
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: should I remove the link to the marathon page from the main page menu?00:49
cjohnstonSee everyone in a week10:48
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: hey, could you please mark this as high priority? https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/106634517:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1066345 in summit "Clicking on star should add me to session" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:32
JoseeAntonioRor is it wishlist?17:32
dakerbkerensa: http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/10/13/145217/stallman-on-unity-dash-canonical-will-have-to-give-users-data-to-governments17:53
AlanBellthe story that keeps on giving18:16
AlanBellmore to come too, when someone digs into the checkbox that supposedly turns off internet searches in the dash18:16
IdleOneSounds like an old man trying to stay relevant by attaching himself to a controversial topic to me.18:28
AlanBelloh, stallman, sure18:28
IdleOneI have yet to read any positive comment from him about anything18:29
AlanBellin fact if Stallman hates it I suspect that will make a lot of people perfectly fine about the whole thing18:29
AlanBellbest endorsement yet18:29
IdleOneIn that case, keep on flapping your gums old man.18:29
nigelbI have my problems with it. But this is not one of them.18:29
AlanBellhe is doing his usual trick of being right, badly.18:30
nigelbAs soon as we added the ability to turn it off and it was told that at release time we'd switch to https, I was okay with it.18:30
AlanBellyeah, only the turn it off part is bogus18:30
AlanBellwell, not bogus in that it does turn that lens off18:31
AlanBellbut the checkbox does not do what the checkbox says it does18:31
nigelbheh, did they pace up to get the checkbox in becuause of UI freeze?18:31
nigelband are working on the functionality now?18:31
AlanBellnot sure18:32
nigelbworst case we'd have to add an entry into /etc/hosts18:32
nigelbthat's okay ;)18:33
IdleOneThat checkbox disables package usage data being sent back to Canonical doesn't it?18:33
AlanBellerr, no18:33
AlanBellthe checkbox says18:33
IdleOneNot sure which checkbox we are talking about then18:33
AlanBellWhen searching in the dash: include online search results18:33
AlanBelland as far as I know what it actually does is turn off just the shopping lens (or the scope)18:34
AlanBellany other third party lenses you may have that include online search results are free to read your searches and populate the dash and do evil stuff with your queries18:35
IdleOneI would prefer Canonical just make it opt in instead of opt out. Well if the lens is disabled with that box, sounds ok to me.18:35
nigelbWell, the idea is to get revenue from the referrals.18:36
AlanBellwhich is fine, and I got a lovely little camera found through the lens18:37
IdleOneWhich is fine by me, but I think we should have the choice to give and not the choice to not give.18:37
nigelbIdleOne: On the personal belief standpoint, I'm with you.18:38
nigelbBut thinking practically, from the canonical standpoint, I'd want it turned on by default.18:38
nigelbThat way, more users are going to bring referral income.18:38
IdleOnenigelb: Sure as a business man I understand that also18:39
AlanBellI probably take a rather odd view, I would rather it was on by default and not disablable with a button that doesn't do what it says18:39
IdleOneAlanBell: it partially does what it says, it maybe needs to be more clear on exactly what that is.18:39
AlanBellbut there should be a control at some point to whitelist scopes to get global search change events18:40
AlanBelland lenses shouldn't be able to set visible to false and hide from the lens bar18:40
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: it isnt a bug, or a wishlist, its a feature that already exists18:41
nigelbAlanBell: So, have you played with MITM?18:41
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: well, at least not for me18:42
nigelbAlanBell: http://mitmproxy.org/18:42
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: if you click on the star it doesn't take you to a page to mark yourself attending?18:42
AlanBellooh that is scary and useful nigelb18:42
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: that's the point, it should just mark you, and if you're *very* interested, then you should update it18:43
nigelbAlanBell: I thought of this when people keep saying HTTPS is secure by default. (For example oauth 2.0 specs)18:43
cjohnstonehh.. ok, if I reread it, it does say that, it just didn't come across well..18:44
cjohnstonits wishlist and wont be done before uds18:44
cjohnstonunless someone else does it18:44
JoseeAntonioRI may do it if I find where the star properties are18:44
* cjohnston is gone for a week18:48
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: before you go, what is called when someone marks him/herself as attending?18:49
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: ^ ?18:52
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: "Attending"19:00
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: but is a function in a script or anywhere else called?19:02
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: what do you mean?20:39
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: when a person marks him/herself as attending and clicks save, is there a function I can call for that?20:40
mhall119in the code?20:42
mhall119there's a view function that the form is sent to, I don't recall the name of it20:42
JoseeAntonioRso I can fix bug 1066345 asap20:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1066345 in summit "Clicking on star should add me to session" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106634520:42
JoseeAntonioRerm, let me check20:43
mhall119ah, to make it ajax-y you'll need to do an HTTP POST using the data from the form20:43
JoseeAntonioRand the form is {{ form.as_template }}, right?20:44
mhall119you'll need to check the actual HTML it produces20:45
mhall119to see what fields and field names you need to send20:45
JoseeAntonioRyeah, checking my local instance atm20:46
JoseeAntonioRwell, not-so local20:46
mhall119the tricky part is going to be getting around the CSRF token20:52
mhall119you might need to make a new view to handle the ajax calls20:52
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: any idea on how to fix http://summit.joseeantonior.com:8000/uds-r/2012-10-29/ ?20:58
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: manage.py migrate20:59
mhall119we added a new field recently20:59
JoseeAntonioRI think it's participation=ATTENDING21:21
mhall119that's the model field and value, yes21:26
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