
=== MikeB is now known as technoviking
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
mmcca branch to fix running form source on windows or darwin when you haven't installed the client before. Not sure how relevant it is on linux. https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/find-logging-conf/+merge/13003606:57
mmccfixed a conflict in this old branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/remote-folders-fix/+merge/12603707:34
mmccwould appreciate a re-review by ralsina , since it was conflicting with your change about showing the folders tab first after the wizard ends.07:35
mmccok, past bedtime. see you tomorrow, channel07:35
mandelmorning all!08:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JamesTaitMorning all! :)08:31
karniMorning all!11:02
gatoxgood morning!11:06
ralsinagood morning karni, gatox, mandel!11:07
mandelkarni, gatox, ralsina morning!11:07
karnimorning ralsina, gatox, mandel o/ :)11:07
mandelralsina, did you get the chance to look at the double gathering review?11:07
ralsinamandel: not really11:14
mandelralsina, ok, you had a question and I don't know if I explained it correctly11:15
ralsinamandel: yes, saw your answer, you are right11:17
ralsinamandel: but I have not done a real review yet11:17
mandelralsina, ok, let me know if you have anyother questions :)11:17
ralsinaschool run11:28
ralsinawill be back in ~6011:28
alecuhello, all!12:05
grammoboyif I upload a file, any idea at what speed that goes?12:05
grammoboy100kb/s ?12:05
gatoxbrb.......... need to fix the connection here..... it's really slow12:08
* mandel feels dirty, you wrote an empty lambda in c++ [](){} 12:35
gatoxalecu, ping12:38
alecumandel: what?12:39
gatoxalecu, is there a way to connect to uploadFinished and downloadFinished u1-client signals from control panel..... as far as i know.... the signals exists..... but it doesn't exist a way to get them from control panel12:39
alecugatox: pong12:39
mandelalecu, I meant, I wrote that.. ugly syntax...12:40
alecugatox: let's check12:40
alecumandel: [] is the part I don't understand. Is that an empty array access?12:40
mandelalecu, that is a lambda with no state that takes no params and does nothing (I had parents but did not want to use the entire or the irc logs)12:40
alecumandel: () is a lambda with no parameters, {} is the empty body of the lambda12:41
mandelalecu, and the [] tells is to deduce the return12:41
alecumandel: ah!12:41
mandelalecu, for example [](int n) { return n * n;}12:41
alecumandel: ah, I see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B11#Lambda_functions_and_expressions12:42
mandelalecu, yes, unity is not plain old c++..12:43
mandelalecu, and the syntax for that looks like a joke12:43
alecumandel: it seems that what goes inside the [] is not the return type12:44
alecumandel: what goes there are the variables you want to capture, making the lambda a closure12:45
alecumandel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_function#C.2B.2B12:45
alecumandel: the return type goes after the optional ->12:45
alecu[](int x, int y) -> int { int z = x + y; return z; }12:45
mandelalecu, oh god! I need to read more into detail that.. i have completely ignore c++1112:46
alecumandel: I've ignored C++ 98-2012!12:46
mandelalecu, yes, more like that hehe12:47
alecu[x, &y]   //x is captured by value, y is captured by reference12:47
alecuhmm... explicit beats implicit?12:47
alecu"help me figure out which variables to add to the closure, I'm already a too big and stupid compiler, and I can't do anything remotely smart!"12:48
mandelwell, time for lunch12:51
ralsinaalecu: well, you are going to have to learn cx11 pretty son now ;-)12:51
=== mandel is now known as mandel|lunch
gatoxalecu, i was about to start creating a way to connect to uploadfinished and downloadfinished signals from control panel..... and i just wanted to know if that is ok..... or i'm redoing some work (which i believe i won't..... because i couldn't find a way to connect to that already)12:52
gatoxalecu, actually.... what i want to do is to detect from control panel, when there are new folders in u112:54
karnimmcc: Any particular Objective-C book you'd recommend?12:54
chaselivingstonkarni, i personally like the Big Nerd Ranch books. can't remember the guy's name though...12:56
* karni checks out Big Nerd Ranch site12:57
karnichaselivingston: I'm confused. They have an 'Objective-C programming' and 'iOS programming' books, and the description of Obj-C prog. starts with "Want to write applications for iOS or the Mac?". Same split with "Advanced Mac OS X programming" and "cocoa programming".12:59
karnichaselivingston: Anyhow, they seem to have good reviews, thanks!12:59
chaselivingstonkarni, np, i think i may have the getting started with obj-c book, or whatever it's called13:01
* karni nods13:01
marekluglet me restate my prblem, since there is activity here now :)13:04
mareklughi there.  I run Mac OS X 10.8.2 natively, and just tried Ubuntu One, and purchased one song.  It's been 19 hours, and it still has not synced locally (in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One)13:05
gatoxralsina, alecu i was thinking of creating a newFilesAdded signal..... that will be emitted when new files has finished being uploaded or downloaded into the u1 folder.... so i can update the control panel filter with those files..... is that ok for you?13:07
ralsinagatox: small concern about triggering tons of signals13:07
gatoxralsina, yes..... i know..... the other solution i can think of....... is to refresh the content of the folder with a timer, and only parse the new files that we didn't have....... but again..... i don't like timers either.....13:09
gatoxand i can't see any other way to get notice from the control panel when new files are added13:09
chaselivingstonmareklug: Hi, could you submit the form at http://one.ubuntu.com/support/contact so we can get some more information from you?13:09
mareklugchaselivingston:  ok, thank you13:10
gatoxok.... i'm kind of stuck here..... i don't want to waste time implementing a signal thing from u1-client to u1-cp..... if that isn't the proper way, because we prefer to avoid triggering a lot of signals (which i know is a problem)...... alecu can you tell me when you have a minute to mumble or something??13:12
* gatox moving on to another bug13:13
ralsinagatox: remember that on linux IPC is broadcasted, emitting signals is expensive13:13
ralsinagatox: so, maybe consolidate and rate-limit the signals?13:14
gatoxralsina, yes, i know..... that's why i realize is not the best solution..... but i couldn't find anything with the things we already have to detect that13:14
mareklugchaselivingston:  done13:14
alecugatox: sorry, got distracted here.13:15
gatoxalecu, i can move on to another bug if you want and discuss this later..... but from my point of view, this is one of the most important issues in shares tab at this moment13:16
alecugatox: I see all of the above as hacks that can help us solve this, but not as definite solutions.13:16
gatoxthat the list of files in the filter is not being refreshed during the times u1-cp was open13:16
gatoxalecu, ok13:16
chaselivingstonmareklug: thanks, i'll get to it ASAP13:16
mareklugchaselivingston:  I just tried to deselect and reselcet the Sync Locally? checkbox, and that fixed it.  It's synced locally now.13:16
alecugatox: the definite solution is doing the search *inside* SD13:16
alecugatox: since it's SD the only one that knows about each and all files.13:17
gatoxalecu, and ask for the list of files from control panel each time we are going to display the popup?13:17
alecugatox: no, we won't ask for the whole list, we would ask for a search13:18
alecugatox: and SD would return a list of files that match that search13:19
gatoxalecu, let me see if i understand..... so....... syndaemon will return the items to load in the popup..... and manage the fetch more function too each time we ask?13:19
alecugatox: yup, that makes sense13:19
gatoxok..... to do that....... syncdaemon will need to manage the folder exploration too..... so there is a lot of logic that need to be move to u1-client13:19
alecugatox: SD already does the folder exploration13:20
alecugatox: SD already knows about every file that is managed by u1!13:20
gatoxalecu, i'm not complaining, i also think that is the best solutoin what you mention, and it's not hackish..... ok, i'll start refactoring that then!13:21
alecugatox: sure. We can mumble to discuss details if you want13:22
alecugatox: the thing is that we may have to find a way to index the metadata in order not to load everything into memory.13:22
gatoxalecu, if you want..... let's do it..... i think i understand everything..... but maybe a quick mumble to see if we are in the same page13:22
* alecu fires mumble up13:23
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FloatingGoat_how do i get internet to work with the realtime kernel13:53
dobeyFloatingGoat_: no idea; i suppose you might want to ask in the ubuntu studio channel perhaps, or ubuntu kernel channel13:54
FloatingGoat_I thought this was ubuntu studio13:54
dobeythis is the ubuntu one channel13:55
FloatingGoat_I noticed13:55
FloatingGoat_thanks mate13:55
=== mandel|lunch is now known as mandel
rye_ralsina: hi, can ubuntu sso frontend start but fail to start backend? If that happens, what can be the issue - I have a user whose sso-client logs only have "Querying OS for proxy" lines14:49
dobeyrye_: i think the backend is what runs the front-end14:54
dobeyrye_: so unless someone was explicitly running the front-end, then probably not?14:55
ralsinarye_: like dobey said15:00
ralsinarye_: what can happen is that the backend can't start the proxy tunnel though15:00
* karni wonders what time is it for Paul15:01
ralsinaalecu, gatox?15:01
gatoxralsina, i already say me15:01
gatoxralsina, did you get my messages?15:01
ralsinagatox: apparently not15:01
ralsinagatox: sms?15:01
gatoxralsina, i say me before you15:02
dobeyralsina: sso doesn't use a proxy tunnel15:02
gatoxahhhhh mmy connectoin is really bad..... i'll call my isp after the standup to complain15:02
karnigatox: I did see your 'me', FWIW15:02
ralsinadobey: yes it does :-)15:02
gatoxkarni, thx..... so maybe was just ralsina15:03
ralsinagatox: I have it, I just missed it15:03
karnigatox: relax :)15:03
dobeyralsina: eh? sso has built-in proxy support in the web client; it doesn't start a tunnel process15:03
alecuralsina: dobey is right15:03
ralsinadobey: doesn't it use the proxy tunnel to detect the proxy config?15:03
gatoxkarni, jejee i'm a little nerveous because my connection is working really bad15:03
ralsinadobey: I can be misremembering, of course15:03
gatoxso......... briancurtin go15:04
dobeyralsina: no, it just runs gsettings15:04
karnigatox: I see :)15:04
briancurtinDONE: 1-1, tickets booked, installer built with minimal issue - two small branches for updates. ran it on win8 and it works fine with the changes. ran it on my Win7 VM and it won't authenticate15:04
briancurtinTODO: run the installer on an XP VM and see what happens there, then debug why Win7 isnt working15:04
briancurtinNEXT: karni15:04
karni[DONE] Looked into iosched app as politely requested by Jorge Castro to see if its fit pending customizations to serve UDS in the future. Added a couple U1Mv2 home activity UI tests.15:04
karni[TODO] Wire up player buttons to bound music service (requires adding some utility methods). Surface service feedback in the player.15:04
karni[BLOCKED] No.15:04
karniNEXT: gatox15:04
karni[CUSTOM] Thanksfor warm welcoming, team!15:04
gatoxLanded the qthread crazy branch. Work on some ast examples for dobey, some reviews. Mumble with alecu to analyze how to fix the Bug #1056189. Analyzing u1-client filesystem_manager and volume_manager to see how to use the info collected by them.15:04
gatoxPropose the necessary changes that should be made to move the search and filter logic from u1-cp shares tab to u1-client.15:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1056189 in Ubuntu One Control Panel " shared files search don't include the files that were shared during the time control panel was open" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105618915:04
gatoxralsina, go15:04
ralsinaDONE: calls, reviews, figuring out what you guys need to do TODO: more of the same BLOCKED: no, NEXT: mvo15:04
mvoDONE: lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-for-unusual-deb-lp106734, verify/work on SRU for #846044 in python-dbus, review/comment lp:~andrew-hayzen/software-center/accelerator-fix-lp744655, python-apt: merge lp:~mvo/python-apt/mvo into the debian-experimental (and therefore ubuntu R) branch, legacy: auto-upgrade-tester: add force-unsafe-io option, legacy: fixes in the conflictshecker for the new python-apt AP15:05
mvoTODO: learn about the new team15:05
mvobook flight to london15:05
mvoBLOCKED: nothing15:05
mvo(I think)15:05
ralsinamvo, alecu: we need to have a call today, is in 2 hours too late for you, mvo?15:06
mandelrockstar, your turn, right?15:06
mvoralsina: maybe, need to talk to my wife15:06
rockstarDONE: travel booked15:06
rockstarTODO: finish 2.0 Music API branch15:06
rockstarBLOCKED: none15:06
ralsinamvo: we usually say a NEXT to the next guy15:06
dobeyDONE: branch to ignore RedefinedWhileUnused warning inside ImportError exceptions in pylint15:06
* mvo will learn15:06
dobeyTODO: email intro, bug triage, fix bugs, move off pylint, investigate packaging u1db-client/u1db-serve scripts15:06
dobeyBLCK: None.15:06
dobeyalecu: go15:06
alecuDONE: booked tickets to sprint, med checkups, misc mumbles, a bit of vala fixes15:06
alecuTODO: more mumbles, more vala15:06
alecuBLOCKED: no!15:06
alecuNOTE: cardiologist says I'm a-ok15:06
karnimvo: Welcome to the team, I'm new on client engineering as well :)15:06
karnialecu: good note!15:07
mvohey karni, thanks!15:07
gatoxalecu, good for your heart! :D15:07
mandelalecu, no, I'm missing!15:07
ralsinamvo, if 2 hours is too late we can do earlier, alecu, we need to coordinate our lunches :-)15:07
mandeleveryone forgets me..15:07
mandelDONE: Booked flight to London. Canonical admin. Got code in unity trunk.15:07
mandelTODO: Improve action link implementation to use PangoUnderline rather than a h line. Talk about unity ppa with payment preview.15:07
mandelBLOCKED: no15:07
karniI just wanted to say I enjoyed those e-mails about you guys, thank you for that.15:07
rockstarThis order is confusing.15:07
alecuralsina: I can postpone my lunch, no prob.15:07
alecuralsina: we can do it nowish if you want15:08
mandelkarni, I'm not sending and email... too cheese for my taste :P15:08
ralsinarockstar: it's the order in which we say "me"15:08
karnirockstar: Expand on that :)15:08
karnimandel: pff :P ;)15:08
karniralsina: oooh I didn't know that!15:08
ralsinarockstar: then, you only need to remember who said me after you, and you "NEXT thatguy"15:08
rockstarralsina, ah, and I only saw a set of "me"s15:08
ralsinarockstar: right, you were a bit late :-)15:08
karniThat makes sense15:08
ralsinaand if anyone doesn't say me at standup +2 I make fun of him in twitter15:09
ralsinayou are now warned15:09
karniralsina: hahahah15:09
mandelralsina, also, stop forgetting about me ;)15:09
rockstarPfft. *I* make fun of me on Twitter. I'm not afraid.15:09
rye_ralsina: Executing netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name="Ubuntu One" dir=in action=allow program="C:\Program Files\ubuntuone\dist\ubuntuone-syncdaemon.exe" enable=yes - are we forgetting to allow proxy tunnel through?15:09
karnirockstar: hahah :)15:09
briancurtinrye_: i think that was added before proxy tunnel was a thing, so maybe15:10
ralsinathe 1st guy that said me starts at xx:02 then those who didn't say me go at emi-random15:10
briancurtinrye_: i can add that and any others we need - i'm working on the installer right now15:10
ralsinabriancurtin: BTW, there is a bug about not ding that in XP15:10
ralsinabriancurtin: so if you can debug both at the same time, +215:10
karniaha, got it15:10
ralsinaalso, karni, rockstar, mvo: we have review days15:11
* karni listens15:11
mvowhat does that mean?15:11
ralsinayou need to choose one each, and in that day, you are volunteering to do reviews15:11
mvo(i.e. isn't every day a review day ;)15:11
facundobatistaalecu, ralsina, put 'path' back, just to comply with API: https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/put_path_back/+merge/13014215:11
ralsinamvo: not for everybody :-)15:11
facundobatistanessita, this is the branch to make magicicada to has path in the signals again ^15:12
karniralsina: is this documented somewhere on the wiki? or we just throw MP's here on IRC?15:12
ralsinain any case, sometimes, some reviews need to be done by someone15:12
mvoha! I take the 1st of each month then15:12
karnimvo: lol, rather a day in a week ;D hahaha15:12
ralsinakarni: we ask here, but the reviews are there in launchpad anyway15:12
dobeymvo: you can do reviews whenever you want, but we have assigned days so that people can ping specific reviewers to get reviews done quickly15:12
ralsinakarni: but feel free to pester people as much as needed15:12
mvodobey: aha, thanks15:13
ralsinaalso, the final review rule is that if noone does it I'll do it15:13
mvokarni: ;)15:13
mvois there a wiki page I should add my review day? or use the calendar? or just announce it informally here?15:13
ralsinabut I am not the greatest reviewer, so try not to fall in that15:13
ralsinamvo: we have them in the calendar15:13
karniralsina: each person calendar or some custom calendar I could add to my goog cal?15:14
ralsinakarni: good question, it's a global one, but I am looking for it15:14
nessitafacundobatista: nice!15:14
dobeyralsina: you probably need to add new people to that calendar, yeah15:14
karniralsina: Thank you15:14
alecumvo, karni, rockstar: I'm adding you to the review calendar15:14
karnialecu: great15:15
mandelralsina, it is u1-client review days Details15:15
ralsinaI added them I think15:15
dobeyralsina: actually, now we have the right number of people to have 2 each day, with you not being one of them15:15
dobeyralsina: so karni, mvo, and rockstar should replace either you or eric on the calendar15:16
ralsinaI will still end up covering some because of timezones I guess15:16
dobeywell sure15:16
rockstaralecu, just add me wherever, and let me know.15:16
rye_briancurtin: do you want me to file a bug?15:16
briancurtinrye_: if you can that would be great15:16
ralsinammcc is internet-less it seems, he's moving15:16
rye_ralsina: i don't recall any windows pop-ups asking to grant access to the proxy process though15:16
alecurockstar: I've shared the calendar with you. You get to choose your day of the week15:17
mvoalecu: I used a dice and picked tuesday but I don't mind much, just pick any day if tuesday is not a good choice15:17
ralsinarye_: then the exception is probably good enough15:17
* dobey makes a note that San Diego apparently is an internet dead zone15:17
ralsinadobey: I think just mmcc's house :-)15:17
ralsinakarni, mvo, rockstar: we try to keep bureaucracy to a minimum, so I think that's all we have ;-)15:18
karniralsina: sounds good15:18
* mvo nods15:18
ralsinamandel: you can now officially stop complaining about being the sole euro guy15:18
karniralsina: I can swap you out for myself on Thursday?15:18
ralsinamandel: you are the 3rd-easternmost15:19
karniralsina: you're already WEd and Thu15:19
ralsinakarni: sure15:19
mandelralsina, I'll starting complaining being the only spanish one then :)15:19
gatoxralsina, don't worry..... mandel is going to find out something else to complain about15:19
ralsinamandel: easy to fix!15:19
gatoxlike that15:19
karnimandel: hahah15:19
mandelor, I complain because nux does not have underline implemenation in the StaticCairtoText.. wtf!15:19
alecukarni: ralsina is on mon too15:20
ralsinamandel: please don't start implementing that15:20
ralsinamandel: or faking it15:20
mandelralsina, well, one of my MP is blocked due to that15:20
thisfredjust use a sharpie for now15:20
ralsinamandel: yes, but we can't just implement everything we need!15:20
mandelralsina, so I have too.. is not THAT much work15:20
ralsinamandel: that way lies forking ubuntu15:20
alecuso, there are review slots from mon to thu. karni picked thu. mvo, rockstar?15:20
karnialecu: even worse, 3 days. I took one of them for now. We'll see how I handle reviews, I shouldn't take too much in the first days, as I need to pick up some kill most probably.15:20
mandelralsina, true..15:21
mvoalecu: tuesday if you don't mind15:21
ralsinakarni: it's ok, I'll back you up15:21
karniralsina: Thanks :)15:21
karnihaha /s/kill/skill !15:21
* karni is a silent killer15:21
ralsinayou can pick some kill and cook it, too, I'm ok with it!15:21
karnialecu: I'll swap eric for mvo, I have the calendar before myself15:22
alecukarni: already done15:23
karnioh, there he is :)15:23
ralsinamandel: so, try to see if they have it planned. If they do, then for when. If when is "too late" do it and they owe us one.15:23
thisfredI'll  be here to pick up slack until the 31st15:23
alecuso, rockstar: is mon or wed ok with you?15:23
thisfredmost of the time at least15:23
ralsinathisfred: awesome15:23
rockstaralecu, mon is fine15:23
mandelralsina, ok, but I'm sure they do not have it planned15:23
mmccI made it! sorry folks, connection issues. I'm at a cafe. now to read the backlog.15:23
dobeythisfred: you're just full of slack aren't you! :)15:23
ralsinaif they don't, they owe you a larger one :-)15:23
* gatox lunch15:24
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
thisfreddobey, hell yeah.15:24
thisfredpraise Bob15:24
karnithisfred: Sorry to see you go, Eric. Although we haven't worked close much, you've been awesome when we have!15:24
thisfredkarni, thanks, same here!15:25
ralsinathisfred: we all share what karni said :-(15:25
ralsinaok, family here says "come and have lunch or else"15:26
ralsinaso I'll be back in about 45'15:26
dobeyah, lunch. i should go have lunch too15:26
karnithe "or else" clause is undisputable!15:26
mandelralsina, not implemented, not planned I'll do it15:28
ryeralsina: this winxp thingie - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3558494/avoiding-a-windows-firewall-popup ?15:29
ryeralsina: why do we actually need to add the rules?15:30
karniI'm going to have lunch as well, back in a while.15:34
briancurtinrye: i was under the understanding that adding the rules gets us around the pop in the easiest way, otherwise a windows dialog shows up for the user and they *must* enable it otherwise we wont work15:35
ryebriancurtin: but it will pop up only when it triest to listen for incoming connections, not outgoing. Something that only a tunnel will do15:36
briancurtinrye: i thought we add incoming and outgoing15:36
briancurtinrye: ah, on XP, the command line isnt advanced enough to specify in/out like we do on vista+15:38
briancurtinoh, maybe the first answer is helpful (guess i should have read the whole thing first :/)15:39
ryebriancurtin: ah, our IPC, all processes are listen on loopback interface15:39
mmcckarni: Just saw your question about objc books. The big nerd ranch books are great. "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" is the original that I used, but I think in your case I'd recommend getting the iOS one - since we don't really have much Mac Cocoa code -- the fsevents daemon is objc but hopefully won't change much, and doesn't use any of the UI framework, and the rest of the mac app is almost all PyQt.15:55
mmccOn the other hand, the iOS client is (AFAIK) strictly native ObjC and UIKit15:55
mmccbtw, people can hear me, right?15:56
chaselivingstonmmcc: i can see your messages, if that's what you mean :)15:57
mmccchaselivingston: but can you hear me? I'm shouting really loud15:57
chaselivingstonmmcc: nope, not loud enough15:57
mmccgetting hoarse15:57
chaselivingstonmmcc: oh well, just give up. typing is good enough15:57
karnimmc: perfect, thanks! /me lunching now15:59
mandeldobey, PangoLayout always has a PangoListAttr right? it cannot be the case that pango_layout_get_attributes returns a null pointer, or am I mistaken?16:02
mandeldobey, it does not state null as a return value in http://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/pango-Layout-Objects.html#pango-layout-get-attributes16:03
mandelhm.. looks like I do get a null pointer..16:04
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mmccralsina, alecu - quick review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/set-default-folders/+merge/13017116:32
mmccalso alecu, https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/find-logging-conf/+merge/13003616:32
mmccanother quicky16:32
mmccand ralsina if you could look at this one again, since i had to resolve a conflict with one of your branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/remote-folders-fix/+merge/12603716:33
alecummcc: in set-default-folders... are those names translated on non-english osx?16:34
* alecu uses english16:34
mmccalecu: that is a very good question. I will verify but I think you can always get to them with the english names16:34
mmccalecu: yes, confirmed with a guest user - the file names are english. Finder and other UI controls translate them but don't rename them16:38
mmccso maybe we should do the same in our UI16:38
mandelok, EOD here after being told that I have to get an underline in pango have a diff alpha value that the rest of the font.. hard to explain to design why that is not possible.. sigh16:41
ralsinammcc: got it16:42
dobeymandel: would have to look at the code16:43
ralsinamandel: lazy spaniard!16:43
ralsinamandel: it's just two alphas! ;-)16:43
mandeldobey, just did a small test and it does return null, easy fix16:44
mandelralsina, ha! that is how I did it with a little hack and an horizontal bar but then got a needs fixing in the review (with which I partially agree)..16:44
ralsinamandel: faking underlines never ends well16:44
mandelralsina, yes, with long text etc is going to look bad, so I'll make design think harder and not use diff alphas in the same 'object'16:46
dobeymandel: it just returns that attribute, and that attribute can probably be NULL; but it doesn't have a special meaning like other functions might return NULL for16:46
mandeldobey, ack16:48
mandelwell, EDO for me, catch you all tom!16:48
alecuralsina: mvo says that he can mumble in two hours, but I'm picking up amelia at that time. Shall we do it tomorrow on our AM?16:50
ralsinaalecu: ok, tomorrow early is good16:50
mmccWas going to call a mumble last week about sync menu support code only sending upload info, but it got lost, so I filed a bug so we don't forget: bug #106780616:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1067806 in Ubuntu One Client "sync menu should show active downloads as well as uploads" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106780616:56
ralsinafacundobatista: I have no problem with put_path_back but I don't follow it in the big picture, I could +1 but it would be sort of a lame +116:59
ralsinammcc: about the autoconnect being true by default. Yes. And this is for first-time users, true. BUT if you changed autoconnect then removed the device you will be in the wizard with autoconnect=false because we don't delete the config.17:01
facundobatistaralsina, events sent to the world about commands on nodes need to have the path17:01
facundobatistaralsina, commands has a to_dict() method that serializes important info from selves17:01
ralsinafacundobatista: yes, but I don't know which commands those are, so I can't follow if this branch is sufficient :-)17:01
facundobatistaralsina, commands about files: Move, Unlink, Make, Upload, Download17:02
ralsinafacundobatista: ok, in that case +1ing17:02
mmccralsina: yes - so in that case we're ignoring autoconnect that one time, which I thought would be OK.17:05
ralsinammcc: sure17:05
ralsinammcc: also +1 for oldfashioned use of map in set-default-folders ;-)17:06
ralsinammcc: HOWEVER, I think those path strings should be unicode17:07
mmccralsina: that's old-fashioned? and oh yeah, unicode. d'oh17:07
ralsinammcc: not 100% sure though. Let's ask gatox :-)17:07
gatoxmy isp has confirmed that my internet connection is working like crap.. at least they are honest..... they'll call me to fix the problem in less than 3 hours (i hope they are honest about that part too :P)17:07
dobeyold fashioned? i'm all out of bourbon :-/17:07
gatoxralsina, what do you want to aask me?17:08
dobeyralsina: dirspec is all bytes, all the time, at least17:08
ralsinagatox: look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/set-default-folders/+merge/13017117:08
ralsinagatox: should those paths be bytes or unicode?17:08
ralsinawe need to check what the other implementations do, I guess17:09
mmcclinux opens the dirs file as utf-8…17:10
mmccwindows uses the return value of win32com.shell.SHGetFolderPath after calling it with unicode args17:11
gatoxralsina, we have bytes in the paths17:11
gatoxthat's why we can interact with dirspec without failing17:11
ralsinaok then bytes it is17:12
ralsinaand yes, all use of map is old fashioned: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5426754/google-python-style-guide17:12
gatoxralsina, maybe is not necessary because this is darwin specific17:14
mmccslow brain today, bytes means type 'unicode' in py2, right? so I prepend 'u'? I didn't sleep well enough and someone's in here yelling about Mitt Romney17:14
briancurtinmmcc: bytes is str in 217:14
ralsinammcc: no, bytes is str in 217:14
gatoxmmcc, ralsina but..... i think that it would be better if we use expand_user instead of expanduser17:14
gatoxso we are consistent17:14
ralsinammcc: yes, like gatox say, use expand_user from dirspec17:15
ralsinaor from wherever if it's not from dirspec ;-)17:15
gatoxralsina, mmcc no, expand_user is from: from ubuntuone.platform import expand_user17:15
gatoxthere the home is obtained from dirspec17:15
ralsinagatox: preemptively corrected myself ;-)17:15
gatoxralsina, jeje yes17:15
ralsinammcc: using expand_user ensures we get the right type anyway17:16
mmccwhich is just os.path.expanduser(b'~') on darwin17:16
ralsinammcc: yes, it forces bytes :-)17:16
mmccsounds good17:16
mmccso if I want to write a test that I did that right, what's the forward-compatible way to do it? testing against str isn't it, right?17:19
ralsinayou could compare to type(b'')17:20
mmcctype(should_be_bytes) == type(b'is bytes')?17:20
mmccah there we go17:20
mmccok, just updated set-default-folders, should be ready to go17:29
ralsinammcc: looking...17:31
ralsinammcc: +117:31
ralsinammcc: also, ok on remote-folders-fix17:33
dobeyshould i build pyflakes packages with my patch?17:35
dobeyhow would we use that on win/osx?17:35
mmccralsina: great! now here's the fix for u1trial not working right on windows -- thanks to you for your tip on the delightfully tacky mr.scripty : https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/calling-mr-scripty/+merge/13018217:35
mmccdobey: thinking17:35
mmccdobey: can you build it as an egg? we can specify a URL to a custom egg in the buildout17:36
dobeythat's probably a possibility. is that how we're grabbing it now?17:37
mmccyeah we just tell buildout 'get the egg called pyflakes, version 0.5.0' - I guess it finds it on pypi or whatever17:38
dobeyi guess it just grabs the tarball from there17:39
ralsinadobey: if you can provide a URL with the tarball it can just build it from scratch17:40
ralsinammcc: looking for mr scripty now then17:41
mmccralsina: looking for mr scripty?17:41
mmccif you see mr goodbar, keep looking17:41
ralsinammcc: omfg you were not even born when that movie came out :-)17:41
mmccIs that true?17:42
mmccoh yeah it is17:42
ralsinaI am guesstimating17:42
mmccvery close. anyway I'm old enough to use it for a bad joke :)17:43
gatoxohhhhh alecu is not here..... i had good news for himm17:43
gatoxwhich movie are you talking about?17:45
dobeylooking for mr goodbar17:45
gatoxah....... never hear of it17:46
briancurtinanyone know why, on vista/7, authentication fails on installation when using existing creds? gets SSL handshake error in sso-client log17:46
dobeybriancurtin: cert fail?17:47
nessitabriancurtin: httplib version too new?17:47
briancurtinit works on XP and 817:47
briancurtini'll check httplib version but it should be fine since we locked the versions down in buildout17:48
dobeybriancurtin: vista/7 have the weird "request a CA cert" API thing don't they? if XP just has the certs installed already, and 8 went back to doing that, they might work fine while it fails on vista/7 (just guessing though)17:49
briancurtindobey: i dont know much about certs. i see that we have the certs were placed in the usual spot by the installer. i'll poke through the logs...maybe they arent being found or something17:49
briancurtinmaybe that could be it17:50
dobeybriancurtin: does it work after logging into the web site in IE?17:50
briancurtini'll check17:50
briancurtindobey: logging into one.ubuntu.com/files made it work. i'm now logged in17:53
ralsinabriancurtin: then yes, it's the autofetching of certs17:56
ralsinathat's the single most stupid thing in windows17:56
ralsinaok, not really, but it's stupider than average17:57
briancurtinralsina: is there any known solution before i start digging in? i feel like this came up and someone knew how to fix it, but we never got around to implementation17:59
ralsinabriancurtin: basically, we are bundling the cert, we should just check it manualy18:00
chaselivingstonmmcc: ping18:02
mmccchaselivingston: yo18:02
chaselivingstonmmcc: that ticket you just emailed me about, could you reassign it to "Nobody in particular" ?18:02
briancurtinralsina: ok, i'll look into it18:02
mmccchaselivingston: that's changing the "Owner"?18:03
chaselivingstonmmcc: right, change that drop down and then save changes18:03
mmccchaselivingston: done18:03
chaselivingstonmmcc: awesome, thanks18:04
chaselivingstonmmcc: when you have some time, i'd be glad to walk you through some rt basics18:04
mmccchaselivingston: ok, thanks. I'll ping you about it sometime. not right now though :)18:05
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, no problem18:05
dobeybugger, there's a problem with PPAs :(18:12
ralsinammcc: +1 on the talented mr. scripty18:19
mmccralsina: thanks! and oh yeah, another great movie18:22
mmccrunning low on battery, might drop off, brb18:47
mmccugh, got to run, no plugs here18:54
mmccback in a bit18:54
alecumy vps is innaccesible. So is my quassel instance :-(19:07
gatoxhey alecu ! hi, i just sent you an email19:10
alecugatox: thanks, looking19:12
alecugatox: sounds reasonable to use that dictionary19:14
gatoxalecu, and we can fix two bugs having this on syncdaemon :D19:14
alecugatox: let's discuss it with facundobatista too, since he may provide some more ideas, and tell us if that dict is the right one to use.19:15
gatoxalecu, in #ar? or here?19:16
alecugatox: I cannot access #ar currently. Perhaps we can convince facundobatista to join us in mumble?19:19
gatoxalecu, maybe..... facundobatista ?19:20
facundobatistagatox, otp19:20
facundobatistagatox, mumble?19:27
gatoxalecu, mumble?19:27
gatoxi'm there19:27
gatoxfacundobatista, already there...... waiting for alecu too19:27
karnifrom Android docs on Instrumentation.invokeMenuActionSync: "flag - Additional flags, if any". oh man, why haven't I figured it out myself! This is briliant. Not.20:09
mmccI'm back. I guess that was my lunch20:17
ralsinammcc: well, it depends. Did you eat?20:18
ralsinammcc: you stayed way too late yesterday, so two lunches today are doable.20:18
mmccralsina: I had a sandwich! :)20:18
mmccralsina: ack. don't think I need two lunches. but I may not be in tonight.20:19
mmccralsina: it's just so hard to stop when it's quiet and you're getting stuff done™…20:19
ralsinammcc: I remember when that happened to me :-)20:19
dobeyintro mails are so difficult20:20
dobeyoh well20:22
dobeymaybe we do need a list20:23
dobeybut ugh; e-mail20:23
ralsinadobey: do you prefer a facebook group? Perhaps a g+ circle ;-)20:24
briancurtinsome day i will actually complete the task of setting up autofolder or whatever that server-side email tool is which filters things for you20:24
briancurtinralsina: we should just mass text message each other20:26
ralsinabriancurtin: chain-tweet20:26
dobeyralsina: drums at stonehenge20:27
dobeyi guess we could rename the team and set up a list on lp20:29
gatoxokkk...... eod here!! see you tomorrow people!! enjoy20:34
mmccbriancurtin: you should do that now, it makes a world of difference20:34
mmccreally right away. it made my inbox usable, and I have happily ignored thousands of LP spams20:36
briancurtinwhat was the script called again? autofolder? something like that20:36
mmccI'll look20:37
karniThat's nice.20:44
karniSometimes I feel bad I use gmail in browser.20:44
mmccI have a question about the music store <-> client sync. I don't think this is internal only… It's working great for me, I bought a free song and now it's on my mac. But it's in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One/ -- which won't show up anywhere, and is hard to e.g. add to iTunes or whatever… Is this a mac bug ? I think the other platforms do the same thing, and I'm wondering if there's a plan somewhere to e.g. put a l20:45
mmccto that like we do with shares20:45
karnioh wait. gmail actually supports imap!20:45
ralsinammcc: that is linked in ~/Ubuntu One/20:45
karnimmcc: you were cut off ".. a plan somewhere to e.g. put a l"20:46
mmccralsina: I think there's a bug there, then, because it isn't for me20:46
ralsinaor used to be and isn't anymore, maybe20:46
mmcckarni -- put a link to that like we do with shares20:46
mmcclike what ralsina said20:46
karniralsina: in any case, it causes problem on Android as well, because MusicScanner does not discover music in hidden folders20:46
karni/s/hidden/dot folders20:46
dobeyralsina: it is not linked from anywhere20:46
ralsinadobey: used to be?20:47
dobeyralsina: nope. there used to be a link in ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/ to it20:47
dobeynever was one under ~/Ubuntu One/ though20:47
ralsinadobey: yes, and that is linked to "Shared with me"20:47
ralsinadobey: so you could find the music in "~/ubuntu one/shared with me/purchased music"20:48
dobeyralsina: no, there used to be a symlink to the purchased music folder also, and it was even translated (which made life even more hell)20:48
dobeyralsina: no, shared with me linkes to another directory in ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/20:48
dobeyshares/ actually20:48
dobeythe music link was totally separate20:48
ralsinaa maze of links all alike20:48
mmccalso, that path is platform specific. shares in osx are in ~/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone20:49
dobeymmcc: yes, it was done in the rhythmbox plug-in also, which is platform specific :)20:50
mmccso what happened to that link, I wonder20:50
dobeybut i got rid of that symlink adding, because it was a total mess20:50
dobeythe music one20:50
dobeyshares should get symlinked correctly on all the platforms20:51
dobeywell "symlinked"20:51
ralsinawe could check on sd startup and create it into ~/u1 I guess20:52
ralsinabut then we would get complains about us creating strange possible malignant symlinks20:52
ralsinadobey: only if the purchased music volume is subscribed of course20:52
karniWhy couldn't we keep it in $HOME ?20:52
dobeythen there's the whole "we might add actual symlink support in future" issue20:52
karni(that is, would it be viable to move it)20:53
dobeyi think moving it now would be problematic20:53
* karni nods with sad face20:53
dobeyalso, having ~/Purchased from Ubuntu One/ would be weird20:53
ralsinait would be very problematic since we would also have to move it serverside20:53
ralsinadobey: symlink support is not happening in the foreseeable future so not a factor. If this is cheap, we can do it, though.20:54
mmccwhat happens if we put it in ~/Music/Purchasedblahblah/ , since ~/Music is a folder that exists everywhere? If the user makes it a UDF does that mess things up?20:54
mmcc(makes ~/Music a UDF when we've put that symlink in there)20:55
ralsinammcc: yes, he won't ever be able to make ~/Music a UDF without a lot of tinkering20:55
dobeyactually, if it's a symlink, it doesn't matter20:56
dobeywe don't follow symlinks, so it would just be ignored20:56
dobeysame as if it's in ~/Ubuntu One/20:56
ralsinadobey: yes, that's true20:56
ralsinaso we could link it there on mac & ubuntu20:56
ralsinaok, not on ubuntu because of player issues20:57
mmccI think that'd be best - it makes sense to me to put it in ~/Music20:57
dobeyyeah, on ubuntu it's a problem20:57
mmccplayer issues? I'm afraid to ask20:57
dobeymmcc: duplicate entries in the player20:57
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
karnidobey: I don't see why having having ~/Purchased from Ubuntu One/ would be problematic.20:57
ralsinaalmost the same thing in windows, also20:57
mmccnot that "integrating" with iTunes is something I'm looking forward to (although I think we should do that)20:57
dobeykarni: don't worry, the community will tell you why, if we were to do it20:58
karnidobey: heh ;]20:58
dobeykarni: but even so, i don't like it either :)20:58
* karni nods20:58
dobeykarni: shouldn't you be off having a beer or something by now? :)21:01
* dobey needs to figure out when to take the rest of his holidays… and soon21:02
karnidobey: I rarely have been Wednesday evenings :) Anyhow, I started late today. Like 1 PM.21:03
karniI need to get things done. Especially that I may have limited time to finish this Android music app soon.21:03
mmccso, what was the problem with having the symlink in ~/U1/Purchased…/ ? does putting it in ~/Music/Purchased… solve that problem? (at least on macs?)21:03
karniI think even if we put it there, we could black list it if we ever follow symlinks while syncing.21:05
ralsinammcc: putting it in Music is nicer because it makes it appear in the expected place21:05
ralsinammcc: although the braindeadness of finder dereferencing symlinks makes it ugly anyway :-(21:05
karnimmcc: I know this is remotely related, but I keep u1 files (including Ubuntu One as a folder) under ~/u1, and music under ~/u1music (where ~ is an equivalent of large storage on the device)21:06
ralsinammcc: also... is ~/Music localized?21:06
dobeyputting it under ~/Ubuntu One/ is the best solution i think, if we're going to have one21:06
mmccralsina: the filesystem is in english. Finder will display ~/Music differently based on the current language but it doesn't change the files names21:07
ralsinaI am +0 on both locations21:09
ralsinaand this feels like a cheap improvement21:09
ralsinaI like those21:09
mmccdobey: why? I still don't understand what made it a pain before…21:10
dobeymmcc: what made ~/Music a pain?21:10
mmccdobey: the symlink system that was there before… I thought there used to be a symlink to ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased… under ~/u1 but you removed it - did I misread?21:11
dobeymmcc: there was never a symlink to it under ~/u121:11
dobeymmcc: there was a translated symlink to it under $XDG_DATA_HOME. and it was a huge mess of code to even get it created, that made for annoying problems when porting the rhythmbox extension to the new rhythmbox APIs21:12
dobeyand the banshee extension didn't create that symlink21:12
dobeyand we had several issues where duplicate songs would show up for various reasons; some due to the symlink, some due to the way banshee works21:13
mmccso it was never visible in e.g. nautilus?21:13
dobeynot directly, no21:13
mmccright, you can always get to it via control panel…21:14
dobeyat least not for people who aren't aquarius, who set his XDG_HOME_FOO variables to be more mac-like21:14
dobeywell, now you can. you couldn't back then21:14
dobeyand sticking it under ~/Music/ means we have to special case platforms to avoid some of those issues21:15
dobeysticking it under ~/Ubuntu One/ is the simplest/best solution if we're going to have a symlink to it21:15
mmccwell maybe I need to rethink this then. the only media player that anyone on a mac cares about is iTunes, and so if we figure out a way to have synced tracks show up in iTunes, no one will ever care if it's not visible in the finder21:16
mmccwell, maybe and Spotify. let's see…21:17
ralsinammcc: putting the symlink on ~/Music would do that?21:17
dobeyi'm not totally against a symlink under ~/Ubuntu One/; but would much prefer the tracks to just show up in the players21:17
dobeyralsina: let's not touch ~/Music21:18
dobeyralsina: it will mean a mess of special cases in the code21:18
dobeywhich will only exacerbate problems if any happen to occur21:18
dobeyespecially if we end up getting an itunes extension to auto-add things to library or whatever21:19
ralsinadobey: I am talking mac here21:20
mmccralsina: no, iTunes puts its things in a subfolder of ~/Music21:21
ralsinaEOD for me21:21
ralsinasee you guys tomorrow21:22
mmccbye ralsina21:22
dobeyralsina: i am talking code :)21:23
dobeyanyway, i should get off of here too21:23
dobeyhave a good evening all21:24
mmcchrm. Spotify lets you add a folder as a local source but apparently not automatically21:24
mmccbye dobey21:25
karnibye dobey21:27
karnibye ralsina o/21:27
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
alecuhey, all, I'm about to EOD. Will probably return later for some pending reviews.21:37
karniLaterz alecu o/21:39
karniI have a db related but that's tripping up some of my tests. Looking into it currently.21:39
mmcchrm, super easy to copy a synced music track into iTunes, but not so easy to avoid duplicating it (i.e., not sure it's possible)21:54
mmccOK, calling it EOD here, I'm going to try poking at a local DAAP server like forked-daapd as an interesting option to get iTunes to see our music files without copying them, since it's basically impossible to do that via the applescript api.22:42
mmccbut that's off-hours stuff for now, I'd say22:42
karnitake care mmcc !22:49

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