
jaminyou guys concerned with regressions for non-default packages?  such as xfce01:57
micahgjamin: #xubuntu-devel for xfce* packages01:58
jaminmicahg, cool will let them know.01:59
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mfischI'm working on a bug and the filer left one of the repro steps as "install any package which adds a system user", anyone know any off hand?02:54
mfischperhaps davfs202:54
elkymfisch, postgres?02:57
mfischI'll try it03:05
mfischdavfs2 also worked03:05
mfischthanks elixey03:05
mfischstupid tab, thanks elky03:06
pittiGood morning04:36
pittidoko_: I didn't reject it, it just didn't seem useful/appropriate for an SRU at that time; but it seems some third-party packages do need it, so fine for me04:37
pittidoko_: I didn't promote/demote any package04:37
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dholbachgood morning06:34
pittidholbach: guten Morgen, wie gehts?06:35
dholbachhey pitti - sehr gut - und bei dir? allet jut?06:36
pittidholbach: jau, danke! had a nice relaxing weekend06:36
dholbachgreat :)06:36
dholbachhyperair, happy birthday :)06:40
hyperairdholbach: thanks :)06:40
pittidoko_, stokachu: FYI, gdb has waited in the precise-proposed queue for over a week07:12
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dholbachdiwic, hey - how are you doing?09:02
dholbachdiwic, I got a USB sound card a few days ago and plugging it in and having it immediately activated for sound works great. do you know if there's plans to also make the sound indicator and volume controls use a newly plugged in soundcard?09:04
diwicdholbach, hi! you mean activate a newly plugged in card to be the default input and output?09:05
diwicdholbach, because the sound indicator and media keys follow what you set as default in gnome sound settings.09:05
dholbachI'm not sure if that's feasible in every single circumstance, I just found myself using the audio preferences a couple of times before controlling volume and everything09:06
diwicdholbach, that's a design question. And one that sounds simple but it quite complex under the hood.09:06
dholbachyes, I can imagine :-/09:06
diwicdholbach, e g, upstream has the idea of role-based stuff, e g phone calls in your headset and music through your speakers09:06
xnoxdholbach: but in the sound prefs, I can select the new usb card as default and then control it from the indicators & media icons...09:07
dholbachin any case I'm happy that it generally works, even if I have to use the gnome sound settings more often than I'd like :)09:07
* xnox not great but....09:07
dholbachxnox, yes that works for me too - it's just that I have to do it whenever I plug it in :)09:07
dholbachdiwic, ah, that might be interesting indeed09:07
diwicdholbach, add to that the kernel does not give us a clear signal after resume, so we don't know if we just plugged in the sound card right after resume, or if it showed up as part of the resume process09:07
dholbachin any case it's not a huge deal - I just wanted to hear what is planned :)09:08
xnoxdholbach: time for you to learn udev rules & write one which will flip the setting for you. =)))))09:08
dholbachxnox, yes, so much to learn :)09:08
diwicdholbach, btw, this is one of the discussion topics on the pulseaudio mini-conference, colocated with UDS :-)09:08
diwicxnox, dholbach, as an option you can add "load-module module-switch-on-connect" to your /etc/pulse/default.pa09:11
dholbachalright, I'll note that down and experiment with it09:12
diwicI think it is shipped by default09:12
dholbachthanks a lot diwic09:12
diwicbut it isn't activated by default because it would interfere with the rule-based stuff09:12
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jamespagestgraber, around? I have an iscsi root query re bug 105763510:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057635 in Ubuntu "initramfs does not use iscsiroot device presented by ipxe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105763510:05
stgraberjamespage: going for lunch now, I'll be back in 30-45min10:08
jamespagestgraber, ok - give me a ping when you are back10:08
stgraberjamespage: I'm back10:42
jamespagestgraber, hey!10:42
jamespagestgraber, so - bug 105763510:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057635 in Ubuntu "initramfs does not use iscsiroot device presented by ipxe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105763510:43
jamespagestgraber, slightly odd-ish case in that I use ipxe to directly sanboot from iscsi volumes, rather than using a tftp accessible kernel and initrd10:44
jamespagewithin the initrd the iscsi initiator does not appear to be configured; so iscsistart stuff fails;10:44
jamespageI can work around it by specifying it a) on the commandline in grub (iscsi_initiator) or b) adding it to /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs and updating accordingly10:45
jamespagestgraber, any thoughts?10:45
stgraberright, so the question is what happen if you add iscsi_initiator on the boot command line when booting that system without iscsi10:45
stgraberbasically we don't want to regress the case where someone dumps their iscsi disk in a VM or standard system, IIRC that's why we don't put the iscsi_initiator in grub's config10:46
stgraberbut if the initramfs detects that case and just ignores iscsi_initiator in such case, then it should be fine to just have iscsi_initiator set in grub too10:47
jamespagestgraber, I think that is entirely appropriate; however surely it would be better to set it up in the initramfs?10:47
jamespagestgraber, that way its all contained to open-iscsi; and does not pollute grub10:48
stgraberindeed, if we can just get rid of the boot parameter completely, that'd work too10:48
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jamespagestgraber, well it appears to work if I add it manually and update10:50
jamespagestgraber, hmm - odd - TBH I'm not sure why its not actually working10:58
jamespagestgraber, if I force a manual boot by specifying iscsi_initiator and then just update the initramfs it all works again...11:02
jamespagestgraber, it feels like /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi is not making it into the initramfs during install11:08
* jamespage digs more11:09
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jamespagestgraber, eureka! I see the issue; the initiator is not generated until first start of open-iscsi11:28
jamespageso its "Generated=Yes" when the initramfs gets built11:29
stgraberjamespage: oh, fun11:29
jamespagestgraber, looks like this change "Generate the random initiatorname during postinstall rather than in the init script." got dropped on last merge11:30
stgraberdoh, so my fault again right? :)11:33
stgraberwe'll really need to forward those changes to Debian or the next merge will be as much of a pain as the previous one...11:33
jamespagestgraber, lol11:36
jamespagestgraber: I've stuff details in that bug report - are you OK to fix? feels like something that needs fixing for release11:37
stgraberjamespage: if it's easy for you to fix, I'd prefer that you fix it and I do the review once it's in the queue (with my release team hat on). Otherwise I can certainly find some time to do it and nag someone else on -release to do the review11:38
jamespagestgraber, OK - on it now11:39
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jamespagestgraber, just uploaded to quantal-proposed queue12:02
stgraberjamespage: thanks12:02
lamontwhat package should I use for filing a bug that when I grab a window border and drag to resize the window, it gets horribly confused if the mouse moves before it gets around to noticing position, and suddenly I'm dragging a marker about an inch away from where the border of the window is (and the window never catches up to the cursor) (did that sentence even make sense?)12:16
tsimpsonlamont: probably compiz12:45
lamonttsimpson: ta12:47
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dokojodh, so was upstart just build related?12:58
jodhdoko: I believe so - cannot force the failure on scheat.12:59
cjwatsonSpamapS: Do you guys have any idea what's happening with the zookeeper/armhf build failure?13:04
cjwatsonSpamapS: I don't really want to remove it since it's a build-dep of juju13:04
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jdstrand@pilot in13:06
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
* dholbach hugs jdstrand13:11
* jdstrand hugs dholbach :)13:11
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cjwatsonjamespage: oh, any luck with eigenbase-resgen?14:33
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mvoev: is there a way to get instance for a problem from errors.ubuntu.com by version? i.e. I suspect that bug #1044141 is fixed or a different error with a similar backtrace but to be sure I would need some instance of the bug with the most recent versions or date. is there a way to get that?15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044141 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in __str__(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 29: ordinal not in range(128)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104414115:37
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xnoxLaney: you are briliant =)15:54
* Laney gets nervous15:54
Laneycan xnox hear me singing along to this song?15:55
xnoxLaney: maybe...15:55
xnoxLaney: actually I was about reproducing bug 105769015:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057690 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with KeyError in partman_dialog(): 'method_choices'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105769015:55
Laneyoh that15:55
Laneyyeah it's annoying :P15:55
xnoxLaney: basically the partition is locked, and you shouldn't click it. /me did disable the plus button, but not the double click action15:56
Laneywhat should I have clicked on?15:56
Laneythe other one?15:56
Laneydoesn't sound like Brian was doing that, so perhaps it can be triggered in other ways too15:57
xnoxLaney: well it's locked, so you can't edit that one, instead you should edit the loop mount on the top =)15:57
Laneyso very clear ;)15:58
xnoxLaney: and by locked, I mean there isn't even an unlock button.... partman doesn't have it & I didn't code it yet.15:58
superjoehow hard would it be to convince you guys to upgrade this package to a newer release before QQ comes out? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/universe/base/mpd15:58
xnoxLaney: "anyone familiar with d-i interface will feel right at home"15:58
Laneyalso the automatic partitioner is a bit stupid when the drive is small15:58
Laneyit creates a / which it can't installed onto15:58
Laneydue to being too small15:59
xnoxLaney: funny. It should check the prepare step and if that passes it should work. How small are we talking here?15:59
Laneyit made a 2.7G /15:59
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Laneyand the error message told me that /I/ created it too small!15:59
xnoxLaney: and how much RAM did you give your VM     :-?15:59
Laneyxnox: 8G also16:00
* Laney tosses RAM around like confetti16:01
micahgsuperjoe: you can request a backport to QQ once it gets into R16:01
micahg(or now if you really want to)16:01
xnoxit works fine with 8GB drives here for me.... unless it created a (8 - 2.7G) ~= 5.3G swap. Aha. So it tried to go for 100% * RAM swap, but it had a minimum hard-code at 2.7 for / which is no longer enough.16:01
xnoxLaney: can you file a bug about it?16:01
superjoemicahg, could you direct me to where I might do that? do I send an email to a mailing list?16:01
Laneyxnox: clever. Will do16:02
LaneyI assume you don't need logs for that?16:02
micahgsuperjoe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports16:02
Laneywell ...16:02
Laneythat package looks to not be in sync16:02
superjoethank you micahg16:02
xnoxLaney: no logs, text only. just make sure you include "tossing RAM around like confetti" in the bug report please =)16:02
Laneyso I'd check if it can be a straight backport from anywhere16:02
Laneyxnox: ack :P16:03
* xnox score update from the field of play: Laney 2 - 0 Partman16:04
Laneytest installs are fun16:05
Laneyxnox: bugs #1066964 (I didn't manage to use the keyword, soz)16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066964 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Auto partitioner can create a root partition which is too small" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106696416:18
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tkamppeterslangasek, hi17:50
slangasektkamppeter: hey there17:51
tkamppeterslangasek, I have uploaded a possible fix for bug 1034045 to quantal-proposed. It is not yet accepted. Can you test this as soon as possible.17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034045 in dbus (Ubuntu) "cupsd assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/cupsd: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x00007f3dc478c0f0 ***" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103404517:53
slangasektkamppeter: I can probably get it into -proposed and test it today; though I don't think this is something we want to respin the CDs for, so don't panic if I don't get to it :)17:55
jdstrand@pilot out17:56
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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tkamppeterslangasek, Zero-Day-SRU would be good enough. If you quickly move it into -proposed and test it, we get it quickly into -updates for a zero-Day-SRU.17:56
tkamppeterslangasek, and in the positive case Apport will stop saying "Good Morning" to you ...17:58
slangasekquite :)17:58
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pittisoren, kees, mdz, stgraber: ready for TB meeting in a bit? still waiting for the previous meeting ot finish20:01
stokachuis gnome-keyring out of sync when the code branch shows version 3.2.2 with last modification @ 4/26/2012 and the actual built package is 3.6.0 last modified on 9/27/2012?20:01
pittistokachu: yeah, unfortunately a lot of UDD branches often go out of sync20:01
stokachui was under the impression to alway swork from the latest dev branch though is this not the case during this time?20:02
stokachuand where would i find the latest code commits that show where gnome-keyring 3.6.0 was imported in the development branch20:03
keespitti: yeah20:05
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stokachudo i need to open a bug about the branches being out of sync for gnome-keyring?20:07
pittistokachu: you can also ping james_w and ask him to kick it20:07
stokachuah ok20:08
pittistokachu: for now I suggest the old way and apt-get source/change directly20:08
stokachujames_w: ping20:08
stokachupitti: ok ill look into that20:08
stokachui just like my workflow :D20:08
james_whi stokachu20:10
stokachujames_w: hey there, was curious if you have some spare cycles to sync gnome-keyring branches?20:10
stokachuthe quantal one is showing version 3.6.0 but the latest branch commit doesn't20:10
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tkamppeterslangasek, did you test my new cups package?20:56
slangasektkamppeter: all in good time20:57
tkamppeterslangasek, sorry, I only asked because you moved around status bits of the bug report.20:58
slangasektkamppeter: yes, I'm cleaning up the state of the bug wrt the SRU process :)20:59
stokachujames_w: thanks for getting that synced up21:01
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james_wstokachu, np21:18
stgraberpitti: oops, sorry for that, in Europe this week and completely forgot to check for my evening meetings as my phone was dead and I only just got back now...21:44
slangasekhggdh: server images being respun for maas21:48
slangasek(bug #1065763)21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065763 in maas (Ubuntu) "UI URL displays "200 Error" page after CD install" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106576321:48
slangasekbarry: is bug #1066883 the same as your video-on-mac bug?22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066883 in xorg (Ubuntu Quantal) "Fatal server error: Can not run in framebuffer mode on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106688322:09
barryslangasek: i don't think so.  i never see an error message, just blank screen22:12
slangasekfigured it was worth asking22:13
barryyep :)22:13
slangaseksince the reporter mentions different behavior on first vs. second boot22:13
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