
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== bryceh is now known as bryce
tjaaltonsomeone complains that libdrm in x-updates "broke multiarch"08:07
tjaaltonfails to install both amd/i386 versions08:08
tjaaltonor upgrade in this case08:08
tjaaltonwhich sounds really weird though08:13
tjaaltonit's been M-A: same for ages08:13
brycetjaalton, looks like that was a sync from debian git; is it missing some necessary multi arch patch or something?08:14
tjaaltonI'll forward it to ubuntu-x08:14
tjaaltonno, quantal is fine08:14
tjaalton*it's fine on quantal, no reason why it wouldn't be on precise08:14
tjaaltonunless there's some apt/dpkg bug08:14
yofel_tjaalton: that mail was from me, need some more info?08:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tjaaltonyofel: ah right08:15
tjaaltonwas about to forward it to ubuntu-x@08:16
tjaaltonyofel: anyway, no reason why it wouldn't upgrade just fine08:19
tjaaltonnothing wrong in the package08:19
tjaaltonsource package08:19
yofelwell, the only thing I could think of would be gzip putting out different data on i386 and amd64...08:20
yofeltjaalton: nvm, downloading the debs straight from launchpad installing them with dpkg worked now. Seems like the amd64 deb wasn't downloaded right. (Except that dpkg didn't notice that)08:38
tjaaltonyofel: ah, yeah I think there's a dpkg bug for that08:38
yofelok, thanks anyway :)08:38
mlankhorstok burning a quantal cd10:53
seb128mlankhorst, waouh, some people still do that in the age of USB sticks? ;-)10:57
mlankhorstseb128: didn't want to look into how to make a quantal netboot cd..10:57
mlankhorstI have 4 netboot filesystems for testing instead11:01
mlankhorstof course simply right clicking iso and hitting burn fails on size estimation..11:16
mlankhorstoh now it works, might have been failing on my custom kernel11:30
mdeslaurany ETA on releasing the mesa packages in precise-proposed and oneiric-proposed? We'd like to publish a security update, and are waiting for those two to go to -updates first...13:13
mlankhorstseb128: well can reproduce it at least, how silly13:33
seb128mlankhorst, which one? the xrestop issue?13:34
tjaaltonmdeslaur: bryce has been working on the precise update13:34
mlankhorstnah the quantal crash13:35
mlankhorstI'll try with valgrind next13:35
seb128mlankhorst, oh, ok ;-)13:35
tjaaltonwhat quantal crash?13:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065113 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Quantal) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in free()" [High,Confirmed]13:35
tjaaltonmdeslaur: not sure about oneiric13:41
tjaaltonmdeslaur: meh, don't think anyone cares about oneiric anymore, so I guess you can override the current version there and drop the commit13:42
tjaaltonbeen nearly three months without a verification13:43
mdeslaurtjaalton: ok, thanks...for precise, I'll wait for bryce to give me an update13:45
mlankhorstnow I have a zero width window for quitting installation13:56
mlankhorstand other fun14:02
stefan``hi guys - i'll probably be the 1000s person to annoy you with that14:04
stefan``... but any news on bugs 1061073 or 1065125?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061073 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106107314:04
mlankhorstbut I did find some suspicious valgrind errors about that, which might explain why it was zero-width too14:06
ScottKDear Ubuntu X people: Any suggestions on how to reply to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2012-October/006446.html16:08
tjaaltontry gles16:09
SarvattScottK, stefan``: was kde-workspace upgrading from 4.9 to 4.9.2 in the same timeframe ruled out? we've had mesa 9.0 snapshots going in for a few months and didn't have any reports of problems also, perhaps testing some of those to locate where the regression introduced might be helpful if it's really recent http://paste.ubuntu.com/1285353/16:32
ScottKOK.  I'll see if I can find a suitable victim to do the tests.16:35
Sarvattshame stefan`` left since he just reported hitting it this morning, darn16:36
Sarvattfollowing up on his bug 106107316:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061073 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106107316:42
tjaaltonwell there is the regression in rendering, which doesn't affect unity anymore since it's using gles now16:46
tjaaltonin i915_dri so gen316:47
brycemdeslaur, yeah sorry; the precise update is still on my todo list but had other pressing priorities lately.  Presently it looks like there are some issues which are going to take some work to get resolved.  I don't know the status of what's going into oneiric.17:22
tjaaltonthere was one nouveau patch in oneiric-proposed waiting for feedback since mid-july, so probably ok to drop it?17:23
mlankhorstwell yeah :)17:48
ScottKI have a victim <- <- <- tester.20:35
ScottKSarvatt: <StFS> ScottK: ok I'm using 9.0-git20120903 now and it sucks :(. Major artifacts and the desktop effects are very slow.20:43
ScottKSo it's not a recent change.20:43
ScottKHello StFS.20:47
ScottKSarvatt: StFS has an affected system as well.20:47
StFSSarvatt: ahh... you're the kind sould who's helping me on my bug on launchpad :)20:48
StFSI just commented. I installed mesa 9.0 git20120903 and the bug is present there... don't think there's much use in trying out the other two versions you mentioned since it clearly came before the 20120903 version.20:49
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
mdeslaurbryce: ok, thanks for the update. I guess we'll ignore it then and just do our update.21:23
ScottKmdeslaur: Would it make sense to copy the mesa in precise-proposed to -updates and you base off of that?  Except for your comment about the security issue, it's otherwise ready to release.21:24
mdeslaurScottK: huh? bryce said there are issues with the package in -proposed21:25
ScottKAll the bugs are marked verified.21:25
mdeslaurScottK: well, if that's the case, it should get pushed to -updates21:25
ScottKbryce: Should I remove mesa from precise-proposed so it doesn't get released by accident?21:26
* ScottK waits for bryce.21:26
bryceScottK, there are no known user issues.  The problem is that a couple test cases changed behavior.  According to Intel those are test suite issues not indications of user affecting problems21:28
ScottKSo you'd recommend to release it?21:29
bryceScottK, I'd have no problem releasing it.  It works fine on the hardware, aside from the piglit irregularities (which would be hard to track down)21:29
ScottKOK.  Thanks.21:29
tjaaltonthen we can push 8.0.5 to proposed after the security update :)21:30
ScottKbryce and mdeslaur: Done.21:31
mdeslaurbryce, ScottK: thanks21:35
maxbReally really weird problem on an Asus UX21A ... Pressing Fn+F5 ("brightness down") works as expected but Fn+F6 ("brightness up") when pressed multiple times seems to block until notify-osd has timed out for each level of brightness increased before the next keypress is honoured.... any thoughts? :-)22:59
RAOFI concur; that's a really weird problem :)23:02
* maxb wonders if this is actually -kernel, -x or -desktop territory :-/23:06
RAOFLikely to be -desktop territory, I think?23:08
brycemaxb, there's a Hotkeys page in wiki with some tips on debugging / isolating bugs like that23:09
* maxb goes to read23:12
maxbI have a sinking feeling that it could be the BIOS being dumb. The events show up delayed in xev23:21
maxbAaanyway, looks like it's off to kernel land for me23:33
RAOFHi ho, hi ho, it's off to kern'l we go!23:33
bryceRaring Ringtail23:49
RAOFHello Possums! </edna>23:49
bryceRAOF, don't forget to snag a micro-usb (male) to usb (female) on-the-go adapter, in case you need to connect a keyboard23:51
RAOFWill do. Thanks.23:51

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