[06:46] len-dt: I can test it tonight, but it's about 9 hours ahead. If someone is able to, sooner, go ahead. [08:49] scott-work: I started working on a full user guide for Ubuntu Studio, but I'm starting to think that 1. it's a lot of work for one person, 2. It's easier to get people to help work on it, if it's in the community wiki. I'm considering the options now [08:49] ailo-w: Wow big work [08:50] * smartboyhw is surprised that scott-work has not left, given he should be sleeping in his timezone:D [08:50] ailo, er actualy I think including a user guide is a good idea:D [08:50] smartboyhw: I've only done the outline, and I suspect I might never do some of the workflows, since I know too little about them [08:50] * smartboyhw is now doing the amd64 build testing now:D [08:50] ailo-w, well you are the doc lead so:D [09:11] OK I think the 20121015.1 build works fine:D [09:15] * smartboyhw finds yesterday's IRC logs here VERY INTERESTING :D [09:17] Here's a draft of the docs. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UserGuide I will continue working from the community wiki. [09:17] So am I right, that ailo-w will be doing that OpenWeek session or ? [09:17] Seems like it [09:18] knome, on that "who wants to do the US session in Xubuntu" thing, actually people have comments on the user mail list, then I actually asked JoseeAntonioR to make the arrangement:D [09:18] Who's that? [09:19] I'll need to read the mail list [09:19] ailo-w, the guy who is organizing the whole Open Week :D [09:19] Lunch time. bbl [09:20] ailo-w, bbl [09:27] len-dt, did the amd64 test quite good:D [09:50] smartboyhw, so you asked that we'd do it together, but was there somebody who had volunteered to do the US part? [09:54] knome, erm....... The situation was this. Originally it should be Xubuntu paired up with Kubuntu, and Lubuntu paired up with Ubuntu Studio. Then some guy said that Xubuntu should pair up with Ubuntu Studio instead. It isn't really related to who is doing it, it is there already when the schedule is first released and that at that time Xubuntu already had the half-hour.........So then I think pairing up the both wouldn't be a big [09:54] problem... [09:54] * smartboyhw first got a too long message [09:54] ok, right [09:54] fair enough [09:55] :) [11:32] ailo-w, so a question: You are going to do the user documentation and the developer documentation at the same time? That is going to be a lot of work [11:34] smartboyhw: Well, not really. I will not do a complete user guide. Only the audio part, and since I know it pretty well, it will be less work [11:34] ailo-w, ah:D [11:34] For the developer docs, I need to research all the different things we do around here, so I have no hurry with that at the moment [11:36] ailo-w, :) [12:04] scott-work: len-dt: micahg: ailo-w: smartboyhw: Is https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/quantal/lightdm-gtk-greeter/lang-chooser-on-by-default/+merge/129758 something we'd like to see? [12:05] Essentially the change is: [12:05] 23-show-language-selector=false [12:05] 24+show-language-selector=true [12:05] dholbach on #ubuntu-devel was asking. [12:06] astraljava, wait [12:07] astraljava, what does it do? Select the language? [12:08] That'd be the obvious guess, yeah. [12:08] astraljava, not sure.......... [12:14] astraljava: Seems good to me, adding it. [12:18] ailo-w: Ok. Might wanna talk to Daniel on #ubuntu-devel, I forget whether we have our own conf file, or will it be derived from Xubuntu, or will it come straight from the orig source. [12:18] astraljava, I am talking:D [12:19] smartboyhw: We might need our own bug report on that then [12:20] ailo-w, wait we have our own theme on that [12:20] also we do have a language selection menu [12:20] We include !ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme on it [12:20] !ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme [12:20] smartboyhw: We do? I don't have the OS here, to check. I guess we have inherited the Xubuntu setting? [12:21] ailo-w, yes I HAVE The OS:D [12:21] We do ship ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme 0.4 version, and I think we inherited it from Xubuntu [12:22] smartboyhw: Do you ever use Chinese language setting on Ubuntu Studio? [12:22] ailo-w, NEVER I use English for all my OS [12:22] Would be interesting to know how well it works [12:23] Actually I tell you what... astraljava created the theme himself! [12:23] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme [12:24] ailo-w, so? [12:24] what do you think? [12:25] smartboyhw: Maybe it is not so common to use Chinese language on a operative system? I can imagine the chinese language files are more useful when creating Chinese writing, and that type of thing [12:25] For publishing, among other things.. [12:26] ailo-w: I have not even typed a single Chinese character on my Ubuntu Studio :P [12:31] Well yeah I did. People shouldn't expect me to remember things I've done more than a year ago, when I can't even remember which pants I put on this morning. [13:14] astraljava, or if you put pants [13:41] That has almost certainly never happened. [13:47] Best to never take them off [14:26] Hey scott-work len-dt ailo did that Language thing done? [14:28] * smartboyhw is surprised that ailo and knome have been joking about astraljava's pants LOL;D [19:30] len-dt: may i pm you about something? [19:31] backporting related [19:31] holstein, ok [19:31] actually, it doesnt need to be in a PM.. im interested in backporting, and ive tried a few times to get into it [19:31] * micahg pokes his head up at the mention of backporting [19:32] i have RTFM'd a bit, but i just dont have some of the basics that are expect.. or at least thats what i think [19:32] :) [19:32] * len-dt is not there either [19:33] Time is not something I have a whole lot right now. [19:33] its so "over my head" in a lot of ways [19:33] other than taking a few courses in programming, which is not out of the question, or begging someone locally to just hold my hand a bit, im not sure how to get there [19:34] i plan on taking a few weeks off in january, and this might be something i could tackle then [19:34] I think in theory you are taking a newer src and packaging it against the libs that go with the version to are porting to. [19:34] len-dt: i was just feeling out where you thought my efforts would be best spent [19:34] So just learing the build process [19:35] micahg: if you have time to share any thoughts, feel free.. i appreciate the input [19:35] The big noticable thing is kernel upkeep for LTS [19:35] Also jackd [19:35] holstein: are you talking about patch backporting or package backporting? [19:36] micahg: tbh, im not sure.. mostly, whatever this project needs the most.. i suppose pacakging newer stuff and sending it back to the LTS [19:36] holstein: backporting newer packages to LTS is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports [19:37] the most i got done before was filing the bug [19:37] scott was helping me [19:38] but he finally just did it, because is was so over my head [19:38] for example "the required modifications should be attached to the backport request, in the form of a debdiff or a bzr branch" [19:38] backports are pretty easy (assuming they're no change backports), just follow the instructions in the bug you file and I or another backporter will act on it [19:38] i dont know how to express how many words in the sentence just dont mean anything to me [19:39] debdiff == output of debdiff command (which gives you the diff between 2 source packages) [19:39] its just so foriegn, and i have no experience.. but i feel like i could handle it if i had a "starter project" or something [19:40] i mean, im pretty good with running the OS, and im good with hardware... installing and repairing... etc [19:40] ive just not done any coding at all [19:40] holstein: find something you want backported to the LTS, file the bug (with requestbackport) and ask for help if you get stuck (here or in #ubuntu-motu) [19:41] micahg: cool.. thanks! [19:41] holstein, do you have a machine running the LTS? [19:41] len-dt: yup.. this one is.. my daily netbook [19:41] len-dt: what do we "need" you think? there is a newer lmms i could play with i suppose [19:41] Ok, that would make a good work platform [19:43] LMMS is probably up to date on kxstudio. If you ask falktx he may be quite happy to see that packaged as a backport. or to tell you what the diffs are. [19:43] micahg: pete graner is not that far from me.. just 40 minutes or so [19:43] we are both so busy though, and im not sure how much 'hand holding' i could talk him into [19:44] im going to reach out to my LUG and see if i can get a partner in crime here.. someone to help me stay motivated and not get discouraged [19:45] Sounds good. [19:45] * len-dt is not sure there is a LUG around here [19:47] i revived this one [19:47] it was dead... we had 4 at the first meeting... amber graner was one of those 3 :) [19:47] now, we can see 30 sometimes [19:48] The two I can turn up are 95 miles away [19:49] (and two $70 ferry rides) [19:49] yeah... thats no good... [19:49] i havent had time to maintain this one here as much as i once had [19:50] theres a lack of "presenters" too... [19:51] There isn't even a store specializing in macs anymore either. [19:52] we just got a few of those over the past few years [19:56] Hmm, they just fixed one of my bugs... I wonder if that will make for a respin or be SRUed [20:20] Looks like respins in an hour or so. [20:54] respin started [23:01] Doesn't that just figure. Looks like a build failure... [23:24] I guess thats why it is 16.1 that made it. [23:24] Anyone can test 64bit? (again)