
wxlphillw: just to verify something i know that technically the testcase doesn't pass for me because of #19 here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1437/info but if i make the xorg.conf which i know i have to (and this will go in the wiki) then it works fine … so should i call it passed?00:26
phillwwxl: you can either leave a comment, or, preferred.. .raise a grey bug that points to the work around.00:43
phillwballoons: which do you prefer?00:43
balloonsphillw, sounds like you prefer a bug?00:44
balloonsare we going to fix it at some point? I would pass it but point it at the bug00:45
phillwballoons: I prefer release note.00:45
balloonssince the install completes00:45
balloonsif the install did not complete, I would fail it00:45
phillwballoons: it passes, if you do the xorg.conf00:45
phillwballoons: as all the ppc need xorg.conf, I do not see this as a 'red' bug?00:46
phillwballoons: if the instructions are in the release notes, can it marked as a pass?00:49
balloonsphillw, if you have known workaround yes people mark as pass00:50
phillwwxl: ensure that it goes into https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/PPC00:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1067566 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Quantal) "ubiquity crashes when "something else" is selected" [Critical,Triaged]02:49
xnoxnm_geo: known, work in progress.02:49
wxlppc: one down, 17 more to go04:08
wxltime to go home04:08
wxlphillw: suggestion— update testcases for alternate to allow for offline install which will be particularly relevant for all those apple laptop users04:59
wxlwhy is lubuntu powerpc disabled?//05:51
wxli'm over here trying to test!05:51
Noskcajwhy is xubuntu amd64 disabled?05:55
Noskcajwxl: can you test the netboot as i was really weird for me but i want a second opinion before i report a bug05:57
wxlNoskcaj: my goal is to get alternate ppc entirely taken care of and then maybe do ppc sevrer too06:02
wxlafter that if i have time (unlikely) sure06:02
Noskcajok, just if you do06:02
Noskcajwxl: are there any you would like me to do?06:08
wxlyou wanna cut ubuntu server ppc in half?06:09
wxlwell fooey guided resize is being funky06:12
Noskcajwxl: i have no idea what your talking about, how to test server or if my g4 will run it06:19
wxlNoskcaj: i'm sure it will. i'm gonna test it on mine. it'as basically a gui-less system06:21
wxlso the install is pretty simple but the testcases involve installing a bunch of extra server software06:21
Noskcajok, so which case do i do, i will start downloading it06:21
wxlgetting there :)06:21
wxli'm on the last of my desktop installs06:22
wxlafter which i'll do whatever it is you didn't get done06:22
wxlhere we go http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26079/testcases06:22
wxlwe should start with the regular installs06:24
wxlInstall (Default), Install (Default + crypted LVM), Install (Default + LVM)06:24
wxli got dibs on the no network connection06:25
Noskcajok, i will do the default and see how much time i have after that06:25
Noskcajwxl: after today how do i vsync the iso?06:26
wxlyou mean zsync?06:26
wxltechnically it should be the same as throughout testing06:29
wxlby my time zone XD06:30
wxlit must already be the 17th, no?06:30
wxlyou know what i've done before? had an x86 iso laying around and renamed it to to ppc and then run zsync on it and indeed it picks up which parts of it are the same. zsync is a super powerful tool06:31
Noskcajits the 17th here too06:32
Noskcaji have no expireience woth zsync at all, just testdrive06:32
wxlthere's always a zsync link available, whether it's release or not06:32
wxlwhoa i didn't know abotu testdrive06:35
wxlwe both have something to learn from one another :)06:35
Noskcajwxl: thanks, testdrive auto-syncs and either VMs or burns any daily build. i think its x86 only though06:36
wxlwxl: wouldn't matter; my experience and phillw can confirm this is that testing ppc in vm is a total waste of time unless we can figure out how to properly emulate the troublesome hardware, most notably the video cards06:37
wxlwe would literally have to have several hundreds of commands to represent all the possible configurations that apple made06:38
wxlhahah i just pointed that message at myself XD06:38
Noskcaji will pause my download and play COD. i will be back soon. *clap clap clap*06:39
* wxl goes back to testing and watching dark shadows06:40
dholbachgood morning07:11
wxlnow i have to start my ubuntu server all over07:34
Noskcajwxl: lolololollol07:43
Noskcaji will do lubuntu07:43
wxlluckily i didn't have the cd already burnt and testing already done07:43
wxlso no big deal really but it does mean i'm probably not going to get much done on it tonight07:43
wxli need to get up in like 5 hours to go to work07:44
jibelmvo, hey07:44
jibeldholbach, good morning07:44
dholbachsalut jibel07:44
wxlthe annoying thing is rebuilding and until it's done i can't zsync it07:44
* wxl sighs07:44
jibelmvo, upgrade-testing clean-up yesterday has been a bit ... strong07:45
jibelmvo, the runner now fails with "ImportError: No module named DistUpgradeConfigParser"07:46
wxlcome on, queuebot, hurry up07:47
wxlok officially can't do it07:57
mvojibel: sorry for that, it needs python3-distupgrade now, but I guess that is not availalbe on precise yet?08:04
mvojibel: so I guess I need to revert this, but I don't much like the duplication we have I whish bzr had something like "import file from a different bzr branch automatically"08:04
jibelmvo, ah ok, I'll see how I can fix it without a revert08:06
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wxlnot another update17:33
wxlare we done updating yet??? ;)17:33
balloonswxl, I don't believe it affected you17:35
wxlwell better safe than sorry, right17:36
wxli was just in the process of doing 20121017.1 on ppc server17:36
wxlseems like we have 20121017.2 now17:36
wxlso i'm going to do this guided resize lubuntu ppc alternate 20121017 again17:37
wxlhopefully that's not getting respun again ;)17:37
wxli suspect i shouldn't fail this because it was 2gb off in its calculation of 50% of the drive during resize? XD17:42
wxli.e. 50.97288676% ;)17:43
wxlwell i'm gonna pass it17:44
balloonswxl, weird17:44
balloonsare you sure it was off?17:45
balloonsor calculating it differently17:45
wxlballoons: according to the drive size it reported, yes17:45
balloons1024 / 1000 mb = 1 gb17:45
wxlso basically i just took reported size/217:45
wxlanywho it may be because of ppc17:45
wxlwith its apple bootstrap partition and whathaveyou17:45
balloonsI would file the bug, unless you can figure out why17:46
balloonsit passes ofc, but it can pass with a bug :-)17:46
wxlballoons: the alternate installer is which package?18:02
balloonswxl, debian-installer19:03
wxloh forgot to say i figured that out but thx balloons :)19:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1067841 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "funky resizing on lubuntu ppc quantal 20121017" [Undecided,New]19:03
Noskcajwxl: did you get around to testing the netboot?19:13
wxlNoskcaj: no, i wanted to redo lubuntu alternate19:14
wxland then i want to do server19:14
Noskcaji will try to do some of server now19:15
wxlphillw: i got you 2/3 passes on lubuntu ppc alternate last night plus with my entry today we have 3/4 passes today. lars had a fail due to that recusive thingy but i didn't have it-- that is a red bug, though. that being said, what else can i do to help?19:19
ScottKAt this point, for a red bug, write a good release note.19:37
balloonswxl, Noskcaj the iscsci bug should be completely fixed now19:45
wxlballoons: for netboot?19:46
balloonsno, server19:46
wxlhaven't got there yet19:46
wxljust got my cd burnt19:46
wxlliterally just now :)19:46
Noskcajwxl: never mind my internet is so slow, i cant do the server ppc20:02
wxlno worries Noskcaj20:04
wxlif you have the iso already you can do the no internet connection one20:04
Noskcaji dont20:06
wxlNoskcaj: don't worry about it then. thanks for trying!20:06
Noskcaji will maybe start for r-series20:07
ScottKpsivaa: I see you did the Ubuntu amd64+mac tests.  Would it be possible for you to do at least some of Kubuntu amd64+mac too?  We've got no one with the right hardware.20:21
ScottKplars: ^^^ same question for you?20:23
phillwwxl: assuming your base installs go okay for server, I'll do the others tomorrow. I'm downloading the iso now, but it will take a couple of hours.20:28
wxlphillw: you mean server of course?20:28
phillwwxl: sorry, yes :)20:29
wxli'm working on my 2nd test now :/20:29
wxlphillw: did you see my comments about alternate and whether or not we consider it passed?20:29
phillwwxl: yeas, did you see the reply from Scott?20:29
wxlphillw: yeah, ok. just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page XD20:29
wxlphillw: one other thing: remove all mention of grub from your ppc testcases. it's not relevant in light of yaboot, which just gets installed automagically20:30
phillwseem to be, in the mailing list, Julien is going to link to the new lubuntu/ppc-faq area as well.20:31
wxlsaw that20:31
phillwwxl: can you email me that, else I'll forget. Ut won't be done in time for 12.10, but I will get onto it for 13.04.20:31
wxli would normally make a bug report but it sort of applies universally20:32
wxlso yeah, i'll email you20:32
phillwI'll create a new suite for PPC machines, as it will apply to any flavour running PPC.20:32
wxlemail sent20:33
phillwthis is really going down to the wire! I am praying there is no more respins needed... along with a lot of other people.20:33
wxli was ready to do server last night and just as i sat down to do it it respun20:34
wxlso made a new disc this morning, got through one install, and it respun again20:34
wxlsheeeeeeeeeeesh ;)20:34
phillwyeah, my image was pre- respin, on the plus side, it's only going to take 10 minutes to zsync up (I forgot I set it running last night before I went to bed!).20:35
phillwI'm getting scared to ask lars to do AMD64-MAC again!20:38
phillwwxl: are we not shipping a desktop ppc, just the alternate?20:46
wxlphillw: well i can't make it work on nvidia20:47
wxlif someone wants to pass it on radeon…20:47
phillwas long as one gets out, it'll be okay. I'll poke L-QA list.20:47
wxlanywho bbl20:49
wxllunch calls20:49
Noskcajwxl: i will try on my ibook, not sure if radeon or nvidia20:50
plarsScottK: will try to take a look as soon as I can, I only have a single macbook but I can give it a few runs through at least20:56
ScottKplars: Thank you very much.20:56
plarsScottK: np :)20:57
NoskcajScottk: i could do some on my brother's imac but nothing could be changed(not sure if that helps)21:03
Noskcaji.e. no persistence tests21:03
ScottKRight now we don't even have a live CD test, so that would be helpful, unless plars is already doing it.21:08
ScottKthanks Noskcaj21:08
NoskcajScottk: i wouldn't be able to do it until later and i'm not even sure my brother would let me, but i will try21:09
psivaaScottK: i could do a few tests for kubuntu as well21:09
patdk-wkyay, iscsi works again :)21:10
ScottKpsivaa: That would be great.  I think between you and plars, you're our only hope for releasing amd64+mac images.21:17
ScottKNoskcaj: I'd say check in with plars and psivaa when you can ask and see where we are.  Thanks.21:19
Noskcajscottk: ok21:19
Noskcaji dont think we can release the netboot ppc, i had problems with it but mybe that was just me21:19
Noskcajcan we get someone else to test it?21:20
balloonspatdk-wk, excellent!21:30
shadeslayerplars: question, if you're doing amd64+mac testing, what hardware do you have?21:31
plarsshadeslayer: just a macbook21:35
shadeslayerright, but which series?21:36
plarsmacbook pro, not sure how to tell too much more than that, they all look like a big metal etch-a-sketch to me21:36
shadeslayerI have a 8,2 and I can boot the standard amd64 ISO's just fine21:36
plarsshadeslayer: I haven't actually tried the regular amd64 iso, since we have a +mac one I tend to use that for testing because it's the only way that image gets exercised.21:37
shadeslayerplars: sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name21:37
plarsshadeslayer: the one issue I really have is that I can't boot from usb with it21:37
shadeslayerI can solve that :P21:37
plarsshadeslayer: 8,1 it seems21:37
shadeslayerbut anywho, from what I was told a long time ago, those images are for some specific macbooks21:38
shadeslayerhm, should boot the standard iso just fine21:38
shadeslayerplars: want instructions on how to boot via USB?21:38
shadeslayerbut it entails EFI booting21:38
plarsshadeslayer: ok, good to know.  However my point isn't to test the macbook, but rather to test the image itself since it requires some mac hardware to test on21:38
plarsshadeslayer: sure21:38
shadeslayerplars: but the ISO was meant for a different version of the macbook , so I'm not sure if testing on the 8 series even matters21:39
shadeslayeras in, it'll boot fine, but the real test will be against hardware that can't boot the standard ISO21:40
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shadeslayerlet me write down instructions for efi booting + usb somewhere21:40
plarsI see21:41
plarsSo I hadn't actually tried it before, but yeah it seems this image will actually boot on non-mac hardware21:41
plarsor even in a vm21:41
balloonsI thought jibel used to use an older macbook 5 or 6 to test this?21:43
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plarsballoons: this is what he sent me21:48
plarsbut it is somewhat useful to be able to test it in a vm21:48
plarsas shadeslayer says, it won't really test that it works on the hardware that it *has* to work on, but it will at least sanity test the image itself21:49
balloonshey silverarrow21:58
silverarrowso desktop ppc needs attention but might not get it?22:00
shadeslayerplars: http://paste.kde.org/572918/22:00
shadeslayeryou'll probably have to hold down the option key22:01
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shadeslayerand more examples for grub.cfg can be found here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot/Examples22:01
shadeslayerI'm around for another hour if you still need help :)22:02
phillwsilverarrow: desktop ppc seems unhappy with nVidia, wxl has asked if someone with Radeon can give it a try.22:04
phillwsilverarrow: wxl should be shortly, I'm getting an early night, I've got about 12 test cases to do tomorrow!22:05
phillw*should be back*22:05
silverarrowyeah, I am downloading now22:06
silverarrowI had hickups with networks last night, but better now22:07
silverarrowand I can pick up my HP tomorrow !!22:07
silverarrowrepair is finished22:07
silverarrowapparently they replaced the lcd and updated BIOS22:08
wxlwhat up?22:10
silverarrowwhere is the guy who managed to have b43 drivers and installer on usb?22:17
* wxl shrugs22:18
silverarrowhe must have done something clever22:18
wxlyou need to have firmware-b43-installer, the firmware that it downloads, and b43-fwcutter22:18
silverarrowhe mentioned it had to be "persistent"22:19
silverarrowiso download went quickly tonight22:19
wxli'm working on server installs22:20
ScottKpsivaa and plars: Thank you again for the Kubuntu amd64+mac testing.22:49
plarsScottK: glad to help :)22:50
psivaaScottK: any time :)22:50
ScottKLubuntu looks like they could use some help to, FWIW.22:50
plarsScottK: yeah, I need to do some stuff at home, but I saw.  I'll probably try to give those a run later this evening22:50
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hggdhScottK: BTW, I am on kubuntu armhf-omap423:20
hggdhah, no need, someone already got it23:21
* hggdh looks for another target23:21
ScottKhggdh: Thanks.23:51
ScottKKubuntu is all done now.  Thanks everyone.23:51

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