
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jassii have a problem10:49
jassihere is my problem : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286666/10:49
jassiplease help me10:49
Sidewinder!crosspost | jassi10:59
ubot2jassi: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:59
smartboyhwSidewinder, :D11:00
smartboyhwjassi_, calm down11:25
duanedesign1hey Unit19312:02
duanedesign1Unit193:  hope you are well12:02
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Groot_I need help, I'm very new to Ubuntu (Installed yesterday)12:33
smartboyhwGroot_, wow12:33
Groot_But, I would like to know how to install .tar.gz files12:34
smartboyhwGroot_, unzip then maybe chmod?12:34
Groot_Sorry I gtg I'll ask ehre later12:34
Groot_Okay thanks12:34
Groot_I'll try that12:34
* smartboyhw is unsure but still12:34
Groot_Seeyou thanks for quick reply bro12:35
Groot_I'll be on later12:35
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CorrupterThelostgood morning everyone.13:02
CorrupterThelostor shall i say good day as its probably not morning for everyone.13:02
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t4nk803does anybody know when ubuntu 10.04 LTS is not supported anymore?14:26
sbiethoHi, I am having issues compiling VB.net projects with monodevelop, anyone can help?14:32
t4nk803does anybody know when ubuntu 10.04 LTS is not supported anymore?14:32
ubot2Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)15:06
tsimpsonin case anyone is curious15:06
stlsainttsimpson: aka the greatest release of all time (after 9.04 that is)16:33
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tedewenHi All, Just installed kubuntu 12.10 as a new linux user and have installed the AMP stack. I am trying to get subdomains off of localhosts working and followed the instructions at http://actweblist.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/adding-subdomain-to-localhost-in-ubuntu-12-04-apache/  Unfortunately, it does not seem to work - might one of you help me wout?21:58
holsteintedewen: maybe just elaborate, or try the server channel... i would just go in /www/var/ and create a directory.. but i dont think thats a subdomain like you are wanting22:00
tedewenah brilliant holstein, thanks.22:01
phillwtedewen: just as an aside, how did you install the AMP stack?22:11
tedewenphillw, I followed these instructions: http://www.linuxcandy.com/2012/05/how-to-install-lamp-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin.html22:12
phillwtedewen: did it say to use tasksel?22:13
tedewenit says you used to have to but the method I used did not, phillw22:13
phillwas usual, comlete and utter rubbish :) ALWAYS use tasksel.22:14
phillwtedewen: have a look at http://forum.phillw.net/viewforum.php?f=5 (It's the LAMP class I gave a few cycles back).. the one with lots of views :P22:15
phillwI must do another one. People are getting FUDD.22:17
phillwtedewen: not your fault at all, just the fault of idiots who don't understand why tasksel exists.22:18
phillwhe he.. and that's a tutorial :P22:20
* phillw goes back to finishing sync'ing my server up.22:21
tedewensnicker - it seemed so straightforward ;)22:29
phillwtedewen: there are some good links from the one I posted, including (and just this minute updated as you raised LAMP) the link to the 12.10 Server manual the the Ubuntu server team issue.22:30

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