
FloatingGoat_how do i get wifi to work with the realtime kernel13:55
ailo-wFloatingGoat_: Realtime kernel?13:55
ailo-wWhich one?13:55
FloatingGoat_lemme see13:55
ailo-wFloatingGoat_: We don't have one in the repo13:56
FloatingGoat_what kernel do you have?13:56
ailo-wlinux-generic and linux-lowlatency13:56
ailo-wlinux-lowlatency is the default Ubuntu Studio kernel13:56
ailo-wIt's not realtime13:57
ailo-wIt's basically a -generic kernel, with enhanced preempt configuration13:57
FloatingGoat_okay this might just solve my problem13:57
ailo-wAbout as good as a -realtime kernel, what low latency is concerned. How good, has not really been measured what I know13:57
ailo-wI recommend the -lowlatency kernel, just for the fact that it has full Ubuntu support, and will work with anything you use -generic for13:58
FloatingGoat_yeah i was just trying to get the kernel i used in ubuntu studio13:58
FloatingGoat_since im not using it anymore13:58
FloatingGoat_i installed the realtime kernel13:58
ailo-wI assume you added a PPA for the realtime kernel?13:59
FloatingGoat_yeah kxstudio13:59
FloatingGoat_im going to try it out now13:59
FloatingGoat_ill be right back13:59
ailo-wFloatingGoat_: I'd go and ask on #kxstudio about that13:59
ailo-wGotta go. good luck13:59
Kyle__I'm having trouble with xfsettingsd crashing in my ubuntu-studio image.  It's most often dying after keyboard input (of any kind), with "segfault at 14 ip <some address> sp <some address> error 4 in libxfce4kbd-private-2.20:59
holsteinKyle__: oddd.. what are you doing when that happens? does it happen on the live CD with your hardware?21:26
Kyle__holstein: livecd seems fine.  I'm running it through vnc (tried vnc4server and tigervncserver).21:27
Kyle__When I tried from lightdm, it kicks me out immediately.21:27
holsteinKyle__: what are you changing when you install?21:28
holsteinwhy are you using VNC? have you tried vino/vinagre?21:28
holsteini like vino and remmina21:28
Kyle__holstein: Nothing.  I just let it do an install.  I tried running apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.  Didn't help.21:28
Kyle__holstein: Virtual system.  vncserver on it's own runs much better than vnc off of a virtualized video card.21:29
holsteinKyle__: AFAIK, we dont ship vnc4server, so you are installing something, correct?21:29
holsteinKyle__: nothing about ubuntustudio will work well virtualized21:29
holsteinKyle__: you might want to try one of the really light ones like lubuntu21:30
Kyle__holstein: Yes, after it routinely kicked me out when trying to log in via lightdm.21:30
holsteinKyle__: and vino? how did vino work?21:30
Kyle__I'm going for the xfce4 desktop; when we showed students xubuntu kubuntu and ubuntu-stuido, they liked the studio desktop best.21:30
Kyle__holstein: Haven't tried, I can't login via lightdm, and I don't know how to launch vino from the command line.21:31
holsteinKyle__: im not clear on what your issue is21:31
holsteinKyle__: maybe you just want to use virtualization in the software.. i know virtualbox has its own21:32
holsteinvino has always worked well for me21:32
holsteini have only done ubuntustudio installs in vbox to test iso's21:32
Kyle__holstein: If I try and login in after the install, it returns me to the login screen (lightdm) as soon as accepting the password.21:32
holsteinnothing we have will be useable virtualized21:32
holsteinnone of the audio stuff will work21:32
Kyle__holstein: I'm just using it for the nicely polished desktop.  Asside from gimp, they'll be using office and a browser.21:33
holsteinKyle__: i would make a different user, and try logging in.. do that now21:33
holsteinKyle__: xubuntu would be very similar and more appropriate21:34
holsteini dont think this is the issue you are having though... i think you have a config issue in the /home directory of that usere21:34
holsteinwhen you make a nwew user and try logging in, we will know21:34
Kyle__Hum.  I can log in as the new user.21:35
holsteinKyle__: so, something you do after install breaks X21:36
Kyle__But I added it form the CLI, so it didn't get the normal skeleton.21:36
Kyle__holstein: Before I did anything, I couldn't log in with the initial user.21:36
holsteinKyle__: you can start tossing things from the /home directory to see what it is21:36
holsteinKyle__: well, as long as you know where the issue lies21:36
Kyle__holstein: That's the thing. I know xfsettingsd is dying, I don't know why.21:37
holsteinKyle__: i think you'll find when you get rid of the xsession config and/or XFCE stuff and let those respawn, you'll be able to login21:37
holsteinKyle__: why is due to a config in the /home directory21:37
holsteinwhy your /home directory is having that issue is another question21:38
MaynardWatersKyle__:  dont know if this will help you but when I was trying to run ustudio on a eeepc (very weak hardware) the xfce desktop made a great deal of difference in responsiveness21:38
holsteinwe also have nautilus21:39
holsteinits just not a good choice for virtualization21:39
Kyle__Due to the kernel tuning, or the default software?21:40
holsteinyes. and other things21:40
Kyle__Other things?21:41
holsteinmain ubuntu plans for being vitualized, though it would be arguably heavy too... xubuntu and lubuntu liely have a conversation like "lets worry about virtualization"21:41
holsteinwe specifically know no one will virtualize ubuntustudio21:42
holsteinwe dont test it that way, for performance21:42
holsteinwill it work? sure21:42
holsteinbut you could just use xubuntu, and have a larger more desktop oriented community and light software21:42
holsteinmore appropriate21:42
holsteini mean, they are all ubuntu... the same repos and software available.. im just talking about out of the box, wha i think is best21:43
Kyle__Granted.  Was just going for the desktop the students liked best (trying to lower their resistance to using cloud desktops).21:44
holsteinsure.. run it on metal, and id agree21:44
holsteinim not saying this wont work either.. just that if you are running into problems, it could be due to the fact that we dont plan for it being virtualized21:45
Kyle__if that was the case, I'd expect the problems to be more around load.21:47
holsteinfeel free and keep working with it.. im sure you'll sort it out, and make it work, and im glad to have you looking at the project21:47
holsteinim just trying to get you something more appropriate out of the box21:48

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