makes my browser hang23:01
beandogIs there a way to display *which* services are supposed to startup at boot23:01
jimmersjagginess: I get the same errors when I try to install aptitude23:01
slackguruEvery question I have asked has been about the cross compiler, which again, doesn't ship with ubuntu but is in its repositories...23:01
slackguruno big deal... really23:01
TJ-ChrisWere: Big file! Cancel it... generate just the last 2000 lines and send them like this: "tail -n 2000 /var/log/kern.log > /tmp/kern.log" and upload "/tmp/kern.log"23:02
slackguruI will find the answer, I am just tired of having to look 94 billion days for some obscure code that isn't used very often, I mean come on, how often do you need a slow machine to actually do something fast?23:02
ChrisWeretj-: oh right because it exceeds 500kb.23:02
slackguruSeriously, it's all good...23:02
TJ-ChrisWere: Ouch... it ought to have been rotated by now! Maybe it contains lots of error reports that may give us a clue :)23:03
ChrisWeretj-: Well lots of errors would be in the traditional style of linux. It finished now http://paste.ubuntu.com/1275866/23:04
pepeejimmers, did you read what I posted?23:04
jimmerspepee didn't see it... scrolling up now23:04
pepeejimmers, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall  grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common23:04
TJ-ChrisWere: Well good news - must have just been a slow upload ... the file doesn't contain lots of errors, just the expected informational messages. I'll look through it23:05
jimmerspepee: same output23:05
jagginessjimmers, try to ->dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/lib/apt/archives/<that grub-common package .deb>23:06
TJ-ChrisWere: Just an aside, but you may want to check if there's a newer BIOS for that motherboard. "[Firmware Bug]: powernow-k8: Try again with latest BIOS."23:06
ChrisWereTJ-: My motherboard manual says not to upgrade bios unless it causes problems23:06
jimmersjagginess: that looks scary..... pepee, did you see what he put, and do you second it? :-p  forcing something with grub scares me a little23:07
TJ-ChrisWere: It's always worth keeping an eye on the updates they provide - reading the changelog/fixes they incorporate.23:07
jagginessjimmers, it'll only overwrite it's own config23:07
jimmersjagginess: very similar output23:08
ChrisWeretj-: why, if you don't mind me asking23:08
jimmersjagginess: the error it keeps giving me seems to be related to the filename, and I'm wondering where all these special characters are coming from in the output23:08
jagginessjimmers, "invoke-rc.d: initscript grub-common, action "stop" failed." says that ?23:09
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jimmersjagginess: yes23:09
TJ-ChrisWere: OK, this last boot there's nothing interesting in the log *but* for the last boot there is. "[drm] nouveau 0000:05:00.0: DDC responded, but no EDID for VGA-1" ... "Raw EDID ..." followed by the EDID data-block which is all zeros, followed by "nouveau 0000:05:00.0: VGA-1: EDID block 0 invalid." and "[drm] nouveau 0000:05:00.0: DDC responded, but no EDID for VGA-1"23:09
jimmersjagginess: small difference... it says action "start" fialed, not stop23:09
jimmersjagginess: nevermind, it says both in different places23:09
jagginessjimmers, now do, apt-get -f install<enter>23:09
ChrisWeretj-: what does that mean exactly?23:10
TJ-ChrisWere: So, that indicates that both the nvidia driver and the nouveau driver can't get a valid EDID from the hardware. So, my gut instinct tells me that there's something either physical/hardware or firmware/BIOS causing this, but without having hands-on I can't do much more to figure it out23:10
jimmersjagginess: all the same23:10
jagginessjimmers, my best bet is to dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/lib/apt/archives/<>.deb for grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common, ..23:11
TJ-ChrisWere: EDID is the Extended Display Information Data and reports all the frequencies and  modes the monitor can support. Without it, the graphics driver can't know which frequencies and modes are safe to use, so it limits itself to a universally support base set23:11
ChrisWereTJ-: F*** could it be a new motherboard I got about a week ago?23:11
ChrisWeretj-: hold on, why does it work in windows if it's a hardware problem?23:11
jagginessjimmers, (then try apt-get -f install)23:11
TJ-ChrisWere: I don't know. That's why I said possibly firmware/BIOS.23:11
TJ-ChrisWere: New motherboard? Have you had Ubuntu booted with the new motherboard *and* the VGA monitor in correct resolution?23:12
jagginessChrisWere, if you're using a kvm switch that can interfere23:12
ChrisWereTJ-: I'm still not 100% sure why it works in windows rather than linux. It's late here and I have a cold, so I'm a bit slow23:12
TJ-ChrisWere: Same here, it's a weird one, but my gut tells me from experience that these kind of EDID missing issues are some kind of hardware-related issue.23:13
TJ-ChrisWere: The way the EDID is obtained is to read it over the VGA DDC pin, which is presented in software via an i2c interface on the GPU23:14
jimmersjagginess: all the same23:14
ChrisWereTJ-: can you see why i understand linux to be less stable than windows now?23:14
TJ-ChrisWere: No23:14
daftykinsif you're getting display config issues that doesn't undermine the OS' stability, it undermines the graphics driver's robustness23:15
ChrisWereTJ-: so my moniter works properly in windows, doesn't in linux, your advice is to check out the hardware, and your telling me you have no idea why I think linux is less stable than windoes?23:15
jagginessjimmers, does it say "update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/grub-common missing LSB information" ?23:15
jimmersjagginess: in a few places, yes23:16
jimmersjagginess: want me to re-paste, in case you see something different that I'm not?23:16
TJ-ChrisWere: Nothing to do with stability. If Nvidia didn't create a driver for Windows you'd have only 800x600 on Windows too. It's down to Nvdia providing useful drivers.23:16
pepeejimmers, ask in #grub too23:16
jagginesspepee, jimmers, #grub has nothing to do with it.. it's the package maintainers23:18
jimmerswell I'll get yelled at then :-p23:18
jagginessjimmers, upstream authors usually dont do the packaging23:18
jagginessjimmers, is this a stable release?23:19
jimmersjagginess: 12.0423:19
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jagginessjimmers, what does apt-cache policy grub-common say?23:20
jimmersjagginess: pepee someone in #grub said something about file corruption w/in grub and is drumming up something he thinks will help, too23:20
jimmersjagginess: http://fpaste.org/Qc2E/23:21
ChrisWereTJ-: so your just basically saying it's nvidia's fault ubuntu is not as stable. But my point is ubuntu's not as stable. I'm not blaming anyone23:21
jagginessjimmers, yeah.. it looks like a proper repository source for that package.. i hope you can fix it soon23:21
daftykinsChrisWere: i see where you're coming from, but 'stability' isn't the right word23:21
jagginessjimmers, sorry i couldn't fix it.. it's somewhere in the grub-common package script23:22
jimmersjagginess: the dude in #grub cleaned me all up it seems23:23
ChrisWeredaftykins: Well i spend a lot more time trying for fix ubuntu than windows. The reason I'm stuck with Ubuntu is that ubuntu has a lot of features, but every error makes windows look better23:23
user1Hey guys, quick question about making bootable USB..23:25
docvellis there a way to de-install the entire KDE desktop (but NOT the games)?  I never use it, I just like using gnome desktop (if I want any of the games/utilities I can always re-install those separately I believe and still run them in gnome if need be)23:25
user1I have the ISO file on there and everything, but that doesn't mean its quite bootable yet, right?23:25
meditatingfroguser1: you need to use dd or usb-creator to make the boot disk23:26
jagginessuser1, you can't take away kde-libs that kde-apps/games require.  To also phrase, you don't need the KDE desktop to run kde-apps23:26
user1Oh, that was docvell asking that23:27
meditatingfrogjagginess: i think you meant that for docvell23:27
jagginessuser1, i don't know which would be bigger, kde-desktop exclusive harddrive space or the kde-libs that kdeapps/games require23:27
meditatingfroglol no worries23:27
jagginessdocvell, (sorry, everything i said above)23:27
docvellI'm just trying to clear up some space23:28
jagginessi'm just coming out of a deep cough..23:28
* jagginess used up a whole tissue box23:28
user1Speaking of USB flash drives, does anyone have a sucessfull method to partition a PNY 4G Attache drive? I don't want Ubuntu to take up the whole thing, I want to be able to use part of it also..23:28
meditatingfrogdang, take care of yourself jagginess23:28
user1Just at least a  gig, meaning 3GB for Ubuntu bootable.. sound good?23:28
ChrisWeretj-: well thanks for your help, it's gone mid-night here in the UK, so I'm gonna check out the motherboard in the morning. Thanks again23:28
bjrohanI had my laptop and office computer able to see each other and transfer files via file manager, I have since reinstalled Ubuntu on both machines and can not figure out how to get them to do that again. On both machines I installed openSSH, as they are connected via router23:28
bjrohanI can ping each one from the other23:29
bekksbjrohan: Then just use scp and/or setup a NFS share.23:29
bjrohanbekks what is scp?23:29
user1Anyone have Ubuntu on flash drive with partition?23:29
bekksbjrohan: The abreviation of "secure copy" - cp using ssh. :)23:30
meditatingfroguser1: i think usb-creator used to be able to do that23:30
user1As in one partition is for bootable, and the other is for storage?23:30
meditatingfroguser1: i always would just create a folder for storage instead of partitioning23:30
jagginessuser1, you're trying to place the ubuntu-installer on usb? (sounds like you want to "install" ubuntu on usb, you can do that too)23:30
user1yeah. I want to install Ubuntu onto USB23:31
user1Make it bootable from BIOS23:31
meditatingfrogah, good idea23:31
Dr_willis__user1,  you can do a normal full install to usb flash.. done it allthe time23:31
user1Yeah I know23:31
geirhabjrohan: Open the filemanager, under its File menu, choose Connect to server, choose SSH as the connection type, fill in the rest23:31
user1But I want to use part of the flash drive for regular storage as well23:31
Dr_willis__user1,  'regular' windows partion youmean>23:31
user1One partition for Ubuntu Bootable, another for regular storage23:31
jagginessuser1, i dont see why not.. i think if you choose 'something else' with the ubuntu installer then you get into manual partitioning mode  (i personally rather just use gparted live cd)23:32
Dr_willis__You can partition the usb however you want.. it dosent matter23:32
bjrohanthanks geirha23:32
Dr_willis__same as you would a normal hard drive23:32
geirhabjrohan: Remember to check the box to save a bookmark so you don't have to do it every time23:32
user1Not with Windows Disk Management23:32
Dr_willis__user1,  so use gparted or fdisk or whatever...23:32
jagginessuser1, if you dont have a running linux system, maybe you'd like to use gparted live cd.. it's a very common tool :)23:33
jagginessuser1, that live iso system is only meant to do partitioning.. it can also resize any ntfs partitions on your usb23:33
[twisti]its probably best to just google 'linux live usb stick' and download whatever program they link, because ive tried a few and they let you chose how much space to use23:38
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blackshirthi timg23:44
timgso.. ubuntu 12.04 livecd will not boot when I have a geforce gt 620 card in23:44
timgwhat is the protocol for this?23:44
timgtake the card out ?23:44
compdoctimg, does windows?23:45
timgcompdoc: yea23:45
timgalso, I had linux mint13 installed23:45
timgworked after I put the card in23:46
timgso maybe remove card, install ubuntu then reinsert card and try to install drivers23:46
timgsuch a hassle.23:46
zykotick9timg: did you try nomodeset?  see "/msg ubottu nomodeset" for details.23:48
timgzykotick9: live cd results in a blinky cursor23:49
timgI don't think I can alter the boot at that point23:49
timgcan I?23:49
zykotick9timg: either A) tro nomodeset or B) are you sure your boot order is correct.23:50
timgwell it comes up with the brown ubuntu boot screen and icon23:50
zykotick9timg: you can, read the nomodeset link/factoid for details23:50
timgso I think it's getting there23:50
timgcd just keeps spinning with a blinky cursor23:50
timgwill try thanks23:51
timgI can't believe there are >1500 people in here and the channel isn't flooded23:51
timgI remember when it was <1000 and you could barely keep up23:51
weeb1eso uhh23:53
weeb1ea hacker got into one of my servers23:53
weeb1ewhat security measures should i take?23:53
[twisti]format it23:53
andrewh192hey, i currently have ubuntu 12.04 LTS and am going to install Windows 7 on the side....23:53
weeb1ei think its just a user account called "test"23:53
andrewh192weas wondering what i need to do to do this...23:53
andrewh192if anything special23:54
weeb1eI may have made the account with an easy password long ago23:54
andrewh192b4 i actually start the install cd...23:54
[twisti]for all you know he has replaced half your binaries with malicious shit23:54
weeb1e[twisti]: a test account won't have access to root23:54
bjrohanI am trying to use ssh on 2 computers linked via router. I can access my laptop from the desktop, however when i try to access the the desktop from the laptop I get an error message, some more verbose than others depending on which file browser I use23:54
blackshirti dont think so23:54
weeb1ebut theres an ssh connection from romania connected to it, spawning php processes23:54
[twisti]so you hope23:54
bjrohanIn nautilus I get Host Key Verification Failed23:54
[twisti]thank god php is so secure, i guess you have nothing to worry about23:54
weeb1eerr, php is the least of my worries23:55
weeb1ethey are spawning the php processes from an ssh connection23:55
timg[twisti]: what's that supposed to mean23:55
jagginessbjrohan, if your laptop is on a separated network and is behind a WAN IP box, then maybe the ISP is blocking the desktop to the laptop23:55
[twisti]timg: i was making a sarcastic comment towards the ridiculous amount of security issues relating to PHP23:56
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=== Zenum is now known as iZenum
bjrohanI don't follow jagginess. These 2 computers are connect via a LAN router. I have my modem connected to a wireless router, which both of my computers are connected to, one is (desktop) and laptop is
blackshirtweeb1e, i think maybe better you cut off your connection if you not sure23:57
bjrohanmy desktop can access my laptop, but not vice versa23:57
jagginessbjrohan, is the laptop connecting wireless?23:57
weeb1eblackshirt: this box is in a data center, it is a server23:57
weeb1enot very happy about this, but I think they just found an easy password to a test account23:58
weeb1etest doesn't have sudo23:58
bekksweeb1e: disable the login for that account, kill the spawned processes.23:58
bjrohanjagginess yes it is, to the router, the desktop is connected to the router via cable23:59
jagginessbjrohan, to make it simpler next time :), so the two "arent" connected to a LAN router (that would imply they're both wired :)23:59

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