
=== jono is now known as Guest36495
jibelgood morning06:33
dholbachgood morning06:53
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Noskcajwhere do you download the netboot ppc daily from?08:20
jibelNoskcaj, http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/quantal/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/08:23
jibelor http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/quantal/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc64/netboot/08:23
Noskcajjibel: thanks, the mini iso?08:24
jibelNoskcaj, yes08:24
Noskcajany idea why its not linked in the testcase?08:24
jibelNoskcaj, it is http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/25941/downloads08:25
Noskcajjibel: i meant in the written bit, it links you to the arm builds08:25
jibelwell, there is only 6408:25
Noskcajand how do i get into the ubuntu-ppc channel?08:26
jibelNoskcaj, ah, this is a bug, balloons fixed it for intel but probably not for ppc.08:26
Noskcajok... can i get an invite then?08:27
smartboyhwNoskcaj, try #ubuntu-powerpc08:27
Noskcajsmartboyhw: thanks08:28
Noskcajhow do you use the netboot image?08:53
smartboyhwNoskcaj, er.....08:53
Noskcaji need to know09:02
Noskcajthe testcases isnt very helpfull09:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I think it is good to search the wiki:D09:07
Noskcajfound it! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:09
Noskcajshould i make a better version of the netboot ppc testcase?09:16
smartboyhwNoskcaj, if you have time please do :D09:18
Noskcaji will try after the release09:18
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balloonsjibel, I was holding off on updating the testcases in the middle of the milestone as it will reset the result count when I do so for anything that uses it13:00
jibelballoons, netboot ppc is untested and not many people tested netboot on intel. So resetting the results of these tests will not hurt13:03
balloonsjibel, fair enough.. I'll go see what I can do ;-)13:04
jibelballoons, desktop also needs a test case to cover the option 'reinstall ubuntu'13:09
balloonsjibel, everything to do with testcases I've been recording here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/QuantalTestcaseUpdates13:10
jibelballoons, nice, I didn't know this page13:11
balloons:-) I keep finding stuff and filling it back up after it gets fixed13:11
balloonsit was intended to help us collectively do the migration.13:12
balloonswhich worked well :-)13:12
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balloonshello smartboyhw14:26
mvojibel: do you mind if I commit some changes to auto-upgrader-testing or would you like a proper MP ? mostly about removing duplication and importing releavant bits from python3-distupgrade15:08
jibelmvo, I don't mind, go ahead.15:09
jibelballoons, can you remove 'ubuntu-cdimage' from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Credits/Testers, it's a bot15:10
balloonsjibel, lol -- whoops ;-) Thought I caught all those15:11
jamespagehggdh: around? iscsi testing?15:42
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mvojibel: while at it I will add dpkg force-unsafe-io to the upgrade tester if you don't mind16:01
jibelmvo, oh right, please do.16:02
mvojibel: hm, I added it now (via /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/99auto-upgrader-tester force-unsafe-io there but hardly any difference :/16:15
jibelmvo, I spent some time during Precise to try this option and eatmydata too and didn't see any noticeable difference. It was something like 1 or 2 min difference over a 25 minutes upgrade.16:20
patdk-wkhmm, jamespage scared weechat right out of the channel16:20
jibelbut I thought I did it wrong, so I'm happy you get the same results :)16:20
mvojibel: yeah, that matches my finding16:21
mvojibel: diff was small so it won't hurt, I will ask cjwatson later if there is more I need to do16:22
jamespagepatdk-wk, hey - the iscsi testing you are doing - is that virtual or on hardware?16:42
patdk-wkit's in the tracker :) vmware16:43
patdk-wkI can do physical though, have many of them too16:43
patdk-wkbut I do use iscsi in production on virtual16:43
patdk-wkso both cases are personally important to me :)16:44
patdk-wk Ihave also tried with all the vmware nic's, they all do it for me16:44
patdk-wkgive me 5min, and I'll have physical machine tested16:44
jamespagepatdk-wk, great - thanks16:45
pablo_someone from the mago (http://mago.ubuntu.com/) project here?16:52
pablo_why should I use mago instead of ldtp?16:52
patdk-wkwhat does that have to do with iso testing?16:56
pablo_patdk-wk, are you talking to me? if so, I don't know. The mago project page said that this is the place to ask questions about the project16:58
pablo_nagappan, jcollado, are you guys there?16:59
pablo_nagappan, jcollado, you're on the mago's project page, so I wonder if I could bother you with some questions16:59
patdk-wkjamespage, same thing on real hardware17:00
patdk-wkdell optiplex 755 tested with intel e1000 nic17:00
patdk-wke1000e actually17:00
jamespagepatdk-wk, hmm - same behaviour as e1000 in kvm17:00
balloonspablo_, afaik mago has been deprecated by it's developers17:04
balloonswhat are you hoping to do with it?17:04
pablo_balloons, I'm analyzing different options for testing a pyGTK tool17:06
pablo_balloons, and found mago after some google searches17:06
pablo_balloons, want to automate functional testing of the application, already have unittests but want to test the GUI17:06
nagappanpablo_, jibel and ara are the owners of Mago17:08
balloonspablo_, I understand. Well, you could use sikuli or xpresser, though they can be argued less maintainable than something that hooks into the accessibility layer17:08
nagappanpablo_, I just concentrate on LDTP17:08
nagappanpablo_, and make sure it works fine in Ubuntu / Windows / Mac environment17:09
nagappanpablo_, mago internally uses LDTP17:09
pablo_balloons, yes, took a look at xpresser (will read on sikuli) and I don't like the screenshot thing too much17:09
nagappanpablo_, lately I haven't heard from ara / jibel17:09
pablo_nagappan, the latest mago release is from 2010, is that correct?17:09
pablo_balloons, any other tool you can recommend?17:12
balloonspablo_, https://launchpad.net/autopilot17:12
balloonshowever, I am unsure it is supporting gtk yet17:12
balloonsit's certainly not the focus of the tool17:13
pablo_balloons, thanks!17:15
pablo_nagappan, do you know why mago died?17:16
jamespageballoons, your earlier comment about that iscsi boot issue being important might be correct17:23
jamespageit happens on hardware using e1000 nics as well as in KVM17:23
balloonsjamespage, ohh -- what are you finding out now?17:23
jamespagesee comment from patdk-wk abvove17:23
jamespageballoons, ^^17:24
balloonsahh, I see. So what's the thought to proceed?17:24
jamespageballoons, well its reproducable in KVM/virt-manager17:24
jamespageballoons, really need someone who understands the early boot process with regards to networking to take a look17:24
balloonsyes, so getting a fix is much easier.. as well as testing it.17:25
balloonstho we'll verify both real and virtual17:25
patdk-wkI feel it's more a udev thing, but not sure how the earily boot works exactly :)17:25
jamespagestgraber, around? - ^^17:25
jcolladopablo_: Yes, the reason no more effort has been put into it is that the a11y layer isn't that stable as we though, meaning that it's difficult to write tests that are reproducible17:26
jcolladopablo_: I've been looking forward to seeing a more stable a11y layer, but that hasn't happened yet as far as I know.17:27
nagappanpablo_, I'm not sure, jibel will be the person to answer "why mago died ?"17:27
jcolladopablo_: Otherwise, being able to query the application for available widgets and perform actions on them is a good idea.17:28
* jamespage steps away for a bit17:28
nagappanpablo_, there is an effort from VMware (one of my team member) is working on integrating Sikuli with LDTP, which is yet to be released to public, waiting for legal team to approve our work17:29
pablo_nagappan, that sounds interesting!17:50
pablo_jcollado, too bad I missed you :(17:50
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njinbug 106748819:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1067488 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubuntu partman-lvm: No volume groups found, ubiquity: umount: /tmp/tmp.ep6sXEyZUA: not mounted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106748819:31
njinactually only in Vbox19:31
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letozaf___Hello, can someone help me with Gwibber and Flickr integration on Online Accounts ?20:19
phillwletozaf___: this is not a support channel, if you want a quiet support channel, please try #ubuntu-beginners - It's less hectic than #ubuntu :)20:23
letozaf___ok thanks it was for testing, but I will ask them all the same :)20:24
njinbug 1067507 in real hardware20:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1067507 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crash near the end" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106750720:28
balloonsnjin, ohh20:36
balloonswhich installation njin ?20:36
balloonsamd64 desktop?20:36
njinballoons, yes20:36
njinballoons, the first test run ok, the second crash20:37
stgrabersegfault in apt, could be related to a similar segfault that was fixed this morning20:38
stgraberif you can reproduce it, try to update the image first to pick up the new apt and see if that fixes it20:38
balloonsdid that respin go out?20:38
stgraberit'll be in the next respin20:39
stgraberwhich was just started now20:39
balloonsk -- otherwise etheir me or my zsync was going crazy20:39
stgraberI don't remember seeing report of that issue during the install though but we had reports of apt-get install/apt-get update segfaulting for people and that was tracked down to a bad upstream commit20:39
phillwballoons: do try and pay attention :P20:40
njinlol, too late for me, goodnight guys.20:41
phillwnjin: it'll be there to check tomorrow, have a good sleep. thanks for testing stuff.20:42
balloonsgood night njin20:42
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
silverarrowwhere is the link to the final respin of lubuntu?21:48
silverarrowis it listed under beta 2 or benchmark21:50
phillwsilverarrow: the respins are just starting, they take several hours.21:51
silverarrowI see21:53
phillwsilverarrow: if you go to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds you will see all that are being re-spun with a line thorugh21:53
silverarrowyes, thats the link21:53
silverarrowthanks again21:53
phillwwhen the line goes, they have arrived. they also get announced on here as they get built.21:53
silverarrowI have it bookmarked on a different computer21:53
phillwyeah, computer dying with all your links / passwords on is NOT fun :/21:54
silverarrowhorrid lol21:54
silverarrowI think I will get it  back any day now21:55
silverarrowmaybe tomorrow21:55
silverarrowthere is quite a good group of people on the ppc build, it should go towards a good release21:56
silverarrowppc is something you just have to  be stubborn with21:56
phillwsilverarrow: hence the email :)21:57
phillwsilverarrow: lubuntu & xubuntu are going to be last built as lubuntu asked for the latest chromium update to be included.21:58
silverarrowI see21:58
silverarrowlatest chromium is worth testing21:58
phillwwith so many chromium bugs flying about, it makes sense that we ship with the latest one.. even though it is only security fixes.21:59
silverarrowI am looking into how to get b43 cutter and drivers on a usb22:01
silverarrowthere was a guy here the other night who had made it work, called it "persistent install"22:01
silverarrowI`m not sure how that differs from simply having the packages on a usb flash22:02
phillwthere are some cantacerous people about who will not take "That cannot be done" as an answer, that is what the linux community is all about :)22:03
silverarrowI like that22:04
silverarrowwhen I bought the new battery for my old G4 iBook, there were a guy on youtube who somehow linked to his page in an email22:04
silverarrowapparently he deals with refurbished powerpc22:05
silverarrowhe installed ubuntu ppc on the exact model I have, made a video about it, and said he could not get wireless and a few other things to work22:06
phillw(22:58:15) -release team: Copying chromium-browser to release.22:06
phillw(23:04:00) ***phillw sends said person cookies & beer :)22:06
silverarrowhe didn`t even  make an attempt22:06
silverarrowcookies and beer, interesting combination22:06
silverarrow;- )22:06
phillwthe release team have unusual eating habits ;)22:07
silverarrowcookie and beer vitamins are important22:08
phillwwe also have to occaisionally slaughter a n00b and let them drink their blood, but who misses the odd n00b? :D22:09
silverarrowa blood sacrifice22:10
silverarrow¨a long time since that was in use22:10
silverarrowat least around here22:11
phillwsilverarrow: QA team do not need blood sacrifices, we use sleep deprivation as our punishment :D22:13
silverarrowvery effective22:14
phillwhmm, I've lost both unit193 and kanliot this evening.... I have a feeling they know that I have a "cunning plan"22:15
phillwbrb, forgot to update the classroom session!22:16
wxlphillw: are we waiting on 20121016?23:03
wxl(lubuntu alternate ppc)23:03
phillwwxl: lubuntu was requested to be put at the bottom of the queue to allow the chromium-browser to build.23:04
wxlphillw: where was the schedule again? (tracker seems to suggest at least that one is done)23:07
phillwwxl: the chromium was added a little while ago, across all our archs, as ppc is get it install & run issue I think which version of Chromium we have is some what secondary :P23:07
phillwwxl: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds alternates are 'good to go'.23:08
phillwdesktop will possibly be .17 at the end23:09

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