
coolbhavicwayne, hey16:28
cwayneheya coolbhavi16:29
coolbhavicwayne, how is it going?16:29
cwaynecoolbhavi: not too badly, how bout you?16:30
coolbhavicwayne, went fine :) reg unity-lens-github it has a +2 now16:36
coolbhavirequest you to wait as we are undergoing restaffing16:37
cwaynecoolbhavi: sure thing :)16:37
coolbhavithanks a lot! reg unity-lens-pypi left a comment16:38
coolbhaviachuni_, hey16:38
cwaynecoolbhavi: yep, saw that, sorry hadn't had time to make those fixes yet16:38
=== achuni_ is now known as achuni
achunihi coolbhavi :)16:38
coolbhavino issues cwayne :) thanks a lot for your awesome work!16:39
coolbhaviachuni, :) is there any development going on the portal end?16:39
achunicoolbhavi: not much atm, with the upcoming release and everything, but a bit, why?  Last rollout happened last Thursday iirc16:40
coolbhaviachuni, I'm facing rendering issues in my browser. reported a bug too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106518916:41
achuniah, saw that one, yep, should be a simple css fix I think?16:42
coolbhaviyes :)16:42
achuniwe want white-space: pre-wrap or something16:43
achunithe \n's are in the page source afaict16:43
achunicoolbhavi: should be something that'll be done for next rollout. most likely not until next week though...16:44
coolbhaviok but I see the buttons too at the top now.. :) thanks achuni :)16:44
* achuni confirms and prioritizes the bug16:44
achuninp :)16:45

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