
andrzejrwould it be possible to bump libwnck to version 2.31.0?00:19
andrzejrcurrently (12.10 b2) the pager plugin is broken in a deskbar panel mode00:20
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stuckInALoopIs anyone here? I ran the wrong echo command in bashrc and now it's in infinite loop, restoring itself after reboot. I can't kill it because I can't get super user permissions in Terminal since I have "no command found" flooding it.05:07
stuckInALoopahhh.... ahh man this sucks.05:08
holsteinstuckInALoop: i would fix with a live CD05:09
stuckInALoopOh and delete the script from there?05:10
holsteinstuckInALoop: thats what i would try... if i couldnt get in to the system otherwise05:10
stuckInALoopI'm in the system I just can't do anything in the terminal because it's flooding with "alias: command not found"05:11
stuckInALoopOr, "No command '"alias' found"05:11
holsteinstuckInALoop: if i thought i could just blow it out with a live CD, i would05:12
stuckInALoopbut where is it? Is there a file called bashrc with it in there?05:12
stuckInALoopnever mind. I found it05:13
stuckInALoopI just deleted it from ~/.bashrc and it stopped. Never mind. Thanks anyway.05:13
stuckInALoopNow i have to stay here in case someone needs help with something.05:14
lynn_hi everyone05:36
lynn_lost my volume control in the panel05:36
lynn_how do i get it back05:36
Noskcajlynn_: what version of xubuntu are you using?05:39
lynn_Noskcaj, 12.0405:41
Noskcajok, i dont know how to fix it just that info will help someone who does05:41
lynn_anyone in here?06:05
lynn_what does xubuntu use as the volume control icon in the panel?06:11
baizonlynn_: indicator-sound06:16
baizonand install indicator-sound-gtk206:17
lynn_whats the default one that comes with xubuntu?06:18
baizonlynn_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/xubuntu-desktop06:19
lynn_its installed but when i try to launch it , it says its not found06:20
baizonthen reinstall :)06:21
lynn_indicator-sound-gtk2 command not found06:21
Noskcajlynn_ open terminal and type sudo apt-get install  indicator-sound-gtk206:22
lynn_its already installed06:23
baizonsudo apt-get install -reinstall indicator-sound-gtk206:23
baizonsudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-sound-gtk206:24
lynn_got it06:25
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Frank-Manmoring guys !08:43
baizonhi Frank-Man08:50
Frank-Manbaizon, you know where is the xorg.conf on 12.10 ?09:01
baizonFrank-Man: /etc?09:03
baizonbut you need to generate one09:04
baizonwith: sudo Xorg -configure09:04
baizonfor more information09:04
knomeTheSheep, nope :/10:09
TheSheepknome: who can fix it?10:17
knomeTheSheep, i believe best to ask canonical IS or the release team10:17
TheSheepwell, lets hope they read the bug reports10:24
baizonindicator apps?10:26
baizoni meand indicator messages10:26
knomeTheSheep, ask in #ubuntu-release or file a ticket in rt.ubuntu.com10:27
knomebaizon, yes?10:27
Kingsyguys, I updated my kernel to the latest version, however the package manager this morning is trying to install an older version of the kernel on an update.. why? and how do you stop it? I certainly don't want to downgrade10:44
jarnos_How do you set system color profile in Xubuntu (so that e.g. Gimp can use it)?11:29
Onurhow can i delete some programs in xubuntu?12:29
=== Onur is now known as Guest45755
Guest45755how can i remove some programs ? i am new user xubuntu12:30
jarnos_Try synaptic package manager12:31
LNCPYou should be able to check and uncheck those little tickboxes next to the program names.12:31
nabukadnezar43hello, how can i find all the default packages and their versions in 12.10 daily build?12:41
CellTechIs there a way to edit keyboard short cuts? I hate being on facebook and start typing and having my page jump all over the place14:09
recon_lapCellTech: well there is Application Shortcuts in Keyboard system settings14:10
recon_lapCellTech: also they are other keyboard shortcut in Window manager system setting14:12
CellTechK. I just wann ditch them. I don't use anythin but crtl c and v14:13
CellTechcopy and paste thats it14:13
TheSheepwhy would your page jump up and down while you are typing?14:15
choidoes anyone have experience with the window manager awesome?14:45
choii have xubuntu installed and are there known problems with xubuntu?14:46
xubuntu347Wireless Network - device not ready (firmware missing)17:04
xubuntu347Can someone help me? :)17:04
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:51
nicferI'm trying to install xubuntu and I need help trying to connect to a encripted wireless network18:52
nicferusing WPA218:52
GridCubedefine "problems"18:53
nicferI don't know how to enter the wireless key18:55
nicferI'm trying with 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 key s:!PASS!' but without sucess18:55
GridCubeyou see the network from the nm-applet?18:57
nicferI'm under installation and can't access any menues18:59
GridCubeare you using the alternate iso?19:00
GridCubenicfer, see if you have nmcli installed19:00
GridCubeyou should be able to configure things with that19:01
nicfernmcli is installed19:03
GridCubei've never used it, but it should be the way you manage connections19:04
GridCubedo man nmcli to see the minimal ways to move around it19:04
nicfernmcli seems to be for every type of connections, not only wireless19:57
GridCubemmhm yes19:58
GridCubenicfer, maybe iwconfig its the better aproach, this should guide you: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup20:01
ner0xHave to say, very pleased with ubuntu + xfce.20:49
xubuntu098xubuntu sux20:54
xubuntu098im going back to linuxmint20:54
xubuntu098this os is so shitty20:54
Unit193!language | xubuntu09820:55
ubottuxubuntu098: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:55
xubuntu098i cant even explain how much it sucks20:55
toraxxubuntu098: xubuntu-offtopic is for that20:55
xubuntu098my name is mike20:55
Unit193Then go use mint and don't complain if you don't intend to actually help fix it.20:55
xubuntu098 stop calling me xubuntu 09820:55
toraxxubuntu098: you are xubuntu09820:56
xubuntu098how do you open itunes on this20:56
xubuntu098i need to update my iphone to ios620:56
xubuntu098no my name is mike20:56
xubuntu098how do you open itunes20:57
xubuntu098im clicking on the installer20:57
xubuntu098but nothing happens20:57
xubuntu098comeon guyz20:57
Unit193xubuntu098: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134720:58
xubuntu098i thod this was a community20:58
xubuntu098moar liek deadmunity20:58
Unit193xubuntu098: Stop whining.20:58
john_ramboWhile watching videos the screen is going dark & the audio is stopping as well21:17
recon_lapjohn_rambo: you computer is going into hibernation.21:20
john_ramborecon_lap, How to avoid this21:21
recon_lapjohn_rambo: system setting -> power management21:21
recon_lapjohn_rambo: some movie players have a option you can set too21:22
recon_lapjohn_rambo: also check your screen saver21:23
john_ramboI have disabled all possibilities in power management. Just disabled the screen saver. Let hope the problem is gone . Thanks21:27
recon_lapjohn_rambo: hope you got them all, there nearly always one you miss :)21:27
martinphonei have a discography, mp3, but filenames dont include track number, can I add the track number at the beginning if the filename with guadayeque?22:18
martinphoneor any other program or command?22:19
recon_lapmartinphone: maybe something like http://www.webupd8.org/2009/09/mp3-diags-fixes-your-mp3-files-adds.html22:28

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