
wgrantI think +activity is the one Launchpad page that doesn't use your configured timezone00:00
wgrantBug #412963 is relevant here00:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 412963 in Launchpad itself "fmt:datetime displays date and time in current timezone, even when UTC only is desired" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41296300:01
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Timothy_GuI have a PPA, but I have some questions about versioning. Do I have to use 1.0-0ppa1 or 1.0-0~ppa1?02:30
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MTecknologyso... I've been having an issue and I think I see the issue now... apparently ppa.launchpad.net has no ipv6 addy? :(05:05
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shadeslayerhi, is there a way to query the launchpad API for the build status based on just the build id?14:34
dobeyshadeslayer: a recipe build, or a package build?14:38
shadeslayerdobey: package build14:38
dobeyshadeslayer: it seems you can for distribution packages, but i am not sure about PPA packages14:39
dobeyoh, but you need the distribution name and source package name, as well as the id14:40
PN1Hi, i opened a new ppa and i have a build error about gstreamer-sdk-dev. anyone know how to add it to build-depends?14:41
shadeslayerPN1: check debian/control14:43
shadeslayeralso, #ubuntu-packaging would be the right place14:43
shadeslayerif no one answers there, #ubuntu-motu :)14:43
PN1i did and the Build-Depends line look like this: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), gstreamer-sdk-dev14:43
PN1but i get an error: gstreamer-sdk-dev: missing14:44
PN1gstreamer-sdk-dev: does not exist14:44
dobeygstreamer-sdk-dev isn't a package14:44
PN1in the log file at my PPA14:44
dobeyand #ubuntu-packaging is the right channel to ask for packaging help14:44
dobeyPN1: you can't depend on things that don't exist14:45
dobeyshadeslayer: i'm not sure what source_ids are exactly, but getBuildSummariesForSourceIds() on an archive object *might* do what you want14:45
shadeslayerdobey: well .. I'm thinking of writing something that notifies me when my builds complete14:46
shadeslayerand I assumed that the build id would be a unique identifier that I could use to query lp14:46
dobeyshadeslayer: well, how are you getting the build id?14:46
shadeslayermanually from the user14:47
shadeslayerand the idea is specifically for PPA's because I have to keep refreshing build pages to check if the build completed or not14:48
shadeslayerdidn't even think of supporting archive builds atm14:49
shadeslayerI guess a reasonable way to do it would be to monitor the entire PPA14:49
dobeyshadeslayer: well i think a PPA is an "archive" object in the lp api14:55
shadeslayerand I can check build pages uniquely like this : https://launchpad.net/builders/+build/391066914:55
dobeyyou just need the source id14:55
dobeywhich /may/ be the same as the build id you're talking about14:55
shadeslayerdobey: http://paste.kde.org/572228/raw/ does it nicely15:07
dobeyshadeslayer: right; that'll give you everything currently building; if that's more what you wanted, than specific build ids, we could probably work out a nice little notifier script and shove it in lp:lptools if you'd like15:09
shadeslayerthis will have to do at the moment15:09
shadeslayerthe developer specifies the PPA where he uploaded things, and I poll for Needs Building/Currently Building15:10
shadeslayerthen you show a notification as soon as the build fails15:11
shadeslayeror succeeds for that matter15:11
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chrisccoulsonhmm, i'm getting this when trying to upload to a PPA:17:56
chrisccoulsonUploading firefox_17.0~b2+build1.orig.tar.bz2: 550 Requested action not taken: internal server error17:56
chrisccoulsonok, i can't download anything from ppa.launchpad.net either18:00
chrisccoulsonwell, not at any reasonable speed....18:01
dobeychrisccoulson: i have the same problem uploading to a ppa with a much smaller package even :-/18:12
chrisccoulsondobey, oh, i'm glad it's not just me then :)18:13
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shadeslayerchrisccoulson: likewise here as wel18:44
shadeslayertrying to upload a 2 MB package18:44
shadeslayeruploading was *really* slow18:44
shadeslayerand then craps out :P18:44
czajkowskichrisccoulson: dobey shadeslayer asing elsehwere to see19:01
czajkowskichrisccoulson: dobey shadeslayer there was a little bigh higher than average load, but it's all normal now19:05
shadeslayercool :)19:06
* shadeslayer tries again19:06
shadeslayerwell ... upload speed is still crap, but let's see19:07
LordOfTimeupload speed could be your end, just saying.19:08
* shadeslayer tries via VPS19:09
shadeslayer  Uploading kdevplatform_1.4.0.orig.tar.bz2: 550 Requested action not taken: internal server error19:10
shadeslayerso still not fixed for me ( uploading via VPS )19:11
LordOfTimeppa upload processor issue?19:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's being investigated at the moment19:11
* shadeslayer will wait19:11
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TheLordOfTimeany idea why an OpenID auth system would 403 on launchpad, even though they offer that as an auth option on a given site?19:28
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joeysinzui: how often does the flag-expired-memberships script run? I thought it ran nightly with a 14 notice window. I ask because I think I should be getting expiry notices.20:37
joeyand I'm not20:38
sinzuinightly is correct20:38
joeyI might need to give it another day. I just realized today is 14 days20:38
joeyso maybe I'll get something tonight20:39
jelmerhmm, my uploads to precise-proposed - despite an email confirming the upload - seem to be disappearing21:28
zookoFolks: this page doesn't have what I want to do which is "register my bug tracker or update the settings of my bug tracker in launchpad's worldview". https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs21:30
zookoOkay, I posted that as a question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21150421:37
maxbzooko: This may be what you want: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/21:53
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terceirojust got this in an email:22:20
terceiroYour message to <launchpad> was automatically rejected:22:20
terceiroNot enough disk space22:20
terceirowhere should I report this?22:20
wgrantterceiro: When was that?22:22
shadeslayerdobey: wrote a script to keep polling the buildstate in a thread, but it's almost as if the build object doesn't get updated once a build is done22:22
wgrantjelmer: Is that still a problem?22:23
MTecknologyppa.launchpad.net has no ipv6 address... how am I supposed to add ppa repos to ipv6-only servers?22:23
wgrantMTecknology: You're not.22:24
wgrantNot yet.22:24
jelmerwgrant: is it a known issue?22:24
wgrantjelmer: No22:24
terceirowgrant: right now; original message sent at Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:02:30, returned message at Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:02:51 (all times UTC)22:25
MTecknologyso I have to download the .debs to one system then upload from that system, and just keep watch of updates?22:25
terceirowgrant: want message-ids?22:25
terceiroor headers?22:25
wgrantMTecknology: Pretty much22:25
wgrantMTecknology: Or proxy through an IPv4-capable host22:26
MTecknologyI don't have any system that I could use for that..22:26
MTecknologyhrm..... maybe one.....22:26
wgrantterceiro: There was an issue a couple of hours ago. Is it still happening?22:27
wgrantjelmer: Where exactly is it not showing up?22:27
terceirowgrant: it was just this one message AFAICT22:28
terceirocan I just bounce it back?22:28
wgrantterceiro: That's what I'd try22:28
wgrantThe issue wasn't around for long, and is resolved22:28
wgrantjelmer: I see a samba upload from you in Unapproved.22:28
terceirowgrant: all right, thanks22:28
wgrantsamba4, sorry22:28
jelmerwgrant: the build email claims that it is waiting for approval and provides a link https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/samba4/4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-4ubuntu322:28
jelmerbut that link gives me a 404 page22:28
wgrantjelmer: Right, it's waiting for approval22:29
wgrantAn archive admins must approve all post-release uploads22:29
jelmerah, now I see it in the unapproved queue too22:29
jelmerit's just very confusing that it does provide that link in the email despite not yet being available.22:30
jelmerwgrant: thanks22:30
* jelmer looks for a relevant bugreport22:32
jelmerbug 115078 seems related22:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 115078 in Launchpad itself "UNAPPROVED packages in /people/me/+packages have broken links" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11507822:33
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