
TJ-dan_r0ck: If I remember correctly, when you have multiple GPUs they each have to drive a separate X session.00:01
ChrisWereSo I've had this problem for a while. Ive been on here before but no-one's managed to help me. I used to be able to get 1280x960 resolution on my Nvidia card and now I can't anyone know why? Also, this problem doesn't happen on windows I can still get high resolutions00:01
TJ-ChrisWere: After you left the other day I checked the Windows side. The problem - as we found out - was that the monitor isn't sending an EDID to the GPU. On Windows, if no EDID is present it uses a set of pre-defined modelines anyhow. On Ubuntu and X by default now, the server is set to auto-detect the modes via the EDID. If that isn't present (or invalid) you have to do the same as Windows does. That is, you need to create an X config file ("/etc/x11/xorg.conf" with00:04
TJ- settings in it.00:04
ahmedipaDid any buddy know my problem ? regarding UBUNTU hung00:04
ChrisWeretj-: right okay00:05
ChrisWeretj-: how can i do this. I'm rubbish at editing x.conf. I've busted the file very time I've tried to edit it.00:05
CrawfordComeauxhow can I reconfigure how grub is installed when trying to upgrade?00:05
TJ-ChrisWere: You can get the "Nvidia X Settings" to write a default configuration to that file for you, then you can add the specifics of your actual monitor ( the important values are HorizSync and VertSync in a "Monitor" section)00:06
TJ-ChrisWere: Give me a couple of minutes, I'm working on an MIT assignment with someone. I'll find you the instructions00:06
ChrisWereTJ-: thanks. I'll generate the default x.conf file now00:06
TJ-ChrisWere: If you an remind me of the exact make and model of the monitor, since we need that to search the 'net for its minimum/maximum frequencies00:08
TheLordOfTimecindy: do you have a support question?00:08
GalaxorHi.  I've got a machine that will boot up to ubuntu when I boot it from my (usb) install CD (12.04 desktop x84_64).  But after installing, when I boot off the hard drive, I get a black screen with the text cursor on it and nothing more ever.  I don't even get a grub screen.  What do I do?00:08
ChrisWeretj-: Make :iiyama Model: LS704u00:09
TJ-ChrisWere: Thanks. I'll do some digging00:09
tbrenCan someone tell me how to uninstall something i installed from source btw make uninstall and make remove does not work00:10
bennypr0fanehello, anyone feel like taking a look at my issue in the forums? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12295855#post1229585500:10
bennypr0faneI already chowned it00:11
blackshirttbren, usually uninstall script would take that ?00:11
blackshirttbren, usually uninstall script would take that00:11
blackshirtIf makefiles doesn't contain uninstall rules, you can do it manually with reversely step00:12
blackshirtbennypr0fane, can you describe it here ?00:13
bennypr0fanesure; I can paste here what I wrote in the forums00:13
blackshirtjust for a little descriptions00:14
tbrenReversly step?00:14
bennypr0faneI have a data partition mounted in fstab but it seems I cannot write downloads to it. Dropbox is on that partition and it does sync. here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/vhPCmSsi and blkid: http://pastebin.com/uF5t7Yey ...the reason I suspect there is a problem in fstab is that I get a permission denied error for the downloads. Also, I can't copy local files to that partition. But then how is Dropbox granted permission?00:14
bennypr0faneblackshirt your gonna ask me for details later anyway...00:14
TJ-ChrisWere: According to others with the same monitor you'll need these settings in the "Monitor" section of "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". Make sure the Identifier is the one used in the Screen section of your config file. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280284/00:15
blackshirttbren, makefiles contain install rules, usually with copying files to the filesystem ... And you should know what have been copied00:15
benbrois there a problem with storing a large number of files in a single folder?00:15
benbro1K files, 10K files...00:16
TheLordOfTime!crosspost | benbro00:16
ubottubenbro: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.00:16
TheLordOfTimebenbro, just be patient.00:16
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ChrisWeretj-: okay, made the changes, should I restart X and hope for the best?00:17
TJ-ChrisWere: Yes. And after you have, pastebin the resulting "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" so we can see what effect the config file had00:18
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blackshirtbennypr0fane, wait a minute00:18
CrawfordComeauxif grub gets screwed up during upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04, could I repair it using the 10.04 DVD?00:18
steven-why should it screw up in the first place?00:19
steven-and yes, you should be able to repair it00:19
CrawfordComeauxsteven-: because the server's a VM w/some kind of goofy disk setup00:20
steven-oh i see00:20
steven-worst case is u have to chroot and repair it00:20
ChrisWeretj-: okay what was it you wanted me to pastebin again?00:20
TJ-ChrisWere:  "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:21
ChrisWeretj-: okay nothing seems to have happened http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280289/00:22
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TJ-ChrisWere: OK, looking00:23
CrawfordComeauxis it possible to boot from CD via grub rescue?00:24
TJ-Chris-D: The log-file shows that it didn't pick up a monitor section. Can you pastebin the xorg.conf for me?00:24
TheLordOfTimeCrawfordComeaux, you'd boot from CD at pre-OS, if you're at a grub rescue prompt, you're already at the OS00:24
TheLordOfTimeCrawfordComeaux, you'd have to check the BIOS on your system to see if it boots from CDs before it tries to boot from the hard drive00:24
TJ-oops, grrr, tab completion00:25
TJ-ChrisWere: The log-file shows that it didn't pick up a monitor section. Can you pastebin the xorg.conf for me?00:25
CrawfordComeauxTheLordOfTime: unique problem here - grub's borked on a VM I don't have physical access to & the java console that lets me access it doesn't load up in time to press f12 :P00:26
ChrisWeretj-: the xorg.conf as it currently stands http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280297/00:26
TheLordOfTimeCrawfordComeaux, if your VM is that screwed, i'd say recreate the VM.  but if you can't do that, well...00:27
TheLordOfTimepersonally, i know of no method to do that from grub rescue.  but i'm not a grub pro.00:27
CrawfordComeauxlet's see...maybe I can use another VNC client to connect00:29
TJ-ChrisWere: Ahhh! my example Monitor section for you uses a different Identifier. Edit the Monitor section is it reads "Identifier   "Monitor0"   and try again00:30
Chris-D<TJ-> Chris-D: The log-file shows that it didn't pick up a monitor section. Can you pastebin the xorg.conf for me? <-- hehe - wrong chris00:30
TJ-Chris-D: yeah, tab-completion keeps getting you and I didn't notice00:30
ChrisWerehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1280305/ my new xorg.conf - i'll just tried it out now00:31
ChrisWeretj-: it worked!00:33
TJ-ChrisWere: At flippin' last, YAY! put the flags out00:34
ChrisWeretj-: so can i ask you about it, so that I understand?00:34
dan_r0ckOerHeks, I can set DISCRETE or IGP in the BIOS config. IGP forces the onboard to load... DISCRETE forces nvidia to load00:34
ChrisWeretj-: if I use nvidia-config to re-write my xorg.conf, will it undo these changes?00:35
TJ-ChrisWere: As far as I recall, no, it will only change settings you modify, as long as you use the GUI Nvidia X Settings program. I'm not sure about the command-line tool, never checked that!00:35
stephanatorAnyone out there managed to get systemtap working with 12.04-1 yet?00:36
ChrisWeretj-: I assume I should back up the xorg.conf I have now just in case. But one thing I don't understand is what actually caused the error in the first place? Was it monitor memory getting corrupted or something?00:36
Chris-D<TJ-> Chris-D: yeah, tab-completion keeps getting you and I didn't notice <-- it's all good - happens to me all the time too :)00:36
TJ-ChrisWere: Yes! I'd do that!!00:37
TJ-ChrisWere: I don't either, but yes, it seems the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) in the monitor that stores the EDID got zapped in some way. This is not as unusual as it sounds! There are even specialised tools that can reprogram it down the VGA cable. When it happens, you have to provide the information to the X server manually via xorg.conf00:38
ChrisWereTJ-: Programming down the VGA cable? I never knew one could do that00:40
sacrebleuhey folks, Orcbuntu available http://orcs.biz00:40
altinhas anyone ever figured out a way to watch netflix in ubuntu ?00:40
KM0201sacrebleu: stop being stupid00:40
altinI know they don't support linux but just saying !?00:41
sacrebleualtin: Wine?00:41
altinsacrebleu: wine and what ?00:41
altinbecause I tried whine and firefox00:41
sacrebleuWine and browser?00:41
KM0201altin: other than windows in virtualbox... no00:41
altinbut it just wont start00:41
sacrebleuoh yeah VirtualBox00:41
altinVirtualBox with windows ?00:41
sacrebleuYeah you could do that00:42
KM0201altin: install virtualbox, install windows inside virtualbox.00:42
sacrebleuprobably VirtualBox and MacOS too00:42
TJ-Chris-D: Apparently for some devices it is possible with a special bit of hardware00:42
altinhmmm I was thinking of that but I am kind of sceptic if I should torrent a windows copy00:42
TJ-ChrisWere: !!! Apparently for some devices it is possible with a special bit of hardware00:42
sacrebleualtin: MacOS, $5000:42
altinI aint paying for software !!00:42
sacrebleuwait its only $19.9900:43
altinI would torrent it but I am afraid to do that here in US00:43
Malimbarit's also not officially compatible with anything but mac hardware00:43
ChrisWereTJ-: I see, right now the next step for me is to try and get this to work with my dual moniters00:43
sacrebleueven in a VirtualBox?00:43
Malimbarsome verification somethign or other they put into macs00:43
Malimbarpretty sure, but let me check00:43
TJ-ChrisWere: Hopefully the 2nd monitor will provide an EDID and then the Nvidia X Settings application will sort it out for you00:44
zatanhey what does it mean ? can't run as root without the -u switch00:44
jribzatan: give context00:45
Malimbar"we need to modify some packages and create a new disk which can be booted in virtualbox"00:45
altinhmm chrome fails to connect to internet if you try installing it with wine sacrebleu00:45
zatanjrib,  sudo memcached -I 2m         error "can't run as root without the -u switch"00:45
sacrebleualtin: just go rip a copy of XP00:45
altinyeah, it seems the best option...00:46
altinthnx :)00:46
jribzatan: well... are you sure you want to run memcached as root?00:46
zatanjrib, no I am not sure but otherwise its not letting increase cache size00:47
jribzatan: because the first hit for "memcached as root" is a security article saying you should not do that (http://blog.couchbase.com/memcached-security)00:47
zatanjrib, cheers for this article00:48
jribzatan: how do you normally start memcached?00:48
zatanjrib, sudo memcached -d -u www-data -p 11211 -m 6400:50
jribzatan: and you can't pass your -I setting there?00:50
zatanjrib, ok its time to go sleeep, its working fine now :)))))))00:51
jribzatan: cool00:51
zatanjrib,  cheers ;)00:51
superlouAny reason why I would boot up my PC today, and suddenly nvidia drivers aren't running, and won't install via proprietary drivers install?I was previously using post-release updates version, but now when I try to install, it says to view jockey.log.00:54
ramrebol_hi. wxmaxima is not working, and my ubuntu is slow. How can I fix this?00:55
ChrisWeretj-: goodnews! dual monitors worsk!00:55
superlouChrisWere, did you lose drivers too?00:56
ChrisWeresuperlou: what do you mean by lose drivers?00:57
TJ-ChrisWere: That's great news00:57
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ChrisWeretj-: I feel like I really owe you00:57
TJ-ChrisWere: It's always obvious once you've suffered something yourself!00:58
superlouChrisWere, I've been using the nvidia drivers installed by the additional drivers application for a few months now.  I just booted up today to find that the driver is no longer installed, and when I try to install it, it cannot (says to look at jockey.log)00:58
superlouSeems kind of strange, and wondering if it lines up with the kernel update recently?00:58
ChrisWeresuperlou: I happen to know that they've changed the repos recently because they're releasing stream for linux00:59
TJ-superlou: If the kernel was updated, it is possible - from your description - that the nvidia-current-updates DKMS kernel build hook didn't work and the nvidia module for the new kernel didn't get built00:59
superlouactually, i was having trouble with DKMS last week01:00
superloutrying to install virtualbox01:00
superloui wonder if i torched something, which led to then not being able to build01:00
superlouTJ-, would you know a way to test that?01:00
TJ-DKMS is just a script that automates the kernel module build for non-free non-included kernel modules (drivers)01:00
TJ-superlou: Let's find out what kernel version you're on, and if there is an nvidia module installed for it. "uname -a"   then "ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/"01:01
superlou3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:33:09 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:02
superlouls: cannot access /lib/modules/3.2.0-32-generic/updates/dkms/: No such file or directory01:02
EMPHASISHi, how do I set thunderbird to use an external drive to store my mailbox files, anyone please?01:02
TJ-superlou: Let me check I've not mis-remembered the path!01:02
TJ-superlou: It was correct. So there is a problem on your system. Try this: "ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/"01:03
superlouTJ-, yeah, it's the update folder that's not there01:03
TJ-superlou: OK, so there's no nvidia module obviously!01:03
superlouwell, that's a downer01:04
TJ-superlou: how about this: "ls -l /usr/src/"01:04
superlouTJ-, https://gist.github.com/389034201:05
CrawfordComeauxgrub got borked during an upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 and I've booted from the ubuntu livecd into a repair shell. what do I do now?01:06
TJ-superlou: OK, so the source code is there "nvidia-current-updates-295.49" ... so let's try doing a dkms build manually01:06
bodomHi there, i have very a very slow system with a very high "wa" cpu usage, can anybody help me troubleshoot this issue?01:07
TJ-superlou: "ls -l /var/lib/dkms/"  - do you see an "nvidia-current-updates" directory?01:07
superlouTJ-, yes01:08
TJ-superlou: does it end "-295.49" ?01:08
TJ-superlou: scratch that! wrong question!01:09
superlouTJ-, standing by (thanks in advance) :)01:09
TJ-superlou: "ls -l /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/"  - do you see a "295.49" directory?01:09
superlouTJ-, yes01:09
superloualso, the kernel01:10
TJ-superlou: OK, lets try a build then. "sudo dkms -m nvidia-current-updates -v 295.49 -k 3.2.0-32-generic"01:10
superlouTJ-, no output, but it went _very_ quickly.  Is that normal?01:11
TJ-Hmmm, you should see some messages01:12
superlouTJ-, no output at all01:12
TJ-superlou: LOL oh no you shouldn't! I'm tired and missing out typing key bits!!!01:12
TJ-superlou: Helps to tell DKMS to "build" !! "sudo dkms build -m nvidia-current-updates -v 295.49 -k 3.2.0-32-generic"01:12
superlouTJ-, now it's chugging along.  (Just finished 48-hour rails rumble myself.  not at the top of my game)01:13
TJ-superlou: If that completes, you tell it to "install" next... with all the same arguments01:13
TJ-superlou: So: "sudo dkms install -m nvidia-current-updates -v 295.49 -k 3.2.0-32-generic"01:13
superlouTJ-, build went, installing...01:14
superlouTJ-, reports installation completed, though no original module exists within this kernel01:14
TJ-superlou:  "ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/" should have something this time01:14
superlouTJ-, still no file or directory01:14
TJ-superlou: Huh!? Did "install" report where it was putting the new file, or any errors or warnings?01:15
superlouTJ-, it says it insatlled to /lib/modules/3.2.0-32-generic/kernel/drivers/char/drm/01:15
TJ-superlou: woah! Something not right there. Did you install the Nvidia driver from the Ubuntu archives or from a stand-alone Nvidia installer?01:16
superloufrom the additional drivers app, so i thought ubuntu archives01:16
TJ-superlou: Just check the module for now "modinfo nvidia-current-updates" or "modinfo nvidia-current" or "modinfo nvidia"01:17
superlouTJ-, modinfo nvidia-current-updates reports stuff, the other two do not01:18
superloudo you want the details?01:18
TJ-superlou: Something weird I think - the Ubuntu packages (nvidia-current-updates, etc.) should install DKMS modules to the ./updates/dkms/ directory. It seems something (maybe that VirtualBox thing) has changed the default install location configured for DKMS. You best check in /etc/dkms/framework.conf and other DKMS files in /etc/dkms/01:19
TJ-superlou: If you got info on the module, yes please, pastebin it01:19
WeThePeoplelooking for a way to hide/encrypt a fs/partition?01:20
superlouTJ-, modinfo at http://pastebin.com/Y2MDacu301:20
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bargashhelp me please!01:21
TJ-superlou: That looks good to go. You ought to be able to stop the X server, load the module, and restart the X server (from a console). Log-out from the GUI, switch to a console, do "sudo service lightdm stop" then "sudo modprobe nvidia-current-updates" (if that doesn't work try also "nvidia-current" and "nvida" since the aliases get a bit silly) then restart X "sudo service lightdm start" and log-in01:22
superlouTJ-, here goes.  see you on the other side01:24
superlouTJ-, so, didn't need to do any console commands.  I logged out, and the second monitor showed up.  Nvidia settings now works.01:26
superlouI'm going to full reboot and make sure i'm not crazy.01:26
bargashplease help, when i try to login  the monitor switch off then switch back to on and to login another time with the same problem, but if i login to safemode it works fine,what can i do thanx..!01:27
ircUbuntu1Hello, I have got a problem. I use ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) and I have overwritten a file on an usb-stick (Fat 32). I would like to recover that file again. Is this possible, e.g. with dd or anything like that?01:27
superlouTJ-, you're the man.  I think there's an underlying problem somewhere, but will fight it when I've slept more.  Thanks!01:30
TJ-superlou: Great to hear :)01:32
WeThePeoplein disk utility what does " encrypt underlying device " mean?01:40
LiquidedgeMy 2 year old totally blew up my taskbar.  Is there a way to reset it to defaults?01:41
sophosWhat do you mean by 'blew up' ?01:42
_TristanI may or may not have SATA 3 available on my motherboard. Is there a software-ish way to find that out?01:47
WeThePeopleliquidedge, i assume you mean ether.. btw just right click and properties :)01:48
TJ-_Tristan: "grep 'SATA link' /var/log/kern.log"01:49
TJ-_Tristan: Bear in mind there may be settings in the BIOS that can affect the SATA ports available, and their link speed01:50
_Tristanthank you01:50
FekkuoGreetings everyone.01:53
LiquidedgeWeThePeople, sophos :  Here's the screenshot.  http://imgur.com/Mmgot01:54
FekkuoGuys, I have a little problem here; and I can't appreciate enough for help.01:55
AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M on elitebook 8540p01:56
AmbushedGood work dev's btw, Ubuntu has had huge improvements!01:56
AmbushedWorld wide nigga, from New Zealand haha01:56
FekkuoIt happens that, in Ubuntu 11.10, I was messing with User and Group settings and I changed my only account from Administrator to Standard, and now it doesn't recognize my passwords. How can I get my priviledges back?01:57
WeThePeopleambushed, please watch your lang in here thx01:57
AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M01:58
WeThePeopleliquidedge, yeah its right click and select preferences or properties01:58
WeThePeopleits properties01:58
AmbushedSorry for the analogy01:59
LiquidedgeYeah, and then what, though?01:59
AmbushedWhats a good CLI for telnet and SSH sessions01:59
FekkuoIs anyone wise enough to help me with this miserable luck of mine?02:00
LiquidedgeWeThePeople, did you see the screenshot?02:00
LiquidedgeFekkuo, Don't know until you try.02:00
WeThePeopleliquidedge, click properties and you see size and change it appropriately02:00
FekkuoIt happens that, in Ubuntu 11.10, I was messing with User and Group settings and I changed my only account from Administrator to Standard, and now it doesn't recognize my passwords. How can I get my priviledges back?02:01
WeThePeoplefekkuo, just ask02:01
AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M on elitebook 854002:01
FlannelFekkuo: What "doesn't recognize [your] password"?02:01
zoogooShit bitchez!!02:01
FekkuoFlannel, the OS doesn't02:01
FlannelFekkuo: so, you can't login?02:02
FekkuoFlannel, the login is automatic02:02
FlannelFekkuo: Alright, so what isn't working is when you try to do administrative things?02:02
FekkuoFlannel, anything else that would ask for password won't work for me now.02:02
AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M on elitebook 854002:02
FlannelFekkuo: That's nothing to do with your password then, just the fact that you're no longer an admin.02:03
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AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M on elitebook 854002:03
FlannelFekkuo: Do you have any other accounts that have admin access on this machine?02:03
FekkuoFlannel, I have nothing else.02:03
AmbushedHello, can someone help installing driver on 12.04LTS for  Nvidia nvs 5100M on elitebook 854002:04
FlannelFekkuo: alright, you'll need to reboot into the recovery console, and then from that (which is a root prompt), youll want to type: `adduser [your-username-without-these-braces] admin`02:04
FlannelFekkuo: and that'll do you.02:04
lifvdjkifdhow to configure say command02:05
FekkuoFlannel, I wrote it down. Going to try right now. Thank you so much, I wish you happiness. Really. See you around!02:07
pudishmy laptop running ubuntu 12.04 occasionally loses it's touchpad functionality, seemingly after long periods without use (after or during watching a movie for example).  rebooting fixes it, but is there a better, permanent fix?02:11
WeThePeoplehow do i hide folders from the show hidden files button ?02:13
drupodWeThePeople, you can use ctrl + h to show and hide hidden folders02:16
wade1Hey guys, I installed ubuntu server 12.04 and when it boots past the grub menu the screen isn't displaying right. It looks like all it has is letters/symbols but I can't even make them out. Anyone got any ideas?02:16
edve_What is the best programming language i coule learn ? On linux ubuntu though lol02:17
edve_Could *02:18
pudishedve_:  may i suggest python02:19
smwedve_, depends on what you plan to program02:20
smwedve_, and there is no such things as the best programming language02:20
edve_Sorry i was meaning for the best language conpatibility for any Linux OS02:21
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WeThePeoplelinux is written in C02:21
SixtyFoldwhat is the currect LTS of ubuntu?02:22
SixtyFoldi didnt read the topic as fast as i typed02:22
tyler_dhere's about as far ot as it gets, I'm trying to reset a belkin100 wireless AP without a poe injector.02:22
SixtyFoldany suggestion of what is more stable, 11.10 or 12.04?02:22
overcluckeredve_: much of the operating system is written in c/c++, perl and python.02:23
boots728Hello all.  I am running into some permissions issues and was wondering if anyone could kindly help me out02:23
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SixtyFoldis lubuntu officially supported by ubuntu as well btw?02:24
overcluckeredve: but linux isn't limited to a strict set of programming languages, anything goes really.02:24
|Anthony|what'd ya think, < /dev/urandom tr -dc [:graph:] | head -c${1:-16};echo; a good way to pick a password?02:24
Guest16603I am having trouble getting the 3d cubes setting of compiz to work02:24
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overclucker|Anthony|: mkpasswd not good enough?02:25
MikeSki333I am having trouble getting the 3d cubes setting of compiz to work02:25
MikeSki333Can anyone help?02:25
|Anthony|i suppose it could be lol02:28
WeThePeople|anthony|, what does it do?02:29
overclucker|Anthony|: not that your bashfu isn't excellent02:29
pudishmy laptop running ubuntu 12.04 occasionally loses it's touchpad functionality, seemingly after long periods without use (after or during watching a movie for example).  rebooting fixes it, but is there a better, permanent fix?02:29
DaemonicApathyHow old is the laptop?02:30
bonez2046What's the best way to open an app, Nautilus for example, so that i have root permissions? Let's say I want to clean up some files but I need root permission for some of them...I open xterm, sudo -i to root and then launch 'nautilus -&'  ... is ther a better way?02:31
pudishit's fairly new i'd say, it's an MSI gt780dx02:31
|Anthony|WeThePeople, it generates some random data, sends it to tr which filters out characters on the keyboard (except SPACE) and finally clips it down to 16 characters02:31
DaemonicApathybonez2046: just "gksudo nautilus -&"?02:32
bonez2046DaemonicApathy: so, that's about the same approach...02:32
WeThePeople|anthony|, so it uses keys not on the keyboard02:32
DaemonicApathypudish: Tough for me to say - I wouldn't be sure if that's because of drivers or the actual hardware.02:32
|Anthony|overclucker, mkpasswd seems to be light on punctuation02:32
DaemonicApathybonez2046: About the same, yeah. You could also make a shortcut, if it's something you do regularly.02:33
|Anthony|WeThePeople, no it uses characters that are found on the keyboard02:33
|Anthony|put it in terminal and see what it outputs02:33
pudishDaemonicApathy, i can tell you that i was using windows 7 as recently as 2 days ago, and i've never had an issue.  so i'd have to assume it's a driver issue.  btw, i only just made the switch from windows to linux.  you're dealing with a total newb here >.<02:34
boots728can anyone help me with permission issues02:35
KM0201depends on the problem boots72802:35
MTecknologyWhere can I find an apt repo for ubuntu that supports IPv6? I don't have any IPv4 addresses available anymore..02:35
WeThePeopleboots728,just ask02:36
boots728So I have two users, call them ken an larry02:38
blackshirtboots728: what's your problem ?02:38
boots728larry is in ken's group and the permissions are set so that ken's group has wrS access (drwxrwSr-x 2 ken ken 4096 2012-10-14 17:20 ken)02:38
boots728when I switch users to larry and switch his primary group to ken he still can't write to ken's folder02:39
boots728From what I understand it should work but it isn't02:39
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DaemonicApathyDoesn't that seem to say that ken has the permissions, rather than the group he's in?02:41
blackshirtDaemonicApathy: sorry02:41
boots728So it is ken's home directory02:41
boots728and I added larry to ken's group02:41
boots728so with the permissions above larry should be able to create files in ken's directory02:41
overclucker|Anthony|: there's also pwgen, which can be made to behave more like you wrote02:42
DaemonicApathyFor what, blackshirt?02:42
blackshirtboots728: maybe better you using ACL for them02:42
blackshirtDaemonicApathy: sorry, wrong mentions.. :D02:42
MTecknologySo... it seems there's no IPv6 repos that canonical provides... not even security.ubuntu.com ... wtf02:42
boots728I want to try and stick with the default access control in Ubuntu02:43
blackshirtboots728: can you be more detail ?02:43
boots728what details did you want02:43
boots728I am sure that I provided all the info I could02:44
boots728ken has a home directory and I want larry who is in ken's group to have access02:44
fread2281MTecknology: IPv6 should be supported by default...02:44
boots728the permissions on ken's dir are drwxrwSr-x 2 ken ken 4096 2012-10-14 17:20 ken02:44
blackshirtboots728: i'm sitting here just for a seconds02:44
boots728so larry, who is in ken's group, should have permissions to create files in ken's directory but I am getting a permissions denied02:45
boots728I have logged out and back in02:45
boots728and have changed larry's primary group02:45
boots728sorry thought you were here earlier02:46
tyler_dwhat about moe?02:46
MTecknologyfread2281: it's supported, but the ubuntu repos don't support IPv6 and I don't have any IPv4 addresses available to connect02:47
blackshirtboots728: have you add larry to ken's group ?02:47
boots728results of the command cat /etc/group |grep larry include ken:x:1004:larry,bwk,dmr02:48
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sacrebleuhow do I setup subdomains for a server?  ie how do I add irc.myservername.com02:56
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boots728is there some other info I can give you?03:04
Guest43789orale que pasa compas03:04
Guest43789como me cambio el nombre03:05
simplewi have d folder  thats owned by root and adm group, i have added myself to adm group, but when i try as user in nautilus to move a file says i dont have permissions, any help?03:05
Guest43789you need to ask your parents for permission kid, cant' you read03:05
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evilhow may i help you sir03:07
zrutyWhere can I find previous versions of ubuntu? i.e. 10.04 desktop CD?03:08
evilin my cd stack03:09
overcluckersimplew: does the command 'groups' have adm in it?03:10
simplewoverclucker: yes03:12
simplewoverclucker: its solved03:12
JustMozzyhey guys, I am trying to compile the ufasoft bitcoin miner on my ubuntu hardy 64 bit. during compilation it tells me that I need to install libpcre3-dev although it is already installed., I have also tried to reinstall it but with no luck. can anyone help?03:14
simplewoverclucker: when you exit your session and you come back do you see the apps you left open in last session also opened?03:15
evilno hablo inges03:15
simplewoverclucker: and your terminal window uses to keep the last size used?03:15
overcluckersimplew: dont think so.03:16
gartralCan anyone suggest a screencasting application that A) can record multiple audio sources and B) uses something other than Theora?03:16
simplewanother buggy sittuation, in kde we can have all that03:16
overcluckersimplew: yup, i use kde on one of my boxes.03:17
gartrali miss you too baby03:19
gartraloops >.>03:19
bjrohanWhat is the best way to set up a desktop system connect to the intenet via DSL in order to access it's files via the internet? I am new to linux but it looks like there are many different ways such as NFS, Samba etc. Primarily I would like to access the computer via my android phone03:25
simplewoverclucker: any hint on why ubuntu used gnome by default when kde is much better in a overall view?03:27
MaskilPDXHya all03:28
quim3testing stuff, sweet BASH :]03:31
quim3Greetings evil03:32
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CaptainKnotsIs there any way to download the deb files for apps I purchased in the Software Center? I've moved to a different distro, but I bought a fair amount of apps from USC03:38
CaptainKnotsand if I can get the deb files, I should be able to use those to install on another distro03:39
CaptainKnotsI know it would be easy enough to do on a debian based distro03:39
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overcluckerCaptainKnots: paid apps can be downloaded with apt-get -d install03:41
CaptainKnotsoverclucker: last time I checked, gentoo doesn't support apt-get03:41
CaptainKnotsI just need to download the actual deb files03:41
CaptainKnotsso I can extract them to install on gentoo03:42
kelvinellahi how do I watch m3u8?03:46
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evilwith your eyes03:46
overcluckerCaptainKnots: downloading them on an ubuntu system might be the easiest method.03:47
CaptainKnotstoo bad I don't have one of those03:48
CaptainKnotsoh well03:48
overcluckerCaptainKnots: maybe a virtualbox install would work for you.03:49
TynachHello, I have a printer that only understands Postscript (not PDF), an HP Laserjet 1300. When printing documents from LibreOffice, it allows me to change the printer settings to Postscript, and things print fine. However, by default, it prints as a PDF - and this causes it to take several minutes to print even a simple one-page document.03:50
TynachAll other programs in Ubuntu default to PDF as well, and most do not let me change that in the options. So I'm wondering this: How can I change the default print format to Postscript instead of PDF?03:51
Guest24304Having problem updating 12.04. Downloading completes correctly then dpkg error occurs and stops everything. Any ideas welcome.03:51
TynachGuest24304, what error occurs?03:52
Jordan_UTynach: Have you checked all of the options in system-config-printer ?03:53
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TynachJordan_U, I thought I had, so I went and double checked. There are indeed no options in system-config-printer for choosing Postscript/PDF.03:55
Guest24304Tynach, I'll recreate it and print the output in a second.03:55
TynachGuest24304, alright. I can't gurantee I'll be able to figure out what's going on, but at the very least knowing what went wrong will help others help you :)03:55
edveIs ubuntu dying ?03:55
Tynachedve, no.03:56
Guest24304dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 0:03:57
Guest24304 newline in field name `../../../../../share/pyshared/apport/crashdb_impl/multipartpost_handler.py'03:57
Guest24304Error in function:03:57
Guest24304SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)03:57
TynachYeah, I have no idea what that means Guest24304. Hope someone else can help.03:57
DaemonicApathyGuest24304, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ exists precisely for multiline messages like that.03:57
TynachDoes anyone know anything about changing a printer's default document type from PDF to Postscript?03:59
phixHey has the samba4 package been fixed up yet?03:59
phixor is it still broken? and still using a broken version of samba4?03:59
leotrhi! is it possible to add something other than preinstalled packages to ubuntu livecd created with UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit)?04:00
phixleotr: no idea, I have never tried that before04:00
DaemonicApathyBtw, Guest24304: try running "sudo dpkg --clear-avail", then rebuild the file using the command "sudo apt-get update"04:00
leotrphix: thank you04:01
Guest24304Thanks DaemonicApathy, I'll give that a try and get back.04:01
phixmohdizhar: oh hai there04:03
mohdizhari have problem with NIC card running ubuntu 10.104:03
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gartralCan anyone suggest a screencasting application that A) can record multiple audio sources and B) uses something other than Theora?04:04
Guest31636has anyone used macchanger before? is eth1 always the default internet device?04:05
Guest31636I was Guest31636 but changed my name to this04:05
TynachGuest31636, your nick is still Guest31636.04:06
wolsGuest31636: it's not.and you can change MAC simply with ifconfig04:06
TynachType '/nick <new_nick>' to change nicknames, Guest31636.04:06
mohdizharwho can help me... my NIC card have error firmware... failed to grab the new firmware?04:09
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wolsmohdizhar: which network chip?04:10
kroogdoes anyone kno how 3 play netflux04:13
TynachDoes anyone know anything about changing a printer's default document type from PDF to Postscript?04:14
wolskroog: not possible under Linux. a Windows virtual machine should work04:14
agresterOk if Bekks is here I finally have the output of fdisk04:14
Guest56347i luv ubuntu no doubt abt it but theres sumthing abt ubuntu thats not quite on par with windows.04:14
kroogyeah the color scheme04:14
kroogit's all...off04:14
Guest24304DaemonicApathy: Thankyou, I see I have a lot to learn about dpkg. I was unaware that command existed.  I was also unaware of the paste.ubuntu.com.04:14
GalaxorMy radeon 7750 with fglrx works for like a second after X starts up, and then there's a flash, and then the screen is frozen.  I can't get to the virtual consoles, but I can ssh into the box.04:14
GalaxorAny advice on that?04:14
wolsGuest31636: tried the radeon driver?04:15
agresterRecap: trying to install a second Ubuntu on the following partition scheme [WindowsXP][Empty][Primary Ubuntu][swap]04:15
wolsGuest31636: also you might need a newer fglrx https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Manually_installing_Catalyst_12.604:16
agresterWhere there's [Empty] I want to install a second Ubuntu so that I can cleanly have both Unity (testing) and XFCE (production), any help or clues on how to do the second install using the Ubuntu install tool?04:16
Guest56347am i the only one who doesnt like the new ubuntu? it tries to be what its not. ubuntu should be jst abt the old classic gnome. if it were to become something else it should NOT BE LIKE APPLEOS04:16
eviltry xubuntu04:17
gartralGuest56347: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell04:17
wolsagrester: just install to the empty space and then install grub2 to the partition and not the MBR04:17
agresterwols, how do I do this using the Graphical tool the "other options"04:17
Guest56347i knw abt xubuntu/gnome-shell and all that what im saying is ubuntu is very much pushing unity as its flagship and i think thats a mistake04:17
Guest56347unity is not a very good design04:17
wolsGuest31636: this is a support channel, not an advocacy channel. please respect that04:18
wolsGuest56347: ^^04:18
TynachGuest56347, classic Gnome is going away, for better or worse. If you want something else, try Xfce, Gnome Shell, KDE, LXDE, or any other number of different desktop environments.04:18
agresterGuest56347: Unity is great, it's just really new...Mac OS had over 10 years to develop it, so Unity just needs to mature, I remember when Mac OS X first came out it was ugly as anything...04:18
Guest56347ive used all that mentioned im jst not happy abt unity thats all04:19
Guest56347unity should not be the new ubuntu.04:19
Guest56347ubuntu needs a new design04:19
wolsGuest56347: do you have a technical ubuntu problem?04:19
TynachGuest56347, keep in mind Unity was originally developed to minimize screen space usage on netbooks. That's why it merges the menus and title bar at the top.04:19
wolsthen please shut up04:19
aeon-ltdplease go to ot then04:20
agresterwols: how do I do this?04:20
Tynachagrester, you install Ubuntu as normal, but when it comes to partitioning, you decide to use a custom partition system. You make sure to only create a new partition in the empty space, and that should be that.04:21
Guest31636I have a quick question. If I use the macadress of one computer (computer 1) on copy it onto anther  computer (computer 2) is there anyway for the network to distinguish computer 2 from computer 1 assuming that they are not running at the same time04:21
wolsagrester: long time since I installed ubuntu, so I don't know the specifics. can't you create a partition?04:21
agresterwols: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall04:22
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jagginessGuest31636, your network traffic will get corrupted for each computer.. that's why mac-addresses are unique04:22
wolsagrester: yes: "something else"04:23
agresterthe "do something else" step takes to the graphical partition and installation manager, then you can manually select which partition to install to. I just want to get i right because last time I tried this I ended up bricking the machine...04:23
wolsagrester: should give you a fdisk program for partitioning04:23
Guest31636jagginess: i am aware of that. But what would happen if I shutdown computer1 and started up computer 204:23
jagginessGuest31636, it depends on arp cache and how strict the routing equipment is04:24
TynachDoes anyone know anything about changing a printer's default document type from PDF to Postscript?04:24
jagginessGuest31636, if the routing or switch equipment allows multiple mac-addresses on the port (which usually is a 'yes' for home equipment), then there's no problem.. but there really is nothing new about this.. this affects only the lan network, and wouldn't give you any "hack" advantage even if you were thinking over the internet04:25
phixAny command that will tell me the type of ram installed on a computer ?04:26
phix(a computer running ubuntu that is)04:26
Guest31636jagginess: what I want to do is download a torrent, a legal one (some wallpaper) , but those are still banned. So my question is could I use a Kios computer's mac address and hide my mac address so that they don't know it is me who is downloading the torrent.04:27
phixor the brand and model number of it? without having to take the side off?04:27
jagginessGuest31636, I answered your dumb question already04:27
TynachGuest31636, why not download the wallpaper at home, or find a non-torrent for the wallpaper?04:27
Guest31636jagginess:  well the main difference is that my current mac address is tied to my name04:27
phixGuest31636: so who doesn't know?04:28
jagginessGuest31636, I already answered your dumb question. Read it properly again.04:28
phixGuest31636: just download it off your phone using your mobile connection04:28
Guest31636Tynach: I am at college right now04:29
alien2050phix: try "dmesg" it might get some of that info for you04:29
Guest31636phix: I don't own a smartphone04:29
jagginessGuest31636, american?04:29
TynachGuest31636, I have never heard of wallpapers being available only as a torrent.04:29
* jagginess *figures*04:29
phixGuest31636: Buy an android <3 then install Ubuntu on it, then you will be within topic again :)04:29
phixalien2050: hmmmmm, ok, so you dont know of any commands that can tell me this or fish it out of /proc or /sys ?04:30
alien2050phix: there's also "dmidecode" but not sure if will work on Ubuntu04:30
Guest31636Tynach: I have this torrent for social wallpaper04:31
alien2050yeah dmidecode should work fine I just tried it04:31
Guest31636Tynach: they used to use torrents to download large amounts of their wallpaper connection, like over 250.04:31
alien2050phix: there's a manufacturer and part model (if it can decode it properly)04:32
TynachGuest31636, why not simply change your Mac address to whatever, download the torrent, then change it back? Does it have to mimic another computer on the network?04:33
alien2050phix: it will at least tell you the precise quantity info, otherwise you can always fish the motherboard model and look at the specs on their websites.... all depends what you re trying to do04:33
Guest31636Tynach: because the university requires that all computers have an authorized mac address and to get a new mac address authorized you must put in your username and password04:33
TynachGuest31636, alright, fair enough. So how about just downloading the torrent? If anyone asks, you can just show them it's wallpapers. If they search your computer, they will only find the wallpapers. It might be a hassle, but so what? Certainly easier than going through all this trouble.04:34
Guest31636Tynach: because I don't want to deal with having my connection shut off when they investigate04:35
TynachAnd do you know for sure they would investigate?04:35
phixalien2050: thnx, that worked like a charm04:36
Guest31636Tynach: I doubt they will, but I just don't want to deal with that problem04:36
alien2050phix: no problemo04:37
solitude88Hey guys is this a desktop or server channel... or both?04:37
phixwooo! GA-M55PLUS-S3G!04:37
phix<3 that program04:37
Tynachsolitude88, I believe it's both.04:37
solitude88cool thanks Tynach!04:38
TynachSince you can have server software on your desktop, and desktop software on your server.04:38
TynachThe lines blur significantly.04:38
solitude88very true04:38
overcluckerGuest31636: get a vpn04:38
TynachGuest31636, have you ever heard of other people getting their net cut off and investigated if they did torrents?04:39
TynachOr are you just overly paranoid?04:39
akishi all. any idea why my xubuntu 12.04 cannot play system sounds on some applications (orage, thunderbird) althought i have already enable system sound in 'appeareance' and i have installed 'canberra'?04:40
simplewi have isntalled kde in ubuntu and now when running kde, synaptic windows is with TOO BIG fonts, how can this be fixed?04:41
Tynachsimplew, in KDE you have to force using 96 DPI or it freaks out on some programs. To do this, go to System Settings, Common Appearance and Behavior, Application Appearance, Fonts. There should be a checkbox for 'Force DPI', and make sure it's 96.04:42
simplewTynach: i did but synpatic continues with BIG fonts04:43
Tynachsimplew, did you try logging out/back in?04:44
simplewTynach: no04:44
TynachDoes anyone know anything about changing a printer's default document type from PDF to Postscript?04:50
wubinoI am trying to add driver support for a hd radeon 667004:53
wubinoI keep on getting an error during install04:53
wubinohere is the error log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280530/04:54
wubinoFWIW: i did a completely new install of ubuntu 12.0404:54
ChrisWhatso did i04:54
crizis^wubino, are you trying to install 'post release' updates with additional drivers?04:54
wubinocrizis^: yes04:55
crizis^that won't work04:55
crizis^either install regular driver, or install that from console04:55
crizis^with: sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates04:55
wubinowill do04:55
wubinocrizis^,: is there a PPA better suited then the managed packaged driver?04:56
crizis^that was broken even in back in 11.10.. dno why they won't fix it already04:56
crizis^well, driver is quite current so don't bother04:56
crizis^fglrx-updates is catalyst 12.404:56
crizis^regular one is iirc 11.804:56
crizis^having 6870 myself and just running that regular one04:56
crizis^haven't really noticed any performance difference in games.. then again these cards are almost 2 years already so doubt drivers will improve them much04:57
wubinocrizis^: whats the best opencl install method for an ati card?04:58
crizis^ati's drivers are basically just stubs that translate opengl calls to hardware anyway.. nvidia's drivers are pretty much artificial intelligence on their own, optimizing themselves at runtime04:58
crizis^haven't done any opencl stuff so no idea.. :)04:59
wubinocrizis^: I loved my nvidia cards but this was the best bang for buck I could find04:59
crizis^ati has better hardware generally (not just performance), but nvidia has a lot of money in drivers05:00
wubinothanks for the info05:01
crizis^not that there's anything wrong with ati drivers.. it's usually much simplier to figure out what's wrong with your opengl code with ati since drivers are relatively straightforward :-)05:01
werdnativsetting up upstart scripts for my app server… Is there a way to allow my regular user to restart it?05:02
Tynachwerdnativ, you can set up in the 'sudoers' file to let them run only specific commands as root.05:04
werdnativTynach: specific command includes arguments too, or would that allow restart anything?05:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How can I remove a file like this? tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=4905:05
Tynachwerdnativ, first of all, you restart things by doing "sudo service <service> restart". You can make it so that they can do "sudo service <service> <anything>", or you can make it so they can ONLY restart, or make it so they can do anything to any service, etc. It's very flexible.05:06
extropywhy does using the Alt-[Left arrow] hotkey in firefox popup the ubuntu "type your command" dialog? Isn't the window framework supposed to prevent things like this? who's to blame?05:06
vanity[_-S1L3NC3-_]:  rm -rf "<file_name>"  is not work?05:06
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: rm tcl{press tab}05:06
werdnativif the job runs as the regular user (I'm using su currently), shouldn't the user be able to signal it without sudo?05:07
Tynachwerdnativ, they have to put 'sudo' in front of the command.05:08
werdnativTynach: ok. I seem to have something like this working on another server, but I think it was done with runit.05:09
Codenomicswhat is the best way to have an application autostart?05:09
extropyhuh, only seems to do it intermittently ... still annoying as hell05:10
extropypart of it probably has something to do with the fact that this particular computer I'm using is especially slow (ubuntu catches the Alt-key before Firefox even detects it, perhaps?)05:11
extropyyay ... multithreading >.<05:11
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How can I extract this? tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=4905:11
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i tried tar and unzip05:12
Tynachwerdnativ, put something like this in the sudoers file: "<username> ALL = /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" to let them restart the apache web server, for example.05:12
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: rename it to zip so unzip recognises it05:12
TynachThey would have to type: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:12
TynachAnd if it differs at all from that, it will not let them.05:12
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it still wont05:13
tacirusHello, does anybody know if there is a metacity channel (specifically for Metacity WM? ) or I can put a question right here too?05:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]unzip "lol.zip"05:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Archive:  lol.zip05:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not05:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]  a zipfil05:14
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: what did you download? from egghelp?05:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]an script from their05:15
=== brandon is now known as bulletrulz
[_-S1L3NC3-_]bot identifier05:15
[_-S1L3NC3-_]an identify script05:15
FloodBot1[_-S1L3NC3-_]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
werdnativTynach:  init.d isn't even upstart, but it looks like it can only be managed by root or sudo. I think what I'm looking for is specifically a runit feature. Thanks, though: http://smarden.org/runit/faq.html#user05:16
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: how did you download it? Browser or command line?05:16
[_-S1L3NC3-_]command line05:16
[_-S1L3NC3-_]running on ubuntu05:16
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i tried wget "downloadlink"05:16
Transfutause gzip -d05:16
Tynachwerdnativ, upstart is Ubuntu's replacement for SysVInit, and it aims to be backwards compatible with it... Including using the same folder path.05:16
Transfutaoriginally it's a .tcl.gz file05:16
werdnativright, I guess upstart still uses the same scripts from init.d, that's true.05:17
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: wget is not following the redirect so you have downloaded an HTML file05:17
werdnativI was hoping the /etc/init/ scripts had some user control options, besides just setuid & setgid05:18
overclucker[_-S1L3NC3-_]: wget "http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=49" -O download.zip05:18
somsip[_-S1L3NC3-_]: wget "http://www.egghelp.org/files/tcl/bot_identifyer04.tcl.gz"05:19
[_-S1L3NC3-_]nvm i got anoter download that worked05:19
[_-S1L3NC3-_]thanks anyway05:19
Tynachwerdnativ, you don't WANT that. You want only root (or specialized users, such as a 'mysql' user for the mysql server) to have access to the files in that folder. It's a security feature.05:21
werdnativyeah, the files in that folder should be root. I'm talking about managing the processes they spin off.05:21
robertzaccourmy webcam display is upside down all of a sudden. any suggestions?05:22
Tynachwerdnativ, I'm afraid that's up to the processes themselves, not the init scripts. For example, MySQL has its own user system.05:23
Tynachrobertzaccour, is your webcam upside down? Is it only in one program and not other programs?05:24
Jordan_Uwerdnativ: For privilege de-escalation you can simply use "su some_user -c some_command"05:25
robertzaccourTynach, it sits on top of the monitor and has always worked fine til a few minutes ago.05:25
werdnativJordan_U: yes, I'm using su some_user in the init script. My point is that some_user can't issue restart to their own process without sudo.05:26
BaralabiteDoes anyone know of any "one command install" programs to install a mailserver + webclient for ubuntu?05:27
werdnativupstart says: restart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", … which looks like there is some logic behind allowing it to happen?05:27
BaralabiteWhen I say "one command" I mean small # of commands, not litterly one05:27
blackshirt!squirrelmail | baralabite05:28
Baralabite-waiting for ubottu to inform me about squirrel mail-05:28
BaralabiteIf I install squirrel mail, do I still have to install the AntiVirus, Postfix, etc?05:29
Tynachrobertzaccour, is it only in one program, or more than one?05:30
blackshirtbaralabite, if you sit on gateway,maybe you need them05:30
robertzaccourTynach, I'm updating right now so not able to install anything atm05:31
BaralabiteOkay... I'll look into it05:31
BaralabiteIt's just that the last "mail server" tutorial I tried had, quite litterly 500 commands05:31
aidenfrostits only neccessary if you are in gateway05:31
tacirusFolks. does anybody know if one can and how add new custom keybindings to Metacity WM in Ubuntu. I need more than predefined 12 pieces it has in it. But as I create a new binding I can read below that the key has no schema and the command doesn`t execute.05:32
robertzaccourTynach, finished updating, gonna restart and brb05:35
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robertzaccourTynach, updating didn't work05:38
robertzaccourTynach, cheese displays it properly05:38
Tynachrobertzaccour, if one program shows it properly, and another doesn't, I'd ask in the channel for the program that doesn't work right.05:39
robertzaccourTynach, guvcview has a channel?05:39
Tynachrobertzaccour, possibly.05:39
alusionI need a way to download youtube videos in an....effecient manner <:-{D  cheers05:40
somsipalusion: youtube-dl ?05:41
xanguaplenty of addons for firefox that do that alusionsi05:41
robertzaccouralusion, Try Download Helper firefox add on05:42
robertzaccourTynach, removing and reinstalling didn't work. I'm gonna boot into unity instead and try then05:43
zoogoofinally got a wordlist for wpa bruteforcing05:43
zoogoo4gb in size05:44
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o05:44
robertzaccourTynach, Same issue in Unity05:45
Tynachrobertzaccour, I don't think it's a desktop environment thing. I think you should look into the program you're using that's showing the camera wrong, and find some people who are responsible for that program and ask them.05:45
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TynachDoes anyone know anything about changing a printer's default document type from PDF to Postscript?05:56
zetherooI am trying to get these network mounts to automount via fstab .. and I had this working on another system previously ... but I cannot recall where to set the username and password credentials for the mounts! In dmesg I am seeing this "[    6.626900] CIFS VFS: No username specified" which I think may be connected to the issue!?05:57
BaralabiteHey guys, I'm continually getting an error of "ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server." when I try to open squirrelmail, any clues to what is wrong?05:58
charleyfoxtrotjust upgraded to 12.10 ... fglrx seems to have broke . Unity wasn't starting (no toolbar, no launcher) until I did "sudo apt-get remove --purge fglxr fglxr-amdcccle"05:58
xangua!12.10 | charleyfoxtrot05:59
ubottucharleyfoxtrot: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:59
charleyfoxtrotthanks xangua05:59
KM0201Baralabite: did you check squirrelmail's website, they have several potential causes for that error.06:00
BaralabiteThanks, I'll take a look06:00
KM0201Baralabite: http://squirrelmail.org/wiki/MailServerIMAPProblem06:01
suigenerisI need urgent help06:02
suigenerisI installed xen yesterday, and rebooted06:03
suigenerisnow I boot the computer, it runs for a while and goes to sleep06:04
suigeneriscan't wake it06:04
suigenerisgoes to sleep even before the OS06:04
Jordan_Usuigeneris: How did you install Xen?06:05
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen06:05
suigenerisJordan_U: from this factoid06:05
BaralabiteI'm working through this tutorial, (http://www.unixmen.com/install-squirrel-mail-on-ubuntu-server/) but I've gotten stuck at this command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/maildirmake -S /home/user/Maildir06:07
BaralabiteThe directory doesn't exist (/user/lib...)06:08
codenomicssay I want to use term command to run a pythin file, but I want to be able to close the term afterwards06:08
codenomicswhat command would I use?06:08
=== christian is now known as Guest65377
codenomicswant to start the app and that is it, dont want it to continue printing out stuffs06:08
suigenerisJordan_U: any ideas?06:08
blackshirtbaralabite, what version tutorial was on?06:09
BaralabiteVersion of what sorry?06:09
BaralabiteIf you meant version of squirrelmail blackshirt, I believe it was 1.4.2106:10
blackshirtbaralabite, ubuntu version in tutorials06:10
gogetacodenomics: lol I used to know that command06:10
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Try holding shift and booting one of the non-xen entries from the grub menu.06:10
BaralabiteI don't know, it looks like an older one though06:10
BaralabiteI'm using 12.0406:10
BaralabiteIt seems to be using the old screen manager (Gdm?)06:11
blackshirtbaralabite, maybe06:11
chronofusion1980Ok Razor Blackwidow Ultimate keyboard here in Xubuntu 12.04 x64.  Trying to get M keys on the left to work.06:12
chronofusion1980I have googled my butt off and either I don't understand how to go about getting it done or I haven't found correct solution06:12
Baralabiteblackshirt: I'll quickly look up a different version of tutorial06:13
suigenerisJordan_U: holding shift doesn't help. any other way?06:13
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Holding shift during boot doesn't bring you to a grub menu?06:14
chronofusion1980Any ideas?  Anyone?06:14
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB?06:14
blackshirtbaralabite, commonly for the newer version,thats not needed06:14
suigenerisright, livecd06:14
chronofusion1980M keys on Razor blackwidow Ultimate to work in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit...anyone?06:16
gogetacodemaniac: the screen command is what you whant06:16
somsip!patience | chronofusion198006:16
ubottuchronofusion1980: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:16
MaGeD_if i have a machine with Ubunto 10.04 LTS server installed , and i wanted to install desktop environment " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop " will this going to overwrite or delete any of my existing files in my home directory  ?06:17
jalexandruHi, I'm having trouble printing, I use cups, I can access localhost:631 but if I want to go to https://localhost:631/admin?OP=add-printer I get error: No data received, also in /var/log/cups/error_log I get permission denied any help is appriciated06:18
blackshirtbaralabite, if you want mail server with webclient frontend, some packages has available on repository06:18
Baralabite-can see the light at the end of the tunnel!-06:18
suigenerisJordan_U: I need to chroot, right?06:19
BaralabiteWhat might be their names, I've been googling around for the last few months (although not continually xP) trying to find out how to do this06:19
gogetacodemaniac: ctrl+a then d it will detach the prossses then ifbyou whant it back screen -r06:20
Jordan_Usuigeneris: That is one option.06:21
gogetabeen a wile sense I did that heh06:21
suigenerisJordan_U: I meant chrooting and updating grub from there06:22
chronofusion1980ubottu I already searched the typical ubuntu forums, askubuntu..etc.  this is a special case.06:22
ubottuchronofusion1980: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:22
ner0xGoodmorning, how can I stop my Xorg server so that I may run Xorg -configure ?06:24
Baralabitefrom terminal:06:24
Baralabitesudo stop xorg06:24
BaralabiteI think06:24
BaralabiteDon't quote me though06:24
FloodBot1Baralabite: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
ner0xBaralabite: Unknown Job: xorg06:24
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot06:24
BaralabiteOr else, try using: sudo stop x06:24
gogetalol no06:24
ner0xI haven't have this issue in forever. And it's odd I can't find it in the ps auxf.06:25
ner0xI assumed it would be x11-common in /etc/init.d/ but I was wrong.06:25
BaralabiteNote: Ner0x, once you type in sudo stop x, you'll have to do all the work from tty1/606:25
Baralabitei think06:25
BaralabiteI don't really know :306:25
gogetaservice ldm restart06:25
gogetathat will restart x06:26
BaralabiteI generally use: sudo restart lightdm06:26
mcmlxxiJordan_U: this is suigeneris. I forget how to chroot. can you tell me?06:26
Baralabiteor sudo stop lightdm06:26
tacirusI have an icon in the upper panel that foesn`t show the actual keyboard layout. Where do I fix it?06:26
gogetalightdm that's correct06:26
tacirusI didn`t find anything in the keybaord settings06:26
ner0xgogeta: That may work.06:27
ner0xAmazing the simple things you forever when you don't do them often.06:27
Baralabiteblackshirt: What might be the names of the packges on the repo, I found sqwebmail, but I don't really like it...06:27
gogetawell it used to be gem but they use lighten now06:28
ner0xBaralabite: Right, I was actually looking for gdm. Even though technicaly I'm on Xubuntu06:28
BaralabiteAhh, okay06:28
gogetayea auto correct hell06:28
BaralabiteJust throwing it out there - does anyone know how to log into sqwebmail?06:29
blackshirtbaralabite, usually with user on system06:30
BaralabiteI understand that, but where?06:31
Baralabitelike: http://localhost/sqwebmail/?06:31
Baralabite(Which doesn't work)06:31
ner0xBe back in a second gentlemen, have to restart to see if this worked.06:31
BaralabiteInternal error (module sqconfig.c, line 76) - contact system administrator -_-06:33
BaralabiteI'm getting sick of these errors06:33
BaralabiteIt doesn't tell me enough to fix it06:33
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BaralabiteIf only my budget wasn't $0 - other wise this looks great... http://atmail.com/06:38
mcmlxxiJordan_U: are you there? you said chroot was one option. what's another option?06:39
idefixwhat is an x terminal emulator good for?06:40
Baralabiteidefix: For emulating the x terminal!06:40
mcmlxxiI get these when I try to update-grub2 in chroot: /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 34: /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).06:41
BaralabiteSorry.. I just had to :}06:41
somsipidefix: it allows you to use a termina lin X06:41
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idefixBaralabite somsip, what's the difference between the x-terminal that already exists?06:41
BaralabiteI've no clue - I was just kiddin'06:41
somsipidefix: between that and what?06:42
Guest42475I cannot log any longer normally, I am facing a graphic glitch on login screen06:42
idefixyou see, I could already use x-terminal now I get this update suggestion for the x-terminal emulator..06:42
BaralabiteGuest: Try what I say:06:42
BaralabiteI don't know if it's any good but:06:42
Guest42475Sorry trying to change my name :-)06:43
BaralabitePress: Ctrl+Alt+F106:43
BaralabiteType in your login details06:43
BaralabiteThen type in sudo start lightdm06:43
Guest42475Thank you Baralabite06:43
Baralabiteand re-type in your password06:43
BaralabiteIt may not be any good :/06:43
Guest42475So once the boot has opened and I am presented with the login screen to input password and username, there is one single colour all over the screen06:44
somsipidefix: < somsip> idefix: between that and what?06:44
Guest42475@ Bara I am using an ATI card06:44
BaralabiteGuest42475: Okay, does BIOS show correctly?06:45
Guest42475I have installed the drivers from AMD, but it was fine until this morning06:45
Guest42475Yep everything06:45
BaralabiteAnd is it a laptop, or desktop?06:45
Guest42475GRUB seeems fine too, I have my windows 7 and Ubuntu presented to me06:45
BaralabiteSo, windows 7 works fine, but not ubuntu?06:45
timfrostmcmlxxi: how was the chroot environment set up?  That error suggests that you haven't set up /dev in the chroot ( see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1156240.html for an example)06:45
Guest42475Everything boots normally until the login screen06:45
BaralabiteOkay, just try this again:06:46
Guest42475when it's all corrupt and I can't type neither password nor username, not choose my Ubu session (gnome/unity)06:46
BaralabiteType in the login details06:46
BaralabiteThen: sudo restart lightdm06:46
Guest42475Actually I am using Ubuntu but an older version...06:46
Ex0deusso your screen looks all messed up?06:46
BaralabiteAnd see how what I just suggested goes06:46
Guest42475sort of yes06:47
Guest42475do I type that after the boot finished or before?06:47
Ex0deusit could simply be an incorrect setting in your xorg.conf ... a bad refresh tate06:47
Ex0deusrate even06:47
Guest42475I am using the previous kernel....31 I believe06:48
Guest42475It is happening with the new one06:48
Guest42475yes that one06:48
Poentwhat does the "network" and "broadcast" options specify in the network/interface config?06:48
BaralabiteWhat is apache's "username"06:48
somsipBaralabite: www-data06:48
Guest42475Funny it was working all fine until this morning06:49
BaralabiteThat did it somsip06:49
Guest42475I thought maybe the graphic drivers corrupted it but I am typing this from the previous kernel and same drivers06:49
Guest42475on the same machine06:49
Guest42475@Bara when do I type this: CTRL+ALT+F1?06:50
Poentfound the answer to my question at: http://linux.about.com/od/ubusrv_doc/a/ubusg17t03.htm06:50
Ex0deusGuest42475: you would do that at the spot where the loginscreen should be06:51
mcmlxxiI get error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). even though I have /dev mounted. any ideas?06:51
Ex0deusthat should just change your terminal... probably to tty1 i believe06:51
Ex0deuswhere if all is ok... you should see a shell login06:52
Ex0deusif you don't... try ctrl+alt+f2 or f306:52
Ex0deusthat will allow you to login to a shell... then from the shell we can try and figure out whats wrong... and fix it..06:53
aneekdoes anyone knows how to create portable apps for ubuntu /linux?06:53
Techna_Rave_PonyI don't know how, but I have tools that package them06:54
aneektechna whts that tool06:55
Techna_Rave_Ponyit's two or three tools, I picked them up a few years back06:55
aneekcan u tell me name techna ?06:56
Techna_Rave_Ponythe site was taken down06:56
Techna_Rave_PonyI can only do as good as to tar them and megaupload them06:56
mcmlxxiI get error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). even though I have /dev mounted. any ideas?06:57
mcmlxxiI'm in chroot06:57
aneeki don't think that it ill make them protable06:57
aneeki need something like thininstall for window06:57
Poentwhat is the first room you get connect to on irc called?06:58
Poentbefore you join a channel06:58
Techna_Rave_Ponythat's the server itself06:58
somsipPoent: status06:58
MaGeD_if i have a machine with Ubunto 10.04 LTS server installed , and i wanted to install desktop environment " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop " will this going to overwrite or delete any of my existing files in my home directory ?06:58
MaGeD_anyone ? :)06:58
PoentMaGeD_: you totally shouldnt install a GUI06:59
Ex0deusaneek: have you checked out06:59
Ex0deusman chroot06:59
MaGeD_Poent : Thanks , well it's not like a critical machine ,,07:00
MaGeD_just for personal usage07:00
Techna_Rave_PonyUpgrade to Quantal Time, should only take a few hours, right?07:00
PoentMaGeD_: there are some good tutorials though. here is one: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html07:00
somsipTechna_Rave_Pony: 12.10 is not released yet so it should not be recommended as an upgrade07:01
PoentMaGeD_: sure thing, that is a bit out of date though. you may need to search around a bit if you run into issues07:01
Techna_Rave_PonyIt's my personal machine, I use it for movies and games and stuff07:01
Techna_Rave_PonyI use bleeding edge stuff anyway07:02
Techna_Rave_Ponyplus, release in the next week07:02
somsipTechna_Rave_Pony: you can use what you want, it's just not good form to recommed to others07:02
Techna_Rave_PonyI know07:02
Techna_Rave_PonyI wasn't reccomending anything07:02
somsipTechna_Rave_Pony: fair enough.07:04
Techna_Rave_PonyGoodbye for now07:04
Poentanything on 192.168 should have a boradcast address of 1.255 right?07:09
chronofusion1980Trying to get Xubuntu 12.04 x64 to recognize the M keys on lefthand side of Razor Blackwidow Utlimate 2013 keyboard to set up hotkeys07:12
* Calinou shrugs07:12
Calinouhave fun ignoring these keys07:12
chronofusion1980?? Calinou were you talking to or about me?07:13
chronofusion1980And in case anyone wants to suggest this, I have already searched the ubuntu forums, askubuntu, etc07:18
somsipchronofusion1980: Does this help? http://superuser.com/questions/342107/getting-macro-keys-from-a-razer-blackwidow-to-work-on-linux07:20
* Baralabite laughed when looked at url07:21
ignaciojesus1ç/help list07:23
somsip!list | ignaciojesus107:24
ubottuignaciojesus1: somsip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:24
BaralabiteI think I found it!07:24
BaralabiteThe gold at the end of the rainbow!07:25
BaralabiteCitadel suite!07:25
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ner0xBaralabite: Alright, got it working.07:26
BaralabiteI've forgotten what you were working on... I've been tied up with webmail :307:27
poentis there an easy way to tell if i'm identified with the nick serv? is that mode +i?07:27
auronandacepoent: join a channel that requires an identified nick (like #openbsd)07:28
poenthuh. worked07:29
fidel_i somehow remember that whois should output that as well - but apart from that its a question for #help and not #ubuntu07:29
chronofusion1980ok got to step 5 in that " built the utility"   ( cabal configure) in terminal gave me " Please create a package description file <pkgname>.cabal07:29
poentanyone else on here using irssi?07:29
chronofusion1980I have no clue how to do that07:29
icerooti want that every file creates in a directory belongs to a specific user (doesnt matter which user is creating that file) what is the way for it?07:29
icerootpoent: #irssi07:29
smellysallyis software for pdf annotations available on ubuntu? I tried evince and okular so far. evince only can do text annotations. okular has at least a highlight function and basic drawing tools, but it can't save to pdf. any alternatives?07:31
BaralabiteI don't know much about it, but I think there is some kind of anotation thing in Compiz07:31
chronofusion1980somsip my gut feeling says you're on the right track.  Just hitting that one wall about creating that package07:32
somsipsmellysally: you need a pdf editor, or just something that annotates?07:32
somsipchronofusion1980: I have no idea. I use a filco. I just found a link that look pretty informative for you07:33
hateballsmellysally: it should be possible with okular 0.15+ which should be included in 12.1007:33
hateballsmellysally: see http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdegraphics/okular/annotations.html07:33
smellysallysomsip: annotations mostly, text marking. simple drawing would be nice.07:33
somsipsmellysally: k - look like hateball know what he's talking about, so i'll sidle off...07:34
chronofusion1980thanks either way somsip.  does anyone know how I can create that package to continue with those steps07:34
BaralabiteWhat's the command to completely remove an apt-get program?07:35
smellysallyhateball: thanks, I didn't know that. still on 12.04, hough. :)   I'll try to build from source.07:35
Baralabite"autoremove", "purge"?07:35
BaralabiteNeither of these are working07:35
chronofusion1980i think it's " sudo apt-get remove programname07:36
hateballsmellysally: Good luck. I've no idea if it depends on newer kdelibs or so. 12.10 wont be long tho ;)07:36
smellysallyhateball: well, I prefer to stick to LTS. building from source is worth a try, at least. :)07:36
hateballsmellysally: Sure :)07:37
chronofusion1980man if it wasn't for handbrake-gtk being able to rip my movie collection faster with same quality settings and shrink the files much better than win 7 x64 handbrake x64, i'd go right back to windows07:38
chronofusion1980Anyone have an y idea how i can get the M keys on Razor blackwidow keyboard to finally function in xubuntu 12.04 x64?07:39
hateball!apt | Baralabite07:39
ubottuBaralabite: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)07:39
poent!apt | tmux07:40
ubottutmux: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)07:40
somsip!notworking | Baralabite07:40
somsipBaralabite: explain what 'not working' means07:40
Baralabitesomsip: I installed "Citadel", while it was installing, it asked me a few questions, like what mySQL and apache do, I filled them in, now I want to re-fill them in. To do this I figure I have to uninstall citadel, and re-install it. But when I re-isntall it, it doesn't fully remove it, because when I install citadel again, it doesn't ask me the questions.07:42
llutz_Baralabite: you need to "apt-get purge citadel"  to get it completly removed or use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure citadel"07:44
somsipBaralabite: try 'sudo apt-get purge {package}', but it might be worth checking /etc, /opt, ~/ for any orphaned config files if it is still not doing what you want. You may need to investigate the package more to find out where it stores files07:44
BaralabiteWell, I've tried purge (as I said above), but I'll check /etc /opt and home07:45
hateballBaralabite: It's probably not purging the MySQL DB it created for you during install, and that's likely where it stores most of the things07:46
BaralabiteInteresting suggestion hateball, will look into it :D07:47
rocket_hamsteris there a way to donate to ubuntu without paypal?07:47
BaralabiteIt didn't create a mysql db :/07:47
researcher123I have created a root password using sudo passwd root. But I cant see that option for Login upon booting.Please HELP07:48
BaralabiteBAM! I got it!07:48
Baralabitesudo dpkg-reconfigure citadel-webcit - a dependancty07:48
somsip!root | researcher12307:48
ubotturesearcher123: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:48
gogo__Hello, I have a strange problem. I am using radeon driver on Ubuntu with mesa 9. My card is rv730(hd4650) and it is compatible with opengl 3.3. But glxinfo shows supported opengl version is 2.1 only. I have seen others getting opengl version as 3.0 on same rv730 card. I am a bit confused about this.07:49
researcher123I have created a root password using sudo passwd root. But I cant see that option for Login upon booting.I know the password very well but from where to enter username root and its password?07:49
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:50
llutz_researcher123: having root-account enabled is not supported here. if you think you need it, youll know how to use it.07:50
blackshirtusually, root login was not permitted under gui login07:50
chronofusion1980Ok am i in the wrong place to ask for help?07:51
mcmlxxiI get error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). even though I have /dev mounted. any ideas?07:52
mcmlxxiI'm in chroot07:52
mcmlxxishould I have mounted it outside of chroot?07:53
err-ormcmlxxi: how did you mount /dev?07:53
llutz_mcmlxxi: beofre chrooting: mount -o bind /dev /path/chroot/dev07:54
mcmlxxierr-or: mount -o bind /dev /mnt/ubuntu/point/dev/07:54
mcmlxxillutz_: thanks07:54
n1hi. anyone using vodafone mobile connect dongle?07:57
researcher123how to make available username root on the login screen?07:59
BaralabiteYou cannot log in as root.08:00
BaralabiteIf you are really desperate, open terminal and type in: "sudo su"08:00
BaralabiteThat current terminal session will be as root then08:00
llutz_cleaner to use "sudo -i"08:00
akisi want to place 'orage' to my systray on my Ubuntu 12.04. Giving 'systray' in orage's preferences nothing happens. Is it possible to run in systray or ti isnt because systray on Ubuntu 12.04 is locked. Any other oprion, suggection or idea?08:01
bigpotatoI have a question about vim plugin ProtoDef08:08
=== suigeneris_ is now known as suigeneris
suigenerishttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1156240.html <--- I'm trying to work through this08:09
suigeneriscp /etc/resolv.conf /mount/point/etc/resolv.conf <--- there's no /etc/ under mount point08:10
suigenerisit's like / hasn't been mounted08:11
somsip!list | FRA99808:13
ubottuFRA998: somsip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:13
ubottuFRA998: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:13
llutz_somsip: :D08:15
somsipllutz_: been waiting days to catch one :-)08:15
gartral!help | dimmy08:17
ubottudimmy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:17
llutz_somsip: they should make ubottu to autorespond "list" whenever one comes in saying "ciao"08:18
somsipllutz_: zactly :)08:18
gartralhow does one do a FULL networked x session?08:18
randomDudegartral: by using xdmcp remote login08:21
randomDudegartral: http://ubuntuguide.net/enable-xdmcp-remote-login-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts-lightdm08:22
=== Calinou__ is now known as Calinoiu
=== Calinoiu is now known as Calinou
chronofusion1980....this is the reason why windows " just works" and linux.." is just a headache and sucks"   no help.  no way..just barebones crap08:23
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  no rants here please08:23
gordonjcp!ask | chronofusion198008:24
ubottuchronofusion1980: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:24
leotrcan i convert my /usr partition to squashfs?08:24
chronofusion1980well?  I've come on this channel and this server in Xchat numerous times asking for help...I never get it...yet I always try or successfully help someone else. and save the bs auto bot reply ok...see also..." I ask a question and i'm ignored08:25
ikonialeotr: why would you do that08:25
gordonjcpleotr: kind of08:25
chronofusion1980I have asked...tons of times08:25
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: asked what?08:25
gordonjcpleotr: makes no sense unless you're running from something like flash memory08:25
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  maybe it's bacause nobody has the answer to your question, that happens08:25
somsipchronofusion1980: you are asking (about the razer) a specialised question that you couldn't find distinct help on anywhere else. You may need to eb a bit more patient, or try when more users are on08:25
leotrikonia: i'm not going to modify it, make partition size minimal to faster deply08:25
chronofusion1980how to get M keys on Razor blackwidow Ultimate keyboard to work in xubuntu 12.04 64 bit08:25
somsipchronofusion1980: have you trued Razor support forums?08:26
gartralrandomDude: it mentions Xmanager, what is that, specifically?08:26
chronofusion1980tried steps on http://superuser.com/questions/342107/getting-macro-keys-from-a-razer-blackwidow-to-work-on-linux when try " cabal configure"  i get " package not found...create the package"08:26
leotrit will be kiosk app08:26
ikonialeotr: but it will basically be running from ram08:27
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: yeah, it doesn't look like there's an easy way08:27
chronofusion1980and yes I have..no one  knows any ppa, installer package, cabal, python package work arounds to get it working08:27
ikoniaand you'll have to unsquash it on demand08:27
ikoniaor store the whole file system in ram unsquashed08:27
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I'm reading that just now08:27
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: http://finch.am/projects/blackwidow/08:27
somsipchronofusion1980: are you in the EnableRazer dir when you run that?08:27
gordonjcp^ that guy seems to be a bit further along08:27
leotrikonia: will i have to unsquash it in read-only mode?08:27
chronofusion1980I just typed in those steps in terminal..hell i dont know.. Ubuntu noob here08:27
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: <shrug>08:27
chronofusion1980I have no clue how to create a package08:28
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: you probably don't need to create a package08:28
somsipchronofusion1980: you've just cloned the package from git. But gordonjcp has provided a link which might be an easier solution for you08:28
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: noobishness is no excuse for rudeness though; I'm a total Windows noob but I manage to ask in a reasonably civil manner in ##windows ;-)08:28
ikonialeotr: you can do it read/write08:29
ikonialeotr: but I don't see what you hope to get by doing this ?08:29
chronofusion1980here's the difference..windows just works  LInux requires severe manual tweaking.  and I wasn't being rude.  I didn't realize that here when you ask a quesiton that no one knows the answer to..you get ignored  instead of " sorry not sure" by anyone08:29
defsworkwhy cant the fucking clowns that release new versions of thunderbird wait until lightning is also available for that version08:29
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I don't find it requires manual tweaking, but then I don't use weirdass hardware that only has Windows support08:30
chronofusion1980anyways..I tried that url gordon  already have the python-usb packages via synaptic package manager install, but not sure what to do next08:30
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I find windows baffling and impenetrable08:30
llutz_chronofusion1980: you seriously  don't  want >1500 users in the channel say "sorry wwe don't know"08:30
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: download that blackwidow_enable.py and run it08:30
Calinou_chronofusion1980: windows locks you*08:31
chronofusion1980ok did that..when i run it my text editor opens it up with a ton of info08:31
gordonjcpthat's what you want08:31
Calinou_any linux distro (pretty much "but ubuntu") is not a product, it's a FOSS project08:31
leotrikonia: i'm going to make a kiosk application (Xserver + PySide). So i install all required packages on prototype machine and when everything works - compress it so no modifications will be made to it08:31
gordonjcpjust run it, with something like "python ./blackwidow_enable.py"08:31
chronofusion1980?? so i type that in terminal?08:32
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: consider this though; you're probably one of a couple of thousand people who own this keyboard, and one of a handful of people who own this keyboard *and* use Linux08:32
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  if you're a beginner with ubuntu, it means you're learning something new - that can be frustrating, sometimes08:32
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: so you're already doing something unusual08:32
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I mean right now I'm working with some radio equipment that has no drivers at all for either Windows or Linux, which is taking quite a bit of heavy duty thinking08:33
* MonkeyDust wonders: people don't mind learning windows, but they do mind learning linux08:33
llutz_people dont "learn" windows, they just use it, they grew up with it08:34
chronofusion1980because Monkeydust..windows is a hell of a lot easy to deal with.lol.  but I seriously want to replace windows with this distro...getting the m keys to work and gaming.will complete that..LOVE handbrake-gtk08:34
gordonjcpllutz_: not necessarily08:34
gordonjcpllutz_: I didn't08:34
llutz_gordonjcp: me too, but as you said: were a handfull of people08:34
gordonjcpllutz_: I've been using Windows XP for a bit more than six months now, and I still find it baffling and enraging08:34
chronofusion1980yes.they do..just like learning how to ride a bike..then learning how to drive a motorcycle08:34
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I didn't08:35
gartralchronofusion1980: obscure gaming hardware can be a PiTA to get working, and usually there's less that 100 people who have a similar setup, maybe 10-15 of those have a god grasp on how to make it work, I myself am tackling getting a driver together for use with the Razer Lachesis mouse to set it's profiles without a windows installation08:35
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: I hadn't touched a Windows machine before the beginning of this year...08:35
chronofusion1980anyways...I typed that ./blackwidow_enable.py in terminal..yet i said " no such file or directory08:35
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: well, maybe that's not where the file is08:35
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: Firefox will probably want to save it in ~/Downloads08:35
=== jakub is now known as jakub_r
gartralchronofusion1980: try this: python ./Downloads/blackwidow_enable.py08:36
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: on pretty much any Unix-y command line (Linux, BSD, OSX, whatever) ~ means your home directory08:36
chronofusion1980i found the find i think " blackwidow_enable.py  " it is in downloads  " type" is Python script..when i double click it. it pulls up that file as a text file..so..how do i run it?08:37
gartralchronofusion1980: open a terminal and run python ~/Downloads/blackwidow_enable.py08:38
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: hope you're making notes08:39
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: you can stick this up online somewhere and it'll help the next person who takes a crazy notion to use a weird proprietary keyboard with Linux ;-)08:39
chronofusion1980yes...and received " blackwidow no found..yet i'm looking right at the file " blackwidow_enable.py08:39
chronofusion19802.9 kb size08:39
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: can you pastebin the contents of your terminal?08:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:40
gordonjcpawfully handy for this sort of thing08:40
chronofusion1980ok i think i did that now08:41
chronofusion1980Paste from chronofusion1980 at Mon, 15 Oct 2012 09:41:26 +000008:41
gordonjcpgot the URL to it?08:42
chronofusion1980sorry   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280739/08:42
gordonjcpso you're running the script, that's working correctly08:42
gordonjcpit's not detecting the keyboard, for some reason08:42
gordonjcpgive me a sec so I can get the Magic Macbook08:43
chronofusion1980it allows me to set " f1 " and every other button for hotkeys EXCEPT the M keys08:43
gartralgordonjcp: I believe the Black Widow is a mousse08:43
chronofusion1980no.it's a keyboard...the mouse I'm using is the Razor Naga08:43
gartraloh ok08:44
gartralthat's right, Razer names their Keyboard after spiders, and mice after Snames08:44
somsipchronofusion1980: best check - what version of ubuntu are you running?08:45
chronofusion1980Xubuntu 12.04 64 bit08:45
somsipchronofusion1980: k - should be up to date then08:45
chronofusion1980I thought about could i run the windows synapse 2.0 software for it via Wine, but native is always better i think08:46
gartralchronofusion1980: to make this a little easier, open up your terminal and run sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:46
gordonjcpI'm going to have to leave my macbook to warm up for ten minutes08:46
gordonjcpit's been sitting in the laptop bag in the back of the van08:47
gordonjcpit's working just fine, it's just too cold to type on comfortably ;-)08:47
chronofusion1980said " pastebinit is already the newest version08:47
gogetagordonjcp: heh08:47
somsipchronofusion1980: and pastebin the output from 'sudo lshw'.08:47
gartralchronofusion1980: you're wrong about Wine. As the Synapse application is actually a driver wrapper it won't detect the keyboard and will report "No Device"08:47
gogetagordonjcp: freeze your macbook08:48
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: pastebin the output of "lsusb"08:48
gartralchronofusion1980: make that sudo lshw | pastebinit08:48
=== garrett is now known as Guest79698
gordonjcpgartral: no, lshw isn't what I'm looking for08:49
chronofusion1980http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280744/ for the  "sudo lshw"08:49
=== Guest79698 is now known as Hoj0
gogetagordonjcp: ?08:49
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: incidentally do you understand what "sudo lshw | pastebinit" does?08:49
gordonjcpgogeta: I just want the USB IDs08:49
gordonjcpgogeta: lshw isn't useful for that08:50
chronofusion1980http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280746/ for " sudo lsusb08:50
Niarfanyone knowns pam_krb5 parameters ?08:50
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: stop a minute08:50
Niarfwhen I set a ream, auth.log say "unknown option" :((08:50
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: do you know what sudo means?08:50
gogetagordonjcp: don't you just do lshw | grep usb08:50
somsipchronofusion1980: and you say you have a mouse and a keybd, both razer?08:50
chronofusion1980yes.sudo means to run or do a command with elevated permissions or something coherent to that...not sure if it's equal to root.08:51
gordonjcpit is, it lets you run stuff as root08:51
chronofusion1980yes somsip.  keyboard=Blackwidow Ultimate 2013 edition,  mouse=Naga08:51
gordonjcpbe *very careful* what you're doing when people tell you to run commands with sudo08:51
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: so "sudo lshw | pastebinit" means "run lshw as root, and then pipe the output to pastebinit"08:52
somsipgordonjcp: so his keybd product_id doesn't match that in the script. Do we recommend he edits the script with his product_id and see what it does <dodgy>08:52
chronofusion1980indeed so i have heard...  :D08:52
gordonjcpsomsip: that's where I'm going with this08:52
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: right, time for some hacking08:52
somsipgordonjcp: I'll back off - you have more experience from here08:52
gordonjcpyour keyboard doesn't match the one in the script08:52
chronofusion1980ok.so giving the lsusb info i pasted in pastebin at the url i gave..what do ya think?08:52
chronofusion1980i'm all eyes gordon..shoot08:52
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: quick primer on USB - each device has a unique Vendor ID and Product ID08:53
gartralgordonjcp: incidentally, as I also run both a Razer Mouse (The Lachesis) and a Razer Keyboard (The Lycosa) my lsusb may prove useful!08:53
gordonjcpgartral: good point08:53
chronofusion1980that may be true gartral08:53
gartralgordonjcp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1280748/08:53
gordonjcpso, Razer has VID 0x1532 and you've got two PIDs 0x002e and 0x011a08:54
crizisgartral, i have arctosa myself and multimedia keys on it work out of box without any tuning btw08:54
chronofusion1980logitech keyboards use damn near all the same setpoint softwares or drivers or both08:54
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: the script is looking for 1532:010d08:54
eigarHow can I launch "open with" from command line?08:54
gogetagordonjcp: lsusb that's handy to08:54
gordonjcpI'm going to guess that the keyboard is 0x011a08:54
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: type in "gedit ~/Downloads/blackwidow_enable.py"08:54
chronofusion1980k one sec please08:54
gordonjcpand where you see 0x010d on line 17, change that to 0x011a08:55
tommaso2012 ita08:55
gogetamust be a slow night08:55
chronofusion1980opened up the same text file..only in the gedit way08:56
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: save it, quit out of gedit, and try running blackwidow_enable now08:56
chronofusion1980still keeps opening the text file08:57
gordonjcpgartral: interesting08:58
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: what does?08:58
gordonjcpwell leafpad will work too08:58
chronofusion1980is python a program that i can select to run a script with?  that's the misunderstanding im having righ tnow08:58
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: not really, no08:58
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  python is a scripting code08:59
gartralchronofusion1980: try python ~/Downloads/blackwidow_enable.py08:59
chronofusion1980shall i pastebin all the info in this text file?  perhaps that will shed some more light on it?08:59
chronofusion1980ok one sec08:59
chronofusion1980"blackwidow not found09:00
chronofusion1980ys.stderr.write("Could not write the magic bytes to the BlackWidow.\n")  is just one part that is in the text file of blackwidow_enable.py09:01
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: no, I've got it open here in an editor09:02
gordonjcphave you got it open in leafpad or gedit or something?09:02
chronofusion1980leafpad opens it by default09:02
chronofusion1980i saved it like you said when it was open in gedit09:02
Ari_Ghello! i'm on natty narwahl and i'd like to know which day the support ends. October 31rst?09:02
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: ah okay, stop double-clicking it09:03
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: so you edited with gedit, changed that value, and saved?09:03
chronofusion1980changed that value?   ??09:03
chronofusion1980you never said anything about changing any value09:03
gordonjcpright okay, let's go again ;-)09:03
chronofusion1980i got it open in gedit09:03
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: look for a line that says "USB_PRODUCT = 0x010d"09:04
gordonjcpthat's the product ID for that guy's keyboard09:04
chronofusion1980found it09:04
gordonjcpchange that to say "0x011a" which is the product ID from your keyboard09:05
chronofusion1980USB_PRODUCT = 0x010d  # BlackWidow / BlackWidow Ultimate09:05
chronofusion1980k one sec pleae09:05
chronofusion1980done.  now save it ..or save it to a particular location?09:05
gordonjcpno, just save it and exit gedit09:06
BeastieThe ubuntu kernel is the only kernel that I have been able to get to boot so far using powerpc09:06
gordonjcpBeastie: at least it boots09:06
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: try running it now with python ~/Downloads/blackwidow_enable.py09:07
chronofusion1980"unable to claim the configuration interface. Do you have the appropriate privileges? "09:07
chronofusion1980perhaps sudo first then that command ?09:07
gordonjcpwe're getting somewhere09:07
gordonjcpyup, give that a shot09:07
BeastieWell looks like ubuntu is loading right now.09:08
chronofusion1980CONFIGURED BLACKWIDOW!!!!   :D   GIGGIDEE!!09:08
chronofusion1980i hope :D09:08
MonkeyDustAri_G  11.04Natty Narwhal28 April 2011     28 October 201209:08
tocI'd like to set up and use squid...is there anyone familiar with it that could help? :)09:08
chronofusion1980so now what may i ask?09:09
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: good question09:09
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: incidentally, drop the guy that wrote blackwidow_enable.py an email explaining that it seems to work with your keyboard using that PID09:09
gordonjcpmaybe he'll be able to expand his program so it'll detect automatically your version of the keyboard09:10
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: and when you do that, congratulations, you're an open-source contributor09:10
Ari_GMonkeyDust: Thanks a lot!09:10
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: you've helped make Linux a little bit better for others09:10
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: feels good, right?09:10
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  then you are the blackwidow-linux expert, how's that!09:10
chronofusion1980sounds good to me.  I'll definitely do that.  I know at least 20 other friends of mine on my email lists that use razor gaming k eyboards..and many of them gave up on linux beause of this...09:11
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: okay, fire up the Settings->Hardware->Keyboard control panel09:11
chronofusion1980well for me i think it's Settings manager...then keyboard09:11
gordonjcpand look for "Shortcuts"09:12
chronofusion1980Behavior, application shortcuts, and Layout" tabs09:12
gordonjcpapplication shortcuts09:12
gordonjcpsorry, I'm on 12.10 here so you may need to guess a bit09:12
chronofusion1980yeah..application shortcuts..just tried to set chromium to launch with M1 but nothing happened..09:12
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: hmm09:12
chronofusion1980now the odd thing is this09:13
chronofusion1980when i press Control AND m1..it shows up as " Super_L"09:13
chronofusion1980and works....09:13
chronofusion1980i'm trying to make it to where it's only requiring one button press to launch it09:13
chronofusion1980and it doesn't matter WHICH of the 5 M keys..it always shows up as " Super_L"09:13
devjustforfunpeople how to know why all my memory is used?09:14
chronofusion1980sorry. " control_L"  i meant09:14
Beastiecan install ubuntu without running the live cd???09:14
Beastiepowerpc I mean09:14
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: there must be more to it then09:14
Beastienm duhh I have the docs right here09:14
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: what does "sudo showkey" in a terminal do when you press the buttons?09:14
chronofusion1980(shruggs)...either way..i learned alot from you gordon..seriously...thank you much09:14
chronofusion1980never tried..one sec please09:14
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: well I hope you learned the most important thing09:15
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: with Linux (and open-source in general) sometimes you find stuff doesn't work or doesn't quite fit09:15
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: but you're allowed to pound seven shades of snot out of it with a big hammer until it *does* fit09:15
chronofusion1980kb mode was RAW09:16
chronofusion1980[ if you are trying this under X, it might not work09:16
chronofusion1980since the X server is also reading /dev/console ]09:16
chronofusion1980press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...09:16
chronofusion1980keycode  28 release09:16
FloodBot1chronofusion1980: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
devjustforfunbut if i use top command i see Mem: Mem:   1834868k total,  1710776k used,   124092k free,09:16
chronofusion1980ah sorry09:16
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: don't worry, it happens ;-)09:16
MonkeyDustchronofusion1980  remember: swearing and cursing is the only language that *every* system understands09:16
chronofusion1980lol.  interest explanation09:16
devjustforfunhow to know which programs used all my memoty09:16
gordonjcpdevjustforfun: top09:16
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: so basically, fire up showkey and mash buttons, see what scan codes they return09:17
chronofusion1980ah..I thought i was supposed to wait for it to auto show something.sorry09:17
gordonjcpthese scan codes are mapped into a form that other things understand, but it's a fairly involved process09:17
devjustforfungordonjcp top command give me that output: Mem:   1834868k total,  1710776k used,   124092k free,09:17
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: at this point you really want to be emailing the guy that wrote the script, since presumably he got further with it09:17
chronofusion1980the m keys still do nothing..but all other regular keys i have set..do what i set them to do09:18
gordonjcpdevjustforfun: if you press M (shift-M) it'll show you a breakdown by memory09:18
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: and the M keys don't show scancodes in showkey?09:18
chronofusion1980gotcha..well time to crash..i'll email him tomorrow..please forgive my cerbral flagulence and d$ckheadness09:18
chronofusion1980correct..they dont09:18
chronofusion1980f1 is keycode 5909:19
chronofusion1980which is what i have chomium set to launch with for now09:19
chronofusion1980it's also my mute key when combined with FN key09:19
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: yeah, talk to the guy that wrote the script09:19
gordonjcpsince he's presumably got the keys doing stuff09:19
gartralgordonjcp: do you have any experince with razertool?09:20
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: and I'm not about to drop nearly 200 quid on a keyboard just to help some random on the internet out09:20
gordonjcpgartral: no09:20
devjustforfungordonjcp thanks09:20
chronofusion1980well i i think install razertool but can't find it or get it to actually run09:20
chronofusion1980when i try razertool in terming I get " unable to find copperhead laser mouse09:20
gartralchronofusion1980: it's specifically for the Copperhead mouse09:20
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: good luck with it09:21
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: let me know how you get on09:21
chronofusion1980ah..so no chance for it to work with my gear ?  oh well..had to try09:21
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: it probably *will* work but you'll need to ask someone who has actually got one of these keyboards09:22
gartralchronofusion1980: well.. it hasn't been updated since '07.. but I'm looking at patching it for use with the Lachesis, and possibly other mice if I can collect the magic strings for all the function09:22
chronofusion1980i will gordon  today gotta sleep..then get the wife a new laptop and take her on a good date..it's been too long and she basically helped payf or this gear..plus 3 tb 7200 rpm hdd to work with my ripping from09:22
gordonjcpchronofusion1980: drop the guy who wrote the script an email09:22
pelismois it possible that i see 91% used disk space, but really I can't find any large file or files that take up all that space?09:22
chronofusion1980yeap yeaaaap.  either way..I'll check back with you all on here when i can..( normally work late evening shift..so used to pretty much night shift central time)09:23
pelismoperhaps kernel is measuring wrong? or something taking some virtual space?09:23
chronofusion1980cheers everyone..time to crash...latas09:23
gordonjcppelismo: possibly hidden files?09:23
gordonjcppelismo: try "du -h --max-depth=1 /path/to/filesystem09:24
pelismogordonjcp: i run du -ah | sort -n -r | head -n 20, all i get is very few 1M files09:24
pelismoi do have some long-running processes on that server (ubuntu 12.04 server)09:24
rdzhi all. is there a generic way to remember the window position for any application in 12.04?09:25
gartralpelismo: try du -ah /tmp09:25
geirhapelismo: use -m instead of -h09:25
pelismogartral: i did that on root09:25
geirhapelismo: because sort -n will consider 1G smaller than 20M09:26
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llutz_ du -x --max-depth=1 /|sort -n  pelismo dont use -h and sort09:26
pelismowhat does -x do?09:27
geirhasticks to one filesystem09:27
pelismonumbers i output in KB?09:27
llutz_err kbyte09:28
pelismoah ok that makes sense09:28
geirhapelismo: -m will show Mebibytes09:28
pelismoyea i get better results now i think it makes sense09:28
gordonjcpright folks, first patient arrived09:28
gordonjcpbetter go and pretend to do some work09:28
amazingrandohi everyone.  i have a question about a bash script to run something as sudo on a remote machine09:29
Martin_amazingrando: just ask09:31
pelismook so i think Ubuntu lies to me09:31
pelismoi have 1.9GB used. but it reports 91% is used, total root disk is 8GB09:31
amazingrandohere's my script09:32
pelismois there a way to see how much each process reserves on disk?09:32
somsippelismo: reserves of what?09:32
pelismosomsip: no idea.. maybe the kernel thinks there's a ghost file but i can't see it on disk?09:33
gordonjcpamazingrando: ah you want to control a whole bunch of machines remotely?09:33
fidel_pelismo: how in detail do you check for used/free space right now?09:33
pelismofidel_: usually df -h09:33
pelismoand memory i do with: free -m09:33
amazingrandogordonjcp: yeah, i want to ssh into each and trigger a restart09:33
fidel_"it reports" is kinda vague ...thats why i am asking ;)09:33
llutz_!info cssh | amazingrando:09:33
ubottuamazingrando:: Package cssh does not exist in precise09:33
pelismofidel_: is  there a more accurate way to measure free disk?09:33
llutz_!info clusterssh | amazingrando:09:33
ubottuamazingrando:: clusterssh (source: clusterssh): administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.00.11-2 (precise), package size 83 kB, installed size 251 kB09:33
amazingrandocool.  did not know that existed09:34
fidel_pelismo: well i do use the same commands - and i expect them to be corrent09:34
amazingrandoi'll look into clusterssh09:34
gordonjcpamazingrando: have you looked at puppet, or clusterssh?09:34
Martin_amazingrando: it's a good tool you'll see ;)09:34
Martin_but your question remains  if you'd like to do that without human interaction :/09:35
rigiddoes anybody know why there's no recent version of libbabl for ubuntu?09:36
pelismoso what can be the case where df reports a disk usage that the whole sum of files don't accumulate to?09:36
llutz_Martin_: cssh -a <action>09:36
gordonjcprigid: maybe it's not used for anything09:36
sachaelcan anyone explain why people use the silly animal names? I wanted to download a package, but had to got wikipedia to check what's the silly name of the 12.04 I running...09:37
sachaelplease ignore spelling mistakes D:09:37
rigidgordonjcp: i guess asking the maintainer of the package is the right way to get an answer, right?09:38
crizisthose are just code names for the release. official branding is 12.04, like you noticed. you had to look it up - otherwise you won't hit the names09:38
Hoj0the developers just assign code-names using animal names09:38
gordonjcprigid: yes, most likely09:38
jribsachael: it was a joke that caught on basically09:38
gordonjcprigid: wow, yeah, that's what three years old?09:39
amazingrandocan i setup/run clusterssh without x windows?09:39
nwillemssachael: Regarding spelling mistakes, usually i sign my mails with the following: "Spellcorrection left as an excercise for the reader"09:39
rigidgordonjcp: thanks09:39
geirhapelismo: A large file's been unlinked, but a process still has it open, probably. The file will exist until that process closes it.09:39
akishi all. i am trying to make 'orage' gives me system notifications in pop-ups (instead of its notifications) and i installed already 'libnotify-dev' under which 'orage' is working but still my ubuntu 12.04 refuses to give me system notifications and gives me orage notificatios althoug i have already choose in alarmas 'system notifications'. Under Xubuntu 12.04 i made it work. But under Ubuntu i failed. Any idea?09:39
rigidgordonjcp: yes, and there is a _much_ more recent version for gentoo and even more recent git version. The changes are quite heavily09:39
dwakarI'm looking for a tiniest linux distro ever, to make a rescuedisk, until now puppy linux is on top of my list. do you guys have any suggestions?09:40
MonkeyDustdwakar  there's tinycore09:41
llutz_!ot | dwakar09:41
ubottudwakar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:41
pelismogeirha: aha! that may be the case. can I detect such a file already open by the process? perhaps list open files? can I also find out its size?09:41
sachaeljrib: where is the joke? I have to go look up silly names, which are not always in my foreigner volabulary, just so I can know what to download for my OS. "Ubuntu HerptyDerpty" tells me nothing about which ubuntu that is, unless I know all the "funny" name combinations09:41
jribsachael: you can always use the numbers instead of the names09:41
err-ordwakar: dsl09:41
sachaeljrib: I can and I do, but people don't! :(09:41
dwakaroh sorry wrong channel. thanks MonkeyDust and err-or09:41
sachaelhm, there is an opportunity for some "huh you maen ubuntu is not linux?" trolling, but I dunno how well this is take here.09:42
jribsachael: you can also just learn the adjective (the first word) in the name.  And I believe policy on the wiki is to refer to versions by name and version09:43
sachaeldang, I can't type today.09:43
g105bJust ordered my 12.10 merch :)09:44
jribsachael: even better, after dapper the releases are in alphabetical order, so you can just learn the LETTER for each release :)09:44
Fudgehi, anyone using broadcomm drivers successfully with precise09:44
VictorCLhi, I installed subversion with apt-get install subversion09:44
jribFudge: yes; ask your actual question (to the channel)09:44
VictorCLand it installed version 1.6 , when the latests one is  1.7, how can I install 1.7 ?09:44
jribVictorCL: 1.6 is the latest in the repositories09:45
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Fudgejrib  have two machines that I can not get to connect to my network, another wireless machine not using broadcom drivers conects to my network as does my phone09:45
Fudgetherefore I am looking for possible ideas to why I am prompted for password but it does not connect and then a few minutes later asks me for the password again.09:46
jribFudge: I just run jockey-gtk and install the driver there.  If you need more help, /msg ubottu wireles09:46
jribFudge: I just run jockey-gtk and install the driver there.  If you need more help, /msg ubottu wireless09:46
Fudgejrib  that is active there and the eth1 shows as up and I can see my network and others but not connect.09:47
DX099hello, did someone test PulseAudio 2.x on Precise ?09:47
rigidhttp://packages.qa.debian.org/b/babl.html suggests that there's a more recent version of babl available for debian. Does anyone know about the mechanisms to get a more recent version into ubuntu? (i'm new to ubuntu)09:48
erealz_ 09:48
rigidactually the version in ubuntu is the oldest available. It seems that maintainers have changed and the new maintainers only serve debian, not ubuntu09:48
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rigidare debian packages 100% compatible to ubuntu?09:49
jribrigid: every release, ubuntu re-syncs with debian.  So that package in debian will eventually hit ubuntu09:49
rigidjrib: ah, good to know. But it doesn't seem to be the case for babl. I last checked ~1.5 years ago and no change still09:50
tsimpsonrigid: 0.1.10 is in quantal now, so it is synced09:52
jribrigid: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/b/babl/babl_0.1.10-1ubuntu1/changelog in 12.10 (released soon)09:52
rigidtsimpson: jrib: thanks a lot...09:52
metalball'lo everyone, got a question not exactly ubuntu-server related, more linux related, about automated backup with scp09:59
metalballI'm trying to automatically mysqldump database and scp it to remote server10:00
hajime_metalball: i think you can place it on cron job10:00
DX099hello, did someone test PulseAudio 2.x on Precise ?10:00
metalballhajime_: thanx, thats not quite the question10:01
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metalballthe question is about passwords / passphrase skipping10:01
metalballI've generated RSA keys, and copied from SOURCE to DESTINATION server10:01
ryanakcaWhat flags will force patch to apply a patch, i.e. given the line numbers in the diff, remove all of the lines numbers corresponding to the ones in a diff prefixed by a '-', and insert the '+' lines? (The patch doesn't match up exactly / apply perfectly, but replacing the lines will suffice.10:02
metalballand applied with cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys10:02
uBUXUBuhi can someone tell me how to make my 64 bit ubuntu 12.04 ....32 bit compatible?10:02
metalballI even did service ssh restart10:02
metalballso from "Enter password for user@destination" I've went to "Enter passphrase for key /user/.ssh/id_rsa"10:03
uBUXUBui was hoping there would be a 32bit compatibilty pack in my software center,,,,but there is not10:03
metalballso how can I make scp work automated?10:03
metalballwithout prompting any credentials?10:04
Pumpkin-without EVER prompting for credentials, you will need a passphraseless SSH key. With prompting once (at least once per system boot), you will need to investigate ssh-agent.10:05
Pumpkin-as with many things, you need to make a security vs usability/reliability tradeoff10:06
DX099uBUXUBu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How_to_Make_32-bit_Applications_Work_on_a_64-bit_Operating_System10:07
metalballPumpkin-: so if I won't enter any pass during ssh-keygen - that would be a passphraseless key?10:07
uBUXUBuive read that it does nothing10:07
uBUXUBuim beginning ti think i have uninstall 64bit and install 3210:08
uBUXUBuwhy isnt there a 32 bit comp pack in software center10:09
DX099uBUXUBu, sorry, I have a FAQ but it's in french10:09
metalballPumpkin-: ok, that's nice... I'm not so worried about security, as i've got iptables to deny ANY traffic except trusted ip range, and if I understand correctly, the authentication is not 2-way,10:09
crizisuBUXUBu, you can install 32bit packages with sudo apt-get install packagename:i38610:09
GiirtGuys, I have a problem. The only way for me to connect to the internet is through a Socks5 proxy at . It works well to set firefox preferences to connect through it, can I set it system wide?10:10
DX099uBUXUBu, you could dig "linux32" command10:10
Pumpkin-yeah, the authentication is indeed only one way. The security concern is more a case that if someone machine A, they can access machine B without needing any additional credentials. Of course if they have totally owned A, it is likely only a matter of time before they will get to B anyway (keylog a password or whatever).10:10
uBUXUBuwhats that10:11
uBUXUBusudo linux32?10:11
uBUXUBuis that what u mean10:11
uBUXUBui got a funny feeling that even if i went to 32bit it wont run my game10:12
dr_willis8bit then ;-)10:12
uBUXUBuok criziz so that makes me 32 bit compatible?10:13
uBUXUBujust saw what u wrote10:13
DX099uBUXUBu, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man1/linux32.1.html10:13
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ThinkT510DX099: dapper is long since dead10:14
uBUXUBuwill that make a game run that wont run now?10:14
DX099oh didn't see taht10:14
DX099can't say until you try10:14
DX099it is said to be used like : "$ linux32 my_32bit_program"10:15
crizisuBUXUBu, depends what you wanna run, exactly? for what you need "32bit compability"10:16
crizisuBUXUBu, basically if you have some 32bit software, you can install all the :i386 packages it needs and it works10:16
GiirtAnyone have a clue about the proxy problem?10:16
GiirtCan I connect system-wide to a Socks v5 proxy10:17
hateballThere's even a meta-package to pull in a bunch of i386 packages10:17
ThinkT510!info ia32-libs-multiarch | uBUXUBu10:17
ubottuuBUXUBu: ia32-libs-multiarch (source: ia32-libs): Multi-arch versions of former ia32-libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 20090808ubuntu36 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 39 kB (Only available for amd64; ia64; i386)10:17
uBUXUBuno idea what all that means10:17
uBUXUBui just want to install and play second life on my 64 bit ubuntu10:18
metalballPumpkin-: I think that passwordless passphrase is a better solution for me, thank you very much10:18
uBUXUBui did a lot of terminal command yesterday that as usual did jack squat10:19
KM0201uBUXUBu: doesn't second life have a linux package on their website10:19
uBUXUBual the libs multiarch stuff10:19
crizisuBUXUBu, http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Getting-Secondlife-to-run-on-Ubuntu-12-04-lts-64-bit/td-p/1513169/page/210:19
crizissee first comment there10:19
uBUXUBuyes they do and it didnt do jack squat10:19
uBUXUBui read all that10:19
DX099Giirt, if 12.04, in Unity : on top right menu, system settings >> Network >> scroll down in the left list, and you will spot a "proxy servers" option10:20
KM0201didnt do jack squat?10:20
uBUXUBuso action ( a guy here) had me intall a million things in terminal to make me have the 32 bit libraries and terminal ran on and on and on and then it all ended up being useless10:21
ardiantahow to change mac address via CLI?10:21
uBUXUBubut a good try anyway i gotta admit10:21
crizisuBUXUBu, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linux_Viewer#64-bit what about that one?10:21
ThinkT510ardianta: that is mac spoofing, we don't help with that here10:21
DX099ardianta, man ifconfig or much easier 'macchanger' packaqe10:21
ardiantaTHanks.. i will try..10:22
DX099mac spoofing isn't necessarily used for law infringements10:22
uBUXUBugood idea but that thing has so many issues it a mess10:23
varikonniemiis there available some patches for ubuntu one that encrypts/decrypts the data before send/after receive10:23
uBUXUBuprolly easier to uninstall this wubi 64 and do wubi 3210:23
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uBUXUBubut i like my 64 bit10:24
uBUXUBuruns good10:24
uBUXUBuoh well here goes out with 64 in wit h32 ty all forhelping aloha10:25
varikonniemiwhat are you doing10:26
Richard_CavellFolks, I have a parallel port installed on my PC and when I type lspci, it comes up as "Communication controller".  How do I check whether lpt0 exists?10:27
Richard_CavellI'm on 12.0410:27
BlueEagleRichard_Cavell: ls /dev/lpt010:35
Richard_Cavellcannot access /dev/lpt0: No such file or directory10:35
BlueEagleRichard_Cavell: You may have to load the required module if it is not loaded automatically.10:36
Richard_CavellOkay... how do I do that?10:36
MonkeyDustRichard_Cavell  ls /dev/l*10:36
g0thwhwen I move a window to another desktop it just vannishes and "goes back to the original position"10:36
g0thI use unity/compiz10:36
Richard_CavellMonkeyDust: log, loop0 through loop7 and loop-control10:36
mpathyHi there.. I am on the live cd ready to install.. But know I think about the encryption.. dmcrypt is much faster, and isnt it wrong to only encrypt /home.. what about /tmp and when applications write in there?10:37
BlueEagleRichard_Cavell: I would have started by googling: ubuntu module parallell port10:37
mpathyOn the other hand ecryptfs is easy to use, and dmcyrpt seems to be not good to use without lvm.. which I do not want on a laptop with a small ssd10:38
g0thmpathy: encryption will slow down things considerably, so you shouldn't encrypt directories that are critical for performance10:38
varikonniemimpathy, the home encryption is really basic10:39
BlueEaglempathy: I would think that the swap space would be just as vunerable than any tmp directory.10:39
g0thall "personal" stuff/information/settings should be be in home anyway10:39
varikonniemibut sufficient for most10:39
qwdg0th: but that stuff won't stay there...10:39
mpathyg0th: Therefore I want to choose dmcrypt because my CPU supports AES_NI and it is rather fast in general10:40
g0thah ok10:40
varikonniemiencryption/decryption speed is not an issue on modern cpu10:40
mpathyBlueEagle: Will not create swap. Have 16GB10:40
g0ththen I suggest you use your own system to encrypt stuff, not the one that comes along with ubnutu standard installation10:40
varikonniemieven without sse/NI supporty10:40
mpathyBut its really cumbersome to use without lvm10:41
qwdUbuntu has full disk encryption, but I think you have to use the alternate disc for that. Correct me if I'm wrong.10:41
mpathyBut who wants lvm on a laptop? With a small ssd10:41
EaglemanWhen i use this script: http://pastebin.com/FuAHG3wa in rc.local it says:  /etc/rc.local: 15: /etc/rc.local: Syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then")   How do i correctly use it?10:41
varikonniemiwho wants lvm? :D10:41
varikonniemijust one more piece to a puzzle that can break10:41
mpathyvarikonniemi: Every description says use lvm with dmcrypt10:42
varikonniemihappened to me once on fedora when i installed with "automatic"10:42
g0thwhen I move a window to another virtual desktop it vannishes and reapears at the original place10:42
g0thhow can I move a window to another desktop?10:42
varikonniemii am not talking about dmcrypt/lvm10:42
varikonniemijust plain lvm10:42
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varikonniemii know nothing about dmcrypt10:42
BlueEagle!enter varikonniemi10:42
ThinkT510g0th: rightclick and move to10:42
BlueEagle!enter| varikonniemi10:43
ubottuvarikonniemi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:43
mpathyvarikonniemi: Okay I already thought about only having /boot and / - no extra swap no extra home10:43
EaglemanThat was slow :O10:43
g0thThinkT510: isn't it possible with a keybinding?10:43
schnuffleEagleman: its if [expression]; then [your code] fi10:43
varikonniemii only use encryption on usb sticks with ecryptfs10:43
mpathyvarikonniemi: And on your normal system?10:43
g0thwhat about running a virtual system?10:43
dr_willisEagleman: issue could be rc.local us using sh not bash. id put those 4 lines in their own properly made bash script10:44
g0thi.e. start a normal system and run everything on the virtual system10:44
BustacapIs there a way to add MSL (mirc scripting language) to gedit's syntax highlighting?10:44
jribEagleman, dr_willis: you need a "then" to go with the "if"10:44
varikonniemimpathy, have you checked truecrypt?10:45
qwdmpathy: just go with whatever the install disc gives you, don't make it more complicated than it has to be.10:45
EaglemanI just want it to work10:45
* jrib sees schnuffle said it already :x10:45
mpathyvarikonniemi: For a container or what?10:45
varikonniemifull disk encryption10:45
varikonniemiit installs itself in bootloader before grub10:45
EaglemanIf /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid exists then rm it, then just start teamspeak normally with:  su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"10:45
g0thThinkT510: I would like to bind "move to Workspace right" to a key combination (e.g. alt + shift + right)10:46
EaglemanSo how do i do that in rc.local?10:46
ThinkT510g0th: not sure sorry, i'm not a big compiz user10:47
mpathyvarikonniemi: Hmm I thought also about because then perhaps I could use it also on Win.. But the critical stuff is on the linux parition but better would be all encyrpted10:47
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Eaglemanrm /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid10:48
Eaglemansu teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"10:48
EaglemanAlso works10:48
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Eaglemanrc.local is only used on startup so it will do the same10:48
qwdI might be wrong but I don't think you can encrypt everything with TrueCrypt on Linux.10:49
Eaglemanqwd Truecrpt has a bootloader10:49
EaglemanHmm i do need the if statement to check for a file10:52
schnuffleEagleman: just add the then before the rm line10:53
suigenerisI'm getting /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). /dev/ is mounted10:54
suigenerisshould I mount /dev/ inside chroot?10:54
Eaglemanschnuffle like this? http://pastebin.com/MAxAxjR410:54
Eaglemanchanged it to before the rm line10:56
Eagleman./etc/rc.local: 13: /etc/rc.local: [[: not found10:56
AdvoWorkam i right in thinking netapp nfs isnt a filetype, the netapp is a server or similar and then nfs is the filetype?10:57
varikonniemiis there a way to enable some encryption for ubuntu one?10:57
mpathyvarikonniemi: Oh.. Also interesting.. +1 :)10:58
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varikonniemithis was discussed back when ubuntu one was introduced, and back then iirc it is encrypted on the server, but not on the client10:59
mpathyvarikonniemi: I just use Ubuntu One and Dropbox for harmless files and itself encrypted files like my KeePass-Database10:59
schnuffleEagleman: the then needs to be before the rm line10:59
varikonniemimpathy, yeah, but for serious cloud storage you cannot rely on ubuntu to encrypt your data.11:01
schnuffleEagleman: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-6.html11:01
ikoniaYellowGTO: any reason you're posting that sort of stuff in a support channel ?11:02
YellowGTOSorry didnt mean to interrupt all the support you were giving ikonia11:03
ikoniaYellowGTO: you may want to play in #ubuntu-offtopic rather than the support channel please.11:03
mpathyvarikonniemi: Yes. And how about sync an ecryptfs folder?11:03
n1i have a problem connecting vodafone mobile connect dongle andrunning sakis3gscript if anyone's familiar with it11:04
Eaglemanschnuffle it is like this now: http://pastebin.com/bZ736bZ011:04
ikonian1: you need to say what the probem is11:04
n1iknia when i run the script in terminal the text editor opens as if i doubleclicked the script icon itself11:06
n1pardon, ikonia11:06
schnuffleEagleman: won'T work the expression is tottaly wrong  if [ -e /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid]; then rm /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid; su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"; fi11:06
k1l_n1: did you make the script executable?11:06
Eaglemanwith the ; ?11:07
ikonian1: how are you running it11:07
ikonian1: give me the exact command you are using11:07
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schnuffleEagleman:  yes and there'S a space missing before the closing bracket of the expression11:07
k1l_ikonia: i think there is a chmod +x missing11:07
ikoniak1l_: we are about to find out11:07
n1ikonia with this command: +x file.sh11:08
ikonian1: that's not going to run the file11:08
ikonian1: and that's not a valid ocmmand "+x" is not a valid ocmmand11:08
ikoniacommand even11:08
n1 pardon chmod +x11:08
ikonian1: that's not going to run the script11:08
vectorshelvehow can I remove the left side unity panel from leftside of my ubuntu desktop and use the other option of having a task bar on the top?11:08
ikoniathat will just change the permissions on the script11:08
schnuffleEagleman: you should update your shell knowledge if you do such tasks more often. just check the link I gave you11:08
n1ikonia you mean this : cmd chmod +x doesn't execute the script?11:09
ikonian1: correct11:09
n1ikonia tried with ./ as well11:09
ikonian1: so if you do ./scriptname what happens11:09
Eaglemanschnuffle i rather dont do it but sometimes i have to, also which space is missing i dont see any11:09
Eaglemanif [ -e /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid]; then rm /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid; su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"; fi11:10
schnuffleEagleman: if [ -e /opt/ts3/ts3server.pid ]; <- now there'S a space before the bracket which was missing11:10
n1ikonia when i pres (in the window that pops up) "run", again it opens the script in the txt editor11:10
ElaMiNaToIs there a list of supported network cards for ubuntu 12.04 ?11:10
varikonniemimpathy, that works, but it needs ecryptfs setup11:10
n1ikonia. the extension is .sh, forgot to mention11:10
ikonian1: press ? what are you talking about11:11
ikonian1: 1.) open a terminal. 2.) change directory to where the script is 3.) type ./the_name_of_the_script11:11
Eaglemanaha thanks11:11
EaglemanIs it fail proof now, i dont want it to get stuck at booting11:12
nicekiwihow do i get root access from the guest account?11:13
n1ikonia is it enough if I ./ and than grab/drop the file to the terminal and press enter?11:13
n1ikonia than the whole path is listed11:13
ikonian1: do exactly what I told you11:13
Eaglemani use sudo su, but some people think it is wrong11:13
varikonnieminicekiwi, wiuth password11:13
n1ikonia thx will try11:13
varikonniemior by booting and going to rescue mode11:13
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schnuffleEagleman: failsafe? no and why don'T you test it before? what means failsafe in that context. failsafe would be to start teamspeak with a proper init script and setup a monitoring that cares about restart when tramspeak crashes11:14
nicekiwivarikonniemi, how with password?11:14
nicekiwivarikonniemi, the SU and SUDO commands do not work11:14
varikonniemisudo su11:14
varikonniemioh, then i have no clue11:14
alakoowhat message does the terminal give you, if any?11:15
nicekiwihow do I reset my themes? delete some config files somewhere?11:15
nicekiwialakoo, me?11:15
ElaMiNaToI need a new network card. How do I find out my if the new nwtwork card is compatible with 12.04 ?11:15
alakoonicekiwi: ye11:16
varikonniemisome people say it is sudo su - but idk11:16
ThinkT510sudo -i11:16
nicekiwialakoo, su: Authentication failure11:16
Eaglemanschnuffle thats how how teamspeak was created, if i run it as root everything is fine becuase the ts3.pid file belongs to the root user, but when i run it as teamspeak and my server crashes it is unable to delete the fail when trying to start teamspeak11:16
varikonniemiyeah you must be normal user11:16
varikonniemiguest is not on sudoers list11:16
_cronus_nicekiwi, you can't11:16
nicekiwidang it..11:16
nicekiwimakes perfect sense.. but all the same11:16
EaglemanThere is no init script either, i've used it before but that also failed after some time11:17
schnuffleEagleman:  which distribution and which teamspeak version?11:17
Eaglemanubuntu 12.04 server ts 311:17
varikonnieminicekiwi, try crtl-alt-111:17
varikonniemiand login with root pw11:17
Eaglemanits not in the repository's11:17
nicekiwivarikonniemi, dosnt work either11:17
Eaglemanonly version 2 is11:17
varikonnieminicekiwi, what goes wrong?11:18
schnuffleEagleman: http://www.awerner.homeip.net/doku.php?id=it-artikel:teamspeak-3-server-for-linux-init-start-stop-script-for-debian-ubuntu11:18
_cronus_nicekiwi, ubuntu won't grant root privileges to guest accounts11:18
varikonnieminicekiwi, have you tried to boot into rescue mode?11:18
zetheroo1how do you change the paper size on a printer?11:18
nicekiwivarikonniemi, i guess i can do it form my own account. Just when I rebooted my machine I lost all theme/icon/window manager support and I dont know howto fix it. It all works fine in the guest account though11:18
zetheroo1all I have is 'letter'11:19
varikonnieminicekiwi, ah, then just boot recovery and failsafe x graphics11:19
Eaglemanschnuffle thats also starts as root11:19
nicekiwivarikonniemi, hmm k... brb11:19
Eagleman"/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh" is also an sort of init.d file11:20
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varikonniemifirst choose recovery, then from menu something like safe mnode for x.org or sumthing11:20
schnuffleEagleman: http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/68553-upstart-init-scripts11:20
varikonniemifrom said menu you can also login as root11:20
varikonniemito gain acces to your hdd:s select networking, and then root shell, the networking support will auto mount your system11:21
Eaglemanschnuffle they are all custom made, the only problem i have with the normal start stop file is the .pid file after a crash but thats solved now11:21
nicekiwivarikonniemi, hmm.. but even when I get access, how do i fix the graphics? the Xserver still runs fine, but i have no window borders or theme or icon theme etc11:22
schnuffleEagleman: just some hints. I prefer having init script for upstart/sys v for services that I run on my system and custom made isnt't bad11:22
varikonniemicreate new user11:23
Eaglemani know, but the last init.d script i ran also caused me some problems11:23
nicekiwivarikonniemi, hmm.. i guess..11:23
EaglemanAlso upstart is new and i dont have much knowledge of it11:23
PrajyotHelp Me Please11:23
gordonjcp!help | Prajyot11:23
ubottuPrajyot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:23
l-bhello. I have a strange problem with ubuntu's byobu... the bottom list of sessions marks the currently active one usually. but for me, it marks all sessions up to the currently active one instead. :(11:24
sasukehi guys11:26
sasukecan anyone tell me how to use beep cmd. when i use "beep" i didnt get any sounds11:27
ThinkT510sasuke: man beep to the rescue11:28
_cronus_sasuke, you have to modprobe pcspkr first11:28
sasuke_cronus_, i did it. i used this cmd "lsmod| grep pcspkr " This is the  o/p               12718  011:30
EaglemanWhat is runlevel  ! ?  stop on runlevel [!2345]11:30
sasuke_cronus_, i did it. i used this cmd "lsmod| grep pcspkr " This is the  o/p   pcspkr            12718  011:30
sasukeThinkT510, I am new to linux. I read man pages , but i didnt get any thing. what i understood is its giving some options in man pages11:31
varikonniemiThinkT510, q@varikonniemi-desktop:~$ man beep11:32
varikonniemiNo manual entry for beep11:32
sasukevarikonniemi, you need to install beep first11:33
PrajyotI just installed Windows 7 and had previously Ubuntu 12.04 now whenever i open my desktop it directly boots me into windows11:33
l-bPrajyot: Windows might not play nice with the master boot record Ubuntu set up11:33
arand!grub | Prajyot11:34
ubottuPrajyot: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:34
varikonniemii do not seem to have a pc speaker installed11:34
varikonniemiPrajyot, you need to reinstall grub11:35
varikonniemiwindows just plain overwrites MBR11:35
Pici!google | varikonniemi11:35
ubottuvarikonniemi: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:35
sasukevarikonniemi, try this cmd "modprobe pcspkr " and "lsmod | grep pcspkr".11:35
markinfoHi. I have downloaded wine package (wine1.5-i386) from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa/+packages   but there is inside dependence on wine1.5:any (= 1.5.15-0ubuntu1)   I can not find that package.11:35
varikonniemihttp://www.av8n.com/computer/htm/grub-reinstall.htm first google result AKA im feeling lucky11:35
rekenerdPrajyot: use EasyBCD software of windows11:36
rekenerdPrajyot: http://www.ehow.com/how_4900122_use-easybcd-windows-xp.html11:36
Prajyoti used it but didn't helped me11:36
arandPrajyot: Follow first link of ubottu's message I gave you above.11:36
PiciPrajyot: This would be the proper Ubuntu related help page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub11:36
arandi.e. ^ the link Pici just gave :)11:37
black_puppydogokay, for the lack of a better channel for this:11:37
black_puppydog I just read about the "new" send/receive feature of btrfs and asked myself if there are any apps in development to use this feature for fast backups?11:37
varikonniemisasuke, it said: pcspkr                 12702  011:37
Prajyoti don't have a ubuntu cd11:37
Prajyoti just installed it from wubi11:38
sasukevarikonniemi, yes. isn't it the way to check11:39
arandblack_puppydog: #btrfs might know more (I have no idea).11:39
varikonniemiPrajyot, there is "the terminal way"11:39
varikonniemisasuke, i have no idea :D just tried the "beep" command and heard nothing so i assumed i have no spkr11:39
PiciPrajyot: so, you installed Ubuntu within windows and then reinstalled Windows?11:39
Prajyoti had Windows XP first11:40
varikonniemithat is a nomination for darwin awards11:40
Prajyoti just deleted it and yesterday i installed windows 711:40
arandPrajyot: Then you have deleted Ubuntu as well.11:41
varikonniemiif it was on same partition11:41
rekenerdarand: not necessary, there are some ways.11:41
Prajyotno it was running fine before i installed windows 7 and i have ubuntu files in C: drive11:41
sasukevarikonniemi, i heard that it will make beep sound when a process is completed. Even i am not sure how it works :D ... Working on that :)11:42
varikonniemitried beep -f 500 should beep at 500hz11:42
arandPrajyot: But w7 was installed on C: right? If so, that is *likely* to have deleted it...11:43
varikonniemiPrajyot, the win7 installer overwrote the XP bootloader, and did not care that there was one extra menu entry...11:43
varikonniemiby knowing what the menu entry is wubi is making you could manually add it and boot11:44
Prajyotyes but i deleted win xp files from ubuntu only and ubuntu was working great from a month and from yesterday its not working11:44
PrajyotWhat should i do now11:44
varikonniemisudden random failure means you did something to make it happen or your hw is damaged11:45
rekenerdPrajyot: your problem is that after installing win7, you are not able to boot in ubuntu. Is it so?11:46
varikonniemirekenerd, he said he was able to boot but suddenly then not11:46
Dragonster82Hey what's up all!11:46
Dragonster82Sup all!11:46
varikonniemiso everything i said can be ignored, i only wish you said it worked in the beginning, in the beginnging :D11:47
rekenerdPrajyot: please clarify, you are not able to boot in ubuntu OR it restarts after booting in?11:47
Prajyotnot able to boot11:47
ItISShowDOwn /join #dutch11:48
rekenerdso you've to use some windows software to make boot entry for ubuntu.11:48
MonkeyDustitilious  type /join #ubuntu-nl11:49
rekenerdPrajyot: it is perfectly fine. Your ubuntu is safe, only problem is that its boot entry is lost.11:49
Prajyotwhat should i do now?11:50
rekenerdPrajyot: Even I installed win7 over ubuntu 12.04 on my frnd's laptop.11:50
sasukecan anyone tell me how to use beep cmd. when i use "beep" i didnt get any sounds11:51
rekenerdPrajyot: I used easyBCD only to make boot entry, even I succeeded after some tries.11:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:52
varikonniemiPrajyot, you need someone who knows how wubi isntalls ubuntu, and get the correct boot parameter for your windows nt loader11:52
varikonniemiyes, paid suport is always available, good luck in finding such specialised support from community.11:53
_cronus_sasuke, just running beep is enough for me. It beeps11:54
_cronus_sasuke, the only thing I did was to load pcspkr, but as you said you already have...11:54
varikonniemii have had trivial problems and got no answer on this channel, so don't give up :)11:55
Dragonster82What problem and what help do you need?11:55
Dragonster82I might be of help.11:55
zetheroohow do I add the A4 page size to my printer properties?11:55
Dragonster82I believe you can google that..11:56
varikonniemivitimiti has a problem of finding the wubi boot entry for windows11:56
varikonniemifor ubuntu*11:56
rekenerd1st answer11:56
Dragonster82Well there you go11:56
sasuke_cronus: so it wont work on my laptop11:56
vitimitivarikonniemi, i don't know what that is... sorry11:56
_cronus_sasuke, maybe check if it is managed through alsamixer11:57
Dragonster82Hey just a question, who does C++ programming here?11:58
_cronus_sasuke, but if you cant find a way to make it work you could use mplayer with some mp311:58
varikonniemirekenerd, you sure that works with wubi?11:58
rekenerdvarikonniemi: I think it should. Tried with wubi a time ago11:59
varikonniemivitimiti, then try installing easy bcd11:59
_cronus_sasuke, i can't think of a reason it shouldn't work, but still i cant think of one why it doesn't11:59
vitimitivarikonniemi, i don't know what you are talking about, sincerely, my ubuntu works properly and i don't use windows, i don't know what is going on12:00
sasuke_cronus_, ok thanks12:00
varikonniemilol, sorry, it was Prajyot who had the problem, dont know why i catched your name and started refering to it12:01
rekenerdvarikonniemi, vitimiti : I think, this is solution for Prajyot.12:02
varikonniemiyes :D12:02
Dragonster82Hey do anybody know how to fix minecraft's black screen problem?12:04
BluesKajhiyas all12:04
Dragonster82Hey blueskaj12:05
Dragonster82Do you know how to fix minecraft's black screen problem?12:05
SidewinderMornin' BluesKaj12:05
Dragonster82It seems to be having trouble to initialize the glx12:06
BluesKajHey Dragonster82 , Sidewinder12:07
Dragonster82Hey blueskaj12:07
Dragonster82I need help with minecraft12:07
Dragonster82It has something to do with ubuntu,12:07
drag0niushow would i recover few files recently (last 15 min) deleted?12:08
BluesKajDragonster82, I'm not much of a gamer12:08
jrib!recover | drag0nius12:08
ubottudrag0nius: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:08
Dragonster82But it has something to do with the GLX or something12:10
MonkeyDustDragonster82  over 250 people in #minecraft, better ask there12:10
BluesKajok Dragonster82 , well describe your graphics card , driver m and what you've done so far12:11
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dydguys when i turn on ubuntu i get this error: unable to mount device... press s to skip12:15
valnourdyd: have you made changes to your fstab?12:16
dr_williswhat device dyd?12:16
valnouryou may have a network device or removable drive listed there that isn't connected12:16
dydvalnour, no, I installed ntfs-config and set it to mount another partition12:16
dydbut then i removed it12:16
valnourthat's it12:16
dydand formatted the partition12:16
AdvoWorkis there anything faster than using nfs mount for backing up purposes?12:16
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:17
dyddr_willis, thanks12:17
valnourdyd: I suspect something is lingering in fstab12:17
suigenerisError, some other host already uses address <--- why am I getting this?12:17
dydvalnour, thank you, i'll check it12:17
awestrokesuigeneris: that is impossible to know without any kind of context or explanation what you are trying to accomplish and what commands you are running12:18
MonkeyDustsuigeneris  what are you doing?12:18
suigenerisMonkeyDust: I have a dedicated server and am creating VPS's12:19
MonkeyDustsuigeneris  there's also #ubuntu-server12:19
dydhave a nice day12:19
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_cronus_AdvoWork, what do you mean by faster?12:25
AdvoWork_cronus_, just looking for some kind of fast method for mounting a location and backing up to it12:29
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Dragonster82I need help guys, Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".12:31
Dragonster82Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual12:31
Dragonster82Anybody here?12:32
wolsDragonster82: pastebin your Xorg.0.log12:33
[twisti]why doesnt ubuntu use mysqld_safe to start mysql ?12:33
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MonkeyDust[twisti]  it's in the repos, you can install it12:36
[twisti]even when installed, its still not what ubuntu starts12:36
[twisti]in fact it comes with mysql-commons i think12:36
[twisti]but the upstart job calls mysqld directly12:37
[twisti]and it seems to not be enough to just change it in the upstart file12:37
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suigenerisupdate-grub2  /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). <--- why am I getting this? I'm in chroot12:40
rumpe1suigeneris, have you mounted /dev to the chroot?12:40
suigenerisrumpe1: tried that too. I got mount -o bind /dev/  mount: special device udev does not exist12:41
rumpe1suigeneris, from within the chroot or from outside?12:42
OmarI have an issue with TMG auth with ubuntu any solutions ???12:42
wolssuigeneris: you need to do that before your chroot and you need to run the full command, not just part12:42
auronandace!rootirc | ifk12:42
ubottuifk: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:42
wolssuigeneris: mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev12:43
suigeneriswols: I still get the same error12:44
ceezerwhat's the recommended practice for recompiling the ubuntu kernel with degbug options enabled?12:44
kyrixtalking about chroot. is there "something" like chroot that allows me fake a mount, say, /opt/fakemount, that only is visible/writable for one process?12:44
wolsceezer: what debug options?12:44
OmarI need ur argent support12:45
ant_kyrix, why isn't chroot enough?12:45
kyrixant_, well, i don't want to change the root.12:45
hateball!details | Omar12:45
ubottuOmar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:45
kyrixant_, more like change this directory /opt/directory to point to /opt/thisdirectory for this process only.12:46
ant_the only thing I can think of is mounting with permissions for a specific user. Nothing per-process comes to mind other than selinux12:46
icerootkyrix: only with chroot or apparmor i guess12:46
ant_selinux and apparmor were made to restrict access per-process12:46
kyrixiceroot, so i would have to chroot, then mount the rest of the system, except that folder that I want to fake.12:46
ant_kyrix, probably mount to a new point, then chroot the process you want to start12:47
icerootkyrix: chroot the process, not the complete system12:47
wolssuigeneris: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repairrestorereinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd/12:47
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ceezerwols: KDBG12:49
ceezerwols: sorry, KGDB12:50
wolsceezer: usually one uses kernel-package and I dounno how kgdb is activated (won't you need a kernel patch?) but you can est your own gcc options of course when you run it12:51
Omar@ubottu i am using ubuntu 12.04  and when i try to install the updates i got error with proxy auth even after applying the internet annoumyous still fail to download the updates with the same error i think if there any kind if TMG client that i can install it may solve my problem ??12:51
ceezerwols: yes, it'll require a recompile, i was just wondering what best practices are for rolling your own kernel.12:51
wolsceezer: as I said: kernel package. which gives you shiny nice .deb of your special kernel which works with all the normal stuff like grub. update-initramfs, etc12:52
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:52
wolsOmar: ubottu is a bot. what is a TMG client?12:52
wolsauronandace: won't help him. mainline kernels have no kgdb12:52
auronandacewols: ahh, thanks12:52
OmarI need to update my os throug proxy what is the requriment ??12:53
suigeneriswols: grub-install /dev/sda1  rm: cannot remove `/boot/grub/915resolution.mod': Read-only file system12:55
EaglemanHow di i run all entries from my crontab right away?12:56
Eaglemaninstead of changing the timers12:56
wolssuigeneris: the error is pretty obvious no? you need to remount / or /boot to rw from ro before you chroot12:56
ifkhow do i configure say command12:56
ifkhow do i configure say command12:56
suigeneriswols: every line from mount output says rw12:57
EaglemanHow do i run all entries from my crontab in one time and instant?12:59
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nibbierEagleman: set system time long enough into the future?13:06
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dr_willisdoes seem counter to what one normally does with cron. ;)13:06
Eaglemannibbier no its not that13:07
nibbierEagleman: just crontab -l| awk 'foo' | xargs bash13:07
Eaglemani want every line that is in my crontab to execute NOW13:07
Eaglemanjust execute everything in crontab with a command13:08
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OmarSo no one can help me ?13:08
PiciEagleman: Theres no one command that can do that.13:09
dr_willisOmar:  all ive ever seen done is enter the proxy info in network manager, or the synaptic settings and itt works13:09
wolsOmar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy13:09
OmarYes dr_willis its working with every thing but failed to update13:11
wolsOmar: use apt-get to update. what is the error message(s)?13:12
OmarFailed to auth with poxcy server13:13
pauserhello, im still having the slow cursor problem. alway when i activate the wireless card it becomes slow just like the old slow pcs. any idea what could be the problem  ?13:13
awestrokepork serverz13:13
Eaglemanls: reading directory .: Input/output error13:14
EaglemanWhere can i see how and why my usb disk crashed?13:15
dr_willishd issue, or fs issue, dmesg may show more info Eagleman13:15
BenJ2310need some help installing #ubuntu on an android "wifi and tv cloud stick" any takers?13:15
pauserEagleman: /var/crash/ mabey13:16
Eaglemandr_willis Oct 10 23:07 dmesg13:17
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Eaglemannothing in the dmesg file, it did not changed sincen oct 1013:18
varikonniemiwhy do i have a chinese language pack installed and it cannot be removed via gnome-language?13:18
dr_willisdmesg command normallly spits out several hundred lines...13:18
Eaglemansyslog shows more info13:18
wolsEagleman: is sde a WD harddisk?13:21
Eaglemani think so13:22
Eagleman./dev/sdd1       459G  853M  435G   1% /media/backups/wd500gb13:22
Eagleman./dev/sdb1       2.7T  409G  2.2T  16% /media/harddisks/media13:22
Eagleman./dev/sde1       459G  853M  435G   1% /media/backups/wd500gb13:22
Eaglemanits mounted double :S13:22
hualethello everybody, how can i install gst-launch for ubuntu?13:22
EaglemanOk that is solved, now i have no idea why it crashed13:23
MonkeyDusthualet  if it's in the repos, use apt-get or the software center13:23
MonkeyDusthualet  it's called rygel-gst-launch13:23
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hualetMonkeyDust, ok , i'll try13:24
wolsMonkeyDust: how do you know?13:24
MonkeyDust!info rygel-gst-launch13:24
ubotturygel-gst-launch (source: rygel): GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - gst-launch plugin. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.14.0-1 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 55 kB13:24
wolsMonkeyDust: it's not13:24
MonkeyDustoops, i'm in 12.10, my mistake13:24
dr_willis;) cutting edge13:25
MonkeyDustit may not be in 12.0413:25
wolsMonkeyDust: read the package description more carefully13:25
wolsMonkeyDust: it is13:25
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wolshualet: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gst-launch&mode=exactfilename&suite=precise&arch=any13:25
hualetwols, ok, let me check13:26
Eaglemangzip: stdout: Read-only file system13:26
EaglemanBut it just wrotes config files to it :S13:26
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NickeehI have a package that is rather unhelpful, and I'd like to create a "debug" version of that package and install that (just the package but with debugging symbols). How can I do this?13:27
varikonniemihttp://imgur.com/4Anql i have this chinese language shown in the list, yet it is not installed/uninstallable, what to do?13:27
EaglemanOct 15 15:25:58 eagleman kernel: [404242.744035] usb 2-1.3: USB disconnect, device number 513:28
EaglemanOct 15 15:25:58 eagleman kernel: [404242.751257] sd 6:0:0:0: [sde] Unhandled error code13:28
EaglemanWhy is this happening?13:28
hualetwols, thank you ,it works :-)13:28
wolsNickeeh: yes13:28
DarsVaedahi, there is a method to have ipsec in the native vpn app, how do I add this again?13:29
mattia_ubuntutell me how to configure xchat for irc channel for ubuntu - it?13:30
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dalton2345xchat is configured already for ubuntu servers13:30
EaglemanHow did my UUID changed?13:32
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EaglemanNow my drive disconnected :S, i am pretty sure it is still attached13:34
Eagleman lshw -C disk returns nothing13:34
_cronus_DarsVaeda, install network-manager-strongswan13:34
DarsVaedathx I'll try13:35
dalton2345i'm having problem with my drive also but only in windows which is very weird13:36
_cronus_Eagleman, maybe your drive is failing13:38
Eaglemanlast smart status said it has passed the test13:38
Eaglemanbut i have no idea what is going on now, its not even attached, but i am sure it is13:39
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BluesKajEagleman, did you use sudo ?13:40
EaglemanI am already root13:40
BluesKajEagleman, what sudo fdisk -l , tell you?>13:40
EaglemanWhy should i use sudo?13:41
Eaglemannothing about my usb drive13:41
BluesKajok try lsusb13:41
debhi how can i watch silverlight contents?13:41
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.13:42
_cronus_Eagleman, can you try the disk on another machine?13:42
Eaglemani am remote at the moment13:42
debEagleman, already done, it doesnt work13:43
_cronus_Eagleman, sorry, missed that...13:43
dr_willisdeb if they are using any type of 'drm' most likely it wont work13:43
Eaglemanhavent told it so, nothing to apologize13:43
varikonniemiok, so i have troubleshooted so far that locale -a gives all the wanted localesa, plus the two chinese ones13:44
debbut before i could watch it thanks to moonlight13:44
varikonniemihow to uninstall chinese locales via command line since they do not show up in locale window?13:44
EaglemanSo what more can i do from remote?13:45
debdr_willis, and why does it take ages to load the firefox addons page???13:46
g0thhow can I bind the "move to workspace right" entry in the menu to a keybinding? e.g. ctrl + shift + right?13:46
g0thI have set something similar in keybindings in system settings, but it doesn't work13:46
g0thwhen I move a window to the right it does so (I can see how the window moves) but at the last moment (when the window "arrives") it vannishes and goes back to where it started13:47
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Eaglemanreboot didnt help either,13:47
g0thI use compiz/unity13:47
bkc_deb: not going to be the "don't use that, use this" kinda guy... but firefox has so many problems that the loading time of the addon page is the least of it's problems :)13:47
g0thIf I click on the menu entry it works13:47
_cronus_Eagleman, does lsusb show the device?13:48
g0thbut that's too annoying/slow13:48
EaglemanSo what could be the issue?13:48
debbkc_, not going to be but u were... and no solution fore me anyway...13:48
_cronus_Eagleman, neither as root?13:49
Eaglemani am root13:49
bkc_deb: sorry about that, I ain't going to be* ;)13:49
dalton2345i never made silverlight working on ubuntu13:49
Eaglemanroot@eagleman:/home/robin# lsusb13:49
tgaryDaemonicApathy: I installed ccsm and found the option, but compiz doesn't seems to be running. How can I start it?/leave13:49
dalton2345moonlight never worked13:49
OerHeksdeb it is known that moonlight doesn't work anymore, for moths now, if you find a solution, please let us know.13:50
debah ok13:50
debOerHeks, sorry, i didnt know that...13:50
_cronus_Eagleman, the output of lsusb is empty?13:50
debOerHeks, and ive being lookin up for a solution for days... but it doesnt mention it anywhere13:51
Eaglemandeb run a virtual windows system and watch it in there13:51
debOerHeks, so you guys are officially saying for the moment we are on hiatus about the silverlight issue?13:51
Eaglemanor ask the website to serve flash content13:51
rigidi still have some trouble with packaging & libbabl. I installed http://packages.debian.org/sid/libbabl-dev + deps using "dpkg --install <filename>" and my debian/control file contains "Build-Depends: [...], libbabl-dev (>= 0.1.4)" and "Depends: [...], libbabl (>= 0.1.4)" but still i get "dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libbabl-0.1.so.0"13:52
debEagleman, i thought about that, would it work with WINE and silverlight regular plug-in?13:52
rigiddoes anyone know what could be wrong?13:52
Eaglemani dont know about winte deb13:52
Eagleman_cronus_ have you seen it?13:53
OerHeksdeb yes, silverlight/moonlight is old news.13:53
dr_willisnetflix uses silverlight dont it? that  wont work in wine last i looked13:54
debOerHeks, ok thanks... is there an official ubuntu blog with topics updated daily or weekly? i'd like to read what they say about it there...?13:54
louiematcan anyone tell me if Adult Lens can be installed on ubuntu 12.10 and work?13:54
_cronus_Eagleman, it seems like hardware fault to me, i'm afraid13:55
_cronus_Eagleman, it either somehow someone unplugged it, or the usb controller of the disk is faulty13:56
SeHoonhey  buddy.13:57
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_cronus_Eagleman, judging from the write error you sent earlier, probably for latter13:57
OerHeksdeb, the last tim i tried, was this solution >  http://blog.mbirgin.com/?c=page&ID=326&t=howtoinstallmoonlightsilverlightonubuntu   but it doesn't work, i cannot find docs about moonlight stopping support for FF/Chrome13:57
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davidcallelouiemat, it will work in about ten minutes13:58
_cronus_Eagleman, the usb controller of the disk isn't working properly13:58
ubottubamboz: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:59
_cronus_Eagleman, that's the reason I asked you to plug it in another machine earlier13:59
louiematdavidcalle what do you mean ?13:59
davidcallelouiemat, I've just asked Launchpad to build a Quantal version.13:59
Eagleman_cronus_ ok will do it at home then14:00
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louiematdavidcalle - I'm a newbe can you explain what you mean by Launchpad building a quantal version14:03
_cronus_Eagleman, btw, anachron -fnd may help with cron jobs14:04
simplewi have installed kde in ubuntu and now the synaptic window appears with TOO BIG fonts, how can this be fixed?14:05
Hawkmoondeb, have you tried the old stable version 2.4?14:07
michealPWEmpathy is weird :|14:09
davidcallelouiemat, oh sorry about the jargon, anyway, the answer to your question is yes, I just needed to make it available for Quantal users (I've done it right now).14:10
dr_willisno list here...14:13
louiematdavidcalle thank you for you quick response14:14
davidcallelouiemat, no problem!14:15
LarrysDeskHi.  I'm building a new Ubuntu 12 box today to replace a v10 box.  On the old box, the hard drive has a /boot partition that's formatted as ext2.  Does v12's /boot partition sstill have to be ext2, or can it be ext4?14:15
bazhangLarrysDesk, it can be ext414:16
Hawkmoonit can be ext4 as far as i'm aware14:16
kd7jwcyou can amke it either but it doesnt need the journaling of ext414:16
bazhangjust not btrfs iirc14:16
kd7jwcext2 is efficient for it14:16
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LarrysDeskbazhang: Thanks.  Is that 'official' now?  Iirc -- and it's been awhile -- the old official advice was to use ext2 or it would eat puppies ...14:17
Hawkmoonwhy do you need ext4? 2 is great. there is nothing wrong with 214:18
bazhangLarrysDesk, ext4 is fine, I've used it on /boot for several years now14:18
Hawkmoonyeah i've been using ext4 since 2009 and havent had a problem with it beeing on /boot14:19
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bazhangLarrysDesk, the point I was making, and this may no longer hold true, was that previously one could not use btrfs on /boot . that could well be passed now, though14:19
louiematdavidcalle - could I just try to see if it woks as of yet - or will it be built14:22
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hejiannIs there a command just like the "yum list" in Fedora?14:27
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wolswhat does yum list do?14:27
hejiannwols: "yum list" will list all the packages with name,version,install status14:28
michealPWArgh Empathy is weird. How do I disable these Join/Leave notifications?14:28
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michealPWIt's spamming me with join/leave notifications :|14:28
wolshejiann: all installed packages or all available (in repos) packages?14:29
hejiannwols: yes14:29
louiematFloodBot1 - can u please tell me how to display Lens that are activated in ubuntu 12.1014:29
wolshejiann: this is not a question you can answer with "yes" or "no". notice the "or" in there14:29
wolsall installed (and formerly installed) packages are shown with dpkg -l14:29
bazhanglouiemat, #ubuntu+1 for 12.1014:30
tdeulinghi @ all, i've running a linux mint 12 and it doesn't boot anymore.. :( i can reach the recovery shell, but how can i identify what's wrong with my system?  in the morning all works fine, then my internet-connection or something else was slow-down, and i restartet my computer - and now i doesn't start anymore..14:30
louiematbzhang - yes14:30
bazhangtdeuling, get mintsupport then14:30
hejiannwols: all packages in repository, and will provide a status if the package is installed or not14:30
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:30
bazhang!mintsupport | tdeuling14:30
ubottutdeuling: please see above14:30
tdeulingbazhang: there are currently no guys they can help me14:31
bazhangtdeuling, it's not supported here.14:31
forcei can help you14:31
wolshejiann: does not exist afaik14:31
tdeulingthere's a ubuntu under the linx mint ;)14:31
bazhangforce, take it to PM if you wish. its offtopic here14:31
wolstdeuling: you can help him, but you can't help him here14:31
LarrysDeskbazhang: THanks for clearing that up.  APpreciated.14:34
sebas_I have dual monitor and my system notifications are appearing on my second screen.. is it possible to have the notifications on my main screen??14:34
louiematbazhang - how was that command again for displaying installed Lens on 12.1014:35
bazhanglouiemat, lets take this to #ubuntu+114:35
louiematok I understand14:35
NaZZaXis there a way via cli to specify another server to do apt-update from ?14:37
simplewNaZZaX: you can change it using synaptic i think14:38
dr_willisNaZZaX:  or edit your sources.list files14:39
sebas_Who knows how do I change settings of notifications?14:39
dr_willissince updates dont ceom from just one server14:39
NaZZaXeverytime i pull updates i am getting corruption14:39
NaZZaXi am thinking its a front end WAAS box in my lab14:39
NaZZaXwots another server i can use ?14:40
NaZZaXlike a list soomewhere?14:40
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BluesKajNaZZaX, did you remove the ppas in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d before upgrading14:41
NaZZaXno its a fresh install14:41
TJ-NaZZaX: Is it hitting a transparent HTTP proxy on the LAN? What and how specifically is being corrupted?14:41
BluesKajyou can change the server in synaptic or software center'14:41
NaZZaXso my lab routes go from a 10 gig line to routers in Cisco's network direct pipe to a NAT/PAT on the outside14:42
NaZZaXi think we have WAAS boxes that captured someone doing an update and it didnt complete correctly14:42
wolsNaZZaX: you can edit your /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:43
NaZZaXso when i run apt-get update i get bunch of stuff then it says HASH mismatch.14:43
michealPW_That's a lot better :)14:43
NaZZaXi should point out that this is in a VM on vmware (long story)14:43
wolsNaZZaX: what is the exact error message?14:44
NaZZaXlemme run apt-get update again14:44
NaZZaXi will get you one14:44
bazhang!paste | NaZZaX14:44
ubottuNaZZaX: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:44
NaZZaXW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]14:44
NaZZaXtheres one error14:45
NaZZaXthe other errors look like this14:45
NaZZaXW: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch14:45
michealPW_NaZZaX: Try changing your download server?14:45
NaZZaXwell thats what i want to do micheal14:45
NaZZaXSoren built an APT server i think within my lab14:45
dr_willisis there even anything in backports that you need nazz?14:45
NaZZaXI'm just wondering if i should try to point to it14:45
NaZZaXdr willis not sure.14:46
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NaZZaXmy whole team is at openstack summit so I am trying to get a build-os node running to install openstack folsom14:46
dr_willisNaZZaX:  those are just warnings, so shouldent break anything. you could remove the backports repos14:46
sebas_oke nm people its a bug again in ubuntu I cannot set anything by default.. shame on ubuntu. gonna try other versions of buntus14:46
mirakyou got to do something for MTP phones, ubuntu 12.04 is unusable for transfering datas14:47
NaZZaXim the n00b in charge of breaking documentation and testing how "easy" it is but i cannot get past apt-get update14:47
dr_willisthats jusy a warning on update. not a critical failure14:47
NaZZaXshould i even be getting those errors ?14:47
bazhangfile a bug then mirak14:47
NaZZaXor should it be clean14:48
dr_willisif thats the only 2 errors you get14:48
bazhang!bugs | mirak14:48
ubottumirak: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:48
wolsNaZZaX: how often do you need to be told that these are not errors? W is not an E14:48
NaZZaXno its a bunch I didnt want to flood the channel14:48
wols!paste | NaZZaX14:48
ubottuNaZZaX: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:48
dr_willisNaZZaX:  backports is normally not enabled by default i belive14:48
NaZZaXbackport ?14:48
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:48
mirakbazhang: is it even needed to fill a bug for that ? do you really believe no Ubuntu devs ever noticed that ?14:48
NaZZaXWell this isnt just *my* issue wols its about 15-20 people on my team that flipped out seeing this14:49
forestWhen Ubuntu gives the message "*** System restart required ***" is there anyway to see a list of what it needs to do on system restart, before you do?14:49
NaZZaXits been a recent occurance14:49
bazhangmirak, if you wish to troubleshoot we can. but saying that something is hopelessly broken wont get any support14:49
gordonjcpforest: it doesn't need to do anything except restart14:49
gordonjcpforest: that's usually because the kernel has been updated14:50
bazhangforest, thats normally for kernel updates14:50
dr_willisNaZZaX:  could be an issue on the backports server also14:50
mirakbazhang: troobleshot what ? it just doesn't work at all14:50
wolsNaZZaX: congrats. then you are not the only clueless one who can't read in your organization. are you really earning your money with IT?14:50
merlin2049erhi, I'd like to get a revodrive for my pc.  Does it work with ubuntu?14:50
mirakbazhang: a user needs to plug the device and show it pop up in nautilus, that's it14:50
forestthanks gordonjcp14:50
wols!doesn't work14:50
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.14:50
bazhangmirak, it certainly does for some. how about listing what exact device does not work, and we can go from there14:50
NaZZaXdr_willis and Wols I just want to make sure my network is not having a problem 3 of my guys spent the entire weekend trying to figure this out and were quite pissed off because we went through a lot of trouble to make sure our lab did not have any PROXY in its path14:51
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:51
wolsNaZZaX: I strongly suggest you hire a linux admin. you need one14:51
mirakbazhang: a Nexus 7, that's a really uncomon device. Anyway Windows manage to open any device, so what's the issue then ?14:51
merlin2049erwill ubuntu recognize the revodrive?14:52
bazhangmirak, I will check the listed bugs if you wait a moment14:52
dalton2345whats a revodrive14:52
merlin2049erssd on a card with raid 014:52
truexfan81in xubuntu 12.04 what is the display manager called? i need to start the service14:52
wolsdalton2345: a SSD connected via PCIe14:52
dalton2345ty wols14:52
mirakbazhang: i mean, they waste time with unity that we don't need, and they miss what is really needed, it doesn't makes sens14:53
NaZZaXI am also building another lab for development within Cisco UCS B250 M2's (384 GB RAM per blade 2 socket 6 core)14:53
wolstruexfan81: lightdm afaik14:53
NaZZaXso you can see I want to make sure its nothing in our network path that causes this....14:53
bazhangmirak, did you need help, or just wish to complain. I will help if you decide the former14:53
truexfan81wols: thats it, thanks :)14:53
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NaZZaXwols or dr_willis can i do a apt-get update > update.txt to dump to file so that Soren can look at it ?14:54
merlin2049erif I were to download the windows installer14:54
truexfan81apparently x won't start when the hdd is full lol14:54
bazhangNaZZaX, simply disable the backports repo14:54
gordonjcptruexfan81: lots of weird stuff happens when the hard disk is full ;-)14:55
merlin2049erand install the bootloader on the revodrive, but ubuntu would be on a regular ssd drive14:55
merlin2049erwould that work?14:55
NaZZaXbazhang ok i will read up on it14:55
gordonjcpmerlin2049er: possibly, but Linux is still going to have problems reading the revodrive because it needs a special driver14:55
NaZZaXthanks for the help so far sorry for being annoying :) still learning here14:55
gordonjcpmerlin2049er: and OCZ aren't interested in supporting it on Linux, by the looks of things14:55
michealPW_Why that gzip:/var/lib etc etc. ?14:55
michealPW_How does that location work in a sources.list ?14:56
NaZZaXbazhang you said to disable backports?14:56
bazhangNaZZaX, in the package manager, yes14:57
NaZZaX!backports  <<<  only talks about enabling14:57
ubottuNaZZaX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:57
truexfan81gordonjcp: apparently dualbooting on a 250GB drive was a bad idea lol14:57
wolsNaZZaX: no. apt-get prints errors to stderr. so use 2>14:57
merlin2049erok, how about creating a hardware raid 0 with 2 ssd drives?14:57
* NaZZaX pets ubottu good lil bot14:57
NaZZaXmerlin2049er why would you do raid 014:57
gordonjcptruexfan81: hm?14:57
NaZZaXerr wait yes do raid 014:57
NaZZaXi thought you said raid 1 for a sec14:58
merlin2049eri'm getting a gigabyte z77 ud3h14:58
NaZZaXwell when it comes to raid its funny many people get it wrong14:58
truexfan81gordonjcp: dualbooting 12.04 and wheezy, had to shrink the 12.04 partition14:58
michealPW_You can directly edit your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) and put a comment (#) infront of your backports line. Then run apt-get update again. You also have a gzip:/var/lib in your sources.list which throws a warning. I'm guessing that's your LOCAL repository?14:58
mirakbazhang: i want to know if it's fixed in Quantal, so i might try the quantal libmtp14:58
* NaZZaX has been an expert in storage and san for the last 10+ years14:58
lotuspsychjewould ubuntu be safe for new jacksbot trojan? http://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/new-multiplatform-backdoor-jacksbot-discovered/14:59
NaZZaXif you can help it you want to do Raid 0 + 114:59
NaZZaXnot to be confused with raid 1014:59
michealPW_So.. It's saying it cannot connect to Backports repo and skips it; Then it can't access your local apt repository and skips that. They're just Warnings, like everyone said and you can basically ignore them. Have they EVER worked?14:59
dalton2345NaZZaX, i have a question about a server, is it possible to install terminal and vlc in it?14:59
NaZZaXdalton2345 i would think so i am not an expert on unbuntu15:00
NaZZaXjust on raid and storage15:00
NaZZaXand storage acceleration15:00
dalton2345ah ok :)15:00
riktkinghi, im having issues with my VNC access15:00
NaZZaXmichealPW_ yes15:00
riktkingcant seem to get in15:00
NaZZaXmichealPW_ usually apt-get update runs without errors15:01
ajayyadacan somebody help me with wine application15:01
michealPW_How come NaZZaX's sources.list has a gzip:/var/lib/... why wouldn't it instead use file:/var/lib/...15:01
bazhangajayyada, check the appdb15:01
michealPW_Anyone know?15:01
bazhang!appdb | ajayyada15:01
ubottuajayyada: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:01
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bazhangajayyada, app help in #winehq15:01
NaZZaXmichealPW_ i am not sure if your helping me with my issue or if you have something of your own ?15:01
wolsriktking: need more info15:01
michealPW_NaZZaX: Then if it used to work but just suddenly does not, I wouldn't touch anything. Leave it for your sysadmin :P15:01
NaZZaXi am the sysadmin :P15:02
ajayyadathank you15:02
NaZZaXI've just not seen this before15:02
michealPW_Well how are you the sysadmin asking questions about APT ?!?15:02
NaZZaXbecause I am diagnosing a lab network issue15:02
NaZZaXinside my lab we get errors15:02
NaZZaXoutside the lab we do not15:03
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riktkingwols: i thought i had it enabled but cannot remote in15:03
wolsriktking: can you access the system any other way?15:03
NaZZaXthe network outside the lab does use proxies and WSA and WAAS15:03
riktkingwols: its not running in htop15:03
NaZZaXwhereas inside my lab its a ACL redirected route directly to the internet (40 gig pipe)15:03
riktkingwols: cani enable from command line15:04
NaZZaXso I am trying to see if something changed and /or why it works outside the lab but not inside15:04
slipshotanyone get ddclient 3.8.1 working with freedns?15:04
michealPWThere's a problem with your labs network then, NaZZaX. That doesn't explain the warning on your local apt repository, though, the one in your sources.list accessed by gzip:/, unless that's trying to access a NETWORKED storage device, in which case that would amke sense.15:04
wolsriktking: depends on which vnc server you use. usually yes15:05
NaZZaXnop no networked storage devices.15:05
NaZZaXsimply logging in doing apt-get update15:05
michealPWI'm not sure, then. I've never seen gzip:/ in sources.list heehee!15:05
dr_willismichealPW:  neither have i.15:05
NaZZaXI think somewhere north of my lab is a caching server that has a corrupt cache15:05
riktkingwols: its the standard one viniciusarq15:06
michealPWCould be. The HASH mismatch is a cache error, I think.15:06
riktkingvino sorry15:06
slipshotanyone get ddclient 3.8.1 working at all?15:06
gordonjcptruexfan81: ah, okay15:06
nixfreakHello, I want to add JDK_HOME and JAVA_HOME to my path for all users15:06
nixfreakdo I use /etc/bash.bashrc to add them15:06
NaZZaXthats why i was hoping you would tell me i can just do apt-get update --server apt.ctocllab.cisco.com  and have it point to my local apt15:06
nixfreakor use ~/.bashrc15:07
NaZZaXsince Soren built a apt server in the lab15:07
jribnixfreak: /etc/profile* is more appropriate imo15:08
dr_willisupdate does not get updates from just 1 server. each setver listed in the sources.list has its own 'updates' it downloads15:08
nixfreakfor each user ?15:08
NaZZaXyes i noticed15:08
nixfreakjrib -> /etc/profile for each user or is that system wide15:09
NaZZaXoo i could copy the file do a mass replace?15:09
jribnixfreak: /etc/profile is system-wide15:09
dr_willisNaZZaX:  what file?15:09
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jribnixfreak: you can also just drop it in /etc/profile.d/ if you want to keep things tidy15:09
riktkingwols: is there a way to set it up from the commandline?15:10
merlin2049erwhat;s new?15:10
NaZZaXsee it was also having trouble running this command prior to apt-get15:10
jribnixfreak: there's also /etc/environment15:10
nixfreakso I need export JDK_HOME=/opt/ and export JAVA_HOME=/opt/15:10
lotuspsychje!pdf > lotuspsychje15:11
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message15:11
nixfreakthen export PATH right15:11
NaZZaXthis command was failing wols  apt-key adv --keyserver 'pgpkeys.mit.edu' --recv-keys 'E8CC67053ED3B199'15:11
nixfreakyeah I thought about using /etc/environment15:11
michealPWShouldn't that be apt-key add ?15:11
jribnixfreak: sure15:11
bazhang!gpgerr | NaZZaX15:11
ubottuNaZZaX: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »15:11
NaZZaXwe determined that was because the keys server in the lab i had to specify hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:8015:12
nixfreakkk thanks15:12
NaZZaXand that worked15:12
jribnixfreak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables suggests using /etc/environment instead of /etc/profile .  I'm not sure why :/15:12
lotuspsychjewhats a lightweight pps reader for xubuntu?15:12
vagzeroola galera !!15:12
bazhanglotuspsychje, whats pps15:12
vagzerotem alguem do Rj ai ???15:12
nixfreakjrib - used to archlinux and debian - so many places you can put a PATH in ubuntu15:12
lotuspsychjebazhang:i mean whats a good lightweight pps reader15:13
bazhang!br | vagzero15:13
ubottuvagzero: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:13
nixfreakkind of confusing but yes I did read the ubuntu env link you sent before I came here15:13
alecbI'm in an xmonad session but I'm still managing to connect to wifi -- does anyone know what program's running that's facilitating this?15:13
bazhanglotuspsychje, yes, and I am asking what a pps is15:13
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lotuspsychjebazhang:powerpoint viewer15:13
michealPWNaZZaX: My advice is open your /etc/apt/sources.list with a text-editor. Find those two backports lines that caused the error and comment them out. Add below them a proper definition for the Backports repository...15:13
michealPWThat's essentialy your problem. Double-checking that gzip:/ it's only a local copy of the backports.. Both can be commented out and replaced with a proper backports source15:14
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NaZZaX oo hang on15:14
dr_willisif you really need backports..15:14
michealPWYou're running 12.04, NaZZaX?15:14
NaZZaXlet me try what bazhang15:15
vagzeroalguem do rj ??15:15
NaZZaX12.04 LTS15:15
NaZZaXi think...15:15
michealPWRight, so, do you want me to make a pastebin thing for you to follow?15:15
NaZZaXgimme a second fellas i think bazhang may be on to something15:16
crizisNaZZaX, cat /etc/issue :)15:16
NaZZaXwell i could do rm -rf < /dev/null but i seriously doubt that would fix my issue15:16
* NaZZaX smiles a lil * nix humor on monday morning15:16
vagzeroola !!!15:17
NaZZaXlemme check this onnne sec15:17
lotuspsychje!br | vagzero15:18
ubottuvagzero: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:18
BolvaronHi, yesterday i tried the daily-build of ubuntu 12.10 on a live stick, and after rebooting it didnt find a kernel to boot the system, did i do anything wrong?15:18
wolsyes. you installed it probably wrongly on the usb stick15:19
bazhangBolvaron, #ubuntu+1 for that please15:19
Bolvaroni installed it via penusbinstaller and wanted to use it as live-stick15:19
michealPWNaZZaX: In a terminal type sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:19
bazhang!12.10 | Bolvaron15:19
ubottuBolvaron: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:19
michealPWNaZZaX: Then type cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit15:20
michealPWThen copy/psate the link.15:20
Bolvaronthanks bazhang15:20
kelvinellahi when i try gcc abc.cpp, i got the error gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory15:20
kelvinellawhats wrong?15:21
michealPWNaZZaX: Then I can see your sources.list and tell you exactly which lines to comment out and which ones to add below them (To keep your Backports working)15:21
NaZZaXnot currently installed15:21
NaZZaXlemme guess15:21
NaZZaXinstall pastebinit15:21
michealPWRight. First you have to install pastebinit, which is what sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:21
michealPWWill do ^15:21
michealPW2 steps.. Step 1) sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:22
NaZZaXyes I know the install command :) quite well15:22
michealPWStep 2) cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit15:22
Kartagiswhat's the default LiveCD password for ssh'ing in?15:22
NaZZaXdid i mention i hate sudo :P and his friend guido15:22
michealPWStep 3): Use SHIFT+Ctrl+C to copy the link pastebinit returns to you in the terminal. Then paste to me so I can see it :P15:22
michealPWsudo rox. It's the first thing I setup on Fedora heehee!15:22
michealPWFedora's all about the su -c 'somethingAwesome'15:23
NaZZaXsudo -H bash is easier15:23
jribKartagis: ssh isn't running by default.  The default password is blank15:23
jribNaZZaX: sudo -i15:23
NaZZaXesp if i am doing a lot of sudo commands :P15:23
NaZZaXwell I'll see your -i and raise ya15:23
michealPWI think there's benefits to both su -c and sudo. With sudo I can set it up so my wife can install games from Ubuntu Software Center and simply type in her own password.. Rather than my hard root password.15:24
Kartagisjrib: that completely erases the chance of ssh'ing in for me15:24
michealPWThen again, who wants their wives installing things anyways? hahaha!15:24
jribKartagis: well, you can set a password and install ssh :x15:24
michealPWNaZZaX: K let me check it out haha didn't even notice your link 'till just now :P15:25
Kartagisjrib: I installed ssh, then forgot to set up a password15:25
NaZZaXmichealPW my "wives" are fat ascii's one weighs 2435 lbs15:25
jribKartagis: and now you're away from the computer?15:26
NaZZaXthe other weighs 3606 lbs15:26
Kartagisjrib: yes15:26
Kartagisjrib: no luck huh?15:26
michealPWOh wait, I think you've got a sources.d directory with extra .list files?15:26
bazhang!ot | NaZZaX15:26
ubottuNaZZaX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:26
michealPWThat sources.list you piped to pastebinit looks perfect..15:26
jribKartagis: look for a 0-day :P15:26
NaZZaXok michealPW15:26
slipshotanyone in here use opendns?15:26
islandmonkey!ask | slipshot15:27
ubottuslipshot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:27
NaZZaXso its something in the lab thats causing a cache hit issue ya think ?15:27
michealPWTry (In a terminal) ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15:27
Kartagisjrib: what's 0-day?15:27
michealPWIn that directory are files ending in .list which will be added to your sources.list file and used as the APT list. So, I'm thinking those broken backports links are in a file inside the sources.list.d directory15:27
NaZZaXjust so you know i am ssh'ed into this box not on a console of any kind15:27
jribKartagis: an exploit that hasn't been patched15:27
bazhangKartagis, an exploit15:27
deb #ubuntu-it15:27
jribKartagis: (it was a bad joke)15:28
michealPWYou can just rename them to whatever.list.bak to temporarily remove them and then run apt-get update again15:28
BluesKajslipshot, yes ..what's your question about opendns15:28
jribKartagis: maybe you have a friend with physical access to the machine?15:28
michealPWUsually the files inside sources.list.d are named nicely.. So I have a caffeine.list, a grub-customizer.list, an opera.list etc. Check the files in that directory. I'm sure one of them is the culprit :P15:29
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NaZZaXmichealPW the netsplit is scrolling the screen can i just message you direct15:30
dr_willisglad my irc client filters partd/joins ;)15:31
michealPWNaZZaX: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | pastebinit15:31
NaZZaXnormally i do15:31
michealPWNaZZaX: That should do it :P15:31
michealPWhehe dr_willis. Empathy doesn't... Empathy's the worse IRC client ever!15:31
michealPWLOL why oh why did they decide to adopt Empathy as the primary Ubuntu client :\15:31
dr_willisi thought empathy had plugins for that15:32
Kartagisjrib: let me ask you this. I installed Xen yesterday, editing grub  and all. I rebooted, and logged into Xen kernel happily and worked from there. however, I found today that the computer was unresponsive and rebooted it. the computer booted, and after a while it went to sleep. this happened for few times more, everytime forcing me to reboot. is thşs likely to happen?15:32
michealPWIunno, haevn't checked the plugins. Empathy without plugins makes me want to punch puppies.15:32
NaZZaXit looks like its just two lines michealPW15:32
michealPWEverythuing about it is really akward and silly.15:32
jribKartagis: I don't know much about that15:32
philinuxmichealPW: Try xchat15:32
BluesKajempathy and telepathy are awful irc clients , guess they're ok for IM etc but not irc15:32
philinuxxchat is very good15:33
KartagismichealPW: try kvirc15:33
TackI'm trying to change the hostname of an existing raid1 array in Ubuntu 12.04 (mdadm 3.2.5) and any attempt seems to be ignored.  I'm assembling a stopped array with "mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --update=homehost --homehost=newhost /dev/vdc" and it assembles fine, but mdadm --detail still shows the old hostname (Name: oldhost:0).  It's just a single disk raid1 right now as I'm experimenting -- not sure if that15:33
Tack could be relevant.15:33
michealPWphilinux: Yea, I use XChat primarily. I just thought I'd try out Empathy since it's so well integrated in Ubuntu 1215:33
NaZZaXnormally i use an eggdrop as a squatter and client but i got lazy and installed mirc on this work laptop15:33
NaZZaXmichealPW http://paste.ubuntu.com/1281285/15:33
michealPWNaZZaX: Hrmm! Those aren't it, either. Well now I'm confused!15:33
michealPWIunno where those broken backports definitions are comming from! :|15:33
michealPWThat's weird LOL15:33
NaZZaXhow do you do a show ver15:33
michealPWI'm not an APT expert, but all I know of is sources.list and sources.list.d :\15:34
NaZZaXit used to be uname  something15:34
michealPWYea uname can tell you what you want to know, I think. Try man uname15:34
michealPWuname -a15:34
michealPWGives you all the info uname has15:34
michealPWWell sorry NaZZaX. I guess your problem goes over my head :(15:35
NaZZaXis installing the precise image the same as 12.04 LTS server ?15:35
dr_williswhat 'image' ?15:36
michealPWI thought it would be simple to just comment out those links that aren't working and replace with working ones... But your sources.list has the working ones and I can't find the broken links haha15:36
michealPWPrecise is the code-name for 12.04. 12.04 is Ubuntu Precise Pangolin.15:36
jribNaZZaX: depends on what you mean by "precise image"15:36
michealPWAlthough I think "Ubuntu Server" is different from my "Ubuntu Desktop" :\15:36
NaZZaXmy team downloaded it they must have renamed it15:36
NaZZaXI just wanted to make sure i dont have some corrupt ISO15:36
michealPWNo, I don't think that's your problem.15:37
jrib!md5sums | NaZZaX15:37
ubottuNaZZaX: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:37
michealPWI'm going to go take a smoke break. Good luck with your woes, NaZZaX!15:37
michealPWTry using Google to search for APT HASH mismatch15:38
michealPWTo read more about that specific exception and why exactly APT would throw it.15:38
NaZZaXwell my one ISO is from 3/1and its 713,004 the other one more recent is 700,716 and now i see a ubuntu 12-04.1 which is 673,068 KB15:38
NaZZaXtheres many oo bright idea15:39
NaZZaXwhy don't i do apt-get update | pastebinit15:39
TheLordOfTime!google michealPW15:40
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/15:40
TheLordOfTime!google | michealPW15:40
ubottumichealPW: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:40
michealPWNaZZaX: Abstract.. There's no "problem". APT isn't "broken", per se. The way it works is when you type "apt-get update" you're telling APT to go through every single line in the sources.list and all .list files in sources.list.d and will try to connect to each server and ask the server for a list of updates. It's just warning you that 2 lines referenced servers that could not be connected to, for whatever reason.15:41
NaZZaXmichealPW //paste.ubuntu.com/1281299/  output of my apt-get update15:42
NaZZaXits actually saying error 404 Not Found15:43
dr_willisline 118 in that past IS finding the backports repos is seems15:44
michealPWYea, that's the proper backports in his sources.list. Iunno where the broken oens are even coming from15:45
dr_willisnow what ip 98.191.######  is.. may be the ussue15:45
michealPWHe piped the entire sources.list.d directory as well as sources.list and I can't see them LOL.15:45
NaZZaXtheres some other errors on the console here15:46
dr_willischeck /etc/hosts perhaps?15:46
michealPWOh I never thought of that15:46
michealPWThat would be funny15:46
NaZZaXso heres a super stupid question why would inside my lab be different than outside.... DNS ?15:46
jribwell that ip that 404s does seem to be a valid (and reachable from here) repository15:47
NaZZaXmy dns servers inside my lab are cache forwarders that point to Cisco Main DNS15:47
fusion27I'm kind of a noob sys admin, been programming for a long time, but I'm the only that thinks linux is cool here at work so I "earned" the task of setting up a Java server for a new client.  I stuck it on AWS with Ubuntu server, which is pretty sweet.  Got them set up with Tomcat 7, MySQL, Git and Java 6.  They now want a mail server, is there a de-facto best one to set up?  I've never set up a mail server before, but how tough can15:47
jribNaZZaX: can you reach ?15:47
NaZZaXjrib just like a wget on the cli to ?15:48
jribNaZZaX: sure15:48
n1ikonia executed the script (sakis3g which is the user interface to connect the dongles) and as it connects, there's a message an the end "unable to determine path"15:48
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NaZZaXjrib yes i get a successful wget of index.html15:49
jribNaZZaX: that's pretty weird.  You don't have some sort of proxy setup, right?15:49
NaZZaXno thats the point of my lab the routes are supposed to bypass proxy15:49
n1anyone using vodafone mobile connect in ubuntu?15:50
NaZZaXjrib is there a way to set one in the cli just to see if its any different?15:50
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak15:50
NaZZaXisnt it an export command15:51
jribNaZZaX: apparently apt-get respects the http_proxy variable.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto15:51
jribNaZZaX: can you hit
jribNaZZaX: and .bz2 as well since I'm not sure what it actually uses15:52
NaZZaXYes it downloaded both15:53
NaZZaXon a wget15:53
jribdr_willis, michealPW: no idea on my part15:53
NaZZaXfunky lab ?15:54
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jribNaZZaX: you can try a mirror to see if something different happens I guess...15:55
NaZZaXhow would one select a different mirror15:56
ubottuTo get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.15:56
dr_willisid be curious if a live cd would experienced the same issues15:56
jribNaZZaX: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change us.archive.ubuntu.com.  Yeah, live cd would provide a useful data point15:57
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Gallomimiahas 12/10 hit yet?15:57
NaZZaXwhat can i change it to?15:57
dr_willisarchive.ubuntu.com would be a random server? i forget15:58
NaZZaXeu.archive.ubuntu.com ?15:58
DJonesGallomimia: No, not due until the 18th15:58
NaZZaXdr_willis i will try it15:58
NaZZaXI am also willing to do a live CD install if it helps its good to document issues like this15:58
Gallomimiacool thanks15:58
dr_willisa live cd is a 'must have' tool. ;)15:59
dr_willistesting it on a different machine in the lab may lead to some clues also16:00
NaZZaXthey all use the same 10 gig route out16:00
dr_williswith 2 machines you can compare at the same time16:01
reikalusikkaevery time I try to install postgresql I get an error: http://pastebin.com/n6FiwisE16:01
NaZZaXguess what16:01
NaZZaXI removed the us.16:02
NaZZaXnow it ran clean16:02
NaZZaXZERO errors16:02
jribNaZZaX: maybe the admin of that other repository dislikes your lab16:02
reikalusikkathis problem is also covered in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1405239 but how do I install the package from synaptic manager when I'm using command line16:02
dalton2345congrats NaZZaX :)16:02
dr_willisor he set it up to cached us.ubuntu.co  and not ubuntu.com16:03
NaZZaXjrib you don't understand how pisssed my team was trying to get openstack folsom running last minute when all they had to do was change 3 lil things in that file.16:03
jribdr_willis: probably more likely :P16:04
dr_willisi dont see how having backports enabled or not would keep them from installing openstack...16:04
dr_willisunless it was in backports16:04
NaZZaXnot that16:04
NaZZaXthey just dont like errors16:04
NaZZaXon anything...ever. period.16:04
dr_willisthey were warnings...16:04
NaZZaXhey dont shoot the messenger lol16:04
debhi guys, mplayer won't let me open a video cuz of missing text/html editor plugin???? any idea?16:05
NaZZaXjust telling ya what they found16:05
NaZZaXbut glad to know its not my lab16:05
michealPWOn a somewhat sidenote... Could NaZZaX just have configured APT to supress those Warnings and only show Errors?16:05
dr_willissounds lke they just found somthing to complain about. ;)16:05
bazhangdeb is that a apple video trailer16:05
michealPWHEEHEE! That way his co-workers would not see simple Warnings and freak out? :P16:05
luisthey guys… i need help with this: http://pastie.org/5062803   i installed ubuntu 10.04 and cant install qtcreator16:05
michealPWAre you not in the U.S, NaZZaX?16:05
debbazhang, try opening it http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/dirette/PublishingBlock-64203784-70f7-4b53-9d21-b14693850195.html?channel=Rai%201&refresh_ce16:06
NaZZaXya gotta know these guys :)16:06
NaZZaXmichealPW I am. My labs are in SJC16:06
michealPWNaZZaX: Weird that the us mirror is unreachable to you but the eu one is?? :\16:06
NaZZaXi am in charge of the openstack Opensource Development on cisco platform16:06
NaZZaXi own the labs16:06
bazhangNaZZaX, michealPW lets get back on topic please16:06
NaZZaXthe answer seems to be us.archive.ubuntu.com at least from my lab16:07
dr_willisNaZZaX:  whats funny.. i doubt if there are any packages in backports right now anyway.. since 12.10 is not out yet16:07
bazhangdeb, its not available due to country code restrictions16:07
michealPWWeird. Well congrats on isolating and fixing the problem, NaZZaX ;)16:07
dr_williswhich may be why the local cache server is confused16:07
NaZZaXSo I guess the question now is what if one of you uses that archive set do you get errors16:08
jasonmsphey all.  I'm looking for an MS Access equivalent in Ubuntu.  Anyone have any preferred options?16:08
bazhang!equivalents | jasonmsp16:08
ubottujasonmsp: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot16:08
NaZZaXcan one of you run an apt-get update and see if you get an error with that server said ?16:08
NaZZaXserver set*16:08
LinuxLevIs there a way to stop Rhythembox from pop-up notifications on song change?  Saw nothing in the settings.16:09
NaZZaXthen the next question after that is if us.archive.ubuntu.com does have a problem how do ou fix it ?16:09
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dr_willisNaZZaX:   ping  the us. server and the non us server a few times.. see if they are the same ip. ;)16:09
NaZZaXdr_willis if thats the case that confirms i have a WAAS (net Caching) between me and the internet16:10
jasonmspbazhang:  thanks. I can do the google search.  Was looking for human input.16:11
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/12867/how-do-i-remove-players-i-dont-use-from-the-sound-indicator LinuxLev you mean this?16:11
NaZZaXdr_willis they are not!16:11
NaZZaXbut they are on the same IP Block16:11
NaZZaX.us is
NaZZaXarchive.ubuntu.com is
jribNaZZaX: us. is actually a pool of servers16:12
NaZZaXjrib yes I'm sure it is16:12
Will123467hey guys. i'm installing a persistent version of ubuntu to a USB stick, so i can use it as a portable OS. is using unetbootin okay? what would you recommend? it came preformatted with FAT32 - worth reformatting? to what?16:12
NaZZaXthat IP is probably the load Balancer in front of it16:12
LinuxLevNot quite, bazhang.  When using Rhytembox, everytime the song changes, a notification appears in the upper right corner, such as when someone highlights me in IRC or sends me an Empathy IM.  I'd like to turn it off for just the Rhythembox application.16:13
NaZZaXbut they are on two different IP's for what its worth16:13
bazhangLinuxLev, and that removes the notifications16:13
LarrysDeskI'm using a laptop with another OS on it to install Ubuntu onto a HardDrive, which I'll move to a headless server in a little bit.  I've booted from the Ubuntu Installer CD, attached the 'new' drive to the laptop's USB port, and am working my way through the install.16:13
LarrysDeskWhen I get to the section on installing the bootloader, it 'detects' the laptop's *existing* OS, and asks if I want to install the bootloader to the MasterBootRecord.  I want to make sure the Ubuntu bootloader gets installed onto the NEW, external drive, not the laptop's existing, internal drive.16:13
LarrysDeskI can't tell what the isntaller intends to do here; how do I verify that it's gonna install to the new drive?16:13
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NaZZaXso should i change it back to us.archive.ubuntu.com and see if i get the error again?16:13
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LinuxLevOh, I mis-read the question on the link you gave, thank you.16:14
wolsLarrysDesk: ctrl+alt+f2 and run grub-install /dev/sdb or whatever there16:14
gchristensenHi, is it safe to remove the ubuntu user on EC2 servers?16:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1952044   jasonmsp16:14
jribgchristensen: as long as you have some other user that can sudo, it should be safe on a standard ubuntu install16:14
LarrysDeskwols: type that command while I'm *IN* the installer?16:14
gchristensenthank you, jrib16:15
wolsand don't let the install write grub to the disk16:15
Will123467LarrysDesK: the graphical ubuntu installer usually lets you specify which drive you want to install the boot loader, too16:15
wolsor if it insists, let it write to the ubuntu partition itself and not the MBR. then go to the terminal and run grub-install16:15
LarrysDeskwols: Ok, thanks.  Will123467 Must have missed that :-(16:15
luisthey guys… i need help with this: http://pastie.org/5062803  i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and cant even install qtcreator!??!?!16:16
jasonmspbazhang: thanks16:16
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dr_willisWill123467:  last i looked unetbootin dident do persistant live setups. but it may now. the pendrivelinux site has nu erous tools that can16:16
Will123467dr_willis: it does if you're installing ubuntu, it lets you specify the amount of space you want to dedicate etc.16:16
Will123467dr_willis: if unetbootin is an okay way to do it then i'm happy with that - was just double checking :)16:16
eaxHi, I'm getting hangup with Ubuntu 12.02.1... nVIDIA Optimus... I got some text message that said "raise() ... drm ... intel." I have 1 Intel GPU + 1 nVidia GPU...16:17
eaxAny ideas?16:17
bazhangeax, 12.04.1 ?16:17
dr_willisWill123467:  i tend to use other tools.. but i also tend to do 'full' normal installs to larger sized usb flash also16:17
eaxbazhang: Yes, I think so.16:18
Will123467dr_willis: this is an 8 gig drive. what do you recommend?16:19
Will123467should i go with a full normal install?16:19
NaZZaXdr_willis is there a way i can test this outside the lab or can somone do an apt-get update and let me know if you get errors too ?16:19
dr_willisWill123467:  depends on your needs.  live setups can get confused if you use a persistant save and install a lot of extras/update them16:20
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Will123467dr_willis: this is for a normal computer user friend who has a dodgy harddrive. so she needs something she can just plug in to her laptop and have it work in emergencies. you think a full install is better in this case?16:21
dr_willisWill123467:  flash drives are cheap make one of each. ;P16:21
dr_willisid suggest 16gb+ for a full install. 8gb may be tight16:22
dr_willisbut for just web surfing and stuff should work16:22
Will123467dr_willis: shop is closed now, i've only got one drive and i'm going to see her tomorrow. so making two is out of the question :P plus i don't like her that much and i hate spending money16:22
Will123467yeah it's just a back up thing16:22
dr_willisstick with live then16:22
Will123467okay, thanks :) shame 12.04.2 isn't out yet eh16:23
dr_willisWill123467:  12.10 due out in a few days16:23
crimsonmaneactually that's a good thing. new versions are always buggy. stick with solid ones for your friend otherwise she'll hate both you and your linux16:24
Will123467dr_willis: right, but i'm seeing her tomorrow and then she's leaving the country, so that's not great timing16:24
Will123467someone actually already put a weird customised ugly gnome shell version of 12.10 on her laptop which subsequently broke and completely alienated her (first time user) to linux, so i'm doing damage control :P hence 12.0416:24
NaZZaXdr_willis now that i have a successful apt-get do i need to do anything else or just reboot16:25
Will123467crimsonmane: yep, that's exactly what happened :P16:26
* NaZZaX really needs to take a ubuntu class its been too long since i have done *nix16:26
dr_williswhy do you think you need to reboot?16:26
Safa_[A_boy]hi all, I have a problem with the window slide, I'm on ambiance theme but it not that ! its like ignore that and replace it with anther !16:26
NaZZaXbecause i have been away from *nix too long and used to WinBLOWS16:27
NaZZaXcool your chatting mobile16:28
eaxHi, I'm getting hangup with Ubuntu 12.02.1... nVIDIA Optimus... I got some text message that said "raise() ... drm ... intel." I have 1 Intel GPU + 1 nVidia GPU...16:29
designbybeck_Kudos to Yoonseo of Open Source Ecology for using Ubuntu Linux Operating System (3:20sec in video) http://vimeo.com/5142062416:30
silverghostwhen is ubunt u12.10 coming out16:31
michealPWIt's a date, silly.16:31
dr_willisa year and month. ;-)16:32
crizis.. but day16:32
silverghosti have one question i have reported a bug in ubunt u12.10 beta any chances it will get solved in 12.10 final ?16:32
michealPW12.10 == 2012 10th month, which is November.16:32
michealPWSo Ubuntu 12.10 will be out sometime in November.16:32
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule16:32
michealPWI'm not sure exactly the day, I think that's up to Canonical? Maybe more information is on the Ubuntu website though16:33
crizisit should come out at thursday16:33
michealPWOh, thanks dr_willis :)16:33
silverghostOctober 18th16:33
silverghost FinalRelease16:33
FloodBot1silverghost: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:33
silverghost3 days to go16:33
dr_willisso what?16:34
Safa_[A_boy]hi all, I have a problem with the window slide, I'm on ambiance theme but it not that ! its like ignore that and replace it with anther !16:34
michealPWWait, isn't 12.10 November LOL?16:34
silverghost5 month release cycle16:34
dr_willisSafa_[A_boy]:  that makes no sence  at all...16:34
silverghostlol who uses ambiance theme haha16:35
michealPWCrazyhorse! That's so confusing. *shrugs*16:35
Safa_[A_boy]its great!16:35
michealPWWhy wouldn't they call it Ubuntu 12.09 LOL?16:35
silverghostfunnty situation16:36
Will123467michealPW: october is the 10th month16:36
crizismichealPW, <year>.<month>16:36
michealPWSafa_[A_boy], So I think your problem is that you've selected the Ambiance theme... However it has not applied the Ambiance theme and instead has applied another one?16:36
silverghostu all drunk16:36
michealPWWait, what? LOL let me look at a calendar (rofl)16:36
silverghosti reported a bug in 12.10 beta any chances it will get solved in final ?16:37
dr_willisoct. nov. dec...16:37
michealPWWait, no.. October, November, December... January is the 1st of 2013...16:37
crizisread the bugraport from launchpad perhaps?16:37
michealPWDecember is the 12th month of 2012? Or am I totally confused (rofl)16:37
dr_willissilverghost: check the bug report16:37
Safa_[A_boy]its saying "Ambiance" but its not here !16:37
silverghostcritical incomplete16:38
crizisusually december is 12th month of the year, michealPW ...16:38
trismsilverghost: what bug number?16:38
michealPWOh god I'm retarded, nevermind me!16:38
Will123467michaelPW: so what do we mark your bug report? wontfix? wishlist? we can fix the ubuntu calendar but not the gregorian one16:38
dr_willissilverghost: ounds like they dident get enough info16:38
crizistoo much offtopic16:38
eaxHi, I'm getting hangup with Ubuntu 12.02.1... nVIDIA Optimus... I got some text message that said "raise() ... drm ... intel." I have 1 Intel GPU + 1 nVidia GPU... How can I fix this?16:40
silverghostjust 3 days to go let us wait and see cheers lads!!16:40
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Will123467eax: pretty sure 12.04 doesn't really support optimus. feel free to put me right though16:40
michealPWWow, 3 days..16:40
Safa_[A_boy]أريد حلّا !16:40
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eaxWill123467: So?16:41
michealPWShould I download the iso and replace my 12.04 disk with 12.10 and then do a dist-upgrade? (Having the 12.10 liveCD just in case)16:41
michealPWBy 12.04 disk I mean my RW-DVD with the 12.04 liveCD :P16:41
crizis12.10 won't fit on cd16:41
michealPWOr should I replace my disk and use it to whipe this 12.04 clean and put a fresh 12.10 in place?16:41
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dr_willisi allways do clean installs16:42
michealPWA DVD though, it will fit? I just use "disk"/"cd" as synonymous with DVD haha sorry :P16:42
crizisi always upgrade :-)16:42
michealPWYea, on Windows I always did clean install. That's 'cause Windows setup is horrific at upgrading LOL16:42
crizisalthough reinstalling could be a good excuse to buy SSD, finally16:42
michealPWI can't afford SSD yet.. I wish :P16:43
Jeff_Bezoshi guys16:43
dr_willismake the system boot the iso file for a faster install. ;-)16:43
michealPWNo disposable income for that kind of an expense :|16:43
Will123467i saw a 64 gig SSD for 35 quid in a shop today. i got my 64 gig SSD for 90 quid about two years ago16:43
Will12346735 quid isn't so much if you go hungry for a bit16:43
crizisssd's aren't expensive anymore. 60-80e for 128GB and 140-180e for 256gb16:43
michealPWdr_willis: LOL like mount the iso and run install from there? How would that work during the install I wonder haha? :\16:43
Jeff_Bezoscan i have some information regarding the new ubuntu16:44
michealPWWill123467, How much is 35 "quid" in $CDN  hehe?16:44
dr_willismichealPW: grub2 can boot the iso.16:44
crizisJeff_Bezos, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta216:44
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Safa_[A_boy]how can you all read all that ?!!!!!!16:44
michealPWdr_willis, Ahh, that's interesting! :\16:44
michealPWdr_willis, So like, I could edit my grub menu to add the iso and then boot from the iso??16:44
michealPWThat would be pretty slick LOL16:45
Will123467michaelPW: what's a CDN? canadian? 35 quid is 55 canadian dollars16:45
Safa_[A_boy]what about my problem ?!!16:45
dr_willismichealPW: exactly.16:45
michealPWAh, 55 Canadian hrmm that's not bad :\16:45
michealPWI imagined much higher16:45
michealPWStill, ~$60 is a chunk of money :|16:45
dr_willisSafa_[A_boy]: i think people are not clear on your problem16:46
LarrysDeskwols: I'm at that ctrl-alt-f2 console, about to 'grub-install' -- I've partitioned/configured a *separate* "/boot" partition on the HD, @ /dev/sdb1.  Should it be "grub-install /dev/sdb" or "grub-install /dev/sdb1"?16:46
Safa_[A_boy]dr_willis, should I upload a screenshot ?!16:46
michealPWI think I know his problem but I don't know the solution.16:47
michealPWSafa_[A_boy], Try selecting another Theme and pressing "Apply"; then re-select your Ambiance theme and press "Apply" again...16:47
michealPWIunno. Hehe16:47
michealPWI think he's saying he selects the "Ambiance" theme but it applies another theme instead hehe.16:48
Safa_[A_boy]I tried to download another Ambiance theme but it still !16:48
LarrysDeskor, anyone for that matter ...16:48
dr_willisit still!    ?...  full sentances would help us..16:49
eaxHi, I'm getting hangup with Ubuntu 12.02.1... nVIDIA Optimus... I got some text message that said "raise() ... drm ... intel." I have 1 Intel GPU + 1 nVidia GPU... How can I fix this?16:49
michealPWSo.. What are you doing again, LarrysDesk? You've readied a partition for /boot in /dev/sdb1 and you'd like to install grub to it right?16:49
Safa_[A_boy]dr_willis, the problem is that my english is not so good :|16:51
michealPWLarrysDesk, So I think you're on the right track. grub-install /dev/sdb1 should do it. Double check the manual for grub-install though to make sure you're not missing any important switches (man grub-install)16:51
kikkkocome si usa questo programma16:51
michealPWOh, he's using gnome tweak, I guess, trying to set everything to use Ambiance? I can't figure much out in that screenshot 'cause I can't read the language Safa_[A_boy] :|16:52
chachindamn 1662 users16:52
chachini wonder what's the record peak of most users in one chan :(16:52
LarrysDeskmichealPW: Hi.  I'm booted on my laptop (running another OS) to the Ubuntu Installer CD, with an *external* HD attached.  I'm doing an Ubuntu install to that HD.  @ the "bootloader" section of the install, I hit ctrl-alt-f2, and want to install the bootloader to the MBR in the right part of that external HD.  Iiuc, it goes to the "separate boot" partition @ /dev/sdb1, *NOT* the disk itself @ /dev/sdb.  right?16:53
jribchachin: come back on release day16:53
chachinwhat release date?16:53
DUKENUKEMhey guys, my /boot is almost full because of all the kernel updates over the months.  can i safely just remove the kernels i am not using?  (im not sure of the "ubuntu" way to do things (ie, the clean way :P))16:53
jribDUKENUKEM: yes, just remove the corresponding linux-image package16:54
osseI've noticed that gnome-terminal uses other colors than some other terminals (such as xterm). Still the output of the 256colors2.pl script is the same. What is happening?16:54
DUKENUKEMjrib: ok cool thanks16:54
michealPWLarrysDesk: Oh, okay! Well, correct. I think you're right. I'm not an expert, though, just to warn you... What you say makes perfect sense. If you select /dev/sdb it will put it in that drive's MBR not the partition you created. If you use /dev/sdb1 it will put it in the partition you've created, though.16:55
ghabitHello. Is it big diffeence between clean install and upgrade to newest version of ubuntu? Which one is better?16:56
LarrysDeskmichealPW: I guess my question then should also be -- where SHOULD i put it?  in the MBR, or the boot partition?  I want to make sure that when I detach this drive from the laptop, and put it (eventually) into a new machine, it'll boot correctly.16:56
michealPWLarrysDesk: Ah, well I would THINK you should put it in /dev/sdb, the MBR. That way if you detach it and re-attach to another computer, without changing anything on that computer it's BIOS will find GRUB and let you easily boot from it.16:57
michealPWAgain.. I'm not an expert, though :P16:57
michealPWIf you put GRUB in a partition, though, I think you'll need to do chainloading (Say, put Windows' BOOTMGR in the MBR and create an entry in BOOTMGR that points to your partition with GRUB in it.)16:58
eaxI see a lot of graphics problem with Unity. Or offsets wrong.16:58
wilee-nileeghabit, Better is a subjective and is a personal decision, fresh and upgrade mean what they say, back up your setup before doing anything is your best move.16:59
eaxWindows flying 20px below the cursor in some situations and such.16:59
michealPWLarrysDesk: The point of the MBR is that it's the first 2048 bytes of the hard disk. It's where a BIOS will automatically look for an operating system (In this case, GRUB.)16:59
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LarrysDeskmichealPW: If BIOS "looks" at the MBR of disks, then I think that's what I want ...16:59
ghabitwilee-nilee, I will try to rephrase my question.  Has any limitations upgrade? Is there some reasons to not upgrade, but make clean install instead? Sorry for my English.17:00
michealPWLarrysDesk: Indeed! I think that will give you the most flexability in using that removable drive on different PCs without changing anything on the PC. Like on mine, if you plugged it in when I start my computer I could press F12 and see it in the list without changing anything, then select it and up comes Ubuntu :P17:00
LarrysDeskhm.  I was instructed to use "grub-install".  When I try, though, it says "grub-install: not found".  THere *IS* a "grub-installer".  Same thing?17:01
LarrysDeskmichealPW: ok, thanks!17:01
michealPWThat's weird. It's grub-install here, I think *checks*17:01
michealPWgrub-install (GRUB) 1.99-21ubuntu3.417:02
michealPWgrub-install -v ^^17:02
wilee-nileeghabit, The reasons are per users, some want a fresh install I belong to that camp, it is faster for me. Some want a upgrade for whatever reasons.  Any install or upgrade can have problems, to many to list to be honest. The way you avoid some are to have your syuff that can't be lost backed up.17:02
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LarrysDeskmichealPW: here "grub-installer -v" --> BusyBox v1.18.5 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu14) multi-call binary."17:03
ghabitwilee-nilee, I just want to update because of a lot of per-user  settings.17:03
michealPWWTH is BusyBox hehe?17:03
svipHow do I purge and install a package on the same line?17:04
jribsvip: why do you want to do that?17:04
wilee-nileeghabit, I think you mean upgrade, clone the original in case the upgrade breaks will be your best insurance.17:04
LarrysDeskI DL'd the install disk from the Ubuntu site.  Could it be compromised?17:04
jrib!md5sums | LarrysDesk17:05
ubottuLarrysDesk: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.17:05
dr_willisapt has a reinstall option, or i think you can do it other ways svip17:05
michealPWNo, I'm just ignorant that's all :P17:05
wilee-nileeLarrysDesk, Unlikely, but you can check the md5sum.17:05
LarrysDeskubottu: I checked the MD5sum on DL.  It was correct.17:05
ubottuLarrysDesk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:05
svipBecause my repository is stuck in a rut.  It depends on some package, but cannot install it because it conflicts with another one.  I can remove that, but then a tonne of packages will be removed, and I want to avoid that.17:05
LarrysDeskOh, jrib17:05
michealPWWhat the heck is this LOL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BusyBox17:05
sukimaThis page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Will_my_wireless_work.3F) says for 12.04 to run: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer however apt-get says that does not exist. This is on a liveCD iBook g4.Does the liveCD distro not include some source repositories?17:06
gordonjcpmichealPW: ?17:06
gordonjcpmichealPW: what's weird about it?17:06
michealPWJust reading, dunno what it is.17:06
dr_willisbusybox is amazeing.17:06
dr_willisa multi function binary...17:06
gordonjcpmichealPW: it's pretty much a complete userland for a small Linux system, in a single binary17:07
michealPWSo like, almost the Explorer.exe style? :\17:07
gordonjcpmichealPW: the really groovy thing is you can configure it to only have what you want17:07
michealPWOr cmd.exe, better analogy?17:07
LarrysDeskgordonjcp: dr_willis I was told in here to use 'grub-install' during my install.  I don't have 'grub-install' from ubuntu, apparetnly.  INstead I have this 'grub-installer' from "BusyBox".17:07
LarrysDeskCan I safely proceed or not?17:07
dormitoI have noticed that after being away for a while(now sure how long as i havent had time to test, betwen 5 min and two hours) my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop will be in what appears to be a standby/suspend state(no signal to the monitors, keyboard/mouse do not do anything). but the fans and lights are on. This is inspite of the fact that I have set the power settings to "dont suspent". When I press the power button it  brings up the logon prompt.17:07
dormitoHowever the keyboard and mouse dont work (they are usb and unpluging repluging does not resolve). Oddly though my webcam(usb) can still perfrom a facial recognition logon, but even then the keyboard/mouse are unresponsive. A after rebooting the keyboard/mouse resume working. I also was unable to find anything that looked like an error in the syslog in the time window for while I was away17:07
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: without knowing more about your situation I can't say for certain17:08
svipwtf libcairo2-dev depends on libcairo-2 1.10.2, but since 1.12.2 is installed, it won't install? o_O17:08
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: if you get it wrong you might hose other systems if you dual-boot17:08
michealPWI also can't say, LarrysDesk. I'm not familiar with BusyBox.17:08
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: at worst you can boot off a USB stick and back up your home directory before nuking and paving17:08
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gordonjcpLarrysDesk: you can pretty much *always* recover your data if stuff goes moderately wrong17:09
jribsvip: read the description of "install" in « man apt-get ».  You can append a hyphen to a package name and it will be removed.  Though it sounds like you've done something very strange with your repositories17:09
LarrysDeskgordonjcp: I'm booted from the Installer CD.  I've ctrl-alt-F2'd to the installer's shell.  I'm trying to install grub using the cmd I was told to use.  The problem is that that command does not exist wherre I was told it should exist.17:09
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: the worst that'll ever happen is you need to back up, wipe, and reinstall17:09
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: go to it and good luck17:09
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: incidentally why didn't you just open a terminal in the desktop?17:09
jribsvip: you don't know why that is happening?  You haven't used unofficial repositories or repositories not meant for your ubuntu version?  Have you installed packages manually?17:09
LarrysDeskgordonjcp: What desktop?  This is a new install ...17:10
LarrysDeskI'm in the Installer17:10
gordonjcpLarrysDesk: the one you get when you boot the install CD17:10
gordonjcpoh, hang on, did you go into "Install Ubuntu" rather than "Try without installing"?17:10
LarrysDeskgordonjcp: YEs, because that's what i'm doing -- installing17:11
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sukimaDoesn't the installer run grub-install for you? why is that seperate manual step?17:11
LarrysDesksukima because I'm installing to a different disk.  I need to tell grub-install which disk to use.17:12
LarrysDeskand that's what wols told me to do.17:12
dr_willisi thought the installer had a pull down menu to where to install grub to. and i definatly dont recall being limited to the busibox shell on the installer cds17:13
michealPWSo BusyBox is more for embedded systems, then?17:13
gordonjcpmichealPW: yes17:14
dr_willisif i install to 'sdb' the gui installer defaulted to sdb for me. or i could have selected sda17:14
michealPWHow is he using BusyBox, wth? :|17:14
gordonjcpmichealPW: if you're feeling hardcore, take a look at buildroot17:14
gordonjcpmichealPW: that lets you cross-build a toolchain, a kernel, uclibc and busybox for a whole bunch of platforms - I've got one I built for a very specific i486-based machine17:15
gordonjcpmichealPW: the kernel is about 4M and the rootfs is about 30M17:15
dr_willisbusybox is part of the initrd. no idea how you would get into its shell from a normal install routine17:15
michealPWThat's crazy17:15
TheRedOctoberHi all. Why does 'ls' sometimes take a very long time to complete in filesystems with a huge number of files?17:15
gordonjcpTheRedOctober: complicated reasons related to ls not being very good at dealing with large numbers of files17:16
michealPWThat's pretty cool, actually. So are things like BusyBox what people are putting on their routers and things like that?17:16
gordonjcpmichealPW: yup17:17
michealPW"people" I should say companies hehe17:17
michealPWAh, cool beans! I get it now :)17:17
gordonjcpmichealPW: everyone you talk to who says they don't use Linux - they do if they have a wireless access point, or ADSL modem, or cable modem...17:17
bkfitzQuestion 1:  My schweeet new Lenovo X1 carbon arrived.  Is there literally ANY reason to stick with 32bit or is 64bit the clear choice?17:18
bkfitzQuestion 2:  12.04 or 12.10... if I go with 12.10 beta 2, can I just do a apt-get update to get to the release version when it comes out later this week?17:18
dr_willisbkfitz:  yes you can17:18
gordonjcpbkfitz: in order, not really unless you've got a good specific reason, and yes17:19
dr_willisi always go 64bit on 64bit hardware17:19
gordonjcp<grumble> I miss the Amazon unity lens on my desktop17:19
gordonjcpbut the macbook is sitting in my van17:19
simplewcant move icons in KDE plasma panel, when i try to move the icon position with the mouse i get this message: Klauncher said: 'preferred' unknown protocol,   anyone knows whats this?17:20
gordonjcphrmph, I'll have to shop on Amazon the old-fashioned, hard way17:20
michealPWgordonjcp: haha, touche :)17:20
simplewdr_willis: to me17:20
simplewdr_willis: too me17:21
dr_willisme too?17:21
michealPWdr_willis: Ah, really? I'm running 32-bit Ubuntu on 64-bit hardware :|17:21
michealPWI had such a horrific experience on Windows with 64-bit I just automatically picked 32-bit Ubuntu (blush)17:22
michealPWDriver chaos LOL17:22
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michealPWShould I go with 64-bit 12.10 when I upgrade you think, dr_willis?17:23
dr_willisyou cant upgrade from 32 to 64bit17:23
dr_willisinstall 64bit if you want 64bit17:24
michealPWI understand what the difference is but I don't see what benefit I would have :\17:25
Laykedu -sh /home/layke says I have 66GB in my /home/layke directory17:25
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LaykeIf I move to it, and then do du -sh * I can't find anything that would add up to 66gb17:25
jribLayke: you forgot .*17:25
LaykeAh, I tried \.*17:25
LaykeOkay thanks.17:25
LaykeYeah jrib .* doesn't help either17:26
Laykedu -sh .*17:26
jribLayke: also, you may prefer using baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer)17:26
Layke66G     .17:26
simplewdr_willis: thats it :)17:26
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jribLayke: don't use the -s?17:26
jribLayke: actually the -s should still spit out a summary for each argument that matched the glob17:27
bkfitzdr_willis: thx17:27
Laykejrib, Yeah, I think .* doesn't work the way you think the glob should17:27
LaykeThat's why I tried to escape it.17:27
jribLayke: :/17:27
Layke* works17:27
jribLayke: why don't you say what you are trying to do17:27
Laykejrib, My disk is at 100%17:28
LaykeI clearly have some huge log/core dump file17:28
michealPWSo using Ubuntu 12.04 I've installed GNOME 3 and KDE 4 alongside Unity. My wife uses Unity I use GNOME and KDE depending on how I feel at the time hehe... I have had some screensaver issues which I've solved.17:28
LaykeI've tracked the problem down to something within /home/layke]17:28
jribLayke: /me guesses ~/.xsession-errors17:28
michealPWI've solved the GNOME/Unity screensaver issue with Caffeine and the KDE screensaver issue with a shell script.. My question is, how do I make Caffeine only start with GNOME and Unity.. Shell script already only starts with KDE btw.17:29
michealPWI thought I'd use gdm.. But Ubuntu uses lightdm for all of them LOL! :\17:29
LaykeNope. 2.7 :)17:29
michealPWSo when I setup the Autstart for Caffeine, I guess lightdm starts it regardless of which desktop environment I select when logging in :\17:29
jribLayke: du -h * .* | sort -nr | less17:29
jribLayke: du -s * .* | sort -nr | less17:30
michealPWSo let me ask the question a clearer way haha.. How do I make Caffeine start ONLY for GNOME and Unity but not for KDE? :\17:30
LaykeGive me a minute to let it run :)17:30
jribmichealPW: that is an interesting question ;)17:30
michealPWOh wait I bet I can make a shell script that KDE runs... That just does killall caffeine17:30
michealPWLMAO hackishly brilliant!17:30
jribmichealPW: that is an ugly kludge -_-17:31
dormitoI have noticed that after being away for a while(now sure how long as i havent had time to test, betwen 5 min and two hours) my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop will be in what appears to be a standby/suspend state(no signal to the monitors, keyboard/mouse do not do anything). but the fans and lights are on. This is inspite of the fact that I have set the power settings to "dont suspent". When I press the power button it brings up the logon prompt. However17:31
dormito the keyboard and mouse dont work (they are usb and unpluging repluging does not resolve). Oddly though my webcam(usb) can still perfrom a facial recognition logon, but even then the keyboard/mouse are unresponsive. A after rebooting the keyboard/mouse resume working. I also was unable to find anything that looked like an error in the syslog in the time window for while I was away17:31
jribdormito: output of « xset q » on pastebin17:32
michealPWLOL jrib I guess you're right :(17:32
trismmichealPW: there is AutostartCondition if you use a .desktop in /etc/xdg/autostart/, though I don't know the full syntax of it (gnome-sound-applet.desktop uses it to only start in gnome-fallback session)17:33
osseHow does gnome-terminal change the colors of the extra 240 colors? I know gnome-terminal has a certain thme on the 16 usual colors, but it seems the other ones (when using TERM=xterm-256color) are different as well.17:33
michealPWAh, interesting. Thank you, trism!17:33
michealPWThat at least gives me a place to start hehe 'cause I ran out of ideas17:33
jribmichealPW: 1) slightly less ugly, but still kludgy: check if unity/gnome is running and only run the app if that's the case or 2) set some sort of environment variable in your session files17:34
jriberm that "1)" is in the wrong place :(17:34
michealPWthx ;)17:34
bourke_can anyone please tell me how to reset my ecryptfs login password with only the mount passphrase?17:34
jribtrism: oh can you specify that an app only starts for a certain session in a .desktop?17:35
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jrib!encrypt | bourke_17:35
ubottubourke_: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:35
jribbourke_: check that wiki article as well as the blog articles referenced.  I think it goes into that17:35
bourke_jrib: Ive read it, it seems to only tell you have to recover your mount passphrase. any guide ive read assumes you have your login passphrase17:36
wilee-nileedormito, Make sure you use the nick of the destination of your post. ;)17:36
jribbourke_: I'm just skimming the "recovering your data manually" section but don't see where it requires the login passphrase17:37
dormitowilee-nilee: ah, thanks17:38
bourke_jrib: true, but basically Id rather not have to "recover" my data and copy it somewhere else etc.  Ideally I could just reset the login phrase17:38
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jribbourke_: I see.17:38
bourke_Maybe Im best off just doing it the hard way though17:38
dormitojrib: http://pastebin.com/Lx4p0zkX (incase you didnt catch it because I didnt address you)17:39
trismmichealPW: oh, notification-daemon.desktop seems like it might be more like what you want: AutostartCondition=GNOME3 unless-session gnome (maybe you can use kde instead? it appears to be a gnome extension so might not work)17:39
jribdormito: weird, your computer shouldn't suspend :x17:39
trismjrib: a couple of the xdg autostart files have it but it isn't well documented unfortunately17:39
jribtrism: ah, cool17:39
michealPWI was reading the freedesktop specification for .desktop files, wasn't getting anywhere. I think GNOME adopts this specification and extends it, maybe? :\17:39
jribbourke_: yeah, I guess you'd have to go read a bit more about how the encrypted directories are setup17:40
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michealPWAck.. The GNOME developers site links back to the freedesktop.org site for the specification :\17:42
michealPWThat's frustrating LOL17:42
michealPWIt has to be documented somewhere haha17:42
jribbourke_: I assume if you change your password, then the actual encryption key is re-encrypted with the new login password.  Presumably, this probably happens via PAM.  How you would do it manually though, would require some digging17:43
jrib"It has to be documented somewhere haha" <-- famous last words17:43
bourke_jrib: yeah, I think ill just go with the wiki method and hope for the best. thanks for the tips though17:44
jribdormito: you can try "xset -dpms" but I think having the timeouts at 0 should already be sufficient.  I'm not sure what's causing your computer to suspend17:44
michealPWLOL jrib17:44
michealPWI guess I'll just try to read as many Autostart .desktop files I can find and see if I can't figure it out LOL17:45
jribmichealPW: if you have kde installed, look for some "kde-y" ones17:45
dormitojrib: ok I'll try that. I have not been able to reproduce the issue at will so I cant test it right away17:45
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michealPWWith GNOME/Nautilus, how do I get an "Open With.." behavior? I right-click on this .desktop but I just have an "Open" option hehe17:46
michealPWDon't make me use a terminal LOL!17:47
jribmichealPW: properties, then look for an open with tab.  Or something like that.  It changes every other release...17:47
michealPWNautilus sucks so hard ugh :\17:47
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michealPWI found this in one of my .desktop: X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false17:49
dormitojrib: I did just try a manual suspend and the computer behaved a little different from my issue. the mouse woke it up and the keyboard/mouse worked fine, but in addition to that the fan(in the desktop) turned off or at least went quite. I am not really sure what to make of that17:49
michealPWI wonder if there's a similar KDE option I can set to false hehe17:49
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michealPWMaybe it's in the Exec key17:50
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michealPWbah maybe not :17:52
Guest53743whats the best irc client for ubuntu17:53
g0bl1ncan Gnome 3 be used on 12.04 ?17:53
michealPWWait I think I've got it hehe17:53
nathalii use irssi17:53
michealPWI think there's X-GNOME-Autostart-Enabled=boolean and also X-KDE-Autostart-Enabled=boolean17:53
Guest53743which one is most like mirc17:54
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michealPWbrb let me test17:54
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jribGuest53743: try xchat17:54
michealPWRighto, now lets test! :)17:56
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qbmaniachey everyone!17:56
qbmaniacJust wondering, has anyone tried to modify the /etc/hosts file here successfully?17:57
qbmaniacI would like to reroute an external subdomain (DDNS) to my localhost, so that when I try to connect through MySQL to anyhost.mine.nu the call gets redirected to my localhost17:57
bekksqbmaniac: anyhost.mine.nu17:58
fission6is there a cron log - i cron a job and its not apparently running17:58
qbmaniacI added mine.nu in /etc/hosts, and anyhost.mine.nu there17:58
qbmaniacAnd when I do a ping17:58
qbmaniacit says it is going to
qbmaniacBut when I try to connect using MySQL it fails to find the host17:58
qbmaniacDo I need to specify port as well in the hosts file?17:59
bekksYou cannot specify a port in the /etc/hosts17:59
bekksqbmaniac: Check wether your mysqld is listening on localhost, too.17:59
qbmaniacgood point17:59
qbmaniacI enabled remote connections in mysqld18:00
qbmaniacMaybe I closed the local ones :P18:00
qbmaniacoh great18:02
qbmaniacthat worked bekks, I wasn't listening on localhost but I was on the server's IP, so I just changed hosts to point to the IP instead of localhost18:02
qbmaniacThanks a lot :)18:02
rigidwhere do projects normally maintain their debian/* files (control etc.)? in the main source repository? is there a best-practice?18:05
jribrigid: try #ubuntu-motu18:05
rigidjrib: thanks18:05
gordonjcprigid: I've seen a lot of projects where they're right in with the rest of the source files in the debian/ directory18:05
rigidgordonjcp: ah thanks... currently i keep them in a dir /distros/ubuntu/debian ... i guess that's fine then :)18:06
rigid...just asked to be sure18:06
sam1967anyone know abt synthetic telepathy18:11
JessicaWlooking for help with bnx2 drivers. upgraded to newer drivers to include 10gb cards and now I can't get any of my nics to work.18:12
JessicaWgetting error no such device but lspci | grep -i eth shows the cards18:12
fission6anyone here well versed in cron issues - i am having issues getting a script to successfully run under cron but works find when explicitly run18:12
JessicaWand looks like bnx module not loaded.18:12
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dr_willisload the module by hand JessicaW ?18:13
JessicaWdr_willis: I tried rmmod bnx2 and insmod bnx2 to no avail.18:14
dr_willisi tend to use modprobe  i recall18:14
JessicaWI tried that too18:14
dr_willisload module. check dmesg output fir errors18:15
JessicaWit replies with could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32-44-server/modules.dep18:15
fission6any ideas  Computer CRON[1844]: (CRON) error (grandchild #1846 failed with exit status 1)18:16
JessicaWnothing shows in dmesg.18:16
NoSuchNickIf a binary with the same name occours multiple times in my PATH, which one is actually used? Is it the first occourence?18:16
JessicaWdmesg | grep eth = nothing. same with grep bnx18:16
dr_willisNoSuchNick: yes18:17
NoSuchNickdr_willis: Thanks!18:17
=== basic is now known as basic`
bkfitzQuestion: New X1 carbon laptop, going to install 12.10, should I leave UEFI enabled or disable it?18:17
dr_willisnot sure what modules.dep does.18:17
jiffe98question, how are you supposed to chroot apache now with 12.04?18:18
JessicaWme neither. and to top it off, I can't even get the new driver to make now. was working fine on Friday....18:18
jiffe98I used to use libapache2-mod-chroot but that is no longer available18:18
laweWhy do no black people use Ubuntu?18:19
ghabitHelp please - looks like updating stucked at "ttf-mscorefonts-installer: downloading  http://downloads.souceforge.net/corefonts/georgi32.exe"18:19
ghabitand nothing is happening.18:19
bekksghabit: Do you use 12.10?18:20
ghabitbekks, i'm trying to upgrade 12.04 to 12.10 now.18:20
ghabitAnd this is the process of updating.18:20
BluesKajlawe, how do you know they don't ?18:21
laweThey never come to projects, I generally have never heard of a black person using Ubuntu18:21
Myrttilawe: did you have a support question?18:22
BluesKajwhat ptojects?18:22
laweMYRITTI: NO18:22
dr_williswonder why it would rediwnliad that. exe18:22
JessicaWdr_willis: oO.... none of my modules are loaded!18:22
laweBluesKaj: open source projects18:22
dr_willis!find modules.dep18:23
ubottuFile modules.dep found in manpages-ja, module-init-tools, user-mode-linux18:23
mrgtI'm using update manager and getting the following error - "Package Operation Failed". I get this in the details pane http://pastebin.com/Y7XyCSwa. How can I resolve this?18:24
kostkonmrgt, try:  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:25
dr_willisJessicaW:   try   depmod -a18:25
mrgtkostkon, will do.18:26
JessicaWdr_willis: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.32-44-server: no such file or directory18:27
JessicaWdr_willis: HOLY CRAP. ls /lib/modules.... it's EMPTY.18:27
dr_willisim glad i rarely need to mess with kernel stuff....18:28
dr_williswhat kernel are you running now?18:28
JessicaWdr_willis: well, now I know what the problem is.18:28
JessicaWdr_willis: 2.6.32-44-server18:29
JessicaWdr_willis: 10.04.418:29
dr_williskernel kapers and khaos. :(18:29
michealPWLOL I broke KDE :(18:30
dr_willisrest it over my head these days.18:30
JessicaWdr_willis: I have another server running identical install. I'm going to copy modules from there.18:30
michealPWEvery time I log-in to KDE it seems as though it loads up fine but the bar at the bottom with my K launcher is unresponsive. Can't seem to properly log-out of KDE either. I tried alt+f2 and used sudo shutdown now but that didn't work18:31
michealPWIt started to shutdown but then froze during the shutdown :\18:31
michealPWI think it's the KDE session that's broken. I set it to start with an empty session, maybe that's what did it. How do I clear KDE's sessions so it will create a new one upon login?18:32
mrgtkostkon, I tried what you suggested but when I go to the update manager again it still says that there are software updates available.18:32
mrgtkostkon, I went to install again and get the same error.18:33
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kostkonmrgt, did you get any errors or warnings after giving the command ive given you above18:34
MY`Pawl[WuTang]thanks so much for your programming hours ubuntu team, pheonominal segue from windows in '06 for me, about to hit lucky 7 from your famous box!18:34
MY`Pawl[WuTang]I thought PC-BSD would superceed ubuntu though it failed to18:35
mrgtkostkon, when I ran the command I got this output http://pastebin.com/969Nf3Xr18:35
MY`Pawl[WuTang]the only other distro I would call "of choice" besides ubuntu and PC-BSD would be sidux with the slh kernel18:35
kostkonmrgt, what version of ubuntu is it18:36
MY`Pawl[WuTang]I don't know how I can say "thanks" other than the ntsc filter on 2 mode blending is great for some public domain martial arts 70's films18:36
userhi. Does anyone know a program I can get with synaptic that lets me disable services?18:37
mrgtkostkon, 12.0418:37
theadminMY`Pawl[WuTang]: I'm sure the developers would appreciate this. However, this channel is support-only, please understand and try to keep on topic.18:37
MY`Pawl[WuTang]oh I'm sorry, is there a general ubuntu chat fan chan?18:37
theadminMY`Pawl[WuTang]: #ubuntu-offtopic18:37
MY`Pawl[WuTang]thx peace from sonjitos dot18:38
kostkonmrgt, ok, just give this cmd and post the output somewhere:  apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic-pae && apt-cache policy nitruxos18:38
rachelfishOkay #ubuntu, I'm fed up with this18:41
bkfitzQuestion:  If I have a SSD, does it matter where (beginning or end) of disk i put the / and swap partitions??18:41
rachelfishhow do I restart bluetooth without restarting my computer?18:41
rachelfishI have a bluetooth pcmcia card and if I walk out of range and my device disconnects without "cleanly" disconnecting18:41
rachelfishubuntu takes a shit on itself18:41
rachelfishrubs it around18:41
rachelfishand refuses to reconnect18:41
mrgtkostkon, I seem to have narrowed it down a bit. I installed updates one-by-one using update manager and the error seems to be coming from "system-v-like utilities". Here's the output from the command http://pastebin.com/Vzyqnw7U18:41
rachelfishsudo service bluetooth restart doesn't work18:42
theadminIs there any UFS support in Ubuntu? Must I install some package for it?18:42
bekkstheadmin: Read only.18:42
theadminbekks: Sounds good enough18:42
mrgtkostkon, brb18:43
theadminbekks: Still though, "mount.ufs" doesn't seem to exist18:44
bkfitzQuestion:  If I have a SSD, does it matter where (beginning or end) of disk i put the / and swap partitions??18:44
crizisdoes it ever?18:44
theadminbkfitz: It shouldn't matter regardless of the drive type18:44
bekkstheadmin: sudo apt-get install ufsutils... :)18:44
ThinkT510bkfitz: no, but i'd avoid swap on an ssd18:44
theadminbekks: Thanks, that's what I was looking for :)18:44
bkfitzThinkT510: no choice18:48
michealPWHow do I clear my KDE sessions?18:48
bkfitzonly have SSD18:48
michealPWMaybe I can do dpkg-reconfigure kde-base ?18:49
k1l_bkfitz: do you really need swap?18:50
theadmink1l_ raises a valid point, bkfitz... You don't really *need* swap nowadays (apart from maybe on Gentoo)18:51
mrgtkostkon, back18:51
k1l_bkfitz: swap ist only used for suspend2disk (most systems have enough ram to not need swap). and on ssds there is no beginning and ending in the old hdd view18:51
mrgtkostkon, so you got any ideas?18:51
LockscreenAnione knows a tool for editing a distro live DVD before install?18:51
kostkonmrgt, how many packages are now listed in the update manager?18:51
gorbehHi, since i ran an update (precise) the other day my flash player crashes and chrome was actualy killing my xsessiom when i started it, any ideas what might be causeing this18:51
mrgtkostkon, 2. System-v-like utilities and ubuntu icon theme.18:52
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bekksLockscreen: You cant edit a DVD media after it has been deployed on the media.18:52
gorbehII removed nvidia driver and it stopped chrome dieing but flash is still borked18:52
LockscreenI mean Iso image18:53
kostkonmrgt, try: apt-cache policy sysvutils18:53
BluesKajk1l_, if you already have 4 primary partitions without a swap you can make a swap file,  http://digitizor.com/2011/02/06/create-swap-file-ubuntu-linux/18:53
bekksLockscreen: Extract the contents, modify them, create a new ISO file.18:53
LockscreenAnione knows a tool for editing a distro live .iso image before install?18:54
Lockscreenthere is no automated tool?18:54
mrgtkostkon,  Installed: (none)18:54
mrgt  Candidate: 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu4518:54
mrgt  Version table:18:54
mrgt     2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu45 018:54
mrgt        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy/main i386 Packages18:54
bekksLockscreen: No.18:54
FloodBot1mrgt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:54
gorbehAny one can help me get flash player working? It crashes very quickly since my last update on prescise18:54
kostkonmrgt, hardy??18:54
mrgtkostkon, ?18:55
kostkonmrgt, give:  nano /etc/apt/sources.list and post the contents of the file somewhere18:55
bkfitzkil: interesting point18:55
kostkonmrgt, better:  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:55
bkfitzkil: just assumed you had to have a swap space... what if you run out of ram18:55
jbohrenwow... hardy... seriously?18:55
ThinkT510!remaster | Lockscreen18:55
ubottuLockscreen: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:55
dummyhi, can somebody help me please. I installed linux-mint and everything worked fine but then i install the addtional graphic driver from ATI and now after rebooting i can only boot in the text-mode there is no gui (only text). Can somebody tell me how i can delete the ATI drive and can install the default graphic driver? Thanks.18:56
bekks!linuxmint | dummy18:56
DJones!mint | dummy18:56
ubottudummy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:56
bkfitzkil: I guess if an app needs more ram and i run out, it will get it from another app, not expand on to swap18:56
k1l_bkfitz: yes18:57
Lockscreenthanks ubottu18:57
McCleinhi, is it possible to reach a pc behind a router with ssh?18:57
theadmindummy: sudo apt-get remove fglrx, but for further support please visit irc://irc.spotchat.org/linuxmint-help18:57
theadminMcClein: Once you configure port forwarding on your router, sure.18:57
k1l_bkfitz: but dont think your whole ram is used strictly18:57
McCleincan you explain me a little theadmin ?18:57
DiegoFocaI have a problem when i downloading anything, when the download start i can't surfing the Internet, why ?18:58
mrgtkostkon, http://pastebin.com/UMeDFasU18:58
dummytheadmin, thanks i will try18:58
theadminMcClein: Honestly depends on your router model and firmware, but basically you need to forward requests to port 22 of your public IP to your home computer18:58
bkfitzkil: I have 4g ram and a 256ssd... but I do some pretty hard work on it... postgres with spatial support... pretty intensive apps18:58
k1l_bkfitz: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  most ram is just caches which can be sorted out without problems. if you dont know of things that will use your whole ram (like heavy photo/video work, or virtualizing etc) you wont need a swap18:59
bkfitzkil: i can see why swap is dangerous on an ssd though18:59
McCleini did it theadmin but i can't log in the external ip18:59
bkfitzkil: do plan to run winxp or maybe even windows 8(hate) in virtualbox18:59
k1l_bkfitz: keep in mind, that using swap comes back from the days when ram was 64MB and it was expensive as hell.18:59
bekksMcClein: You cant do so when being in your LAN behind the router.18:59
bekksMcClein: You have to test it from "outside".19:00
kostkonmrgt, ok, try this:  give:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and in the last two lines replace the word "hardy" with "precise" and then save the file and close gedit19:00
theadminMcClein: This isn't really an Ubuntu question, though. Doubt anyone can help.19:00
k1l_bkfitz: the usecase of swap as reserve ram is not the same theese days. its getting slow as hell if your system needs to swap19:00
bkfitzkil: almost better to just have the OS wait for or borrow ram than to swap is what you are saying19:00
bkfitzkil: and if I don't have swp, then the os has no choice19:00
mrgtkostkon, done19:01
kostkonmrgt, after doing that, give again: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:01
k1l_bkfitz: i wouldnt recommend to use a swap. i would increase the ram if really needed19:01
michealPWHow do I use dpkg-reconfigure? I tried dpkg-reconfigure kde-plasma-desktop but it's not working :\19:01
bkfitzkil: hmmm... just hate to get the whole thing installed, then find a reason to have it... guess I need to decide now if I want hibernate19:01
michealPWDo I have to remove --purge kde and reinstall it, I guess? :\19:01
k1l_bkfitz: you could always make a swap partition afterwards and put it into fstab19:02
BluesKajbkfitz, http://digitizor.com/2011/02/06/create-swap-file-ubuntu-linux/ ..it's not a bad thiung to have a swap either partition or even a aswap file .19:02
bkfitzkil: good point again :)  I'll go with no swap for now and can always vi fstab :) thx again19:03
DiegoFocaanyone may help me ?19:03
michealPWWTH? I do apt-get remove kde-plasma-desktop19:03
* BluesKaj shrugs19:03
michealPW... And apt-get says it will remove kde-plasma-desktop but then install kde-plasma-netbook ... WTH is going on? I just want to reinstall KDE 'cause it's broken.19:04
bkfitzkil: do you know if 12.10 has TRIM enabled by default19:04
jribmichealPW: how is it broken?  Reinstalling won't likely change anything19:04
BluesKajmic then install kubuntu-desktop19:04
k1l_bkfitz: sry dont know. installed a 11.10 back then and there i had to make it manually19:04
michealPWjrib: It seems to be totaly unresponsive when I log-in, then throws up errors but since it's unresponsive I can't really read them or submit their reports etc.19:05
JessicaWdr_willis: all better19:05
michealPWNothing seems to work in KDE. I can't log-out, shutdown or anything LOL. I figure the session is broken? Iunno :\19:05
jribmichealPW: see if it happens with a fresh new user19:05
michealPWI honestly don't even know where KDE came from. It came with something in Ubuntu Software Center haha19:05
michealPWk, I'll try a new user brb19:05
mrgtkostkon, woop! It worked :)19:06
mrgtkostkon, thanks!19:06
michealPWI seem to have Edubuntu merged into this Ubuntu 12.04 system + GNOME 3 haha19:06
michealPWI think Edubuntu is what brought KDE.19:06
kostkonmrgt, nice! :)19:06
michealPWAt first it replaced ligthdm with kdm but then I switched it back to lightdm19:06
mrgtkostkon, so what was it that was wrong?19:06
luistwhere do i get debhelper version 8 for lucid?? please i really need this asap!19:07
glauco291anyone knows a software like ConvertXtoDVD for Windows that I can convert and burn movies with menu ??19:07
kostkonmrgt, for some reason, you were using the repos from 8.0419:07
mrgtkostkon, weird..19:07
dr_willisglauco291:  devede work's for me19:08
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kostkonmrgt, yes, indeed19:09
dr_willisluist:  use a ppa or source perhaps?19:09
luistdr_willis: ppa?19:10
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:10
ejoOops!  I accidentally typed 'dist-upgrade' instead of 'upgrade' and my system went through (and failed in multiple areas) a 12.04 to 12.10 upgrade... apparently.  At least that's what I'm guessing took place.  What's the best way to go back?19:10
jribejo: no it didn't.  dist-upgrade doesn't do that19:10
ejook, good to know.19:10
jribejo: but umm, what failed exactly?19:11
glauco291I am getting this error: 'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-sublime-text-2-precise.list'19:11
ejoin that case it just tried to update a bunch of stuff and now even my screen resolution is wrong.  I'd had no internet connection for 2 weeks while moving and suddenly had a ton of stuff to update19:11
jribglauco291: you should look at that file19:11
glauco291I have copied sources.list from live cd19:11
jribglauco291: pastebin that file19:11
glauco291I am with original sources.list19:11
jribglauco291: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-sublime-text-2-precise.list is the relevant file19:12
dr_willissources.list.d  glauco291 ...19:12
ejoI'm trying to figure out *exactly* what failed and it's quite a few things... dpkg for one failed, and every time I boot the display manager appears to be unable to identify my monitor.  Also, update manager fails and ubuntu is reporting spontaneous crashes here and there.  I had zero problems of any sort before this :(19:12
dr_willislook at the error.19:12
glauco291where I found this sources.list.d dr_willis?19:12
jribejo: you need to be more specific.  Pastebin the actual output you are seeing19:12
glauco291is it a service?19:12
dr_willisit gave the path in the error glauco29119:13
jribglauco291: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-sublime-text-2-precise.list is a path.19:13
ejojrib: thank you, I will if i get to that point.  I'm going to check my backups first then return.19:13
genii-aroundglauco291: What says result of: grep ain  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-sublime-text-2-precise.list19:14
glauco291I rm it19:14
jribthat's one way19:14
gorbehHi, I selected "force downgrade" in synaptic on nvidia current and now xorg gives me the error and wont start "api mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 304.37. but the NVIDIA driver component has version 295.40. I then removed / reinstalled nvidia-current at the command line but i still get this error. Can some one help?19:14
glauco291I dont know what happens, but I try install many software and get error while downloding19:15
glauco291I am not using a proxy19:15
genii-aroundgorbeh: Is it api or abi ?19:15
glauco291when I try update chrome for ie, I get: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_22.0.1229.79-r158531_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:15
jribglauco291: well if you removed that .list file, then you should no longer get the error yu pasted19:15
jribglauco291: run « sudo apt-get update » and make sure it completes without errors19:16
gorbehgenii-around: API19:16
drag0niushow would i start exec as root in background?19:16
jribdrag0nius: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:16
drag0niusstart utorrent server without restarting ubuntu server19:16
glauco291Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources                              404  Not Found  - Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main i386 Packages                          404  Not Found19:16
zoktarhello, id like to make a usb stick that has a few ubuntu flavors on it, like lubuntu/xubuntu for old laptops, and regular 12.04 & 12.10. would fit fine on a 4gb usb stick, but how would i go about making a premenu at boot time to select which installation disc to use ?.19:16
TheLordOfTimeglauco291, for the PPA ones, that could mean those ones don't publish for Precise19:17
glauco291I got these errors jrib19:17
genii-aroundgorbeh: Do you have kernel headers for running kernel installed?19:17
jribglauco291: so you likely have a ppa in your sources that no longer exists19:17
dr_willisrunning a torrent server as root  seems... odd19:17
drag0niusit just printed error and is working19:17
drag0niusthought it run in foreground19:17
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glauco291how can I clean it jrib?19:18
gorbehgenii-around: I belive i saw them upgrade the other day with the kernel when all this broke, whats the package name?19:18
jribglauco291: remove the ppa from your sources19:18
genii-aroundgorbeh: Varies on your kernel, but: apt-cache policy linux-headers-$(uname -r)        should say19:18
dr_williszoktar:  pendrive linux site has tools to make such a thing19:19
gorbehgenii-around: yeah they are installed19:19
n1is there any GUI from within which I can install .deb files?19:20
EaglemanWhy is this user unable to open port 9987 and 9988 for teamspeak, but it can open 10011 and 30033 su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"  Root is able open open all ports19:21
glauco291from my /etc/apt/sources.list ??19:21
n1Mneumonic isn't it just the txt editor?19:21
n1Mneumonic thx19:21
Mneumonicn1, no GDebi is a graphical installer for .deb files19:21
Mneumonicn1, no prob!19:22
dukeHello everybody19:22
zoktardr_willis, thanks19:22
dukeif there is anybody available to at least point me in the right direction of drivers let me know19:23
genii-aroundgorbeh: Does: modprobe -l | grep nvidia       show any result?19:23
dukeI got a problem with my video display seems borked19:24
dr_willisgdebi can work on the command line also. ;)19:24
EaglemanWhy is this user unable to open port 9987 and 9988 for teamspeak, but it can open 10011 and 30033 su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"  Root is able open open all ports19:24
dr_willisduke details of your video card will help..../19:25
EaglemanUnable to create virtualserver filetransfer internal directory : files19:26
EaglemanI do have rights on all folders and sub folders19:26
ikoniaEagleman: what are you talking about "open ports"19:27
ikoniaa user doesn't "open ports"19:27
EaglemanI want to execute teamspeak as the user teamspeak19:27
EaglemanBut it stops with the error: Unable to create virtualserver filetransfer internal directory : files19:27
ikoniaEagleman: please show me the command you are running19:28
dr_willisuser ran apps can only access higher port range i recall./19:28
Eaglemansu teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"19:28
ikoniaEagleman: that's su !19:28
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TheLordOfTimeEagleman, i take it you cant just go to the user yourself and issue the command?19:28
ikoniaEagleman: that's not a user19:28
jribdr_willis: it's 1024 and below that are reserved for root though19:28
Eaglemanyes dr_willis it was 1023 or something but i am above that19:28
Eaglemani begin at 998719:28
dr_willisyes. i thought that seemed odd19:28
jribdr_willis: yeah maybe 1024 isn't included :P19:28
ikoniaEagleman: please type the following "su - teamspeak"19:29
ikoniaEagleman: what happens19:29
TheLordOfTimeEagleman, any reason you're running from /opt/ ?19:29
Eaglemani installed it there19:29
TheLordOfTimeTS3 can run from a user folder, and not just from /opt/19:29
TheLordOfTimeEagleman, bad idea...19:29
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: why does it matter ?19:29
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: why is it bad to put it in /opt ?19:29
TheLordOfTimeikonia, TS3 writes to its own installation dir19:29
Eaglemansu - teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"19:29
EaglemanNo directory, logging in with HOME=/19:29
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: so ? if he's installed it to /opy19:29
TheLordOfTimeikonia, if you install to /opt, unless the installed folder has ownership rights for the user he's running it as, it'll explode19:29
TheLordOfTimeikonia, i've run into this myself on occasion19:30
EaglemanTheLordOfTime the user teamspeak has all rights on that folder19:30
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: if he's installed it to /opt, it should write to /opt, I don't see a problem with this19:30
dr_willisodd its in /opt/ and not like   /opt/teamspeak19:30
ikoniadr_willis: it's /opt/ts319:30
* dr_willis squints at his phone19:30
ikoniaEagleman: so you are now the user "teamspeak" correct (you've done su - teamspeak)19:31
Eaglemanikonia it says No directory, logging in with HOME=/ with ur -19:31
ikoniaEagleman: please type the command "id" what do you see19:31
zenmonkey_on 12.04 are ubuntu and lubuntu installers the same?19:31
Eaglemansu - teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"19:31
ikoniaEagleman: no19:31
ikoniaEagleman: please listen to what I'm telling you19:31
Eaglemanteamspeak now19:31
gordonjcpzenmonkey_: yes19:31
ikoniaEagleman: please type "su - teamepeak"19:31
Eaglemani tought in the command19:31
dr_williszenmonkey_:   lubuntu does install a different default kernel (and lubuntu) i recall19:32
ikoniaEagleman: there is no point in trying to help you if you are going to do what you think I want, rather than what I'm actually telling you19:32
zenmonkey_fine, and does it save a log from what's seen on the little terminal while installing? i would like to know where19:32
EaglemanI tought you meant in my command19:32
EaglemanAnd now?19:32
ikoniaEagleman: just type "su - teamspeak"19:32
Eaglemani did19:32
dr_williszenmonkey_:  'whats seen?'19:32
ikoniaEagleman: now type "id" and show me what it says19:33
Eaglemanuid=1002(teamspeak) gid=1002(teamspeak) groups=1002(teamspeak)19:33
ikoniaEagleman: ok, now "cd /opt/ts3"19:33
ikoniaEagleman: now "./ts3server_startscript.sh start"19:33
ikoniaEagleman: what happens19:33
zenmonkey_dr_willis: a critical error... :-O or should i ignore that?19:33
Eaglemanthe same19:34
ikoniaEagleman: no - TELL ME what happens not "the same"19:34
ikoniatell me what happens19:34
ikoniascrew it19:34
EaglemanStarting the TeamSpeak 3 server19:34
EaglemanTeamSpeak 3 server started, for details please view the log file19:34
dr_williszenmonkey_:  critical?  it does by so fast you dont see it?19:34
Eaglemansame ports opened19:34
Eaglemannot 9987 and 998819:34
Eaglemanunable to connect since they are the voice ports19:34
ikoniaEagleman: what are you talking about "same ports"19:34
ikoniaEagleman: that shows the teamspeak server has started19:35
EaglemanYes but still not able to connect19:35
Eaglemansince the ports 9987 and 9988 are not opened19:35
ikoniaEagleman: what do you mean "ports not open"19:35
Eaglemanhave you read what i typed in the beginning?19:35
ikoniaEagleman: yes, and it doesn't make sense19:35
dr_willisteam speak needs 4 ports?19:35
EaglemanWhy is this user unable to open port 9987 and 9988 for teamspeak, but it can open 10011 and 30033 su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"  Root is able open open all ports19:35
ikoniawhich is why I'm asking19:36
ikoniaEagleman: typing the same thing that I've said "makes no sense" doesn't make it sensible suddenly19:36
ikoniaEagleman: 1.) have you checked the log file as the teamspeak startup says19:36
BobMarleyhello, i have updated yesterday mu ubuntu 12.04 and my win xp partition have broken, i dont know if the problem is from the updates, but is here somebody to which have hapened the same thing????     when i bot the win xp , when apears that screen where show that the OS is loading, then at the first moment some blue screen flashes and the pc automatically rebots19:36
Eaglemani did19:36
Eaglemanalso said that19:36
ikoniaEagleman: ok, and what did the log file tell y ou19:36
zenmonkey_dr_willis: ** (ubiquity:3224): CRITICAL **: unable to create '/root/.cache/.dconf'; dconf will not work properly <<<<19:36
ikoniaEagleman: if you're not sure what the log file is telling you put it in a pastebin19:37
zenmonkey_dr_willis: but seems to be moving19:37
ikonia(don't paste it in the channel)19:37
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EaglemanWhy should i copy one line of text into pastebin?19:38
ikoniaEagleman: use common sense19:38
NaZZaXwhy do they call it a back port to me that implies your making something backwards compatible19:39
javierf_Hi! I have webapps in ubuntu. I didn't like the webapps all the time in my launcher, so I started saying to using some websites as webapps. Now, I've discovered there are other extra functions that I like, but I don't know how to revert my decision of denying webapps use of those websites. Is there a way no configure it? (didnt find it in google) thanks!19:39
ikoniaNaZZaX: they are porting something backward19:39
ikoniaNaZZaX: they are making newer software compatible with older versions19:39
ikoniaso it's a "back port"19:39
NaZZaXah ok so i was right ok19:39
NaZZaXthought i was nuts for a second19:39
Eaglemannetstat -tulpn | grep ts3   returns nothing19:40
ikoniaEagleman: because it's not running19:40
dr_willis team spean faq seems to imply just 1 port is needed for voice.19:40
ikoniaEagleman: as the log file shows, it's stopped after it started19:40
Eaglemandr_willis i have 2 virtual servers running19:40
Eagleman1 on 9987 and 1 on 998819:41
ikoniaEagleman: in the teamspeak directory please show (in a pastebin) the output of "ls -la "19:41
BluesKajBobMarley, http://pcsupport.about.com/od/termsr/p/recoveryconsole.htm , this is after you boot from the grub menu19:41
dr_willis'virtual'? ;) sounds like a real server to me19:41
Eaglemanits one server which runs multiple instances19:41
Eaglemanup to 10 with this free license19:42
michealPWjrib: So, I created a new account and logged-in to KDE.. Seems to work perfectly fine, LOL! Does this mean I can delete my ~/.kde directory for my account and it should fix it?19:42
ikoniaEagleman: why is "files" a symlink19:42
michealPWI have nothing to backup, btw.19:42
oratedHello! Is there a way to find if a partition is encrypted or not?19:42
Eaglemanbecuase i have my files on my harddisk19:42
ikoniaEagleman: ls -la /media/harddisks/data/downloads/teamspeak/19:42
ikoniaEagleman: (again in a pastebin)19:42
dr_willismichealPW:  or just rename it. thats a little safer19:42
jribmichealPW: something like that (could be different settings), yeah.  ~/.xsession-errors in the problematic user's home might have further hints19:42
Eaglemanu used chown -R if you wanted to know19:42
ikoniaEagleman: there you go19:43
ikoniaEagleman: no permissions19:43
michealPWHrmm, alright, thx jrib and dr_willis! :)19:43
Eaglemanthe user teamspeak has permissions?19:43
ikoniaEagleman: 2.drwxrwx---  5 jrpoot    jrpoot    4096 Sep 19 11:11 .19:43
ikoniaEagleman: no it doesn't19:43
EaglemanNow it should :S19:44
Eaglemandrwxrwx---  5 teamspeak teamspeak 4096 Sep 19 11:11 teamspeak19:44
EaglemanHmm i have no idea how that could have happend, isnt it better to mount the files directory in the ts3 folder instead os symlinking?19:45
ikoniaEagleman mount the files ?? what ?19:45
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EaglemanLike this:   /home/jrpoot/website /var/www/jrpoot.eu                                 auto    bind                    0       019:46
soverchow would I go about upgrading apache to 2.2.23 in 12.04 ?19:46
ikoniaEagleman: why don't you just put the files in /opt/ts3 - like a normal install19:46
ikoniasoverc: you can only upgrade the package if ubuntu releases an upgrade package19:46
Eaglemanbecuase ts3 is running on a SSD and some files in the files folder are big19:46
ikoniasoverc: why do you want to upgrade ?19:46
michealPWxsession-errors just seems to be a few warnings from this current log-in but xsession-errors.old is big and full of errors from all over the place :\19:46
EaglemanIts only a 64GB SSD19:46
ikoniaEagleman: then you should plan your space better19:46
EaglemanI am?19:47
sovercdue to a lci audit for someone they need to be at 2.2.23 or higher19:47
michealPWNautilus and something called zeitgeist (WTH??) and gconf errors19:47
EaglemanWhat could be better then?19:47
ikoniasoverc: please make them aware of the patches and security backports included in the apache package,19:47
cmathesoni upgraded to quantal and i can't use empathy anymore.  it seems like i'm missing ubuntu-online-accounts (there is only gnome's online accounts stuff in my control panel), what package do i need to install to get that?19:47
ikoniasoverc: the versionnumber is not really the "magic" number here19:47
sovercyep, I know would have been the easiest to handle tho.    Thanks19:48
ikoniaEagleman: putting space in the correct diectory to allow you to use applications19:48
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ikoniasoverc: I've gone through this with many pci complience processes and never had a problem once you explain it19:48
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EaglemanHmm isnt a symlink easier then?19:48
ikoniaEagleman: manage your space as you see fit19:48
EaglemanI cant plan space when still trying out things19:48
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EaglemanOk, well thanks, i also want to run it from rc.local with this command: su teamspeak -c "/opt/ts3/ts3server_startscript.sh start"19:49
ikoniaEagleman: yes, you've already said that, approx 5 times19:49
EaglemanShould i use su or su - ?19:49
michealPWMy xsession-errors is packed with cryptic errors from seemingly-random programs :\19:49
ikoniaEagleman: up to you, depends how you've set the users enviornmetns and if that has any effect on ts319:50
EaglemanOn default19:50
ikonia"on default"?19:50
EaglemanHavent changed anything about it19:50
ikoniathat doesn't mean anything19:51
ikoniaEagleman: up to you, - will source the users enviornment no - won't19:51
Eaglemanwhat is a "user enviroment" ?19:51
ikoniathe users environment, shell parameters etc19:51
Eaglemanlike changing vi to vim ?19:52
truexfan81what would cause my titlebars to disappear when a window is maximized?19:52
ikoniaEagleman: you just said you'd changed nothing19:52
Eaglemani was giving an example19:52
ikoniaEagleman: well it depends on how you change it19:52
EaglemanHavent changed any of that stuff at home19:53
ikoniaI know, you've said that19:53
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janniEagleman: usually more environment variables19:53
michealPWdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1281837/19:54
Eaglemanil stick with - then19:54
crazyharryhow can I force delete all files of a certain type, its always asking for confirmation to delete, I also tried sudo ....I am using this sudo find . -name *.tar.bz2 -exec file {} \; -exec rm -i {} \;19:54
michealPWWhat do you think of that? :\19:54
michealPWThe other one is huge and probably not useful to you, I can pastebinit too if you want?19:54
EaglemanI am also using some other stuff for teamspeak, this is what my rc.local looks like:  http://pastebin.com/ztGYYW2719:56
ubottumaradona: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:56
crazyharryI guess I have to remote the i19:56
Eaglemanteamspeak is giving some problems with the .pid file when the server crashes, the user teamspeak does not have rights on them becuase it is generated by the root user19:56
rachelfishIs there any way to restart a pcmcia card?19:57
bkfitzQuestion: just installed 12.10 beta2 but don't like unity... ran apt-get install gnome-session-fallback but I can only click on the 2d version during login???19:57
bekksrachelfish: Pull it, place it back in.19:58
rachelfishbekks: That doesn't work19:58
rachelfishIt doesn't reinitialize19:58
rachelfishIt has a status light which just stays on19:58
dr_willisbkfitz:  12.10 in #ubuntu+1  please19:58
rachelfishas if it's recieving power but not transmitting any data19:58
bekksrachelfish: Even if you pull it out? :)19:58
jbohren bkfitz: if you want something similar to Gnome2, I'd suggest Xubuntu19:58
jbohrenyou can install it as an option via apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:59
dr_willisim prone to lubuntu for old-skool type desktop needs. ;)20:02
DonMHi! I've got a problem with Evolution calendar. Is this the right channel?20:02
michealPWKDE is fixed. I renamed my ~/.kde and logged in hehe20:03
dr_willismichealPW:  and a 30 sec fix only took you..... ;P20:04
rachelfishDear #ubuntu, thank you for not being any help at all20:04
kristjan_command line tool to extract the content of .elf file?20:04
Guddurachelfish, ???20:04
rachelfishThe answer was: cat /proc/modules | grep pcmcia20:04
dr_willisif no one knows..  no one knows rachelfish20:04
kcxzeroDonM: If you're running Ubuntu, yes. State your problem and ask your question. Someone may be able to help20:04
rachelfishI fixed it myself you useless JEKS20:04
EaglemanHow nice20:05
dr_willisi dont see how catting a file fixes stuff20:05
mbalmerrachelfish, what was your problem?20:05
rachelfishIt does because it showed me what to rmmod and modprobe :D20:05
Guddurachelfish, Good for you :-)20:05
DonMI'm running 10.04. I pulled down the little calendar, double clicked on today, and everything was erased. I have a system backup but cannot find a calendar to restore. Any suggestions?20:06
rachelfishMy problem was, my bluetooth card is a piece of crap and if I walk out of range it has a 50:50 chance of not working when I come back20:06
rachelfishI can't pair any new devices, or connect to any existing ones20:06
mbalmerok, I see.20:06
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rachelfishunplugging the pcmcia card physically didn't fix it either20:06
* dr_willis closes the ticker20:06
rachelfishI'd have to wait until my computer restarted to fix it20:07
rachelfishbut now I can just rmmod yenta_socket20:07
Hishamoto_MasukiI need help with computer!20:08
Hishamoto_MasukiHaha, just kidding. I'm fully fluent in English. xD20:08
Hishamoto_MasukiI do have  a huge problem though.20:08
ikoniaHishamoto_Masuki: please stop messing around20:08
k1l!ask | Hishamoto_Masuki20:08
ubottuHishamoto_Masuki: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
EaglemanIs there something like dropbox that you can host urself?, all i can do now is use samba like dropbox, but samba ports are blocked and are forcing me to use openvpn20:08
Eaglemanwhich is really slow, and takes more effort20:09
k1lEagleman: owncloud20:09
Hishamoto_MasukiOkay, my problem is: For anyone familiar with Xubuntu, it has a two taskbars-at the top and bottom. They disappeared and now I have nothing but a desktop. How do I get them back?20:09
k1lyeah, and scp over the ssh20:09
mbalmerlol over the ssh20:10
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  you may want to check in #xubuntu i think the command 'xfpanel' may restart them20:10
michealPWdr_willis: LOL a 30 sec fix took me at least 30 minutes fighting with KDE until I gave up :(20:10
michealPWAnd came here LOL20:10
Hishamoto_MasukiAll right, one second20:11
Hishamoto_MasukiCommand not found, it says.20:11
dr_willistry tab commpletion Hishamoto_Masuki  it may be osmthing close to xfpan*20:11
systemshow do i access terminal from serial port on an ubuntu server??20:11
systemshow do i access terminal from serial port on an ubuntu server??20:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:11
xanguaHishamoto_Masuki: the comands has to be: xfce4-panel  if i recall20:12
Hishamoto_MasukiTab completion?20:12
Hishamoto_MasukiOkay, one second20:12
dr_willissystems:  you span a getty session to the serial port20:12
Hishamoto_MasukiIt worked!20:12
Hishamoto_MasukiThank you all so much, how are you so good at computers?!20:12
mbalmerwe athe cpus!20:12
dr_willisbeen years since i had a serial terminaal. ;)20:12
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dr_willisno need to msg   me systems20:13
systemsdr willis20:13
DonMubottu: thanks. I've tried the forums without luck.20:13
ubottuDonM: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:13
systemsI'm trying to access an ubuntu server via terminal, how do i enable to port and have an active session with the server from a windows machine running putty20:14
Eaglemanty k1l20:14
dr_willissystems:  you install the ssh server and connect via putty...20:14
dr_willisthats not a 'serial terminal'20:15
italomaiaFolks, hi. Is it possible to remove a ubuntu group by it's id?20:15
italomaiaI have a group with no name here20:15
Hishamoto_MasukiIt's me again, another problem.20:15
Hishamoto_MasukiWhen I do xfce4-panel, it works.20:15
Hishamoto_MasukiWhen I close out terminal, so do the panels.20:16
bekksitalomaia: Then it does not exist. All you have are the references to the group id.20:16
kcxzeroHishamoto_Masuki,  Alt+F220:16
bekksitalomaia: And yes, you can remove files belonging to a specific group.20:16
italomaiabekks: probably, but I get a error msg in my console becauise of it20:16
bekksitalomaia: Which error...?20:16
Hishamoto_MasukiYou people are genius.20:16
Hishamoto_MasukiThanks, Kcxzero.20:16
systemswe did that dr_willis, we need the console the log in, we need to log in though the console?20:17
italomaiabekks: it wasn't possible to to find the name for the group ID 100120:17
bekksitalomaia: Because the group does not exist.20:17
DeindreJoseeAntonioR:  hi!20:17
bekksitalomaia: Thats what I just told you :)20:17
italomaiayeah, but I want to remove the msg20:17
italomaiaif I type groups20:17
JoseeAntonioRhey Deindre! Can we have a chat at #ubuntu-classroom-backstage? :)20:17
bekksitalomaia: Which message...?20:17
bekksitalomaia: Please provide the detailed message.20:18
dr_willissystems:  somthings confuseing here.. you install ssh. you use putty to connect to the ssh server.. you get a terminal session....  you login20:18
DeindreJoseeAntonioR: of course :)20:18
michealPWAlright... So KDE is fixed however now I'm right back at square one today... Trying to get Caffeine to start in GNOME and Unity but NOT KDE :\20:18
italomaiabekks: the message is in portuguese20:18
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italomaiadoes it works for you?20:18
michealPWSince Caffeine doesn't seem to support KDE.20:18
mbalmermais uma caneca20:18
italomaiabekks: groups: não foi possível encontrar o nome para a ID de grupo 100120:18
bekksitalomaia: Nope :) Try: LANG=C groups20:19
italomaiaitalomaia adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare groups: cannot find name for group ID 1001 100120:19
dr_willismichealPW:  ive seen very few apps that wouldent work in kde or gnome... cant think of any that have had issues20:19
systemsI'm sorry maybe I'm not asking correct how to login remotely to the unbutu server via serial port20:19
bekksitalomaia: then logout completely and log back in.20:20
italomaiabekks: ok, minute20:20
dr_willissystems:  a serial cable.. is totally different from a 'ssh' connection. im not sure putty works as a 'serial terminal'20:20
bekksdr_willis: systems: putty works as a serial console, too.20:21
michealPWdr_willis: Well it's not a compatibility problem like that. Caffeine just simply doesn't do anything on KDE. Caffeine's a small little program that will detect if Flash is running Fullscreen and if so it disabled the gnome-screensaver. Problem with KDE 4 is they've integrated the screensaver directly into the plasma-desktop or kdesktop or whatever they're calling it today.20:21
dr_willissystems:  so what physical hardware are you using20:21
bekkssystems: But you have to explicitely configure putty to do so.20:21
michealPWdr_willis: So, Caffeine runs but it doesn't do anything. It can't suspend the KDE screensaver. Not having it start at all if KDE launches would be ideal, I think.20:21
michealPWPuTTY is the best SSH client for Windows :)20:21
ealeonwhat information can people find out about me?20:22
trismmichealPW: I think jrib's idea from earlier is probably best, have a script that starts, checks if the session is kde and returns, otherwise runs caffeine20:22
dr_willisealeon:  huh?20:22
ealeoncant you like do whois on me and find out where i live and stuff?20:22
michealPWAh, so instead of directly launching Caffeine, I launch a little wrapper script that checks the environment first?20:22
michealPWThat would probably be the most ideal solution, perhaps :\20:22
dr_willisealeon:  try /whois yournick   and see20:22
linuxtechWhat is the best ssh client for android?  Or can I just run Ubuntu in a VM or something?20:23
ealeonit doesnt work20:23
ealeonwhois ealeon20:23
bekksealeon: You missed the "/" in front.20:23
italomaia_bekks: thanks! It worked.20:23
dr_willislinuxtech:  one of the 'connectbot' programs.20:23
ealeoni cant do / cuz i m using irssi20:23
vvpalinealeon, not planning on shooting spree anytime soon i hope20:23
bekksealeon: You can. I can do it too, on irssi.20:23
ealeoni did on it and it shows me nothing20:23
bekksealeon: Then change to window no. 120:24
dr_willislook in the status window20:24
vvpalinoh wait that was another one20:24
* vvpalin feels dumb now :( 20:24
ealeoni forget how do i change window20:24
michealPWShould I be using iBus for my keyboard input? :\20:24
bekksealeon: ctrl+a+NoOfWindow20:24
michealPWIt's in the keyboard/mouse options in KDE as "Keyboard Input Method" and it's a dropdown list that at first had nothing selected.. So I selected iBus hehe20:25
michealPWShould I just leave it blank hehe?20:25
dr_willismichealPW:  was it working?20:25
trismmichealPW: you probably don't need ibus unless you are typing in a CJK language20:25
ealeonokayy it workd!20:25
michealPWIt was working before. Seems to be working now, too, but now there's a little iBus tray icon (rofl)20:25
michealPWAhh, I see thx trism.20:25
systemswe got it20:26
ealeonEdwurd Warkentin?20:26
ealeonEdwurd Warkentin!20:26
ujeeHi!  I upgraded to Quantal already and I can't switch VTs anymore - any clue what that might be?20:27
michealPWI can't even find where I set that option now haha20:27
michealPWIt was a window taht popped up when I first logged-in to KDE.20:27
wilee-nilee!12.10 > ujee20:27
ubottuujee, please see my private message20:27
michealPWSaid my language was incomplete or something. Meh20:28
shwaiilQ: I've got a Killer Wireless-N 1102 (Atheos 9xxx), it's not supported in Ubuntu (Lot's of drop connections, slow, etc). I've been trying different tips around forums etc, got better 12.10 but it's not stable. I'm thinking about getting a new wireless. This is a Clevo so I can substitute myself. I'm wondering if the Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 is supported ? If not wish one should I get (attention this is internal wireless not usb20:28
doomlorddoes unity have an option for 'scale' to show all windows from all desktops20:28
wilee-nilee!12.10 > shwaiil20:28
ubottushwaiil, please see my private message20:28
ujeewilee-nilee, okay...  #ubuntu+ or #ubuntu+1 ?  and why that crazy name?20:28
fengshaunhi all, I just installed slim DM and set it to default and now ubuntu doesn't boot!20:28
fengshaunand it doesn't give me any errors either20:28
Eaglemank1l their installation manual is a bit weird: http://owncloud.org/support/install/  I dont even have the folder install or data20:28
wilee-nileeujee, 12.10 is on #ubuntu+1 until release20:29
fengshaunit just stay at the plymouth dot dot dot animation forever20:29
ealeonwhy cant i nmap ppl's ip addr here?20:29
fengshaunhow can I revert back to lightdm or find out what went wrong>20:29
ujeewilee-nilee, thanks20:29
gordonjcpealeon: because it's rude20:29
gordonjcpealeon: and depending on where you are, illegal20:29
ealeonjust for fun20:29
ealeonno malicious intent20:29
doomlord[2] can unity'expo' be setup so that a single click activates a desktop (single click= pick desktop, drag=move window)20:30
gordonjcpealeon: then you should ask permission, first20:30
ealeonits just a few packets. not like syn flood20:30
shwaiilwilee-nilee: sorry I ment 12.04 :X20:30
michealPWfengshaun: While it's at that screen you can press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to virtual terminal 1. Then log-in to your account and use sudo vim /etc/X11/default-display-manager to manually set it back to lightdm20:30
gordonjcpealeon: doesn't matter, if you're going to poke at people's computers you should ask20:30
mrgtis this the best place to ask about installing 12.10 beta 2?20:30
michealPWIt's /usr/bin/lightdm I think20:30
shwaiilI'll reformulate20:30
ealeongordonjcp: okay sorry20:30
wilee-nileeshwaiil, cool.20:30
gordonjcpmrgt: #ubuntu+120:30
truexfan81is there a way to unlock resolutions on a netbook in linux?20:30
shwaiilQ: I've got a Killer Wireless-N 1102 (Atheos 9xxx), it's not supported in Ubuntu (Lot's of drop connections, slow, etc). I've been trying different tips around forums etc, got better 12.04 but it's not stable. I'm thinking about getting a new wireless. This is a Clevo so I can substitute myself. I'm wondering if the Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 is supported ? If not wish one should I get (attention this is internal wireless not usb20:31
fengshaunmichealPW: thanks a lot!20:31
truexfan81this netbook has intel graphics20:31
fengshaunman, this channel is busy20:31
fengshaunI'll restart then20:31
michealPWfengshaun: No problem. I think there's an easier way to do it than that but I'm not sure. That's the manual way but it works :P20:31
trismfengshaun: the other way is: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm;20:31
michealPW(rofl) trism. Show off :P20:32
fengshaunmichealPW: manual way is fine, I don't like magic! :D20:32
trismfengshaun: does the same thing though, just gives you a menu20:32
fengshauntrism: or that, thanks20:32
fengshaunmichealPW: is default-display-manager a symlink or just a file to be read?20:32
wilee-nileetruexfan81, You want to name the hardware exactly, and describe the problem in detail for help, all in the form of a question. ;)20:32
fengshaunI'll be back after trying20:33
michealPWfengshaun: Its just a text file. I don't think it's a symlink20:33
truexfan81that will be a very long question but ok here goes20:33
wilee-nileetruexfan81, Then pastebin it20:34
michealPWI think it's an actual text file. It just contains the fully-qualified pathname to your login-manager, or desktop manager or whatever it's called. It should have something like /usr/bin/slimdm right now. You'll change it to /usr/bin/lightdm20:34
wilee-nilee!pastebin > truexfan8120:34
ubottutruexfan81, please see my private message20:34
mrgtTrying to upgrade to 12.10 but get this error: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:20:35
mrgtThe package 'kubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.20:35
truexfan81how can i unlock resolutions in 12.04 on my acer aoa150 netbook, with intel Mobile 9456E graphics and nouveau driver?20:35
truexfan81ok that wasn't so long20:35
ealeonso whats a good show on netflix20:36
michealPWMaybe I'll try and disable this KDE screensaver and install xscreensaver :\20:36
michealPWMight solve my problem all together hehe!20:36
wilee-nileeealeon, Netflix does not play on any linux other then android, off topic20:37
michealPWWow really wilee-nilee?! That's good to know..20:37
ealeonit plays on my ubuntu :)20:37
gatuuswilee-nilee: not even on explorer with wine20:37
michealPWMe and my wife have been debating whether or not to sign-up for Netflix :\20:37
ealeonNetflix or Amazon Prime20:37
ealeonwhich is better20:38
wilee-nileeealeon, In wine yes, but still offtopic20:38
michealPWOh god I wouldn't buy then.20:38
michealPWI refuse to buy things that have to be run in WINE hehe.20:38
john_doe_jrI downloaded from source….I've got a autogen.sh etc…how do I go about installing source after downloading from source?20:38
michealPWUsually you would use make to install (make && make install)20:39
wilee-nileejohn_doe_jr, Did you check the repos first?20:39
ealeonyou dont have to have netflix for your linux. you can have ps3 or any tablets20:39
michealPWUltimately you should install from repository...20:39
michealPWUsing apt-get ;)20:39
michealPWAs they tell me all the time... If I'm compiling from source, I'm doing it wrong :P20:39
wilee-nileeealeon, Dude this is support not comments.20:39
fengshaunmichealPW: Ctrl-Alt-F# doesn't work!  Doesn't do anything!20:39
AerosonicHey guys. This is kind-of relevant to all of you, because I seed a lot of Ubuntu images on my server.20:40
john_doe_jrwilee-nilee: good point…let me do that20:40
AerosonicSo there's a bit of a problem I need solving. So there are 354 torrents in my uTorrent client and 466 files in the Downloads folder. Is there a way to easily identify which files are not *in* the uTorrent client without going through them manually?20:40
michealPWfengshaun: Really? That's weird! It's supposed to switch to a different virtual terminal, whichever numbr you specify :|20:40
fengshaunmichealPW: yeah, but nope, nothing!20:40
michealPWAerosonic: Right, well you should try to goto a uTorrent support channel and not a Ubuntu support? ;)20:40
fengshaunis there a way to view the output of the boot process?20:40
john_doe_jrwilee-nilee: this is where the source is from…https://code.launchpad.net/~csights/+junk/simias  ….I don't see any instructions on how to install it20:41
AerosonicmichealPW: Well, you guys are smart. You might figure something out, I'm sure.20:41
michealPWThat's besides the point :P20:41
ealeoncan i "yum install" on ubuntu or is that just for fedora20:42
Skeeter-it there anyway to emulate an usb keyboard to bluetoth keyboard?20:42
wilee-nileejohn_doe_jr, I would be concerned with these dates  2010-04-25 and last modified on 2011-10-2420:42
ThinkT510!apt-get | ealeon20:43
ubottuealeon: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:43
john_doe_jrwilee-nilee: true but I want to test this software out ….I know you need to run a ./configure command but all I see is a ./configure.in command20:43
fengshaundoes anyone know how I can view the output of the boot process rather than the pretty plymouth splash?20:44
michealPWI miss yum...20:44
michealPWyum > *20:44
michealPWHEEEHEE I'll probably get all the debian zealots riled up with that comment :P20:44
ThinkT510!text | fengshaun20:44
ubottufengshaun: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:44
ealeonhow do i determine which linux fits me w/o trying each one of them20:44
ikoniaealeon research20:45
ThinkT510ealeon: we don't know what you want/like20:45
ealeonbut i dont know what i want/like20:45
michealPWealeon: You can't. You have you try all of them... At least in a virtual machine :P20:45
michealPWNobody can say.. "ealeon, you will like distro X.." hehe20:45
michealPWexcept for ealeon :P20:45
fengshaunThinkT510: thanks, how about if I installed ubuntu with wubi?20:45
ThinkT510fengshaun: i've never used wubi20:45
fengshaunThinkT510: I wish I hadn't20:46
ealeonyou tell me.. i like Ubuntun over everything because <fill in comment here>20:46
ikoniaealeon: no20:46
michealPWIn 2012 I tried Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle,) Debian 6.0.5 (Squeeze) Kubuntu (Precise) and then finally settled with Ubuntu (Precise) but I installed GNOME 3 (Fedora) and KDE (Kubuntu) on my Ubuntu system...20:46
ikoniaealeon: this isn't a "poll" channel20:46
michealPWSo I can start Ubuntu and type my password, then select whichever desktop I want heehee!20:46
grogoreoI've installed libreoffice again today but it won't pick up misspelled words and just says spellcheck complete. Any ideas why?20:46
ealeonanyone using pcl on ubuntu?20:47
exehave u tried f7 ?20:47
ealeoncuz i need help20:47
michealPWealeon: Every system was great... Fedora 17's great. Debian Squeeze is rock solid.. Kubuntu is pretty.. Ubuntu is brilliantly clean and useful... It's impossible to say which one you will want.20:47
ikoniapc1 ?20:48
ealeonpoint cloud library20:48
jbohrenikonia: PCL20:48
michealPWexe: f7? :\20:48
ikoniadon't know what pcl is20:48
jbohrenealeon: are you trying to use it with or without ROS?20:48
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ealeontrying to use it with Kinect and openNI20:48
XXXevensisXXXis here an german people ?20:48
exef7 for the spell checking @michaelPM20:49
XXXevensisXXXhallo =20:49
jbohrenealeon: best to go here for help http://www.pcl-users.org/20:49
ealeonokay thank you20:49
k1lXXXevensisXXX: geh mal nach #ubuntu-de20:49
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ealeonich liebe dich20:49
XXXevensisXXXiih :DDD20:49
michealPWf7 pulls up a quick-connect on Konversation20:50
BobMarleyBluesKaj, thank for the link:: , http://pcsupport.about.com/od/termsr/p/recoveryconsole.htm , this is after you boot from the grub menu20:50
michealPWnvm. For libreOffice :P20:50
exeyep ^^20:50
michealPWI thought maybe it was some system-wide spell checker, that would rox20:50
ealeonare we allowed to talk about obama vs romney on here?20:53
michealPWPlease, PLEASE no..20:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:53
michealPWThey're both deadbeat losers, how's that? Discussion over :P20:53
michealPWI shouldn't have even said that, probably, I apologize :P20:53
michealPWBBL when the politics goes away20:53
vividany idea when nvidia 310 will hit the experimental package for precise?20:54
gordonjcpealeon: a quick google suggests that they are politicians of some sort, so no20:54
gordonjcpealeon: and not in #u-ot either20:54
belgianguyI have a site running on localhost (Apache), but now I want to update the package, and it asks for FTP access20:56
belgianguyhow should I approach this?20:56
grogoreobelgianguy, how are you updating?20:57
john_ramboWhen I amtrying to modify network connections via network manager Xubuntu is not asking for password is this normal ? It used to ask for password before iirc20:58
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belgianguydang, missed it :/21:04
belgianguyI'm updating through the webconsole21:04
ealeonim cold21:04
belgianguyealeon: invest in AMD CPUs ;)21:05
ealeonon irssi, whats the command to see all the users in the channel?21:05
ealeonno i have SSD so it wont get heat up21:05
ElixirVitaeWhy are the updates related to linux kernel are held back?21:05
addiesif its too cold in your room, you haven't oc'd you computer enough21:06
OerHeksElixirVitae, please pastebin the complete error21:06
ealeonI have question. i have 12.04 ubuntu and every tab is merged on to the top21:07
ealeonhow can i sepearte the menu tabs21:07
k1lElixirVitae: apt-get doesnt install new packages with the upgrade command. use dist-upgrade for that (no it wont upgrade the ubuntu to the next version)21:07
KostisHello. I am having a problem.21:07
ealeonlike the tab is on the gray part...21:07
ElixirVitaeIt won't upgrade to next version?21:07
ealeonits quite annoying and how do i fix that?21:08
k1lElixirVitae: apt-get dist-upgrade is not a 12.04 to 12,10 upgrade. thats what i meant21:08
OerHeksElixirVitae, no, i got a fresh kernel the day before yesterday, so there must be something else going on21:08
MonkeyDustealeon  type /names21:08
OerHeksk1l, i didn't read dist-upgrade anywere21:09
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k1lOerHeks: a simple apt-get upgrade wont get you a new kernel21:10
KostisI am having a problem with the Ubuntu Software Center, i want to delete a review, I have normally logged in , in the Ubuntu Software center and I can't see any button saying "Delete" , I am 99% sure I am on the correct account at Ubuntu software center  , since my account's name and the review has the exactly same name (is it possible in two different accounts to have the same Real name?).21:11
k1lOerHeks: that is causing a held back information21:11
OerHeksk1l,  yes it does.21:11
KostisBut in the Ubuntu software center It seems like It's not me , It does not even say " (that's you) " and I have written that review at 2011-5-2521:11
KostisAny help?21:11
ealeonanyone know what i am talkin about  12.04 ubuntu? any application that are running has the menu tab on the top; how do you get rid of that?21:11
OerHeksealeon, seach for global-menu, that seperates the menu from your app-window21:12
ElixirVitaeWhat about update manager, why does it not classify updates as apt-get does, I thought it was GUI for apt-get21:13
ealeonsearch global-menu from where?21:13
k1lElixirVitae: it handles the update, upgrade and dist-upgrade in another way.21:13
k1lElixirVitae: "easier" for the user21:14
OerHeksealeon, lots of blogs about global menu > http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/disable-the-global-menu-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/21:14
ealeonok ill read that21:15
ElixirVitaeHow do I decide if an update is worthy, I suppose I update all of the security updates?21:15
ElixirVitaeShould I check even the ones that make their ways to repos for possible bugs or whatnot?21:15
k1lElixirVitae: in general the ubuntu maintainer decide if its worth an update. but you can read about every update on the mailinglists and in launchpad21:16
killmarkElixirVitae: just wait for other's feedbacks before updating21:17
ElixirVitaeUbuntu maintainer are generally the same person(s) as debian maintainer, no? I've read that debian packages are processed through vigorous testing before being accepted, which means ubuntu repos should be on the clear.21:19
Mikevinis it possible my rc.d scripts are being executed before my homefolder is mounted? they don't seem to find my homefolder except when I put a slow command before it21:19
L3topMikevin: your /home folder is on a different partition?21:20
KostisLol what is the answer? Jupiter has 67 moons. How many days are there in October?21:20
KostisI need to get in the ubuntu forums, but i dont know the answer.21:20
MikevinL3top no it's not I think21:20
k1lElixirVitae: some are the same, some not. but the process is similar21:20
zykotick9ElixirVitae: no.  ubuntu packages, and debian packages - are totally different maintainers/quality (usually)21:21
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L3topThen it is mounted at the same time as the /etc/ dir where rc.d exists Mikevin21:21
DreadtowerWell done for 'hitting' my highlight21:21
DreadtowerI'm an amateur astronomer with  aparticular interest in JUpiter21:21
actionParsnipMikevin: you could unmount the home folder then remouunt it using /etc/rc.local21:21
TheLordOfTimeKostis, do you have a support question?21:22
KostisI do have one yes.21:22
Mikevinok wait, I think i'm doing something stupid, im not that great with linux yet21:22
Mikevinmy homefolder only mounts when I log in21:22
MonkeyDustElixirVitae  visit ubuntu Launchpad, you'll see that the same person maintains both ubuntu and debian packages21:22
KostisI am having a problem with the Ubuntu Software Center, i want to delete a review, I have normally logged in , in the Ubuntu Software center and I can't see any button saying "Delete" , I am 99% sure I am on the correct account at Ubuntu software center  , since my account's name and the review has the exactly same name (is it possible in two different accounts to have the same Real name?).21:22
KostisBut in the Ubuntu software center It seems like It's not me , It does not even say " (that's you) " and I have written that review at 2011-5-2521:22
=== user_ is now known as ealeon
KostisThats my question ^21:23
L3topMikevin: mounts is not the correct word. The partition is mounted... therefore the directories exist. rc.d/ directory executes commands as root, so permission is not an issue. It should not matter whether or not you are logged in.21:24
Mikevinso my next question is, how do i get my homefolder to mount before the startup scripts are executed?(this is ubuntu server btw)21:24
Chairman_MeowHi. something is wrong with my graphics card. i was talking to somebody before on here who had me look at my xorg log? which showed an error,now i cant find that log. suggestions?21:24
L3topMikevin: what is it trying to do?21:24
MonkeyDustMikevin  there's also #ubuntu-server21:25
MikevinL3top my scripts cant seem to find it, giving errors about chdir() not working etc21:25
Mikevinah thanks MonkeyDust21:25
MarconMhow i became ubuntu translator official21:26
L3topMikevin: pastebin the script. What version of Ubuntu is this?21:26
Chairman_MeowSuggestion please,My main complaint is that anything that is barely even graphics intense is hard on my 750mb 1.9ghz? system. IE: draging/resizing windows,switching between windows. etc My grphics chipset: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)21:27
L3topChairman_Meow: /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:27
Mikevin12.04 and http://pastebin.com/3345PfWt for example L3top21:28
OerHeksChairman_Meow, try a lightweight ubuntu, like xubuntu or lubuntu21:28
Chairman_MeowOerHeks, im on lubuntu21:28
MikevinL3top error in boot.log is /etc/rc2.d/S99sickbeard: 40: cd: can't cd to /home/mikevin/.sickbeard21:28
L3topChairman_Meow: try sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver21:28
kandinskiI updated my 12.04 and lost "focus follows mouse", I can't find it in the "ubuntu tweak" part of the control panel. How can I regain it? I had it in 11.10, but I don't remember how I set it up.21:30
L3topMikevin: does mount |  grep '/home' produce a result?21:31
MikevinL3top /home/mikevin/.Private on /home/mikevin type ecryptfs etc21:32
Mikevincould it be that it's not being decrypted in time?21:33
kenyabobI need to have a command for appending text to a document owned by root that is one line, and contains my password21:33
ElixirVitaeIt seems it is as you've said, MonkeyDust, barring ppas of course, as they can be ubuntu specific.21:34
L3topMikevin: I wouldn't expect so... but it is a very clever possibility I wouldn't have thought of :)21:34
* ElixirVitae decides to update security and universe outright and check for bugs in ppa updates.21:34
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:34
MikevinL3top hmm im gonna google if i can force that on startup21:34
elkng"Total of 1652 nicks" is it me or this amount increased 50% for last couple years ?21:35
rhollananyone get an Iphone 4 to work with banshee on 12.04? Nothing but grief21:35
elkngis it because ubuntu became more popular or other OS become less popular ?21:35
Chairman_MeowHeres my xorg log,it says something about a hung or crashed gpu somewhere  http://pastebin.com/0y190zWf21:35
kostkonelkng, it's just you :P21:35
Chairman_MeowL3top, ^^ ill try installing that driver in a min,do you think it will work now that youve seen the error message in question?21:36
k1lrhollan: newest apple stuff isnt reverse-engeneered so far21:36
wilee-nileeelkng, Try #ubuntu-offtopic21:36
rhollancrap and I thought it would be easy to install music for a friend21:37
househeadstruggling with an efi+gpt luks/lvm encrypted install on a macbook air 2011 - finally got as far as making grub work and partially, crypttab, but I cannot get past the password prompt ... initrd seems to be looping21:37
L3top!info i965-va-driver | Chairman_Meow21:37
ubottuChairman_Meow: i965-va-driver (source: intel-vaapi-driver): VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family (transitional package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.15-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB21:37
MerisI'm trying to integrate Tengwar Quenya (Elvish script from the Lord of the Rings) in the Unicode table in the free-to-use area of Unicode. Does anyone have experience with a similar action?21:37
rhollanbanshee reports a checksum error, but i thought libimoiledevice was updated to handle DBVersion 521:37
househeadchrooted in and and the system looks like it should be working, must be crypttab/initramfs etc21:38
househeadmy head hurts21:38
MonkeyDust!ipod | rhollan21:38
ubotturhollan: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:38
faggybotWhat is a good name for a pentesting distro that I am making?21:38
vinitius#model /join21:38
Merisfaggybot, try pubuntu, or PenBuntu, or Stylubuntu21:39
rhollanI'm on 12.0421:39
faggybotcool thanks21:39
darrenhi guys, new to ubuntu. Can anyone help me with a problem. Just installed on PC but got an inch black strip down right hand side and the desktop goes off the right hand side of the screen.21:39
rhollanlibimobiledevice is just supposed to "work".21:40
darrensorry black strip left hand side and desktop goes off screen to right21:40
Chairman_MeowL3top, do i need to restart after installing that?21:40
k1lrhollan: see http://gtkpod.org/wiki/Home21:41
L3topi would, but all that should technically be required is to reload the desktop Chairman_Meow.21:41
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rhollantrouble is this phone never had a single song added with iTunes so gtkpod won't work21:42
MerisChairman_Meow, <= Humourus nickname ^_^21:42
rhollanbanshee is supposed to work where gtkpod fails on DBVersion 521:42
Chairman_MeowL3top, how do i reload the desktop?21:43
wilee-nileedarren, are you updated, have you checked the screen resolution, have you checked the additional drivers app. Have you tried the unity 2d option at login?21:43
k1lrhollan: music is synct with gtkpod whcich (as you see on theat page) doesnt work with newesst apple stuff21:43
k1lrhollan: you are sure libmobile is enough for the music stuff?21:43
rhollanit appears to be. banshee barfs with a bad checksum error21:44
rhollaneven though I added the right HashFile21:44
k1lrhollan: that checksumerror is the same i got with gtkpod on an ipod. because it wont support newest stuff21:44
actionParsnipdarren: are you using a desktop system, or is it a laptop?21:45
ghabitwhat is default instant messaging client for 12.10?21:45
zykotick9ghabit: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 questions21:46
actionParsnipghabit: empathy21:46
k1lrhollan: afaik the music stuff runs just with gtkpod, but its not running with the new devices. im not totaly sure about that libmobile, but it hink that is just for the non music stuff21:46
darrenits a desktop. Just installing all updates at the moment. Changing resolution doesn’t make a difference.21:46
ghabitactionParsnip, thank you!21:47
rhollanstupid iPhone. Every OTHER phone is dead simple.21:47
KostisIf anyone was able to help me would really appreciate it thanks goodnight! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12297416#post1229741621:47
actionParsnipdarren: does your screen have an OSD you can move the screen across21:47
actionParsniprhollan: yep, one of the reasons to avoid them :)21:47
DJCLOOi <3 ubuntu *.*21:48
onatsis there a voip /asterisk-like app that can be easily installed on 12.04, with a GUI for config?21:48
actionParsniprhollan: if it comes to it, you can virtualize windows using the closed source virtualbox (gives raw usb access) and use that21:48
michealPWIs XChat gnome-based? Like libgtk21:48
rhollannot my phone, a friends.21:48
michealPWActually here's a better question. What utility do I use to inspect a running process, to find out which libraries it is using?21:49
rhollanShe wants me to put music on it for her.21:49
michealPWUbuntu 12.04 ^21:49
n1how to install .dsc file?21:49
rhollanI am running 12.0421:49
actionParsniponats: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Linux+Debian21:49
wolsn1: why would you want to?21:49
actionParsnipn1: file extensions don't mean much. What is the file?21:50
darrennot sure what OSD is? But i think i know what you mean about moving the screen view but that option is not available for the screen21:50
n1wols for gdebi21:50
rhollanI also tried iTunes under plays underlinux to no success21:50
michealPW.dsc could be a few different things, depending on the context. I don't think it's what you're looking for, though :P21:50
michealPWWhat are you trying to do?21:50
onatsactionParsnip: which one is the GUI?21:50
zykotick9!info gdebi21:50
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5build1 (precise), package size 25 kB, installed size 195 kB21:50
wolsn1: and gdebi needs it why?21:50
actionParsniponats: no idea, not even heard of it til you said it. I just use a web search21:50
n1it came with that extension21:51
onatsactionParsnip: you haven't used asterisk?21:51
wolsn1: look at it with less or any editor and be enlightened21:51
actionParsnipn1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#The_Personal_Builder:_pbuilder    may help21:51
wolsn1: hint: it's nothing you can install21:51
actionParsniponats: not heard of that either, sorry21:51
MonkeyDustrhollan  is this link useful or relevant for you http://www.engadget.com/2008/07/26/el-tunes-gives-linux-users-itms-playback-capabilities/21:52
ghabitHelp! Cannot perform index to share the files with minidlna: minidlna.c:474: error: Media directory "/media/e/tmp/gpodder-downloads/" not accessible!21:52
actionParsnipghabit: does the /media/e/tmp/gpodder-downloads  folder exist?21:53
wolsghabit: can the user the program runs under access this directory?21:53
ghabitacidchild, yes I have this folder.21:53
ghabitwols, i'm sorry, how to check it?21:54
zykotick9ghabit: check permissions.  "ls -l /media/e/tmp/gpodder-downloads"21:54
actionParsnipghabit: is it accessible to all users etc?21:54
ghabit-rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 266240 сент.  1 10:27 Database21:54
ghabitdrwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev      0 сент.  1 10:27 Logs21:54
Chairman_MeowL3top, how do i reload the desktop?21:54
ghabitand more such lines.21:55
zykotick9ghabit: only root and plugdev have permissions, other has none.21:55
ghabitzykotick9, how I can grant access to minidlna?21:55
Chairman_MeowHow do i reload my desktop aft5er updating my graphics driver?21:55
zykotick9ghabit: can your user access it currently?  (are you a member of plugdev - use "groups" in terminal to check)21:55
wolsChairman_Meow: log out and back in again21:56
actionParsnipghabit: try:  sudo chmod -R a+rx /media/e/tmp/gpodder-downloads21:56
wolsghabit: what groups does your user belong to?21:56
actionParsnipChairman_Meow: I'd just reboot when it is next convenient21:56
wolsactionParsnip: doing that is not a good idea. fat and ntfs rarely adhere to linux permissions...21:56
actionParsnipwols: oh, if its FAT then it'sno good21:57
wolsactionParsnip: e/tmp is a big hint there...21:57
actionParsnipwols: doesn't show the file system type by the mount point...21:57
michealPWhah logging in/out got me at first. I was going crazy trying to figure out why my new secondary user/mode wasn't working haha21:57
wolsactionParsnip: please think before you type. please21:58
actionParsnipwols: how is e/tmp a hint to the file system?21:59
actionParsnipwols: I could mount an SSHFS to e/tmp and it will work21:59
zykotick9actionParsnip: i doubt many ubuntu users use ext on external devices... (re: wols)21:59
InsideManHey guys, I've been thinking about picking up a laptop for programming and using Ubuntu. It seems unanimous that a Thinkpad T series is a top choice by many. Now I'm trying to decide what it should be...a T410, T420, T520, T530. Can anyone give me some insight on it?22:01
sambagirlɯlɐɔ uı ʞɹoʍ oʇ ƃuıoƃ22:01
ghabitsudo chmod -R a+rx does not helps (22:01
MonkeyDustsambagirl  yrev ecin22:01
actionParsnip!hcl | InsideMan22:02
ubottuInsideMan: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:02
actionParsnipInsideMan: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki   may also help22:03
InsideManThanks for the resources, actionParsnip and ubottu!22:04
wolsInsideMan: T410 is a bit old. the rest is viable and depends on your personal choices22:04
InsideManwols: What would you recommend for programming that will last me a while...22:04
InsideManI may be doing C/C++, Python, and run Matlab and statistical programs.22:05
wolscomes down to personal preference. but this is not a ##hardware channel22:05
InsideManThanks wols!22:06
larzen-wrkquestion -- how would I accomplish a "remote pam authentication" scneario.. meaning, I would like for all my clients to authenticate against a local server..22:06
sambagirli was pondering the significance of geting a virus in wine and it being injected into linux kernel and leaving me with the kernels Kentucky Fried Chicken infection?22:07
ghabitzykotick9, I can open this folder.22:07
varikonniemihow can i set the default applications? torrents are opened correctly but magnets still go to transmission. Is there some easier way than uninstalling transmission? :D22:08
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  system settings, details, defaults22:08
jribsambagirl: sounds delicious22:09
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  nvm, it's not in that list22:09
varikonniemioh its hidden there22:09
varikonniemiand no, its not there22:09
zykotick9ghabit: is this a fat or ntfs filesystem?22:09
sambagirlseriously i have to make a decision on redoing some servers, and i was curious what server i should use for ubuntu based stuff? i have 10.10 on a couple. should i use what? 11.04? 12.04? some have 10.04 and i need long term security support basically.22:10
ghabitzykotick9, ntfs22:10
zykotick9ghabit: sorry i can't help - good luck.22:10
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  found it22:10
jribsambagirl: 12.04 is LTS22:10
varikonniemiMonkeyDust, where?22:10
sambagirljrib i am just fearfiul that systems that run flawlessly now might encounter incompatabilities?22:11
sambagirlor is that just paranoia?22:11
jribsambagirl: 10.10 is already EOL and 11.04 soon will be22:11
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi in Delug -> edit, preferences, other, associate magnet links22:11
jribsambagirl: I don't know what systems you mean22:11
sambagirli'll speak on it later. have to cook. chao22:11
varikonniemiMonkeyDust, i see no similar setting in qbittorrent22:13
cafreeI'm trying to extend my root partition, which is a logical volume (using LVM).  I'm able to extend the volume no problem, but I have no idea how I can extend the filesystem itself, as I need to unmount it first.  A ubuntu startup disc doesn't seem to support LVM.  Can anyone help?22:14
varikonniemibefore the torrent is even invoked chrome asks if it may start the external application, so i would figure the decision what application is used is made in chrome?22:14
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  try Deluge, it's very easy to use22:14
varikonniemiMonkeyDust, not really an option since i have a huge list seeding and cannot be bothered to manually import them all to another client. This problem came up only now since i only encountered a magnet22:16
ghabitzykotick9, I don't know how it helps, but it helps - at /etc/fstab i have changed umask from 007 to 002, what it means?22:17
xanguavarikonniemi: just save the magnet file and in it's properties, set the torrent client you want as default22:17
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  fair enough, but now you know it's there and it can be done22:17
varikonniemiits not a file just a command?22:17
zykotick9ghabit: that might work???  good luck.22:18
ghabitzykotick9, it is working. Just tryed.22:18
ghabitzykotick9, can you explain me what is 002?22:18
=== Kartrohm_afk is now known as Kartrohm
zykotick9ghabit: umask is a subtraction from 777, so 002 should give 77522:19
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Raistlin-hello...two things, first of all, i cannot seem to have my touch pad on my acer one 725, anyone can helpme out22:22
Raistlin-hello...two things, first of all, i cannot seem to have my touch pad on my acer one 725, anyone can helpme out22:25
MonkeyDust!repeat > Raistlin-22:26
ubottuRaistlin-, please see my private message22:26
wilee-nileeRaistlin-, Try fn-f7 on my acer that is a on off for the pad.22:27
varikonniemiwell, i uninstalled transmission and it now directs to qbittorrent. I sure hope there is some more elegant way and that it would be a bit more straight forward.22:27
Raistlin-wilee-nilee nope did not work...22:27
varikonniemii googled and there was some results about patching xdg-open, but come on! this is selecting a default application we are talking about, not applying some random patch lines from the net22:29
jribvarikonniemi: what is your actual question?22:29
Raistlin-ive done a  xinput  --list and got ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad                  id=13   [slave  pointer  (2)], after did my search on ubuntu web site with no result22:30
varikonniemihow to set which application opens magnets in chrome22:30
jribvarikonniemi: does chrome use xdg-open?22:30
=== bkc_ is now known as r_bkc
jribvarikonniemi: so just set the default app by right click on a file of the right type and selecting the "open with" tab22:30
varikonniemimagnets are not files22:31
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jribvarikonniemi: ah22:31
varikonniemithey are special url:s22:31
jribvarikonniemi: all I see is blog articles about editing gconf keys; nothing about patching xdg-open22:34
varikonniemithis link was found on ask ubuntu22:34
jribvarikonniemi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/108925/how-to-tell-chrome-what-to-do-with-a-magnet-link22:35
varikonniemiyes, on that page22:35
jribvarikonniemi: but, why don't you use the top answer instead?22:35
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varikonniemiwell it seemed even more complicated22:37
varikonniemithan patching one file22:37
jribvarikonniemi: it's running a single command22:37
varikonniemiand editing some .desktop files seeking paths and what not22:37
jribvarikonniemi: no22:37
varikonniemiwell, i uninstalled transmission and that fixed it. All im saying is that such a basic functionality should have obvious UI way to handle it22:38
jribvarikonniemi: agreed22:39
jribvarikonniemi: well there is actually, it's xdg-mime.  There's just no gui for the scheme handlers :)22:39
wchan_what is the support like on ubuntu 12.04 on z77 chipset? i am getting numerous crash problems including my logitech usb mouse not working and the installer throwing me "Unable to create '/root/cache/dconf'; dconf will not work""22:39
wchan_any tips on getting ubuntu working on 12.04 to install22:39
wchan_or should i downgrade to a more stabe version22:39
varikonniemi12.04 is as stable as it gets (*current LTS)22:40
wchan_varikonniemi: logitech usb mouse does not work at all in installer. this doesnt happen in 10.*22:40
wchan_varikonniemi: installer crashing on "Unable to create '/root/cache/dconf'; dconf will not work " ... any fix?22:41
actionParsnipwchan_: could try using Quantal. The newer kernel and drivers may help22:41
varikonniemii got something similar when trying to install without enough ram22:41
jribwchan_: first thing you should do is checksum your cd22:41
wchan_jrib: checksum is fine.22:41
wchan_jrib: installing off USB SD card if that matters.22:41
varikonniemiyou need 512 ram22:41
wchan_actionParsnip: whats that?22:41
ealeon512 ram = cant do much22:41
wchan_varikonniemi: i have 16 gib ram22:42
ealeon16 gig of ram? big man22:42
actionParsnipwchan_: the next release of Ubuntu, out soon22:42
varikonniemiwell my logitech dinovo edge did not work either22:42
wchan_actionParsnip: so you mean skip 12.04?22:42
varikonniemibut it works in 10.1022:42
ealeon12.04 is great22:42
wchan_varikonniemi: my dinovo works somewhat22:42
varikonniemiit was one tag in a setting file that needed to be changed22:42
actionParsnipwchan_: why not, as long as it's a clean install you can skip releases :)22:42
wchan_actionParsnip: i do development, i dont want to jump into a beta release that wont be supported in 2 months?22:43
Chairman_meowQuestion,is there a ubuntu studio #channel? Or can anyone give me a list of all the audio applications used in ustudio?22:43
wchan_varikonniemi: do you know what you changed?22:43
actionParsnipwchan_: non LTS is supported for 18 months22:43
ghabithow to expose all opened windows usin unity?22:43
varikonniemiwchan_, quantal is out real soon and supported for a year i think22:43
MerisI'm trying to integrate Tengwar Quenya (Elvish script from the Lord of the Rings) in the Unicode table in the free-to-use area of Unicode. Does anyone have experience with a similar action?22:43
wchan_varikonniemi: so you mean when it comes out the ubuntu will auto jump to the supported quantal?22:44
wchan_where can i dl the live iso then22:44
zymasterHey forgive me for mentioning Windows, but I have a dual boot system with windows 7 and ubuntu. I want to upgrade my Windows to Windows 8 but I want to keep my dual boot in place and keep ubuntu. Will this work? I don't have Windows 8 yet so I can't try anything but just curious if it will work22:44
Seppozhello, is there a way to create a virtual serial port that echos everything back you write in?22:44
varikonniemiwchan_, http://awesomelinux.blogspot.fi/2011/10/ubuntu-logitech-dinovo-edge-bluetooth.html22:44
varikonniemiwchan_, google "12.10 daily"22:44
actionParsnipzymaster: you may need to reinstate Grub2 to the MBR22:44
ealeonwhat command to install .deb22:44
varikonniemiit takes to the daily build page22:45
wchan_what happened to the good old days where ubuntu always worked out of the box22:45
wilee-nileezymaster, Your dual boot of ubuntu was not installed from windows was it/22:45
actionParsnipealeon: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb22:45
Chairman_meowQuestion,is there a ubuntu studio #channel? Or can anyone give me a list of all the audio applications used in ustudio?22:45
actionParsnipChairman_meow: could try #ubuntustudio22:46
actionParsnipwchan_: has done since Gutsy here.22:47
Chairman_meowactionParsnip, thanks.22:47
zymasterwillee-nillee I put in the disk and selected keep other operating systems when I was installing22:48
wchan_the mouse is extremely "jumpy" in the installer. e.g., skip lots of pixels22:49
wchan_is this normal?22:49
wilee-nileezymaster, cool, as suggested you will just have to reload grub to the mbr.22:49
actionParsnipwchan_: how does the mouse connect to the system?22:50
wchan_actionParsnip: usb direct cable22:51
wchan_actionParsnip: originally was using the logitech USB wireless and it wouldnt even work at all without some weird unplugging replugging22:51
wchan_actionParsnip: currently using some amazon.com wireD mouse that is "linux compatible"22:52
actionParsnipwchan_: have you tried a different USB port?22:52
wchan_actionParsnip: yes22:52
wchan_actionParsnip: using USB 2.0 port 1 not the 3.0 ports22:53
actionParsnipwchan_: does the system have a make and model? Does the mouse have a make and model?22:53
wchan_motherboard is intel --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312160622:53
wchan_mousei s just some generic mouse w nothing fancy22:54
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wchan_sigh. well im downloading centos now. lets see if its better .22:54
actionParsnipwchan_: worth exploring22:55
Lockscreenme too wchan_22:55
zymasterok thanks22:55
LockscreenI will try to see if it fits my business server22:55
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chimneymy hardware switch is broken, need to unlock wlan22:59
chimneywhere can I script around acpi?22:59
actionParsnipchimney: sudo rfkill unlock all22:59
chimneyactionParsnip: k will try this22:59
chimneyMandex: hi22:59
MandexTrying to get sound working in .04 Ubuntu ):23:00
MandexIt's a real pain23:00
RiXtEr8.04, 9.04,10.04,11.04,12.04?23:00
MandexSorry, 12.0423:00
RiXtErI thought as much23:00
MandexI should have said, though23:01
RiXtErmy first step would be lspci and find out what soundcard you have23:01
Mandexit is integrated, will it still work?23:01
actionParsnipMandex: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh23:01
Frowardwhat's that command to update the PPA apt whateverthingee, when you add a new PPA?23:02
FrowardI did add-apt-repository and now there's an update thingee or something23:02
actionParsnipFroward: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:02
Frowarda thanks23:02
actionParsnipFroward: patience is a good thing23:02
Frowardbut cocaine is better ;)23:03
actionParsnipMandex: do you dual boot?23:03
chimneyactionParsnip: does ubuntu blocks usb wifi things too? o.o cause my wifi usb thingy didn't wanted earlier ...23:03
actionParsnipchimney: depends on config really23:04
naughtysnakehi there23:05
naughtysnaketell me you can read me23:05
actionParsnipchimney: run:   lsusb  and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides23:05
actionParsnipnaughtysnake: yes your are seen :)23:06
naughtysnakethanks, i dont have a clue about how this works xD23:06
MandexSorry, seemed to have crashed there23:06
MandexThe output is: NVIDIA Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a223:06
chimneynaughtysnake: o.o? irc or cli?23:06
actionParsnipMandex: can you run the command I gave, it will give a tonne of info23:07
Mandexyou dont have a clue how irc or cli works?23:07
chimneyactionParsnip: hm doesnt do anything :(23:07
MandexI crashed before that I think23:07
MandexI was gone for a few minutes at least23:07
actionParsnipMandex: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh23:07
naughtysnakecya guys23:08
MandexFor god sake, this keeps crashing23:09
chimneyactionParsnip: Im going to the vendor asking stupid questions ^^ he should do it right23:10
jgcampbell300if one wanted to build a very secure router out of an old pc with out haveing to play a ton of money for addons, what distro would one look at23:13
jgcampbell300anyone here .. dosnt seem to be much chatter tonight23:15
Mandexhardly anyones at k/b23:16
RobbyFjgcampbell300, don't most people use *BSD?23:16
jgcampbell300RobbyF: i was just reading up on BSD ... seems to be what most choose23:17
Mandexdoes anyone know how to connect to this through irssi? i type /connect webchat.freenode.net and get an error23:18
Raistlin-hello...i have a stupid question if i all ready have a windows installed..can I install ubuntu on this drive whithout whipping windows?23:19
jgcampbell300Raistlin-: if you have a partition open23:19
jgcampbell300or use virtual ... or you could try to change the size of your partition if you have room23:19
the_dudez0rHello, when is ubuntu 12.10 going to be released?23:20
joshua__it is in final beta now and can be downloaded already23:21
actionParsnipthe_dudez0r: I'd ask in #ubuntu+123:21
wchan_is ubuntu 11.10 stable?23:21
jgcampbell300wonder why im mode +i23:21
wchan_i cant get the 12.04 installer to work23:21
joshua__someone has your nick23:22
actionParsnipwchan_: yes23:22
joshua__wchan_ 12.04 is borked23:22
wchan_joshua__: details?23:22
joshua__i've never got it too work23:22
joshua__when it did install it locked up at the login screen23:22
Raistlin-ok right not i have a 13gyg recuperation partition (which i did not create), a 100mo system reserved (which i did not create) and, my c: 452.66go in ntfs23:22
actionParsnipjoshua__: did you try a few DEs?23:22
wchan_joshua__: alrite. already 5 hrs wasted today... lets hope 11.10 works @@23:22
joshua__there are waaaay too many bugs though..23:22
joshua__actionParsnip how could that fix the dsound?23:23
wchan_joshua__: or do you think i should jump down to the last LTS23:23
actionParsnipjoshua__: you never mentioned dsound23:23
joshua__oh shit sorry, wrong end of the stick23:23
joshua__yes I did23:23
joshua__constant crashing23:23
FloodBot1joshua__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
joshua__got 12.04 xubuntu installed correctly now though23:24
joshua__minus sound and unity23:24
actionParsnipjoshua__: I searched the whole text I have seen for 'dsound' and only found 2 instances23:24
Raistlin-so will ubuntu whipe out my windows?23:24
actionParsnip(00:23:03) joshua__: actionParsnip how could that fix the dsound?23:25
joshua__ah that was a type23:25
jgcampbell300well i gota go ... you guys have fun23:25
actionParsnipjoshua__: I see23:25
joshua__Basically sound refuses to work23:25
joshua__i have integrated nvidia audio23:25
actionParsnipjoshua__: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh23:25
wilee-nileeRaistlin-, If you don't know what your doing yes, is that the crux of your problem?23:25
joshua__actionParsnip ::23:26
joshua__bash: ./alsa-info.sh: No such file or directory23:26
wilee-nileeRaistlin-, Can you boot the live cd, and run a command or post an image of gparted?23:26
actionParsnipjoshua__: did the file download?23:26
Mandexmaybe i need to add the server or something?23:27
Mandexah wait23:27
MandexI got it working now23:27
wchan_anyone here have z77 chipset?23:27
Mandexit is like a help file for alsa, right?23:27
Mandexwchan_ not me23:28
Mandexwchan_ what's up?23:28
actionParsnipjoshua__: run the whole command and you willmake a URL when you select to upload to the server23:28
wchan_Mandex: pretty sure 12.04 doesnt play nice w. z77 , trying to find a ubuntu version that does23:28
wchan_if i swap motherboards but keep the same harddrive23:29
wchan_ubuntu is supposed to work right?23:30
MandexYes I downloaded a file actionParsnip and it;s saved23:30
Mandexwchan_ yes23:30
wchan_if it doesnt work. does that probably mean my mobo is bonked?23:30
wchan_it boots up 1/2 way, but it crashes23:30
lewis1711I have a folder full of ".txt.gz" files. I have tried extracting them all with " tar -zxvf *.txt.gz", but I get "not found in archive" for all of them23:30
wchan_even on recovery mode23:30
lewis1711any ideas?23:30
actionParsniplewis1711: try installing unp and extracting using that23:31
actionParsnipwchan_: do you get a black screen at boot23:31
wchan_actionParsnip: no. the gui screen pops up and then gets stuck23:32
lewis1711oh I needed to use gunzip23:32
MandexactionParsnip what do you think I could do now?23:34
actionParsnipMandex: about what?23:35
joshua__My lack of sound23:36
joshua__Sound refuses to work. xubuntu 12.0423:36
actionParsnipMandex: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh23:37
joshua__It downloads a file and saves it23:38
joshua__then presents me a list of commands23:38
stratozhow are you?23:38
actionParsnipjoshua__: yes, its an alsa script to be ran, then select to upload to the server23:38
actionParsnipjoshua__: use cursors to navigate the menus23:38
joshua__I'm confused. Bear with me. It pulled a script from Github, then presented me with list of commands. Nothing more, nothing less as far as I can tell. No menu's etc23:40
wchan_if a ubuntu installation doesnt boot after swapping out motherboards. and recovery mode doesnt work either23:40
wchan_what options do i have23:40
joshua__wchan_ check your ram?23:41
joshua__memtest it23:41
actionParsnipwchan_: how do you mean 'doesn't boot'?23:44
ner0xAnyone using xfce know how to turn off the "if I move the window too close to the edge it switches desktops" feature?23:52
WhatWhereAmIhey, can i configure grub to boot ubuntu from one physical drive (which has grub) and windows from a separate physical drive?23:53
wilee-nileeWhatWhereAmI, Which has grub is a OS right?23:54
actionParsnipWhatWhereAmI: grub does that by default23:55
actionParsnipWhatWhereAmI: if you run:  sudo update-grub   it should add the Windows OS23:56
WhatWhereAmIactionParsnip: what does this mean. it does what by default? like if i run grub-install it will detect the windows drive and set it up?23:56
craigbass1976Is there some alternative to rsync that doesn't involve setting up a server?  I don't want either laptop running a server; I just need a one time "stick everything in box1/dir into box2/dir that's not already there" command23:56
WhatWhereAmIoh, okay. will it be able to boot it correctly though if the windows drive is not set as the boot device? i know booting windows is all wacky.23:56
actionParsnipWhatWhereAmI: yes, the os-prober command will find the bootable Windows OS23:56
actionParsnipWhatWhereAmI: the fact Windows is on a different physical drive is irrelevant to Grub23:57
WhatWhereAmIya, i was just wondering if it was relevant to windows :P23:57
WhatWhereAmIbut sounds good23:57
actionParsnipWhatWhereAmI: Grub is a badass bootloader, the Windows one isn't nearly so great23:58
actionParsnipcraigbass1976: could use cp23:59

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