
bootljhfdsdsleft the radio on for 2 hours while i feel aslep ::: Boy was that a mistake !00:00
dub_Azelphur: reboot time00:02
Azelphurdub_: good luck :D00:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest47405
Guest47405Azelphur: no...00:10
Guest47405not working00:10
AzelphurGuest47405: why not?00:11
Guest47405i have tried to reboot, it now shows the grub rescue screen00:11
Guest47405hd0 hd0,msdos6 hd0,msdos5 hd0msdos3 hd0msdos2 hd100:13
AzelphurGuest47405: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair do this on a livecd00:13
Guest47405grub rescue> blinking curser00:14
Guest47405i cant load pages00:14
AzelphurGuest47405: you can use a livecd to follow those instructions though ^00:14
Guest47405i am on a text console irssi00:14
Azelphuryou have a livecd, right?00:14
Guest47405hm guess so00:14
Azelphurhow was you on live before then?00:15
Azelphurwhen I vnc'd you00:15
Guest47405well live usb but the graphics wont work so i switched to text00:15
Azelphuryour liveusb graphics just randomly stopped working?00:15
Guest47405different machine00:15
AzelphurI'm confused00:16
Azelphurthe machine that won't boot, boot it from your liveUSB00:16
Guest47405i have two machines00:16
Guest47405both wont work i booted to the old netbook to talk to you after the one we partitioned wont boot so i could see abot what to do00:17
Guest47405i will boot it from a live cd now00:17
Guest47405the good thing is if i lost all my data it's recoverable00:20
Azelphuryou didn't loose all your data, I figured grub would probably go wonky00:21
Azelphurjust boot from live, get boot-repair going like those instructions say00:21
Azelphurand you should be good to go00:21
Guest47405grub seems ok00:30
Guest47405ubuntu loaded ok00:34
AzelphurGuest47405: cool, all working? :D00:34
Guest47405booting windows now00:35
Guest47405just to see00:35
Guest47405windows wont boot00:36
Azelphurstupid windows00:36
Azelphurlol BSoD00:36
Azelphurall you can do is follow the instructions on the BSoD and run chkdisk I guess00:36
Azelphurit's throwing up for no real reason00:36
Guest47405windows boot manager windows failed to start a recent hardware of software change may be the cause to fix the problem 1 insert.....00:38
Guest47405you get the picture00:38
Guest47405i just have the loader00:39
Guest47405nothing else for windows is showing00:39
AzelphurGuest47405: not sure, you'd need to ask windows folks for that one unfortunately00:40
AzelphurI don't know why simply resizing a partition would break it00:40
Guest47405i am greatful for  the help00:40
Azelphuryw, good luck00:41
ali1234you have to be careful of new windows machines01:14
ali1234if they have ssd accelerators01:14
* soreau is careful to avoid microsoft products altogether01:15
ali1234modifying the hard drive in any way from linux will corrupt the entire filesystem as linux doesn't understand the ssd cache and windows doesn't flush it on rebooting01:15
ali1234also, reading it from linux will just give you corrupt files01:15
ali1234for the same reason01:15
Azelphurali1234: if your looking to sell bitcoins since intersango is down, I'm your guy btw :)01:18
ali1234intersango is down? lolllll01:18
Azelphurali1234: yep, and mtgox01:18
Azelphuruk banks are stonewalling01:18
ali1234intersango isn't down, they just aren't doing gbp withdrawl01:19
Azelphurali1234: or deposits.01:19
Azelphurand neither is mtgox01:19
Azelphurwhich means down to us brits for all intense and purposes :)01:20
Knightwisemooornin sleepy heads06:33
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
Knightwisemornin theopensourcerer07:02
* Knightwise fires up the coffeemaker and plays Barista 07:02
christelmorning :)07:02
Knightwisehey christel :) .. coffee ?07:03
christeli'd love some!07:03
christeli am completely shattered, the toddler appears to have suddenly developed croup and has kept me up ALL night07:04
Knightwisepoor thing. I know how those lacking ZZZZ's can wear down on you07:05
* Knightwise makes christel a Quinty venty espresso with a red bull topping.07:05
christeli think i love you!07:06
KnightwiseShows you have excellent taste in men ;)07:06
* Knightwise adds a nice piece of sugary pastry and a snickers for "on the road"07:07
* Knightwise wonders if christel could use a chloroform airosol dispenser for the babies room ....07:08
christelhaha chloroform? :P07:09
Knightwiseor valium07:10
christelsounds like a plan!!07:10
KnightwiseI am personally also wondering how to get through today without nodding of :)07:19
Knightwisechristel: how old is the toddler ?07:24
christel2.5 :)07:25
Knightwisechristel :  2.5 ... And is it a long term support release or just a point upgrade ?07:37
master_helllo evry107:43
master_i need ubuntu free cd's07:44
diploMorning all07:56
christelmorning diplo :)07:56
Knightwisehey diplo07:56
Knightwisehow are you today07:56
diplonot bad thanks Knightwise, you ?07:56
diplomornign christel07:57
diploDay off yesterday so long weekend \o/07:57
Knightwiselucky you ! :) I'll probably take some days of the week after next07:57
diploNo babysitters yesterday, so had to :(07:58
diploBut tidied the garage so it was worthwhile, apart from the rain sucked :(07:59
=== darren is now known as darren-afk
dwatkinsdo they even do free CDs any more?08:01
dwatkinsah, they left the channel; I guess they googled what they were looking for ;)08:02
Knightwisedwatkins: i don't think so08:04
dwatkinsKnightwise: indeed, first google hit for the question was to the page saying that ShipIt has run its course.08:04
AlanBelldwatkins Knightwise yes08:06
dwatkinsMakes sense, USB sticks are cheap.08:06
dwatkinsAlso, I think the installer ISO is now larger than a CD.08:06
AlanBellwe get an allocation of 250 or so that I have to give out08:06
AlanBellyes, they are DVDs08:07
dwatkinsoh cool08:07
KnightwiseAlanBell: what hoops do you have to jump through to get one ? $08:07
AlanBellbut your optical drive doesn't care08:07
dwatkinsfor special customers08:07
AlanBellKnightwise: you can jump through hoops if you like, or just send an SAE08:07
AlanBellyou can pre-order 12.10 right now08:08
KnightwiseSAE ?08:08
AlanBellkids today /o\08:08
AlanBellbring back blue peter08:08
AlanBellself addressed envelope08:08
* dwatkins hands AlanBell a Blue Peter badge08:08
* Knightwise is not a UK resident08:08
AlanBellah :)08:08
dwatkinsI may have to get a t-shirt with one of those on it.08:09
* Knightwise remembers blue peter from home built thunderbird tracey island08:09
Knightwiseand dogs that pee in the studio08:09
AlanBellit used to be a well known thing to get freebies, send in an SAE for your free badge/sticker/whatever from cereal boxes or TV shows08:09
AlanBellKnightwise: and an elephant08:10
Knightwiseah yes !08:10
Knightwisei do think i remember seeing that in a best off show08:11
Knightwisebut when we got BBC on cable it was around the time of the saturday morning superstore08:11
Knightwisewith scofield and gordon the gopher08:11
Knightwiseso thats how far back my "actual" bbc history goes08:11
dwatkinsoh dear, I'd forgotten about that gopher.08:14
dwatkinsa friend of mine spent an entire summer following the radio 1 roadshow around the country as she fancied Phillip Schofield.08:14
popeymy sister bunked off school in 1979 to go to the R1 Roadshow because she fancied Peter Powell08:15
theopensourcererSorry Knightwise, morning to you too - I was in the middle of upgrading a customer's vtiger CRM08:15
dwatkinspopey: how naughty of her08:15
Knightwisedwatkins: she must have been real disappointed when she found out the truth08:16
Knightwisetheopensourcerer: : no worriez dude :)08:16
* theopensourcerer fondly remembers Sally James from Tiswas08:16
theopensourcererAnd Servilan from Blakes 708:16
* Knightwise dreamt of Sarah Alexander from Coupling (and noels house party)08:16
theopensourcererAh yes. Indeed Knightwise08:17
dwatkinsKnightwise: the truth?08:17
theopensourcererI didn't know she was in Noel's houseparty.08:17
* dwatkins grew up watching Sandy Togsvig talk very quickly on Number 7308:18
Knightwisedwatkins: wasnt philip more interested in the same sex ?08:18
dwatkinsKnightwise: I don't think so from his wikipedia page, but he is married08:18
Knightwiseah ! my mestake08:18
=== iahmad is now known as iahmad|lunch
Knightwisetheopensourcerer: that is just plain wrong :)08:19
Knightwiseor it shows your age08:21
dwatkinshere's an image to redress the balance: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/GoodLife3BBC_468x426.jpg08:21
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
theopensourcererYep - I'll be 50 in a 3 years08:21
selinuxiumMorning all  o/08:22
Knightwisetheopensourcerer: me will be 38 in a month08:24
=== darren-afk is now known as darren
theopensourcererA mere baby08:24
selinuxiumHow many peeps are gonig to the release party then? :)08:24
theopensourcererMe :-D08:24
Knightwisewish i could , can"t find one in the benelux area08:25
selinuxiumWill we have a full compliment of Alans?08:25
AlanBellselinuxium: I have 34 names08:25
AlanBellthere are some +1s as well08:25
selinuxiumShould be a good do!  :)08:25
AlanBellI don't see Alan Cocks on the list08:25
selinuxium3/4 Alans...08:26
dwatkinstime for breakfast, toodleoo08:26
theopensourcererWe need moar Alans08:26
selinuxiumQuite looking forward to it.08:26
selinuxiumThink of changing my name via Deed Poll08:26
selinuxiumtheopensourcerer, Servilan...  That takes me back... :)08:27
theopensourcererIndeed. She was interviewd on a TV show recently and was saying how "flattered" she was about what teenage boys got up to when she was on TV. ;-)08:28
selinuxium<cough> Don't know what you mean... :)08:29
selinuxiumtheopensourcerer, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48gH_v8ulLA   :D08:31
theopensourcerervery good selinuxium08:32
andylockranmorning all08:33
diploYou're all making me feel younger, thank you!08:37
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:39
KnightwiseServilan ! :) She was hot08:49
mungojerryhow can i export a bireoffice doc to pdf and include the comments in the pdf too?08:50
KnightwiseAlthough Glinnis Barber was also quite sexy08:50
AlanBellmungojerry: comments like annotations?08:51
AlanBellhmm, dunno08:51
mungojerryAlanBell, ah, found a export comments ooption...trying now08:51
AlanBellok, I would try uploading to google docs and either share read only from there or see if there is an export route that way08:52
AlanBelland there is a nasty bug printing SVG from libreoffice at the moment08:52
AlanBelllooks good on screen, rasterises it low res to print, you need to use EPS or do some other tricks to get it to work08:53
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/nametags.pdf <- EPS logo to avoid fuzzy logo on name badges for the release party08:55
mungojerrynah the comments export fails08:55
selinuxiumdiplo, Glad to be of service.  :)08:59
=== iahmad|lunch is now known as iahmad
mungojerryAlanBell, thanks for google doc suggestion, managed to import and export into the docx format better than LO09:10
=== NimChimpsky is now known as Nim[afk]
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:27
selinuxiumJust realised... Alan Pop, Alan Lord and Alan Bell... 4 characters forename and surname...    three 4 by 4's09:47
Knightwiseits strange09:47
KnightwiseI still think they are one and the same person09:47
AlanBellyou must comply to the naming convention, resistance is futile09:47
Knightwisegood Morn brobostigon !09:47
KnightwiseAlan Pop ...09:48
selinuxiumPope... Apoligies..09:48
d0odAlan Sned, reporting for duty09:48
Knightwisesounds like a rockstar from the 80's09:48
AlanBellthe King of Pop09:48
brobostigonmorning Knightwise09:48
* popey hugs d0od 09:48
KnightwiseOpen source Garry Glitter09:48
selinuxiumApologies... (sems like I am hittin ghte keyboard with a pound of sausages)09:48
AlanBellrole model fail09:48
directhexi wonder if i could feasibly fit a kitty the size of a small pony in my house.09:48
AlanBellmorning d0od09:48
d0odmorning AlanBell :D09:49
Knightwisepopey: did you like the end result of the interview ?09:49
AlanBelldirecthex: you might have better luck with a pony the size of a small kitty09:49
popeynot had chance to listen yet09:49
selinuxiumdirecthex, Is Tha a Maine Coon cat? (I wan't one of those)09:50
directhexselinuxium, siberian09:50
directhexabout the same length as a maine coon, a bit shorter though09:50
selinuxiumdirecthex, nice  :)09:51
Knightwisepopey: I think "The distro that is friendly for Youzeewoozees" should be the promo line on the next LTS release.09:53
directhexAlanBell, unlikely, i have a violent horse allergy09:54
bigcalmdavmor2: ping09:55
mungojerryi'm allergic to violent horses too09:55
KnightwiseI horseride violent alergies09:57
* d0od tries reading 'Youzewwoozees' aloud to make sense of it09:57
mrevellbigcalm, davmor2: When are you two planning the next co-working day?09:57
bigcalmmrevell: that's what I'm pinging davmor2 about09:57
Knightwised0od: Use - E - Wooz - EE's09:57
bigcalmmrevell: but considering that it's release day...09:57
mrevellbigcalm, It's *a* release day.09:57
lubotu3Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:58
lubotu3Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys09:58
mrevellbigcalm, All I meant is that none of the three of us work on Ubuntu, so maybe it doesn't affect us.09:59
bigcalmmrevell: davmor does09:59
mrevellbigcalm, Ah, righto.10:00
bigcalmmrevell: I thought you knew what davmor2 did10:00
mrevellbigcalm, Well, I did but I guess that's changed.10:01
bigcalmmrevell: maybe I'm wrong. But he did say that he's rather unlikely to attend the LUG on the night before a release10:02
bigcalmdavmor2: wake up and give us information :D10:03
gordrelease isn't normally that busy, i mean its not like your even allowed to make changes. just busy for people testing isos and involved in actually releasing10:03
bigcalmgord: so you're going to the work place day?10:04
gordnope, 13.04 is keeping me home10:06
gordnext two weeks are uds fun times as well10:07
czajkowskigord: dont forget the tea bags10:07
gordczajkowski, aren't you coming?10:08
gordbut you bring my tea bags!10:09
czajkowskigord: go get your own!10:09
czajkowskiplus I'm there from sunday to friday10:09
gordi don't understand that statement10:09
czajkowskiyou;ll have to manage a whole week on your own10:09
* Laney wants to go to the lego shop10:11
* DJones debates whether to upgrade to 12.1010:12
AlanBelldo it!10:12
DJonesAlanBell: Wag that "do it" to the lego shop or the upgrade :)10:14
directhexrams! :D10:14
davmor2bigcalm: cheeky git I've been awake for ages :P10:14
bigcalmdavmor2: you're not awake if you're not talking on IRC :P10:15
AlanBellDJones: both10:15
davmor2mrevell: why you planning on coming on Thursday10:15
davmor2morning all10:15
bigcalmHi davmor2 (lazy)10:16
davmor2bigcalm: well I was hoping to be going down to London but the fact that wifey isn't on top form means that might be going down the swany plus testing that everything is working correctly is taking a while. So with that I will likely be in Wolves10:17
davmor2bigcalm: let me flit over to moreati and see what he is all about10:18
bigcalmdavmor2: bummer man10:18
davmor2gord: you gonna join us for a mini release party on thursday10:20
bigcalmdavmor2: so a release party at the Moon Under Water again?10:21
gord[11:06] <gord> nope, 13.04 is keeping me home10:21
Knightwisehmmm :-10:24
Knightwisenew firmware for my google nexus :-)10:24
davmor2bigcalm: My Xoom is on a new version of Jelly bean :P10:25
gordwish my phone would get the jelly baby upgrade already10:31
davmor2gord: samsung s3 by any chance?10:32
KnightwiseDr Who's phone runs Jelly Baby10:32
Knightwiseall the rest runs Jelly Bean :)10:32
gordall i'm really interested in is if a bug has been fixed really. for some reason if i let my phone use wifi it drains the battery, but if i use 3g its fine. which is the opposite experience of my previous phone10:34
davmor2gord: mine doesn't install 3g watchdog and see if it is still connected to 3g as well as the wifi10:40
gorddavmor2, it started happening before i'd even put the sim card in there, so i don't think its that10:40
popeyI want a simple app in Ubuntu called "presentation mode" which switches off everything except maybe ssh and http from a browser of my choice10:41
popeyso i can guarantee I get no popups on my machine from email etc when on a projector10:41
popeybut which allows me to ssh to boxes or use the browser to demo stuff10:41
d0odpopey: mmm10:41
davmor2popey: so you need a script that does killall *10:43
gordkillall notify-osd?10:43
popeyno, because i dont want the notifications to be lost10:43
popeyi want the apps to stop talking10:43
popeyalso useful for 3g connections10:44
popeycall it NSTFU (Network, Shut... "10:44
popeybe nice if it was configurable, so i could enable chrome, but disable firefox.. for my demo10:45
popeyper-app firewalling basically10:45
czajkowskihands up who uses thunderbird?10:45
gordi tend to just use a guest session10:45
czajkowskidoes your envelope thingymegiggy change colour when you get a new email these days ?10:45
gordper app firewall stuff would be nice though10:46
diploczajkowski: Yup does ( running 12.10 )10:46
diplonot updated since Friday though10:46
czajkowskimine doesnt10:47
davmor2gord: guest session isn't always viable for example if you are running a juju demo you need a user that can access lxc for example10:47
kjalilczajkowski: mine just randomly stops working from time to time10:48
popeyyeah, i use guest, but then you dont have data, and guest can't run certain apps10:48
popeye.g. Chrome wont run as a guest session10:49
davmor2bigcalm: moreati can't make Thursday so unless mrevell is joining us10:50
davmor2czajkowski: is thunderbird listed in the indicator?10:58
kjalildavmor2: mine is, as "Mail". I'm guessing that means "default mail client"11:00
davmor2czajkowski: then you broked it, you really should be allowed near computers ;)11:01
davmor2czajkowski: is this an upgrade or a fresh install?11:02
bigcalmmrevell: ping11:02
davmor2bigcalm: the fact he is so quite makes me think he might be in a meeting11:02
selinuxiumtheopensourcerer, I have had Pink Floyd stuck in my head now all morning...11:03
bigcalmAh well11:03
davmor2kjalil: mine says Thunderbir Mail11:03
davmor2selinuxium: you make that sound like it is a bad thing11:03
theopensourcererYou might find doing some work would help selinuxium ;-)11:04
czajkowskitheopensourcerer: irony coming from you :p11:04
theopensourcererAh cz<tab> - you have been very quiet dear.11:05
czajkowskisee I do work11:05
czajkowskiand break things11:05
dwatkinsI keep meaning to put some music on, but every time I think about it I get distracted by work.11:05
selinuxiumtheopensourcerer, I am 'working' :) Why do you think I have been hiding away form IRC for all this time... :)11:07
davmor2czajkowski: you might want to leave breaking things to the professionals though sweetie :P11:07
czajkowskidavmor2: oi back in your box dearest!11:07
davmor2czajkowski: Prod by the way11:08
* selinuxium chuckles 11:08
davmor2czajkowski: infact PROD!!!!!!!!!!!! your further away so the prod needs to be bigger11:08
czajkowskidavmor2: go and break things11:10
davmor2czajkowski: I am, I broke you will just :P11:11
kjalildavmor2: ok, not sure why mine says just 'Mail' then11:13
davmor2kjalil: are you on precise or quantal11:14
davmor2kjalil: due to the fact that you can webapps like gmail added to the indicator all the client are named to save confusion in quantal, in precise it is listed as mail11:15
kjalildavmor2: oh I'm on precise, that must be why then11:37
diploAnyone ever had this? copied passwd/groups/shadow etc over on a linux box as we always do on a migration but now when we run  a useradd it kernel panics11:51
kjalildiplo: wow, a kernel panic? no11:52
popeystrace it11:53
popeyoh, hang on :)11:53
kjalildiplo: migrate from what to what? what did you copy11:53
popeyis it common to manually copy those files over?11:53
diplothe files above from one machine to another11:53
popeywhat about user homes, spool files etc?11:53
kjalildiplo: same version of OS?11:53
diploWell it's the way our support guys have done it11:53
popeysounds hairy11:54
diplouser homes only have a .profile in them, not sure how he does that11:54
kjalilyeah they might have copied some libs or something they shouldn't have?11:54
diploBut works 99% of the time, is there a good way of migrating tens to hundreds of users that anyone knows of..11:54
diplothis has just worked for us11:54
diploNope, all users are already in passwd can login and work fine11:55
diploIt's just we can't use useradd without it panicking11:55
kjalilput the users in LDAP and home dirs in shared storage?11:55
diployeah that's a like, not an option for now11:57
diploThe guys in headoffice, know what they know and not much else, so I fill in the rest, before I googled anymore I thought I'd see what anyone else has done or experienced11:58
kjalildiplo: how did they migrate the /etc stuff across and how did the migrate the home dirs? rsync? what options if so?11:58
kjalili'm thinking of permissions or ownership problems11:58
kjalilor even selinux issues, if you use that11:59
diplonah, selinux disabled, will check permissions it's already on my list12:00
diploBut yeah rsync I think, they use the same process everytime and no issue12:00
diploSo it's a one off12:00
diploHmm, shadown permissions are different, maybe that12:02
kjalildiplo: you should really use --numeric-id when moving users across to make sure they have the same uid, if the target OS will be OK with that though12:03
diploI'll play with it and see if I can reproduce in a vm I guess12:05
diplothanks for thoughts though, I'll try now permissions first12:07
davmor2diplo: have you thought about maybe just using clonezilla12:07
* davmor2 does fresh installs of quantal i386 and adm64 see what he can break muhahahahahahahahahaahahahaha12:09
* popey wishes 12.10 worked in virtualbox :(12:12
davmor2Obi-wan are you okay, I felt a disturbance in the force, as if a million developers cried out in pain and then were no more12:12
* jacobw thinks it's crazy ubuntu desktop no longers works in virtualization12:13
diplodiplo: It was a newer version of OS as far as I am aware, this again normally just works12:13
popey13.04 should be named Rolling Rabbit.12:18
davmor2popey: Roland Rat12:19
popeyEeeeee Kevin!12:19
dwatkins...and we're back to children's TV :D12:20
davmor2dwatkins: well the rest of tv is crap12:20
dwatkinsdavmor2: sadly I have to agree with you now that Doctor Who is on haitus12:21
davmor2dwatkins: but that started as the bbc saturday family sci-fi show12:22
dwatkinstrue, a friend of mine refuses to watch Doctor Who because he thinks it's "kids' TV" and therefore not worth watching. He doesn't know what he's missing.12:22
bittin^workwhy is all so hyped up by Dr Who, i never meeting it :p12:23
bittin^workwatch it*12:24
directhexmemtest86+ on 12G RAM is likely to take a long time.12:24
bittin^workwhere the fuck did i got that meeting from12:24
dwatkinsI find it has a lot of depth, there are things that adults appreciate just as well as children.12:24
bittin^worklike Spongebob12:24
dwatkinsplease mind your language, bittin^work12:24
bittin^workand Dexter, Power Puff Girls12:25
davmor2directhex: take out 11Gb see if it runs faster12:25
dwatkinsI imagine Spongebob also has plenty of depth and cunning storylines, yes.12:25
directhexdavmor2, i'd need to saw one stick in half for that12:26
davmor2directhex: you see it's already setting you a whole new challenge :P12:29
AlanBellyikes, there is a snake in the car park!12:44
popeyMicrosoft salesman came to call?12:45
davmor2popey, AlanBell: Oracle surely :)12:46
AlanBellI caught it!12:51
dwatkinsAlanBell saves the day.... so long as it's not a cobra-effect problem...12:55
dwatkins[see wikipedia's entry for an explanation]12:55
AlanBellit was a slow worm12:56
ali1234doctor who is kids TV. there is no escaping it.13:00
dwatkinsali1234: yes, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring for adults ;)13:00
ali1234it doesn't have to be. it often is though13:00
ali1234the writing is hit and miss13:01
gordtorchwood was "dr who for adults" and i can't say the writing was better13:01
ali1234no, torchwood was doctor who for teenagers13:02
ali1234and the writing was significantly worse13:02
Knightwisedepends on who wrote the episodes13:02
KnightwiseT davis is very good but also a little "light"13:02
ali1234sherlock and dirk gently - those were doctor who for adults13:02
Knightwisewhere moffet is dark ..13:02
KnightwiseSherlock was awesome13:03
Knightwiseat least amy and rory are history (Yay)13:03
ali1234last few episodes were really dumb13:04
ali1234episode 1, amy is shooting dinosaurs in space like a badass. episode 2, she can't operate a pistol13:05
ali1234episodes 2 + 3 actually13:05
gordto be fair that sounds like episodes got re-rodered13:06
Knightwisei liked the last ep13:06
KnightwiseANY episode with the angels is ok13:06
ali1234angels = worst villain ever13:07
ali1234but i dislike the straight villain episodes13:07
LeckeyMiss Marple13:11
Leckey> *13:11
DJonesThey should bring back the evil master, rather than the insane master13:11
dwatkinsI liked the first angels episode, the rest were a bit meh.13:11
dwatkinsThe master was great, and made goatees scary.13:12
Knightwiseindeed , the first ep with tennant and the angels was awesome13:12
Leckeyalso Poirot13:12
ali1234john simm ruined that role and turned him into space-tony blair13:12
Knightwise4 plaster statues, a VCR and a Camera .. Chilling episode13:12
dwatkinsKnightwise: I thougth he was barely in it... oh yeah, the videos :)13:12
Knightwiseali1234: thats true . tony blair from space13:12
ali1234also the whole eye-laser-skeleton thing was incredibly stupid13:13
Knightwisedwatkins: I thought the ep was great .. realy centered around effect before couse13:13
ali1234who knew timelords could do that, honestly?13:13
popeylol space-tony-blair..13:13
Knightwisealso the episode "the girl in the fireplace" .. loved that one13:13
ali1234i'll tell you what was a good episode13:14
* Knightwise feels like old gits talking about the war ..13:14
Knightwiseshoot ali123413:14
Knightwisetell us :)13:14
ali1234the one where the tardis becomes a person13:14
Knightwiserealy ?13:14
ali1234and i'll tell you why it was good. good writing.13:14
Knightwiseyou liked that one ?13:14
dwatkinsKnightwise: yeah, some of my favourite TV was made with practically no effects (e.g. Goodnight Sweetheart, the comedy time-travel show)13:14
Knightwisedwatkins: I agree !13:15
ali1234and no stupid "we have to save the world from a fate even worse than the last 100 times" plot13:15
dwatkinsali1234: awesome ep that :)13:15
Knightwisetrue. I liked the one where ekleson meets the dalek for the first time13:15
Knightwiseclass acting seeing the doctor "scared"13:15
ali1234another good one was the one with the clones13:18
ali1234except for the cop out ending where it all ties up nicely with exactly one copy of each person left13:19
kirrusali1234: the tardis becomes a person, was written by Neil Gaiman13:19
ali1234kirrus: yes, and he won a hugo for it, so yeah...13:19
Knightwisei think the belgian loco of ubuntu users is about 3 people or something13:21
kirrushave you ever seen neverwhere?13:21
KnightwiseI cant find anything about a launchparty or anything13:21
Knightwisei mean seriously : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReleaseParty?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Picture+1.png13:22
Knightwise3 people13:23
popeyali1234, agreed on the ep where the tardis is a person. that's one of my faves13:33
czajkowskiKnightwise: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/13:33
czajkowskiKnightwise: poke janc on irc he usually organisises something13:33
czajkowskithat loco is very active.13:33
davmor2mrevell: prod you gonna be there Thursday?13:41
Knightwiseczajkowski: contacting them now .. thanx !13:45
=== NimChimpsky is now known as `Cat`
=== `Cat` is now known as RadiumCat
SuperMattok, anyone know why notify-send wouldn't work in a crontab?14:57
jpdsSuperMatt: Because there is no DBus variables set in cron.14:57
SuperMattI see14:58
SuperMattcould I do that? Could I set them or is that silly?14:58
jpdsSuperMatt: You have to add something like this somewhere before notify-send:14:59
jpdsexport $(xargs -n 1 -0 echo </proc/$(pidof gnome-session)/environ | grep -Z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=)14:59
jpdsCool, huh?14:59
* SuperMatt waits for another minute for it to run again15:00
SuperMattit's worked15:02
jpdsSo my work is done.15:02
SuperMattshame there isn't a sunset you can ride off in to15:02
gordmaybe you can set a notification in cron for when the sunset is15:03
SuperMattoooh, I've added a logo to my notify too15:08
gordmy make command sends notify-send with --icon=face-cool if make works, --icon=face-crying if make failed15:10
SuperMatthah, that's brilliant15:10
mungojerryi don't get notifications anymore :(15:11
SuperMattoh noes :(15:11
mungojerrystupid gnome shell doesn't let me move them15:11
mungojerryand my dock goes there15:12
mungojerrydo no gnome users have a dock?15:12
SuperMattah right15:12
mungojerrycan't wait for elementary15:12
AlanBellmungojerry: it is the favourites bar on the left in the shell screen15:12
mungojerryi don't use the shell screen for obvious reasons, i don't think many people regard that as a dock15:13
* AlanBell wonders what the obvious reason is15:14
mungojerrythe dock should be visible on screen and not require a hot corner or super key15:14
mungojerryshouldn't have to have an overlay mode just to see the apps that are runing15:14
SuperMattI don't know about that15:15
SuperMattI think it's a personal preference thing15:15
AlanBelloh. I quite like the hot corner15:15
SuperMattI prefer to see my launcher, but on a smaller screen I might hide it15:15
mungojerrygnome doesn't cater for personal prefernce very well (although better than unity)15:15
AlanBellI was very impressed with Gnome Shell when trying it last weekend15:16
SuperMattI quite like gnome shell, but I think these days until looks better and suits my style better15:17
jacobwdesign doesn't cater for personal preference very well15:17
AlanBellI think it wins on notifications and launching applications you want to launch, and workspace handling15:17
AlanBellunity wins easily on Amazon shopping15:17
jacobw'design community' is an odd phrase because design is usually a totalitarian process15:18
AlanBelljacobw: design includes art and architecture15:18
mungojerrygary mckinnon is staying in the uk15:18
jacobwas in, freedesktop.org projects?15:19
AlanBellno, as in stuff designed right15:19
AlanBelllike riscos or beos or nextstep15:19
AlanBellcracking architecture, but not much art15:19
mungojerryAlanBell, gnome shell is OK when you are trying it, and so is unity15:21
mungojerrybut when using them 10 hrs a day, you tend to come against insurmountable obstacles15:21
mungojerryunlike my old  gnome2 setup15:21
AlanBellquick question, Sparkleshare or Owncloud?15:35
mungojerryworks nicely and the new version 3.5 allows additional external sources (dropbox etc)15:37
mungojerryvery easy to setup too15:38
bigcalmdavmor2: mrevell: do we have an agreement on Thursday yet?15:51
mrevellbigcalm, davmor2: Oh hey, I definitely can't do this Thursday.15:51
bigcalmmrevell: ta15:52
davmor2mrevell: anyone would think it was a big and busy day for Ubuntu or something ;)15:52
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bigcalmdavmor2: lets skip the work place day this Thursday16:10
bigcalmBut I still need to get out this week, so will have me a steak tomorrow ;)16:11
SuperMattdavmor2: clearly it's not a big and busy day on thursday, you're clearly slacking16:12
SuperMattit's not like you're pumping out updates to your os, every day16:12
SuperMattand it's not like you're continually working to release a new version of your desktop environment every 6 months16:13
davmor2SuperMatt: I don't I test and break it everyday16:13
SuperMattjust lazy16:13
MartijnVdSheh: https://plus.google.com/106084846822083498483/posts/XewwSTaZAN716:36
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
directhexprotip: serious sam 3 is 75% off on steam, and is one of the steam-for-linux launch day titles when that ships17:14
daftykinsdirecthex: nice, ta for the heads up!17:32
directhexlist of steam games on linux: http://marlamin.com/cdr/search.php?s=linux&searchby=os17:32
simondbull1Hey Guys17:47
simondbull1I have recently purchased an Intel Ivy Bridge (Intel Core 15-3210M, to be precise) laptop running 12.04. Am having issues, as X keeps on locking up. Could anyone point me to the whereabouts of the logs? Thanks :)17:47
daftykinsthere's an app for reading system logs17:48
daftykinsyou could pore over those17:49
simondbull1could i ask which file they would be in?17:50
daftykinsmmm yeah i'm not really good enough to say17:51
simondbull1daftykins, thank you very much nonetheless - any advice helps :)17:52
feisarcan anyone recommend a decent (respects privacy etc.) uk isp?17:54
Azelphurfeisar: the problem with that seems to be the further down the "decent" line you go, the worse quality connection you get17:58
feisaroh really, I use Andrews & Arnold and they are great17:59
feisardecent in quality and privacy issues etc.17:59
feisarI'm just looking for something a little less expensive for my brother (the line's going to get a lot of peak time usage)18:00
Azelphurfeisar: see that's what I meant18:00
AzelphurI pay £7.50/mo for unlimited all day every day18:01
Azelphurbut it's with sky, so you can wave goodbye to privacy rights18:01
Azelphurgood, cheap, fast, pick any 2 ;)18:01
feisaryeah, I wouldn't call Sky a decent connection18:01
BigRedSI keep meaning to switch to A&A but Be are really rather good so I keep just renewing...18:02
Azelphurfeisar: I get a relatively stable 12mbit/sec down, and I have done over a terabyte of traffic in a single month18:02
feisarI'll have a look at Be18:02
Azelphurbe are ok, afaik they have fair usage policies though18:02
feisarI've heard Zen is good too18:02
BigRedSAzelphur: allegedly; I've never managed to hit one but it is only me using the connection18:03
feisarZen do 100GB any time for about £2518:03
AzelphurBigRedS: yea, I go through a fair amount of traffic so I have to watch for fair usage policies18:04
AzelphurI'd die in 100GB XD18:04
feisarI'd die without a proper connection to the internet (public IPs, choice of router and DNS etc.) you get what you pay ofr18:05
AzelphurI seem to actually relatively reliably hit 230GB/mo now18:05
Azelphurpast few months it's been almost exactly 230GB/mo, each time18:06
Azelphurfeisar: I get a public IP, choice of router is a little annoying, but that's easy to workaround, I have a choice of DNS18:06
Azelphurstep 1) plug sky router into wan port on my router, step 2) put my router in dmz on sky router, step 3) laugh manically18:07
Azelphurfeisar: lemme know what you come up with though, I'd be interested to see what you do18:08
feisarAzelphur: sure18:09
Azelphurfeisar: check for BT Infinity availability too, and if all else fails there is always a VPN.18:09
BigRedSstatic IPs are useful, but I'd not consider them a dealbreaker really - anything I want to host I'd rather have on a proper connection in a datacenter somewhere18:11
feisarBigRedS: Be look pretty good, you have good experience with them? They against stuff like Phorm etc.?18:11
BigRedSTo be honest I've paid little attention for the past couple of years. They did block TPB earlier than I was expecting, and were generally pro-free-internet the first time I used them (which was before they were bought by O2)18:13
BigRedSI've really lost track since, but I seem to have access to almost the whole Internet at a reasonable speed, I've never hit a cap of any sort and haven't really had to speak to them aside from ordering the connection18:14
BigRedSMy fondness for them is now more based on my laziness and hearing from other, more attentive, people who like them than anything else18:14
=== d0od_ is now known as d0od
feisarBigRedS: cheers18:27
dwatkinsfeisar: I have a static IP with Be and unlimited internets, it gets my vote.18:30
dwatkinsI don't think I even have a way to measure how many internets I use with Be, so I bought an old Linksys to install the Tomato firmware on for measuring this sort of thing, mainly out of curiosity.18:31
dwatkins[yes, I know bandwidth is measured in Megabits or Megabytes, I just find it amusing to refer to multiple internets as some unspecified bandwidth measurement]18:32
feisardwatkins: hhe18:45
feisardwatkins: cheers18:46
raj153ne1 der?18:58
Azelphur!english | raj15318:58
lubotu3raj153: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:58
raj153can somebody help me to create a multibootable external HDD?18:59
Azelphurdo you mean an external HDD with multiple operating systems installed on it19:00
Azelphuror an external HDD with multiple installers (livecds) on it19:00
raj153no operating systems..19:00
raj153but iso19:00
AzelphurI tried to do it for a long time, they best I found was Multisystem, but it doesn't work very well.19:01
AzelphurIt won't work with Windows or Debian, but it seems to work with most Ubuntu based distros19:01
ali1234quality entertainment on itv1 if you hate football19:03
Azelphurali1234: get my pm?19:04
czajkowskipopey: you done a video yet on shopping via the lens?19:14
davmor2czajkowski: You can apparently rent from youtube if they have it19:19
* MartijnVdS just bought a song through spotify.. and it worked19:19
MartijnVdSnot through the lens though19:19
bigcalmGood evening20:27
BigRedSGood Morning!20:38
* czajkowski wallops BigRedS morning 20:39
BigRedSAt least this is less bleedy than the stabbing20:42
BigRedSAh, that reminds me, I'll be in the pub on thurs eve20:43
AlanBellI have printed your name badge20:44
BigRedSBut then they'll find me!20:46
czajkowskiBigRedS: I'll be in ireland you're safe20:51
* BigRedS breathes a sigh of reliefe20:53
BigRedSor relief20:53
BigRedSYou in ireland for a while? going to this UKUUG unconference?20:56
BigRedSHmm... I need to find out if there's proper drinks afterwards adn, if not, instigate them....20:57
czajkowskiBigRedS: back on the Friday21:03
czajkowskinot sure I want to spend my only day back in the UK before I head to UDS at a conference21:04
czajkowskithink the other half is going21:04
BigRedShaha, yeah, fair point21:07
daftykinsdid that Limerick one go well in the end?21:10
czajkowskidaftykins: brilliant21:11
daftykinsgood to hear21:12
daftykinsand to think Limerick's own Cranberries got back together and pushed out a new album this year \o/21:12
daftykinshere, is 'bay' some kinda Irish alternative to 'baby' or something?21:13
popeypip pip21:14
BigRedSIs this ("11.10 and later") still the right way to get things run on login in 12.10? I don't have a 'Startup Applications...' option in that menu http://askubuntu.com/questions/48321/how-to-start-applications-at-startup-automatically21:18
BigRedSAlso, G'morning popey!21:18
* BigRedS remembers the dash, finds 'startup applications', shuts up21:19
* Laney wibbles21:20
bigcalmCherry cherry21:21
czajkowskiLaney: you're very quiet these days21:21
czajkowskiwhatcha doin'21:21
Laneysame ol'21:21
czajkowskibreaking releases :p21:21
Laneybought SSD for lappy today :D21:22
czajkowskiLaney: try and keep it that way till thursday :p21:23
Laneyaint nothing getting in any more21:23
czajkowskiyou say thay21:23
czajkowskiI'm waiting on 2 bug fixes!21:23
czajkowskiboth are in progress21:24
popeyczajkowski, which ones?21:37
czajkowskipopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-chromium-extension/+bug/1059457  still an issue though21:39
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1059457 in unity-chromium-extension (Ubuntu) "webapps keeps offering to install even when I've said never for this site " [Undecided,Fix released]21:39
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1059456 in unity-webapps-googleplus (Ubuntu) "When you have already said yes to having a webapps page it persists in asking again " [Undecided,In progress]21:39
czajkowskialready poked the developer over the first one21:40
czajkowskihe cant reproduce21:40
daftykinspoor guy21:41
BigRedSThere's no need to mock!21:41
daftykinsreminds me of a good xkcd that21:41
popeywell whatever happens that won't be going in 12.10 until after the release21:41
popeydoesn't look targetted for SRU-021:41
popeyso unless ken is going to swoop it all in tomorrow, chances are it'll be in SRU-1 which may not be till after UDS21:42
* BigRedS wonders why this is still an unsolved problem: http://avi.co/s/wallpaper-preview.png22:10
daftykinsnot seeing the pic properly inside the monitor image?22:11
daftykins'tis a bit of scale fail that22:12
BigRedSyeah, I don't think I've ever seen anything get it right22:12
czajkowskipopey: which ken22:13
daftykinsassuming it's meant to do what i expect22:13
popeyczajkowski, how many Kens are there!22:20
popeyBigRedS, odd font22:20
popeyis that icon sparkleshare?22:20
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
czajkowskipopey: excellent point22:22
czajkowskiit was willcooke I was dealing wiht before this22:22
czajkowskiand then the developer trying to track down the one that is marked as fixed released :/22:23
popeywill manages webapps22:25
popeyczajkowski, are you saying bug 1059457 isnt fixed?22:26
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1059457 in unity-chromium-extension (Ubuntu) "webapps keeps offering to install even when I've said never for this site " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105945722:26
czajkowskipopey: yup I get unity webapps plugin crashes22:30
popeythats not the same22:31
czajkowskiI get it when I click no never which never happened before till this 'fix' happened22:32
popeyI'd file a new bug, because "plugin crash" does not equal "keeps offering to install" imo22:32
popeynew bug/regression then22:32
czajkowskipopey: can you go to a site and click no never what happens for you?22:32
popeyexample site?22:32
popeyand which browser?22:33
czajkowskichromium even22:33
popeywe dont support chrome22:33
popeyI get a prompt "Would you like to install unity-webapps-twitter" for extra features"22:34
popey[never for this site] and [yes]22:34
popeywhich did you use?22:34
* popey installs22:35
* popey restarts chromium22:35
popeyi already have said "yes" to it22:36
popeyhard to say "no" now :)22:36
* popey wonders what other sites might offer this that I could say "no" to22:36
czajkowskibbc news22:36
czajkowskipopey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1284062/22:37
popeyok. i now get "Would you like to install BBC News for extra features and quicker access" [Never for this site] [Yes]"22:38
popeywhich do you choose?22:38
popeythe bar goes away22:38
czajkowskiok give it a moment22:40
czajkowskiand it should crash22:40
czajkowskior else I've sods luck22:40
popeynothing yet22:40
czajkowskirefresh the page?22:40
popeyi navigated away22:41
popeyask in the morning, looks like webapps people are sleeping22:42
daftykinsthere's nothing like surprises22:42
czajkowskicheers popey22:43
BigRedSIs there somewhere saying what the webapps are supposed to do? My envelope goes blue when there's things I'm not *that* interested in22:48
BigRedSnew tweets not @me, for example. Difficult to separate expected behaviour from bugs without knowing the expected behaviour22:48
andylockranhey all22:49
andylockranany recommendations for a website to buy a last minute holiday?22:49
BigRedSyou ask at ten to midnight? That *is* last-minute planning :)23:09
BigRedSsadly, none from me23:09
daftykinsnn all23:17

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