
Cheri703gilbert: if you want to collaborate on responses to the re-approval stuff, let me know01:55
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thafreakMorning Ohio13:04
yanogood morning14:28
yanoanyone have any specific websites / RSS feeds they use to catch up on Ohio news?14:28
paultagnot here, sadly, I used to read the plain dealer every morning14:30
paultaga rather low-tech solution14:30
yanoah, i'm looking for more sources for ##ohio-news, so far it's only central ohio newspapers and radio/tv stations that do news/politics14:32
paultagHahahahaha -- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-1423297014:32
paultagyano: oh word, cool14:32
yanopaultag: lol14:33
yanoi'm open to any suggestions if anyone has any for local news that have RSS feeds14:36
Cheri703yano: you can do a google news search for ohio? I think you can set up rss or at least alerts. not 100% sure14:39
yanoWell I'm not really looking for 'alerts' but feeds I can feed into an IRC bot.14:39
paultagweb scrapers :>14:41
canthus13...I just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why my wife's rc.lua wouldn't load.  I was editing it from an ssh session on my laptop... on my user accont on her laptop. :/14:44
canthus13paultag: quite the d'oh moment.14:49
paultagyah, totally14:50
paultagcanthus13: so, I think I'm going to tweak my hairycandy setup to better configure awesome14:50
paultagcanthus13: I'm going to try something crazy here -- xfce + awesome14:50
paultagafter using awesome for about 6 months, I see where it's good and where it sucks14:51
paultagI think this can work.14:51
paultagso I might need a tester, if you're up for it14:51
paultagI just need to, well, do it14:51
yanoawesome is awesome!14:51
canthus13I might... I'm kinda annoyed with the gnome-settings-daemon's tendency to eat your mouse clicks.14:51
paultagawesome is okish :)14:51
paultagit's just not bad14:52
paultagit needs a lot of work, though14:52
canthus13but yeah, I'll test it.14:55
paultagthere are some concerns14:55
paultagbut yep14:55
paultagcanthus13: but yah, the notifications are much much better with xfce's handling14:57
paultagand the toolbar can actually work pretty darn well with the awesomewm bar14:57
* canthus13 nods.14:57
* canthus13 isn't fond of toolbars.14:58
paultagI didn't think I was either14:58
canthus13laptop screens aren't really made for them.14:58
canthus13paultag: Do you know of a terminal that doesn't eat long links in awesome? gnome-terminal clips anything that wraps around.  Doesn't do that in gnome3. :/14:59
paultagcanthus13: I use gnome-terminal and it doesn't clip here14:59
paultagjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ← came out ok, I can read this a few screens "over"15:00
canthus13mebbe it's gnome-terminal + ssh + screen + irssi.15:00
paultagdo you have another session open screen open?15:00
paultagthat came out wrong15:01
paultagone sec15:01
canthus13like.. this:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/DEC-Digital-Model-PDP-11-03-L-Vintage-Computer-/370664514436?pt=US_Vintage_Computers_Mainframes&hash=item564d53a38415:01
=== Guest4742 is now known as jrgifford
gilbertCheri703: if you have anything to say, please feel free to contribute it to the bug report20:24
paultaghey gilbert20:24
gilbertCheri703: i'm busy, so i'm trying to get to things fast enough, but we only have till the 22nd to address concerns20:24
paultaggilbert: been watching this flamefest unfold, thanks a lot for that :)20:24
paultaggilbert: if you respond, the LC usually cuts slack.20:24
paultagjust keep active and you'll be fine20:24
gilbertpaultag: whatz up120:25
paultaggilbert: nada! howabout you? How's Ohio?20:25
gilbertpaultag: flamefest?20:25
paultaggilbert: debs on upload20:25
gilbertpaultag: ah yes, course20:25
gilbertpaultag: i'm always stirring up trouble20:25
paultagsure are20:25
paultag(in a good way!)20:25
gilbertyaya, i wouldn't have it any other way20:26
paultagwine's in good shape, and now we might actually get to strip debs that come from DDs machines20:26
gilbertnot a fan of maintaining status quos20:26
paultagI'm tired of seeing odd usernames in my apps20:26
paultagyah totally20:26
paultaggilbert: oh man, I'm about to kick up another little bucket of hell myself, soon20:27
gilbertpaultag: nice20:27
paultaggilbert: I (in secret) rewrote dput to not, well, suck20:27
gilbertpaultag: uh oh, that does sound like trouble20:28
gilbertpaultag: r u going to call it dput?20:28
paultagdput-ng, naturally20:28
paultagbut I'm in the middle of squashing namespace20:28
paultaggilbert: but -- full documentation, 100% backwards compatable, full tests, correct implementations20:28
paultagand I'm going through the BTS, and fixing all the open bugs on dput-old20:28
paultagso I can comment there "Hey, look, dput-ng does this already"20:29
paultaggilbert: secret project pages - http://dput.rtfd.org/ - http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/dputng.git - http://people.debian.org/~paultag/dput-ng/ -- arno and I did it in a few weeks (daemonkeeper) -- feel free to screw around with it and let me know where you find issues, I've dput stuff to the archive with it already20:29
paultaggilbert: hell, I got it to *tweet* after an upload - https://twitter.com/paultag/status/25798160613913395420:30
paultagdcut's incomplete, though20:30
paultagso be careful if you decide to try it out on your primary devel system20:30
gilberthaha, nice!20:31
gilbertseems pretty cool, i'll mess around with it a bit20:34
paultaggilbert: cheers -- my big seller right now is that it checks changelog suite matches changes distribution20:35
paultaggilbert: e.g. if you sbuild with -c unstable for an exp package, it'll target unstable and get uploaded there20:35
paultagunless you do -c unstable -d experimental20:35
paultagso this checks for that sanity OTB (as well as a few other things)20:35
paultagIt's a bit rough right now, but in the end, it'll be like dput, but better.20:35
gilberti'll complain loudly when it doesn't work right ;)20:36
paultagplease! :)20:36
paultaggilbert: we have a secret channel (#torabora on oftc) if you need to leave something for us to see, but I'm not around (or daemonkeeper)20:36
dzhoI'm having trouble parsing: > Changes which make extending dput downstream will likely be accepted in dput main.20:36
paultagdzho: yah, it's poorly written20:37
dzhoit makes sense s/which make//20:37
dzhoor something20:37
paultagdzho: basically, I want to make Ubuntu'ers feel free to contribute Ubuntu checkers to dput's main source tree20:37
paultagdzho: it needs a rewrite, half of this was on the train back after a night of drinking20:37
dzhono worries here, just trying to be constructive20:37
paultagplease continue!20:38
paultagI'm happy you pointed it out :)20:38
paultagjust explaining why20:38
gilbertpaultag: ur quite the fan of inebriated coding ;{20:38
dzhoa shocking proponent of the Balmer Peak20:38
paultaggilbert: yah, sadly :)20:39
paultagwell, most of this is sober code20:39
paultagthe docs -- totally smashed.20:39
paultagI had to be careful, a lot of people are going to use this (hopefully)20:39
paultagI need to fix some conf-file stuff20:41
paultagit's a HUGE pref dent20:41
paultagI'm going to fix it tonight, but right now, it's ULTRA slow for big operations (like dput -H)20:41
paultagI made a bad implementation decision that I'm going to gut tonight20:41
gilbertmy new kitty really likes to sit in front of my screen and bat at the mouse pointer :/20:46
paultaghahaha, awwww20:46
gilberthe's pretty crazy20:46
gilbertmakes it kind of hard to be productive tho :(20:47
paultagproductivity is overrated20:48
gilbertoracle is insane.  vbox and about 20 jdk issues :(20:49
gilbertsecurity issues20:49
gilbertproductivity is needed to fix rc bugs20:49
paultagopenjdk or sun jdk in stable?20:50
gilbertand 2 new ones are those oracle sec issues :(20:50
paultagwait, wait, what?20:51
paultagoracle maintains openjdk?20:51
canthus13If they do, they're prolly trying to figure out how to either monetize it or kill it.20:51
paultagholy shit20:52
paultagthey do, that's awesome20:52
gilbertwell, i guess not, but pretty much all of the oracle jdk issues affect openjdk20:52
paultaggilbert: it's the java SE 7 ref impl20:52
paultaghttp://openjdk.java.net/ ← copyright oracle20:52
paultaghttp://openjdk.java.net/faq/ ← more corp. copy20:53
gilbertah, ur right20:53
paultagthis is amazing, I'm actually not pissed20:53
paultagI mean, it sucks that we have to pick up after them20:53
paultagbut still, wow20:53
paultagI don't feel so bad about ditching the old java nonfree packages20:53
Unit193Hah, some sites still need oracle java. :P20:54
paultagopenjdk is oracle java20:55
paultag(my new comeback)20:55
Unit193Not according to some Finnish banks.20:55
paultagthey should be corrected20:55
gilbert(if anyone likes the walking dead)20:57
paultagtotes watching now20:57
gilbertoh, and this is very nice of oracle: http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/oracle-leaves-fix-java-se-zero-day-until-february-patch-update-10171220:58
paultaghaha, this is great20:58
gilbertalso Jon and I at olf (in background): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6pVA_CkqPw20:59
paultagif they're tapdancing20:59
paultagin sneakers20:59
paultagwhy does it make tapey noises20:59
paultaggilbert: \o/ (watching now)20:59
gilbertthey're zombies dude!  they're feet are just bone20:59
jrgiffordi've started to reconsider the whole jruby thing... it's nice, but oracle is so freakin' lame.20:59
* gilbert sometimes forgets correct grammar20:59
paultagjrgifford: so, for python anyway21:00
paultagjrgifford: jython features some big improvements from cpython21:00
paultagand java also pre-allocates a lot of memeory, which is a good thing for things like search engines21:00
paultagit's memory management is also better, less overhead then python21:01
paultagnot to mention real threading21:01
paultagI assume some of this holds for ruby too21:01
paultaggilbert: hey loo, there's you!21:01
jrgiffordpaultag: jruby is amazing for the memory management stuff21:01
gilbertme feeling awkward being on camera21:02
jrgiffordi really wanted to run jruby in production for #railsrumble, but unfortunately we ran out of time to figure out how to deploy it.21:02
paultaggilbert: hahaha, awww21:02
paultagjrgifford: mmm.21:02
paultagself-hosting ftw21:03
paultaghaha, oh apple maps21:08
gilbertoh apple anything :(21:08
paultagnew favorate work - gubernator21:15
paultag(from, 1500s or so)21:16
paultaggilbert: from dhclient here (ubuntu) - PATH=/build/buildd/isc-dhcp-4.1.ESV-R4/debian/tmp/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin21:39
paultag(but again, we don't know in what context that is used)21:39
gilbertits used as the search path for scripts that dhclient may call, which run as root23:24
gilbertso, ubuntu security team says its not an issue since user's don't have a /build dir23:25
gilbertdebian security is not blazeh23:26

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