[10:22] Hi all!... I'm a member of ubuntu-it community council. We have some problem with old IRC logs for #ubuntu-it-meeting. We used logs.u-eu.o, that now seems to be down. The new website (http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/) does not have old logs (2006-2007-...)... can you please tell me how we can get them ? [10:24] !logs [10:24] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [10:24] http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [10:25] ah, you are right [10:27] l3on: give me a few minutes. I am trying to find out who you can email [10:27] here we go, rt@ubuntu.com [10:27] IdleOne, for logs.u-eu.o is it a temporary issue ? [10:28] I assume it is a temporary issue [10:28] ah ok!.. thanks! [10:30] l3on: you can also ask in #canonical-sysadmin [10:32] But it isn't their server. [10:34] it isn't? [10:35] logs.ubuntu-eu.org > gu.ubuntu-eu.org > > xvm-188-65.ghst.net, though the DNS is. [10:35] anyway i sent an email to rt@ubuntu.com about it. ticket #20574 [10:35] it'll probably be up soon [10:45] Unit193: you are right, canonical has nothing to do with that [10:48] l3on: it has been down for ages and ages, probably not coming back [10:49] such a bad news :/ [10:49] nooo [10:50] Funny that ping and ssh work, this IP gone to someone else? [10:50] ubuntu-eu.org loads the ubuntu-de.org site [10:52] EU politics much? [10:53] as far as I remember (parts of the ubuntuusers structure were there) more a technical thing [10:54] actually looks like the domain was registered by Canonical [10:54] probably just part of the mass registration of loco domains (every iso code) [10:55] .de is not the centre of all things Europe!!!! [10:55] I am outraged [10:55] no, it isn't. [10:55] eh, not really. [10:55] but as far as I remember things, the de server team was one of the few ones that worked [10:56] I'm just trying to stir the pot but don't really have the enthusiasm required. [10:56] e.g. when we lost that French server for good ... [16:03] AlanBell: around? [16:05] hi JoseeAntonioR [16:05] yes, now I expect you want to talk about openweek :) [16:05] AlanBell: yep, and a cloak change [16:07] * AlanBell checks calendar [16:17] looks like I could do stuff on the thursday, but there are only friday slots remaining [16:18] AlanBell: maybe I can talk and swap a session, if needed [16:18] which slot would you like? [16:19] oh, the ask Mark one obviously ;) [16:19] actually any of the Thursday ones will do [16:20] AlanBell: let me ask the 16 or 17 slot if they're willing to do an on-air session [16:26] AlanBell: and about the cloak update, I'd like to know if you could please approve @ubuntu/member/trekweb.joseeantonior [16:26] the GC for trekweb agrees on it [16:26] yeah, I was going to ask the others about that, dual cloaks are not supposed to happen so much any more [16:26] what is trekweb? some starwars site? [16:27] lol, nope, its a ZNC provider [16:27] startrek not starwars [16:27] * AlanBell fails at being a real geek [16:28] hi - I've never asked for the ubuntu member irc cloak... could i do so now? [16:29] hallyn: what's your LP ID? [16:29] https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn [16:29] AlanBell: I never watched Star Trek [16:29] looks good hallyn [16:30] hallyn: you need to register with nickserv [16:30] !register [16:30] Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [16:30] hm, thought iw as [16:30] trying [16:31] AlanBell: it's registered [16:31] thats better hallyn :) [16:31] staff can we have an ubuntu/member/hallyn cloak for hallyn please [16:32] one moment please [16:32] (i see - i think i hand't registed since starting back up :) [16:32] yay [16:32] hallyn: you are now cloaked, thanks Myrtti [16:33] you're welcome, and congratulations on the membership [16:33] AlanBell: Myrtti: JoseeAntonioR: thanks! [16:33] hallyn: congrats on the membership :) [16:34] thx :) [16:35] afternoon all [16:36] congrats hallyn [16:36] hey, cprofitt [16:40] JoseeAntonioR: I am kind of interested in doing an onair session about IRC [16:40] AlanBell: then, should I grab a slot for you? [16:40] yeah, lets do that, I will try and rearrange when I am out [16:40] any of them is fine [16:42] AlanBell: ok, so 13 utc for you? [16:42] sure [16:42] adding you to the schedule [16:42] yay [16:47] JoseeAntonioR: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloakformat currently dual cloaks are strongly discouraged, but it isn't clear how strongly discouraged they are [16:48] I think we need to have a chat with the IRCC and other operators to find out if we can clarify that a bit and have some consistent rule about it [16:48] they're applied at staff discretion and with the consent of both GCs and the user [16:48] we can try [19:00] Hi there, I was wondering if anyone here could help me set up an Ubuntu Member cloak on my Freenode account. My Launchpad account can be found here: https://launchpad.net/~notgary [19:01] notgary: hold tight and one of the IRCC will get to it soonish [19:01] Thanks :) [19:02] *mraw* [19:09] * Fuchs gently pokes AlanBell :) [19:09] IRCC: ^ [19:09] they have set to highlight on IRCC [19:10] ah, thanks, didn't know that yet :) [19:10] in this case they got highlighted twice now, so that should be more than sufficient :) [19:13] highlighting the IRCC can be accomplished in two ways. 1) you type IRCC. 2) you type each IRCC members nick. ex: AlanBell Pici Tm_T funkyHat topyli [19:14] * IdleOne tests [19:14] AlanBell Pici Tm_T funkyHat topyli you are needed for a membership cloak request. [19:14] :) [19:15] I like the second, it for sure works. [19:15] I might be wrong here, but I am not sure if they are that urgent to need 5 highlights ;) [19:15] agreed [19:15] Fuchs: You make an excellent point [19:18] there is a third method that would involve a long distance phone call to an former council member who would then have to call a current council member but I think that is a little extreme [19:20] Fuchs: could you please setup notgary with an ubuntu/member/notgary cloak? [19:20] sure :) [19:20] notgary: you are now cloaked, congratulations to your membership :) [19:21] grats :) [19:21] Thanks a lot :) [19:22] congrats [19:23] notgary: now that you know how to highlight the IRCC you must stay and wait for your turn :) [19:24] IRCC [19:24] Did that work? [19:24] I'm sure it did [19:24] notgary: IdleOne is being silly [19:24] good work :) [19:25] Pici knows me well [19:25] Every day's a school day :) [19:25] no, no more school please! [20:05] gosh what a lot of hilights [20:05] and not one of them mentions chickens [20:06] bwaakbwaak [20:06] * Fuchs hands AlanBell a chicken [20:10] :) [20:10] <''3 [20:10] there you go [20:10] take good care of it [20:11] I will put it in the run with the others [20:11] In #ubuntu-discuss, TheLordOfTime said: !network-manager is networkmanager is an application that tries to make (wireless) networking "just work". See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager [20:12] yes, i know, i've proposed an edit, see the -discuss scrollbacks (includes rewording proposed by IdleOne) [20:12] its weird proposing something in $otherChannel and being pinged here coincidentally ;P [21:30] any IRCC person around, perhaps AlanBell [21:30] ? [21:31] not for long [21:31] AlanBell, i'd like to get my cloak changed to just ubuntu/member/[NickServAccount] [21:31] but for that, i thin kyou'd need to poke staff [21:31] (i already have an older secondary-cloak from membership) [21:31] (the trekweb/ part is being dropped, and I"m the trekweb GC so there's no extra approval issues there) [21:32] i think it'd just need someone from IRCC to approve and poke staffers about [21:32] LP ID is trekcaptainusa-tw (https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw) if you want to confirm [21:33] ok, well that sounds fine as we are supposed to be cutting back on the dual cloaks [21:33] just need you to push the request to freenode :) [21:33] this is FREENODE [21:33] they're quite... anal... about who requests primary cloak changes for an individual ;P [21:33] are we? [21:34] so that would be /ubuntu/member/lordoftime or LordOfTime I forget the capitalisation rules on it [21:34] Fuchs, for primary cloaks? last 50 i've seen, you require GCs to give the approval [21:34] we obviously need GCs request it, but I don't think that is "anal" [21:34] AlanBell, preferably LordOfTime, but i think they do lowercase so... [21:34] *shrugs* [21:34] AlanBell: for unaffiliated we go with lowercase, projects are free to define, imo mixed case looks ugly [21:34] oh, i know, FUCHS would know :P [21:34] yes, yes he would [21:34] AlanBell, its your call, mixed, or lowercase. your call. [21:34] * AlanBell agrees, lets go for lowercase [21:35] then ubuntu/member/lordoftime :) [21:35] AlanBell: a ubuntu/member/lordoftime for TheLordOfTime, then? [21:35] yes, if you could do the honours Fuchs :) [21:35] sure <3 [21:35] TheLordOfTime / AlanBell: there we go [21:36] thanks much Fuchs [21:36] thanks [21:36] thanks AlanBell, i'll leave you to your busy schedule [21:36] :) [21:36] night all o/ [21:37] Good night AlanBell :) [21:37] Fuchs, i may have used the wrong word there :) [21:37] just saying [21:37] * TheLordOfTime returns to poking at php5 to make it submit to his will [21:37] maybe a bit, yes :p [21:38] but I am not really offended, I was joking. Also you are punished enough with php. [21:38] tell me about it [21:38] less so with nginx, but php makes me seethe with the rage of a dev [21:38] :P: [21:39] at least, with nginx, the SRUs go through ;P [21:39] ... which reminds me [21:40] * TheLordOfTime disappears to go find a member of the uploads sponsors team [21:47] IRCC: Would it be possible to create a new Ubuntu room called #ubuntu-papercuts? I'm currently reviving the Hundred Papercuts project and we could do with having out own chatroom rather than piggybacking on the Ayatana room.