
=== tdmackey_ is now known as tdmackey
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tjaaltonhmh, power consumption is up on quantal, my t420s takes 15W when it used to take only 7-8W on precise08:14
tjaaltonwhile idle08:14
hyperairthat's a huge difference.08:16
tjaaltondouble-checked that it's not using optimus :)08:17
caribouguys, I have a git bisect question for you08:17
* hyperair has noticed power consumption increases over the years, but couldn't really attribute it to power consumption regressions or battery degradation.08:17
caribouI have an issue where it works on older kernel (3.2.0-29.46) and fails in newer kernel (3.2.0-31.50)08:18
tjaaltonpowertop doesn't show the acpi estimate anymore, so I'm looking at the gnome power stats08:18
hyperairtjaalton: acpi can estimate? i thought that was purely a powertop calculation.08:18
tjaaltonhuh, now it shows ~9W08:18
caribouwhich git bisect bad/good version should I use ?08:19
caribougit bisect start Ubuntu-3.2.0-31.50 Ubuntu-3.2.0-29.46 ???08:19
hyperaircaribou: bisect was meant to find regressions, so bad is always after good.08:19
hyperairif you're trying to find a commit to cherrypick, you have to manually invert that logic yourself, or git bisect gets confused.08:20
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caribouhyperair: so since I'm after a regression, the command above would be correct then ?08:20
hyperaircaribou: yep08:20
caribouhyperair: great, I wasn't too sure and I don't want to start bisecting the wrong way !08:21
caribouhyperair: thanks a lot08:21
hyperaircaribou: np. and yeah i know how terrifying kernel bisects are :-)08:21
* hyperair had to run a 20-step bisect once08:21
hyperairthat was horrifying08:21
caribouhyperair: well, this one is ~8 steps. 08:22
hyperairah have fun08:22
caribouhyperair: an issue with iscsi hanging the kernel with latest Precise kernel08:22
caribouhyperair: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/105674608:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056746 in linux "kernel panic on iscsi target disconnect" [High,Incomplete]08:23
hyperairhmmmm maybe it wasn't 20 steps.. 2^20 seems to be on the order of a million commits or so08:23
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tjaaltonok, the power consumption is back to normal levels, dunno what was wrong there for a (long) while08:48
ckingtjaalton, how are you measuring power consumption?08:53
ckingtry measuring using "powerstat"08:54
tjaaltoncking: oh, didn't know of that tool08:54
tjaaltonjust used gnome power applet (?)08:55
ckingtjaalton, its one I hacked up when doing ACPI battery calibration tests last cycle08:55
tjaaltonah, nice08:59
tjaalton~7.8W with bluetooth turned off08:59
ckingtjaalton, that sounds better09:04
tjaaltonyes :)09:05
psivaaapw ping10:39
psivaaapw: re bug 1066883, i have tried with 3.5.4 and it fails with that too with plymouth-splash enabled10:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1066883 in linux "Fatal server error: Can not run in framebuffer mode on reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106688310:40
apwpsivaa, when you say "without plymouth-splash" is that just removing splash from the command line ?10:50
psivaaapw: i renamed /etc/init/plymouth-splash.conf to /etc/init/plymouth-splash.conf.disabled10:51
apwpsivaa, so did you try removing splash at grub?  did that work also?10:52
psivaaapw: i did not try removing splash at grub10:52
apwpsivaa, that would be a good test as well10:52
psivaaapw: ill try that now then10:53
psivaaapw: i tried with kernel command line disabling of quite splash with 3.5.3 but its failing on that11:17
* henrix -> lunch11:18
smartboyhwEr when will the 3.7-rc1 mainline build be built?11:24
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apwif smarty was here, i could tell hi that they are building now13:52
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habachHi, I am too new here and have some silly questions, why I cant see any chatting?15:08
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:57
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apwhabach, it is release week so people are busy, but ask and you may even get an answer :)16:32
ppisatireboot, brb16:46
rtgapw, dropping the async rootfs patches fixed the 3.7-rc1 boot problem. I pushed the reverts and will reset the tag to a working commit17:12
apwrtg, ack17:13
ricotzrtg, hi, thanks for rebasing ubuntu-r :)17:27
rtgricotz, looks like its working now17:27
ricotzis the latest branch suppose to built17:27
ricotzhmm, i see17:27
rtgricotz, master-next is the current working version. the tag is Ubuntu-3.7.0-0.1-rc117:28
ricotzi am running into this error "cp: cannot stat `drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/*.h': No such file or directory"17:28
ricotzbuilding with http://paste.debian.net/plain/20109417:29
rtgricotz, fdr clean;echo "dpkg-buildpackage -B -us -uc 2>&1 |tee log.txt"|schroot -c quantal-amd6417:30
rtgassuming you have a quantal schroot17:31
ricotzrtg, i don't ;)17:31
ricotzbut i don't want to build all flavors17:31
rtgyou don't need one, it'll build on precise or quantal17:32
ricotzjust the generic one17:32
rtgricotz, there is only one flavour now17:32
* rtg -> lunch17:33
ricotzrtg, thanks17:33
apwbjf, can we stagger the builds for SRUs, you are eating the distro buildds and it is release week17:47
bjfapw, henrix ^17:47
bjfhenrix, let's hold off until after the release17:48
henrixapw: ah, sure. i've uploaded oneiric and lucid only17:48
bjfapw, can they just be re-queued and have their priority dropped?17:49
apwhenrix, it is best to confirm on #ubuntu-release before dropping things on the queue during release week17:49
apwbjf, no as the buildds are idle, so they pick up the job regardless17:50
henrixapw: ack, i'll do that.17:50
apwbjf, as long as we have only one building at once, we'll likely not get told off17:50
apwhenrix, its just this week thats critical17:50
henrixapw: sure. i'll hold off any uploads17:51
henrixapw: and ping the release channel first17:51
apwcool thanks17:51
bjfhenrix, you can have everything else ready and when the release goes out, upload17:51
henrixbjf: ack17:52
apwsounds great17:52
bjfhenrix, this cycle has an extra week in it anyway due to UDS17:52
henrixbjf: yep, makes sense. so i'll hold all the uploads for now.17:53
henrixbjf: i was too eager to try my new powers :)17:54
bjfhenrix, they should only be used for good, not evil17:55
henrixbjf: heh17:56
* henrix -> EOD17:59
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=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues November 13th, 2012 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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geofftWhat's the right way to write a (local) package that includes a kernel module?20:15
hallynhey - in which package is the openvswitch kernel module from upstream shipped?20:57
hallynseems like it should be in generic..20:59
hallynhm, is it built-in?21:02
rtg_hallyn, might be21:02
hallynbut i can't find the module...21:02
rtg_hallyn, CONFIG_OPENVSWITCH=m for ubuntu-r21:03
hallynand q21:03
rtg_hallyn, is that what you're looking for ?21:04
hallynrtg_: find /lib/modules/ -name "openvswitch*" gives me nothing21:05
hallyn(on a fresh quantal instance)21:05
rtg_hallyn, did you install extras ?21:05
rtg_hallyn, you should be using the meta package for -server or -generic21:06
hallynrtg_: I'm not installing a kernel, just firing up canonistack instances with latest quantal ami21:07
hallynshould those be installed by default?21:07
hallynassume not if called 'extras' :)21:07
rtg_hallyn, since that uses the -virtual meta package, linux-image-extra won't be installed21:07
hallynrtg_: sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-virtual worked for me, thanks!21:08
rtg_hallyn, np21:08
hallyni suspect openvswitch-datapath-source's README.debian should mention that.  (but will note that for later)21:09
* rtg -> EOD21:29
argessforshee, hi21:47

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