
Chairman_meowwxl, thank you,i did ask on ubuntu studio but nobody answered me. Thanks!00:13
wxlChairman_meow: no prob. good luck00:19
wxlanywho i need to get out of here00:20
wxltalk to ya'll later00:20
dbtmrohi. I've got a problem. after the latest updates, I can't add a new ppa from terminal. I get a error about the key...01:05
holsteinavelldiroll: im sorry.. did i miss a question from you? or maybe you think you posted04:29
vinicius_arqi'm trying to connect apple bluetooth keyboard in lubuntu but it always crashes!04:30
vinicius_arqanybody knows how can i use it?04:31
holsteinmaybe you cant... what do you mean by "crashes"?04:31
holsteini have BT now on a machine here, and it works ok.. but i have only tried audio devices.. i dont have any apple BT hardware to test with04:32
vinicius_arqsorry for my english... ubuntu crashes everytime i try to connect/pair04:32
holsteinvinicius_arq: i can say, theres nothing in lubuntu preventing apple from providing you support for your device in linux... but what is the device? any model #'s?04:33
vinicius_arqa1314 bluetooth keyboard04:33
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard don't think that'd help at this point, but if you do get it.04:37
holsteinyeah.. i just found that too.. and it doesnt make me think that keyboard shouldnt work04:38
vinicius_arqdo you think trying sudo hidd --connect $MACADRESS may help?04:39
holsteinvinicius_arq: its connecting, corret?04:40
vinicius_arqyeah it does connect but it freezes on pairing04:41
holsteinhttp://www.thetechrepo.com/main-articles/520-how-to-connect-an-apple-bluetooth-keyboard-toubuntu-troubleshooting suggests that04:41
holsteinwithouth the hardware in front of me, i can only guess04:42
holsteini would try one of the main ubuntu channels or mailing lists.. see if you can find someone with that exact hardware..04:42
holsteinvinicius_arq: can you get to TTY and check a log?04:44
viniciusarqholstein, sure04:47
JohnDoe_71Rusholstein: you use BT headset? howto setup?04:51
holsteinJohnDoe_71Rus: i just used the gui... paired it and it just works04:52
JohnDoe_71Ruslubuntu 12.04. latest blueman, device is paired, but audio BT device not apear04:54
JohnDoe_71Rusbut i can start audiosync service from blueman04:54
holsteinthis is not a lubuntu install, though you should be albe to add what is needed04:56
holsteinthis is a customized ubuntu install... vanilla and i have an openbox session i use04:56
JohnDoe_71Ruswhat ubuntu? try 10.04 the same issue04:57
JohnDoe_71Rusubuntu use pulse by default, lubuntu use alsa04:58
holsteinubuntu 12.0404:58
holsteini start bluetooth-applet in ~/.config/openbox/autostart04:59
holstein## bluetooth icon04:59
holstein(sleep 5 && bluetooth-applet) &04:59
holsteinthen i just click on it in tint2 and pair it up04:59
JohnDoe_71RusI can find the device, pairing. enable device audiosync. but the device does not appear in the list of available05:00
JohnDoe_71Rusin the gstreamer-properties05:01
holsteinJohnDoe_71Rus: i see mine in pavucontol. have not tried on an also only rig05:03
holsteini just have the one BT enabled machine05:03
serelubuntu 64bit 12.04 with microsoft lasermouse 5000 VERY CHOPPY anyone know why08:52
=== Valued_Customer is now known as Nate_Rev
Nate_RevCan I get some help with why Wubi won't install Lubuntu for me?18:00
holsteinNate_Rev: i download whateve iso i want.. then i put it int he directory in windows where the wubi installer is... instead of wubi going and downloading another ubuntu ,it uses the one in the directory18:01
holsteinor, you can install what you have, and sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop or lxde18:02
holsteinso... as i said and you might have missed Nate_Rev ... depending on how its not "installing lubuntu for you", you can download the lubuntu iso and put it in the directory with the wubi.exe... or just install whatever is working for you and switch to lubuntu by installing lubuntu-desktop18:07
* wxl wonders18:10
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe18:10
wxlnope, not that helpful18:10
Unit193No metalink error?18:11
Unit193Metalink is there.18:12
wxlsuggestions on forums is install ubuntu and then install lubuntu desktop and purelxde the mofo18:12
holsteini dont remember there being a lubuntu entry in wubi.. though i just briefly looked during a 12.04 install18:12
wxli seem to remember something…18:12
holsteinwell, you can put the iso you want in the directory.. i did that with ubuntustudio18:13
* wxl won't say ubuntu again18:15
Nate_RevSo, can I install it to an external hard drive that I have connected to my desktop?18:18
wxlthe installer will walk you through that18:18
Nate_RevWubi gave me an error last time I tried that though...?18:19
wxlwhat error?18:19
holsteinNate_Rev: share the error... might need to be formatted18:19
Nate_RevWell it runs through the whole install, then when I try to select it from the boot screen it just flashes an error screen and goes back to the choosing thing18:21
wxllubuntu is one of the choices in wubi18:21
wxlyou don't even have to mess with it18:21
wxlwell THAT'S NICE18:21
Nate_RevSorry for being so vague..18:21
wxlyou try to select "it?"18:22
Nate_RevYeah, I wanna use it. But I couldn't get it to work with the external, so I am now trying to install to the main hdd and that is giving me an error.18:22
wxland what is the "error screen?"18:22
Nate_Revjust that it has an issue finding something.18:24
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:24
wxlan issue finding what?18:24
wxland what are you clicking on that causes this error?18:24
Nate_RevLike I said, sorry for being vague but I don't have the particular screen in my face so I can't remeber.18:24
Nate_RevI'll go through the process again and take a picture.18:24
Nate_Revso I can type of what I'm looking at18:25
wxlsounds like a good plan18:25
sere_84I noticed that the xinput is the same in 32 and 64 bit version ....i believe this is why my mouses are choopy in 64 only18:45
sere_84Is there a fix to this or a way to compile 64 bit pkgs18:46
sere_84Of xinput18:46
wxlsere_84: try looking here and see if you find something https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xinput/+bugs18:50
wxlit does appear that there are 64 bit versions available http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?arch=amd64&keywords=xinput18:51
sere_84Wxl. Awesome ty so much19:08
ickrDoes anyone have any insight on why on boot my system sits at a black screen with a blinking underscore.  I have an asus eee pc 900. I loaded lubuntu 12.04 x32 with a flash drive. It gets past the screen in a reasonable amount of time when I tell it to boot from the flashdrive.19:44
holsteinleoquant: i have an eee900... have you checked the hardware? the hard drive/memory.. does a live CD boot?19:45
ickrWhat would I be looking for (hardware)? I will try a live boot.19:48
holsteinickr: the memory or the hard drive failing19:48
holsteinyou can also elaborate as to when this is occuring.. was this a fresh install? is it a good install that went bad? was it after an upgrade?19:49
ickrIt is a fresh install and only occurs when booting. So directly after the bios loads.19:50
holsteinickr: you have never seen the desktop then?19:51
holsteini would confirm the iso.. theres an entry on the live CD if you tap shift while booting19:51
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:51
ickrYes, when point it to the flash drive it boot past the blinking underscore and does it quickly.19:51
holsteini would take a look at the hard drive, since that is the cheaper ssd, if its like mine.. the 16gb eee90019:51
holsteinickr: so, the live CD is booting? just not the installed version?19:52
ickrLive boot works. This is the 16g version eee90019:53
holsteinickr: that hard drive is the cheaper one. less write cycles.. im expecting mine to die anytime19:53
holsteinickr: if you have a way to test it, it wont hurt.. you can try installing to another USB stick or USB drive and booting that19:53
ickrI will give that a shot.19:54
holsteini still use mine occasionally... mostly for server tasks19:54
holsteinickr: though, lubuntu runs great on there, and i dont think you would have different hardware in there... at least not that much different19:54
holsteinickr: this one is still booting lubuntu 11.10, but if you are getting to a live desktop in 12.04, it should work fine19:55
ickrIt works once I get past the blank screen with the blinking cursor. It is for a friend of mine that isn't that computer sauve.19:57
ickrSo if I could get it past that point it will be fine. It works great after that.19:57
holsteinickr: im not sure what you mean... what makes it work?20:00
holsteini would expect hard drive failure to be intermittent20:01
ickrI'll switch out the HDD and see if fixes it.20:02
holsteini cant imagine what that replacement drive would cost ;)20:03
ickrI have a few drive laying around the shop.20:03
holsteinthe one i saw in there had an odd plug on it... but maybe you have one20:05
ickrit wasn't a esata or a esata converter?20:06
ickrwow i just looked up the hdd20:09
holsteinickr: didnt look like that too me.. popped in like a wifi card kind of20:09
ickryeah nothing in this shop matches that20:09
holsteinlike a longer skinner wifi card with chips on it20:10
holsteinpretty cool, really, but yeah... not very "generic"20:10
holsteini had always planned on just taking that out and booting an external USB drive when/if it died20:10
ickri could get more storage out of the sdcard slot not.20:10
holsteini used it with a lot of sd cards when i was using it as my daily machine20:11
holsteinit was the battery that made me stop using it20:11
holsteinreplacing the batter was about half the cost of a new-ish eee with the super battery20:11
holsteini have 4 eee's :)20:12
ickr32g sdcard cost 29$20:12
holsteinyeah, and thats probably faster anyways... but i would test with something else, like a usb stick20:12
holsteinthat drive could be fine and it could have been the install failed, or a bad iso20:13
ickri agree20:13
ickrthe hdd (ssd) is ide20:15
ickrwho would have thought20:15
ickrflash memory with a ide connection20:15

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