
bizhanMonaHello, I am trying to debug an issue using debug version of the Ubuntu kernel. My questions, what package I need to download for ubuntu kernel source for 12.04? and how to recompile it? Thx04:12
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ckingsmb, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11002316/meaning-of-g-inline-assembly-constraints-equals-vs-plus-etc09:05
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diwichi, what's the easiest way to look at the assembly code for a function in the precise kernel?09:53
diwicnever mind, found it10:20
Haukewhere do I find the git repo this change was mad against? http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/182913/11:13
Haukefor kernel 3.7 CONFIG_MEDIA_USB_SUPPORT should also be activated11:14
Haukeand CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPV4=m11:17
* henrix -> lunch11:26
rtgogasawara, grumble. bug #106754312:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1067543 in linux-backports-modules-3.2.0 "Add comapt-wireless v3.6 stack to Quantal LBM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106754312:21
sforsheeHauke, if you haven't found the git repo for those config changes yet it's git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/kteam-tools.git12:22
ogasawarartg: bah, I'll send an update.12:46
rtgogasawara, I had to chuckle when I saw that given our previous conversation.12:46
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needhelp112hello 13:38
needhelp112maybe somebody can help me:13:39
Haukesforshee: thanks for the link13:40
needhelp112can somebody explain me, where i can find the implementation of the wireless lan active scanning interval?13:40
needhelp112i've seen that different devices are sending probe request (active scanning for access points) in different intervals13:41
needhelp112but, i don't know where the "scanning behavior" is implemented13:42
needhelp112maybe somebody can help me?13:42
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Haukehttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.7-rc1-quantal/ misses linux-headers-3.7.0-030700rc1_3.7.0-030700rc1.201210161007_all.deb14:31
rtgHauke, might be awhile before we get to that. apw is working on release tasks.14:34
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ckingapw, hmmm?14:55
apwcking, lack of headers, odd14:55
Haukertg: thank's for the info14:56
sforsheeapw, missing headers seems to be due to some reorganization of drivers/media. Some cp commands referencing that path are failing.15:01
marruslhi folks...  I have some reports of random ivybridge system freezing esp under io load, but hard to pin down.  And I have to say I'm seeing the same pattern on my sandybridge asus.15:02
marruslseems like some fixes have been released for freezing issues, but they don't seem to be gone.  just curious if there were other current open bugs... what I can do to help, etc.  I'm trying mainline 3.6.2 right now on my machine.15:03
marruslmy customer seems to be having success with mainline/v3.6.1-quantal/15:04
apwsforshee, indeed we sort of knew that headers change was coming15:06
jsalisburymarrusl, I can perform a revers bisect since there is success with 3.6.2.  We just need to identify the last version that had the bug.15:07
marrusljsalisbury, it's not direct to reproduce, but I have a couple of ideas to do so.15:08
jsalisburymarrusl, it would be good to know the results of 3.6.2 and 3.5.715:08
jsalisburymarrusl, ok15:08
marrusljsalisbury, it seems to me that for a while now, whenever I install a new KVM machine, my system performance just dies.  and I do get syslog messages.15:09
marrusljsalisbury, ok, then we should be able to further trace the commits back to 3.2?15:10
jsalisburymarrusl, sure if that is when this issue started happening.  Does it happen in Precise?15:11
marrusljsalisbury, we'll have to see if my problem is precisely the same as the customers.  they are ivybridge/precise , I'm running sandybridge/quantal.15:11
marruslthe descriptions are really feel similar (I know, i know...)15:11
jsalisburymarrusl, ahh, ok15:11
apwpsivaa, hey ... i've just asked for some dmesg's on that boot race thing15:11
marruslbut yeah, i have no idea if it's the same.  or if we're looking at a whole pack of bugs.   15:12
* marrusl shakes fist at intel15:12
psivaaapw: sure ill add them to the bug15:14
* smb wonders about this connection still working...15:20
* smb waves to cking 15:21
ckingsmb, it seems to be working15:21
smbAh good, it seems all of Canonical was gone for a moment...15:22
bjfsmb, mumble keeps dropping on me here15:22
smbbjf, Well I claims to be up for me, but nobody would answer my screams... :)15:23
bjfsmb, i don't see you in my mumble client15:23
smbAh, now it realized it is in trouble15:23
psivaaapw, the dmesg's are attached now, sorry i had to do a fresh install, hence the delay15:57
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* sforshee is reminded he has parent-teacher conferences today, back later16:10
* ppisati -> gym16:15
ckingbah, mushed up my chroot16:16
marrusljsalisbury, ha.  already had a gpu lockup (which wasn't a symptom before) on
marruslmaybe i should try something else.16:19
jsalisburymarrusl, Maybe test the Precise kernel to see if you can reproduce the issue like the Customer?16:21
marrusljsalisbury, is there a 3.2 build for quantal?16:22
marruslreinstalling is not appealing.  though I won't rule it out.16:22
jsalisburymarrusl, sure.  You should be able to install any of the 3.2 kernel debs on a quantal system.16:22
jsalisburymarrusl, One second, I'll post a link to all the Precise kernels.16:22
marrusljsalisbury, whew16:22
marruslyes, I assume this will be beyond the powers of apt16:23
jsalisburymarrusl, This is the top level page for all Ubuntu releases:16:23
jsalisburymarrusl, Precise specific kernels are at:16:23
jsalisburymarrusl, Drill down into the specific kernel version under "Releases in Ubuntu"16:24
jsalisburymarrusl, on the next page, drill down for your arch under "Builds"16:24
marruslthis thread seems to be on point... I've been seeing "CPU0: Package power limit notification (total events = 159)" for a while16:24
marruslwell, i'll get more details as I go.16:25
Eimannis there any reason why the non-platform specific headers package isn't build properly in the daily builds at the moment?16:34
* Eimann checks the build.log16:34
Eimannapw: do you know this out of your head? I don't  see anything strange with dh_builddeb16:39
apwEimann, for 3.7-rcX?  yes the headers have moved16:39
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Eimannapw: yes 3.7-rc16:52
apwyep headers have moved upstream and will take a bit of fixing16:55
kamalrtg: regarding Kyle Fazarri's Cypress driver pull requests ...  You say we should only use the "cherry picked from" syntax for refs into Linus' tree?   Precise commits shouldn't include "cherry picked from" references to Quantal master branch?  (Do we not consider quantal master immutable at this point?   I'm not arguing, just trying to fix my own mis-understanding).16:58
rtgkamal, Quantal is only just now immutable, but as a rule of thumb commit without context are always from Linus' repo16:59
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kamalrtg: ok, got it.   so we note that you ACK'ed both of the SRU's anyway despite that glitch, and despite the improper BugLink: syntax.   Should we clean them up and re-submit, or  will you make those fixes for us at apply time?17:03
rtgkamal, I'll fix them when I apply. I was just awating a second ACK (which I now have)17:04
kamalrtg: got it, ok thanks very much\17:04
rtgkamal, I'm currently working on squashing ubuntu-r which has about a bazzilion commits17:04
kamalrtg: yeah, you have fun with that :-)17:04
rtgkamal, its a giant pain in the ass17:05
bizhanMonaHello, I am trying to debug an issue using debug version of the Ubuntu kernel. My questions, what package I need to download for ubuntu kernel source for 12.04? and how to recompile it? Thx17:17
* rtg -> lunch17:56
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zenxI am trying to build util-linux but it gives an error compiling. Checking the logs it mentions that uclibc was built without large file support but I have it selected in the config19:21
zenxwrong channel19:22
rtgogasawara, pushed ubuntu-r with a major fold down. I've still got a few of the patches that I need to breakup before I can finish folding down the debian directories. This insight has given me some thoughts on how to judge incoming config patches, i.e., break them up if they're gonna write outside the deian directory (as many of our ubuntu directory patches do)20:21
* rtg -> EOD20:21
ogasawarartg: ack20:21
ogasawarartg: I thrown down a note in the config blueprint I file to remind us to chat about it20:21
rtgogasawara, good20:22
maxbIs it possible to have update-initramfs search and use modules from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra ?22:30
maxbI have a really really weird problem on an Asus UX21A ... Pressing Fn+F5 ("brightness down") works as expected but Fn+F6 ("brightness up") when pressed multiple times seems to block further hotkey events for a few seconds. I've chased this as far as seeing that the delays are visible in the ACPI events viewed via acpi_listen. Can anyone suggest further things to look at to figure out whether or not this is a BIOS problem?23:36

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