
weeb1eok it could be worse than I thought00:00
cornellGood evening all00:00
jagginessbjrohan, it sounds like a router that is a hybrid WLAN/LAN.. is it only 1 router?00:00
bjrohanjagginess sorry, thought LAN just meant that they were not connected via the internet00:00
weeb1etheres something using a whole core running in /sbin00:00
weeb1ethat is not good!00:00
bjrohanjagginess it is only 1 router00:00
jagginessbjrohan, true.. but what model is it?00:00
weeb1espawned by the test user00:00
blackshirtweeb1e, i think the hacker use some php shell inclusion00:00
jagginessbjrohan, and are they both set to "dhcp" ?00:00
weeb1eblackshirt: /sbin/ss00:01
jagginess..linksys.. ?00:01
cornellWell, I bit the bullet and upgraded my desktop to 12.0.4.   And when it was done, it came up with my gnome-shell! Joy of Joys!  It came to pass that I had to reboot, and it came up with Unity :-(00:01
weeb1edon't even know what ss is00:01
cornellNow I can't find any thing :-(00:01
bjrohanjagginess linksys wrt54g200:01
jagginessbjrohan, and are both computers set to "dhcp" ?00:01
weeb1ebekks: I deleted the whole account00:02
bjrohanI do not know, in the router jagginess?00:02
jagginessbjrohan, they would be on the computers.. I'm guessing they're dhcp since you dont know..00:02
jagginessbjrohan, you see some 'router's are really picky and don't allow traffic properly on 'static' lan ip#s..00:03
weeb1elooks like some sort of DDOS attack00:03
cuddlemonsterI have an eSATA expresscard that is listed in lspci, but when I plug the cable in, the drives aren't recognized. How can I find out why that is?00:03
jagginessbjrohan, what version# is your linksys ? (says on the webpages http://<your router ip>)00:04
winstonebookI'm downloading Ubuntu00:04
bjrohanjagginess, I have fresh installed of ubuntu on both machines, I have set the modem to reserved DHCP, and assigned both computers referenced to the addresses I gave00:04
zykotick9cuddlemonster: fyi, my eSATA isn't hot-pluggable, i have to reboot to get the drives to detect.... best of luck.  not all esata is like my experience!00:04
jagginessbjrohan, ok that's fine.. and the proper way to do it00:05
jagginessbjrohan, but the latest is 1.5 i think for your model http://homesupport.cisco.com/en-ca/support/routers/WRT54G2  (make sure you have the latest firmware, it's possible a faulty firmware can cause this)00:05
cuddlemonsterzykotick9: Is that a limitation of the kernel? Bug or missing feature?00:06
jagginessbjrohan, let me backtrace a bit here.. did you "reserve DHCP addresses" for those two computers?00:06
weeb1elooks like romania is attacking korea00:06
bjrohanjagginess what would cause it to work oneway and not the other?00:06
weeb1ejust a heads up00:06
jagginessbjrohan, let me backtrace a bit here.. did you "reserve DHCP addresses" for those two computers?00:06
zykotick9cuddlemonster: it's a hardware/driver issue... many esata cards aren't supported 100% :(00:06
bjrohanJagginess, yes both of them are reserved00:06
GudduCould someone help me with qmail install error? This is preventing me from installing other packages.00:06
jagginessbjrohan, ok.. (sorry it sounded a bit ambiguous before)00:06
cindyasarisuratnmorning :(00:06
jagginessbjrohan, so try the latest firmware .., came out 03/19/201200:07
bjrohanIt is :-)00:07
GudduHere is my session transcript http://dpaste.com/813082/00:07
jagginessbjrohan, ok00:07
bjrohanHow can i make sure the openssh server is working properly on the desktop?00:07
weeb1eso the hacker dumped their scripts in /dev/shm/.x/smtp/00:07
jagginessbjrohan, next i'd do is drop the firewalls on both computers (on linux it's temporarily-> iptables -F , maybe use sudo)00:07
jagginessbjrohan, then try desktop->laptop00:08
weeb1eI didn't know a use without sudo access could access /dev/shm/.x/smtp/00:08
jagginessbjrohan, i bb in a couple mins..00:08
jagginesshang on :/00:08
cornellCan't even go to system/synaptic to get gnome-shell... There's no freaking MENU!.  I had to do a search :-(  Whose Idea was this Unity cra... thing?00:08
GudduCould someone help me with qmail install error? This is preventing me from installing other packages.00:09
GudduHere is my session transcript http://dpaste.com/813082/00:09
cornellbiab, seeing if I can login with gnome-shell now.00:09
IdleOneGuddu: there is a #qmail you can try00:10
GudduThanks IdleOne00:10
cornellAh... much better.00:11
bjrohanjagginess, I have also installed Dolphin browser, and when I try to connect I get: http://pastebin.com/g4V3Armp00:11
wilee-nileecornell, This is not a play by play channel it is support. ;)00:11
bjrohanAnyone else have suggestions why I can access one computers files over a home network, but vice versa is a fail? I get the following: http://pastebin.com/g4V3Armp00:13
cornellYes, wilee-nilee, but, last I checked, humans were here.  And humans tend to engage in a little small talk now and again.  Sticking only to the matter at hand in a cut and dried fashion, gets real dull real fast.00:13
jagginessbjrohan, so delete the key for that trusted host and allow it associate the new one.. that's why it's wise to reserve their ip's00:14
bandit22anybody know why I would have a file in home folder (.xsession-errors.old) that grew to 362GB Ubuntu 12.04 64bit00:14
jagginessbjrohan, a key gets associate with an ip address.. so it would happen before you did those reservations00:14
jagginessbjrohan, (the key is cached on the client, this would be the public key)00:15
bjrohanjagginess how do I do that?00:15
jagginessbjrohan, whatever client you're using.. dunno about dolphin, but probably it uses kde-wallet or something.. just delete any 'stored' passwords with it00:15
cornellAnyway, on to the next problem...  On 11, I'd created a shortcut, I forget if it was a .pls or a .m3u, on my desktop.  Clicking it would open moveplayer and play the audio that was being streamed.  Now I've upgraded to 12.  The shortcut's still there, but when I click it, it opens rythymbox, which sits there waiting for me to pick something.  And my .pls, or .m3u, isn't an option.  I also note that opening the shortcut's properties doe00:16
jagginessbandit22, maybe kilobytes, not gigabytes.00:17
hiloCan someone help me edit/fix this regular expression based string edit for a script I'm writing? Current shell script line with regular expressions: echo $vminstance | sed -r 's/\{.*\}//g' | sed -r 's/\"//g'     The variable $vminstance is equal to all of this (including quotes and special): "qwer qwer" {sadfasdf-sadfasdf-sadfasdf-sdfadsf}     The current script strips it to just qwer qwer. I need it to either also add a \ to escape the spac00:17
hiloe, OR have it put single quotations around the qwer qwer\00:17
bandit22no it was for sure GB as in gigabytes because I had to delete as I kept getting disc full messages00:18
GudduIs there a way i could configure /etc/hosts to get past this error while installing qmail?00:19
GudduYour system needs to have a fully qualified domain name (fqdn) in00:19
Gudduorder to install the var-qmail packages.00:19
cornellAll I seem to get from the properties is the type: MP3 ShoutCast playlist (audio/x-scpls)00:19
bjrohanjagginess I am at a loss, I opened up the wallet, I have entries for Chrome, as well as network, but the network passwords, nothing for dolphin or nautilus00:21
gridwestIs there any way to forward a port on my router automatically?   without having to log in to the router config settings00:21
l0p3ngridwest: I think if you have upnp enabled the router will do that for you00:23
jagginessbjrohan, try to remove the associated public key from the authorized_keys file :/00:24
jagginessbjrohan, (~/.ssh)00:24
bjrohanI googled and foud it. In that hosts file there appear to be 2 entries, just delete them both?00:24
jagginessgridwest, upnp does it, but it's only if your router can do it, and only from internal lan machines..00:24
cornellInteresting... changed the default application to Movieplayer...  Clicked it, Movieplayer opened, but didn't play.  Reset it to Rythmbox.  Tried rightclick/open with moviplayer, and it opened and started playing just fine.00:25
cornellSeems strange.00:25
jagginessbjrohan, you can delete the key associated with the laptop.. i don't know further details.. but you can always add the key you didnt want to remove a little later when reconnecting to that unknown server00:25
bjrohanOk. and I want to delete this on the desktop (the computer I am trying to access remotely but can not)00:26
jagginessbjrohan, it's not in ~/.ssh ? turn on hidden files in your dolphin browser00:26
jagginess~/.ssh << "~" means /home/<username>00:27
bjrohanyes it is, but on which computer do I delete? I have one of those on each computer00:27
jagginessbjrohan, i said the client's00:27
jagginessbjrohan, which is the desktop, it's the desktop acting as the client00:27
jagginessbjrohan, client(desktop)<->server(laptop)00:28
bjrohanI thought in this case it would be the server, as it is hosting the files I am trying to access00:28
jagginessbjrohan, you said client(laptop)->server(desktop), works..00:28
gridwestis there a command line utility for upnp automatic router port forwarding?00:28
jagginessclient(desktop)->server(laptop)  ,, i fixed my arrow on this one this time :)00:28
l0p3ngridwest: usually you log in to your router and enable it from there00:29
jagginessgridwest, it's not used for services i believe, but rather for clients..00:29
jagginessgridwest, it's more stable and best to set it up via the router's pages, you'll have to ask someone to do it for you00:29
bjrohansorry, laptop server, desktop client works, the other way does not00:29
gridwestI know how to set it up manually00:30
gridwestvia the router's pages00:30
jagginessbjrohan, yup.. client(desktop)->server(laptop) "does not" work.. you were using dolphin client on your desktop.. dolphin from what i read from a blog post may be using settings from ~/.ssh on your desktop00:30
bjrohanjagginess using my laptop connected to router wirelessly will not access my desktop connect to router via cable, however the other way around desktop CAN access my laptop works00:30
gogetabjrohan: sounds like aa ufw seting issue00:31
jagginessbjrohan, ok.. so same thing applies.. just check .ssh on your laptop..00:31
jagginessbjrohan, doesnt matter which machine it is, i thought it was one way, but it's your laptop's client to be deal with00:32
marshahello!  I'm looking for abiword users00:32
gridwestmost routers have upnp enabled by default00:32
andrewh192anyone here have any pointers b4 i install Windows 7 next to my current install of Ubuntu 12.04?00:32
jagginessandrewh192, pointers for installing windows? comeon man00:33
gogetaandrewh192: be ready to restore grub00:33
bjrohanI deleted the contents of the .ssh host file on both computers. I no longer get the same error message, however now it is saying that my username/password is incorrect. I am using the the same combo to try and log in remotely as I do while sitting at the desktop00:33
jagginessandrewaclt, yeah ^..(check out boot-repair iso.. a great tool to fix ubuntu grub menu)00:33
jagginessandrewaclt, once you boot into ubuntu again after fixing grub with boot-repair iso, then go with sudo -> update-grub2 to add the windows entry to grub00:34
bjrohanthat should work correct?00:34
jagginessandrewh192, i mean to say to you00:34
jagginessandrewh192, (above stuff)00:34
wilee-nileeandrewh192, Back up what you can't afford to loose.00:34
gogetajagginess: yea thats a nice iso i think ubuntu is gonna start including it on the live cd00:35
jagginessgogeta, yeah.. i'm impressed with it.. i tried it a few days ago with mint, it works flawlessly with it too00:35
marshaabiword users?00:36
jagginessalways used to do the crazy root-shell method to fix grub.. now it's simply click click with boot-repair.. worked better than i expected00:36
gogetaif you have a problem with abiword ask00:36
gridwestAssuming Upnp is already enabled, is there a command line utility that will allow one to take advantage of Upnp automatic port forwarding.  (automatic as in the user writes a script that will forward a port for them)00:36
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marshaAnyone know how to tell abiword how to delete a whole word and not just a character?00:37
gogetagridwest: yes00:37
jagginessmarsha, should be in the list of keyboard shortcuts for abiword00:37
gogetagridwest ! ufw00:37
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.00:38
jagginessgridwest, upnp doesnt always work properly.. there's been things trying to replace it00:38
marshaactually, my problem is I use autokey and with abiword it only deletes one character of the abbreviation00:38
jagginessgridwest, it's best to just use port forwarding00:38
jagginessmarsha, well see what's conflicting with autokey vs abiword.. you'll have to dig it :)00:39
gridwestis there no way to reliably automatically forward a port via script?00:39
gogetagridwest: you need said port open to foward to00:39
jagginessgridwest, no because, it's not servers that do this, it's mostly the clients..00:39
GudduWhere can i find the Ubuntu Audio alert sound files?00:39
gogetagridwest: if you wahnt it outside the local network00:39
cornellOk, how about another easy one...  The gnome-shell came up with a bar on the top (Applications, Places, date, user, etc.) and a bar at the bottom, with the open applications.  As I recall, right-clicking on the bar allows moving it.  But not now.  How do I get it moved?00:41
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andrewh192well i have most of my files on a seperate hd....00:42
andrewh192so i think most of the stuff that i don't wanna loose won't be affected00:42
gridwestI am writing a client00:42
bradyhey, im trying to install os x via virtualbox , however my os x installer is .dmg, rather than .iso00:44
wilee-nileeandrewh192, Anything can happen at anytime.00:44
bradycan anyone point me in the direction of an application that can convert .dmg files into .iso00:45
andrewh192i gotcha00:45
andrewh192alright guys00:45
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andrewh192the only reason i am doing this, as sucky as it seems, is so that i can use my tv tuner card that i haven't been able to setup and get it to run in ubuntu00:45
andrewh192and have been told its a lot more easier in windows....00:46
wilee-nileeandrewh192, Pesonnaly I have everything on externals 2 actually and every OS cloned, I don't like asking for help.00:46
wilee-nileepersonally *00:46
andrewh192wilee-nilee: cloned?00:46
andrewh192wilee-nilee: that mean like a vm?00:46
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bjrohanjagginess, I am still stumped. When I enter my credientials now it says they are wrong. I just logged in and back out of the desktop and all was fine username and password. In the Nautilus box it has an exclamation point in my password field00:46
andrewh192wilee-nilee: i have virtualbox right now and have a vm of windows00:46
wilee-nileeandrewaclt, No a clone is a image of the OS as it was when you copied it a mirror image that can be slipped back in.00:47
andrewh192wilee-nilee: but it doesn't see the tv tuner card either, and won't unless the host os sees and has been installed/setup properly00:47
wilee-nileea vm is a OS although many vm clients offer snapshots00:47
gogetaandrewh192: tv tuners work in linux you just need the video driver for them00:47
cornellHave I offended?00:47
jagginessbjrohan, since you deleted more than you had to, just wipe out the ssh stores on both computers.. you'll have to dig out on how to do this as i'm not sure (but the ssh command line client is easier to use to test things)00:48
andrewh192gogeta: well, i have tried to install tvtime00:48
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andrewh192gogeta: but the first time i installed it, i didn't have the tv tuner installed already, so, it (tvtime) didn't see the card, because it wasn't there....00:48
gogetaandrewh192: you eed to knoe what card you have and what driver it uses mines used a app called xawtv00:49
andrewh192gogeta: now when i have tried to uninstall and reinstall it, it doesn't give me the first setup windows like it did the first time...00:49
herodidihow can I have win7 instead of ubuntu as the first entry in grub2 on 12.04?00:49
andrewh192gogeta: i have a wintv card00:49
andrewh192gogeta: by haupaage00:49
andrewh192gogeta: or however u spell it00:49
andrewh192gogeta: and have looked for a ubuntu driver for it, and have come up with nothing00:49
herodidihauppauge, pronouned hoppog ;)00:50
wilee-nileeherodidi, You can modify grub itself, or many use the app grub customizer00:50
herodidiwilee-nilee, thanks00:50
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:50
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wilee-nileeherodidi, no problem, here is a link to the customizer info. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166413400:51
andrewh192gogeta: it also, from what i have seen and tried, you have to manaually edit the list of "channels"00:51
gogetaandrewh192: it uses bttv like my card did00:52
andrewh192so how do i install that driver?00:52
gogetaandrewh192: its inclided try a app called xawtv00:52
torremhello guys, how can i download youtube video with ubuntu?00:52
gogetaandrewh192: i had issues with tv time not seeing it to make shure the card inout is slected00:53
Guest98452torrem use sudo apt-get install youtube-dl00:53
marshal. abiword00:53
yekomstorrem, download? there is tons of ways, firefox, perl00:54
gogetaandrewh192: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xawtv00:54
gridwestIs there a linux command line utility or python library that will sniff for my local router brand find it and then allow me to automatically configure my router settings (ie forward a port) without using the router pages?  Such a utility would be useful for programming client software.00:54
torremtnx guys00:54
Guest98452then just run youtube-dl YouTube-video-link00:54
yekomsgridwest, you mean like what routers already have, called PnP.00:55
gogetaandrewh192: tvtime seems more updated its probly trying to use a webcam or something00:55
jagginessgridwest, i already explained to you. your router box has to support. Maybe it doesn't. Since you don't have the password to it to find out, then you're out of luck.00:55
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here with apparmor knowledge that has some time to help me?00:55
yekomsi think its called pnp..routers already allow software portforwarding.00:55
gridwestit does I need to use upnp00:55
yekomsthen learn the upnp method and issue open ports that way.00:55
yekomssounds like you want to open a port on a openwifi source thats blocking them all?00:56
zykotick9ScG^Dedicated: you might want to see "/msg ubottu anyone"00:56
gridwestmy router has upnp and it is enabled, I am having trouble finding a way to interface a script with upnp00:56
yekomsi dont think a simple bash script can do this.00:56
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jagginessgridwest, you cant determine that if you dont have access to the webpages of the router00:57
gridwestI do have access to my router's pages, I don't want to have to access those pages hundreds of times a day every time I need to open and close ports00:58
andrewh192gogeta: yeah00:58
andrewh192gogeta: i have a webcam on my computer, it defaults to opening that00:58
marshahi booger00:59
bjrohanIf I had hair I would tear it out. I wiped out the files, restarted openssh, now NONE of my connections work, says invalid host file00:59
gogetaandrewh192: you just go to settings and change the input00:59
andrewh192gogeta: i have even tried using vlc... from what i have read u can use that to watch tv with00:59
ScG^Dedicatedthank you zykotick900:59
andrewh192gogeta: there is just one "input"00:59
andrewh192gogeta: and that's the webcam00:59
andrewh192gogeta: that's what i am talking about00:59
gridwestdoes anyone know if brisa, miniupnp, miranda, or media tomb will help me?01:00
gogetaandrewh192: if this s ia dtv card  we need myth tv01:00
jagginessbjrohan, use ssh client, command line01:00
boogermarsha: hey01:00
andrewh192gogeta: well, i don't know...01:00
bjrohanwhat do I type to do that?01:01
bjrohanI have terminal open01:01
jagginessbjrohan, you just had to delete the public key associated stored on the laptop, but were too lazy on how to do it :/01:01
gogetaandrewh192: if it still get over the air tv today its dtv being ntsc is dead01:01
jagginessbjrohan, ssh <ip>01:01
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jagginessbjrohan, ssh user@<ip>01:01
Dr_willis__gridwest,   you mean your router has a media server feature?  last i looked upnp on a router often ment it could auto open ports.. not serve media.  (a bit of confusion in the terms)01:02
andrewh192well, right now we have a cable box, for whatever reason but u can unplug the cable box, and just plujg the cable directly into a new tv with a hd tuner and it will work01:02
bjrohanI followed what to do via googling how to wipe the keys or whatever you typed and I did exactly what it said, and did an openssh reconfig01:02
andrewh192so it (the tv tuner card) should be able to see all the same channels that the tv sees01:02
jagginessbjrohan, the public key gets cached on the client.. the client was caching it for an ip, an ip address that changed before you did the dhcp reservation01:03
jagginessbjrohan, you didnt have to do anything else.. no server reconfiguration nothing01:03
gogetaandrewh192: so its not a dtv card its a old anlong humm maybe you have to modprobe the card by hand like i had to with mine01:03
bjrohanwhen I type the ssh name@ I get a long winded error message:01:04
gogetaandrewh192: for whatver reasion linux never saw my ati at boot01:04
bjrohanRSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.01:04
bjrohanHost key verification failed.01:04
andrewh192gogeta: i could get the model # of the card and maybe you might be able to tell me which it is...01:04
boogeris a telnet time-out part of putty or the box you're logging in to?01:04
andrewh192gogeta: it has two input things on the back... one for atsc and over the air one01:04
andrewh192or rather one cable, and one over the air....01:04
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here with apparmor knowledge that has some time to help me?01:04
jagginessbjrohan, maybe you forced to use key pairs.. it's up to you if want to be allowed to authenticate via typing in a password.. (you probably turned off authentication via password interaction)01:05
bjrohanhow would I fix this?01:05
jagginessbjrohan, unchange whatever you did with the server's configuration01:05
jagginessbjrohan, the default ssh server allows login via password typing01:05
bjrohanI am so confused now I have to idea what I did, or need to do.01:06
boogeryou're all a bunch of dicks01:06
jagginessbjrohan, dunno.. pastebin your desktop's sshd<?>_config.conf file somewhere from/etc/01:06
jagginess!ops booger01:06
andrewh192brb guys01:06
boogerfuck you jagginess01:06
andrewh192gonna go check to see what model number my tv tuner card is01:06
andrewh192gogeta: back in a sec01:07
dayhi, im trying to install the restricted nvidia drivers via the system settings tool. but the tool doesnt find any available drivers (12.10 does)01:07
IdleOnejagginess: may I pm real quick?01:07
gogetaandrewh192: yea i rember i had to turn the ard on with modprobe command its been years lol01:08
gridwestWhat causes the router to auto open ports?01:08
andrewh192gogeta: ard?01:08
jagginessIdleOne, k01:08
Y_Ichirohow is a "Generic linux kernel image" a security update?01:09
gogetaandrewh192: did you install bttv01:09
Y_IchiroI am looking at the description and there's no references to a CVE number01:10
andrewh192i don't think so01:10
bjrohanjagginess what file exactly am I looking for in /etc directory? I assume in ssh folder01:10
Dr_willis__gridwest,  i belive the clients send some sort of message to the router and it does it..01:10
andrewh192gogeta: i am not sure what i have installed yet... i remember a while ago, when i first got the card, i was trying a bunch of stuff...01:10
gogetaandrewh192: you need that to work01:10
andrewh192aristidesfl: can't remember now what all i did01:10
gogetaandrewh192: then type modprobe bttv01:10
andrewh192gogeta: is there a way i can do a terimal command and check if its already installed?01:10
aristidesflandrewh192 ?01:10
bjrohanjagginess there are several config files, as well as rsa files etc01:11
gogetaandrewh192: at that point you should hear the card pop on and tv time should see it01:11
gridwesthow would one send one of those messages to the router via a script>?01:11
jagginessbjrohan, sounds like you never touched the ssh server's config file anywhere..01:11
bjrohanNo, why would I? I installed open ssh on laptop and desktop, desktop to laptop works perfectly01:12
Dr_willis__gridwest,  not sure why you would need to. ;) but heres some thing i just found --> https://launchpad.net/upnp-router-control01:12
gogetaandrewh192: it should be aruldy as its part on the mainline kernel these days01:12
jagginessbjrohan, whatever you did, it affected desktop->laptop ?01:12
andrewh192gogeta: gotcha01:13
bjrohanDesktop to laptop seems to work fine01:13
quickbreezeI am running ubunt 10.04 and was thinking about mint or 12.0401:13
Dr_willis__quickbreeze,  12.10 is due out in a week or so01:13
bjrohangetting files from my desktop while on laptop is bugared, getting files from laptop while on desktop is A-ok01:13
gogetaandrewh192: just do sudo modprobe bttv01:13
jagginessbjrohan, you're totally lost here, just rm the entire .ssh on the laptop, and try ssh user@desktop :/01:14
quickbreezeI am using ubuntu 10.04 because I can right click and change panel siz e since I have to use glasses01:14
jagginessbjrohan, (.ssh in the laptop)01:14
bjrohanremove the package and reinsall on laptop?01:14
herodidiwilee-nilee, alright, got it, tried it, will see if it worked. thanks for the hint, thatll go on quite a couple machines01:14
jagginessbjrohan, .ssh is a folder01:14
andrewh192gogeta: ok01:14
andrewh192now what01:14
jagginessbjrohan, (it's a hidden folder)01:14
andrewh192gogeta: i did that01:14
bjrohanI DID THAT ALREADY same error message01:14
jagginessbjrohan, dont you know ?01:14
gogetaandrewh192: lol been years sense i had that card01:14
andrewh192nothing happened....01:14
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bjrohanthat was about 30 minutes ago01:14
gogetaandrewh192: acully it did if it didnt say not found01:14
jagginessbjrohan, what is running on the desktop?01:15
gogetaandrewh192: tv time should see the card now01:15
andrewh192gogeta: so now just install once again tvtime01:15
gogetaandrewh192: yea01:15
quickbreezewhich distro allows panel resizing using right click01:15
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bjrohanon my desktop I have Chrome and Nautlius running01:15
gogetaandrewh192: been so lone sense i had one of those lol01:16
quickbreezeIm not the only one stumped ?01:16
bjrohanjagginess: I deleted .ssh folder again. From terminal I entered ssh user@ it prompted for my password01:16
wilee-nileequickbreeze, Sounds like you are using the orca app01:16
jagginessbjrohan, um.. you sure you didnt change anything with the sshd config ?(maybe somebody else did), so go to the desktop, purge the ssh server and reinstall it01:17
bjrohanI entered my password for that  username and it said it was invalid01:17
jagginessbjrohan, your password is invalid?01:17
bjrohanjagginess that is what it says, even though I can logout on desktop and log int01:17
bjrohanjust fine01:17
jagginessbjrohan, did you try it with -> ssh <you username at the desktop>@desktopIP from the laptop?01:17
quickbreezeI can right click and resize in ununtu 10.04 but didnt want to upgrade til i knew which version still retained that feature01:17
quickbreezeid prefer not running my computer in low resolution to have larger icons and panel sizing01:18
jagginessbjrohan, eg: ssh jdoe@  (jdoe is a username that exists on desktop)01:18
bjrohanHere is what I get: http://pastebin.com/LzSxBZdJ01:18
yekomsbjrohan, did you type it correctly?01:19
bjrohanI have tried several times and ways01:19
jagginessbjrohan, what's the username on the desktop?01:19
jagginessbjrohan, is it 'Brian' ? (case-sensitive?)01:20
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jagginessbjrohan, apt-get purge openssh-server, then apt-get install openssh-server01:21
cornellBizarre...  I've got the shortcuts setup correctly, and have defaulted the opening application to Movieplayer.  And I'm doing the same thing on another machine, a laptop.  So, now, the default is Movieplayer.  If I right-click and select Movieplayer, it opens an plays, everytime.  On this machine, if I double-click the shortcut, it opens and plays, usually.  Sometimes, it only opens, and I have to right-click and select Movieplayer.  O01:21
jagginessbjrohan, on the desktop, then on the client retry the ssh command :/01:21
gogetaandrewh192: you would love my desktop monoter its relly a 19 inch hdtv with vga in.01:21
gelswiphave you set up an AllowUsers list in sshd_config?01:21
cornellFor wilee-nilee, the same question without the play-by-play... What's going on here?01:22
gridwestWait a second, does upnp only allow one to forward internal ports.  I need my script to send a message to my router to forward a port so that a computer far away can reverse tunnel in.01:22
gridwestsorry poorly worded01:22
JimmyNeutronIs there a way to change the local console message that you see after everything boots up? Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS <hostname> tty1    <hostname> login:01:23
yekomsgridwest, why not use nc for a reverse shell?01:23
jagginessgridwest, you're not ready to do upnp.. you don't know how port forwarding works .. port forwarding is not about doing things externally, but it something used for NAT firewalls to connect external traffic to an internal one01:23
gogetaJimmyNeutron: shure you can make it say anything01:23
JimmyNeutronhow?  I don't believe its the /etc/motd01:24
JimmyNeutronsince you havent log into the system yet01:24
JimmyNeutronI just want it to be completely blank when it ask for username and password01:24
gogetaJimmyNeutron: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html01:25
gridwestI am trying to reverse ssh tunnel using open ssh01:25
yekomsyour trying to get remote machine to ssh your local machine?01:26
yekomsgridwest, ^01:26
nicekiwiHow do I make a new user with permission to mount harddrives and setup a program to use it?01:26
gridwestI am developing the software so I have my remote machine and local machine with me under two separate routers01:27
wilee-nileenicekiwi, A user needing sudo?01:27
yekomsi dont see why you just dont open port ranges on the routers..that is the best way.01:27
yekomsinstead of on demand.01:27
nicekiwiwildc4rd, well.. id rather not give sudo permissions to it01:27
gridwestIt has to be when the user needs it01:28
JimmyNeutronThanks gogeta!, but this is after you log in.  I'm talking about the screen that you see where it ask for your username and password.01:28
wilee-nileenicekiwi, What is your definition of setup?01:28
nicekiwiwilee-nilee, , well.. id rather not give sudo permissions to it01:28
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gogetaJimmyNeutron: i even had mine setup so on my battery percent was on it01:28
gridwestdon't want the ports open all the time01:28
nicekiwiwilee-nilee, well.. I need to give mediatomb permission to access my external harddrive01:29
gridwestthe reverse ssh tunnel functions fine01:29
gogetaJimmyNeutron: some of that stuff like the hostname is the stuff that displays before you login01:29
gridwestbut I want to automate the whole process01:29
JimmyNeutronok..let me review it  in more detail01:29
wilee-nileenicekiwi, I'm not familiar with mediatomb, but maybe you see the need for exact information. ;)01:29
gridwestI have no way to know what router the client will be using01:31
gridwestor the server for that matter01:31
yekomsthen you cant write anything..not all routers are alike.01:31
gridwestI know it only has to work on most not all01:32
gridwestsniffing for the router is the only way I can think01:32
jagginessgridwest, "which" "what" , sounds like you're roaming access.. you sure you can do upnp on ambiguous wireless AP? sounds like you're trying things you shouldn't ;)01:32
jagginess"<gridwest> I have no way to know what router the client will be using"01:33
jagginess"what router" < tsk tsk tsk bad boy01:33
gridwesteveryone says that to me01:33
gridwestI am actually trying to help people01:33
jagginessyou dont own those/any of the routers..01:33
JimmyNeutrongogeta, FYI It's the /etc/issue file.01:33
gridwestI know01:33
jagginesstime to go gridwest01:33
gridwestand thats when they leave01:33
gridwestthey agree to it before hand01:34
jagginessport forwaring is something controlled from a security point.01:35
jagginessand obviously you don't have any rights to do so.01:35
jagginessso choo choo01:35
gridwestif it is my router I do01:35
JACOB-VTwc Ray201:36
gridwestand if the use fully understands the risks and owns the router its not a problem01:36
freesandCan someone explain why a host would suddenly be a random RDNS entry on a basic nmap scan?01:36
freesandNmap scan report for chndfwvn01.rd.ph.cox.cci (
freesandHost is up (0.00026s latency).01:37
yekomsuhm thats a localhost freesand01:38
yekoms172.* is local, not a public ip ;)01:38
freesandi know, when i scanned my local network my hostname was listed as this RDNS01:38
yekomscheck /etc/hosts then. and resolv.conf01:39
freesandfrom the shell the hostname is user@file01:39
yekomsit had to be set from there.01:39
freesandi checked those... only entries are my loopback01:40
gridwestI am trying to help my family01:40
gridwestthey are computer illiterate01:40
freesandi have an SSH server on this file server and I wasn't sure if I was hacked01:40
freesandNmap scan report for chndfwvn01.rd.ph.cox.cci (
freesandHost is up (0.00026s latency).01:40
freesandno affiliation with this RDNS01:41
OnlyMAJi use ubuntu 12.04 on dell 5110 loptop.i can't run software center.it close after i run it.soloution ?01:41
gogetagridwest: lol01:41
yekomsi dont know if there is a local hosts file in ~user01:41
spooky7I have a question on php (server install) , can someone help me or point me in the right direction?01:41
gogetagridwest: my ad used to be now he runs my linux box like a boss01:41
gridwestI know but some older people are set in there ways01:42
freesandactually there is an entry for for my laptop01:42
yekomsspooky7, what is your question?01:42
gridwestand they expect me to help them when they need it01:42
spooky7yekoms, i installed php5 and i did a phpinfo.php page, it works, but anything else that i write and save in /var/www does not01:43
yekomswhat httpd are you using?01:43
JimmyNeutronHow do I change the login: and Password: prompt when a user log in?  Ex. I want it to say RSA Token: instead of login:01:44
spooky7yekoms, i am on loopback on a VM01:44
yekomswhat http serving software are you using? apache2 or nginx or lighttpd?01:44
yekomsi cant help you, i dont use apache, you should ask in apaches support channel.01:45
gridwestlook my grandma is not going to know how to forward her port01:45
spooky7yekoms, thank you!01:45
gridwestis she not allowed to get help when she needs me01:45
yekomswelcome, sorry i couldnt help.01:45
gogetagridwest: and what are you trying to do hear01:46
gogetagridwest: vnc?01:46
gridwestI have to reverse tunnel to help her01:46
gogetagridwest: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx01:46
yekomswhy is your grandma using linux at her age?! :P01:46
yekomsgogeta, he said hes writing his own software.01:47
gogetagridwest: works threw any config easy to use01:47
gridwestteamviewer is not secure as you would like it to be01:47
yekomsthen use VNC with keys. or use rdesktop..01:47
gogetagridwest: to help granny it works01:47
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gridwestI am honest enough not to sacrifice grannies security01:48
gogetagridwest: teamview has a off switch so thers your slution01:49
OnlyMAJi use ubuntu 12.04 on dell 5110 loptop.i can't run software center.it close after i run it immediately.soloution ?01:49
jagginessOnlyMAJ, softcenter is still unstable, (try synaptic)01:50
gridwestits during the sharing time01:50
gridwestthat someone can jumpon teamviewer and intercept the data01:50
gogetagridwest: we all knoe what your relly trying to do01:50
gridwestare you god?01:51
OnlyMAJjagginess: it work already. it is new problem !!!!01:51
gogetagridwest: and this is the wrong channel01:51
gridwestthen give a channel01:51
jagginessgridwest, #religion.01:51
gogetagridwest: try hacking01:51
sartani just got an error for a series of security-related packages from us.archive.ubuntu.com/ for upgrades that can't be authenticated, 12.04.1 server 32bit iso01:51
sartanresolvconf, linux kernels, openssl, etc01:52
sartanthis seems sketchy.. can someone confirm if this is expected?01:52
gridwestlook I am honestly trying to get help with a real world problem is there someone who can help me01:52
gridwestis there a programmer channel01:53
* jagginess thinks gridwest needs a real church life where he can find god01:53
gridwestif no one has an answer to my question I will need to seek a more advanced channel, thank you for all you help it is appreciated.01:54
sartanpanic abated... apt-key update satisfied the requirement... it looked for a moment like the repos were compromised !01:57
OnlyMAJi use ubuntu 12.04. when i run apt-get install occure with these :02:00
OnlyMAJReading package lists... Error!02:00
OnlyMAJE: Encountered a section with no Package: header02:00
OnlyMAJE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ir.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages02:00
OnlyMAJE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:00
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OnlyMAJReading package lists... Error!02:02
OnlyMAJE: Encountered a section with no Package: header02:02
OnlyMAJE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ir.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages02:02
OnlyMAJE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:02
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gridwestwrong channel02:08
hilohow can I tell which drive crashed with mdstat02:10
hiloIt shows this  [UUU_UUUU]02:10
hiloBut how can I tell which drive is the _02:10
ameennice to meet you... :)02:11
ameenhow are you??02:12
ameenUbuntu 12.1002:12
jazzmanNice To Meet You Ameen02:12
jazzmanI am not Speack English02:12
jazzmanI from México02:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:13
jazzmanNice, very nice02:13
ameenoh... i am from indonesia, jazzman02:13
jazzmano woow, excelent02:13
ameenjazzman : do you know indonesia?02:14
jazzmanyes Ubuntu 12.1002:14
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jazzmanRepublik Indonesia02:15
doug_audio problems with Xubuntu 1202:15
jazzmanin ASIA?02:15
doug_It now has no audio unless the headphones are connected.02:16
cindyasarisuratnheloo guys02:16
ameenjazzman : Yes, I can't wait ubuntu 12.1002:16
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doug_anyone know how to fix this?02:16
cindyasarisuratnhello  guys. .02:16
cindyasarisuratni cpme from indonesia02:16
cindyasarisuratncan i help you?02:17
ameencindyasarisuratn : you from indonesia??02:17
jazzmanjejeje Ameen calm down and come02:17
cindyasarisuratn@ameen : yes02:17
ameen@cindy : dari mana??02:17
jazzmanO good bye02:17
ameenjazzman : bye02:17
gogetadoug_: go to your sound setings and turn them on02:17
jazzmangood night is bath time02:17
cindyasarisuratn@ameen : makassar02:18
cindyasarisuratn@ameen : kamu di indonesia juga??02:18
sonypeteGot a doozy of a situation. Memtest86+ shown in the grub menu will give me 10,000+ errors by the time it hits 40%. But if I use my bootable copy of memtest is does not error out02:18
gogetadoug_: if there usb you need to tell it you whant to use them as output02:18
sonypetethe built in memtest only fails for me (on both 12.04 and 12.10)02:19
sonypeteboth versions 4.2002:19
hiloHello my RAID array is flipping out. Can someone help me figure out which drive is dying? My mdstat shows this status " [UUU_UUUU] "02:19
doug_no Gogeta they are built in speakers.02:19
doug_Got it nevermind thanks02:20
Nunya-BizAnybody point me to anyone/any channel regarding OpenFire installation?02:22
Nunya-BizWell, don't everyone talk at once!02:23
Nunya-BizCindy - G'day, how are you?02:23
ameenNunya : cindy is busy02:25
Nunya-Bizameen, Know of a channel for OpenFire?02:25
bazhang!alis | Nunya-Biz have a search02:26
ubottuNunya-Biz have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:26
josefki just restarted after upgrading to the latest kernel02:27
josefkguess what happened?02:27
josefkthis is the second time in the last year an upgrade has destroyed unity for me.02:28
bobweaverhello there I just tryed to boot my computer and it would not boot. Grub was getting a bunch of question marks, out lining in and also where all the spots that say press e too blah blah . the E was also blocked out by a question mark. then after grub (or whatever that was) . I was getting message that the something is trying to read or write outside hd0 , any ideas what is going on here >02:29
sonypetehas anyone heard of the issue I desscribed earlier?02:30
sonypeteLong Story short, whe I run the built in Memtest86+ that you access form the grub menu, I consistently get 10,0000+ errors by the time I reach 50%. *BUT* if I boot off a memtest cd or any other live-cd with memtest built in I do not get any errors.02:30
sonypeteI even tested the same ram in my main gaming rig and get no errors. I took the known-good ram out of the gaming rig and stuck it in my linux box and it would shows errors using hte built in memtest in the grub menu. It would not error out if I booted off a live-cd to test.02:30
sonypeteHas anyone experienced this anomaly? I cannot find any other posts about anyone else experiencing this issue. This is for a server I'm setting up so a bit worried about these results.02:30
FloodBot1sonypete: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
chintangot this error : dmi table is broken stop02:31
chintanany solution for that ?02:31
ameenNunya : I don't know02:31
cindyasarisuratnNunya-Biz : hello :)02:31
chintanI Don't know what is the problem.02:32
bobweaverHow do I get these virtual networks to go Away ! ?  like if I run ifconfig i get vmnet1 & vmnet8  along with wlkan0 and eth0 lo  never had that before either02:32
Nunya-Bizbazhang & ubottu, Both of you - Thank you very much!  First alis search, and I was straight to the proper channel, thanks guys...02:32
bobweaverHow do I remove vmnet1 & vmnet8 ?02:33
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axisysyep it does look like I have a bad battery02:35
axisysBattery 0: Full, 100%02:35
axisysBattery 0: design capacity 5600 mAh, last full capacity 5269 mAh = 94%02:35
gogetaaxisys: not dead just a bit wore02:36
josefkwhat can i do so a kernel upgrade doesn't destroy my system (or at least unity)? other than not do kernel upgrade.02:36
gogetaaxisys: 94% is still conserd good02:36
axisysgogeta: it is suppose to be a brand new battery I received today from IT02:36
gogetaaxisys: try a app called laptop-mode-tools it relly helps with battery time02:36
gogetaaxisys: battery newness isnt the day you get it its the day it was made so if it sat on the shelf for 3 years02:37
axisysmy other laptop battery goes 100% of design capacity .. and I bought it from amazon 2 days ago02:38
gogetaaxisys: plus those apps are not 100% accret02:38
gogetaaxisys: nice it must have just came off the factury02:39
ArldinoCan anyone join the #math channel? It keeps telling me it is invite only02:39
axisysgogeta: Battery 0: design capacity 4125 mAh, last full capacity 4125 mAh = 100%02:39
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axisysgogeta: that's my other laptop with a new battery02:39
gogetaaxisys: mine goes to 99% but its a few years old02:39
bazhangArldino, its not.  you are in ##math and thats what it says in those cases. anyway, offtopic here02:39
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axisysgogeta: imagine if it were less than 1 day old02:40
axisysgogeta: and you get 94% .. :-)02:40
Arldinobazhang: right well do you know how to fix that?02:40
bazhangArldino, #freenode for help02:40
gogetaaxisys: i thik 2% is the margen of error so i would assume you can take it back02:40
axisysgogeta: yep.. will talk to IT on Monday02:41
gogetaaxisys: sometimes they just need some brake in as well02:41
gogetaaxisys: it lol its probly used02:41
bobweaverSweet I fixed it02:41
josefkany insight on why upgrading to a new kernel breaks my system?02:42
gogetaaxisys: probly one they had from another non working box02:42
bazhangcindyasarisuratn, ubuntu support question?02:42
josefkunity looks broken, with the icons broken, the desktop reset02:42
axisysgogeta: they lend me a old one until they provided me this new one.. that old one was less than 100% too.. i think it was 92% or something02:42
axisys"new" one02:42
bazhangjosefk, what version of ubuntu02:43
gogetaaxisys: well loook at battery maybe its a 5400 and its just reporting as 560002:43
gogetaaxisys: those tools are not always 100%02:43
axisysgogeta: i have to open the battery.. let me do it02:43
gogetaaxisys: it should be on the bottem02:44
gogetaaxisys: on the label02:44
josefkbazhang: 12.0402:44
menturiHello. Is there an easy way to add a directory or all files in a directory to Compiz Background plugin wallpaper listing (Ubuntu 12.04)?02:44
bazhangjosefk, what new kernel, what version number ,. installed from where02:44
gogetaaxisys: it should have its voltage nand capaticy marked on it02:45
gogetaaxisys: but as i said orignaly laptop-mode-tools is win for anyone on a linux laptop i get 4 hrs from my eee and its only a 3 cell rated for 3 hrs it makes that mutch of a diffrence02:46
sonypeteso no memtest / memory gurus in the house?02:46
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gogetagotta go to work have fun02:47
bobweaverHas Anyone ever seen grub wig out ? like print out a bunch of question marks all over the place and not bring up all partitions ?02:47
bobweaverOr how I would go about De-Buging something like that ? Like all the lines "the box"  that is around partitions was all question marks. then I get error saying that SWAP can not read outside of hd002:50
bazhangbobweaver, this is a VM?02:50
bobweaverNo this is raw metal02:51
bazhangbobweaver, and ifconfig lists vmnet?02:51
bobweaverbazhang,  ^^  I have three Ubutnu partitions on the hdd one is 12.10 <- /   other is Ubutnu business edition  other is 12.04 , only 12,10 showed but would not boot. bazhang  I was able to un-install vmware-player to remove the vmnet stuff02:52
bazhangbusiness edition?02:53
bazhangbobweaver, which version of ubuntu was installed last02:54
bobweaverit is out there you can get from canonicals site. but take a look at picture here of grub I will try to explain  http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Cocasoca/grub.jpg02:54
bobweaverso like in that pictures the "LInes" that make up the box they where question marks02:55
bobweaveralso the up and down arrow keys the timer the e (for edit) and the c  where also question marks02:56
bobweaverlet me get some pastes together02:56
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cindyasarisuratnaim Indonesia02:57
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bazhangcindyasarisuratn, this is NOT a chat channel. it's ubuntu support ONLY03:00
bazhang!ot | cindyasarisuratn03:00
ubottucindyasarisuratn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:00
bobweaverOk here is some sytem information  here is a screen shot of gparted  http://imagebin.org/231798      Here is a paste of more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276124/03:01
bobweaverwhat I do not get is the question marks and why Swap would be trying to write or read outside of hd0 . I thought that hd0 was main drive03:02
ameenUbuntu 12.04 LTS is often problematic03:02
D4rkH4ndNeed some  help with a new user issue please03:05
D4rkH4ndI made a new user thru terminal, now when i try to log in to its desktop it acts like it wants to then goes back to login screen03:06
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, even through login to cli mode?03:07
D4rkH4ndcli ?03:07
bobweaverbazhang,  before I came home to turn on computer I was out side for like 3 hours in 41 degree weather could that do it ? because it is booting alright now that it seemed to warm u03:07
bazhangbobweaver, hard to say.03:08
bobweaverI never seen anything like that before03:08
bazhangD4rkH4nd, no graphics, text only03:08
D4rkH4ndidk how to do that lol03:08
bobweaverI am sure that it is grub falling back on question marks for errors03:08
bobweaverD4rkH4nd,  press Ctrl+alt+f103:09
D4rkH4nddo i do that while im loged in this user ?03:09
wilee-nileebobweaver, The sda7 the controlling grub OS?03:09
bobweaverwilee-nilee,  correct thta is 12,10 and /03:09
bobweaverand grub is installed there03:10
wilee-nileebobweaver, Just a theory but that hd is a bit full, for efficient use I have see a 70% full, just a hypothesis.03:10
bobweaveryeah to many versions of unity and :/03:11
bobweaversource code ^^ well that and about a year of code03:11
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, like your .ICEauthority files have been messed up03:11
wilee-nileebobweaver, I figured a whole lotta stuff like that. ;)03:12
bobweavermost is on LP I should remove and clean up I am going to run bleach bit thanks wilee-nilee03:12
blackshirt!ask | cindyasarisuratn03:13
ubottucindyasarisuratn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:13
bobweaverwilee-nilee,  there is also like 9 virtual machines , mybe I can remove some of them lol :)03:13
wilee-nileebobweaver, I have my virtuals, the vdi's on another partition to save space03:14
ameenUbuntu 12.04 LTS is often problematic03:14
D4rkH4ndNo luck cant logi n that was eathr03:16
bobweaverD4rkH4nd,  do you know how to use su to switch users ? is that what you are asking ?03:16
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, what command are you issued to make a new user?03:16
D4rkH4ndi know how but it wont let me. i need to get to the desktop03:17
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, adduser maybe more simply03:17
D4rkH4ndthats what i ment03:18
D4rkH4ndsorry im still nub at linux03:18
D4rkH4ndhow do i erase that user i think its broken lol03:18
D4rkH4ndblackshirt   http://pastie.org/504996603:21
D4rkH4ndits telling me user does not exist03:21
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, wait a second03:22
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do i extract this download http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=4903:22
blackshirtd4rkh4nd, try with all lowercase03:24
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do extract things labeled after download ?03:24
shantorn[_-S1L3NC3-_], tar zxvf filename03:26
shantornor open it with archive manager03:26
[_-S1L3NC3-_]tar zxvf tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download03:27
[_-S1L3NC3-_]gzip: stdin: not in gzip format03:27
D4rkH4ndwhat if theres no password it tells me wrong password03:31
zykotick9D4rkH4nd: regarding your origional issue, creating a new user from terminal - did you use adduser or useradd?  one is way easier/thorough then the other...03:32
NaZZaXis it me or is there something wrong with apt-get update ?03:34
zykotick9NaZZaX: see "/msg ubottu details" or "/msg ubottu ask".  change your mirror?03:35
wilee-nileeNaZZaX, it is you, lol03:35
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tornadohello! please i am facing a problem while updating my softwares on Ubuntu 12.04. I keep getting the following error for several links: (-5 - No address associated with hostname)03:41
tornadodoes anyone know how to solve this issue?03:41
tornadoThanks in advance for your help03:42
tornadomore details on my problems can be found here: http://pastebin.com/U5VMBNFF03:44
tornadothe above link contains the error message that i am getting each time i run the update function in Ubuntu 12.0403:44
cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1WO1212101100711-Oct-12KAS Nota service a/n: - WO1212 1011007130,000.000.00-13,158,400.0003:45
cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1BJ1212101200112-Oct-12Operasional Pembawa Pembeli FU 150 SCD An.A.Setiawan U/Ridwa0.00100,000.00-13,058,400.0003:45
cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1CB1212101200112-Oct-12KAS :Panjar (DP) a/n: ANDI STI AWAN  /  NP. 327FU150 SCD R853,500,000.000.00-16,558,400.0003:45
cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1CS1212101200112-Oct-12Penjualan Tunai :CS12121012001  KONSUMEN TUNAI Jt. 12-10-20139,000.000.00-16,597,400.0003:45
cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1CS1212101200212-Oct-12Penjualan Tunai :CS12121012002  KONSUMEN TUNAI Jt. 12-10-20112,500.000.00-16,609,900.0003:45
FloodBot1cindy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
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cindy0101.01013KAS CAB. PALOPO - 1CS1212101200312-Oct-12Penjualan Tunai :CS12121012003  KONSUMEN TUNAI Jt. 12-10-20125,000.000.00-16,634,900.0003:45
[_-S1L3NC3-_]lol ^03:46
[_-S1L3NC3-_]owned x 203:46
studenthi any one tere03:49
dsnydersHi all!  I have a problem.  On my laptop, I have about a 30 second delay between when the login prompt shows up, and when I can start typing a username into the login window.  If I plug in a USB keyboard, I can type on it right away (the laptop keyboard remains unresponsive).  What should I look for in the logs to point me along?03:52
_deXter_dsnyders, What sort of a laptop is it?03:54
dsnyders_deXter_, HP Pavilion 2432ca03:55
_deXter_I'll add that to my list of "do not buy/recommend" laptops. :)03:56
dsnyders_deXter_, I don't think they make them anymore, so you should be safe.03:56
wolstornado: can you download http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg with a normal webbrowser?03:56
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dsnyders_deXter_, Besides, I only noticed the problem when I upgraded the unit to a solid state drive.  The delay was probably buried in the startup sequence before.03:57
_deXter_hmm, strange, dsnyders03:58
_deXter_dsnyders, What if you tried a different login manager, like MDM?03:58
* zykotick9 searches for MDM? 03:59
heikovanderheikois a GeForce 210 suitable for use with two monitors on ubuntu? can the HDMI and DVI port be used at the same time? how good is multi monitor support in general with nvidia cards on ubuntu?03:59
wolsheikovanderheiko: it can04:00
wilee-nileewols, This a key error that leads you to this download?04:00
wolswilee-nilee: what makes you think I have any error?04:00
dsnyders_deXter_, the problem shows up even if I go with a text mode login.  I suspect the keyboard driver is waiting on something, but I don't know where to look/04:01
wolsdsnyders: check any kernel logs (dmesg) for the given time shortly before and after the keyboard doesn't respond04:01
zykotick9heikovanderheiko: dual-monitors with nvidia-proprietary has always worked very well for me.  but that's been dual dvi, or dvi+vga.  i've never had a video card with hdmi.04:01
wilee-nileewols, That download it looked like was a gpg issue, just askingto see if a link I found might be what you need04:01
dsnyders_deXter_, I'm also going online to see if there is a bios upgrade.04:02
heikovanderheikook, thanks04:02
wolswilee-nilee: tornado has this problem and others. not a gpgp issue.< tornado> more details on my problems can be found here: http://pastebin.com/U5VMBNFF04:02
dsnyderswols, anything in particular I should be looking for?04:03
NaZZaXare you sure because the corruption messages im getting say the Hash doesn't match04:03
wilee-nileewols, Could be a mirror issue, they may of been uploading when you went there, I would change mirrors, as you get multiple fails or try again later.04:03
NaZZaXthing is04:04
zykotick9NaZZaX: fyi if you are getting hash errors, clear your download cache "sudo apt-get clean" then re-try04:04
NaZZaXmy slowest link is my lab 10 Gig its a fresh install of ubuntu lemme clear then try it :)04:05
NaZZaXseems firewalls do not like hkp port 1137104:05
tornadowols: yes i can download http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg using my web browser.04:05
tornadohow does that help me solve the issue though? (Thanks for your help wols)04:05
NaZZaXbtw zyko i found a great fix for the keyupdate issue behind firewalls04:06
wolscause it's what apt-get complains about04:06
NaZZaXcan i post the link here where i found it04:06
ameenI don't like ubuntu 12.0404:06
NaZZaXdo you guys have a smart egglet that stores useful urls?04:06
zykotick9NaZZaX: do you mean me?  see "/msg ubottu tab"04:06
NaZZaXits actually an 404 files not found error04:07
NaZZaXErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates/restricted Sources04:07
NaZZaX  404  Not Found [IP: 80]04:07
NaZZaXErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates/multiverse Sources04:07
NaZZaXthen its scroll-a-dex of failed to fetch gzip errors04:08
NaZZaXI'll try this clean thing first04:08
tornadoI have my problem posted here as well: http://askubuntu.com/questions/199541/solving-the-ubuntu-12-04-update-error-5-no-address-associated-with-hostname04:08
dsnydersWell, the bios update didn't help.04:09
NaZZaXzykotick9 yes i was talking to you sorry.04:10
NaZZaXzykotick9 I just did a clean brand shiney new install of 12.04 LTS then ran apt-get update (also I should point out i am sudo -H bash at the moment :)04:12
NaZZaXsomething is definately wrong with apt-get It's failing in both my DMZ labs and my Engineering Lab04:13
wilee-nileetornado, Those errors are ppa's and in etc/apt/sources.list.d04:13
winstonebookHello, im  finally on Ubuntu04:14
wilee-nileewinstonebook, Are balancing on it or standing solid. ;)04:14
winstonebookStanding solid04:14
winstonebookits really fast even on 1gb of ram04:15
winstonebookand 1 processor since it is on a virtual machine04:15
NaZZaXactually the problem I have is the same thing wilee-nilee and wols are talking about I am getting slaughtered with Hash SUM mismatch error04:16
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how can i extract this properly? http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=89704:19
wilee-nileeNaZZaX, Any of you tried changing the mirror, I have all but the http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg  on my setup and no problems with updates.04:19
wilee-nileesame as the errors here anyway. http://askubuntu.com/questions/199541/solving-the-ubuntu-12-04-update-error-5-no-address-associated-with-hostname04:20
shantorn[_-S1L3NC3-_], open it with arhive managers like i said last time04:21
shantornit opens fine for me04:21
NaZZaXoo found a solution i think04:21
shantornits a .tcl script of some sort04:21
[_-S1L3NC3-_]archie managers?04:21
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how ?04:21
zykotick9tickle ;)04:21
[_-S1L3NC3-_]I'm installing this to a vps04:22
shantorn[_-S1L3NC3-_], click menu / accesories04:22
shantornthen you see rachive manager04:22
shantornerr archive meneger04:22
[_-S1L3NC3-_]no cmd04:22
[_-S1L3NC3-_]to launch it?04:22
shantornits in the menu of clickable programs04:22
[_-S1L3NC3-_]its on a vps04:23
[_-S1L3NC3-_]not on my pc04:23
shantornbuilt in and under accesories04:23
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shantornare you in ubuntu?04:23
agresterhave a strange situation: I have Xubuntu 12.04 installed on one partition, Windows XP on another and I have a bit of unused space and I wanted to install Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity) on the unused space04:23
shantornwhat version?04:24
agresterthe problem is that the installer doesn't seem to get what I want to do, how can I install [Windows XP][Ubuntu][Xubuntu]?04:24
agrester12.04 all version04:24
shantorni dont know 11 at all but usually if you double click a file like htat in ubuntu type systems it will unzip it04:26
shantornwhy do you want a change nick to fast protector anyway?04:27
[_-S1L3NC3-_]lol click04:27
agresterSo any suggestions?04:28
intraderAnyone, I have configured via the printer applet a printer connected to a Mac  ipp:// The applet configures a localhost printer istead! Please help.04:28
intraderAnyone, when I print a test page, a Printer State: Processing - Printing page 1, 100% complete...' is displayed. The queue is for localhost and nothing is printed.04:34
elkngwhy dont you try slackware ?04:35
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elkngthere will be no more problems04:37
agresterjust bricked by Xubuntu install04:38
agresterokay im going to ask again: how can I install two different ubuntu's side by side?04:38
bretolius[_-S1L3NC3-_]: did you get that extracted?04:39
bretoliusyou need a tool that can unzip the zip file04:39
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it's a zip file ?04:39
[_-S1L3NC3-_]all i see is downloaded. at the end04:40
bretoliuslet me check the link again04:40
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bretoliusyeah its a zip file04:40
devjustforfunhi anybody see me04:40
bretoliuswget ?mode=download&id=89704:41
bretoliusnot that04:41
bretoliusbut the whole url04:41
bretoliusyou need something like unzip installed04:41
[_-S1L3NC3-_]damn not enough memory04:42
DaemonicApathyUnzip should come with Ubuntu by default, iirc.04:42
[_-S1L3NC3-_]oh nvm04:42
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i got it04:42
SolarisBoyuhh dont think it does04:42
DaemonicApathyThen why do I have it?04:42
[_-S1L3NC3-_]so now what?04:42
SolarisBoyno clue04:42
SolarisBoymaybe you installed it04:43
SolarisBoyor installed something that pulled it as a dep04:43
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i mean now what?04:43
[_-S1L3NC3-_]just wget link ?04:43
shantorngo back to where you got it and reas where to put it04:43
DaemonicApathySolarisBoy: I suppose that's possible.04:43
devjustforfunhow to install 2 version of php on ubuntu and change them04:44
[_-S1L3NC3-_]well unzip and zip were already installed04:44
[_-S1L3NC3-_]and i still couldn't extract04:44
DaemonicApathy[_-S1L3NC3-_]: once you have the file downloaded, "unzip <file> -d <destination folder>" should work.04:45
wolsdevjustforfun: two version at the same time?04:45
SolarisBoyDaemonicApathy: not saying your wrong i just didn't think - i recall definately having to install them cause there weren't present but who knows04:45
devjustforfunwols sorry not a same time04:45
[_-S1L3NC3-_]smokeyspark@Smokey:~$ unzip tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download04:45
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Archive:  tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download04:45
[_-S1L3NC3-_]  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not04:45
[_-S1L3NC3-_]  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the04:45
wolsdevjustforfun: then what do you want to do exactly?04:46
SolarisBoymaybe if you install it from source you can name the binaries different devjustforfun04:46
wols[_-S1L3NC3-_]: man file04:46
[_-S1L3NC3-_]nvm guys04:46
devjustforfunwols just a switch between them04:46
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i goto t through other means04:46
wolsdevjustforfun: then you do want to have two different versions installed after all?04:47
devjustforfunif i need php 5.2 then i run apache with it if i need php 5.4 just a run apeche with that04:47
wolsuse VMs. with normal ubuntu you'd need to build at least your own packages. IIRC there is only one version of php per ubuntu release anyways04:48
devjustforfunwols maybe for development purpose more simple install 2 version of lampp distribution with different version of each04:48
tornadowilee-nilee: I have updated the post there with more details as you had requested: http://askubuntu.com/questions/199541/solving-the-ubuntu-12-04-update-error-5-no-address-associated-with-hostname04:48
SolarisBoyif you build it from source you should be able to do it04:48
wolsdevjustforfun: yes, and I still suggest VMs for that04:49
SolarisBoyemerge is building from source04:49
wolsSolarisBoy: bash: emerge: command not found04:50
devjustforfunwols please advice some good VMs and free04:50
wolsdevjustforfun: use virtualbox.04:51
DaemonicApathywols: +104:51
agrestringereHaving some interesting problems, I'm trying to install two different ubuntu versions side by side and I just accidentally screwed up so now my Xubuntu install is gone04:51
agrestringerehow can I do this? [WinXP][Ubuntu (unity)][Ubuntu (Xfce)]04:51
wolsdevjustforfun: but use a small ubuntu server installation. you don't need gigabytes of diskspace for every php VM that way04:52
wolsagrestringere: decide which displaymanager you want and then install xfce04:52
DaemonicApathyagrestringere: You should be able to use the advanced features of the installer to assign specific Ubuntu installs to specific partitions.04:52
tty007I get on a powermac with Lubuntu 12.04 installed on it an l1 cache error.  Can anyone tell me what there is maybe wrong?04:52
wolsagrestringere: you generally con choose which desktop environment to run at log in time then04:52
devjustforfunwols i need to install for each instance drivers. or drivers take for each instance from main system?04:53
agrestringereOk, so how can I use the partitions? because I would love to keep two separate environments04:53
wolsdevjustforfun: neither. it's a VM, at most you need the virtualbox guest extensions04:53
agrestringere+DaemonicApathy: how do I do this?04:53
wolsdevjustforfun: the hardware you have inside a VM does not exist, it's purely virtual04:53
devjustforfunwols oh thanks04:54
SolarisBoywols: did you get my last message?04:55
wolsagrestringere: create 5 partitions: 1 primary ntfs XP partition, one extended partition and inside that extended one, one ubuntu partition, a swap partition for it, a xubuntu partition and a xubuntu swap partition. then install all three OSes04:55
overcluckeragrestringere: waht exactly did you screw up anyways? you know you can have both the ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop environments installed and switch between them with your display/login manager?04:55
devjustforfunwols when i decided to install in my main machine php 5.4 and in instance php 5.2 and for instance i will be using ubuntu server distribution04:55
wolsSolarisBoy: no. and frankly I wouldn't care much about it either is my guess04:55
SolarisBoyemerge is a gentoo binary04:55
DaemonicApathyagrestringere: a basic idea of how to go about this: http://goo.gl/0gdvK04:55
SolarisBoyso typing it on ubuntu is pointless04:55
wolsSolarisBoy: I know. just reminding you where you are...04:56
SolarisBoymakes no sense04:56
SolarisBoymake it from source and rename the binary is all i was saying - but you can chillax now - genius04:56
DaemonicApathyPersonally, I don't really understand the point of installing multiple flavors of Ubuntu - don't they have the same potential for programs, but differ in default environment?04:57
phonebook_hi, i know this isnt the right place but not sure where to ask for help. im trying to use fontforge to make a .tff and it isnt working04:58
wilee-nileetornado, You can just gksudo nautilus and go to etc/apt/sources.list.d just delete them and run a ppa install again, remove the save files of those as well.  Your apt is just screwed up I think, this a upgrade?04:58
xanguaDaemonicApathy: some people don't like to mix programs on their desktops05:00
DaemonicApathyFair enough, xangua, thanks.05:01
zooseany one know if a  T7300 2.0 cpu work with PAE linux kernels?05:06
overcluckerit's at least with mentioning that you can multiple desktop environments, just to make sure there is no misconception.05:06
arasiHi all, I am trying to install ubuntu in virtual machine already installed unbuntu got correcpted so i  tried to install using ubuntu.vdmk file it's saying the following error "  Cannot register the hard disk '/vm/ubuntu/ubuntu.vmdk' {0ecf0765-6221-4e54-9e1e-86a072da9303} because a hard disk '/mnt/vshare/ubuntu.vmdk' with UUID {0ecf0765-6221-4e54-9e1e-86a072da9303} already exists." how to solve this isuues..05:06
arasi              05:06
tornadowilee-nilee: Thanks for your advice. So i shall remove the contents of the directory of (etc/apt/sources.list.d) then run the update function again?05:07
DaemonicApathyOverclucker, I tend to start a second session and move to a different DE with Ctrl+Alt+F8. Is that what you're talking about?05:07
tornadois that what you mean? (I really appreciate your efforts at helping me wilee-nilee)05:07
tyrus1911i need help with precise.05:07
DaemonicApathy!ask | tyrud191105:09
ubottutyrud1911: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:09
arasians pls....05:09
DaemonicApathyThat was supposed to be an s. Sorry about that, tyrus.05:09
tyrus1911oh...i have a bug...with precise05:09
wilee-nileetornado, You would remove the text files that are those PPA's, then go to the PPA, check that all are offering what you want for the release you are running, then if they are follow the instructions on a PPA install by clicking the Read About Installing link.05:09
wilee-nileetornado, I don't PM. :)05:10
overcluckerDaemonicApathy: nope. just that multiple DE can be used on the same ubuntu install, and selected from a dispaly manager. are you saying you run multiple window managers simultaniously?05:10
rocheuxWhat Can I do 4 U tyrus191105:10
DaemonicApathyWhen the occasion for such arises, yes, overclucker.05:11
tyrus1911i have a bug with precise.05:11
DaemonicApathytyrus911, you still have not asked a question.05:11
overcluckerDaemonicApathy: that's intense05:11
alicebobwhat is the syscall number of write() on a 3.2 i686 system?05:11
DaemonicApathyoverclucker: That's nothing. :-)05:12
rocheuxWhat Can I do 4 U tyrus191105:12
tyrus1911my system is reading...bug with a program called...precise05:12
wolszoose: it does. c2d all have PAE support. all x86-64 capable cpus do05:12
DaemonicApathyPrecise is the distribution of Ubuntu you are most likely running (12.04).05:12
wolsoverclucker: you can run many X sessions on a single machine05:13
wolsoverclucker: each with its own DE05:13
tornadowilee-nilee: I will do my best. I will give it a try05:13
zoosethanks wols05:13
tyrus1911duh...ok...i know...but it reads system error05:13
tyrus1911and i upgraded it from 11:1005:14
overcluckersure enough... that was too easy05:14
DaemonicApathytyrus1911: I would suggest you click the option for more details, if you would like any help with it. As it stands, it could be anything.05:14
arasiHi all, I am trying to install ubuntu in virtual machine already installed unbuntu got correcpted so i  tried to install using ubuntu.vdmk file it's saying the following error "  Cannot register the hard disk '/vm/ubuntu/ubuntu.vmdk' {0ecf0765-6221-4e54-9e1e-86a072da9303} because a hard disk '/mnt/vshare/ubuntu.vmdk' with UUID {0ecf0765-6221-4e54-9e1e-86a072da9303} already exists." how to solve this isuues..05:14
tyrus1911it has to do with intel gpu chipset05:15
wilee-nileetornado, You can do it all you are trying to do is remove those PPA's that are erring, then reinstall the PPA. This includes you understanding what a PPA is, and how you installed it, if you don't ask.05:15
wolsarasi: make a copy of the vmdk file and use the copy05:15
tornadowilee-nilee: yes, i would appreciate it if you could elaborate more. I can delete the ones that are causing troubles as you said but how to install them again?05:17
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rocheuxalguna duda?05:19
wilee-nileetornado, You installed ubuntu tweak and in the source center of it added like deluge...etc I suspect. Those are PPA sites, as well your link to ubuntu tweak which errors as tualitrix. So go to the actual PPA's after removing the associated text files from the sources.list.d by running gksudo nautilus   then navigating from file to etc/apt/sources.list.d delete the text files with the names of the errors. Here is the tualitrix site follow the inst05:25
wilee-nileeructions on this PPA install by clicking the Read About Installing link. https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/ppa  PPA's are third party repos for apps.05:25
bjrohanI could use help insetting up the remote access of another computer via ssh in Dolphin so that it acts/connects like Nautlis. Right now it gives me error messages whereas Nautilus simply connects05:28
tornadowilee-nilee: Thanks a lot! I will give it a shot05:28
bjrohananyone familiar with Dolphin?05:29
wilee-nileetornado, Cool That last post could be a bit confusing I could of explained better, and I missed that you could get rid of the text in source.list.d, so the actual ppa's are the best way to learn these installs.05:33
wilee-nileeubuntu tweak is cool but it helps to know what it is actually adding like a source repository.05:34
overcluckerarasi: also, there is #vbox05:34
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alpHow to disable update manager popup?05:39
wilee-nileealp, you can go to software sources and in the updates tab set the updates to never. However you want updates, some of them are security.05:41
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wilee-nileealp, I don't PM.05:45
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Flux|Altcan someone help me with this? http://maurits.tv/data/garrysmod/wiki/wiki.garrysmod.com/index3761.html  I'm getting  "mount: Could not find any loop device." when I try mounting it.06:00
Flux|Altto clear it up, I'm trying to create a virtual jfs partition within a file.06:01
majnoonok here what WANT to do ,is there a way to install a FULL ubuntu to usb pendrive as if it were a regular hd have a netbook no HD ,but runs good of live usb image ,want to use usb pen as hd until can get netbook hd replaced06:13
wolsmajnoon: yes there is06:14
lime__majnoon yes but it is slow and you will likely burn out the flash drive really quickl06:14
majnoonthis would be mostly for a week or 206:15
Valtamdoes ubuntu still use the 'wheel' group?06:15
majnoonbetter then the xp that was on it06:15
wolsno current linux distro does I think, Valtam06:15
Valtamok ty06:15
wolsmajnoon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:16
majnoonthinking more using as "full setup" not live cd06:17
SyriaHello, Are these settings correct please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276269/06:17
lime__majnoon scroll done06:19
=== heracles is now known as arijit
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/06:19
lime__scroll down you can install to the usb06:19
majnooninstalling in vmware right now will try when gets done06:21
=== Err404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
[_-S1L3NC3-_]vmware 5 is nice06:28
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How Can I Unpack this ~              Auto Welcome06:28
majnoonbetter then sister's idea(try make xp live usb)06:30
Flux|Altthat's actually fairly simple.06:31
ErinHrm anyone here good at using TOR06:31
Flux|AltI don't think TOR requires a skill level :P06:31
Flux|Altyou either know how to use TOR, or you don't.06:31
phonebook_have you tried praying to god?06:31
Flux|Althow could that help anything, ever?06:32
phonebook_you think god doesnt know how to use a computer? what you think god is a complete moron even though he made the universe? yeah right06:32
ErinOk So I just setup tor and every app except Bittorent works with it, I want to host a seedbox but I don't want my public Ip out there (im not hosting copyrighted stuff)06:32
Flux|AltI just find the idea of praying to a nonexistent deity silly.06:32
saleemis it possible to upgrade to latest kernel series from a PPA on 12.04?06:33
Flux|AltErin, I suggest you read this: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea06:34
saleemthere is one ppa but that offeres only 3.5 series06:34
Erinyea yea i've seen that06:35
Erinblah blah06:35
Flux|Altif you're not hosting pirated or copyrighted materials, I'd recommend not worrying about your IP being out there. Simply connecting to a website or an irc server gives thousands of people the ability to get your IP. :P06:35
Flux|Altthere's not a whole heck of a lot people can do with an IP these days.06:36
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How Can i extract this ~ http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=123006:36
D4rkH4ndwhats the commands to update source/deb list ?06:37
Noskcaj[_-S1L3NC3-_]: right click it then choose extract here06:37
Flux|AltErin, if you do insist on trying something along those lines, i recommend using a generic VPN to protect your IP. not TOR.06:37
Flux|AltTOR would be -painfully- slow06:38
[_-S1L3NC3-_]I'm on ubuntu06:38
majnoonkk trying now06:38
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Ubuntu 11.1006:38
D4rkH4ndokay how about installing sun java so i can play this game lol06:38
Noskcajhave you done that [_-S1L3NC3-_] ?06:39
ErinFlux|Alt, was hoping for free :-p06:39
[_-S1L3NC3-_]I'm on a VPS06:39
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i can't right click06:39
devjustforfunhow can i install on ubuntu photoshop or any suggestion06:40
wols[_-S1L3NC3-_]: that is not a file you can extract. it's a normal html file06:41
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do i turn it into a zip file ?06:41
wolsdevjustforfun: you can try via WINE, but it probably won't work very well. look at photoshop replacements like TheGimp06:41
majnoongimp good06:41
majnoonand FREE06:41
wolsit's a html file, it never ever will be a zip file. look at it with "less tcl_archive.tcl\?mode\=download06:42
xuserrubuntu 12.04 grub cant see windows partition after update06:42
xuserri tried update-grub but doesnt work06:42
hasodevjustforfun, sudo apt-get install inkscape06:42
[_-S1L3NC3-_]then how can i download auto greet? http://www.egghelp.org/tclhtml/3478-4-0-0-1-Channel-Greet.htm06:42
devjustforfun<haso> what's that?06:42
lime__I wouldn't advise trying to use wine to run photoshop either run a virtual machine of windows, or use a replacement like gimp06:42
wolsxuserr: run os-prober06:42
majnoonsudo apt-get install * (that work?)06:42
kczeroxuserr have you tried boot-repair from a ubuntu live cd?06:43
devjustforfunlime__> what's you advice than?06:43
kczeroxuserr https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair06:43
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xuserri will try boot repair06:44
D4rkH4ndWould anyone mind helping me install sun java please06:46
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wilee-nileexuserr, Run the create bootinfo summary in boot-repiar and post the http.06:46
D4rkH4ndHow do i install sun java ?06:51
wolsD4rkH4nd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_Java_706:51
D4rkH4ndis Oracle same as sun ? cause my game said i need sun java06:51
wolsOracle bought Sun. Sun does not exist anymore06:52
D4rkH4ndaww okay06:52
D4rkH4ndI R NUB lol06:52
D4rkH4ndBEAST thank you wols06:55
BWMerlinI have installed keepass2 using mono and it is working fine and I can open up my password DB but the plugin that I need to work is not being detected by keepass06:55
mah454I have problem with xrandr command , please view this paste : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276303/06:56
mah454I need add newmode to VGA-0 but xrandr add newmode to HDMI !06:56
mah454How can fix this problem ?06:56
D4rkH4ndone last question about java, the game wants to know were it is when i launch it . So were should i point it to ?06:57
wolsD4rkH4nd: to wherever your bin/java or bin/javaw file is06:58
D4rkH4ndya i have NO clue were it installed to lol06:58
lime__devjustfun It is probably easiest to just use gimp06:58
davidhadasI just upgraded to 12.04 and vim became too slow to work with (long startup time)06:59
davidhadasIs this due to the plugins?06:59
davidhadasHow can I disaabl a plugin?07:01
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nicekiwihow do I change the grid sizing in gimp 2.8?07:02
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Hey Nicekiwi07:02
bernhard_how can I activate Fn shortcuts?07:03
[_-S1L3NC3-_]on mac?07:03
bernhard_no, on a medion akoya E122207:04
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[_-S1L3NC3-_]how can you turn html type downloads into tar?07:09
wolswhat are you trying to accomplish?07:09
nicekiwi[_-S1L3NC3-_], hi07:09
[_-S1L3NC3-_]download this to ubuntu `   !        ~    http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=123007:09
wolsthen run wget  http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=123007:10
[_-S1L3NC3-_]can't it's a hmtl type07:10
[_-S1L3NC3-_]anyway to convert it into tar capable ?07:10
wolsyou can't.07:11
overcluckerrun w3m "http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=1230"07:11
wolsdo it anotehr way: use a webbrowser like links or lynx07:11
wolsthat should do it07:11
mah454nobody help me ?07:11
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it's on ubuntu vps07:11
mah454I need help for xrandr command07:11
wolslinks, lynx and w3m will all work inside the vps07:11
bernhard_why do you hate html downloads?07:11
wolswhen you get the file you can unzip it with normal unzip. it's a zip file, no matter what the file extension is07:12
D4rkH4ndHow can i locate my new install of oracle java ?07:12
wolsD4rkH4nd: depends how you installed it07:12
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it wouldn't let me tho07:13
D4rkH4ndthat way LOL07:13
wolsmah454: it looks to me you are in the wrong channel. are you running ubuntu?07:13
mah454ubuntu 12.0407:13
[_-S1L3NC3-_]unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download or07:13
[_-S1L3NC3-_]        tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download.zip, and cannot find tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download.ZIP, period.07:13
overcluckerwget works fine for that link, make sure you wrap it on quotes though, cause of the special symbols.07:14
mah454wols: this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276303/07:14
wolsD4rkH4nd: java -version shows what?07:14
wolsmah454: dpkg -l libc6|tail -107:14
mah454wols: ii  libc6                                   2.15-0ubuntu10                          Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries07:15
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do i unzip it? unzip "tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download"               ?07:15
wolsD4rkH4nd: don't PM. and you can find it with "which java"07:15
wols[_-S1L3NC3-_]: you download the wrong file. you should do what overclucker said if you use wget. or use lynx, links, w3m as you've been told07:16
D4rkH4ndvery kool ty07:16
[_-S1L3NC3-_]wrong file ?07:16
wolsthe wrong file gets downloaded yes07:16
wolsif it's the right file, it will be a 1.8kB one, not a 26kB one07:16
wolsmah454: why is it called debian-server then?07:17
mah454this only hostname07:18
overclucker[_-S1L3NC3-_]: you can check the file type with ' file "tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download" ' and see for yourself.07:18
davidhadascan anyone help detect why vim in ubuntu12.04 ha sa very slow startup?07:18
wolsmah454: --output output Selects an output to reconfigure. Use either the name of the output or the XID.07:18
wolsmah454: from the xrandr manpage07:18
rrajbeHi, Is there any way in Linux system programming to schedule a programm to run once in 1 hour?07:18
wolsrrajbe: man cron07:19
overcluckerrrajbe: also, man at07:23
rrajbethanks wols :)07:23
Biomechdhey, i know this is rather basic, but how do you run an executable file inside a directory from the terminal?07:40
wols ./binaryfilename07:41
Biomechdthat's what i've been trying, but it's not working07:41
Biomechdi'm trying to run blender after extracting a tarball.07:42
daym0nBiomechd: cd directory && chmod +x file && ./file07:42
subhojit777Hello, I want to make an app in which an image will bounce on screen on fling motion, the speed of movement of image depends on the velocity of fling. From where do I start? I am new to Android. Should I use the Android animation class, or should I implement the animation using the traditional computer graphics07:53
wolsyou should ask in a android channel for starters07:54
subhojit777wols, what is the name of channel?07:54
daym0n#android probably07:55
Biomechdso, i know i was just on here, but could i get that command again?07:56
majnoonso far so good07:56
Biomechdi was using a chrome extension called "quickirc" and it disappeared and disconnected me when i went to enter the command.07:57
daym0nBiomechd: cd directory/ && chmod +x file && ./file07:57
Biomechdcould someone perhaps give me the exact command that i need? the filepath is /home/Downloads/blender-2.64_32/blender.exe08:04
VernonHow do I file a bug report? I got a big one...08:05
bazhang!bugs | Vernon08:06
ubottuVernon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:06
bazhangBiomechd, you wish to install blender?08:06
bazhang!info blender | Biomechd08:07
ubottuBiomechd: blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.62-1 (precise), package size 20658 kB, installed size 52038 kB08:07
Biomechdbazhang, yes. i downloaded the .tar.bz2 file from blender.org and i can only install .deb packages.08:07
bazhangBiomechd, install from ubuntu software sources08:08
Biomechdalso, the ubuntu repositories do NOT have the latest release.08:08
bazhangBiomechd, why do you need the latest08:08
Biomechdblender 2.63, for example, has many additions and changes from blender 2.62.08:09
Biomechdand right now, it seems there is a 2.64, so that's the release i'm looking for.08:09
bazhang!compile | Biomechd08:10
ubottuBiomechd: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall08:10
benedictBiomechd, also you might be interested in PPAs08:13
VernonLovely tutorial. I am on windows reporting a critical boot failure bug.08:14
VernonI have been up 2 nights, working on this issue, and need to report a bug.08:15
benedictBiomechd, http://www.unixmen.com/201204-blender-2-63-has-been-released-ppa-ubuntu/08:16
rrajbethanks overclucker and wols08:19
backboxsomeone's here?08:20
backboxwhere's here08:20
somanHi all. I save all *.deb files from my installations and updates. So how I can install all of them in other Ubuntu 12.04 system? Is it sudo dpkg -i *.deb (or just many lines of with exact names) enough to correctly install all my packages or I should take a look to package's order in installation?08:20
backboxwho am i08:20
rrajbeBut what im looking for is to do this one using System C programm. Like to put a program at init, and to run this once in 1 hours08:20
rrajbeoverclucker: at can be integrated to a program?08:20
bazhang!aptoncd | soman08:21
ubottusoman: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:21
bazhangbackbox, ubuntu support. do you have an ubuntu support question?08:21
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, you can do one of two things:  You can set it as a cron job which is added on boot and then gets removed after it runs each time; or you can write a program that sleeps for an hour before it does its thing!08:21
WarOfTheNerdbazhang, could you imagine if Ubuntu had a community phone service? ;-) (oh, the horror!)08:22
somanthanks guys08:23
rrajbeThanks WarOfTheNerd. Will check this. But i want to use some linux libraries to put into my program and to run it with not much resource since im developing this app for mobile devices.08:24
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WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, an app which sleeps before it loads any libs won't take much RAM until it gets going08:25
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, as one can specify lazy linking at compile time so libs are only loaded as needed08:25
rrajbeWarOfTheNerd: so can i create a shared library which can do all required tasks and a small executable to invole the activities in the library? Will that reduce the load when task is finished?08:26
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, depends on the size of the program, if it's small anyway, throwing it all in one will be fine08:27
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, when its sleeping it wont have allocated any RAM for buffers or anything if you declare after calling sleep08:27
wolsrrajbe: sure but you'd need to dynamically load it. manually08:28
wolseasier to use cron which is standard unix program for decades now08:28
rrajbeWarOfTheNerd:  Thanks. Any pointers or links to understand loading the library manually in the program? So that i would learn and do that08:28
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, remember program scope means any variables which aren't yet instantiated or set won't have been allocated RAM until that part of the program is reached08:29
WarOfTheNerdrrajbe, you don't need to, the linker takes care of that08:29
wolsrrajbe: libdl http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LibraryArchives-StaticAndDynamic.html08:30
rrajbeThanks :)08:31
trmbonim trying to figure out why no linux distro will boot on my computer much less install any help is appreciated08:31
randomDudeI'd like to discover a way that I can impersonate a user and login to their gnome desktop using my superuser privileges. basically I'd like not to have to reset their password just to login to their desktop08:33
randomDudei can imagine this is a highly commonplace system administrator workflow08:33
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wolsrandomDude: sudo su <user> <command>08:34
randomDudewols: that only applies to the command line08:35
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randomDudewols: which is useless as far as getting me into their desktop session via lightdm08:35
randomDudeIt did occur to me that I would use Xnest08:35
vedikai wanted to download GIMP image editor from software centre but it says it cant download packages "gimp-help-common gimp-help-en libbabl-0.0-0 libgegl-0.0-0'....someone please help08:36
majnoonlooks like it working good so far :)08:36
wolsrandomDude: you can start an X session from a terminal...08:37
wolsvedika: full error message? maybe use apt-get install gimp08:38
daym0nfrom a terminal not in an xsession though08:38
wolsone can run more than one x session08:39
wolsand IIRC you can replace the WM inside a X session too08:39
majnooni think most of that depends on the WM08:40
suttiwithi there, I installed alsa and I installed moc from apt-get on ubuntu server 12.04.1, i can't seem to run them - mocp and alsamixer as a normal user. I need to run them as root. help...08:40
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suttiwitsorry, my answer just misspell08:42
vedikawols: it dint work there as well! says: unable to lock administration directory08:42
suttiwiti want to run them as a normal user. But, THey all give me errors when I  run them as a normal user.08:42
suttiwitThen I had to run as root08:43
suttiwitI want to run as a normal user.08:43
wolsvedika: you need to use sudo obviously08:43
wolssuttiwit: as your normal user, run "groups"08:43
suttiwitsuttiwit adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev netdev lpadmin sambashare08:44
vedikawols: Thanks. And sorry, I am new to linux08:44
wolsyou are not in group audio. that's probably it08:44
randomDudewols: i was acutally looking for some less tedious... involving lightdm08:44
suttiwitoh ok wols, how can i add my slef?08:45
wolssuttiwit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto#Command-line   you will need to log out totally after doing it for it to take08:46
wols there is even an example with the audio group there08:46
suttiwitthanks bye08:46
gartralhey everyone, when I use a USB drive with a persistance file, and I install Ubuntu with it, does all my programs/changes i've done get transfered into the install?08:47
rocks3hello. if I install ubuntu daily image, will I be able to upgrade to final with dist-upgarde when it's released?08:48
ActionParsnipgartral: the persistance will store the changes, so yes I believe so08:52
islandmonkeyrocks3: Yes I believe08:52
wolsActionParsnip: but will it install the changes to the install?08:52
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wolsrocks3: there will be errors. just like if you use a development version of any other distro. e.g. various conflicts08:52
ActionParsnipwols: I'm not sure the packages which are updated go to then ne installed if the same media is used to install an OS08:53
wolsActionParsnip: persistence uses a unionfs or such, right?08:53
ActionParsnipwols: if memory serves, yes08:55
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rocks3i reported a graphic bug on launchpad two months ago, and it says it's triaged. what does that mean?08:57
gartralrocks3: that means others are trying to reproduce it, if I remember08:59
grumpyaptitude is having issues resolving dependencies when I try to install wine ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276421/ ) - how can i get rid of 32-bit packages it has installed?09:01
Night-hacksany recommendation for evernote replacement on ubuntu ?09:10
Night-hacksjust simple scheduler09:10
Night-hacksfor managing events09:10
googlini heard ubuntu no more no.109:13
rabbi1looking for Ubuntu condensed font, is it pre installed with ubuntu ?09:17
rabbi1nevermind, got it09:18
ActionParsnip!aptitude | grumpy09:19
ubottugrumpy: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.09:19
researcherHow to set file permission from current user ? My root is not visible on Login screen09:20
researchermajnoon: how?09:21
bekksresearcher: Whats the actual problem?09:21
ActionParsnipresearcher: use chmod and chown, use sudo if you need extra access09:21
majnoonchmod <permision number> file09:22
researcherbekks: I want file to be ececuted by all user which are owned by root09:22
bekksresearcher: So which permission does it currently have?09:22
bekksresearcher: ls -lha filename09:22
researcherbekks: im newbie09:22
majnoonsound more chown (not sure how that works)09:22
wols!permissions | researcher09:22
ubotturesearcher: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:22
bekksresearcher: Which file do you talk about?09:23
Legend_XeonI want to know on which partition is grub stage 2 files stored. I ran boot info boot info script and here are the results:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/1276470/09:27
Legend_XeonIs partition 6 same as sda6?09:27
fincerto check your partitions, use "sudo fdisk -l" command in terminal09:28
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: sda6 is the 6th partition on the first drive09:29
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: you only have 1 physical drive, so its a bit simpler :)09:29
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: according to your output, sda6 is a swap space09:30
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: you also have 2 swaps, which is a bit unnecessary. Both Linux OSes can use the same swap. You don't need 209:30
Legend_XeonSo that means grub stage 2 files are stored on swap09:31
majnooni remember used to be able to use swap partitions with windoze even09:31
aatji updated my system which included new header file and now my GUI won't start. failsafe graphic mode doesn't work either09:31
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: no, they appear to be on 2 partitions, not sure which is actually being used personally09:32
Legend_XeonIn addition sda2 is an extended partition09:32
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: if you use the omgubuntu 'sticking it to grub' guide, you can chroot and mess with grub from there09:32
wolsLegend_Xeon: no they aren't they are stored in your ubuntu 11.0409:34
aatji have my ati driver downloaded but i cannot reinstall it "drop to root shell prompt" mode because it is read-only09:35
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: Natty is EOL real soon btw, you may want to upgrade09:35
ActionParsnip!test | user__09:35
ubottuuser__: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )09:35
bekksaatj: So what have you done before? And why dont you use the ati drivers in the repos?09:38
krababbelFor a system, which is accessed by VNC only, is the xorg package needed, or just xserver-xorg?09:39
krababbelI have an Ubuntu on Android install.09:39
aatjbekks: how can i use ati drivers in the repos when GUI won't start?09:40
bekkskrababbel: What do you consider the difference between "xorg package and xserver-xorg"?09:40
bekks!details | aatj09:40
ubottuaatj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:40
krababbelbekks, xorg seems to be a metapackage, depending on xserver-xorg if I remember correctly09:40
krababbelbekks: as android can't display X11 directly, you just access the X session via VNC09:41
bekkskrababbel: I'd start with the xserver-org09:42
krababbelbekks: true, sorry, I forgot, I already just installed it, leaving xorg uninstalled, and it started an X11 session.09:42
krababbelNow it won't startup my window manager, just the root window and the mouse cursor is displayed. I am not sure how to point it to my window manager, I want: i3-wm. Before on this install, there was LXDE runngin fine already, but I don't want LXDE, so I removed it.09:44
bekksBecause the xserver-xorg package itself is not enough to provide a working environment for starting a desktop environment.09:45
bekksFor doing so, you need the xorg package at least.09:45
aatjbekks: i installed new update packet which inluded new header file. when i restarted my computer the GUI didn't start. so i tried failsafe mode but that didn't help either. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with KDE (maybe that makes it kubuntu? )with ati HD 660009:46
krababbelbekks: OK, thanks a lot for the hint.09:46
bekksaatj: _name_ tha packages you installed please.09:47
aatjhow can i check that?09:47
bekksaatj: Erm, sorry? You dont know the name of the package you installed?09:48
aatji don't :(09:48
bekksAnd a new "header file" will never cause a GUI to nont start up.09:48
TJ-bekks: If it is a new kernel, and the graphics driver is using DKMS, then that is possible. There was a recent issue with the nvidia drivers not building on new kernels due to the kernel headers dropping a header file (though that was when running a close-to-mainline kernel from the kernel-team)09:51
wolsaatj: and you shouldn't use the amd drivers from amd.com. that's the only way you'd need any header file(s)09:51
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aatjif my GUI won't start ctrl + alt + F1 should change to new x-window, right?09:53
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bekksaatj: No.09:54
wolsit will give you a textmode terminal09:54
bekksThat will change to TTY1, the first text type terminal.09:54
TJ-aatj: No. Alt + Ctl + F1 when the X server is running and you're on its TTY will switch you to a console framebuffer TTY09:54
TJ-aatj: Once on a console you only need Alt + F2 through Alt+F6 to switch between the other consoles, or Alt + F7 to get back to the X server09:55
aatjis there any way how could i use console with recovery mode?10:00
kurtgodnewbie here10:01
aatjand why "drop the root shell prompt" is read-only?10:01
wolsaatj: of course you can. why would ctrl+alt+f2 not work?10:01
bekks!details | kurtgod10:01
ubottukurtgod: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:01
wolsaatj: what exactly is read only?10:01
aatjwols: it doesn't work10:01
kurtgodi cannot set permissions to a usb external drive10:01
kurtgodi went to launch nautilus10:02
aatjwols: i cannot "sudo sh ati_driver_file"10:02
kurtgodfrom root10:02
kurtgodeven there i cannnot do it10:02
wolsaatj: what you are doing is totally wrong10:02
ActionParsnipkurtgod: is it an NTFS partition?10:02
wolscause you never ever should run this command. ever10:02
gartralwols: exactly as it says: You may READ, or see the contents, but not write10:02
TJ-aatj: When the PC starts, get into the GRUB boot loader menu by holding down Shift, then choose to edit the Recovery option, and add to the kernel's command-line "nomodeset" - that'll get you to a *single user* environment that you can use to get to a root shell console. Note this is single-user - there is only one text console!10:02
wolsgartral: do you have access to aatj's computer?10:03
kurtgodits from an apple machine10:03
ActionParsnipkurtgod: explains a lot10:03
wolskurtgod: EFI is not a partition scheme or a filesystem. it's probably HFS+ which is afaik not supported properly under linux10:03
TJ-kurtgod: Is the external USB device using the NTFS file-system?10:03
Gordomorning people10:03
kurtgodbut i can see some files10:03
Gordodo i have voice here?10:03
kurtgodwhen i plug it to my ubuntu system10:04
wolsGordo: no. and you don't need it10:04
TJ-kurtgod: Same applies to HFS+, as wols said10:04
Gordooke thxs10:04
wolskurtgod: IIRC HFS+ can be read but not written10:04
wolskurtgod: run "mount"10:04
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:04
Gordoi have a question maybe im in the wrong channel10:04
TJ-Gordo: If it's about Football you are; if it's about Ubuntu, you're in the right place!10:05
wolsaatj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Manually_installing_Catalyst_12.610:05
Gordoi have been a fan from ubuntu since the beginning but the latest releases when i restart my os it hangs what can be the cause of that?>10:05
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Gordono no im ubuntu all the way^^10:05
TJ-Gordo: Does it 'hang' during the shutdown, or 'hang' whilst booting up?10:06
wolsGordo: when does it hang? what is the last thing you see on screen?10:06
Gordoduring shutdown10:06
Ponsjuhhi i did something extremely stupid yesterday... i uninstalled dnsmasq but with it ubuntu uninstalled network-manager.. now my network is gone and with it the option to reinstall stuff.. . do i need to create a cd to recover from this stupidty or can i use my usb-stick which already has ubuntu on it10:06
Gordoit closes every proces and instead of rebooting it stays there10:06
wolsPonsjuh: how do you connect to the internet exactly?10:07
aatjwols: thanks for link but there is no terminal where i could write10:07
TJ-Gordo: OK ... you *may* be able to find an indication of what is happening in "/var/log/kern.log" or "/var/log/syslog" after you restart the PC. Sometimes a process or device can get 'stuck'. Othertimes, it can be a change in how thoe shutdown -restart signal is send to the hardware.10:07
wolsaatj: above you wrote something in a terminal. a stupid thing but you did10:08
aatjTJ-: i restarted my computer i held shift down but nothing happended when grub loaded10:08
wolsaatj: what do you have, ie to what have you booted right now?10:08
TJ-aatj: Did you see the GRUB boot menu with the list of operating systems?10:08
kurtgod/dev/sdb2 on /media/Macintosh HD type hfsplus (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)10:08
wolskurtgod: hfs+ and read only. no way to write to it10:08
TJ-kurtgod: Note that "ro" means Read Only10:09
wolskurtgod: I don't do PMs10:09
kurtgodu mean it ? NO way?10:09
aatjTJ, yes dualboot with W7 and ubuntu 12.04 (3.2.0-32)10:09
Gordook TJ- i wil try that thans for the tip10:09
kurtgodcool man10:09
TJ-aatj: OK, so at that menu you move the cursor to the Recovery entry, then press "E" to edit that entry. That takes you to a small text-editor style screen where you can move around with cursors and edit the text. So, move the cursor to the line starting "linux" and move the cursor to the end of it and add the text " nomodeset" . You can then boot with that modified command-line by pressing Ctrl+X10:10
TJ-kurtgod: You have to disable journalling from OS X to be able to use it read/write. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus10:11
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aatjTJ-: ok there is linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-32-generic ... ... ro recovery nomodest line in this 'text editor style window'10:15
geirhaaatj: nomodest?10:16
aatjgeirha: nomodeset10:17
TJ-aatj: That looks correct then - it already has "nomodeset" ... go ahead and boot with that using Ctrl+X ... that should take you to the recovery text-menu, scrolling down on that should offer the option for a root shell (and you can prior to that enable networking from the menu, too).10:17
aatjTJ-: ok, ctrl+x and it went to recovery mode window10:18
TJ-aatj: That will get you a root shell (no need for "sudo"), but it is single-user so there's only TTY1 console. To return to the recovery menu after doing whatever you need, you can type "exit" or press Ctrl+D to return to the recovery menu, and from there choose the "continue to boot normally" option to get to multi-user mode. Then, to start the GUI from there (after logging in) you do "sudo service lightdm start"10:21
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jamesmd95can someone help me with a old version of ubuntu?10:24
aatjTJ-: sorry but how that will get me to root shell? which option should i choose?10:24
wolsjamesmd95: just state your problem10:24
TJ-On the recovery menu, there's an option to drop to a shell. See this image: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142672/just-installed-ubuntu-12-04-when-booting-all-i-get-is-a-black-screen-with-curs10:25
TJ-aatj: You might want to choose the "netroot" option so you'll have network access10:25
jamesmd95I have a old pc running ubuntu (I think) havent booted it up in years its based of debian 3.1. none of the apt sources still exsist10:25
jamesmd95so I cannot update10:26
bekksjamesmd95: Debian isnt supported in here. :)10:26
bekksjamesmd95: Just grab a recent Ubuntu installation CD, and reinstall that box.10:26
wolsjamesmd95: which version of ubuntu exactly?10:26
jamesmd95but the guys at debian are a little unhelpfull lol10:26
jamesmd95I have no idea10:26
bekksjamesmd95: type "lsb_release -sc"10:27
jamesmd95  xebian:~# lsb_release -sc -bash: lsb_release: command not found10:27
wolsjamesmd95: cat /etc/ubuntu_version10:27
aatjTJ-: this is the window i see http://www.hecticgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/recovery-mode-options-in-Ubuntu-12.04.jpg10:28
jamesmd95cat: /etc/ubuntu_version: No such file or directory10:28
wolsjamesmd95: dpkg -l libc6 |tail -110:28
bekksjamesmd95: Have you named that box according to the OS it is running - xebian?10:28
MonkeyDustjamesmd95 try  /usr/bin/lsb_release -sc or /usr/sbin/lsb_release -sc10:28
TJ-aatj: Which release of Ubuntu is that? 10.04 ?10:29
wolsaatj: you were told to choose the root shell prompt. which it clearls has as an option in this menu, right?10:29
neo31hello We are preparing for an install party. can someone please confirm the size of the new ubuntu 12.10 please? (do I need a DVD or a CD will be enough? )10:29
TJ-aatj: Choose "network" then choose "root"10:29
jamesmd95 xebian:~# dpkg -l libc6 |tail -1 ii  libc6          2.3.2.ds1-22   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone10:29
BluesKajHi all10:29
wolsjamesmd95: not ubuntu10:29
bekksjamesmd95: Thats an Debian server.10:30
jamesmd95oh ffs10:30
aatjok, network + root10:30
jamesmd95I dont remember installing that :p10:30
TJ-jamesmd95: You can edit /etc/apt/source.list and change all references to archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com, then do "sudo apt-get update"10:30
jamesmd95ill give that a go10:30
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wolsTJ-: doing that on a debian server will not be a good idea10:31
wolsjamesmd95: bad ide10:31
TJ-JamesJRH: Ooops, OK, you can't do that on Debian!!10:31
w4|k3rNeed some help in configuring my display and mouse10:31
TJ-jamesmd95: Check what is in /etc/apt/sources.list10:31
MonkeyDustjamesmd95  it's /usr/bin/lsb_release -sc10:31
jamesmd95its debian10:32
wolsMonkeyDust: if /usr/bin isn't in path, he has bigger problems than a wrong sources.list10:32
neo31can someone assist me please, it's urgent10:32
wols!details | neo3110:32
ubottuneo31: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:32
jamesmd95deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-non-US/ /non-US main contrib non-free10:32
llutzjamesmd95: [12:32:23] <jamesmd95> its debian  <- this is ubuntu. please ask in #debian10:33
bekksjamesmd95: Clearly no Ubuntu.10:33
w4|k3rAny body help10:33
w4|k3rllutz, Can you help me with setting up my display and mouse scroll in Lucid10:34
k1l_w4|k3r: give more informations and ppl here can try helping10:34
bekks!details | w4|k3r10:34
ubottuw4|k3r: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:34
MonkeyDustw4|k3r  in 1 please10:34
MonkeyDustw4|k3r  in 1 line please10:35
w4|k3rMouse horizontal and vertical scrolling not working10:35
w4|k3rand display at 1024 x 768 whereas supported 1366 x 76810:35
lesshasteare there large temporary files I can remove to save space?10:36
k1l_w4|k3r: with mouse you mean touchpad?10:36
lesshaste / is full10:36
llutzlesshaste: 1st step: sudo apt-get clean10:36
aatjTJ- + all, thank you, GUI is working again :)10:36
k1l_lesshaste: "sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean"10:36
w4|k3rMine is a Asus K53SM SX010D system10:36
TJ-aatj: Congratulations :)10:36
lesshastethanks.. then what? :)10:36
aatjbut still i don't understand why this happened?10:36
MonkeyDustlesshaste  type find / -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null       repsace +1G with whatever size10:37
aatjdid i something wrong when i updated my system?10:37
TJ-aatj: Sometimes its best just to forget it ... figuring it out after the event can often be more of a headache than the problem itself was!10:37
lesshasteMonkeyDust: ok10:37
wolsaatj: the way you installed your fglrx was very wrong and will always lead to problems like this10:37
lesshasteMonkeyDust: does that do files and directories?10:37
lesshasteMonkeyDust: I am sure I don't have files that large10:38
wolsaatj: the commandline to run the fglrx installed you wrote above is the problem10:38
MonkeyDustlesshaste  replace +1G with some other size10:38
TJ-aatj: As someone else said, who know the ATI drivers better than me, you should be using the Ubuntu proprietary driver installation not the stand-alone ATI installer - because the aTI installer doesn't abide by Ubuntu rules for where files go and how they are modified10:38
lesshasteMonkeyDust: ok10:38
w4|k3rk1l_, I tried configuring gconf but in vane10:38
lesshasteMonkeyDust: what is the format? 100M ?10:38
MonkeyDustlesshaste  yeah10:39
lesshasteMonkeyDust: can exclude /home/user?10:39
wolsTJ-: if simply using the sh .run installer you will always have non wroking X whenever xorg or the kernel updates10:39
lesshasteMonkeyDust: I only want to look in non-user directories10:39
wolsyou can avoid this with dkms but from the looks aatj didn't do this and doesn't know how10:39
TJ-wols: Indeed. I'd have thought that ATI would at least have packaged it to install a kernel DKMS module.10:40
MonkeyDustlesshaste  type the command, see what folders are useful to you10:40
lesshasteMonkeyDust: it takes too long if I include /home/user10:41
lesshastewhich is laaargh10:41
bekkslesshaste: Then wait.10:41
lesshastebekks: :)10:41
bekkslesshaste: And whats "large"?10:41
lesshastemore than 10 minutes :)10:41
lesshasteI am in a hurry10:41
* w4|k3r :(10:42
MonkeyDustlesshaste  the time you spent asking, could have been useful to execute the command :)10:42
lesshasteMonkeyDust: it is running. I am not so dim :)10:42
aatj_can i check somehow that i didn't repeat my mistake again with this ati driver?10:42
iszakHey guys, so I managed to successfully install ubuntu 12.04 on my macbook air 2011 4,2. However it has these gestures, which are flakey, how can I disable them? In particular, 4/3 finger click/swipe10:43
iszakit'd be nice actually if I could remap them to change desktops10:43
w4|k3rMonkeyDust, how to check for the monitors/vga cards available10:46
w4|k3rusing lspci?10:46
lesshasteMonkeyDust: the answer is -xdev it seems10:46
bekksw4|k3r: lspci | grep VGA10:46
violinapprenw4|k3r: sudo lshw -C display10:46
aatj_TJ-: can i check somehow that i didn't reinstall wrong ati driver?10:47
aatj_so the some problem won't occur next time i update my system10:47
bekksaatj_: So which driver did you install?10:48
w4|k3rbekks, the command returned two10:48
TJ-aatj: uninstall the one you've currently got, and use the Ubuntu hardware drivers facility (known as 'jockey') to install the driver from the Ubuntu archives10:48
w4|k3r00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0126 (rev 09)10:48
w4|k3r01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0de9 (rev ff)10:48
bekksw4|k3r: Then you habe an Nvidia Optimus chipset, dont you?10:48
MonkeyDustlesshaste  found the culprit?10:48
lesshasteMonkeyDust: no but I have found lots of really big files in /home :)10:48
lesshasteMonkeyDust: which I didn't want to know about10:48
w4|k3rYes, and hence compiz is not working fine10:48
aatj_bekks: i have 12.6 driver downloaded from http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx10:49
lesshasteMonkeyDust: still whirring away10:49
w4|k3rplus my display is in 1024x768 mode10:49
ActionParsnipiszak: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142182/mac-like-multitouch-support  may help10:49
w4|k3rwhich should be higher10:49
wolsw4|k3r: which one do you want to use?10:49
bekksaatj_: You have been told to not use the amd drivers because your box will break then with every further update.10:49
w4|k3rthe first one, Intel Corp Device10:49
ActionParsnipiZenum: seems a bit of a waste o get an overpriced mac then throw ubuntu on it, you could easily get a cheaper laptop with better specs and install Ubuntu on it10:49
wolsw4|k3r: can you disable the nvidia one in BIOS?10:50
aatj_bekks: so i have to uninstall current driver as TJ told and then go to ubuntu software center and install that one?10:50
w4|k3rIn case I do that, will I be able to play games in Win, mine is a dualboot10:50
bekksaatj_: TJ- told you to as far as I read. I am wondering why you didnt do that already.10:50
w4|k3rwols, I read about the same to get this display working10:51
wolsw4|k3r: I asked you something10:51
w4|k3rwols, mine is a dualboot, I think I can disable the same in BIOS10:52
wolsso you don't want to disable it?10:52
TJ-aatj_: Once you've uninstalled the current driver using the AMD/ATI uninstaller method (whatever that is), reboot, then log-in, press the Gear icon top-right of the screen, choose "System Settings..." then "Hardware > Additional Drivers"10:52
wolsw4|k3r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics10:52
aatj_bekks: ok my bad, sorry. what is the safe way to uninstall current driver?10:52
w4|k3rwols, but after that will I be able to play games in win? reason for not disabling10:52
bekksaatj_: Take a llok at the readme on that site.10:53
bekksaatj_: Maybe there is no way to properly uninstall it.10:53
w4|k3rwols, checking that page10:53
w4|k3rwols, if you check that page, it mentions bumblebee, which I have already installed10:54
w4|k3rmy gfxCard can be switched now, but the display resolution is still 1024x 76810:55
wolsw4|k3r: you don't want to use bumblebee (imho). and if you do, you need to do a lot of manual configuring. but that doesn't make bumblebee any better that the awful crap it is right now10:56
w4|k3rwols, hmm, that means I am stuck with the 1024x768 reso until something comes10:58
wolsno. you should simply stop using bumblebee. and check if vgaswitcheroo works10:58
w4|k3rwols, Nope, I checked that -- it is not working10:59
iszakSomeone needs to tell me how to turn off 3/4 finger gestures, they're so shit11:00
bazhang!language > iszak11:01
ubottuiszak, please see my private message11:01
iszakI'm not going bother reading it, I know what it says.11:01
iszakBut thanks anyway for trying.11:01
MathGirl277Is this a place I could potentially get help for downloading and installing ubuntu? orr is it juat a chat channel?11:02
iszakMathGirl277,  both.11:02
szalMathGirl277: what does the topic say?11:02
aatj_is this still recommended way to uninstall ati driver? http://askubuntu.com/questions/174478/how-do-i-remove-ati-video-drivers11:02
ActionParsnip!ati | aatj_ may say how11:03
ubottuaatj_ may say how: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:03
szaliszak: this is NOT a chat channel.. the chat is over in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)11:03
bazhangsupport here MathGirl277 iszak ; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:03
jribMathGirl277: this isn't a chat channel.  Only support here.  Welcome, go ahead and ask your support question11:03
MathGirl277I'm just going to observe until I (inevitably) run into some problems.11:03
jrib!synaptics > iszak11:03
ubottuiszak, please see my private message11:03
iszakthanks jrib, you never fail to impress :D11:03
lesshastehow do you install an exact version of something ?I want to install libcairo2 (= 1.8.10-2ubuntu1) on lucid11:05
lesshasteI get The following packages have unmet dependencies.11:06
lesshaste  libcairo2-dev: Depends: libcairo2 (= 1.8.10-2ubuntu1) but 1.10.0-1ubuntu1~lucid~xorgedgers1 is to be installed11:06
lesshastebutI just removed xorgedgers from synaptic11:06
lesshasteso I am a bit confused11:07
MonkeyDustlesshaste  apt-install installs what's in the repos, anything outside the repos needs a ppa, but that's not supported here and not adviced11:07
lesshasteMonkeyDust: I removed the ppa11:07
MonkeyDustapt-get install*11:07
lesshasteMonkeyDust: but somehow it still thinks it is there11:07
lesshastewhich file has them?11:07
k1l_lesshaste: use ppa-purge to remove ppas11:07
k1l_lesshaste: because that removes the packages too11:07
lesshastek1l_: aha.. what is the command line?11:07
k1l_lesshaste: try a "sudo apt-get update" first to read in the new sources without the ppa11:08
lesshastedid that11:08
iszakjrib, thanks, that led me to synclient, which lead me to searching, which led me to http://askubuntu.com/questions/192959/how-to-disable-three-finger-gestures-on-touchpad :) thanks11:09
pkkmI want Ubuntu installations on 2 laptops to stay exactly the same, apart from hostnames, NetworkManager networks, bootloader and modem drivers. I think I can accomplish that by synchronizing "/", excluding some files and directories. What should I exclude, apart from /boot, /etc/default/grub, /etc/hostname, /etc/NetworkManager ?11:10
bekkspkkm: /dev, /var/run, /sys, /proc, /media - at least.11:11
wolspkkm: synchronizing filesystems with an OS on that are writable is a bad idea11:11
wolsalso, /var/log shouldn't be synchronized either11:11
ActionParsnippkkm: just sync, then edit the files in liveCD, then reboot to the installed OS11:12
vladimirHi guys ... after upgrade from 10 to 12.04 I have a problems with quality of displaying TIFF files ... do you please have any idea?11:12
TJ-pkkm: For the installed packages, best way is to ensure same packages are installed with "dpkg --get-selections" and "--set-selections", and use "diff -u" on /etc/11:12
pkkmwols: why is it a bad idea?11:13
vladimirthe TIFF can be displayed but not good quality11:13
pankaji use sakis3g to connect to internet but by doing so i can't use ubuntu software center and other default software of ubuntu, can anyone has solution11:13
iszakis ppa down?11:13
ActionParsnipvladimir: what app are you opening them in ?11:13
bazhangiszak, which one11:13
vladimirActionParsnip, its eog ... in gimp its very fine11:14
ActionParsnipvladimir: any bugs reported with eog?11:14
iszakbazhang, err I mean the launchpad.11:14
vladimirActionParsnip, no error message in the logs ... didn;t find anything in the internet11:14
ActionParsnipiszak: http://ppa.launchpad.net/   take your pick11:14
bazhangiszak, no it's not11:14
iszakhmm utouch ppa must be defunt then :/11:15
vladimirActionParsnip, interresting is that in 10.0.x its working perfectly11:16
ActionParsnipiszak: what is the address of the PPA?11:16
ActionParsnipvladimir: if you make a new ubuntu user and log in as that, isit the same?11:17
vladimirActionParsnip, i think yes, but pls wait ... i will have a try11:17
iszakActionParsnip, utouch-team11:17
ActionParsnipiZenum: not seeing that one11:18
ActionParsnipiszak: may help https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=utouch11:18
ActionParsnipiszak: I suggest you remove the dead PPA11:18
hydehi, I chose wrong kb layout when installing xubuntu 12.04 (US alternate international, which has dead keys, which is kinda annoying)11:19
uBUXUBuhas anyone seen carplips in here?11:19
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hydehow to fix this, ie. change the default layout11:19
ikoniauBUXUBu what ?11:19
ikoniaahh balsaq11:19
MathGirl277I'm currently running opensuse, but I'm burning ubuntu to a cd. What do I do after it has been burned?11:19
uBUXUBuhi ikonia11:19
ikoniaI suggest you leave please.11:20
MonkeyDustMathGirl277  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get autoremove11:20
ActionParsniphyde: you can change the layout using the settings11:20
iszakActionParsnip, thanks it seems to be called oif-team/rename now11:20
randomDudethe oracle website is very unhelpful at the moment11:20
hydeActionParsnip, xubuntu settings have currently "use system default"... and I want to change the default, not the xubuntu setting11:21
MathGirl277MonkeyDust, I should have mentioned. I lost my su password, so I'm wiping the os and starting fresh with ubuntu11:21
uBUXUBuim having trouble getting 2nd life game to run in ubuntu11:21
ActionParsniphyde: or edit /etc/default/keyboard  to the language you want11:21
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: did you install it from the playdeb repo?11:22
hydeActionParsnip: /etc/default/keyboard, thanks, that sounds just the file I'm trying to find11:22
hydelooking at it11:22
pkkmMathGirl277: why not boot from a LiveCD, mount the partition with the system on which you lost the su password, open etc/shadow, and change the password?11:22
pangurAs I could not manage to get Eclipse and Perl to play as I wanted, I began uninstalling Perl, then realised that this was taking away much of my system. I halted the process and have got most of it back, as far as I can tell.  However, I have landed up with compiz rather than Unity.  How do I get back to Unity please?11:22
uBUXUBuno i dowloaded it using what they call the linux dowload11:22
pkkmMathGirl277: easier than reinstalling Ubuntu11:22
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: I'd use the PPA, far easier11:23
uBUXUBuok where is that located11:23
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=playdeb   too hard?11:23
MathGirl277... Thank you pkkm. I'm an idiot11:23
* MathGirl277 facepalms11:23
ceboris it possible to change the standard terminal for the shortcut ? Ctrl + Alt + T11:24
freesky77 /load .xchat2/budus.so11:24
vladimirActionParsnip, yes, unfortunatelly, the same view ... if you zoom, everything is fine (visible), but withouth zooming the lines are discontiinuous11:25
pangurHow can I switch back to Unity desktop from Compiz, please?11:25
uBUXUBuno playdeb in ubuntu software center11:25
hydeActionParsnip: actually found in Debian wiki, the right solution is running dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration11:26
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: use the link I gave you, its not in software centre11:26
uBUXUBuahh ok ty11:26
ActionParsniphyde: same effect is achieved11:26
k1l_pangur: what do you mean?11:26
uBUXUButhought the link was for math ty11:26
hydeActionParsnip: well, yeah "right", of course config file edit is the same11:26
ActionParsnipvladimir: sounds like a bug then11:26
ubottulucignolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:26
pkkmMathGirl277: there is an even easier way than editing etc/shadow, see http://unixlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/reset-root-password-with-live-cd.html11:27
vladimirActionParsnip, seems to be probably ... i will ask eog guys11:27
pangurI have a fancy panel of icons running across the bottom of my screen.  I want that ugly Unity thing that runs down the side instead.  I thought I would never ask for that :)11:27
hydeActionParsnip: I just found that dpkg command before I found a way to list different layouts, without which it's kinda hard to edit the file :)11:27
vladimirActionParsnip, thank you anyway11:27
JonathanDWas wind broken?11:28
MathGirl277pkkm, I have no idea how to thank you. :D11:28
uBUXUBuim atplaydeb so far i dont see it11:29
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: I'll give a command for you11:29
uBUXUBui like the playdeb idea if i see it there11:30
pangurk1l_: I want to be able to change from having a super-eye-candy menu thing to having just the default Unity, which I can no longer access.11:30
hyde...ah, finally a good keyboard layout compromise, US layout for programming, with altgr access to äöÄÖ and €11:30
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: cd $HOME; wget http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; rm ./playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install snowstorm11:30
k1l_pangur: i think you dont know what unity and compiz is.11:30
k1l_pangur: do you want the old desktop look back?11:31
pangurQuite probably, k1l_ :)11:31
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: its a PPA you add, once you add the deb, you can even use the playdeb site to install stuff11:31
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: the deb is from this page: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/11.10#how_to_install11:31
pangurYes, what you have said would be a good summary of what I want, k1l_ :)11:31
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: which you could have found using the link I gave you11:31
uBUXUBuok i saved the playdeb file11:31
uBUXUButy ill open it and im sure it will unfold the answer11:32
k1l_!notunity | pangur11:32
ubottupangur: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:32
skipperhi all, how can i add a language indicator in ubuntu 12.04?11:33
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: you don't need to save anything11:33
pangurThanks, k1l_ !11:33
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: I GAVE you the entire command to run in terminal11:33
ubottulucignolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:33
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: so why are you saving anything11:33
uBUXUBuisit ok if i install the playdeb11:33
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: run the command I gave you11:34
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: thats all you have to do11:34
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: try reading and then thinking, instead of wildly clicking URLs as you see them11:34
ceboris there a shortcut for maximise a window 12.04 ??11:35
uBUXUBuim trying to keep up11:35
bobweaver!warez > lucignolo11:35
ParaboxI'm on GNOME Fallback, and I wish to have the close/maximize/minimize be placed and ordered Windows style, and to not have the annoying clickdrag scrollbar pop up everytime something's scrollable.11:35
TJ-cebor: Press and hold down the Super/Windows key, and look at the list bottom-right11:35
uBUXUBubut playdeb did get installed so do i still need the command11:35
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: you can now run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install snowstorm11:36
uBUXUBuok ty11:36
uBUXUBuill do that now11:36
ceborTJ-: thx,   nice function :)  helps me very much11:37
uBUXUBuits seems to be starting in terminal11:37
uBUXUBubummer says i have broken pkgs11:38
uBUXUBui never have luck in terminal11:38
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: can you pastebin the text you see please11:38
uBUXUBuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:39
uBUXUBu snowstorm:i386 : Depends: snowstorm-data:i386 (= but it is not installable11:39
uBUXUBuE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:39
Kingsyguys, I updated my kernel to the latest version, however the package manager this morning is trying to install an older version of the kernel on an update.. why? and how do you stop it? I certainly don't want to downgrade11:39
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: I said to use a pastebin....but nevermind. Please use one in future11:40
ikoniaKingsy: where did you get the "newer" kernel from11:40
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: try:  sudo apt-get -f install11:40
Kingsyikonia: a deb umm11:40
ikoniaKingsy: from where11:40
Kingsyikonia: yeah 1 sec11:40
uBUXUBui did it11:40
Kingsyikonia: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.5.4-quantal/11:41
ikoniaso you've put that kernel on a 12.04 box ?11:41
ikoniaKingsy: so you've put that kernel on a 12.04 box ?11:41
ubottulucignolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:41
Kingsyworks nice11:41
ikoniaKingsy: why ?11:41
ikoniaKingsy: why have you done that ?11:41
Kingsyikonia: because its newer.. why not?11:41
uBUXUBui have 15 updates ro do now11:41
ikoniaKingsy: then you should know what you're doing if you're taking that approach11:42
Kingsyikonia: really? its not hard to just install the .deb, it just worked.. if not I would have rolled back using grub and removed it11:42
ikoniaKingsy: honestly, why change a working kernel thats fully supported, meets dependencies and is part of your branch to an unreleased unpatched kernel for no reason11:42
KingsyI don't see the issue11:42
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: ok let that roll11:42
ikoniaKingsy: then get on with fixing your problem11:42
BluesKajuBUXUBu, packagemanagement on ubuntu all use the dpkg system whether it's the terminal or software center, so the broken package/dependencies can't be blamed on the terminal use11:42
Kingsyikonia: ok thanks11:42
uBUXUBumaybe those were the fixes for broken pkgs11:42
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ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: likely11:43
uBUXUButbh evertime i ever did terminal it says stuff like that thus i avoid it like the plague11:43
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: software centre is just a GUI for those type of commands11:44
uBUXUBui know but it alwaysworked for me11:44
uBUXUBumust of been luck11:45
pangurk1l_: gnome-tweak-tool tells me that I have no Shell theme. What are the implications of that?  Do I need to be bothered about it?11:45
BluesKajuBUXUBu, luck has nothing to do with it ..coincidence maybe11:47
uBUXUBuyeah maybe11:48
icerootis there something on ubuntu which can sync mails from exchange 2010 using active sync? as it seems kmail, thunderbird and evolution are not able to sync mails with activesync11:48
uBUXUBuone time someone told me to update buntu in terminal soi did it and it ran all nite and all day never ended tll i had to crash it and reinstall11:49
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hydeiceroot: googling "linux activesync" seems to indicate that "yes, there is something"11:50
uBUXUBuok action i have to reboot now brb11:51
uBUXUBuok updated now what11:54
SrijanMhi, i use ubuntu 12.04 and trying to make empathy work behind proxy. The articles over net say that its should work properly if i fix network proxy settings in preferences but its not working11:55
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: do you see snowglobe?11:55
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uBUXUBuno not in software center11:55
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: if you have rebooted, try the playdeb website11:57
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: the links in the site will now work for you :)11:58
uBUXUBusays 4 i86 only11:59
uBUXUBuim on an intel i711:59
uBUXUBu64 bit11:59
uBUXUBuis that ok11:59
uBUXUBuwho cares ill try it anyway12:00
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: what is the output of:  lsb_release -s12:00
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    sorry12:00
uBUXUBuits a amd ati 587012:00
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: thats not the output of the command I gave12:00
uBUXUBuok one sec12:00
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: then its multiarch, so should install12:02
uBUXUBuok ty12:02
pauserhello, im having a unusual problem with my ubuntu. the cursor pointer slows down when i move it, its looks same like the computer is very slow, but when i check in "htop" the computer is working very well. what might be the problem ?12:02
ActionParsnippauser: have you tried Unity2D session?12:03
uBUXUBusays its not in my computer so i guess i have to make that command work 1st12:04
pauserActionParsnip: yes, its the same problem since the last update yesterday night .12:04
pauserActionParsnip: Unity2D, Gnome-shell . every where the same !12:05
delinquentmeso if i've got symlinked files on a remote machine and I want to copy those symlinks ... can I do that?12:05
ActionParsnipuBUXUBu: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Getting-Secondlife-to-run-on-Ubuntu-12-04-lts-64-bit/td-p/1513169/page/2   may help12:05
ActionParsnippauser: what video chip do you use?12:05
pauserActionParsnip: nvidia geforce 9300M GS12:06
padmickhi does anyone here use Bastille Linux?12:06
ActionParsnippauser: did you install the proprietary video driver?12:07
ActionParsnippadmick: its not Ubuntu, so is offtopic here12:07
ActionParsnippauser: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:07
padmickwhere would i have to go to get advice on it?12:07
pauserActionParsnip: nvidia-current is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, ....12:08
ActionParsnippadmick: seems to be ok: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BastilleLinux12:08
ActionParsnippadmick: my mistake, sorry12:08
ActionParsnippadmick: that link looks pretty extensive12:09
padmickits not compatible with the lastest version of ubuntu12:09
padmickwell som of it12:09
padmicksome sorry12:09
BluesKajActionParsnip, pauser that particular gpu seems ti have problems with nviida-current driver, this isn't first instance I've seen12:09
pauserBluesKaj: so, should i remove it ?12:10
pauserActionParsnip: BluesKaj : Problem solved !12:12
BluesKajpauser , you can try the nouveau driver  , altho there may be an update for the driver in the repos if you haveny updated/upgraded lately12:12
pauserits wireless cards fold12:13
uBUXUBui see all the instruction and did them all12:13
uBUXUBubut no matter what it just says cant be found12:13
pauseractually i have not solved the problem , i just found it xD12:15
pauserhow is it possible that the wireless card causes such a problem with the cursor .12:16
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pangurCan anyone tell me if the packages listed at http://fpaste.org/B5dy/ are ones that are integral to my system and that I will need or can I safely autoremove them, please?12:19
pangurThey were listed as surplus to requirement when I did a partial delete of Perl.12:20
pangurObviously, if they are needed by Ubuntu, I should not remove them but restore them.12:21
rolling2k5459580145070328 1214 231 APPROVED! BANK: | MASTERCARD | HARRIS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | | STANDARD | UNITED STATES | USA | 840 | | | | |12:22
DJonesrolling2k: No spam in the channel thank you12:22
rolling2k5459580145070328 1214 231 APPROVED! BANK: | MASTERCARD | HARRIS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | | STANDARD | UNITED STATES | USA | 840 | | | | |12:22
rolling2k5459580145070328 1214 231 APPROVED! BANK: | MASTERCARD | HARRIS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | | STANDARD | UNITED STATES | USA | 840 | | | | |12:23
ippo_hello, I'm having a little bit of a situation here12:23
ippo_gnome shell crashed12:23
ippo_and I cannot open a terminal to restart it12:23
ippo_but I also don't want to reboot12:23
pangurWhen the Ubuntu terminal says "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required", does that mean by the system or by other programmes that depend on the system?12:23
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ippo_(important program running)12:23
ippo_what can I do?12:23
gordonjcppangur: by anything12:23
ippo_pangur: anything, you can remove them12:24
rolling2k5459580145070328 1214 231 APPROVED! BANK: | MASTERCARD | HARRIS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | | STANDARD | UNITED STATES | USA | 840 | | | | |12:24
pangurThanks ippo.12:24
gordonjcpippo_: hm, interesting problem12:24
pangurThanks gordonjcp12:24
ippo_gordon: if absolutely necessary, I can reboot, but would gladly avoit it12:24
chicognuippo_, control alt f2 login and kill the terminal emulator with killall12:24
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pangurWhat made your Ubuntu crash, ippo_ ?12:25
ippo_pangur... don't ask. embarassing12:25
chicognuippo_, wich terminal emulator do you use ?12:25
ippo_chicognu: I bet it's bash12:25
ippo_idk, i'm a total noob12:25
chicognuno bash is only the comand interpreter12:25
gordonjcpippo_: flip to a console window with ctrl-alt-f1, log in, and say something like "DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal"12:25
ippo_brb trying12:26
ippo_oh snap12:26
ippo_now it's not working12:26
chicognuippo_, and to get back control alt f712:26
ippo_I mean, ctrl alt + f1 doesn't bring me to the terminal12:26
ippo_i guess this means hard reboot12:27
chicognunot really, there is a keyboard shortcut12:27
chicognuto kill a crashed app12:27
chicognui don't remember what is12:28
ippo_the problem is that now I don't have access to any terminal12:28
chicognuippo_, you system is not really crashed at all, only one app cause a trouble to you x server and crash some part of it12:28
chicognuippo_, wait just a secound12:28
ippo_sure thing12:29
chicognuippo_, try that12:29
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ippo_with "that" you mean "ctrl+alt+f1" and setting the display?12:30
Mechdaveippo_, ctrl + alt + F1 will drop you to a console where you can restart X12:30
ippo_because I don't get to the console if I press ctrl + alt + f112:31
ippo_yeah, but it doesn't12:31
ippo_nothing happens12:31
Mechdaveippo_, do you have a usb keyboard?12:31
chicognuippo_, control-alt-f2 it it open, run gnome-control-center  and go to keyboard options something like layout configuration  and options enable the option to kill the x server and then click control alt backspace12:31
chicognumy mistake12:31
Mechdaveippo_, may not work but replug your keyboard12:32
chicognuippo_, alt+f212:32
chicognunot control-alt-f212:32
ippo_chicognu: alt+f2 is not working (it's a gnome-shell shortcut, and gnome shell is offline12:32
ippo_mechdave: replugged, still no luck12:32
chicognuippo_, no more ideias :(12:32
ippo_thank you anyway :)12:33
pangurippo, write down how to get back from console before you disappear.12:33
ippo_this will serve me as a lesson12:33
ippo_eheh pangur I know12:33
ippo_ctrl alt f712:33
pangurGood :)12:33
ippo_but i'm not even going to the console12:33
ippo_so no need12:33
Myrttiippo_: can you please hit the enter key a bit less often12:34
chicognuippo_, enable the short cut  to kill x serve on the next reboot12:34
ippo_btw, if you ever wonder what the 1000th fibonacci number is, look it up12:34
pangurCtrl+Alt+F1 to F6 shoudl provide consoles.12:34
ippo_don't try to compute it12:34
ippo_not recursively at least12:34
ippo_sorry, myrtti, can do. I'm restarting now anyway, sorry for the annoyance12:34
MechdaveWhat has happened is ippo's X session has died and he has lost keyboard12:34
Mechdaveippo_, no mouse either?12:35
chicognubut how is him in the irc ? from other machine ?12:35
pangurHow can he type if he has no keyboard?12:35
ippo_mechdave: I have not lost the keyboard, I'm using it to write right now. And mouse working too. I'm on the very computer I'm trying to fix12:35
Mechdavethat's what I am guessing12:35
amosheloo Guyz av been tryng to connect two computers over lan cable  but aint working can someone please help me??12:35
Mechdaveippo_, so what is the problem you are experiencing?12:36
ippo_for some reason that I don't understand, chrome is working, just without gnome-shell underneath. no decorations and anything, only the browser window12:36
Mechdaveippo_, Aha, I see12:36
ippo_well, I'll just use a hard reboot12:37
Mechdaveippo_, may be the only way I'm afraid :(12:37
ActionParsnipamos: is there a router between?12:37
ippo_I was just curious to see if I could restart it without killing everything. thank you all for the help12:37
amosAha ActionParsnip how are you? BTW am using crossover12:38
chicognudon't forget to enable the option to kill x server ok ? it is a very hand full, but the by default it is disabled12:39
ippo_chicognu: will do as soon as I log back in :)12:39
chicognusee u in some minutes, or seconds if it is a ssd driver12:39
ippo_oh, and just as a final joke, apparently the system can sense when I press the shutdown button and opens the dialog to let me choose what to do12:40
ippo_of course, without the window decoration or anything else -.-12:40
ippo_good bye12:40
Mechdaveippo_, lol, just choose logout if it is there12:40
ActionParsnipamos: if you are using a crossover cable then you will need to set IP addresses on the interfaces as there is no DHCP server12:42
sandGorgonits taking me HOURS to copy 1.8 GB of data from a memory stick to my phone (mounted over MTP). Anybody has experience using MTP storage and why is it so slow ?12:42
ShapeShifter499so is there anything better than wine?    I love ubuntu but I need to run various software that is windows only12:44
uBUXUBuit cause i 64 bit ActionParsnip ...just will not work12:46
chicognuShapeShifter499, do you consider to use a virtual machine ?12:46
amosActionParsnip  how do i go about with the DNS servers and domains?12:46
ShapeShifter499chicognu: yes and that would be a no, doesn't work for my iphone (when I need to upgrade, jailbreak, etc) and doesn't work with Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice dictation software)12:47
ShapeShifter499chicognu: also various games do not run as well as they would if they were native12:48
ShapeShifter499*on a native machine12:48
icerootShapeShifter499: playonlinux which is a great wine-wrapper12:48
TinybirdShapeShifter499, cannot agree more. my experience on wine is too tough.12:48
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chicognuShapeShifter499, http://www.codeweavers.com/products/  http://gametreelinux.com/12:49
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chicognui never get able to run internet explorer in wine with a nice gui12:49
uBUXUBucan i dual boot 32 bit buntu and 64?12:50
ActionParsnipamos: you don't need it, you will be contactting the other system via IP12:50
icerootuBUXUBu: sure12:50
uBUXUButhen it might work12:50
ShapeShifter499chicognu:  do they support usb devices like my seemingly windows only scanner and iphone?12:52
ShapeShifter499chicognu: from what I'm reading it appears crossover has USB support for some devices12:53
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ShapeShifter499chicognu: oh wait I think I'm reading its mac os x only usb support12:55
chicognuShapeShifter499, not sure, but if you need usb support virtual box provides a great usb suport12:56
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chicognuShapeShifter499, here i have a different approach , i run windows as a host os, but everything i do inside a ubuntu virtual box, except gaming :)12:58
chicognuShapeShifter499, i only don't use a linux as guest os because true crypt don't encrypt the hole drive in linux12:59
ShapeShifter499chicognu: I did that before and I might go back to that solution again12:59
ShapeShifter499chicognu: it just bothers me that its so hack prone, windows, even after installing every virus/firewall/anti-root kit known to man there are still ways for things to get through13:01
ShapeShifter499its why I tried ubuntu in the first place as my main os13:01
ShapeShifter499also its cool to be running a more "geeker" os13:01
Toph2shado you run Unity?13:02
ShapeShifter499Toph2: yea, I love it13:02
Toph2ok, nice13:02
chicognuShapeShifter499, people will burn me to said that, but a windows with all updates is security as any linux... the diferent will be in the quantity of virus for windows compared to the quantity of virus for linux ... but not the power of infect a the computer13:04
chicognuOday exploit will always exist to linux, windows or other OS13:04
ShapeShifter499chicognu: not to sure about that, I had a virus that killed my system from even booting up13:05
gordonjcpchicognu: exploits != viruses13:05
gordonjcpchicognu: and since there are about as many Windows systems out there as Linux systems, it can't just be down to "Windows is more popular"13:06
BluesKaji chatted with a russian guy on a game site who claimed he wrote viruses for linux testing :)13:06
chicognugordonjcp, i know that ...I just make it clear that the really dangers thing will be unfixed vulnerabilities ...13:06
icerootchicognu: windows is not secure like a GNU/Linux because windows is providing patches once a month, GNU/Linux when they are available13:06
gordonjcpchicognu: well there are millions of Linux machines out there with potentially unpatched vulnerabilities13:07
ShapeShifter499someone needs to merge a fork of reactos with a fork of linux (maybe ubuntu) to create the ultimate linux os that runs windows stuff on the side.... like wine but much more support like usb13:07
icerootShapeShifter499: reactOS13:07
gordonjcpchicognu: every single ADSL router13:07
ShapeShifter499iceroot: close enough :p13:07
icerootShapeShifter499: but we dont want windows stuff13:08
icerootShapeShifter499: it would be much better to have a os which does not need any non-free software13:08
ShapeShifter499iceroot: true true but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, with all these games and mobile devices that needs windows (or even mac os x)13:09
ShapeShifter499android would be an exception :p13:10
chicognuiceroot, i really don't knew that ... from microsoft: A: Security-related updates are released once a month. However, if a security threat occurs, such as a widespread virus or worm that affects Windows-based computers, Microsoft will release a corresponding update as soon as possible. Other types of updates can be released whenever they are ready. It’s a good idea to turn on Automatic Updates so that your computer can receive high-priority upda13:11
chicognutes as they become available.13:11
icerootShapeShifter499: there is one mobile device which needs win/osx and we dont care about people which buy a jail13:11
worksplease help. Asus laptop with boot problems: error in dmesg shows -- mmio address 0xbafe00 already in use13:11
icerootShapeShifter499: there problem, not our problem13:11
icerootShapeShifter499: ah sorry, there are two plattforms which needs windows (win phone and iphone)13:12
chicognuiceroot, you may be right ... i try to find paper showing how fast vulnerabilities are patched by the vendors, but i don't fond nothing ...13:12
icerootchicognu: and on GNU/Linux you can patch it by yourself or let other people patch it instead of the real vendor13:14
icerootchicognu: e.g. firefox. debian is not waiting until mozilla releases a fix, debian is patching it directly (not always)13:14
devjustforfunif i forget about sud command. what's command i should use for run privies one with sudo13:17
gordonjcpdevjustforfun: what?13:17
devjustforfunif i forget about sudo command. and aftrer that i need run that command with sudo without retyping13:18
devjustforfunwhat's command i should use in that case13:18
icerootdevjustforfun: we still dont get what you want13:18
icerootdevjustforfun: you mean you typed "fdisk -l ENTER" and you want to put sudo at the start after hitting the up arrow key?13:19
gordonjcpyeah there *is* a way to do that13:19
Mechdavedevjustforfun, use the home key13:19
gordonjcpdevjustforfun: sudo !!13:20
devjustforfun<gordonjcp> thank13:20
gordonjcpbe very careful with that13:20
DesprogesHi, I hope someone can help me here : I want to customize my $PS1 but I have a problem when I write a long line: the "newline" is missing, only the CR, so the beginning of the line is replaced by the last typed chars13:20
DesprogesHere is my test script : https://gist.github.com/388460213:20
devjustforfunwho have a $PS1 with GIT integration ?13:21
Desprogesthat exactly what I want to do : git integration !13:21
Desprogesdevjustforfun: PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w $(__git_ps1 " (%s)" \$'13:22
Desprogessee /etc/bash_completion.d/git for some options13:22
ManchesterUKHi All13:26
ManchesterUKNew Ubuntu user here having moved from Windows13:26
ManchesterUKWondered if someone could help?13:27
DJonesManchesterUK: Ask away, if anybody can help, I'm sure they'll jump in13:27
ShapeShifter499iceroot: chicognu just thought of it, install a unity clone/theme on my windows 7 and use vmware's unity mode to place all the ubuntu stuff in the windows unity bar/dash lol13:28
ManchesterUKI used to use MYSQL tools for windows to back up my websites database, is there a similar tool for Ubuntu or a better way I should be doing it please?13:28
ManchesterUKIve noticed now im on Ubunutu I can just use connect to server to do an ftp file back up easily :)13:28
Desprogeswhy not using the terminal for a simple back up ?13:29
Desprogesmysqldump -uUSER -p -hHOST DBNAME > dump.sql13:29
ManchesterUKIm new to Linux Desproges so never even thought of terminal13:29
ShapeShifter499iceroot: chicognu like so lol http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2011/05/give-dash-of-unity-to-windows-xp-and.html13:30
ManchesterUKmysqldump is not installed it says in terminal13:30
MechdaveManchesterUK, you need to install mysqldump13:32
ManchesterUKsorry to be stupid how do I do that :)13:33
MechdaveManchesterUK, First of all have a read here --> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysqldump.html13:35
MechdaveManchesterUK, mysqldump  is contained in package mysql-client-5.513:37
ManchesterUKThanks, i was hoping for a nice GUI really13:38
Desprogesdevjustforfun: does my answer ok for you ?13:38
blackshirtreally not needed for server13:38
MechdaveManchesterUK,  you can install it from the software centre13:38
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DesprogesManchesterUK: you can try mysqlworkbench13:38
blackshirthi cristian_c13:41
cristian_cI'd like to change the icon to a .sh file13:41
cristian_cI'm using lubuntu 12.0413:41
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cristian_cI don't know how to use relative paths in launchers13:42
cristian_cAny ideas?13:42
Jayfluxwhen you do a sym link (ln -s) can you force it to create a directory on the target if one is not made13:45
Ribertyanyone know of a good open source pdf viewer that has tabbed windows? beside foxit, since their last update was 200913:48
seyar#join linux-fr13:48
devjustforfun<Riberty> this is a best http://www.mendeley.com/13:50
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ActionParsnipRiberty: xpdf, evince, mupdf or acroread may do it13:53
Ribertyevince doesnt have the tabbed feature13:54
Mechdavewhat's wrong with acroread. That works pretty well under Ubuntu13:54
ActionParsnipI use mupdf but not sure itf it has tabs13:55
ravenis there any way to enlarge swap partiion of a running system?13:57
devjustforfunRiberty http://www.mendeley.com/ have tab feature and another cool options13:59
devjustforfunand may another cool options14:00
Ribertyit looks very good since im actuall a chemist14:00
delinquentmehow the heck to I quit out of $ man ln14:01
delinquentmeesc isnt working14:01
k1l_raven: why not. unmount the the swap with swapoff and the resize it? but keep in mind that you dont resize other partitions that are mounted and have backups done before14:01
delinquentmectrl + q isnt working14:01
k1l_delinquentme: q14:01
Mechdavedelinquentme, esc14:02
ravenk1l_ thats the problem i would have to make the root partition smaller14:02
Riberty acroread seems to have security holes14:02
Mechdavedelinquentme, rather q14:02
k1l_raven: than i would recommend a  live system for that14:02
ryan_mooreanyone free to help me set up my nvidia Ti4200 card on my dell d800?14:03
Ribertyctrl + l    it clears cml14:03
ryan_mooreI  just installed Lubuntu 12.04 and it's being finicky14:03
ravenk1l_ yes but not possible at the moment because of remote access14:03
compdocryan_moore, yeah, I tried it recently and decided not to use it. doesnt seem complete14:04
ryan_mooreso you downgraded to a previous version?14:04
Ribertywait is mendeley a cloud system?14:05
devjustforfuni'm starting use mouse it's very very not comfortable))14:06
devjustforfunRiberty yes but you might store your files locally14:07
Ribertyah ok14:07
Ribertyyeah i hate cloud.. too much time uploading. thanks for the recommendation14:07
MechdaveI personally don't trust the cloud14:07
devjustforfuni dont use cloud in mendeley too14:08
Ribertythat too14:09
Ribertythey have access to my files14:09
ubottuingpiolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:10
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Ribertydevjustforfun how would i prevent this program from uploading my file when i add a new document?14:11
delinquentmewhen piping data from find ... is there a system var I can use to specify the name or ITEM which I'm wanting to operate on?14:16
delinquentmekind of like some_array.each{ |x|  puts x  }14:16
delinquentmein ruby14:16
delinquentmefind ./ -type l | ln TARGET LINK_NAME    ... so find here returns a bunch of items ... and I'd like to redo these symlinks .. and I need the stuff thats returned by find ... to be placed in the TARGET_LINK14:17
devjustforfunwhy i need use setfacl14:17
devjustforfunwhy just a create group and set for group permistions and add user to group which i need14:18
devjustforfunwhy i need acl. i think i need acl if i need more than 2 groups for files which have a different permissions14:21
Corelmenis i possible to put te unity launcher on ubuntu 12.10 to the bottum of the screen14:21
ubottuCorelmen:: Quantal Quetzal is the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:22
ActionParsnipCorelmen: there is a PPA, it's known to cause issues though14:22
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Guest24303how do you update the boot list/menu?14:22
k1l_Guest24303: "sudo update-grub"14:23
Guest24303ty ty14:23
n1is it posssible to open install a package not via terminal but vai softwar centre?14:26
k1l_n1: of course14:26
cfhowlettn1: of course.14:26
n1I mean if the package is in some folder14:26
n1...s I am still unable to connect via dongle on ubuntu14:27
n1whati if it is a shell script=?14:27
nongamorcthen it's not a package14:27
nongamorcmake it executable, and runit by double-clicking14:27
seduce1hello, I installed h.c.c.bot but I don't know how to start it14:28
seduce1any help14:28
seduce1it was new package under software center14:28
nongamorcif you go to the dash, and enter bot, does it show up?14:28
m000gleIn Network Connections, is there any to manually select the order VPN's appear in the list and network indicator applet? ... It seems to change, dynamically, based on the most recently used VPN.  However, setting the order either manually or in alphabetical order would be preferable, for me.14:29
nongamorchm… 30 minutes to go at work14:30
quidnuncCan anyone tell me how to gpg verify a non-detached signature?14:32
beneHey, how can I activate Fn-shortcuts on my Laptop?14:33
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts14:33
benethank you14:33
rexwin_command to check whether apache/mysql installed14:35
rexwin_can somebody help me out?14:36
ActionParsniprexwin_: dpkg -l | egrep 'apach|mysql'14:38
rexwin_got it, nm14:38
devjustforfunwhat's a best tutorial about networking staff in term of linux. for starting people.14:38
nongamorcstaff or stuff?14:38
Jayfluxsym links don't stay there after reboot. Is that normal?14:38
TJ-rexwin_: "apt-cache policy apache2 mysql-server"14:39
devjustforfunstuff *14:39
ActionParsnipdevjustforfun: there is no best tutorial, for anything14:39
bazhangdevjustforfun, try in ##networking , thats not an ubuntu support question14:39
ActionParsnipdevjustforfun: you can setup IPs and stuff using network manager14:40
devjustforfuni dont want setup Ips14:40
devjustforfuni need to setup firewall and apache14:41
rexwin_thanks guys14:41
ActionParsnipdevjustforfun: I suggest you look into iptables or ufw (or gufw if you have a desktop UI)14:41
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo devjustforfun14:41
bazhang!lamp | devjustforfun14:42
ubottudevjustforfun: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:42
devjustforfun<ubottu> thanks14:46
sk1specialmmk.  does anyone know the command to update the boot menu14:48
devjustforfunhow to see which groups have a user. and what's folders and files have that groups14:48
bazhangsk1special, sudo update-grub14:49
cfhowlettsk1special: sudo update-grub14:49
sk1specialmmk ty. that should let it see my bootable usb now correct?14:49
llutzdevjustforfun: "getent group"   "find / -gid <gid>"14:50
devjustforfundevjustforfun:x:1000: - 1000 that is a group id?14:53
llutzdevjustforfun: yes14:53
devjustforfunok thanks14:54
llutzdevjustforfun: info on the content "man group"14:55
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devjustforfunhow to group result by folders14:57
devjustforfunhow to group result by directories which have level 3 starting for /14:58
borax12well does ubuntu have something simillar to mkinitcpio.conf (mkinitcpio is used for creating the initial ramdisk)15:02
TJ-borax12: "sudo update-initramfs -u -k all" will *update* the initrd for every installed kernel. See "man update-initramfs" for details of the switches and options15:03
borax12well is there a conf file for some editing fun :)15:04
benethis is SPARTA!15:05
bazhang!ot | bene15:05
ubottubene: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:05
overcluckerborax12: info update-initramfs.conf15:09
borax12overclucker, thanks a ton15:09
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:12
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sk1specialokay. is there a command i can enter at the grub menu stage to boot directly to my usb?15:16
sk1specialbecause when i update the list it doesnt show it15:17
sk1specialand i allready have my bios settings to boot to usb devices first and the grub menu shows up instead so15:17
digitalmafiacan anyone tell me any good recovery app for linux.....i want to recover my microsd card15:17
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: testdisk or photorec15:17
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: first things first though; use dd to make a copy of it to a disk image15:18
darkelfjuggaloI'm trying to make a USB install stick for latest Ubuntu for a 64-bit...every method I've tried, including a the pendrive program available in windows, fail...I know 64-bit is crap for installing Linux, but it's the only laptop available with the specs I needed15:18
digitalmafiagordonjcp: are they free ??15:18
wilee-nileesk1special, There is a out of the bios key press like you would use for the bios for a boot menu, mine is f1215:18
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: yes15:18
gordonjcpdarkelfjuggalo: 64-bit should be fine15:18
blzIs there a command-line analog to the "sound settings" menu in Unity?15:18
sk1specialwilee-nilee: so i press that while in the grub menu and it will let me boot to usb?15:19
digitalmafiagordonjcp: does test disc has all types file support ?? and why to make a image with dd....its already corrupted and everything is lost.....15:19
TdaugI tried to install Ubuntu WITHIN windows on my Compaq Presario CQ57, and I installed the demo first so I could see how it works, before installing the whole thing.  On the desktop, there's a little icon that says "install Ubuntu".  I click it, go through the steps, and then reboot, like it says, and every time I boot into Ubuntu, it15:19
Tdaug's the demo.  everything is default.15:19
blzI've tried alsamixer, and while my device seems to be listed, I can't manage to play sound out of it.  I've tested it in unity and it works without a hitch15:19
darkelfjuggalofirst few times it said something was missing or corrupt, after the Pendrive programs it starts then fails at various steps including detecting network hardware and softward install15:19
wilee-nileesk1special, You would find what the key or keys are, but do this at powering on as if you were going to the bios.15:19
sk1specialahhh..you mean where it shows for the safe boot mode and that kind of thing. mmk let me try that15:21
ActionParsnipTdaug: as in, mount the ISO in Windows (or burn to CD) then install using that? Is that correct?15:21
darkelfjuggalounfortunately learning that destroyed my windows OS[which i wanted to get rid of in the first place] now I can't go back and fix whatever was wrong15:21
wilee-nileedarkelfjuggalo, Have you checked the md5sum of the ISO?15:21
Tdaugyes.   I burned the .iso to a disk.15:21
sk1specialdarkelfjuggalo: make sure youre running the 32 bit vs 64 bit. or whichever is for your system. mine did that when i downloaded the wrong one before. brb15:21
Npcthere is this file i have to wget after every reboot again15:21
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: because if you have a copy of the card, you can try various different things without risking further damage15:21
Npcwhy doesn't the file stay?15:21
ActionParsnipTdaug: then read the CD in Windows and installed that way?15:22
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: imagine you have a card that is electrically failing; you make *one* copy of the card, then makes copies of the copy to fiddle with15:22
bekksNpc: Which file do you wget to which location?15:22
digitalmafiagordonjcp: yea ok i understand it...but whats the use when the card is already corrupted ??15:22
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: you might only have one shot at reading the card - or more likely a mechanical drive15:22
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: it keeps the card *exactly* as it is15:22
scratmandoogreetings all!15:22
darkelfjuggalohow do I check the md5sum?15:22
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: so if you manage to make things worse, you can always get back to where you started15:22
wilee-nilee!md5sum > darkelfjuggalo15:23
ubottudarkelfjuggalo, please see my private message15:23
Npcit's a java .class file and i wget into a subdir in my homedir15:23
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: what if your card has corrupt data and can be partially read, but in trying to do so you accidentally wipe the whole thing?  Then you're stuffed, there's no getting it back15:23
digitalmafiagordonjcp: ok what command to use for dd ?? sudo dd if=/dev/sda off=??15:23
TdaugActionParsnip:  Yes.  After burning the CD, I ran it in windows, and installed the ubuntu OS.15:23
bekksNpc: Do you boot a livecd, or something?15:23
ActionParsnipTdaug: ok, did you get full updates in Ubuntu?15:23
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: yeah something like that, sudo dd if=/dev/sd<whatever> of=mydisk.img15:23
Npcbekks: no15:23
bekksNpc: Which Ubuntu do you use?15:24
scratmandoohi correntin15:24
darkelfjuggalosk1special, every download automatically goes for 64-bit15:24
frwgwr#Hi all.15:24
gordonjcpdigitalmafia: or better still sudo dd if=/dev/sd<whatever> of=mydisk.img bs=4M15:24
Npcbekks: 12.0415:24
TdaugActionParsnip:  I made sure it was the latest version before i installed it.15:24
corentinis it possible to congigure unity in order to change focus according to mouse position, but keeping the window layout as is?15:24
bekksNpc: Whats the command you use for wget?15:24
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Ex0deuswhy bs=4mb15:24
ActionParsnipTdaug: yes but there are updates for Precise even after a clean install15:24
Ex0deusthats a big block15:24
Npcbekks: wget <url>15:24
corentinlike if a window gain focus, i don't want window in front of this one to get in the background15:24
digitalmafiagordonjcp: ok of=<path>/myimage.img ?? can i use create iso or any other image extension ??15:24
bekksEx0deus: Because otherwise dd will take ages.15:24
ActionParsnipEx0deus: most drives have 4Mb cache now, may as well use it15:25
digitalmafiagordonjcp: whats bs=4M for ??15:25
frwgwrI use Ubuntu&WIndows dual boot, I want to allow Ubuntu users to mount one of the windows ntfs partitions (not automount). I suppose I should make udev rules, I would appreciate some input on what to do!15:25
digitalmafiaohh ok ActionParsnip answered it15:25
bekksActionParsnip: Nowadays, most drives have 16M :)15:25
ActionParsnipbekks: exactly, get it used15:25
Ex0deusi guess15:25
TdaugActionParsnip:  Would that effect the install?  The demo works fine, but everything returns to defaults after shutdown.15:25
corentinfrwgwr: just add option 'user' in fstab?15:25
bekksActionParsnip: ;)15:26
ActionParsnipTdaug: seems weird, is the NTFS partition healthy?15:26
Ex0deusand actually i think nearly all drives now have a 16mb cache... and most have a 32 or 64....15:26
Npcbekks: also, other newly created files stay there but these downloaded .class disappear15:26
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TdaugActionParsnip:  How can I check that?  I'm new to switching OSes..15:26
scratmandooanybody else used XBMC?15:27
Ex0deusi don't use dd as much as i should ... usually only to wipe the mbr for a new install15:27
frwgwrcorentin: I had tried that that won't work with the standard ntfs-3d, som issue with permissions&linked libraries15:27
bekksscratmandoo: I bet someone does.15:27
frwgwrso I thought udev might just do it15:27
corentinfrwgwr: oh you might need users to have permission on the mount point or something15:27
scratmandoolol, bekks, anybody in here used XBMC?15:27
Ex0deusi think guake is my new favorite terminal :P15:27
corentinfrwgwr: also they need to mount it for their own user with ntfs mount options iirc15:27
bekksscratmandoo: I bet someone did.15:27
bazhangscratmandoo, ask the real question15:27
blzscratmandoo, if you have XBMC questions, there's #xbmc and #xbmc-linux15:27
bekksscratmandoo: How about just starting to ask a specific question?15:27
T_A_N_Khello, why does the pulse audio monitor of main audio output not work?15:28
T_A_N_Ki have the output working just fine, but the monitor will not actually record it15:28
scratmandooThere's no specific question, I have no problem at all, just wondered whether anybody else has any opinions on it?15:28
bekksscratmandoo: Polls can be taken in #ubuntu-offtopic :)15:28
scratmandoolol, okaydoke15:29
darkelfjuggaloI just looked at my thumb drive on my debian, the one that I was using for the install...and it's empty15:29
blzHow can I select my USB speakers as default output through the command line?  Under Unity it's a simple matter of selecting them from a list in the "sound settings" menu, but I don't know how to do this in a non-graphical environment15:30
Ex0deusdarkelfjuggalo: have you tired using unetbootin to make a bootable usb install img?15:30
ActionParsnipTdaug: run:  chkdsk c: /r   then reboot windows15:30
kostkonblz, man pactl15:30
blzkostkon, any further hints?  =)  Which options should I be looking at?15:32
kostkonblz, doc is here http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/CLI15:32
kostkonblz, you'll figure it out ;)15:32
blzkostkon, cool thanks!15:32
TdaugActionParsnip:  After rebooting, do I go to windows or ubuntu?15:33
darkelfjuggaloi could not remember unetbootin, I used some other one that the ubuntu website linked to15:33
blzkostkon, out of curiosity... I was looking at aslamixer earlier.  What's the difference between pulseaudio and alsa and how can I know which to use in a given situation?15:33
frwgwrcorentin: I believe I had tried that, there was still some issue. I setup ntfs-3g to be set suid then, but still i did not work because it should be statically compiled then (at least if I remember the message correctly)15:33
kostkonblz, the output devices are called sinks, so you need to set the default sink15:33
blzkostkon, haha thanks that helps a lot! =)15:33
corentinfrwgwr: mount is already suid root afaik15:34
ActionParsnipTdaug: either15:34
corentinfrwgwr: have you tried to set uid,gid,umask ?15:34
kostkonblz, pulse sits of top of alsa. alsa communicates with the hardware, pulseaudio mostly replaces the default alsa software mixer, dmix, but also with more cool features15:34
TdaugActionParsnip:  And that should allow me to install ubuntu completely?15:35
Ex0deusanyone happen to know off hand how i can change the root username? or change the UID of root and another use to UID 0?15:35
frwgwrcorentin: yes, ntfs-3g kept mentioning something about security and being compiled dynamically15:35
internetN00bany one knows of a good alternative to Navicat?15:35
frwgwror something like that15:35
TinybirdEx0deus: seemingly the name "root" cannot be changed15:36
Ex0deusi don't believe that15:37
geirhaEx0deus: It can be changed, but it's pointless to do so15:37
MonkeyDustand potentially dangerous15:38
digitalmafiagordonjcp: i did dd but its taking too much time and cursor is blinking is sometimes and sometimes its stuck and also i forgot that bs=4M. the card is of 4GB capacity....how much time it should take ?15:38
ActionParsnipTdaug: it will ensure the NTFS is in order15:38
frwgwrcorentin: had to do with the stuff mentioned on http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-faq/#unprivileged if I remember correctly15:38
TdaugOK. I ran chkdsk.  I'll restart now.15:38
Ex0deusits not pointless... if someone WANTED to hack a box... looking to get root access... then it can't just be assumed that the root user is root15:38
darkelfjuggaloI did an md5sum check, but i have nothing to compare it to... the version is 12.04.1 the UbuntuHashes page only covers up to 12.0415:39
Ex0deusgranted all that needs happen is to escalate any given user to UID015:39
Ex0deussure you do...15:39
researcherWhat command do I type to authorise every user to read/write/execute each file in a directory  owned by root? Please help.15:39
MonkeyDustinternetN00b  there's this .tar file http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Navicat-Download-1510.html15:39
geirhaEx0deus: security by obscurity. You might slow them down 10 seconds15:40
Ex0deusat darkelfjuggalo you have the CLI tool compare ... man compare15:40
blzkostkon, tried `pactl list sinks` and I see my device (it's Sink #1 and it's name is alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo.  The state is described as SUSPENDED).  I then tried pactl set-default-sink 1 and also pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo15:40
corentinfrwgwr: oh ok then maybe it needs to be suid root, but since it's run by mount which already runs as root i'm wondering if it's really necessary, although it's fairly easy to check this point15:40
Tinybirdresearcher: chmod a+x *15:40
darkelfjuggalowhat is CLI?15:40
blzkostkon, both of those commands gave me "No valid command specified"15:40
Ex0deusgeirha: i agree15:40
blzkostkon, what am I doing wrong?15:40
Ex0deusdarkelfjuggalo: Command Line Interface15:40
MonkeyDustcommand line interface15:40
digitalmafiagordonjcp: i did dd but its taking too much time and cursor is blinking is sometimes and sometimes its stuck and also i forgot that bs=4M. the card is of 4GB capacity....how much time it should take ? ActionParsnip15:40
researcherTinybird: where do I tpe that? In that directory?15:40
geirhaEx0deus: There may be software that assume uid 0 has username root too, which in turn will break15:40
darkelfjuggalothats how I got the md5sum for the iso15:41
MonkeyDustdarkelfjuggalo  cli is command line interface, the terminal15:41
corentinfrwgwr: oh nevermind, it seems mount drop privileges before calling ntfs-3g so you're right15:41
Tinybirdresearcher: yes15:41
researcherTinybird: ok.Trying15:41
Ex0deushmm geirha ... i guess i hadn't thought of that either...15:41
corentinfrwgwr: still need all the mentioned requirement, plus user to mount the device with correction uid, gid, and umask15:41
minatuhi all15:41
minatuhi all15:41
kostkonblz, hmmm15:41
Ex0deusgeirha: i would guess software would look by uid... but i guess that is taking alot for granted...15:42
ensignavengerI have eleminated the global menu in 12.04, but I can't get rid of the top toolbar thingy- anyone know how to do that?15:42
frwgwrcorentin: I set ntfs-3g to be suid with dpkg-reconfigure, but it complained about the dynamic FUSE-security issue15:42
minatuI really want to have a lunar calendar in the existing indicator-date time.15:42
frwgwrso I believe to do it via fstab I'd need a custom ntfs-3g package15:42
minatuI got indicator-datetime source from launch pad15:42
corentinfrwgwr: is it compiled with integrated fuse support?15:43
corentinfrwgwr: if not then you'll need to compile it yourself15:43
minatuBut, I dont know how to touch indicator interface15:43
minatuWhich was displayed with a calendar.15:43
minatuPls, show me how to modify it.15:44
darkelfjuggalohow do I compare in Command Line? I used command line to find the md5sum for the given file15:44
geirhaEx0deus: Anyway, the procedure mainly involves editing passwd and shadow15:44
impizamy sound not working15:45
impizash: 1: inxi: not found15:45
frwgwrcorentin: could configuring udev solve this? I prefer not to need cutom compiled stuff in the base system15:45
minatudarkeljuggalo: you can use diff command15:45
Tinybirddarkelfjuggalo: diff15:45
Stranger^_-Hi i can some one help us? we need some help to click on this green vote button ("Stem") on this link: http://www.norgesstyggestekjokken.no/bidrag/583 we are trying to win this new kitchen, just take a look and u see we need this kitchen15:45
MonkeyDustStranger^_-  wrong channel15:45
corentinfrwgwr: if permission on the device itself is enough to solve your problem yes, otherwise i'm afraid not15:46
researcherTinybird: It did not help other user access it15:46
darkelfjuggalowhat, TinyBird?15:46
researcherTinybird: No success15:46
minatuplse help me to modify indicator-datetime15:46
corentinfrwgwr: if you chown your device to group users and then chmod it to 770, are you able to mount it as a normal user in the users group?15:46
kostkonblz, what happens if you give set-default-sink 0, which i assume is your already default onboard soundcard. does this work?15:46
Tinybirdresearcher: chmod o+x *15:46
Stranger^_-MonkeyDust i know this isent ubuntu relaited, but its alot of peps here, maby this gonna be some more ubuntu related, how to create a script in ubuntu that allows you to click on the vote button and afther the click it changes IP/Proxy from a list?15:47
researcherTinybird: trying15:47
frwgwrcorentin: thanks. I'll look into it when I have some more time15:47
frwgwrBye all!15:47
blzkostkon, same thing:  "No valid command specified"15:47
Tinybirddarkelfjuggalo: the command diff will be helpful15:47
impizamy sound not working15:47
blzkostkon, and btw, pactl is behaving strangely with list-sinks as well.  In fact, "pactl list-sinks" gives me the "no valid command" error, but "pactl list sinks" works =/15:48
MonkeyDustStranger^_-  better ask in a channel that covers the programming code you want to use15:48
minatuI want to intergate lunar calendar into indicator-datetime? Pls, show me where i shoud start?15:48
bazhang!audio | impiza15:48
ubottuimpiza: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:48
Stranger^_-MonkeyDust thx15:48
blzkostkon, which is strange considering that its manpage and the website you sent me list the command as being 'list-sinks'15:48
mikubuntucould someone help me with the commands described here to install this py based teleprompter :: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114005315:49
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kostkonblz, yes strange. then omit the dash altogether, try giving set default sink :/15:49
impizabazhang,  thanks15:49
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impizafixed it15:49
=== Guest86085 is now known as RealOpty
blzkostkon, yeah i tried that and I get the same error15:49
blzstrange, no?15:49
darkelfjuggaloand the help for that command is confusing the hell out of me15:50
kostkonblz, are you running ubuntu for example, 12.04, with a GUI?15:50
bazhangminatu, which lunar calendar? is there a package for that?15:50
researcherTinybird: I did this sudo chmod o+x * -R  in that directory15:50
blzkostkon, I'm running XBMCButnu, latest15:50
researcherTinybird: but I still cant access fiels as a certain usr.File executions need root privilege15:50
kostkonblz, hmmm. try then:  ps -A | grep pulse15:51
overcluckermikubuntu: what about the commands are you having trouble with?15:51
Tinybirdresearcher: that's confusing15:51
blzkostkon,  1412 ?        00:00:06 pulseaudio15:52
researcherTinybird: sudo chmod o+x * -R15:52
Tinybirdresearcher: try ls -lah and feed back your result15:52
darkelfjuggalook nvm I found a list of MD5SUMs for 12.04.1 in a different location... what I have matches that list15:52
kostkonblz, you can install pavucontrol if you want.15:52
mikubuntuoverclucker: first, i don't know how to cd or where to cd to, and i'm unsure the last command if it includes the last line?15:52
kostkonblz, it wouldn't heart. i assume that xbmcbuntu doesnt come with gnome's sound prefs.15:53
blzkostkon, is that a graphical app?15:53
blzkostkon, no, it doesn't.   No desktop environment or WM15:53
kostkonblz, ok then :/15:53
darkelfjuggaloHow do I write directly to a USB stick in command line?15:54
blzkostkon, it should basically be treated as a server-install15:54
blzdarkelfjuggalo, dd15:54
blzdarkelfjuggalo, more specifically, 'dd if=/path/to/stream of=/dev/sd*'15:54
blzdarkelfjuggalo, but reading the manpage probably wouldn't hurt when using a low-level command like that.15:55
MonkeyDustdarkelfjuggalo  mount the usb stick and then write to it -- sudo mount /dev/blah some_folder_you_created15:55
mrsunalright, got ubuntu 12.04 LTS and with latest chromium and flash updates the interface of youtube videos etc has started to freeze up until i move the mouse and is very annoying, anyone know a fix for this? :)15:55
researcherTinybird: Please help here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1277145/15:55
mikubuntuoverclucker: i'm just not proficient, and i need an overseer to help me through15:55
kostkonblz, pactl on my 10.04 actually doesn't offer the set-default-sink set-default-source options15:55
kostkonblz, what version of ubuntu is xmbcubuntu based on?15:56
blz12.04, I believe?15:56
mrsunthe version is realy an older version that ive updated to 12.0415:56
MonkeyDustdarkelfjuggalo  usually, the usb stick is mounted in /media15:56
wols researcher why are these files owned by root?15:56
blzkostkon, can you remind me what the command is to check the version?15:56
overcluckermikubuntu: I'm guessing you may have downloaded it to ~/Downloads directory. try: 'ls ~/Downloads' to see if your downloaded file is there.15:56
kostkonblz, lsb_release -a15:56
researcherwols: After recovery from crash15:57
blzkostkon, 11.10.  Good thing I checked!15:57
kostkonblz, hmm15:57
researcherPlease help me here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1277145/15:57
wolsresearcher: no, that doesn't expalin it. you want to chown them to the "niku" user. all of them15:57
blzkostkon, maybe I'm not using the right command?15:57
researcherwols: yes15:57
mikubuntuoverclucker: nope, cause i'm not even sure which file(s) to download from http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/PyBookReader15:58
kostkonblz, or maybe that option is not there :/15:58
wolsresearcher: what you wrote in that paste, what you want to do is wrong15:58
Tinybirdresearcher: do as wols said15:58
ncfi1013__what is the simplest command to force delete directory files?15:58
kostkonblz, give:  pactl --help15:58
llutzncfi1013__: rm -rf foo              be carefull, it won't ask15:58
kostkonblz, and see if it lists set-default-sink as an available ooption15:58
wolsncfi1013__: rm -rf <directory>  but be very very careful with this command: no confirmation, it just deletes15:58
researcherwols: kindly help.Im not expert. I want anu user to acess every file in /niku15:58
MonkeyDustresearcher  'everything for everyone' is chmod 77715:59
wolsresearcher: I won't help you break your system even more than it already is15:59
wolsresearcher: and it's not a crash which did this but probably a command you ran15:59
researcherwols: then what do I do?15:59
wolsyou chown all the files in this directory to niku. I already told you that15:59
overcluckermikubuntu: the most recent version seems to be on the sourceforge link.16:00
mikubuntuoverclucker: not here? http://pybookreader.narod.ru/download.html16:00
researcherwols: how to type that command?16:00
blzkostkon, hmm I don't see set-default-sink... Here's the output, in case you see something I don't:  http://hastebin.com/sokibofawe.cpp16:00
wolsresearcher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions#Changing_the_File_Owner_and_Group16:00
Npci'm trying to change my wifi-driver because wifi has been working quite badly16:00
wolsNpc: which wlan chip?16:01
MonkeyDustwols  better don't mess with permissions etc, if you don't know what you are doing, which is obviously the case16:01
ncfi1013__what i want specifically is to delete folders inside of a particular directory but not the main directory16:01
wolsMonkeyDust: be careful :)16:01
MonkeyDustwols  that was for researcher16:01
overcluckermikubuntu: that page only has up to version 0.4.11, while sourceforge has up to version 0.516:01
wolsMonkeyDust: he already did. that's why he has this problem right now16:01
NpcNetwork controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)16:01
Npcwols: ^16:02
mikubuntuoverclucker: ok, i downloaded (to downloads) 0.516:02
Npcso i tried following this http://unixblogger.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/the-pain-of-an-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-ethernet-card/16:02
wolsNpc: and which driver do you want instead of the default one?16:02
Npci downloaded from realtek's homepage a driver16:02
mikubuntuoverclucker: and i have a terminal open16:02
wolsoh. vendor provided ones. ick16:02
researchercan anybody tell me how to login  as a root from command line>16:02
darkelfjuggalois there supposed to be an sd* for the memory Stick? or do I call it PENDRIVE since that is what it is named?16:02
overcluckermikubuntu: cd to ~/Downloads and tar -xvf PyBook<tab>16:03
Tinybirdresearcher: su16:03
wolsdarkelfjuggalo: there is a sd* yes. you don't want to rename it and it shouldn't be necessary either16:03
Npcbut that blog is for some other driver16:03
mikubuntuoverclucker: i don't know the command to cd16:03
Npcand things get different16:03
MonkeyDustdarkelfjuggalo  plug the usb stick in the pc, then type sudo fdisk -l to see its dev-name16:03
wolsNpc: what is the actual problem you encounter?16:03
overcluckermikubuntu: cd ~/Downloads16:03
Npcwols: when i'm in university network the connection is very unstable and after a moment starts only disconnecting and connecting16:04
kostkonblz, damn. stupid of me. give: pacmd and then try to give set-default-sink 1 in there. then type exit.16:04
DaemonicApathyAny clue as to the easiest way to overclock an i7-2670QM in Ubuntu?16:04
Npcwols: i have dualboot and performance under windows is not that bad16:04
wolsDaemonicApathy: you simply don't. overclocking laptops always ends in tears and bills16:05
wolsNpc: the problem installing the driver. not the problem with the wlan chip itself16:05
mikubuntuoverclucker: ok, so now term says:   ~/Downloads$16:05
darkelfjuggalomy fdisk: I'm not aure which one is the USB http://pastebin.com/uyqAWiBU16:05
Npc    insmod ./src/r8168.ko16:05
Npcyou insert the new kernel module (the driver) into the kernel.16:05
DaemonicApathyAww...ok. Thanks, wols.16:05
Npci don't know what i should do with this driver16:05
wolsNpc: bad idea. you have compiled the module and that .ko file exists?16:06
Npcto accomplish that thing above16:06
mikubuntuoverclucker: what about dependencies?16:06
overcluckermikubuntu: tar -xf PyBook<tab>  the tab should autocomplete the rest of the file name16:06
overcluckermikubuntu: we'll get to that next16:06
Npcwols: i have some different name .ko files as this is a different driver16:06
blzkostkon, it accepts the command, but nothing seems to have changed16:06
Npcand they are located in different place16:06
kostkonblz, you need to test it. try playing smthing16:06
wolsNpc: you have a .ko module?16:07
kostkonblz, and see if it comes out of your usb speakers16:07
wolsNpc: and if yes: what's the filename?16:07
blzblz, yeah that's what I'm doing16:07
blzsound is still coming out of the onboard speakers16:07
kostkonblz, right16:07
kostkonblz, hmm16:07
Npcwols: i got rtl8192se/rtl8192se.ko16:08
mikubuntuoverclucker: bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'16:08
blzkostkon, interestingly enough, there's now an asterisk next to 'index 1' when I output list-sinks16:08
blzkostkon, but that sink is listed as suspended...16:08
kostkonblz, hmm16:08
mikubuntuoverclucker: still at ~/Downloads$16:08
blzkostkon, shall I try suspend-sink 1 0?16:08
kostkonblz, is your speakers on? :P16:08
wolsNpc: go to your kernel version directory under /lib/modules/3* for your current kernel16:08
blzkostkon, haha good call... let's check!16:09
overcluckermikubuntu: if you've run the tar -xvf command, next: cd PyBook<tab><enter>16:09
Npcwols: what next?16:09
wolsNpc: when you are there, you further go down into drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se  that's where you copy your new rtl8192se.ko file you compiled yourself16:10
blzkostkon, yeah they're on.  In fact, the volume/mute controls on the speakers seem to work!16:10
wolsNpc: then run sudo depmod -a16:10
blzkostkon, and when I unplug the speakers all sound stopps16:10
kostkonblz, so it works??16:10
mikubuntuoverclucker: tar -xvf OR tar -xf  ??16:10
blzkostkon, well, no... still no sound coming out...16:11
blzthe sound is coming out of the onboard speakers, not the USB speakers I'm trying to set up16:11
daydreamerhi everybody16:11
codemaniacmikubuntu: v option is for verbose output16:11
intraderAnyone, at the end of my rope. I find a sups print server with and HP printer  to which I can connect via the web and print a test page. In the printers applet I enter ipp://, but when I print a test page it goes to the localhost which is not correct16:11
blzkostkon, here's the list-sinks output:  http://hastebin.com/kohinowine.avrasm16:11
TJ-Npc: When the Wifi was behaving badly, was it in a network with more than one Access Point?16:11
blzkostkon, wait... crap... now index 1 disappeared16:12
overcluckermikubuntu: i figured you would want to know that the command actually ran instead of silent output.16:12
NpcTJ-: yes16:12
TJ-Npc: Then see this bug. You may not be alone (unfortunately I don't see any definite fix, although there appears to be a workaround) bug/100020816:13
kostkonblz, unplug and plug in the speakers again16:13
TJ-Npc bug 100020816:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000208 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "wifi network get disconnected periodically -- Realtek RTL8191SEvA" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100020816:13
blzkostkon, it came back:  http://hastebin.com/gawubonawa.avrasm16:13
blzkostkon, it's listed as index 2 now =/16:13
ahmedipaQuestion1 I want to running windows 7 under ubuntu 12.0416:14
mikubuntuoverclucker: so, i don't know if i've 'run' it or not -- i put in the terminal:   tar -xf PyBook<tab> and so i guess that's the silent one?  its back to a prompt of ~/Downloads$16:14
ahmedipawhat is best way to do it ?16:14
bazhangahmedipa, then use virtualbox16:14
SkippersBossvirtual box16:14
kostkonblz, try: set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo16:14
robdehello, i don’t know much about linux .. what should the permissions of my home folder be on a server with many users? right now it’s 711.16:14
overcluckermikubuntu: silent means that it ran successfully. next: cd PyBook<tab><enter>16:15
ahmedipabazhang: I have virtualbox16:15
kostkonblz, and then try: set-sink-input-mute 016:15
bazhangahmedipa, then install windows as a virtual machine in it16:15
kostkonblz, eeer set-sink-input-mute alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo 016:15
wolsrobde: that's alright16:16
ahmedipabazhang: I have already installed windows 716:16
blzkostkon did you mean set-sink-input-mute 0 0 ?16:16
blzkostkon, because it's complaining that it can't parse the index16:16
ahmedipajust I want to control windows7 inside ubuntu16:16
mikubuntuoverclucker: so now prompt is:  ~/Downloads/PyBookReader -0.5.0$16:16
kostkonblz, like this? set-sink-input-mute 0 alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo16:16
blzkostkon, "failed to parse mute switch"16:17
overcluckermikubuntu: from this point on, i am going to give you modified install instructions, so that PyBookReader will show up as an installed package in your package manager.16:17
mikubuntuoverclucker: you're the boss of me16:17
blzgood god this is weird...16:17
overcluckermikubuntu: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev python-gtk2-dev checkinstall16:17
kostkonblz, then try either set-sink-input-mute 0 2 or set-sink-input-mute 2 016:18
ahmedipabazhang: http://img4host.net/upload/1318182850799454d38a9.png16:18
blzI get either "failed to parse mute switch" or "no sink input found with this index"16:18
ahmedipabazhang: this is the problem that I face16:19
intraderAnyone listening, the local cups server on the ubuntu box is capable of issuing a test page and reach the cups server at So why does the print command from application not reach the printer?16:19
mikubuntuoverclucker: wow, does that seem right, over 62 mb to install?  (its installing)16:19
robdewols: somebody claimed that he had reading access to my home directory16:19
robdewols: or the webserver directory, I think (it’s 740)16:20
blzkostkon, however doing 'suspend-sink 0 1' seems to function, although my video lags like crazy until i reset it with 'suspend-sink 0 0'16:20
overcluckermikubuntu: that's right.16:20
harushimoI installed ssh on my ubuntu machine. I get a connection timed out message16:20
harushimowhat do I need to check for?16:20
wolsrobde: not with 711. he might be able to list content tho. you can always set it to 700 if you want to16:21
mikubuntuoverclucker: ok, now back to prompt of:   ~/Downloads/PyBookReader -0.5.0$16:21
TJ-harushimo: Did you install "openssh-server" ?16:21
wolsharushimo: dpkg -l |grep ssh|grep server16:21
kostkonblz, hmm. turn it on again, then run top or htop if you can16:21
overcluckermikubuntu: sudo checkinstall python setup.py install16:21
wolsharushimo: sudo netstat -anp |grep LIST   check if something (sshd) listens at port 2216:21
TJ-harushimo: And when you connect from another machine on the same network you get connection timed out? I'd suspect a firewall preventing incoming connections on the SSH-server PC16:21
robdewols: do I need to set the permissions to all enclosed files too? or only the home folder itself?16:22
harushimoI open up the port16:22
blzkostkon, I think my pulseaudio daemon crashed when I exited pacmd ...16:22
mikubuntuoverclucker: Should I create a default set of package docs? Y?16:22
kostkonblz, :/16:22
TJ-harushimo: As wols said - check that the process is listening.16:22
blzkostkon, how would I restart it?16:22
blzmaybe i'll just reboot the whole damn thing16:22
wolsrobde: only home folder. the user has its own settings for file permissions (umask)16:22
kostkonblz, it should have restarted by itself?16:23
overcluckermikubuntu: yup, it's also ok to leave an empty description (just press enter)16:23
blzkostkon, I'm just going to restart it16:23
kostkonblz, otherwise, try killing it:  pulseaudio -k and then starting it again:  pulseaudio -D16:23
blzaah too late... I just hit the reboot switch16:24
mikubuntuoverclucker: where is that description, in the app menu you mean?16:24
blzI'll keep that in mind, though16:24
harushimoI got sshd running in the background16:24
harushimoI just check my processes16:24
TJ-harushimo: Can you connect to it locally? From the same PC?16:24
overcluckermikubuntu: it will show up in the package information, if you were to view it in synaptic, or type apt-cache search pybookreader16:25
mikubuntuoverclucker: if there's a way to have the description (Teleprompter) i guess that would be best16:25
kostkonblz, try listing the sinks, check the indexes and then run the suspend cmd against the usb speakers not the onboard card like you did above16:25
whoeverhi all,  my mouse clicks seem to randomly stop getting registerd by ubuntu. I have tried both a wireless and a wired mouse. I am on 12.04, and have also tried dist-upgrade, and I still have the same prob can someone assist16:25
harushimowould do you mean locally from the same pc?16:25
Last-Zerohey there16:25
mikubuntuoverclucker: so just enter y for now, correct?16:25
harushimoI am using the same pc to run my test16:26
harushimoit should work16:26
blzkostkon, I believe I already tried that.  Let me do it again real quick, though16:26
harushimodo I need to change something in the config file16:26
overcluckeruntil it asks you if you want to include optional files,16:26
kostkonblz, although it says:  state: SUSPENDED suspend cause: IDLE which is normal i believe16:26
blzkostkon, hmm looks like I broke something16:26
kostkonblz, you arent getting any sound at all?16:27
blzI'm getting pa_context_connect() failed:  Connection refused16:27
kostkonblz, damn16:27
blzkostkon, actually X isn't even starting up =/16:27
kostkonblz, ok, just delete your .pulse folder16:27
kostkonblz, then reboot again maybe16:28
mikubuntuoverclucker: ok, so now its asking:  Please write a description for the package.  End your description with an empty line or EOF.  So here I enter 'Teleprompter'?  (enter) ?16:28
overcluckermikubuntu: there are soem files that were needed to build it, but do not need to be installed, so make sure to answer correctly when asked about them16:28
wolsharushimo: telnet 22    what do you see?16:28
overcluckermikubuntu: yes just press enter16:28
harushimoI'm doing that right now16:28
harushimogive me sec16:28
harushimoI get command not found16:29
harushimolike this: 22?16:29
whoeverharushimo: are you asking me ? or talking to someone else16:29
bekksharushimo: "telnet 22"16:29
wolsharushimo: I gave you a netstat command earlier, what is the output of that?16:30
blzkostkon, ok seems to be back to square 1, which is goo =)16:30
harushimotcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      18760/sshd16:30
harushimoits running. I'm just curious why i can't connect16:30
kostkonblz, yes. try again to set your usb speakers as the default sink16:30
bekksBecause it is running vor IPv6 ONLY.16:31
bekksEdit the sshd_config and disable the IPv6 startup, restart sshd.16:31
blzkostkon, hmm so I just noticed something16:31
blzthe usb speakers won't show up in list-sinks unless I enable them in alsamixer first16:31
bekksharushimo: ^^16:31
kostkonblz, what do you mean enable?16:31
harushimomy sentiments exactly16:31
blzkostkon, I don't know if that's of any significance for us, but it would be nice not to have to do that ever time I reboot =/16:31
Sahtimoanyone here who knows how to disable activity led on logitech c510 webcam? i am using ubuntu 12.04 cli16:31
blzkostkon, I type `alsamixer` then F6, then I select them from the menu that shows up16:32
bekksharushimo: In the /etc/ssh/sshd_config: ListenAddress
blzkostkon, actually... nvm.  It seems as though they just take a few minutes to start showing up16:32
kostkonblz, hmmm16:32
mikubuntuoverclucker: http://imagebin.org/23184116:32
blzkostkon, if you don't mind, I'm going to reboot and not touch it for 2 or 3 minutes16:32
bekksharushimo: EVERY other line containing ListenAddress should be prefixed with #16:32
kostkonblz, no prob here16:32
madjoehi! I installed conky 1.9.0 from my Ubuntu Software Center, but when I "conky -v" it says it's still 1.8.1... any clues?16:32
blzkostkon, ok, brb then =)16:33
harushimoyeah it is16:33
harushimoi'm using a port forwarding service like dyndns.org. I've setup it before16:34
overcluckermikubuntu: that looks good. we wont worry about the setting dependencies or conflicts.16:34
harushimoi don't why this doesn't work16:34
mikubuntuoverclucker: so just ENTER?16:34
bekksharushimo: Forget your forwarding for a moment. Did you restart sshd now?16:34
overcluckermikubuntu: yup16:34
harushimono I haven't16:34
harushimorestart sshd right?16:34
bekksharushimo: sudo service sshd restart16:35
ahmedipahi how to control ( windows 7 which is installed already ) inside ubuntu16:36
bekksahmedipa: How to control _what_ inside Ubuntu?16:36
mikubuntuoverclucker: Some of the files created by the installation are inside the home directory: /home ... You probably don't want them to be included in the package.  Do you want me to list them? [n] :16:36
ActionParsnipahmedipa: how do you mean 'control'?16:36
harushimosudo service sshd restart16:36
harushimosshd: unrecognized service16:36
harushimoI got this error16:36
ActionParsnipharushimo: sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:36
harushimoI did16:36
harushimoits the newest version16:37
overcluckermikubuntu: press enter or type no to that16:37
ActionParsnipharushimo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install openssh-server16:37
ahmedipabekks: windows 716:37
ActionParsnipahmedipa: how do you mean 'control'?16:37
blzkostkon, ok I'm back with the verdict:  it just takes a few minutes for the usb device to show up in list-sinks16:37
MonkeyDustahmedipa  mount the windows 7 partition if you want to write to it16:37
mikubuntuoverclucker: Should I exclude them from the package?  (Saying yes is a good idea)  [n]:16:38
bekksharushimo: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart16:38
overcluckermikubuntu: answer yes16:38
bekksharushimo: The openssh-server is already installed since you have a /etc/ssh/sshd_config16:38
ActionParsnipahmedipa: if you used wubi, you can access the files at /host16:38
wolsbekks: that doesn't follow16:38
ActionParsnipahmedipa: access to the files isn't really controlling it though16:38
mikubuntuoverclucker: just 'y' correct?16:38
bekkswols: ?16:38
kostkonblz, that's not so bad, i guess16:39
wolsbekks: you can have that config file without any ssh package installed16:39
overcluckermikubuntu: either y or yes should work16:39
blzkostkon, yeah it rather simplifies things16:39
blzkostkon, so anyway, what did you want me to try next?16:39
bekkswols: HE has a running sshd instance listening on IPv6 ...16:39
bekkswols: So I guess that package is installed.16:39
kostkonblz, try setting it as the default sink again, then play something16:39
wolsbekks: apt-get install openssh-server;apt-get remove openssh-server. no you have the file but not ssh server16:39
bekkswols: And harushimo has a running sshd instance, too.16:40
harushimotrust me16:40
tf81_netbookin xubuntu where do i set my displays to be independent? only options i see are cloned, or one or the other16:40
harushimothis is always happen with ssh16:40
harushimosomehow I figured it out and then I forget it16:40
ActionParsnipahmedipa: how do you mean 'control'?16:40
harushimothis time I'm writing it down16:40
bekksharushimo: Did you restart your ssh now?16:41
mikubuntuoverclucker: says its done, but i don't find it in the menu anywhere under 'PyBookReader' or 'Teleprompter'16:41
bekksharushimo: If so, run and pastebin the netstat command from above again16:42
harushimogot it16:42
overcluckermikubuntu: you can start the program with pybr, it should already be installed16:42
harushimoone sec16:42
ahmedipaI mean http://www.ubuntututorials.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/rdpubuntu2-400x352.png16:42
blzkostkon, HOLY SH*T SUCCESS!16:42
blzkostkon, What did we do differently?16:42
kostkonblz, :P16:42
blzkostkon, and more importantly, how do I make these changes persistent?16:43
kostkonblz, the question is: is it gonna survive a reboot :P16:43
blzkostkon, and *most* importantly thanks you so very much!16:43
kostkonblz, try rebooting :P16:43
blzkostkon, alright. reboot.... ACTIVATE!16:43
blzkostkon, first piece of bad news...16:43
mikubuntuoverclucker: also it says it's been installed to:  /home/mikubuntu/Downloads/PyBookReader-0.5.0/pybookreader_0.5.0-1_i386.deb    .... does this mean if i delete my 'Downloads' file it will be lost?16:43
ActionParsnipahmedipa: there is a way to make an installed OS run in Vbox, it is known to cause data corruption and games will not run16:43
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blzkostkon, ...exiting pacmd crashes pulseaudio16:44
kostkonblz, lets hope you wont need to run it again ;P16:44
blzyeah, you're right16:44
harushimothis is from netstat command16:45
blzkostkon, although I suspect I'll have to delete the .pulse directory again...16:45
cluefulcan anyone tell me how to run a command as a service (python -m Pyro4.naming) which is a python remote object server in this case, ideally on startup16:45
bekksharushimo: Line 6. You have a running sshd for IPv4 now.16:45
bekksNow just connect to it.16:45
ahmedipaActionParsnip: I found this link16:46
mikubuntuoverclucker: so i launched with terminal, but when i close the terminal the program closed16:46
harushimoI've always had sshd for IPV416:46
ahmedipaActionParsnip: but this run ubuntu16:46
bekksharushimo: No, you didnt. Thats whats you said.16:46
harushimoif I confused you, I'm so sorry16:46
harushimono no16:46
overcluckermikubuntu: you may want to save the .deb file somewhere. it's been installed on your system, so removing the directory wont remove it from your system, but if you want to install the package you created at another time you may want to keep the deb16:47
harushimoI have version for IPv416:47
harushimoI'm sorry for the confusion16:47
harushimoIPv4 vs IPv6 matter16:47
MonkeyDustahmedipa  what goes wrong when you follow that tutorial?16:47
blzkostkon, ok so the changes are most definitely *not* persistent16:47
Sahtimosomeone say my nick, im testing hilight16:47
harushimothat is my fault. I messed up16:48
kostkonblz, did at least it boot ok?16:48
blzkostkon, yeah it booted just fine =)16:48
ahmedipaMonkeyDust: this run ubuntu instead of windows 716:49
Guest90019Hi there, i have a laptop with a broadcom wireless 8.01/11n but the backtrack don't recognize the drivers. How can i do to install them ? I'm not really using ubuntu, i'm trying backtrack. I download jockey-gtk to search for drivers but it doesn't find anything. However, Linux Mint detects and activats it.16:49
ahmedipaMonkeyDust: I think the problem from ip16:49
mikubuntuoverclucker: i guess i should try it out for a while to make sure its what i need (not too many open source choices out there i found) before attaching it to the menu?16:49
kostkonblz, ill just say becuase it takes some time for the speakers to be recognised by pulse, pulse set as the default sink the 2nd available device, your onboard16:49
ahmedipaMonkeyDust:  ip of ubuntu such as windows 716:49
blzkostkon, my theory as well =)16:49
darkelfjuggaloand once more 'linuximage.bin' missing or corrupt16:49
kostkonblz, try uplugging and pluggin in the speakers and then try to play smthing16:49
MonkeyDustahmedipa  start from the beginning, what were you doing and what went wrong, before you came here16:50
ActionParsnipahmedipa: in a dual boot, the other OS isn't running16:50
ActionParsnipahmedipa: so there is no IP of Windows16:50
blzkostkon, even though they're listed in pactl list sinks?16:50
deanfxIs it possible to allow remote connections w/ control via SSH? I have SSH access to my linux VPS but cannot remote/VNC in. Any ideas?16:51
overcluckermikubuntu: that sounds like a good idea. since you used checkinstall to install the python source package the debian way, you can remove it easily with sudo dpkg -r pybookreader if you decide to uninstall it.16:51
ActionParsnip!vnc | deanfx16:52
ubottudeanfx: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:52
cthulhu2Wubi installation v/s dedicated ubuntu, what would be the performance difference?16:52
kostkonblz, yeah, no problem with that. you can hot-plug and unplug audio devices at will, pulseaudio uses udev to check for any changes on the status of your connected audio devices16:52
deanfxActionParsnip, I know that, but I cannot allow remote connections without GUI access...I only have CLI16:52
ActionParsnipdeanfx: what will they be doing once the get the desktop accessible?16:52
mikubuntuoverclucker: thanks a lot for the help -- now i have to figure out how to load text to it.  i appreciate.16:52
blzkostkon, mmk16:52
deanfxIt is for me16:52
deanfxIt's a VPS16:53
overcluckermikubuntu: you're welcome.16:53
MonkeyDustcthulhu2  wubi is only a pseudo-installation to make yoy familiar with the ubuntu interface16:53
ActionParsnipdeanfx: could use X forwarding, you can run the apps you want (securely) and they will show on the client system16:53
blzkostkon, ok so now it's showing up, but as Sink #216:53
kostkonblz, yeah, does it have the asterisk next to it?16:53
blzkostkon, let me just check the pacmd for an asterisk16:53
cthulhu2MonkeyDust: Wubi packs the entire filesystem and everthing into an image right? So shouldn't the performance difference be only at boot?16:53
wolscthulhu2: it needs to access that image everytime you do an operation on disk. it will always be a lot slower16:54
blzkostkon, nope, the default went back to the onboard card16:54
kostkonblz, daaaamn16:54
cthulhu2wols: It is not decompressed completely at boot?16:54
blzkostkon, I know, right?!16:55
darkelfjuggaloI've attempted to make a USB Installer for ubuntu 12.04.01 for a 64-bit Toshiba Satelite Laptop more than once...the desktop iso claims the linuximage.bin is missing or corrupt, and the alternate iso fails at several steps of the install16:55
intraderAnyone listening, the local cups server on the ubuntu box is capable of issuing a test page and reach the cups server at So why does the print command from application not reach the printer?16:56
ActionParsnipdarkelfjuggalo: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:56
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MonkeyDustcthulhu2  wubi is an installation inside windows, so to say -- better install ubuntu on its own partition, independent of windows16:57
mikubuntuoverclucker: so could you help me set up a file/folder where i could keep text files for the prompter?  or should it accept libre office files?16:57
cthulhu2MonkeyDust: Yes, I understand. I just wanted to know how Wubi actually works.16:58
kostkonblz, try this one liner: pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-1130_USB_AUDIO-00-AUDIO.analog-stereo16:59
vedicWhat would you recommend for a server? 10.04 or 12.04?16:59
blzkostkon, mmk16:59
vedicFrom security and reliability point of view16:59
ActionParsnipvedic: Precise is supported longer, there will also be a later kernel which will have some extra nicenesses in.17:00
kostkonvedic, 12.04 server will be supported until 2017, 10.04 until 201517:00
ahmedipasorry I feel that I want to go17:00
ahmedipalater I will chat about it17:01
darkelfjuggaloYes Action, I Md5 the test the desktop download, then MD5 lined up with what ubuntu says it should be17:01
ActionParsnipahmedipa: the only way you can do it is with virtualbox17:01
kostkonblz, if it works, at least you can do it manually every time you boot your system, or maybe make a bash script that does it for you17:01
blzkostkon, it's possible to set on-startup cronjobs, right?17:02
mikubuntuoverclucker: thanks for help -- i'll consult with the developer about use.17:02
vedickostkon: So there is no rush to update it to 12.04. I think server reliablity if more important17:02
ActionParsnipblz: yes, use the @boot syntax17:02
blzActionParsnip, cool, thanks!17:02
ActionParsnipblz: or it may be @startup   something like that17:02
intraderAnyone listening, the local cups server (localhost at  on the ubuntu box is capable of issuing a test page and reach the cups server at So why does the print command from application not reach the printer?17:03
kostkonblz, i suppose so. the only thing youll need to make sure is that your script sleeps for a considerable time (2-3mins?) before calling the set default sink cmd17:03
darkelfjuggaloim about to unetbootin 10.04 and let it upgrade after install is complete, if unetbootin screws up then I'm out of options that I know are available to me17:03
blzkostkon, right right17:04
blzok let's give it a shot17:04
arkiverI want to install autoCAD on ubuntu. But I think it runs only on windows and Mac :'( So Would it be a good idea to install it in wine ?17:05
tozen_hi people! how can i change mplayer's window size by keyboard? thx17:05
bazhang!appdb | arkiver17:05
ubottuarkiver: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:05
blzkostkon, ok the one-liner works17:06
blzkostkon, would be nice to get rid of that lag, though =/17:06
islandmonkeyarkhiver: Nope: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2366017:06
islandmonkeyarkiver: Nope: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2366017:06
kostkonblz, not a clue about that :/17:06
kostkonblz, it could be anything17:07
blzkostkon, well you've done more than your fair share!17:07
blzThank you so much!17:07
islandmonkeyarkiver: Given a rating of 'garbage'17:07
kostkonblz, no prob17:07
tozen_knock knock!! does somebody hear me?17:07
bazhangtozen_, the mplayer cli? or the gui17:08
kostkonblz, try connecting the speakers to a difference port for a start ;)  preferably a port on the back of the pc17:08
darkelfjuggaloarkhiver: you are likely better off creating a Virtual machine with Windows as the Host Virtual Box is a good option for this17:09
blzkostkon, what would that change?17:09
darkelfjuggaloWindows as the Client17:09
islandmonkey^ or do that, if you have a Windows disc lying around17:10
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/mencoder.1.html    tozen_17:10
h0lyc0dewow I haven't seen a Windows machine since 199517:10
bazhanglook near the bottom for the correct switches tozen_17:10
kostkonblz, sometimes it makes a difference. especially usb ports that are at the front, tend to be on the weak side as far as wattage or whatever is concerned17:10
arkiverdarkelfjuggalo, But if I have to use use autocad for commercial purposes, I'll have to buy a copy of windows too right ?17:10
blzkostkon, ok.  I'll give it a shot.17:11
darkelfjuggaloarkiver: not necessarily... it's better to be safe, but I don't see why option for downloading windows ISO here I cant varify how well they work though http://www.mydigitallife.info/download-windows-7-iso-official-32-bit-and-64-bit-direct-download-links/17:12
tozen_bazhang, thx mate!17:12
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darkelfjuggaloarkiver: I don't see why...beacuse you're not making money off the microsoft product17:13
happyguys how can we create infrastructure wlan connection?17:14
TJ-happy: Use "hostapd" to create an Access Point17:14
arkiverdarkelfjuggalo, Hmm.. Guess I'll have to RTFM the terms and condition of use of autoCAD for commercial purposes17:15
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happymate hostapd doesnot support ma wlan driver17:15
darkelfjuggalomight be your best option.17:17
happyney alternatives to hostapd?17:17
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TJ-happy: which wifi device is it?17:18
happybroadcom 802.1117:18
happydriver name wl17:18
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TJ-happy: which device, though. Broadcom make *lots* of 802.11 chipsets!17:18
happydid not get u?17:20
AminosAmigosHello :) i am installing ubuntu 12.04 on a 4Go ram i think i won't need swap right ?17:20
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h0lyc0dearkiver, BrisCAD is a good alternative to AutoCAD17:20
MonkeyDustAminosAmigos  better have it available, you can enable or disable it at will17:21
islandmonkeyhappy: What is the *exact* product name of your wlan chipset17:21
ActionParsniph0lyc0de: http://www.osalt.com/autocad17:21
ActionParsniph0lyc0de: source: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=AutoCAD+ubuntu+alternative17:21
h0lyc0deI'll take a look at that17:22
ActionParsnip!broadcom | happy17:22
ubottuhappy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:22
AminosAmigosi ll leave it up to the installer :D17:22
happyhostapd doest supports BCM4313 i guess??17:24
islandmonkeyhappy: Let me check, I appear to have that card17:25
AminosAmigosi need to save the output of running a software in debugging mode " ubuntu-tweak -d > debug.txt" didn't work :/17:26
trismAminosAmigos: if it writes to stderr you might want: ubuntu-tweak -d &> debug.txt; to grab both17:27
ActionParsnipAminosAmigos: does ubuntu-tweak have a '-d' switch?17:27
islandmonkeyor 2&>117:27
ActionParsniphi jan7717:27
TJ-happy: According to the linux-wireless developers, the driver for the BCM4313 doesn't support AP mode yet. See http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm8021117:27
AminosAmigosyeah they told me with there twitter account17:28
happyney alternative to hostapd?17:29
jan77my usb-soundcard won't play me the bass channel everytime I play a new stream until I shortly switch to the internal soundcard and back to the usb one. how can I fix this?17:29
TdaugActionParsnip:  So, the NTSF partition was healthy.  No problems there.17:29
AminosAmigosthanks @trism && islandmonkey17:29
TJ-happy: I've just told you. The driver *does not* support AP mode17:30
arkiverIn ubuntu 12.04, on pressing the alt button, a "enter command" box pops up. How to uninstall it, or disable it ?17:31
happyprb z ma xperia S doesnot detects adhoc networks so i wanna make infrastructure network as to share ma usb net connection17:33
ActionParsniparkiver: its called the HUD17:33
ActionParsniparkiver: you can disable it with ubuntu-tweak17:33
sharp15is there an official ubuntu repository that contains the 'Google Voice and Video Plugin' .deb files (64-bit)?17:34
TJ-happy: I'm afraid you'll need to use a different WiFi device that has a driver that does support AP (infrastructure) or Ad-Hoc mode17:34
TdaugActionParsnip:  I was thinking, would it just be easier to uninstall Ubuntu from my machine, and re-install it as the default, overwritting Windows completely?17:34
puppy_paradehmm, I've noticed recently that makimizing windows is pausing for a second17:34
puppy_paradeit didn't used to do this.17:34
happyso its quite complicated17:35
Purian23I too am trying to install 12.04 from a usb atm17:35
ActionParsnipTdaug: possibly, if you use Win7 you can resize your NTFS and install to the freed space17:35
Purian23It's saying no root system is defined, please correct this from partioning menu17:35
TdaugActionParsnip: How can I do that?17:35
ActionParsnipPurian23: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:35
happypurian23 put a /17:36
Purian23I just formated them in Fat3217:36
ActionParsnipTdaug: windows disk manager17:36
ActionParsnipPurian23: ahh, you need to set a partition as /17:36
happyyup put /17:36
tgaryHi! How can I setup to switch between workspaces by scrolling on the desktop?17:36
Purian23ActionParsnip while defining it, im on the setup, and I have Zero OS's installed at the moment?17:37
thor_guys I have a question, I installed 3 months ago ubuentu 12.04 32bits, but now it is running the 64 bits version, how was it?17:37
zak_i got a problem with my external hdd , it is not detected any more by my computer i got some important documents in it , lusb doesnt show it .. is there any way to access it ?17:37
Purian23Was fat32 the right way, or another17:37
happychoose ext4@purain17:37
TdaugActionParsnip:  Where can I find Windows Disk Manager?17:38
islandmonkeythor_: Sorry but your question doesn't make sense :)17:38
Purian23Thank you happy i'll give that a go right now!17:38
ActionParsnipPurian23: thats fine, you still need a / partition17:38
thor_islandmonkey why?17:38
Purian23Okay ActionParsnip try that too :)17:38
ActionParsnipTdaug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-R7XrDa9ug17:38
ActionParsnipTdaug: not thought to maybe search the web to find how....?17:38
thor_ installed the 32 bits version, but now is it at 64 bits17:38
ActionParsnipTdaug: instead of immediately asking...17:39
TdaugActionParsnip:  I've been Googling for 2 days XD17:39
thor_i dont know what happened17:39
ActionParsnipthor_: the architectures are separate when you download17:39
ActionParsnipTdaug: probably the problem..google ;)17:39
thor_yes, after an update is on 64 bits17:39
Purian23Ok ActionParsnip and happy it is letting me move forward, I just want to verify Ext4 or Fat32 on ntfs lol17:40
Purian23Sorry for the n00bish17:40
TdaugActionParsnip:  I hope I can make this work.  I LOVE Ubuntu :)17:40
ActionParsnipTdaug: its simple enough, resize. leave free space alone, install to free space. I recommend you remove wubi too17:40
ActionParsnipPurian23: the ubuntu partitions will be ext4 by default.17:41
islandmonkeythor_: So lets gather some info: So for some reason, Update Manager (soon to be horribly named Software Updater) upgraded you to 64 bit and nothing is working?17:41
Purian23Perfect thank you again ActionParsnip! I will change my small backup partiion to that format as well!17:41
joh6nnmysql-server-5.5 fails to install properly for me it. it fails to configure, with a message that it can't set the root password.17:42
deanfxany way to fix connection refused errors to vnc?17:42
thor_my nex question is it: island monley is almost correct, the applications are runnig, with one exeption: wine17:42
joh6nnin syslog, i see the following: 121013 13:41:34 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/user.frm' (errno: 13)17:43
TdaugActionParsnip:  If I do a factory restore, would it make installing the new OS easier?17:43
islandmonkeythor_: Ensure you have ia32-libs installed17:43
islandmonkey!info ia32-libs17:43
thor_using synaptic?17:43
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in precise17:43
ActionParsnipTdaug: not really, wubi is easy to remove, its in your programs and features in control panel17:43
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: why is that package needed?17:44
intrader@HELP Anyone listening, the local cups server (localhost at  on the ubuntu box is capable of issuing a test page and reach the cups server at So why does the print command from application not reach the printer?17:44
ActionParsnipthor_: sudo apt-get install wine    and you will install wine :)17:44
puppy_paradeIs there a centralized status for open source drivers?17:44
TdaugActionParsnip:  I don't see "Wubi" in my programs and features.  All I see is "Ubuntu"...17:44
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Err, oh yeah ;P17:45
intraderActionParsnip, I am still struggling with the printer issue - sorry for interrupting17:45
thor_ActionParsnip, wine only runs word, but I've installed age of mythology too, and it doesn't work17:45
ActionParsnipTdaug: thats what it is, it will remove the wubi config etc and you will be left with windows only at boot17:45
islandmonkeythor_: Programs aren't guarenteed to work with Wine. It's a game of chance :)17:46
ActionParsnipintrader: i'm lousy at printers dude, I had such a bad time I made a script that runs every 10 seconds and watches a folder for new PDF files, then prints them and deletes them17:46
kostkonthor_, try installing the latest version of wine. it usually helps. instructions here http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu17:46
thor_i know it, islandmonkey, but the game was working well until the architecture changes17:46
TdaugActionParsnip:  Would you recommend I replace Win7 with Ubuntu, or try to install it within again?17:46
ActionParsnipthor_: run the uninstaller app with wine and it will remove it17:46
ActionParsnipTdaug: I'd resize and make a dual boot17:47
MonkeyDustthor_  or play the windows game in a virtual machie17:47
thor_ok, thank you guys17:47
TdaugActionParsnip:  Thanks.  I think I've got it from here :D17:48
vedicdebate on postgresql channel on Ubuntu is really a server OS. Join in17:48
intraderActionParsnip, my problem is connecting. I followed your link with the result that I was able to have the printers apple accept ipp:// but it insisst on accsessing the local cups (localhost:631)17:49
arkiverActionParsnip, Thanks :)17:49
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zak_i got a problem with my external hdd , it is not detected any more by my computer i got some important documents in it , lusb doesnt show it .. is there any way to access it ?17:49
Purian23ActionParsnip since you're awesome lol .. Im naming my home folder  or my name/pc name/username Purian23 .. is that changeble since that will set up my home folder to that?17:50
Purian23later on17:50
allu3zak_: doesn it show up in dmesg as you plug it in?17:50
ActionParsnipPurian23: you can change hostname easily enough, changing username is a bit messier17:50
Purian23Will my home folder be based on my hostname or user name?17:51
MonkeyDustPurian23  user name17:51
allu3ActionParsnip: can't he just use root and some chroot -R or something and then change the name of home to new user?17:51
MonkeyDustPurian23  /home/username17:51
Purian23Cool, thx MonkeyDust !!!17:51
ActionParsnipallu3: the username will still need changing, its a bit more than just renaming the home folder17:51
allu3meant chown/chmod not chroot :P17:51
ActionParsnipallu3: and so forth17:52
allu3ActionParsnip: hum can't he make new user? and give right to the old ones stuff?17:52
allu3ActionParsnip: perhaps this http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/03/how-to-change-your-username-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/17:53
wolscthulhu2: I don't think it's even compressed. it's a filesystem in a file instead of a partition. and how can you "decompress" 5 or 10GB? where to?17:53
allu3would work for 12.04 too17:53
ActionParsnipallu3: easier to just get it right first time17:53
cthulhu2wols: yeah, makes sense17:53
zivesteranyone know how to "reset" xubuntu... I updated my 12.10 yesterday and X is wayyy messed up17:53
wolszivester: messed up how?17:54
zak_allu3: lemme check17:54
joh6nnmysql-server-5.5 fails to install properly for me it. it fails to configure, with a message that it can't set the root password.17:54
wolszivester: first thing: create a new user and log in as that user. is it "OK" now?17:54
zivestermultiple desktops disappeared, and all the windows are on top of each other and I can't toggle between them17:54
* zivester is checking17:55
allu3zivester: quick and dirty you could try something like mv ./.config ./.config_bak and relog17:55
allu3zivester: and sounds like your wm is not running17:55
allu3zivester: try going to ctrl+alt+f1 and login, write then DISPLAY=:0.0 xfwm (or is it xfwm4 ?=17:56
zivesterya a new user works fine17:56
allu3zivester: if new user works then try with your user the ./.config thungy17:57
zak_allu3: no ;/17:57
allu3zak_: does your external hd turn on when you plug it in the usb?17:58
zivesternope, moving .config doesn't help17:58
allu3zivester: you tried relog after that?17:58
zivesterrelogging in? yes17:59
zak_yes it can hear it turn it and the blue light after few seconds begins to flash ,, never flashed before ..:/ i even plugged on a computer with win XP running , but it also fails to detect it :/17:59
sambagirlɯlɐɔ uı ʞɹoʍ oʇ ƃuıoƃ17:59
MonkeyDustzivester  is this link useful? havent needed/tried it myself http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/ubuntu-multi-monitor-tweaks-full-screen.html17:59
zivesternot multiple monitor, just multiple desktops17:59
MonkeyDustsambagirl  doog yrev18:00
allu3zak_: sounds like hardware problem18:00
zak_allu3: yes i think so :/18:00
zak_allu3: is there any mean to access a hdd with hardware failure to try to recover some files ?18:00
allu3zak_: well you might try to open the HD and watch if it has reqular HD in it, then try to attach it directly to computer18:01
allu3zak_: if it manages to show up somehow you can use some dd magic to make a copy of the cd image and then use some tools like photorec to recofer files form it even if the disk couldn't be mounted etc18:01
zak_allu3: otherwise it won't be detected by any computer ?18:01
allu3zak_: can't know, if the data is vital you can turn to some company experted in data forencis18:02
allu3which is more recommended in such case then trying to get it out by your self18:02
zak_yeah sure thing18:02
allu3zak_: could also be that some parts of the HD usb thingy are broken and disk works just fine, then you could buy some 15-20€ case for it and fix it like that18:03
zivesteru know what this looks like... like unity settings are being applied to xfce... there are no menubars on anything18:03
allu3zak_: but thats only if the problem is in the case of the external hd18:03
zivesterand if it's not .config, and another user works fine... what could it be? O_o18:04
zivestergets weirder... if I'm logged into my test account and my zivester account... the test account doesn't work, if I log out of the zivester account, and switch back to test, it's working fine18:06
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Flux|Althey, I'm having an issue with mounting a virtual jfs partition in ubuntu server18:07
Daaf24I have a question on how to search just the man 1 pages for everything containing the subject "password"18:08
Flux|Altsomething about can't find loop device18:08
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_TristanHow can I make an upstart thing not start on boot? I still want to be able to start it manually, but not on boot...?18:13
bindiHello, I'm about to install Ubuntu 12.04 on my mum's laptop, she has 10.04 atm.. does Ubuntu 12.04 include a backup software that is easy to use (restoring part) and is widely configurable? I'm looking for hourly backups for a whole month, and duplicate files should obivously be only stored once18:13
bindiif not, can anyone recommend me one that does that? :)18:14
trism_Tristan: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting18:14
islandmonkeybindi: Yep, Deja Dup18:14
islandmonkeybindi: It's installed by default18:14
bindii'll look into what it has to offer then :) thanks18:14
_Tristantrism: will I still be able to start it manually with "start thingy" ?18:14
resureGood day. What is the best way to add some node.js app as service that runs under some user with some env variables?18:15
resure(ubuntu server 12.04)18:15
trism_Tristan: for the commenting out the start on stanza or override options yet, if you rename the file, no18:15
trism_Tristan: yet = yes18:15
islandmonkeyresure: Join #ubuntu-server, you might get better help there18:16
bindihmm.. islandmonkey: can deja dup show me a gui similiar to nautilus (the file listing and names) of the files to restore?18:16
resureislandmonkey: thanks18:16
binditrying to google some pics but unsure :)18:16
_Tristantrism: so I can just change "start on blahblah" to "#start on blahblah" ?18:16
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trism_Tristan: yes although if you are on a recent ubuntu I would use Override files instead18:16
islandmonkeybindi: Doesn't look like it...18:17
deadmundI have a dual-core 2.8Ghz pentium 4 and a radeon HD 4650  (using radeon driver) but when I try to play .mp4 video that is over 720p the video plays back choppy and slow.  Any suggestions?18:17
RobOakesDoes anyone know the best place to ask packaging related questions?18:17
_Tristantrism: so to do it with an override file, would I copy the original file to thingy.conf.override and then make chances?18:18
_Tristanchanges, rather18:18
xavier__how can troubleshoot of connection by my usb wifi adapter?18:18
wolsRobOakes: irc.debian.org has channels for apt and dpkg IIRC18:18
trism_Tristan: no just: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/servicename.override;18:18
wolsdeadmund: tried to use fglrx?18:18
trism_Tristan: the manual stanza overrides all other options (though override files can override any stanza)18:19
RobOakeswols: Thanks. Do you know if MOTU still has an active IRC channel?18:19
deadmundwols: I haven't.  should i?18:19
deadmundwols: I will.  hang on18:19
wolsRobOakes: I don't know18:19
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wolsdeadmund: and Xvba of course to use the videocard for acceleration18:20
deadmundwols: .... xvba  ??  Never heard of that.  What is it?18:20
islandmonkey!info xvba18:20
ubottuPackage xvba does not exist in precise18:20
deadmund!info Xvba18:21
ubottuPackage Xvba does not exist in precise18:21
islandmonkey!it | freesky7718:21
ubottufreesky77: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:21
deadmundIt's called xvba-va-driver18:22
deadmundworks only with fglrx mmm...18:22
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Purian23Okay guys, got ubuntu installed to say reboot, I rebooted only for it to come up "Missing Operating System" Any ideas?18:23
deadmundPurian23: There are a couple possiblities, you booted the wrong hdd18:24
deadmundPurian23: or you removed grub18:24
deadmundPurian23: or the whole OS really is missing! :)18:24
Geoxubuntu is really unstable thats all :P'18:24
ActionParsnipPurian23: did you install grub ok?18:24
Persona24What's the command to wipe a hard drive?18:24
Purian23ActionParsnip i'm not sure what grub is, so probably not ;(18:25
ActionParsnipPersona24: you can use dban or dd18:25
ActionParsnipPurian23: its part of the defaul install process. Do you use RAID?18:25
Persona24ActionParsnip, I remember it being longer than that. . . It's the command that newbies should never, ever, ever do18:25
ActionParsnipPersona24: look into dban guides :), you can install it in the liveCD (assuming you have web access)18:26
Purian23I have a very bad situation, my dell xps laptop has a broken screen. I"m using an external display. I had my pc to boot from usb so I could install ubuntu onto my hd. . so when it asked to reboot18:26
Purian23I switched bios to boot from hard drive18:26
ActionParsnipPurian23: boot to liveCD and run:  sudo grub-install /dev/sda    assuming /dev/sda is the Ubuntu drive18:26
ActionParsnipPurian23: or you can boot  to the installation media, then tell it to boot the installed OS (sneaky)18:27
SerythWoah, are the Ubuntu version numbers release dats? 5.04 was released in april 2005... 12.04 was in april 2012 O.o18:27
ActionParsnipPurian23: you can then run the command from the installed OS18:27
Purian23It finnicky, bc I have to select the perfect time on boot up to hit my external display switch.18:27
ActionParsnipSeryth: yes, thats exactly it. Very logical18:27
overcluckerFlux|Alt: do you have loopback devices? ls /dev/loop*18:27
overcluckerah, he's gone18:28
ActionParsnipSeryth: also helps make working out when releases are EOL easier too18:28
Persona24ActionParsnip, shred -vfz -n 10 /dev/hda what would this do? haha18:28
Persona24(don't try it obviously)18:28
SerythActionParsnip: I see! Also, what happens when the release codenames reach z?18:28
Purian23ActionParsnip which would be easier, liive cd boot then hit the intsall ubuntu on the desktop link, or the sneaky part you mentioned that i'm unsure of lol18:29
islandmonkeySertyh: I'll start again with A, probably18:29
islandmonkeySeryth: I'll start again with A, probably18:29
Serythislandmonkey: Boring, it should move on to special characters :P18:29
Seryth"& yet another release"18:29
ActionParsnipPurian23: I'd say boot to CD then to installed OS18:30
ActionParsnipSeryth: not sure, probably go back around. Lets see18:30
mikubuntui wish android would get integrated with the kernel -- i thought that was supposed to happen already?  i want to run android apps on my laptop.18:30
ActionParsnipSeryth: 4.5 years time, who knows :)18:30
islandmonkeymikubuntu: Ubuntu for Android is coming soon...18:31
mikubuntuislandmonkey: yes, but i want android on my ubuntu, not ubuntu on my android18:31
Purian23Okay ActionParsnip I will try that, just dbl click it and go right? Also should I still do the  boot to liveCD and run:  sudo grub-install /dev/sda before or after that part on the install desktop18:32
islandmonkeymikubuntu: Despite the name, that's what it is.18:32
mikubuntuislandmonkey: well, MAYBE i will want ubuntu on my android, but not what i'm looking for just this minute18:32
mikubuntuislandmonkey: huh?18:32
islandmonkeymikubuntu: Well the name goes against what it is. It should be Android for Ubuntu, because as soon as a phone is docked an Android emulator pops up and you can use all your android apps from the Dash/Launcher18:35
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overcluckermikubuntu: that only includes device drivers for hardware foudn on android devices. not that android os isn't also open source, it's under the apache liscense. I've seen a project that ports android os to x86 eeepc's though i haven't tried it, and it's still in development.18:35
deadmundwols: I have fglrx and xvba installed now.  I can now run glxgears with a higher framerate (not locked to monitors refresh rate anymore) but the video is not any better.  How can I confirm I'm USING xvba ??18:36
mikubuntuoverclucker: that's what i want, to run my android apps on my pc -- imagine all that work we did installing 62 mb's on here for a simple teleprompter, basically a scrolling text file reader -- there's dozens of them on android, and they don[t use 62 mbs to operate.  that said, i think the pybookreader will work ok for me for now -- can we set a launcher into the menu?18:38
lenochkahello, could someone please explain why/for what machine does dig return an IP address, when a domain name is queried?18:38
Purian23deadmund i'll ask you, active may have stepped out. I'm on live usb now, so , just dbl click install ubuntu on desktop and go right? Also should I still do the  boot to liveCD and run:  sudo grub-install /dev/sda before or after that part on the install desktop18:39
OerHeksmikubuntu, try android in virtual box http://www.android-x86.org/download18:39
deadmundPurian23: If you the install you don't need to run that grub-install command18:39
deadmundPurian23: if you run* the install you...18:40
deadmundwols: you there?18:40
allu3zivester: did you get your problem solved?18:40
overcluckermikubuntu: search for "Main Menu" in applications.18:40
Purian23Okay i'll just try that, and dbl click the live cd install like on the desktop ,, thx deadmund18:41
deadmundPurian23: sounds good18:41
darkelfjuggalook... STILL having issues getting a working Boot USB for Ubuntu for my 64 Bit Toshiba Satelite... Thus Far, I have written the 12.04.1 desktop ISO a few times with different downloads, and MD5 checks out, but when installing it says linuxImage.bin is missing or corrupt... I've written the 12.04.1 alternate iso it failed in several steps but actually began the process...and I have netbootin 10.04... it says: No file name received18:42
mikubuntuoverclucker: software center says i have Main Menu installed, but i don't find it in the menu anywhere18:43
deadmundHow can I install the xmbc video player to use the xvba driver?18:44
tiagoscdHello folks. Can you help to promote this conference from Brazilian team? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-br/2015/detail/18:45
ozpyHi. I need to jailbreak my ipod touch 4. Is there a way of using GreenPoi0n on linux with wine?18:46
overcluckermikubuntu: I forget how to get to it in unity, since I avoid it. you can run alacarte from the command line though18:46
RamtronYo, I installed cinnamon to change the look of my desktop, restarted, and nothing changed. Am I supposed to change something else?18:48
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wilee-nileeRamtron, Choosing the desktop is at the login in a dropdown from the gear.18:49
RamtronI saw that, but I don't have a login screen18:50
RamtronI just start automatically18:50
RamtronMmm, how do I enable password at startup?18:50
wilee-nileeRamtron, You can logout and use it, it will then boot to that desktop.18:50
RamtronThat would be better, would it always be cinnamon afterwards?18:51
wilee-nileeRamtron, With a auto login yeah the last desktop run will be the default18:51
RamtronAwesome, I'll try it now. Thanks!18:51
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intrader@HELP I am  able to have the printers apple t accept ipp:// but it insist on accessing the local cups (localhost:631). If from I connect to localhost:631 and open the Administration tab and chose the printer, localhost cups automatically connects to the remote cups and it is able therefore to print a test page. However other application are not able to print18:54
zivesterallu3: yes... but I don't know what it was... I moved my home folder, made a new one, relogged in, cp -r'd everything (which I don't think does hidden folders/files)  and I just copied back over my .config... seems to be working18:55
blzHello again!  My USB speakers work with pulse audio once they've been set with the 'pacmd set-default-sink' command.  However, they take 3 or 4 minutes to before showing up in `pacmd list-sinks`.  Until they show up, I can't run the first command.  Does anybody know why this might be and what I can do about it?18:56
blzI've outlined the whole thing in some detail, here: http://tinyurl.com/paproblem.  Maybe that helps a bit.18:56
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mikubuntuoverclucker: strange -- doesn't show up in alacarte either19:01
darkelfjuggaloOk, I'm having trouble creating a working USB installer of Ubuntu for a 64-Bit Toshiba Satelite Laptop19:02
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:04
Smackbookdid I totally forget how to use bash?  i thought i used to be able to do # ls .*  to get all the dot-files, but it expands that into a seperate ls for each file, and i get ls for all the hidden folders... what gives has it always been the case that you have to do like ls | grep ^. or some regular expression, i dont remember it being that complicated19:05
generals -a ?19:06
generaerr. yes.19:06
overcluckermikubuntu: add pybr to one of the program groups with alacarte. type 'which pybr' in a terminal to see what the start command should be.19:07
Smackbookgenera: yes meaning you have to use grep with ls?19:07
mikubuntuoverclucker: /usr/local/bin/pybr19:08
generai dont know. maybe "find". i think i had a solution too19:08
generaonce upon a time19:08
Smackbookthats so much more annoying than the dos style dir *.exe, i'm suprised I never noticed this before19:08
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Smackbooknot that bash isn't way more powerful19:08
wolsSmackbook: ls -ld .*19:08
Smackbookwols: ah nice!19:09
_jmz_any chance i could get some help geting my printer going?  im using ubuntu server.  If I install gui i can get printer going.  But I would rather not install gui.  driver is insalled just can't get it to initialize19:10
mikubuntuoverclucker: dog wants out, bbl19:10
infektedgood morning peepa19:12
infektedmispell twice19:13
infektedso is this one of those irc's where no one says a word19:14
nikisinfekted: try #ubuntu-offtopic19:14
infektedoh so if its not help with ub untu no one says shit19:14
infektedgot ya19:14
nikisinfekted: Unless we can help you with anything specific? :)19:14
OerHeksThis is a support channel, do you have an issue?19:15
infektedi thought that was for like #ubuntuhelp19:15
lloiranyone know anything about ubuntu + printers + servers?19:16
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unsobillnow question how to view all processes/commands that executed by the system real time from console ?19:17
darkelfjuggaloAnyone have ideas on creating an Ubuntu USB installer for a 64 bit laptop? I've tried Manually creating it, I've tried to Cat it in my Debian, I've tried unetbootin, and I've tried Pendriveinstaller19:17
malkaunshow do i get the top panel to not show on my secondary display?19:17
OerHeksunsobill, use "top" or install htop for more functions19:18
superpielol whats htop19:18
OerHekslloir that is a wide range, what is your issue?19:19
overcluckersuperpie: install it and find out. it's very nifty.19:19
Squid_Tamersuperpie: htop is like a super-powerful 'top'19:19
OerHeks!info htop19:19
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (precise), package size 64 kB, installed size 180 kB19:19
Squid_TamerYou can sort, kill processes, etc etc19:19
superpiei dont have a package manager on android19:20
_jmz_im using ubuntu server.  If I install gui i can get printer going.  But I would rather not install gui.  driver is insalled just can't get it to initialize19:20
unsobilli installed htop19:20
OerHeksTop is installed standard.19:20
unsobilli think that may do19:20
lloirOerHeks, what _jmz_ just said dude19:20
javierf_Hi! I've problems after upgrading to 12.10 with email notification in the indicator. Someone can come to ubuntu+1 to try to solve it? If I get a mail, gnome osd-notify will pop a notification, but the indicator won't change its colour and nothing appears in the menu when opening the indicator. I've been using popper notifier, but also gmail notifier or thunderbird notifications. In every case is the same issue, I've osd-notifications but no colour change19:20
javierf_o note in the indicator menu. So, OSD-notify works properly, not the indicator. Someone could help me fixing that? Thanks a lot!19:20
Smackbookhtop > top19:20
Smackbookfirst thing I install on every system19:20
superpiei dont even like top19:20
OerHeks!12.10 | javierf_19:21
ubottujavierf_: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:21
overcluckersuperpie: http://htop.sourceforge.net/htop-0.5.jpg hope you can click links.19:21
unsobillguys - heres an example - for instance i want to see which command will system execute when i mount/unmount drive from GUI interface19:22
Squid_Tamerunsobill: Someone might correct me here, but I'm not sure if most programs actually execute a command-line command to do that19:23
bindiWhat's a good backup software that is easy to use (restoring part) and is widely configurable? I'm looking for hourly backups for a whole month, and duplicate files should obivously be only stored once. The restoring file GUI should look something like a file explorer; files/icons listed (something like Nautilus I guess..)19:23
Squid_TamerInstead, lots of stuff is done by directly requesting the kernel to do things19:23
brontosaurusrex!info duplicity19:24
ubottuduplicity (source: duplicity): encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.18-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 179 kB, installed size 1028 kB19:24
bindibrontosaurusrex: got any pictures of the file restore procedure?19:25
brontosaurusrexbindi, no, this is juts a tool that was presented to me, i havent actually tested it19:26
unsobillfound it in htop - i had to put delay on 1 sec19:27
blzHello again!  My USB speakers work with pulse audio once they've been set with the 'pacmd set-default-sink' command.  However, they take 3 or 4 minutes to before showing up in `pacmd list-sinks`.  Until they show up, I can't run the first command.  Does anybody know why this might be and what I can do about it?19:27
unsobillhmmm weirdness - when i mount ntfs drive its not using mount - its using /sbin/mount.ntfs19:27
SparadrapQuestion : How to recognize my graphic card pilots on my ubuntu 12.04 ?19:27
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CrypticusHello All19:29
brontosaurusrexbindi, let me test ...19:30
tr1teki'm in terminal and can't get the gui to load anymore. how do you bring back the gui login19:30
tr1tekthis happened after trying to install a new graphics card19:31
overcluckertr1tek: sudo service start lightdm19:31
Sparadrapno no19:31
Sparadrapi have the same19:32
tr1tekit says start: unrecognized service19:32
Sparadrapjust in my details in parameters : it say pilot : unknow19:33
Sparadrapi have two graphic cards, the chipset and the graphic card19:33
Sparadrapdo i must install, the nvidia pilot for linux ?19:34
brontosaurusrexbindi, nope, best bet is command line tools < only my opinion19:34
bindibrontosaurusrex: it's for my mum :)19:34
tozentrltek, did u tried  nomodeset?19:34
tr1tekdo i have to rebuild the xorg config19:34
Mikubuntuoverclucker: thanks, i got pybr into the menu, and alacarte also -- so i DID learn something today.19:34
brontosaurusrexbindi, well test some https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem#Backup_Utilities19:36
unsobillnow if i want to automount ntfs disk do i put this in fstab ?19:36
bindiok thanks :)19:36
unsobill/sbin/mount.ntfs /dev/sdb119:36
CrypticusI'm looking for some recommendations. I have an NFS server that hosts my home directory.  But I would like some idea how how to make this work with a Laptop that can come and go from the network.  Any good ideas or good articles on the topic?  I've google for the last two days, but all I've found is recommendation to use NFS and one recommendation to use csync, but nothing that gives a good when to implement it so when the laptop is19:36
Crypticusremoved from the network it uses a local home directory and when it connected back to the network it is synced and back to working with the NFS.  Looking pretty much for Roaming Profiles for Linux, can't believe this isn't a well solved problem.19:36
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean?19:37
ejvCrypticus: why can't you just mount / umount when you attach / detach from the network?19:37
kamranm1200Has anybody tried the new 12.10 RC?19:37
tozenusbollin, do u have ntfs-3g installed?19:37
Crypticusejv: What do you mean?19:38
unsobillubuntu has it installed by deafult right ?19:38
skedtyuwhen I use a HDMI cable in xunbuntu shouldnt I get sound as well as video?19:38
intrader@HELP - Anyone - I am  able to have the printers apple t accept ipp:// but it insist on accessing the local cups (localhost:631). If from I connect to localhost:631 and open the Administration tab and chose the printer, localhost cups automatically connects to the remote cups and it is able therefore to print a test page. However other application are not able to print19:38
tozenunsobill, no19:38
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ejvCrypticus: have an NFS entry in your fstab that you can toggle on the command line19:38
unsobilltozen, in any case i mount ntfs drives no problem manually19:38
unsobilli just want to automatize it19:39
tozenunsobill, well if u want to automount ntfs, u need to change fstab19:39
Re-LWhy i getting execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long19:39
overcluckerunsobill: of you follow the symlink for /sbin/mount.ntfs it points to /bin/mount.ntfs which points to /bin/ntfs-3g19:40
Crypticusejv: That's fine and daddy, but I am looking for a way to sync the changes back and forth when the laptop is "roaming"19:40
unsobilloverclucker, there u go ;)19:40
tozenunsobill, sudo fstab -l ?19:40
unsobillhow do i find out UUID i forgot19:40
tozensudo fdisk -l19:41
Crypticusejv:  it would also be nice if it did this automatically based on the network I am connected to, but that would just be a plus19:41
markovhubuntu doesn't see my raid for some reason (2 drives in raid 0) and sees them as separate disks when i boot from usb/cd.19:41
unsobilltozen, ntfs driver i think installed by default in 12.0419:41
unsobillread overclucker post ^19:41
ejvCrypticus: you could always mount your nfs share to a seperate non-home dir, like /mnt/roaming, then rsync /home/user /mnt/roaming, a little spartan I know, but gets it done :)19:41
unsobilltozen, its just simlink19:41
overcluckerunsobill, tozen: i believe nautilus uses automount which uses autofs and is configured in it's on config file19:41
ejvCrypticus: if you want anything super sophisticated you'll need to go the NFS/NIS/LDAP/Kerberos route, which im sure are all documented in great detail19:42
unsobillerr i want to add my ntfs drive UUID into fstab19:42
unsobillforgot command to find uuid19:42
Crypticusejv:  Yes I have been pondering that solution, but I was just hoping this had to be a solved issue already but maybe its just such common knowledge no one documents it…19:42
overcluckerunsobill: sudo blkid19:42
=== GregoryFenton is now known as GregoryFe
darkelfjuggaloI guess I'll not be switching to ubuntu...19:43
ejvCrypticus: http://askubuntu.com/questions/89574/i-have-10-pcs-of-which-i-want-to-set-up-a-centralised-ubuntu-server - check out the second answer, that might be useful to you.19:43
eamonDoes anyone know how to hack FAT32 to store files bigger than 4 GiB?19:43
unsobillwhat other universal command for that task ?19:43
tozenunsobill , sudo blkid19:43
unsobilli think i used differerent one before19:44
unsobilljust curious19:44
Crypticusejv:  Thanks I will read up.  Thank you19:44
skedtyucan some one have a quick look  here .....>  http://pastebin.com/7TnFmHJz19:44
ejvCrypticus: i'm not sure how to reliably detect your client location, most guides will assume that the client is already connected to the physical network when they pull data from the NFS master. pleasure. :)19:45
Re-LCan someone help me19:45
tozenunsobill , ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ,19:45
unsobillhmmm i forgot but i think it was something simpler - maybe it was different because it was debian or freebsd i forgot19:46
unsobilli keep changing distros like idiot forgeting all commands :D19:46
tozenunsobill , ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ,19:46
overcluckereamon: don't think there is one. an if there was, it would only be your system that could use it. you could split the files into smaller chunks though, or use a different filesystem if that's an option.19:46
skedtyuRe-L, just ask your question and someone will reply19:46
tozenunsobill , lady free is amasing!!!!19:47
Re-LHow can I fix problem with execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long19:47
ejvgive it less arguments? :)19:47
ejvint execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);19:48
ejv2 args, don't overload ;)19:48
unsobilldoes this looks allright in my /etc/fstab ?19:48
unsobillUUID=D2740EDB740EC1E9  /media/BKUPntfs 19:48
unsobillany other arguments im missing19:48
unsobillmaybe add errors=remount-ro 0       119:49
unsobillwheres read/write bit ?19:49
ejvusually you put the octal into mode=19:49
kamranm1200Why isn't anybody saying hello to me?19:50
unsobillhello kamranm1200 lol19:50
ejv!welcome | kamranm120019:50
unsobillwhats up19:50
ejvthe bot is mean and knows nothing about welcome19:50
tozenunsobill , add  errors=remount-ro 019:50
unsobilltozen, no 1 in the end ?19:51
unsobilltozen, looks good ? UUID=D2740EDB740EC1E9  /media/BKUPntfs errors=remount-ro 019:51
ejvtry it and find out? a lot of learning linux is experimentation :)19:51
tozenunsobill , if u need to check file system, u need to add 119:51
yeehi2vlc player : there is a command - Playback => Jump Backward - I want to have that as a button on the player - is it easy to do this?19:51
tozenif not, leve 019:51
tozen*leave 019:51
unsobilltozen, does it automatically enables it for read/write ?19:52
unsobilli dont need bits for that ?19:52
overcluckerunsobill: you are missing an argument.19:52
yeehi2I can click on the drop down menus but it is a pain19:52
ejvyeehi2: probably best to open a thread on the feature request section of the official VLC forums.19:52
skedtyuanyoe got any idea forme problem?19:52
skedtyuanyon*e got any idea forme problem?19:52
tozenunsobill , add to fstab UUID=D2740EDB740EC1E9    /media/BKUP ntfs  errors=remount-ro 019:52
unsobilloverclucker, saying thers argument missing19:53
unsobilllets wait :)19:53
tozenunsobill , add to fstab UUID=D2740EDB740EC1E9    /media/BKUP ntfs  errors=remount-ro 0 019:53
unsobillu know how in mount you use --rw bits to mount read/write19:54
overcluckerunsobill: use what tozen just typed19:54
tozenskedtyu, whats happend?19:54
unsobillwhat about fstab - is that --rw enabled by default19:54
unsobillim using that okay19:54
yeehi2thanks ejv!19:54
skedtyutozen,  no sound in xubuntu   look  here .....>  http://pastebin.com/7TnFmHJz19:54
tozenunsobill , dont mention! pal19:54
leotrhi! is ramdisk created when ubuntu live cd is run?19:55
unsobilli used to be good at linux - untill i got married and took an arrow to the knee19:55
tozenskedtyu, alsamixer ?19:56
Sparadrapthanks for the graphic utilities, but my graphic card is'nt recognized again, but all works, i just want to have the nvidia utilities19:56
overcluckerunsobill: it should be rw by default. not the case for every distro, but it is for ubuntu.19:56
unsobillthought so19:57
Crypticusejv:  Unfortunately that article only offered the same advice I've been getting from my Google searches.  I'm starting to think people in the linux world don't use centralized home directories with Laptops19:58
tozenskedtyu, ???19:58
bindihow can I see who accessed "vino"? the vnc server on ubuntu19:59
bindimy mum says someone connected to her laptop and controlled it .. it's connected to a private wlan and i can't see any clients19:59
bindiother than my pc and my htpc19:59
skedtyutozen, just getting u a screenshot19:59
bindihtpc is brand new ubuntu 12.04 install and i was playing on my computer :)19:59
tozenskedtyu, where?19:59
skedtyutozen, just a sec20:00
javierf_Hi! I need to make a partition in my hard-drive. At this moment, I only have one particion (not a second one for /home). So, I need to make the partition in /. But, can I use gparted to do so that's partition is mounted? (as I'm in gparted in ubuntu)20:01
Guest7779How do I install Android SDK Manager under .deb file20:02
overcluckerjavierf_: does / use the while disk?20:02
tozenjavierf, use livecd20:02
intrader@HELP - Anyone - I am  able to have the printers apple t accept ipp:// but it insist on accessing the local cups (localhost:631). If from I connect to localhost:631 and open the Administration tab and chose the printer, localhost cups automatically connects to the remote cups and it is able therefore to print a test page. However other application are not able to print20:02
javierf_yes, except a few gb for swap20:03
javierf_overclucker, yes, except for some gb in swap20:03
intraderContinuing on printers applet and printing problem. I have solved it by going to the computer where the CUPS server to which the printer is connected and configure it to share the printer to everyone.20:04
overcluckerjavierf_: then use a livecd like tozen suggested.20:04
skedtyutozen,   sorry about delay    here it is   http://imagebin.org/23185520:04
javierf_overclucker, I see. I think backtrack comes with gparted also, doesn't it? or I could use ubuntu and install on the live-usb gparted, couldn't I? I say because I already have those distros downloaded...20:06
overcluckerjavierf_: yeah, either of those should work. if not you could probably fetch gparted with apt from either.20:08
javierf_overclucker, thanks!20:08
overcluckerjavierf_: yw20:09
rolling2k4201998000066542 0615 833 APPROVED! BANK: | VISA | BANCO DEL BAJIO, S.A. | CREDIT | CLASSIC | MEXICO | MEX | 484 | WWW.BB.COM.MX | 52 47 7710 4600 | | |20:09
tozenskedtyu, show lspci -knn, plz20:09
bindiguys? my mums 10.04 ubuntu laptop just said that someone connected using VNC, private wlan, can't see any clients connected. where can i see who connected and from where?20:09
bindivino vnc20:09
skedtyutozen,   ok   1 sec   need to jump over to the other pc20:10
BustacapHow can I view how much hard drive space is used and free?20:12
tozenskedtyu, what do u mean?20:12
brontosaurusrexBustacap, df -h20:12
=== antimon_ is now known as antimon
bindi[2012-10-13T22:48:05-00:00, Gnomen etätyöpöytä ] Toinen käyttäjä ohjaa työpöytääsi20:13
bindiKäyttäjä tietokoneella ”cpe-190-55-160-246.telecentro-reversos.com.ar” ohjaa työpöytääsi.20:13
bindithat says someone vnc'd my mums laptop in a private lan where no ports are open, especially not 590020:13
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
overcluckerbindi: you could try looking at netstat -np output20:15
skedtyutozen,   here is is    http://pastebin.com/bMdE8hyZ20:15
bindioh WTF20:16
bindivnc creates UPNP entry20:16
* bindi disables upnp20:16
bindii didnt sign up for this shit20:16
IdleOne!language | bindi20:16
ubottubindi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:16
bindioh boo hoo :p20:17
tozenskedtyu, do u have alsa-utils installed?20:19
skedtyutozen,  its a live cd   so I will have to check   one moment20:20
skedtyutazjin, no its not there20:21
skedtyutozen, I also have vista on the pc , for gaming , and it works fine20:22
tozenits not a point about vista... ;)20:22
tozenskedtyu, easy way is not linux way...20:23
WeThePeoplehow to set a iface in etherape20:23
skedtyutozen, I want to install ubuntu ,so I decided to check everything would work, so I got the live cd20:24
Kartagiswhat does "Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!" mean?20:26
skedtyutozen, is the hdmi cashing with the onboard sound card?20:28
skedtyutozen, is the hdmi cl*ashing with the onboard sound card?20:28
tozenskedtyu, live cd cant guarantee u all drivers 4 u system, some of them will be taken automatically from the net in installation process20:28
skedtyutozen,   so maybe I should try to install the real ATI drivers?20:29
semitonesIs there a list of tablets that have good power management under linux/ubuntu?20:29
tozenskedtyu, exactly20:30
Ubuntu12_How do I set a Password for a User Account that doesn't have a Password set?20:30
skedtyutozen, ah ok   thanks for your time20:31
unsobillrestarting sounds with rebooting ?20:31
unsobillanyone ?20:31
tozenskedtyu, u need to install proprietary drivers20:32
skedtyutozen, Im googling for them now!20:32
steven-is there a way to change the shell globally? as far as i know does chsh only apply for a given user?20:38
wolsyou can change the shell new users get by default, but every user has its own shell setting, written down in /etc/passwd20:41
=== Ryan is now known as Guest57472
c--how do i remove/unset the (wrong) keyboard layout (in order to go back to the default us layout) via command line?20:44
Guest57472How do I install Android SDK Manager under .deb file20:45
guntbertsteven-: just edit the lines for the users in /etc/passwd: replace /bin/bash with what you want, if you will be adding new users edit /etc/adduser.con to give the "new" shell to every new user20:48
steven-guntbert, thank you, i was just wondering if there is a more easier way to get it down globally, thanks anyway : )20:49
yumboHi, does anyone know how-to plot missing values in Gnumeric?20:49
wifioregonIm running ICEWM (Ubuntu) on a really old Gateway laptop.  Is there anything I can do to speed things up?  Is there a list of startup items / services I can go through to see if anything running in the background is slowing me down? is IceWM the fastest windows manager?20:50
guntbertsteven-: You're welcome - choice of shell is privilege of every user I'd say :)20:50
allu3wifioregon: you can also try some tiling managers, like xmonad20:51
wifioregonallu3:  thanks I'll check it out20:51
allu3wifioregon: there might be a slight learning curve, you can also try to use zram and turn of some off the ctrl+alt+f(2-6) for example20:53
allu3wifioregon: http://www.allyourlinux.com/linux/ubuntu-how-to-disable-extra-ttys-in-upstart and http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/increased-performance-in-linux-with.html20:54
wifioregonallu3:  niiice thanks20:54
whatwhatanyone here know any tools here can be used to edit pdf file20:55
allu3whatwhat: quick google gave me http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html20:55
wifioregonwhatwhat: I use gimp20:55
Frozenballso uh20:56
FrozenballMy Ubuntu installation crashed after using it for ten minutes20:56
FrozenballThe screen went black several times, fonts became scrambled and the computer stopped responding20:57
livingdaylightI got gnome shell with the clock in the middle of the top panel. familiar? I want to know whether I can add seconds. Seems not, so do I need to install a different clock? anyone?20:57
allu3Frozenball: try with boot parametr nomodeset ?20:57
allu3livingdaylight: gnome extensions?20:57
Frozenballallu3, I'll try that20:58
livingdaylightallu3, gnome extensions? what do you mean. I am referring to gnome shell default. Know it? has clock on the top panel, but in the middle not next to the username in the right corner as used to be20:58
_jmz_is there a way to see if swap is actually activated?20:59
allu3livingdaylight: gnome shell default or gnom "classic" ?20:59
livingdaylightgnome shell20:59
allu3_jmz_: yes, programs like htop can show swap usage as "used/free" i'd think system monitor allows to see that as well21:00
allu3livingdaylight: gnome-tweak-tool might allow showing seconds.. might remember wrong21:00
_jmz_yeah..so if it shows up in htop it is activated?  im just trying to figure out if my mem is the reason for slow android builds21:00
allu3livingdaylight: it should allow showing seconds in the clock in the middle of the upper panel21:01
livingdaylightwhere is this gnome-tweak tool?21:01
allu3livingdaylight: you can install it with "sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool" i think21:01
livingdaylightallu3, thx. couldn't find it ;) should be included, no?21:02
sk1specialhi. i need some help. mmk. im trying to update my windows 8 partition. im doing this via a bootable usb thumbdrive. ive tried updating my grub menu so it would show it..no luck. ive tried using f12 to bring up the bootmenu and grub has done something to this and wont let me use it. ive tried changing the boot order in the bios menu and grub over rides this. ive tried loading directly from windows but since it wont overwrite my currently running windo21:02
sk1specialws and i dont have enough free space without doing that that wont work. and ive tried running it from ubuntu but it doesnt load at all in here21:02
sk1specialwhat do i do?21:02
sk1specialim asking this in here instead of a windows thing because its the grub menu thats causing my problems and i need a way to boot my thumbdrive that gets around that21:03
altech2k3Has anyone been able to compile with GNUstep on Ubuntu 12.04?21:05
livingdaylightwhere is gnome tweak tool, having installed it. It's a triple barrel name, which makes it difficult to search with synapse for e.g.21:06
trashihi, does anybody know a way to detect how long a user is idling (mouse/keyboard inactivity). i try to shutdown my pc automaticly (because there is no default functionality in xfce)21:06
allu3livingdaylight: hum wich version of ubuntu you are using btw?21:07
allu3livingdaylight: you should be able to start it by writing gnome-tweak-tool in terminal21:07
livingdaylightallu3, oh, I had it before, but it was called Advanced settings simply21:09
allu3livingdaylight: yeah its bit misleading21:09
lesshastehow do I purge my system of the xorg-edges ppa?21:09
sk1specialokay. lemme phrase this a different way. does anyone know how to make grub menu recognize my bootable thumbdrive? or to default boot to it without using a function key?21:09
allu3livingdaylight: you should be able to add seconds in the "shell" section21:09
wolsdowngrades are not supported lesshaste21:09
livingdaylightallu3, yup, nizze one - thx!21:10
allu3lesshaste: ppa-purge is probably the tool you are looking for21:10
lesshasteah ok21:10
sk1special/without using the bios boot device order menu also21:10
lesshastehow do  I list the ppas?21:10
allu3livingdaylight: no problem :)21:10
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:10
lesshasteIf I don't know their names already21:10
i3luefireso i want to downsize my ext4 /home partition but i cant take it offline because there are many programs using it. how do i stop all the programs using it at once?21:10
allu3lesshaste: you should be able to view them in the software sources21:10
lesshasteallu3: which tool is that from the command line?21:11
Churchi3luefire: there is option to boot from other media, eg. usb or cdrom, and then work on that partition21:11
lesshastei3luefire: that seems to be a contradiction21:11
guntberti3luefire: use a live CD, but be careful, you have to shrink the file system first and then the partition21:11
allu3lesshaste: software-properties-gtk i guess21:11
Churchi3luefire: there is comand fuser -kcu /dir .. but are your sure you want to kill all processes using that fs?21:11
allu3lesshaste: also for managing ppa's have a look at this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/08/y-ppa-manager-0090-released-with-new.html21:12
OerHekslesshaste, check /etc/apt/sources.list21:12
i3luefireChurch, i am pretty sure i do21:12
altech2k3I suppose runlevel 2 is no longer an option.21:12
livingdaylightwhile I'm here can I ask, what I should set my power setting for the laptop lid down - hibernate or suspend for ac and battery respectively21:12
lesshasteOerHeks: thanks.. strangely that doesn't seem to list everything21:13
allu3livingdaylight: depends what you want21:13
livingdaylightallu3, not sure what the difference is. Whatever is best for laptop really21:13
altech2k3i3uefire: how many users are accessing the ext4fs?21:13
allu3livingdaylight: hibernation uses 0 battery and saves the state to disc, suspend uses little battery and saves the state to ram21:14
livingdaylightallu3, thx for explaining. Sounds like I shouuld set to hibernation on battery and suspend on ac21:14
allu3livingdaylight: starting from ram is lot quicker and its a great way to save some energy if you go to make some coffee etc while not on ac power21:14
allu3livingdaylight: that one way, personally while ac i don't suspend or hibernate my laptop on lid close but do it manyally if i have to21:15
allu3livingdaylight: as on ac there is no risk for battery running out21:15
i3luefirealtech2k3, it is my home server. i am the only actual user. but there may torrent clients, znc, apache, and so on running21:15
lesshasteallu3: I still get libcairo2-dev: Depends: libcairo2 (= 1.8.10-2ubuntu1) but 1.10.0-1ubuntu1~lucid~xorgedgers1 is to be installed21:15
lesshasteallu3: how can I stop that?21:15
JeF_hi. I got a problem with temperature. Ubuntu says that it's critical 130C just after I start my laptop21:15
livingdaylightallu3, but you don't want the machine running while the lid is down, do you? or makes no difference? I guess not21:15
allu3lesshaste: have you tried apt-get install -f ? (and you are running in dangeroud zone, might want to take backups21:15
lesshasteallu3: no :) seems a little dangerous21:16
allu3livingdaylight: well then on ac suspend, and battery hibernate seems good21:16
lesshasteallu3: I don't want the xorg-edges version at all21:16
lesshasteallu3: why does it think it will install it?21:16
allu3lesshaste: i'd just run the ppa purge m then run the apt-get install -f as long as i have to and pray :P21:16
lesshasteI would like to understand why it thinks it wants to install something from a ppa that has been purged21:17
lesshasteI did the purging alraedy21:17
allu3lesshaste: do apt-get update21:17
lesshasteI did21:17
lesshasteit must be that the installed version is from xorg-edgers maybe?21:17
lesshastehow do I check that?21:17
allu3lesshaste: pray to god someone here know and has time to help :P21:17
c--how do i change the keyboard layout on command line?21:17
* allu3 goes to eat21:17
lesshastehow do I see the version of an installed package?21:18
lesshastedkpg ... ?21:18
altech2k3i3luefire, is apache running on the /home partition? Or does it run from /var/www ?21:18
allu3c--: loadkey (language  code) ?21:18
i3luefirealtech2k3, i really dont know. i am using it for rutorrent and for webmin21:18
allu3lesshaste: apt-cache policy package-name21:19
guntbertlesshaste: apt-cache policy <package>21:19
c--allu3: permanently ... ?21:19
allu3c--: no idea.21:19
guntbert!list | H4k21:19
ubottuH4k: guntbert: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:19
H4kstefano tu sai usare xchat?21:19
ubottuH4k: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:19
altech2k3i3luefire, you should be able to quit all applications, log out and switch to a text-only terminal. Then, assuming all your applications have quit properly, you ought to be able to unmount /home21:19
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:19
lesshasteguntbert: thanks.. it is indeed from xorg-edgers21:19
lesshasteso I would need to downgrade it21:19
lesshastehow can you do that?21:19
dummyhi, after trying to install additional non-open-source-graphic-drivers the default drivers has been removed how can i reinstall these drivers ?(my OS: ubuntu 12.04)21:19
altech2k3but a LiveCD is best because then you can edit the partition table using a CD and NOT the hard disk.21:20
guntbertlesshaste: did you read about ppa-purge?21:20
lesshasteguntbert: I did that21:20
lesshastebut the problem is that the package libcairo2 is already installed21:20
guntbertlesshaste: sorry no help from me in this area21:21
i3luefirealtech2k3, i am running text mode only. i dont even have a monitor or video card installed on that comp. it is just a server in my closet. i have control of it thru ssh and webmin but that is it21:21
guntbert!it | STEFANOPI8521:21
ubottuSTEFANOPI85: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:21
altech2k3You ought to be logged in as root.21:22
dummyhi, after trying to install additional non-open-source-graphic-drivers the default drivers has been removed how can i reinstall these drivers ?(my OS: ubuntu 12.04)21:22
guntbertaltech2k3: no good advice - logging in as root is not supported - tell him about live CD istead :)21:23
i3luefireguntbert, altech2k3, i dont allow root on ssh anyway21:23
altech2k3Use 'sudo -i' then execute 'passwd' (choose a root password) then 'exit.' Log off of the PC then engage a new ssh session as root. Of course, you'll need /etc/ssh/sshd_config with 'RootLoginPermitted yes'21:23
grymmjackDoes anyone know how to get nvidia 8800 GTS multiple displays setup? I've installed the Additional Driver, but it actually forced me to use unity2d. I did some googling, saw the swat and unsupported repo add/update work-arounds, but none of those helped. I've since reinstalled 12.04LTS and am using the default post-install nvidia driver, which put me into 3d mode. *shrug*21:24
grymmjackBefore I re-installed, I had dual displays setup with Xinerama, but it was stuck in unity 2d. :(21:25
=== lloir is now known as Lloir|ZzZz
guntbert!noroot | altech2k321:25
ubottualtech2k3: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:25
guntberti3luefire: thats a remote server? do you have out of bounds access?21:26
vertago1Hey I was looking at apt-p2p and was wondering if anyone here had some experience with it.21:26
i3luefireguntbert, it is a server setting in my media closet in my house. i have physical access but i dont have a video card installed21:27
=== Danio` is now known as Danio
cafreeI'm trying to get a new wacom tablet to work on Ubuntu 10.04.  An older tablet worked fine and was wondering if anyone could help me getting this new one working.  Thanks,21:28
i3luefirenot sure what you mean by 'out of bounds access' tho21:29
guntberti3luefire: no vga card at all? how did you install th OS in the first place?21:29
i3luefireguntbert, there was one but it has since been removed21:29
i3luefirei suppose i could re-install it but i really didnt want to have to move the server21:30
i3luefireif i resort to the live cd method i may just go ahead and make the switch to arch linux21:33
guntberti3luefire: to safely resize the partition your best bet is using a live CD, or else what altech2k3 suggested before - you are stronlgy urged to reverse that asap - some day you will defintely need a simple video card in that machine anyway21:34
altech2k3I concede to the LiveCD. It's best to take the primary disk offline before changing the partition/filesystem size and editing the partition table.21:35
i3luefireit is on lvm too so there are 3 physical disks one of which has the / partition and the rest lvm21:37
sk1specialplease. love me . how do i boot directly to by thumbdrive. without using bios / boot menu/ grub update21:38
i3luefirepart of the disk with the root partition is set aside to lvm that is the reason i want to downsize the lvm because i want to take lvm off of the disk that has /21:39
H4kmanncij o bukkin21:39
=== GregoryFenton is now known as GregoryFe
iKrzysietanybody online?21:41
sk1specialis there a command i can enter to restart directly into a different partition?21:41
iKrzysieti need a help21:41
=== c-- is now known as _basic6_
FloodBot1iKrzysiet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:41
iKrzysietwith script21:41
guntberti3luefire: in other words a complicated setup - best make a written plan - I once didn't ;-)21:42
iKrzysietwill it work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1277867/21:42
i3luefirelol yea21:42
=== Youri is now known as YBook
sk1specialis there a way to directly enter a bootable partition into the grub menu choices?21:44
Churchgo over entry, and press 'e'21:44
Churchimho you should be able to edit exactly what and how it will try to boot21:44
sk1specialokay do i enter the device name or the volume name? and do you know the exact command?21:45
sk1specialas in device says    /dev/sdc or volume says   /dev/sdc121:46
t4nk803Hello everyone. What is a good book or online tutorial that I can use to feel comfortable experimenting with linux?21:47
guntbert!manual | t4nk803 start here21:47
ubottut4nk803 start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:47
altech2k3sk1special: yes. At the boot menu choices, press 'c'21:48
t4nk803gunbert: thanks21:48
t4nk803ubottu: thanks21:48
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:48
guntbertt4nk803: something else: Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:49
guntbert!bot > t4nk80321:49
ubottut4nk803, please see my private message21:49
sk1specialaltech2k3: press c and? should i use /sdc or /sdc1 ? and whats the command to add it to the boot menu?21:49
zykotick9t4nk803: bot like robot.  not real person.21:49
t4nk803ubottu: how?21:50
ubottut4nk803: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
altech2k3sk1special: no, sdc is not correct21:50
altech2k3sk1special, you'll need to use (hd#,#)21:50
H4ksucatm o pesc21:51
altech2k3first # is the disk number, primary master = 0, primary slave = 1, secondary master =2, etc.21:51
altech2k3the second # stands for the specific partition.21:51
t4nk803thanks all21:52
sk1specialhow do i find which it is?21:52
sk1speciali have two hdds installed. but the one im trying to boot from is a bootable usb21:52
altech2k3idk about bootable usb drives.21:53
sk1specialgah. i have my bios set up to boot from usbs first..but the grub menu over takes that.21:53
yekomshit f12, and select one and see if its the bootable one sk1special21:53
sk1specialand it also wont let me use the f12 boot from whatever option21:53
altech2k3Then, it's not a bootable USB21:53
SomelauwHow to type a euro sign if using us-international keyboard layout?21:53
yekomsbecause the grubmenu isnt used to using usb drives for system drives, whats in your grub.cfg? sk1special21:54
guntbertsk1special: grub cannot override bios settings21:54
sk1specialno it is. but when i use f12 to get to  the option screen there is some error message thats like grub failed something something21:54
yekomsbut grub can select the wrong drive for a kernel.21:54
iKrzysiekcan anyone help me?21:54
iKrzysiekwhy: screen -S mc ionice -c1 -n0 nice -n -10 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.........21:54
iKrzysiekdont work?21:54
iKrzysiekafetr ... i have java flags21:54
sticky1I have this app called Catfish and if I go click it from the Xfce menu (yes, I'm on Xubuntu) it doesn't open. In fact it doesn't open at all. It's only Catfish that doesn't start. Any help?21:54
iKrzysiekwhen  i use it without screen -S mc ionice  it works21:54
sk1specialthe options dont come up at all. just a grub error message.  . andd.. how do i check grub.cfg lol21:55
guntbertsk1special: what is your hardware?21:55
sk1specialhardware? i have a 40gb hdd with windows 8 and a 80gb hdd with ubuntu and im attempting to use a bootable usb to update my windows 821:56
sticky1why can't I start Catfish?21:57
guntbertsk1special: no I was asking about the manufacturer - with some dell machine I had the problem, that F12/F2 didn't really work21:57
zykotick9sticky1: try starting catfish from terminal, see if there is error output21:58
sticky1zykotick9: ok21:58
sk1specialoh im not sure. its a put together computer from my father in laws business. the f12 worked in the past before ubuntu. but i get some message now. brb ill go write it down21:59
sticky1zykotick9: Error: The required module gobject is missing.21:59
yekomsthat module needs to be reinstalled.21:59
sticky1zykotick9: do I need to apt-get install gobject or something?21:59
zykotick9sticky1: i have no idea.  but that might give you something to search for online.  good luck.22:00
simplewim in dconf and i cant find ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars to be able to disable it, can anyone help?22:01
trismsimplew: /org/gnome/desktop/interface/ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars22:02
michael_Hello, I'm wondering if someone could help with a USB memory stick problem?22:03
TheLordOfTime!someone | michael_22:03
ubottumichael_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:03
simplewtrism, i cant find that, im running quantzal22:03
zykotick9simplew: reask in #ubuntu+1 then22:04
trismsimplew: it was moved around a bit but if you upgrade it should reappear it was just added back (though I can't say if it still works)22:05
michael_I have a USB adaptor connected to my PC, with 8 USB memory sticks plugged into the adaptor. I have the same file abc.avi that I'd like to transfer to every memory stick. Besides going through each memory stick separately is their a way I can automate this write process in Ubuntu (10.04)?22:05
TheLordOfTimemichael_, a script could be used to copy to each device, but what you ask for doesn't exist "out of the box" as far as I'm aware.22:05
sk1specialoaky. it says for realtex ethernet controller (insert random error codes ) media test failure / exiting PXE rom22:05
altech2k3Yeah, write a script to copy them22:06
simplewtrism, theres not such entry in dconf running quantzal22:06
sk1specialerror no such device grub rescue * sorry22:06
altech2k3Because I think 'cp' can only use 1 destination?22:06
TheLordOfTimesimplew, if you're on quantal, ask in #ubuntu+122:06
TheLordOfTimesimplew, quantal's not officially released yet, so support for it is in the +1 channel.22:06
sk1specialwhen i hit f12 that is. but its not bringing up the menu to select which device i want at all and i know its bootable cus it works on my other pc and i can tell its not reading it at all from the status lights22:07
michael_I'm not very proficient at BASH scripting yet, is there no existing application that could achieve this?22:07
michael_I wouldn't even know what to search22:07
TheLordOfTimemichael_, if you give me details, i'll write a script, but...22:07
TheLordOfTimemichael_, you'd need to give me more details.  mount points for each device, etc.22:07
altech2k3correct, TheLordOfTime.22:08
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TheLordOfTimealtech2k3, if he gave me the info, i'd write the script, but it would be pretty static.22:08
TheLordOfTimeunless i spent several hours in C++ coding a more in depth program22:08
himynameisHey gus22:09
sk1specialis there a way tp just completely disable grub? but to where i can turn it back on later or still get into ubuntu to turn it back on?22:09
altech2k3Bah, C++ to copy files to more than one filesystem. Seems too much work.22:09
TheLordOfTimealtech2k3, i meant for a more dynamic copier.  so you can pick and choose where to copy to/from22:09
himynameisHas anyone had luck partitioning a flash drive to where one part is for a Ubuntu bootable and the other is for regular storage?22:09
TheLordOfTimealtech2k3, but i'm too busy for that one, so...22:09
altech2k3Then again, you could read in the list of destination directories and just 'cp' from origin to destination one-at-a-time.22:10
altech2k3But I could never figure BASH's listed read-ins22:10
michael_That's very generous of you TheLordOfTime I will figure something though22:10
himynameisHate to bother, has anyone had luck partitioning a flash drive to where one part is for a Ubuntu bootable and the other is for regular storage?22:11
TheLordOfTimemichael_, unless you want to manually copy from one location to another, writing a script (which i can do) may expedite it, but fi a device goes away, the script'll break.22:11
TheLordOfTime!repeat | himynameis22:11
ubottuhimynameis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:11
himynameisSorry guys22:12
aljosacan i upload a package created with checkinstall (generated deb package, no deb source file)  to my ppa?22:13
zykotick9aljosa: you probably "shouldn't" checkinstall is a "cheat" and shouldn't be used to distribute the created DEBs...22:14
himynameisWho here uses Ubuntu from USB?22:15
aljosazykotick9: not true. maybe not for core system packages but good enough for personal use22:15
zykotick9aljosa: WRONG.  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall in particular "CheckInstall is not designed to produce packages suitable for distribution. Do not use it to produce packages intended for the Ubuntu archive or PPAs."22:16
gordonjcphimynameis: there's an option to do that in unetbootin22:16
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gordonjcphimynameis: you could also use usb-creator to create an image with storage space22:17
TdaugWhy can't I install Ubuntu?  I burned the ISO to a disk, ran the disk on windows, it SUPOSSEDLY installed, but all I can get is the demo version.  And when I try to directly install the FULL version, it doesn't do anything but restart my computer.  And the DEMO won't even work unless I boot from CD.22:21
zykotick9Tdaug: what is the ISO named?  demo/full - are you sure that's "ubuntu"?22:22
Tdaugzykotick9: I got it directly from the website http://www.ubuntu.com/ read the faq and everything.22:23
zykotick9Tdaug: ok.  well best of luck then.  enjoy ubuntu.22:23
grycan I install python3-babel on ubuntu 12.04?22:31
gordonjcpgry: I don't know, have you tried?22:31
gryyes; it's not in the official 12.04 repos as far as I could see22:32
gordonjcpgry: maybe easy_install or pip or something then22:32
zykotick9!info python-babel | gry, not with the default repo, you'd need a ppa (and thus "unsupported).  good luck.22:32
ubottugry, not with the default repo, you'd need a ppa (and thus "unsupported). good luck.: python-babel (source: python-babel): tools for internationalizing Python applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-1build1 (precise), package size 1765 kB, installed size 5090 kB22:32
zykotick9gry: if you'd like to learn more about PPAs see "/msg ubottu ppa"22:33
gryI tried to find a ppa for python3-babel, but didn't find one :-)22:35
D4rk_shadowhello all22:35
zykotick9gry: well i've never heard of it before, and ppa was my only suggestion.  i got nothing further :( best of luck.22:36
zykotick9gry: compile for source (horrible idea on ubuntu!).  why do you need it (there better be a GOOD reason - you might want to see "/msg ubottu latest")22:37
grybecause I don't see a good python 2 alternative. I might just wait for the 12.10 to come out, maybe22:38
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zufyanhey guys after upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 I've lost all of my installed from source applications :S I am now making an external drive for future applications22:41
zufyanI didn't have this problem with previous upgrades ! I don't know is this a new "feature"! ???22:41
zykotick9gry: are you sure you have the right name?  even in quatal "!info python-babel quantal" only shows 0.9.6-1build1 (quantal), and python3-babel does not exist.22:41
icerootzykotick9: #ubuntu+122:41
icerootzufyan: #ubuntu+122:41
icerootzufyan: 12.10 is a beta22:41
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zufyaniceroot: you mean this is why ?22:42
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icerootzufyan: please use the channel #ubuntu+122:42
icerootzufyan: and dont use beta releases if you want it to run fine22:42
zufyansorry I'm new to IRC channels22:43
gordonjcpzufyan: avoid installing stuff from source22:43
icerootzufyan: no problem, this channel is for all supported stable releases for ubuntu, the channe #ubuntu+1 is always for the next coming ubuntu release which is not stable yet22:43
zufyaniceroot: alright, but tell me I find it hard to track all the installed software by apt, that's why I install from source22:44
gordonjcpzufyan: "track" in what sense?22:45
icerootzufyan: tracking something build from source is hard22:45
zufyanit's hard to get the version installed and to remove them, and I don't know what r the dependencies22:46
icerootzufyan: tracking something installed with apt-get is easy (dpkg -l, the list from the software-center, the overview from aptitude and so on)22:46
icerootzufyan: to see the version "dpkg -l packagename"22:46
zufyanI guess I just have to learn more about apt22:46
icerootzufyan: or "apt-cache policy packagename"22:46
gordonjcpzufyan: What exactly are you trying to do?22:46
iceroot!apt | zufyan22:46
ubottuzufyan: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)22:46
yaaangWhy is Ubuntu continually discarding the IP address I'm assigning with "sudo ip addr add ..."?  How do I stop this from happening?22:46
yaaangI'm using Ubuntu 12.0422:47
icerootyaaang: because what you are doing is not a permanet chnage and will not survive a reboot for example22:47
yaaangiceroot: Then how do I set it properly?22:47
icerootyaaang: e.g. with the network-manager or /etc/network/interfaces22:48
yaaangiceroot: Well, I realize "sudo ip addr add" won't survive a reboot - I'm only trying to use it for this session - but even after a few minutes, it resets that interface22:48
yaaangiceroot: I'm temporarily connecting this Ubuntu box with a laptop to transfer a bunch of files quickly22:48
icerootyaaang: maybe because you are using dhcp on the network and network-manager is own the settings from sudo ip addr add22:49
zykotick9iceroot: (sorry) but using the word "stable" re:ubuntu is incorrect.  Once a release comes out it's called FinalRelease (not stable) see "/msg ubottu schedule"22:49
yaaangiceroot: The two hosts share a direct Ethernet link and are not on a network controlled by any DHCP server22:49
icerootzykotick9: hm22:49
zykotick9iceroot: stable is a debian term22:49
icerootzykotick9: yes22:49
icerootzykotick9: and 12.10 is not called unstable? i thought there is unstable in /etc/issue22:50
zufyaniceroot: thanx for the help, I'll read more about that. I have one more question. sometimes the version of software on apt repositories is old, does using ppa from created by other people a good thing ?22:50
icerootzykotick9: and a final release is something imo which will never change but 12.04 will change (sec updates and sometimes more then just a sec update (firefox))22:50
zykotick9iceroot: unstable is also a debian term ;)  development releases in ubuntu where historically the name of the release it was based on + sid ;)  but i'm not current on ubuntu releases anymore...22:51
icerootzykotick9: i know it is a debian term but i thought we used it in /etc/issue too22:51
zykotick9iceroot: ya "firefox" is my "go-to" example why ubuntu is not stable in the "unchanging versions" sense of the word22:51
icerootzykotick9: that would be my example why it is not final :)22:52
zykotick9iceroot: final = yes.  stable = no.22:52
icerootzykotick9: :)22:52
icerootzykotick9: let me rephrase it. #ubuntu is the channel for all current supported releases, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for the current development version :)22:53
zykotick9iceroot: +1 ;)22:53
zufyaniceroot: thanx for the help, I'll read more about that. I have one more question. sometimes the version of software on apt repositories is old, does using ppa from created by other people a good thing ?22:54
zykotick9iceroot: "supported releases" is really good actually.  and will become more important with time!  as 12.04 is 5 years desktop support.  how fun will that be?22:54
icerootzykotick9: 10.04 (server) 12.04 and 14.04 + the 18 months releases which are supported in that time...22:55
zykotick9if people thing lucid is old at this point, just wait!22:55
icerootwe need more (sec) maintainers22:55
icerootzufyan: no because ppas are not supported22:56
javier_nicolasI have a question. Is it schedule release new Libre Office via official repositories of Ubuntu in Ubuntu 12.04?22:56
icerootzufyan: but old is not always bad, because old means (often) also stable ( zykotick9 :) )22:56
icerootjavier_nicolas: no22:57
zykotick9javier_nicolas: 12.10 will have a new libreoffice (and almost everything else).  but in a particular release, packages "historically" don't get updates.22:57
icerootjavier_nicolas: normally not, we dont bring new versions within one ubuntu release, we just fix security issues22:57
zykotick9iceroot: i should have mentioned the security fixes ;)22:58
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javier_nicolasok. Only security fixes. Ok. However, new version is more integrate with Unity. :D22:59
MarklarGreetings, Marklar. I am Marklar.22:59
CrazyGirhow are you "supposed" to set the domainname on a ubuntu system? in hostname manpage it explicitly says not to put the full fqdn in /etc/hostname, yet all the forums say to do so22:59
Marzathanautilus terminal extension is opening xterm instead of default terminal program? any fix?22:59
willwork4fooAh Marklar, how marklar to see you.23:00
blackshirtcrazygir, if you using dns server, i thinh there23:00
icerootjavier_nicolas: if i am correct libreoffice is an exception like firefox and thunderbird because the vendor (libreoffice foundation) is only providing new releases and not backporting security fixes23:00
willwork4fooAre you marklar today marklar?23:00
CrazyGirblackshirt: how about on a default install?23:00
MarklarMarklar, Marklar. I must now Marklar. Marklar!23:00
willwork4fooMarklar, marklar.23:00
D4rk_shadowanyone knows about reverse handler and connection timeout error pls msg me23:01
=== forkbomber_ is now known as forkbomber
blackshirtcrazygir, default desktop install managed by dnsmasq with network manager too23:01
icerootjavier_nicolas: yes libreoffice IS an exception23:01
CrazyGirdefault server?23:01
zykotick9iceroot: ;)23:01
icerootjavier_nicolas: 12.04 was shipped with 3.4 and now has 3.5 (see apt-get changelog libreoffice)23:01
Cheeseim looking for something like sublime text editor 2 but dont know how to install anything23:02
blackshirtcrazygir, usually you place fqdn in /etc/hosts for non managed by dns23:02
Cheeseim new to ubuntu23:02
Cheeseive extracted it23:02
CrazyGirblackshirt: hostname is able to figure it out based on /etc/{hosts,hostname} ?23:03
Cheesebut I think the symbolic link script didnt work23:03
Cheesei dunno how to install it23:03
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ukebanequick question, how come in my ubuntu 12.04 ctrl + super + left/right arrow works a lot slower than when I put my windows somewhere with ctrl alt numpad? (unity)23:05
Cheeseive got two python script files and some folders23:05
Cheeseicon ,lib, and pristine packages23:05
Weibchenhallo ubuntu23:06
zykotick9Cheese: what you are describing, isn't "technically" supported in the #ubuntu channel... but best of luck.23:06
Weibchenwas ist mit dir los ?23:06
blackshirtcrazygir, i don't know for detail ....23:06
Cheesepython files just show me their code23:06
zykotick9Cheese: but please see "/msg ubottu enter" and "/msg ubottu details"23:07
Cheeseok nm23:08
ukebaneCheese: you run python files with python <file>23:09
Cheesethefile is .py23:09
=== Kartrohm_afk is now known as Kartrohm
D4rk_shadowanyone knows about reverse handler and connection timeout error pls msg me23:15
YellowGTODoes anyone know a way to bind a command to a different word?23:18
blackshirtcheese, make it executable if you sure it sae23:18
YellowGTOLike if I wanted to make it list instead of ls23:18
D4rk_shadowanyone knows about connection timeout error ?23:18
YellowGTOIt would be fine if both worked23:18
blackshirtd4rk_shaddow, a lot of caused problems?23:19
icerootYellowGTO: alias23:19
YellowGTOThank you iceroot been looting for how to do this for awhile23:20
YellowGTOJust couldnt phrase it right to google23:20
zykotick9YellowGTO: check out ~/.bashrc and look for the example "alias ls='ls --color=auto'" then just copy/add you new on benith it.23:21
zykotick9s/you new on benith/your new one beneth/23:22
YellowGTOI just need it for a joke23:22
YellowGTOI convinced a guy you could run touch by typing in mJackson23:23
zykotick9YellowGTO: that "joke" is why having ./ in your PATH is such a bad idea23:23
=== Guest90692 is now known as lexh
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager23:26
_basic6_how do i permanently reset the keyboard layout on command line?23:27
OerHeks_basic6_, > sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data23:29
Abinjoin #ubuntu23:31
SomelauwAbin: you already joined23:31
zykotick9_basic6_: you could try (untested!) "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"23:31
AbinOhh.. thank you Somelauw :)23:32
zykotick9_basic6_: sorry, looks like keyboard isn't there!  my bad.23:32
OerHeksthat is taken care of in console-data23:32
Abinhey, i would like to ask about linux kernel... anyone here?23:33
_basic6_yeah it's not there. it's ubuntu 11.10 btw23:33
blackshirtabin, you could ask here23:34
_basic6_if there's no tool, i can just change the config file - but which file is responsible for the kb layout?23:35
blackshirtabin, but maybe better to join #linux23:35
zykotick9_basic6_: do you have a console-data?  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure  console-23:35
_basic6_zykotick9: yes, iv've just tried that and it asked a few questions like encoding (utf-8) and font size, but no layout23:35
Abinthanks yar.. I'll try #linux channel23:36
Abinjoin #linux23:36
_basic6_Abin: lol :-)23:36
wolsAbin: ##linux23:36
_basic6_forgot the slash?23:36
zykotick9_basic6_: i get utf-8 in console-setup, but i don't have a console-data (not unexpected, different distro)23:36
DataholicHi i just installed the Ubuntu 12.04 minimal iso, i installed only vmware view client 1.6 and gnome-shell on a vmware virtual workstation, can i make this image into a livecd using remastersys or any other tools you coud suggest?23:37
Abinbasic 6,,....... i don't know how to switch to #linux....... help me please ..23:37
wolsAbin:  /join ##linux23:38
BenxyzzyI can't download updates because /boot is full. It looks to be full of old kernel related stuff. Lots of versions of files beginning abi-3.2xxxx, initrd.img-3.2xxx, System.map-3.2xxxx and vmlinuz-3.2xxx. Can I delete these to free up space?23:38
_basic6_zykotick9: so how do i reset the keyboard layout now? i've seen a couple of howtos and none of them work. can't be that complicated /unusual23:38
Dataholicanyone could advise my concern?23:38
wolsBenxyzzy: dpkg -l |grep linux-image23:38
Abinthank you guys..  :)23:38
zykotick9_basic6_: sorry i don't know.  best of luck.23:38
Benxyzzywols: Thanks for your help, is this a list of stuff I shouldn't delete from boot?23:39
zykotick9Benxyzzy: wols +1.  yes you can uninstall unsused kernels.  having a separate /boot doesn't make sense in modern times IMO.  best of luck.23:40
wolsBenxyzzy: no. what does the list say?23:40
wolszykotick9: it does. RAID23:40
Benxyzzyzykotic9: So basically I've ended up with multiple kernels installed, and I need to uninstall them all?23:40
doomlord_is it possible to get an icon-per-desktop on the launcher-bar in unity.23:41
zykotick9wols: true.  RAID is something i disagree with on a desktop, for servers - yes.23:41
wolsyou really don't want to uninstall them all or you get a nasty surprise next time you boot23:41
zykotick9Benxyzzy: i'd recommend removing all BUT 2!!  your currently, and one "known good" kernel.23:41
wolsand you want to not just uninstall them either23:41
doomlord_(a possible way to hack it, make a shell script to  warp to desktop, give that an icon and slap it onthe launcher-bar ? .... but it would be nice to have the desktop-thumbnail like in gnome223:42
Abinheyy.. but I'm getting a warning " cannot send to channel" :(23:42
zykotick9Benxyzzy: also, i'd suggest you see "/msg ubottu tab" typing z-y-k-o-t-i-c-k-9 is a HUGE pain, use TAB to autocomplete.23:42
wolsAbin: in which channel are you?23:42
Benxyzzywols: The list contains 8 entries for Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 (subversion 23 thru 32 except 28 which isn't there), plus one last entry which just says "Generic Linux kernel image"23:42
wilee-nileeAbin, You have to be registered for that channel23:43
zykotick9Abin: you might need to see "/msg ubottu register"23:43
_basic6_google "freenode register", it just takes 5 minutes23:43
Abinhow to register for that?23:44
wolsAbin: /msg nickserv help register. for more help #freenode. this is offtopic here23:44
Benxyzzy zykotick9, wols: The complete output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1278056/23:44
_basic6_and they all say "choose a very secure password for you rirc account" but you will enter it in plaintext in your irc client so i wouldn't use a pw you're using for anything else23:44
wols_basic6_: sasl23:45
_basic6_anyway offtopic23:45
_basic6_nobody who knows how to change the kb layout??23:45
Benxyzzyzykotick9, wols: So Basically in that pastebin, I uninstall everything before line 9?23:45
zykotick9Benxyzzy: DON'T remove 3.2.0-31.50 or 3.2.0-32.51 OR the linux-image-generic-pae23:45
Abinnickserv help register23:46
wols_basic6_: X or console?23:46
_basic6_wols: console23:46
wolsBenxyzzy: you purge23:46
zykotick9Benxyzzy: yes ;)23:46
wols_basic6_: does a package console-setup exist?23:46
_basic6_wols: it does, and i've tried dpkg-reconfigure and it asked for things like font size, but NOT the layout23:47
_basic6_ubuntu 11.1023:47
wols_basic6_: edit /etc/default/keyboard23:47
wolsand update your initramfs too23:48
Benxyzzyzykotick9, wols: I'm going to apt-get purge .36 thru .46 of my kernels, leaving .50, .51 and the 'generic-pae' one23:48
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=== dalek_ is now known as BlackDalek
DataholicHi i just installed the Ubuntu 12.04 minimal iso, i installed only vmware view client 1.6 and gnome-shell on a vmware virtual workstation, can i make this image into a livecd using remastersys or any other tools you coud suggest?23:49
SaerynAny way to update libssl to 1.0.0 in Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 from libssl 0.9.8?23:49
zykotick9Saeryn: are you familiar with "/msg ubottu ppa"?23:50
Saerynzykotick9: I am not.23:51
zykotick9Saeryn: did you type that into your irc client, and look for a PM from ubottu?23:52
BlackDalekIs it normal for am Ubuntu PC with 1Gb ram to have memory completely full after running a web browser and no other apps for 30 mins?23:52
zykotick9!atemyram | BlackDalek23:52
ubottuBlackDalek: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html23:52
wolsBlackDalek: memory is always full. if it's not you are wasting it23:52
zykotick9wols: +123:52
arooni-mobilehow do i set the media keys on my t420 ubuntu 12.04 laptop set to clementines shortcuts??23:54
BlackDalekzykotick9, wols - But in my case, when the usage gets to 98/99% usage, the whole system slows to a crawl... mouse pointer freezes intermittently, takes ages for anything to respond etc... Doesn't sound normal to me. And as soon the browser is closed, memory usage plummets back to about 35% and system responds normally again..23:55
zykotick9wols: but my memory is rarely full ;)  high cpu i can manage, when my system needs swap for memory - it's horribly slow.  right now it's find and my current load is 8.49 9.45 9.70 but swap on only barely being used (only 4GB on my box :(.. )23:55
daym0nBlackDalek: what browser?23:55
zykotick9BlackDalek: get more physical memory - or run less ;)23:56
BlackDalekdaym0n, any browser probably... currently noticing problems with both firefox and chromium... and zykotick9, the problem occurs when a browser is the only thing running.23:57
zykotick9BlackDalek: if swap is being used as memory, a lot - things get VERY slow.  much slower then when the cpu is taxed.  IMO23:57
BenxyzzyI just uninstalled all the old kernels but there's still no free space in /boot. I've only got 3.2.0-31.50, 3.2.0-32.51, and 3.2.0-32.35 left according to dpkg -l . Is there anything else I need to do to free the space in /boot? Can I just delete the files?23:57
zykotick9BlackDalek: check swap usage from "free" in a terminal23:57

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