
micahgTheLordOfTime: yeah, that should've been filed against virtualbox, so we welcome please update bugs, but if the package comes from Debian, we prefer to have it updated there first, also, we tag them upgrade-software-version.  In this instance, it's not something that's SRUable and quantal has the requested version, so we can suggest a backport for which you can point someone here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports04:12
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brendandis it a known issue that flash isn't working in firefox on quantal?09:35
jibelbrendand, works fine here, which version of flash, from the repo ?09:39
jibelI mean installed with the installer from the repository09:39
brendandjibel, well i've been upgrading09:40
brendandfrom beta209:40
brendandnot sure exactly what is going on. a lot of video based stuff is not working09:40
brendandok, never mind09:41
jibelI haven't heard of specific issues with flash on Quantal. It works great on the 3 machines I have here09:41
jibel32 and 64bit09:41
brendandlooks like it was just busted momentarily09:41
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TheLordOfTimemicahg, understood.13:31
TheLordOfTimeas for anyone else: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1064483  <-- their apport collection data refers to Mint.13:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1064483 in grub2 "Grub 2 update install bug" [High,New]13:31
TheLordOfTimehow do we handle those?13:31
TheLordOfTimehggdh, if you're alive... :P13:32
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hggdhTheLordOfTime: I just became alive again13:45
hggdhTheLordOfTime: I would keep it open -- grub2 is the same on *buntu13:46
hggdhand I am interested in what version the OP is on, on *buntu13:53
jibelI'd move it to -> linuxmint and let mint's maintainer deal with it13:59
jibelthe bug is reported from linux mint and not a valid bug in ubuntu14:00
hggdhjibel: ack14:01
hggdh& done14:03
hggdh<- note to self: first wake up. Then work.14:03
bcurtiswxhggdh, if that were for case for me.. i'd never get work done...14:03
TLoThggdh: jibel:  i assume you're on about the bug i linked here, and subsequently pinged hggdh about?14:13
TLoTthe one filed from mint14:13
TLoT(please relink, my ZNC can't be connected to from this system here)14:13
cornfeedhello hello. I am having an issue that I would consider deserving of "triage"14:30
cornfeedI am running an ubuntu 12.04 server amd64 on a Lenovo tower server (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16859106114)14:37
cornfeedbetween 24hrs and 96hrs, it will hard freeze14:37
cornfeedall that can be done is a hard reset... I have a catch all log going to /var/log/messages, but nothing useful in there and nothing useful in dmesg14:38
cornfeedis there anyway I can get some kind of log? I even left top open for days waiting for it to freeze but there was nothing useful on the screen14:40
hggdhcornfeed: one option is to use remote logging (rsyslog-type, for example), or attach a serial terminal to another machine14:50
cornfeedthats what my co-worker suggested as well. we are looking at a serial logger being setup soon14:51
hggdhthis sounds like a kernel panic or bug14:51
cornfeedyeah it has to be14:51
cornfeedbut I dont know how to get any info about it14:51
hggdhit may be that your primary console is going into screen-save mode, and when the issue happens you cannot bring it up again14:52
hggdhso the hope is to be able to screenshot, or something, off the remote logger/serial console14:53
cornfeedwell the server actually runs lxde for the other employees to easily manage14:53
hggdhand you cannot even ssh into it?14:54
cornfeedso when it freezes i am usually still in the gui14:54
hggdhone option -- but I doubt it will work: open a SSH connection, and tail -F /var/log/syslog14:55
hggdhnote it is capital F, not lower f14:55
cornfeedhmmm we have an extra box i can do that on :-)14:55
cornfeedwhy did i now think of that!!! thank you14:56
cornfeedokay, my co-worker says he is already building the serial logger...might you have any other ideas?14:56
hggdhthe serial logger is the best option, actually14:57
hggdhbut you can use them all :-)14:57
hggdhwhat we are shooting for is to capture the bug/oops/panic/14:58
cornfeedokay, well i am going to run and start that project. I will probably be back in a day or two15:03
cornfeedthanks again man15:03
cornfeedi guess I just needed to know that there were no other possibilities....we even tried switching to the sata2 ports instead the sata3 ports, but that didnt do it15:04
hggdhit is a try, but in the dark15:08
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