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mfischrobert_ancell: bryceh suggested I write an appoort script for lightdm02:19
mfischrobert_ancell: I think it would be pretty useful02:19
robert_ancellmfisch, we already have one02:20
mfischthat was my first question02:20
mfischrobert_ancell: bryceh's xorg script prompts the user before collecting the logs, wonder if we should too02:23
robert_ancellsure, sounds good02:23
mfischI'd also like to grab lightdm.conf02:23
mfischrobert_ancell: is there a reason the hook script isn't being installed?02:47
robert_ancellmfisch, it isn't?02:47
mfischlet me check an unmodified deb02:48
mfischrobert_ancell: it is not in 1.4.002:48
mfischit's also not in the lightdm.install scripts02:50
robert_ancellmust be broen02:52
mfischI'll fix that too02:52
mfischrobert_ancell: you want a bug for this?02:57
mfischor just a MP02:57
hallynhrw: jinkeys, my sparc-cross-toolchain-base-1.89 has been building here all day long :)  hopefully it doesn't bail right at the end and want to be restarted :)03:18
mfischrobert_ancell: just need to fix one thing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/106759103:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1067591 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "test bug" [Undecided,Invalid]03:35
mfischrobert_ancell: thats the bug that apport made03:35
pittiGood morning04:21
ajmitchhi pitti04:22
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dholbachgood morning07:11
OdyXtkamppeter: Hi. I've been trying to debug this ipp-1.1 failure in cups for 4 hours now and can't get to a solution. I noticed it works with testfile.pdf though. Any idea where I should look into?07:17
OdyX(in cups, eh)07:17
hrwhallyn: share packages please :)07:33
didrocks@pilot on07:40
udevbot(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.07:40
didrocks@pilot in07:40
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox, didrocks
* dholbach hugs didrocks07:42
didrocksdholbach: not sure how much I can do today, unity SRU world (well, sponsoring popey's team, it's still sponsorship) :)07:43
didrockswill try to do as much as possible :)07:43
dholbachyeah, I did clean up mostly yesterday07:43
dholbachand looked at some SRUs07:43
dholbachthat's the time of year, isn't it? :)07:44
didrocksindeed :)07:45
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tkamppeterOdyX, unfortunately, I do not have an idea there, I never looked into the test programs. They always worked and when they stopped I had too many other, more important bugs to fix.08:51
OdyXtkamppeter: yeah; guessed so. I'll file a bug at cups directly as they also fail without any patches (well, the test runs with a .ps file which is probably not supported…)08:56
evIs it possible to do a one off sync to precise-proposed?09:02
evgnat-gps is still causing trouble on the retracers and 5.0-13 fixes it09:03
cjwatsonNot sure it would be sensible to sync back quantal binaries - could you backport the fix instead, please?09:05
cjwatson(We can't do a sync without binaries either because same pool)09:05
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Laneymvo: is it known/intended that apt-cache show pkg doesn't show the long description on Q?09:39
mvoLaney: neither09:39
mvoLaney: what do I need to do to reproduce?09:40
mvoLaney: don't ansewr apt-cache show apt ;)09:40
Laneyapt-cache show apt09:40
mvoLaney: is that on the livecd?09:40
Laneyno, I'm trying it in a quantal schroot09:40
mvoLaney: or a fresh install? before the first evar apt-get update was done?09:40
mlankhorstLaney: hey when does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda get updated? I want to put myself on for core-dev :)09:41
Laneymlankhorst: when bdrung updates it, but you can add yourself whenever09:41
Laneythe next meeting is during UDS09:41
mlankhorstI know09:41
Laneyjust do it any time09:41
Laneymvo: you don't see it in your setup?09:42
mvoLaney: I don't use schroot but I'm happy to give it a try09:42
Laneyweird, I don't see it on our porter-amd6409:43
mvoLaney: which setup should I follow? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BuildEnvironment  ?09:43
mvoLaney: aha, is that one a server that I can use to reproduce?09:43
Laneyno, because I don't reproduce it there09:43
Laneythat is Description-en: foo whereas in my chroot it's Description: foo09:43
Laneyand outside of the chroot it's the same as inside for me locally09:44
mvoLaney: so no apt-cache show apt even outside the chroot for you?09:44
LaneyI made the chroot with mk-sbuild quantal (from ubuntu-dev-tools)09:44
* Laney fires up the VM09:45
* mvo runs this now09:46
cjwatsonLaney: there are separate Translations files - you may need to set a locale09:47
cjwatsonnow, apt is supposed to use English for LANG=C09:47
mvoyeah, exactly09:47
mvothis is whats puzzling me09:47
Laneywell, on my bare metal it's en_GB.UTF-809:47
mvoLaney: does apt-get update show it fetching Translation-en files at all?09:48
cjwatsonmm, I don't see it in my schroots09:48
Laneyah, wait09:49
Laneythey all share my local mirror, I bet that's busted09:49
cjwatsonMy debmirror run has --i18n --exclude='i18n/Translation-' --include='i18n/Translation-en' actually09:50
LaneyIgn .../Translation-en{,_GB}09:50
cjwatsonit's the --i18n that matters but you probably don't want to fetch all the translations if you have any kind of limited bandwidth09:50
* Laney wonders how to do that in config09:51
Laneymvo: yeah that was it, sorry for noise09:52
* Laney goes to twiddle debmirror09:52
mvoLaney: puhh, I was a bit worried09:54
mvogood that its fixed now09:54
mvo(or on the way)09:54
mptomg the error rate is going down10:06
mptfor four days straight10:06
pittiev, mpt: btw, what exactly does the y axis mean on errors.u.c.? avg errors per calender day is certainly not the whole story -- that should be a magnitude of 1.000 to 100.000 submissions per day surely?10:09
mptpitti, why would it be 1.000 to 1000.000?10:10
pittimpt: well, how can we get 0.04 error reports on a day?10:11
pittiwe should get several thousands, and certainly not a fractional10:11
pittiI assume this number is "average errors per calender day per <something I don't know>"?10:11
mptpitti, if 4% of the active machines reported exactly one error that day, for example. Or if 2% reported exactly one error and 1% reported exactly 2 errors.10:12
pittimpt: ooh, so "errors per day per active machine"10:12
pittithanks, that's what I was missing10:12
Laneywhat's an active machine?10:13
mptI knew someone was going to ask that :-)10:13
Laneythose who have submitted an error over some time period?10:13
mptCorrect, an active machine is one that has submitted any error reports in the past 90 days.10:13
mptThat overcounts machines that have been destroyed or had Ubuntu wiped from them sometime in the past 90 days.10:14
mptAnd it undercounts machines where the user would have reported errors, but was fortunate enough to get none at all.10:14
mptHopefully those two biases roughly cancel each other out.10:14
pittiseb128, cjwatson, Daviey, all: dholbach and I were just discussing for which packages we would like to see autopkgtests for; we are going to have a little competition at UDS and want to collect a list (people can work on their own packages, of course); so far I came up with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1284747/, do you have any others?10:14
seb128pitti, there are a lot of those in desktop we could add10:15
pittiseb128: FYI, I know that indicator-* is probably not going to happen there, but it's something that would benefit10:16
pittiseb128: dholbach will set up a wiki page, and I'll put the list there10:16
dholbachpitti, seb128, cjwatson, Daviey: shall we use a pad to brainstorm now?10:16
pittiseb128: so if you know of a library that breaks often, it shoudl be there10:16
dholbachthen I can move it to a wiki page later10:16
dholbachpitti, gtk- too many gtk boogs!10:16
pittidholbach: GTK already has tests10:17
pittiglib, too10:17
seb128pitti, like I can image we could add libsoup librsvg libsecret libunity libarchive libdbusmenu libgdata libical10:17
cjwatsondholbach,pitti: count me out, busy with 12.10 emergency10:17
seb128pitti, poppler10:17
dholbachcjwatson, good luck!10:17
pitticjwatson: *ack*10:17
pittiseb128: libunity is already on the list; thanks10:17
seb128pitti, cairo10:17
pittiseb128: ooh, poppler10:17
pittidholbach: we already have s-c10:20
pittithey need to be fixed, though10:20
* pitti bats eyelashes towards mvo10:20
dholbachhah :)10:21
mvopitti: *cough* indeed10:21
pittidholbach: actually, anything that's red on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/AutoPkg%20Test/, like maas or network-manager10:21
seb128pitti, dholbach: you can drop "libindicate-gtk3-dev", that lib is deprecated in quantal10:22
seb128it's replaced by libmessaging-menu from indicator-messages10:23
pittiseb128: just libindicate-dev now?10:23
pittithat seemed more specialized, though10:23
seb128pitti, no, libindicate stop being used, lars is brining sanity to indicators10:23
seb128pitti, well, libindicator is still used10:23
seb128libappindicator as well10:23
pittiseb128: GMenuModel?10:23
seb128pitti, no, orthogonal things, libindicat* is confusing10:24
pittiseb128: added libindicator3-dev then10:24
seb128libindicate -> indicate message -> lib to use for client to integrate in indicator-messages ... that's libmessaging-menu now10:24
seb128libindicator -> lib to do system indicators10:24
seb128libappindicator -> lib for apps, equivalent of the gtkstatusicon10:24
pittiyeah, I've always been confused about these two10:24
cjwatsonpitti: FWIW I fixed software-properties and about half of unattended-upgrades in bzr, but didn't think it worth disrupting the release process with uploads10:24
pitticjwatson: thanks, noting so in pad to avoid double work10:25
seb128pitti, lars plan to consolidate with only a libindicator gmenumodel based10:25
cjwatson(since the bugs were test-only)10:25
seb128pitti, so hopefully all the confusions go away10:25
pittidholbach: that looks like a lot of fodder now :)10:31
dholbachyes, a good start :910:31
dholbachI'll set up the wiki docs and add this there10:31
seb128dholbach, pitti: great list ;-)10:37
pittiseb128, dholbach: I'm not sure whether unity is suitable as an autopkgtest -- sounds more like a case for UTAH to me (i. e. testing under a full desktop session, not just a tiny server environment with no session/system d-bus, no gnome session, etc.)10:37
pittiif someone can make it work, sure :)10:38
pitti(this would certainly deserve the "winner" prize)10:38
seb128pitti, sorry, I misunderstood "system installed packages"10:38
dholbachpitti, yeah, I listed it because I thought it must have a bunch of upstream test cases (built tree) as well10:38
dholbachbut I'm sure you're right10:38
pittiseb128: clarified in the pad10:38
seb128pitti, danke10:38
seb128pitti, btw how far are we to be able to e.g throw a gtk update somewhere and have the system tell us if it breaks any autotest somewhere else?10:39
seb128e.g rdpends testing10:39
pittiseb128: that's called https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/AutoPkg%20Test/10:39
seb128pitti, well, where somewhere is not the archive :p10:40
pittiseb128: it tests -proposed uploads and all its rdepends, and creates red dots10:40
pittiseb128: well, for somewhere == -proposed10:40
seb128proposed is not supposed to be used as a test bed afaik10:40
pittiseb128: in principle we have the machinery to do it for PPA10:40
cjwatsonseb128: not a manual test bed10:40
pittijust not wired up to do it10:40
cjwatsonseb128: it's definitely intended for autopkgtests to run on it10:40
pittibut with that we'll run into capacity issues, so we'd need to limit that a bit10:40
cjwatsonthis is part of the grand plan10:41
seb128cjwatson, right, but I guess it would be nicer if we had a way to see the result of autopkgtests without having to send the package to proposed10:41
pittiwe certainly need a facility like that10:41
cjwatsonseb128: oh, sure, though of course you can just run it locally :)10:41
seb128like "I'm not ready to upload to the archive yet but I would like to know how good that GTK is"10:41
cjwatsonmaybe not all the rdepends10:41
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pittiwe are very close to having the whole thing charmed (not including jenkins itself, though)10:42
pittibut this needs some more love, as well as documentatino10:42
seb128where I'm getting at I guess is that I whole love to have a daily gtk-trunk build going through autotests10:43
seb128I would*10:43
seb128so we know when upstream breaks something10:43
seb128rather than waiting for the next tarball 3 weeks later10:43
pittiseb128: right, that sounds like an excellent case for "juju deploy ubuntu-adt" with an extra PPA10:43
pittiseb128: but it also ties into what we are doing with jhbuild10:43
seb128pitti, yeah10:43
pittiseb128: did you see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/ ?10:44
pittithat now runs with --check10:44
* pitti hugs jibel10:44
seb128pitti, I think I bookmarked a blog post from jibel about that10:44
seb128or email, or g+ or something10:44
seb128but I didn't go back to read it yet10:44
jibelseb128, we have something very close https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/10:44
seb128does that run autopkgtests?10:44
seb128or just upstream tests?10:44
pittiseb128: so my hope is that https://code.launchpad.net/unity-jhbuild will work well enough to be able to integrate it there, too10:44
jibelnot autopkgtest, it does a checkout, build and run upstream tests10:45
pittiseb128: that's upstream tests; "jhbuild --check build" by and large10:45
jibelso we know when upstream breaks something10:45
seb128so it's great10:45
seb128but it doesn't tell me when I break s-c for mvo :p10:45
pittiseb128: oui, that's where the juju charm for setting up the adt environment with an extra PPA comes into play, I think10:45
seb128but combined with the ""juju deploy ubuntu-adt" with an extra PPA" we have the best on both side10:46
pittiwe can certainly enable an extra PPA, but for a more general service the DC doesn't scale10:46
seb128pitti, sounds great to me ;-)10:46
seb128pitti, yeah, I don't want that level of testing for everything, mainly glib and gtk10:46
seb128it might convince me to keep tracking the unstable serie of those :p10:46
pittijibel: capacity issues aside, I guess it would be relatively easy to enable adt runs with the ubuntu-desktop PPA enabled, right?10:46
pittinow that it works for -proposed10:47
* pitti really feels bad for never having tried juju yet; something high on my "want to try" list10:47
jibelpitti, yes, it'd be easy, the functionality to test from a ppa has been added to the tool a couple of weeks ago10:47
seb128pitti, I feel bad that I didn't have more time to play with autopkgtests this cycle and add some, I hope to fix that next cycle ;-)10:48
seb128pitti, jibel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/job/jhbuild-gnome-amd64-nautilus/28/artifact/nautilus.log ..."Could not open X display", do you consider that an upstream test bug (e.g they should use xvfb-run) or a setup bug on the qa machine?10:50
pittiseb128: or at UDS, where we'll hopefully get a whole bunch10:50
seb128pitti, well, I count on UDS to get started and keep that ball rolling from then on ;-)10:51
pittiseb128, jibel: I guess for jhbuild in GNOME it'd probably be appropriate to run the whole thing under xvfb-run?10:51
seb128+1 from me10:51
jibelseb128, I'm fixing the system to run tests through xvfb10:51
pittiI always run it under my normal desktop session10:51
pittiwe just need to check if you can nest those10:51
pittii. e. for test suites which call xvfb on their own10:52
cjwatsonmight need [ "$DISPLAY" ] || xvfb-run, or similar10:52
jibelseb128, I'm reviewing all the failures and reached package 49/20610:52
seb128jibel, ok10:52
cjwatsonWell, or not10:52
cjwatsonI guess under a regular X session you still want xvfb-run so that it doesn't pop up windows all over your desktop10:52
pittiI have an env var in apport to disable xvfb, in case I actually do want to see the windows (visual inspection), but most of the time I don't10:53
cjwatson'xvfb-run xvfb-run xterm' gives 'xvfb-run: error: Xvfb fails to start'10:53
cjwatson'xvfb-run -n 98 xvfb-run xterm' works10:53
pittimaybe with -n 87?10:53
pittiright; I'd use a different number in the "outside" jhbuild machinery, so that the defaults work "inside"10:54
pittijibel: that might actually fix a lot of failures; I don't use xvfb in pygobject either10:56
pitti"DISPLAY= jhbuild run make check" indeed fails10:57
cjwatsonubiquity's test runner automatically uses xvfb10:58
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pittia/way -all lunch11:01
pittierk, let's try that again11:01
jibeljhbuild is supposed to start the tests with xvfb when it doesn't find a display, but it doesn't for some reason. I'll search why after the release.11:02
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didrocks@pilot out11:33
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox
OdyXtkamppeter, pitti: https://cups.org/str.php?L4214 :)11:42
quadrisprohello everybody!11:57
pittiOdyX: ah, thanks :)11:59
OdyXpitti: besides that bug, the testsuite runs fully without too many problems here, you might want to include my patches into quantal's cups.12:02
evcjwatson: just saw your reply. Thank you and I will.12:05
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gogoHello, I am writing an app in python for Ubuntu. I am using pkexec and subprocess to escalate privileges. Is there a way to get user authorization without using subprocess?12:31
cyphermox@pilot out13:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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micahgogra_: I'll be spinning up a webkit update for quantal after the release team is done with respins, so I can switch the optimization to -00 to see if that helps on arm* if you like13:50
ogra_yeah, i surely do13:51
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micahgogra_: ok, I'll let you know when it's ready for testing then13:51
ogra_thx !13:52
ScottKbryce: Could you have a look into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1019444/comments/5 ?14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019444 in mesa (Ubuntu Precise) "Update Precise to mesa 8.0.4 (bugfix micro-release)" [Wishlist,Fix committed]14:20
gogoHello, When I run my Ubuntu indicator as root, i am getting this dbus error > http://pastebin.com/thvqYZFh Any idea what is this about?14:22
dobeygogo: root processes can't user the user's session bus. you need to run indicators as the user you're logged in as, not as root14:26
gogodobey: Oh, my indicator app asks user for root access 4-5 times. Is these a way the indicator can be granted root access for whole session. I tried polkit policy and pkexec but as you said, it wont work.14:30
ScottKYou need to break your app into a front end that runs as user and a backend that runs as root and use policykit.14:31
gogoScottK: Right, that makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion.14:34
dobeygogo: what does your indicator do?14:34
gogoits for managing fan speed14:35
barryslangasek: wondering if you had any other progress on bug #105471214:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054712 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "usb-creator-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105471214:40
dokojodh, can you attach your test program for 1066351?14:40
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jodhdoko: done.14:45
stokachuslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1285155/ - would something like this be acceptable for that appmenu-gtk bug?14:45
slangasekbarry: no other progress besides getting angry at pdb permuting things to where it doesn't crash14:46
slangasekstokachu: is UBUNTU_MENUPROXY a single variable, or are there separate ones for gtk2 vs. gtk3?14:46
stokachuslangasek: its just a single variable14:47
stokachuslangasek: though one thing to note is that libappmenu.so is the same no matter which package is installed14:47
slangasekstokachu: oh, then that looks perfectly fine then14:47
stokachuno hardcoded paths14:47
slangasekyep, that's important14:47
stokachuslangasek: ok cool ill get a debdiff create and sent up for when you have time :)14:47
slangasekstokachu: so that looks great as a script snippet; there's some monkeying that has to go into the package around deprecating the old file too14:48
dokojodh, and assign a kernel task, if you think it's the kernel? ;)14:48
slangasekstokachu: oh, I guess we can just ship two copies of this exact file for now, which is probably the simplest change and not incorrect14:48
stokachuslangasek: hmmmm this is after purging you mean?14:48
slangasekstokachu: pretend I didn't say anything :)14:48
stokachuslangasek: lol ok14:48
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barrymvo: what's the difference between ~mvo/ubuntu/quantal/dbus-python/lp846044 and lp846044-2?14:56
mvobarry: none, sorry, I will delete the later one14:58
barrymvo: np14:59
mvobarry: if you take care of the SRU that will be great and I erase it from my memory^Wtodo list :)14:59
barrymvo: sru for quantal?  np, i can take care of that15:00
mvobarry: yeah, once we get final approval from upstream I think it should go into quantal-proposed ASAP15:00
barrymvo: +1.  what about the oneiric bug task? (currently assigned to you?)15:01
dholbachpitti, I set up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests15:01
dholbachseb128, jibel: ^ - so we can drop the pad page15:02
mvobarry: fixed15:02
barrymvo: perfect15:03
mvo(well won't fixed but…)15:03
stokachumterry: hey are you planning on pushing pbuilder-scripts into precise as well?15:13
mterrystokachu, no, since it'd be a new package.  I suppose I could add it via extras, but I hadn't planned on it15:14
stokachumterry: ok i can just rebuild it myself -- the scripts are an awesome addition btw15:15
mterrystokachu, thanks!  :)  Hope they are useful15:16
* micahg reminds mterry about backports for stable new packages and ubuntu-dev-tools for putting dev helper stuff15:16
micahgs/stable new packages/new packages in stable/15:17
ogra_stapled new packages ?15:17
stokachumterry: definately useful, the organization part is particularly sweeet15:19
mterrymicahg, yeah  :)15:20
fishorhallo all, are any one of ubuntu devs works on gnome-bluetooth?15:42
stgrabercyphermox: ^15:43
pittidholbach: merci!15:43
cyphermoxfishor: what's up15:45
fishorcyphermox, hi! i fallowing some crashes in G-B, and have some patches... but it looks like the problem is a bit deeper. I jast lost the trace. On some casts between Device -> GDbsProxy -> Device, device is lost..15:50
fishorand i confused with this self genretade gdbs code. some times it used some times it is replicated on main code15:51
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fishorshould it dependencies on bluetooth-client-glue* actually be removed?15:52
fishoror are they other reason why the code is so confusing :)15:52
fishorcurrently im in bluetooth-client.c:disconnect_collback15:53
tkamppeterpitti, hi15:56
stokachuno patch pilots today?15:56
micahgstokachu: need something right now?15:57
stokachumicahg: ive got an FFe but not sure if its possible to include at this point?15:57
micahgstokachu: no, at this point an SRU is probably best15:57
micahgstokachu: what's the bug?15:57
stokachumicahg: http://pad.lv/93286015:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932860 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu Precise) "[FFe] Broken (or missing) multiarch support" [High,In progress]15:58
stokachuif the archive is frozen are -proposed being accepted for quantal now?15:59
micahgstokachu: yes, SRUs are being accepted time permitting15:59
stokachumicahg: ok, quantal isnt my biggest concern its just getting it in quantal so i can create a precise proposal15:59
stokachubut i guess they go hand in hand anyway16:00
micahgstokachu: yeah, both are SRUs at this point16:00
stokachumicahg: ok cool so ill need to wait until time permits then?16:00
micahgstokachu: well, unless you need this today, someone will get to it in the queue, if you need it uploaded today I can have a look in a bit16:01
stokachumicahg: pm16:02
=== norbi is now known as Guest963
fishorhmm... looks like i DoS-ed cyphermox, was it my english or question?16:18
_jmp_pgraner: hi! is tomorrow too late for the pandaboard? I can bring mine tomorrow 9ish16:19
pgraner_jmp_, too late sorry16:20
stokachu_jmp_: dont forget to check your email before partying16:20
_jmp_stokachu: hmm surprises.. /me checks :)16:20
_jmp_stokachu: let me get you the agent bits16:21
stokachu_jmp_: and also I wont "taint" my contributions by looking at it either16:23
_jmp_stokachu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/walinuxagent16:26
_jmp_stokachu: nah its fine imo, apache license16:27
stokachuslangasek: so when upgrading appmenu with my changes it keeps around /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu-gtk3 should I remove that file in our rules?16:38
slangasekstokachu: ah, that was the bit I was thinking out loud about earlier16:38
stokachuyea i just realize that during testing16:38
slangasekstokachu: don't remove it, we want both files16:38
slangasekstokachu: otherwise, we have two packages having to share a single config file, and that's not pretty16:38
stokachuslangasek: so for whatever reason though only 80appmenu gets updated with latest but appmenu-gtk3 stays untouched16:39
stokachuso its still looking for a hardcoded moduledir16:39
slangasekoh really16:39
slangasekdid you update both packages?16:39
stokachuno LOL16:39
stokachudamnit ok lemme check right quick16:39
stokachuslangasek: lol ok forget i ever said anything16:40
* stokachu needs coffee16:41
slangasekstokachu: coffee++16:41
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barryslangasek: thanks for the great email follow up there17:01
slangasekbarry: at your service :)17:02
stokachuslangasek: is it advisable to set #!/bin/bash in these xsessions scripts?17:22
stokachui dont see it done in any other ones though17:22
slangasekstokachu: the files are sourced, not executed, so it doesn't matter17:23
slangasek(must be sourced, not executed, otherwise you couldn't use them to set env vars)17:23
stokachuhmm ok17:24
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bdmurraymterry: could you have a look at bug 1065806?17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065806 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "diff window is too small on upgrade" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106580617:54
* mterry looks17:54
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smoserstgraber, around ?21:20
smoseryou looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1061639 ?21:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061639 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Quantal) "Upstartification of /etc/init.d/networking has lost deconfiguring-networking event causing bad side-effects" [High,Fix released]21:20
stgrabersmoser: I saw the comments, but I highly doubt it's still ifupdown's fault21:25
smoserwell, have you tried to reproduce?21:26
stgrabersmoser: yes, without any success so far. The guy is also saying he had that with 12.0421:26
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slangaseksmoser: those users are reporting a symptom and asserting that they have the same bug, which is not helpful21:37
slangaseksmoser: any upstart job that's wrongly holding files open at shutdown could trigger a "device busy" error; these users really need to file separate bugs and work through them from first principles21:38
slangasekI think there is a bug open on plymouth about this exact problem at the moment, fwiw21:38
slangasek(bug #1019347)21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019347 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "A message: "mount: / is busy" appears every time shutting down or rebooting." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101934721:39
slangasekwhich, er, probably needs to be escalated to the desktop team21:39
smoserslangasek, "really should open another bug" doesn't mean "problem doesn't exist"21:40
smoseri agree that separate issues is right, but i just dont want to ignore the complaints.21:40
slangaseksmoser: there are limits to how much handholding we can do for users who fail at the basics of bug reporting.  It is not an efficient use of our time to chase up every dogpile comment from a user that is mis-diagnosing their own bug.  If you're seeing this issue, you could help by filing a bug report yourself?21:45
smoseri'm not seeing the issue. but the comments were implying almost fresh install.21:45
smoseri really just wnted to ensure that that was not the case (which i've not seen)21:46
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