
=== Guest52174 is now known as vibhav
=== vibhav is now known as Guest86053
cjohnstonmhall119: JoseeAntonioR my suggestion would be to do it like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/views.py#L416, it isnt ajax, but you click it, it would add you as attending, ad just refresh the pge your on16:54
cjohnstonthat would be a quick and easy fix16:55
cjohnstonunless you can get something ajaxy quickly16:55
JoseeAntonioRif JoseeAntonioR gets how that works, he'll fix it asap16:55
cjohnstonbut we dont have anything ajaxy yet, so I don't know how easy itll be to add16:55
cjohnstonif ajax is easy, that is an easier fix16:55
cjohnstonif ajax is easy, that is a better fix16:56
cjohnstonthis suggestion is just quicker and easier16:56
JoseeAntonioRI'll take a look at it now16:56
czajkowskicjohnston: arent you on holidays?16:59
cjohnstonI'm leaving in a minute17:00
cjohnstonits raining outside tho, so we are hiding17:00
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: around?17:37
=== codemaniac is now known as rootninja
=== rootninja is now known as codemaniac
jonopleia2, hey21:22
jonoyou there?21:22
jonoor bkerensa21:22
jonoyou there?21:22
* popey tickles jono21:25
JoseeAntonioRjono: pleia2 is in Ghana, was here a couple hours ago, and bkerensa, want me to ping his phone?21:32
jonoJoseeAntonioR, yes please21:33
jonoI sent him an email21:33
jonoI need an Ubuntu tablecloth urgently to be sent to San Diego21:33
JoseeAntonioRjono: I think pleia2 left the things to philballew, I can call him and confirm21:34
jonoJoseeAntonioR, yes that would be perfect21:34
jonocan you call him and let me know ASAP21:34
JoseeAntonioRjono: none of them is answering, but Phil should soon as I've sent a text message21:40
jonoJoseeAntonioR, thanks21:40
JoseeAntonioRjono: he hasn't got one, but he says Mike Joseph (Lyz' fiancee) should have the Cali one21:42
jonoJoseeAntonioR, do you have his number?21:42
jonocan you ask him to ask him?21:42
JoseeAntonioRlet me check21:42
JoseeAntonioRyeah, one sec21:43
JoseeAntonioRjono: give me 5 mins, and I'll call him21:48
jonoJoseeAntonioR, thanks21:49
pleia2jono: I already emailed to say I have the only key, please don't bother myf amily about this21:49
pleia2(and rolling blackouts here, my connection is awful)21:49
JoseeAntonioRgot it21:49
jonothanks pleia222:08
JoseeAntonioRjono: Ben says he'll reply when he gets home later tonight, plus post office is closed today22:10
jonoJoseeAntonioR, thanks22:11

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