
BarkingFishmorning guys - anyone awake, I'm in need of help, thanks to my fiddling around with stuff I didn't fully understand.00:08
BarkingFishI installed the proprietary driver for my nvidia GeForce 6200 graphics card using Jockey-KDE, and now my monitor on the inbuilt graphics card won't go above 50Hz resolution, which is way too low for me.00:09
BarkingFishI'm a photosensitive epileptic, and at that level, I can clearly see the refresh. I need to get my monitor back to using whatever driver was there prior, but I don't know how to get rid of the driver I just installed :(00:09
BarkingFishi'm using a GUI at the moment, but I had to pop a spare PCI graphics card in my PC so I could use the display00:10
BarkingFishcan anyone please help me?  Ideally, I need to get my monitor to refresh at 75Hz or higher - on the old driver, it would go to 80Hz.00:11
BarkingFishsorry guys - lost my connection for a bit.  Can anyone please, please help me fix the problem I pasted up in here about 20 minutes ago?00:36
BarkingFishAt the moment, I'm on the verge of stripping the whole of kubuntu down and reinstalling.  If I can't fix it, and i can't get help to fix it, i reset and start again :)00:37
BarkingFishi'm not gonna have unnecessary junk in my machine - a second graphics card is junk when there's one already built in :)00:38
genii-aroundsudo apt-get remove nvidia-current      will probably do it00:39
BarkingFishexcellent :)  thank you.00:40
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:20
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OerHeksavihay, > http://sourceforge.net/projects/bananasplitter/files/02:31
avihaythanks, I've expected ubottu to know that02:32
dniMretsaMok. my server is now configured to download Quantal via torrent whenever it appears online.02:52
* dniMretsaM considers having it automatically put on a USB stick automatically as well02:53
dniMretsaMoops. wrong channel, lol02:54
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gurragHow can I set up a Chinese input method in Kubuntu?03:51
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM03:55
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CosmicBI've told kde to 'show unmanaged windows on : Display containing the pointer' under system settings -> disp. and mon. -> multiple monitors . but still, new windows tend to pop up on my second monitor (the one _not_ containing the pointer) , has anyone run into that ?06:29
shadeslayerCosmicB: KDE version?06:31
CosmicBshadeslayer 4.8.5, kubuntu 12.0406:31
CosmicBshadeslayer: I'm using a laptop, it got 2 monitors connected at work, mabye something get confused when I'm having the internal monitor while at home, but 2 external monitors at work (?)06:33
shadeslayerCosmicB: could you try 4.9.2 from the PPA? Maybe your bug is fixed there?06:33
CosmicBshadeslayer: yeah, I could always try that.06:34
shadeslayerif it's not, please report a bug on bugs.kde.org :)06:34
CosmicBI did try 4.9.2 before the weekend, but after upgrading to 4.9.2 i wanted to install kubuntu-full for some reason, it wouldn't install because of dependencie problems, som I ended up downgrading againn06:35
CosmicBshadeslayer: yeah, will do :)06:35
shadeslayeroh my06:49
shadeslayerCosmicB: downgrading isn't really supported06:49
* shadeslayer looks why kubuntu-full isn't installable06:49
shadeslayerhm, looks fine here06:50
CosmicBshadeslayer: and you've got 4.9.2 in kubuntu 12.04 ?06:51
CosmicBshadeslayer downgrade went fine with ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && apt-get autoremove06:53
CosmicBshadeslayer, but I'm gonna try a new upgrade, 4.9.2 was looking intereseting the 15 or so minutes I ran it06:53
shadeslayerhmm ... well ... I'm just saying that downgrading isn't really supported ;)06:54
CosmicBshadeslayer :p06:54
shadeslayerso you can downgrade, but you might encounter unexpected behaviour06:56
CosmicBthere goes my favorite password06:56
bazhang!language > CosmicB06:57
ubottuCosmicB, please see my private message06:57
shadeslayer*cough* language06:57
Tm_TCosmicB: please watch your language06:57
CosmicByeah yeah, no offense ment. it's not everyday I wreck my pass by sending it into a public irc channel06:58
shadeslayerthat is exactly the reason why I don't use terminal irc clients like irssi :P06:59
CosmicBshadeslayer: I'm not, I'm  using konversation07:00
shadeslayerin which case, simply bad luck07:00
CosmicBbut I've been in gnome since around 2004, and in unity for the last year or so. haven't been in kde for a long time, it takes a while to get utsed to those small diferences in how it behaves :p07:01
* CosmicB is upgrading to 4.9.207:04
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ovidiu-florinis there a way I can set up KMail to read the HTML and display the messages with all the html content?09:56
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shadeslayerovidiu-florin: it should be configurable10:12
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: I foud a setting, to add an HTML toolbar10:12
ovidiu-florinwich is very hard to click on, and by default it goes to plain text10:13
ovidiu-florinhow can I set the default view to be HTML10:13
shadeslayerlemme see10:13
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: Settings > Configure KMail > Security > Prefer HTML to text10:14
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: thank you10:15
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BluesKajHiyas all12:30
xevworkI'm having an odd issue with X on Kubuntu 12.04.1 - When I leave my system on over night, most of the time when I get to it in the morning, the monitors won't get any signal from the graphics card.12:45
xevworkIt's an ATI 695012:45
FlashDeluxehi! how can i open a .dmp file with linux? Is there a tool for it?13:05
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, is that a compressed file , if so try unp13:13
FlashDeluxeBluesKaj its a .dmp file, created by thunderbird (its crashing all the time) unp doesn`t know the format :-(13:16
hateballwhat is the actual mimetype? file whatever.dmp13:17
hateballFlashDeluxe: ^13:17
hateballan extension does not a file make13:17
FlashDeluxeMDMP crash report data13:18
FlashDeluxehateball ^13:18
hateballWell what do you expect to do with it?13:19
hateballit's not a human readable crash log13:19
FlashDeluxesoo i guessed there was a program which makes it human readable?13:19
BluesKaj.dmp files are windows dump files according google , very hard to read , unless you use visual studio13:21
FlashDeluxeBluesKaj i guess with windows you got to use "windows debugging tools" thats the program where i read out minidumps, created by windows. But i thought there was soemthing for linux, too13:22
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, there might be a method , but like windows .exe files there's a problem using them in linux , I believe13:24
shadeslayerfrom what I'm reading dmp is for windows dumps13:24
shadeslayernot sure if there'll be a tool to parse them in Linux13:24
FlashDeluxeMaybe there is no sense in reading windows dumps in linux^^13:25
shadeslayerprobably not13:27
BluesKajwine , maybe ?13:27
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shadeslayerwell ... if windows has a tool to parse them, you could install wine, run the tool and read them13:28
shadeslayerbut imo that's just so much hassle >.>13:28
BluesKajyeah , I avoid wine , sooner deal with windows files on the windows drive13:34
FlashDeluxeif anyone is interested: i could open it with winedbg13:39
dannidoes any body know what the status is for synaptic drivers in 12.1013:49
genii-arounddanni: There was an update just now13:49
danniI found a package that lets synaptiks run13:49
genii-around( for kde-config-touchpad )13:49
dannibut there are options missing and without those options13:50
danni12.10 is unusable for me13:50
danni(well without starting syndaemon from the command line)13:50
dannitwo things really no option to disable touchpad while typing13:51
danniand 2) no global shortcut for enabling disabling touchpad13:52
danniare fixes for any of these planned before release?13:53
shadeslayerI would suggest reporting bugs and adding them to the ISO QA tracker13:54
shadeslayerthat gives developers more visibility about pending issues :)13:54
lordievaderdanni: There is a unity indicator for disabling the touchpad, this also offers a keyboard shortcut.13:54
shadeslayerrelevant URL : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/13:54
danniusing KDE here13:57
dannii don't think  a unity indicator is going to be much help13:57
lordievaderdanni: It will, indicators work fine under kde.13:57
dannidoes anybody know the rational behind  the removed functionality?13:59
BluesKajjust checking out xchat on windows13:59
dannilordievader: do you know the name of the package?13:59
lordievaderdanni: touchpad-indicator, not sure if you needed a ppa for it..14:00
tragopaparoakouei kanas malakas?14:02
ofWhat package are you guys use for PPTP vpn connection? Does network-manager-kde work? I can't make it work14:02
shadeslayerof: do you have the backported package from kubuntu backports?14:03
shadeslayerI recently uploaded a new nm-kde which had support for vpn's and openconnect14:04
ofI installed kde 4.9 (Recent update)14:04
ofHow can i upgrade the network-manager?14:05
shadeslayercan you check if nm-kde is up to date?14:05
shadeslayersudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-networkmanagement network-manager-pptp14:05
ofalready newest version.... I installed the kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu14:08
shadeslayerof: not sure then, can you report a bug on bugs.kde.org ?14:11
shadeslayermaybe it gets solved with new nm-pptp?14:13
shadeslayerI meant, maybe it's solved with nm-pptp :)14:16
shadeslayerbut I can't be sure14:17
tragopaparopoustaria oloi14:21
danniis it possible to use dkms to patch a driver already in the kernel?14:23
ofshadeslayer, Is there any deb package of this version?14:24
BluesKaj!gr | tragopaparo14:25
ubottutragopaparo: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:25
shadeslayerkind of14:27
shadeslayerof: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-pptp/
shadeslayeryou'll have to manually install the debs, but I'm not even sure if they'll install14:28
shadeslayeror work as expected14:28
ofAlready looking at that page... Perhaps i should apply the patch using dpkg-source?14:29
shadeslayerif you have a launchpad account you can make a ppa and run backportpackage to backport that package for precise14:30
* BluesKaj avoids NM , except on wifi14:30
shadeslayerthat'll be the right way to do it14:30
lawrencehello shade14:31
shadeslayerof: I can't really give you anymore advice since I have absolutely no idea about this :)14:42
Kalidarnpptp is best avoided14:42
Kalidarni believe there's a number of security concerns with that protocol14:43
Kalidarnyou should be using something better like ipsec, openvpn or openconnect14:44
Kalidarnof: you can however use pptp in the dropdown box for networkmanager14:46
Kalidarnleast i've seen the option there, haven't personally tried that type of VPN connection though14:46
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lordievaderHey Vollnut-3, how are you?15:02
Vollnut-3nice, you?15:03
lordievaderVollnut-3: I can't complain :)15:03
lordievaderVollnut-3: Do you have a problem with Kubuntu?15:03
Vollnut-3no, i was just seeing how this program works, kinda new with Linux15:04
Vollnut-3didnt realize this was a support channel, shoulda read more carefully15:05
lordievaderVollnut-3: It's oke, no worries.15:05
Vollnut-3Yeah, thanks15:05
Vollnut-3Just a slow day here.15:06
Vollnut-3well thanks for the  welcome, ill be sure to come here if i need help. Thanks take care15:08
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WizardYo ;)15:53
martinjh99GUys if 12.10 is out then there is no release files at cdimage.ubuntu.com only both Betas16:34
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Riddell12.10 candidate images needing testing now, join us in #kubuntu-devel17:21
evlljust upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 - went as smooth as possible. thank you guys17:27
Peace-evll: good17:28
Riddellevll: can you report that on iso.qa.ubuntu.com ?17:29
evllRiddell: unfortunately I do not see where I can do this on that site17:34
Riddellevll: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26094/testcases17:34
evllI press login and see17:35
evll Access denied17:35
evllYou are not authorized to access this page.17:35
evllbut I am logged in17:36
evllComplete the registration by filling out the form below. - this error message is misleading as well17:36
evllthere is no form below17:36
evllas you can see from the sreenshot17:36
Riddelluh hmm dunno, time to give up I guess, thanks for trying17:36
evll:) np17:37
danniok I partially have gotten this patch to work18:00
brohanI am having 2 issues with my system I am hoping for help with. #1 sometimes Java is detetected on websites and works, sometimes it is not, even on the same website. 2nd, is with video and ffmpeg. I can not watch video (I can hear audio) with Dragon player (I have no other player installed) it looks for gstreamer package, but can't install it18:15
brohanwhen I try to manually install, it needs various other packages that can not be installed, same if I just try to install ffmpeg package18:16
genii-aroundbrohan: Please try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-gstreamer18:20
brohanWill do, but I get a can't get lock message, even though I don't see any package programs open, update etc.18:21
brohanOH didn't put sudo in first18:22
brohanHere is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1285576/18:23
genii-aroundbrohan: For the java issue, can you pastebin result of: update-alternatives --list java18:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:25
shadeslayergenii-around: I'd say 2 line pastes are acceptable :)18:25
brohanI had figured 2 was a limit18:25
genii-aroundshadeslayer: Yes, I was expecting more to come actually....18:26
shadeslayeras a general rule, I find 3 lines to be an acceptable limit18:26
brohangenii-around here is what is interesting. On a website I have to use a screencast recorder that is a plugin, that website says no Java detected. I go to the maker of the plugin screenr, and can record a screencast just fine, no error. HOWEVER if I go to the screenr get java page it says no java detected18:26
brohaneven though on that same site it works fine. That baffles me (which baffling me in Linux doesn't take much)18:27
shadeslayerjava is fun18:28
brohanI can go back to the ffmpeg issue (and dragon player) and post screenshots of what happens when trying to play a video and trying to rectify it18:28
shadeslayerbrohan: what's the video type you're trying to play?18:28
genii-aroundwork, afk 5-7 minutes, sorry18:28
brohan.mov. It says I need th h.264 decoder, no surprise there18:28
brohanthe surprise is when I try to get the recommeded package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:29
shadeslayerdo you have gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly installed?18:29
brohanpackage could not be initialized, config broken18:29
shadeslayercould you pastebin the error?18:30
brohanyes the plugins-ugly is installed18:30
brohanthe error comes in the form of screenshots, I will take and post sequencially18:30
shadeslayerwell ... I just need the output of what happens when you try and install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:31
brohanI tried that from the package manager, not command line18:31
brohanhow do I do it command line style?18:31
shadeslayercan you try via command line?18:31
shadeslayersudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:32
brohanfrom GUI:18:32
brohanThe "gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:18:32
brohanor libavformat53, but is not installable18:32
brohanor libavcodec53, but is not installable18:32
FloodBotK1brohan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
brohanok, 3 is the limit18:32
brohanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1285605/ is the result18:33
brohaninstalling libavcodec53 give me the error it depends on libx264-120 but it is not installable18:34
shadeslayerwhat happens when you try and install  libx264-12018:35
brohansearching for libx264-120 in the package manager returns no results BUT I do have libx264-123 installed18:35
shadeslayerbrohan: are you sure you have universe enabled?18:36
shadeslayer!find libx264-12318:36
ubottuPackage/file libx264-123 does not exist in precise18:36
* shadeslayer doesn't see a libx264-123 on his precise install18:36
shadeslayer!find libx264-123 quantal18:36
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ubottuFound: libx264-12318:37
shadeslayerbrohan: are you on quantal?18:37
brohanI believe so. I did a fresh install when it was BETA 118:37
shadeslayerthat was not for you :P18:37
brohanI had Ubuntu 12.04 giving me issues from too many desktop installs, so I wiped clean and installed fresh with Kubunutu 12.10 Beta 1 live cd18:38
shadeslayerIdeally libavformat53 should depend on  libx264-12318:38
brohantry the beta channel?18:40
brohanor wait till tomorrow when it is fully released :-)18:41
shadeslayerplease ask in #ubuntu+1 since Quantal isn't really released ;)18:41
shadeslayerplus, no way for me to help since I don't have a quantal system to debug18:41
lordievaderShouldn't Quantal be discussed in #ubuntu+1?18:42
brohanOkay. I will ask there. Same with my Java issues?18:43
lordievaderNvm I can't read...18:43
brohanIsn't the official release date of 12.10 tomorrow?18:43
shadeslayerdunno, can't really say anything about java18:43
shadeslayerbrohan: yes, and until then, you use #ubuntu+1 since it's not been released yet18:44
brohanI really do appreciate your help18:44
genii-aroundDidn't go to +1 so probably we'll see them here tomorrow18:45
WizardJava? +1?18:46
shadeslayergenii-around: heh yeah18:49
shadeslayerbut I still won't have quantal, so still won't be able to help him :P18:49
genii-aroundWizard: #ubuntu+1 which is the channel for 12.1018:50
WizardQuantal panics on my powerbook, so I won't risk updating.18:51
WizardLTS is fair enough.18:51
lordievaderI'll just see when I'm going to upgrade, I think somewhere tommorow I'll update my desktop to see how it is, and later (perhaps) update my laptop.18:52
WizardTommorow is the issue date?18:53
piotrn1luckily there is weekend coming up, update on Saturday, fix it on Sunday :)18:53
piotrn1there are bound the be some issues... I'll wait with update for sure18:54
lordievaderMy desktop is just a machine to ssh into my server (where this irc client is running), so I don't really care if the update breaks the machine...18:55
piotrn1Well... I'm sure ssh will work... what I'm afraid about are: ati drivers, flash on x64, ect...18:56
piotrn1i have to reinstall anyway, since i'm on 32bit now, but need more ram...18:57
Wizardpiotrn1: Ubuntu supports himem.18:58
WizardAt least works for me.18:58
piotrn1gota read about it18:58
LordOfTimethere is a PAE limit, though, if you want something, like, 8GB of mem, go 64bit19:00
LordOfTime(just saying019:00
piotrn1how about having graphisc drivers compiled against pae kernel / no problems there ?19:00
piotrn18gb is where i will go for sure, 16 if my motherboard can handle it../19:01
piotrn1sony says it cant, but gona check anyways..19:01
Wizardpiotrn1: Dunno, i've never cared about gfx drivers.19:02
LordOfTimepiotrn1, GFX usually work with PAE19:02
piotrn1Wizard: thanks anyways. :)19:02
LordOfTimeif it doesn't file a kernel bug19:02
piotrn1LordOfTime: :) good to know, thanks19:02
LordOfTimethe 32bit vs. 32bitPAE kernels arent too substantially different19:02
LordOfTimeand drivers end up as part of the kernel eventually, so...19:03
LordOfTime95% of the stuff I do is CLI anyways19:03
LordOfTimeso i don't *need* to have a GUI ;P19:03
WizardAnd what about porn?19:04
piotrn1asci graphisc :)19:04
LordOfTimei think that's  against the 'family friendly' atmosphere dude...19:04
LordOfTimenot my call though19:04
WizardOk, sorry.19:05
WizardI thought families should be aware of what pr0n is. This political correctness makes me sick sometimes ;)19:05
Wizard(Further discussions on this → #kubuntu-offtopic19:05
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
daniellerecherche   des   images  de   robes   mariges19:21
hellslingerthe the apt/ppa servers slow today or is it just me?19:22
genii-aroundhellslinger: They've slowed down, yes. High loads as 12.10 nears completion.19:23
danielledanielle  : vervisch @ numericable,fr connectez-vous  sur  : http : // assistance ,numericable , fr / assistance_mail  et para mm19:31
daniellerecherche  motifes  de  noels19:33
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:33
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oneadventok, tomorrow 12.10 releases, should i move from 12.04 to it? what will be the advantages/disadvantages20:10
Graf_Westerholtoneadvent, you would get new versions of the software.20:13
WizardAnd new bugs.20:13
Graf_WesterholtYou can fix or report them. ;)20:13
oneadventi'm wondering cause i'd be going from LTS to regular releases if there would be problems20:14
oneadventi once had a bad upgrade and i think it was cause i had to do that20:14
oneadventis there a list of the updated packages?20:14
WizardYou can check wiki.20:15
WizardTechnically, all packages in the system will be upgraded.20:15
soee12.10 work perfect for me :)20:16
oneadventwell specifically i'm thinking of gimp, it is the only program i need updated, everything else is good to go at this point, no problems20:16
Wizardoneadvent: Have you checked backports?20:16
WizardMaybe newer gimp is there.20:17
oneadventhmm no, i'm not sure where to do that. i'm looking for the version that allows for single window mode20:17
oneadventkinda not very important :P20:17
dahliahow do I share a folder with windows computers? I set user and password in the sharing panel in system settings but I cant find anything that lets me specify wihch folders to share20:19
dahliaIve clicked all over dolphin but nothing there either20:19
oneadventdahlia: i'm not sure if this is defaut, but on mine i can right click on the folder i want to share and then click properties and then share tab20:20
dahliaI right click and nothing happens20:20
dahliaoh I see I have to click the name, not the folder20:21
oneadventyou can right click on the folder but not on the + and -20:21
oneadventso you know20:21
dahliaon dolphin?20:22
oneadventsee how when you hover you get a green +20:22
oneadventdont right click on that or it just turns to a -20:22
dahliain list view?20:22
oneadventit is used to select multiple folders20:22
oneadvent(or files)20:22
oneadventoh i'm not sure, lemme look, i'm in icon view, medium sized20:23
dahliaoh I dont get anything when I hover20:23
dahliatried icon view too20:23
oneadventoh yea, you are in detailed mode and the plus does take up the whole icon20:23
oneadventwell whatever it works to do it on the folder name anyway :D20:23
oneadventnp good luck with windows side20:25
dahliaso I get a sharing tab but it only has a place to allow guest, not regular uwers20:25
oneadventeasiest way i've found is to just map it and use the name like: \\\shareFolder20:25
dahliaI have windows side working20:25
oneadventlol :P20:25
oneadventthe users should be listed under the Allow Guests20:26
oneadventyou dont have to allow guests you could use your own system users20:26
dahliaits all dark under allow guests20:26
oneadventbut you can use the drop downs right?20:26
dahlianope drop down is disabled20:27
dahliamaybe somthing else is borked20:27
oneadventi only ever just allow everyone, my network is just in my house so pretty insecure20:27
oneadventcan you not click those drop downs?20:27
dahlianope greyed out20:27
oneadventdid you click the top box (share with samba)20:27
oneadventabove name there20:28
oneadventi think that is what allows the rest of that box20:28
dahliaok I see full control drop down now20:28
dahliaI think my theme may be making it difficult to see20:29
* dahlia is legally blind and has UI use difficulties...20:29
oneadventyea i know mine does...i work at night so i try and keep everything dark20:29
serkanHi everybody.20:29
dahliaYAY it works now, TYVM oneadvent :)20:30
oneadventno prob dahlia glad you got it!20:30
dahliahmmm it wont let me share my home folder20:37
genii-aroundDo you have samba installed?20:39
dahliaya I can share subfolders but not my home folder20:39
oneadventhmm maybe it is taking a while to do it all20:41
oneadventi mean that would be much bigger than a subfolder20:41
oneadventnever tried to do the home folder but can't think of why you COULDN'T20:41
dahliaI used to share / which is what I really want20:42
lordievaderoneadvent: Because it has it permission set to 600.20:42
lordievaderOr 700...20:43
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oneadventlol i stepped away lordievader and dahlia, i am sure you can't share /, and really that isn't a great idea to do it. you would have to run samba as root and that would be bad bad21:32
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RamtronHi, is there a command to re-install Java? Mine is messing up.22:37
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genii-aroundRamtron: Depends on what java you're using. But probably sudo apt-get install --reinstall openjdk-7-jre22:43
Ramtrondarn can you say that again? i clicked clear instead of copy22:44
Ramtronsecond time today22:44
Ramtronjust the command, if you will22:44
genii-aroundRamtron: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall openjdk-7-jre      or put 6 instead of 7 there22:45
RamtronPerfect, thank you22:45
michaelc22question for kuuntu is there any mac address changer program?22:50
yofel!info macchanger | michaelc2222:53
ubottumichaelc22: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-9 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 532 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:53
bjrohanI could use some help with 2 things, Java which is acting weird on the same website, and ffmpeg - video issue23:06
SIR_Taco_bjrohan: did you try #ubuntu+1 as was suggested to you earlier?23:11
bjrohanYes, no answer23:16

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