[17:20] Hello there [17:21] Yesterday i immigrated to denmark, today was my first day at work [17:22] How much usually young man gets dkk per hour working on unqalified job without experience? [17:27] Anyone? [17:28] (In case you wondered this is very important for me) [17:30] I believe the normal 'minimum' salary is between 90-100DKK per hour [17:30] before taxes [17:30] But I don't think there's any laws about it [17:32] Yes i should get 74 dkk [17:33] But since employment company are hogs i get 60dkk per hour before taxes [17:34] that's not much [19:13] Yeah [19:14] I would like to find direct job but i dont know where to start [19:14] depends on what you want to do [19:15] Well i dont know danish language [19:15] some super markets have standard applications you can pick up [19:16] Also how much it will cost to rent one room? [19:16] I currently pay 1550dkk per month [19:17] depends on where you live, I guess [19:17] How about a decent city full of jobs? [19:18] I live in storvode [19:18] Small town [19:19] Nece228, every is more expensive in Denmark, i pay approx 3200 DKK - Boligsikring 530 DKK = 2670 DKK, 52 sq meters, in a village on Funen [19:19] 1550 sounds pretty cheap [19:20] don't know what storvode is, though [19:20] Yeah i guess so [19:20] Storvorde* [19:22] Im a bit sceptical about my current job in carrot factory, its like usual immigrant slavery [19:23] People working are almost all immigrants, and they said they worked from 06:00 to 00:00 [19:24] Today i worked eight and jalf hours but they said thats because there are no work left today [19:24] *half [19:25] But my brother who also works here said he almost fell off 6 metres height to the ground because of boss mistake [19:26] You can seriously injure yourself [19:26] Nece228, make sure you get all the money for your work, i you don't contact 3F - unions are stronger in Denmark than in most other countries [19:27] *s/i you/if you [19:28] I will dig into that thanks [19:29] Nece228, about carrot factory: i think you have the job that most danes would not like to have [19:29] Yes all the people working at factory are polish, russians, lithuanians, ukraine etc [19:30] Nece, http://forsiden.3f.dk/apps/pbcs.dll/artikkel?Dato=20070904&Kategori=ENGLISH&Lopenr=70904022&Ref=AR&profile=2725 [19:30] that sounds like my office :P [19:30] the nationalities, that is [19:30] Nece228, or http://3f.dk and choose english (in the top) [19:31] Ok thanks in looking at it [19:38] Nece228, i found a phone number you can use (24h): 70 300 300, if you need to phone denmark first the numer is +45 70 300 300 [19:52] Cool thanks [19:55] You know im very thankful for your help [19:58] What is good place to see job offers? [20:00] I looked internet sites but havent found decent ones [20:01] Damn if only i would find pre junior web developer job [20:03] it-jobbank, twitter and linkedin is my most used for it jobs [20:04] Can i ask question relating to web developing? [20:04] what is "pre junior"? [20:04] here? [20:04] Ok i guees i can [20:05] we prefer to keep this channel free for Ubuntu only talks [20:05] We user #ubuntu-dk-snak for anything else [20:05] we have a handfull of web developers chilling in there at odd times, so feel free to ask in there [20:06] but I think we've used this place for the wrong topic for long enough [20:07] http://nece228.mazternet.ru/files/shop/ [20:08] Im not sure if thia is worth to get a job [20:08] please move to #ubuntu-dk-snak if it's not directly related to Ubuntu [20:08] Ok havent seen this channel, sorry