
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1024951] New Activity widget misplaced @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024951 (by Richard Sweeney)00:03
apachelogger2 hours of my life wasted thanks to shitty gnome middleware01:19
apacheloggeractually I am not even sure how that would be fixed01:26
apacheloggeractually that api does not even make sense01:26
* apachelogger ponders sending ossi to go after the author01:27
Techna_Rave_PonyHow would one update to the prerelease of quantal?06:45
soeeupdate from ?06:49
Techna_Rave_Ponywithout a disk, I don't have a disk drive06:50
Techna_Rave_Ponythank you06:51
Techna_Rave_Ponyupgrade should only take one to three hours at a decent connection speed, right?07:01
valorieTechna_Rave_Pony: it took me a couple of hours on a cable connection07:02
valorienot uber fast, but not dialup either07:02
Techna_Rave_PonyRochester RoadRunner07:03
Techna_Rave_PonyShould be okay I think07:03
Techna_Rave_Ponygood bye for now chaps07:03
agateauhi, wanted to finally update from precise to quantal, but "do-release-upgrade -d" tells me it can't find a new version. Is it a known bug?09:02
StephanGHi guys,  I've been on quantal since beta 1, and I've been noticing that plasma occasionally becomes unresponsive.  Is this an issue with KDE, or Quantal specifically?09:05
yofel_agateau: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu09:06
StephanGThanks, I'll take a look.09:07
StephanGOh, agateau... *Blushes*09:08
yofel_I personally don't have freezes in plasma unless I have a network drive mounted and the network goes down. The only freezes I get here are full system freezes -.-09:11
StephanGWell, it might just be my panels.  But regardless, KRunner seems to be impervous to dying.  Whenever anything goes down, it's always faithfully there to bail me out.09:14
xnoxagateau: do you have settings set to "LTS only" in software sources / upgrade manager?09:25
agateauyofel_: looks like it's working, thanks!09:50
agateauxnox: yes, that was it09:50
Riddellagateau: yay, good luck with the upgrade10:11
=== Corodius_1 is now known as Corodius
* yofel_ found a reliable way to freeze plasma-netbook on his eeePC11:02
yofel_open the i386 live disk on a netbook, run the live session and click on 'Page one'. -> plasma-netbook sits there unresponsive with 100% CPU11:03
Mamarokdoes somebody know by hear where I can find the Kubuntu icon?11:21
RiddellKubuntuArtwork has the logo on the wiki11:23
Mamarokwhich is where? I don't see a link on the Kubuntu.org page btw, shouldn't that be referenced somewhere?11:24
Mamarokhm, I only want the icon, not the name11:25
Mamaroklike the Quantal logo, but without the bird11:27
RiddellMamarok: we've no file of that but it's not hard to get it with inkscape and the logo11:31
MamarokI am a complete idiot when it comes to graphics11:32
Mamarokso somebody will have to provide me with it, as I only have the very old one here: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download11:33
MamarokI am transfering the wiki to c.k.o, but I would like to have more recent logos11:33
Mamarokelse I use the "get started here" one from the default settings package, but it is square and that might look a bit awkward11:34
Mamarokand no, I really don't have time to get familiar with inkscape and learn how to extract a logo, I have hundreds of wiki pages to move11:34
Mamarokwhat about the favicon used in the browser for the tab?11:36
Mamarokany idea how I can get that one?11:36
RiddellMamarok: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/kubuntu-gear.png11:37
Riddellcomme ca?11:37
Mamarokcool, merci beaucoup :)11:38
BluesKajhiyas all12:04
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066861] Plasma-netbook freezes on live-disk after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066861 (by Philip Muškovac)13:40
apacheloggeryofel_: does that also happen if you turn off desktop effects?13:41
* apachelogger is seeing weird DE related intermediate freezery13:42
yofel_good question, will try13:42
* Quintasan goes to do iso testing13:45
Quintasanbbl with results13:45
shadeslayerplus, ktorrent takes an insanely long time to stop torrents for some reason13:49
apacheloggerafiestas: did you file a lunchpad bug about the lid-close issue?13:50
apacheloggeroh, god13:52
apacheloggerI have flickering on login13:52
apacheloggeroh, I don't have my gpg key with me13:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: can you upload something to a ppa somewhere?13:56
shadeslayeras long as it does not have locusts or prn13:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: kde-workspace r69613:57
shadeslayerfrom bzr?13:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you sure about that rev?14:05
shadeslayermaybe I'm missing something here :P14:05
minimoyhi all. I have a very little problem with libreoffice and the libreoffice-kde package. It does not concern kubuntu only but all distros running kde. Menus with libreoffice-kde package and the oxygen theme are not well defined.  you can see this screenshot http://ubuntuone.com/1MAHFwgJwk74hVkHJfWI0d14:06
minimoyIt is not very beautiful and it boring (for eyes) to work with edges of menus not well delimited14:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: perhaps I cloned14:08
minimoywhat do you think about it ? Can we improve that ?14:08
apacheloggerah yes, I cloned14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: pushed now14:08
apacheloggerminimoy: we can drop libreoffice-kde14:09
apacheloggerseeing as it is unmaintained14:09
* shadeslayer looks14:10
minimoywith this package we have the kde file picker and i don't want the gtk one14:10
minimoywith firefox we have the kmozillahelper for a very good integration into kde (thanks blue shell)14:11
minimoywhy not improve the libreoffice-kde package in order to have an integration similar as firefox14:12
apacheloggerminimoy: whishfull thinking does not make software become maintained though :)14:12
minimoyof course...14:13
Riddellgosh, Plasma Active 3 is out14:14
apacheloggermeh, kwin is causing the login flickering14:15
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have a machine without intel graphics?14:15
Riddellapachelogger: no, all intel here it seems14:17
yofel_I could test on nvidia later, but nouveau is usually even worse in such things14:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: ninjas?14:20
shadeslayerfastest build times and what not14:20
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apacheloggeryofel: intel in quantal is really bad14:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, you mean, X in quantal is really bad ;)14:21
apacheloggerI mean mesa in quantal is really bad14:21
apacheloggerX is bad in general14:21
yofelapachelogger: freezes with and without compositing.14:21
yofelcompositing is off by default btw.14:21
apacheloggeryofel: plasma broke it \o/14:21
shadeslayerand mgrasselin is complaining about it ;)14:21
yofeladd the kernel to that14:21
yofelmy thinkpad isn't too happy about 3.5 in general14:22
apacheloggeruse 3.614:22
* apachelogger is on 3.6 mainline14:22
yofelyeah, I should do that14:22
yofelwill install it later14:22
apachelogger3.5 does not even support my wifi :P14:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm just waiting for ack on ninjas14:22
* shadeslayer is on 3.5.2 with patchery14:22
shadeslayerand all works well14:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: don't care :P14:22
shadeslayerheh ok14:23
shadeslayerninjas it is14:23
apacheloggerit's not like I need it built right now14:23
shadeslayeroh pft14:23
yofelam I the only one that actually tries to use the archive kernel? :D14:23
shadeslayerno build queues14:23
apacheloggeryofel: yes :P14:23
mikhasapachelogger, minimoy: cutting the -kde package for a while would make it painfully aware that libreoffice integration lacks maintainership14:23
apacheloggereveryone who's seen the amount of patchery in the archive kernel will not want to use it anymore :P14:24
mikhas*painfully obvious14:24
apacheloggeron that note14:24
apacheloggerwe need to do a patch review in the next series14:24
apacheloggerI get the feeling that we have way too many patches in the big kde packages and even more so in qt14:25
shadeslayeris that a ARM builder virtualizing i386 ?14:26
apacheloggerafiestas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-workspace/+bug/106689214:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066892 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Quantal) "initial power profiles do not use suspend support" [Critical,Triaged]14:26
yofel menkib (QEMU'd ARM test builder) builds Intel 386 binaries and is owned by Nick Moffitt. 14:27
yofelmakes no sense14:27
shadeslayernot sure if ARM builder that QEMU'd to build i386 or the other way around14:28
apacheloggerarm is a 32bit architecture14:28
yofelcertainly, but no Intel 38614:28
apacheloggerthat's why one uses qemu14:28
* shadeslayer also points to build times if that's not icecc'd14:28
* apachelogger has seen OBS setups having loads of problems from doing it the other way around14:29
apacheloggerpoint being, i386 virtualization is excellent whereas arm virtualization is soso14:29
shadeslayerI'm actually *happy* about this :p14:30
apacheloggerso assuming you want to build i386 and arm in the same farm it makes sense to have native arm builds and virtual i386 builds14:30
shadeslayerprobably means lower power consumption 14:30
shadeslayeras long as the build times are the same14:30
apacheloggermakes next to no difference in the big picture :P14:30
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)14:40
Quintasanamd64 manual partitioning - passed15:03
Quintasansame for i38615:03
* Quintasan makes something to eat and installs back everything he needs15:06
RiddellDarkwing: ping?15:26
Riddelltranslations? 15:26
Riddelland bug 104927815:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049278 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Secure port information duplicated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104927815:26
DarkwingRiddell: I'll look at it today.\15:37
RiddellDarkwing: thanks15:38
Riddellclaydoh: fancy filling in some blanks here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu15:38
RiddellYuriyVidineev_: ug you're right on the netbook issue15:39
Riddellyofel rather15:39
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)15:41
Riddellor mparillo ? :)15:44
Riddellfancy filling in some blanks here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu15:44
mparilloRiddell: I can try. Looks more blank than previous versions ;-)15:45
Riddellmparillo: this isn't the release announcment15:48
Riddellit's the more dry and boring release notes15:49
Riddellso you can just take the release announcement and remove the shiny language and pictures15:49
Riddellof course we also need a nice release announcement page15:49
mparilloOuch. Got a 500 when I saved my minor edits, and now the page appears gone.16:04
mikhasthe cloud is a great place to lose your data16:09
Riddellmparillo: erk16:15
Riddellwell it's still in the history16:16
Riddellbut I don't know how to revert16:16
Riddellskaet: any ideas?16:18
mparillohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu is still gone. Once before when a wiki page got a 500 when saving my updates is magically re-appeared (perhaps when somebody else saved his updates). But (at least so far), not yet.16:24
Riddellmparillo: well it's still in the history16:34
Riddellbut I don't know how to revert16:34
mparilloIs it under the drop-down for more actions?16:34
Riddellah hah16:35
Riddellooh that's broken16:35
skaethmm... what's wrong?16:35
Riddell<class 'MoinMoin.PageEditor.CouldNotLock'>16:36
* skaet blinks16:36
skaetno Kubuntu page??16:36
Riddellskaet: wiki breakage, I've taken it to -sysadmin16:36
skaetRiddell,  thanks.   Let me kno.w if I need to help.   It was there yesterday16:36
Riddellyeah, just broke when mparillo tried to edit it16:37
mparilloActually to be precise, when I tried to save my minor edits.16:37
mparilloThis happened also with the WhoWeAre page also. I simply re-did it that time.16:38
alleeapachelogger: please have a look at my comment in bug 781728  16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781728 in digikam (Ubuntu) "digikam icon does not scale in unity (Ubuntu 11.04)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78172816:43
apacheloggerthat's curious16:43
apacheloggerallee: I'd take the xpm stuff to debian btw16:44
Riddellmparillo: here's a copy in the mean time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu216:44
apachelogger# Oxygen Icons already in kdeicons-oxygen16:45
apacheloggerallee: seems at some point it installed them to oxygne rather than hicolor16:45
apacheloggerthen when that got fixed upstream some packager did not update it properly16:45
alleeapachelogger: I added this stuff ages ago when dmenu was the hottest stuff on earth.  But now I'm happy when you kill it :-)16:45
alleestuff == xpm.d/*16:45
apacheloggeroh well, I can kill it, but it's going to creep back in unless someone kills it in debian too ;)16:46
alleeright :-(16:49
apacheloggerRiddell: is the known issue for kdm still applicable? what with us using lightdm and all16:51
apacheloggerah, I am looking at old data apparently16:52
alleeAs I've seen digikam pkging, could profit also from a debian/ubuntu pkging unification.  Not sure if all the different library pkg make sense because I'm not sure if upstream now try to not break  ABI backward compat16:52
apacheloggerallee: last I checked the libs still were considered privatey16:53
alleeapachelogger: then, as kipi-plugins now is merged back into digikam, do the -dev pkg make sense at all?16:54
alleeapachelogger: should be forbitten to build-dep on them, right?16:55
balloonsRiddell, ScottK can one of you confirm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bug/1066821 If so I'll fix it16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066821 in Ubuntu QA Website "Wrong test title in Kubuntu i386 iso testcase" [Undecided,New]16:59
Riddelloh yes, my typo I guess, let me fix17:01
balloonscan you close the bug once it's fixed?17:04
Riddellmparillo: time to learn to use a real IRC client to stop the disconnects :)17:45
mparilloMy office blocks the IRC port, I think. I use Quassell at home, but webchat at work. Anyway, I do have to get back to my day job, but I put some updates into Kubuntu217:46
mparilloMy pleasure. Shame about those day jobs ;-)17:47
Riddellapachelogger: so this power management patch, are you doing the SRU or me? I lose track17:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066861] Plasma-netbook freezes after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066861 (by Philip Muškovac)17:53
Riddellrdieter: hey you're running non-kubuntu packages I guess, would you be able to see if bug 1066861 is a generic issue or something specific to kubuntu?18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066861 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Quantal) "Plasma-netbook freezes after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106686118:13
Riddelljust needs running plasma-netbook and switching to Page one18:13
rdieterRiddell: ok, I'll see18:15
rdieterRiddell: switching to page one in plasma-netbook seems ok for me18:19
Riddellbah, what have we done to it18:20
Riddellthanks rdieter 18:20
apacheloggerRiddell: me18:24
JontheEchidnawelp, this is a new one on me... http://paste.kde.org/570368/18:25
yofeltry again? or does it fail every time?18:27
JontheEchidnaworked the second time18:27
JontheEchidnajust very strange...18:27
yofeltrue, first time I'm seeing this as well18:28
JontheEchidnathis suggests the server was under load: http://blog.e-shell.org/27018:28
JontheEchidnaoff to class, bbiab18:29
ScottKRiddell: I can confirm the netbook page one problem.18:49
ScottKIt's eating 100% CPU, much like quassel does when I switch between channels with a large backlog.18:49
ScottKI wonder if these are common effects of some Qt issue.18:50
shadeslayerfor some reason I cannot reproduce said issue on quantal18:53
shadeslayerbut qt is different, 4.8.3 in quantal vs 4.8.2 in precise18:55
yofelquassel works fine for me, just plasma-netbook not18:57
shadeslayerdid someone start adding blue prints for approval? we only have 2 weeks before UDS ;)19:08
yofelwe have a reddit channel o.O?19:29
ScottKI got a backtrace eventually on the netbook thing.19:29
ScottKI installed debug packages and I'm waiting for it to regenerate now.19:29
yofelah right19:29
ScottKhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1281821/ is the traceback I got for the netbook issue (eventually)19:47
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^19:47
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
skaetRiddell,   wiki page has been restored.20:52
claydohRiddell: i am off to work now, possibly putting in a full week in the next 3 days, but I will look at it when I ger home tomorrow morning21:28

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