
vilamorning mgz08:13
mgzhow are you vila?08:13
vilapretty good for a  cloudy monday morning ;)08:14
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mgzhm, missed a quip earlier, every monday morning is a cloudy morning these days...10:08
* jelmer has no idea what a "quip" is but assumes it's some sort of accessory for trains10:09
mgzthere are so many strange parts of the english language I still need to confuse you with jelmer...10:10
fullermdHe has no idea what a flounifirelication he's in for...10:10
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bobsappI suggest for a week 4chan should be run like a gulag, you have to enter 5 captchas to make one post, all images scaled down to 500x500 fixedsys font everywhere15:05
LarstiQwould bzr transports be relevant to https://github.com/lvh/async-pep/blob/master/pep-3153.rst ?15:20
jelmerhey LarstiQ!15:21
LarstiQhey jelmer :)15:22
jelmerLarstiQ: it seems like there is some overlap15:22
delinquentmeheyy all! So i'm looking to examin the commit history for a single file15:43
delinquentmeALSO is there any GUI for bazaar thats decent?15:44
jelmerdelinquentme: "bzr log FILE" should show you the history for a single file15:44
jelmerdelinquentme: qbzr/bzr-explorer and bzr-gtk are the main UIs15:45
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lduroshi, there's no equivalent of a tag in bzr? Like with svn when you reach version 2.0 you create a tag for easy reference...?17:11
janoslduros: sure there is17:12
fullermdNone at all.  Aside from the thing 'bzr tag' does, anyway...17:12
janosyou create tags using the 'bzr tag' command17:12
ldurosfor some reason I missed that part from the documentation17:12
fullermdWe keep it hidden.  Can't have just ANYbody making takes, y'know.17:14
fullermdOr tags, even.  Only piple who khan tipe.17:14
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