
* smartboyhw wonders who is doing the Xubuntu Open Week session....Can't see it on the wiki09:29
knomesmartboyhw, yes, because we haven't promised to do one yet09:51
smartboyhwknome, I'm surprised ...09:51
knomesmartboyhw, i'd have hoped that you had asked us first before telling we can do the session together09:51
astraljavamicahg: mr_pouit: knome: whoever is relevant; Is https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/quantal/lightdm-gtk-greeter/lang-chooser-on-by-default/+merge/129758 something we'd want to see?12:03
astraljavaEssentially the change is:12:03
astraljavadholbach on #ubuntu-devel was asking.12:05
knomeask ochosi 12:06
ochosihumm, what? :)12:06
astraljavaochosi: Read a few (6) lines above.12:06
astraljavaMake it 7.12:06
ochosiyeah, i'm actually starting my vbox now to see the (missing) lang-selector)12:06
ochosii guess i'd have to look at the glade file to see where the lang-selector would appear, right? (i mean: you haven't tested this yet, i suppose)12:08
ochosiright now we have a "region" support, i thought that was the language-selector?12:08
ochosiastraljava: see here: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10162012-020905pm.php12:09
smartboyhwYes that one.....12:09
astraljavaochosi: To be honest, I'm just passing the question along. I haven't participated in the development, nor the discussion regarding it.12:13
ochosiastraljava: yeah, but you know what feature we're talking about, no?12:13
ochosibut i guess i can talk to daniel myself12:14
mr_pouitI already replied, except for ubuntustudio/mythbuntu where I don't know12:15
* smartboyhw is looking into studio12:15
ochosimr_pouit: oh, i see. then i guess i can stop talking to dholbach :)12:16
astraljavaochosi: No, I actually don't, now that you mentioned the region selector.12:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
skaetknome,  and others interested,  :)  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu <-- can you confirm the system requirements are accurate for 12.10?  16:26
Unit193"New Features in Xubuntu 12.10"  Should have Xfce 4.10, and "Xubuntu Applications" should drop gimp, no?17:29
elfy4.10 is in applications - yes gimp should be dropped from that perhaps - mention of dual drives showing in known issues17:34
Unit193Well, saying Xfce is a bigger upgrade, but however.17:35
zodiakso.. dare I ask .. 18th still a go ? :)18:57
zodiakand if so, what's slated for the next cycle ? is there a list of 'need help with foo' anywhere ?18:58

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