
tjaaltonRAOF: yo, could you accept -wacom for precise-proposed, bug 103861505:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038615 in xf86-input-wacom (Ubuntu Precise) "Wacom Intuos 5 button touch moves the cursor to the top left corner" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103861505:24
RAOFtjaalton: Most assuredly!05:36
RAOFtjaalton: That's a really bad SRU request, you know ☺05:48
tjaaltonis it?05:50
tjaaltonmaybe a bit terse05:52
RAOFYeah - it doesn't have a clearly written test case, and there certainly isn't *no* regression potential.05:52
tjaaltonoh test case05:55
tjaaltonI can add those05:55
tjaaltonalso, seems that powering down my monitor crashed i915, nice05:55
tjaaltonon precise though, so too old to care05:58
RAOFI've accepted xf86-input-wacom by the way.  I'm just commenting that the SRU bug is a little bite too far on the terse side :)05:58
jibelanyone could look at bug 1066883 and bug 1066228 and give an opinion. They appeared recently and it's really worrying as the release is in 2 days06:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066883 in xorg (Ubuntu Quantal) "Fatal server error: Can not run in framebuffer mode on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106688306:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066228 in xorg (Ubuntu) "After updates quantal doesn't boot into graphics mode on my ivybridge system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622806:40
jibelsomeone in the qa team has a mac mini with an intel card on which he can reproduce reliably, if you need more info06:41
tjaaltonjibel: sounds like a race in plymouth vs. xserver06:53
jibeltjaalton, any idea to investigate it further ? 06:56
tjaaltonjibel: not sure, aiui it's been there for a long time07:04
jibelhm, the mac mini worked nicely until recent release candidates. 07:11
tjaaltonso you have one?07:12
tjaaltontry an older quantal kernel07:12
jibeltjaalton, yes, someone in my team have one and can do some testing.07:13
jibeltjaalton, I'll ask him to find the last known good image and to diff the manifests07:13
tjaaltonso there should be an older kernel still available, try to bisect if it was some change there07:13
tjaaltonbisect as in testing the kernel packages07:14
tjaaltonjibel: um, unless it has been reinstalled with the rc there's no need to do that07:14
tjaaltonor just install a mainline 3.5.x07:14
jibeltjaalton, ok07:15
tjaaltonthe current one is based on 3.5.507:17
tjaaltonso maybe try a mainline 3.5.5 and if able to reproduce with it, go back with 3.5.4 etc07:18
dholbachdid anyone see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/+bug/1048142 and has an opinion about it?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048142 in fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu) "fglrx-updates 2:8.982-0ubuntu0.1: fglrx-updates kernel module failed to build [Error! Application of patch fix-build-issue-on-i386-where-TS_USEDFPU-is-no-longe.patch failed.]" [High,Triaged]11:29
tjaaltontseliot: ^11:32
tseliotdholbach: yes, I think I've fixed that in quantal11:45
dholbachtseliot, ah, so it can be closed?11:47
tjaaltonit was filed on precise though11:47
tseliotdholbach: we should add a task for precise11:47
dholbachtseliot, perfect - will you take care of it?11:48
tseliotdholbach: sure11:48
dholbachtseliot, grazie mille11:49
tseliotdholbach: di niente ;)11:49
mlankhorstRAOF: is it too early to SRU something for xxv nouveau yet on quantal?12:17
tjaaltonjust target -proposed12:18
tjaaltonzero-day updates is nothing unheard of12:18
mlankhorstI'm hoping for some other patch first so I can sru both12:18
mlankhorst"[Nouveau] [PATCH] dri2: Fix potential race and crash for swap at next vblank."12:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
seb128bryceh, mlankhorst, RAOF: hey, #ubuntu-release pinged us about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/106688314:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066883 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "[Macmini 5,1] Fatal server error: Can not run in framebuffer mode on reboot" [High,Confirmed]14:07
seb128could one of you have a look and try to figure if that's an xorg or kernel issue?14:07
tjaaltonjibel asked about it earlier14:09
mlankhorstdefinitely interesting what is going on there though..14:11
seb128tjaalton, and what was the outcome?14:13
mlankhorstrace between plymouth and x server14:14
psivaaseb128: mlankhorst. the issue is not occurring when i tried with an older image 20120724.2  (alpha 3)14:15
seb128mlankhorst, hum, and any clue on how to address that race?14:16
psivaathe login screen comes up even when the latest kernel ( ) was installed on that old image14:16
tjaaltonpsivaa: that's an ancient image, not really helpful to know it worked14:24
psivaatjaalton: ok, bug 1066228 was reported on 20120905.2, so i tested with older than that.14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066228 in linux (Ubuntu) "After updates quantal doesn't boot into graphics mode on my ivybridge system" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622814:30
psivaawell this was the original image and the bug was reported on 13/10 after upgrade, i have 20121018.1 and ill try with that now14:31
tjaaltonif 20120905 means the date, then there's more than a month between the image and the bug?14:31
tjaaltonI'm confused, was 20120905 a working one or not?14:32
psivaafresh install with 20120905 works14:32
tjaaltonno need to test older ones then14:32
psivaaim sorry it did *not* work with 20120905 according to bug 106622814:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066228 in linux (Ubuntu) "After updates quantal doesn't boot into graphics mode on my ivybridge system" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622814:34
tjaaltondid you file that bug?14:34
tjaaltonok so your bug was another one, got it14:35
tjaaltonif you can narrow it down further then14:35
tjaaltonwould be cool14:36
psivaaim installing with 20121018.1 and let you know14:36
psivaatjaalton: it works ok with 20121001 but fails on 2012101115:29
psivaai am getting 20121005 now to try, do you want me to try anyother image between 1001 and 1011?15:30
tjaaltonpsivaa: i guess that should be enough15:31
tjaaltonor maybe just upgrade select packages from the working one to see where it breaks15:31
psivaatjaalton: ok, ill do that thanks15:32
tjaalton-intel was uploaded on sep 29th15:32
tjaaltonno big changes to the xserver either15:34
tjaaltontry updating the kernel then15:35
tjaaltonpretty sure the issue is there15:35
psivaatjaalton: i have tried rebooting about 10 times after kernel upgrade to to the working image (20121001) the issue is not reproduced16:06
psivaatjaalton: if you want any other pkg to be upgraded, i could try that16:07
Sarvattpsivaa: it'd be worth trying to update xserver-xorg-core just in case16:18
psivaaSarvatt: ok thanks, trying that16:18
psivaaSarvatt: updating xserver-xorg-core does not break either16:29
tjaaltonpsivaa: try xserver-xorg-video-intel next16:52
tjaaltonmlankhorst: is the backport stack installable again?16:57
mlankhorsttjaalton: not yet unless mvo fixed that bug yet16:57
mlankhorstwell it will install as long as you don't use multiarch16:58
tjaaltonso I wonder if getting gpu hungs on precise twice today is due to some update or what16:58
brycehtjaalton, is it well hungs?17:00
tjaaltoni really hope this is just what other folks are seeing all the time, and not something new17:00
tjaaltonprecise has been quite stable for me for the past few months17:00
tjaaltonon ivb17:01
bjsniderricotz, was dropping the xvmc lib the only change to the newest blob?17:07
psivaatjaalton: xserver-xorg-video-intel does not break either17:11
ricotzbjsnider, i hope so17:12
tjaaltonpsivaa: well that's weird then17:12
tjaaltonhmm what about grub?17:13
tjaaltonpsivaa: also, verify that the kernel _image_ was upgraded, 'apt-cache policy linux-image-3.5.0-17-generic'17:15
ricotzbjsnider, this is nothing for x-updates though, since beta and dropped support for geforce 617:17
bjsnideri don't put betas in there anyway17:18
psivaatjaalton: that returns, 'Installed: 3.5.0-17.28'17:18
psivaatjaalton: just updated grub, trying reboot17:18
tjaaltonpsivaa: ok, so it's the latest17:19
psivaatjaalton: yes17:19
tjaaltonpsivaa: once you're done with it, please run 'apt-get install pastebinit; apt-get -s dist-upgrade | pastebinit'17:20
tjaaltonand give the url17:20
psivaatjaalton: ok will do17:21
psivaatjaalton: so i go on to update all the packages?17:25
psivaatjaalton: no its just two of them for pastebin, my bad17:26
tjaaltonyeah, install pastebinit and then simulate the dist-upgrade17:27
tjaaltonand pipe it to pastebin17:27
psivaatjaalton: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1283497/17:27
tjaaltonpsivaa: ok, try upstart next17:30
psivaatjaalton: upstart does not seem to break either17:37
Sarvattlightdm would be the next i'd try17:40
tjaaltonoh yes17:40
Sarvattif its not that i'm completely confused17:41
tjaalton"new upstream stable release", bumping the version 1.3.3->1.4.017:41
Sarvattyeah exactly what i just saw17:41
psivaatjaalton: Sarvatt: lightdm 1.4.0 does not break either, 5 reboots without failure18:19
Hunanitsswift@swift-UX31E:~$ chmod a+x enable-rightbutton.sh18:40
Hunanitsswift@swift-UX31E:~$ ./enable-rightbutton.sh 12 18:40
Hunanproperty Synaptics Right Button Area doesn't exist, you need to specify its type and format18:40
HunanAny help on that?]18:41
HunanETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad  Is the touch pad type18:41
tjaaltonit's most likely not using synaptics, but the evdev driver18:43
HunanAlright. Any idea how I enable right click on the evdev driver ? Or how I switch to synaptics? Whichever is better18:43
tjaaltonxinput list-props 1218:44
tjaalton"Evdev Third Button Emulation"18:44
HunanWhen I did ixinput list-props 12 pretty much everything is synaptics18:46
HunanSo I' guessing I'm not using evdev18:46
tjaaltonthen fix the script18:47
HunanNovice struggles. I ouldn't know what I was doing hahah18:50
HunanBack to windows18:50
SarvattHunan: save this as /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1283654/18:54
HunanErmmm I dont have permissions to save files in tht locations.. what' the best way to get around that. I'm not sure hwo to ake a file in terminal18:57
Sarvattalt+F2, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf 18:59
Sarvattit should work when you reboot now19:00
HunanLog out or full reboot?19:00
Hunan_It worked thanks a bundl19:04
SarvattHunan_: no problem, where did you find that enable-rightbutton.sh btw? a wiki somewhere? that only worked on a very early version of the clickpad support, not what went into final 12.0419:06
Hunan_I found it through googling, but it pointed to a wiki page at some point19:06
Hunan_I can dig it up if you'd lik19:06
Hunan_Also any thoughts on getting three and four finger gestures to work?19:07
Sarvattwow, it's on the debugging touchpad problems page19:07
Hunan_I was really confused about why it wouldn't work cause it came from official pages.. Also the AsusZenbook Community page states that my trackpad should work out of the box.. it clearly doesnt haah19:09
Hunan_Also while I've got someone who's nice and helpful is there a way to set my default brightness to the lowest setting ubuntu keeps bumping me back up to max..19:11

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