
mwhudsonis it too soon to join #ubuntu-release-party?20:15
ajmitchyou could start asking if it's out yet20:16
mwhudsonit seems that redirects to ubuntu-offtopic20:16
* ajmitch wonders if it's safe to upgrade his laptop to quantal yet20:16
* ibeardslee finally managed to get his UltraLap running quantal with an encrypted LVM disk20:17
ajmitchdid it take much work?20:17
ibeardsleehad to install with the precise alternate install and then upgrade20:17
ajmitchthat sort of thing was meant to be in the quantal desktop installer, since the alternate image is being discontinued20:18
ibeardsleeahh that would explain why I couldn't find that image20:18
ibeardsleeI could create an encrypted disk, but didn't seem to be able to tweak the lvm images within that as part of the install20:19
ibeardsleelvm config20:19
ajmitchI wonder if it's related at all to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/106648020:19
ajmitchpeople have tested installing with lvm & encryption, but I don't know if the testcase involves tweaking lvm20:20
ibeardsleethe default was root and swap .. and I couldn't seem to change that20:21
ibeardsleealthough I must admit it took me a while in the 12.04.1 alternate to work out how to do it .. so may have missed that in the quantal installer20:22
* ajmitch has never tried it20:22
ajmitchI've set up lvm before, but with the alternate installer & without encryption20:22
ibeardsleeyou create a /boot which isn't encrypted20:23
ibeardsleeand then a encrypted partition20:23
ibeardsleethat encrypted partition seems to then be able to be treated as a new disk .. and create the LVM volumes etc within that20:24
ibeardsleelooking at that bug .. /me will be wary trying to rerun an install20:30
mwhudsoni used os x yesterday for the first time in a while20:38
mwhudsoni was severely weirded out by not being able to tap super/command and type an application name20:38
ibeardsleeI thought something like that was one of the great features of OSX, the reason gnome do came about20:39
thumpermwhudson: really20:40
mwhudsonthumper: yes20:40
mwhudsoni had to use the trackpad and everything20:41
thumpermwhudson: doesn't osx have something similar though?20:41
mwhudsonthumper: not in the version i have20:41
mwhudsonthumper: there are extensions20:41
mwhudsonwhich in true apple style probably had all their good ideas stolen and incorporated into the os20:42
thumpermwhudson: are you going to copenhagen?20:42
mwhudsonthumper: yes20:42
thumpermwhudson: when do you arrive?20:42
mwhudsonthumper: 17:00 on sunday20:42
mwhudsonthumper: are you there for the pre-uds thing?20:43
thumpermwhudson: are you there for just UDS, or the pre-sprint?20:43
mwhudsonthumper: just uds20:43
thumpermwhudson: I leave Saturday, there for all  two weeks20:43
mwhudsonah ok20:43
ajmitchmwhudson: you're heading there as well?20:43
mwhudsonthumper: nz1 back?20:44
mwhudsonajmitch: yeah, linaro connect is colocating again20:44
thumpermwhudson: over via LA, back via HK20:44
mwhudsonthumper: the faster way around :-)20:44
mwhudsoni'm via LA both ways20:45
thumperbrobably cheaper20:45
thumperat the time20:45
* ajmitch is going via LA & then back via HK as well20:45
thumperNZ1/2 have the better planes20:45
thumpernicer screens20:45
mwhudsonLAX is horrible, but the 777-300s are nicer so shrug20:45
thumperNZ38/39 still have older fittings20:45
* ajmitch is flying out on the 27th20:46
thumperI heard a rumour that as of next year, there will no longer be the holdin cells (room) in LAX for transit20:46
mwhudsonmoving to the international terminal20:46
mwhudsonajmitch: ah, will be on the same flight as you then20:46
mwhudsonajmitch: "NZ 002 T 27OCT 6 AKLLHR 2230 1045+1"20:47
mwhudsonajmitch: then "BA 818 V 28OCT 7 LHRCPH 1400 1700" ?20:47
mwhudsoni need to phone up air nz and get my upgrades back20:47
ajmitchyes, same one20:47
ajmitchcoming back a couple of days after UDS though20:48
mwhudsonbecause i didn't get upgraded last time but they're not available online20:48
thomioh yeah - I should start thinking about getting ready for Copenhagen huh...20:48
ajmitchthomi: no rush20:48
mwhudsonand then decide which legs i want to try to upgrade...20:48
thomiyeah, I'll throw some things in a bag the day before - what could possibly go wrong?20:48
ajmitchthis channel will be even quieter than usual20:48
ajmitchthomi: as long as you have your passport & laptop, you'll be right20:48
ajmitchmorning lifeless20:48
mwhudsonajmitch, thomi: remembering the power supply makes things a bit less fraught too20:49
thomiso it turns out my family visit in the UK on the way back is right over bonfire night20:49
thomi \o/20:49
ajmitchmwhudson: details, I'm sure you could pick one up over there :)20:49
thominow I can pretend that the usual bonfire night party is in fact a party in my honour :)20:49
lifelessajmitch: o/20:49
ibeardslee12:10 <@ian> seems chromium-browser on quantal includes the cacert certificates23:10
ojwbi wonder if that's deliberate - debian have enabled them for ages, so ubuntu presumably deliberately didn't previously23:14
ibeardsleestill not in firefox though23:16
ojwbhmm, so chromium has its own certificate list23:16
ojwbor firefox does23:16
ibeardsleemy guess is they both have their own23:16
ibeardsleecacerts have seemed to exist in the ca-certificates package for a while23:18
ojwbeverything really should be using those in the ca-certificates package23:18
ojwbbut "shipped in ca-certificates" and "enabled" are separate things23:18
ojwbsudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates23:19
ojwbthat will allow you to see (and control) which are trusted23:19
ibeardsleeand firefox and thunderbird require the cert separately .. not shared23:22
ojwbat least in debian wheezy, neither firefox nor chromium seem to use those certs23:34

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