
=== Corodius_1 is now known as Corodius
ScottKMore testing needed.  I got a bit of a start, but it's almost 2AM here, so I'm done.05:38
shadeslayerScottK: that backtrace seems incomplete05:39
shadeslayer#18 0x0804855b in ?? ()05:39
ScottKI installed every dbg package I could think of.05:40
ScottKI'll try it again.05:41
ScottKIt takes awhile to crash, so I'll let it go while I'm sleeping.05:41
Kalidarnhmmm rohangarg isn't around is he05:42
Kalidarni just want to ask him if he's forgotten about his promise in bug 923587 :)05:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923587 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "No openconnect support in plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92358705:43
ScottKKalidarn: That's shadeslayer.05:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: did workspace build?05:44
shadeslayeroh I knew I was forgetting something05:44
shadeslayerKalidarn: doing05:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental05:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: cheers05:45
Kalidarnawesome shadeslayer 05:45
apacheloggerheading to uni now, bbi2hrs or so05:45
Kalidarnshadeslayer: would you mind pinging me when it's ready to be tested05:45
shadeslayerKalidarn: iirc this will also need openconnect backported, I'm not sure if that's a viable option, but, I'll have a look first05:46
Kalidarnyeah i know it will05:46
Kalidarnbut its kinda annoying that it wont work  until the next release of the whole distribution05:46
Kalidarnand yes i know about the command line openconnect client can be used (we're doing that atm)05:47
Kalidarnbut we'd like to be able to have it in network manager so we can specify DNS servers for the VPN link05:47
Kalidarnso the only viable solution is the network manager patch05:47
shadeslayerwell ... lemme try building openconnect to see if it requires even more build deps05:48
shadeslayer*build deps to be backported05:48
shadeslayeryay, builds without modifications05:49
shadeslayerKalidarn: will be uploading to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental05:51
Kalidarnill be able to test it in a few hours05:52
Kalidarnim not at work at the moment,05:52
Kalidarnalso shadeslayer, -- Much appreciated.05:53
shadeslayerno problem :)05:53
shadeslayerKalidarn: both networkmanagement and openconnect have been uploaded to that ppa, they'll take a couple of hours to build, let me know if they work for you05:55
shadeslayerI'll keep an eye out if the build fails and fix accordingly ( I don't think they'll fail )05:55
Kalidarnawesome shadeslayer 05:56
Kalidarni wil do05:56
Kalidarni like making ubuntu better :)05:56
Kalidarnif after a few weeks i haven't noticed any problems or had reports of it05:57
Kalidarnthen we might be able to move it to the backports ppa for everyone05:57
Kalidarn(we use it heavily so we will discover problems i there are any)05:57
Kalidarnand the one employee using kubuntu, is also a QA person lol.05:57
Kalidarnthe kind that loves to break things :D05:57
Kalidarn(but that is what he is paid to do)05:58
shadeslayeras for moving to -backports, that's up to the ubuntu backports team to decide, I'll file the request though05:58
Kalidarnjust file as pending test05:58
Kalidarncos we wouldn't want you pushing something broken in there05:58
shadeslayerhehe, yeah :)05:58
shadeslayerKalidarn: any particular reason it needs a newer openconnect?06:10
Kalidarnyou mean the network connection thing06:10
Kalidarnno we can work with any version of openconnect the problem is the network plugin06:11
shadeslayernetworkmanagement, yes06:11
Kalidarnuses a function only provided in the newer version of openconnect06:11
shadeslayeroh okay06:11
Kalidarnand the openconnect dev said its not going to be backported06:11
Kalidarnits mentioned in the openconnect changelog06:11
Kalidarnnow 06:11
KalidarnOpenConnect v3.20 (PGP signature) — 2012-05-1806:11
Kalidarn    Cope with non-keepalive HTTP response on authentication success.06:11
Kalidarn    Fix progress callback with incorrect cbdata which caused KDE crash.06:12
Kalidarnhowever, for some reason networkmanagement requires 3.99+06:12
Kalidarn(which was the release after06:12
Kalidarnit jumped from 3.20 to 3.9906:12
Kalidarnthen 4.00, 4.01, 4.0206:12
Kalidarnim guessing 4+ is a major release06:12
Kalidarnand 3.99 was just a bug fix release.06:12
Kalidarnreally all of ubuntu probably should eventually be updated to 3.9906:12
Kalidarni doubt it would cause much of an issue06:13
Kalidarn3.20 also brought another bug fix: Cope with non-keepalive HTTP response on authentication success.06:13
Kalidarnalthough i can expect the following release quantal will be built against 4+06:16
shadeslayerhm, network-management cmake says it should depend on 3.99 and above06:16
Kalidarnbecause that will have a newer version of gnutls06:16
Kalidarnno doubt the network-manager developer is of the opinion06:16
* shadeslayer adds build depend versioning06:16
Kalidarnyou should be using the latest most bug-fixed version in the 3.X branch06:16
Kalidarnor a 4 version06:16
Kalidarnprobably he doesn't want you using a buggy 3.X build06:16
Kalidarnand considering 3.20 (which his package certainly requires) is only one release behind 3.9906:17
Kalidarnit makes sense06:17
Kalidarn> Eliminate all SSL library exposure through libopenconnect.06:17
Kalidarnwas a 3.99 fix06:17
Kalidarnto me that sounds like a good idea06:17
Kalidarnso yeah06:18
shadeslayerKalidarn: packages all built btw08:41
Kalidarni should check that soon08:42
apacheloggerR doesn't even have a name yet?08:55
apacheloggerseems mark was busy arguing amazon buying ad space in unity ^^08:57
apachelogger+  * kwinrc: Add back two desktops, else pointless pager widget09:11
apacheloggerRiddell: would it not make more sense to remove the pointless pager :?09:12
Riddellapachelogger: yes probably but it's a bit late in the cycle, I feel it needs a bit of discussion09:14
apacheloggerwell, upstream does not use virtual desktops09:16
apacheloggerwhich supposedly makes sense because ScottK actually has a bug against kds in which he complains that to him activities and vdesktops are somewhat the same so he does not like the activity widget and pager being in the panel09:17
apachelogger(I also do not like it but rather because both of them eat too much space)09:17
apacheloggerhow I love not-installed entries without comment09:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: !09:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: digikam09:33
apacheloggeryou added a whole bunch of uncommented crap to not-installed09:33
apacheloggerplease be checking and add comment or fix09:33
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)09:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: needs fixing indeed09:38
shadeslayerneeds to be added to digikam.install09:39
shadeslayershould I also upload to archive?09:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: I thought archive was frozen?09:39
apacheloggernah, SRU09:40
apacheloggerplease add impact description stuff and comment on bug 78172809:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781728 in digikam (Ubuntu R-series) "digikam icon does not scale in unity (Ubuntu 11.04)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78172809:41
apacheloggerI'll simply SRU all icon stuff from current bzr I suppose09:41
apacheloggerseems all worthwhile09:41
shadeslayerI was just going to say that ;)09:44
apacheloggerI like how digikam bundles half of linux and then builds it09:44
shadeslayeriirc there's a similar bug on lp09:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: bug 65804709:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65804709:46
shadeslayerpackaging fixed in bzr btw09:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you working on ff 16 + kde bits?10:45
shadeslayeror should I go ahead and update10:46
shadeslayer!find XML/Simple.pm11:38
ubottuFile XML/Simple.pm found in libcatalyst-action-rest-perl, libdata-serializer-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl, libtemplate-plugin-xml-perl, libtest-xml-simple-perl, libxml-libxml-simple-perl, libxml-simple-perl11:38
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanshadeslayer: my first java assignment was to make a pay calcuator xD11:40
shadeslayerthat was my first C++ assignment I think11:41
QuintasanI went home after 20 minutes11:41
QuintasanWe have 90 minutes of each course11:41
shadeslayercalculated taxes and what not depending on pre specified conditions11:41
Quintasanmind you, I had no Java experience whatsover xD11:41
shadeslayerneither did I :P11:42
shadeslayerbut anywho, whoopie, that's an additional 70 minutes you can contribute to kubuntu :P11:43
* shadeslayer waves fist at pbuilder11:43
BluesKajHey all11:44
shadeslayerhi BluesKaj11:46
Quintasanshadeslayer: >implying I had access to wireless in the damn building11:46
BluesKajhi shadeslayer11:46
Kalidarnshadeslayer: so far so good11:48
Kalidarnit all seems to be working correctly11:48
Kalidarnwe will watch it over the next few days11:48
shadeslayerawesomeness, I'll copy it over to kubuntu backports for even wider testing :)11:48
Kalidarnoh and the DNS stuff is now working11:49
shadeslayerI would recommend purging that ppa and getting the update from kubuntu backports ;)11:49
Kalidarnbecause before what was happening when using openconnect via the terminal11:49
Kalidarnis it was using the local set DNS11:49
Kalidarnnot the one provided by the VPN connection11:49
Kalidarnso it would go employee > employee's isp dns > employee > vpn11:50
Kalidarnresulting in slow lookups11:50
Kalidarnusing that network manager plugin though seems to resolve that11:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: I find our Samba settings software crap12:16
shadeslayeruse sambamounter ?12:16
QuintasanHow the hell do I simply share a folder without password?12:16
shadeslayerright click folder > properties > Sharing ?12:17
kubotushadeslayer meant: "right click folder > properties > Shar ?"12:17
Kalidarni actually dislike the way KDE does mounting12:18
Kalidarnit mounts to an object does it not?12:19
Kalidarnso you can't say access it via the terminal, when you've used KDE to mount things12:19
Kalidarnwhich is why i've always used sshfs12:19
ScottKapachelogger: Let's remove the pager in "R".  If nothing else, it'll keep the screen shots accurate.12:51
* ScottK notes no ISO testing got done while he was asleep ...12:56
* ScottK looks around.12:56
QuintasanScottK: What ISO testing? I did amd64 and i386 manual partitioning and full disk installs13:08
ScottKQuintasan: Since the last respin?13:18
ScottKDon't see it: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds13:18
QuintasanI did them like, yesterday13:19
danimoScottK: how is Kubuntu dealing with the Ubuntu SNI patch for Qt?13:21
danimoScottK: does it implement SNI?13:21
ScottKI don't think we've done anything with it.13:21
ScottKIt's there in Qt, of course, so it can be used.13:21
ScottKRiddell: ^^^?13:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: I started working on ff16-kde btw13:23
yofel_what was SNI again?13:32
danimoyofel_: System Notifcation Interface?13:37
danimoyofel_: anyway, Unity's answer to all systray problems13:38
danimoyofel_: it's basically a large hack from the Qt perspective13:38
danimoyofel_: and the author ran from the company13:38
yofel_ah, you mean the indicators?13:39
yofel_my memory was failing me13:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggershadeslayer: kk, busy with SRUs anyway13:58
apacheloggeranyone with precise around?13:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: with 4.8?13:59
apacheloggeryou are no use :P13:59
apacheloggerScottK: you surely have a 4.8 machine?13:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: uh god, please make your changelog entry more descriptive14:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: digikam?14:02
apacheloggerthat will so totally get rejected for SRU14:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes14:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: while you are at it... there is a double whitespace in the first entry ;)14:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: actually your change is unrelated to what I was complaing about :P14:04
shadeslayerwhat were you complaining about?14:05
* shadeslayer is utterly confused right now14:07
shadeslayernot to mention these build estimates are all wrong14:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: I was complaining about the icons primarily14:08
shadeslayerokay, the xpm.d ones? or the ones that you added from list-missing?14:09
apacheloggerthe ones without comment in not-installed14:09
apacheloggerbug 65804714:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65804714:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: SRU otherwise ready14:11
apacheloggeryour bug has no SRU content :P14:12
shadeslayerthere's no code change whatsoever, so there's no impact per se :P14:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: "An explanation of the bug on users and justification for backporting the fix to the stable release."14:16
apacheloggerimpact: none; justification: none :P14:16
apacheloggerfixed your bug already14:16
apacheloggerallee: anything else that we might be able to fix in this SRU?14:17
danimoyofel: yes14:17
apachelogger:O bug 105126614:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1051266 in digikam (Ubuntu) "missing dep" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105126614:18
shadeslayerhah, another qemu builder https://code.launchpad.net/builders/peryton 14:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: interesting how he tries to install a GUI app on a system that has no pulse14:20
apacheloggerthat does not even make sense14:21
apacheloggerdigikam depends on phonon which depends on libphonon which depends on libpulse-mainloop-glib which depends on libpulse which contains libpulse-common14:21
shadeslayerbroken system ?14:21
apacheloggeroh, hold on14:22
apacheloggeractually he is right14:22
apacheloggeronly his bug still makes no sense14:22
apacheloggerdigikam: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-1.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:23
apacheloggerprecise contains pulse 1.114:23
apachelogger!find libpulsecommon-1.1.so14:23
ubottuPackage/file libpulsecommon-1.1.so does not exist in quantal14:23
apachelogger!find libpulsecommon-1.1.so precise14:23
apacheloggerubottu: also fu14:23
ubottuFile libpulsecommon-1.1.so found in libpulse0, libpulse0-dbg14:23
ScottKapachelogger: I do.14:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about also fu14:23
apacheloggerScottK: ppa:apachelogger/ppa workspace should fix bug 106689214:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066892 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Quantal) "initial power profiles do not use suspend support" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106689214:24
apacheloggerif you could check that'd be awesome14:24
Riddelldanimo: we have a patch kubuntu_14_systemtrayicon.diff14:26
Riddellwhich says "Introduce a plugin system for QSystemTrayIcon. Designed to be used with sni-qt"14:26
Riddellthat'll be agateau's work14:27
ScottKapachelogger: It's a desktop.  How would I check that?14:27
apacheloggeractually let me look at the code real quick14:28
apacheloggerScottK: I think it should still create the profiles14:29
apacheloggerthe lid stuff may simply be greyed out14:29
ScottKOK.  I'll try and look at it later today.14:29
danimoRiddell: yes, I know14:31
danimoRiddell: I know, but does KDE use sni-qt?14:32
danimoRiddell: my understanding was that SNI was Unity-specific14:32
Riddelldanimo: right, sni-qt isn't installed as part of Kubuntu14:33
apacheloggerdanimo: plasma has its own SNI implemenation14:33
Riddellonly an Ubuntu Desktop system14:33
danimoapachelogger: but plasma does not use sni-qt?14:33
apacheloggerit does not14:33
danimoapachelogger: I am having odd problems with ownCloud on Unity, but it works fine on Gnome and KDE14:34
danimoapachelogger: hence the suspicion that the SNI patch is at fault14:34
danimoapachelogger: and it's hard to reproduce in a condensed example for some reason14:34
apacheloggeruse plasma then :P14:35
=== darkwing is now known as Darkwing
apacheloggerif gnome and kde works I am reasonable certain sni-qt is at fault though14:35
danimoapachelogger: I will gladly forward that request to our users14:35
danimoapachelogger: but I doubt that our customers will switch to Plasma just because of us14:36
apacheloggeractually your users could start shouting at canonical14:36
danimoapachelogger: sure, I just want to make sure it can't be solved on an engineering level14:36
danimoapachelogger: before pulling the mgmt lever14:37
Riddelldanimo: do other systray apps work?14:37
apacheloggerdanimo: well, what is the problem anyway?14:37
danimoRiddell: yes14:37
Riddelldanimo: qt ones?14:38
danimoRiddell: yepp14:38
danimoRiddell: skype f.e. works14:38
Riddellhmm well should be possible to narrow down what owncloud-client does differently?14:39
shadeslayertest packages for ff16 with KDE patches building https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental14:39
danimoRiddell: I am trying that14:39
Riddelldanimo: got hold of agateau?14:39
danimoRiddell: a trivial rebuild of the GUI cannot reproduce the problem14:39
danimoRiddell: he says it's too long ago14:39
danimoRiddell: http://daniel.molkentin.de/.stuff/sni_bug.png14:40
danimoapachelogger: ^^14:40
danimoapachelogger: now14:41
Riddellthat looks like it's working?14:41
danimoRiddell: look closer14:41
danimoRiddell: two entries are "outdented'14:42
danimoRiddell: and they are not clickable14:42
danimoRiddell: and sometimes items get duplicated14:42
danimoRiddell: at the same time, separators are missing14:42
apacheloggerdanimo: where can I get that client?14:42
danimoRiddell: removing all separators but the first works around the problem for me, but I have no idea how reliable this is given the unknown root cuse14:42
apacheloggeror rather, where is the source?14:43
danimoapachelogger: OBS/github14:43
danimoapachelogger: http://owncloud.org/sync-clients/14:43
bdmurraysomebody emailed me about http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour being empty14:43
danimoapachelogger: check http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=isv:ownCloud:devel&package=owncloud-client for the repo14:44
danimoapachelogger: pull dependencies from there14:44
apacheloggerRiddell: didn't we have that in the archive too?14:44
Riddellapachelogger: we do indeed, owncloud-client14:44
danimoRiddell: probably not 1.1.0 though14:44
danimoapachelogger: https://github.com/owncloud/mirall14:45
danimoapachelogger: use the 1.1 branch14:45
Riddellbdmurray: you're not the first person I'd think to e-mail about problems with the kubuntu website14:45
apacheloggerI wonder if that even gets made into a SNI on plasma14:47
apacheloggerthe related qt patch is outragous14:49
danimoapachelogger: ack14:51
danimoapachelogger: it's complex and undocumented14:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)14:54
apachelogger-- Could NOT find Csync (missing:  CSYNC_LIBRARY CSYNC_INCLUDE_PATH) 14:55
apacheloggerthat's funny14:56
apachelogger!find libinotify14:56
ubottuFound: libinotify-ocaml, libinotify-ocaml-dev, libinotify-ruby, libinotify-ruby1.8, libinotify-ruby1.9.114:56
apachelogger!find libinotify.so14:56
ubottuFile libinotify.so found in compiz-plugins14:56
danimoapachelogger: we have renamed our copy of libcsync14:59
danimoapachelogger: it's now called libocsync14:59
danimoapachelogger: it's packaged in obs, just take a look there14:59
apacheloggerwell, I am suffering from cmake being crap anyway15:00
Kalidarnshadeslayer: 15:03
Kalidarnim seeing The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:03
Kalidarn openconnect : Depends: vpnc-scripts but it is not installable15:03
Kalidarnwhen i removed your ppa15:03
shadeslayergive me a couple of minutes15:04
shadeslayerKalidarn: also, update your sources and tried again?15:04
Kalidarnyeah i did15:04
Kalidarni might have to reboot too15:04
Kalidarni accidentally, removed network-manager15:04
Kalidarnand had to manually set up a network interface lol, to get internet access again :)15:05
Kalidarnive done that though15:05
Kalidarnwas not very smart of me15:05
apacheloggerdanimo: in case you have contact with the iniparser dev... the tar appears to be double gzipped15:05
danimoapachelogger: not at all, sorry15:06
Riddellapachelogger: we patch out iniparser in our packages15:06
danimoapachelogger: I'd like to drop that dependency15:06
Riddelldanimo: have you considered doing the same?15:06
danimoapachelogger: but the csync author wants to keep it15:06
danimoRiddell: not our call, unless we fork csync for good15:06
apacheloggermake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.15:06
danimoRiddell: libiniparser had some grave bugs15:06
danimoapachelogger: yeah, lets not talk about things like install targets15:07
Riddelldanimo: port to KDE Frameworks 5 :)15:07
apachelogger<3 high quality free software15:07
danimoRiddell: haha15:07
danimoRiddell: what did you replace it with?15:07
Riddellbdmurray: it's https://rt.ubuntu.com//Ticket/Display.html?id=20296 but I can't even log into the website currently15:08
* apachelogger is now doing manual so linking :D15:09
Kalidarnshadeslayer: so i've fixed networkmanager, removed your private ppa, but am not able to install openconnect from backports15:10
shadeslayerlemme check if the package was published in backports15:11
shadeslayerhm, maybe it had hard depped versioning15:11
shadeslayerKalidarn: do you require vpnc-scripts?15:13
Kalidarn openconnect : Depends: vpnc-scripts but it is not installable15:13
Kalidarnwas wondering why i was getting that error ;)15:14
apacheloggerapplication.cpp:(.text+0x3ac3): undefined reference to `csync_set_log_callback'15:14
Kalidarnhey that15:14
Kalidarns not as bad as the mistake i made earlier this night15:15
Kalidarnwas trying to figure out why decryption on an iax trunk i was setting up was not working15:15
Riddellbdmurray: yay, sorted! http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour15:15
shadeslayerKalidarn: test building vpnc scripts now15:15
Kalidarnturns out i missed the last letter of the password15:15
Kalidarniax trunk is asterisk trunk between two asterisk servers.15:15
Riddellguess what I just fixed15:15
mparilloThe missing feature tour?15:15
Riddellmparillo: voila http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour15:16
shadeslayerare you sure the images are supposed to be cascaded in that way?15:16
shadeslayerlooks weird in rekonq15:16
Kalidarnvery classy15:16
apacheloggerdanimo: you install to ocsync/csync.h but your finder looks for simply csync15:16
danimoapachelogger: which branch?15:17
Kalidarnthe kopete screenshots are with the oxygen theme 15:17
apacheloggerdanimo: master15:17
Kalidarnthose should be updated for consistency sake Riddell 15:17
Riddellshadeslayer: it's just copy and paste from what we had before but I guess drupal will add <br> about the place as it does15:17
danimoapachelogger: no, of csync15:17
Riddellbut the nice thing is, we can not update it!15:17
apacheloggerdanimo: from obs15:17
danimoapachelogger: freitag.git/dav?15:17
RiddellKalidarn: we havn't been able to until now15:17
danimoapachelogger: yes, that's that15:17
shadeslayerKalidarn: vpnc-scripts uploading to backports ppa15:17
danimoapachelogger: that's bad then15:17
mparilloRiddell: That was not a restore, you got the bzr updates in. That means the text is fixed, though I think in rekonq, the vertical centering of the text in the five boxes is actually worse with the 'fix'.15:17
KalidarnRiddell: why not?15:18
danimoapachelogger: not sure how obs gets it right15:18
RiddellKalidarn: it was part of the drupal theme which we couldn't update15:18
Riddellmparillo: but now we can edit it!15:18
Riddellthat's the whole point!15:18
Riddellwe can edit our own website!15:18
ryanakcaOoooh :)15:19
apacheloggerdanimo: export CSYNC_DIR=/usr/include/ocsync15:19
apacheloggerfrom the spec15:19
apacheloggerbloody workarounds :@15:19
mparilloFor most of our website, I can simply go to -admin version and change it, but not the feature tour. We had to do the bzr upload thing.15:19
Riddellso volunteers welcome for updating the feature tour :)15:19
ryanakcaRiddell: So does that mean bzr branches can be pulled without a three month long review process?15:21
Riddellryanakca: oh let's not go too far, it still needs a sysadmin request and wait for bzr update to happen15:22
apacheloggerapplication.cpp:(.text+0x3ac3): undefined reference to `csync_set_log_callback'15:22
apacheloggersomething really hates me15:22
Kalidarnshadeslayer: how long till vpnc scripts will be available?15:23
DarkwingRiddell, apachelogger, This is strange... I came across it today. http://imm.io/I8Xk It says that version 2.0 is required and installed... Shoudln't that kill the error?15:23
shadeslayerlemme check15:23
KalidarnDarkwing: that's a funny error15:23
kubotuDarkwing meant: "Riddell, apachelogger, This is strange... I came across it today. http://imm.io/I8Xk It says that version 2.0 is required and installed... Shouldn't that kill the error?"15:23
DarkwingKalidarn: I agree...15:24
RiddellDarkwing: yes I see that :(15:24
shadeslayerKalidarn: about 30-35 minutes15:24
apacheloggerDarkwing: it is broken beyond repair15:24
* Darkwing snickers15:24
apacheloggerneeds to be dropped/replaced for R15:24
Riddellapachelogger was asking the other day about what to do with touchpad, that kcm is unmaintained15:24
Kalidarnim hoping someday people will solve the protocol problems with my latitude E653015:24
DarkwingDAMMIT. My mouse seems to hate me.15:24
Kalidarnapparently synaptics updated the protocol and it's the first computer to have that touchpad15:24
shadeslayerDarkwing: iirc either valorie or Mamarok was suffering from teh same issue15:24
DarkwingI was just poking around... thankfully I don't need it.15:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: everyone suffers from this issue15:25
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 45201 in Input Devices "Dell Latitude E6430 touch-pad not supported" [Normal,New]15:25
Kalidarnmight be fixed in quantal15:25
Kalidarni probably should make a bug in launchpad about that15:25
DarkwingThis is Quantal...15:26
Kalidarncos im pretty sure buntu prides itself on dell compatibility?15:26
Mamarokshadeslayer: not me15:26
DarkwingTHIS... IS... QUANTAL!15:26
shadeslayerMamarok: ah ok15:26
* yofel wonders what broke the feature-tour CSS this time o.O15:28
shadeslayeryofel: aliens15:28
DarkwingRiddell: having computer issues again. I should be getting a desktop today so... That will help.15:29
yofelwell, probably not. Rather me. Except that I tested this and someone confirmed that it worked15:29
DarkwingRiddell: I'll have the docs translations ready today... I should...15:29
yofeloh, drupal goes insterting nonsense <br>'s now, gee thanks15:32
yofelso the CSS is fine, the template is broken15:33
Kalidarnshadeslayer: should i go away and do something else or wait for  openconnect : Depends: vpnc-scripts but it is not installable15:34
Kalidarnto go away15:34
shadeslayerKalidarn: update your sources in 15 minutes and try again15:35
shadeslayervpnc-scripts is pending publication15:35
Kalidarncos im gonna make a backup then try to get this touchpad working15:35
Kalidarnits done now15:41
yofelanyone editing the feature tour right now?15:42
yofelmparillo or Riddell maybe? ^15:42
mparilloyofel: Not me. I am updating the bug reports in Launchpad.15:43
shadeslayerKalidarn: looks like it can resolve deps now15:43
yofelI'm fixing the buttons, drupal seems to auto-translate \n to <br> -.-15:44
apacheloggerdanimo: may be a unity bug actually15:44
yofelmeaning we'll probably need to fix more, but that's the worst thing for now15:44
danimoapachelogger: it most likely is :/15:45
danimoapachelogger: can you see it?15:45
apacheloggerno unity here15:45
apacheloggerdanimo: do you have unity?15:45
yofelsaved, in the hope that Riddell wasn't editing it15:45
danimoapachelogger: sure, I need to test it after all15:45
apacheloggerdanimo: dbus-monitor log and start mirall, then end the logging15:45
yofelMUCH better :D15:45
danimoapachelogger: and since we have customers on unity15:45
danimoapachelogger: I run it15:45
apacheloggerhere the menu introspection propagated looks correct15:46
yofelhm, those cascaded screenshots in the tour items don't even look bad... even if that's unintentional15:46
shadeslayerthey look okay15:47
yofeldrupal being innovative :P15:47
yofeljust the games item needs fixing15:47
yofelwill do that once I get home if nobody else does it till then15:48
* yofel makes his way home - bbl15:48
shadeslayer*now* they release kdevelop15:48
Riddellyofel: you fixed the Games..Graphics..etc image links?15:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: kdevelop SRU'able?15:49
apacheloggerif it fixes bugs only15:49
shadeslayersee kde-packagers15:49
yofelRiddell: the category buttons, yeah15:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: bits and pieces of ui changes15:50
apacheloggerno goody15:50
mparilloyofel: Awesome, the titles on the tour boxes are vertically centered now in Rekonq. I will close the Launchpad bug.15:50
apachelogger!info kdevelop quantal15:50
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): integrated development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.3.90-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 1221 kB, installed size 4835 kB15:50
yofelthe only downside is that it looks ugly in the editor now, as the HTML for the buttons needs to be in 1(!) line15:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: talk to ubuntu-sru15:51
apacheloggermight be worthwhile to not ship pre-release software -.-15:51
shadeslayeris there a #ubuntu-sru?15:51
mparilloDid you bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org then edit the css and push?15:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: one option is to ask upstream for patches15:51
shadeslayerexcluding the new welcome pages15:52
yofelmparillo: the feature-tour is now editable from the admin interface, no more php editing15:52
yofelthe whole thing got broken as someone just C&P the template HTML into the drupal editor15:52
apacheloggerdanimo: in your screenshot are the orange thingies from unity?15:52
apacheloggerdanimo: also on a general note, I think the menu uses too many ...15:53
yofela few things still need fixing on the page, but I'll do that once I get home15:53
yofeland now I'm really gone15:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: naeh, entire thing15:53
danimoapachelogger: I know I know15:54
* shadeslayer runs script to upload to PPA15:54
danimoapachelogger: and by "the orange thingies" you mean the red markers that I added?15:54
apacheloggerah, what are they indicating?15:54
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have an owncloud somewhere?15:55
apacheloggermine is horribly outdated15:55
danimoapachelogger: places where the menu goes crazy15:56
danimoapachelogger: it should have separators there15:56
danimoapachelogger: instead I see outdented, non-clickable entries15:56
danimoapachelogger: what happens is that the menu gets rebuilt15:56
danimoapachelogger: (from the app side)15:57
danimoapachelogger: but if the app contains processEvent() calls, even the first time the menu is built it goes wrong15:57
danimoapachelogger: (adds some items twice)15:57
Kalidarnshadeslayer: it works15:57
danimoapachelogger: but if SNI uses dbus, that explains a lot :/15:58
danimoapachelogger: I was suspecting asynchronous events to go mad somewhere15:58
Riddellapachelogger: mm not just now but I could15:59
apacheloggerRiddell: nvm, seems mine is still new enough ^^16:00
skaetRiddell,  anything release critical to get in for Kubuntu before next round of respins?16:01
Riddellskaet: no I don't think we have anything in the pipe16:03
skaetcool.   Also in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu, are the system requirements accurate16:03
apacheloggersays 12.04 there16:04
Riddellskaet: good question, I'll test that out today16:05
skaetThanks Riddell.  :)16:06
mparilloThere does not seem to be a building block for the page footer (with the copyright 2010) in the blocks: https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/admin/build/block Is the footer implemented in a different way?16:09
Riddellmparillo: hmm why do I suspect that's part of the theme?16:09
ScottKskaet: I think you can remove Kubuntu powerpc now.  We only got limited test results and they weren't good.16:11
Riddellmparillo: yes it is :(16:11
skaetScottK.   ok,  I'll remove it from the manifest and the tracker then.  (it may show up on a respin, but will remove it, if so)16:12
Riddellshadeslayer: yes on the kdevelop SRU, else we're shipping a release candidate16:15
mparilloSo the default theme is Kubuntu 10.04. I wonder if configure brings up anything interesting?16:16
Riddellmparillo: theme of what?16:17
RiddellDarkwing: so docs translations?  or shall I release note bug 459476 again?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459476 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Precise) "Translations not included in kubuntu-docs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45947616:18
mparilloI was trying to fix the footer on the pages to ready copyright 2012 instead of 2010. I just cannot find the footr.16:18
Riddellmparillo: well it's in the theme16:20
Riddellmparillo: in lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org16:20
mparilloOK, I will poke around a bit harder. It used to be in footer.tpl.php16:20
Riddellmparillo: still is surely? "&copy; 2010-<?php date('Y') ?> The Kubuntu community. Icons copyright of Oxygen icon theme"16:21
mparilloRight, and it does not substitute the current year for 2010. I thought I would edit it live with the www-admin web ui. Do I need to bzr branch? 16:22
Riddellmparillo: yes, it's in the theme unforunately16:24
Riddellthe date not working is just a mystery16:24
shadeslayerRiddell: added to TODO for tomorrow then16:24
mparilloI was tempted to just har-code it. I have just installed bzr on my new vm. Now to play around with my keys IIRC. Then branch, edit, and commit16:25
RiddellKDE plasmoid tutorial and getting involved tutorial still to go on ada lovelace day http://community.kde.org/AdaLovelaceDay/201216:50
mparilloFor me to bzr push, I need to have my keys in order. I thought I had to copy my ssh key from Launchpad to .ssh/id_rsa.pub but was there another step?16:56
Mamarokis there a PPA for plsmate?16:59
Riddellmparillo: you'd need to have the private key, don't you have that?17:00
RiddellMamarok: no, remind me again what that is17:00
Mamarokapparently an editor to write QML plasmoids17:00
Mamarokand needed for the ongoing tutorial17:00
MamarokRiddell: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/PlasMate17:03
RiddellMamarok: what version and what platform?17:06
Mamarokwell, I don't know, I just know that it is used in the ongoing tutorial17:07
Mamarokno wonder, apparently it is still alpha software17:08
Mamarokhow stupid to base a tutorial on that17:08
mparilloRiddell: Thanks. Somehow I thought I could keygen the other direction also. Fortunately I had saved my private key. I have pushed revision 13 to address: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/74563117:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745631 in Kubuntu Website "www.kubuntu.org home page has copyright year as 2010" [Low,Fix committed]17:08
RiddellMamarok: here it is incorrectly named for i386 quantal starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/krename_4.0.7-1ubuntu1_i386.deb17:09
mparilloBut we still need to request the admins perform the update?17:09
MamarokRiddell: thanks a bunch!17:09
Mamarokhm, doesn't install on my 64bit system: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/plasmawallpaperviewer', which is also in package kde-workspace-bin 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu217:12
RiddellMamarok: it's i38617:12
MamarokI know, I will build it from git17:13
Riddelland it just packages what's in the git archive so that's upstream's fault17:13
RiddellI like blaming others :)17:13
Mamarokyeah, so stupid to require alpha software for a tutorial without telling anyone beforehand17:13
Mamarokyou are absolutely right17:13
Riddell!find FindQGpgme.cmake17:17
ubottuFile FindQGpgme.cmake found in kdepimlibs5-dev17:17
RiddellMamarok: here is it for quantal amd64 http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/krename_4.0.7-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb17:26
MamarokRiddell: you rock!17:27
* shadeslayer whispers neon-env;neonmake17:28
Mamaroksame error as before: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/plasmoidviewer', which is also in package kde-workspace-bin 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu217:28
Riddelldpkg --force-overwrite krename_4.0.7-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb  if your friend17:29
shadeslayeranyone have an idea on bug 106331717:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1063317 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "After update from KDE-Telepathy 0.5 to 0.5.1, Russian language disappear from list of supported interface languages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106331717:43
shadeslayerI fear I'm not particularly familiar with translations17:43
Riddellshadeslayer: well is there a ru.po file?17:46
Riddellnice post on google+ page "Mingoáo BąOct 11, 201217:46
RiddellIs it possible to be in love with an OS and GUI . . ?  -  Well I'm totally in love, besmirched, smitten, head over heels, downright crazy for Kubuntu/KDE."17:46
yofelshadeslayer: don't expect KDE folks to keep translations intact for point releases, maybe they removed it?17:48
Riddellyofel: why would they do that?17:49
shadeslayerRiddell: :D17:49
Riddellalthough I see calligra did that17:49
yofelyeah, that's what I was talking about - I also remember a case where they removed part of a language to fix another17:49
yofelbut I can't remember the exact place17:49
shadeslayer-rw-r--r-- root/root      1151 2012-10-05 23:53 ./usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/kcm_ktp_accounts.mo17:49
shadeslayerfrom https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118542627/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.ktp-accounts-kcm_0.5.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz17:50
micahgyofel: bug 100872917:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008729 in kde-l10n-fr (Ubuntu Precise) "kstars docs dropped in 4.8.3 due to upstream build issues" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100872917:50
shadeslayerhowever : Package: kde-telepathy 0.5.0ubuntu1 : on the bug17:50
shadeslayerwhich makes everything a but suspect17:50
yofelmicahg: ah, right, that was it ^^17:50
shadeslayerhm, I think Riddell forgot to upload meta-kde-telepathy 17:51
shadeslayerI have it here in my PPA : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly17:52
Riddellshadeslayer: uh oh17:57
Riddellshadeslayer: what will this break?17:58
shadeslayerafaik nothing18:00
shadeslayerbecause it's all : >= ${ktp:Version}18:00
Riddelloh good, so I was just saving wasted effort then, clever me18:00
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066861] Plasma-netbook freezes after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066861 (by Philip Muškovac)18:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: anything new in Muon we should put in the announcement?18:02
JontheEchidnaNot many shiny new things in Muon. Mostly under-the-hood improvements that should make things just a bit smoother.18:04
JontheEchidnaNext release will have some stuff to write about, though :)18:05
* yofel continues with fixing the feature-tour18:09
* shadeslayer heads for bed18:10
yofelmeh, you can only disable auto-<br>-insert for the whole website :(18:14
* jussi zooms in, hi5's shadeslayer, does a happy litlle jump and sits down. 18:25
jussiHi everyone!18:25
yofelhi jussi18:28
jussiHeya yofel, how are things going?18:28
yofelbusy, we could use some more iso testers and our webpage got updated but I'm now fixing the feature-tour layout18:30
yofelturns out that most of our pages use Plain HTML, not Full HTML18:33
yofelso maybe I can turn that annoyance off after all18:34
yofel"most" doesn't include the front page -.-18:35
yofelah well18:36
yofelguess I'll make 1 line out of the feature-tour HTML....18:36
jussiwhen is release day again? 18:37
yofelday after tomorrow18:37
* yofel ponders an unreadable feature-tour source over having to fix the rest of the website -.-18:38
* yofel takes the 2nd option18:44
yofelnot that much to fix after all18:46
ScottKGot a new idea for "R" codename: Roasted Rabbit.18:56
micahgRascally Rabbit sounds better :)18:58
SentynelI think you'll find that's Wascally Wabbit18:58
micahgshhh..that's 15.10 :)18:59
yofelRed Rooster!18:59
yofelRiddell: webpage fixed19:00
yofelothers are encouraged to look through it and search for odd formatting19:00
JontheEchidnamy bet on the animal is "Roadrunner"19:05
jussiJontheEchidna: Rabid Roadrunner?19:21
ScottKOK, so since I upgraded to quantal, solid only finds one battery on this laptop.  Is there an easy way to see if it's the kernel's fault or solid's?19:32
yofelScottK: how many batteries does 'upower --dump' show?19:36
yofelI also only get one battery recognised on boot btw.19:36
yofelthe other one works, but only show up after disconnecting it or suspend IIRC19:36
yofeldon't have it at hand right now19:36
ScottKSo I guess that makes it no solid's fault.19:36
yofelthen it's the kernel or udev/upower/uwhatever...19:36
yofelyou could check in dmesg whether the batteries show up there19:37
* yofel thought he reported a bug about that ages ago19:37
yofelI did - bug 91327119:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913271 in upower (Ubuntu) "upower doesn't show statistics for 2nd battery after boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91327119:38
yofelback to iso testing19:42
ScottKyofel: I did Bug #1067495 so we'll see what happens between them.19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1067495 in linux (Ubuntu) "Only one battery visible after upgrade to Quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106749519:48
yofelfun, your kernel says you can have 3 batteries19:49
yofel[    0.702350] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)19:49
yofel[    0.702361] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)19:49
yofel[    0.702366] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT2] (battery present)19:49
yofelit does see 2 though19:50
ScottKWhich may be the bug.19:51
ScottKIt can only have two.19:51
ScottKSo maybe it should be 0/1 and something up the stack is confused by 0/2.19:51
dantti_laptopScottK: are both batteries listed in /sys?19:53
dantti_laptopScottK: I guess you should have BAT0 and BATX there /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/   19:57
jalcineWhere can I find the source for plasma-applet-menubar?19:57
yofeljalcine: apt-get source plasma-widget-menubar, or https://launchpad.net/plasma-widget-menubar20:02
ScottKdantti_laptop: No, only bat020:05
dantti_laptopScottK: try a similar path, if you don't find it then the kernel is to blame :P20:08
dantti_laptopon the PNP part I guess20:08
dantti_laptopthat reminds me I have to create a fix for my kernel patch but ugh compiling the kernel is sooo boring :P20:09
* yofel just noticed that bug 350834 is still there ^^20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350834 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity reports wrong disk space in step 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35083420:23
yofelmeh, isos rebuilding again20:50
ScottKAFAIK this is last known rebuild.21:20
yofelsomeone please put on our Known Issues that the Touchpad Settings are broken. They complain about a wrong Xinput version (2.0 is too old, 2.0 or greater is required...)21:34
ScottKThat's a bug in version detection, surely.21:36
* yofel is taking a quick look21:37
ScottKI agree it should be release noted though.21:39
RiddellScottK: it's on there21:44
Riddellor rather it's on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/QuantalQuetzal/Final/Kubuntu , next step it to go over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu and sync21:44
yofelreally? on which page?21:44
yofelah yeah, was looking on the latter21:44
yofeleither synaptiks is making fun of me or that error is somewhere else21:50
yofel>>> print(synaptiks._bindings.xinput.query_version(synaptiks.x11.Display.from_name(), (2, 0)))21:50
yofel(True, (2, 0))21:50
yofelthe real call is "matched, actual_version = xinput.query_version(display, (2, 0))", so maybe display is just wrong21:51
ScottKI'm looking at that now.21:55
yofelScottK: this makes the kcm work again, so it seems to be a broken display value somewhere http://paste.kde.org/57177221:56
* yofel is off to bed, good luck21:57
ScottKThanks.  That's a good clue.21:57
ScottKI have fix.22:16
ScottKRiddell:  is there a bug # for the synaptics thing?22:16
ScottKFOund it22:17
genii-aroundPossibly 103050022:18
ScottKI went with 1039261 22:26
ScottKyofel and Riddell: Fix uploaded to quantal-proposed.22:36
valorieyes, it was me with the synaptics bug22:36
valoriealso this laptop doesn't resume from suspend22:36
valoriebut I don't think it worked before I upgraded22:37
ScottKvalorie: If you want to edit a file as root on your machine, I can tell you what to change for the touchpad thing.22:37
valoriemight be better for me to wait for the upgrade?22:37
valorieor are you wanting a tester22:37
ScottKIt'll be better for me if you wait and test the SRU.22:38
ScottKJust offering if you were in a hurry.22:38
valoriehah, I see final has been spun22:38
valorieno, the opposite22:38
valorieactually, quick question -- I was trying to upgrade the netbook, but now it won't boot into KDE22:38
valorieis this a known problem, and should I ask in -x ?22:39
valorieupgrading this machine I'm on was flawless except for the touchpad and resume glitches22:39
valorieha, I meant #ubuntu+122:51
valoriewell, I'll work more on it later tonight23:14
valoriefor now, it's hosed23:14
int_uaCan anyone confirm that "Leave message" widget on unlock screen is broken? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30834023:19
ubottuKDE bug 308340 in general "Text from messages left on unlock screen is not saved in knotes" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:19

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