
fsgrawdsafHello. Can i install lubuntu on an usb pendrive with dd so that on the first boot, everything is modificable?00:27
dbtmrohi. I've got a problem. after the latest updates, I can't add a new ppa from terminal. I get a error about the key...08:49
faLUCEhi. On lubuntu 12.04 I still have the lxpanel bug (crashes randomly and uses 100% cpu)... Is there a way to fix that or at least a workaround?09:02
vinicius_arqi'm using lubuntu... if i use update-manager -d it gives me an update option for ubuntu 12.10, it will install ubuntu 12.10 or lubuntu 12.10?14:18
NUCLEARWINTERlubuntu 12.10 if you have lubuntu-desktop installed14:26
vinicius_arqNUCLEARWINTER, yeah i have, that's the best way of upgrading it?14:28
NUCLEARWINTERprobably yes14:28
NUCLEARWINTERI've used do-release-upgrade14:28
vinicius_arqoh i see! thank you!14:30
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italiail disco di avvio di ubuntu non creava problemi nell'installazione, partiva subito20:04
italianon e cosi con Lubuntu 12.04 :-(20:04
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:05
wxlbeat me to it20:05

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