
joe_Hi. I'm not understanding something about the relationship between emacs, dbus, and sudo. anybody willing and able to help?00:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mac29299hello everyone02:53
mac29299i have a little problem with my xubuntu02:53
mac29299when i try to upate, it says please insert then xubuntu 12.04 lts precise pangolin, and when i do, it does not detect it. wht should i do?02:54
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bepebehello, how can i set a system wide proxy on xubuntu 12.10b208:21
baizonbepebe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150210/how-do-i-set-systemwide-proxy-servers-in-xubuntu-lubuntu-or-ubuntu-studio08:29
userXuserhi pepople, just wanted to ask that AMD C60 cpu with inside vga is fully supported by the kernel of xubuntu?09:54
ochosibest way of finding out is create a live-cd or live-usb-stick and test it without installing09:55
ochosiif the live-system works, the installed one will too09:55
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
Frank-manHello Guys, is on Xubuntu 12.x any tool to do Expose ?11:26
ochosiFrank-man: no11:33
Frank-manonly with compiz :( ?11:34
ochosiFrank-man: theoretically you can try skippy-xd, but i'd rather use compiz personally11:37
Frank-manochosi, thx for info ! :-)11:39
ochosiFrank-man: np11:39
toraxIs it possible to set mouse scrolling speed in xubuntu12:07
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:24
podI just love Xubuntu! (none of my friends care so I thought I'll tell you guys instead) I'm using it with Plank dock instead of the panel launcher, skippy-xd for expomode and Verve command line application search.13:26
GridCube:) congrats pod13:34
GridCubeif you dont have an actual problem please join #xubuntu-offtopic to random chatter :)13:34
podright, thanks!13:35
xubuntu601ciao a tutti13:55
GridCubeciao :)13:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:57
xubuntu601ok grazie scusate13:58
xubuntu159hi all))14:21
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:21
xubuntu159I'm from Russian14:21
zmiscAny web developers use Xubuntu as their workstation OS?14:21
xubuntu159one minute14:22
GridCube!ru | welcome xubuntu159, if you wish:14:22
ubottuwelcome xubuntu159, if you wish:: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:22
GridCubezmisc, probably many14:22
GridCubeactually ill say lot do14:23
zmiscHow are you?14:23
GridCubezmisc, :) im fine, if you dont have an actual problem please join #xubuntu-offtopic and leave this channel free for those who need help :D14:25
zmiscGridCube: I've been a Debian user since 2002 (I've ran stable (ugh!) on my workstations since then, as well as XFCE since 4.0.x) I'd like a selection of more modern software and I haven't run Debian using packages from testing/sid and haven't used any of the apt pinning techniques. I don't really want to abandon Debian and XFCE. But I can't sit on 3 year old software.14:26
xubuntu159My english is bad14:27
zmiscxubuntu159: #ubuntu-ru14:27
GridCubexubuntu159, :) if you want you can go to #ubuntu-ru and asks freely there :D14:27
GridCubezmisc, i don't understand your problem :s14:28
GridCubexubuntu is really stable and has all the apt-sources that ubuntu does, also it uses the same debs than debian has to install something not in the repos14:29
zmiscI'm in a dilemma (I really don't know what choice to make) I know this situation is pretty subjective, but I am really having a difficult time in choosing which route to take.14:29
zmiscSo basically multiverse is the rest of the packages in Debian'14:30
GridCubezmisc, as said, xubuntu will give you a standard paradigm desktop, no unity nor something like that14:30
GridCubezmisc, never actually used debian to know that14:30
zmiscMultiverse is the rest of the Debian packages (from main/contrib/non-free) that aren't present in universe, etc.14:30
GridCubezmisc, the universe on ubuntu is larger and slightly different than the universe on debian, but yes i think its the same14:31
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xubuntu159will xubuntu for a server that is small site?14:31
GridCubeyes xubuntu159 :)14:32
zmiscI'd recommend just using Ubuntu Server, or Debian though14:32
zmiscGridCube: Excellent :) I'm downloading the ISO right now :D14:32
GridCubexubuntu159, http://ubuntovod.ru/instructions/web-server-ubuntu-php-mysql.html14:33
xubuntu159You from Russia?14:33
zmiscxubuntu159 or I?14:34
GridCubeno, i used google translate :)14:34
xubuntu159GridCube, i too :)14:35
GridCubezmisc, xubuntu uses the whole universe of ubuntu, thats pretty big, it uses a standard paradigm desktop, not unity or anything like that, so you should feel confortable with it14:35
podDoes anyone know how to make a shortcut to open Notes? That is, what command to execute to open Notes14:35
GridCubetheres tons and tons of soft to choose14:35
GridCubepod, notes? or leafpad?14:36
podNotes. the tomboy notes alternative14:36
GridCubeif you press the "windows" key (also know as meta key or super key) and e, you open the text editor14:36
GridCubeoh, bind it to a key combination on >Settings >Keyboard >application shortcuts14:37
poddo you know what command to run to start it?14:38
GridCubei would bet is tomboy14:38
GridCubeyou can open a terminal and try out14:38
podAh, thats what i ment! Thanks!14:39
GridCubeno problem :)14:40
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
livingdaylightanyoone here familiar with OS4 - ubuntu based xfce distro16:57
TheSheeplivingdaylight: this is a support channel for xubuntu17:02
torax#xubuntu-offtopic is for...well offtopic17:05
livingdaylightTheSheep: you hating me? or are you really pedantic?17:08
livingdaylightos4 is xubuntu in a way ;)17:08
bazhangno its not17:08
Sysiwhat makes it different might be what is your problem17:09
livingdaylightbazhang speaks!17:09
bazhanglivingdaylight, lets try to stay on topic please17:09
livingdaylightSysi: you're unto something there. Indeed it /they use a different launcher which is on the side, which I hoped to be able to move17:10
TheSheeplivingdaylight: this is like coming into McDonalds and asking about BurgerKing hamburgers, because they are practically the same thing, no?17:15
TheSheepbut we do encourage you to ry xubuntu, maybe it will solve your problem17:16
livingdaylightTheSheep: really?17:16
livingdaylightTheSheep: for me its all Linux, particularly ubuntu + xfce... Since, it is essentially ubuntu + xfce, which I believe is what xubuntu is, I just wondered whether anyone here might have come across OS4 and knew something  about their interface17:18
TheSheeplivingdaylight: you know what? lets pretend you are using xubuntu, describe your problem, and we will try to answer how you would solve it in xubuntu17:18
livingdaylightI like OS4 because it has been tweaked to make everything work to its optimum including blue-ray dvd... but, I don't like their interface, no17:18
TheSheeplivingdaylight: it might not work on whatever you use, but then you can install xubuntu and apply that fix on it :)17:19
livingdaylightit works. I just don't like the interface and wondered about configuring it.17:19
jboogiehello, just installed xubuntu 12.04, and I'm trying to connect to my home wifi (through a usb adapter) which uses wpa2 and tkip17:44
jboogieI input the password, network manager spins but never actually connects17:45
jboogieMaybe I have to tell it somewhere that I'm usking tkip?17:45
jboogie/etc/network/interfaces maybe? (found someone mentioning it on some forum)17:46
GridCubejboogie, you see the network when using the adapter?17:48
jboogieGridCube: yes17:48
GridCubejboogie, what model is the adapter, you can get it from lsusb17:49
jboogieGridCube: realtek rtl8188cus 802.11n17:49
GridCubethats what lsusb is saying?17:50
jboogieGridCube: not exactly17:50
jboogiebut that's the model info17:51
jboogiecan't copy paste unfortunately... I'm on another laptop17:51
GridCubejboogie, http://www.r-statistics.com/2011/11/edimax-ew-7811un-usb-wireless-connecting-to-a-network-on-ubuntu-11-10/17:51
GridCubeshould be the same17:51
the_dudez0rHi, I'm creating a new xsession via "sudo xinit /usr/bin/jwm -- :1" in order to play a game there (quake). The problem is, whatever application I launch from that session, is outputting sound through my laptop's speakers rather than through my usb headsets. As a regular user I have the sound configured to go through my headset, but since the new xsession is launched as root, this is not the case. How could I solve this?17:59
the_dudez0rIs it possible to launch a new xsession without sudoing (hence being root)?18:00
jboogiethe_dudez0r: xinit /path/to/wm -- :118:01
jboogie(taken from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X#Virtual_X_session)18:01
the_dudez0rjboogie, X says that the user is not allowed to run a new xsession18:02
GridCubethe_dudez0r, you can make your user able to launch xsessions without root18:02
jboogieor with the sudo method, you could try and tweak /root/.asoundrc (the alsa conf file)18:02
the_dudez0rthat's why I'm using sudo18:02
the_dudez0rGridCube, how can I do that?18:03
GridCubesudo dpkg-reconfigure X11-common18:06
GridCubeset to anybody18:06
RropicanaGood evning ppl20:58
RropicanaCan anyone tell me why i cant install Xubuntu from WUBI?21:00
TheSheepRropicana: I give up, why?21:01
Rropicanahue? Well when i choose Xubuntu in the drop down meny it starts the downloading bur gets an error at some fil and the install get canceled21:03
TheSheepRropicana: what error?21:05
RropicanaTheSheep: Cant download the metalink and there before the ISO21:07
RropicanaTheSheep: The fils name is wubi-12.04-rev269.log21:07
TheSheepRropicana: I don't understand21:08
TheSheepRropicana: can you pastebin the error that you are getting?21:09
TheSheepRropicana: http://paste.ubuntu.com21:11
Rropicanaaha, you mean like sending a support message? or what is that?21:13
Unit193Using http://pastebin.com21:14
TheSheepRropicana: this is a place where you can copy-and-paste the exact error message, and paste the link here, so that we can see it21:19
Rropicanaaha, okey, but im not sure what title i should put on it21:21
toraxRropicana: it doesnt really matter21:28
RropicanaTheSheep: I have now posted it21:29
Rropicanatorax: ok21:29
xubuntu701Hi there21:29
TheSheepRropicana: what is the url for it?21:30
xubuntu701i would like to use Unity in Xubuntu 12.10, how can i get that to work?21:30
xubuntu701did install unity but at login i can not choose for Unity21:31
recon_lapxubuntu701: you should install ubuntu not xubuntu?21:32
TheSheepRropicana: looks like 12.04 was replaced with 12.04.121:33
TheSheepand the old links don't work anymore21:33
xubuntu701yes but i am running Xubuntu already21:33
TheSheepknome: any idea why the 12.04 metalink is deleted?21:33
RropicanaTheSheep: So i just need to download the install fil again, I mean WUBI.exe?21:34
TheSheepRropicana: I would try that21:34
TheSheepRropicana: if that doesn't work, then it's a bug on the servers that hold the images, and it should be fixed21:35
RropicanaTheSheep: That is great! Thx for the awesome support ;)21:36
RropicanaTheSheep: Just so you know, I have redownload the WUBI file, But still i get the error message21:39
RropicanaSo i hope they/you will fix the bug at the server sonn :)21:40
TheSheepRropicana: I will report a bug21:46
RropicanaTheSheep: Thats awesome! So then i will be able to download/install it next week?21:47
TheSheepRropicana: no idea, I'm actually just a user like you21:48
Rropicanaaha, but a user will alot of knowlig :)21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066150 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "WUBI fails to install xubuntu 12.04 because only 12.04.1 metalink file exists" [Undecided,New]21:50
TheSheepRropicana: you can follow what happens with that bug under that address21:51
RropicanaGreat! Thx!21:51
TheSheepRropicana: also you can provide more information if you have it21:51
RropicanaWell i dont think i have more info:)21:52
recon_lapRropicana: just select that this bug affects you too21:56
TheSheepfor that you need to register and log in21:56
RropicanaYeah sure I can do that21:56
RropicanaI have posted now :)22:02
xubuntu839Howdy, if I want to create a swap partition after installation of xubuntu, can I use gparted?23:17
xubuntu839Thing is.. I'd really like to use the Hibernate-Function. However I probably messed something up when formatting my linux mint installation and installing xubuntu...23:18
xubuntu839Anyhow.. I have a 2 GB partition..23:18
xubuntu839whenever I click on "Hibernate" I get the "Not enough swap space" error message23:19
xubuntu839Therefore I figured.. well let's create a swap partition..23:19
xubuntu839Ergo I got gparted, formatted the 2 gb leftover partition to a linux-swap23:19
xubuntu839When doing so "free -m" still told me "swap 0 0 0"23:20
xubuntu839so back to gparted, rightclick on the swap-partition23:21
xubuntu839I clicked on "Activate ... memory"23:21
xubuntu839now "free -m" provided me with the correct amount of swap.. well I finally had some23:21
xubuntu839hitting "Hibernate" produced another "No permission" error.. therefore I used "sudo pm-hibernate" from the terminall..23:22
xubuntu839and well it looked like it went to Hibernate...23:22
David-Axubuntu839: good, you can tell it to use a swap partition directly with "swapon /dev/sdXX", or add it to /etc/fstab to be used automatically at boot23:22
xubuntu506Cannot get Xubuntu to boot after installation as sole OS...be gentle, I'm a noob! :-) The last thing I see when it tries to reboot is [ 2270.598869] panic occurred, switching back to text console.23:23
xubuntu839after reboot it seemed to have forgotten about the swap...23:23
xubuntu839David-A: Oky, I'll try the fstab thingy, thx!23:24
xubuntu839David-A: am I right in my assumption, that I need to find out my swap's UUID ?23:26
David-Axubuntu839: you know about saving a copy of the current fstab and have a live-cd ready if things go wrong?23:26
David-Axubuntu839: uuid is optional, you can specify /dev/xxx or uuid or label.23:27
xubuntu839so just /dev/sda5 no options, no pass?23:28
xubuntu839mount point ? type?23:28
David-Axubuntu839: modern people like uuid because /dev/xxx can change if you plug in sata-disks and such. me, i like /dev/xxx and hate external sata disks...23:28
xubuntu839David-A: ;) plus it's shorter23:30
xubuntu839David-A: okay, wish me luck ;)23:32
David-Axubuntu839: the man page explains the fields. i'v read it so you don't have to. mountpoint = none, type = swap23:32
xubuntu839David-A: ah thanks.. well yeah I was wondering whether or not to leave that blank..23:32
David-Axubuntu839: oh, options, dump, and pass for swap isn't in the man page.23:33
xubuntu839David-A: I'm afraid you lost me23:33
xubuntu839David-A: What man page are you talking about?23:33
David-Axubuntu839: blank, as in white space, is separator, i think there must be something in each field23:34
David-Axubuntu839: man fstab23:34
xubuntu839David-A: woah23:35
xubuntu839David-A: okay, I'm gonna read that tomorrow.. thanks for your help :)23:36
David-Axubuntu506: ok, in my fstab dump = 0 and pass = 0, if you cant find any doc about it23:38
David-Axubuntu839: ^23:38

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