
WalzmynMy system sounds (error ding from KDE) are going to my HDMI sound card instead of the main sound card my speakers are plugged into. How do I switch it?00:17
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:50
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bjrohanHow do I make a symlink in a home folder to a usb drive so that I may access it via ssh on another computer?01:34
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bjrohanWhat is the difference between ssh fish and ftp when connecting to computers on a home network?04:57
bjrohanI have lubuntu with nautlius on a desktop, and Kubuntu on my laptop with Dolphin. I can connect the desktop to laptop with nautilus fairly easy, but with dolphin it is much more convluted, and as of now only via network which I can not get to stay connected. I want to use te external USB drive to back my laptop to04:59
brohanAnyone on that can help me with setting up Dolphin to connect to a remote computer effectively?05:30
bjrohanI need Dolphin help in a bad way, anyone?05:45
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Lord_Drachenblutcrontab -e08:16
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BaldRUbuntu rules :)10:11
lordievaderBaldR: This is Kubuntu, for Ubuntu see #ubuntu.10:13
BluesKajHi all10:29
Guest40904hi kworld!11:53
Guest40904this is a fresh install of the kubuntu 12.0411:53
Guest40904there is one more big problem left: i cannot copy+paste e.g. from emacs or xterm into firefox dialog fields (e.g. pastebin). Please help me ...11:55
rorkGuest40904: how did you try to copy? Right mouse? Ctrl-Shift-C?12:08
rorkGuest40904: ah, xterm doesn't seem to allow copy-paste, why not use konsole instead?12:10
odozutmvI had a package manager crash, what is the command to restart the packet manager?12:21
Guest40904rork: In emacs i tied everything, marking with the mouse, should suffice, since i can paste in emacs for sure. In xterm (sage running) i just mark, since Control+C stops sage from working... Well, copy paste from konsole into pastebin.com works. But emacs to konsole does not work. This is odd!12:27
Guest40904rork: i need emacs -> console (sage interpreter, sort of python+math) since i cannot program in the console and i want to still have the code12:29
Guest40904what is this idea to have somehow two registers for copied stuff? one for x-application and the other one for the other ones? This drives me crazy, it is a good reason to switch to some other system for the next 5 years12:30
Guest40904(ubuntu unity already did this service for me, no unity on my computers!)12:31
Guest40904i will google still for this copy+paste problem, but at the end of the day there is a solution or something else instead of kubuntu installed here12:33
Guest40904nice chat room, it is dedicated to xeros quit policy12:43
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BluesKajGuest40904, yeah I was about to call an op , this is becoming annoying12:44
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BluesKajikonia , can you kicj this xeros guy pls he's flooding us12:45
BluesKajerr kick12:45
ikoniasure thing12:46
ikoniaBluesKaj: thanks, sorry I didn't notice earlier12:46
BluesKajthanks ikonia , much appreciated12:47
Guest40904thanks, too!12:47
BluesKajikonia, one would think if it was unintentional that he would stop trying to connect after 50 tries :)12:48
ikoniaI suspect autojoin maybe the bad man here12:48
BluesKajhe should still notice that , if he wants to chat12:49
ikoniaI suspect he'll notice a lot of channels have forwarded him to ##fix_your_connection12:50
ikoniahopefully problem solved now.12:50
ikoniaI'm off12:50
BluesKajok . later12:51
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Nine_9hello guys, in kde 4.8, the network manager tray icon is a little different than the others (it has black a gray parts, while the others are only white/transparent) I don't know if this is from my Icon theme or from the app itself, but i'd like to change it, do you have any ideas how?14:27
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BluesKajNine_9, could be from your desktop theme setting14:32
Nine_9BluesKaj: any ideas on where the icons images are located?14:32
mark___i have a problem. i just updated to kde 4.9.2 and im missing some components like the update center.14:35
BluesKajit's probly not the icom images that's affecting the look , it may be the theme..icons are in systemsettings>application appearance>icons14:35
Nine_9BluesKaj: thank you14:35
BluesKajmark___, run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade14:36
mark___if by any chance could i do a clean install14:38
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mark___BluesKa: the command didn't work14:41
mark___could someone help?14:43
mark___i have a problem. i just updated to kde 4.9.2 and im missing some components like the update center.14:45
bazhangwhat was the error mark___14:45
mark___error for what?14:45
bazhangmark___, run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade14:45
bazhang!paste | mark___14:46
ubottumark___: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:46
mark___it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:47
bazhangok, and what package did you want to install mark___14:48
mark___i'm prettey much a noob when it comes to kde and kubuntu. all i want to do is do a clead install of kde 4.9.214:49
pfooanyone noticed that gwenview plugins are sorted in wrong submenus in kde4.9.2 / gwenview 2.9.1 ?14:51
shadeslayermark___: checkout the channel topic14:52
Nine_9the tray icons are in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default/icons/ in case anyone is intrested14:52
shadeslayermark___: just type /topic14:53
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone14:53
mark___i resently  installed kde 4.9.2 and it completely messed up ad i want to do a clean install of kde
shadeslayeruhh, messed up? how ?15:13
mark___a lot of apps and componets are missing15:14
shadeslayertry sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:15
shadeslayerhave to go for dinner, cya15:15
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ncfi1013what is the simplest command to force delete directory files?15:56
ncfi1013_what is the simplest command to force delete directory files?15:57
Dexter_Fpatience, young padawan.15:57
Dexter_Frm -r  will recurse, rm -rf will recurse and not ask questions15:57
Dexter_Fit will stop at permissiosn it does not have, like files that belong to other users and you dont have write rights to15:58
ncfi1013_what i want specifically is to delete folders inside of a particular directory but not the main directory16:01
lzajhello, which download manager can i use under kubuntu?16:12
DarthFrogDexter_F:  "cd Directory ; rm -rf * ; cd .. ; rmdir  Directory" is safer.16:12
bazhanglzaj, to download what16:12
Dexter_FDarthFrog: huh?16:12
DarthFrogDexter_F:  Then you're sure that you're only deleting the files you wish to delete.16:13
Dexter_FDarthFrog: doesn't make sense to me. what would rm -rf <dirname> do differently?16:14
lzajbazhang: regular links16:15
lordievaderOr use the -i switch when using rm.16:15
DarthFrogDexter_F: Nothing.  As long as you (a) used the right directory name and (b) spelled it correctly.  This I learned the hard way. :-)16:15
lzajbazhang: also i would like to be able to resume download when downloading mp4 from youtube16:15
bazhanglzaj, there is command line utility called youtube-dl , or a firefox addon for that16:16
lzajbazhang: it can resume downloads?16:16
bazhanglzaj, I dont know, the firefox addon can convert on the fly, though, from flv to more playable formats16:17
lzajbazhang: with youtube-dl " ERROR: unable to download video "16:19
lzajfor link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3mhkYbznBk16:19
lzajyoutube-dl has a resume option so it's a shame16:20
lzajbazhang: hm, it worked after -U update16:23
bazhang the -t switch should give it a proper name16:24
lzajye thanks16:24
Nine_9hey guys, how can i change the altgr+prtscr+K shortcut back to the good old ctrl+alt_backspc?16:27
Nine_9or it's better to just get used to the new shortcut?16:28
DarthFrogNine_9:  I *think* it's changeable in SystemSettings.  not sure though.16:28
Nine_9in case it's becoming a kinda standart16:28
Nine_9DarthFrog: i couldn't find anything there16:29
DarthFrogNine_9:  setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp16:30
Nine_9DarthFrog: you're right. It's in "Input Devices"-"Keyboard"-"Advanced"16:30
Nine_9i was looking in the keyboard section16:31
Nine_9I thought this were configured in a xserver config file16:31
Nine_9anyway, thank you DarthFrog.16:31
DarthFrogHmm, I not that I've enabled it, too. :-)16:31
Nine_9i'm gonna try it right now :)16:32
Nine_9it works :)16:32
DarthFroggood stuff16:33
Nine_9those icons effects are awesome, it's a pity though they doesn't work for some icons on the task manager (e.g: firefox).16:44
Nine_9however, it's great to have all the icons on the K menu colored the same. No other window manager has such feature afaik.16:45
* BluesKaj muses ...well to each his own :)16:47
Nine_9I was a big fan of gnome until v3, but i hated unity and gnome3, and i thought it wouldn't make sense to stick with gnome2, tried xfce and didn't like also, and as I had some previous experience with kde4, i decided to give it a try and i'm simply loving it.16:49
lordievaderNine_9: There is still gnome-classic.16:49
Nine_9lordievader: that's gnome 2 afaik16:50
lordievaderNine_9: That is why I said it.16:50
Nine_9but i said that i think it doesn't make sense to use such an ancient wm nowadays16:53
lordievaderNine_9: Yeah, I reminded myself again that I only read things half... sorry.16:54
mimehello ppl, can anyone say me how to put any folder in a button or menu in fvwm? thnx17:20
DarthFrogIn fvwm???  Why on Earth are you running such an ancient window manager?17:21
DarthFrogI doubt anyone running Kubuntu would still be using fvwm.  Afterall, the point of Kubuntu is to run KDE SC.17:22
mimeim on crystal17:23
DarthFrogmime: However there is a #fvwm channel.  That would be the appropriate place to ask for the help you want.17:23
mimecya ppl17:24
mimemime: this is #fvwm, try #fvwm-crystal (two different window managers)17:39
mimeonly 1 person17:39
DarthFrogmime: When you venture into obscurity, you're not likely to find too many other people there who can guide you. :-)17:45
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Guest40904i promised in the morning that i will wipe out the kubuntu from all hd's if there is no workaround to the copy+paste problems :: it seems that there are now *two* clipboards, one for console, one for x-applications!18:15
Guest40904well, i found a workaround, i use xclipboard18:15
Guest40904but this is that annoying, simply impossible to accept this18:15
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Guest40904some years ago there was no problem to copy+paste from firefox, xterm, emacs, xemacs, vim ... in each other18:16
Guest40904now, we revolutionary have the chance to use xclipboard in between18:16
Guest40904whose idiocratic idea is this?18:17
Guest40904if some live linux distro does not have this nice feature, i will skip in a second18:18
Guest40904can somebody here tell me why is it impossible to copy+paste from emacs or xterm into firefox (e.g. pastebin.com paste field) ?18:19
DarthFrogit isn't.18:19
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lzajtry the middle button18:20
lzajone annoying thing is if you copy something from kate for instance18:21
lzajand then you close kate18:21
lzajyou can't paste it anymore :(18:21
DarthFroglzaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1277420/18:21
DarthFrogFrom a yakuake session.18:21
DarthFrogMind you, the pastebin session was in rekonq.18:22
DarthFroghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1277424/  from pasting in Firefox.18:23
lzajDarthFrog: well i've just tried: open kate : write something, copy it, close kate; then try to paste it here18:23
DarthFrogOK, I'll give it a shot18:23
lzajit looks like you can only paste from applications that are still open18:24
DarthFrogNope.  Works fine.  Opened a text file in Kate.  Copied it, closed Kate, pasted into pastebin on Firefox. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1277430/18:26
FlameReaperI suppose I've been quite tolerant enough of AMD's drivers18:44
avihayGuest40904: you can try using klipper and pick synchronize contents of clipboard and selection18:53
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Guest40904avihay: thanks for the answer, i realize now that the story is a well known story. Well, although i distroyed xclipboard, i get some problems to run klipper, and of course i cannot paste here the error mess from the xterm! Nice19:14
jacksonjeI just installed kubuntu quantal along with proprietary nvidia drivers. Now the effects no longer work, but kde says they are on. Any suggestions?19:15
Guest40904lzaj: i tried everything, Shift+insert, middle button, Control+V, Shift+Control+V and so on. xclipboard was a trial and error possibility to still have something work. Of course, i had to do the right "copy" from emacs, mark and Meta+w, never had to do it before, then paste with shift+Insert in the xclipboard, since Controv+V made the paste uncontrolled. (I could not understand what i was pasting.)19:18
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
Guest40904darthfrog: i never use kate and konsole, where things seem to work, i use emacs to edit code (sagemath) since i need the python-mode, then i run the code in the xterm interpreter, since i can run xterm -bg tan4 -fg snow,  (and many other colors), then i want to paste the result on a math page (in firefox)19:19
Guest40904why there are *two clipboards on this one linux?19:20
DarthFrogKlipper is the only one I use.19:21
BluesKajjacksonje, try the nvidia-current driver for 12.10 , it runs better than the proprietary19:21
BluesKajjacksonje, that what I'm using for the geforce 8400GS19:22
jacksonjenvidia-current is what I'm using19:22
jacksonjewhich is the proprietary driver19:23
BluesKajjacksonje, odd . mine lists simply as nvidia_current in jockey/additional drivers19:25
Guest40904DarthFrog: ok, i tried klipper, get the following message: Klipper is already running! Check it in the system tray in the panel. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.19:26
Guest40904DarthFrog: why do i need to use a klipper?19:26
jacksonjenvidia current is proprietary, nouveau is open source19:26
BluesKajjacksonje, what does additional drivers list your active driver as?19:27
BluesKajOpenGL in desktop effects advanced19:28
jacksonjehmm, says this driver is activated but not currently in use19:29
BluesKajQt graphics is ?19:29
jacksonjein jockey19:29
BluesKajany errors with desktop effects enabled ?19:30
jacksonjethey just don't show any effects19:30
jacksonjethey are listed as on, but there is no transparency, or present windows or anything19:30
avihayGuest40904: well, on my machine, I mark some text in xterm, go to any other program and middle click and the text pastes19:35
BluesKajjacksonje, try raster instead of native19:35
avihayincludeing in xterm itself19:35
avihayI can also mark text in any other program and paste in xterm by middle click19:36
jacksonjewhy would I want to shift rendering burden to the CPU instead of the GPU?19:37
avihaywhat does xterm -bg tan4 -fg snow do? I get a brown xterm19:37
avihayGuest40904: ?19:41
jacksonjeahh so the problem was using the kde system settings to configure the display properties, doing that broke the effects on my nvidia20:34
bjrohancan anyone give me insight to using ssh and Dolphin? I am having issues20:56
lordievaderbjrohan: What do you want to do exactly?20:57
bjrohanI want to establish a connection to my desktop's root folde so that I can access an external USB drive for backups20:59
lordievaderbjrohan: Ok, so you want to mount the external USB drive through ssh?20:59
bjrohanIt seems when I try I can only access the root when I go to the Network folder and connect that way, however, that connection doesn't remain viable once I close the new window it opens20:59
bjrohanOn that computer is is mounted in /media21:00
lordievaderbjrohan: You probably want to use sshfs, for this you need to install (on the client) the package "sshfs".21:01
bjrohanIf I install Nautilus, it automatically finds and connect to that computer without me doing anything, however in Dolphin it seems to be a nightmare21:02
lordievaderbjrohan: After you have done that, you need to create a folder where you want to mount the folder.21:02
bjrohanWhy, what does that do? i am looking to learn not just do things to get them to work21:02
lordievaderbjrohan: And then as a final step run the command: sshfs -o idmap=user user@<ip-of-machine>:<path> <target>21:03
bjrohanAltough I am very grateful for any help21:03
lordievaderbjrohan: The package is needed to be able to mount the directory through ssh.21:04
avihaybjrohan: sftp://username@serveradress/media21:04
avihaybut it uses a crappy KIO slave that doesn't do streaming, so it's useful only to push files around. if you want something serious, sshfs21:06
lordievaderOr something insecure but very fast: nfs :D21:06
bjrohanavihay when I do that I get an error that the key does not match, blah blah blah. If i delete the /.ssh file that goes away but then a message box appears if I want to connect (3x) I click yes, and there is no connection made21:06
avihaybjrohan: that error message is the same you should get if you try to ssh there21:07
avihaydhcp and reassigning ip addresses and all21:07
bjrohanLet me askyou guys this, would setting up a Samba server be better?21:07
lordievaderbjrohan: I'd stick with sshfs, for as far as I know it is safer than smb/cifs.21:08
avihayon my network, samba is only slightly faster then ssh21:08
bjrohanHow can I remedy the whole key error message?21:09
avihayanyway, retry sshfs in dolphin21:09
avihayerr sftp21:09
bjrohanso do sshfs or sftp?21:09
bjrohanso do NOT install sshfs?21:10
avihayit depends if you only need to push files around, via the gui only, or if you need to mount the system properly21:10
jmpiloqwhat about fish?21:10
avihayI think it's deprecated by sftp21:11
bjrohanI am strictly using this so that I can backup my laptop to the external USB drive attached to the desktop machine located @
lordievaderbjrohan: If it's a private network you might even use nfs, much faster on my own network than sshfs.21:12
lordievaderbjrohan: But I'm just confusing you, answer avihay's question.21:13
bjrohanIt is in my home. I have DSL which is a modem/router in one my desktop is hardwired, my laptop is wireless, and my wife has windoze that is wireless that I am not worried about21:13
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bjrohanI have the network address for the laptop and desktop reserved so they never change21:15
avihayif you want to back up, you probably wanna automate it/script it. you can use scp to copy via ssh from the command line/script21:15
bjrohanDesktop is running Lubuntu with open SSH server and client. I have Nautilus installed on that machine, and it can access my laptop with no setup. My laptop has Kubuntu with Dolphin which I prefer, and as I said Nautilus on my laptop auto finds and access my desktop, Dolphin does not21:16
jmpiloqseems like you could use rsnyc for that21:16
avihaywithout installing anything, you can use http://pingbin.com/2011/12/recursive-scp-file-copy/ for backing up from command line21:17
bjrohanYeah, and now I am spinning around :-)21:18
avihayto use a gui to to transfer stuff, I use sftp in dolphin, works fine most times21:18
bjrohanI could also just plug my laptop into the USB drive everynight and do a direct backup21:18
lordievaderbjrohan: Is probably even faster ;)21:19
bjrohanand where do I enter the SFTP info so that the USB drive is always visible when I open Dolphin? I can type it into the Network Places, but I don't find a way to make it stay there once I close the window that Network Places opens21:19
avihayif you want it permanent, in dolphin, go to network in the "places" selector21:21
avihayyou should see a few icons, one of them should be a new folder icon with the text Add Network folder21:21
bjrohanI do that, but it never creates a folder it seems, just opens a new window, that once closed I have no access21:22
avihayit should offer you webdav ftp cifs/samba and ssh21:22
avihayhumm, I see it in the remote:/ url21:23
avihaythe place from where I picked to add network folder21:23
avihaydid you have the create an icon for this folder option ticked?21:24
bjrohanPerhaps not. Dolphin hung on that operation so I am closing it out. Do I want to choose SSH or the FTP option when creating a new folder?21:25
bjrohanFrom the options choose and FTP connection or SSH when creating a new network folder?21:29
bjrohanBRB, no matter what I do Dolphin is unresponsive when trying to connect :-(21:31
vertago1As anyone here used apt-p2p any?21:31
bjrohanOKAY. I got in. I had to use SSH option, then use the fish option21:32
bjrohanBUT I have no new folder :-( It opened up a new window with the / directory of the desktop but no folder in the original window even though I checkmarked that box21:33
bjrohanWhere should this folder icon be located?21:35
bjrohanAnd this is where I have issues with Dolphin21:38
bjrohanWas it something I said?21:42
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ubottuSee http://developer.kde.org/source/anonsvn.html for details on accessing KDE's code via SVN23:49
IdleOneSomeone know the proper link to replace that one in the factoid?23:50
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