
xnoxInteresting: http://www.slashgear.com/amazon-weighing-ti-mobile-chip-business-grab-tip-insiders-15251828/08:38
xnoxamazon "thinking" to buy OMAP from TI08:38
ynezzit's hoax08:39
ynezzand hauwei is buying cisco...08:40
phhynezz: TI said they wanted to stop OMAP08:44
phhso why not08:44
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=== Svet is now known as Sv
XavBfabo: now that I am using live-build 3.0~a45-1, everything is OK. I am trying to do my own customization, I am facing a problem,  I would like to install new packages  that are not authenticated. Is there a way to pass "--force-yes" to lb? I would like not to use a hook for that.11:09
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ogra_ppisati, hrm, what did you change in the omap kernel ? no more USB devices in VM installs11:48
ogra_oh, wait, red herring11:48
ogra_someone made the partman message about the soucre media more noisy11:49
ogra_xnox, ^^^ do you know if we changed anything there ? i suddenly get the /dev/mmcblk0p2 warning in preseeded VM installs11:49
xnoxogra_: logs or it didn't happen.11:51
ogra_no logs :)11:51
xnoxogra_: images / screenshots / photos?11:51
ogra_its an unattended VM install (usually ... idf it doesnt ass questions)11:51
ogra_thats piped serial console output11:52
xnoxi think that's always been like that....11:53
ogra_that message didnt show up in the past, did we change its priority ?11:53
xnoxubiquity clicks yes, on it I think =)11:53
ogra_no, it hasnt11:53
ogra_that install runs unattended a few times a week here11:53
xnoxinfinity: any changes in d-i / partman that I'm missing ^^^^ ?11:53
ogra_(and it wouldnt run unattended if i had to confirm that message every time)11:53
ogra_though my last test was shortly after B211:54
ogra_iut seems to work fine apart from that11:54
infinityThat warning was always there in a normal d-i install, I thought...11:56
xnoxand "ubiquity" does eat it.12:00
xnoxnot d-i, though.12:00
xnoxogra_: are you preseeding ubiquity or d-i?12:01
ogra_infinity, must have been a lower prio before12:01
infinityogra_: Possibly...12:02
ogra_wow, i also get it very noisy on the panda server install12:06
ogra_infinity, in case you have a bored moment, there is a nvidia-tegra-codecs-ventana package in NEW12:22
ppisatispeaking of which, any news on the omap4 video front?12:23
ogra_no issues here still12:25
* ogra_ didnt hear from rsalveti 12:25
ogra_i'm just doing my third install today12:25
infinityogra_: That's rather late to be asking for NEW reviews in Q...12:26
ogra_(server and desktop both are fine for me)12:26
infinityogra_: Is this based on some other package I can diff against to cheat?12:26
rsalvetino news yet12:26
ogra_infinity, i know, i thought i'd try it anyway12:26
ogra_infinity, nope, its just the binary dump from nvidia12:27
ogra_we didnt have it before12:27
ogra_(and indeed its wrongly linked against the broken SONAMEs, but it works with our package)12:27
ogra_if you dont manage, its not the end of the world ...12:28
ogra_or if i'm to late12:28
=== mythos_ is now known as mythos
ppisatiogra_: besides you and rsalveti, everyone else is getting this bug12:46
ogra_ppisati, ?? o thought you said HDMI works for you12:47
ogra_*i thought12:47
rsalvetiwell, if you use hdmi->hdmi it works fine12:47
rsalvetiand the resolution issue with dvi should also be documented12:47
rsalvetias I'm not having any issue with dvi when testing with my boards12:47
ppisatiyes but everyone in this world uses an hdmi->dvi cable, and will get this12:48
rsalvetihaha, not everyone :-)12:48
rsalvetieveryone wanting sound with hdmi will not have any issue12:48
ppisatiof 7 people who tried it, 5 had it12:49
ppisatiand i bet there are more12:49
rsalvetippisati: can you please boot with dss/drm debug when using the dvi output? and open a bug for it as well12:53
ppisatii'll do12:53
ogra_ppisati, well, yes, its a regression and a bug, but there isnt much we can do right now, it will have to be release noted and its not like there is no way to properly do any install with that bug12:54
ppisatiogra_: ok, but the bug will show up at every boot12:54
ogra_not for people using HDMI12:55
ogra_and for DVI users there will be a the workaround to switch tty's and b the recommendation to use HDMI if they cant live with it12:55
* ppisati shrugs12:56
=== doko__ is now known as doko
ppisatirsalveti: do you know how to enable dss/drm debug off the top of your head? do i need to recompile or do you have a kernel cmd line incantation?12:59
rsalvetippisati: drm.debug=7 omapdss.debug=113:00
ogra_ppisati, added to preEnv.txt13:10
ogra_(or to /etc/default/flash-kernel and run sudo flash-kernel afterwards)13:11
ppisatii've a debug kernel installed wait...13:13
infinityogra_: Why the tegra2 upload with intentionally broken links?13:16
infinityogra_: Do we ship things that rely on that?13:16
infinityogra_: And, if so, why not rebuild those?13:17
ogra_infinity, the codecs package shipe an nvidia player13:17
ogra_i'll get a fix with the next L4T release but to do an SRU i would like to have the package in already13:17
ogra_and until the SRU is there the links make it work13:18
infinityogra_: So, if I don't accept the codes package, I don't need to accept this driver either? ;)13:19
ogra_heh, yeah13:19
ogra_well, codecs will be broken even for people using the upstream tarball then13:19
ogra_since everything is linked against the unversioned SONAMEs13:20
ppisatirsalveti: lp 106735214:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1067352 in pvr-omap4 "low resolution using dvi output" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106735214:00
=== darkwing is now known as Darkwing
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Sv is now known as discopig
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
ping__how to install ubuntu on android all winner ?23:10

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