
puffrecon_lap: Back... got a bit of time to kill, thought I'd spend it getting my machine backed up.00:30
recon_laphi puff, was chilling.00:36
Random833okay now my default browser setting won't stick at all02:18
Random833every reboot, and after i pick it and start chromium it complains it's not the default browser02:18
DinomuffinRandom833: Settings > Preferred Applications?02:23
holsteinRandom833: or try sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser02:23
Random833Dinomuffin: i do that, then it's gone again02:25
Random833holstein: my _xfce_ browser preferences. I don't want to have to do a system-wide thing, and anyway x-www-browser is set to the right thing02:25
Dinomuffintry holstein's idea02:25
Random833but when i click the browser icon it complains i haven't set _the xfce setting_02:25
holsteinRandom833: i used the commandline setting02:25
Random833holstein: doing that _won't make it stop using the xfce setting_02:26
Random833i _did_ set the update-alternatives02:26
Random833and it works - _when i run x-www-browser from the command line_02:26
Random833which is not what i want02:26
holsteinRandom833: you can try it, because it works for me... did it not work for you?02:26
Random833...it WORKS, but WHAT IT DOES it not WHAT I WANT02:26
Random833since that DOESN'T set the user preference that stuff is looking for02:27
Random833and I shouldn't have to mess with a systemwide setting anyway02:27
holsteinRandom833: cool.. you can just elaborate as to what you want and will see what myself and the other voluteers here can come up with..02:27
Random833I want to set the xfce preferred application02:27
Random833and have it stay set02:27
Random833it goes away when i log off02:27
Random833and asks me again next time i log in02:27
Random833and thunderbird doesn't respect x-www-browser, but it respected the desktop environment setting when i was on lxde02:28
holsteinfor me, setting it in the commandline worked.. you are saying that its not presistent when you set it from the command line? or you are not getting it?02:28
holsteinRandom833: i read a workaround for thunderbird02:28
Random833I just said, the thing you set in the command line IS NOT THE SAME TIHNG i am trying to set02:28
Random833it's two different preferences02:28
Random833...the command line setting DOES NOT AFFECT what the panel icon does02:28
Random833they're unrelated02:28
holsteinRandom833: for me.. the setting in the terminal was the one that became persistent02:29
Random833the setting in the terminal IS persistent02:29
Random833but it DOESN'T APPLY to the situation of clicking the panel icon02:29
holsteincool.. so the issue is just with thunderbird then? i have a work around...02:29
Random833it only applies to launching the browser from the terminal02:29
Random833I JUST SAID02:29
Random833when i log in02:29
Random833and click the globe icon on the panel02:29
Random833it asks me to set my browser. AGAIN. AND AGAIN.02:29
Dinomuffinwhy not replace the globe shortcut with a chrome shortcut?02:30
Dinomuffinthis is in your quicklauncher right?02:30
Random833......because the globe shortcut is a SYMPTOM02:30
holsteinRandom833: for me, it did not only apply to launching it from the terminall it set chrome system wide02:30
Random833of the fact that the XFCE USER PREFERENCE is not persisting02:31
holsteinchange the shortcut then...02:31
Random833the xfce user preference that also applies to opening links from the terminal02:31
Random833and I _suspect_ to thunderbird, if it worked, since it worked in lxde02:31
holsteinhttp://hsmak.wordpress.com/2009/09/03/howto-force-thunderbird-to-open-links-in-firefox/ is what i found and linked for someone recently02:33
Random833...dammit, you're not listening. the problem is the xfce user preference02:33
Random833I don't _CARE_ about the /etc/alternatives setting02:33
Random833I shouldn't have to - what if two people on my computer prefer different browsers?02:34
Random833there's a REASON there's a desktop environment preference for it02:34
holsteinRandom833: im found that to be true as well.. i couldnt get chrome set as default.. but using the commandline worked for me02:34
holsteinRandom833: did you find an existing bug about it?.. i'll go look02:34
Random833before i report a bug i'll try cleaning my homedir02:35
Random833i did install xubuntu on top of lubuntu02:35
Random833it shouldn't make a difference, but just in case02:35
holsteinhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/893321 is for 11.1002:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893321 in Xubuntu Default Settings "Xubuntu 11.10 doesn't remember default browser selection" [Undecided,New]02:36
Random833okay... apparently the way chromium sets itself as the default web browser isn't recognized by xfce02:42
Random833i'll see what happens if i ignore chromium's complaints that it's not the default browser02:42
holsteini might have said "dont ask again"...02:45
Random833ok this fixes the issue for the panel02:46
Random833but thunderbird still doesn't work - which wouldn't bother me except _it worked in LXDE_02:46
Random833maybe I'll do a fresh install for 12.1002:47
holsteini read it was a Tbird issue, and found some paes about how to change the default browser.. not sure why it worked for LXDE02:47
holsteinsome pages*02:47
Random833well, it helps that LXDE doesn't install firefox by default02:47
Random833but that can't be the whole story or it would have just not found a browser02:47
Random833er, that lubuntu doesn't02:48
holsteinso it was lubuntu? not just ubuntu with lxde added?02:48
Random833this install started as lubuntu02:48
Random833then i gutted it and installed xubuntu-desktop on top of it02:48
holsteinnot that theres a whole lot of difference, but its helpful to be clear02:48
holsteinif you only had the one browser, and it was chromiume.. thats pluasible02:49
Random833Honestly my first choice was lubuntu, but 12.04 has some issues with saving other sttings [like my terminal font]02:49
Random833so I switched02:49
holsteini think you should go with that.. thunderbird probably has the issue i found when searching the other day, and needs to be "fixed" manually to use chromium.. the gui browser selector may/may not be broken in xubuntu02:50
Random833there's some bad interaction between the browser selector and chromium02:51
Random833it doesn't detect chromium as a browser (so i have to type it in, and it saves as a custom-webBrowser.desktop)02:52
Random833and chromium tries to set itself as the default web browser using its proper .desktop02:52
holsteinxubuntu doesnt ship with chromium though, so its hard to say... its always been "detected" for me02:52
Random833well, if you set x-www-browser to chromium, then it might be working simply by running sensible-browser02:52
=== Transfusion is now known as Transfuta
ner0xIs it possible to change where Thunar/Desktop says the folders are?05:03
ner0xIE Setting the actual absolute path to the "Desktop" folder?05:03
Random833holstein: Dinomuffin: I found part of the issue - chromium-browser creates a corrupt .desktop file in ~/.local/share/xfce4/helpers05:42
Random833since the chromium .desktop file has multiple sections, and it just appends the helper data to the last one05:42
Random833okay, on further investigation, the blame goes to xdg-utils. I'll add a bug tomorrow once I figure out how to properly fix it06:05
daughain_What makes xfce different/06:56
bazhangfrom what06:56
daughain_Unity, enlightenment, gnome2/3, etc.06:57
bazhangdifferent apps, look and feel, etc06:57
bazhangwhy not run a live cd and see for yourself06:58
daughain_been there, came here. still there actually, trying to find out how it differs from someone who uses it because right now i'm just tired.07:01
daughain_whats the install package for xfce?07:05
bazhangyou want a list of the default apps? its a bit lighter than gnome, but standard install not that much07:07
bazhangif you have very little ram/slow cpu then lubuntu (lxde + openbox is really the answer07:07
daughain_can i install temp monitors for cpu and hdd/07:08
Mathiasif your system supports it, yes07:08
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.07:09
daughain_Thank you both for being more reasonable than the last channel i visited.07:09
daughain_ok, uses standard lm-sensors. cool.07:09
Mathiasyou didn't accidentally join #defocus? :P07:10
daughain_as best i can tell, i have a 8-9 yr old dell w/512m ram, and a 1.5ghz centrino processor.07:12
bazhangthat'll be slow07:12
daughain_ya think?  =)07:13
bazhangdaughain_, yes.07:13
daughain_it an antique.07:13
Mathiasintel pentium m?07:14
Mathiasshould run xubuntu smooth-ish07:14
Mathiassome things takes ages on those :P07:14
bazhangthe ram is the issue07:14
daughain_centrino, i think thats what they called the first gen pent M07:14
Mathiasdaughain_: they called all of them that :\07:14
daughain_i have trouble remembering last month, 8 years ago is a stretch. =)07:15
daughain_ok, let me reboot, and see what xfce is like. I think the UI installed.07:16
daughain_Looks a lot like gnome.07:22
daughain_Is there a difference between adding xfce from ubuntu and using xubuntu?07:24
bazhangextra apps07:25
bazhangmroe choices at the login window07:25
koegsdaughain_: if you install xfce, you will get plain xfce, if you install xubuntu-desktop, you will get almost the same as using the xubuntu-cd07:25
daughain_I used xubuntu-desktop.07:26
daughain_so, what is it that makes xfce/xubuntu different from gnome? My initial impression is they are exceedingly similar.07:27
bazhangthats opinion07:28
bazhangnot a support question07:28
Mathiasdaughain_: less eyecandy ;P07:30
daughain_I asked what made the two different, and then added my initial impressions. Is it simply that xubuntu uses 'lighter' apps and a 'lighter' UI? And, where should i ask these questions?07:30
bazhangnot much lighter, no07:30
bazhangin terms of actual ram usage, if that is the measure07:31
daughain_So, what channel should I use for non-support questions?07:33
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:18
jactaif I download latest 12.10 now and install, will I then be able to update to the full release in a few days when it comes out?11:19
apm1just run " sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" every day11:21
jactaI have so many errors in 12.04 - first thing is that I cant mount usb drives, or atleast only one pr reboot :\11:21
jactaso its kinda annoying ;)11:21
apm1jacta, what kinda hardware is this ?11:21
jactajust a dell laptop, think I did to many strange thigns :\11:21
apm1strange like ?11:22
jactaso last night I used usb drive 5 times, had to reboot machine after each re-insert11:22
jactacant even remember, no things auto mount more11:22
jacta<- fool11:22
apm1run "sudo apt-get install gparted"11:22
jactaI have gparted - it only let me mount drive once - rest of time its grayed out11:23
apm1jacta, hmm, have you screwed with this system in any way , i.e installed another OS , changed a config file ?11:24
jactaI'm not really sure - prolly I had, also can't see files in dvd drive :o11:25
apm1jacta, if you are not sure what you messed with then my advice is do a clean install (reinstall) of 12.0411:25
jactawhy not 12.10 then?11:26
apm1because 12.04 has a more stable base than 12.1011:26
jactaBut is it possible to upgrade to 12.10 just like that when it comes in a few days?11:26
jacta12.10 should be pretty stable as the new will get out in a few days, or?11:27
apm1no not if you are currently running 12.0411:27
apm1why do you think they call 12.04 a LTS because it's freaking semi rock solid11:27
jactaSo you would advice me to reinstall it all with 12.04 again instead of waiting on 12.10 gets more stable?11:29
jactaAnyways, can't live with reboots every time I need to usb usb drive :]11:30
apm1honestly if you were a little more experienced in linux i would have adviced you to move to debian as i did :)11:32
jactawith xfce?11:35
toraxdebian still has gnome211:36
toraxso if you dont like gnome3/unity and you know your way around linux a bit use debian11:37
jactaJust need to clarify my preferred interface, right now its xfce11:38
jactawhat I really miss is when using alt+tab - then I miss it to be able to click in the dumps of screen to go to - do you understand? :)11:39
greasegumhey friends, does anyone know if it's possible to upgrade just ONE package and its dependencies (including shared) to Wheezy if I'm running stable?12:32
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:35
Picigreasegum: you want #debian12:38
greasegumPici:: thanks, you're totally correct12:41
kristjan_To which package do graphics that show display brightness (Fn+brightness_up/down) belong?14:46
recon_lapkristjan_:  would think it's whatever you're using as graphics driver and your actual graphics card14:48
kristjan_recon_lap, the OSD14:48
recon_lapkristjan_: any particular reason you asking?14:48
kristjan_recon_lap, want to bug report14:49
recon_lapkristjan_: is the bug that you cannot set your brightness ?14:49
kristjan_recon_lap, no, it's about lag14:50
recon_lapkristjan_: well, this not related to lag but sure to have some related info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight14:52
recon_lapkristjan_: especially regarding display brightness14:53
kristjan_recon_lap, my problem is different: http://i.imgur.com/5HS77.jpg < -- this lags sometimes many seconds behind14:56
kristjan_recon_lap, to which package does this osd graphic belong?14:57
GridCube!info xfce4-notifyd14:59
ubottuxfce4-notifyd (source: xfce4-notifyd): simple, visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (precise), package size 70 kB, installed size 696 kB14:59
GridCubekristjan_, ^14:59
kristjan_GridCube, yes, thanks15:05
milen8204hello, any one could help whit that error massage http://pastie.org/5074437 , that I get after update installing?18:03
baizonmilen8204: sudo apt-get install -f18:04
baizontry that18:05
milen8204: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:06
GridCubemilen8204, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove18:07
milen8204GridCube, ok thanks18:08
milen8204baizon, thanks for you too18:08
baizonif you need more help feel free to ask18:08
milen8204baizon, ok thanks a lot18:09
milen8204but the problem is still here :18:10
GridCubedo you get any warning while doing the apt-get update?18:11
milen8204that is the report18:11
GridCubemilen8204, run gldaemon by hand18:12
milen8204i a terminal ?18:12
milen8204in a terminal?18:12
GridCubethe error report says its not configured yet and thats why its failing to continue18:12
GridCube  Package g15daemon is not configured yet18:12
GridCubemilen8204, yes18:13
milen8204said that the package is not found18:13
recon_lapdoes that mean 12.10 is out?18:14
GridCube!info g15daemon18:14
ubottug15daemon (source: g15daemon): Screen multiplexer for Logitech G15 Keyboard. In component universe, is extra. Version (precise), package size 33 kB, installed size 170 kB18:14
nyRedneki forget, is there a shell command to display your processor speed/memory?18:15
GridCubei use top18:16
GridCubebut i guess there might be a better one18:16
nyRednekGridCube: does top actually display processor speed? or just usage?18:16
baizoni recommend byobu18:21
milen8204it may done18:21
GridCubenyRednek, you could use the outputs of lshw18:22
GridCubelshw -class cpu18:22
agresterHello all, got a quick question: how do I change the boot screen in Xubuntu to text?18:42
agresterI just want to see the text startup process18:42
baizonagrester: edit /etc/default/grub18:43
baizonchange this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""18:43
baizonfrom GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"18:43
baizonthen run update-grub18:43
agrestererOkay, so the login screen will still show up?18:45
baizonyes it will :)18:46
baizonagresterer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/120898/removing-the-splash-screen-on-shutdown-an-startup-i-want-to-be-able-to-see-the18:46
agrestererWill bookmark that18:47
kcxzeroI don't think the gui login screen will still show up, if that's what you're asking. It will ask you via command line for usrnme and pw.18:49
baizonkcxzero: yes if you add: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"18:49
agrestererHow do I change the boot splash theme?18:50
baizonif its empty ("") then it will boot into lightdm18:50
kcxzerooh ok, cool. Never done that I guess. I must have just removed the content in the quotes entirely in the past.18:50
baizonagresterer: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/install-plymouth-manager-and-change.html18:50
agrestererbaizon: got it so 'quiet' turns of the ESC thingy, 'text' forces text only mode, 'splash' enables splash screen18:50
agrestererIf I hit ESC with just 'splash' it will show the boot processes...18:51
baizonagresterer: yes18:51
agrestererI love that Mice theme, the Mac OS 9 style one...18:53
agresterercould I use that?18:53
baizonagresterer: from?18:53
agrestererthe sessions and startup admin panel18:53
baizonyes you can use it :)18:53
agrestererwhere is it located?18:55
baizonagresterer: you have to install the programm from ppa or source18:56
agrestererit doesn't have one for precise18:56
baizonagresterer: then use this one: http://sourceforge.net/projects/plymouthmanager/19:00
wroatWhen I download with wubi, it says it's unable to download the metalink. How do I fix it?19:19
genii-aroundI thought xubuntu was dropping wubi19:28
puffI'm running xubuntu 11.4;  actually I'm running ubuntu 11.4 with the xfce package installed;  I was told (here) that was equivalent to reinstalling from scratch with xubuntu, but I guess not because there's no xfce-panel installed.19:28
puffSo, I use the multiple virtual desktops thing... every now and then when I'm mouse-dragging a window from one virtual desktop to another, I drag too high or something, and the menu bar re-draws itself.  Last night, I'm not sure what I did, but it didn't redraw itself; I mean it disappeared, or at least is empty.  There's a black bar across the top of the screen where the menu bar should be. Any ideas how to get the menu bar to rea19:28
wroatReally genii-around? Is Lubuntu dropping it too?19:29
recon_lappuff: I take it you rebooted, is the panel still missing?19:31
genii-aroundwroat: No idea. But it looks like your issue is most likely the same as this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189875/xubuntu-download-error-with-wubi19:31
kcxzeropuff, to run xfce alt-f2 type xfce4-panel. However, that's just to start the panel. Not sure about the black thing.19:31
genii-aroundwroat: They suggest there to download the iso and run wubi from that instead of having it try to go grab averything19:32
puffrecon_lap: No, haven't rebooted yet :-).19:32
wroatThanks for the link.19:32
puffOddly enough, when I try to run it via alt-f2, it finds xfce-panel.19:33
puffit defaulted to xfce-panel --restart, so I hit enter and now it asks me: "No running instance of xfce-panel was found.\ n\  Do you want to start the panel?  If you do, make sure you save the session on logout, so the panel is automatically started the next time you login."19:34
recon_lappuff: to many picky details I dont know to help, biggest is that it's a ubuntu install with xfce desktop19:35
puffrecon_lap: Yeah.19:36
puffGuess I'll go ahead and click "execute", worst that can happen is I need to reboot....19:36
puffAh... and that seems to have fixed it.19:36
puffJust to check... in xfce the menu bar at the top of the screen is called the applet panel?19:37
puffAlso, is there any way for me to prevent that whole drag/redraw thing from happening, other than simply not dragging windows between desktops?19:37
kcxzeropuff,  settings manager.19:38
recon_lappuff: you should be able to lock the panel19:38
puffHm, it appears to be already locked.19:38
puffMaybe it's different because I restarted it.  I'll make a note about checking the prefs again, next time I see that behavior.19:39
recon_lappuff: I dont think you restart anything, think you got a whole new panel19:39
puffYeah, I guess so.19:40
recon_lappuff: or maybe the first one crashed and this was a restart19:42
kcxzeroto disable dragging windows to new workspace go to settings manager > window manager>advanced tab then uncheck wrap workspace when dragging a window off the screen.19:43
puffkcxzero: I don't want to disable dragging windows to new workspaces, I want to disable that weird redraw-the-applet-panel thing.19:43
kcxzerooh auto hide?19:43
kcxzeroright click panel > panel preference then uncheck auto show and hide panel19:44
recon_lapmore like awol19:44
puffNo, just occasionally when I am dragging a window to a different workspace, something happens - I think the mouse cursor drifts too far upward and his the top edge of the screen - and the applet panel redraws.  Sometimes it redraws incompletely.   This last time it disappeared.19:44
puffI should clarify, I'm dragging the icons around on the workspace applet, not on the main screen.19:45
kcxzerooh ok, my bad. never experienced that issue before.19:45
puffYeah, I think either I somehow applet panel Preferences Lock Panel got unchecked.19:46
puffrecon_lap: I just figured out, last night I must have typo'd xfce-panel instead of xfce4-panel.19:48
puffOnce again, #freenode to the rescue.  Muchos gracias, gang.19:49
puffEr, freenode #xubuntu to the rescue :-).19:49
xubuntu177Hello.  I am want to find out if the xubuntu gui has a common problem with loss of bar controls.20:28
xubuntu177Is a helper available?20:29
kcxzeroxubuntu177,  the panel? could you expand on what you mean by loss of controls?20:30
xubuntu177OK. Drop down, and movement of window does not work for any application.  Two clean installations have had this problem after using for several hours of up time.20:31
xubuntu177For example an open application can't be closed using the dropdown menu and  corner buttons are missing.20:34
kcxzerooh ok20:35
Sysixubuntu177: rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and log out without saving session20:35
xubuntu177Then what?20:36
kcxzerolog back in? lol20:36
kcxzeroI've had that issue before too. i stoped using save sessions20:36
kcxzerojust assigned startup applications, instead of saving my sessions.20:37
xubuntu177OK, I'll give that a whirl.  I am now on my other system with Mint 13 Xfce and it does not seem to have such a problem. I will probably be back.  Thanks for your help.20:39
kcxzeroYeah, try what he said. It worked for me in the past, hopefully it fixes your issue too.20:39
xubuntu177You mean there have been other reports of this issue?20:40
kcxzeroI know I've had that issue when saving sessions. But I've never looked to see if anyone else had it.20:40
kcxzeroIt seemed to have happened to me when saving a session with applications running on multiple workspaces, but that could have just been a coincidence. I never took the time to mess with it too much. After disabling save sessions I never messed with it again.20:41
xubuntu177Disabling save.. was a long lasting fix for you kcxzero?20:43
kcxzeroyeah, it should not happen again. By disabling save session you will boot into a new session each time. It only happened because I saved the session, do you know what I mean?20:44
kcxzerogoing by what you described, it sounds like exactly what happened to me. Missing borders, can't move windows etc.20:45
xubuntu177OK. So can this be elevated to the coding guys as a to-do?20:46
kcxzeroI guess, if it's a bug.20:48
xubuntu177BIG bug IMHO as a dumb user.20:48
kcxzeroI can't seem to find anyone else mentioning it online. So after I fixed it, I never bothered with it again honestly.20:49
Sysiit's quite common problem but devs haven't really been able to reproduce it20:49
kcxzeroOh ok, so its known. It seemed to have happened to me when I saved a session on multiple workspaces.20:50
xubuntu177I usually clear all work spaces of all apps before closing so that would not seem to be a trigger.20:52
xubuntu177power off I mean20:52
kcxzeroyeah, probably just a coincidence then. The only time it ever worked for me was when I only had a few apps running. Firefox, thunderbird. Then it was fine. Anytime I had enough programs running to utilize multiple workspaces was when I ran into the issue.20:54
xubuntu177to Sysi:  How do kxczero and I provide clues to help find the origin of this problem?20:56
kcxzeroIs there a bug report?20:57
xubuntu177I have not submitted a bug report on this.20:59
kcxzeroAs I said, I never found anyone else mentioning the issue before. But I'm searching through launchpad now to see.20:59
xubuntu177OK, waiting for you21:00
kcxzeroI don't see anything about it.21:01
xubuntu177That is odd if Sysi says it is a common problem21:04
recon_lapwhats the problem?21:04
kcxzerowhere the windows manager crashes when you start a saved session. Missing borders etc.21:05
kcxzeroI'm finding solution of how to restart it and deleting saved session, but no bug report.21:06
recon_lapnever really noticed saved sessions, other than app restarting when i log in if i did not close them when i shutdown21:08
kcxzeroWell actually what I'm finding has nothing to do with saved sessions, simply windows manager crashing. So I correct my statement. No, I don't see anything about saving sessions causing windows manager to crash.21:09
kcxzeroSo I should correct*21:10
recon_laphave you checked you error log?21:10
xubuntu177If you will excuse me for a minute, I will try kxczeros band aid on the problem system.  I will stay "live" here.21:10
kcxzerobe sure to do what Sysi said. Delete your previous session. Then I would suggest disabling sessions from being saved automatically.21:11
kcxzeroso recon_lap since apps are restarting if you don't close them before logging out, that means you have save sessions enabled?21:13
recon_lapwould appear that is the case, never really paid much attention to it21:13
recon_lapoddly I dont have "Automatically save session on logout" checked21:15
kcxzerook, thanks for the info. When i saved session I windows manager would crash. So I disabled it. I haven't used it in awhile. Were talking about it now because it sounds like the same thing is occurring to xubuntu177.21:16
kcxzerohmm, do you just have those applications set to startup on boot then, maybe?21:17
recon_laplet me log out and in again and see what happens , and firefox is the app I normally notice auto starting21:18
kcxzeroWhat about settings manager > session and startup > general tab. Do you have auto save session on logout checked?21:18
xubuntu177My rig has the problem even with gedit window. i.e. no window buttons and no ablity to move the window with mouse grab.21:20
kcxzeroyeah, sounds like windows manager has crashed and you can't control any app since the border is gone.21:20
xubuntu177I tried kcxzero's bandaid but it did not work.21:20
xubuntu177How do I delete the session on quit?21:21
kcxzerodid you do what Sysi said. Delete the previous sessions?21:21
xubuntu177see Q21:21
kcxzerorm -rf ~/.cache/sessions21:21
xubuntu177OK, I open terminal and put that line in?21:22
kcxzerothat will delete your previously saved sessions21:23
xubuntu177OK will do per kxczero21:23
recon_lapseems sessions getting saved despite not having it selected21:24
kcxzerorecon_lap, you don't just have those application set to autostart in settings manager > application autostart? That's weird.21:25
kcxzerosettings manager > session and startup > application autostart*21:26
recon_lapkcxzero: no, the not in that application list, firefox is the most likely to autostart. but i was switching between  xfce session and xubuntu session , so i'm a bit vague, but it was doing it in both21:28
kcxzerook, thanks.21:29
recon_lapbut pidgin did it as well21:29
xubuntu177OK tried kcxzero's solution but system reply was "cannot delete ' home/mydirectory'.  So it looks like I almost deleted my home directory21:29
kcxzeroyou used this rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions  ?21:30
kcxzerothat should not remove your home directory21:30
kcxzerodon't forget the ~21:30
xubuntu177yes exactly21:30
xubuntu177tilde was included21:30
kcxzeronot sure then, have no idea why it would attempt to delete anything in your home directory.21:31
xubuntu177I will go back and check standby please21:31
recon_lapI got 10 files in that sessions folder21:32
kcxzeroyeah, bunch of thunar ones?21:32
kcxzeroand session21:33
recon_lapyep, wonder if it's just stopped saving new ones but still loading old ones21:33
kcxzeroI can't remeber what the session ones are saved as.21:33
recon_lapxfce-session-username-machine:0 ,  xfce4-longidxxxxxxx.state21:35
xubuntu177I put a space between . and cache --- hand copying error.   Now window controls work OK21:36
kcxzeroGreat, glad you fixed it. recon_lap yeah that's it. I was just about to save a session just to check, saved me from having to thanks.21:36
xubuntu177I don't have any reason to save sessions but this should still be in a bug report?21:38
kcxzeroI would think so.21:38
kcxzeroDo you have sessions disabled now? like when you log out do you have save sessions for future login unchecked?21:39
kcxzerosaved sessions* I should say.21:39
kcxzeroOtherwise it may happen again. But since now you have the solution it may not be much of a big deal.. That's if you want to save your session. As for me I just autostart everything I need.21:40
xubuntu177Yes save sessions is disabled (unchecked)21:40
kcxzerook cool21:40
recon_lapgoing to see if i can reproduce this behavior21:42
xubuntu177Xfce is my favorite.  I would like to keep it improving.  Do I have any further actions to help?21:42
kcxzerolooks like recon_lap is going to try and reproduce it, see what he comes up with.21:43
xubuntu177Standing by21:43
kcxzeroIf he comes back you could always provide him with as much info you can to help. I'll stick around. But yeah, I couldn't find an actual bug report about it so...21:43
kcxzerorecon_lap knows what he's talking about so if he can reproduce it he'll probably be the best person to start a bug report. I normally just contribute to things that have already been mentioned haha.21:45
xubuntu177Why did recon_lap have to leave.  Can't he just switch between computers like I can?21:45
kcxzeroswitch between computers? He may not have two computers? I personally would have done it on a virtual machine, but he may be logging out and doing it on his own.21:46
kcxzerois that what you mean xubuntu177, using two different computers?21:46
xubuntu177I have 3 boxes w/ 3 OSs on each21:47
recon_laphmm, can't seem to get it to save session's at all now. if saved sessions are meant to open app's that where open when you logout21:49
xubuntu177That is the expected feature, right?21:50
kcxzeroyeah, saved sessions are suppose to open up exactly what you had opened prior to logging out. However, I never got pidgin to ever open when I used it21:50
xubuntu177more bugs -- bummer21:51
recon_lapok, the thunder files in .cache.sessions are all size 021:52
xubuntu177Now, if il leave this string, how the h___ do I find out if this will continue to get resoved?21:53
kcxzeroI don't think the thuner files have anything to do with it. I think it's the other ones. The ones all the way on the bottom, one you mentioned previously when I was asking about it21:53
kcxzeroThis one >  xfce-session-username-machine:0 ,  xfce4-longidxxxxxxx.state21:53
recon_lapok, not seeing those files at all now21:53
recon_lapmust be leftovers from previous bug21:54
enjoyfebruaryHi there. Does Xubuntu have cpu socket limitation?21:55
kcxzeroxubuntu177, just hope? haha. I guess the best way would be to start a bug report, but I have no experience with that. All I've done is contribute to existing ones.21:56
xubuntu177One more thing.  There is a precursor behavior of the screen where I have a vertical panel on the left and the column of icons on the left do not shift over  (yes the panel is "locked") This is also cured by not saving the session.21:57
recon_lapxubuntu177: well if the panel was somewhere else in the saved session and it was loading that session that would move the panel21:58
xubuntu177What I am implying is that with saving sessions enabled.  The gui seems to degenerate, feature by feature with each use.22:00
recon_lapxubuntu177: from my testing just now i dont think it's save sessions at all atm22:00
kcxzerono? seemed to happen to me pretty consistently following a saved session22:01
kcxzerohaven't had it happen since I stopped using saved sessions22:01
xubuntu177I am saying there is some sort of ugly build up after many "saved" sessions.22:02
recon_lapkcxzero: what i think happened is that the saved session feature was fubar when it was rolled out, appears to do nothing now, but if you had files left over from the fubar release they still load, as the desktop gets updated the saved sessions get more and more out of date and cause more issues, when you remove the old saved sessions they are never loaded or created again22:04
recon_lapbut i could be wrong :)22:05
xubuntu177If you all know how to elevate this issue.  Please do so.22:05
xubuntu177It at least should be in the "known bugs" data base22:06
recon_lapxubuntu177: it's one of those bugs that is hard to reproduce, I tried but cant22:07
xubuntu177OK thank all of you for your help.  I think I have made all the trouble I can. Carry on X-men!22:10
xubuntu177Last thought: maybe the location for storing the last session accumulates to the point that it starts to overwrite the location for the gui program file?22:13
GridCube!hi | livingdaylight22:16
ubottulivingdaylight: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:16
livingdaylightAny suggestions how I can change the time/Date?22:17
livingdaylightAre there other time apps to install available?22:18
livingdaylightI've played with the settings of this clock and its very limited22:18
livingdaylightas the screenshhot shows the date is on top of Time making it very cramped22:18
livingdaylightanyone? :/22:20
livingdaylightI actually quite like how gnome shell 3 has the clock date in the middle of the panel - nice and clear too22:21
recon_laplivingdaylight: have you tried clicking on it? it should drop down22:21
livingdaylightclicking on it drops the calendar down. I'm talking about the default Date/Clock settings22:22
recon_laplivingdaylight: you can select properties as well and change the font size and format22:22
livingdaylightas I say, I've played with properties - very limited and I'm still left with either Clock on top fo Date or Date on top of Clock22:23
livingdaylightjust enlarging the fonts makes them collide - its really ugly22:24
livingdaylightsee no option for making it all read in one22:26
livingdaylightgawd, if I talk crap everyone stops to bother taking the time to tell me that this is a xubuntu support channel and to stay on topic. If, when I ask a xubuntu-related question - no one appears to be around.22:28
livingdaylight!hi | GridCube22:32
ubottuGridCube: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:32

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