
TheLordOfTimedid you read the update?00:15
=== warren is now known as Guest86379
dj_segfaultHi.  I just upgraded KDE to 4.9.2 as shown in the topic, and now Muon updater and Muon package manager are now gone!  Has anyone else seen that?  what can I do about it?00:33
OerHeksdj_segfault, known issue > https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/103725400:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037254 in Kubuntu PPA "Update to KDE 4.9 uninstalls muon (with recommends set to off)" [Undecided,New]00:35
OerHeksapt-get install muon muon-updater00:36
dj_segfaultThanks, OerHeks00:36
OerHekshave fun00:36
dj_segfaultThat's... disappointing.00:38
OerHekssolution doesn't work ?00:38
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
dj_segfaultThe solution works, it's just disappointing that stuff like that happens.  I've been doing Linux for a very long time, and package management has always been an issue.  I  moved away from Red Hat and Fedora because rpm didn't have as good package dependency management, and because you needed so many third-party sources for multimedia etc that they started clashing.  Now I find that (1) Upgrading Ubuntu 10.04LTS to 12.000:43
OerHeksdj_segfault, maybe you can confirm this bug, not sure it helps, 12.10 is comming soon.00:50
dj_segfaultOh, I'm proactive about bugs.  I already marked it as affecting me and subscribed to it, even though the problem is fixed00:51
dj_segfaultOverall, moving from ubuntu 10.04 to kubuntu 12.04 has been a positive experience (certainly more positive than dealing with Unity)  My biggest frustration is that keyboard shortcuts sometimes work and sometimes don't.  Like my keyboard shortcuts to go to the previous/next desktop work less than half the time.  And Alt-Tab to go though windows NEVER works, which means I have to keep clicking on windows to select them.00:54
monkeyjuice   double tap mouse in the upper left corner00:57
dj_segfaultmonkeyjuice: What is that supposed to do?00:58
monkeyjuiceshow all open windows00:58
dj_segfaultDoesn't do anything for me, but there's a chance I disabled the "clicking in the corners" stuff00:59
dj_segfaultHmm.  My main motivation for upgrading KDE was that I heard newer versions of konsole have a -display parameter, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  There's currently no way for me to launch a konsole on my second screen.01:00
monkeyjuicemaybe look into yakuake01:01
OerHeksctrl + F1 F2 F3 F401:01
GGonis there a setting to add transparancy to widgets?01:10
GGonso they don't cover the entire background?01:10
GGonnice. kopete contact widget01:17
GGonthat'll work :)01:17
homeexcuse me01:33
homebut my beta image of kubuntu 12.10 is not working01:33
homethe internet is not working01:33
bazhang!12.10 | home01:33
ubottuhome: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:33
homethe beta01:34
homeI ment01:34
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that01:34
homebazhang: thank you :D01:34
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aosamahello everyone04:04
dniMretsaMhi aosama04:04
aosamais there a good starting point for developing KDE applications using JAVA04:07
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simplewi have isntalled kde in ubuntu and now when running kde, synaptic windows is with TOO BIG fonts, how can this be fixed?04:41
Jekylldj_segfault: It is the "--display" option.  See "konsole  --help-all"05:33
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bux__j'ai un probleme avec mon routeur08:11
bux__je n arrive pas a me coonecter lorsque le reseau est en wifi n, AES08:11
bux__si je repasse en b/g tkip ca fonctionne cependant..08:11
bux__any clues ?08:11
FloodBotK1bux__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
hateball!fr | bux__08:12
ubottubux__: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:12
=== richard is now known as Guest79028
PridethI habe a Problem since the last update08:45
PridethThe cursor jumps up and down08:45
PridethDo anybody know what I can do?08:46
PridethAnybody Tiere?08:48
PridethWhat can I do?08:52
lordievader!patience | Prideth08:52
ubottuPrideth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.08:52
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sivanghi all10:07
sivangI cannot find my network printer, is there a known issue with kde print config?10:07
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Riddellsivang: printer config tools have changed in quantal, is that what you're using?10:23
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sivangRiddell: let me cat /etc/lsb-release :)10:59
sivangRiddell: using precisepenguling , but it worked now- I was on the wrong network albeit the UI could be improved immensly11:00
sivangRiddell: :) it was a bit of guess work to be confident to click the right buttons, and there were some odd loooong URIs in the picture11:00
sivangRiddell: luckily I clicked the right buttons eventually ;)11:00
Riddellsivang: ah good, well it's all changed in quantal so maybe it'll be better there11:15
BluesKajhiyas all12:04
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artaoverdammt! what the heck can I shut down under linux to maximize system performance12:25
artaoi don't know linux tasks/processes like i do windows12:25
artaodo i NEED akonadi or nepomuk running for instance?12:25
Smurphyartao: depends on what you need the OS for. Workstation ?12:26
artaoi use the 3D software Blender, and in that do a good deal of smoke/fluid/particle simulations, and that can really bog down the system12:26
Smurphymake sure you disable nepomuk then (it's the file indexing etc.).12:26
artaolike right now it's feeling .. "sluggish" .. even tho blender isn't running currently .... tho blender WAS recently shut down after some very very heavy computations12:27
Smurphyakonady is just the resource stuff (addresses, calendar etc.). Should not use much.12:27
artaoaha! so disabling nepomuk is fine?12:27
maysaraHi, How can I install vmware player 4.0.4 x64 on kubuntu 12.04?12:27
Smurphyyep. The search will not go through/inside files then. You'll have to do a manual search on a fileysstem to find a file.12:27
Peace-artao: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-low-fat-settings12:28
artaofrankly, i always turn off file indexing under windows too ... ... just wasn't sure if that's kosher under linux .. don't know how much Kubuntu "depends" on nepomuk12:28
artaoPeace-: that'll do what exactly?12:28
SmurphyPeace-: That is cool. Didn't know it.12:29
Peace-artao: disable some stuff of kde to boost kde12:29
artao"some stuff" such as? ... i like having certain desktop effects =]12:29
Peace-its' something +- like this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/trick-faster-kubuntu/12:29
BluesKajKrusader has a great search vehicle that doesn't eat resources12:30
Peace-artao: read the description fo the package12:30
Peace-BluesKaj: btw i dont search12:30
Peace-i filter12:30
* artao is reading12:30
* artao is actually making coffee now cuz he hears water boiling, ... then he'll read12:30
Peace-filter bar on dolphin is nice12:31
Peace-just enable it12:31
artaothe more i use Dolphin the more i like it12:32
BluesKajPeace-, actully I don't search much ..no need to12:32
artaoit recently got thumb-button-for-go-back support too YAY =D12:32
Peace-artao: if you need here there is some other stuff http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/setkubuntuproperly/12:35
Peace-now => work bye12:35
artaokul thx12:35
* artao is still reading and will read more12:35
=== floown_ is now known as floown
maysaraHow can I install vmware player 4.0.4 x64 on kubuntu 12.04?12:46
hateballmaysara: grab it from vmware and follow the instructions provided by them12:47
=== pjoe is now known as pjoe_afk
NJLhey guys, how do I get the option to disable the touchpad when a mouse is plugged into my laptop again?12:52
NJLthe option used to be available in synaptic but it's not there anymore12:53
hateballNJL: do you have synaptiks installed?12:55
NJLhateball: yep12:55
NJLthat's what I meant actually12:56
hateballNJL: well if you alt+f2 and type touchpad you should get the config for it12:56
NJLhateball: yep, and it has no option to disable now12:56
NJLhateball: it used to12:56
hateballNJL: which version are you running? of Kubuntu12:57
NJLum 12.04 I think?12:57
NJLkde 4.8.512:57
hateballand you're actually opening synaptiks and not "touchpad" config?12:58
hateballwell does it have any options at all? :D12:59
NJLok, I was wrong12:59
NJLI was doing touchpad config12:59
NJLhateball: thanks :)13:02
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
maysarahateball: I found this http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vmware_player40.pdf13:16
maysarahateball: then I used this command sh VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.x86_64.bundle --gtk13:17
maysarabut I got this: sh: 0: Can't open VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.x86_64.bundle13:17
hateballmaysara: and you're in the directory where you've downloaded it?13:18
maysaraoh I missed that ^^"13:18
hateballit might also be possible that it needs bash and not dash. so it's probably best to chmod +x the script, and run it with ./VMblahblah13:19
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=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
simplewi have installed kde in ubuntu and now the synaptic window appears with TOO BIG fonts, how can this be fixed?14:04
avihaysimplew: try to mess around with gtk+ in application appearence in system settings14:10
simplewavihay: what app do i run to do that?14:10
avihaykde's system settings14:11
avihayforgot it's real name14:11
simplewavihay: hu? theres no entry to config gtk sets14:11
lordievadersimplew: Command for System Settings is "systemsettings"14:12
simplewlordievader: i know, but theres no gtk entry14:13
lordievadersimplew: System Settings -> Application Appearance -> GTK+14:13
simplewlordievader: and is set to sans size 814:14
lordievaderOr at least that is what I think avihay means.14:14
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simplewthis can be solved but is needed to run systemsettings as root, since synaptic runs as root14:20
simplewtheres something very wrong in kde, the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list was created as root,  also the file ~/.kde/share/config/kwriterc  was also created as root, there is not possible to store the user configurations and it keeps getting a warning about it14:26
apacheloggersimplew: chown -Rv $USER:$USER $HOME14:39
apacheloggeralso you should not run gui applications using sudo14:40
simplewapachelogger: so what doyou recommend when i need to run dolphin as root14:40
* apachelogger argues that one does not need to do that14:41
apacheloggersimplew: oh, btw that chown needs to be run using sudo ;)14:43
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57
PridethHi can anybody help me?15:34
bazhangwith what Prideth15:35
PridethI have two problems. First the akonadi prozesses always use so much CPU that I have 100% CPU usage15:35
PridethIt only works if I kill all akonadi prozesses15:36
barbadillohi all, I have 2 package maintanance applications, muon and apper, which one should I remove?15:36
PridethI use muon15:37
bazhang!find akonadi15:37
ubottuFound: akonadi-backend-mysql, akonadi-dbg, akonadi-server, libakonadi-dev, libakonadiprotocolinternals1, akonadi-backend-odbc, akonadi-backend-postgresql, akonadi-backend-sqlite, akonadi-kde-resource-googledata, libakonadi-perl (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=akonadi&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all15:37
barbadilloPrideth, so I can remove also kpackagekit?15:37
PridethMuon is the one that is standart in kubuntu15:38
PridethMy problem is if I don't kill akonadi fast, I can not do anything because it is too slow15:40
bazhangPrideth, what do you need it for. why not disable it15:41
PridethYeah but it should work. I had the same problem some time ago and it disappeared then15:44
AndChat-462336And since the last update my external monitor does not work15:46
AndChat-462336When I then go to the grafical settings from nvidia it says that the xserver is not working but when I want to start it, it says that the server is already running15:48
=== AndChat-462336 is now known as Prideth
PridethAnybody know what I can do?15:52
BluesKajPrideth, disable akonadi server , type akonadi in the kmenu search and the the server will show15:56
BluesKajto disable akonadi , that is15:57
PridethAnd with the server?15:57
BluesKajPrideth, You can disable akonadi in system settings>startup&shutdown>service manager , nepomuk search module (tied to akonadi), uncheck that.Then in session mangement , check "restore previous session" and add akonadi, nepomuk to the "applications to be excluded from sessions" text .15:58
BluesKajPrideth, didn't see your nick change , and question about the Xserver16:02
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BluesKajPrideth, run sudo lshw -C video , so we can figure which driver is needed16:04
PridethOK it works again I have rewritten the xconf file16:07
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PridethBut thanks for help16:09
PridethMaybe one more question16:09
=== torstenn is now known as rTfact
PridethI have a notebook. How can I adjust the brightness and the energieoptions? In the settings it do not work16:11
BluesKajPrideth, sorry I have the same problem with my laptop and it's settings don't stick either and i don't know the solution .16:14
PridethOK :) I thought it is only my problem^^16:14
BluesKajlunchtime ..BBL16:18
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simplewcant move icons in plasma panel, when i try to move the icon position with the mouse i get this message: Klauncher said: 'preferred' unknown protocol,   anyone knows whats this?17:19
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simplewWhy in kubuntu the kde desktop icons are removed???17:37
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simplewfor nVidia Optimus laptops is still needed to install bumblebee? or is already handled in kernel?17:47
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ptomblin_Does anybody know why my weather widget won't update sometimes if I'm using the NOAA feed?18:41
ptomblin_I switch to the Wetter.com feed, but it's only for 2 days.18:41
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jazzHallo Leute. Ich hab da ein Problem mit Kubuntu, genauer gesagt mit meiner Soundkarte. Folgendes: Lang ging alles gut, jedoch scheinen sich nun meine beiden Soundchips innerhalb des Rechners nicht mehr zu verstehen.20:48
jazzIch habe eine X-Fi, dessen normale Stereobuchse ich nutze, und leider noch einen Soundchip innerhalb meiner ATI-Grafikkarte. Der Default war lange Zeit die Wiedergabe über die X-Fi und soll es auch immer noch sein. Nun stellt PulseAudio (Kubuntu 12.04) sich intern aber stets (nach booten oder nach manueller Korrektur via Systemeinstellungen) wieder auf den ATI-Chip um, sodass der Sound an meinen Kopfhörern nur noch verzerrt ankommt.20:51
jazzDies findet bei Spielen (z.B. Minecraft) und Videowiedergabe statt. Bei YouTube oder manch anderen Spielen jedoch nicht, bzw selten.20:52
jazzHat da jemand eine Ahnung?20:52
jazzIs here any english-speaking supporter present, so that I reformulate my german question in english?20:58
dniMretsaMI speak english21:01
dniMretsaMI can attempt to help you21:01
dniMretsaMjazz ^^^21:02
jazzdniMretsaM: Hello. Please give me just a minute to translate21:02
dniMretsaMok. will do21:03
=== owen is now known as Guest80931
jazzdniMretsaM: I have a problem with the soundplayback on my computer running Kubuntu 12.04. For month everything worked just fine (like everyone says) but now it seems that the soundchip in my ati videocard (displayport) interfers with the X-Fi soundchip i'm normally using. My default configuration is using the stereojack of my X-Fi and nothing else. But when I'm now booting, my systemsettings say the ATI-Card is the default sound-device21:08
jazztakes no effect. If I reboot or reopen the Syssettings are again as discribed above. (to be continued...)21:08
jazzdniMretsaM: The symptom of this mismanagedment is distorted sound via stereojack/X-Fi.21:10
Guest80931Hello all!  Is it possible to link a bash script in the KDE Menu? I want to execute a simple bash script by just clicking on an icon in the KDE  Menu. Is this possible?21:12
dniMretsaMjazz: one minute21:12
jazzdniMretsaM: of course21:13
dniMretsaMjazz: do you use ALSO or PulseAudio?21:14
jazzThe default-configuration which is, I think, PulseAudio21:14
jazzdniMretsaM: The default-configuration which is, I think, PulseAudio21:14
dniMretsaMok. the one solution I know of is ALSA, only21:15
dniMretsaMI can see if I can find something else21:15
jazzI used alsa-only back on 10.04 but i hoped i can bypass removing PA and setting up ALSA again.21:15
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dniMretsaMjazz: you might be able to do something with pavucontrol. I'm not sure. but I have to go, sorry21:18
jazzdniMretsaM: bye and thank you21:19
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