
TheMusoyay for -1 day SRUs. :p00:32
pittidesrt: apport time delta> yes, we have that information at hand; I just wonder in what way this should be presented in the report; perhaps adding a new field if the delta between "crash happened" and "crash reported" is > 15 mins? or make better efforts to tell if it happened in the same session?04:24
pittidesrt: I don't think merely showing the exact time delta is very useful, as it's hard to search/filter for04:24
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RAOFWooo! Look at the 12.10 errors.ubuntu.com graph for colord. BOOYAH!04:55
pittiRAOF vs. D-Bus 1:1 ?05:06
pittiRAOF: wow, nice dip!05:07
didrocksguten morgen pitti05:07
RAOFpitti: I think I may have fixed ALL OF THE BUGS!05:07
pittistill twice as many as 12.04, but that might be due to people still needing to upgrade?05:07
RAOFAre the scales for 12.04 & 12.10 the same?05:08
pittiRAOF: indeed, I stopped getting annoying apport bubbles for this a while ago \o/05:08
pittibefore that it seemed to be the way of quantal to say "good morning"05:08
pittihey didrocks, wie gehts?05:08
RAOFBecause I *know* that 12.04 is still terribly crashy and will remain so until colord moves into -proposed05:08
didrockspitti: I'm ok, yourself?05:08
pittiquite fine05:09
pittiRAOF: hm, I'd expect that, otherwise the graph would be really confusing05:10
pittiRAOF: after all, the point of it is to allow comparisons?05:10
RAOFI have no idea what the values on the axes mean :)05:13
RAOFFor example, on the 10th of October there were 0.11 $THINGS in 12.10.05:14
pittiI think it's "crashes per user in the selected time frame" (1 day, 1 month, etc.)05:14
pittialthough, it's probably not that05:14
pittiwe don't know the #users05:14
RAOFThis is making a fairly persuasive point for “does anyone know what the vertical axis means exactly” :)05:15
RAOFPresumably ev does.05:15
pittiso obviously it's "Kilojiffies by Milliblurbs"05:15
maxbThe many ways of autostarting things in DMs are confusing :-/ .... indicator-cpufreq does it via /etc/xdg/autostart/, indicator-weather does it via X-GNOME-autostart-enabled=true in /usr/share/applications/ .... is one more correct ? Is there anywhere I can read about this stuff?05:16
RAOFmaxb: Does X-GNOME-autostart-enabled=true actually do anything?05:16
maxberm, good question05:17
maxbI assumed it did since I found it in an official quantal package, but...05:17
* maxb logs out/in05:18
RAOFmaxb: /etc/xdg/autostart or ~/.config/autostart should be the set of (non-default) things that get started. (Technically, that's $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart)05:18
maxbEr, right, that'll teach me to trust stuff in the archive ;-)05:19
BigWhaleGreetings all.05:24
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desrtpitti: i was also thinking it could be useful if there was some global state flag set when logging out07:32
desrtor if we could find out if the machine rebooted since07:32
desrtor if something like the xdg session cookie or dbus bus address was different in the crashing session and the one that 'notices' the crash07:32
desrtthese sort of things are more reliable than time passed (since that could happen for other reasons)07:35
desrtbut still not as great as a flag set at logout time07:35
desrtbecause there could also be other reasons that a crash isn't noticed until logout/login even if the crash is not caused by the logout07:35
larsudesrt, good morning :)07:36
* larsu is not used to seeing desrt around at this time07:37
seb128hey desktopers07:46
didrockssalut seb12807:47
seb128lut didrocks, ca va bien ?07:47
didrocksseb128: on fait rouler :)07:48
didrockset toi?07:48
seb128tout va bien icic ;-)07:49
pittidesrt: re (sorry, was in a meeting)07:49
pittibonjour seb12807:49
seb128pitti, salut, ca va ?07:49
pittidesrt: apport actually already makes some effort to determine whether the crash happens during session shutdown07:49
pittidesrt: and it's supposed to add a particular tag when you report a crash in a different session than the one it happened in, but that might be broken in some cases07:50
desrtlarsu: hi :)07:50
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?07:50
pittiseb128: bien, merci!07:50
desrtpitti: ah.  that's good news to know.  how do i look for that?07:50
larsupitti, guten morgen! Gut, und selbst?07:50
desrtthis channels speaks odd languages at this hour07:51
larsudesrt, you're starting to sound like tedg ;)07:51
pittidesrt: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/revision/2058 is supposed to catch the crashes during shutdown, but apparenlty it's not sufficient07:52
desrtpitti: why would you think that this works?07:53
desrtDBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS doesn't magically disappear from the environment of a process when the bus goes away...07:53
pittidesrt: right, but gnome-session sohuld either be gone, or its state should be "shutting down"07:54
desrtyou just use the environment variable to contact gnome-session07:54
pittidesrt: hm, I recently added in_session_of_problem() which would tell you whether or not you report a crash that happened in the currently running session07:55
pittidesrt: but I just see that we don't seem to transform that into a tag07:55
pittiodd, I certainly discussed that with ev, but apparently it slipped through the cracks07:55
desrtpitti: glad to hear we're well on our way to a solution :)07:56
pittidesrt: you can kind of infer it from the presence or absence of an ~/.xsession-errors attachment07:56
pittidesrt: as we only attach it when the crash happened in the current session (otherwise xsession-errors is pointless)07:56
desrtah.  neat trick.07:56
pittibut I guess a tag would be better07:56
desrti'll check that for now07:56
pittii. e. XsessionErrors07:57
pittidesrt: but it'd probably be best if you file a bug with the thing you are actually looking for (that wouldn't be a time delta for sure, but some more fundamental property), and then I'll see how to incorporate this?07:57
seb128pitti, the issue is that XsessionErrors is only there when there are errors matching your regexp to catch07:57
seb128so it could be a new session or it could be that this issue didn't let any info in the log07:58
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pittithat's right; but in practice we always seem to have some warnings07:59
pittidon't get me wrong, I don't think this is an ideal state, just saying where we currently use it07:59
pittiI'd love to make it more explicit07:59
seb128pitti, that's a nice trick, thanks for the hint ;-)08:00
desrtpitti: okay08:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1067646 in apport "should report if crash happened at logout/shutdown" [Undecided,New]08:00
pittidesrt: thanks; following up there08:01
pittiseb128: ah, thanks for the other use cases of hw dependend service activation08:07
pittiseb128: I still don't think that this is the main solution for our performance problems, but it's interesting nevertheless08:08
seb128pitti, yw ;-) That's the thing I want upstart jobs the most for08:08
seb128pitti, well, it's not only performances, it's flexibility ... autostarts are pretty limited (only one condition) and happen only on session start08:09
seb128we have no way atm to bring up a service when a key is set08:09
seb128or bring it down when a key is unset08:09
seb128key = gsettings key08:09
seb128same for hardware events08:09
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?08:09
pitti*nod*; but would upstart be able to listen for gsettings changes?08:09
pittiseb128: that rather seems to be a job for g-s-d to me?08:10
seb128that's one of the things we asked for at last uds08:10
seb128a gsettings bridge (or whatever they call the events generators)08:10
pittijust like g-s-d starts/stops the trackpad polling process depending on the gsettings key08:10
rickspencer3bonjour seb128, didrocks quel est la mots de la rue apropos le release?08:10
rickspencer3(sorry for changing the topic ;) )08:10
rickspencer3just humor me08:10
pittiseb128: this would be a lot more upstream friendly08:10
pittibonjour rickspencer308:11
didrocksrickspencer3: quantal? c'est déjà dépassé, on bosse sur les SRU :)08:11
seb128rickspencer3, salut, on dirait qu'il y a toujours quelque problème de secure boot sur certaines images08:11
seb128rickspencer3, sinon c'est ok08:11
* rickspencer3 just sees "ok" and tunes out08:11
bryceah, must be le french invasionne hourre  ;-)08:11
seb128pitti, well, I don't want g-s-d to become more of a kitchen sink, it's not g-s-d's job to take down the gwibber lens when there is not internet connection08:11
didrocksbryce: "hourre"? "season" rather :p08:12
rickspencer3til "on bosse sur"08:12
brycedidrocks, hehe08:12
didrocksor seaaaazone :p08:12
pittiseb128: right, but for wacom it might be08:12
rodrigo_getting this error:08:12
rodrigo_dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to mesa-9.0/bin/install-sh:08:12
rodrigo_dpkg-source: error:   new version is symlink to minstall08:12
rodrigo_dpkg-source: error:   old version is nonexistent08:12
rodrigo_no idea what it means :(08:12
seb128pitti, yes, my examples suck, I didn't stop to think about proper ones08:12
didrocksbryce: you shouldn't have showed up I guess ^ :p08:12
rodrigo_hey seb128, pitti, didrocks!08:12
didrockshey rodrigo_ ;)08:12
pittihey rodrigo_08:13
seb128rodrigo_, hey08:13
seb128rodrigo_, what version of dpkg do you use? maybe try asking on #ubuntu-devel, the dpkg people are not on #desktop08:13
rodrigo_1.16.8 (amd64)08:14
rodrigo_seb128, ok, I'll ask there08:14
LaneyI'm getting loads of weird crashes08:14
Laneyhope it's not faulty ram08:14
brycedidrocks, nah, I shoved mesa9 into x-updates, I deserve all the complaints08:14
rodrigo_bryce, oh, you already packaged it?08:14
didrocksbryce: heh ;)08:14
rodrigo_bryce, was trying to08:14
* Laney is going to run a quick memtest08:14
brycerodrigo_, no; tjaalton packaged mesa9 for quantal, I just copied it into x-updates ppa.  Is that where you're installing from?08:15
rodrigo_bryce, no, I was trying to package it for the PPA you created for us08:15
rodrigo_so, looking for the tjaalton's package, will just copy that one08:16
brycerodrigo_, yeah that'd be best08:16
brycerodrigo_, btw I didn't merge your PPA into x-updates yet, but would like to do so when you feel it to be ready08:17
rodrigo_bryce, yes, still waiting for more feedback, so not ready yet, will let you know as soon as it is08:18
rodrigo_it works for me perfectly, but that's not enough testing :)08:18
rodrigo_with the mesa 9 update we should get more testing08:18
bryceyeah agreed08:18
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mvoI guess that is a known issue, but compiz/xorg are using all my cpu after some time and make the system sluggish - thisis a intel video card08:46
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:48
seb128mvo, hey, not know afaik ...08:50
seb128mvo, did you see the GTK guys fixed your leak in git ;-)08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?08:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, shame that you didn't upload that tb messaging menu fix on monday, with the late respins it would have made it to the iso :-(08:52
seb128chrisccoulson, they moved things from proposed to the iso still yesterday08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i didn't realize that there were late respins :/08:52
chrisccoulsonnever mind :(08:52
brycemvo, usually high xorg cpu is due to clients driving the X server beyond the norm. So try to identify which client app might be driving it.08:52
seb128chrisccoulson, can we get the SRU rolling anyway?08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'll upload it now08:53
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks08:53
mvoseb128: very nice08:56
mvoseb128: looks like its not one leak but multiple from looking at the git diff - but great to know that its fixed now08:56
seb128mvo, well, the specific one you pointed seems to be one commit to destroy a cairo surface08:57
seb128but cosimoc fixed other issues while he was at it08:57
mvobryce: thanks, this is my usual workload, i.e. xchat, firefox, mutt, emacs - but it now stopped (or is smaller, more like 10% cpu when typing here)08:58
mvobryce: is there anything I could do to debug when this happen next time? look at something like top to see what else is using high cpu?08:58
mvo(crude, I know :/08:58
mvoand here it is again08:59
brycehmm, there is xrestop but it mostly reports memory usage09:03
brycemvo, fwiw those four programs are also my four main programs.  (well, emacs -nox)09:04
brycefirefox plugins can sometimes drive X.09:04
brycecompiz plugins are another likely source, esp. if you have something non-default enabled09:04
mvobryce: its a pretty stock install, let me try xrestop09:05
brycemvo, if you kill a client app and the X.org CPU usage decreases, that's a good sign09:05
mvobryce: well…09:06
mvobryce: that caused a nice x crash09:06
mvo[200466.552] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting09:06
mvobryce: was this a trick ;) ?09:06
brycemvo, anything captured in /var/crash/ ?09:06
tjaaltonoh there's a bug about xrestop crashing09:07
brycetjaalton, oh?  just crashing itself or crashing xserver?09:07
brycetjaalton, bug #?  sounds bad09:07
tjaaltonbug 106005909:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1060059 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in ResFindAllRes()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106005909:08
mvoI reported it now using apport but it would not open a bugreport09:09
mvo(after asking me a bunch of question like if I am willing to help debug)09:09
seb128tjaalton, shrug, shouldn't "obvious xorg crasher" bugs be better triaged that non confirmed, medium, non assigned, non milestoned?09:09
brycetjaalton, sheesh.  wtf xserver...09:09
tjaaltonseb128: just remembered that it was reported09:10
seb128tjaalton, who do I assign it to? ;-)09:10
seb128it's milestoned for quantal-updates now fwiw :p09:10
tjaaltonI've been assigned to other tasks for the next few weeks..09:10
bryceseb128, chill.  we have a lot of X crashes, but me and all the other X guys are tied up on various projects09:11
bryceseb128, assign to canonical-x or escalate with jason for critical issues09:11
* mvo runs xrestop again just to see if its reproducable09:12
seb128bryce, sorry, it's always annoying when we gets bugs that lead users to have their session to go down and close,loose any open work09:13
seb128bryce, but understood, I know everyone is busy and stretched out :-(09:13
brycemvo, there is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HighCPU however it doesn't say much more than I've already mentioned.09:13
seb128bryce, I've set it to triaged/high for now09:14
bryceseb128, actually I set it triaged/high, but thanks :-)09:14
seb128bryce, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1065113/+activity :p09:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065113 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in free()" [High,New]09:14
seb128bryce, yw ;-)09:14
seb128shrugh, wrong bug09:15
seb128anyway moving on ;-)09:15
* seb128 is trying to clean up the "quantal milestoned bugs" list09:15
mvopretty reliable09:15
bryceseb128, but yes for the future either assign to me or to canonical-x, and I'll ensure they get assigned out to the right folks09:16
seb128bryce, thanks09:16
bryceseb128, sadly I guess *most* X.org bugs are of the "session goes down; lose your work" variety09:16
mvomaybe we should stop recommending using it for now09:16
brycemvo, yeah now that I know, for sure.  Actually getting the crash fixed should be a top priority now.09:17
seb128bryce, yeah, I figured so...09:17
mvolol - xvfb-run xrestop  is fine09:17
mlankhorstbryce: well would help if we could start testing the quantal stack too but I kind of want the multiarch bug fixed first before I announce it for wider testing09:18
tjaaltonseb128, bryce: I should have a few spare cycles today, so I'll at least make sure it's sent upstream09:18
mlankhorstthis particular bug looks like it should be catchable with valgrind09:19
tjaaltonmight even get a 0-day update for it, we'll see09:19
tjaaltonmlankhorst: don't mind you looking at it ;)09:19
tjaaltonmaybe it was during the weekend when I saw duflu's bug about it go by09:19
tjaaltonso didn't react or test09:20
seb128tjaalton, thanks09:20
mlankhorst"Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in free()"09:20
brycemvo, typically the next step I suggest after identify possible client causes is to set up xtrace between server and (suspected) client, and see if what X calls it's making.  Most (but not all) high X.org CPU issues are due to an out of control client making excess X calls.09:20
mlankhorstthat's not really something we'd instantly notice though :x09:20
didrocksdesrt: hey, I think we'll need your help :p09:21
brycetjaalton, thanks09:21
tjaaltonmvo: it's also possible that the gpu is (partially) hung09:21
tjaaltoncheck dmesg09:22
* mlankhorst updating quantal09:22
tjaaltoni've seen that on precise a couple of times09:22
mvomlankhorst: that is blocking on me right ? that multiarch bug? sorry for that09:23
mlankhorstnp :)09:24
mvotjaalton: nothing suspicious in dmesg afaict09:24
tjaaltonmvo: and the system is not swapping?09:25
mvotjaalton: I doubt it, haven't checked, but it has 8gb of ram (can't check now as the session crashed so all memory hungry stuff is gone)09:26
tjaaltonah, ok :)09:26
mvotjaalton: but I will remember to check next time :)09:26
mvocould be firefox eating all my ram of course09:26
tjaaltonin theory there could be a huge pixmap leak or such causing it to swap09:27
* mvo nods09:27
mvogood to know09:27
mlankhorstand here I was hoping we didn't have such problems :p09:27
tjaaltonbut those tend to stay, not vanish by itself09:27
tjaaltonoh well, lunch ->09:27
mhr3seb128, gvfsd-http still leaking pretty bad, i think we can rule out that it was just outdated pkg on my system09:33
mhr3seb128, can you rep? just open the dash and do random searches in shopping/music09:34
seb128mhr3, you know how to valgrind and track leaks right, patches are welcome ;-)09:34
mhr3seb128, i just can't take the joy from you :)09:35
seb128mhr3, but yeah, confirmed09:37
mlankhorstseb128: what screen reader does ubuntu use?09:39
seb128mlankhorst, orca09:42
seb128mlankhorst, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-orca09:42
mlankhorstah k09:42
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didrockspitti: would you mind bumping https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+build/3910394 please? :)11:35
didrockspitti: it contains a worrying upgrade issue fix for SRU0 and I want it to have wider testing11:36
didrocks(for compiz)11:36
chrisccoulsondidrocks, you're stealing my PPA builders? ;)11:38
didrockschrisccoulson: do you have an urgent upgrade issue? :p11:39
chrisccoulsonheh, not today ;)11:39
seb128chrisccoulson, just upload that tb fix to proposed :p11:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, i uploaded it this morning ;)11:40
didrockschrisccoulson: see, I can steal them gladely then! :)11:40
chrisccoulsonit's not been approved yet though11:40
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/11:40
pittididrocks: done11:57
* didrocks hugs pitti11:57
pittididrocks: je suis désole, j'étais au déjeuner11:58
didrockspitti: tu as de la chance, j'ai pas pu encore en avoir! à cause de ce *ù$*$ù**mmfs de bug :-)11:58
* pitti hugs didrocks11:59
FlyingElvishello everyone...im new to ubuntu...just having ditched windows in the last week and put ubuntu on every computer in the house, and while everything is going fine...is there a FULL list of keyboard commands?12:06
mlankhorsthold the key between control and alt?12:06
FlyingElvisyes i know of that...but thats all the commands?12:07
FlyingElvisall and all im really impressed with ubuntu...and the rest of the family are finding it easy to use also12:08
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cyphermoxmorning :)13:03
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?13:13
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cyphermoxseb128: not bad, you?13:30
seb128cyphermox, I'm good thanks13:34
chrisccoulsonmaaaaan, trying to get the background of a tooltip to render on to the surface of another window is a PITA13:50
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sil2100desrt: ok, so currently the decision is - no per-relocatable-schema overrides in gsettings?14:00
desrtthe unity package should override all of the plugins that it wants to14:01
desrtnot just the plugin list14:01
didrockshum the discussion started on another channel?14:02
sil2100desrt: currently it's a bit hard with the current way things are14:02
didrocksdesrt: the issue is that we have 2 profiles14:02
didrocksdesrt: and the profiles are different depending on the session you start14:02
didrocks(and it's using different locations)14:03
sil2100Since in this case we won't be able to use overrides for this purpose really14:03
didrockshey desrt btw :p14:04
didrocks(sorry, jumping into the discussion as it seems you are speaking about the issue we had)14:04
sil2100Since the case is we need like 2 different overrides, each for every profile, as didrocks says - so not sure if we can use overrides in this way14:04
sil2100didrocks: good that you joined in, I was expecting that even! :)14:05
didrockssil2100: not sure what the beginning of the discussion was, but well, I think that desrt needs and deserves to have the full story :p14:05
didrocksotherwise, this means a dconf *writes* at first login :)14:06
didrocksand I know desrt doesn't like that!14:06
desrti don't want to add a complicated feature to gsettings that will really only support a single (very weird) usecase14:06
didrocksdesrt: what do you suggest that we do in that case?14:06
desrtand hopefully this one user will be gone soon enough...14:06
desrtdidrocks: install overrides14:07
didrocksdesrt: but we already do that14:07
desrtand don't expect a gnome session to work on the same machine as a unity session14:07
sil2100didrocks: I know you'll be mad at me, but I gave desrt the whole story on priv... then I got enlighted that I'm talking in private, so I moved the discussion here14:07
didrocksdesrt: ok, so waiting for the fallback session to die14:07
didrockssil2100: yeah, please stop this habit :(14:07
sil2100didrocks: it's getting better though, since I understood this myself and corrected my behavior this time ;)!14:08
desrtso here's one possibility14:09
chrisccoulsonheh, https://twitter.com/opensourcerer/status/258569723481055233 ;)14:09
desrtthe compizconfig abstraction is pretty... impressive14:09
desrtwhy not just have a second set of schemas in there?14:09
desrtlike, instead of installing overrides, the unity session could install new copies of the schemas14:09
desrtwith some prefix or something....14:09
jcastro_chrisccoulson: do not listen to him, get to work.14:10
desrtchrisccoulson: you be scrollin', they be hatin'14:10
sil2100I think that's what was being done with GConf14:10
didrocksdesrt: I think that relocatable schemas were exactly for those purposes, isn't it?14:10
desrtdidrocks: no14:10
sil2100desrt: so I think that's why we're using relocatable schemas14:11
desrtdidrocks: they were made for the case where you have multiple accounts, for example14:11
desrtand each account has user/password/host/port/etc type settings14:11
sil2100Ok, in this use-case, you only need one pair of overrides usually14:11
didrocksdesrt: don't you think we can have "types of accounts" with exactly the same parameter, by different default values?14:11
desrtdidrocks: i guess it's unusual to have some account parameters set by default14:11
desrtfor only one account....14:12
didrocksdesrt: ok, I'm fine with the hack for quantal, as I think the profile thingy will die soon14:12
desrti'll look the other way when you write to dconf :)14:12
didrocksdesrt: heh, and worse, I have to use dconf itself because of the revert :p14:14
didrocksdesrt: but we'll discuss this at UDS I guess14:14
didrocks(revert bug)14:14
desrtdidrocks: it's always your option to install a dconf override :)14:15
desrtit's really the same issue as we've had 1000 times before14:15
didrocksdesrt: heh, indeed :)14:15
desrtwe want one set of settings in one session and another in another14:15
didrocksdesrt: rings me a bell :p14:17
* sil2100 remembers setting once both gsettings and dconf override for the same thing just to be sure it's overridden14:20
sil2100Not really proud of that one14:21
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chrisccoulsonoh crap14:35
chrisccoulsonfirefox is loading 2 different copies of sqlite in to memory14:35
chrisccoulsonit's own copy, and the system copy :(14:35
chrisccoulsoni wonder how this has not completely broken already14:36
tkamppeterpitti, hi15:06
seb128Laney, do you run your glib update?15:35
Laneywell, without the cherry-pick15:35
seb128Laney, does "gresource details /usr/bin/nautilus" works?15:35
Laneyseb128: nope, "gresource is built without elf support"15:36
seb128Laney, ok, your "drop libelf-dev build-depends" is buggy :p15:36
Laneyhuh, weird15:36
seb128$ gresource details /usr/bin/nautilus15:36
seb128nautilus    206 u /org/gnome/nautilus/icons/knob.png15:36
seb128nautilus    482 u /org/gnome/nautilus/icons/thumbnail_frame.png15:36
seb128nautilus  18004 c /org/gnome/nautilus/nautilus-bookmarks-window.ui15:36
seb128on quantal15:37
seb128checking for LIBELF... no15:37
seb128checking for elf_begin in -lelf... yes15:37
seb128checking for elf_getshdrstrndx in -lelf... yes15:37
Laneyyeah i was going to compare that15:37
Laneystill testsuiting atm15:37
Laneyso it did do something before15:37
seb128Laney, well anyway gresource doing "gresource is built without elf support" is the reason why I added that build-depends in quantal :p15:38
seb128not sure why Josselin though it was the wrong lib...15:38
Laneyno, it's fine, I just believed the changelog from joss15:38
seb128there are 2 elf libs though, one used to be in universe15:38
seb128so we might prefer the other one compared to debian (I know that was the case for bud-buddy by then)15:39
Laneyit's true that libelf-dev doesn't ship a pcfile15:39
rickspencer3seb128, does turning on accessibility slow down the desktop a little? and is accessibility required to be on to use onboard?15:41
seb128Laney, right, but the configure doesn't check for one, it checks for .h also15:42
Laneyputting it back15:42
bcurtiswxkenvandine, using chromium-browser how does webapps let me (for example) work with gmail? i installed unity-webapps-gmail but i dont' know how it's supposed to work15:42
seb128Laney, thanks15:43
seb128rickspencer3, my gut feeling is that it does slow down thing yes, and it's not required for onboard afaik15:43
pittihello tkamppeter15:43
kenvandinebcurtiswx, you should get prompted to integrate15:45
kenvandineand you shouldn't need to install the package yourself15:45
kenvandinethat should happen automatically15:45
bcurtiswxkenvandine, even if I already had a gmail account setup and logged in before webapps was integrated ?15:45
kenvandineinstalling the package isn't integrating15:46
kenvandineyou need to click yes in the infobar15:46
kenvandinewhen it prompts you15:46
kenvandinedoes it work in firefox?15:46
bcurtiswxkenvandine, yes it does (noticed i haven't used firefox in a while)15:47
kenvandineso you got prompted, and after accepting it you see the launcher for it?15:48
rickspencer3thanks seb12815:48
bcurtiswxi get prompted yes, haven't gone through to see the launcher.  I wanted to use chromium-browser15:48
kenvandinebcurtiswx, you should get prompted in chromium as well15:48
kenvandinedo you have unity-chromium-extension installed?15:49
bcurtiswxi did not15:49
bcurtiswxinstalling now15:49
bcurtiswxis it not a dep on chromium-browser?15:49
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bcurtiswxkenvandine, in order for the gmail webapp to work with chromium it seems to need an "untitled" chromium icon even with the gmail icon in unity15:53
tkamppeterpitti, hi15:56
pittihello tkamppeter15:57
kenvandinebcurtiswx, yes15:57
kenvandinethat activates the spread15:57
kenvandinefor current webapp browser windows15:57
tkamppeterpitti, it is about the missing /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.cupsd file in our cups package. Is this preventing Quantal from being freshly installed or running as live CD?15:58
bcurtiswxkenvandine, that just doesn't seem right to me. i will never need to click on that "untitled" chromium icon it's a waste of space in my launcher bar15:58
pittitkamppeter: it shouldn't even start if it that were the case, so the image build should fail15:58
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i didn't design it :)15:59
tkamppeterpitti, bug 102692115:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026921 in cups "package cups 1.5.3-0ubuntu1 failed to instal/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102692115:59
bcurtiswxwho did ?15:59
tkamppeterpitti, is this file really required (explicitly referenced by another file in standard config)?16:00
pittitkamppeter: I don't know, I just saw the report today the first time; jdstrand should know16:00
kenvandinebcurtiswx, nuthinking16:01
kenvandinebcurtiswx, file a bug explaining what you don' tlike16:01
bcurtiswxkenvandine, of course :)16:01
jdstrandtkamppeter, pitti: an #include file in an apparmor profile must exist, yes16:02
kenvandinei've expressed my opinion on the topic already :)16:02
bcurtiswxkenvandine, do you have a bug about it ?16:02
jdstrandotherwise the parser will fail16:02
pittijdstrand: curious how this ever worked for a default  install then16:02
kenvandinei just complained to him16:02
jdstranddoes it use dh_apparmor? it will create it for you16:02
pittijdstrand: yes, that's it16:03
pittijdstrand: it's created in postinst, I had assumed it was a conffile16:03
pittijdstrand: thanks!16:03
pittitkamppeter: so I guess the reporter just deleted it16:03
jdstrandpitti: right-- the local/* is intentionally *not* a conffile. this is for site local additions so people don't have to deal with conffile prompts on upgrades16:04
pittitkamppeter: merely creating an empty file should be okay, or sudo dpkg-reconfigure cups should also do16:04
tkamppeterpitti, so there is no bug which have to be fixed?16:15
pittitkamppeter: apparenlty not, it can go back to invalid16:15
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload Cairo for me, bug 1063618? Thanks.16:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1063618 in cairo "PDF printing output of evince broken with PDF file from "Der Spiegel"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106361816:21
seb128tkamppeter, pitti: I can upload cairo if pitti didn't start on it16:34
BigWhaleseb128, great thread about GNOME plans on ubuntu-desktop.16:35
pittiI didn't yet, sorry (still in #u-server debugging juju)16:35
tkamppeterseb128, OK, thanks in advance16:35
pittiseb128, tkamppeter ^16:35
seb128BigWhale, thanks ;-)16:35
seb128pitti, ok, I'm looking at it you can consider yourself unpinged16:35
seb128tkamppeter, thank you for backporting those patches ... did you confirm they fix your issue?16:36
tkamppeterseb128, yes, they fix the problem for me.16:51
seb128tkamppeter, can you update the bug with the SRU informations? (Impact, Test Case, Regression Potential)?16:52
tkamppeterseb128, will do17:12
seb128tkamppeter, thanks, I'll uploaded the package for you17:13
robrumhr3: ping17:26
mhr3robru, pong17:29
robrumhr3: hey. so kenvandine tells me that you are the guy to talk to about Dee indexing and performance17:29
mhr3robru, try me :)17:31
robrumhr3: we have a Dee.SharedModel and the problem is that we're trying to populate it with rows that come from a highly-duplicated source, so we need quite a bit of duplicate-checking logic before adding rows...17:31
robrumhr3: so our original solution was to index the row data in a python dict, and then consult the dict before publishing new rows to the model17:31
robrumhr3: that worked fine at first, but now we're persisting the sharedmodel inside a resourcemanager, and what's happening is that when we restore the sharedmodel, it has a bunch of rows that are no longer in our dicts (because the python script starts up fresh with empty dicts...)17:32
robrumhr3: so I wrote a really naive piece of code that just scans the sharedmodel on startup, and populates the dicts with the index data we need17:32
robrumhr3: but we were hoping that Dee might have a better solution for this.17:32
robrumhr3: https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/friends/persistence/+merge/130009 here is some code to consider17:33
* mhr3 looking17:34
robrumhr3: it gets complicated because we can't just index on a single column; we have two columns that must be unique when concatenated, and then we have this other column that's a list, and the list is going to have a lot of elements, but those elements also need to be uniquely indexable.17:35
robrumhr3: (that sounds a bit insane when I say it like that... maybe we need to consider a different model schema ;-)17:35
mhr3sounds likely :)17:35
mhr3but, as long as there's a way to keep the rows sorted, not even multiple columns is problem17:36
mhr3then you get fast lookups17:36
robrumhr3: ok, so we can introduce a new column that contains a unique key, that won't be hard. but that other column that's a list, we still need to somehow index the rows based on the elements of that list.17:36
mhr3robru, did you see insert_row_sorted?17:38
robrumhr3: no ;-)17:38
robrumhr3: I'm quite new to Dee stuff.17:38
mhr3if you can come up with a cmp_func that will keep the model uniquely sorted, then you can find whether a particular row is already in the model in log(n), ie fast :)17:40
robrumhr3: ok, I think I follow, but that's still only half the problem.17:40
micahgLaney: I'm planning on doing a webkit update for quantal for 1.10.1, is there anything that I need to include (or wait for you to figure out about it, I see you have a PPA build going)17:41
robrumhr3: that takes care of the two columns that we need to concatenate for uniqueness (I'll make a new column for that post-concatenation, and then we can insert and find on that, sorted)17:41
Laneymicahg: do you have something special over that build?17:42
robrumhr3: but also there's this other column that's a list. we need a way to query the model for "does this value exist in any of the lists in any of the rows in this particular column"17:42
robruin a fast way17:42
Laneyit's going in that ppa so I can test arm17:42
mhr3robru, so you need two indices?17:42
robrumhr3: yes17:42
robrumhr3: the concatenated column to index on will just be utf8 text, so a simple lexical cmp should work fine.17:43
mhr3it's doable with filtermodel, but you'll have to rebuild the filtermodel everytime17:43
mhr3ie. the filtermodel will be sorted in a different way than the original model (but it still points to the same data), so you'll just use the list to create your new sorting17:44
robrumhr3: but the other problem is that because we've de-duplicated messages, we have a many-to-one relationship between message ids and rows in the model. so we're storing these ids in a list. so each row has multiple ids, but we occaisionally will just have one of the ids, and then need to find that row. currently we're doing it with a python dict17:44
mhr3(oh by everytime i mean only when the process starts)17:44
mhr3robru, so one row has multiple ids? and those are stored in the list?17:45
robrumhr3: sorry, I was simplifying a bit ;-) we have a column that's of type 'aas', that is, an array of an array of strings. the inner arrays are all of length 3, and the outer array will be of varying lengths from row to row. some rows will only have one inner array, some rows will have many. but occaisionally we're going to only know one of the inner arrays, and we need to be able to find the row using just the inner array.17:47
mhr3well you need a way to create an index from that, otherwise you can't do fast lookup17:48
robrumhr3: so basically one column in a row might look like [['website', 'account_id', 'message_id'], ['other_site', 'other_acct', 'other_msg']] and we'll need to find that row using only ['website', 'account_id', 'message_id']17:48
robrumhr3: that's what I'm asking you! ;-) how do we index this properly?17:49
mhr3i'm trying to remember if you can put the same backing row multiple times into the filtermodel, but i'm not sure17:49
robrumhr3: currently we keep those triples as dict keys, and the dict values are RowIters. it works ok but we have to rebuild the dict every launch.17:49
mhr3well, you'd have to rebuild it even if you used dee, don't think you can avoid that17:52
robrumhr3: we were hoping that whatever indexing options Dee gives us, we could persist with ResourceManager ;-)17:53
mhr3you could try denormalizing the model, so you'd end up with two (or more)17:53
robrumhr3: I don't know what that means ;-)17:54
mhr3it means you have too much data in that single cell :)17:54
micahgLaney: no, I just wanted to push it as a security update :)17:54
robrumhr3: is there any way that I could have a second Model that has an one column for the ids, and a second column for rowiters that point back to the first Model? eg, any way to store a DeeRowIter inside a SharedModel in a meaningful way?17:55
micahgLaney: I probably won't upload at least until tomorrow sometime (Monday would be fine as well)17:56
mhr3robru, no, you'd need to basically copy a column with the unique id into the second model (where it wouldn't be unique)17:57
Laneymicahg: feel free to sponsor my upload into -security if you like ;)17:57
Laneysave me the SRU pain17:57
robrumhr3: oooooohhhhhhhh! that's actually not half bad!17:57
micahgLaney: yeah, that could work, could you let me know how the tests go17:57
mhr3robru, we're basically talking sql tables here, you know that? :)17:57
robrumhr3: yeah, I know ;-)17:58
Laneyshould pop out towards the end of tomorrow17:58
robrumhr3: not my fault, it's the data's fault for being structured this way. I'm just trying to figure out the most efficient DeeModel schema to represent it...17:58
mhr3robru, and since you need quite complex indexing i'm starting to wonder why your data isn't in sql? :)17:58
robrumhr3: because Dee.SharedModels are just so sexy, and we needed to be able to share this data over dbus *anyway*17:59
mhr3+1 on the sexiness :)18:00
robrumhr3: I actually like your idea of using the unique key non-uniquely in a second model, I think I can make that work. and if you say that the *_sorted methods are log(n) then this should be fast! also being able to persist that second model will stop us having to re-scan at launch. brilliant!18:01
robrumhr3: thanks!18:01
mhr3robru, the only problem is that you then need to make sure the two models are always in sync, otherwise dragons will come18:02
mhr3if for example you manage to write to disc one but not the other... uh oh18:03
mhr3plus it increases required storage space :/18:04
micahgLaney: actually, nevermind, I thought they would've included CVE fixes, but it's bug fix only, so I won't be pushing it after all18:05
micahgogra_: ^^ laney is testing webkit on arm, I won't be touching it until the next point release18:05
robrumhr3: what is the storage space like for ResourceManager?18:08
robrumhr3: also, I was curious if you knew of any upper limits regarding how many rows a SharedModel can reasonably contain before performance becomes an issue.18:09
mhr3robru, well, everytime you init a shared model it's broadcast on the bus, so you'll probably end up being limited by dbus msg size18:11
robrumhr3: the whole model is transmitted in a single message?18:11
robrumhr3: does it have any ability to split that up over messages?18:12
mhr3currently no18:12
mhr3if you need to transfer that much data over dbus, it's bad18:12
robrumhr3: I ask because as it currently stands, we have written an algorithm that endlessly gathers data and dumps it into a SharedModel, forever. And the model persists, and there's not yet any logic for expiring old data. so it's just going to grow and grow and grow, and I'm wondering what kind of limits we can expect to hit.18:12
mhr3you should add that logic :)18:13
robruI will, but that's why I'm asking. should I discard the oldest data after there's 1,000 rows in the model? 10,000? a million? I have no idea.18:13
mhr3i'd make sure the model isn't larger than 8mb18:14
robrumhr3: and how would i measure that? can the resourcemanager tell me how much space it's taking?18:15
robrumhr3: can I find the file where it's persisting it to?18:15
mhr3figure out how big is a row on average on go by that18:16
mhr3but yea, it's saved somewhere, just not sure where exactly :)18:16
robrumhr3: hmmmm, that's highly variable ;-) but ok, I'll work on some averages.18:16
mhr3robru, you probably want to look at FileResourceManager.primary_path prop18:18
robrumhr3: ah, thanks18:18
mhr3hm, it even has getter method18:19
tkamppeterseb128, pitti, bug 1063618 updated18:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1063618 in cairo "PDF printing output of evince broken with PDF file from "Der Spiegel"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106361818:33
seb128tkamppeter, thanks18:40
desrtm_conley: ping19:04
m_conleydesrt: pong19:04
desrtm_conley: i'm right next door :)19:04
desrtwith will (new hire on the desktop team)19:04
m_conleydesrt: you're in the community space? Cool. :)19:04
chrisccoulsondesrt, oh, nice. lucky you ;)19:05
m_conleydesrt: haven't seen you in a while - been travelling I guess?19:05
desrtget to leave again on saturday for UDS19:05
m_conleyclassic desrt19:05
desrtyour security situation here is getting pretty intense, eh?19:05
m_conleydesrt: in what way?19:05
m_conley(I don't remember what it was like when you were here last...)19:05
desrtsomeone guarding the door, no longer open to non-mozilla hackers, etc.19:05
m_conleythey need to be vouched19:06
desrtyou going to CPH, btw?19:06
m_conleydesrt: hm, not sure what CPH is, so probably not. I'm dialing back the travel for a little while. I want to stay put for a little while. :)19:07
Nafallom_conley: Copenhagen19:07
m_conleythat's where the next UDS is, I guess? Yeah, I remember andreasn mentioning it19:07
desrthe's not on the formal invite list but i think he's going to pop in for a couple of days19:08
desrthis brother lives just across the river19:08
m_conleyright, right19:08
m_conleyI remember now19:08
m_conleycool. :)19:08
m_conleydesrt: I'll probably join you over there in a bit19:08
chrisccoulsondesrt, m_conley, we need a UDS near the mozilla office ;)19:14
m_conleyWe do! Come to Toronto!19:14
m_conleywe...have....some cool stuff sometimes19:14
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm sure you do :)19:14
m_conleywe have a pretty cool lake19:15
m_conleythe tower's all crazy-lit at night19:15
m_conleyand we have crazy varieties of food19:15
seb128but you don't let insiders in anymore it seems? :p19:15
m_conleyI'm talkin' Toronto19:15
Nafallothat might be a tad much of the crazies ;-)19:15
chrisccoulsoni'd enjoy it. it would make a nice change from the US and europe ;)19:16
Nafallohow about crazy Internet speeds? :-P19:16
seb128you start sounding like desrt19:16
m_conleyfor MoTo, you just need to be vouched, I believe. I think it also helps if you're a Mozillian.19:16
seb128he keeps advertising the variety of food you can get in Toronto and how cheap it is19:16
Nafallohrm. isn't Toronto Canada or something?19:17
m_conleyToronto is indeed Canada.19:17
m_conleyWE ARE CANADA19:17
Nafallothat might have been the reason it's not on the list then ;-)19:17
NafalloI can't remember the reason, but I think there might be one.19:17
m_conleypolar-bear aversion?19:18
Nafalloehrm, Canada != the North Pole, no :-)19:19
Nafalloand I don't think the North Pole have sufficient Internets.19:19
Nafallothe polar bears ate them all!19:19
m_conleythis is true19:19
Nafallothat said, I don't think bears would be a problem.19:21
Nafalloconcidering they went to Australia back in the days, with 90% of the world's dangerous animals... I don't think bears would come close :-)19:22
desrtm_conley: toronto is not "real canada", i hear :)19:24
desrtm_conley: but seriously... back me up on the insane variety of awesome food at cheap prices19:25
m_conleythis is true19:25
m_conleywe have a helluva lot of what desrt said19:25
chrisccoulsoni like the sounds of this a lot19:25
* desrt note sthat he has not been to khao san road in a while...19:27
m_conleyit's delicious19:27
NafalloLondon for UDS... just rent the Olympic Stadium or something...19:48
xnoxNafallo: the Olympic Park is getting disassembled and sold in parts. One building sold to germany, the other elsewhere. Some buildings will stay, but the stadium will be smaller....19:53
Nafalloyeah, I heard something about that.19:53
chrisccoulsonyay, no menubar in panel with the latest firefox nightly20:17
seb128chrisccoulson, I told you that last week!20:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, the nightly only broke for me today :/20:18
Nafallo♥ vimperator20:19
Nafallo:emenu FTW20:19
chrisccoulsoni don't use vimperator. the only addons i install are development aids or addons that i've written ;)20:23
Nafallobe without menu then :-D20:23
Nafalloit also makes people think twice before they try to borrow your browser ;-)20:24
chrisccoulsonit's ok. i've found the problem and fixed it already ;)20:25
Nafallo*sigh* developers... ;-)20:25
attenteseb128: i'm trying to use quilt to apply the patches on gtk+ minus the menu proxy patch20:26
attentebut getting an error due to the later patches depending on that one20:26
attenteis there a way to resolve it without resorting to hand-modifying the patches?20:27
seb128attente, you can use quilt -f to force it anyway, fix the conflicts and then quilt refresh to update it20:28
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
attenteseb128: how do you turn off the symbol checks and variants when running debuild?20:56
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
seb128attente, edit debian/rules21:01
seb128DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_$(SHARED_PKG) += -V --add-udeb=$(UDEB_PKG) -- -c421:01
seb128drop the "-- -c4"21:01
seb128same for the gail line21:01
desrtnot dropping the --add-udeb?21:02
seb128attente, you can man dpkg-gensymbols to see the -c level details21:02
desrtwe want to only build the 'normal' variant...21:03
seb128desrt, well you can hack the build to not generate an udeb if you want, that was not the question21:03
desrtseb128: 'checks and variants'21:03
seb128desrt, that's not an available feature, I've a local diff hack I apply for that though ...we should turn it into an official build option21:03
seb128desrt, good exercice for attente? ;-)21:04
desrtgetting rid of 'make check' would also be nice21:04
desrtseb128: you know that he has not officially started work yet, right? :)21:04
seb128desrt, yeah, you are the ones coming with questions though ;-)21:06
seb128desrt, so I'm just saying 'patches are welcome' :p21:06
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
xnoxshould I be making merge proposals for lp:ubuntu/indicator-session or lp:indicator-session . It's a bugfix for 13.04.22:54
bjsniderjbicha, bug 106793323:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1067933 in mutter "Reloading shell with Alt-F2 r loses all workspaces but first 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106793323:49
bjsniderdid everything there i know how to. i have seen gnome bugs linked, and i don't know how to go about that.23:49
jbichabjsnider: do you know how to be a debdiff?23:51
jbicha*make a debdiff?23:51
RAOFbjsnider: You're after the “Also affects project” link, and then you just past in your bugzilla url.23:51
sarnoldhehe, *be* the debdiff. *feel* the debdiff. *become* the debdiff. *be one* with the debdiff.23:52
bryceRaring Ringtail :-)23:53
jbichabecause here's the deal: it's not important enough of a bug to me for me to cherry-pick that patch...but I'm happy to see other people get involved in (gnome) packaging so I'll sponsor it for you if you do the work23:53

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